j f V v THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH." THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1889.-' 7 iSCHEMfflfi STOCKMEN KDamp Their Low-Grade Cattle Upon Local Markets, Simply TO AVOID FEEDING ALL WINTER. Low Prices a Terr Natural Consequence of Sack Tactics. OTHEE LITE STOCK LISES EEYIEWED Office ofPittsbtjko Dispatch. "H'ednesdat. December 1L ISS8. J The run of cattle at E.ist Liberty Taried very little from that of last week. Keceipts on Monday were 125 carloads, and the total for the week has been abont 130 loads. There are no signs of improvement in quality of receipts. There were no strictly prime cattle in this week's offerings, and as for light, tidy butcher stock, such as onr markets demand, there were not enough to go round. A leading: stockman said that he could bare sold much more of the latter grade than be ii as able to furnish. The bulk of receipts this week was low grade, half fatted stock, for which markets haTe been very slow for some time past. To Save Winter's Feeding. It seems that stock raisers are Inclined to dump their low grade stock on to markets and save winter's feeding. This disposition is wide spread enough to bring an excess of low grade, thin stock to our markets. There Is no longer any5 demand for stocLers worth mentioning, and low grade stackers can hardly be given away. The season is too far advanced for any demand in this line. There were no buyers of export cattle on hand at Liberty this week. For want of buyers about a dozen loads were shipped East in first hands. Hisb-Price Bnmon Wrong-. The highest nrice reached, so far as could be traced, was S 1 30. There were rumorstof sales at H 35 and St 40. but no stockman could be found who sold at a higher rate than SI 3a All lower grades which comprised the bulk of this week's receipts were loner than last week, and were very slow at the decline. The better grades of cattle offered this week were mostly from Ohio. The common and mixed stuff came from the far West, and for the latter class markets were as poor as they have been anv time this season. At noon to day stock was about cleaned up. but low grades were no doubt shoved off at liberal concessions on the part of sellers. Sheep and Lambs. Receipts were much larger than last week, but for choice stock markets were firm at the old rates. Common grades which were in the majority were very slow, and prices were a shade lower than last week. Anything choice held up well to last week's prices, and for a few bunches of the best better prices were obtained than could be obtained a week ago. Choice lambs were not In supply equal to the demand. Large bnpply of Hogs. bupply was large, footing up 60 loads on Mon day, with numerous additions since. Markets w ere slow at lower prices than last week. -Soft weather has a depressing influence on the de mand for bogs and hog products. Prices at East Liberty arc little above those at Chicago for some da js past. The outside for Philadelphia this morning at Liberty was S3 TO. One of our leading packers reports that bis advices Irom Chicago to-day were that tips could be bonght there considerably under $3 00 DlcCnll ot Co.'n Weekly Hevfevr. The supply of cattle has been liberal and the quality the worst ever offered on this market. "Very few good cattle on sale, which sold readi ly at last week's prices, while the common to medium grades were very dull at lower prices. We give the following as ruling prices: Prime, 1.300 to 1,600 pounds, H :!54 SO: good, 1,200 to L400 pounds, S3 7o4 10: good Dutcher grades, 1.000 to 1,200 pounds. S3 103 50; rough fat. 1,100 to 1,300 pounds. S3 00S 25; good feeders, 1.100 to 1,300 pounds, 3 403 63; good feeders, 900 to 1,100 pounds, 12 653 10: common stackers and feeders. 12 002 40; bulls and fat cons. $1 S02SOi fresh cows and spring erf. 5 00650 VO per head. TUe receipts of bogs on Mondav were heaVy and the market ruled dull and slow. Yester day and to-day the snpply was nnlT fair, and prices were bout the same. We quote: Fair to best selected, $3 653 75; best "S orkers, S3 60 3 65; common light Yorkers. S3 5; roughs, U 5063 25. The receipts of sheep Monday and Tuesday were fair and the market active at an advance of 1015c per 100 pounds over last week's quo tations. To-day the receipt are light, out the market is slow at the following quotations: Prime Ohio and Indiana wethers, weighing here 110 to 120 pounds, E5 005 35; good, 90 to 100 pounds, H 604 90; fair to good mixed, 75 to 80 pnunos S3 704 25: good yearlings, 75 to 0 pounds, $4 50o 25, fair to good, 50 to 60 pounds, S3 604 15: good lambs, $5 258 25; veal calves, 110 to 120 pounds, So 256 25: heavy calves."2 003 25. By Telegraph. New York Beeves Keceipts. 74 carloads for the market, 60 carloads for city slaughterers direct, and 31 carloads for exportation to En gland alive; common to prime steers sold at S3 254 65 per 1U0 pounds, with six fancy do at S3 00, and bnlls and drv cows at from SI 25 2 60. Exports to-day. 680 beeves and 6,100 quar ters of beef. Calves Receipts. 700; dull and lower at S4 757 50 per 100 pounds lor veals and SI 75i53 Wslorgrassers and Western calves, feheep Receipts. d.700. and 2,000 were earned over yesterday; dull and lower; sheep sold at S3 755 00 per 100 pounds; lambs at $5 007 25. Hogs Receipts, 7,300; not much trading in live boss; a carload of good Ohio hogs, 175 pounds average, sold at S3 90 per 100 pounds, and the nominal range is put at S3 703 95. Chicago Cattle Receipts. 14.000 bead: shipments, 3,000 bead; market slow: best firm; common dull; choice to extra beeves, S5 253 6 10; steers. S2 754 80: stocters and feeders, S23; Texas cattle. 11 503 00. Hoes Re ceipts, 25,000 bead; shipments. 4,000 head; market slow and 6c lower: mixed, S3 453 70; heavy, S3 403 77K; light, S3 4003 70. Sheep Receipts. 6.O00 head: shipments. 1,000 bead; 'market firm for best, others weak: natives, S3 006 35; Western cornf ed, 4 005 16; Tex ans.S3 004ia ST. Louis Cattle Receipts. 2,700 head; ship ments. 1,600 bead;market steady; good to fancy native steers, 54 2o5 10: fair to good do,J3 30 4 35; stockcrs and feeders. SI 903 20. range steers. S2 003 10. Hogs Receipts. 900 head; shipments. 1,300 bead; market firm; fair to choice heavy, S3 5033 60; packing grades, S3 45 S 65: light. Tair to best, S3 403 55. Bheep Receipts, 11,600 bead; shipments, none; market firm; fair to choice. S3 404 90; lambs, S4 40 .6 5a Kahsas Cttt Cattle Receipts. 4,400 head: shipments. 2.WXI head; natives. S3 004 40. cons. SI 404M 35; Blockers and feeders. S2 203 00; Texans, SI 602 75. Hogs Receipts, 11,000 bead; shipments, none; 5c higher: good to choice light and heavy mixed, S3 503 60, Sheep Receipts. S16 head: shinments.100 bead: market steady: good to choice muttons, S3 SO 5 00: stackers and feeders, S3 254 60. BrrrAW) Cattle steady and unchanged; receipts. 60 carloads through, 4 sale. Sheep and latribs fairly active and unchanged; receipt!, 4 carloads through. 13 sale. Hogs slow; re ceipts, 6 loads through, 100 sale; medium and heavy. S3 70; mixed, S3 65; Yorkers, S3 60. Drvcoods. JfETrTToRK, December U. The most promt- nent feature of the drygoods market continues to' bo Its strong position with upward tendency on cotton goods. There were no upward changes to-day. but some are imminent. Wide sheetings display a movement in that direction. v -,THE SALTATION ARM! NO MOBE. 4 . lis Nnm Chanced to That of the Christian , Crnsadrrs. JFPICIAL TXXZGRAXTOTBXSIErATCH.l Bochestek, N. Y., December 1L Gen . erslMoore, of the Salvation Army, arrived here'last night. To-day there were parades, prayer and jubilee meetings, a business session, and a "hallelujah marriage" under his supervision. The result of the business meeting was to change the name of the or ganization. It will berealter be called "The Christian Crusaders." ,The,-"hallelujah wedding" ceremony was performed by General Moore. The con- t?. ctiig parties were Captain Allnult. in charge ot the station here, and Captain Georgie Fitxgerald, a blonde young woman of Auburn, If. T. Each was arrayed in full uniform, with a half dozen big tin badges .and a brilliant red sash. Children Cry for It. r If a child win talre a medicine with Dleamre. fitjou may know that it is not in tiny way nffens- ursuiDeotte, unuaren uks xLaroDurgxigs, and It is no longer necessary to disgust them 6"u castor 011. -ja cents, .Aose, oneric. -tiacx MARKETS BY "WIRE. Paralysis In the Wheat Pit, bat Prices Thought to be Scraping Bottom Pork Weak nnd Entirely Featureless. Chicago Wheat Tee market was dull and fluctuations were confined within an unusually small range. A prominent local trader sold moderate quantities. The Northwest was credited with doing some buying, and a moder ate quantity was bonght for May delivery on foreign account. Orders were for more at the inside prices reached to-day. There was noth ing specially encouraging in the outside news, excepting that the receipts in the Northwest are steadily falling off and cables a little firmer. Local operators were divided in their views on the market, Dut there was a feeling that possibly prices bad touched bottom for the present. The receipts at primary markets continue to de crease, and this is giving some encouragement to the bull Interest. Corn was exceedingly dull, very little interest jing manifested and fluctuations limited to a . actional range. The market opened at about the closing prices of yesterday., December sold off Jc, ruled steady and closed Xc lower than yesterday. Oats quiet, steady, and without new features to cause especial comment. Mess pork Trading n as light and the feeling rather weak. Prices declined 57c on the whole range, ana closed very quiet. Lard Only a fair trade was reported. The feeling was easy during a greater portion of tne aay, tnougn mere was no marKea coange i note in prices, deferred deliveries showing a slisht reduction. Short rib sides Trading was only fairly act ire and the feeling was easier. Prices averaged about 2f c lower. The leading futures ranzea as follows- Wheat No. 2. December 7SK78KK 7S5c; Januarv. 7979H"SK6"c; May, 83i9 83gS3JS3Va Corn No. 2. December, 32K323$32 32c: January, Sl31&3li31lc: May, 333333J433;faC. Oats No. 2. December. 20Ji20c; January, 212ie2020c; May. 222c. MESS Pork, per bbl January. $8 409 40 9 32K9 35; March. $9509539 S0t 52X: May. Stf 759 759 709 72J. Lard, per 100 Sis. January. $5 925 S2U 5 90,35 SO; March. 15 975 9 May, K 12 6 12X66 07X26 10. short kles, per liw ms. -January, w uwei 4 77)4611 754 7o: March, S4 S54 4 so, juav. 54 maw '5. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat, 7S78c; imo. . 7S5c: No. 2 rve.45c No. 2 barlev. seed, SI 35. Prime timothy seed.Sl 1S1 20 Mess pork, per bbl. S9 009 4a Lard, per 100 lbs, S5 9a Short nbs sides (loose), S4 755 00. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), S4 12f4 25. Short clear sides (boxed). S5 10& 15, Sucars Cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour, 11,000 barrels: wheat, S4.000 bushels: corn. 240.000 bushels; oats, 165,000 bushels; rye, 15.000 bushels: barley, 72.000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 19,000 barrels; wheat, 41,000 bushels: corn, 245.000 bushels; oats. 127,000 bushels; rye, 10,000 bushels; barley, 45.000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was weaker, but not quotably lower. Eggs, 21622c. New York Flour fairly active and weak. I Vyornmeai sieauy. wneat opot quiet ana stronger; options dull, Xc up and steady. Rye strong; western, 6u62c. Barley easy. Barley malt dull. Corn Spot quiet and weak er; options quiet and easier. Oats Spot firm abd quiet; options firmer and quiet. Hay quiet and steady Hops firm and in fair demand. Coffee Options opened steady, unchanged to 10 points down and closed firm at 1020 points up: sales, 72,250 bags, including December, 15.85O16.10e: January. 1585ai8.10c: February. 15.95lb.10c, March. 16.0016.25c: April. 16.05 16.25c: Mav. lS.0516.30c: June, 16.10ML25c; July, 16.D516.25c; September, 15.95i6.15c; Oc tober, 15.90l&00c; spot Rio firm and active; fair cargoes, 19Jc: No. 7, 17Kc; sales, 12,000 bags Brazils at 17Je for No. 7. Sugar Raw easy and quiet; fair refining, 5&c; centrifugals, 96 test. 6c; sales 2,000 bags centrifugals, to ar rive, 96 test, 6c; 950 bags molasses sugar, to ar rive, ST9 test, iJic refined firm and quiet Molasses Foreign nominal; New Orleans fairly active. Rice in fair demand and steady. Cottonseed oil steadier; crude, 28c: yellow, 34c. Tallow quiet; city (S2 for packages). 4c Rosin scarce and firm. Turpentine quiet and steady at 45K46c Eggs quiet and weak; Western, 2526c: Canadian. 21023c: held, 21 22c: limed. 17QlSe; icehouse, 1720c; receipts, 3,155 packages. Pork less active and firm; sales, S0O barrels; mess, inspected, S1111 75; do, uninspected. S10 6010 75; extra prime, S9 7510 00. Cut meats In good demand; middles firm. Lard quiet and easier: sales of Western steam at SO 30: December, S6 21, clos ng at S6 20; January, $8 268 27. closlne at S6 2S; Febiuary. SO 32 bid; March, $8 37 bid; Mav, SO 486 49. closing at S6 49 Did. Butter quiet and weak for all butifancy; Elgin, 2929Kc; Western dairy. 919c; do creamery, lijiac do held, 1019c: do factory, 720c. Cueese quiet; Western. 710c. Minneapolis There was a better demand for samples, and prices ranged something above yesterday's. Millers were buying for local consumption, and Northern was picked by local carriers and put into store against future sales. In addition there was a little buying by outside millers for their current use. With the smaller receipts and larger demand, receivers found it easier to move their milling wheat. Buyers of low grades were looking overstocks and picking up some at the low range recently submitted to. Arrivals lor the 24 .hours were 209 cars, and 79 shipped. Closing quotations- No. 1 hard. December. 77Kc; January. 78c: Mar, S3c: on track, 78cr No. 1 Northern, December. 75e: January, 76c; May.Slc;on track, 76X77c; No. 2 Northern, December, 72c; January, 72c; May, 77Kc: on track, 72Q73c. Philadelphia Flour verv quiet. Wheat firm and aniet: rejected. 60S)70e: fair to r-onri milling, 80S5c; choice and fancy longberry, 87 92c; ungraded, in Twentieth street elevator. Mc; dn. on track, 85c; No. 2 red, 80c: January, 8OiS05c: February. 815i82c, March. 83K 84c Com firm; car lots firm, with a fair de mand: new ungraded mixedTin grain depot. 43c: old do. do, 44c; new No. 3 quoted at 40 4lc: new steamer, 4142e: newNo. 2 mixed, on track, 42c; old .No. 2 mixed, in Twentieth street elevator, 45c; old No. 2 hieh mixed and yellow quoted at 44K45c; No. 2 mixed, De cember. 39Jg39JiP: January, 395c; February. 39Jc; March. 39J540c Oats Car lots firm; No. 3 white. 30c: No. 2 white. Sic; do. 33c; f nturesm fair request and Mc higher: No. 2 white, S0K31c: January, 3u3&yc; February. 30c; March. 3031c Eggs weak and de mand light: Pennsylvania firsts. 26c. St. Louis Flour dull and uncbaneed. Wheat market dull and nninteresting; there was a firmer feelinc late and the close was Kc above yesterda); No. 2 red. casli. 77Jc; December closed at TSc asked: Maj,82c. Corn lower; No, 2 mixed, cash, 27c; December closed at 27c bid; January, 27j2c bid: May. 29c bid. Oats No trading: No. 2. cash. 20c; January 20c bid,- May, 2222Kc. Rye-42Xc bid. Barley quiet; Wisconsin. 52c: Iowa, 2SC. Provisions dull and depressed; pork, S10 0010 25. Milwaukee Flour steady: Wheat firm:No. 2 spring, on track, cash 7374c; May, 77Jc; No. 1 Northern, 80c Corn auiet; No. 8, on track, 29Kc- Oats quiet; No. 2 white, on track, 22)423c. Rye qniet; No. 1. in store, 46fca Bar ley quiet; No. 2, in store, 46ic Provisions quiet. Pork, $9 00. lard, S5 90. Cheese steady: Cheddars, 99c- Toledo Cloversecd active and easier; cash, December and January, S3 60; February, S3 65: March, S3 70. ' BUSINESS NOTES. TnE annual meeting of the DiamondNatlonal Bank will be held January 14. The $150,000 of bonds of the reorganized Ninth Street -Bridge Company will soon be listed, The firm of F. D. Morris A Co., brokers, has been dissolved, F. D. Morris continuing the business. Bad weather has compelled a cessation of work on tbe California boulevard, and very little more will be done on it until spring. The sale of pig iron, muck bar, finished iron, ore, scrap, etc, of Long & Co., will take place at Chartiers, Thursday, December 12, at 10 A. M. Air unusually large amount of money is being invested in tocal bonds of different kinds. They seem to be rapidly growing In favor for Investment. The bears made very little out of their raid on Electric yesterday. They might succeed better with something else La Noria, for in stance. If tbey can find it. The fire loss of the United States and Can ada for the month of November, 1889, as esti mated by the Commercial Bulletin, amounts to the large total of 130,081,000. Among tbe mortgages just recorded was one for 875,000 by the St. Clair Incline Plane Com pany, and one for 550,000 by the Sqnlrrel Hill Railway, both to the Fidelity Title and Trust Company. Since August 3, 1887, the Treasury has pur chased $103,289,750 of 4 per cent bonds, and 1127,177,250 of 4 per cents, a total of 230,467,000, at a total cost of 2269,449,706. These bonds would have cost at maturity $394,002,535. and a faring has thereby been effected of S254,&52,829. The McKeefport School Board is preparing to refund its bonded debt It has now out S43.000 in bonds drawing 6 and 6 per cent inter est. A new Issue of S93,000 U beteg prepared, which will be 4 per cents. Those out will be called in, and the surplus, m.6M, will produce funds for the building of two new school houses. i Beechax's Pills cure aide IN SPLENDID SHAPE. The Eeal Estate Interest Promises to be LiTely flext Year. HILAND AND PENN AYENUES. A Businessman Keviews the Fire Depart ment, Tells What is Seeded and POKES UP THE IHSUEANCE PEOPLE The condition of the real estate market is as encouraging as at any previous time in the history of the city, and the outlook for next year is particularly rosy. December usually affords an index to the winter busi ness. If this holds good there will be lively times between now and next March, as dealings so far this month have been exceptionally large. From now on until spring, as a general thing, the inquiry is largely for down-town business property. After that, more attention is paid to the suburbs. As to values, if owners do not become extravagant in their demands, and there is no particular reason for thinking they will, they are likely to remain abont as they are. This will insure ready sale for nearly all the property that will be on the market next year. In regard to the East EndL Mr. F. O. Van Gorder sends the following to The Dispatch: Heretofore Hilandavenue has been recognized as tbe dividing line between the business and residence portions of Penn avenue on the west side of East Liberty, but the scarcity of tusi ness sites east of Hiland avenue has turned tbe attention of business men and investors to that portion of Penn avenue lying between Hiland and Negley avenues, which, without doubt, will be the center of the town In the near future. A considerable amount of property in this vicinity has already changed hands, nota bly the Negley property, corner of Penn and Negley avenues, to James C. Dick, and the character of the buildings now being erected clearly indicates the place which this thorough fare will occupy as a business center. To the Financial Editor of The Dispatch: The mild criticism of the Pittsburg Fire De partment by "A Prominent Underwriter," an interview with whom appeared in The Dis patch this morning was timely and for the most part to the point. There is nothing of more commanding importance than the suc cessful treatment ot fires. It involves all our earthly possessions. A weak and temporizing policy by municipalities, corporations or indi viduals, with such great interests at stake, should not be permited. Fires, like war and pestilence, demand heroic treatment. Mild measures wonld be like applying a bread and milk poultice to thebitaof aviporor rattle snake. s Pittsburg has a splendid fire department. It Is brilliant. I have never seen one that made a finer show on parade. And it does good work, when on duty. It is admirably managed. I doubt if there is afire department in the United States that is conducted with more signal ability. Its defects are not those of manage ment. Its shortcomings cannot be laid on the shoulders of the officers or men. They get out of it all that it is capable of doing. They work it to .its full capacity. The ap paratus is too light. To set one or several of our little engines against a great fire is like trying to stop a hurricane with a handkerchief. They are good enough in small fires, where rapidity of action counts for everything; but they are totally inadequate to the demands of a conflagration. This was shown in the last great fire in Allegheny City, when several hun dred houses were destroyed, and in subse quent fires, the last one being that at tbe Mo nongahela House. Wo need something more powerful something that will be as effective with the tallest building as with tbe lowest. There are such engines. They are on the mar ket, for sale. They are as accessible to ns as they are to others. Tbey costmore money than the toys we so frequently see .rushing gayly through our streets; but what is money to so wealthy a city as Pittsburg T Safety should be the only consideration a matter of such vital importance. We had better pay for protection than fire losses. It is cheaper. But there is one thing which the "Prominent Underwriter" overlooked to which I desire to call attention. He seems very anxious for pro tection against fires. I wonld remind him and all others engaged in the insurance business that they have a more important duty to per form in this matter than formulating com plaints of remissness againstTothers. No class of citizens derive greater benefits from pro tection than tbey. It is a question of money with them, and tbey shonld embrace every op portunity to co-operate with the authorities in Improving the fire service. Heretofore, 11 1 am not at fault, they bave chiefly distinguished themselves in this direction by reap ing the benefits of protection and allowing others to pay the cost. Tbey collect large premiums while tbe rest of the community pay the taxes double taxes, in fact, one to keep up the fire department and one to sustain the insurance companies. This Is hardly fair. There Is ground for reform here. Insurance people are bound by every consideration of equity to bear their share of the burden which a fire department devolves upon the community, and until they do so they bave no right to complain. To look on while the people do the work and foot the bills is un just as well as ungenerous. They shonld will ingly co-operate in everything to improve the fire servic, and until they do this the full measure of reform needed ana demanded can not be secured. Business. Pittsburg, December 1L Man men miss great fortunes because their minds are always full o big schemes. The man with his head above the clouds is gener ally a failure. A man must know how to utilize the common things of life if be would prosper in a material way. This is strikingly illustrated in the lives of inventors. When an Inventor goes in for a bis thine, like perpetual mo tion, for instance, he goes to the poor house, but when he puts a rubber tip on the end of a lead pencil he makes a cool $100,000. The man who knows how to handle the little opportuni ties of life never fails to make his knowledge pay. The inventor of metal plates for soles and heels made about $6,000,000. If be bad scorned such small matters, and turned his at tention to steel armor for vessels, he wonld bave -wasted his time and labor. Tbe roller skate netted its inventor 1.000,000. The invent ors of various littlo toys, puzzles and other trifles enjoy incomes ranging as high as 75,000 a year. Against all these successful men are arrayed a host of bright but unsuccessful inventors who spend their lives trying to accomplish something great It is so in every line of human endeavor. When a man wants tbe earth be gets nothing. When be expects to rake In a fortune in big scoops he dies in poverty. Tbe successtul men of the world fix their at tention on tbe commonest things the every day matters and opportunities aronnd them. 1 BAID ON ELECTEIC, But It Weathers (be Storm and Shaw Im provement nt the Close, The feature of the stock market yesterday was a drive at Westlnghonse Electric, but it weathered the gale in fine style. It opened at 4 broke on heavy selling to 46, rallied to 4 and closed steady at 47 bid and 4 asked, with none on tbe market. In explanation of the raid, a broker said: "News of tbe big indebtedness of tbe company something like $5,000,000, 1 think seems to have just reached the street How it got there I do sot know, for the company has made no statement Perhaps somebody talked too much. This, coupled with the general suspicion with whioh all tbe Westinghouse properties are re garded, naturally caused some realizing. 1 am surprised that the break was not greater. The prompt rally which followed shows that there is no panic In tbe stock. Nor shonld there be, for the company is crowded with business, and its earnings are large enough to justify a S or 7 tier cent dividend right along. If Kir. West inghouse 'would only make a statement of the condition of his properties there wonld be no trouble. It would strengthen confidence and encourage holders of .his stocks. We believo his properties are in good shape, bat would like to know it officially." Both pleasant Valley and Pittsburg, Alle eheev aftid Manchester Railways made hand- sosae advances. Air Brake was stronger, .and lost ground, but Pittsburg was firmer. Citi zens' was neglected. Philadelphia Gas was firm at 30J asked and SO bid. The rest of the list was without material change. wnvwrwra IVI'K UXOOX. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. puts. p. s. &a. ex... Commercial Na. Bank. Marine Nat. Bank.... I'eopie's Aat. Hank... Mannfaturer's Gas Co, People's N. o. A i'.Cd Pennsylvania Gas Co.. Philadelphia Co -.. Pine Bun Has WheeUne Gas Co...... Columbia Oil Co Central Traction Pitts. Traction 435 m "43 MX 103 158 14- sojj "ai x "is '.'.'.'. - .! St 4 50 .. 23X ZyS 23)4 300 28 25 Hh .. "j" Mtf .... W .... 35 .... ... "m "ii 47 "ii "47 183 SO 119 114 119 u Pleasant Valley. 23 Pitts., A. & Man 2U P. C St. L..., Pt.. Va. A CK.lt. Co Pitts. & Western It. it. .. Pitts. W.K K. pref. .... N.Y. i-C.GasCoalCo Ij. .Norm limine co... Luster Mining Co YankeeGIrl MintngCo 2 Westlntchonse Electric union a. A signal Co Union 8. ft 8. Dref. WestlnKbouseA.tt.Co. 114K Pitts. Cvclorama Co, .. tu At the morning call 162 shares of Electric brousht4& and 60 46. At tbe afternoon call 60 shares of La Noria went at , 300 at , 7 Pittsburg Traction at 4 15 Philadelphia Gas at 30, and 10 Electric at 47 Andrew Caster sold SI. 000 St. Clair Incline as at 105 and interest, and 15,000 Union Passenger F.ailway 5s at par and interest. Mason sold 21 shares Central Traction at 33. The total sales of stocks at New York yester day were 256,206 shares, including: Atchison, 10,830: Canada Southern, 4,050; Delaware, Lack awanna and Western. 23,329; Denver, Texas and Fort Worth. 6,260: Lake Shore. 9,050; Louis ville and Nashville. 4,150; Missouri Pacific 6.940; Northern Pacific preferred, 8,438: Beading, 35,800; St. Paul, 14.121; Union Pacific, 4,710; Western Union, 9,387. K0T BAD AFTER ALL Rainy Weather lUnkes an Impression on nho Financial Markets. Money was easy yesterday, with a good de mand for it from nearly all classes of business men. Bates were reported steady at 67per cent, call and time. Owing to the weather routine lines were bardlyup to the average; still, it was a fairly busy day. Tbe exchanges were $2,176,533 13 and the, balances $399,366 24. Holiday trade is a little late starting, but prom ises to be large when in full swing. Money on call at New York yesterday was tight, ranging from 1 to 8 per cent: last loaD, 4: closed offered at 4. Prime mercantile paper, 67. Sterling exchange quiet and firm at S4 S0K for CO-day bills and S4 84 for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. U. 8. 45-resr 126 M. K. AT. Gen. 59 .63)4 Mutual Union 63.. ..100 N. 1. C. Int. Cert.,.113 Northern Pae. UU..1H Northern Pac.2ds..lll)j Northw't'n consols. H2 U. S. 4. coup U7X U. 8. 4Xs, reg 1W. C 8. 4)is, coup.... 104), Paclflcesof'95. 11a Loulslanastamped4s 93)4 Missouri es 102X Northw'n deben'..109 Oregon ft Trans. 8s. 106 St-U&I M.Uen. 5S7 St. I ft S. V. Gen. M. 117 renn. new set. ... ivsh lenn. new set. Ss 102 Tenn. uewset 3s.... 7i Canada bo. zas in Oen. Pacificists Hi Den. ftK.G.lsts...Ut Si. Paul consols ....I28J4 St. PL CM ft Pclsts. 118 Tx., Pc.U G.Tr Bs. S!J( 11. Pc.It,G.lT.KcU 17 Den. ft K. G. 4s 76'4 D.ftB.G.West,lsts. 99M union jrao. is...iis West Shore IBM tne, m. mi M.S.. ftX.Gen.Cs.. 73 New York Clearings, 5219,956,370; balances, S425,470. Boston Clearings, 518,145,421; balances, S1.978.4S2. Money, 6 per cent. Philadelphia Clearings, 112,415,908; bal ances, $2,009 881. Baltimore Clearings, 2,754.604; balances, $331,481. Pabis Three per cent rentes, SSf 22c for tbe account. Chicago Bank clearings were 812,033,00a New York exchange was par to 25c discount. The demand for money continues good, and rates were firm at 6S8 per cent for time loans. OIL FEATURELESS. Terr Little Doing and Nothing Brewing to Cause Excitement. The oil market was weak at the opening yes terday and steady at tbe close, with a fair scalp ing business, but no pronounced movement or expression. The opening price was 1 03 highest $1 04 lowest SI 03 closing SI 04. What little strength the market bad was due to moderate buying in Bradford and Oil City, where some shorts were covered. Pittsburg and New York were moderate sellers. New York wanted cash oil, but could get none. Washington field news was to tbe following effect: Reports ot the drilling of a most im portant well have reached this nlace. Gordon No. 8, one of the old wells in this field, has been J armed into tne mtn ran a ana is reported to De doing SO barrels per hour. If this well holds out and continues according to reports it will be drilled deeper, and the production of these fields doubled at a small expense. A. B. lIcGrew & Co. quote: Puts, SI 03 Bi udjfc; cans, si oo. -Other Oil markets. Titusvili.e, December 1L Opened at II 03ih highest SI 04: lowest. SI 03K: closed. SI 0 Bradford. December 11. Opened at SI 03; closed at SI 04; highest, SI 04; lowest SI 03& Clearances 430,000 barrels. On, cttt. December 1L Opened at SI 03K; highest SI 04J; lowest SI 03fc closed. SI OIJi Sales, 262,000 barrels: clearances, 210,000 bar rels; shipments, 70,957 barrels; charters, 25,000 barrels; runs, 40,464 barrels. NbwYokk. December 11. Petroleum opened steady at SI 03 and declined to SI 02Ji in 'the early trading, when tbe market turned sharply andradvanced to SI 04 -closing firm at SI 01 Stock Exchange: Opening, SI 03; highest, SI 01 lowest Si tt&f; closing $1 04 Con solidated Exchange: Opening, Jl V3; highest SI 04K; lowest. SI 03H; closing, SI 61 Total sales, 612,000 barrels. MOTEMENTS IN EEALTT. A Number of Important Deals In the City nnd !nbarbs. Alles & Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, sold for a prominent business man a residence property on Federal stree, Pittsburg, consisting ot nine rooms, catb, etc., with all modern improve ments, lot 25x110 feet to an alley, to Mrs. Mary Mallory for $9,000 cash. L. O. Frazier, corner Forty-fifth and Butler streets, sold for David Hams and Samuel B. Baldwin a large frame dwelling and lot 100x100 feet to an alley, situated, on the north side of Howley avenne, between Thirty-eighth and Thlrty-ninth streets. Sixteenth ward, to Will lam Velte for $3,000 cash. Reed B. Coyte & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, S laced a mortgage for 2,000 on a piece of larion station property for two years at 6 per cent Ira M. Bnrchfield. 168 Fourth avenne, sold for Rev, A. J. Ashe, of West Newton, a two-story frame dwelling of seven rooms and lot 32x110 feet, situate on Third avenue, Homestead bor ough, for S2.800. Black & Baird, 25 Fourth avenue, sold to William Bill a vacant lot in the M. G.Arthur plan, sltnato on Frazier street Fourteenth ward, being 25x100 feet for S550. James W. Drape & Co., closed two mortgages of $3,300 on properties in McKeesport and in Bellevue at 6 per cent free from State tax. Samuel W. Black 4 Co., sold a mortgage for $3,300 lor four yearsat6p6r cent on property on Howe street, near Bellefonte street, Pitts burg. LOSING GfiOUND. No Important Changes In Railroad Shares. but Nearly Everything Lets Go The Trusts Active Sugar Boycotted by Labor. , New York, December U. The situation in Wall street was a little better to-day, and the news was generally of a favorable character, while London was once more a fair buyer, coming with "higher prices this morning and buying orders during the day. The effect of the manipulation of money rates in the last few minutes of, business yesterday was still felt, however, and the( traders were cautious, and the bears looking only for weak spots, with the result of dullness in the railroad list. The Coal stocks. New England and fit. Panl warn the only railroad stocks which showed. real ani mation during the day, but the Trusts were again active nnder tbe operations of the bears, who used the known developments In regard to them, in addition to a reported boycott by the labor organizations against Sugar. Chicago Gas was more at a feature than yes terday, and was sold up and down apparently by the same parties, "though its final figure was materially lower than 'that ot last evening. Western Union and tbe other Gould stocks showed none of their recent animation and the fluctuations were on tbe same limited scale as those in the regular stocks. Only the Coalers showed any increment, and rumors of a dis agreementbetweenthe Lackawanna and Bead ing, accompanied an attack upon those proper ties, which was rewarded with substantial effects in the case of the former, though tbe impression upon Beading was .only email fractions. New England also while quite active changed its quotation but slightly, and the slightest rise seemed to bring in selling orders, while the de clines were met by support and the stock was kept within the limits ol Vw ot through out the day. Southern P&elio ms the weak one among ins specialties, ws-iea wemqmce neglected as a rule, tkosea CotsrMo devte4ed 'otsrMo ekte4 marked weakness tit tee DeaTt:esl'dirt,' TJSSMKSJIS list showedno feature of interest throughout the day. Tbe close was quiet and steady at tbe figures quoted. The final changes are gener ally in the direction of lower prices, but for flight fractions only except in the cases of Chicago Gas and Denver, Texas and Ft. Worth, which declined 1J per cent each, Lackawanna and Sugar lJi each and Southern Pacific 1 per cent The same moderate demand for railroad bonds still continues and tbe sales of all issues tp-day reached 0,631,000. Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe contributed S199.00Q. The market was steady to firm throughout the day end the final changes are almost invariably m tbe direction of higherfigures.thonghtbeimportant'cbanges are few in number. The .Port says: Stocks opened moderately strong, but without much recoveiy from the downward reaction caused in tbe last 20 min utes of business yesterday by the bidding no of money to 15 per cent per annum. Of course it was known that this bigh rate was exceptional, and that It was made only for a small amount wanted by some belated brokers, who had failed to borrow it earlier in the day, when It could have been borrowed at from 57 per cent, was to be had again this afternoon at 78. Nevertheless it is realized that the banks are pretty low in loanable funds, and as the end of the year approaches they will be calling in loans in order to be ready for the interests and dividend disbursements in January, and wbile there is no reason to expect any such pinch lor money as was experienced two months or so ago, the market will woik close and belated borrowers will run the risk of having to pay rates on some days. Tbe rouowinir tame snows tne prices or active stocks on the New York Stock Excnangc yester day. Corrected daily for Tins Dispatch by WHTrirrT 4 Stephenson, oldest Pittsburg mem bers of Hew Y ore stock Exchange. (7 i'ourth ave- Clos ing Bid. 31 33U 73 seit 33 26H 105M 63 113 97 15 38 M) 93 nr 141 73 995( 38U 20M 13SM 146 9 69 21 117s 17H 3 1W -85te 97 J!i1 Open- Hlfrtv I.OW- est. est ZOi 31 S4 34)4 7Zii 7J), 53 SS 123 12 33K W 77 27 10SK V&H 69 69X '88 ' 88 15V UH 37ft 37 iUH liiji 141 141 ,73W 73 'vaH son 39i 39)i 139 3S! 147 l 143 63H 3 lOTSt 107 MX 85 V!H IH UK 133f 9 tu, BS 87H 57 27 67 67 Am. Cotton Oil Trust.. J15J Atcn., Top.iB.r..... Uii Canadian Pacific 73H Canada Southern S3 Central of New Jersey. 123 Central Pacini. 33Sf Chesapeake ft Ohio.... 27 C Bur. a Quitter. ....10SX C.. BU, St. Paul.... 69J4 C Mll.ftSt.P.. pr. C, KocKL ftr ss C., St. L. ft Pitts 15M C, StTX.. ft Pitts, pf.. 37 C. St. P., M. ft (J c.. st.pM. fto.. nr. .... C ft Northwestern Ill CftNortbwestern, pf.Ml.S C. C. O. ft 1 73$ c.. c, c ft i nr kh. Col. Coal s iron S9 Col. ft Hocking Vat .. UH "ei Li. a V 13VM Del. ft Hudson... 147 J.T.. Va.Ga .... K.T..VS, ftGa.lst pr. .... K. a., va. Alia. 2a pr. .... Illinois central. Lake Erie A Western Lake Krie ft West nr.. 63X Lake Shore M. a 107K Loulsvllle&Nubvllle. MM Michigan Central 87k Mobile ft Ohio l'SM Mo.. Kan. ft Texas.... )i Missouri Pacific 63 . V.. A,, a. ft VV 27X N.r..I,.E. ft W.pref.. 67 67 T.H 66 16V 70 38 4 J9 VSi MM K 7JX 46 4 & 22 815 110 15 3SV 91U isS 68 lo S014 to 67 60K IBM 40 a. X.. C ftSt Ij v n. ., & ft st l. pr. :. N.I.. C. ftStti.2dpf N. IAN. IS 44V 45 44X ft. I. U. A W 19)5 19 19X Norfolk ft Western - Norfolk Western. pf. 60 S3 60 Northern Pacific WK Sl XLH -Vortnern pacific pret 1H 77 78 Ohio ft Mississippi.... Oregon Improvement Oregon Transcon 344 UH H Pacific Mall 35X 35J XH Peo. Dee. s Evans. PhUsdel. A iteadinx.. 40J4. 40 K 39K Pnliman Palace Car Rlcbmona ft W. P. T.. I2H 7SH St Kichmondft W.P.T.nf St P.. Minn, ft Man.. Ill St. I., ft San Fran 15 St. L. ft San rran pf.. 39 bt.ti. ft San r. 1st pf.. 91 Texas Paclfle Union Pacific 6$h Wabssn Wabash preferred J0K Western anion S5H Wheeling; A L. . 68 Bujcar Trust m National L.ead Trust.. Wi Chicago Gas Trust.... CX IllK llOlf I5"i 15), 39H 39 94 94 68 68 30 30 86 85H 68 68M 62X 69 Boston Stocks. Ateh. Ton.. 1st 7s. U5 A.T. LandUr't7s.lli Atch. Top. B. K... 33 Boston ft Albany. ..215 .Boston & Mams. ....200 C. B. ftQ. 105 Rutland preferred.. 47 Wis.centrai.com... 33 Wis. Central pf.... 62 MloueiMgCo 95 Calumet Hecla....245 tmnxiin. 17 Huron 2M Osceola, , 17 Pewablo 5 Qnlncy 67 Bell Telepnone 199 Boston Land s Water Power... ... 6 Clnn. San. & Clave. 23J UUKTU A. Ii. OB M..U1 Flints FereM 22 Flint Pen M. pro. 92 Mexican Cen. com.. 17 Mex.Clstmtfr.bds. 69 . r. AIiewKng... 44 it. Y. & .E.Js....l27 Ocrd.&L. Cham. com. 5 UldCotonv 176 Tamarack. .....145 SanDlefto 20 Santa Fe copper....!, 02 Philadelphia Htocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers. No. 47 Fourth avenue, ilembers New xork Stock fix change. BM. Asked. Pennsylvania Ballroad..., 53 C3M Keaaing 19 15-15 20 Buffalo, Fittshurg Western........ T,i 8 Lehleh Valley Vtti SIH LenUh .Navigation 53 535 ortnern Pacific 32! ZL HonnernPacincDreterred 78X 76 VWhile pastor of the Canton Church, New Jersey, some years ago, I temporarily lost my voice, and was in consequence un able to preach for nearly a year. Last spring I began to have all the symptoms of losing it again, I labored with great difficulty, fearing each time I preached wonld be the last In July X commenced using Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, at the same time rub bing my throat aq0 chest freely with the liniment. I gargled my throat daily ac cording to the directions given in Dr. Jayne's Almanac, at the same time taking the ex pectorant regularly. Feeling very much better, I discontinued the use of the gargle and the liniment, bnt still kept on with the expectorant. This winter I have been more exposed, and preach oftener than for many years past, and yet my voice seems to be growing stronger, and were it not for the re quirements of my (felling, I firmly believe permanent cure would be effected by the ex pectorant. At all events the good it has done, and is doing me, makes me anxious to recommend it to all who are suffering from throat or lung complaints. Rev. W. Pike, Lakeville, Washinaton county, 2T. T. Nnturnl Gna-Cal Glass. Another new and beautiful lot iu Punch Bowls, Berrv Dishes, Ice Tubs, Caraffes, Olive Dishes, Nappies. Onlv the newest and latest cuttings at Hakdt & Hates', Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Dealers, 529 Smithfield Street, New Building. ITS SICK HEADACHE '-Carter's Little Liver Pills. SICK HBADACHECarter,g Little Liver Pills. SICK HEADACHECarter,, Lmle jj.,. HUj SICK HEADACHECarter,, jjtUe Liver Pills.' nol6-67-TTS8u bTEADIBKS AND EXCURSIONS. STATE LINE To Glasgow. Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FBOM NEW YOBK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passaKe J35 to S50, according to location of stateroom. Excursion 65 to 90. bteerago to and from Europe at Lowest Bates, AUS11N BALDWIN 4 CO.. General Agents, 63 Broadway, Mew York. J. J. Mccormick. Agent. 639 snd 401 Smithfield St., Pittsburg, Pa. oc2i-D TTTTHITE STAB LIN L- rOB qUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Boyal and United States Mall Steamers. Teutonic, Decll,7:30ara Germanic, Dec. 18,2 pm Britannic, Dec.25, 7.30am Adriatic Jan. L. Celtic Jan. 8. Germanic, Jan. 15. Britannic, Jan. 22. A.an&uc an. 231. rom White Btar dock. root of Went Tenth st. "Second cabin on thiw ute&mers. Saloon rates. S50 and upward. Second cabin, sa? and upward, according to steamer and location of berth. Ex cursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage. KOL White Star drafts payable on demand in all the principal banks thronKhont Great Britain. Ap Sly to JCHN J. McCOltMICK, 639 snd 401 Smlth eld St.. Pittsburg, or J. BUDGE 1311AX, Gen tsI Agent, a Broadway, Mew Xorc no28-p AMERICAN LINE, Balling every Wednesday from Philadelphia and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations tor all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe den, Denmark, etc. . PJ?TER WJUGHT ft SONS, GaBsnl ageats. 387 Walnut st PMhwtetoW. Fall taferssaioB oas be hd of J. J. XcCOB KICKL ud "-'"-- wl wmiMLmamimtM st.Cri DOMESTIC MARKETS. Drift of All Dairy Products is Toward a Higher Leyel. MILD WEATHER AGAIBST PEODUCE Corn Lower Oats Tery Firm Cereah and Hay Steady. Other THE COFFEE MOVEMENT IB TJEWAED OFFICE OF FITTSBTRQ DISPATCH, Wednesday. December 11, 18S9. i Conntrr Produce Jobbing; Prices. Elgin butter has been advanced, as our quota tions will disclose. All choice dairy products are moving upward. The finer grades of cheese are very firm at quotations, and we expect to record higher prices at an early day. iSggs join in the upward movement Fresh-laid country eggs are not easy to be bad at any price, and those to be bad readily bring 20c per dozen in a jobbing way. In the line of general produce, markets are qniet Commission men attrioute the quietness of trade to soft weather. A day or two of ensp winter weather would stimulate markets. Game and poultry are quiet by reason of the soft weather. Butteb Creamery, Elgin, 3032c; Ohio do, 2829c; fresh dairy packed, 2527c; coun try rolls, 2423c. Beans Navy band-picked beans, S2 252 30; medium, 12 102 20. Beeswax 2830e fl ft for choice; low grade, 1820c Cider Sand refined, tfl S07 GO; common, S3 odai CO; crab cider, S3 008 60 V barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c 9) gallon. Chestnuts SS 005 GO $1 bushel; walnuts, 6070c $) bushel. Cheese Ohio, llllc: New York, llc; Limburger, DXllc; domestic SweitzeT, 11 ioc; imporieu oweiuer, ou. EGGS 2627c p dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples, fancy, $2 60S3 50 barrel; California pears, S3 G04 00 a box; cranberries, S3 509 GO fl barrel; Malaga grapes, large bar rel, S8 00. Game Squirrels, 75cn V dozen; qdail, SI dozen; prairie chickens, H 50 00 $) dozen; pheasants, S4 505 00 fl dozen; rabbits, SI 501 75 f) dozen; venison saddle, 1517cp pound; venison carcass. 1213c pound. FeatHEES Extra live geese, G060c; No. 1, do, 4045c; mixed lots. 3035c f) ft. Poultry Live chickens, 6u65c a pair; dressed, 89c a pound; ducks, 6575c $ pair; geese, SI 251 30 $ pair: live turkeys, 10011c $ ft: dressed turkeys, 12014c $? ft. Seeds Clover, choice. 62fts to bushel, ti 20 4 i If) Dusnel; clovcr.large JSnglish.tKfts. S4 35 4 60; clover, Alsike, J8 00; clover, white, JO; timo thy, choice. 45 lbs, SI GO; Dine grass, extra clean, 11 As, SI 251 30; nlue grass, fancy, 14 B, SI SO; orchard grass. 14 &s, SI 40; red top. 14 lbs. Si 25; millet 60 fts. SI 00; millet, 6070c 7 bushel; Hungarian grass, SO Bs, 6oc; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, S3 00 fl bushel of 14 &s. Taixow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4J ac. Tropical Fruits Lemons, commop. S2 50 3 00; fancy, S4 005 00: Florida oranges. $260 3 00; Jamaica oranges. So 60B 60 fl barrel; bananas, S2 00 firsts, SI 60 good seconds. fl bunch; cocoanuts, S4 004 60 V hundred: gs, S9c W ft; dates, 56c V ft; new layer figs. 12l&Kc; new dates. 7c $ ft. Vegetables Potatoes, from store. 6560c: on track, 4550c: cabbages, S4 00S 00 a hnn- dred;celery. 40o ft dozen; Jerseys, S4 004 25; turnips, SI 001 oO a barrel; onions, S2 a barrel. Buckwheat Floub-j-22c 1 pound. Groceries. Coffee options advanced 15 to 20 points in New York yesterday, and the tone of markets for packages is strong. Prices, however, are unchanged. Time only will tell whether ornot the upward movement is purely speculative or not Jobbers here anticipate bigher prices. The outcome of the Brazilian Republic will have much to do in settling this question. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2324c; choice Rio, 2122c; prime Rio, 20c; low grade Rio, lS19c; old Government lava, 2728c:Mar- acaiDo, aaWJATW. luocna, zozuc; eantos. H)K24c: Caracas, 2224c: peaberry. Bio, 23K 21c; La Guayra, 23K24c. Boasted (in nanersl Standard brands, lir- high grades. 2529Kc; old Government Java, bulk, 31K33c; Maracaibo, 272Sc; Santos, 24K2gKc; peaberry, 28Kc; choice Bio. 25c; piirae Bio. 23Kc; good Rio, 21; ordinary, 21c Spices (whole) Cloves. 1920c; allspice, 10c; cassia, oc; pepper, uc; nutmec; vikouc. Petbolzuji (Jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio. 120, 8Uc; headlight, 150, 8Kc; water white, 10Kc; globe, UQUX.C: elaine, 14Kc; car nadine, like; royaline. He: globe red oil. 110 llKc Miners' On No. 1 winter strained, 4647c yl gallon; summer. 400130. Lard oil, 70c. Syhups Corn syrnp, 2830c; choice sugar syrup, 8338c; prime sugar syrnp, 3033c; strictly prime, 3335c; new manle syrnp, 90c. N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c: medium, 43c; mixed, 4042c; choice new crop. Soda Bl-carb fn kegs, 33c; bi-carb in s, Ec; bi-carb acsorted packages, 56c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c CAKDtE3 Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, ? set. 8c; parafflne, ll12c. Bice Head, Carolina, 6Ji7c; choice, 6 uiu; prune, ouu; xjuuisiaun, awwy.c taTAECH Pearl, 2Jc;' cornstarch, 66c; gloss starch, 47c Foreign Fbutis Layer raisins, $2 63; Lon don layers, 2 90; California London layers, $2 75; Muscatels, 2 25; California Muscatels, $2 10; Valencia,7jc; Ondara Valencia, $8Xc; snltana,9Kc: currants,6J5Jc: Turkey prunes, 4)5c: French prunes. 69c; Salon ica prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, 100, t6 00; almonds, Lan., $1 ft, 20c: do. Ivica, 19c; do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 1215c; Sicily filuerts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12ijl3c; new dates, 64?GKc; Bnzil nuts, 10c: pecans. ll15c; cit ron, V 1, 1920c; lemon peel, $ m, 16c: orange peel, loc Dried Fbuits Apples, sliced, per' ft 6c, ap ples, evaporated, 9c; apricots, California, erap orated. 14X16c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2628c: peaches, California, evaporated, un pared, 1921c; cherries, pitted,13K14c; cher ries nnpitted, 56c; raspberries, evaporated, 25K20Kc: blackberries, 7K8c; huckleberries, Suoabs Cubes, 7c; powdered, 7e; granu lated, 7Jc; confectioners' A 7Hc; standard A 7c; soft white, 6K62c;yellow,choice,6V65c; yellow, good, CQe&c: yellow, fair, 6Jic; yellow, dark. 5c Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), $5 60; medi um, half obis (GOO), J3 25. Salt N oL? bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, n bbl, Jl OS dairy. bbl, Jl 20; coarse crystal. bbl, Jl 20; Siggins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, J2 B0: Hlggius' Eureka, 16-14 ft sockets, J3 00. Cammed Goods Standard neaches. J2 cas 2 25; 2ds, Jl 651 80; extra peaches, 2 402 60; pie peaches, 95c; finest corn. Jl 001 50; Hid Co. corn, 7590c; red cherries, 90c Jl: Lima beans, SI 20; soaked do, 85c: string do, 6065c: mar rowfat peas, Jl 10fi?l 15; soaked peas. 7080c: pineapples. $1 401 50; Bahama do, J2 75; damson plums, 95c; greengages, $1 25; egg plums, 12 00; California pears. S3 50: do greengages. SI 85: do egg plums, SI 85; extra white cherries, J2 40; raspberries, 95cSl 10; strawberries, Jl 10; gooseberries, Jl S01 40: tomatoes, 8590c; salmon, 1-ft, SI 651 90; blackberries, 65c: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green. 2-ft, Jl 251 50; com beer, 2-ft cans, J2 5; 14-ft cans, JI4; baked beans, Jl 45 1 50: lobster, 1-ft, SI 751 80; mackerel, 1ft cans, broiled. SI 50; sardines, domestic. Ws, S4 Z54 50; sardines, domestic, s, ZB 75 (00; sardines, imported, js, 511 50012 50, sardines, imported, K9, S18; sardines, mustard. $3 30; sardines, spiced. S3 60. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, J38 f) bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess, $40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, f32; extra No. 1 do, mess, S36: No. 2shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole pollock, iie W A; do medium. George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c: boneless bake, in strips, 6c: do George's cod in blocks. 6X7c Herring Round shore. S4 60 V bbl; split, J6 60; lake, 82 75 W 100-fi half bbL White flsb, SS 00 100 ft half bbl. Lake trout, $5 60 ft half bbL Fin nan haddock, 10c IS ft. Iceland halibut, 13c ft. Pickerel, Hbhi.jaOO; JibbUSllO; Poto mac herring, $5 00 H bbl, S2 50 V X bbL OATMEAL S8 006 25 V bbL Grain, Floor and Feed. Sales on call at the Grain Exchange, I car of No. 2 y. e. corn, new, 37c, 6 days, P. B. B,: 1 car extra 3 oats, 23Kc, 10 days, P. R. R. Total receipts bulletined, 21 cars, as follows: By Pitts burg. Ft, Wayne and Chicago, 1 car of corn, 5 of bay, 1 of barley, 1 of feed, i of flour. Br Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis. 4 cars of corn. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of oats, 1 of bran. By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of bay, 1 of corn. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie. 1 car of oats. Corn is drifting to a lower level, and onr quotations are a shade lower. Oats are scarce and firm. Choice hay and millfeed are steady. Flour Is quiet. Jobbers are carrying markets are likely to be easy. Tbe lay-down price for the best spring patents In wood is $5 per barrel In carload lots. Prices below are for carload lota on track. Wheat New No. 2 red,'8485c; No. 3, SO 82A. Cobs No. 2 yellow, ear, 4243c; new, 37088c; high mixed, ear. 4041cr No. 2 yellow, shelled, 4242Uc;new. 3S&37c: high mixed, sheUed, 4141Jic; mixed, shelled. 4141Kc. uATS No. 2 white, 2S30c; extra. No. 8, 2828cK: mUed. 22fiKc Rye-No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohte, SBtHlcj No. 1 Western, 6iaSc . BARLEY Western. lOaflbc: Canada kwlar. Tfi&ent-ietibice rtees FanerwMer mA t"Wi 75. Bye flour, JB 50 10. MtLLFEiD Middlings, fins white. $15 09 15 50 ton; brown middlings, $11 0013 00: winter wheat bran. $11 25li 50; chop feed. J15 5016 00. HAY-Baled timothy. No. J, Sll 2511 60; Nov 2 do, S3 0010 00; loose from wagon, Sll 00 012 00. according to quality; No. 2 prairie hay, 7 008 00; packing do. $7 2597 GO. Straw Oats. $a 75Q7 00; wheat and rye straw. SS 00e 25. Provisions. Sngar-cured bams, large, S&c; sugar-cured hams, medium, lOc; sugar-cured hams, small, llc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 8c; sugar cured shoulders. 5Tc: suirar-cnred boneless 1 8boulders.7::sugar-cured California hams, 6c; BUar-cureu unea Deex nais, vc; sugar-curea dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, 12c: bacon shoulders. 5c: bacon clear sides, 7Kc; bacon clear bellies, 7c; dry salt shoulders, 6Jc: dry salt clear sides, 7c Mess pork, heavy. $11 60; mess pork, family, $12 00. Lard refined. In tierces. 6c; half barrels, 6c; 60-ft tubs. 6c: 20-ft pails, 6c; 60 ft tin cans, 6c; 3-ft tin pails, 6c: 5-ft tin palls, 6c; 10-S tm pails, 6c; 5-ft tin pails. 6c. Smoked sausage, long, 6c; large, 6c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless bams. 10c .Pip feet half barrel, SI 00; quarter barrel, Dressed Heats. The following prices are furnished by Arm our & Co. on dressed meat: Beef carcasses,450toS50 Bs. 6c; 650 to 650 fts, 6c; 650 to 750 fts, 6KGfc Sheep, 8c ft B. Lambs; 9c fl ft. Hogs, 5c Fresh pork loins. 7c Lumber. FINE UNTLANXD YARD QUOTATIONS. Clear boards, per M Select common boards, per M.... Common boards peril Bheafhlng Pine frame lumber per M. ......... Shingles, Mo. 1, IS In. perM Shingles, So. 2, 13 in. per M.... Lath ,.t32 0Q35 00 30 03 2000 IS 00 . 2300327 00 6 00 375 soo FLANXO. Clear boards. nerSL s mm Surface boards 30CO300 Clear. 9-lnch beaded celling MOO 35 00 30 00 25 00 ..30 00040 00 30 03 25 00 2000 Partition boards, peril Flooring No.l Flooring, No. 2 Yellow pine flooring . Weather-boarding, moulded. Mo. 1., Weather-boarding, moulded, Ho. 2.. Weather-boarding, -lnch HABD WOODS TABO QCOTAUOSS. Asn, ito4m s4o ona. 00 Black walnut, green, logrun 5 00sooo Bl ekiralnut, drv, logrun 60 00(375 00 Cherry 0OQ8O 00 Green white oak plank, 2to4in , Z0 0025 00 Otj white oak plank, 2 to 41n 22 00325 00 Dry white oak boards, tin 20 00325 00 West Va. yellow pine, 1 inch 20 00325 00 WestVa. yellow pine, IX inch 25 00330 00 West Va. yellow poplar, Xtolln 13 00325 00 Hickory, feto3fn IS D0Q25 00 Hemlock building lumber, peril MOO Bank rails...., H 00 Boat studding MOO Coal car plank 18 00 HABD WOODS-JOBBCTO PEICIS. h 3o eaa oo Walnut log run, green 25 00345 oo Walnut log run. diy 35 0O350 00 White oak plank, green 17 00319 00 'White oak plank, dry 1S0O32S0O white oak boards, dry 1S003 00 West Va. yellow pine. 1 in 21 00321 oo WestVa. yellow pine, IX In 20 0O325 00 Yellow poplar t is 00323 00 Hickory, 04 to 3 in 20 00325 00 Hemlock toolOOO Bunk rails moo Boat studding. u oo Coal car plank MCO .Great Improvement. It is not many years ago people travelled on horseback or by stages; now fifty miles an hour is not fast enough for them. Formerly people wrote letters that were weeks in reaching their destination; now the telegraph flashes thought around the world. Formerly doctors bled their patients for nearly every complaint: now they nse advanced science of tbe highest order. Prof. Austin Flint, of Bellevue College, says: "The judicious use of alcoholic stimulants is one of the striking characteristics of progress in tbe practice of medicine during the last half century." Prot Henry Mott, Ph. D F. C. S.. says- "By a most careful analysis I have fonnd Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey free from adulter ations or foreign substances, and it deserves to meet with great success." The weir-known Dr. B. W. Hutchinson, of New York, says: "I highly recommend Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey and prescribe it extensively in mvnraptfrp " Bev.B. Mills, of Princeton, Iowa, says: "I have I used Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey with great ueueut io my wue, wno is a connrmea invalid. I know from experience it is a pure and most valuable medicine. I am. also using it in the case of my son. who is threatened with con sumption. I am a Presbyterian clergyman and a doctor of divinity, but I am not afraid to recommend Duffy's Malt Whiskey as the purest and most efficient tonic that I know of, and my experience is a large one." dell-w BOSTON FIRE IOSSestimated AT $10,000,000. LYNN FIRE LOSS estimated AT $5,000,000. What and where will the next great less be? ARE YOlTlNSURED? Insurance effected in the largest and strong est companies doing business, and at the lowest rates consistent with safety. Apply at once to J. W. ARROTT INSURANCE OFFICES AT STANDARD BUILDING, 631 AND 633 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURG. dell-62 7 cpeenrt 20-YEAR GOLD BONDS. We Offer at Par and Interest $500,000 Bear Lake and River Water Works and Irrigation Co. Bonds, Due in 1909, Interest Payable April I and October I. These bonds are a portion of a total of $2,000,000, and are issued to complete the construction of 120 miles of canals diverting the water of Beir Lake and Bear river into tbe Great Salt Lake Valley, Utah, for irrigating 250,000 acres of land, and to supply the city of Ogden and other towns with water for domestic and manufacturing rjnrnosea. Tbey are secured by a first mortgage on all the property, canals, franchises and water rights belonging to the Irrigation Company, inclnding many thonsand acres of fertile land In Salt Lake Valley. The right is reserved to advance the price without notice. For full information, address or inquire at tbe offices of the JARVIS-CONKLIN MORTGAGE TRUST COMPANY, No. 239 Broadway, New York; No. 518 Walnut street, Philadelphia; No. 66 State street, Boston, Mass.. and No. 27 Custom House street, Provi dence, R. I., or PITTSBURG COMPANY, LIM., 140 Fifth avenue. no2S-7(TTS Why toil and slave forever P Life was meant for living', not eternal slaving;. Cease this weary drudg ery. SOAPONA does your work itself, and neither Injures hand nor fabric ThenwhydoityouP Tia nonsense, very nonsense. Awake, Ladies, Awake 1 Tour health and life are at stake. Use SOAPOKA everywhere. It cleans Hke magic washing POWDER BELL'S BUFFALO SOAP-Best Seap Made. R.W.BELLHFG.CO.,StffM.Y, k tnyIS-5rr JAS. D. CALLER President JOHN W. TAYLOR Cashl ....Cashier lANK, CITY SAVINGS B. SIXTH AVE- AND SMITHFIELD ST. lEGsMal SAd sui'saua, 9uioee. ?Wl "V .V J. . I ft VMBMSBS .SMBBHSK'J XXXX bakers', S3 Burn h'q SOAPQNA fflllCfl - Jt WHOLESALE -:- flOU8B. WOOD AND LIBERTY $TSi Special attractions now open in nsefaL i Holiday Trade. Dealers are invited to inspect the stocky, j T.r-1. : i. A -t : t.S-1. Aj Wllicu is vuuipjcfcc, auu ai. pciucs ywuivu cois not fail to impress the buyer. nol3-D DUES! BTMPTOXS-VttfaCi nre; latenaa Itftklac and atUclasl mt 1 ( WF sT lowed mmiXxmrn B tumors form mi id I ITr.HINR PI FS pr.tiTtde.whJeliofte. ilcettu becomlnr Terr tor. SWAYAlS OIST. 2IKNT stop the Itehlns mnd bleedlaff. html nleerstlAB. and Ijk most esea resio-re ih tmss nlrrtlsii. and 1b nott MsMrraaTM iV monw Swim OimnjrTiM$oi&lijdnggiifJQTmllt4n reuonroceipioi pnc9,3vra..iiMz doxh.ux i letlOT, DB. SWATNB t SOS. FhHublpUi. Pi. A. purely Vesretabla i Compound that expels all bad humors from tna I system. Removes blotch es and pimples, and makes pure, rich blood. ap2-S3 ! UKOKEKS FINANCIAL t TTTH1TNEY t STEPHENSON. a KOUBTH AVENTJEL A PERFECT Blood Porifler. IslSroS 'fsfrrfxls felrlPsi Issue travelers' credits thronch Messrs. DrTJ. -' Morgan & Cct, New York. Passports procured. ' apzs-i $5 TO 000 JUDICIOUSLY INVESTED in stock options or margins in Wall st leads ter . VV6UtU- STEVENSON 4 CO., Brokers, -Ti JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND BEOKEBS. J Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum. Private wire to New York and Chicago, 45 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg. mrtMtfc-y 3IEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE. riTTSBCRG. PA. As old residents know and back flies of Pittsv. burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician In tbe city.de- voting special attention to all chronic diseases. SS35S.N0 feeuntilcured MCDWnilOand mental diseases physical IN L. n V U U Odecay, nervous debility. lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory, disordered sight, self distrust, bashfulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im porerished blood, railing powers, organic Weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, on fitting the person for business, society and mar. nage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN s&reruM blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular swelling ulcerations of toneue. month, throat. ulcers, old sores, are cured- for life, and blood --:! noisdbs ihoroofrhlveradicatedfrom the gratam. -m 1 1 R I M A R V kidney and bladder derange. U n I Ii nil If ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whlttier's life-long, extensive experi ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment on common sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as it here. Office hours 9 A. K. to 8 P. 3r. Sunday; 10 A. St. to 1 P. 31. only. DR. WHITTIER, 8U Penn avenne, Pittsburg, Pa. deS-15 DSuwk HealthisWealth db. iu. a West's Neete astd skaet Tbeatmkst, a guaranteed speciflcforhvsteria, dizziness, convulsions, fits, nervous neuralgia, headache, nervous prostration caused by tba use of alcohol or tobacco, wakefulness, mental depression, softenin-r of tbe brain resulting In r Insanity and leading to misery, decay and ueato, pcomaiura oia age. Barrenness, lors 01 power in 'either sex, involuntary losses and spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. $1 a box, or six boxes for 35, sent by mail prepaid on re ceipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case.Witn each order received by ui for six boxes, accompanied with JS 00, we wilt send tbe purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not ef fect a cure. Guarantees issued only bv Einil G. 8tncky. Druggist, Sole Agent, 1701 and 2401 Penn ave. and cor. Wylie ave. and Fulton St. Pitts burg, Pa. seZT-lGO-TTSSa DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all cases re quiring scientific and confiden tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake, M. R. C. P. S is the oldest and most experienced specialist in the city. Consultation freeaml f hours V to 4 and 7 to 8p.ii.; Sundays. 2to4p. jLConsnit tnem personally, ox write, uoctobs Lake. 328 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Jel2-t3-DWfc CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS RED CROSS DIXUOND BRAHD.JP. Safe ui ftlwajg reTibte. Ijtdle. ftst Druggist for Diamond Brundf fa red, meumo boxu, waled with 'blue ribbon. Taka ao otherw All ptBa la puteboud boiei wtta pink vrmp mrs u dann'rwiu AAUBteneltsb Ssd 4e. (it&mpi) tor partleKlssra, tesUmonUts sua -Jteuer ror LMiet." uart oy rvtnrn BtsiL &0M4 Pavwf. CIUtIwtCTttsa'iCo.,ITKdbonSa,rMIfc,ri. OC5-7I-TT3 o3es Cotto-O. jE2ootr COMPOUND inosed of Cotton Boot. Tansr aad "1 pennyroyal a recent discovery By an montM Safe. Effectual. Price $L by raaJLf sealed. Ladies, ask your druiglst for CooTa S j uoKon tuxiz tjompouna ana taie no suosutnia. or inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad dress FOND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 ITia mocx, no. woodward ave Detroit. Mica. .a-3oId in Pittsburg; Pa., by Joseph Float ing ac sou, .uiamona ana JiarKei sxs. teay Manhood RISTORID.it Szxzsr razz. a victim ,'i amine FrematiiT Decnr, Nerroos Pebuttr. Lot dy, ass diacoTeied a rimpla means ot self-cnre,-wliloa V as win sena cseueui rRE to nls leuowuiierers. Address, J. H. EEE7IS, P.O. Box 3230, Hew York dsy. OC19-S3-TTSSU MEN ONLY! A H1SIT1TE miH3 For LOST or fulUnsg nsti WMrrtMi rtW BodT A Mind. lik nr Rtonrth. Vlror nrf IWv-1 TlATimnt MR&I.1?. V-m -oasa . UnM.h. Mod or BsxiwrRZAnrjarr? and Proofs mslleiT BuHalo, N. Y. de3-57-TTSJtwk TO WEAKMEW tnAnhood . eta I witT term & t& mlTerliup from m fects ox Toutiifal er-y n. uir aecaT. lose rain&bla treatise watod eontalnlnff ran parncaUr lor notne rare, ire c PROF. F. C. FOWLIft, Moodua, Cor.n. ocltf-fcS-BSUWkg HARE'S REMEDY H For meal R1iArlc thd -trnrst casimi In tkml nays. ad com fn five dys. Price l 08. t s A! K'3mn' i(&& ? a .k .-!.. J.rhHtWrVfUWiTOflLl ) i l42S,vj"s "m t, ,t 1 i FXAM' to4HkB,t)WMfeet?MIktt US lMIA