Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 12, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    i t
Slker O'Neill Sars Three Old
Players Hare Siped.
or McCallin President of the
Local Organization.
It was & great local baseball day yester-
'. The annual meeting of the old cluD
i held and Mr. O'Neill cansed surprise,
s new Brotherhood club was organised
h Mavor McCallin as chairman. John
. "Ward spoke plainly about Clarkson.
There was any am6unt of baseball talk
and.baseball business in the city yesterday.
'he annual meeting of the old club was
and the Brotherhood club was organ
ized. Messrs. "Ward, P.'efler and Hanlon
wereMn the city, together with J. P. O'Neill.
'he sensation of the day. however, was niaae
a statement of Mr. O'Neill at the close of
i old club meetine. After stating what
business the meeting bad transacted, Mr.
O'Neill remarked:
' "We have to-day secured two or three of
the best players that played in our team last
season. I will give their names to-morrow
evening; but let me tell you they are corkers."
The SDeaVcr was pressed to cive the names.
but emphatically refused. He stated, how
ever, that he aid not at all relerto bowuers
and Sunday. When reminded that Beckley
and others bad signed Brotherhood contracts.
'Mr. O'Keill replied:
"It is fashionable nowadays to sign two con
tracts or all contracts that are presented.
However, my statement will be verified to-
Ab already stated. Secretary Scandrett went
West to confer with Beckley a few days ago.
and Carroll has been communicated with by
wire. Mr." Scandrett vnU return home this
morning, and the remark made by Mr. O'Neill
was prompted by a dispatch received from Mr.
Scandrett last evening- However. Messrs.
Ward and Hanlon are confident that the
players referred to by Mr. O'Neill are not Car
roll, Beckley or Staley. Hanlon has a letter
from Carroll stating that the latter not only
has signed a Brotherhood contract, but
wants J1.000 worth of stock in the new
T4fer.-f- rlnh TtArlflnv'ii Brotherhood con-
tractsicnedbyhim has also been received by
Hanlon. The curious people, therefore, must
Hwait until Mr. O'Neill makes his definite state
ment. The latter, however, repeated his sur
prising remark several times, and very emphat
ically stated tbat he had all the necessary au-
thority for talking as he did.
President Nimick and Messrs. O'Neill and
ftBrown were the only directors present, Mr.
(Converse being detained in New York and Mr.
Ecandrett being absent on his trip.
The trio of directors, however, soon got
through their business, at least that part of it
which tbey proposed to do. W. A. Nimick
was re-elected President; J. Palmer U'JS eill was
re-elected Vice President: A. K. Scandrett Sec
retary and Treasurer. Messrs. E. C Converse
and H. Brown were also re-elected directors.
Nothing definite was done regarding the
election of a manager. There were two direct
applications, viz: one from W. W. Bnrnham
and one from H. T. Smith. There was also an
indirect application from Manager Leadley. of
the Detroit dob. Mr. O'Neill, however, stated
; there was a feeling favorable to the election of
a player to the office, and as a certain player
vfcom the directors want has not vet signed.
itne matter was deferred for a few days. Wnen
Questioned on this point Mr. O'Neill refused to
eay who the player desired is.
The local Brotherhood magnates were also
busy, an ! got their new club into something
like definite shape. A meeting was held at the
Hotel Anderson. It commenced at 5.30 in the
evening and lasted until about 7 o'clock. Those
present were: Mayor McCallin, H. B. Rae. W.
P. Potter. W. W. Kerr. Ed Hanlon, John
M. Ward, and Fred Pfeffer. When the
meeting adjourned, it was announced that the
following officers had been elected: President,
Mavor McCallin; Secretary, W. P. Potter;
Treasurer, W. W. Kerr, and Manager, Ed
Hanlon. An application for a charter will be
filed this week. Mayor McCallin refused to
give the names of the stockholders, but he said
that all the stock bad been taken by Pittsburg
capitalists. The Mayor voluntarily said to the
representative of this paper:
"I owe The Dispatch an apology. It was
the first paper to find out and publish that I
was connected with this movement and I
denied the announcement. I bad reasons for
denying what was a true statement and I.
therefore, tender my apology. 1 can now say,
however, that the new club will be a go. We
will have excellent grounds and first-class
players and that will certainly attract the
He State That the Brotherhood is Doomed
and Tbat Cleveland and PHtibura;
' Won't Have New Clubs Some
Easiness Philosophy.
J. Palmer O'Neill, one of the directors of the
local club, expressed himself frankly regarding
5'Jtne 'Brotherhood. During a conversation he
"What do I think of the Brotherhood now?
jfrpThy, it is doomed; its leaders are worried
falmost'to death, and I know it. I traveled
from Chicago with Fred Pfeffer last night, and
I know that he is not as hopeful as he was.
The only card that the Brotherhood" can play;
.that is, the only way It can live, is to join the
American Association; ana n tnat cannot be
done except by breaking the National agree-
yxnent, the association will have none of it, I
,axn very authoritatively informed that a
groove will be made to take the pro
posed Brotherhood club from Cleveland and
tputit somewhere else. A Brotherhood leader
Ur told me that a Brotherhood club would not pay
,' in Cleveland, and that the new leagne did not
intend to run a club there for the benefit of
Mr. Johnson's street car line. Now, this came
.direct from a very prominent Brotherhood
member. He also intimated that there is con
siderable difficulty in getting a club in Pitts
burg. X, therefore, come to the conclusion
that there will not be a Brotherhood team here
nor in Cleveland. Neither city will keep two
clubs, and depend upon it, the old League is
here to stay.
"Capitalists are beginning to be very cautious
about this scheme, and they are acting simitar
to me when I was asked to invest in the new
scheme. When I was approached I said: 'What
do yon want me to buyr 'Why the star play
ers,' was the reply. These star players are
really the assets for which the money is in
vested, and naturally a business man asks him
self the question: Are the assets safeT These
star players are contract jumpers, and it hat
business man is going to invest in them? There
will never be any certainty about them despite
their contracts. The truth is, if ever the
Brotherhood clubs get started the officials will
' never be sure at night what nine tbey will have
in the morning. Tbat will be the level to which
the national game will be reduced If these agi
tators succeed. But I know of many, very
ma ny old League players who the Brother
hood leaders think will stick to them, while
tbey certainly intend to play in the old League."
Mr. O'Neill continued: "Every business
scheme to be successful must build its founda
ion upon fairness, honesty and honor. The
-omotersof the Brotherhood scheme have
"been fair. They are seekine to divert from
National Leagne a corps oi players that
Uk ow very well cost the League a good
many !l,usand dollars to secure and develop,
and therjfeeek to attract these players from the
League by holding out an array of extravagant
figures as their possible earnings. Tbey have
'not been honest in their methods, Tbey know
that many plavers whom they seek to divert
xrom the League were paid quite large bonuses
in consideration of signing contracts which
gave to tbe club signing inem meir services
for the ensning year. Jnis is notable
Lin the case of White and Howe, each of
twnom I am told received late in me season last
BvearL250 bonus, in addition to a largo salary.
Does anvona believe that the Pittsburg club
paid this large sum without aconsiderationf
iDoeS anyone believe ithatWbite andBowa.
ttoox tan money witness laawuit iuu wen h
the consideration was the reserve clause in
their contracts, securing their services for the
ensuing yearf The promoters of the Brother
hood scheme resort also to subterfuges. They
claim the League has no right to reserve its
players under contract, and. in the face of this,
they insist upon their players signing a long
term' contract. Any business man will see at
once that tbe long term contract is a substitute
for the reserve clause in the National League
contract. Tbey resort to clap-trap methods, as
is evidenced by their attempt to secure the
sympathy of the laboring men's associations.
Will anyone presume to place baseball play
era, whose salaries range from $2,000 to
6,000 for seven months' service, in the
same class as the laboring men. especially
those of tbe players, and there arequite a
number of tbem, who are worth from 220,000 to
10.000? Then again the capitalists, who ara
the principal stockholders in the Brotherhood
League, receiving practically all the net profits
are they entitled to be classed with the labor
ing menT No; the present scheme of the
Brotherhood is simply an effort to displace the
present owners of the National League clubs.
In Chicago. Pfeffer and his associates are seek
ing to take the place of Mr. Spalding and his
associates; in New York, Ward and his associ-
j 11 1. . Tin w nrH hta
ates are seeaing to oispiaco iui. j "
associates. I am told that in Philadelphia one
Mr. Love and other Brotherhood capitalists are
trying to displace Colonel Rogers and Mr.
Heach. In Boston, 'Hi Hi' Dixwell and others
are trying to displace Conant, Soden and
Billings, and so I might particularise the new
Brotherhood capitalists in the other Leaguo
He Points Out Where Mr. O'Neill Is Wrong
In Several Particular.
John M. Ward, the now famous leader of the
Brotherhood forces, arrived in the city yester
day to assist in the organization of the new
club. It is always a pleasure to talk to Mr.
Ward, his congeniality and rare intelligence
making him a most entertaining conversation
alist During a conversation with the writer he
And Mr. O'Neill states that there will bo no
Brotherhood clubs in Pittsburg or Cleveland,
Well, now. let me say that Mr. O'Neill is telling
what is absolutely false, and I am inclined to
think he is making these statements mali
ciously. There will be a club in Pittsburg, and
another m Cleveland, you can bet all that you
have on that ,
Thamtnnnil nntlnnV is ATCelle&t. We Will
have all our clubs organized before Monday,
and certainly there is no reason for worriment.
We will make somebody else feel worried be
fore we arrive at that stage. We will have
Slenty of star players, but we may or may not
ave Clarkson. I don't like the way that
Clarkson is acting; his actions certainly don't
seem creditable to himself, because, despite
the fact tbat he signed an agreement to sign
with the Brotherhood, he is now, if reports are
true, trying to make the old League and the
Brotherhood bid against each other for him.
Now Mr. Johnson should jnst ask Clarkson it
he is willing to play with the Brotherhood next
season for the same salary he had last season.
If Clarkson refuses, then let him go where he
chooses. I say this because he signed the same
definite contract with ns tbat all of the Boston
players signed, and if be resolves to go back on
ft, why, I don't think it will do him much good
in the eyes of the public. We are prepared to
battle for a principle, rather than for one man
or two men, or money. In fighting for jnst and
good moral principles, Tm confident the Amer
ican people will aid us."
Wr. Ward continued: "Our meeting, which
begins at New York on Monday, will mostly be
for matters of organization. I don't think
there will be any amalgamation between the
Brotherhood and the American Association.
The overtures for such action have been made
by the Association, and tbe Brotherhood, as an
organization, has not decided on the matter yet.
Personally, I am opposed to it, but it does not
follow that other representatives to the meeting
on Monday will be of the same opinion as my
self on the matter. However. I am inclined to
think tbat the feeling of the meeting will be
against amalgamation. I am not at all alarmed
about the legal fight which the League threat
ens to draw us into."
Mr. Ward will return to New York to-day.
He is looking somewhat worn out because of
the extraordinary amount of work he has per
formed during the last few weeks. If ever man
has worked for a rest John M. Ward has.
C. A. Weldenfeller, ot Chicago, Does Not
Want tbe Office.
Chicago, December U. The Timet says:
Charles A. Weldenfeller, President of the
Chicago Players' League team, is mentioned as
one of the m-et available men for the presi
dency of the Players' League of America.
The annual meeting occurs in New York Mon
day, and tbe players, with whom Mr. Welden
feller is a general favorite, are determined to
push bis claims. He, however, states posi
tively that bo is not a candidate and couldn't
accept the office if tendered him.
"My private interests," said Mr. Welden
feller to a reporter, "are such that it would be
an impossibility for me to give the necessary
time and attention to the presidency of the
Players' League. Who will be chosen Presi
dent? Well, that's a pretty delicate question,
but 1 tbink either Mr. McAlpin, of New York,
or Mr. Corey, of Boston, will be chosen.
Against Sunday Ball Playing.
Wheeling. W. Va.. December 11 The case
of the State versus the members of the Wheel
ing Baseball Club, indicted at the September
term of court for playing ball on Sunday, was
called before Judge Paull to-day. The State
selected the case against Michael Hobrecht for
a test and the evidence was presented to the
lurv. A verdict of guilty was rendtredand a
motion for a new trial immediately made by
the counsel for the defense.
Excellent Contests and a Good Card for
New Yobk, December 1L To-day's races at
Ulizabelh resulted as follows:
Kirst race, six furlonKS-BUl Barnes first, Cam
byses second. Jim Oates third. Time. 1:22. Bet
tlnr: Barnes. 3 to 1 straight: Cambyses, 4 to 8
p&ee: Jim Gates, 16 to 5 straight and even money
8econdrace. six fnrlongs Arab first. Frelols
second. Kalph Black third. Ttae. l:24. Bettfag:
Arab. 2 to 1 straight: Prejols. 1 to 7 .place; Balph
Black. 15 to 1 straight and 5 to 1 place.
Third race, five furlongs-Oregon first, Oloster
second. Time, 1:10. Betting: Oregon, 2 to S
straight: liloster. 2 to L ,.,,,. .
Fourth race, six and one-half furlongs Sing
Idle first. Balnbow second, bam Morse third.
Time, 1:31. Betting: King Idle, 6 to 1 straight:
Balnbow, 8 to S place; Sam Morse, even money and
Firth race, one mile Now or Never first, Mar
tin Kussell second, Tipstaff third. Time, 1:53.
Betting: JJoworever, StoB; Martin Bussell, 2
to 1 place; Upstair, 8 to land 3 to 1.
Sixth race, one mile-Golden Beel won, Guy
Gray second. Meriden third. Time, 1:5M(- Bet
ting: Golden KeeL even money straight; Guy
Gray. 2 to 1 place; Meriden, 8 to 6 straight and 2 to
S place.
Racing will be continued to-morrow with the
foliowlngiexcellent card:
First race, purse J325. for 2-year-olds, three
quarters ot a mile-Index. Frederick the First,
Casper 93 each. Elkton 111 LIblmony. Civil Serv
ice. Kenwood 118 each. Belle Kennedy 115,
Second race, purse $325, lor 3-year-olds and up.
ward, slxandahairiurlougs-Al Heed 103, Cam
bises. Battersby 122 each, Cupid HO. JIabel 105,
Oloatcr 124. A ewburg 107, h ot Guilty 112. Jim Mul
hollandlOi. Third race, purse SKJ, for all ares, five f urlongs
Sayre. freedom, bpaldlng. Thodoslus, Barris
ter 122 each. Puzzle 119, Trestle 105, Elizabeth 102.
Fourth race, purse S325. for all ages, five fur
longs Fletch Taylor 108, Little Barefoot-100. Fast,
Time B0, Nugget 97, Mlrabeau 102. .Edward F 98.
Frelols 107, Buckstone 112, Ke-Echo, Village Maid
104 each, Felix 93.
FlRhTace, purse 1500, for 8-year-olds and no
ward, one mile -bunslilne SO, Oarsman 91, Martin
Kussell, Manola95, Kalph Black 96, King Idle 105,
a ow or Never 122.
blxth race, purse foOO; for J-year-oIds and up
ward, six furlongs-Glendale, Bradrord, G. w.
Cook 112 each, Ulory 80, BL Valentine 97, Benefit,
Louise 94 each.
He Is Beady to Fight Any 133-Pound Kan
In the World.
Lee Cheney, tbe manager of Billy Myers, of
Bloomlngton, 111., asks The Dispatch to pub
lish the following challenge :
As there is and has been a great deal of contro
versy and newspaper talk over who the light
weight champion pugilist Is. people do not really
know, and 1 wish to issue a challenge to the world,
Billy Myers is tbe real champion of tbem all, and
the best lightweight that ever responded to the
call of time: at least 1 think so, and I am willing
to wager a good -sized amount tbat 1 am correct in
mv opinion, ana ncre is ut propusiuuu
twill bet from 12,500 to 15,000 that Billy Myers
can whip, throw down and outrun any 113-poand
pugilist in tbe world, bar none, any fair rules. I
fiaveJust deposited 1500 with Captalu Cooke, of
tbe Boston Illuttrated A'ewr, to show that 1 am
not fooling.
1 am willing to accept Mr. Al Smith, of New
York, as referee, for he is a fair, square man. But
If anyone who accepts this challenge is not satis
fied with Mr. Smith. let them name a responsible
newspaper and 1 will .name one and let the two
newspapers each name a man, and let the two
men reieree the fight.
Could a fairer proposition be made r
Let tbe fight take place in Texas, where the peo
ple will have nothing but fair play, and no law
will be violated, and where a license can be had
forltancmo danger of Interference: and where
we are absolutely sure of a winner and no draw.
McAullffe and Carroll are preferred.
Elected Tbrlr Oficera.
New Yokk, December 1L At a meeting of
the National Association of Trotting Horse
Breeders at the Fifth Aveaae Hotel thia after-
f.mn .h. aIIawIa aflnAM ua -,-A-J VaaI-
tUHVa B vuv..M, v.Bvuvvn nvnwvna, ADC
aesn.aJSAT)'. aH,iH'jiev1twi rsMjjtiw
President, Leland Stanford, of California:
Second vice President, J. V Baker, of New
"Tork; Third Vice President, A. J. Caton, of
Illinois; Secretary. L. D. Packer, of New, York:
Treasurer, J. W. Gray, of New York.
Ontline of a Plan to Unite Association and
Comjmb us,, December U. At the recent
meeting of the American Association Presi
dent Phelps and the Hon, Allen W. Thurman,
the legal adviser of the Columbus club, were
appointed a committee to formulate a propo
sition of agreement under the provi
sions of which could be brought abont
an amalgation of the Brotherhood and tbe
American Association. That committee has
performed its work and is ready to report
Erogress. The document is a voluminous one.
ut its salient points can be enumerated as
First. "th full amalgamation ol the two organi
zations, becond, tbe total abrogation of the re
serve clause in -All future contracts. Third, the
abolition of bunday games. Fourth, each dub to
x the price or admission on its own grounds.
Fifth, the promotion of a guarantee fund
out of which all players shall receive
their salaries on the 1st and 15th of each roontn,
without regard to receipts. Sixth, the organiza
tion of a board of control, made up as may here
after be determined, who shall have full power in
the new body, and to whom all appeals shall be
Nothing is said as to what cities will make
up the new organization, tbe agreement pro
viding simply for th merging of the American
Association and the Players' League.
Trotting Horse Breeders Agree to Meet
Next January.
The annual meeting of the Pennsylvania
Trotting Horse Breeders, which was to have
been held at the Seventh Avenue Hotel yester
day, was postponed because of a lack of a
quorum. The meeting will be held during the
second week of January at Franklin.
During a conversation Secretary Harbison
said tbat the association was prosperous, and
tbat there was a strong desire to amalgamate
with the Ohio and Michigan associations. It is
claimed tbat a consolidation of forces of this
kind would be beneficial to alL
.A Wheeling Cocking Slato.
Wheeling, December 1L This evening
about ISO sports, among them being a fair
sprinkling of Pittsburgers. went out to the
Pulton cockpit to witness a series of mains be
tween Pittsburg and Wheeling birds. Just as
the preliminaries bad been arranged the place
was raided by Mayor Stein, of Fulton, and a
force of officers, and four arrests made, the
fight being broken up.
Sporting Notes.
These is a letter at this office for Pat Far
reU, the pugilist.
It is stated that Guy Hecker has been signed
to play third base for tbe local League club.
The Brotherhood leaders are all saying harsh
things about Sunday for leaving tbe Brother
hood. THE contest in which Sam Day undertakes
to run 66 miles in 10 hours will take place at
McKee's Bocks on Saturday. He will start at
10 o'clock.
Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed
for Ready Heading.
The Department of Chanties officials think
they have discovered tbe identity of the de
mented young woman found on Liberty street
last Monday. A letter was found on her per
son. She gave the name of Mary McGinnls,
but tbe letter in her possession was addressed
to Aggie Morgan, No. 17 Allegheny avenue,
Allegheny, from Jamestown, Dak. Inquiry
will be made at tbe place named before any
thing further is done toward disposing of her.
The bearing of Hngh Doyle, who on Sunday
last stabbed James Lane in a Soho speak-easy,
was postponed by Magistrate Gripp 'yesterday
morning, who learned that in all Drobability
Lane will die, in tbe event of which the case
will be removed from Judge Grlpp's jurisdic
tion and will be sent to, the Coroner. The wit
nesses were held in bail to appear on Monday
next, while Doyle was committed to jail.
Loots v.nrr.v., a driver for B. P. Wallace's
class bouse, while driving furiouBly along
Smitbfield street yesterday afternoon, collided
with the awning post in front of the Michigan
Furniture Company's store, and the iron post
falling against the window, smashed it In. The
glass, which is French plate. Is worth probably
S200. .Officer Andrew Scott arrested Lell for
fast driving.
Miss Eliza McCaw, of Givers, Columbiana
county, O., has written a letter to Mayor Mc
Callin. inquiring about a legacy of $150,000 in
Ireland, to which she claims to be one of the
heirs. Her father came from County Down;
The local Pennsylvania Railroad officials
say that all new cars manufactured nowadays
have safety couplers applied, and that It will be
but a few years before all the old cars will die
a natural death.
WESTLNononsE Machine Company directors
met yesterday and declared a 5 per cent cash
dividend out of tbe profits of tbe last six
months. Despite low prices the company is
doing well.
Hbs. Annie Keess was committed to jail
for examination yesterday by the Department
of Charities. She is undoubtedly insane, and
Bill be taken to Dixmont Hospital to-day.
It is announced that the capacity of the
Allegneny Bessemer Steel Company, at Dn
quesne, will be Increased in the spring from 600
to 1,000 tons a day.
The Board of Viewers yesterday held a
meeting to receive claims for damages by the
extension of Broad street from Negley to Fair
mount avenues.
The National Transportation Company and
the Versailles Gas Company are about to renew
drilling operations in the McKeesport natural
gas territory.
The Western Pennsylvania Society will hold
its regular monthly meeting in the society's
rooms at tbe Court House this afternoon.
Open for Iho llolldnyi Only.
Yon will wonder at our fine display.
Goods are going rapidlv, and we would ad
vise you to call early. Special discounts on
large pieces.
Store open till 9 p. M. until Christmas.
Wm. Haslage & Son,
Select Familv Grocers,
18 Diamond Square, Pittsburg.
Cash or Credit.
One means that if you have not the ready
cash, we have implicit confidence in your
ability to pay in the future; the other that
we sell for cash, and we will bay just here
that, owing to onr low expenses, we can un
dersell our competitors fully 20 per cent
Hoppee Bros. & Co.,
tts 307 Wood street.
B. Si B.
Salesmen at French dress goods depart
ment have an easy time selling the dollar
Erin ted French cashmeres at 60 cts. these
oliday times. BOGGS & BUHL.
Where in tbe World
Do yon select all those dainty goods, is the
expression most oflen.heard at
Hardy & Hates', ,
Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Dealers,
629 Smitbfield st. New building.
B. dsB.
New Diamond Trimming.
40-inch white apron materials at 25 cts.
'White goods department to-day.
Stick Pins.
All kinds, sizes in wonderful profusion at
Haept & Hates',
Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Dealers,
29 Smithfield Street, NewBuildiug.
Happy Xtnno Times.
The joys of Xnias are most upon us, and
to be more joyful buy one of those elegant
silk plush rockers for a Christmas present
from Hopper Bros. & Co., 307 Wood street
Cash or credit tts
One hundred different styles of bedroom
suits at all prices. M. Seibeet & Co.,
EiTBAOBDrNABT bargains in cloth and
plush coats and newmarkets, suitable for
presents, at Bosenbanm & Co.'s. "srrhs
. I! 77T. - -TiiiJrf t- ,-
. -' -"?" """Jv:""'s;a! :.
NrnTTTTivoiti uir nannrarpnipix inr nnn l
oay present jsMgajH&aB&K&j a
m jamm JW h TMrc,7 w -TiM vn.w 1
The Mortal Benfoins of Jefferson
Davis Laid ttKest With the
Bishop Galleher's Elaborate Funeral Eulogy
of the Dead Man.
Simultaneous Senlees Were Held in' All of the
Cities of the South.
The funeral of Jefferson Davis at New
Orleans yesterday was of the most imposing
character. Thousands of strangers were in
the city, and the crowd which witnessed the
ceremonies was enormous. Bishop Galle
her delivered the oration, in which he
strongly eulogised the dead leader.
New Orleans, December 1L The
Southern Confederacy was laid at rest in
Metairie cemetery to-day with the most im
posing ceremonies the South has ever wit
nessed. The funeral of Jefferson Davis was
a lar grander demonstration on the part of
the South than anyone had expected. It
was felt by the Southern people, it is true,
that their distinguished chieftain who had
died was entitled to high honors, but it was
not known that the whole South would
arouse as they have done to show their
affection for him, to,pay their tribute to the
last man of the Confederacy.
It was this sentiment which made the dis
play so imposing the belief that with Mr.
Davis the Confederacy is buried. He was the
last link that bound the South to the past
He was the only living man who was a citi
zen of the Confederate States. All the
others had accepted1 a new allegiance and
were citizens of another country.
"I will feel now that the war is over for
ever, as far at the South is concerned," said
one of the most prominent men present at
the funeral. "We have only its memories
left us."
It had been determined at first to bury
Mr. Davis on Sunday, and to give him a
funeral such as his position in history en
titled bimto; but when a thousand telegrams
poured in on the first day asking the date of
the funeral and saying that tens of thou
sands of persons desired to be present, it was
determined to postpone the ceremonies until
Wednesday, so as to give every man and
woman in the South who desired to attend
an opportunity to do so. Since then more
than a dozen committees of welcome, recep
tion and music bave been at work arrang
ing the details of the ceremonies.
New Orleans, always strong in such
demonstrations, but the city of parades
and processions was determined to
make this the greatest event in its
history. It was a fortunate suggestion, that
oi Captain Grey, of the Grand Army of the
Bepublic, that Mr. Davis should be buried
as a soldier, and that the funeral should be
a military one and the distinguished chief
tain carried to his grave on a caisson. This
did away with any feeling that might have
arisen in consequence of a too strong demon
stration of Confederate sentiment
Indeed, this sentiment has not been very
marked through the ceremonies. The dead
chieftain wore a suit of Confederate gray, as
he has done for years, and here and there
among the floral offerings were tbe red,
white and red colors of the Confederacy.
These were the only tokens that could have
called up the late war. Although tens ot
thousands ot houses were decorated, not one
bore a Confederate flag, and the decoration
most general was a small American flag in
mourning, with tbe portrait of Mr. Davis in
the center. The whole town seemed hung
with the flags of the Union, and in the
funeral procession there were borne bat
three or four Confederate banners, all of
tbem being relics of the war.
As soon as the doors of the City Hall were
opened a stream ot visitors began to pour
through the death chamber to take a fare
well view of the remains of the famous Con
federate leader. The crowd of visitors was
even greater than that of yesterday, there
being hundreds of people from abroad whose
visit to this city had been delayed until to
day. It was not until 11:30 o'clock that the
lid of the casket closed down forever upon
the features of the dead.
Longa previous to that time the greatsqnare
immediately fronting the City Hall had be
come an unwieldly mass of eagerly m pa
thetic humanity. According to programme
the square proper was to be reserved exclu
sively for the military. In the enforcement
of this injunction, however, the large but by
no means adequate police lorce on duty ex
perienced innumerable obstacles, and it was
with the greatest difficulty that the swaying
multitude was kept beyond the prescribed
environments. The streets, balconies and
every available place from which either an
unobstructed or partial view could be had of
the portico of the municipal building were
crowded almost to suffocation.
During all this time the air was laden
with funeral dirges, the solemn requiem of
the bells was heard on every hand, and
louder and deeper were the sounds of minute
guns that at intervals thnndered forth their
deep-mouthed tribute to the illustrious
dead. The body, notwithstanding the very
warm and exceptionally oppressive weather
of the past week, was remarkably well pre
served. The countenance presented an ex
pression of ''rapturous repose," and in no
wise had "decay's effacing fingers" yet
bletted out, mnch less tarnished, in the re
motest degree the lines of a face strikingly
attractive when lighted by the fire of genius
as it was wont to be.
Indeed, the Confederacy's beloved chief
tain, as he reposed on bis coffin this morn
ing, presented just such a picture as those
who knew and loved, him in life would like
best to carry in memory. At 12:10 the
casket was conveyed from the memorial hall
to an improvised catafalque in tbe center of
the front portico, whose massire pillars were
entwined with a prolusion of crepe. Over
the casket was thrown the soft folds of a
silken flag of the lost cause, as also the glit
tering saber with which the dead soldier
had carved fame and honor for himself and
glory and victory for his country on the
crimson fields of Chapuitepee and Monterey.
Immediately surrounding the coffin were
the clergy and the armed sentries, they
being the only persons admitted to a place
on the portico during the service. The
relatives of the deceased were assigned to
seats in the Mayor's parlor, from the win
dows of which they were enabled to see the
The following gentlemen acted as pall
bearers: Honorary pallbearers, Governor
Trancis T. Nicholls, of Louisiana; Gov
ernor Bobert Lowrie, of Mississippi; Gov
ernor 8. B. Buckner, of Kentucky; Gov
ernor John B. Gordon, of Georgia; Gov
ernor J. S. Richardson, of South Carolina;
Governor D. G. Fowle, of North Carolina;
Governor E". P. Fleming, of Florida; Gov
ernor James P. Eagle, of Arkansas. These
gentlemen represent the Southern States.
Pallbearers, General George W. Jones, of
Iowa; Hon. Charles E Fenner, or Louisiana;
M. Sawyer Haywlrd, of Mississippi; Hon.
Thomas H. Watts, of Alabama, a member
ot the Davis cabinet
The obsequies, which are according to the
ritual of the Episcopal Church, were con
ducted by Bishop Galleher, assisted by five
officiating clergymen of various denomina
tions, as follows: JPather Hubert, Bev. Mr.
Thompson, Mr. Davis, rector at Biloxi.
Miss.; Bev. Dr. Markham, Bev. Mr. Bake
well and Bev. Mr. Martin. TJtere were al
together fully 20 surpliced ministers, be
sides the attendance ot numerous clergy or
different denominations from the various
Southern Btates .
-c t wu isor's iadbsm
Sk,.jA .7vvbw;1x- '.m
gAJMiam mmjHmymm
i j
by the organ in the anthem, "Through the
valley of the shadow of death," after which
Bishop .Galleher made au address. He
"When we utter our prayers to-aay for those
who are distressed in mind, when we lift our
petitions to. the Most Mercitul and ask a bene
diction on tbe desolate, we remember that one
household above others is bitterly bereaved
and hearts closely knitted with our own are
deeply distressed. For tbe master of Seauvoir
lies dead under the drooping flag of the sad
dened city: the light of his dwelling has gone
out and left it lonely for1 all days to come.
"Sorely we grieve with those who weep the
tender tears of homely pain and trouble, and
there is not a sigh of the gulf breeze that
shakes tbe moss on tbe cypress trees sheltering
their home but finds an answer in our own
burdened breathings. We recall with sweet
sympathy the wifely woe tbat can be measured
onlv by the sacred depths at wifely devotion;
and our hearts go traveling across the heav
ing Atlantic seas to meet and comfort, if we
might the child, who, coming home, shall for
once not be able to brine all the sweet splen
dors of the sunshine with her.
Let us bend with the stricken .household and
pay the tribute of our tears. And then, ac
knowledging the stress and surge of a people's
sorrow, say that tbe stately tree of onr South
ern wood, planted in power, nourished in Kind
ly dews, branching in brave luxuriance and
scarred by many storms, "lies uprooted." Tbe
end of along and lofty life has come, and a
moving volume of human history bas been
closed and clasped. Tbe strarge and sudden
dignity of death has been added to the fine and
resolute dignity of living.
A man who iu his person and history symbol
ized tbe solemn convictions and tragic fortunes
of millions of men cannot pass into tbe gloom
that gathers around a grave withont sign or
token from the surcharged Dosoras of those he
leaves behind, and when , Jefferson, Davis,
reaching "the very oeamark of his utmost
sail," goes to his Gvd, not even the most
ignoble can chide the majestic mourning. Tbe
sorrowing honors of a las.' salute, stir not even
by a breath tbe stifled embers of strife, to
speak one word unwortlrof him and of the
hour. But I am here to say for our help and
inspiration that this man, as a Christian and a
Churchman, was a lover of all high and
righteous things; as a citizen, tvas fashioned in
tbe old faithful typo; as a soldier, was marked
and fitted for more than fame the Lord God
having set on him the seal of the liberties of
Gracious and gentle, even to the lowliest,
nay. especially to them; tender as he was brave,
he deserved to win all the love that followed
him. Fearless and unselfish, he could not well
escape tbe lifelong conflict to which he was
Greatly and strangely misconceived he bore
injustice unbefitting his place. He suffered
macv and grievous wrongs, suffered most for
the sake of others, and those others will re
member bim and bis unflinching fidelity with
deepening gratitude, whllo the Potomac seeKs
the Chesapeake, or the Mississippi sweeps by
Briarfield on its way to the sea.
Following Bishop Galleher, the Bev. Dr.
Markham read the' lesson, while tbe Bev.
Mr. Martin repeated a Psalm, the Bev. Mr.
Bakewell tbe versicles,andtheBev. Thomp
son the creed. And thus ended the services
at the City Hall, which, although simple and
brief, were wonderfully impressive.
Dnring this period the immense throng,
representing every conceivable variety of
religious and social predeliction, profession
and nationality, stood in reverential silence
and with heads uncovered. At the
conclnsion of the religious services, the
casket was borne by a detaohment of sol
diers to the handsomely decorated caisson,
which had been prepared especially for its
reception, and on which it was conveyed to
the cemetery. From the caisson arose a
catafalque consisting of a unique and beau
tifully designed canopy, measuring from
base to dome, eight feet in length and four
in width, and supported by sir bronze can
non, craped in between with mnskets.
The dome of the canopy is ornamented
in bronze with furled United States flags
craped upon either side. The sides of the
catafalque are superbly draped in black
cloth, with bullion fringes and gimp. The
casket rested on a slight elevation and the
caisson was drawn by six blacc horses, two
abreast, caprisoned in artillery harness and
clumes, and each animal led by a soldier in
"With marvelous military precision the
various seemingly unwieldy battalions
wheeled into line, preceded by a detach
ment of the city police and followed in tarn
by the clergy, pallbearers anitso on in their
respective,order until the mammoth proces
sion was formed. The procession, after
leaving the City Hall, proceeded up St.
Charles to Calliope, and from Calliope
moved into Camp, through to Chartres, to
St. Louis, to Boyal and on the canal in a
direct route to the cemetery. It was an
hour and ten minutes passing a given point.
As the grand funeral cortege traversed the
streets from the turrets of every church a
knell was tolled, tbe clank of sabers and the
tram of iron-shod feet echoed along the in
terminable lines, while soul-subduing dirges
blended with the solemn booming of the
minute gnns. Parts of the city not directly
located on the line of march or in any wise
remote from the scene of the pageant, were
to-day literally depopulated.
Simultaneous funeral services were held
at Atlanta, "Winchester, Va., Lynchburg,
Va., Raleigh. N. C, Columbia, & C, Nor
folk, Va., "Wilmington, N. C. Staunton,
Va., Eome, Ga., Chattanooga, Montgomery,
Ala., St Louis, Charleston, "W. Va., Au
gusta, Ga., Birmingham, Ala., Lexington,
Va., Richmond, and nearly ail the cities
and towns of the South.
Some Who Travel, Some Who Do Not. and
Others Who Talk.
Senator Philetus Sawyer, of "Wisconsin,
passed through Pittsburg yesterday en route to
Chicago, where he will make some personal in
vestigations in certain Senate matters. He said
that he f ally believed that a dependent pension
bill will be passed. Every man who served three
months or more in the army and is In need of a
pension will receive it. A dependent pension
bill will meet with general approbation, even
among the more conservative. It will put a stop
to private pension hills. A dependent pension
bill will make private bUIs unnecessary. So
many of these private bills have a tendency to
transfer the whole Pension Bureau Into Con
gress. Every man who served his country, and
can show an honorable record, and is now in
need, should certainly be aided. In speaking of
the organization of Congress the Senator said
that the naming of McKinley as Chairman of
the Ways and Means Committee was a wise
choice. The Senator spoke in terms ot praise
of Colonel Thomas M. Bayne. a new member on
the Ways and Means Committee, and said he
was especially fitted for the place.
E. G. Rankin, who has been cashier of
the Bank of McKeesport since its establish
ment, resigned yesterday.. He will next month
take charge of the coal business of Watson k
Co. at Monongahela City, in which he is a part
ner. Thomas D. Gardner, who has been with
the People's Bank for ten years, will succeed
Mr. Rankin.
Miss Bessie Holmes, who has been re
siding with her sister, Mrs. Taylor, for the past
year, left last night for New York to spend the
Christmas holidays. Miss Holmes hopes to re
turn to Pittsburg on New Year's Day.
A Citizens' Line Conductor Seed for Bounc
ing a Sinn's Dog
Suit before Alderman Porter was entered
yesterday by Richard Laffee against Charle
Babbitt, a conductor on the Citizens' Trac
tion line, whom he charges with cruelty to
animals. Laffee alleges that a few days
since he got on the cable car of which Bab
bitt is conductor and had with him a little
dog, which he carried in his arms.
The defendant, it is said, came in, and
taking the canine from Laffee, threw it from
the car. A hearing in the case will be held
Saturday evening-
One box of Dr. Tntt'sTiUswill saveyoumany
dollars in doctors' bills. They will surely cure
chills and fever, dyspepsia, disordered liver or
bowels, sick headache, jaundice or chronic
constipation, and expel every impurity from
the system. They require no change of diet or
loss of lime.
No Reckless Assertion.
As sure as the sun shines. Dr. Tutt's Pills
will cure fever and ague, if taken by directions
a bold assertion, bat a true one; a million
people endorse It. In any case, where direc
tions are followed, that they fail, agontswlll re
fund the money. Being sugar-coated they we
agreeable to weak stomachs.
Tutt'aLiTer. Pills,
J1&9ui! A
12, .'1889.-.
Tor Wettern Jnn
tylvania, fair, sta
tionary temperature,
except near Lake On
tario, cooler; xcuterly
windt. For Wett Vir
ginia, fair, north
westerly winds, sta
tionary temperature.
Pittsbubo, December 11, 188a.
The United Btates Signal Service omcerla
this city furnishes the following:
siooa- w sa
Mazlmam temp.... S3
Minimum wmp.., 45
Kane .... g
Jlean temo 49
Precipitation. M
22.-00 X 51
llOOF. X
I.-CCr. n SI
S-cor. v
8 -OOP. U
River t 5:2) r. M.. 12.0 feet, a change of 2.1 la U
River Telecraau.
Mobqaktowh River 9 feet and rising.
"Weather clear. Thermometer 0 at i p. n.
Browhsvilm River VI feet and rising.
"Weather clear. Thermometer 489 at 8 p. x.
Wabrew River 6 1-10 feet and rising.
"Weather mild. Light rain.
The Sontbslde Institution's Directors Bold
an Important, Meeting.
The Board of Directors and the medical
staff of the Southside Hospital met last
night and adopted the plan recommended
by the Pinance Committee tor raising funds
for the institution. This committee is com
posed of several well-known manufacturers
of the Southside. Mr. "William Lewis, of
the Lewis Foundry and Machine Company,
is Chairman of the committee.
The plans suggested by this committee in
clude the appointment of sub-committees
to visit the various industries and solicit
popular subscriptions. It is proposed to
begin this work at once. Every manu
facturer, merchant, professional man, me
chanic and employe will be given an op
portunity to give something toward the
maintenance of this institution which has
proven itself to be of great benefit to that
side of the river.
And the Results of It.
DB. CUTTLE "He must die. There is no
DB. DOSE "To be sore to be sure, Dr.
Cuttle, wi fully indorse Jour
treatment, and shallsay so to
his wife. By the way, what did
yoo give him?"
DB. CUTTLE "Oh! the usual the usual,
purged him with calomel, ssll
vaied him with mercury, filled
him with quinine, and sweat him
with ipecac, eto., etc."
DR. FLOOD "Very good; very good, Indeed!
What FEE shall we charge?"
DB CUTTLE "Oh! he's well off (pity he can't
"last a little "longer)! Make It
$IQ0 each. The higher we
charge the wiser we seem."
cured the man, and he Is alive to-day.
$1 a Bottle. All Druggists,
SSCtS. , Box
Very glad, that our friends, customers, and we
miehisay the people generally, appreciate our
KY in the way they do.
And wo most certainly esteem the many tes
timonials we receive from time to time, and the
kind words spoken to us dally in favor of our
old Export whisky, and under these gratifying
prospects we certainly shall continue to dis
pense old Export In full quarts at SI 00, or six
for So 00.
All orders by mall or given in person will rei
ceive prompt attention.
For the coming season of festivities do not
LIST. Full quarts 60c, or $5 00 per dozen.
deS-TTSSn Druggists, Pittsburg. Pa.
EaljS and. Caps
Hatters and Furnishers,
In original bottles, direct Importation from his
vineyards In tbe Tokay district (HuoKary). the
Purest and Best Dessert Wines in the world,
now obtainable at reasonable crices rxom the
undersigned agents. ,,...- ,
Inquiries for terms solicited from wine
H. A. "WOLF & SON, Pittsburg.
W. H. HOLMES 4 SON, PHMbarg.
KLINORDL1NGER 4 CO. Pittsburg,
. WM. SCHUSTER. East End.
IT I TIF -lillllllKlllllllll
Never before iu our 1118101 have we been
able to present such a magnificent array of
attractions for Christmas and the holiday
season. Every department of our large and
beautiful store is now full of the choicest
and best goods that money can buy. Every
effort bas been put forth to make it interest
ing to our thousands of customers to visit
our store at this iestal season. It is impos
sible for us to enumerate the many lines of
goods, but here you will be able to find
everything for the young and old, both in
the useful and ornamental.
All new styles, durable material, well
made, all sizes, from 2 to 18 years. Kilt
Suits, Short Pants Suits, Long Pants Suits.
Also Odd Pants and a fine line of Boys'
Overcoats. You can saye money by buying
Boys' Clothing here.
A Silk Dress Pattern makes a nice vresent.
Our Silks are guaranteed to wear and give
satisfaction. All the different weaves can
be had here. Price for a full dress pattern
irom $16 to $50.
For Dresses. Trimmings, etc., all colors.
widths and qualities. See our Plushes at
45c, 60c, 75c and upward.
Nearly one thousand just come to hand
for the holiday trade. The largest assort
ment and the best value we ever offered.
Ladies' and Gents' Glorias from $1 25 to $4.
Ladies' and Gents Silk, 52 60 to $7 50.
The above have handsomely mounted han
dles in gold, silver, oxydized, as well as
natural woods.
Bags and Satchels in all the various sizes
and in large variety of styles aud shapes at
prices irom 75c to 510.
One hundred dozen 5-hook Ladies' Gloves,
all sizes and shades, at SI. worth SI 50.
Also, finer Kid Gloves up to S3 25.
Gloves, lined and unliuedin Kid.-Dogskin
etc, at 51, 51 25, 51 50 and 52.
Boys' und Girls' Kid Gloves, all sizes, at
50c and 75c
For every age and condition in life Men's,
"Women's, Boys', Girls', Children's and In
fants' from 5o to S3 50 u pair.
CLOAKS Genuine Alaska Sealskin Jackets and Sacques from 8100 to 5225, quality
and value guaranteed.
PLUSH JACKETS, Three-quarter Coats, Modjeskas, "Wraps. Sacques and New
zdarkets, made from best English Seal Plusb, ranging in price from 57 60 to 550.
"WB&PS of every description, long or short. The largest stock in the city of new and
choice styles, and at prices the very lowest.
JACKETS of every kind, color and quality, more than a thousand of them, from
52 to 5100.
CHILDREN'S CLOAKS Largest assortment in tie city. Every size, very la tea
styles, beautiful materials, trom 51 50 to 525.
LADIES" SUITS 250 different styles a larger variety than we ever offered. Ma
terials, designs and prices you will find entirely satisfactory from 56 60 to 580.
"WBAPPEBS AND TEA GOWNS A fine assortment from 75c to 512 60.
MISSES' SUITS, Plain, Plaid and Combination, many new and nobby styles, all
sizes, from 2 to 18 years, 51 50 to 525.
BAIN GOSSAMEBS, Mackintoshes for Ladies and Gentlemen, Misses and Boys,
all kinds, from 75c to 516 50.
SHAWLS, Woolen, Cashmere, Persian, Velvet, Beaver and Broche, from 51 to 530.
JERSEYS House Jerseys, a large assortment of new styles, from 75o to $13 60.
$1 00 will bur yon eithor a butter dish, sugar bowl pickle castor, card receiver, spoon holder,
knife, lork and spoon or silver cup. They are all triple-plated ware and warranted.
Five-bottle castor, triple plate, at R2; napkin rings. 25c; salts and peppers at 15c; cake
baskets, goldllned, at $2; tea set, including spoon holder, sngar bowl, cream pitcher, butter dish
and tea pot all for $101 Also newest designs In soup tnreens, pudding dishes, berry dishes and
all the latest novelties suitable for Holiday gifts. Also the largest line of "Rogers' " make
flat ware, such as knives, forks, coffee, tea and table spoons, gravy and soup ladles, etc
IE. SMIIT, 934 Liberty St, Cor. Smithfield. .
Snap 11-WATCHES.
fillTIOM W.l Douglas' name and me pnee are stamped on tbe bottom of si
wAU I IUIV Shoes advertised by him before leaving his factory; this protects the
wearers against high prices and inferior goods. Take none unless so stamped, nor be deceived
by others claimed to be as good, on which dealers make more proflt, but sena direct to factory,
and receive by return mail what you want. State kind, button, congress or lace, wide or narrow
toe, size and width usually worn, and Inclose price with order. Prompt delivery and satisfac
tion guaranieea. Auaress,
Ladles' Shoes are made in sizes from
VsVHcSr- -sisV m
The Freneh Opera," "The Spanish Areh Opera," "The Amarleaa Common-sens." "Bff
.. Cftmmnn.Senis " All made In Button fc the Lsiast Stvles. Also, Franoh Open laj
KesHam Common
reaf Ltee, on J snoe cmiy.
ssHrotal W. L.DOWH.A3J3GRAIN5H&E(laed)for Gentlemen, with hmytoptMtt
Orb VIM. ad s4rly vrttergrooMi jurt
9. M.LC 7tr-ftftfc s&d Batler
- .
From Saturday, December
14, until Tuesday, DecemEer
24. inclusive, we will be oben?
L every evening until 9 o clock.8
Presents. Silk. Mufflers, Handkerchiefs,' JeS
umoreiias, anirts, -xies. suspenders, Col- ,',
lars, Cuffs and Undershirts, Cuff and Stud Si
Buttons. J
Any kind you want, black or colored,
plain or fancy, for child or grandma. Al- 0
most no end to the variety. Yon can suit
every taste here. Nice DressPattern lengths,
52 75, S3 50, 54, $4 50 up to 515.
Ladies' and Misses' Muffs. Stoles, Boas
and Capes, in Seal, Sable, Mink, Astrachan,
Persian, Beaver, Harp, Lynx, Monkey,
Coney, etc. Large assortment from 50c to
A Table Cloth and a dozen Naptins to
match make a nice present- We have them
this way from 53 25 to 530. Also hem
stitched from 510 to 520. Tea Sets, with
colored border, from 53 50 up to 512. Plain
White fringed Sets irom 53 to 525.
Fancy Victoria Table CJoths, plain and ,
tinseled, 53 25 and 56.
All kinds, from SI to 520 a pair. Com . '
forts from 75c to finest satin covered Eider
down at 540 each.
Put up in Dress Patterns. Also Chintzes,
Ginghams and best Calicoes from 75c to 53
a pattern.
This stock is a perfect encyclopedia in
itself of kinds and qualities. Handkerchiefs
for Men, Women and Children. Come here
and buy your handkerchiefs.
Bracelets, Breastpins Earrings, Finger
Kings, Cuff and Stud Buttons a whole col
lection of nice-looking Jewelry of the latest
styles, many of them indistinguishable from
the finest stones, from 25c to 55.
Undoubtedly had a large collection of quad
rupeds and other animals, but if yon want
to see a variety such as was unkuoira,in
those times come and see our Christmas ex-
hibiU A special department has been made
up for the benefit of the children. Every
thing beiue present, from the ordinary
Jumping Jack to the modern Barrel Organ,
including Glassware, Baby Dolls, China
ware, Horses, Books, Guns, Vases and Man
tel Ornaments, Bhaving Cups, Whips,
Horses and Wagons, Engines, Steamboats,
Games and every manner of top and amuse
ment lor the little folks that was ever heard
of in Santa Klaus' most voluminous cata
logue all going at prices which will make
the hearts of parents glad.
w. u uuuulas, Brockton, Mats.
Our claims for this shoe over all other $3 shoe
advertised are:
It contains better material.
It is mora stylish, better titling and d arable.
It gives better general satisfaction.
It saves more money for the consumer.
Its great success is due to merit.
It unnot be duplicated by soy other maaufaa-
It is the best In the world, inav has a lirjsrde-
mand than any other S3 shoe advertised.
CK finnwni D8, P1 to any person who will
s)v),uuu more the abovestatements to be untrue..
The followlne line oi shoes wm ba found to be of
same hieh standard of eTceiienee.
00 and $1 75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES.
All made In Congress, Button and Lace.
1 to 7, Including half sizes, and B, C, J),
E andES
obU W. L. DOUGLAS, Breeaton.
streets. J N.'FrakrlBg, 3 Flfti aveaa. a.B.1
Aft e5
' h