'?-&: -(" - T. ' f : r i "1 e? S58 4 M'f X jS-" K '1.. t. w 17 ' THU HtfrSBTTttS DISTANCE, EKtmstfAY, DECEMBERS 12, iflstt A- Or PELTING. MMA6EE. Adjutant General Hastings Bids Defi ance to Quay and Cameron BOTH SENATORS FOE DELAMATER And Ara Now Heeting With Annoying and TJn!xpected Complications Montooth Marching Club, and have decided to support the Pittsburg avorite for the Ee publlcan Domination for Governor. Tho club has a membership of 60 and has elected the following officers -for 1890: Captain, "William "W. Winehold; First Lieutenant, B. B. Euth! Second .Lieutenant, S. G. Zer iass; First Sergeant, Wayne Bard. IN CAEEXIKG OUI THEIR PLANS. rEFECUU.T5IXGRJLlI TO TEX DISPATCH. Haeeisbueo, December 1L Strategic movements preliminary to the coming battle for the Governorship are lively and signifi cant just now, and will probably soon re sult, either in a practical surrender of the field to Delamater, or a factional fight, the result of which cannot be foreseen. Against the advice oi some of his most intimate friends and even some of his near relatives, Adjutant General Hastings has decided to be a candidate. This advice was given on tne basis of a reasonable doubt whether he could secure the support of the Pennsylvania Senators, as against Delamater or any other candidate. He has uttery failed to get the least "countenance from either of the Senators, not because they are opposed to him, but because they think that for many reasons Delamater is the most available candidate for the nomination for the next term of the Governorship. BOXn SEXAXOKS FOB DELAMATEE. The correspondent of The Dispatch has positive information that upon the occasion of the visit of Senator Delamater and Chair man Andrews at Washington a week or so ago, the Senator had the final assurance of Senators Quay and Cameron that he wonld receive their support, and, that at the prop er time, their preference would be plainly made known. The two visitors made their home with Senator Qnay while in Washing ton, and between them and the two United States Senators the conferences were long and earnest The field was thoroughly gone over. The Dispatch's informant asserts that Delamater and Andrews were able to show that the former was far in advance of all competitors in popularity and numerical strength of delegates elected and to be elect ed, and that the lull, free and formal in dorsement of thi candidacy of the statesman from Crawford county was given previous to tne nnal separation. EELTTXGON MAQEE'S AID. In spite of the knowledge ot this fact the Ad jntant General has declared himself a candidate, and the fight therefore waxes merry. Hastings has great confidence in his own popularity, abd believes that he is able to win, with or without the support of Senators Quay and Cameron provided he has so valiant a general as Mr. Christopher Ik Magee. He has within the last Jew days cnt loose from the Quay-Cameron mooring, and is On the high sea of the Magee faction, tinder iull sail, with every inch of-canvas shaken out to the breeze. To become the candidate of the Magee faction, however, it was necessary to make some arrangement with Montooth, and that deal has just been effected in an agreement that Hastings is to be supported as long as be has a chance of election, and that in the event of its becoming apparent that he has polled his fnll vote in the convention with out succeeding, he and Magee will attempt to stampede the convention to Montooth. AN DOLT EIGHT AHEAD. While Delamater's friends profess to be- , lieve that neither Hastings nor Montooth has a shadow of a chance or the nomina tion, they admit that a very ugly eht may jbe developed. Senators Quay and Cameron have been forced to make some enemies out of old friends in the distribution of offices where these old friends espoused the candi dates of the Magee faction, and of course all of these will join with Magee and help to make one-of the hottest factional fights ever seen in a State convention. One ot the most formidable lieutenants of the Magee faction is Hon. John Dalzell, of Pittsburg, who went with Magee in sup port of Ford for the Pittsburg postoffice. Senator Quay, feeling that it would be a good thing to have at least a disturbing ele ment to check and annoy the Magee forces in their stronghold at Pittsburg, used the power of his position as Senator and Chair man of the National Executive Committee to defeat this one chance of the Magee fac tion to secure to one of their own workers one of the high offices within the gift of the national administration. BEATER'S PABSITE PAET. H IVIll Not Interfere la the Selection of a Candidate. ISrXClll. TELEGRAM TO TBS PISrATCS.I I Hakkisbubo. December U. Adjutant General Hastings said to-day that he did not believe that Governor Beaver was correctly reported in the alleged interview in which the Governor was made to say some things not complimentary to him in connection with his candidacy for the Republican Gubernatorial nomina tion. One of his reasons Jor this be lief was that he was charged with making promises which he had not given. Governor Beaver, on his return to this city to-day, in a mild form repudiated the Washington interview, so far as it seemed to have cast any reflection on General Hastings, but admitted that he was greatly surprised when it became known to him that his Adjutant General was a genuine candidate for Gover nor, because he supposed that he would not, under any circumstances, antagonise the choice of Senator Quay. The Governor did not think it proper in him to interfere in the selection of any can didate to fill his place. Two members of his own house were aspirants for the position (referring to Secretary Stone and General Hastings), and ne proposed to Keep hands oft so far as any of the several candidates were concerned. He claimed to have said nothing in the Washington interview about General Hast ings having allied himself with a disgrun tled element of the .Republican party. JAPANESE WAKE BAZAAR. Open tar tho Holidays Only. You will wonder at our fine display. Goods are going rapidlv, and we would ad vise you to call early. Special discounts oa large pieces. Store open till 9 p. M. until Christmas, Wm. Haslage & Sox, Select Family Grocers, 18 Diamond Square, Pittatmrg. KEW ADTEKTISEOCEKTS. ORIENTAL HEW ADVERTiSElkEfcTS. Mbs. De. SiursoK. assisted by Prof. Byron W. King, Mr. D. M. Bullock and 3Iiu Irene Sample, will give an elocution ary and musical entertainment at the Pittsburg-Club Theater on Thursday evening, Dec. 12. Tickets at Kappel'a music store. Continued Exhibition of Gowns & Garment By request of the ladies of Pittsburg, Miss Farr will continne to show her gowns and garments for the remainder of the week Also continue to take orders at Seventh Avenue Hotel, Parlor 123. -AHD- Ctoak at Cot Price. All newmarkets, jackets, plush sacques, misses and children's cloalu greatly reduced. Come now for great bargains at Bosenbaum & Oo.'s. wrhssu WuATj could be more appreciated than a pretty picture for a Xmas present? We have plenty at all prices, cash or credit, at DOT Wood street, Hofpee Beos. & Co. XTS FUR RUGS. WHITE HOUSE PUNCH. W. C. T. TJ, Proteat Sent to Mrs. Har rison Coal Miners on a Strike All tbe News From Nenr- By Town. rsrXCIAI. TKLXQBAU TO THZ OtSFATCB.1 Noebistowit, Pa., December 1L The' ladies composing the Norristown branch of the Women's Christian Temperance Union have sent to Mrs. Harrison, wife of Presi dent Harrison, a letter expressing regret that she served whisky punch to the Pan American delegates when they were enter tained at the White House. The letter con cludes with the words: "Push back the wine cup in our name. B.&B. New white apron material, 40 Inches wide, at 12)4, 18 and 20 cts. Lace and open work. Choice and pretty. 40-inch ditto, with dia mond trimming, at 25 cts. to-dav. Eoqgs & Buhl. Elegant cylinder walnut and antique oak bookcases, very useful Xmas presents and yourown time to pay for the same, at 307 Wood street Hoppeb Beos. & Co. ITS 60c, 60e and 75c a yard during our clear ing sale for Priestley black silk warp Hen riettas, were 85c, $1 and $1 25 TTSSU HUGTJS SS HACKE. Novelties in silk umbrellas and canes. James H. Aiken & Co.. 100 Fifth are. Want nn Increase ofWsscii CSPZClUf TSLZGBAK TO TBE DISPATCH.! New Castle, December It The coal miners at tbe Donthito coal bank, near Wampum, have struck for an advance of 10 per cent per day. Manager Donthite claims that the coal trade will not justify a raise, and has given orders to shnt down the works. The miners in the other bants will also ask for an Increase in. a tew days. A Sensational Salt for Damage. rSFSCUJ. TELEGRAM TO THJC DISPATCH. 1 Yotjkgstown, December 1L Mrs. Lucy Btrock this afternoon commenced suit aeainst her brother, Alexander Maurer, a wealthy farmer, asking a judgment for t3,000 damages. She alleges that he assaulted her, striking her in the face and badly bruising her person. As the parties aro well known the salt causes a sensation. Involved In Financial Trouble. lErECIAI. TELEGRAM fro TUB DISPATCH.) Maetins Ferkt, O., December 1L Dixon Bros., hatters, of this place, made an assign ment this afternoon for the benefit of their creditors. The liabilities are about 82.500. The principal creditor is HcCord & Co., ot Pitts A Strike Affnlnst Iocjr Hoars. rgPXClAb TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.3 SCOTTDAXE, December lL The No. 1 coke plant of H. C Frick A Co., at LejjenrfDg, Is idle, caused by the drivers going out on a strike on account of long hours. Marriage XJcenses Granted Yesterday. Kum. Residence J Thomas B. Lee.. Pittsbnrg ( Emma F. Jtlicfc ; l'lttsbure (Albert Gelbs Chartlers township ( Mattle Jobnstou Chartiers townsnlD (MirUBUck .'. Tarentom ( Undll Seepan ....i .Tarentnm J Julius A. Kelson Milwaukee, Wis. i .Esther Xu btone rtttsburg William A. Crittr Cleveland, O. Anna Belle "Watson Allegheny (JohnB.Locl&rd...., Mansleld ( Sarah E. Gallagher ., Chartlers township ( WiUiam A. Glllllacd Allegheny ( Alice S. Jordan Allegheny John Galvln Mifflin township ( Emma Solman Mifflin township (John llookler ...Allegheny (Hora Doyle Allegheny HOLDERS IN MASS MEETING. QUAY'S WAT OP WOBKINQ. Naturally Dalzell resented the refusal to recognize his rights in tbe matter. Quay regretted to offend and alienate Dalzell, but it was better to do that than to perm it Ma gee to secure the postmaster. Long before the State Convention is held Senator Quay will have filled every Government office in Alleghenv county with his own friends. Lyon and "Warmcastle are already ap pointed. JIcKean will soon be. The Snr veyorship and the pensionlagency will soon have new incumbents.and these five leading offices each with their corps of under officials will make a formidable machine w"" wiia to ugni .magee on nis own ground. Tne Delamater men confidently predict that they will elect several of the delegates from Allegheny county. One trouble in the way of the smooth and successlul candi dacy of Hastings is that he will either be opposed by many of his former friends, or be compelled to suffer their indifference and inaction. HASTINGS' METD CHANGED. The United States Senators have not at any time opposed him. Thev have obliged Mm in many ways. His "old and best friends are nearly all friends of Cameron and Qnay. Some of them hold office se cured lor them by Cameron and Quay, and many more are under great obligations to the Senators. All of these have strennnntlv objected to the Adjutant General entering the race, unless he could secure the support of Cameron and Quay. Per months after he had expressed a wish to be a candidate Hastings declared that he was in the hands of the two Senators. He told Delamater that if he could not get the indorsement of the Senators he wonld not be a candidate. Repeatedly and publiclv he declared that without the consent of Quay and Cameron he would not enter the race. Thus he has allowed many of his friends to put them selvesin a position which makes it impos sible for them to give him their support, and they predict that he will go into the fight and fail, and so end his public ca reer; , ' THE GAUNTLET THBOWIT DOW1T. utners Dans: on his success. TI107 Will Assemble To-Klsht and Try to Effect a Combination. To-night at the mass meeting oCvmachinery molders, to be held at Lafayette Hall, it will be definitely decided whether an amal gamation if the three now hostile unions embracing the trade can be effected. Some time since L. A. 1030, K. of L., which was instrumental during the last ten years in raising tbe rate of wages from $1 per day to the present prices and controlled the trade, came lorward and volunteered to yield up its charter and allow its members to enter either of the two otner organizations, provided that on a vote it should find itself in a minority. This extreme offer was not appreciated by the other unions, and they refused to be bound by similar terms. As a result, at a meeting oi L. A. lOSO's committee on Tuesday evening, it was de cided that the assembly, as such, would take no further part in attempting to form an amalgamation. The individual mem bers are, of course, allowed to take any ac tion they may see fit at the meeting to-mcht. There is a probability, owing to the rivalry that exists between the different unions, that no combination will be effected. flIAKUIED. McFARIiAND GLEW On Thursday, De cember 6, 1889, by the Kev. C. V. Wilson, Mr. John F. McFabxahd. of Srushton, and Miss Ida Clew, daughter of William Qlew, of the East End. DIED. fiUFFOB On Wednesday, December 11, 18S9, at 4:40 o'clock P. X., AGGIE S. RUFFCS, in her 33d year. Funeral from her late residence.Cotton alley. Seventeenth ward, on Fbxday xonsxsa at 6.30 o'clock. Friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend. DOSCH On Tuesday, December 10. 1SS9, at 525 p. M.. S aeah, wife of Michael Dosch, in tbe 37th year ot her age. Funeral from her late residence, 28 Robinson street, Allegheny, on Fbidat, at 10 A. M. Friends of tho family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 DARHAGH On Monday. December 9, 18S9, I at his residence, corner Klrkpatrlck street I -" and fAmtaenvannn PUNtlHr TnlTWniBDinir I in the 79th year of his age, father of Captain John J. Darragb. of Memphis. Tenn., Captain James L. Darraeh and Captain Thomas J. Darragh, of Little Bock, Ark. Funeral services at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Norris, No. 372 Web ster avenue, on Thursday afteenoos; De cember 12, at 1:30 p. M. Friends of the family are respectfully lavited to attend. 2 EVANS On Wednesday, December 11. 1S89, at 8.43 o'clock. Martha, daughter of William D. and Mary Evans, aged 3 years, 1 month and 14 days. Funeral from the residence of her gradpar cnts, George B. Jones, Sylvan avenue. Twenty third ward. Prankstown. Pueblo, Colorado, papers please copy. KLEE On Wednesday, December 11, 18S9. at 9 a. it., Joseph Kxee, in the With year of ms age. Notice of funeral hereafter. McCLATCSEY OnMon&ay.December 9, at 7 p. n, James MCClatchey. aged 63. Ftjnebai. on Thursday, December 12 at 1 p. xu, from his late residence, Chartiers station, P. fc L. JS. R. R. friends f the family are re spectfully invited to attend. 2 MCPHERSON At ber residence. 1 Sycamore avenue, Sontbside, Wednesday evening at 11 Aii And these have come from afar, bringing their tribute of elegance and beauty for merry C hristmas firesides, furs from forest and jungle, rugs from Mosque and Bazaar, Fur Rugs are great favor ites for Holiday Gifts. We show an unusual variety, both "flat mounted" and "full mounted," of Tiger, Bear, Wolf, Fox. An Oriental Rug is univer sally accepted as the most durable, artistic and beautiful of floor coverings. As one cannot have too many of them, the giver of one at Christmas is sure of having done the right thing. You will find all nationalities and sizes in bewildering va riety with us. N. B. Our unique de scriptive Holiday Catalogue of 64 pages with its price list and classified index of "pres ents suitable for a- lady, gen tleman, boy and girl" is now ready to be had on application. mm WrteM4iM$ a B. & B. TottrsdAy, December 12. AN ILLUSTRATION. The Manufacturers' Wholesale Price of a lot 01 4A PANCY PLAK.NELS was 27Jo net four months (as they are usually sold). Hence the merchant buys them and he mark them 55c at retail. We mf to this manufacturer fix a "snot cash" price on a large lot of these and we will buy. We get them at 22'c this is why we gait and so sell them at 25c, and make an unusual small profit and save you an important amount on each yard. That is what is be ing done here to-day with 35c, and perhaps, 45c Flannels almost a yard wide 25c the price. The nicest oods for CHILDREN'S DRESSES, . LADIES' BLOUSE WAISTS or DRESSES, GENTS' SHIRTS, BOYS' SHIRTS or WAISTS of any known Fabric. Come to the Flannel Department and see these fine pretty 4-4 FLANNELS and try them for Children's Nice Dresses 25o. This GRAND HOLIDAY EXPOSITION of the useful and ornamental is being added to by every express. Choice goods and the low prices take them ont as fast here. HOLIDAY DRESS PATTERNS in the Nice Boxes, so that when she get's it the very appearance of it, "as well as the merit, will make her fully appreciate such a Christmas Gift. These Holiday Dress Patterns are At Black Goods' Department At French Dress doods Department At American Dress Goods Department At Silk Warp and AH-Wool Cashmere De partment. Prices, 53 50, 53, $4, H 50, J3 up to 516. Bargains and Choice Combina tions. Some Choice Novelty Silks and lovely shades Bilk Warp Cashmeres in some of these boxes for Tea Gowns. Nowj wouldn't that be a nice Christmas Present. If not, buy an elegant BLACK SILK, FAILLE FBANCAISSB, SATIN LTTX- va, or jiuxaIj AtfMUitE, all at prices that saves your pocketbook. Thousands of Choice Presents from the Child's 5c handkerchief to a 5250 Seal. Pans and Berlin Novelties from 25o to flOO. Bare and Artistic Pottery, and prices, low price and cfioiie goods tell the story-, and the proof of it is more new customers every day. new JUrxRTtSEHtzrr WHY NOT? MEW ABVEXTISaaSXTO- SOSTTL : OZQ-A-TJiS! WILL, AS USUAL, MAKE HIS HEADQUARTERS WHS" NOT select your Christmas Pres ents now before the great rush begins? We will keep the goods at our own risk until you call for them; this gives yon all. the ad vantages of an early selection from Un broken and nnhandled stocks. "WHT NOT do your shopping In tbe morning and avoid the crowds' that throng the store in the afternoon? Yon can ex amine the goods quietly and at your leisure, and not be jostled by the multitude. WHY NOT send your orders by mail, if you cannot come in person? We pay par ticular attention to mail orders, and fill them promptly and carefully. Fleishman & Co., PITTSBURG, PA. Beginning-ilONDAY, Dec 16, our Store will be open every evening until 10 o'clock until after Christmas. del2 THE COMING HOLIDAY THE. F w & - Sf -M His Annual Carnival Receptions T71X1VBE VFBitity- 3: - ,' noon; Established over half ft Century. MONDAY, December 23, from 9:30' to 12 from'2 to 5:30 and from 7 to 9 KM. TUESDAY December 24, from 9:30 to 12 noon ah& from 2 to 5:30 P. M. only, Everybody expected to attend to witness the grand' pcrfonnancesu which will be given, and all children (who must be accompanied bythe&v nij.Atl. m- fWYnm ft tAYAf -mil a -amam.J ?.?. 1 T7-' H .uw w gitnix u? Aii&uuay Hill ue piucuitju Willi Vk UUJL Qi iHCl; Candies: KSDIllG 33 FIFTH AVENUE 33 de7-TT8 HOLIDAY UMBRELLAS FOR EVERYONE. B0GGS & BUHL, 115,117,119.121 federal st,,Ailegheny. TtJB. AND CLOAK BOOMS Never such a large choice for selection. Low prices on medium to richest goods. del2-D PAULSON BROTHERS, SEAL GARMENTS. CPHEESON. aired 77 Tears Following closely tbe death xt net husband, o'clock, AHELIA following close. Mr. McPherson. Hotice of funeral hereafter. McCOY On Wednesday momlnc, December of They say inai juage is stronger tnan any one dreams of. and that he will be valiantly backed by a mass of people who are dissatisfied with the absolute domination of Quay, who noi uwwwiuw uviuiu&uon oi yuy, woo now has machinery at his command such as wa$ never possesseaieiore oy any one man since the Republic was instituted. At any rate, Hastings has decided to cast his lot with the Mapee taction and so flings down his gaunt let to Quay and Cameron. It is a new, and to a ereat extent, an untried machine, against an old engine which has had some very hard knocks, but has pulled the train securely over many a dangerous grade, jump ing broken rails and steering clear ot open switches. Xhe silent man of the whole afiair is. Stone, of Warren, who hopes that, in the general wrecc oi matter ana crash of worlds, he may pop up at the last as the only per son of whom there is enough left to make a Governor. iroxTooTE MincniNG CLUB. A ImneaMtT County Organlzatloa Support Af cbv Msutarrt Oaoldai. KticAfin3rJfreeember-ll. Thfc TTar. RsofciarehlSgl3Iubof AWn, WZZJdJi m BgiJKEWioAi w.gy.yry Catarrh IS a blood disease. Until tne poison la expelled from the system, there can be no cure for this loathsome and dangerous malady. Therefore, the only effective treatment is a thorough course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla the best of all blood purifiers. The sooner yon begin the better ; delay Is dangerous. "I was troubled with catarrh for over two years. I tried various remedies, and was treated by a number ot physi cians, but received no benefit until I began to take Ayers Sarsaparilla. A few bottles of this medicine cured me of this troublesome complaint and com pletely restored my health." Jesse M. Boggs, Holman'8 Mills, N. C. "When Ayer's Sarsaparilla was rec ommended to me for catarrh, I was in- clined to doubt its efficacy. Having tried so many remedies, with little ben efit, I had no faith that anything would cure me. I became emaciated from loss of appetite and impaired digestion. I had nearly lost the sense of smell, and my system was badly deranged. I was about discouraged, when a friend urged me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and re ferred me to persons whom it had cured of catarrh. After taking half a dozen bcttles of this medicine, X am convinced that the only sure way of treating this Obstinate disease is through the blood." Charles H. Maloney, 113 Elver at., Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla prtif jinn st Dr. J. C Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Wee tl; six bottles, $& Worth (5 a bottle. f BLOOKER'S DUTCH COCOA. 1 CUPS FOB It CHOICEST, PUKESI.BEST. TRY IT. Je24-xnT a Pears' Soap (Scented and Urrsoented)1 WBCITKBS A , KttTiFiL zmmnm. -, xOJ-r ALL Bi4i 11, 1SS9, Richaed ilcCOT, in the 81st year niBago. Funeral on Friday, 13th Instant, at 2.30 P.M., from the residence of his son, John McCoy, No. ZU Second avenue. Friends of the family are respectlully invited to attend. 3 NIU3 On Tuesday. December 10, 1889, at 230 p. il, Hknkt Hies, aged 61 years a months 8 days. Funeral on Txcubsdat at 2 p. m. from his late residence. No. 1118 Sarah street, South- side. Pittsburg, Pa. Friends and members of lit Oliver Lodge No. 38, K. and L. of H., are invited. 2 O'MALLEY On Tuesday, December 10, 1889, at 3 p. m., Patbick 0'Mai.ley, aged 21 years. Funeral from the residence of his uncle, Pat rick Ford, Twenty-fourth street and Mulberry alley, ou Thursday, December 12, at 250 p.m. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. 2 PICKERING On Tuesday. December 10, 1SS9, at 8 o'clock p. v., William Pickeresq, id his 60th year. Funeral services will be held at tbe residence of bis son-in-law, Wm. Bradley, Chartiers ave nue, Chartlers, Pa., on Fbidat afternoon at 1 o'clock. Friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend. PARKER At his residence In Sharpsburtr, on Wednesday mornioe, December 11, 18S9, Hknky Pakkee, aged 43 years 8 months. Notice of funeral hereafter. RYAN On Wednesday, December 11,1839, at 2.30 p. x.. Hannah, beloved wife of Patrick Ryan, aged G9 years. Funeral will take place from tbe residence of her husband, Forty-eiebtb and Harrison streets, on Friday, December 13, at 80 a.m. Services at at. Mary's, Forty-sixth street, at 9 A.K. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. Paterson, N. J., papers please copy, 2 REICHWEIN On Tuesday, December-10, 18SU.at7.30P. M.. Jennie, younsest daughter of Jacob and Ida Reichweln, aged 7 years. Funeral from the parents' residence, rear of 75 Beavr avenue, Allegheny, on Thursday. December 12, at 10 A. M. Friends of tbe family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 TKOTJDY On Wednesday, December 11, 0889, tit 8 P. ., WASTES CLAltr, oldest child of Henry C. and Mary Trondy, aged 6 years, 6 months and 12 days. Funeral from parents' residence, 4012 Liberty avenue, on Fbidat at 2 P. u. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. JAMES ARCHDJAIaD A BRO XXVERY AND SALE STABLES, 117,118 and 138 Third avenue, two doors below Bmltbfleld et, next door to Central Hotel. Carriages for funerals,?! Carriages foroperaa, parties, io, at the lowest rates. All now car riages. Telephone communication. myl-U-rrs We have the lareest assortment of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Umbrellas we have ever shown and prices lower than ever before. Our stock ranges in prices from $1 25 to $20 each, which will give every one a chance to Duy. we will mention tne priced a few ot them: Our first two numbers are Natural Wood Sticks and Metal Caps, 26-mch, at $1 25. Better grade of Metal and Gold Caps; 26 inch, at (1 CO. Best to be had for the money is our Metal Handles, in 26-lnch, at $1 75 and 52; also Natural Sticks at 52. Special Number in 6-inch Metal Handles, 26-incb, at $2 50; former price $3 50. zo-inch extra nne .Natural bucks and Sil ver Handles at $3 and $3 50. Extra value in 26-inch Silver and finest Natural Sticks at $4 and $5. Ladies' 26-inch Sterling Silver Handles, special price $6 and $7 each. The same kind we sold at $13 and (14 each last season. Also, finer grades, including Solid Silver on Ivory and fine Natural Sticks, with Sil ver Mountings and Plain Solid Silver Han dles, from $7 to 818 each. Gentlemen's Umbrellas, 28-inch, Natural, at CI 50 and $2 50. 28-inch Metal Handles, at $2 25, $2 78, $3. 28-inch Fine Natural Sticks at $3 50 and 4 ou. 28-inch Silver Handles at SI and $5, in cludes every style and shape handles, Which is a very fine assortment to select Irom. Fine Natural Sticks with solid silver mountings, In 28-inch, at 55, $6, $7 50, f9 and $10. Solid Silver Handles in bright and oxydized, from ?7 to J12, 28-inch. Solid Silver on Smoked Ivory and Pearl, ranging in price from $12 to $20. Fine Assortment of Ladies' Black Wood Ebony Handles, 26 and 28-inch, from $2 25 to 87 50. . 24-inch Umbrellas for Children inNatural and Silver Handles, fronv$l 25 to $3 50. We have an extra force of clerks and can guarantee you prompt attention. TtlfS is Not a BANQUET LAMP -BUT A- PIANO EXTENSION LAMP, k VmmjTI 4 Made in Antique Brass, fitted with Duplex Burner and Silk fringed Para sol Shade. And the prioeis 811 each. We have Piano Lamps from 68 95 eaoh to 876 each. THE J. P, SMITH LAMP, GLASS AND CHINA C0M 935 PENN AVENUE, Between Ninth and Tenth streets. P. S. Wo still have a few of those BRASS BANQUET LAMPS, with Silk Fringed Um brella Shades, at M 75 each. OPEN NIGHTS TILL a del2-97-TTS As dealers in reliable Furs only our repu tation for over fifty years has never been questioned. Whatever other qualities we deem advisable to keep we always CABRY THE BEST. Our immense stock of Seal Garments is no exception to this rule. Every garment quoted below is absolutely reliable and warranted. Alaska Seal Sacques, full length, $140, $175, $200. Alaska Seal Jackets, $125, $135 $150. English Walking Coats (half sacque), $135, $150. "Very fine23-in. Jackets (Martin's London Dye), $07. A few Seal Jackets and Wraps at $75. Sole Agents for Treadwell's Celebrated Mahogany Dye Seal Sacques, warranted 13 years. Endless variety of Shoulder Capes, in Sables, Astrakhan Persianer, Seal, etc., at LOWEST FIGURES. Also every description of Small Furs. PAULSON BROS., Manufacturers of Furs, 441 WOOD STREET. del2-90-tTS DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Habit Petilirely Cured b Administering Dr. Haines' uoiaen opeeine. It can be given in a cap or coffee or tea without the knowledge or tbe person taking It; 13 abso lutely baraless, and will effect a nermsbent and (needy enrev whether tbe patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of Drunkards bare been made temperate men who niT milt drinking from tbeir own tree will. IT WEVEK bare taken Uolden Specific in their cotlee without tueir Knowieage ria to-aay believe tber PATBITTS. O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents, SU Fifth avenue, above Smitbneld. next Leader office. (No delay.) Established 20 years. ee25-G0 KAILS. The STStem once lmoreffnited vlth thA Bpeclflc, It becomes an utter Impossibility for tbe liquor appetite to exist. For sale by A. J Bank In. Btxth and Penn aTcPittsbuxg: E. Uolden A Uo 63 E. Federal at., Allegheny. Tliade supplied by iriiisuD tteo. A. Kelly tOJ., dc27 '-68-TTS JAS. MNEIL EOILER3, fcATENT & BRO., PLATE. AND SHEET-IRON WORK. SHEET IROK ANNEALING BOXES. With an Increased capacity and hydraulic machinery we are prepared to furnish all work In our line cheaper and better than, by the old methods; Repairing and general machine work; Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Val ley Railroad. feo-U-rrs HORNE .& WARD, 41 FIFTH A VENUE. delO-s Bj SPBESENXED IN PITTSBURG IN ISO. Assrrs . ?9Xi71,59fi3K. Insurance Ce. of North America, Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES. 81 Fourth avenue. ii2-s2-D H. H. DURBIN & CO., fiSSSKraa IIHfr?JswitrTi4rriiiilStoM;i - - ' SCOTT'S GREAT DISCOVERY! What I Can Do With It. I can enm an ordinary case of nlearatf an with one application, bad cases in two or three. Cure guaranteed to be permanent; I sever fail. Cure sensitive and painful teeth, with exposed nerves or pulps, without pain. Can save you the trou ble of going to the dentist by tbe month for treament. Will not discolor your teeth as other dentists do. I Invito troublesome cases where other dentists have failed. I willVoro yon. To be had only at Dr. C 8. Scott's Dental Offices, 621 Penn are., opposite Home's. UeUMS-TTSSU TEETH, $5, $8, $10. Oold fillings from (1 up. AaaJgan, 69c: silver, 75c; white alloy, $L Gold Crowns a specialty- DR. J. M. McCLAREN, Corner Smitbfleld and Fourth avenue. je3-TTSu CO. WESTERN INSURANCE OF PITTSBURG. . r . " . jV' vfir --i 4U4HV, r NO. 41LWOOD KnxmSOBBe& Niaoox? OHNiS-'JACXBONAVl iwm:n, :t&' 1M f2j WttTStaSaViH DANZIGER'S nEoisrEir sjvtix-Gc prices -DTTB1KG OTJB- GREAT HOLIDAY SALE. See our grand display of Dolls, Games, Books and Toys. The best' line and the lowest prices in the two cities in Plush Brush and Comb Sets, Mani cure Sets, Shaving Sets, Silverware, Bronzes, Albums, Bibles and Bric-a-Brac. The weather be ing against us on Cloaks and Wraps we have de cided to create a demand by making the Lowest fices ever quoted in this or any other city If you care for a Cloaa or w rap now is your time to get it. Special: Our stores will be open evenings, com mencing Monday next, December 16, until Christmas. POPULAR STORES, ... " . S42&&. j&Jb4J J' j u.v.iiyiUi' ii tuKW.'.v.TKT'ii TTu'r)-';HK;fTr.. isHEai''Aaria'iii iiS? CHRISTMAS : DAY Santa Glaus Will Make His Eighth Annual Visit -TO 'X.UJ5-. ORPHAN HOMES AND ASYLUMS -or- PITTSBURG and ALLEGHENY. EVery inmate; therein will be presented with, a token oi good will : from tneir friends, Gusky's. i Mf 1 of 111 M OVERCOATS For Me' Bys and Children. We've had no winter weather yet to speak of. But it'll come and when it does be prepared for it What more appropriate gift than an Overcoat? All sorts here and at all sorts of prices. Men's, 5 fo 30 Boys', $z 50 to $15; Children's $1 25 to f 10. You cannot go wrongy no matter what price you pay. SUITS For Men Bo7s an( Children. As appropriate every bit as wvercuais ior presents mens, j4. 10 so: .coys . $1 So to Siai t jm .- - . 'a. ' '. -. M jj Omldren's, 98c to $10. What manner of man, boy or child is there, we wonder, that We can't suit to a T as easily- in goods as in prices. No old chestnut wormy, moth eaten or shop1 worn goods here. Everything new and stylish and the best in the city, no matter what price paid. SMOKING JACKETS. House Coat3' ec- Beautiful designs, fash-, ' lonably trimmed, elegantly made, 55- to $ia. DRESSING GOWNS For father' grandfather, husband, aged friend j vl (jaaiuj. nxuucjr iv uc baveu in me purcnase of a Dressing Gown here. Plain or lively colors checks, plaids, stripes, -plain solid colors, etc. You'll find lots of 'em here quite different from what you'll find elsewhere. $8 to 25. NECKWEAR! decidedly the largest and haadsomesf display in town. The patterns in both Silk and Satin are grand beyond: aesenpnon, ana many or tne patterns are exclusive with us. All thes most noted of manufacturers goods are here, and our prices are 2$, aj'e, and even 50 per cent lower than you'll pay exclusive (?) furnishing goods; dealers for their exclusive (?) goods. . . . . . t SHIRTS I That'll fit and that're right in every way inside and out-; - ?J rk . . 1 4 -m J siae. uur assortment simpiy immense ana includes every- uiiig, xiii Luc ucnos' vwuvaiba ijx iiauuaciuui U1UCICU UUSUHiS. UjreCEjrl from Switierland. Also Pique bosoms, Pleat bosoms, Satin. Stripes and! finest Xjinen uosoms. xrices guaranteed 25 per cent lower tnan any umci uuuac xu xiiu-tuuig HANDKERCHIEFS ! ChineSfi and Pongee Silk Handkerchiefs, hem-ft stitcnea, 34c to oac. .bxtra heavy 24-inch iK Pongee Silk, 98c to $i xg. Initial Silk Handkerchiefs, special initial,. 49 c to 74c uiacK rongee but nanakeTcWefs, hemstitched, the newest fad, 98c Fancy Colored Silk Handkerchiefs, every color of the rain bow, choice patterns, 24c to $2 24 UMBRELLAS! A most PPalar holiday present Odd, quaint, rich,- novel, striking and beautiful sticks, alsa exquisite,! , carvea ivory nanaies, .ctcnea sterling silver. .Handchased Gold, etc It'll pay you to see these goods. As usual we will engrave name or initials on all goods free of charge. HOSIERY I A.larSc aad comprehensive. Stock, where you'll find any thing and everything wanted. Especially are we prepared, with fine grades and choice novelties for the Holidays'. Men's genuine imported Scotch Wool half hose, 240 "Castle Gate" Merino half hose, regular 25c goods, 19& per pair only. GLOVES! Agreatan,d complete assortmjnt that includes every kindr J """" UUTiUg.- .uujra 1UU VJIUYC4 UJT HAlllCUS, JliUU UC lUXg - top, 49c per pair. Men's plain or ftrf top Kid Gloves, regular 75c goods, 49c per pair. Perrine's best Pique unlined Kid Gloves resrular urice. $2 2f, for $1 81 only. Finest Dress and Street Gloves, in all the newest, 3 styles and at figures that 11 shame the nigh-pneed dealers. SLIPPERS! Handsomely Embroidered Velvet nicely embossed leather, imitation alligator, goat opera, genuineseal, lml- lauuu luaiu, ucautjiui piuau uuu tiicuiuc, inuiauon seat, elegant, patent leather. The choicest patterns, chamois lined and quilted satin linings, etc., etc." aiippers ior j-aares, aien, .oojs. xviisses ano unuaren. MUFFLERS! choicest designs in bdth domestic and foreign weaves, ah sujc jjriumers, 74c to ??. Cashmere! Mufflers, the real serviceable ones, 24c to $1 24. Our stock is bigge than ever and of course handsomer than we've ever had before. Prices! lower than at any other Holiday time. We ve got the dead wood onia otner aeaiers witn our prices, too. WINTER PAPSf Thousands of them, Hush Caps, Plush Turbans? Fur Caps, Fur Turbans, etc.; genuine Sealskiaf Laps, $2 49, S3 98, ?4 39. An immense stock-and variety of ChildrwL'j hancv i-ans. m TiiHsn ana veiver. rrom 2 At? tirr ii i j. x 1: r mi IS1 Fur Foot Muffs, $4; Floor Rugs, $4 upj Gum Knee Robes, Kusi Back, $x g8; Fur Robes, $3 60 up, Wolf and Foxhead Rues, c- ant Ladies' Work Boxes, 34c. to $1; Shoe Sets, with Qxydized Silver Sh'oel Hom, Glove and Shoe Buttonen in plush, boxes, xt ?o; Manicure 99c to $8 50; Shaving Sets, 74c to $111 Smokers Sets, 8gc to fe: Col and Cuff Boxes, in, plush and leather, 99c to J3, 50; Toilet Sets, ggdtc $25; Domestic Dressing Sets, ia Celluloid or Amber Fittings; 6oer tia $3 S etc etc ,M flThe balance of the elegant Pictures (which, we've been ersltur . .... t . A . - . . . 0V away tne past rewweexsj given away unm tneyre all gone wita ev puik.uac iu wu aA,.AA.a w ivuuu uuunu. i(j uic amuuufc vk p. upward. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. GRAlJARGAIlf SW MMMm.m witvt ft amm t WthHH HK-mHI