FJP. M$Mt W M tESTAB-tSHED FEBRUARY 8. ISiB. VoL-M, o.?i.-Entcredatrittsburgr,ostoce, ' "November it, 1SST. as second-class matter. Business Office 97 and99 Fifth Avenue. News Booins and Piiblishlnff House 75, 77 and 73 Diamond Street Eastern Advertising Office, Koom , Tribune Building, ewYork. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. POSTAGE FEES IK Wtr CXITED STATES. Vailt Dispatch, One Year. t 8 jJJ Daily Dispatch, PcrQnarter J? Daily Dsipatch, One Month Dailt Dispatch, locludingijunday, lyear. 10 00 Vailt Dispatch, la eludinit Sunday. Sm'ths. S DAilT DISPATCH, lneludlngBonday.lmontb. 90 SCKDAT DISPATCH. One Year J 50 fftEKLT Dispatch, One Year. Te Daily Dispatch is dellTercd bvcarrlers at IS cents Der week, or including fcunday edition, at cents per week. PITTSBUEG. THURSDAY. DEC 12. 18S3. MAY THE BEST HAN WIN! The division ot forces between the Repub lican leaders over the nomination for the Governorship, as foreshadowed, by our Haf risburg special, promises lively times, and interesting developments. It is asserted by authoritythat Delamater is slated for the nomination by the dictum of the United States Senators, while Hastings is in the field with the .support of the opposition to the dominant power in the party organiza tion. The union of the United States-Senators on a XJnbernatorial candidate, with the somewhat novel attitude of Magee, Dalzell and their friends as the outsiders, is a nat ural result of the tendencies which have been prominent for the past year. The pos sible outcome of the Senatorial course, in ninninc their partv supremacy on Dela mater, may be productive of striking and J unexpected results, in one o: two ways. In the first place, if the Senators should fail in their attempt to name the Bepubli cau candidate it would have an effect on their political fortunes something like an earthquake. Yet such a possibility is by no means to be ignored. The political forces reported to be aligning on the other side are not to be sneezed at The dispensers of patronage cannot count on the expectation of favors to come from the army of the dis appointed; and General Hastings, backed by the leaders who are opposed to Quay, is a candidate whom it is not wise to set down as a cipher. In the next place, is it quite certain that the nomination of Delamater by order of the Senators would be equivalent to an election? Political precedents m Pennsylvania may return an affirmative answer; but there are intimations that new influences may be at work next year. The strife between Eepub lican leaders has reached a stage which af fords no guarantee that knives would re main sheathed after the nomination; and it is one of the undercurrents of political gos sip that in the case of Delamater's nomina tion the Democrats have a candidate in training who would make the race a hot one. "With a fair field, we hope to see lively fighting, and can impartially wish a victory for the best man, both in the convention and before the people. THEY ABE HOT SENT BACK. The disclosures that have recently been made with regard to Gallician immigration to this country are striking, both for the light they throw on the methods by which poor people are robbed abroad and for the commentary they furnish on onr immigra tion laws. The ignorant peasants have been shipped over her by sharpers who first fleeced them of all they have got; ana their ignorance of their own country and Government which permits the swindle, shows how hopeless it is that they can be made reliable citizens of this nation. The case also proves the remarkable discrimina tion of onr laws on the subject of immigra tion. "When the law sends back a few scores of skilled laborers, brought here by an American labor organization to do work in which there is a shortage of labor, and admits 15,000 of these Gallician paupers, it is plain that more intelligence is required, both in onr immigration and in our legisla tion. BESIDENTAND KON-BESIDENT. An interesting development of the Ohio Senatorial canvass is brought out by the announcement that the delinquent tax collectors are after Mr. Calvin S. Brlce for back taxes on his personal property. Mr. Brice ispopularlyunderstood to have a very comfortable amount of personal property of various descriptions; but heretofore he has avoided the course usually adopted by mil lionaires, of swearing that they have little or no personal property, by obtaining ex emption on the ground of non-residence in Ohio. Since he has declared himself a resi dent for Senatorial purposes, however, the deduction is drawn that he ought to pay the taxes. Discoveries of this sort have been by no means uncommon both in regard to million aires and politicians. Even so eminenta Dem ocrat as thelate Samuel J. Tilden was not es pecially desirous to pay the full income tax on the money which he made out of the re organization of the Fort "Wayne Bailroad. That Calvin S. Brice should folllowat a re spectful distance in the footsteps ot the Democratic apostle is not perhaps singular; but. it is pleasant to credit him with striking out on an original linecf his own in the claim that he is resident enough to bo elected Sen ator, but not resident enough to pay taxes. A QUESTION OF SIGHTS. , The dispute over the right of way for the Squirrel Hill Electric road through a cor ner ot Schenley Park, seems on the surface to be a matter tbat can easily be settled. If the railway company secured au authorita tive grant of the right of way before the partwas given to the city, it does not ap pear that the city has any right to interfere with its work. It it has not such a grant, the presumption is very strongly that no passenger railway can be permitted to cut np a public pars: with its tracks. In the fit-it alternative the city must make the best ol the situation; in the second the railway company must accept the hardship as a re sult of going on with its work, before get ting the full control of the land. The mat ter locks like a question of fact which can be promptly settled by a reference to the records. PASTIES" AND PE0SPEB1TY. A very sarcastic letter, purporting to come from a farmer, is published in the Indianapolis Sentinel, which complains of tne prices received for farm products, such as cattle. The argument of charging the decline in farm products to a party is the merest partisanship; and as regards the great mass ol agricultural prod ucts, it is by no means certain that the. general range of prices for agri cultural products is lower than it was before. Bnt the outbreak of the farmer who, complains thatvitaogr are down toi3 . .4Ufv:finnrJfiivAruf1attKaj2 xai2.ou-'nBa.' -a'' . a -"",'. -. TLlII ATIT. of credit on behalf of the Republican party Tor the improved condition of business for the prosperity which has developed in some branches of trade. Itisoflate years a common failing with Bepublican politicians and organs to claim the identification of the party with business prosperity. This claim is generally based on its connection with the tariff; and has some basis in the fact that tariff changes neces sarily require a readjustment of prices. But the persistent preaching of that idea has its inconveniences. In the first place it makes the party and the tariff responsible for the dull times, which have not been unknown under their supremacy. Next, if the good times are confined to a single class, its natural deduction is that the classes which do not enjoy prosperity are oppressed by it, which is likely to overbalance the orcdit ob tained by the acceptance of the theory. Finally if party policy is responsible for the condition of business, it must also ac cept the responsibility for business organ izations that seek monopoly, for stock water ing, for speculation and for the business re verses that follow in their train. The idea that having oneetof politicians in power can increase production or en hance demand which are the two effective causes of business prosperity is peculiarly silly. Itwould be almost as reasonable to make a party' responsible for the weather, which is also one of the primary forces that affect agricultural production. "We do not fancy tbat any enthusiastic organ is desirous of claiming credit for the party on account of the weather we have had since Harrison was inaugurated. JOHHSTOWB KIH0E DISASTKB. The panic at the Johnstown theater on Tuesday night is a strange example of two things: First the perversity with which blind chance sometimes seems to seek out a certain locality or class as its victims; and second the ease with which a crowd can be come panic-stricken and under that influence rush like sheep to-their own destruction. The theater is shown by the detailed re ports to be one of those halls with five, four and three-foot passage-ways that were built twenty-five years ago, apparently with a view to decoying the public into a place where they would be hopelessly penned up in the event of fire and panic To use such a place for entertainments is aprimaocte act of criminal negligence; although in Johnstown there is the mitigating circum stance, that the more modern place of amusement was swept away by the flood. "With an audience packed in such a trap, it was idiocy in the first place to raise an unfounded cry of fire, and it was unreason ing selfishness in the second place for the audience to break into panic, and to trample each other like cattle in the blind attempt to escape a danger which did not exist To sum np, fifteen lives have been sacrificed and a score of people injured by a combina tion of the most unworthy qualities of human nature. Such things ought not to .happen. They are easily preventable; and the cupidity, stupidity and cowardice which sacrifice life should be punished as they deserve. DR. TALHAGE'S LATEST. Not the least interesting of Br. Talmage't experiences inJEnrope seems to have been en countered by the Brooklyn divine in Borne. The Colosseum there, we are told, moved him profoundly. He claimsto have discov ered also for the first time the perfect aeons tic qualities of the immense building. This discovery he made by stationing his family on one side of the Colosseum while he stood on the place once ocenpied by Nero. Then Dr. Talmage talked, and his every word was clearly heard by the audience on the other side. This set Dr. Talmage thinking, and he says: "A great deal has been said about duplicating the Eiffel tower at the Ameri can Exhibition of 1892, but it seems to me that it would be a far greater idea to dupli cate the Colosseum "at Borne. Such a structure devoted to arts, science, education and religion would atone somewhat for the horrid cruelties that were during 'five cen turies enacted in its Boman original." Dr. Talmage, with remarkable modesty, does not even allude to another peculiar privilege which the erection of a colosseunT in New York would bring with it In it Dr. Talmage could comfortably address an audience of 100.00Q persons, for such is, or was in its palmy days, the seating capacity of the great amphitheater in Borne. "We may expect Dr. Talmage to make many more original suggestions of this sort before he gets home again. There is nothing pic ayunish about the eminent divine's temper, or his imagination. He is just as likely as not to exclaim in his next letter upon the beauty of the Mount of Olives, and to favor its removal to Brooklyn Heights. And that is about as likely to happen as the building of a new Colosseum in the Centennial ex position. JUDGING HIMSELF. Oakland, Cal., possesses a judge of a somewhat eccentric character. A abort time ago he paraded the streets in a palpa bly intoxicated condition, and shocked the good citizens of Oakland beyond measure. Hardly had the sensation caused by this exploit subsided when Judge Alexander Laidlaw, the judicial luminary in question, again attracted attention by appearing upon the bench perfectly sober. It was not his sobriety merely which evoked comment Judge Iiaidlaw apologized to the public for his misconduct, delivered a severe lecture to himself upon the evils of intoxication, and fined himself fifty dollars. "We under stand that by so doing Judge Laidlaw has risen to a higher plac6 than ever in the sanguine estimation of his fellow citizens. But would it not have been better in every way, as a man and as a judge, if Judge Laidlaw had refrained from making a beast of himself? It is not a pleasant or an edifying sight to see a judge flagrantly offend against the laws he has sworn to in terpret and uphold. Nor is it a profitable proceeding for a man to sin that he may win applause by the cheap heroism of his repentance. nrSXTBAHCE AQ AINST BUEGIAB TV Insurance against burglary is the latest thing in London. That is to say, the in surance company issues va policy covering losses by burglary, just as now is done in fire insurance. A mighty convenient, pretty and profitable bnsiness it is likely to be for all concerned if we except the insurance company. "We are just a little afraid that the insurance company will not make a mint of money out of its burglarious under taking. But how beautiful this new branch of in surance mutt appear to the gentle burglar! It will go so far toward removing some of the most embarrassing drawbacks to burg lary as a genteel profession. "Why? "Will not the householder refuse to take any risks to protect his property on the approach of midnight marauders if he knows that every bit of plate, hu money, fete watch and all the valaabtes witt tW8 tee-protected byibl;iSMa,burfcUrj?. average man is to meddle with burglars un der existing circumstances will readily grant that the burglar will have a safe conduct in that insurance policy. Very agreeable the thought of that Insurance policy will seem to the man awakened by the oft-heard whlsperi "Llstent there are burglars in the housei" How glib the answer will come back: "Let them burgle, my dear, we are Insuredl" But the possibilities of fraud are also great It is not every scamp who will take the chances of punishment for arson by burning his own hottse down to get the in surance, but there are rascals enough to commit burglary on their own premises for substantial reward at little risk. Burglars and other conscienceless parties may preach in favor of this new insurance, but we fear the insurance companies will sit down on the amusing plan. Gil-beet & StTLtrvAN's new opera is asserted to have made a hit in London, and Is expected to have a long run. But the trouble is that some of the best work of these authors has met with the least success. "The Princess" and "Iolantbe'' had really as much wit, f nn and music In theto as "The Pirates," and more than "Patience" or the Mikado," except' as the latter gave room for horseplay comedy. The early death or "Ruddygore" and "The Yoeman of the Guard" was deserved; but still the popular taste In the matter of comedy and light music is a very uncertain quantity. The railroad strike on the Northern Pa cific road has practically stopped freight traffic The freight train men are about tho only class of men who are likely to be better off for a strike in winter. Db. Taxsiage's sermon in Jerusalem said Of Solomon: "He had at his command gold to the value of i6SO.000.000. and be had silver to the value of 1,029,000,377, yet Solomon was not happy." The United States Treasury Is In a position to sympathize with Bolomon. With only two or three hundred million dollars worth of silver on hand our Treasury does not know how to store it; and it seems tbat if Solomon had to find storage vaults for five billions, ha would have been justified in going crazy over It Senatob Quay is now supposed to be quietly felicitating himself on as isuceessf ul a fishing excursion at Washington as he ever made off the coast of Florida or New Jersey. New Yoek has got into the habit of kill ing linemen with Its electric light wires so reg ularly that It has come to be a matter of weekly occurrence. The New York courts having de cided that the city authorities cannot make the electrical light wires go under follows that the linemen most do so. But while the unfortunate men themselves must take that downward course, the continuance of the pres ent slaughter ought to make linemen's wages go up. CoirstrL Geseeaii New has been pro posing the health of the Queen In London. The aristocracy of England seems to be Capturing oar politicians as well as our heiresses. As the alleged cyclone, which blew down buildings at Jeannette. must have passed over Pittsburg, the presumption is rather strong that the destruction was caused more by the flimsy nature of the buildings than by the force of the wind. The strength of most of the wind storms which have overturned buildings in this section can be discovered in the hasty work of the builders. Chief Bio Head of the Sioux Nation his gone to Washington. There is reason to believe that he will find plenty of company there. The renewal of the announcement that the Globe Refinery has been sold to the Stand ard, this time with the addition that the price is 4,000,000, amounts to the advertisement of the fact that the men who know how to pnt up refineries and run tbem, can get a booming price for their property. Diamonds have advanced 10 per cent in the last six months. This must be the reason why the negro minstrel business has smashed np- And now the dread report comes to this saddened country that Boulanger is coming here to lecture. If he lectures in French, his ora tory will doubtless be extremely edifying to the pork packers of Chicago and other members of the hoe tong, as they call it in Paris. The South buried the lost cause yester day. The North need not seek to bring the ghost out again. The report of the fire department officials on the fire protection at the West Penn Hospi tal shows that careful attention is being civen to that subject, and also that tho attention is not unnecessary. PEOPLE OP PBOWNBNCE. Margaret Deland has not been so great a success in her picture, as in her novel. "John Ward, Preacher," which has reached its fiftieth thousand. Louise Hat Axcott was glad to get 55 for the stories which she wrote In the beginning of her literary career, but she lived to receive $3,000 for one of her books. Gladstone Is not only a Grand Old Han, but he is also one of the most extraordinary men of the age. In his 80th year he is not only the leader of a great political party, bat the maker of a literary reputation by a word. His praise gave "Robert Elsmere" a send-off that made it the most successful 'novel of a decade. How Mr. Gladstone finds time for all ha,does Is quite as wonderful as that be accomplishes so much, especially at bis advanced age. Stafford, Colton, Crocker and Hopkins, the projectors of the Pacific Railroad, had not money enongb when they started to buy a square meal, but they had the courage of their convictions, succeeded in their magnificent en terprise, and became millionaires 20 times over, inland was toe nrst iiepuoiican uov ernorot California. As a United States Sena tor he has not taken any prominent part in legislation. He values the position for its social advantages, "lie is 63 years old, but is well preserved, and his stocky, compact form looks that it might safely carry him to four score. EraBAOT Krss, the young and gifted sculptor, who has received the commission for the Arthur monument; at Albany, N. Y., is a native of Baltimore, of Hebrew parentage. He studied In Berlin and afterward in Rome, where he displayed such marsed abilities as to attract the favorable attention of wealthy art collectors. He made a life-like bust of Cardinal Gibbons, ot Colonel I M. Montgomery, the well-known. European correspondent, etc. He made the eqnestriantatue of De Kalb, stand ing before the State House at Annapolis, Md., for which ha received a-commission of 115, 00O. Colonel Johx Hat is a very different man from his literary associate, John G. Nieolay. The former Is a college-bred man, fastidious in bis tastes, handsome in appearance, with pol ished and fascinating manners, fond of society, and, by marriage with tho daughter of Amasa Stone, of Cleveland, very wealthy, and possess ing three homes. His little poem, "Little Breeches," made him a reputation almost equal to Bret Harte's "Heathen Chinee." Mr. Nicolay Is the son of German peasants, and be gan his career as a boy in a'coantry store, at H a month. He regarded himself tacky when he was promoted from that position to be printer's devil in the office of the Pike county Free Press. He gradually worked himself np to be editor and proprietor. He is now Marshal ot the Supreme Court of the United States. A EVT C0MMISS10F AbKBD. Senator Chandler's Flan for Governing the District, of Colombia. "WASmsaTOJT, December It Senator Chan' dler introduced a bill today changing the form of the government of tho District of Columbia. There are to be seven commissioners one a resident of the District of Colombia, two re siding east ot the Allegheny Mountains and twowestof them; to reeeire the same salaries as are paid the Jbtcer-Stat Ceeuserce OommU- nuuuiu., j,ki,m- jssr. k -".SiS! KlfeCeM I MMIMWBV 3MV 1 Si JKffM' THE PXTTSBBRG ' DISPATCH,' THURSDAY, ' DECEMBER THE TOPICAL TALKER. The Craze for Lottery Tlckets-Stani f it Here nnd Elsewhere He Thought the Batter Worth the Price A Child' Error. These has not been such a craze for buying lottery tickets for a long while as there now u in Pittsburg. Perhaps the mania for throwing money away in this particular direction is not confined to this or any other section of the country. Several disclosures recently have shown that great sales of lottery tickets are taking place in Chicago, Washington, New York and other large cities. In Chicago two or three suits recently .brought in the courts there have sprung from disputed ownership ot lottery tickets. The defaulter Sllcott Is known to have plunged heavily in lottery tickets In the Insane hope to make a big stake and with it cover up his sins. TheboyFlann who is now paying the penalty for bis crime was a heavy purchaser ot the same valuable bits of paper. As a proof ot the activity of the lottery business in this vicinity it is said that a single newsdealer sells two hundred copies of a New Orleans paper which contains a list of the winning numbers the day after the monthly drawing. Eight days before the monthly urawing of the largest lottery in the country, that sanctioned by the State o Louis. lana, a certain express Office in this city hardly does any other bnsiness in its money transfer department but accept money from Pittsburg ers for transmission to New Orleans. To my own personal knowledge the pur chasers of lottery titkets belong to all sorts ot stations in life the very poor, colored men in humble positions, and the very rich; but prob ably a clear majority of those who adventure their money in this way belong to the class of men working for moderate salaries. News paper men are among the infatuated. Among the reasons for the remarkable boom in the lottery business here just now, la the unusual number of winnings which have fallen to Plttsburgers lately. McKeespert has been in great luck, I am told. It Is very un fortunate for the hardworking population of McEeesport One prize In such a community tempts a thousand to try their luck and waste their money. Of course the prosperity which reigns to-day helps illegitimate as it does legitimate busi ness. It is not my business to preach a ' sermon on tho foolishness and worse of speculating in lotteries, but I hate knowledge of enough money wasted In this way to convince me that some measure to control the lottery trafflb Is badly needed in Pittsburg. There is a possibility that Congress will take action upon the recommendations of Postmaster General 'Wanamaker as to placing further restrictions Upon the use of the malls for the benefit of Southern lotteries. V It Is a noticeable fact a Jones, otherwise a star boarder, does Ditch Into tne butter un mercifully at his boarding house. So none of the other boarders were surprised When the landlady said to him, rather coldly, the other day at breakfast: "Mr. Jones, that butter is 33 cents a ponnd. let me tell your' "Well, it's blamed well worth Itr as coolly replied Jones as he spread a few ounces of butter on a hot flannel cake. . Last Sunday the building of Solomon's temple was the subject for consideration in the infants' class at an Allegheny Sunday school. A bright little boy, who listened to tho ac count of that splendid building, was asked by his father, on his return home, what he had heard at Sunday school. "All about Sullivan's house, papa," was the reply, and from what the boy toldfurtherthere was no doubt bat that he had got it firmly Into his little head that the Boston pugilist had been the hero of his Sunday school lesson. SEEKING THE GRANGERS' SUPPORT. Chanaeey Black Fraternizes With the Farmers at Hnrrisburg. SPECIAL TXLXOUAU TO TEE UISFATCn.1 Habrisbubq, December 11. The Pennsyl vanla- State Grange prepared a large amount of work to-day to bo considered during the re maining days of the convention. Among the resolutions referred to the procer committee was one in favor of Will lams Grove as the inter-State picnic ground, which, it is said by leading grangers. will be adopted by a unanimous vote. 'The action by the State Grange on this subject is considered necessary, because of the persistent fight being made by tbe Agricultural Ex hibitors' Implement Union to change to Ht. Gretna, on which. It is reported, Robert Cole man, the owner, proposes to expend $100,000 if necessary to put the ground in proper condi tion. State Treasurer Brown, who represents York county in the Senate, gave a sketch of the way In which tbe equalization tax bill was strangled in the Senate Finance Committee, and Repre sentative Taggert of Montgomery, entertained his fellow grangers with a description of the manner in which tbe dressed beef bill was defeated. Neither of the statements cast any reflection upon the Legislature, but left infer ences to be drawn by those who listened to them. Among those who mingled freely with the delegates to the State Grange was Chauncey F. Black, who expects to obtain substantial support from grangers in his ambition to again become a candidate for Governor of Pennsylt vania. PLACES FOR NEW SENATORS. Vacancies on Committee! Made by Old members' Rolgnalionn. . Washi-gton, December IL Tbe first part of the Republican programme, in reference to providing positions on committees for the new Senators, was carried out by the resignation of Senators Morrill, HIscock, Dawes, Hoar, Alli son, Frye and Manderson of tbelr positions on tbe Committees of the Census, Irrigation, Transportation Routes to the Seaboard, Claims, Organization and Conduct of the Executive Departments, and ou Civil Service and Re trenchment respectively. Their successors on those committees are still to be announced. The Grand Opera Season. The coming season of grand English opera at the Opera House, commencing Monday, December 23, by the Juch company, Is attract ing more attention in fashionable and musical circles than any other engagement this season. Tho Juch company Is pronounced by the press of Washington, Baltimore, -Jew Tork, Phila delphia, Boston and other cities they have visited so far this season, to be tbe largest and most important musical organization in America. Dnring Hiss Juch's recent engagement in Washington she was tbe recipient of more social attention than was ever be stowed upon any American artist before. During the week. Miss Jnch was received privately at tho White House by Mrs. Harri son, entertained there, and was made the recip ient ot many musical floral offerings, ent to her during her different performances by the first lady of tbe land. The repertoire for the week will embrace the following popular rep resentations: Monday, "Carmenr"' Tuesday, "Trovatore;" Wednesday matinee, "Postilion of Loninmeaui" Wednesday evening, "Bohe mian Birlj" Thursday. "Faustf' Friday. "Mienon;" Saturday matinee, "Maritana," and Saturday evening, "Der Freischutz." Miss Juch will appear every evening excepting Tuesday. Sale of seats opens Monday. New Tork Wants Tbat Fair. WASHiHGTOsr. December 11 -Nearly every member of tbe Now York Congressional dele gation attended the dinner given by Repre sentative Flower to-night for the purpose of securing unity of action In New York's contest for the World's Fair. Congressman Belden was chosen Chairman of a committee of six three Democrats and three Republicans to canvass the House In the interest of New Yorkv DEATHS OP A DAY. Joseph Klec. Joseph Klee, the well-known Liberty street wholesale clothier, died suddenly at his home on Beech street, Allexneny, this morning at o'clock. He had been indisposed with rheumatism for two weeks. This morning;, however, he said he felt inoeh better and bad a rood appetite for break fast. It Upresumed the disease reached hla heart. Mr. JUee was 8 years of re. and leaves a widow andCunllyof rown up children, most of whom are married, but he has been a resident of this city lor 40 years and was one of the best known Hebrew merchants. Of ajor TheophUaa Snyder. rsreciA- tuoba to the dutatch.! A-TOOITA, JJecember .-Major Theophllas Snyder, of Martlnsburg, this county, died yester day, aied 13 years, of heart dee. Major Bnyder was well known over the State, and was an ardent Democrat. He held many positions of trust in the House at Washington and fn the Legis lature or this State, ills funeral will tare price Friday morning, Tgl Cray. AtBAHT, M. TrJcee-ber H.-Jae A. Sy, kA 75. a mber. efL tte?amf rta &ia?i?ii ttUHEKOtJS BAZAARS. The Nimble Christians Dollar (o be Ex tracted by Fntr Burglar Armed With Cnllnary Weapons Very Active Work era. The annual fair and bazaar to be held to-day and to-morrow In Old City Hall for the benefit of the Orphans' Home by the ladles of the United Presbyterian churches promises to be a big success. The different booths of saleable articles will be under tbe management of the following ladies, with Urs. H. C. Campbell, President of the Orphans' Home, as general chairman: Fancy Miss Eula Shaw, Mrs. N. Wylle Steven jn. Mrs. John E. Bhaw, Mrs. McKftrUk, Mrs. Eeppert, Miss Amey Lamble, Mies Jennie Kir patn ncjt, jhiss uirrse Hiss Carrie Martin. Miss Ada ilcYey. M! Imps flrflham. Armfitrnnv Anil Mntdoch. tm, AT! Common-Hense Department Mrs.George Sands, Mrs. Mitchell. J rs. Aid red, Mrs. Eselielinan.Mrs, Kev. Campbell, Mrs. Boberta. Smith, Mrs. T. L. Rogers. Mrs. E.T. Mcl'berson. Mrs. J.W. Arrott, Miss Gliailln. Mrs. Henry Smith. Candy-Miss Hare. Mrs. W. Scott, Mrs. Albert gteyenson, Mrs. Murdoch, Miss Ella Jrazer, Miss T. McNeal. Misses Ketterman, Etta Clark, Jennie Klrkpatrick, Mary Monroe. iioiis-Jirs. n. v. isaer, Mrs. Austin, Mrs. Miss Jennie Ttjv- Hands. Allfls Mat Arrrrstrnni Adair, Miss Nona Hill. Miss Mary McKlnnle, Miss Pressley. Miss Simpson, Miss il. M. Shaw, AU53 xiougo anu wus morrow, Glassware-Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Frank Bryee. Misses Clara Wilson, Annie Demp ster, J. Loekhart, Sadie Mahan. House CommitteeMrs. McHenfy, Mrs S. Long, Mrs J. M. Bmlth, Mrs. F. T. Stnryesant. Ice Cream-Mrs. A. P. Burchfleld, Mrs. Hodce, Mrs. T. W. Patterson, Mrs. D. C. Thompson, Mrs, B. f. Wallace, Mrs. McHenry. Fruit and Flowers-Mrs. 1). . Bingaa, Mrs. ArnesK. Dnff. Mrs.EUIott, Misses liable Mitch ell, Delia McHenry, O. Mahan, Bella McCrae and Maggie McCanll. Dining Koom-Mrs. J. B. Herron, Mrs. E. D. Brown, Mrs. D. Campbell, Mrs. George Bhaw, Mrs. Meele. Miss Uarnahan, Mrs. Dr. Stewart. Mrs. B. Stevenson, Mrs. Anna S. Smith. Mrs. urossan, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. W. P. Price. Mrs. Watson. Mrs. M. J. Johnston, Mrs. Sims. Mrs. Keed. Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Annie Allen, Mrs. H. W. AlcKee, Mrs. Parnell, Mrs Bnlger, Mrs. Tag frert, Mrs. Lockhart, Mrs. Frazier, Mrs. Frew, Mrs. Breeze, Mrs. A. Ross, Mrs. McCance, Mrs. Fetterman. Mrs. Drape, Mrs. Greer, Mrs. Elliott. bupply Committee Mrs. J. H. Brown. Mrs. F. Meely, Mrs. Walter, Mrs. MeKeow n, Mrs. O. Thompson, Mrs. James Stewart, Mrs. Cooper, Miss Boyd, Mrs. Robert MoKeown, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs, Taylor, Mrs. J. W. Bcott. A Se Ickley Affair. The Ladies' Aid Society Of the Sewickley M. E. Church, under the direction of its Presi dent, Mrs. Bowman, and Vice President, Mrs. Bracken, will inaugurate this afternoon a holi day festival and bazaar,which will be continued to-morrow. With the following menu will the ladies, who are noted for their skill in the Culinary line, at tract the multitude : Turkey, cold ham, tongue, ovsters. baked beans, cranberry sauce, celery. salads, slaw, jellies, bread, warm biscuits, tea and coffee, ice cream and cake will complete the list of good things that will be served be tween 5 and 8 each evening. Alter coming the spider and the fly act upon the unsuspecting publto by the aid of the plabor&te bill ot tarn a. heantlf nl bevv Of fair ladies will make deep inroads into tbe purses of their victims by a judicious offering of "taffy," which It may here be remarked is all home made, and a host ot fancy articles. A choice musical programme will also be en joyed and a glorious good time is expected by all. The Ladies' Aid Society fund will be benefited by the entertainment. The refreshments served to-morrow evening will include the festive bivalve dressed In every conceivable manner, creamed, fried, escal loped and also in an undressed condition, German Church-Workers. A very pretty bazaar was held yesterday and will be continued to-day in the German Evan gelical Protestant Church, corner of Sixth avenue and Smitbfield street. The Ladies' Aid Boclety of tho church, of which Mrs. T. LInke, Is President, and Miss R. Kolbecker, Secretary, control the affair. A very nice exhibit Is made of fancy articles. In tbe manufacture of which the German talent for fine and artistic needle work has been used in irrnat rnlvsmtatm. Lovelv little plnaforCS and wholesomely large cooking aprons, made of the prettiest of ginghams, claim attention, and the lunch counter is very attractive and deservedly well patronized. The mother tongue is Used almost exclusively by the euests and those in attendance upon the sale of the wares displayed. , Tho ladles in charge of the needlework de partment are Mrs. Rev. F. Ruoff, Mrs. Emlle Braum, Mrs. L. Brehm. Mrs. G. Stoebuer. Mrs. a Wall, Mrs. L. Oetting, Mrs. Mary Straub, Mrs. J. Ober, Mrs. Menscher. Mrs. Lang, Mrs. Miohel, Mrs. AnnaMcWiUlams. Mrs. E. Becker and Mrs. John Schmidt. The lunch counter Is In charge of Misses Anna Braum, Came Bpecfc, H, Flagler,. Laura Luke and Bertha Landon.) ' Smnller AflTaira of the Kind. Aw oyster supper, where a number of the mollusks will be served instead of the prover bial one, will be given to-night and to-morrow evening by the ladies of the Grace Episcopal Church, Mt Washington. In connection with the supper, booths of pretty articles all de signed for holiday presents will be presided over Dy young ladies fancifully attired, and the variety and magnificence of the display will enable each guest to make some selections to be used during the forthcoming season of good cheer. The First Congregational Church, at the corner of Franklin and Manhattan streets, Allegheny City, will hold their annual New England supper this evening. A number of the men who were In Company B, One Hun dred and Twenty-third Regiment of Pennsyl vania, Fifth Corps, will be present as the guests of Mr. James Lowrie, the Allegheny un dertaker. A plkasaitt time and plenty to eat is as sured those who propose attending the bazaar and supper to be given by tne ladies of the German' M. E. Church, comer of Ohio street and Union avenue, to-night and to-morrow night. Robinson's Hall, No. 18 Third street will be the scene of tho festivities. A supper, under tho auspices ot the Literary and Musical Society of the Evangelical Luth eran St. Peter's Church was given at tbe school hall on Station streot. East End last evening. A bazaar for the benefit of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Shady Avenue Baptist Church will bo held to-morrow evening. Social Chattel. A MlssioifABY meeting will be held in Emmanuel Church, Allegheny, to-morrow. The services which are, to be Very Interesting, wm occupy the entire day and tho ladies of the church will servo the company with an appetiz ing lunch, free of charge, in the evening a continuation of the services will be held in Trinity Church and the presence of Bishops Talbot and Leonard will add greatly to the interest of the occasion. A MUSICAL and literary entertainment will be given this evening, at the Presbyterian Church, La wrenceville. Mr. L. L. Thomas will conduct the programme and a number of prominent specialists win assist in making the evening a very enjoyable one. Tdsee will be an entertainment to-night at Curry University Hall, corner Penn avenue andSlxth street,bytheMOorheadtJnion. The1 programme will consiit'of "Mother Goose and Her Temperance Family." All are invited. Tns Poverty German Club was entertained last evening by Miss Birdie Lanahan, of Center avenue. Mns. Dubbin Hobkb will receive her friends this afternoon between the hours of i and 6. THE Mitchell-Osborne wedding at Franklin last evening was attended with great pomp and glory. THE Twin Lake Camping Club gives a recep tion this evening at the East End Military Hall. Mbs. Chabis 8Hr itxe gives her second "at home" this afternoon. A DELiGHTirui afternoon tea was given by Mrs.N. B. Hogg yesterday. Mbs, Omveb O. Pnn,s tenders her re ception to-day. The Magee-MItcbell nuptials take place this evening. AH ECMEATI02r OP YETEBAN8. Superintendent Porter Invites G. A. B. Post to Collect Census Statistics. Washingtow. December 11. The Grand Army of the Republic Is to be Invited by Su perintendent Porter to co-operate with the cen sus enumerators In making as complete as pos sible the list of names of the surviving veter ans of the late war. These enumerators, in ad dition to other duties, are required to secure the names of all veterans, the name of the regi ment In which each served, the length ot service, disability. If any, etc. Tho pension rolls and the rolls of the Grand Army posts will be nsed to insure accuracy. Too Way ta Happiness. From the Baltimore American. .O-eoeeireeoIttUea tbat everybody m4. - . .TT.-rr-rrrBkBBfcB 12, kit A REMARKABLE ASSEMBLAGE. All America Represented ht tbe Celebra tion of tho One Handredta Anniversary of Washington's Inauguration A For elgner'a Aeliis Mistake Chief Jus tice Fuller" Eloquent Oration. rSPBCIAC TEXQUAX TO TBX SISFATCa.1 WASHiKfltoif, December It Probably on no other occasion .has there been such an ex traordinary gathering within tbe hall of the I House of Representatives as was to be seen there this afternoon on the occasion of the ceremonies commemorative of the inaugura tion of George Washington, the first Presi dent of these United States. The diplomatic representatives of more nations than have been present on any previous occasion in the history of this Country were there. Every department of this Government was represented, from the President himself down to the little pages of the House and Senate. Tbe Governors ot tbe 13 orlelnal States, or their representatives, had seats among tho assembly, together with the Governors of other States which were not among the original number. Add to these the members of both Houses of Congress and the Justices of tbe Supreme Court, and an idea will be obtained of the remarkable character of the assemblage which rose to Its feet at 1 o'clock this afternoon and bowed its head as the opening prayer was delivered by the Senate ChaplauvDr. Butler. Half a dozen rows of seats on each side of the Speaker's chair had been vacated by the Representatives, and sufficient chairs and benches hail been placed between the desks In the back rows to accommodate the members of the House. In the open space immediately in front of the Speaker leather cushioned seats had been provided for the President and bis Cabinet, the army officers and the Supreme Court. Every seat to tbe spacious galleries was occupied by a crowd of spectators, most Of , them ladies, members of the families of tbe gentlemen constituting the gathering on the fioor. Contrary to tbe usual Custom, however, there was" n6 overcrowding, only sufficient tickets' of admission having been issued to com fortably fill the available space. A Corcan Hustled Ont. The first of the invited guests to arrive were the gubernatorial representatives of the 13 original States. Among these were Governor Beaver, of Pennsylvania, and Governor Fitz hughLee, of Virginia. Governor Hill, of New York, was not present, JohnT. Farnsworth rep resenting hfm. These gentlemen were assigned places on the back row of seats on the Demo cratic side, some comment being occasioned at this disposition of them. The first bit Of bright coloring was added to the somewhat somber array of black coats and white shirt fronts by General Schofield, the General commanding thn A- mlth A a,lotnf A illtif ont fZonarnt Vincent, both being in full uniform. With military promptness these officers haa arrived a tew minutes-ahead ot time and they occupied the interval in chatting to friends among the members. A gorgeous individual, arrayed in bright-col- ored silks, worn as a sort of blonse, and carry ing on his head a peculiar, contrivance resemb ling nothing so much as a fly-trap, then entered the Chamber and proceeded to help himself to a chair. He proved to be a member of the Corean embassy, and was promptly hustled out to come in again with the rest of the diplomatic representatives. While the "crowd was wondering what had become of tbe Corean, Cleveland's last Post' master General, Don M. Dickinson, slipped in and found a seat among the Democratic mem bers of the House. He was followed by the Inter-State Commerce Commissioners and a number of the bureau officers of the present administration. These gentlemen scattered themselves around, took what seats they could get and tried to look pleasant. Then followed one of the most pleasing sights of the whole occasion, to wit: the grand entree of the Apollo Belvidere of the Senate. Frank Hiscock, of NeW York, accompanied by Hon. Thomas M. Bayne, of Pittsburg, the two being the respect ive Chairmen of the Senate and House com mittees having the affair in charge. Benator Hiscock's pretty gray beard was carefully brushed, and Mr. Bayne had on bis Snnday-go-to meeting frock coat. A prolonged "Ah" from the waiting members greeted them as the two masters of ceremonies marched down the aisle. v Foreigners In Gay Attire. The arrival of these gentlemen betokened the, commencement of the proceedings. Immedi ately behind them came President Harrison and his Cabinet, the President walking with Secretary of State Blaine. Secretaries Windom and Noble were not present AS tbe dis tinguished arrivals were announced everyone in the chamber rose to their feet and remained standing until the President was seated. The Chief Justice and the Supreme Court entered next, the doorkeeper creating some amusement by announcing the members of the court as tbe "Associated" Justices. The District Supreme Court, the District Commissioners and other distinguished officials came next, and George Bancroft, the venerable historian, followed. Vice President Morton, leaning on the arm of Secretary McCooky preceded by 5ergeant-at-Arms Canady and old "Father Time," as the veteran DoorKeeoer, captain uassei, is caiiea. and followed by "the whole Senate, headed by Senators Quay and Cameron, of Pennsylvania, was the next to arrive. General Schofield, accompanied by General Rosencrahs in a bran new uniform, marched down the aisle, and tbe rear Of the long pro cession was brought up by the members of tbe diplomatic corps and the delegates to the Mar itime and Pan-American Congresses. Al though these foreigners were the last to arrive, they were easily first In brilliancy and gorgeousness of dress. Nearly all of tbem wore uniforms blazing with gold lace, stars, decorations of honor and medals, and in conse quence their side of tho honse was In marked contrast with that occupied by the more soberly clad representatives of the United States. AU America Represented. An interesting fact was the presence of properly accredited representatives of all tbe other republics on the continent, namely, Mex ico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Salva dor, Honduras, the United States of Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru, Chill, Uruguay, Par aguay, Ecuador, the ArgentlneJtepubUc, Bra zil, Haytl and San Domingo. These would not have been here, or a good many Of them would not, had It hot been for the International American Conference now in session In this President Harrison occupied a seat directly in front of the presiding officer, and during tho whole of Chief Justice Fuller's oration he sat bending slightly forward, his eyes fixed on the speaker and bis toes turned in, at though he was bow-legged. He scarcely moved during tbe delivery, although he yawned once or twice, but at the close he was the first to con gratulate the Chief Justice on his effort. Sen tr infills sat several seats further back, with bis arms closely folded, ereot, motionless, at tentive, lmmemaieiy oemnu aim was no in tellectual face of ex-Speaker Carlisle, while in front, sitting side by side, Senators Quay and Cameron appeared to take but little interest in the address. Benator Quay, by tbe way, was the only person on the floor outside of the Chinese andCoreau representatives, who did not wear a black coat Ho bad on a brown one, and it was without tails as well. Tbe Past and lb Future, Chief Justice Fuller eulogized Washington, alluded to the harmonious relations ot this country with foreign nation, spoke of the auspicious opening ox tne present century ana closed with this eloquent peroration: "And so tbe new century may be entered upon in the spirit of optimism, the natural result, perhaps, of a self-confidence which has lost nothing In substance by experience, though It has gained in the moderation of Its impetuosity, yet an optimism essential to the accomplishment of great ends: not blind to perils, but bold In the fearlessness of a faith whose very conscious ness of theumltatlons ot jne present asserts the attainability of tbe untraveled world of a still grander future. No ship can sail forever over summer seas. The storms it has weath ered test and demonstrate its ability to survive the storms to come, but storm there must be until there shall be no more sea. But as amid the tempest in which our ship of state was launched and In the times succeeding, so in tba times' 'to come, with every exigency, con steUations ot illustrious men will rise upon the ,CTVskes to control the whirlwind anddis Sefthe i clouds by their potent influences, while from the 'clear upper sVy'Ue steady light of thsCTeat planet marks out the course the ye iel musVpuisue. and sits shining ou the sails as it come grandly into the haven where it WIvbW.H.Mllbtfrn. the House chaplain, then d'elivcred the benediction, and while the Marine Band played the national airs, the a, semblaga dispersed. v TO MAKE CDBA A EEPUBLIC. Senate CallWaata ThU Coeetry and Saala to Work Together Washikotok, December IL In the Senate to-day Mr, Call introduced a joint resolution authorizing the President to begin negotlationa with the Government of Spain for tho estab lishment ot a republic on the island of Cab in coBBeOB with this Mr. Call presented a 'peWoa M natives of Cuba bow eldwns of the M t-lic mm Ml -,tsw- 9mm' HETROPOlITAK MATTEES. A Street Car Electrified. exew tokjc mm lc srscuLS.i Nkw Yohk, December -Barely ft day passes In this city now that somebody is not either killed outright or frightened half to death by an electric wire. During a big rain storm this morning an electrio light pole on Third avenue sank several feet Into a subway excavation, where men had been at work and then toppled over to an angle of degrees. The two wires attached to the pole sagged down and. lay across tbe horse-car tracks, A little later a horse-car with two passengers came bowling down tbe avenue. Pierce Marx, tbe driver, did Dot sea the wires In the street, but he suddenly heard an explosion and felt a shock. At the same time his car became brilliantly illu minated. Blackness followed for an instant and then Marx saw colored sparks shooting out from all portions of his car. He received an other shock which rolled him oil Into the street The Conductor and the two passengers leaped from tbe rear platform, and the horses galloped away with the empty car. A crowd gathered around Marx shouting that he was killed. But he was not He was only a little burned and nearly dead with fright After drinking about a pint of brandy be felt better. It seemed that the wheels of the car had caught the wires and pulled down the pole. The car wheels cut Into the insulation on the wires, and thus formed a circuit that caused tho brilliant flash and sub qnentiy caused sparks to fly from the car. The large amount of iron about the car served to carry the current The Company Solely Responsible. The Coroner's inquest on the death of Henry Harris, tho Bowery salesman who was killed by an electric wire before his employer's Store, was concluded this afternoon. After remain ing out half an hour the jnry brought In a ver dict to the effect tbat the Brush. Electric Light Company, to whose system the fatal wire Be longed, was "solely responsible for the death ot Henry Harris." The jury also urged the Board of Electrical Control tohasten the work of buryin the wires. The funeral of Peter Clausen, tbe lineman who was killed among the wires on Monday, took place this afternoon. The electric light company for which Clausen worked sent his widow $ 15 of his back pay to day and 10 as a present A Plea for tho Sugar Swindlers. The District Attorney requested the Recorder to-day to discharge Mrs. Olive E. Friend, Kmlly Howard, Orrin Halstead and George Halstead, who pleaded guilty recently to the charge of grand larceny in the electric sugar case. He confessed that, under the conspiracy law, the four prisoners were principals In the sugar swindle, and that they could be convicted with out much trouble. "Bat they hate pleaded guilty," he said, "and have saved the1 county the expense of a trial. Prof. Friend, who con ceired this plot, is dead, and Howard, bis primary coadjutor, is In prison. These people were not principals in originating and concoct ing this plot The women only carried out the plot conceived by others, and the men were only employes on a small salary, and did not share In the profits." Tha Recorder dryly said that he would think it over. Mrs. Friend and Mrs. Howard hate been in the TOmbs nine months, and are haggard and ailing in cou qnence of the confinement They will probably be discharged. Secretary Windom Wonld'n t Talk. Secretary Windom, Mrs. Wlndoni and Miss Windom slipped away from Washington and into New York almost unobserved to-day. They were met here by James B. Colgate, who took them to his country place In Yonkers for the night This morning Mr. Winaom came Into town and called upon ex-Mayor Grace, Chaun cey Depew, General James, and several other old friends. Mr. Windom's business here is of a private nature. It was not his purpose to see any financial men or bankers, and he is under Stood to have kept a pretty quiet tongue re specting public measures. Some of the gentle men with whom ha had Informal talk this morn ingsay that be has received private communica tions from a great many parts of the country expressing confidence in his silver plan, and that some of these expressions are from men who are publicly regarded as opposed to it Mr. Windom says nothing about the refusal of the President to recommend bis proposition, but there is no doubt that he fee)s a little chagrined that the President did not keep his promise and refer to It with some expression of favor. KONB LIKE DARIUS G&EEH'S. Men Have Wrought Oat Odd Inventions, bat Not a Flying; Machine. List of patents issued to Western Pennsyl vania, Eastern Ohio and West Virginia In ventors, Tuesday, December 10, furnished by O. D. Levis, patent attorney, No. 131 Fifth ave nue, Pittsburg: Henry Alten, Homestead, Pa., casting Ingots or billets, alto mold for Ingots; O. O. Barber and L A. BaUghman, Akron, O.. machine for making match strips; John D. Bowman. Altoona, safaty catch; Sarah A. Bryan. Farmer, O., culinary utensil; Charles K. Daellenbach, assignor toK. Glasser and H. Shoenefelt Allegheny, railway switch; Austin C. Evans, Springfield, O., seed planter; U. E. Urey, Money, Pa., current water wheel; John M. Groff. Canton, 0., combined chair and loangd: Amos O, Hess, Salem, O., gate; Samuel M. Uonck. Springfield, O.. wick trimmer; 1 mi iA,, -tv T.rri.h -Miitnn. w. va.. alarm iock: Henry Bothermel. Mansfletd. O.. slate cleaner and eraser? John IT. Kusllng, La wrenceville. Fa., case for packing batter; James A. Simpson, Coltimbnt. O.. doubletree sprine; Theodore Steckle. Bethlehem, Fa., shutter hinjte; Ueonce 'Wilkinson, Wllllamsport truss: Keuben W1J leta. Beaver Falls, feed water regulator; Isaac O. Wise. Brlmfleld, O., seed planter; John G. Young, Bellev ne. Pa., attachment for vapoc stoves: Henry Schwartzeniraber and C.C. BlUs. I'elphos, O., wire fence block; A. B. Cameron, Wllllamsport, ornamental panel: Joseph Walker, Clark's Ureeu, Pa., antomatlo coupling fontcam plpss. BAYIHGIiIFE AT &EA. Hecommcndnllons of the Marine Conference on the Subject. WABHrKGTOJr, December . The committee appointed by the International Marine Confer ence on life saving systems and devices has completed its report It declares that colliding vessels should remain by each other so long as consistent with their own safety. In regard to life saving appliances to be Car ried on shipboard, tbe committee is of opinion that the basis upon which an agreement be tween the several nations- most llaely to be established Is to be f onnd in the "rules of the Board of Trade" of Great Britain, under the "merchant-shipping, Ufe-saving appliances act of 1688," which are tp go Into effect on March 31 1890l it is suggested that there Is no present neces sity for action upon the subject of extinguish ing fire on vessels- Tbe committee deem it Im practicable to formulate any definite rules for saving life and property from shipwrecked vessels, bnt make numerous suggestions In the line of efficiency in this direction. Mm. Scott-Lord'e Funeral. WAsnur GTOJf. December IL The funeral of Mr. Scott-Lord will take place to-morrow. Private services will be held at 11 o'clock at the Church of the Incarnation, which will be at tended by the President and relatives and Im mediate friends of the deceased. The interment will be In Rock Creek Cemetery. Tfil-STATE TEIFLES. Theeb Is in Pottstown a f amlly consisting of five women whose tastes are so different that they long ago established a ml requiring each one to do her own cooking. Tm: squeal of a stallion scared off a horse thief from the premise ol Samuel Boyd, Birm ingham, Chester county, a fewnigbts ago, after tbe trespasser had untied three fine animals, Neae Deborah's Rock, on the Brandywine, stands a curious growth In the shape of two large trees, one an oak and the other a hickory, which have grown together. MicnAEi. J. DAilT, a miner of Cambola, Schoylklil county, Stands8feet71nehes in his bare feet THB Westchester ITewt says: "A. honey bee appeared in John . Greenfield's place this morning. A lively bee on December 9 la a rarity." A whi squall seen is Logan county. Ct, la being bunted by the entire population, AiSka walked through the streets of West Cb-rleue, W,Vaoa Saturday, andscaredaU the residents into tbelr housae. $MK Mi to HftMt ft ya tolled atw,Hrj WBfr W Wj.8" t KPftWWK Kjk iyj CURIOUS C0HDNSAI0NS.J A Philadelphian who found part of ft horseshoe la a New York sausage baa had it gilded to hang up for luck. '" ' The Stanley expedition has cost abont 20,000 pounds to date. The committee esti mate that10,000morewiUbenecessaryto clear ' all expenses. - A great many people in Atlanta are eating vegetables raised In their own gardens; the trees are budding and the flowers bloom ing. The effect of tbe mild weather Is spring- like, and December is wearing the garments of May. On the 29th of last September, Mrs. Frederick La Baplt died at Goshen. Ind. of dropsy, her age being 67 years, 3 months and 8 days. Last Saturday the husband died, when It was ascertained that his age was at death ex actly the same as his wife's, 57 years, 2 months and 8 days. A physiologist in France has been ob serving tbe working of flies in flying; and some how has arrived at the conclusion that the wings of a fly make about 330 beats per second, and that such a fly can travel at tha rate of kilometre per minute. This, a French journal says, is equal to the velocity of au express train (37.3 miles). A Detroit physician, who is dying front anecrosls of the frontal bone, is reported to be watching his own case withont other profes sional aid, taking copious notes of the symp toms, etc., as they appear, and resolute in ban ishing anything like grief or gloom from his household, in which music and even dancing are frequently beard. The doctor believes hi patient will be off within a week. The smallest aud daintiest prayerbook In the world is the "Finger Prayerbook,1' which has just been Issued by the Oxford Uni versity press. It is printed in diamond and brilliant type on the famous India paper. It contains 670 pages, measures 3K-1 inches, and weighs only three-quarters ot an ounce. It is arranged for "tbe chatelaine, the waistcoat pocket or tbe parse." and ranges in price from S3 cents to 16 60. Though the paper is exceed ingly thin, it is entirely opaque and the type is beautifully clear. Joseph Tomlinson, of Sheltoii, Conn., U 63 years old and at present holds these offices: Town Clerk, Judge of Probate, Town Tax Col lector, Chairman of District Committee, Dis trict Tax Collector, Registrar of Births, Justice ot the Peace, President of Town Deposit Fund, Police Justice, notary public, real estate agent. Town Treasurer, Secretary and Manager of the Shelton Loan and Savings Association, Insur ance agent, pension attorney, Secretary Union Agricultural Society, collection agent, intelli gence office, and correspondent of the Aniouia Sentinel The postoffi ce in East Hartford, Conn., is in bad odor. Fourteen skunks have been killed at its doors since the season opened, and the supply of animals still tends thitherward apparently undiminished. The exigency of the situation that now environs the spot has made many East Hartford people timorous about visiting it after nightfall, and the post master, thus extraordinarily beset, skips into and out of the office with wary caution and stena that barelv erraza the cronnd. He fears an even nnhappler fate than befell Bishop Hatto in his ancient mouse nest For several days a slaughter of seals unprecedented in the history uf the Gulf of St Lawrence has been going on on both shores of the gulf, and at least 15,000 of them have been killed by the Inhabitants. As the gulf begins to fill with the ice the seals come down from the Greenland coast In what is called the Labrador current, and passing through the BeUe Isle Straits cover tbe rocky, icy shores in perfect myriads. This winter, more than any other in recent years, the gulf Is particularly late in closing, with tbe result tbat the seals have penetrated tbe St Lawrence as far west as Montreal. SCO miles from the ocean, and they have been caught In droves. The son of a landowner at Friedersdorf, Herr Lerch, was seized with a sudden fit of madness; he rushed Into the housa with an ax in his hand, and up to the nursery, where his little niece, a child of 3 years of age, was at play on the floor with her dog, a large St Bern ard. The madman aimed a blow at the child's head with an ax, but It was fortunately averted by the dog who flew at bis throat The lunatic's attention was now directed to the animal, at whom, he directed blow after blow. Tbe screams of the baby attracted tha attention of the household, who were able to secure the madman, but did not arrive in time to save tha life of the falthfnl dog; which lay with a frao tured skull at the feet of his tiny mistress. Germans are not doing particnlarlyVell In Importing machinery Into Chill, the only goods in Which' they possess a superiority being sewing machines. Out of a total import of 25.723 worth of these latter Germany supplied 2,000. but in other articles of machinery the Imports from that country were only small. In agricultural machinery and implements, in wiiich the Germans have done pretty well In Brazil and the Argentine Bepublic. they can make little headwayagainst English and Amer ican goods; and in ga3 machinery and appb ances the share of Germany is quite insignificant In railway material nine-tenths of the supply comes from England, and neither the United States nor Germany are serious competitors. From the 1st of January next year all machinery and parts of machinery will be admitted into Chill duty free. A correspondent of a London paper says there are at Stambonl about 90 regular slavo brokers who sell and buy slaves, or who are the medium of buying or selling. The slaves are lodged In houses known by the public, jnstas they know the dealers In any sort of merchan dise. The Abyssinian slaves are rare on ac count of the delicacy ot their health, and the trying climate of Constantinople does not suit them. An Abyssinian maiden from 14 to 17 13 worth from 60 to 120 Bras (a lira is worth about 18s), but a handsome one Is sure to bring 300 llras. White slaves (Tcherkes) are more abund. ant Maidens from 12 to 15 are quoted from 60 to 300 llras, and those from 18 to 20 from 60 to 1000 llras. The priC9 varies according to beauty, slae, complexioo.and accomplishments. Singers and musicians generally bring a good price. Many people buy slaves for legal mar riages, preferring them to Turks. There is a decided sensation at Greens boro, N. G, growing out of the capture of ft strange creature, of whose origin nothing seems to be known. When first seen she had bad just sprung out of a box car and was run ning np the railroad. She entered houses, frightening the inmates out of their wits. Tbe woman, or whatever it Is, does not speak, but barks like a dog and bites right and left She caught one man by the coat sleeve and tookout a pieco as though it bad been done with a steel instrument The creature had on her arm two baskets filled with cast-off fruit cans, and when overtaken threw down the baskets and fought savagely. No Information can bo drawn from her as to her dame, origin or desti nation. She Is curiously dressed and her hair is wrapped about her head In a disordered way. Barking and snapping like a dog are her char, acteristlcs, with a readiness to fight anything that confronts her- The authorities are anx ious to get her off their hands. FLIGHTS OF FNCY. This is the season of the year when the slnjcgard who did not take the proverb maker's advice, and go to tbe ant in the spring, has to (o to his uncle. SomervilU Journal. Bonson It strikes me that Solbylsofa retired disposition. Cnarlle Great Scott and who wouldn't be on im coo a rear. Kearnev EntervrUe, Mrs. Literary Do you believe with the poet that reading makes a fall man? Mrs. Practical (sighing) I don't know that read ing makes a fall man, butl am convinced that a club reading room does. Texas Sifting!. Harry Who's that passing on the other lde of tbe street? Charley Dear boy, yon'U have to excuse me. I'm really too fatigued to look further than the middle of the street tc-day.r-Ta Sifting. Brown Ton show a good deal of boyish enthusiasm over yonr coming trip to lurope. Wby. you've crossed several times before, haven't you? Bobtnson Yes, bnt this Is my first tripwlthoM my wife. Ifpoea. QnevedOrrHello, Gesner! "What are yott doing here? , i. t .-- ,-f -DK..I T.inA tar rood. When one can't stretch one's legs withont P "? one's reet wet it's time to se s ,- . Mrs. Starvely I can't see why you're not able to furnish your rooms as well as the Borrow-. Its 00. "iney'Ve got a panor c. .t. and plush. .,... Mr. Starvely-Wen, I'll bet It's covered with 1.U-.M. Vb, --. ,. Tommy Why, Mr. Thomas, you a utue, neyour . ,,.,. Mr. Thomas (a six-footer)-! guess not, my lad. what made you tnmxsor ..n..J. Tommy-Why, sister said you were tte jstaaOest specimen of a man she ever itntt.-Starnta , ttrprUi. ?W. A Delicate QaertIoD,-Wagisb. Fnend- Where did you gt that- .., SprlStlns(gajplnr-Eh? Wha, nfcMBT .r. Z7 ... ..- .r j vfaM???Mt !X 'vm air ui couj , 7, ir;"i!'i; mimiithBMiraer iwasafralafyonlweTegotngli : (te"ak ate wMN Iffst tfti gaorengggfftirtlfctl : i -i. r i jt gr,L LrL'ffTirrT' :MN in awesjefitM rwnaswi v pertinence as a nwsgnsttwm k ixaeee WBOinvwMWjBi av?!Pf: m. i i. vv