V, Every successful Business Man Advertise Iil Business. TDE DISPATCH ll the Best medium throagh trblch tha Purchasing Public cam lie reached. Wide-awake people always scan Its col- i nmss for Holiday Bargains. Kow li ibo time to catch their eye. FORTT-FOTTEtTH YEAH. ONWIOVEDJY DEATH, The Stricken City of Johns town Tiews Ten Corpses WITHOUTBEING STAETIED That Opera House Disaster is Ex plained and Investigated, LEADING TO AYERDICTOFCEHSURE Fall Details, of the Sad Affair, With Some Personal Experiences. IT WAS SENSELESS ALARH AKt) FLIGHT 'While there Is an element of instruction inithe details of the Johnstown Opera House panic and disaster, the principal features thereof have been already told In these columns. The alarm and panio appear senseless, now that cool people on the outside of that little death trap have counted the cost The Coroner's jury yes- ," terday condemned the Opera House and .recommended official action against it. TraOat jl stirr cobbxspoxm-it. 1 Johnsto-wn, December 11. There tsbnt little excitement in Johnstown, though ten - of its inhabitants lie dead, their poor bodies trampled, blackened and crushed by their frightened fellows, in a wild desire to escape death. Nothing short of an earthquake will stir Johnstown alter the late deluge with its ghastly results. Little croups of citizens can be seen on the street corners, discussing the situation, but there is not much external manifestation of feeling. It may be because the majority ot the unfortunate dead are newcomers in the place that the people show so much apathy; out I think there is a deeper reason. Death, except as it comes groping after them indi vidually, has no terrors, after the late flood, Exterior o the Zittte Death Trap. for the present generation of the Mountain City citizens, and the presence of cold, stark bodies, whether drowned or suffocated in a theater panic, elicits little response from the native. EASILY TOLD IK BEIEF. ' There is not much to add, except by way of description and a further list of the in jured, to the admirable account of the panic m-lhe Parke Theater which appeared in The Dispatch of to-day. The names o the dead are correct, and the wounded are yet to be given. It is the old story of an opera bouse with insufficient exits, a cry of fire, panic, a wild rush; a fearlul struggle and crush for 25 minutes: the shouts of men and screams of frantic women, tbe groans of injured and dying, and, in tbe end, ten dead and a score or more in jured. This tells the simple story. It was the most foolish thing recently heard of, and, when one looks at the miserable little deathtrap, with its one narrow stairway, be T wonders how it is possible sueh a catastro phe should have occurred. But at any rate the awful truth must be told. THE TL ACE WAS TACKED. 'Stetson's Uncle Tom's Cabin Company was( performing in the Parke Opera House. Messrs. Flinn and McCann, the managers, claim the house will hold 800 people, comfortably seated, and over 700 were 'present. In short, the auditorium was packed. The house is divided into a parquet and two galleries, the first of the latter running around to the two proscenium walls, and. the upper one taking up the space in the rear of the hall. A narrow stairway about sixeet wide, leading from tbe street to the rear portion of the room, is the only means of ingress and egress. The galleries are not ligh above the parquet, and an ordinary h jjf H ft wi 1 1., f acrobat could stand on the top railing of the upper gallery and turn a somersault, com ing down on bis feet below without burling himself. It was in an abominable, insignificant place like this that so much havoc was wrought. f JUST AT EVA'S DEATH BCENE. tfThe company was playing the parts in the , ldstscenes when the fatal moment arrived. f JTwtVas about to depart to the angelic re gions beyond, which in a few short moments ' became a sad reality to ten of the audience. A fire bell rang, somebody cried out in the ' callery, and the panic was complete. Tbe people in the parquet rose tip with ashen I laces-"or ueavu Bccuicu uj ue alter uiemjQ- dividually and made one wild rush for the narrow staircase. A crowd of idiots stood at the doors below and tried to enter the hall. A blockade followed, and the death trap was soon filled with struggling human llyk, Ordinarily 20 average men would take t ' npYall the room in the cheese-box, but it is -claimed that at least 100 people got packed in the stairway. Then ensued struggle for life that was terrible. The weaker were pressed to the floor and trampled as if undera Juggernaut t One strong man", wedged in near the door, braced himself lor a final effort; buthemight fj-jns well have attempted to remove a stone ;wall by banging his head against its rocks. Leading from the stage to tbe street is a narrow stairway, downwhich one man can waitiflt s. timpj esu.cuuic incmeaea pwp!elhedjfo1rlfcaTrag&&adln their J anxiety broke some of the electric lamps on the proscenium. THE LIGHTS TTERE KEPT GOING 'Manager Flinn, who was on the stage and realized at once there was no fire, reached forward to keep the lights from going out. God only knows What would have happened then If darkness hafl sud denly ensued. The manager and actors called to the people, "Sit down!" ''Stand backl" "There Is no fire!" and same of the cooler heads in the audience ably assisted them. But their cries for order were useless. Men jumped from the upper galleries down Into the parquet, and at every window from the Down the Fatal Stairway Wtlh an Awful JftuA. street could be seen terrified people trying to get out. So far as could be learned, none jumped to the ground, though some were Been hanging on the edges of the -window sills. But the crowd on the outside is much to blame for the catastrophe. They blockaded the door and kept the people from com ing out. Chief Harris with a sqnad of po lice soon appeared on the scene, and tried to beat back the jam in vain. Finally he tnrned a hose on them, and this had some good effect, though tbe terrified people would persist in rushing back. For fully 26 minutes the struggle lasted, when it began to dawn upon the audience that there was no fire and no danger. Then kind and willing bands carried out the dead and. wounded When it tras too late. Iseael. AFTER THE MAD BUSH. SCENES FOLLOWING THE PANIC, WITH TOE lit LESSONS. Tbe Dead and Dying Cnred For One Terr Pathetic Incident Why Prominent Citizens Bad Avoided tbe DenthTrap Why Waan'i It Condemned? fFBOK A STAFF COERESPONPKTT.I Johkstowk, December 11. "Wnen the excitement had subsided Miss Barns was carried out, screaming with pain. The poor girl had been crushed internally, and she died shortly afterward in John Thomas' store window, suffering great agony. A big colored man, as he was re leased from the jam and tried to walk, staggered and groaned and then fell to the ground. Little George Horner jumped down from the upp;r trallerr and landed cafelv in the parauet but the bricht.l boy was pusned into in aeatncirap. and be died with the other nine. Georce was a newsboy, and sold matches and other small articles ior a living. He had a handsome face, and more than one tear was shed over bis remains at the morgue this morning. His face was bruised sligntly, but aside from this he was not disfigured. STAIKED WITH BLOOD. The little fellow's clean white shirt and red cravat he had evidently donned his best suit of clothes wer& stained with blood that had poured through his mouth and nose. He was tramped to death be neath the heavy heels of men and women. When your correspondent arrived here he went to the morgue at the upper end of Main street, an old building of Henderson, the undertaker, having been pressed into service. Tbe room is not large, and is partially filled with lumber and furni ture. A small crowd of anxious women stood outside in the drenching fain, and a copper guarded the door. The dead were washed and prepared for burial by Andrew Hambacher, who came to Johnstown the day after the flood, and bas worked like a bero here ever since. , In one part of the room was Mrs. Burns, the mother, and a short distance away was the body of Hiss Clara Burns, the daughter. The shriveled features of tbe elder save her a ghostly appearance, but the girl was fair even in death. The reporter was reminded very vividly of the earlier scenes of the . x ...-.-. . . " I nood. WD3ESPEEAD SYMPATHY. George Horner's father and mother are both quite ill, and they have the sympathy of the entire community. John Miller, the colored man wbo was killed, is abont 20 yeara old. He came to Johnstown a short time aso. His body was taken to Chambers burg, his home. Mrs. John Nestor was a native of Johns town. Her husband is a carpenter, who worked for Ben Horner. The lady was about 25 years old, and leaves several small children to mourn her. It is difficult to estimate the number in jured. The doctors state that they at tended abont 30 persons. They also say. what is rather peculiar.that no bones are broken. Many of the hurt were squeezed badly, but the dodtors be lieve thev are cot seriously injured inter nally. Some suffered irom the fright, but are all right to-day. "With the exception of Charles Vaughn, wbo was crushed about the hips, it is expected that the others will be out in a few days. The stories of eye-witnesses to the horri ble scene only confirm what I have de scribed in a general way. ONE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. John M. Rose, Esq., slated that he was in the hall a short time before the accident oc curred. He was attracted there with many others by the accomplishments of one of the ladies who played -well on the harp. Mr. B'ose states that the space down stairs was en tirely taken up by the people, and he had to stand near the door while he was in the bouse. A number of other men were also standing, and tbe aisles, of conrse, were partially- blockaded, though Man ager Flinn said there was plenty of room for the people to pass out Mr. Kose had scarcely gotten home when he -beard the alarm and he rushed back. Every thing -was then in confusion. The noise made by the frantic people, he states, was terrific ft was impossible to distinguish any of the cries. Finally he managed to hear the men in the upper windows calling to the crowd at the door to stand back. He says the windows in the second and third floors were filled with people, some of them hanging from the sills. He aided the police all he could in trying to drive the crowd back, bat they pressed and snrged around the doors to such an ex tent that it was impossible, but when the hose was turned on them they scattered, only to return like redmea. to an attack when the water was tnrned-off. UXCLE TOM AS END KAN. The Parke Theater, or Mala Street Opera House, as ft bas been called i .latter days, was built 20 years ago. By aV.strasge coin cidenee. TTacle Toss's CaWa'sMs tba first RtoflTrmnt'd, ) rf fhe IJitt'ilntra completed. The audience sat on boards supported by barrels. By some queer fatality the house began and probably will end with the performance of "Uncle Tom," The poor old negro has sent Eva to heaven often, but last night he watched 10 human beings so down to death. Pnblio opinion thas condemned the Opera House as unsafe for' some years, though it was never officially put undet the ban. There is no building inspec tor in the town, but there is loud complaint against the Mayor and Council that they did not compel the owners to provide proper exits and fire es capes. It is claimed that efforts have been made often to have the building condemned, but it was never done. More than one man was heard to sayk that he never would enter the place, and it is a fact that people who valued their lives never attended the theater. Ex-Chief of Police Hart stated that he had forbidden" his chil dren h go Into the house, as he had always deemed it unsafe, and he drcaded;lest such a calamity might happen. ? WHY HE XEVEB WENT THESE. Mr. Morrell, the chemist at the Cambria Iron "Works, said he hadn't been in the theater for years. He understood the floore were Unsafe, and he was afraid. ISRAEL. COKDEMNEDBY VERDICT. THE miSERASLK DlAN-TRAP HANDLED WITHOUT GLOVES. The Coroner's Jnrr Hears the Evidence and Acta Recommendation That the Authorities Interfere With Farther Performances There The Exit Ed tirelt Too Small. rrEOH A STAFF COEKfeSPOS-tlEitr.l Johnstown, December 11. Coroner Evans to-night gathered the jury around him in his little office on Napoleon street, in Kemville, and proceeded to take further testimony. The first witness called was John Leber, cashier for Hugh O'Donnel in the restaurant business under the Opera Honse, who swore that he heard a noise, and he thought the building was falling. The first thing he saw was a man f ome through the door and fall on the pavement He thinks he was Mr. Parsons. He went to the door, when the crowd inside crabbed bis coat, and they yelled to b& pulled out He caught one boy and dragged him Out Some men came along, when they pulled three others out A crowd gathered and worked around the door. He concluded to go around On the stage, where he veiled to the people to come forward, that there was no fire, andi some men were lving at the foot ot the stairs. When he told them that, they gath ered toward the stage. He got down to the head of the stairway shortly afterward. People wanted to know why they did'nt go out He told them some person's were lying in the passage way. The people did'nt even know what had happened. He got the people to go back, when they found a boy and woman Who appeared to be dead. A few people went out the back way but the hall was still packed with people. Contin uing, he said: I also saw a dead boy and woman, and Dlb ert's son, who was hurt When I came bick to the pavement there was a bis crowd. Police were clearing the street They hit one man who was drunk, and going toward the door. Firs t people commjr down the steps f ell, anU lodged against the inner doors. SOME DrPFICULTYTO ESCAPE. James Dillon, a waiter in Hugh O'Don nel's restaurant, testified that as. soon as he heard the noise be went -out -of the-Ves-taurant to -see what was the matter. He shjt, several people lying In the doorof the Opera House. "'I tried," said be, "to get them out, bnt could not. When helped I nianaeed to get two out Three of us tried to get one man out, but could not; he was wedged in so tight His body was half out on the pave ment, but his legs were held in the crowd. I then went around to see what I could do at the back." He didn't go up on the stage, bnt found a lady with a child coming down the stairway. The electric light in front at the door was broken down by a man climbing over the heads of-the people. O'Donnell told him to take alight so the people could see what they were doing. He thought it was about 15 minutes from time he heard the noise first until the har row passageway was cleared. Manager Michael McOann, of the Opera House, swore he was standing at the door talking to some men about the time for closing the show. He heard a fire hell soon afterward, and he asked the men to leave the door. He opened the door and tried to go up. A number of people were sitting on the banister, and they commenced to jump over. Tried to stop them, but failed. The crowd behind pushed, and be was forced down the stairs. He thought about 20 peo ple landed on the sidewalk before tbe jam occurred. He helped some of them up to clear the way. It got serious, and my wife being inside, I went around to the back stairs and went on to the stage. Told the people to keep quiet wnen tne evidence naa oeen tasen, alter consulting for a little while, the jury ren dered tho following verdict: THE VEEDICT. We, the undersigned, the inquest summoned by D. W. Evans, Coroner, to inquire into the cause and manner of death pf Lizzie Claycomb, John lllller, Mrs. Wesley Hums, Miss Clara Burns, Isaac Foler. George Little Horner, Mrs. 2?estor, Eddie Bigler, George Fresno! tz -and Georgo Blonakcr. find that death was caused in each case by suffocation in a jam resulting from a panic precipitated by a false alarm ot fire in Parke's Opera House daring a theatrical performance, on the even ing of December 1 1SSD; and do alto find that owing to the insufficient number of exits, the narrowness and faulty construction of the only one to the house, we condemn the building as entirely unsafe for any public gathering, and hereby ask the authorities to take proper measures to prevent any public assemblies in the building as now constructed. James M.Situmaeeb, Geobqe Duhneb, EunABT ZAKO. Joseph Price. Thomas Seibebt, Jacob Hoenek. full list of the dead. The list of dead, with some slight descrip tion of each one as furnished by W. w. Evans at the morgue, is as follows: GEOBGE BLONAKElCased 25: came here from Mt. Pleasant MISS LIZZIE CLAYCOMB, aged 17; domestic in tbe family of John Bowser, corner of Bed ford and Adams streets; came here five weeks ago from Mower's Mills, Bedford county, whither herremains were taken over land to-day bv her cousin. John Claycomb. JOHN MILLER, colored; came here five months' ago from Chambersburg, worked tor Druftcist Griffith, and latterly in the restaurant under the Opera House. MRS. WESLEV BURNS, aged 40 years, formerly of Snyder's station, Somerset county, whither her remains will be taken in the morning on tne S. & C MISS CLARA BURNS, aged 18, daughter of the above; remains will also be taken to 'Somerset county, in the morning. ISAAC FOLER, coal miner, aged 68; came here from Benscreek; worked for W. J. Will lams, of the Soutnside; has a brother In Osce ota, wbo has been notified. GEORGE LITTLE HORNER, aged 11 years, son of Lafayette Horner, of the Park build ing, opposite Dr. Lowman's; this boy is said to have jumped from tbe top gallery to the parquet, probably 80 feet; his neck was broken. MRS. JOHN W. NESTOR, aged 25 years, of the Southside. No. Z36 Napoleon street EDWARD BLEiGLOR, aged 9 years, son of William Bleiglor, of Chapln street, Cone m&ugh borough, s neater in tho Gautler; also known as Bigler. GEORGE FRESHOLTZ, aged 22: unmarried; born in Germany, where his parents still live: be came to America ayear ago and to Johns town since the flood; worked for Piack Bros., tinners. There have been no additions to the list of dod iro,ths .disMtor as reported. noTjmaayjM sutf-arim m enuciu evu 01WV PITTSBURG, TETOBSDAT, DUDLEY IN DANGER. The Koted JPdliticiati Pays a Sadden Visit to Indianapolis. A HEW WARRANT FOR HI8 ARREST Bpeedily Bwoni0nt, Bnt -the Colonel Escaped tho .Officers. QUITE A CONFLICT OF AUTH0KITX. The District Attorney Orders That Taken in tni Matter. So Etepl to Colonel W. "W. Dudley. Treasurer ot the National Bepublican Committee, visited Indianapolis yesterday. List night a war rant for his arrest on the "blocks ol five" charges was sworn Out, but the officers failed to find him. At midnight the new District Attorney endeavored to put a stop t& the proceedings. rEfXCUI. TELXQBAM TO TUBS WSf ATCB't iNDlAKArOLIB, December 11. A -warrant has been issued to-night for the arrest of Colonel "W. "Vf. Dudley, and officers are now hunting for him, hut up to a late hour have Dot located him. Colonel Dudley, accompanied by his 15-Year-old son. Was one of the first men to get off of the Pennsylvania limited which' arrived hero this afternoon. He looked around in vain for anybody he knew, and then went to the station dining room, where he ordered dinner for himself and son. In a few minutes the news of the Colon el's presence at the station got up iownj and several persons, dut ofjjuriosity, hastened to the depot to see hijifr The story was of course soon currenV he was In the city and was afraid' to come up town. Dudley, as soon as he had finished dinner boarded a oar and proceeded to the new Denison Hotel. A reporter met him at the hotel entrance and learned very quickly that an interview would not bo granted,. NOTHING TO SAlC "I have not anything to say to the pub lic," was the Colonel's answer to the first question. ''It seems that you are not afraid to come back to Indianapolis," suggested the re porter. '1 do not know of any reason in the world why I should he afraid to come back here," was the reply. Bo far as the records Show Mr. Dudley was correct in intimating that there was no reason for apprehension On his part. At the United States Marshal and Clerk's office it was learned that no warrants were out nor had there been, for the arrest ot Mt. Dudley. The only warrant known of was that issued in Octo ber, 1S88, by Commissioner Van Buren. An affidavit was made before Commissioner Van Buren and was Bworn to by Captain John A. Lang. . Upon this affidavit a war rant was issued by the Commissioner, This was returned indorsed, "Not found in the district' ''There is no warrant out from this offiie," said Tan Buren, v , N Ther amdavU-Badeby Xang contained seven counts. These were based upon the alleged "Blocks or Aye" letter. Since the return of the warrant "not found," the case has been entered as dismissed on the commissioner's docket. To-night the scene changed and it is under stood that the new warrant issued is based on an affidavit covering the seven counts re ferred to by Van Buren. A CONFLICT OF AUTHOEITT. The machinery of the .Federal Court here now is in the bands of the Bepublicans and United States District Attorney Chambers, appointed by President Harrison. As soon as he heard that & warrant had been issued for Colonel Dudley, without any inquiry into the matter, be ordered that it be not served, and thus the matter stands at midnight. Dudley kept himself hidden away during the night and to-morrow goes to a soldiers' reunion at Winchester. A BATTLE IK BRAZIL. Imperialists and Republicans Flgbt, Killing Twenty Men. rCrSCIAt. TXLHOBAst tO HB DISrATCfl.l New York, December 12. The TForldof this morning contains the following letter from Maranham, Brazil, dated Novem ber 11: I arrived at Bt Lutz de Maranham this morn ing, 400 miles from Para. I found the place in a repressed state of excitement There had been fighting between the Imperialists and Bepublicans immediately after the dethrone ment of Dom Pedro, and on November 8 tbe excitement grow so great that the military fired on the people, 20 of whom were killed. Tbe attempt to Create a revolt was undoubtedly the work of the Imperialists and the Portuguese. Maranham is naturally In clined to royallsm. It is the fourth city of the empire and the capital of tho rich and Im portant province ot tbe same name. At present tbe city is qnlet so far as con cerns actual disturbances, but there Is still much Intriguing going on and serious trouble is likely to occur if the Imperialists and the Portuguese persist in refusing to acknowledge the altered condition of affairs. CA8HIER BILCOTTB SHORTAGE. The Official Report Completely Exonerates All His Associates. '. Washington, December 11. The Sit cott Investigating Committee to-day agreed to a preliminary report, and will submit it to the House to-morrow. The amount of the deficit is given, as has already been stated, at about 571,800. The committee finds that the funds of the office have been used by Bilcott for the purposes of discount, hut to what extent cannot be stated. Forgeries of the names of members have been committed, and these are set forth in detail so far as known. The report exonerates Silcott's as sociates in the office, the teller and book keeper, from any connection with his crime. A special from New York says: A rumor was current here to-day that Silcott had left this port on the bark Antoinette for Val paraiso on Wednesday last Her agents were seen, and stated that they did not know that the vessel had any passenger on board. IMLUEKZA EVER! WHERE. There Are Mow 678 Casta la One Great Paris Store Aloae. Pabis, December 11. The medical re port upon the prevalent epldemio shows that there are 670 cases among the employes in the great drygoods store, the Magasin du Louvre. These are all cases of simple be nign influenza, which ordinarily lasts only about four days. Complications arise. is. aseae him whisk make it ssere serfs.- Ii.tfaW.kttt s4tM prevails ptjmjMmvtAlk JHi, Aiouvsa,! DECEMBER 12, 1889. out m, mkumu. General Keeder Favors tho Nomination of the Crawford Man His Reasons for the Choice A Section of the stake Solid fdrHlBi. tsmtAX. Xt.kOBAtt TO the ouri.TCK.1 , Philadelphia, December 11. Qeaeral Prank Seeder, of Easton, Northampton county, who has been looked upon as a "dark horse" candidate. for thd Republican nomination for Governor, to-day declared himself oat of the race, by declaring in favor of Senator George VTi Delatnater, of Crawford ooUnty, who is popularly sup p6sed to be the Quay Candidate for the nomination. Speaking On the subject, General Beeder said: I favor the nomination of Btsnatdf Del&mater, ot Crawford cohnty, for Governor on the Be publican ticket. My reasons are that be rep resents the younger element of the party in tbe State, and is a level-headed business man Who, although not Over 40 year of aee, haS had lots OI experience in public- affairs and has stood tbe test Welt During the past four years he has been tested in a greater aegree tnat an' and has sHowh judgment Hi f 01 man. I was personally brought into contact with him at the headquarters of the National Committee in New York City last fall, and be was very active in assisting the organization and was onebt Senator QnaJ's most trusted advisers. In state affairs (bis advice has always been in favor of calm and feasonabld treatment of the various elements of the party. I admire him for his personal qualities, and favor bis nomlnatlonforreasons of sound party oolicy. As a soldier myself, I-ish to say that there Is no man upon whom 1 would have greater reliance for fair treatment to the sol dier clement than George Wallace Delamater, of Crawford connty. Senator Hi B. Paoker, of Tioga County, who was present) said: ThS feeling in oaf section of tbe Statethat is, In the counties ot Tioga. Potter, McKean and Lycoming Is in favor of Senator Dels mater's nomination for Governor. For myself I desire to Say that he has In my judgment tbe Sualities requisite to the making of a successful orernor. He is made of good material, and to those who are acquainted somewhat with the inside history of the party, organization be is known as an untiring and actively zealous Republican. He spent considerable time at tbe headquarters of the National Committee in New York, and was always regarded as a safe advisor. . A DESTRUCTIVE FLOOD, Unprecedented Rainfall Swells California Streams, Canting Great Damage. ISFSCIAL IH.EQBAK TO THH DISPATCH.! San Feancisco, December 1L For two weeks past heavy and almost incessant rains have deluged California and more water bas fallen near San Francisco than has been known in the same length of time since 1898, There was a cldudbnrst last night at Perry's Mill settlement on Boulder creek, about 80 miles from here, in which five houses were swept away, great redwood trees were uprooted and the surrounding country overflowed. Joseph F. Easton and his wife were swept down the stream and .Easton was drowned. His, wife crawled out upon the bank a mile below the town of Boulder Creek. She was' badly injured. Many others had narrow escapes. Great damage is reported at other interior points wherever there are streams. Bridges have been washed away, and railroads are inconvenienced by landslides and washouts. Three inches o,f rain fell at Boulder In less than an hour. At Colusa the river bas risen over 26 feet above low water mark, and thousands of acres are flooded. LINDENTUAL'S BRIDGE FLA5 Jltts Been Officially, Indorsed by tho G-v4, 1 ' ernment HxamteloavBeara. "Washington, December 11. Tho board appointed to examina the river at Detroit and investigate the various plans proposed for bridging the stream at that point, has made a report to the Senate Committee on Commerce. The following conclusions are reached: first, It is feasible to bridge over the De troit river at Detroit; second, that a high bridge, as proposed by Mr. Lindenthal (140 feet above low water), is the least ob jectionable and most conservative to ship ping interests, and therefore the best plan. The board to examine and report upon the best site for a proposed new bridge over the Ohio between Louisville and Jeffersonville, Ind., report recommending that the bridge be located at or above Wall street. Louis ville, with a channel span of at least COO feet lathe clear. THAT ENGLISH SINDI0ATB Has Purchased Property to the Amount of 94,000,000 at Dnlutb. Chicago, December 11. The English syndicate, having completed its large in vestments In mills and elevator property in and about Minneapolis, bas moved over to Duluth and is taking in that town, a $4, 000,000 purchase having been .made this morning. Mr. Levi Myer, the attorney who is acting as an agent for the Englishmen, received a cable dispatch from his London client this morning) in which it was Btated that the Duluth property and the terms of purchase were satisfactory, and which in structed bim to close the deal immediately. This was done. The purchase includes some of the largest mills and elevators in Duluth. S A DAUGHTER OF GEJf. 8ICKLES, Jnst Out of a Convent, Elopes With a Young Bartender. White Plains, N Y., December 11. An elopement came to light here this morn ing when Thomas Dinham and -Miss Alta Sickles applied to the pastor of Grace Episcopal Church to get married. Miss Sickles is a daughter of General Daniel Sickles, and a grand daughter ot George F. Sickles, who died at New Eochelle about three years ago, leav ing an estate valued at about $2,000,000. Miss Sickles is 18 years old, and was re cently graduated from a Catbolio convent in Montreal. Dinham is about 23 years of age, and is employed as bartender at New Eochelle. " HE EMBEZZLED $75,000. A Merchant's Failure Lends His Creditors to Make an Investigation. Binohamton, December 11. What was at first considered a simple assignment for the benefit of creditors by E. B. Heming way, druggist and private banker, doing business at Whitney Point, in this county i s now regarded as a matter of great impor ,tsnce. Hemingway's assignment was filed Monday afternoon. Yesterday, his creditors, upon learning that he not been seen since Saturday previ ous, became alarmed, and insfitnted inqui ries, and it was ascertained that he was an embezzler to the extent of probably abont $75,000. AN ALLEGHENY AGENT ARRESTED. Ho Is Charged With Fradnleatlr Appropri ating the Company's Money. 1 rsrsciAL TstzaaAX to tub dispatch. i Philadelphia, December 11. W. H. Edams, the agent in this city of the Alle gheny Silk Works, the principal works of which are located in Allegheny, Pa., was arrested to-day on a warrant issued by Magistrate Biley, charging him with fraud ulently appropriating moneys due to the company. Tha sisoaat withheld is not exactly sW,r,Hrt.lt,is,te;M juitvyt mu, INMdl UNITED AND STE0N6. The American Federation of Eater, li Its jfembership. Stands AHEAD OF AIL ORGaNIZATIMS. President Gompers' Report ot tie Xarfced Progress of tbe Part Tew. A FRENCH SINISTER IISTUSS, Compliments the Delegates; Sad is sfaek UladkS Iff US rroceedltis. The main features of yesterday's session of the American Federation of Labor Conven tion were Secretary Gompcrs' report and the speech of Mr. Say ward, of the Builders' Association. The French Minister of Agri culture was present as an interested spec tator. lErSCIAI. TXLBCIBAl! TO TB9 PffirATCH.1 Boston, December 11. The red-hot fight over to-morrow's election was viewed with a good deal of interest by tbe delegates to the American Federation of Labor Con vention. It was not a-new thing for them, but it afforded tt good opportunity for seeing how political wires are pulled In Boston. To-day the smoke Of the battle still hangs over the City Hall, but the brave corps' ef delegates continued- their deliberations with the calmness of veteran warriors. There are about 100 of them, and tbey ore trying' to formulate pubs' that will result In the inauguration of ari eight-hour nloYenient next May, bat it is not a star Chamber pro ceeding. Everybody who can secure admission to the galleries has the privilege of doing so, and their crowded condition today is evi dence of the interest in the work Of the con vention. - peeSideni! GOarpEES' beOSt. the annual report of President Gompers was the pnnoipal featnrs of tho day's busi ness. It stated that there are affiliated with the American Federation 3,800 local unions, and a membership larger" than in any organisation in tho world. Of the trades unions that did not affiliate with the Federation last year, nine have joined, and the Federation is now affiliated with- nearly every trade union, in tbe country. Efforts td establish fraternal relations with, and secure the co-operation of, other labor organizations have met with success. Beferring to the organization of railway employes, the report says tb isolated policy pursued by tne .Brotherhood ot Locomotive Engineers, which is unworthy of that or ganization, has prevented the establishment of a federation of railway mCd. THE EIGHT, HOTJB QUESTION. The results of the conferences with tbe K. of L., the final decision of which is still pending, are submitted and it is suggested that the trades unions voice their sentiments unmistakably upon the disputed points. Beferring to farmers' organlzationttbe re port says all propositions received were from employing farmers, while the purpose of the federation is to organize farm labor ers. The eight-hour question is recommended io the consideration of s committee, to be Idigeutedaad. a- report made. Tbe report federations should formula(6 the legisla tion that labor demands and empower tho officers to take action. The necessity for the more strict enforcement of the alien con tract labor law and the Chinese exclusion act is set forth and the President pays bis respects to ther census officers of 1850, whose action in omitting tbe enumeration of tbe unemployed, he thought was designedly taken. A PSENCH MrNISTEB PEESENT. Regarding the first International Labor Congress, ho suggests that the exeeutlve council be authorized to hold the congress in the city selected for the World's Fair. The prospects of the general adoption of ballot reform In the several States are re ferred to hopefully. Action upon the prac tice of United States army musicians com peting with private musicians at lower rates is recommended, and definite decisions upon the management and distribution of the strike assessment is called for. Special attention is nailed to the condition of coal miners. When the report had been read the dele gates formed themselves inip a committee of the whole to receive a genuine French count, M. Le Vicomts de Meauz, who with his daughter, was desirous of seeing a body of representative workingmen of America. He is the French Minister of Agriculture and Commerce. COMPLIMENTS FEOM THE COUNT. The Count entered the council chamber with all the grace and dignity that he would have shown in the highest court in Europe, and his courteous reception by the well dressed representatives of tbe laboring classes would have done credit to Lord Chesterfield and his noble associates. The occasion was one of thrilling interest. French nobility and American independence met on an equal footing had each was honof ed. Count Meanx addressing President Gompers -with true French Suavity and distinction of man ner, said in broken English that he desired to pay his tribute of admiration and praise to this convention. The courtesy, the man liness, the helpfulness and the intelligence displayed had astounded him and he could better realize the condition of the working people ot America from their action. President Gompers replied, in a highly gratified manner: "We are plain, everyday workingmen. If there is any skillfulness or any conrtesy, it is because we have organ ized ourselves and learned them through organization. It is entirely through organ ization that we have developed the manli ness, tbe courtesy and the intelligence which I hope you see exhibited." WHAT THE BUILDERS' "WANT. The announcement of committees and short speeches by delegates Immediately fol lowed the President's address, and then the convention listened attentively to what Sec retary William H. Say ward, of tho National Builders' Association, had to say. As it is against this association the labor unions will combine in favor of eight hours' em ployment per day, there was ,a natural in terest to know how the builders looked upon the situation. Mr. Sayward did not com mit himself or his associates, but he succeeded in pleasing the dele gates with what he said. Be assured the delegates that there was no real conflict between their organizations and that which he represented. They had the advantage' ol being first organized, and it was the re sult of his observation that workingmen were better organized and better posted on general economic features of interest to both sides than the employers. In bis individual capacity he was willing to diall he could to forward the prosperity of their organizations, and he thought that the more wisely and thoroughly both sides were organized tbe less friction and hard feeling there would be. HAKMONY AX ALL TIMES. When friction and hard feeling did come, it was the duty of all not to let the matter rest, but do everything possible to restoro harmony. He should do all he could to this end, and be wanted the delegates to understand that, if ia is.tB.re be appeared to beoppeHttieSB, htw sot ttjtesisftka StfM H MW, MM WK M MtMVM aeskaaeyafaf) sUBJusl sf'BaB sjaLs ) , akf)aaiBa;,m. aaa"lssB,,aaM VsWer i 'SBBssjfaBSBPsassa lfjnj sWrv'i ialaaas)J; A a News flew I1U! v ... mulaffwilt Year. r Mr. SavwaTd'a remarks were frequen s&tilasded. A feature of the afteraov- session w"as a uatier on "Immlerratioa" bvjSteSU Samuel Leavift,of NewYoik. TheChlneKj fcesiid, are bdnr introduced Into thlseotin-VjglV try with great rapidity and in defiance of tne laws, -xne question w wnexner the United States shall be & refuge for the nations or shall become 8 refuse of. the nations; This state Of things is going off at a rate which will soon force down the working; classes to the lowest limits. He pointed oat 'the methods ia which immigration was encouraged, sueh as tbe low rates offered try ttearasbip com panies, aad quoted largely from1 the utter ances of public meu and newspapers to show the perils of unrestricted immigration. A. Desperate Band of Bobbers Brake Up Same of Their IJCeds of Cruelty Tho Loader Abdncta a. Bride and Fights for Her- CnirsBHNE, Wto.T., December 11 A report comes from the north that tbe people) of the Big Horn Basin, Johnson county, haver broken up "Kettle1 Jack's" band of robbers' and cutthroats by lynching; 11 mem bers and driving the remainder from the county. "Kettle Jack" and four com panions appeared in that re-noTt a year- ago equipped for prospecting. They established a rennezvous la the isolated valley high up in tho mountains and lived like- barbarians. The party was content to fish, and hunt for some months, but being reinforced by other desperate characters,. Commenced to plunder the settlers; At first they only slaughtered beef and stole sup plies, but soon Ihey began stealing" horses, which were run Into Utah and Montana. John Benjamin and two sons followed the thieves, made a fight and were shot down and left to rot on a mountain trail, Tha gang had hotf become strong and bold, and run things to suit themselves. The basin is 90 miles byCOT and contains about 400 people, and everyone lived in mortal terror of "KettIO Jsck" and his gang. Cattle' were driven off the range and sold at trade points. A hot battle occurred when Jack married a young girl whom bo abducted. The father headed a rescuing party, bnt the citizens' wereT repulsed With a loss of two killed. The outlaws frequently quarreled among themselves, and one is known to have been killed ind quarrel. Two hundred citizens at last determined to wipe the- gang; out. The outlaws did not retreat, bat remained intrenched in their mountain stronghold. They were surrounded and starved out Eleven were- captured and hanged, the zest escaping across the mountains. BLAISE WILL TAKE A HAND. The King of Cores. SfnstKeep His Contracts With American Citizens. Washington,, December 1L Senator Cdckrell, Ot Missouri, received a letter front Secretary of State Blaine yesterday In re gard to the case of the three Americans who left this country about a year ago to take service under the King of Cores, and who were summarily dismissed a few days ago. Mr. Blaine, in his letter to Mr. Cockrell, states that he has cabled and since written instructions to the American Consul Gen eral at Seonl, Corel, ordering film to Insist in the" name of this Government that the King shall faithfully carry out everr coutract be has' made with Colonel Cum- mlngs and his companions. These gentlemen, on entering the Coreaa service, did. not renounce their American, citizenship. They "undertook to -teach Coreaa soldiers how to bo real soldiers irom an American standpoint, and to introduce into other branches of the Coreaa Govern ment American notions of progress and civilization. The Corean nobility, who saw their ancient prerogatives threatened, com bined against the Americans and finally suc ceeded in ousting them. THE END IN SIGHT HOW. Prospect of a Speedy Settlement of the) Stewart Will Case. SPSCXU.TII.EOlUJl TO TUB DISPATCH.! Ne-w Yoke, December 11. Thu order signed by the Surrogate on Tuesday, grant ing power to Henry Hilton and Charles J. Clinch, executors of the will of the late Mrs. A. T. Stewart, to execute and deliver any agreement or instrument relating to the property belonging to her at the time of her death, proves to be in fact the forerunner of the final settlement of the famous contest at law. Ever since last April, when both sides to tbe suit in court rested awaiting the sum ming up, there have been all sorts of rumors of a compromise, and various alleged agree ments, purporting to be the terms of the compromise have been printed. THE CR0W5 JEWELS STOLEN. Brazil's Former Monarch Loses His Wealth With His Throne. Lisbon, December 11. The ex-Empress of Brazil bas received a telegram from Bio Janeiro informing her that all her jewels have been stolen, and that the police are in vestigating the ease. This loss will be a heavy blow to the Imperial family. In the collection of jewels were comprised the finest Brazilian diamonds there are in the world. If tbe Brazilian Bepublic should decline to continue Pedro's income, the loss of these treasures will be severely felt, as they were looked upon as the chief immediate resource of the family. COONBI CAUGHT AGAIN. The Long WIshed-For Croala Suspect Has Beea Captured la Wisconsin. DODGEYTLLE, Wis., December 1L A prisoner in jail, sentenced fonr months ago for carrying concealed weapons, is suspected to be Cooney, the Chicagoan supposed to be implicated in the Cronin tragedy. The prisoner gave the name of John Jones. A habit of concealing himself in his cell when any stranger entered the jail first aroused suspicion. The man tallies well with the description of Cooney. A DEMAND UPON PORTUGAL To Recognize the Newly Established Repub lican Government of Brazil. Lisbon, December 11. Senhor Bocayura, the Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs, has cabled to Senhor H. De Barros Gomez, the Portuguese! Minister of Foreign Affairs, a formal request that he shall have pro claimed the recognition of the Brazilian Bepublic . Lights of London In Danger. London, December 1L Negotiations entered upon m the hope ot preventing the general strike of the workers have failed, and a strike is now imminent which msy leave all of London that depends on gas in total darkness. Ceatd Not Blake Ends Of est. Toledo, December 11. H. O. Asking & Co., commission merchants, have failed. Liabilities over f 50,000, and assets between fW.OOd and 545,000. s CajiBflog Jack the Rlpssr, LsjsJBdef ,DeeaV 11. There is rumor osAtsvt ksM that Jfttx te JUftr has en .'!) XCT., jm a Mm ttmTjHjWu 'JMWIWMssVI Gatherer BBa Aiistrwwer ,, - DlSrA'lVU ". . AH who uU least wUJt tho- ay' - " ! ikafl mil THE DISPATCH. , ,V . . fawrtM rrtHaf F 7V now imiwrn uu a .."aa -a. - - the present elaborate- faerJrtlee for new mark th dvattOT the Sow ,, i j THUEB CENTS; vs u - m ANONJMOUS NOJi 1&is ft) fn, DifCOTerT Of aTy?! Glaring Conspiracy to - r , k fK A- HESEFICIAL obdeo P uor Gives I-wVW a Falsa Certificate ,wf JM YnTncrflfrr'a fjprtth A ' 'S SECURE TIB INSURANCE Otf BBS liSS The Sarprisb'j Eesnlt itteadfog a Cortnns SearsMJ fag Invesilgztlsa. An anonymous note warned Coronsfw ridge, of Philadelphia, to hrresiJgafVj Ashebridge, the death, of Miss Annie Melntosnv In quiry disclosed some signs of mystery, ami the case was pushed- Yesterday s doctor; made A confession that hs had given a false certificate to defraud so insurance order, -i and that Annie was vet alive. Philadelphia, December 11. A most , .1 remarkable-attempt to Swindle s beneficial y. U.ITC. WAV HUVMN1IM J WW.WM .u uw . a & in this eitr to-dav. On November 23 avp iJoflfli Trrtfln -.tiitintf Oit Anni Irf.Trttixh'? 'sged 22, had died the-previous day at tha resldeneaof Mrs, Ellen Behm, No- isa? Uber street, was published, and that Inter ment would beat Media, Pa., on November 23. An anonymous communication eaUed ' the Coroner's1 attention to the case-, and fro deemfnsr an investigation necessary, direct. ed one- of Bis1 deputies to make inquiries) i concerning the alleged death. Ascertaining that no body had bees TiirTMd nwr tbft "Pennsvlvanl. Tna fay Z& Media that day, the deputy Coroner called1 jpa Mrs. Behm, and was informed by her that Miss Mcintosh, who was an old friend; had been taken ill while living at servkev and bad come to her house for treatment ?; She stated that the young woman had been" treated by Dr. Alexander Tait, and had A died on November 21. The Hitter's Drotner dertaker, who took the body away that day- M A doctoe's denial. - Tt- m-tc AiA -11 1.......1.. T.- At nrM,k-'v Mcintosh, stating that be had never prSUi scribed for any one m the U oer street nouse. On same night Dr. F. Murray called on thaT' depnty coroner and stated that be had .at tended a woman at the above place, who bod died, but insisted that the death was "a straight one." In a subsequent interview Dr. Murray stated that he had been called upon! to attend the patient who1 wax formerly in his employ as a servant, and that on the 22nd of November a man alleging to be Bobert Mcintosh, tbo brother of tbe de ceased, called upon bim for a death certifi cate, which he gave him. The doctor said that lis wrote It on a prescription blank. giving the canse of death as "Peritonitis.' ? He also claimed that tbe brother was ac companied by a man. who was connected ? with Quinby's undertaking establishment at Media. He admitted that he had not seen the body of tbe deceased, but bad is sued the certificate solely upon the. informa tion Af ihfc,ntliir thst she was dad- - -- - j-. AN ABBEST MADE. 4 An effort was then made to ascertain what, disposition had been made of the body, the' services of all the attaches of ther Coroner's office.,, being- called into requisition but noihfnz eouIdTK -"learned on that'SpofnC Ifaeliritr convinced that s crime of some kind had been committed, the Coroner yesj f erday afternoon placed Mrs. Behm under arrest, and she spent last night in prison. This morning she acknowledged that her .? previous story wasuntrue. W neu. .He Bearing was resumcu, w-uay Dk Murray was the first witness placed oa-' the stand. He detailed circumstantially " the issuing of A certificate by him on learn- K '"6 it t """ , j . -. jl xnen .airs. Asenia was piaceu oa ue buwu, and in answer to Questions she said that Annie Mcintosh had not died at her housei ana tnat sue never anew sucu person, ui. Murray, she testified, had promised to re wrad her handsomely for allowing her house.. and name to be used. ,, a complete confession. Dr. Hurray then broke down and con fessed that he had manufactured the story of the girl's death. In order to defraud the Order of Fraternal Guardians out of $625, the amount for which her life was insured. He said that Annie Mcintosh was at present alive and well at her home in the northern section of this city. The doctor's discomfiture was complete and after a scathing rebuke from the"; Coroner, he was allowed to depart, nut tne case will not end here, as it is thought the Tlisiriei Atfnrnpv urill iaka rntrnixanca of th Hltrmrtt rtAfrTii1 Mml Bhm va td discharged from custody. A PLACE FOE A BONAPARTE Prince Loots to be Given tho Comma ad of a Kasslaa Keslmeac St. Peteesbtjbo, December 1L It ii ," application of Prince Louis Bonaparte, the son of Jerome, in a way not to neglect its . obligations to provide for a Prince and not1 offend tbe susceptibilities of the French Government, by appointing him to a regp na f .4alTna.il In 41.A l!,Tfr,amff Ttlfa Prince was in the Italian Beserve and ztvr"' signed at the reauest ot his father at a time when there was a good deal of irritation in France against Italy because of its alliance with Germany. He subsequently applied for and obtained a commission as Major of the Bussian serv ice. He asked that he might be assigned to duty in tbe Imperial uuard, but tne usar has now decided against that. It is not known whether the French Government had any hand in the decision reached. NOT THE RIGHT HARI. The Famous Poem of tho Lamb- HaaT-Ho Heroine In Life. fc , Boston, December 1L The author of . "Marv Had a Little Lamb" was Mrs. Sarah J. Hale, who died at PhUadel- pill. ecTcxai jfcaxs agu, Bgcu w. .siv iu. ..v- card to the late Mrs. Tyler's connection with.t iha nnm "Mr TTttljk'n Tiamli0tr t JtnthnTltV Tn-i that ltntm.nt tnftlshA huA T1A neetol person as heroine. Mrs. Tyler doubtless M had suen an experience, and it is not imj prooaoie some doggerel lines were wnueag describing the same, but she was not thai heroine of Mrs. Hale's poem. "4tji. auo Macs u.to ocea at iiiuca wsiuwu mj. TflBntr srhnnl tnnfllipi- Tie may have writtefit 1 some lines about Mrs. Tyler's lamb, but; ifj so. they have been lost, as Mrs. Hale's! authorship of the lines, as known to-dav.' has been clearly proved. - a HUNTING FOR A QUORUM. An Effort te Compel the Attendance of tMj Montana Senators. Helena, Mont., December 1L The! Senate has ordered the Sergeant at ArmstSj bring in the uemocraua memoers-eiec He found several of them, buf they claimed! thev had taken no oath of office, and were! private citueas, and refused to go. Tbej .sergeant at Arms cion t attempt to uses force. -.! The Deweeratie Senators havebeert summoned. te'asBear in the Senate chaalier jl ,aadmaJte aMwihattneyAwuifeappeBjpyj aeneyi jt-asarc aenuM iasie.9;MitsKi