Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 10, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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. T.nai1inT Fflntnres of M.irlrpts at thn
Herr's Island Yards.
Bat Markets Active at an Advance on Last
I V Week's Prices.
l i
Office of Pittsbubo Dispatch, J
Mokbat. December 9. 18S9.
The ran of cattle was heavier than usual,
but demand was good at 30c to 35c per cut
higher than last week. Cost was that much
higher at sources of supply. Prime heavy
"Western beeves weighing 1,500 to 1,600
pounds sold at 55 25 to $5 45, medium
weights 1,350 ,to 1,450. pounds, 54 85 to
$5 05; do 1.200 to 1,300 pounds, 54 55 to
4 80; prime light weights 900 to 1,100 pounds,
J4 33 to ft 50; common to fair, thin and rough
steers, $3 50 to S3 95. Bulls, heifers and dry
cows from surrounding counties brought 2c
to 4c per pound, according to condition. Fresh
cows were dull and unchanged at a range of
123 to (45 per head. Calves were in licht sup
ply and firmly held at 5c to 6Kc per pound.
Receipts: From Chicago L Zeigler, 106
bead; L. Gerson, 69; A. Fromm. 55; L. Roth
schild 4 Co., 73. From Ohio J. A. Franks, T6;
R. A. Williamson, 12; Needy A Smith, 18; J.
Spiker, 60: From Pennsylvania Various
owners, S3. Total. 512: last week, 322; previous
week; 475.
Sheep and Lambs.
The supply of choice stock was not up to the
demand, and markets were active and firm at
an advance of 25c per cwt over last week's
prices. Best heavy Western and native wethers
were sold at a range of 50525: good to
choice medium weiebts. 4 5ol 0: fair to
ni'dium do. S4 2561 45; common and mixed
lota, 13 504 00. Lambs sold at 66c per
pound, one choice lot selling a 6c per
Receipts From Chicago: L Zeigler, 105
head. From Ohi: J. Langdon, 16. From
Pennsylvania. J. F. Cruikshank. 54: Bingham
A Co 1E2; D 1 Pisor. 57: J. Hammel, 12; J.
Kelber, IS: W McCreary, 53; E. D. Sergeant.
67; W. Craic, 91; J. Wright, 40. Total, 733: last
week, SCO; previous week, 76L
noes in Good Supply.
Supply was in excess of demand, and by rea
son of this and continued soft eather markets
were slow at a decline of 10c from last week's
prices. Best Chicago and Ohio bought hogs
sold at S4 004 10. Country hogs wholesaled
at 13 6C3 5 per Hundred.
Beceipts From Chicago L. Gerson. 223
head. From Ohio J. Langdon, 30; J.A. Frank,
146; B, A. Williamson, 35; Needy A Smith, 395;
George Smith. 90; D. Magee, S2; 3. Spiker. 64;
A. Cros. 78. From Pennsjlvanla J. F. Cruik
shank. 33; Bingham A Co., 24: D. O. Pisor, 33; J.
Hammel, 21; J. Reiber, 15; W. McCreary, 20: E.
D. Sergeant. 24; H. Hahn, 45l Total, 1,313;
last week, 836; previous week, 1,035.
What 40,000 Sold For.
At Chicago to-day receipts of hogs were over
40,000 head, and the best selected stock sold at
S3 65 per cwt. A large run at East Liberty
this morning resulted in a decline of 20c from
last week's prices. The outside price was
$3 7a
The prediction made through this column a
month or two ago that the best selected pack
ing hogs would fall to S3 50 at Chicago before
the reason is out came within less than 10c of
being fulfilled this morning:
Receipts of cattle at East Liberty this morn
ing footed np a total of about 110 loads against
120 last Monday, and markets ruled very much
the same.
The Condition of Business at the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Monday. December 9. 1SS9.
CATTLE Receipts, 3,720 head; shipments,
1,900 head; market slower: prime, 84 254 50;
good, S3 704 00; fair. S2 S03 40; bulls, stags
and fat cows, $1 502 75; 14 cars of cattle
shipped to New York to-day.
Hoos Receipts. 8,000 head: shipments. S.400
head; market slow; all crades, S3 603 75; 14
cars or hog shipped to New York to-day.
SHEEP Receipts. 6.000 head: shipment!, 3,800
bead: market firm; prime, 15 00&5 25: fair to
good, (4 254 73; common, OOgS 00.
By Telegraph.
New York Beeves Receipts. 7,780 head,
making 15,160 for the week; these arrivals in
cluded 193 carloads for exportation, dead and
alive: 181 carloads for home trade slaughterers
direct, and tA carloads to be sold. The trad
ing was dnll and the market closed weak and
lower: stores ranged from S3 303 75 per 100
pounds, with a small bunch sold at $4 SO; bulls
and cows went at $1 301 7a Exports to-day
520 beeves; for the week, 1,900 beeves, ISO sheep
ana 10.720 quarters of beef. Calves Receipts,
500 head, making 2,200 for the week. Rather
dnll and a fraction lower, with sales $5 007 50
per 100 ponnds for veals, and at $2 003 50 for
erasers and Western calves. Sheep Receipts
for to-day. 10.100, making 29,300 for the week.
The marcet was easier and closed weak at $4 00
nyv w pci iw fuuuua '( Bueep, ana at to uvgg
5 70 for lamb. Hogs Receipts, 15,000 head,
making 49,000 for the week. Dull and lower
for live hogs at S3 804 10 per 100 ponnds.
BUFTAio Cattle slow; lower on medium
and common grades, good grades a trifle
weaker than last week. Receipts Cattle, 187
carloads throucb, 250 on sale: export, choice to
extra steers, ?4 404 65; fair to good, S3 75
4 00: choice heavy butchers, S3 403 90. Sheep
and lambs fairly active, lower and weak; re
ceipts 30 carloads throucb, 56 on sale; sheep
choice to extra, S5 255 50; good to choice
S4 905 75. iambs Choice to extra, $6 25
6 50; good to choice, $5 606 00. Hogs dnll
and lower; receipts, 70 carloads through, 250 on
sale; mediums and heavv, $3 70; heavy oods
t3 603 70: mixed, S3 653 70. .
Chicago Cattle Receipts. 19.000 head;
shipments, 4,000 head: market dull; bids 10c
lower; beeves. S5 1026 00; steers. J2 851 75
stockcrs and feeders, 12 002-S5; Texas cattle
Si 502 85. Hogs Receipts, 7,000 head; ship
inents. 6,000 bead: market averaged low: closed
strong; mixed. S3 503 80; heavy. S3 553 80:
light, S3 505 60; skips, S3 004 4a Sheep
Receipts. laoOO head; shipments. 2,500 head;
market steady: natives, S3 005 00; Western
corn fed, S3 90; Texans, S3 004 2a The Drov
ert Journal London cablegram quotes Amer
ican cattle Kc lower: best steers, 12c per pound
e&timatca, dead weight.
KAXSAft Cmr Cattle Receipts. 4.800 head
shipments. 3,400 head; market I015c lower:
natives. S3 004 00: cows, SI 402 50; Blockers
and feeders. S2 2003 00; Texans, S1.752 80L
Hogs Receipts. 7.300 head; shipments, none;
market opened 5c lower and closed firm; good
to choice light and heavy mixed. S3 50S3 ca
Sheep Receipts, 400bead; shipments, 100 head;
market dnll and 10c lower; good to choice mut
tons. $3 S05 00; stackers and feeders, S3 25
ST. Lours Cattle Rcceipts.L700head; ship
ments. S00 head; good to fancy native steers.
S3 305 10: fair to good do. S 254 35
stockers and feeders. SI S5Q3 10: range
steers. $2 103 15. Hogs Receipts, 4.000 head;
shipments. 2,300 head; fair to choice heavy
3 60Q3 70; packing grades, S3 503 65: licht!
fair to best, S3 403 55. Sheep Receipts,
100 head; shipments 400 head; market strong;
fair to choice. S3 S05 00; lambs, S4 505 7a
New York, December 9. The usnal Monday
quiet prevailed in the drygoods market, but
there was a fair volume of orders by man, dupli
cating and extending previous business. Cot
ton goods lately placed "at value" shared in the
order request as did some of the goods ad-
.UibCU. .a-uw uin.iu KllUCiJUJ UUllUllUeS lO
widen ouLthough there were few prices
changed. The Nanmkeae sateens were ad
vanced He a yard. The weather was unfavor
ably warm for the woolen Interests, though the
effect upon the market was not direct.
The Visible Supply of Grain.
New York, December 9. The visible sup
ply of grain on Saturday, December 7, as
compiled bv the New York Produce Exchange
was as follows: Wheat, 33,340,664 bushels: in
crease. L86&.305 bushels. Corn, 5.729,390 bush
els; decrease, 474.34S bushels. Oats, 4,869,318
bushels; decrease, 247.636 bushels. Rye, 1,114,
932 bushels: decrease, 147,399 bushels. Barley,
2,774.181 bushels; decrease, 218,392 bushels.
Brazilian Coffee.
BiodeJajteiro, December 9. Coffee Reg
ular first, 6,550 reis ner 10 kilos; good second,
5,850 reis. Receipts during the week, -40,000
hats; purchased for United States, 49,000; clear
ances for do. 82.000 tock, 191,000 bacs.
SASTO& December 9. Coffee Good aver
age, 6,050 reis per 10 kilos: receipts during the
weck.i4S.000 bagsf purchases for the United
States, bone; .clearances for do, 15,003; stock,
204.000 agi.
Children Cry for It. .
If a child will take a medicine with pleasure,
you may know that It is not In any way offens
ive to the taste. Children like Hamburg Figs,
and it is no longer necessary to disgust them
with castor oil. 25 cents. Dose, one Fig. Mack
The Wheat Fit WltboHt Feat are, bot Prices
Fractionally Lower Pork Tame
nnd the Feeling 'Easy
Lard Weaker. '
Chicago Wheat There was no special
feature In the market to-day. Trade was good
early and some large sales were made, but after
that a quiet, steady feeling developed and
lasted pretty much all through the session. It
was rumored that the Northwest had bought
considerable wheat again to-day, and shorts
were generally disposed to cover, the market
closing rather steady. The opening was about
&c lower lor May. and after numerous
small fluctuations became easier, declining o
and closed about Jc lower than Saturday.
Very little outside news was received, and the
risible snpply was about the only Influence hav
ing any bearing on the market There was an
increase of 1,707,000 bushels. The increases
were chiefly at Baltimore, Buffalo, Chicago,
Detroit, Dulntb, -Minneapolis and at St. Louis.
Nolarce decreases occurred excepting on the
lakes, canals and afloat at New York. Cable
advices did not note any special changes.
Corn There was very little of interest to note
in the market, which was quite dull the whole
session. Trading was light and limited to local
operators. The feeling prevailing was com
paratively firm, but no advance of consequence
was established. The speculative market
opened at Saturday's closing price, was quiet,
fluctuating with H&io range, and final quota
tions were a shade better than Saturday.
Oats were slow, oaprators being disposed to
let the market alone.
Mess Pork Rather a light business was re
ported, and the feeling was easy. Prices re
ceded 2K5c, closing rather quiet.
Lard An easier feeling was manifested.
Prices ruled about 2c lower, and the market
closed rather tame.
Short Rib Sides Tradine was rather licht
and the feeling was easier. Prices rnled2KS5c
lower, and the market closed tame.
The leaning futures rancea as lonows:
Wheat-No. 2. December. 7SKe78K7S
TSWc; lanuarr. 7DKraH78B7oc; May, 83
ConS-No. 2. December. S2SS4S1Q
32c: Januarv, Sl31J31He31Jc: May. S3?
Oats No. 2. December, ZOKc; January,
203i20Ji2203c; May. &&& ,'
Mess Pork, per bbL-January. S9 37K9 42K
9 87K69 40; 111 arch. $9 509 609 ,509 0;
May. J9 709 759 709 72$.
LAED, per 100 Be. January, S5 92X65 92K
5 9005 90; March. $6 006 O0Q6 0006 00; May,
16 106 1UK6 lOtJB 1U-
Casn Quotations were as follows: Flour dull
and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat, 787Sc;
No. 3 spring wheat, 64t5c: No. 2 red, 7878Kc;
No. 2 corn. 32c; No. 2 oats, 2020Mc No. 2 rye.
41KC No. 2 barley, 53c. No. 1 flaxseed. II 34
1 31K Prime timothy seed. SI 2L Mess pork,
per bbk S9 37K 5U Lard, per 100 lbs $5 90
5 92V. Short ribs sides (looie), S4 755 00. Dry
salted shoulders (boxed), S4 1264 25. Short
clearsides (boxed). $5 105 15. Sucars Cut loaf,
unchanged. Receipts Flour, 14,000 barrels:
wheat. 13.000 bushels: corn. 74.000 bushels;
oats, 134,000 bnshels; rye, 16.000 bushels; barley,
65.000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 21.000 barrels;
wheat, 26,000 bnshels: corn. 163,600 bnshels;
oats. 110,000 bushels; rye, 9,000 bnshels; barley,
47,000 bnshels.
On the Produce Exchange to-dsytbe bntter
market was firm and unchanged. Eggs, 2223c.
New York Flour moderately easy and act
ive. Cornmeal dull and steady. Wheat Spot
weak and dull; options moderately active, H
Kc lower and weak. Rye strong: western, 60
61c. Barley easy. Barley malt quleUCorn
Spot strong and fairly active; options dull and
unchanged to c up and steady. Oats Spot
fairly active and easien options quiet and Pi
lie lower. Hay steady and quiet; shipping 45
50c; good to choice, 70285c Hops firm and in
good demand. Coffee Options opened firm
and 1535 points up, closed steady and 2030
points up: sales, 4a000 bags, including Decem
ber. 15.70I5.80c; January. 15.7515b5c; Feb
ruary, 15.b515.90c; March, 15.S016.00c: April,
16.00c; Mav, ia9016.05c; June, 1595e; July.
1590c; September, 15.8ftgi5.S5c; October, 15.75
15.80c: spot Rio firmer and active; fair cargoes,
W&QlBJs'c: No. 7. 17Kc Sngar Raw firm;
fair refining, 5c; centrifugals, 96 test,
6Vic; refined firm and quiet Molasses
New Orleans steady. Rice in fair demand
and steady. Cottonseed oil quiet. Tallow quiet.
Rosin scarce and firm; strained, common to
good, SI 15b1 2a Turpentine steady at 45
45Kc Eggs quiet and weaker; Western, 27c;
receipts, o,011 nackages. Fork active and
strong; mess, inspected, Sll 0011 25: do, un
inspected. 10 5010 50010 75: extra prime.
S9 7510 00. Cat meats slow; salts of pickled
bellies, 12 ponnds, 5c: do 10 pounds, 5jc:
pickled shoulders, 55cdo hams, 889c;
middles inartive. Lard easier and moderately
active; Western steam at So29&6 37.
closing at S6 306 S2)4x option sales of 4,2.0
tierces: Docember, S6 24; January, S3 296 SO,'
closing at S6 27 bid; Febiuary. S6 346 35,
closing at 6 33 bid; March, S6 39, closing at
J6 38; May. S6 5a closinc at SO 50 asked.
Butter quiet; extra fresh firm; Elgin, 2929c;
Western dairy. 918c; do Western factorr,
1720c Cheese quiet and steady; Western.
7 10c
Philadelphia Flour weak and not a not
ably changed in prices. Wheat quiet and firm:
fair to good milling wheat, 80b&c; choice and
fancy longberry, 8792c: ungraded, 8590c;
fincy longberry, 92c; No. 2 red, December,
78?i79Uc; January. NA803ic: February.
S15i682ijc; March, S3!S3Kc Corn steady;
car lots quiet, but steady; new ungraded. 40c;
new No. 4 mixed, on track, 39c; new No. 2
yellow, on track at Port Richmond, 43c:
quoted in grain depot. 4243c; old No 2 yel
low, afloat, 44c; do, in Twentieth street elevator,
44c; No. 2 mixed, December. 39V39kc: Jan
uary 39J439Xc; Febrnarv. 3989ic; March.
39K0c Oats Car lots Ke higher; No. 3
white. 29fc: No. 2 white, 30S0Kc: futures were
anuary. 29K30Kc: February. 3030i2c:
March. SOJiffiSOJic. Provisions dull and light,
and in buyers' favor. Pork Mess, new, S12 00;
do. prime, me'S, new, $11 00: da family, $13 00
13 50; hams, smoked. 10i12cL Lard West
ern steam, $6 37V6 5a Bntter steady and in
fair demand; Pennsylvania creamery, extra,
28c; do, prints, 3437a Eggs Fiesh, quiet and
easier: Pennsylvania firsts. 2627c: held lots
irregulfr at 1423c Cheese steady at 7c.
Receipts Flour, 4.60O barrels; wheat. 3,200 bar
rels, corn. 2.000 bushels: oats. 2.400 bnshels.
Shipments Wheat, 2,200 bushels; corn, 22,000
bushels: oats, 17,000 bushels.
8t. Louis Flour, very little done; XXX,
52 252 10; choice, $2 702 8o; fancy, S3 30
3 45; patent flours. Si 1004 2a Wheat lower;
easy reports depressed prices Vc; there was a
rattling of el subsequent decline, and the
close was c below yesterday; No. 2 red, cash,
77Kc; December closed at 77c; January, 78Jc;
May. 82c asked; July, 78c bid. Corn 'firmer,
fraction higher for the options but May and
plenty of sellers and was weak; No. 2 mixed,
cash, 2728r; December, 27Ji28c. closed at
272Sc bid; May, 29K30c bid at the close.
Oats dull: No. 2. cash. 20c asked; January.
20&C bid; May, 22c bid. Rye neglected. Bar
leyOnly sale reported was one car light and
dark Minnesota at 35c Flaxseed, SI 28. Pro
visions dull and ti eak.
Minneapolis Wheat was lower, and
millers were good buyers when they could get
good concessions on carlots that met their
views. Receiver! held for nearly Saturday's
prices at first, but were unablo to seQ much
and had to meet the general decline. A good
deal of poor wheat showed on the tables that it
was f onnd extremely hard to sell; receipts, in
cluding Sunday, were 572 cars and 102 shipped.
Closing quotations: No. 1 bard, December, 7c;
January, 78c; May, 83c: on track, 78c; No. 1
Northern, December, 75c; January, 7o?c; May,
S0c; on track, 76c: No, 2 Northern, December,
72c; January, 72f c; May, 77Kc; on track, 7274c
Milwaukee Flour fairly active. Wheat
easy: No. 2 spring, on track, cash, 7273c; May,
77c; No. 1 North ern,S0c Com steady: No. 3, on
track,29H30c. Oate unlet; No.2whlte.on track,
22k23c. Rye firm; No. L in 8tore,44c, Barley
easier; No. 2, in store, 46c Provisions quiet.
Lard, S5 92. Cheese unchanged.
Baltimore Provisions unchanged. Butter
firm; Western packed, 1720c; best rolled, 17
619c; creamery, 2526c Eggs stronger at 25
26c Coffee quiet; Rio cargoes firmer at 19c
Toledo Cloverseed active and steady: cash,
53 60: January, S3 62; February, S3 67; March,
S3 72f.
The Best Chance Yet.
"We are tired waiting for cold weather;
have therefore determined to slaughter all
our overcoats and winter suits regardless of
cost, including underwear and winter fur
nishing goods and for cans. This sale will
begin promptly this morning at 8 o'clock,
and will not end until every article is sold.
This is a great chancefor any one who wants
good, honest-made clothing for very little
money. We repeat this again: The goods
must be sold without reserve. Children's
clothing is included in this slaughter sale.
We will not mention prices, but come and
see. P. C. C. C,
Cor. Grant and Diamond ts., opp. the new
Court House.
Kstoral Gas Cat Glass.
Another new and beautiful lot in
Punch Bowls,
Berry Dishes,
Ice Tubs,
Olive Dishes,
Only the newest and latest cuttings at
Hardy & Hates',
Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Dealers,
. 29 Smithfield Street, New Building.
Joseph Sf Brown Denies Baying the
Scbmertz-Beyroer Properties!
A Good Authority Says the Tennsylvania
Railroad is Going Slow.
The report that Joseph S. Brown, of Alle
gheny, and formerly or the Wayne Iron
Works, was the purchaser of the Schmertz
and Beyxner properties on Fifth avenue,
corner of Craig and Neville Btreets, is ve
hemently denied by that gentleman. He
said to' The Dispatch representative
yesterday: "I did not purchase the proper
ties in question, nor have I ever had anything
to do with them in any way. I do not even
know who the purchasers are." This is con
clusive, so far as Mr. Brown is concerned.
It was learned incidentally, from a gentleman
who has ascertained tbo intentions ot the pur
chasers, that the ground, comprising a full
square, will be subdivided into small lots suit
able for .business purposes and put on the mar
ket next spring. The buildings will probably
be allowed to stand.
A gentleman who is In a position to know a
good deal of what the Pennsylvania Railroad
people are doing in the way of accumulating
real estate, said yesterday: "The reports that
the Pennsylvania Railroad is buying property
on Sixth and Fifth avenues are entirely untrue.
The road is not now. nor has it been, doing
this. It may have acquired some ground on
Cherry alley to give it an outlet to Seventh
avenue, but I am disposed to doubt it As to
the other transactions so frequently referred to
ef late, I can say positively that they exist only
in imagination, and the railroad authorities are
in no way responsible for their circulation."
A stock specialist, T. W. PearsalL says:
"Speculation is very narrow yet, and I do not
think that the big bull movement which we
may see next year has started. For the time
being, I think discretion will be the better pol
icy to pursue, and the proSts, wherever made,
should be taken. The market fs always here,
consequently a little caution in operations may
prove to be a veiy wise move. ITor a long pull
I am a bull; everything warrants the taking of
such a position. The vast and general improve
ment In all mercantile and manufacturing in
dustries is sufficient to make a man look hope
fully on the future. From a speculative point
of view, however, the market for the time be
ing Is simply a traders' one, and in my judg
ment the man who is satisfied lor the moment
with a point or two turn, on either side, will
be the one who will accumulate the largest
It is reported on good authority that there
will be an advance in coal rates ordered be
tween this and Christmas. If possible the
agents will meet this week, and will then de
cide to mark up the schedule prices on all
sues and grades of anthracite.
The Financial Chronicle indorses Secretary
Windom's stand on the silver question. It
says: "His method of treating the snbjectis
certainly admirable. He states that the con
tinned coinage of the silver dollar is the only
disturbing element In the otherwise excellent
financial condition of the country, and a posi
tive hindrance to any international bimetallic
agreement; that the amonnt of these dollars
which can perform any useful function as a
circnlatinc medium must soon be reached, and
that then the further coinage and storage ot
them will become a waste of public money and
a burden upon the Treasury."
The Chronicle concludes: "Mr. "Windom's
plan possesses many attractive features. It
would stop the present coinage. It would give
ua a dollar which was worth a dollar. It would
make the Government pay for any loss in the
certificates issued instead of making the Indi
vidual bear the loss. These ire all considera
tions of decided merit and forcible arguments
in favor of the measure."
' .1
Barker Bros. & Co., of Philadelphia, are re
ported to be the acents of a syndicate which
proposes to start a bank with a capital of 25,
000,000, with agencies in the principal cities of
Enrope and America. The capital is to be
mainly English, and the headquarters in Lon
don. The new company i, it is said, almost
ready to begin operations. Offices at an an
nual rental of $15,000 have been engaged in one
of the new buildings In Wall street, and the
English manager of the enterprise sailed on
Saturday from England for New York.
The bank clearings at 37 cities for 11 months
eqnal $50,644,997,000, or more than the 12
months' total in 1S5S, indicating probably S55,
000,000 asthe total tor 1889. The increase for 11
months this year over last is 14 per cent, over
1887 8 per cent, and over 1886 $6,520,600,000, or 15
per cent "
It is rumored that new pools have been
formed lnNortbern Pacific, Oregon and Trans
continental, Atchison and Union Pacific, and
that the interests are divided between London.
Berlin, Boston and Philadelphia. It is stated
that operations will simultaneously commence
in the four markets. Mr. Henry Villard, of
course, is credited with being the engineer of
his individual properties, while the Barings,
and the Kidder & Peabody party are to look
after Atchison.
He Is nangTy for Central Traction, but Bare
Irtuter Instend.
The stock market was fairly active for Mon
day, sales aggregating 803 shares, of which 250
were Westinghouse Electric There were very
few changes in the quotations, as compared
with Saturday, but those which occurred, were
An incident transpired during the morning
call which caused considerable amusement
The talk was about Central Traction. Just
then 10 shares of Luster sold at 20. "I will
gire for 100 shares," remarked a broker.
"You have them," snapped another. 'I will
give the same price for another 100 share lot"
continued the firs t speaker. "You havethem."
'Who has any more Central for sale?" asked
thebuyer. "Central! Yon are buying Luster,"
chimed in half a dozen voices.
The palpable mistake was dnly acknowl
edged and rectified, but the laugh was on the
gentleman who bought Lustec when he wanted
Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked.
12S 132
61 ....
100 .... 100
15H 15
0X ton xa si
25 23 U
, 2M 1
32H Bfi S2 S
SS 70
SO .... 50
22X 23X 22X 23
230 ....
12V 13X
39 37
1SS 20
x 47 m h
.... 75
19 .... 19
50 .... 50
114 .... 114
5 9
Commercial Na. Bank.
Fourth Nat Bank
Masonle Bank
Wan. ft Her. Ini
Allegheny Heating Co.
JChartlers V. Gas Co....
People's N. O. ft P. Co
Philadelphia Co
Wheeling UasCo
Columbia Oil Co
Central Traction
Citizens'1 Traction
Pitts. Traction
Pleasant Valley
Pitts., A. ft Man
Pitts, ft Western K. K.
N.Y. ftCGasCoalCo.
La Norla Mining Co...
Luster Mining Co
Westlnghonse Electric
union storage co
Union S. ft Blgnal Co..
Union 8. ft W. pref....
Westinghon se A. B. Co.
Pitta. Cvclorama Co...
Sales at the first call were 208 shares of Elec
tric at 47, 10 Luster at 20, and 10 at 2a At the
last call 42 shares of Electric bronght 47, 2 Na
tional Bank of Commerce 133, and 80 Central
Traction 32.
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 238,921 shares, including: Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western. 18,740; Denver,
Texas and Ft Worth, 3,376; Missouri Pacific,
14,610; Northwestern. 3,690; Northern Pacific
preferred, 4,600; Beading, 38.900; Richmond and
West Point 2,825; St Paul, 18,440; Union Pacific,
7,725; Western Union, 13,615.
The Local Honey Market Starts OsT la Flue
The week opened in banking circles with a
good demand for loans, and rates steady at 67
per cent Checking and depositing were heavy
enough to show that general trade maintains
a high degree of prosperity.
Owing to laree transactions In grain at Balti
more and cotton at New Orleans, both of these
cities led Pittsburg in the volume of exchanges
last week. But this atraataco la only tea-
porary. Pittsburg has a large and uniform
trade, to which neither of the places named
can rightfully lay claim. Both of them will be
found wanting when the year's record Is made
yesterday's exchanges were S2.333.765 19 and
the balances $258,753 U.
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easy, ranging from 3 to 7 per cent: last loan,
4; closed offered at 4. Prime mercantile paper,
67f Sterling exchange quiet and steady
at $4 80K for 60-day bills and SI 84 for demand.
Closinc Bond Quotations.
V. B, 4S,reg...,
U. & 4s. coup.,
U. 8. 4s, ng..
M.K. AT.Gen.M 63
Mutual Union 6S....102,,
N. J. C. Int Oert...l
Northern Pae. lts..U5J
Northern Pae. Zd..HU
Northw't'n consols.lU
Nnrthw'n rihra'S..109
D. S. 4ks- conn..
Paelfle&of 'SS. 115
Loulsl&nastampedts 83H
Missouri 6s 102H
xenn. new set e... io&x
Tenn. new set 5s. ...102
Oregon & Trans. 6s.I03
StL.AI.M.Uen.53 W
St. L.&8.1T.Gen.iLllJ
Ml. Paul consols ....127
IS., Pe.UO.Tr Ks. JO
Tx.,PcK.G.Tr.Kct X
Tenn. new set. 3s.... 4!4
uanaas bo. zas si
On. Pacificists.. ...11
Uen. Jt H- e.. lti...HS
Den. A U. G. 48 77.4
U.SB.U. west,jsu. vs
Erie, Mi. lGtg
U..H.&T. Oen. 6a.. 11
union rsc. isu. ...."
West shore U
New Tons Clearings, $85,899,189; balances,
Boston Clearings, $16,739,314; balances,
f2.019.04o. Monev 6l per cent.
Baxttmorb Clearings, $2,038,407; balances.
Philadelphia Clearings, $10,703,432; bal
ances, $1,660,863.
London Bar silver 4W per ounce.
Paris Three per cent rentes, 67f 90c for
the account
Chicago Bank clearings were $14,414,000.
New York exchange was at par. Money rates
continue firm at 6 per cent for call, and 68per
cent for time loans.
A Broker Says Oil Dealers Are Eating Each
Other Up.
The oil market yesterday was jnst abont
steady at both ends but weak in the middle.
The lowest point reached was $1 03, at which
Pittsburg and Bradford did considerable buy
ing. This support steadied the market and
caused a fractional improvement The open
ing was $1 OIK, highest $1 01; lowest, $1.03;
closinc, $1 04J& There was no pronounced feel
ing to indicate the course of events, and no im
portant news to affect conditions. Saturday's
clearings were 1.106,000 barrels.
In the words of a nroker: "Everybody is
afraid, as the Standard Is known to have its
fingers In the pie. Lima oil is a mystery.
There is no inducement to the bulls, as there
are no buyers. The best they can do is to twist
the shorts whenever they get a chance. Wire
men make and unmake the market They form
little pools, run up prices and then unload the
stuff on the boys. If this goes on much longer
there will be no more left of us than there was
of the Kilkenny cats."
Feninres of the Mnrker.
Corrected daily by John M. Oaxiey ft Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened - l04)Lowest 103.
Highest lMfclUtoied IMS
Average runs C2.16S
Average shipments 71,633
Average charters.. 0,681
Kenned, New York. 7.50c
Reflneri, London. 5 15-160.
Refined, Antwerp. 17,Hr.
. Itenned. Liverpool. 1 l-16d.
Refined, Bremen, 7.25m:
A. a McQrew & Ca quote: Puts, $1 03Ki
calls, $1 0
Other OH Markets.
TrxtraviLLE, Decembers. Opened at $1 WJ;
highest $1 04&; lowest $1 03; closed at
Bradford. December 9. Opened at $1 WA;
closed at $1 04K; highest 1 MJii lowest $1 &X
Clearances not reported.
Ore Citt. December 9. Opened at $1 OVA;
highest $1 Oiyi; lowest $1 0 closed. $1 W.
Sales, 198.000 barrels; clearances, 578,000 bar
rels: charters, 47,618 barrels; shipments, 100,532
barresl; runs. 38,339 barrels.
New Yore. December 9. Petrol en m opened
firm at $1 03K, but after the first sale became
weak and declined to $102; the market then
tnrned and advanced to $1 03, closing firm at
$1 03&. StocK Exchange: Opening, $1 03Ji;
inquest, x vojfe; lowest, 91 iufe; closing ci iw;;
;. $103$;
isonsouaaieu ixcuange: upening,
highest $1 04H; lowest $1 03f ; closing,
j.ouu saies, u,uw Darreis.
Good Properties Change Owner and Money
Loaned on 9Iort0rng:es-
Ewing & Byers, No. 93 Federal street sold
for William W. Caldwell, administrator, to
Mrs. R. McElhone, a two-story brick -house of
six rooms and hall, with lot 20x74, oh Sandusky
street. Third ward, Allegheny, near North
avenue, for $3,250 cash.
I. M. Pennock & Son, sold and settled a
mortgage for $5,000. five years, 4 per cent on
property In the Seventeenth Ward, city.
James W. Drape & Co. sold two mortgages of
$11,000 at 6 per cent on two pieces of property
in McKeesport.
Reed B. Coyle 4 Co., 131 Fourth avenne.
f laced a mortgage on Oakland property of
S-- -v, ,ui uii co jedia ti. v per UBUfc,
ack fc Baird. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to
Thomas Buckley, a vacant lot on TaKW
street Sonthside, 20x140 feet being lot 76 in the
People's Savings Bank plan of lots, for $275.
C. H. Love, 93 Fourth avenue, sold for Adler,
Rodelbeim and Schloss, the property on the
corner of Fourth avenue and Grant street
known as the St Nicholas Hotel property, and
extending back along Grant street 0 feet on
which is erected a four-storv building known as
the St Nicholas 'Hotel. The purchaser was
the Hon. John Dalzell. the price being $60 000. '
Samuel W. Black & Co. placed a mortgage
for $800, three years, at 6 ner cent on property
in the Thirteenth ward, Pittsburg.
Railroad Shares Feel the Effect of the Bad
Bank Statement Chicago Gas
Scores an Advance, bnt
Sugar Leta Go.
New York, December 9. The stock market
was comparatively dull to-day in both the
listed and unlisted stocks, while there was no
special animation outside of the coalers and
Grangers. London was a seller to a limited
extent and to-morrow being Contango day
there, the quotations from the center this
morning were rather irregular. This, with the
influence of the bank statement of Saturday
served to open this market down generally
from to per cent Burlington was affected
by the 'alliance with the Rock Island, which
was looked upon as likely to cause trouble with
the Union Pacific-Northwestern combination.
The market after tbe first few minutes' trad
ing, however, developed a strong tone in gen
eral, and tbe losses of the opening were gener
ally recovered, while New England showed
marked strength and rope 1 per centfollowed
by other specialties, such as Wheeling and
Lake Erie preferred and Chicago Gas, the last
uauicu ucjurcuiaijkauij ottuuiriiirougnonttne
day. The Chicago people were liberal buyers
of the stock, and it scored one of the handsome
advances of the day. The only really weak
spots in the market were Sugar, which declined
on what looked to be realizing sales, and San
Francisco preferred.
A feature of the tradine toward nonn w h
sudden rise in Cotton Oil old certificates, which
have become very scarce in the market and the
few remaining shorts in it -were treated to a
little squeeze, which on very light dealings ran
the price up from 32 to 39, though it after
ward reacted to 34 and closed at 35.
The pressure upon prices was removed
toward 2 P. it, and in the last hour there was a
much better tone to tbe speculation. Western
Union coming to tbe front with a material rise,
while among the specialties Manitoba and
Texas Land Trust made special improvement
the latter selling up to 21 against 17 for its last
sale last week. The close was active and
strong, generally at small fractional changes
from Saturday's final figures.
Railroad bonds were quiet the sales reaching
only $1,250,000 with no special animation. The
market was stronger than that for stocks and
tbe final changes are in but few instances, in
the direction of lower prices, though the only
special featnre of the day was tbe weakness in
the Louisville, New Albany and Chicago issues,
the first losing 4115 and the Consolidated.
2100- The important advances were St
Paul 8s, 2 to 123 and Colorado Coal lsts, 2 to 104.
Tbe PotPt review says: Lackawanna was
especially depressed by the sudden death this
morning, of Mr. Harvey Kennedy, who bad for
many years been a large trader m that stock,
a firm believer in its merits, and a -strong sup
porter of its price in the market
The following tame snows tbe prices oi active
stocks on the New York Stock xenange yester
day, corrected dally ror Tub Dispatch by
Whitnit ft Btephxhson, oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of N ew x orratock Exchange. i7 your th ave
nne: Open
ing. Am. Cotton cm.,,..... 321
Atcn.. Too.AB.r X32
Canadian PaelBs 72V
Canada Southern MJ
Central of New Jersey.ui
Central Paelflo
Chesapeake ft Ohio.... 2SK
C Bur. ft Qaluer. ....1041
n.. Mil. A Mt. faul 69K
'c.i mii. at. r pi..
v., aociu s,r
C. ut lu ft Pitts
c. si. J., sruu. du. .. .
C.ft Nortnwestem.....llOX
c. a. a. ft i 74
a. a. o. AL..pr Mtf
Ool. Coal ft Iron. S3
Col. Befctx V. .
. Cloi-
Hlgh- Iow. lng
;. est. ma.
Z2f 32V S3
34Jt S3g S4
i 725$ 72M
SHs MJ4 552
2i i2o mn
"i 84
nt san 27X
M5H 1C4 1058
69 6SH 68
.... .. . US
& s. p
SlU T 'lit
w 'SB IB
34 S
67 S
Boston Stocks.
-Atch. Too..lst7s. IIS
A.JtT. LandGr't7s.llO
Atcn. ftTop.R,R... 34
Boston ft Albany...2l5
Boston ft Maine.... .3)5
C It. ftU. 105
Win. Ban. ft Cleve. 24
EaatemR. K. C ,...lll!
Kanern R. K., 123)4
Flint Pereai 22
PllntftPereM. ora. 82J4
Mexican Oen. com.. 15
Mex.o.litmtg. bds. CSW
A. r. ftXtewiCng;... 5M
N. V.iS.E. 7s,
Oard. AL. Cham. com.
Old colony 176M
Wls.Uentral.com... 33
Calumet ft Heola,
Bell Teiepnone...
. 175f
,. 2
.. 18
,. 7
,.190 if
Boston Janu
Water Power
'rmmaraext. .......... 147
Santa re copper..,. 1.15
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Jiembers New York Stock fix
chance. Bid.
Pennsylvania BaUroad. -.. 53
Keaamjr 20 MJ
Buffalo, Pittsburg ft Western 7X
Leubrh Valley...?. MM
oira .navigation w
ionnern i-aclflc :
Northern Pacific preierred
. m
Business Notes.
The largest of 40 mortgages recorded yester
day was for $7,500. Just one-half of the entire
number were for purchase money.
The speculative markets were dull yester
day, but the greater ease in money is favor
able to a rally. Who will take the leadT
The Philadelphia Company's oil well, in the
Hickory field, is plugged pending the erection
of tankage It is believed to be good for 100
barrels an hour at the start
The Pennsylvania Railroad reports that the
quantity of coal and coke originating on and
carried over its lines east of Pittsburg and Erie
for tbe week ending November 30 was 321,393
tons, of which 209,717 tons were coal and Ul,673
tons coke.
The proposition to establish a real estate ex
change in this city came to the surface again
yesterday. This Important matter has hung
fire so long, over a year, that something besides
talk is needed to Inspire confidence that there
is mortrthan wind at tbe bottom, of it
The stockholders of tbe Yankee Girl Mining
Company held their annual meeting in this
city yesterday. The report of the treasurer
showed that the output of the mine during tbe
past year was about $139,000, of wblcb $113,667 88
was durine the last four months, since the dis
covery of the rich vein of ore, of which men
tion was made in the daily press some weeks
ago. It was calculated that tbe output for the
next 12 months wonld be upwara of $250,000.
Old directors and officers were re-elected.
John Jacobs, aged 19, had his neck broken
in a scuffle In front of bis own door, in Chicago,
Sunday night the resnlt of a quarrel over
Jacobs' sister.
A number of the prominent citizens of Cas
cade, la., have been summoned to appear at
Anainosa, to answer the -charge of being
habitual drunkards.
The Governor of Wisconsin yesterday re
fused to pardon Hartley Clifford, who is serving
a life sentence for tbe murder of Captain Pugh,
at Racine, several years ago.
Tbe bond offerings at the Treasury yester
day were as follows: Four Der cent connona.
$3,450; registered 4s, $643,900 at 127. Registered
4s. $101,000; coupon, $2,700 at 101. All tbe
offers were accepted.
George Clemens, an insane criminal con
fined in tbe State Asylnm at Buffalo, commit
ted suicide by strangulation late Sunday after
noon. He eluded his attendant and twisted a
towel around his neck until he strangled to
Tbe bridge across the Pawpaw river at St
Joseph, Mich., went to pieces while a north
bound freight on the Chicago and West Michi
gan Railroad was crossing Sunday. Seven or
eight freight cars went into the river, and tbe
bridgo is a total wreck.
It Is reported here npon authority that the
Northern Pacific will make Duluth an operat
ing center. Word comes from New York that
Jay Cook's old plans regarding the Northern
Pacific are to be carried out and Minneapolis
made the principal terminus of the road.
At Council Bluffs, la , a young man named
James Donohue, about 18 years old, was shot
and Instantly killed Sunday evening by William
Boathe. The murder was committed in the
back room of a building adjoining a saloon.
Boathe was arrested at his home shortly after
the shooting.
Fire in the Finney House, Detroit, yester
day caused $4,000 damages. B. R. Johnson, a
clerk, clung to the window sill of his room on
tbe fourth floor until overcome by tbe smoke,
when be dropped. He sustained a compound
fracture of the thigh and internal injuries, and
will die. Other guests had narrow escapei.
A colored deputy policeman named Vine
gar, while under the influence of liquor, caused
a scene of terror in Higginsville, MoA Saturday
night by firing his revolver promiscuously into
a crowd of white people while tbey were leav
ing the opera house after a performance. One
young man was shot tnrough tbe head and
mortally wounded, and others were more or
less injured.
Pope Leo XIIL has written a letter to
Archbishop Duhamet, of Ottawa, in reply to
tbe address of tho Catholic citizens of Ottawa,
who adopted resolutions last March protesting
against tbe usurpation of the temporal power
ot tbe Papacv. His Holiness expresses the
satisfaction afforded bim by the frequent ex
pressions of sympathy received from all parts
of the World.
James Gilson, aged 23, was shot and killed
by an Italian named Michael Cbeebo, in Rome,
N. Y., yesterday. Gilson, who was somewhat
intoxicated, made a disturbance near Cheebo's
house. He was ordered away, but refused to
go. Cheebo then raised a window and fired.
The ball entered Gllson's breast and lodged in
his lung. He staggered Into his home, next
door, and exnired within five minutes. Cbeebo
at first denied the shooting, but subsequently
coniessea ana was locaea up.
While pastor of the Canton Church,
New Jersey, some years ago, I temporarily
lost my voice, and was in consequence un
able to preach for nearly a year. Last spring
I began to have all the symptoms of losing
it again, I labored with great difficulty,
fearing each time I preached would be the
last In July I commenced using Dr.
Jayne's Expectorant, at the same time rub
bing my throat and chest freely with the
liniment I gargled my throat daily ac
cording to the directions given in Dr. Jayne's
Almanac, at the same time taking the ex
pectorant regularly. Peeling very much
better, I discontinued the use of the gargle
and the liniment, bat still kept on with the
expectorant This winter I hare been more
exposed, and preach oftener than for many
years past, and yet my voice seems to be
growing stronger, and were it not for the re
quirements of my calling, I firmly believe
permanent enre would be effected by the ex
pectorant At all events the good it has
done, and is doing me, makes me anxions to
recommend it to all who are suffering from
throat or lung complaints. Rev. W. Pike,
LakevilU, Washington county, JT. T.
The enormous sales in holiday goods for
the past week only encourage us to greater
efforts. Let those buy now who never bought
before, and those who haye bought, bny now
the more. Yon cannot get too much of a
good thing. See our great variety of useful
presents, and cheap, too. All goods care
fully stored and delivered promptly.
Hoppeb BEOS. & Co.
its 307 Wood street
Btbam train, track and all complete, only
$3 0. Absolutely necessary for a complete
Christmas tree. Harrison's Toy Store, 133
Pedwuljtf., AUeghwy. . , zza
Uei L.4YV. U
Del. & Hudson.
Denver &Kio a
UenverftBioU.. or
K.T.. Va. AUa - ,...
E.T..VS. ft Oa. 1st of. ....
K. T.. Vs. ft Os. 2d pr. ....
Illinois central. IIS
Lake Grto ft Western
LakeKrieft West pr.. MS
Lake Riore ft M. 8 107)2
Louisville ftNashvllle. n6
Michigan central. SIH
Mobile Ohio
Mo.. Kan. ft Texas.... SV
MIsaonn Paclfio 6711
New Yorr Central 106$
J. jr.. l. e. ft w r,n
JJ.Y..L.B.4W.pref.. 67
.. c. ft at. u
N... C, ftSUL. pr.
N.I.. O. ftSt.l,. Id pr 33
N. It ft N. 15 44
a. Y O. ft W 20.
Norfolk Western
-Norfolk Western. pf. .. .
Northern Pacific S2St
Jjortnern Paclfio oret 16
Ohio MlrilsslDpI..... ....
Oregon Improvement. 48
Oregon Tramcon, 35
PaciflcMall 35
Peo. Dec. ft Kvans SOVf
PhUadel. ft Reading.. 40
Pullman Palace Car
Rlcbmona ft W. P. T..
Klchmond ft W.P.T.pf 81
8t p.. Minn, ft Man..luiJ
at. u ft San Fran 158
St. L. ft Ban JTran pr.. 33H
'.!.. ft Ban JT. In pf.. SI
Texas Paclfio ...... MJS
Union Pacinc 6S!4
Wabasn 15K
Wabasb.oreferred W
Western Union. SSX
whling ft L. . BSH
Sugar Trutt 9
National Lad Truat.. 18J
Chicago 6u Treat.... 41M
Vegetables and Fro.it Seeking a
Higher Level of Prices.
Corn in Better Supply, and Markete Lose
Their Firmness.
Moxqay.' December 8, 1889. S
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Monday's usnal quietness reigned at commis
sion; houses. Potatoes are in lighter supply,
and an upward movement has started. We
have advanced our quotations, and It Is tbe
opinion of jobbers that prices will go to 75c per
bushel before many days. Fancy apples are
also looking up, and higher prices will nodonbt
be realized all along the fruit and vegetable
lines at an early day. A cold snap would at
ones stimulate markets. Creamery butter Is
id active demand, and we expect to record an
other advancebef ore the week is out Country
butter is quiet Fresh laid eggs are very
scarce, and would readily bring SOc per dozen
in a jobbing way.
Butteb Creamery, Elgin, 29K30cj Ohio
do,2627c; fresh dairy packed, 2221c; country
rolls. 21Q22C
Beaks Navy hand-picked beans, S2252 30;
medium, 2 102 20.
Beeswax 2S30c ft ft for chslce; low grade,
Ciseb Sand refined, 6 507 50; common.
Z3 504 00; -crab cider. S3 008 50 barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c ?? gallon.
Chestnuts J5 005 50 fl bushel; walnuts,
6070c $ bushel. .
Cheese Ohio, llllc: New York, HKc;
Iimburger, 9llc; domestic Sweitzer, lie
13Xc; imported Sweitzer, 23c
Eqqs 2426c dozen for strlctlv fresh.
Fruits Apples, fancy, $3 603 50 ft barrel;
California pears, $3 504 00 a box; cranberries,
8 609 50 fl barrel; Malaga grapes, large bar
rel. $8 00.
Game Squirrels, 7ocH tr dozen; quail, 51
f dozen; prairie chickens, ti 505 00 f)
dozen; pheasants, 54 605 00 fl dozen; rabbits,
SI 501 75 fl dozen; venison saddle, 1517c fl
poundr venison carcass, 1213c fl pound.
Feathebs Extra live geese, S060c; No. 1,
do, 4045c; mixed lots. S035c V ft.
Poultry Live chickens, oG5c a pair;
dressed. 89c a pound; ducks, 6575c ft pair;
geese, $1 251 30 V pair: live turkeys, 10llc fl
ft: dressed turkeys. 1214c f) B.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62fts to bnshel, S4 20
4 4 (fl bnshel: clover.large EngIIsh.621bs. $4 35
4 60; clover, Alslke, $8 00; clover, white, $9; timo
thy, choice. 45 lbs, 1 50; blue grass, extra clean,
14 As. SI 251 30; blue grass, fancy, 14 lis, SI 30:
orchard grass, 14 lbs, SI 40; red top. 14 As. Si 25;
millet, GO fts, SI 00; millet 6070c fl bnshel;
Hungarian grass, GO fcs, 6oc: lawn grass,
mixture of fine grasses, S3 00 fl bushel of 14
lbs. -
TALLOW Country, IJc; city rendered, 4J
Tbopicai. Fruits Lemons, common. T2 GO
3 00; fancy, S4 005 00: Florida oranges, 1250
3 00; Jamaica oranges. S5 5006 GO fl barrel;
bananas, 2 00 firsts, SI 50 good seconds
fl bunch; encnanuts, S4 004 50 fl hundred;
g SK9e f lb; dates, SK6Xe fl B; new layer
figs, li15c; new dates. Tc fl ft.
Vegetables Potatoes, from store, 6560c;
on track, 4550c; cabbages, S4 008 00 a hun
dred; celery, 40c fl dozen; Jerseys, S4 004 25;
turnips, SI 0001 50 a barrel; onions, $2 a barrel.
Buckwheat Floub 2K2c fl pound.
Gheex Coffee Fancy Rio. 232lc; choice
Rio, 21022c; prime Rio, 20Xc; low grade Rio,
1819c; old Government Java. 272Sc;Mar
acaibo, 23K24c; Mocha, 2829Kc; Santos,
2024c: Caracas 2224c; peaberry, Rio,23
21c: La Guayra, 2324c.
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c;
bigh grades. 2529c; old Government Java,
bulk, 3133c; Maracaibo, 27428c; Santos,
24K28Jic; peaberry; 28Kc; choice Rio. 25c;
piiine Rio. 23Kc: good Rio, VA ordinarj721c
SPICES (whole) Cloves, 19020c; allspice, 10c;
cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c; nutmeg, 70080c.
1"etboleum (jobbers prices) 110 test 7Vc;
Ohio, 120, 8kc; headlight 150, 8Jc; water
white, 10Kc; globe, 1414c: elaice, 14c; car
nadlne, llKc; royallne, lie; globe red oil, 110
inerS' Oil No. 1 winter strained. 46047c
fi gaiion; summer, sutxuc juara ou. vuc
Syrups Corn syrup. 2830c; choice sntrar
syrup 3338c: prime sugar syrup. 30033c;
strictly prune, 33035c: new manle syrnp, 90c.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c:
medium, 43c; mixed, 40012c; choice new crop,
Soda Bl-carb in kegs, 33c; bl-cart In K.
oc; bl-carb, arsorted packages. S6c; sal
soda in kegs. lc: do granulated, 2c
Candles btar, full weight, 9c; steariue, fl
set. 8Kc; parafflne, 11012c
Rice Head, Carolina, 67c; choice, 6
6c: prime, 5K6c: Louisiana, 56Vc
Stabch Pearl, 23c; cornstarch, 56c; gloss
starch, 4JJ7c
Foreign Fbutts Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon
don layers, $2 90; California London layers,
S2 75; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels,
$2 10; Valencia,7ic; Ondara Valencia, 8484c;
sultana,9Kc: currants,5)5c: Turkey prunes.
4$5c: French prunes. 69c; Salonlca
prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoannts, fl 100,
56 00; almonds, Lan., f) ft, 20c: da Ivica. 19c;
do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap 12X15c; Sicily
filuerts. 12c; Smyrna figs, 12jj13c; new dates,
O0GXc; Brazil nuts, 10c: pecans. 11015c; cit
ron, ft lb, 19020c; lemon peel, fl ft, 16c: orange
peel, loc
Dried Fruits Apples sliced, per ft 6c, ap
ples, evaporated, 9c; apricots, California, evap
orated. 1416c; peaches, evaporated, pared,
2628c: peaches, California, evaporated, un
pared. 1921c; cherries, pitted,1314c; cher
ries un pit ted, 56c; raspberries, evaporated,
25K26&: blackberries, 708c: huckleberries,
Sugars Cubes, 7c; powdered, 72c; granu
lated, 7c; confectioners' A, lc; standard A,
7c: soft white, 6K65c;yellow,choice,6K6c;
yellow, good, 66c; yellow, fair, 6c; yellow,
dark, 5c
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), S5 50; medi
um, half bbls (600), S3 25.
S ALT N oLWbbl.B5c:No.lex. bbl. ft 05:
dilry. ft bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, fi bbl, SI 20;
Higgins' Enreka, 4-bu sacks, S2
; Hlggiu
Eureka. 16-11 S Bockets. S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, S2 00
2 25; 2ds, SI 651 80; extra peaches, $2 402 60;
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn, SI 001 50; Eld Co.
corn, 759oc; red cherries, 90cSl; Lima beans,
SI 20; soaked do. 85c: string do. 6065c: mar
rowfat peas, SI 101 15; soaked peas, 7080c;
pineapples. SI iO&l 60; Bahama do, S2 75;
damson plums, 95c: greengages, SI 25;
egg plnms, S2 00; California pears. S2 60: do
greengages. SI 85: do egg plums, SI 85; extra
white cherries, $2 40; raspberries, 95cSl 10;
strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries! SI 301 40:
tomatoes, 8590c; salmon, 1-ft, SI 651 90;
blackberries. 65c: succotash. 2-ft cans, soaked.
00c; do green. 2-ft, SI 251 50; corn beef, 2-ft
cans, S2 05; 14-ft cans, 514: baked beans, 51 45
61 50: lobster, 1-fi, SI T5l 80; mackere', IK
cans, broiled. Si 50; sardines, domestic- Us,
S4 254 60; sardines, domestic, s.6 757U0;
sardines, imported, lis, Sll 504212 60, sardines.
Imported, K. S18; sardines, mustard, S3 30;
sardines, spiced, S3 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S38 fl
bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, S40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32: extra No. 1 do, mess,
836: No. 2shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4Kc fl A; do medium, Oeorge's cod.
6c; do large, 7c: bouelesssiake. In strips. 6c: do
Georee's rod In blocks. 6K07KC. Herrinc
Bound shore, 54 50 f) bbl: split. $6 50; lake.
52 75 f! 100-fi half bbL White fish, SS 00 f) 100
& half bbl. Lake trout, to 50 fl half. bbL Fin
nan haddock, 10c fl &. Iceland halibut, 13c fl
ft. Pickerel, KUM.S3O0; i bbL SI 10; Poto
mac herring, Jo 00 bbl, S2 50 fl bbL
OATUSAL-S8 006 25 fl bbL
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 39 cars. By Pittsburg. Ft. Wayne and
Chicago, 5 cars of hay, 1 rt corn, 1 of rye, 5 of
flour. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and- St. Louis.
2 cars of wheat. 8 of hay. 8 of corn. 2 of oats. 2
of bran. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of hay, 2
of rye, 1 of flour. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 5
cars of flour, 2 of feed, 1 of hay. By Pittsburg
and Western, 2 cars of bay. Sales on call, 1 car
sample ear corn, 35c, 5 days, P. B, R.; 1 car 2 y.
e. corn. 38c, 6 days, P. B. B,: 1 car bran, Sll 45,
8 days, P. R. R.; 1 car No. 1 timothy hay, $12 25,
5 days, P. R. R.; 1 car new 2y.e.corn, 38c, 10
days, P. B, R.; 1 car No. 1 timothy hay, S12, 10
days, P. R. R. Corn is coming in more freely,
and markets are weaker than for the past week
or two. Oats are still scarce and firm. Other
cereals are unchanged.
Prices below are for carload lots on track.
Wheat New No. 2 red. 8485c; No. 3, 80
Corn No. 2 yellow, ear, 42l3c; new, 37838c;
high mixed, ear. 4041c; No. 2 yellow, shelled.
4242Kc;new, 3738c;high mixed, shelled, 41
41c; mixed. Shelled, 4141Kc
OATS No. 2 white, 292aKc; extra, No. 8,
2S2ScK: mixed, 2623Mc
Kte No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 50851c;
No. 1 Western, 4849c; new rye. No. 3 Ohio, 45
Fijub Jobbict: prices Fancy winter and
spring patents, 55 005 0; winter straight,
S4 25Q4 50; clear winter, 54 003 25; straight
XXXXtbakers', S3 503 75. Bye flour, S3 603
MrLLTEED Middlings, fine white, S15 008
15 50 fl ton; brown middlings. Sll 06813 00:
winter wheat bran, Sll 25811 50j chop teed,
HAT Baled timothy. Na L SU 3S8U 50: 1
JfoiifeK.MfWWi lMHlimfWi,Hn J
012 CO, according to qnalityr No. 2 prairie hay,
fl 09C8 00; packing do. 17 2597 50.
Straw Oats. Jfl 7507 00; wheat and rye
straw, 6 006 25.
8. "W. Hill, PIttshurg Meat Supply Co.,
corner of Church avenue and Anderson -st,
Allegheny, Pa., sold for Kelson Morris &
Co. for week ending Dec 7, 1889: 101 car
casses of beef, average weight, 618 ponnds;
average price, $5 20 per 100 pounds.
Sugar-cared hams, large, 9c; sugar-cured
hams, medium, 10c: sugar-cured hams, small,
lljc; sugar-enred breakfast bacon, 8Kc; sugar
cured shoulders, 5c; sugar-cured boneless
shouIders.7!c:sugar-cured California bams, 6c:
sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sugar-cured
dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef
rounds, 12c: bacon shoulders. 6Jc: bacon
clear sides, 7Kc; bacon clear bellies, 7c; dry
salt shoulders, 6c: dry salt clear sides, 7c
Mess pork, heavy, Sll 50; mess pork, family,
112 00. Lard refined. In tierces, 5c: half
barrels. 6c; 60-ft tubs. 6Ve; 20-ft pails, 6fc; 50
ft tin cans, 6c; 3-ft tin pails, 6c; 6-ft tin pails.
6c; 10-ft tin pails, 6c; 5-6 tin palls,
6c. Smoked sausage, long, 5c; large, 5c
Fresh pork links, 9c. Boneless hams,10c.
Pigs 'feet, half barrel, S4 00; quarter barrel,
Dressed Heat.
The following prices are furnished by Armour
ACo.on dressed meat: Beef carcasses,450to550
lbs. 5c; 550 to 650 lbs, 6c; 650 to 750 fta, 6K06a
Sheep, THc fl ft. Lambs;.9c ft ft. Hogs, 5c
Fresh pork loins, 7c
Grain In Slant.
Chicago, December 9. The Board of Trade
report on the visible snpply of grain Is as fol
lows: Wheat, 33.178,000 bushels; Increase, V
707.000. Corn. 5,726,000; decrease, 478,000. Oats,
4870,000; decrease, 247.000. Rye, 1,115,000: de
crease, 119,000. Barley. 2.774,000; decrease, 217,
000. "What the. people want for cold is Dr.
Ball's Cough Syrnp, the old reliable. 25
'Carter's Little Liver Fills.
SICK HEADACHECarter,iIIttjeLlTer:plU5
SICK HEADACHECarter,iLtttleL,Term,
Beecham's Pills
For Billotis ad NenrtHis Disorders.
Worth a Guinea a Bex "-but seM
for 25 cents,
A pure dry Soap In powdered form. The great
labor saver and quick cleanser, without Injury to
hands or fabric. Economical, pure and good.
Beats the world for cleaning glasses, windows,
houses, dishes, milk pails, milk cans, clothes, 4c.
Keeps moths out of carpets, bureaus. &e. Sea
that you get BELL'S SOAPONA-Red Packages.
B. W.BELL MFG. CO., Buffalo, N.y.
Jfi?.1?? and HEAT) NOISES
ClIKED by Peck's Fat. In.
Visible Tntnusr
Kitr fl:nah.
Inn.. WhmnAra hn..H rfietiT,.
Saccessfol when all remadiiHi fAil. Wnt. n. p.ll rn.
IT, . .J 1 mYin i. .. .. - ii.-i.r" "
illnrtrsted book FREE. Sold onlrbr Y 11ISCOX.
823 Broadwax. cor. 14th St.. If ew York. So aientiu
WW! 1 Tlr
A purely Verretable
Compound that exnels
Sail bad humors from tbe
(system. Removes blotch-
"es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
JAS. D. CALLERY President
Capital and surplus. $125,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Dimply apply "Swatni's Ointment." No in-
ternai medicine required
Cures tetter, eczema.
itch, erysipelas, all nnslghtl
face, hands, nose. etc.
ieavlng the skin clear,
eruptions on ine
white and healthy. Its great heallngand curative
powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask
your druggist for 9waykk'8 Ointment. sen
Issue travelers' credits through Sle-ors. DrexeL
Morgan & Ca, New York. Passports procured.
1 n stock options or margins in Wall St. leads to
STEVENSON fe CO., Brokers.
no2S-TTSn 50 New St., New York.
7cpeenbt 20-YEAR GOLD B0JDS.
We Offer at Par and Interest $500,000
Bear Lake and River Water
Works and Irrigation Co.
Bonds, Due In 1909, Interest Parable April I
and October I.
These bonds are a portion of a total of
$2,000,000, and are issued to complete the
construction of 120 miles of canals diverting the
water of Beir Lake and Bear river into tbe
Great Bait Lake Valley, Utah, for Irrigating
250,000 acres ot land, and to supply tbe city of
Ogden and other towns with water for domestic
and manufacturing purposes.
Tbey are secured by a first mortgage on all
tbe property, canals, franchises and water rights
belonging to tbe Irrigation Company, including
many thousand acres of fertile land in Salt Lake
Valley. The right is reserved to advance the
price without notice. For fnll information,
address or inquire at the offices of the
Na 239 Broadway, New York; Na 618 Walnut
street, Philadelphia; No. 68 State street, Boston,
Mass., and Na 27 Custom House street, Provi
dence, R. L, or
140 Fifth avenue. no2S-78-TTS
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroledm.
Private wire to New York and Chicago.
45 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg.
Burn n
Blood Punflep.
. w
Special attractions now 'open in uefal ?
goods specially suited for the -"
,., n, , kJIM
Hn hrimr ' rnrip. j
Dealers are invited to insneet the stock
wMfth is nomnletf' and fit nriees whrn?r2Ljl
not fftil tn lmtiress the hnverr ,
. nopWi
O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents, j n
311 Fifth avenue, above Smithfield. nextLeader 2.'
office. (No delay.)
Established 20 years.
As old residents know and back files of Pitta,
burg papers prove, is tbe oldest established
and most prominent physician In tbe city, de
Voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
MCDWfll IO and mental disease-, physical1.
lMCnVUIJod ecay, nervous debility, lack ot
energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory,
disordered sight, self distrust bashfulness,,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions. lm
poverlshed blood, failing powers, organic weak,
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un.
fitting tbe person for business, society and mar
nage, permanently, safely and privately cured,
blotches, falling bair, bones, pains, glandular,
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood,
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
1 1 D I M A D V kidney and bladder derange-,
U n 1 1 1 rt n 1 1 ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whittier's life-long; extensive expert,
ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as If'
here Office hours 9 A. Jr. to 8 p. jr. .Sunday,
10 A. M. to 1 P.M. only. DR. WHITTLER, 814
Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa.
deS-15 ssuwk
Is Am1
How Lost!
How Regained,
M.i- ki aa"msmgfrm X
ASdentlflcandStandard Popular Medical Traitfss on
tnen-rrorsoi xoatn, rrematuxenecnne.jMervons
and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood,
T. 1 Hi M
Resulting from Folly, Vice, Ignorznce, Ex
cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfit
ting the victim for Work, Business, the Mar
riage or Social Relations. I
Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this
Sreat work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8vo.
eautlful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price,
only SI by mail, postpaid, concealed In plain
wrapper. Ill us t rati ve Prospectus Free, If y oaf v
apply now. The distinguished author. Wm.H. 4
Parker. M.D., received the GOLD AND JEW.
ELED MEDAL from the National Medical A. .
soeialion, for this PRIZE ESSAYon NERVOUS
and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and
corps of Assistant Physicians may oe cun
snlted. confidentially, by mail or in person, at
STITUTE, No. 4 Bulfineh St., Boston, Mass., to
whom all orders for books or letters for advice
should be directed as above. aulS-67-lnrsuwlc
Health is Wealth
Treatment, a guaranteed specificfor hysteria,
dizziness, convulsions, bts. nervous neuralgia,
headache, nervous prostration caused by the
use ot alcohol or tobacco, wakefulness, mental
depression, softening of the brain resulting in
insanity and leading to misery, decay and
deatb, premature old age. barrenness, loss of .
power In either sex. Involuntary losses and
spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion or the
brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each,
box contains one month's treatment. SI a box,
or six boxes for 15, sent by mail prepaid on re
ceipt of price.
To care anycase.With each order received by n
for six boxes, accompanied with J5 00, we will
send the purchaser onr written guarantee to
refund the money if tbe treatment does not ef- ;
feet a core. Guarantees issued only by EmU G.
Stucky. Druggist, Sole Agent, 1701and2401Penn '
ave. and cor. Wylte ave. and Fnlton St. Pitts
burg, Pa. se27-100-Trssn
SPECIALISTS in all cases re-
UUI1uj,dmvuhuu -Vlil
traifmanM Flv V TVaw
,M. R. C. P. S, is the oldest and
most experienced specialist in
tbe city. Consultation free and
- t- stnciiy couuueuuiu. uuwn . -i
hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m.; Sundays. 2 to 4 F. y-A
Lake. 328 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
io3s'a Ootrtoaa. Boot? &
. -.
bComnosed of Cotton Boot, Tansy and
Pennyroyal a recent discovery by an
'old nhvslcian. Is tuecezsfidlu vied
nunuMu Safe, Effectual. Price $L by mall.
seaieo. i ames. asx your arucgisi tor oo&
CoUon Root Compound and take no substitute,
or inclose S stamps for sealed particulars. Ad- .
dress POND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 Fisher
BlockvUl Woodward aveDetroit, Mlch.
-a-8old in Pittsburg. PL, by Joseph Flen .
lng A aon. Diamond and Market sta. se2SS
Safe mod sOwsrtTcl!abIe. TMdltm,
ask raglt for Diamond Brandf
in ret mecuao doxcs, Mmiea win
blaa ribbon. Tmbn ma other. All
Ddlt In MHteboiuil boxei with olak tn
per art darerotu eonitcrfelU. Send ,
4. (ttamptf) for partlCBUn, tatttiniiBlala
and ItHef for Ladlea," in UXfr, &r
morn ntib ja7 nzper,
ttkhartw Chwa! Ca, , tTiilli Sh !
mtx 3 yssosm
.. ness, tveaaness occp :
Body & Mind. Lack of StrenatK Vizor and De-
velopment, cansed bv Errors, Excesses, &c, Boolvw 1
Mods of Hiu-tmathist. and Proofs mailed!: i
tteaieaj rree. Address XWK MEUHXu CO
Inflalo, N. Y. deZi-57-TrsJtwk
Iwirinhnnrl aaTTax.-i.-nets
IflUllllUUU of yoatoml lmpradence.
eaoslnir Premature Decay, Nerrons Deblhty. Loss
Manhood, Aa.harma tried la rain erery known reme
dy, has dlnoTered a nlmnle means otselfnre. whieh
ha will tend (aMled) rKEE to his fFUow-rafrmra,
Address, J. H. BEKVES, P.O. Boa SS0, w Tork C&y.
For men! Checks the worrt cases In three 5
aays, ana cures in Ave days. Price 31 00. at
Ja5-29-TTS3u 412 Market street. ,
tnS ei lag ti out tas ec-
s ot :
I II HCAAlilsillfeSi oTyoVtifuT..
m wmmh njnLCttiixaecaXeioBC
tnanhood , etc. IirllT wna a rrnxoaine trean
tj rt i t fni knniA ruiiL
COOUUiUatK StMi iiMM.IUMi w mn ---
nrftAoareM. oi
w pvuLani mwuwwvwwms.i
-5 tlfMMl
"A i
. -
4 J J&SZr. 2
fc t
. . JB-V!