'V'- ' mi THE PITTSBURG ' ' DISPATCH, OTESDAT, ECEME$& v 0- 2B -if. -. -rZ iv . t -sft , 2 m UBDER JfT DOBBAB. $1; A Tonus Connellsville Machinist Fatally Shoots a Former Chumi PU WHISKY THE CAUSE OP THE CRIME. Tounj Lee, ot Allegheny, Pleads Gailtj to a Murder in Butler County. KEWSY XOTES F0H TOWKS ABOUND rSFXCIAI. TKLEQKJLM TO TOT OIBPXTCH.1 Connellsville. February 9. Marion Crowel, a young machinist, -workin? in a foundry here, -visited Dunbar, three miles south of here, this afternoon, and in cold cold blood shot his friend, Joseph Porter. Both are respectable young men, well known and intelligent TTntil a few weeks ago they were employed as brakemen on the Baltimore and Qhio road, and spent much time in each other's company. For some reason they reiigned, and Porter went to Dunbar, where is ni employed In a brick yard, while Crowel remained in Connellsvine. Tbe latter worked at his trade lor a few days and then took to drinking. This afternoon he boarded a train and started for Dunbar with the avowed intention of tat ing Porter's lire. He made this remark to several, but It was treated as a joke. When Crowel reached Dunbar he went at once to the brickyard. Greeting Porter, he Invited him to have a drink, producing a bottle, and upon hii refusal asked him to take a walk. When a few steps were taken Crowel suddenly drew a revolver and fired tnree times. Porter expired without saying a word, and the murder started for Connellsville. but news of Ms crime had preceded hinvand when he M officer approacMng him be gave Mmself up. saying, with tears. Tve killed himand wft get no pardon." He is now in jail here but refuses to speak of his deed. He blames liquor as the cause of his crime, and said: But for whisky 1 would not be here. For God a Bake, don't let my parents know of this. Porter's home is at Ellerslee, W. Vsu. and Crowd's parents reside near Jit Pleasant. LEE PLEADS GDILTI. Opening of the Trial Ta Yemn Allr;beiilan Charged With Mnrder. jSj-BCUI. TELSOBAJ1 TO TlUt DISPATCH. , Btrn.EE, December 9. Thomas Lee, of Alle gheny, was arraigned in court here to-day for the murder of John McCall on Halloween, w. A. Farquar and Thompson i Son appeared for the defendant, and Judge McCandless and Dis trict Attorney JlcPherrin for the Common wealth. Tbe accused, by advice of his counsel, pleaded guilty. The defendant told his version of the murder. A quarrel arose in a baUroom, and the melee was carried into the street, where Harry Fair, who had accompanied Lee from Kentrewto Evans City, was engaged in a fight with a man named Hovis. While endeavoring to separate the combat ants Lee was confronted by three men, one of whom was armed with a bludgeon. He pulled off a fence palinc, and the two began fencing. Neither man knew1 the other, and not a word whs spoken. A moment later McCall fell, mor tally wounded, and died a few days later. Leo Is 21 years old, and has a handsome, intelligent face, and only once, when relating the details of the quarrel, did he evince any emotion. LABOE TEODBLES AT FINDLAY. Seme Small Dlfucnltles Between Glasiwork era and Their Employers. tfsrKCIAI. TZLIQEAM TO THE DISPATCH.! FlNDLAT, December a The carrying-out boys and gatherers at tbe JJellaire Goblet "Works in this city struck this morning, all leaving the works shortly after 7 o'clock. Tbe trouble Is owing to a young man named Kauff- three carrjinc-ont boys. It is thought tbat morrow. t -v.mmVaII rtf lttiTTfTW Prweiriflnt nf Ij. A- 300, is here adjusting a small difficulty be- tween employers suu cuji'iuji-o ., .wj'mjv "Window Glass Factory. He leaves for Fostoria and Toledo to-morrow. 50 FOUTHEK DISTEIBUTIOlf. " Secretary Kremer'a Report of the John town Relief Pnnd. rsrxcui. tex.xgrjlx to tub dispatch.'. Johnstown, December 8. Becretary Kremer, of tbe State Flood Commission, after a week's absence, returned to this place to-day. He says th -re will be no further distribution of relief money, but any serious errors that may nave been made will be rectified. Tbe clerks are now busy preparing for publication a state xnent of the relief fund and its distribution, which will be published in pamphlet form. Five boys were arrested last night on the charge of being the thieves who have com mitted various petty robberies here of bite. FOOTPADS AT GEEEKY1LLE. They Bob an Ascd Sinn nnd Attack a Wealthy Coal Operator. reriCIAl. TKLEQRXH TO THE DISrATCH.I Gbxbtvxxaz. December a Highway rob beries stiU continue in Greenville. Johnson English, aged 78. was robbed on Main street Saturday niefct at tbe point of a revolver. Last night it was reported that H. K. Wick, the wealthy Younzstown coal man, who had been visitinc friends here, was also held up about 7 o'clock on Main street as he was coins to the train. Six tramps were arrested to-night on suspicion. THE MTEESPOET POSTMASTEESHIP. A Delegation Goes to fVnslilncton, Hoping: to Settle the Fiahr. rEFECIXI. TTLEGEAX TO THE DI8PJ.TCH.1 McKeespobt, December a A delegation of prominent citizens, beaded by W. C Sales and T. C Jones, Esq.. left for "WasMngton to-night to see tbe President and Wanamaker about tbe Eostoffice matter. Alonzo Inskeep and David iynch are thought to be ahead In the race. -The appointment, according to reports from the capital, is to be made by January 10. Bishop Tales'" Attendant. 6rCtI. TELEGKAX TO THB DISPATCK.1 Jomrexowif, December a Brother Philip, of the Franciscan Order, wm in this place to day. He was the late Bishop Tuigg's attend ant, the Bishop expiring In his arms. "He says the Bishop's death was not caused by a con gestive chill, as stated, but by a gradual wear ing away of vitality. Father Philip will re turn to libretto. He has been the Bishop's at tendant for fire years. They Flayed in Hard Lock. ItTTCLLL TXX.KOBA TO THE DISrjLTCZ.1 BeATEk Faixs. December a The Lotta Delmain Burlesque Company showed at the Opera Honse Saturday night and yesterday disbanded. This morning the majority of the troupe left for Pittsburg, others for Cleveland and Buffalo. They have been playing in hard luck for some time. A Warrant for Byrne's Arrest. rsriciAi. txxeorak to the nisr.iTCK.1 SCOTTDaxe, December a It is Jearncd on good authority that Hon. John E. Byrne and Peter "Wise will be rearrested to-inorTowon the charge of conspiracy, preferred by Hon. Edward Callahan. Tbe new warrants were sworn out before Justice Keener, of Greens burg. A Woman Sentenced to Death. EaStojt, December a Mrs. Margaret Dil llard, who, with William H. Bartholomew, was convicted of the mnrder of her husband on tbe night of September C, at BlersriUe, was this morning sentenced to be hanged. Mrs. Dfllisxd wept bitterly while the sentence was being pronounced. GEO." WM. TAILOE WASTED. Ecclisb Intjnlf'le for a Man Who Used to Oslde Here. Consul Max Schamberg has received papers from England concerning George William Taylor, a coal miner from the parish of Ashtoa under Xyne, county of Lancaster. Mr. Taylor came to this country in 1876 or 1877. and was at Sawmill Bun In 1881 and 1882, and also during tbe earlier part of this year, when be left, owingto some family trouble. He was last heard from at lit. "Washington, where he was working at lay ing pipes.. Eli friends are anxious to Ascer tain ius whereabouts.. ABODT THE GLOBE DEAL. The Standard In Possession of Their Lato Rival's Works Only Two Independent Brilaeries Left What They Are Dalai". A visit to the Globe Eefinery shows that ia Standard Oil Comnanvisbusilvengaged in obliterating any traces of tbe former ownership, not oyer a dozen men are at work, most of those being stillmen. in tne iwiKiu, finr nil nlrV halt rP3Kpd and the staves on hand are being earned away. All tne cars on tne siaings "-& painted red and lettered "Union Pipe Line Company." There are about 80,000 barrels rJAM!l ni 1ia -n.ft.1re in nmcs (tf rCDDC- ment, and about seven weeks' refining will be necessary with what is on nana. A gentleman who is well posted with the in speaking of the deal said: "The Standard was a little short In Eome ol tne leaaius " territory which is in the Butler and the Washington county fields. From the crude oil of these onlv can be made what is called the fine, white,"or water oil of a high test. This fine territory was nearly entirely in the hands ot the Globe .Refining Company. The Standard began to reach out for some or all or it, and has now got it. Last summer the Standard got orders for an immense amount of this white water oil, but as they could not furnish it, had to buy it of the Globe Eefining Company in order to hold the trade on the other grades of oi. The Globe Eefining Company refined for the Standard Company 250,000 barrels of this white water oil. About 250,000 gallons of this test oil is made every year lor Uncle Sam. who has it all shipped to Jefferson ville, Ind." . The only independent oil works in Pitts burg now is the Bear Creek and the Waver lr. The latter is in tbe Eighteenth ward, near tbe Lucy Blast Furnace, and is refin ing to its ntmost capacity. One of these was visited by a reporter for the purpose of ascertaining what effect the late deal would have on the independent refineries. A gentleman in authority unhesitatingly said: "We can tell you nothing about the future, but if we are to judge from the past there is nothing to fear. Formerly, when the Standard leased and bought out all the oil works around here, the independent con cerns were little more than started audhave been refining oil ever since, without inter ruption, so far as leasing and selling were concerned. Beiore the deal the Globe Eefining Com pany, or rather before tbat company was in existence, Mr. Eeighard furnished the inde- n.J.n( Sll WVV wWll Tl4v1v fill tOUT crude oil. He had two pipe lines direct to ms ana our worcs irom iuo uuua uuu Washington oil fields. "The Standard company, while they are bound to furnish oil to these refineries through their pipe lines as a common car rier by tbefr Sttte charter, can raise the price of oil and for transporting it. But the operators of the independent refineries are in no way nneasy about that." The two independent refineries now refine about 1,000 barrels of oil per diem. EAILROAD MEN'S C0KFEEENCE. Important Baslnesa Dlcnscd Yesterday br P., L. E. and Nypano People. A meeting of general superintendents and car accountants of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Hailroad and the Hew York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Eailroad was held yesterday in an office over the Lake Erie depot on the Southside. The Nypano people arrived in their special car, according to a previously-made agreement to meet the Lake Erie officials, and discuss matters coming under their mutual jurisdiction. The chief business which came before the meeting was tbat pertaining to the use and exchange of cars on the common territory of both roads in and about Youngstown, O. Tbis aneslion was discussed at length. and, according to the statement of one of the minor clerKs, witn some neat, a satis factory arrangement was finally made, and steps taken to seenre better service on tho territory. This was the only business of importance bronght before thv meeting, though it lasted until 5 o'clock. The following gentlemen were present: J. C Morebead. General SnDertntendent of Transportation: C. B. FitchSupenutendent of the Mahoning Division; D. I. Henderson, General Agent, at Youncstown; D. W. M'Kire, Car Accountart, all of the New York, Penn sylvania and Obio road, and E. Holbrook, Gen eral Superintendent, and C H. Teal, Car Ac countant, of the Lake Erie road. Immediately after the meeting the Nypano people left the city. AN AFFECTING MEETING. The Leniency Bin. Welmer Exercised Toward Her Old Knrse. Winnie Eobinson, who Bhowed a pro pensity for appropriating other people's property by wholesale, was yesterday re leased from custody through the kindness of Mrs. John A. Weimer, the principal victim of the enlargement of the bump of acquisi tiveness in Winnie's cranium. v It appeared that Mrs. Weimer had been nursed by Winnie Irom infancy until she was about 16 years of age, and the meeting between Mrs. Weimer and her old nurse in the Central station yesterday was one ot the most affecting that has ever been seen in that place, where peculiar incidents are an every-day occurrence. Mrs. "Weimer pnt her arm aronnd the neck of the woman who cared for her in childhood, and tbe colored woman clasped her nurseling around the waist in a manner to remind people, as the two rocked to and fro, of the old days in the South when a beautiful woman 'felt and acted to her old black "mammy" as no stranger conld. The goods were returned the lady, who is bnt recently married and only now about 20 years of age, giving a large share to her old nurse and the prisoner was released. The claim was made, and with considerable show of reason, that the woman was unbalanced in her mind on account of the period of life she had reached. Catarrh J 8 a blood disease. Until tno poison la expelled from the system, there can be no cure for this loathsome and dangerous malady. Therefore, the only effective treatment is a thorough course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla the best of all blood purifiers. The sooner you begin the better ; delay is dangerous. "I was troubled -with catarrh for over two years. I tried various remedies, nnd was treated by a number cf physi cians, but received no benefit until I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A few bottles of this medicine cured me of tnis troublesome complaint and com pletely restored my health." Jesse M. Boggs, Holman's Mills, N. C. 'When Ayer's Saisaparilla was rec ommended to me for catarrh, I was in clined to doubt its efficacy. Having tried so many remedies, with little ben efit, I had no faith that anything would cure me. I became emaciated from loss of appetite and Impaired digestion. I had nearly lost the sense of smell, and my system was badly deranged. I was about discouraged, when a friend urged me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and re ferred me to persons whom it had cured of catarrh. After taking half a dozen bottles of this medicine, X am convinced that the only sure way of treating this obstinate disease is through the blood." Charles H. Maloney, 113 Elver st, Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, razrissszT Dr. J. C Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price t)l; six bottles, S. Worth $5 a bottle. BLOCKER'S DUTCH COCOA. 150 CUPS FOS a. i CH01CHsT,PURKST,MKT. tktis. - ' "ASSfr.. Hope Crashed to Earth By repeated but Ineffectual attempts to get rid of chronic Indigestion, will riie again after a few doses of Hos tetter's StomachBitters, the finest corrective tbat ever brought comfort to a dyspeptic stomach. Bilious sufferers, victims of chills and fever, the rheumatic, the nervous, and sufferers from kidney and bladder trouble, never resort to it in vain. The Beit Chance Yet. "We are tired waiting for cold weather; have therefore determined to slaughter all our overcoats and winter suits regardless or cost, includin? underwear and winter fur-nishing-goods and fur caps. This sale will begin promptly this morning at 8 o'clock, and will not end until every article is sold. This is a great chance for any one who wants good, honest-made clothing for very little monev. We repeat this again: The goods must be sold without reserve. Children's clothing is included in this slaughter sale. We will not mention prices, but come and see. P. O. C. a, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Fins Upright Piano at 8200. An excellent 7 octave upright piano, with latest improvements, splendid tone, handsomely carved case, fully warranted, for $200, including fine plush scarf and stool. Also, a beautiiul parlor organ, 9 stops, fine case and tone, for 560. Special holiday bargains at the music store of J. M. Hoffmann & Co., 637 Smithfield street Fine assortment of the celebrated Sohmer Sianos, the superb Colby and hallet & umston pianos. Diamonds. Unset stones constantly on hand. Designs chosen specially to snit each in dividual taste. Stones mounted, at once by Habdt & Hates', Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Dealers, 529 Smithfield st. New Building. ITS We have a very large assortment ot reed, rattan and willow rockers, which are valued very much as a gift They make a very pretty present. Hoppkb Bbos. & Co., TTS 307 Wood street Ktoro Open Till 9 O'clock Every evening until Christmas. Our stock is more varied than ever before and will amply repay inspection. JOS. ElCHBATJM & CO., 48 Fifth avenue. Lace curtains 600 -pairs just received specially for holiday trade to sell quickly at less than importation prices. ttssu Huous & Hacke. Peksian silver is the latest novelty in toilet, manicure cases, etc Save money by buying at Harrison's Toy Store, 133 Federal St., Allegheny. rra A splendid line of antiqne oak chiffon iers just the thing for a" nice Xnias present Cash or credit Hoppee Bbos. & Co., us 307 Wood street A BAEGAnr 50c. 60o and 75c a yard for Priestley's black silk warp Henriettas, were 85c, ?1 and 125. TTS3U HlTGUS, & HACKE. Alothers, Brine the Little Ones. Thpy are our friends, to Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market st Get your fine pho tographs at lowest prices. BlatsCb Pnxs Great English gout and rheumatic remedy. Bare, prompt and effect ive. At druggists'. ttsu Kid and dogskin walking gloves. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave. lUarrlnae Licenses Granted YeMordar. Ksroe. Bejldenee. CDrndeBoTer "Willow Groye Clntba WricM Mansfield J James Plnkerton - Allegheny I Mary Hnddleson Uutler Henry Strpntls JJniPIn,e Maria tehelg Braddock 5 Wm. A. Pierce J E!"sSnr,! t Ancle H. Smmmerlaw , PlttsDurK (Marion F. Clark Plttsbnrg i Bosanna Costello Pittsburg J "Willis M. Bnsey Pittsburg ( Susan B Becmrey Pittsburg J Jeremiah B. Bheppard "Wheelinc, TV. Va ( Msjdalen Dshlman Wheeling, W. Va DIED. CAWLEY At Jack's Run, P., Ft. W. fc C. Hy. Monday morning. December 9, at 920, Fbancis M. Cawley, aged 57 years. Funeral onTuesday evening on arrival of train whichleaves Allegheny at 7:15 v. jl, city time. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. Interment at Meredith, K. H. CRIST On Monday, December 9, 18S9, at 1 a. si, Kate, wife of Lewis Cnst, aged 42 years. Funeral from the family residence. No. 67 Frankstown avenue. Nineteenth ward, on Thursday, the 12th Inst, at 9 a. m. Friends of tbe family are respectfully Invited to at tend. 2 DARRAGH On Monday. December 9. 1889, at 4:15 P. Jt, CAPTAIN JOHN DABBAQH, In tbe 79th year of his age. Father of Captain ,Tohn J. Darragh, of Memphis, Tenn.; Captain James L. Darragh and Captain T.J. Darragh, of LiiUo Rock, Ark. Funeral from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. George Norris, 372 Webster avenue. Notice of funeral hereafter. HILGKRT At McKeesport, Pa., on Sunday, December 8. at midnight. CATHbine Mabtz-t.tk-w Htlgebt, wife of John Hilgert. Funeral services at St Mary's Church, Mc Keesport, "Wednesday, December 11, at 9 A. M. Friends ot the family are respectfully invited to attend. MclLWAJN At 330 p. St., December 9. Edith Bbbnetta McIlwain, aged 7 years, 3 months and 24 days, only daughter of John and Waria Mcllwain. Notice of funeral later. Cleveland, O., papers please copy. McGOUGH On Monday, December 9, at 420 p. m., Mrs. Helen Jenkins McGotjgh, beloved wife of A. P. McGough. Funeral services Tuesday, at 8 p. k., from late residence, 216 coltart square, Oakland. Interment private on "Wednesday. McCLATCHEY At his residence. Chartiers P. fe L. E. R. R, on Monday evening, Decem ber 9,1859, at 7 o'clock. JAMES McClATCHEY, in the 53d year of his age. Funeral notice in tbe evening papers. MCPHERSON Monday. December 9, at 5:30 A. it, Wilwaji McPhebson, aged 76 vears, at bis residence. No. 1 Sycamore street, South side. Funeral on Wednesday, December 11, at 2 P.M. 2 RICHARDS On Saturday. December 7, at Denver, CoL, Chaexes Richabds, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Ricbards, of Taylor street, Six teenth ward, Pittsburg, aged 19 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. ROBINSON On .Monday, December 9, Chester Howard, son of Hugh and Emma Robinson, Glenneld, a&'ed 4 years 2 months. Notice of funeral hereafter. THOMAS On Monday morning at 333 o'clock. Rev. H. E. THOMAS, D.D.. pastor of First Congregational Church of Pittsburg, in the 60th year of his age. Funeral on Wednesday ajtebnoon at 2 o'clock from his late residence, Idlewood sta tion. Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis Rail road. Trains leave Union station 115, city time. 2 UEBDMG On Monday, December 9, 1S39, at 2:15 P. H, Emma, daughter of William and Wllhelmenia Uebing, aged 28 years 4 months. Funeral from parents' residence, 247 Thirty eighth street, on Wednespay at 830 a. m. Services at St. Augustine's Church at 9 a.m. Interment private. JAMES ARCHIBALD BRO.. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. H7.U9 and 136 Third avenue, tvro doors below Smithfield st, next door to Contra! Hotel. Carriages for funerals,!3. Carriages for operas, parties, ic., at the lowest rates. All new car riages. Telephone communication. myl-ll-TT3 TJEPRESENTED D PITTSBURG IN ISO. ASSETS ' . JSJOTLGOOSJ. Insurance Ce, ef North Jlmertca, Losses adjusted and paid by W ILTJAM L JONES. 84 Fourth avenue. ia3-s2-D WESTERN IS8VBANVE CO. OFPirrsBURG. Assets.. ,3113,50107 NO. 4U WOOD STREET. ALEXANDER NIMlCKPresldent ,J0WK JACKSON. Vice President - VMMt-TW. i iWK. P. KIRBERT. Secretary. NEW ADTKXTKEMKNTS. UR Eighth Annual Holiday. Bazaar is now at its full tide of attraction and patronage. Tim thrones of customers em phasize, as no, words of ours can, the importance of auena in? at once to your- Holiday- purchases. from our large collection oj Decorative Furniture we to day illustrate a fern pieces of our PUNJAB and BAMBOO WARE o Bamboo Fur niture, ::: when well made, is both ::: durable, and beautiful. This graceful Bamboo farlor. Cabinet, with shelves of quar tered oak, in ,highest finish, is $7 5a This Punjab Table, :: with projecting wines, : is : in- good form in any ::: room; pnuallv suita ble as, a 5 o'clock "tea table, reading stand or music hold er. Price, $5 50. The :: circular pattern, adapted for similar uses, is $3 75. Both are covered with finest quality In iia Matting, du rable in wear and artistic in appearance. The ::: four shelved ::: stand has had a large sale at $4 50, as a convenient holder of maga zines, :: periodi cals and music. This exquisite new desien of Bamboo Center Table is light, but by no 'means fragile. Note the convenient lower shelf. Price, $7. iV". 2?. Our unique de scriptive Holiday Catalogue of 64 pages with its price list and classified index of "pres ents suitable for a lady, gen lleman, boy and girV is now ready to be had on application. 0. McCIMTOCK & CO., 33 FIFTH AVENUE. de5-TTS SCOTT'S GREAT DISCOVERY! What I Can Do With It. I can cure an ordinary case of ulceration with one application, had cases in two or three. Core guaranteed to be permanent. I never fail- Cure sensitive and painful teeth, with exposed nerves or pulp, without pain. Can save you the trou ble of going to tbe dentist by the month for treament. Will, not discolor your teeth as other dentists do. I Invite troublesome cases where other dentists have failed. I will cure yon. To be had only at Dr. C. S. Scott's Dental Offices, 624 Penn ave., opposite Home's. delO-CG-TTSSu TEETH, $5, $8, $10. Gold fillings from $1 up. Amalgar?, 60c; silver, 75c; white alloy, f L Gold Crowns a specialty. DR. J. M. McCLAREN, Corner Smithfield and Fourth avenue. 5oZlTTsn STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. STATE LINE To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage S35 to 150. according to locaoa of stateroom. Ezenrslon S65 to fOO. steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Sates, AUSTIM BALDWIN & CO.. General Agents, 83 Broadway, MewYoric J. J. McCORMlCK. Agent. 639 and 401 Smithfield St, Pittsburg. Pa. OC-Z4-D "VXTfllTE STAB, IiUt B- POB QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL, Boyal acd United States Mall Steamers. , Teutonic DcU,730 ami Celtts. Jan. 8. uermame, iec. wipm Britannic, Dec.25,7:3Sam Artrltlr Jan. L. uermame, Jan. li. Britannic, Jan. 22. 'Adriatic. .Tan. 29. jrrom White star hock, foot of West Tenth st. 'Second cabin on tbese steamers. Saloon rates, 50 and upward. Second cabin, p and upward, according to steamerand location of berth. Ex cursion tickets on favorable terms, steerage, fJ. White Star drafts parable on demand in all tbe principal banks throughout reat Britain. Ap ply to JCHN 1. MCCOBUICK, eu and 1 Smith field St.. Pittsburg, or J. BBUCE IBMAX, Gen eral Agent, 41 Broadway, MewTCort. no23-P AMERICAN LINE, Bailing every "Wednesday from Philadelphia and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations tor all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and from Ureat Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe den, Denmark, etc PETER WRIGHT 4 SONS, General agents. 807 Walunt st- Philadelphia. Foil information can he had of J. j. McCOB MICK, Fourth avenue and Sslthteld Mmti LOUIS MOBl&K, N WHWiWg DIM; ranin Tsm , 5, ? jd-:. fTfflrPWI wrnn"lvr f ij jfji r Jrl ft jfl ess"" "j I lU-" figaf 1$ &'-' a Vi&t, wSiSftt- u-TZ&t Jills NEW ADTK.S'WSEPiBNTPS. I5. && B MQHnAT.DecemberA SPECIAL NOTICL GENTS' SILK MUFFLERS, GENTS' SILK HANDKERCHIEFS removed to Dress Goods Boom for Holiday sales. The regular Handkerchief Department remains- in. their established: location, ark joining, the Glove Department, in Mail? Store. MUFFLERS. Fifty dozen each, Gents'" Cream Silk Mufflers at 60c, 75o and" 100 dozen Gents Cream Silk Mufflers at 51, $1 25 and $1 50 each. Largest,, finest and choicest patterns ever shown. Gents Elegant Mufflers, $1 75, ?2; $2 SO, 53 and. J3" 60 and up to Brkst imported. HANDKERCHIEFS; Gents H. S. Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs at 60c. 63c, 76c and 5.1; special prices by the half dozen or dozen. 200 dozen 2,400 handkerchiefs. Colored Brocade Silk Handkerchiefs this morning at a sacrifice to close out at once: 51 25. quality at 75c. 51 00 quality at 5Q& 7flo quality at 35c 60c quality at 25c. 25c quality at 15c. Children's and Boya- Silk Handkerchiefs at 12c and 15c. AH the above- are in, the, Dress Goods Eoom at the center counters or Trimming Department, HOLIDAY DRESS PATTERNS. At Black Goods Department. At French Goods Department At Cashmere Department. At American Dress Goods, Department. All put up in nice boxes, and goods or merit at Barsain Prices that will be a pleas ure, and satisfaction, both, to the giver and recipient BOGGS & BUHL, 113,117,119,121 Federal stAllegheny, Dress Goods, Broadcloths and Suitings this week at reduced prices. P. ' S. HOLIDAY EXPOSITION. Both Useful and Ornamental, well worth a visit to get Choice Christmas Presents and save money, de9-p CHRISTMAS GOODS tiOW READY For inspection. The largest and most beau- tlful display wo have over made. NOW IS THE TIME Tq get best selection. Special lot of CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' CLOAKS! At 55, formerly sold at 510, 511, 12, ages 3 to 12, all splendidly made. This is a rare chance. All our Cloaks marked down 25 to 60 per cent less than regular price. Come at once and secure a genuine bargain. HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR sellinrj rapidly at the low prices we have marked them. You will be astonished to see tbe GRAND GOODS we are offering at less than the prices ol inferior ones. GLOVES and MITTS Extra good val ues in Wool, Cashmere and Silk, for ladies, children and men 20c to finest qualities. Special attention called to onr line of MEN'S KID GLOVES and MITTS, lined and unlined, also Tan, Deer, Lambskin, Colt, etc., etc, "We can save you 25 per cent on these goods.. Come and see, E?"Open till 9 v. m. Saturdays. A.G.CAMPBELL&SONS 710 Penn avenue. 710. PENN BDILDING. Between Seventh and Eighth sts. del-mrsa H. H. DURBIN & CO., 63 FIFTH AVEHPE. Rich Jewelry and Precious Stones. nO'l-TTSSU DANZIGER'S .A. iFOrSCTrVIE svrisra- OF zdolxla:r,s jostid czesstts -05- Toys, Dolls, -AND : Holiday Goods. : No such Stock in Western Pennsylvania as we are now showing. Come in-the morning and- avoid the afternoon rush. XDIsrZIC3-E3E,7S POPULAR teMMMMM WxtJi SIIH 1ST I jA- Ic-aVu A.1F 1 J-ltTMA .If fVSSVc.j N$w -RSiaqjjfTs. HOLIDAY UMBRELLAS FOR .teVKHYONE, -- "We haye tho largest assortment o( Ladies and Gentlemen 'a, Umbrellas, we. have, ever sbpwijL and prices lowr, than eve? before. Qnr stock angea in priqes from ?! ? to f2Q each, which will give every one ? chance to buy.' We will mention the price 9? a fewot tbems- Our. first two numbers are Natural wood Stioks and Metal Caps, 26-inch, at 51 25. Better RradeoJ Metal and Gold Caps; 26 inchj.at&CO, Rest to be-bad; for tbe, money is our Metal Handles, in 26-incb, at ?1 75 and. $2; also Natural Stioka at 82. Special, Number in 6-4neh Metal Handles, 2oViu,cb, at$2 50; former price $3 50. 26-inoh extra fins Natural Sticks an s"" ver Handles at 53 and 53 60. Etra value in 26rineb.Sil.veF and. finest NatnraJi Sticks: at 54 and 15. Ladies? 26-ipch, Sterling Silver Hapdl.es, sneojal price 55 and, 57 each. The same kind w sold, at 513. aprj 511 each last season, Also, finer grades, including Solid Silver on Ivory and, fincNatural Sticks, with Sil ver Mountings and Plain SolidL8ilver Han dles, from 5?to 518 each. Geptlemen,'s, Umbrellas,. 28-Jncb. Natural, at 51 60 and 52 60. " 28-inch Metal Handles, at 52 25,52 75,53. 28-inch Sine Natural Sticks at 53 50 and 54 50, 28-inch Silver Handles "at 51 and 55, in cludes e.very style and. shape handles, which, is a very hue assortment, to select irom. Pine Natural Sticks with "solid silver mountings, in 28-inch, at 55, 56, 57 50, 59 and 510. Sotm Silver Handles in bright and oxydized, from 57 to $12. 28-inob. Solid Silver on Smoked Ivory and Pearl, ranging in price from 513 to 20. Pine Assortment of Ladies Blaok "Wood Ebooy Handles, 2C and 28-inch, from 52 25 to 57 60. 24-inch Umbrellas for Children in Natural and Silver Handles, from 5,1 25 to 53 50. We have an extra force of clerks, and can guarantee you prompt attention. HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTS Jk TEHCUE. del0-rj CHILDREN'S BOOKS. Child's History of England, by Charles Dickena, only 35a All of the schools are using; It as a text book, which is a guarantee of Its excellence. Rontledce's Hlstoryof the United States, with 23Q illustrations. 60c. Zigzag Journeys, SI lft Little Ones Annual. SI 25. The Three Vassar Girls at Home, $1 10. Tho Tree Vassar Qirls Abroad, SI 10. Great Grandmother's Girls, in New France, J125. Young Folks Why and Wherefore, 75c Yovms Folks Queries, by Uncle Lawrence, 75c Tales of Shakespeare (Illustrated), byChas. Lamb, at 50c. Elsie Books, 880 a vol. Louisa Alcott's Books, SI 15 a vol. BOOKS FOR BOYS, BOOKS FOK GIRLS, BOOKS FOR LADIES. ' BOOKS FOR GENTLEMEN Picture Books for Children and handsomely Illustrated Books for their elders. All the children are invited to the DOLLS' FANCY DRESS BALL On exhibition in our show window all this week. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Fleishman & Co., PITTSBURG, PA. delO DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured by Administering Dr. Haines' Gelden Specific. It can he given in a cop of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking It; is abso lutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreek. Thousands of Drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken uoldeu Specific In their coffee without their knowledge and to-day believe theyqult drinking from their own free will. rxUBVEK 1'AIl.S. The system ohce impregnated with the Bpeclflc, It becomes an utter Impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. ForsalehyA.J.Bankln. Sixth andFenn avcPlttsbarei E. Holden & Co., 63 E. Federal st., Allegheny, Trade inpplled by teo. A. Kellv & Co., flttshure, la. ae27-5S-TTS Do You Know It? To perfeot a cure, you roust remove the cause, WINCH ESTEB'S HYPOPHQSPH1TE OF LIME AND SODA supplies the system with Oxl dlzable Phosphorus, tho deficiency of which Is tbe proximate caflse of Consumption. For Coughs, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Night Sweats, and all Throat Diseases, It ia an un equaled remedy. Bold by Druggists. SI per bottle. Recommended byphyslcians. Send for circular. WINCHESTER 4QQ., Chemists, 162 William Street, Nqw YorK, my31-24-TTSWt Games, Books AIX- STORES, , - -w itV$3Sl540,l42 PtfC . - XfW,'... ... US JM ti 'l.Un.V. ' " i-. &T ' &isbism Mt-B Mir. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BAJSTTA. WILL, AS USUAL, MAKE HIS HEADQUARTERS -AT- ) GU SKY'S ?) THE COMING His Annual Carnival Receptil ."wxli. MONDAY, December 23, from 2 to 5:30 and from 7 to 9 P. M. i TUESDAY, December 24, from 2 to 5:30 P. M. Everybody expected to attend which wijl be given, and all children (who must be accompanied by,theirf nnrcnts or m-nwn nn friends "V will be presented with a box of Fine " -t, -, ...- r J Candies. PUDTCTMAC . TAV VniVAO J. IVJLnO . JLViTl X im Santa Glaus will Make -TO UJirXULtf ttUMliO -oy- PITTSBURG and ALLEGHENY. Every inmate therein will be from their friends, Gusty's. i Mi List if Holif toi ntPRPfiAT5 For Men, Boys and Children. We've had no winter UJtnounio weather yet to speak of. But it'll come and wherfrt does be prepared for it. What more appropriate gift than an Overcoat? All sorts here and at all sorts of prices. Men's, $$ to $30; Boys', $2 50 to I15; Children's, $1 35 to $10. You cannot go wrong, no matter what price you pay. SUITS For M-eDj Bys aad Children. As appropriate every bit zf4 OU 1 o Overcoats for presents. Men's, $4 to S30; Boys', S3 50 to $i8; Children's, 98c to io. What manner of man, boy or child is there, we, wonder, that we can t suit 10 a 1 old chestnut, wormy, moth eaten or new and stylish and the best m the QHnif INR lAPtf FT9 House amUMnU JWrVCI07 ionaWy nRPQQINR RflWN4? For father, uncOQinu auniw or astor of a Dressing Gown here. Plain or plain solid colors, etc. You'll find what you'll hnd elsewhere, jsa to UCPVUCID I Decidedly the largest and handsomest display in towiw nuuiviiunu jrfjie patterns jn description, and many of the patterns are exclusive witn us. All tner. most noted Of manufacturers gooas are nere, ana our prices are 25, aye, j and even 50 per cent lower than you'll pay exclusive (?) furnishing goods- dealers for tneir exclusive tj goods. SHIRTS I Th3111 fit ani tQat,re riSnt in, every way inside and ont"i wni'l IV -:ja Our -icsnrtmpnt simnlv immense anrl mclrides evenrvia thing. All the newest conceits in from Switzerland, Also Pique bosoms, Pleat bosoms, Satin Stripes and1 Finest Linen bosoms. Prices guaranteed 25 per cent lower than anyj other house in Pittsburg. Kininni'uprn t IMne. n HANUKtr.vr.itra 1 , Pongee Silk, 98c to $1 19. Initial Silk Handkerchiefs, special initial,jj Atic to 74c Black Pongee Silk Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, the newest fad, 98c. Fancy Colored Silk Handkerchiefs, every color of the rain-I bow, choice patterns, 24c to $2 24. UMBRELLAS V A most popular UmDnuuuno . novej striking carved ivory handles, Etched Steiling Silver, Handchased Gold, etcj It'll pay you to see tnese gooas. initials on all gooas tree or cnarge. HOSIERY I A arSe an comprehensive stock, where you'll find any- with fine grades and choice novelties for the Holidays. Men's genuine imported Scotch Wool half hose, 24c; "Castle Gate" Merino half hose, regular 25c gooas, 19c per pair omy. PI mCTCI A great and complete uuu" worth buying. Boys' top, 49c per pair. Men's plain or fur doc Der oair. Perrine's best Pique $2 25, for $t 83 only. Finest Dress styles anu ai uguica u auwiuv j- ..5-i.v.u Mw.w. g i iri-nr 1 XTan4arTn1v "r7mhrmr1rirl Vlvt. nirMv Rmho.!sefi( vl-lr rcno . ieatjjer imitation tation lizard, beautiful plush and chenille, imitation seal, elegant patent leather. The choicest.patterns, chamois lined and quilted satin linings, eta, etc. Slippers for Ladies, Men, Boys, Misses and Children. :. UHITCI CRQ I In the choicest designs in both domestic and foreign murrucno. weaves. au 5 Mufflers, 74c to $5. Cashmerfj Mufflers, the real serviceable ones, 24c to $1 24. Our stock is biggerf than ever and of course handsomer than we've ever had before. Prices! lower than at any other Holiday time. We've got the dead wood' onlalll other dealers with our prices, top. 1U1MTCD PA DO I Thousands of nuii" uri v jur capS; j-ur Turbans, etc ; genuine Sealskin Caps, $2 49, $3 98, $4 39. An immense stock and variety of ChUdre55l Fancy Japs, m piusn ana veiver, irom. 24c up. Tn,. Vnnt fnffs. Ha: Floor Rnr?s. tj. no: Gum Knee Robes. Plushl Back, 83 98; iur KODes, 3 00 up, t j:-i iir.l. Dnw. t-Af tn it- STinp t tt - ri.. n-nA Chn HnHnnor in 99c to 8 50; Shaving Sets, 74c to and Cuff Boxes, in piusn ana leatner, 99c 10 tz 5I a" oc" 99JSSI 25; Domestic Dressing Sets, in Celluloid or Amber Fittings, 69C3K51 S3 50, etc. etc acs-Thf. hitlanee of the elegant mn v .. fPW wpp-lri'i riven awav purchase in our Men's or Youths' upward. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDJSU XU. OIIOIVO UU0M 0 flM-iStiiifri' 1-twit W4 - OIj-A-TrBj fw HOLIDAY TIME. bk jonp- from 9:30 to 12 noon: from 9:30 to 12 noon and only. to vritness the grand perfomahcesf Js . ma - ,, 'M ..... . ...! His tigntn Annual visit THE- A.LMJ iL3JLUJU.O presented with a token of godd "rrjllh; .?! Si as easuy inuuus m pm-ca. i-iuj shop worn goods here. Everything city, no matter what price paia. Coats, etc Beautiful designs, fash-fa trimmed, elegantly made, 5 to zo. - grandfather, husband, ased friend.-J Money to be saved in the purchase i lively colors checks, plaids, stripes, ?S lots of 'era here quite ditterent from, . 25. jjQjjj gji. an(j Satin are grand beyondQ hand-embroidered bosoms, directs - nA Prmr .QiiV TTarHtprrTiipf- ripm riTM! holiday present Odd, quaint, rich and beautiful sticks, also exquisite'; as usua we wm engrave uamcur assortment that includes every kindl Kid Gloves or Mittens, plain or furTi top Kid Gloyes, regular 75c goodss unlined Kid Gloves, regular pricjgi and Street Gloves, in all the newesti alligator, goat opera, genuine seal, imi-i them, Plush Caps, Plush Turbans! llf t .t t t I T- . -- r I' J vou ana roxneaa js.ugs, 5 up, Spts. untri Ci-rvrMzeA Silver Shoal nlnsri hn-re it mt Manicure SetsN $ix; Smokers Sets, 89c to $$; CoUarl Pictures fwhich we've been eivinzl (until thev're all eone"i with everTJ department to the amount of Siofofl GRAND BARGAIN STORI to 400 MAim t &j' ft