Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 10, 1889, Image 1

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Every successful Business Bins'
hi Baslncss.'
TD.E DISPATCH U tha Beit ATedlnm
throagli which the Purchasing Public con
be ranched. x
Wide-awake peoplo always can III eel
limn for Holiday Bargains. Now Is the
time to catch their eye.
The Famous Yonn Pittsburg
Financier's Straggle
Months of Illness and Fasting Fol
low Efforts to Retrieve,
A life That is Host Instructive to Study
for Its Bare Grasp.
The death of William 2J. Biddle in New
York' yesterday, -while foreshadowed more
than a year ago, by the approach of the ill
ness from which he has never recovered,
will be learned with sad sur
prise by thousands who knew him
in all this region. A sketch
of his life and of the wonderful rise and
-fall of this young man of great financial
ability, is full of melancholy interest to all
who knew of his great misfortune and
who did not? General Pearson, his old
friend, tells interesting incidents of his life.
rsrzciA- tegbam to rna disfxtcb.i
New Yoke, December 9. William N.
Kiddle, formerly of Pittsburg, died to-day in
the St Vincent's Hospital, of dropsy and
inability to take food. For more than a year
lie had subsisted entirely on milk. Mr.
Biddle came to 5J"ew York after getting out
of the Penn Bank wreck in Pittsburg, with
5500, loaned to him by a friend. He put up
at the Hoffman House and rented an office
at 10 Wall street He was soon on his feet
again, and did well in placing railroad con
tracts and bonds, and would doubtless have
made another fortune if his health, had not
failed. He was a familiar and notable
figure at the Hoffman House, where he be
came very closely acquainted with Bostoe
He was very frail and slight, weighing
scarcely 90 pounds. About a year ago some
one let a heavy storm door swing against
him at the hotel, and knocked him clear
across the sidewalk. He was laid up for
six weeks from the effects of the injury.
Several days ago he decided to leave the
hotel and go to the hospital.
His remains were removed to-dav to
Kelly's undertaking shop in Bast Twenty
fifth street, and notice of his death was sent
to Chris Macee and all the other well-known
Pennsylvanians at hand.
'Billy Biddle, as everybody called him,
was a remarkable character, and very Widely
knoitn"in political and financial circles.
Hewas born in Washington county, J?a
and came into prominence in Pittsburg. He
was the President of the famous Penn
Bank when it was wrecked, though his first
connection with it as a boy was in such a
capacity that his duties included sweeping
out the bank. It was a. very old institu
tion, and the favorite bank of those inter
ested in oil. The failure was caused by the
oil speculations of members of the Board of
Directors, who were wiped out by a big
drop. President Biddle was tried and
acquitted on charges connected with the use
of the bank funds.
Even in the height of the feeling over the
failure (the age and standing of the bank
Nhaving made it so popular among small de
positors that great excitement and mnch
distress resulted from the wreck), no blame
was visited on him. His whole fortune
went toward repairing the loss, and. when
his will was discovered among the papers of
the bank, bequeathing close to a $1,000,000
to charitable institutions, the $1,000,000 was
no more.
He was never married, and had been a
great patron of all benevolent works in
Pittsburg, notably of the first Newsboys'
Home. All of the newsboys and bootblacks
knew him, and called him "Billy," as
everybody else did.
t I After the crash, a bootblack known as
' "Jimmy the Tough" accosted him on the
street with "Shine 'em up, Billy?"
: "No," was the response, "I've got no
!Dat don't make no difference," said the
tough; and he polished Billy's shoes with
extra care.
; An hour later he was visited in his office
by. a delegation of gamins, headed by the
tough, who rattled a double handfnl of
pennies down on the desk, saying: "Dat's
all we has, and it's for you."
They were gone before' the surprised
financier could ston them.
How He Rose, Step by Step, to the Top of
.the Ladder, aad Then Fell General
Fenrson Relatra a Ben.
lnlseenco or Two
Abaat Him.
Very few Pittsburgers have forgotten the
stirring events of Wednesday, May 21,
ISSi, when the Penn Bank closed its doors
at 12i0 o'clock. "Billy" was President of
the bank, and when the crash came there
were a "number of wealthy men who volun
teered to loan him all the money he desired.
In the afternoon a large crowd of
excited people had gathered around
tbe side -door on Wood street and looked
threateningly at the directors while the latter
were holdings meeting inside. The feeling
for Mr. Biddle, however, was so great that one
-well-known stock drover mounted the steps
and in aloud voice said: 'Tell Billy Biddle I
will gtve him 529O.O0O without security, if he
needs it to get out of the hole." The speech
was creeted with cheers by the crowd.
if r. nidde. earlv in life, went to live with ex.
United States Senator Halt He had little op- i
portunity lor eauca-on, nu, wnen not more
than 12 years of age.be came to this city.
Without friends, and with nothing but
industry and pood health as his capi
tal, he pitched in, and soon at-tracted-attention.
Ha found employment
with Stewart Bros., the well-known old firm, in
an bumble capacity. He was for a short time
office boy and his principal duties consisted of
wielding a broom in the store and trudging
alone the streets with a wheelbarrow. His
cnenrv soon won him promotion, and be con
tinned to advance Until he became general de
livery clerk.
In the latter cositlon he won some attention
afromofflcials of the Union Bank, who offered
him a clerkship. The latter was a subordinate
position, but a natural desire to enter tbe
banking business compelled him to relinquish
his situation as general clerk. He continued
in tho service of the Union Bank, climbing
step by step. Of the Penn Bank he was one of
the flrst cashiers. He held the position until
the resignation of Hon. James H. Hopkins
from the presidency, when he became the head
of tbe bank. He was the youngest bank pres
ident in the city at the time of the failure.
Mr. Biddle was a 'financier, well known
throughout the country in business circles. His
insight was regarded as keen and penetrating,
and his judgment of men and measures singu
larly accurate. He was simple and direct In
his manner. For several years prior to the
bank failure he had been mill health, due to
the tax on his constitution by business cares.
He was a bachelor, who never cared much lor
tho society of women. " ,
When a Dispatch reporter visited General
A. L. Pearson late last night and informed him
that his old friend was dead, the General was
greatly shocked. In the course of the conver
sation which ensued. General Pearson saw:
"Just about a year ago I was called to Flam
field. N.J by the news that Mr. Biddle was
lying ill at the homo of a New ior merchant
named Baker. I found Mr. Bld51e very low
and insisted upon telecraphinc;forDr.Wood,of
the Sonthside. Dr. Wood was a warm, person
al friend of Mr. Riddle's, but tbo sick man ob
jected on the score of expense I sent the tele
gram, however, and, while awaiting the answer,
examined some of his private papers, which
were in bis room. 1 was astonished to find that
there were due him about $61,000, which he bad
Mr. Biddle, observing my astonishment
crawled out of bed and said: I have already
paid over 20,000 of personal debts, and though
people think that lam going to die, I am'not
I will be back at the Hoffman House in New
York inside of three months, and if I
hold; my own X will pay every honest
debt of the old Penn Bank.' I then
insisted upon bringing Jndge Cnrtis, of New
York, to take charge of the papers, and did si.
The Judge came on and took chares of tbe
accounts. In the meantime Dr. Wood had
arrived, and at once prescribed for the invalid.
Pure enongh, inside of three months, Mr. Bid
dle was back at tbe Hoffman House and hard
at work.
Mr. Biddle was largely interested in the
brewery syndicate, and about two weeks ago
was in Pittsburgengaged in some very large
trust business. He went back to New York
t'abilant over the fact that bis mission had
ieen a success. He complained about
tbe state of his health when here,
saying that be was not able to eat A letter
received by me the other day contained the in
formation tbat'hls legs had gone back on him.'
This was merely his way of saying that he was
too weak to work, at the same time implying
that his head was still as clear as ever.
Since Mr. Riddle has been in New York he
has been the victim of a number of Pittsburg
ers who would call on him, and, on tbe strength
of knowing him while here, borrow money
from him or get him to cash worthless checks.
He complained bitterly about such action on
tbe part of men whom be had befriended in
other days.
If the bank bad not failed just when it did,
be would have made a success of his specula
tions, and would have died a much richer man.
He was tbe very soul of honor and honesty in
all his business transactions. Jnst before the
failure he considered himself worth 150,000,
and had made a will disposing of his estate in a
characteristic way. Among other bequests
was the sum' of 15,000 left for the pur
pose of securing a library for the police of
Allegheny, the same amount for the firemen of
that city, the same sum for a police library in
Pittsburg, and likewise for our firemen. To
each one of the hospitals, barring none, he left
sums varying from $5,000 to $10,000 each. There
was also a specific sum set apart tor tbe estab
lishment of a newsboys' home. He also men
tioned tbe Mercantile library, of which he was
for years a director, in his will. In fact, nearly
the whole of his fortune was to go for bene
ficial and charitable purposes.
While not seekinc office for himself, he was
intensely interested in politics, and gave largely
to aid the party to which he belonged. He con
tributed heavily to the Republican party dur
ing the Hayes-Tilden campaign. Ex-President
Hayes was one of his closest friends, and he
frequently showed me letters from that gentle
man. ,
It was only to-day that I destroyed a number
of his letters. 1 wrote him last on Saturday in
answer to a letter received -from"Uim the day
before. Air. Riddle 'bad the misfortune
to be caught in the great New York
blizzard, and never fully recovered from
tbe effects of the exposure. He was a man
of indomitable will He has often attended a
theater in the evening and would there have a
hemorrhage that seemed likely to end his ex
istence at once. He, however, would go out
ana sit in tbe lobby until he felt stronger, and
then go back and sit the performance out
Sensational Bceno in the Home of a Rich St,
Louis Man.
rsrxcuz. telegbam to tot dispatch. 1
St. Loots, December" 9. At 1 o'clock
this morning Andrew Canton, of 1623 Can
street, was awakened by an unseemly noise
in the rear of his residence, and arising to
investigate its source, was confronted in the
kitchen by four burglars, the leader of
whom he recognized as his son, Andrew
Canton, who had deliberately planned to
rob the bouse. Before the father could re
cover from his surprise his son covered him
with a revolver and hissed, "Not a word, or
I'll kill you."
The father ran, and, shouting lustily,soon
had the police on the track of the burglars.
There was an exchange of 20 shots, and one
burglar fell to the sidewalk, shot through
the groin. After a chase another was cap
tured, who proved to be Canton's son. The
latter is an expert housebreaker, and his
father is quite wealthy. He expected to
make a rich haul.
He Proves Property nnd Explains Why Ho
Left Milwaukee nastily
Chicago, December 9. The owner of
the bloody trunk, which Police Captain
Schuettler went to Milwaukee to see, walked
into Chief Hubbard's office to-day and
proved property. He is a porter in a Chi
cago hotel, who went to Milwaukee to look
for work, and left in a hurry to avoid a law
suit He described the property in the
trunk supposed to belong to Cooney, the
Cronin suspect, and tbe contents of the mys
terious letters, convincing the Chief and
Captain that he owned tbe trnnk and also
that he was innocent of any more serious
crime than that of jumping aboard bill.
a., Whole Family Mado Dansferonsly H ur
Eating; Bread.
Tacoma, "Vash., December 9. The
family of Mr. Foyle, of this city, compris
ing a brother, three children and a hired
girl, were all dangerously poisoned yester
day by eating poison which had become
mixed with the flour from which their bread
was made.
They quickly commenced vomiting, and
had it not been for prompt medical assist
ance the, results might have proved fatal.
It was five hours biore the doctor was able
to leave the patients, and some of them are
still in bed.
HsBnva 1,300 Acres of Coks Lands Near
TJnlontownfor 8300,000.
Baltimoee, December 9. Andrew Car
negie bought to-day from a syndicate con
sisting of Charles F. Meyer, President of
the Baltimore and Ohio, ex-Senator Henry
G. Davis, of West Virginia, William
Keyser, and Osmun Latrobe, 1,500 acres of
coke lands near TJniontown, in the Con
nellsville region. Five hundred thousand
dollars was the price paid. .
Kicked by a Vlclons Horse.
rrrr.ciAt. tei.ec bam to tub DisrxTCit.1
McIvEESronT, December 9. James
Flannigan, an old man employed at Hun
ter's undertaking establishment, was kicked
in the head by a vicious - hone and bis fore
head 'crashed. ' His condition is serious.
. . iJs.rfy.i
Another Lineman Killed by nn Electric
Current Women Faint at the Slcht
of IIli Lifeless Body Sus
pended High In Air.
New Yobk, December 9. Peter Clausen,
a young Dane, employed as a lineman by
the Northern New York- Electric Lighting
Company1, met a horrible death this after
noon. It was, in every way similar to that
of Feeks, who was killed by an electric ,
wire u few weeks ago. Clausen met his
death on the pole on the corner of Third
avenue and One Hundred and Fifty-sixth
street This pole was close to the station of
the Suburban Elevated railroad, and in
front of a four-story flat house. It is about
30 feet high, and has two cross beams, the
upper one supporting telegraph wires, and
the lower beam carrying two electric light
JShcrtlv after Clausen ascended the pole
some children playing about its base heard
a hissing noise. Looking up they saw the
lineman lying across the two electric light
wires, while a bluish light shot from his
right hand and head. The children's cries
of terror attracted the attention of their
parents in the flat Two women at a front
window here fainted at the sight Clau
sen's body was quivering and burning.
His right hand was tightly clutched around
one wire, while his chin hnng over the
other. The wires were insulated with the
poorest and cheapest white rubber insula
tion. The police were summoned and Thomas
Smith, the driver of an express wagon, vol
unteered his assistance in getting the line
man off the pole. Three police officers and
Smith mounted to the roof of the elevated
station and used a rope to lasso the body.
The rope was old and it broke. A second rope
was got around the bod v.but all efforts failed
to break Clausen's hold ol tbe wire. When
pulling in the rope Smith touched Clausen's
body and received a shockthat knocked him
senseless. He was taken to a liquor store
and revived by stimulants. Finally a
hatchet was secured and one of the electric
wires severed, thus breaking the connection.
Clausen's body was then lowered to the
For Southern Republicans in Washington
Who Fall to Secure Postomccn.
Washington, December 9. Postmaster
General Wanamaker comes inclined to make
a refuge in Washington, and in the Post
office Department, for those Southern Re
publicans who are disappointed in their
aspirations to be postmaster of their native
towns. He has appointed as a laborer in
the department Charles W. Whitimire, of
South Carolina, and-as watchman, William
T. Finley, of that State. Whitimire ia the
colored man who was here last summer,
claiming that .Mr. Wanamaker had prom
ised to appoint him postmaster at New
berry, S, C, and afterward failed to act be
cause of the threats of the. residents of New
berry that they would boycott Mr. Wana
maker's Philadelphia.store if they were not
given a white postmaster.
Fiqley is also a. colored man, and came
here a few days ago with a story of having
been mobbed and crippled for life bv a party
of white Democrats-at Abbeville, S. C, be
cause, be dared to aspire to be postmaster of
that town. The tale, which he told was a
sensational and. pitiful, one, and that Mr.
Wanamaker was convinced of its truth is
shown by his appointment of Finley to-day.
Governor Willing
Witness Stand at
tsrzcux, TZXXGBAX to TBS dispatch.
Columbus, O., December 9. To-day
Governor Foraker made some additional
statements in regard to J. C. Campbell's
utterances, as to the matter of shielding
himself behind the immunities of his official
position. The Governor said:
I first waived any immunities I may enjoy in
that respect by placing my information subject
to counsel for the prosecution of Wood. I
would gladly come and testify at any time or
place, upon a word from them. I also informed
them in this same letter that ail telegrams,
letters and information of every kind in my
possession were at their disposal, and I wonld
produce them whenever wanted. It never
occurred to me that after I had said this any
one would talk about any fears that I might
shield inyselfbehind any privileges that may
belong to my official position.
In the flrst place I am not aware that I enlo'
tne nrst Place 1 am not aware that 1 enlov
any such privileges. In the second place, I
would not avail myself of them if I did: and in
oraer mat an uoaDtson tnatscoro may bo re
moved, you can announce to all who may be
interested to know It that any privileges of
that sort that I may be possessed of are waived,
and that I bold myself in readiness to go on
telegraphio notice and testify at any time or
place, before any court or Congressional com
mittee, and there produce all telegrams, letters
and information that I may have on tbe
He Hopes Soon to See New York Join Her
Progressive Sister States.
New Yobk, December 9. The non
partisan statesmen in Brooklyn who are en
gaged in organizing a ballot reform club
met to-night in the rooms of the Single Tax
Club. Secretary E. C. Cnrley read this let
ter, which he had received from ex-President
I havo just received yonr invitation to attend
this evening the meeting of your Provisional
Committee, constituted in the city of Brooklyn,
for tbe purpose of advocating the cause of
ballot reform. I shall not be able to attend the
meeting, as requested, but I beg to assure you
of my hearty sympathy with the movement
thus inaugurated. 1 -hope that the State of
New York will soon join with a just and useful
ballot reform law her sister Statos already in
the Sold.
Several speeches were made, and it was
resolved to incorporate in whatever bill
might be presented in the Legislature next
year the principal features of the Saxton bill.
A Young Imdr Arrested, Charged
Complicity In a Blarder.
East Liverpool, December 9. Miss
Jennie Bdgel was arrested and taken yester
day from this city to Tyler county, W. Va.
charged with complicity in the murder of
James Morgan at Brush Creek, Tyler county,
Mav, 1888. She was persuaded to cross
the'border with the West Virginia officer,
who represented himself as an attorney
wanting her deposition, and on reaching the
shore he placed her under arrest.
Miss Edgel, who is a handsome young
lady of 23 years, feels very indignant over
the manner in which she was arrested and
denies all knowledge of the crime.
Influenza and Fever Alarmingly Prevalent
In Enropean Countries.
Spandau, December 9. The influenza
has fallen upon this city with great viru
lence. There are 100 cases in the Arms
factory alone. Advices from Buda Pesth
state that the disease is alarmingly prevalent
in two districts of Hungary.
A Paris cablegram states that fever is
epidemic among the employes in the Louvre.
Four hundred of them are ill.
A Cnnlloo to the King.
Brussels, December 10. A great sensa
tion .has been produced here by, an article
In tbe Frankfort- Zeittmg ..to the effect that
King Leopold must be oaatlous if he desires
to retain bis throne-
Clans Spreckels' Mammoth Sugar Ke
finery'Put in Operation.
Without a Ditch to Mar 'the Happiness of
the Owner of the Works.
Present Daily Capacity of' 1,000 Tins to be
Doubled at Once.
Spreckels' great sugar refinery at Phila
delphia was put in operation yesterday, tbe
millionaire trust-breaker starting it himself.
The output of.the mammoth works will be
2,000,000 pounds a day, but its capacity is
to be doubled at once, so that in the near
future 2,000 tons of sugar wilPbe made
every 24 hours.
rsrxctAii TXLZonije to tbe DisrATcn.3
Philadelphia, December 9. Spreck
els' great sugar refinery at Beed street and
the Delaware river was put in operation to
day. Clan Spreckels, the sugar king, ap
peared at tne rennery
very soon after day
light and personally
directed the work of
preparation. He
bund plenty to do,
hustling from one
building to another,
across the muddy re
finery yard, arid per
sonally supervising
he cettintr up of
jteam, and watching
the first movements
of the. great mass of
complicated machinery.-
Ha was accom
Spreckels, the Antt-
Monopolistic Sugar
Monopoly King.
panied by Superin-
tendent Watson and several of his median
ical engineers.
On all sides there was the greatest ac
tivity. On tho refinery wharves several
South American vessels were moored and a
large torce of stevedores were at work un
loading the cargoes- of raw sugar. Around
the, freight car .tracks, which .run like a net
work in and about tbe factory's yard, a sim
lar amount of bustle was to be seen.
'The prearranged programme for making
the start was carried out without a hitch.
The elder Mr. Spreckels directed the prep
arations in the melting houses, and then
proceeded to dump the .first hogshead of
Brazilian raw sugar into the portentous
melting pan himself. The hogshead in
question was a large, strong one, which had
been selected for the occasion from the tiers
of barrels nnder the covered storehouse out
on the slips. The aged capitalist proved
himself equal to the task, and with .the aid
of a lever, overturned the hogshead as it was
hoisted in position over the pan.
The refinery will be started up In full
blast gradually, when enough work will
have to be first done in tbe melting 'and
filterine departments to' cive the other
determined to erect a snear rennery in
Philadelphia. Having made up his mind
to do so, no time was lost in preparing the
plans and letting the contract for the work.
It was on August 4, 1888, less than 15
months ago, that the first brick of this new
structure was placed in position, and the
corner-stone was laid on October 29, 1888,
over one year ago.
The site on which the bnildings stand is
situated between Beed street and Dickinson
street, on the bank'of the Delaware river.
It covers in all nine acres of ground, ex
clusive of the space covered by the three
large wharves. The works are built upon
sedimentary, or made ground, the whole
weight being borne by piles, of which there
are more than 10,000.
A solid mass.
These piles are 40 feet long, driven in
clusters of 20, with crods-caps and cement
filling at the surface, which binds the whole
in a solid mass. The masonry extends about
12 feet below the surface of the ground. The
main buildings are 120 feet li;h. The walls
begin with a thickness o'vT.. In -hes, and all
this immense weight, wl h i&ns of thou
sands of tons of iron posts, girders, concrete
floors and machinery have not settled the
work one fraction of an inch.
The buildincs now completed consist of
the. warehouse, 155 feet long by 60 feet wide,
having an area of 18,000 feet; the finishing
house, 83 by 75 feet, with an area of 12,782
feet; the char-filtering houses, each 152 by
68 feet, with a total area of 41,344 feet; the
panhouse, 157 bv 60 feet, with an area of
18.870 feet; the boiler house, ,265 by 58 feet,
with an area of 19.000 feet; the bag filter
house, 166 by 60 feet, with an area of 9,960
feet; the machine shops, 200 by 75 feet, with
an area of 10,000 feet; the barrel factory, 250
by 130 feet, with an area of 25,000 feet" Be
side these are the offices of the engineer, the
superintendent and the staff of clerks, the
laboratory of the chemist and his assistants,
and the buildings for the electric light plant
and machinery.
An idea of the immensity of the work may
be gathered from the fact that fully 20,000,
000 of bricks have been required in the con
struction of the buildingB, which range from
3 to 13 stories high. The barrel factory,
which will.be able to turn out 15,000 barrels
daily, is the largest and most completely
equipped in the United States. It is three
stories high, withjdry kilns, boiler and en
gine rooms independent of the main build
ings. As many as 20,000,000 staves can be
placed in the drying kilns at one time, tbe
blowers for circulating the hot air being
driven by a separate engine. The total cost
of the whole.of the bnildings, machinery
and site will amount to more than $3,000,
000. Running on the refinery property are
three distinct lines of railroad, forming
direct communication with every section of
the country. In the river are three wharves,
each 80 feet wide and 600 feet long.
Mr. Spreckels has decided to duplicate the
whole of the bnildings now erected. This
will give his refinery a capacity of 4,000,000
pounds, or 2,000 tons of sugar every 24
hours. Work was commenced in the dupli
cation of these buildings a month ago by the
erection of a dividing fence, so that the new
work now in progress will not interfere with
that which is completed. It will" not take
so long to duplicate tbe bnildings and ma
chinery as it did to erect the first half of
them, because all the plans are prepared,
estimates of values have been arrived at,
machirrery patterns have been made, beside
a number of other matters wherein experi
ence has been gained, so that Mr. Spreckels
looks with confidence to the final completion
of the whole plant, with its daily capacity
of 4,000,000 pounds, before the end of next
year. .
Grangers Gathering at Hnrrlahnrg.
Haeeisbubo, December 9, Prominent
members of tbe State Grange Patrons of
Husbandry are here to attend the annual
convention of the order which will meet in
the hall' of the :HoBe-.et Repmeatativss
-l pJHMrtftfffr)ir IjJWmt' 1 1
mIPifi. fHBI
1 rf
to-morrew.Mi .'. ctwir n -j--
DECEMBER 10, 1889..
Thousands View tho Remains of Jefferson
Davis Lying In State Kind Words
From a G. A, E. Man '
Funeral Arrangements.
i New Obleaus. December 9. The body
.of Jefferson DaTis lies in state ,at the City
Ball, guarded by police, veterans and1 de
tailed men from the Washington Artillery.
The latter supplies two generations as its
guard of honor, its veterans in the old gray
uniform of the command, and the present
actives in the national blue parade dress.
The city is filling up with strangers. The
decorating of buildings is spreading all over
the city, and there are not decorators enough
to do the work. To-day the base of the Lee
monument was draped in black. Many
Private dwellings have floating draperies of
intermixed black and white.
The city officials say that, under the
poeuliar circumstances of the case, Secre
tary p-octor's reply to Mayor Shakespeare's
dispatch officially announcing the death of
Mr. Davis was very graceful and written In
akindly spirit All t$e Confederate vet
erans are very much pleased with the
fraternal spirit which characterized the re
mark of Captain Jacob Grav, of the Grand
Army of the Bepublic, made before the
Executive Committee last Saturday night
On that occasion he stated that he would be
proud as a soldier or the United States .to
honor the memory of the illustrious patriot,
soldier and statesman of the South. He
could notforget that Jefferson ( Davis had
been also a soldier of the United States, who
had rendered distinguished services, or fail
to recognize that he was a great and pure
A meeting of Southern editors has been
called here for Wednesday in order to settle
upon plans for furthering the movement for
a monument to the dead. In response to a
telegram from General J. B. Gordon, at the
head of the Confederate veterans, Governor
Nichols has appointed a committee to take
charge of the fund to be raised for Mrs.
Davis and her daughter. Governor Lowrey
recommends that contributions be made on
tbe day of the funeral.
By midnight it is calculated that 100,000
people will have passed the bier. Among
those who came to-day were many Catholic
priests, the Consuls of foreign nations and the
pupils of the high schools. Many exquisite
floral offerings were sent in to-day.
General Gordon will be honorary grand
marshal of the funeral procession, and .Gen
eral Glenn grand marshal. The display
will be the most imposing ever seen .in the
A Street Car Jumps the Track and Skips
Into the Meadows.
Jeesey City, December 9. The pas
sengers on horse car 13, of the Pavonia
Horse Bailroad, had an exciting experience
on the 6 o'clock trip to the ferry this morn
ing. There" were 16 passengers aboard when
the trip down the hill was began. Eight
of them were women. Four of the men
stood on the back platform smoking. Just
as the car reached the curve the horses be
came frightened and dashed off. The car
jumped the track and rattled over the stones.
Before any of the passengers inside could
get out the horses made n sudden turn and
jumped into tbe meadows, dragging the car
after them.
The car struck front end up and the pas
sengers who were at the rear door were
thrown the length of the car. Mrs. Flora
Martin was at tbe bottom of the help. The
horse sank nearly to their, knees in the
maA?finrthe. car resteaoWhefrlfiraT
struck. Idrs. Martin was the only one who
was seriously Injured. She was bruised
about the face and head and her left leg was
cut. She was carried to her home.
Jack Tarner Taken From Jail and Strung
Up by n Kentucky Mob.
Gbeensbubo, Ky., December 9. Jack
Turner, who last Wednesday killed Motley
Williams, son of Hon. D. M. Williams,
was lynched near here to-day. Threats of
mob vengeance were circulated all the week.
The excitement cnlminated last nieht at 1
o'clock when, a mob visited the -jail and
took Turner out and hanged him. Very
few of the citizens knew a mob was in town.
About '25 or 50 men attacked the jail and
demanded admittance, which was promptly
refused by Jailer Hamilton. Then with a
heavy piece of timber they forced the door
and dragged, out the jailer.
Securing the keys they ordered the jailer
to open the cell, but he refused to do so.
The mob unlocked the dungeon. The negro
was then taken to Pitman creek bridge, four
miles from town, and hanged. A Coroner's
jury cut him down and held an inquest to
day, which resulted in accordance with the
Testimony Adduced by iho Dressed Beef
Senatorial Investigation.
Washington, December 9. The inves
tigation of the dressed beef business was re
sumed this morning by Senator Vest's
special committee, in the rooms of the Sen
ate Committee on Commerce. A number of
witnesses were examined, all the testimony
being corroborative of that of one of the
witnesses, W. H. Hoover, a Washington
butcher, who said the Chicago dressed beef
dealers wouldn't sell to him except from 2
to 3 cents a pound more than to other
The committee left with Chairman Vest
the decision of the question as to visiting
New York and inquiring into the dressed
beef export trade. Should the Senator de
cide to go, the committee will visit New
York during the holiday reoess.
Two Men Quarrel Over o. Newspaper Article
and One la Killed.
Mubfeeesboeo, Tenn., December 9.
This morning- in the law office of Leland
Jordan, Esq., Frank B. Selph, a young at
torney, shot and instantly killed JEdwin F.
Fletcher, one of tbe first-young men of this
place. The difficulty grew out of a recent
article which appeared In the Free Press qf
last week. As near as can be learned Mr.
Fletcher, accompanied by his step-brother,
Morgan Perkins, went to the office of Selph
this morning, demanding an apology or a
retraction of the article.
Selph, it appears, was first badly hurt by
a! blow on the head, which knocked him
down, and while prostrate, and being severe
ly punished, he drew his pistol, and firins,
struck Fletcher under Tiis left jaw, the ball
coming out near the left temple. The excite
ment is intense.
A Motion' to Declare the General's Election
Valid Is Lost.
Paris, Deoember 9. There was a fierce
debate in the Chamber of Deputies to-day
over the motion of M. De Boulede, that the
Chamber declare valid the election of Gen
eral Boulanger. MM. Brisson, Pelletan
and many others spoke. Deputy Lalssant
was repeatedly called to order.
The partisans of Boulanger were more
than usually violent, and his opponents
pushed the passion of his partisans to its
limit by. their contemptuous reference.
The proposition was rejected by-379 teUV
Formally Opened by President Har
rison and Madame Patti.
The President Welcomed in a Way That
Beached His Heart and
The FalrDira Bepeatedly Called 0ot After Her Two
Sweet Sonjs.
The great Chicago Auditorium was opened
formallyjast evening by President Harrison
andMme.Patti.as the stars of a brilliant pro
gramme. A huge' audience filled the build
ing and applauded the President and the
fair diva. The President's speech' was in
good taste and was heartily received. So
was Patti's singing.
Chicago, December 9. President Harri
son was the picture of taciturnity and re
serve when he entered the Auditorium
stage this evening. He was accompanied
by Mrs. McKee, Assistant Postmaster Gen
eral Clarkson and Mr. Halford. Mr. Mor
ton and Mrs. Morton, with several other
ladies, had preceded the Presidental party.
Seats for all were arranged in special stage
boxes. The lights were turned fully on only
as Mr. Harrison appeared, and the house not
being more than half full did not accord
him the welcome which it afterward gave.
Tbe opening chorus by the Apollo Club
tested the acoustics of the great, hall to the
utmost The test was one of which the
architects may well bo, proud. It was found
to be flawless. It' is constructed on a
trumpet idea, the mouthfaf the stage, widen
ing elliptical arches bearing the volume
away to the farthest wall of the highest
gallery, with a distinctness which left no
Mayor 'Creiger made the dedicatory ad
dress. Its vital point was reached when he
invited the Presidental party to visit
Chicago again in 1892, as guests of the city
at the- World's Fair. Then Mr. Harrison
realized that he was in Ghicago. The house
had become, filled in every part Every
part rose and cheered. The cheering con
tinued until .at length the rigid muscles of
the President's face relaxed.
Mr. Morton had been suave and amiable
from the beginning, and was laughing with
manifest enjoyment over the predicament in
which the Mayor had placed the Presi
dent Mr. Ferdinand W. Peck, President of the
Auditorium Company-, was called for by the
people, and delivered a compact and
sensible address, reciting the story
of the enterprise. He assert
ed that it was not intended to make money
for the stockholders, who hold it only as
trustees for the people. It is predicted that,
although high prices are at present fixed
upon the Italian opera, they will be lowered
by the time the season is half over, so that
everybody who wishes to do so can hear
President Harrison followed Mr. Peck.
He was enthusiastically greeted as he
stepped upon the platform and walked to
the" center.. His speech. was shorf and In ex
cellent taste.- He thanked the people of
Chicago for their hearty reception, 'and con
gratulated them upon the completion of their
magnificent building. '
The ode written for the. occasion was well
performed, except in the final chorus, which
became an anti-climax, and ended in a
dragging and irresolute execution. Other
wise the music was, excellent
Patti was the heroine of the evening. She
was dressed in a silvery, half mourn
ing costume, out of deference to
her sister Carlotta. She sang "Home,
Sweet Home" better, perhaps, than ever
before, for she invested the hackneyed
strain; with something akin to real feeling.
Bepeatedly called out she sang the familiar
"Echo Song," with great archness and
grace, bnt was inflexibleafterward, although
compelled five times to acknowledge the
warmth with which the audience asked for
The social character of the occasion was
doubtless the most distinguished the city has
ever seen. The ladies of the Presidental
party were brilliantly costumed, Mrs.
Clarkson and Mrs, Morton being especially
admired. The entire audience in the 40 boxes,
parquet and balcony were in full or semi
toilets. Flowers shed their fragrance' every
where. The splendor of the decorations,
the effectiveness of the orchestra, chorus and
great organ, and the enthusiasm of the oc
casion, made the scene memorable and im
pressive. The Auditorium is destined to play a great
part in the history of tbe country, and that
its virtues should equal its beauty is a cause
for national congratulation.
A half a dozen cool-headed men pre
vented an accident in the early evening
that might have turned the great festival
into moruning. While Vice President Mor
ton was about to alien t from his carriaee.en-
tering the Auditorium at the stage entrance,
the horses attached to the vehicle took
fright A few more mad jumps wonld
have hurled the carriage and occupants
against a sharp angle of the Auditorium's
huge abutments. Few people were within
the iaclosure where the stage entrance is,
but tbe few proved equal to the emergency,
grasping the frightened horses and enabling
the Vice President and party to alight in
Senator Turple Wonld nave All of Their
Goods Conflsented.
Washington, December 9. In the Sen
ate to-day a large number of papers were
presented. Mr. Turpie offered a resolution
that the proposed penal enactments against
trusts affecting commerce among the several
States, should provide for the seizure of
trust goods, on lawful warrant and informa
tion, and for the forfeiture, confiscation and
sale of the same. He asked that the resolu
tion be laid on the table, and gave notice
that he would call it up to-morrow for the
purpose of submitting some remarks uponlt
Mr. Pavne presented a petition of students
and. citizens of Oberlin, O., in favor of civil
service reform, and praying God to hasten
the day when the competitive system will
be applied to all national, State ' and mu
nicipal appointments.
Mr. Qnav presented the petition of the
Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce for legis-.
latlon to promote trade and commerce.
Throngs Visit the Parsonage to Gaze on the
Face ofthe Dead Bishop.
ALTOONA, December 9. Bishop Tuigg
was placed in his casket late this afternoon.
F.iom early morning until a late hour at
nigbt people thronged the parsonage, where
the body still lies, to get a Iastlook at the
dead prelate.
To-morrow afternoon the body will be
taken into1 the church, where it will lie in
state Mtil the tlmeef Ww fsjisral, . . "
-WW. ..
. '.r3js's, .- f
firs THE
yc ifLam
V"W .A " .
EA 'Kow
. couldftjay DpTSHAMNGITSCEEElD.;;.
wiilm.T : n. n....ij. Commissions. . . ' , '
Merchants of New x"ork.-Mako a
Assignment Crowded tot tBO
Wall by Tightness of
the Honey- Market.,
New Yobk-, December, fl. -Whitney &
Co., drygoods commission merchants at 73
Worth street, suspended.- payment to-day,
and made an assignment,, without prefer
ence, to David A. Boody, banker, at 67
Broadway. The firm is composed of James
W. Whitney, Joseph B. Whitney aad
James A. Knapp. Bradstreet's, reports the
liabilities at 5500,000, of which $150,000 is
said to be ou single-name paper and (50,000
on acceptances. The assets ore nominally
about 500,000, consisting of outstanding
accounts, J250.000; cash advances to manu
facturers, for which the firm holds goods,
8100,000; stock and sundries, about 5100,
,000; shares in Adams Express Company,
Wells-Fargo Express Company, and Old
Dominion Steamship Company, about $50,
000. Mr. Bitch, of Arnoux, Bitch & Woodford,
the firm's attorneys; said to-daythattbe failure
was caused by doing too much business for
the capital, paying too high rates for money
borrowed to make large advances to manu
facturers, and inability to raise money to
meet large payments due about this time.
The firm expected to get .additional capital,
but was unable to do so, and after a consul
tation on Saturday it was deemed best to
make an assignment. The assets are sub
stantial, and he thought the percentage of
loss would not be large.
From other sources it was learned- that
the firm had to make payments this month
of about (200,000, and could not raise the
money on account of the tightness in the
money market The liability, it is said,
is nearly all to banks. Jame'W. Whitney
has been in the drygoods business about 30
years with various firms. The present firm
succeeded Whitney & Matthews, January 1,
1886. claiming a capital of $250,000. It did
a commission business in woolens and rib
bons, principally. J. B. Whitney .is a son
of the senior partner.
Presidental Nominations Receiving Attention
by Senatorial Committees.
Washington, December 9. The Senate
had an executive session to-day, lasting half
an hour. Very little work was accomplished
beyond, referring to appropriate committees
a large list ot nominations that have hereto
fore been sent In from the White Bouse.
Favorable reports were made on four nom
inations, but under the rule final action
cannot be had until a day has intervened.
Superintendent of Census Porter, Land Com
missioner Groff. Assistant Land Commis
sioner Stone and Becorderof the Land Office
Thompson have all successfully run the
gantlet Their nominations were reported
favorably from the committees to-day, and
will be acted upon soon.
There Is considerable surprise among the
Senators that Mr. Edmunds, Chairman of
the Judiciary Committee, should require so
much time in which to satisfy himself that
David J. Brewer Is a fit man to become As
sociate Justice ofthe Supreme Court There
are no serious charges on file against Jndge
Brewer, but Mr. Edmunds is such a stickler
for deliberate action that he will not hurry
himself to report back the nomination. It
is given out that one reason why Senator
Edmunds is holding back his report is that
he wishes to satisfy himself about the pro
hibition record of Judge Brewer. Kb mat
ter wbat-thepolicyor practice ofthe Judge
has heeh on this subject, it could afford no
reason for acting unfavorably upon his
nomination. As soon as the Vermont Sen
ator is quite ready to proceed, the nomina
tion will be taken up and unanimously con
firmed. TOO MUCH OP A- LOAD.
The Ohio Society Unable to Elect Carson
Lake as Trustee.
New Yobk, December 9. The recent
election in the Ohio Society was apparently
a peaceful and perfunctory affair, but it has
been followed by a stir that recalls the
turmoil in the Republican Club, a
year ago, over the vote on the list of appli.
cants for membership. The Ohio Society's
election was for officers, and no hint of op
position to the regular ticket reached the
great body ofthe members.
As a result, the vote was not a large one,
and when the votes were counted the regu
lars were astonished to find that two of their
candidates for trustee had been defeated.
They were Benjamin F. Peixotto and Car
son Lake.
His Dearest Wish ta See His Country Potv.
erfal and Universally Respected.
Fbankfoet, December 0. At a banquet
in the Garden of Palms, Kaiser William
spoke in reply to the Burgomaster's toast
He thanked the people of Frankfort for
their enthusiastio reception of him. He
said he was aware that their love and devo
tion were accorded to him not only as the
wearer of the restored Imperial crown, bnt
also as tbe grandson of William and the son
of Frederick. For himself, he could only
merit them after a long life comparable in
some way to theirs. He said:
"My whole striving and whole labor shall
be directed to this, that I.may see my coun
try great, powerful and respected through
out the whole worid.
TheHaytlan Have a Wholesome Fear of
Their Dnsky Baler.
New Yobk, December 9. The steamship
Alene arrived here to-day from Haytian
ports. The commander reports that there
was no decided evidence of a second out
break among the people. There was, how
ever, an illy-concealed feeling of dissatisfac
tion with the rule of Hippolyte, manifested
upon his visits to the northern ports.
The Haytians evidently lived in great
fear of their new President, who, it is al
leged, was levying unjust taxation upon his
An Aeei Man Wounds Ills Son-ln-Lnvr and
Kills niraielf.
Casevtlle. Mich., December 9. This
afternoon Bichard Clark, aged 73 years, at
tempted to kill his son-in-law, Bichard Mc
Kendrick, by shooting him. One ball took
effect, and McKendrick is in a critical con
dition. Clark then, in the presence of & number
of people, deliberately shot himself just
above the right ear and fell dead to the side
walk. Family troubles are said to be the
cause of the attempted mnrder and suicide.
He Donbts Whether the Country Will Pros
' per Under the New Rale.
Lisbon, December 9. In conversation
with Brazilian adherents here Dom Pedro
has expressed many doubt whether the new
Government will contribute to theprosperity
ofthe country.
Although he had himself told several
prosjineut persons that they should con
tinue to serve the country, still he hid not
expected there would be so many deserters
froa the standard of the monarchy.
Gtfc-er. IHrtw -.
.'. 'Jisefrivjw-s .,"
'-'All who woald Keep pace with tha day's '
"Tent ihonld rend THE DISPATCH.. -
New features aad a further extension of
the pr-aent elaborate faellltlea for-new
mark tha advent 01 too new
ivimrMiitn DnmnnifAs nT TnfiiBlfdl
a fiimiiitiLO juiuuabivu v& iiiiaaw
fVd Heathen, Not Baptized, v t;
: xhl "
Becommended to Be Eliminate!'
the Confession of Fail
A Brief sad Comirehemlte Creed
A committee of the'New York Presbytery? '
T, '
. m ill i i smii
reports, several recommendations ol general, ,si
interest that will be acted on next mouthuf ''"-'
..... -. i .i
A couple of radical changes In the Confes
sion of Faith are proposed, the damnation
of infants that have not beea baptized, and
indiscriminate damnation of heathen being;
NevtYobk, December 9. The commit
tee appointed to report on a revision of the
Westminster confession, presented the re
sult of its labors to the New York Presby--tery,
in the lecture room of the Scotch'
Church, in West Fourteenth street, to-day.-'.
The report, which was read by the Key. Dr. '
Hastings, of the Union Theological Semi
nary, said in part:
This Presbytery would regard with apprehen
sion any attempts to remodel the Confession of -Faith,
as endangering the integrity of our sys
tem of doctrine. We deprecate all such-,
changes as would impair the essentlatarticles'
of our faith contained in that confession, which
has long served as our standard, and to which
we are bound by many historic and personal
ties. We desire only such changes as come to
us urgently needed and generally asked.
First We desire that the third chapter after
the flrst section be so recast as to Include these
things only: The sovereignty of Ood in elee- '
tion, the general love of Goaforall mankind.'
the salvation of Christ Jesus provided for all
and to be preached to every creature.
Second We desire that the tenth chapter be
so revised as not to appear to discriminate con-
cerning "persons dying in infancy," or so as to
omit all reference to them (section 3), and so as ,
to preclude that interpretation of section 4,
which makes it teach the damnation of all the '
heathen, or makes It deny that there are any1
elect heathen who are regenerated and saved'
by Christ through the spirit and who endeavor'
to walk in penitence and humility according to .
the measure of light which God has been,
pleased to grant them.
While there are other points which the.Pres
bytery would be glad to see modified' or
changed, as, conspicuously, chapters xxiv.,3,
and xxi. &, nevertheless wo prefer to confine
our suggestions of revision to the third and
tenth chapters, as above indicated. Further
more, as germane to tbe object which the As
sembly had in mind In referring these ques
tions to the Presbyter! es,your committee recom
mends that this Presbytery overture the Gen
eral Assecbly to invite the co-operation of tbe
Presbyterian and Reformed Churches ol
America and of Great Britain and Ireland to
formulate a short and simple creed, couched,
so far as may be, in Scripture language, and -containing
all the essentials and necessary arti
cles of tbe Westminster confession, which
creed shall be submitted for approval and
adoption as the common creed ol the Presby
terians and of tbe Belorm Churches of the
Wo believe that there is a demand for such a
creed, not as a substitute for our confession,"
but only to summarize and supplement it for,
the wqrK.of the church. We -would amLwe
must, retain -our sUndarwhich -wajhaTs
onr family inheritance, anil .as the 'safeguard
of our ministry and our institutions. Bat' a
brief, comprehensive creed, at once inter-'
preting and representing those standards,
would be welcomed by our churches as most,
healthtul and beneficent for the exposition of
what we have meant all these years by the sys
tem of doctrine taneht in the holy scripture.
We want no new doctrine, but only ar state--ment
of the old doctrines, made in the light
and In the spirit of our present activities, of
our high privileges and large obligations; a
statement In which is set forth the love of God
which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Dr. Hastings interpolated into the fore
going the assertion that the Pope was anti-.
Christ, but it was his private opinion and
not that of the committee. X
The only action taken on the report was
to designate for its consideration the third
Monday in January, from 3 until 530 P. SI.,
and every day thereafter until the subject
Is disposed of. ''
Apparent Snlcldo of Ralph Kellar, a New
York Insurance Agent.
Sew Yobk, December 9. In room 187
ofthe Stewart building this afternoon Am
bulance Surgeon Hancock found a man
lying on his face and right side with his
feet under his desk as If he had just fallen
from his chair. He was insensible, but
still breathed perceptibly. In his right'
hand was a revolver of 33 caliber,
with one chamber discharged. A hole la
the man's right templef showed where the
bullet was. The revolver was held loosely
in tbe right hand, and the ambulance sur
geon would not say whether or not it might
have been laid there by somebody eiue.
The injured man was Ralph Kellar, an
insurance agent He lived with his wife in
a handsome apartment house near Central
"Park. They had lived there two months, -i
only. Mrs. Hirsch, Mrs. Cellar's: '
mother, knew of no reason why'
Mr. Kellar should shoot himself,
or why anyone should want to shoot him.. .
Mr. Kellar has remained unconscious ever,
since he was found, and the hospital1
surgeons say that he will probably die,,,
without giving any account of the causes ,
which led to bis condition.
A Loaded Passenger Train Falls Into
Arizona Hirer.
Pbescott, Abiz., December 9. Tbai
heaviest rain storm ever known in this seo-
tion has just ended. The rainfall for fivo-
days was 4.76 inches. The .bridge.J
nrrn the Verdfi river, on the Prescott andI
Arizona Central Bailroad. went down Ves-" '3
terday as a passenger train was crossing itVa
The engine and one water car went into the v3
river. tTe fln. wnt sprlnnsW hnrt. ",?a
The dam and ditch of the Etta Mining-, t&
Company was washed away and the founda. jpj
tion ofthe mill was badly damaged. The -M
loss is s.uw. A lot or sioce uaiso re,,
ported to have been lost
T ,
Experts Will Observe Oar Sqnadron While
n Forelan Water.
London. December 10. The forni5S
Post says England, as the holder!
of widely extended possessions "oni
the American continent should!
not ignore America's naval activity:!
The appearance of the United States!
squadron of new ships in European waters
will be observed with much uiterest oy ex
Cholera Canass a Panic
Alexandbta, December 9. The revival
of cholera at Bagdad has caused a panicft
and the utmost distress, and trade is pawj
" - J
Emm Somewnnt ueuer.
London, December 9. Dr. Parksendraj
bulletin in from Bagamoyo, reportiB
some improvement is tha condition ofSaiil
Pasha. :"'v-'. y'UHBi
. J-5 ; . . .4TJ-
'W -jiairj
';, . .i.v .'rJiTw.ta i s