Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 09, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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The Moorhead's Hall Meetings
Budely Disturbed.
'A Scared Man Asks a Lady to Pro
tect Sim From Assault
The good ladies of the W. C. T. U. No. 2
have for the last three years been conduct
ing a most successful mission in Moorhead's
building, 'with the object of saving young
men from evil influences and the taste for
liquor, and thence guiding them into the
church. They claim to have saved a large
number of young people through the in
fluence of these meetings, and are very
proud of their work. Sometime ago the
roughs of the locality made up their minds
that, as the people at the head of the move
ment were only women, they would break
up the meetings, and commenced a system
of persecution.
In this they were mistaken, however, and
the little band of women held, its ground,
although every effort was made to disturb
the meetings by groaning, hissing and other
demonstration. The ladies' held the fort
like little men, and the rough element
waxed bolder in its disturbances. About a
month ago the ladies' applied for police
protection, and for three weeks an officer
was detailed on duty at the meetings to pre
serve order. Inspector McAleese, believ
ing that an officer in plain clothes would be
of more use in catching the disturbers than
one in uniform, made no detail for last
night, and the scouts of the toughs seeing
no officer around, commenced operations
again, and were soon reinforced from the
The meeting was nearly half overwhen a
Dispatch man visited it last evening, but
there was a considerable crowd of boys and
half-grown men around the door of me build
inz. who passed ieerine remarks on those
who entered. Upon the stairs groups of
boys whose mothers had evidently never
studied the advice of Solomon, and conse
quently raised spoiled children, were hang
ing around each landing, and making as
much noise as possible, while occasionally
one would steal up to the doors of the meet
ing room and bang or kick the doors and
then clatter downstairs,
On entering the room there were some 250
people present, principally lads ranging
from 14 to 25 years, a fair SDrinklmg of men
and brit very few girls or women. They
were about as orderly as the ordinary ses
sion of a Democratic convention, and it
was with great difficulty the ladies con
ducting the meeting could make themselves
heard. The principal desire which seemed
to animate the audience was the privilege
of squabbling emong themselves, and some
five or six distinct fishts were in progress
simultaneously which it kept the ladies and
ushers constantly busy to quell.
Mrs. Allen, the president of the union,
was in the chair, and upon the floor were
Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Duffy, Mrs. Sneed, of
Allegheny, and several other well-known
and energetic members of the institution.
Mrs. Jones was sorry that no police pro
tection had been sent,"but said they did the
best they could without it, and after all the
conduct last night was not at its worst.
A disposition to encore the hymns and
to drown the prayers by loud talk were
mild forms of amusement compared with
what they have had1 to suffer. The meet
ings had been overrun by members ot the
Owl gang and worse, if possible, and she
really felt that the good work should be as
sisted by the authorities to the extent at
least of keeping order.
"They thought because we were only
women they would scare us," and here the
gritty little woman clinched her teeth as if
she wished to have the neck of an Owl be
tween them, "but they lost tbeir reckoning.
"We have shown them before that we are not
afraid, and we can do it again. W have
been the instruments of converting a num
ber of people through these exercises, and
we cannot be frightened by a lot of hoodlums
from ourlife work."
And then, with the military ability of a
soldier in petticoats, the lady made a flank
movement on a crowd of unruly little
toughs and dispersed it. Mrs. Duffy, who
had ably seconded the motion, returned,
and said she was by this time accustomed to
these interruptions, but was none the more
in love with them, and on the whole could
dispense with variations of this kind to the
regular exercises of the evening.
Mrs. Sneed, who contributes the high
musical talent possessed by herself and her
daughter to these meetings, also deplored
the manner in which the meetings had been
annoyed when there were no police present,
and urged that an appeal should be made to
Chief Brown to prevent the ladies from
being insulted while doing what was
prompted by a sense of duty and conscience.
Mrs. Allen, the President, was also sorry for
the turn affairs had taken, but hoped for the
best, and was sure, when the circumstances
were understood, that there would be no
difficulty in hiring an officer on duty for the
short time the meeting lasted.
Just at this moment one of the most
laughable incidents on record in meetings
of this kind toak place. A man, evidently
about 40 years of age, and whose appear-'
ance would be much improved by the opera
tion ol either a barber or a guillotine, ap
proached Mrs. Jones, and, asking for a
private conversation, begged her to escort
him up the street, as he had been threatened
by several of the unwelcome element with
extermination or some other dire calamity.
-He spoke loud enough for the little crowd
"around Mrs. Jones to hear his request, and
a very neany laugn was indulged in by all
at tfiis reversal of the laws of etiquette.
Rowise disconcerted, he persisted in asking
for the lady's protection, as he was afraid to
go alone, and wearied with the importuni
as well as with the night's annoyances, she
said: "Well, my good man, if you are
afraid to walk up the street alone T shall ac
company you and no one shall touch you."
And away went the strangely assorted" pair,
the woman aB bold as a lion apd the man as
valiant as a sheep.
On leaving the building a crowd of youths,
neither men nor boys, was still in attend
ance and flung jeering remarks at the ladies
as they passed out, using vulgar and pro
fane language, and yelling, "Who's the
next -to be converted?" "That's my girl,"
and other remarks as obtrusive as th'ey were
idiotic. They were still in progress as the
ladies passed up the street for fully a block.
Inspector McAleese was asked after the
meeting was over why the detail was not
made last night and he replied: "These
ladies applied and we guarded the meeting
for three Sunday nights, during which time
not an arrest was made, and although there
were some rough boys around such as you
may expect at any open meeting in the
locality, there were no disturbances. I had
intended to have man down there to-night
in plain clothes and I shall investigate why
it was not done. I shall attend to the mat
ter to-morrow."
Working; on the Monument.
During the week ground was broken and
the foundation work begun for the Wash
ington Monument in the Allegheny parks,
which is to be erected by the Junior O. U.
A. M. of Western Pennsylvania, The site
selected is at the head of Sherman avenue
and the foot of Webster street, possibly the
best position for a monument in the entire
park. The corner stone will be laid on
; Washington' birthday, February 22, and a
U jear Uter the statue will be-unveiied.
Cumberland Presbyterians Will Worship in
a Bloorlsh Building A No Tel Musical
Arrangements have been completed for
the dedication of the First Cumberland
Presbyterian Church, corner of Wylie ave
nue and Congress street, which has been
finished. The services will be held on Sun
day, January 6. Eev. Dr. W. J.
Darby, of Nashville, said to
be one of the most distinguished
JVrrf Cumberland Prabyterian Church.
ministers in the Cumberland Church,, will
preach the dedicatory sermon at 10:30 in the
morning. In the afternoon Eev. A. D.
Miller, President of the Waynesburg Uni
versity, will officiate at a communion service.
The services will conclude with a sermon in
the evening by Eev. J.B.Koehne, the pastor
of the congregation. Special music will be
arranged for the occasion, and will be under
the direction of Miss Warden, a teacher in
the Pittsburg Female College.
The church building is one of the most
unique structures in the city. It was de
signed bv Mr. Jacobs, the architect, and is
fashioned after the Moorish style of build
ing, the same as was used during the first
century of the Christian era, and is the only
one of the kind in this city. It is a two
story structure. On the first floor is a lecture
room, parlor and study, and on the second
is the auditorium, with a seating capacity
of 600. The interior is handsomely dec
orated. Light will be admitted through
large stained glass windows by day and will
be lurnished by electricity at night.
The church is to contain a novelty in the
way of a musical instrument. Instead of a
pipe organ a vocalion has been purchased.
This is a new style ot instrument of foreign
invention, and is said to have been named
by Gladstone. He gave it the name of
vocalion because its tone resembled that of
a human voice. The instrument looks like
a pipe organ in appearance, bnt double the
volume is produced by the vocalion than by
a pipe organ of the same size. Miss Warden
has been engaged to manipulate the new in
strument. The church has been erected at a cost of
$25,000. The lot on which it has been built
cost $15,000 and a 54,000 parsonage is con
nected with the building. John H. Trim
ble, the contractor, built the church, hav
ing commenced the work last March.
George Smith, Frank Murray and David
Steen compose the Building Committee.
The First Cumberland Presbyterian con
gregation has been organized nearly 50
years. The membership numbers about
150. When the new church is dedicated
the congregation will worship in it almost
entirely unencumbered.
Inspector McAleese Wonld Not Pot Asunder
Sinn and Wife.
Mrs. Mollie Barry was arrested on Satur
day night for disorderly conduct and Judge
McKenna assessed her S3 and costs for the
offense yesterday morning. In the afternoon
her husband, Michael, in a noticeable state
of hilarity, entered the station with the
money to procure her release and asked to
interviewhis sponse, who remonstrated with
him for his condition, saying, "Whenever I
came down to get you out I stayed sober,
After he had received a curtain lecture,
which would have done honor to Mrs.
Caudle, Inspector McAleese, knowing that
if Barry went on the street in the condition
he was then in would be arrested, kindly
gave him chamber No. 12 in the east wing
of Brown's leading hotel and marked
"drunk" on the register, after his name.
The Inspector probably remembered the in
junction not to put asunder those who had
been properly joined in the holy bonds of
wedlock, so they are both in the hotel at
present writing.
A Man Who Imagines Himself an Artist
Talks From a Box Car.
A man giving his name as John Haslett
and his home Cherry alley, Allegheny, en
tertained a very large audience ot South
side citizens, at the head of South Nine
teenth street, yesterday afternoon. He oc
cupied a box car on the Pittsburg, Virginia
and Charleston Bailroad, and with a few
hundred people around him he delivered a
speech on the art of drawing, and illustrated
his remarks by rude and unshapely sketches
of the crowd and surroundings.
The man claimed to be a professional
artist, and tried to induce several people to
allow him to make portraits of them. Offi
cer Wright locked Haslett up in the
Twenty-eighth ward station house. It is
thought he is demented.
The Funeral of Louis Zoos; Attended fay a
Large fiumbrr of People.
The funeral of the late Policeman Louis
Zoog, of the Southside, took place yesterday
morning. The police of the third district
turned out in a body under the command of
Captain Stewart. Officers James Cohen,
Michael Dierken. J. J. Grogan, Hugh
O'Hear, Patrick Kelly and William Mc
Donough acted as pallbearers.
The police headed by the Great Western
Band of Allegheny led the procession from
the Holy Cross Church, where the services
were held, to St. Mary's Cemetery. The
funeral was one of the largest that has taken
place on the Souihside for some time.
Death Cornea to an Allegheny Woman From
Burning pit
Mrs. Barbara Hillighan, of Beatty street,
Spring Hill, Allegheny, was fatally burned
on Saturday night by the explosion of a
lamp'in her room. She was sitting beside
a sewing machine, on which sat the lamp
when it exploded. The burning oil ignited
Mrs. Hillighan's clothing, and the latter
was burned from her body.
Dr. P. W. Herron was called, but the
woman was burned so severely that nothing
could be done for her recovery, and she died
yesterday morning. The Coroner will hold
an inquest to-day.
A Great Furnace.
No. 3 open hearth furnace at Kirkpat
rick's Leechburg mills has" run out 1,260
heats. This beats the record in the United
States. It is said that no repairs were made
to the furnace from the time it was built
uuui iao reoi wu in. i
. ?- . .
A Strange Visitor Startles the Con
gregation of Zion Church.
Surrounded and Catechised by the Fol
lowers of BusselL
The congregation of the Church of Zion,
which meets on Federal street every Sunday
afternoon, was favored by a remarkable
visitor yesterday afternoon. While Bev.
Mr. Enssell, the leader of that little sect,
was expounding to a fairly good audience
the true interpretation of the Scripture, a
man about 40 years old, with black hair and
beard, wearing a faded brown overcoat,
slipped quietly into the hall and sat down
upon a chair iff the rear. He was unob
trusive and quiet, and few noticed him ex
cept to glance at him as a stranger. There
was no peculiar look about his eyes. He
might have been any ordinary man from
the country or even from an unpretentious
part of the city. He listened to the services
and said nothing until Eev. Mr. Bussell
had said the good "words of parting blessing.
When the people arose to leave the hall
he also arose, tall and solemn, and looked
over the gathering. "Brethren," he said, "I
ask you to listen to me a little while. I have
been sent by the Father to speak to you and
to all men.' I am the Lord Jesus, sent to
warn the world to depart from its sins. The
time is drawing near."
'Plis atavtlAft man anrl wnman naURftil fln
T listened in amazement. A few smiled and
v wagged their heads. Then the stranger
burst lorth with a hymn, wmen ne sang,
those who heard him say, with a good voice.
He then took up again his exhortation and
' declared himself to be the Messiah, come
again to earth to teach men and prepare
them for the end. A number of 'the men
and a few of the women crowded around the
stranger and put to him many questions.
To every query he had an answer, either
evasive or direct. Some asked him 'his
name and whence he came. His only reply
was that he was the Lord Jesus, and that
he came from the Father; that God spoke
through him.
The man was evidently sincere. His face
showed his earnestness and solemnity of feel
ing. Nor did his countenance reveal to the
uninitiated any indication of insanity. His
features were not strong ones, however, and
did not reveal a keen or powerful mind.
But he was very much in earnest. "Do
not reject me, he said, holding out his
hands. "I am sentr to you to save you.
Believe in me."
Some one said to him: "How is it that
you told us that you would not come again
in the body?" Such is the way in which
the followers of Bussell interpret the Scrip
ture. The stranger answered only, 'Tarn
the Messiah, and the Father has sent me.
Cursed shall he be who does not believe in
Others poked at him different questions
and began to make sport of him. At that
most of those who were in the hall began to
leave, and finally every one had gone out,
leaving the strange prophet alone with the
empty benches.
A 'short time'after that the individual
was seen stopping people on the street, de
claring his mission and urging them to be
lieve in him. Then he disappeared, and
no one could be found who could tell where
he had gone, though the general notion was
that he had gone home, through the back
alleys, for his supper.
One of the most zealous of the members of
the Church of Zion said: "His appearance
serves to add strength to Mr. Bussell's in
terpretation of the prophecies, that the end
is near, for Christ himself said that when
the time was drawing nigh false Christs
should appear, deceiving many. 'Many,'
He said, 'shall come in my name.' This is
but one of the many signs of this time,
showing that the consummation is at
McDonald Is Supposed to Have Shot Him
self Accidentally,
Yesterday-Coroner McDowell viewed the
body of Joseph B. McDonald, the boy who
shot himself in Allegheny Saturday night,
and fixed the inquest at 11 o'clock to-day.
The ball touched the lower part of the boy's
heart. His body was taken to the home of
his brother, John McDonald, 55 Decatur
street, yesterday.
The general impression is that McDonald
shot himself accidentally. When he arrived
at his mother's house Saturday night he
said he had come home to hid 'his people
goodby, and he meant to go to Cincinnati
on a Sunday boat. His sister was in the
city, and he went out to the steps to await
her return. It was shortly after this that
the shooting occurred.
A friend of Mr. McDonald's, a young man
named Clyde Harkins, said yesterday that
he understood that McDonald and Miss
Minnie Jones, of Brunot's Island, had been
married last summer. McDonald did not
have steady work, and they did not live
together, Miss Jones securing a position as
a domestic with a family in Allegheny.
Harkins said that McDonald was quite de
spondent over this, and had told some of
his friends that he would do something and
they would know of it on Snnday.
Mr. McDonald's brother was as ted about
this story, but had heard nothing of it, and
was inclined to believe the shooting was ac
The St. Vincent de Paul's Society to Reor
ganize Their Work.
A general meeting of representatives of
the various conferences of St Yincent de
Paul's Society met last night in the base
ment of St. Paul's Cathedral for the purpose
of awakening interest in the old charitable
organization. Among the delegates were
a half dozen members of the new colrred
conference organized at the Catholic Col
ored Chapel some weeks ago.
Addresses were made by Eev. Father F.
L. Tobin, pastor of St. Mary's Church, in
Lawrenceville; Bev. Father J. T. Murphy,
President of the Holy Ghost College; Bev.
Francis Kane, pastor of the Sacred Heart
Church; Ee V.Bernard Hey, of StMichael's;
Bev. Christopher Schiesl, Dr. George H.
Keyser and W. A. Golden, Esq.
Another meeting will be held the first
Sunday in Lent in St. Peter's Church, Alle
gheny. Father Bernard distributed a $1,000
bequest among the district conferences. The
bequest was made by a deceased member.
The Randall Club Will Help Boost
bell Into the Chnlr.
The Eandall Club will go to Columbus to
attend the inauguration ot Governor-elect
Campbell. About 150 members of the club
will leave about midnight Monday, January
6. The ceremonies will take place the fol
lowing day. The club will go iu new uni
forms, and under the command of General
P. N. Guthrie. The fare for the round trip
will be f 11. This will include transporta
tion, lodging, meals, etc. A committee
composed of B. J. Foley. Joseph Cnneo and
Edward Sussman have the arrangements in
charge. ,
Well Cared For.
Mr. John Britton, of '282 Second avenue,
has improved enough to be taken to a hos
pital. His case was inanired into bv .A cent
JDean some time ago. The old gentleman is
reu eared for few hie efcildww.
j ;.- , ," -
Fenn Avenue Catholics Will Give 868,888
lor tho Batter M. E. Church It May
Mot be Accepted.
The Butler Street Methodist Episcopal
Church, which is one of the largest and most
influential in Pittsburg, may shortly be sold
to the Catholics. The Bev. W. H. Pearce,
pastor of the church, in speaking to a Dis
patch reporter yesterday, stated that the
authorities had received an offer from the
Catholics of 560,000 for their property. The
Butler Street M. E. congregation own the
building and land adjoining the church,
which -was purchased by them for (6,000
about six months ago.
No definite action has been taken by the
official board about the offer. It will, how
ever, receive their consideration in a short
time. Whether or not they will dispose of
the propertv is problematical. No member
of the board will talk upon the matter.
Quite a number of the members of the church
are opposed to selling the property because
such signal success has been achieved in the
past, and fortune, even now, smiles upon
It is said the Catholics of the district are
in quest of better facilities than they have
at present, and they hope soon to acquire
this property. They offer a tempting price
which it is thought the Methodists will not
sneeze at. If they gain their end the build
ing will be completely transtormed.
A member ot the Butler Street Church
said last night: "I have heard that the
Catholics offered J60.000 for our church, but
as to the sincerity of the offer I am unable
to say. It is my private opinion the offer
will be refused. I shall bitterly oppose any
scheme for disposing the property in
such a manner. I cannot conceive how
such a project has a chance of being crys
tallized. No, sir, Butler Street Church,
with its 800 members, must remain intact.
However, I speak for myself, and what I
believe is my duty toward the Church.
Every member of the congregation must be
consulted before it can change hands, and
the responsibility of accepting or refusing
the ofier is with them."
Within the past year 'a number of the
Butler street church members migrated
toward East Liberty. These people still
hold their certificates of membership, and it
is hinted that they would like to have the
church moved nearer their homes, because
they have been associated with it from its
inception. It is thought that these people
may bring some influence to "bear upon the
balance of the congregation, to persuade
them to accept the offer, and rebuild a new
and more modern church in the aristocratic
quarter of East Liberty. What the outcome
will be is still shrouded in darkness, and no
reliable forecast can be made.
Great Entertainment at the Expense of All
Sorts of People.
The basement of the Edmundson building,
at the corner of Diamond street and Cherry
alley, is occupied by a detective agency, and
some of its members have had royal fun for
months by practicing a sort of ventriloquism
on passers. The basement is so constructed
that a practiced person can by talking with
his mouth toward different angles throw his
voice in any direction he chooses. The dis
covery was made by accident, and the occu
pants have garnered no end of fun by it.
For instance; a newsy or bootblack is
passing. He is called apparently from some
window ia the opposite building for a paper
or a shine. The gamin, if not on his guard,
is quick to catch on, and he is sometimes
sent to a dozen different rooms before he
finds that he is being guyed, and for a long
time the fraternity could not fathom the
Perhaps the most amusing thing, and at
the same time the most distressing to the
victim, is to inform a young lady from some
angle that her bustle is awry, or of some
other disarrangement of her dress. Though
she be ever so certain that her harness must
be right, yet she cannot refrain from an in
vestigation, and by the time she leams of
the trick she is speechless with rage, and
cannot locate it. She soon persuades her
self that the legal fraternity is not to blame,
as it is often as ignorant of the origin as
A local poet, philosopher and statesman
was for a long time a victim of the gang,
but at length he discovered who were his
tormentors, and going down into the base
ment with club in hand he made a scatter
ing among the jokers He hasn't been dis
turbed since.
Cnrs Will Soon Spin on the Central Traction
The laying of the conduit where the cable
of the Central Traction road crosses the
Fifth avenue line at the corner of Wood
street, was continued yesterday. , A great
deal of curiosity was manifested by pedes
trians. The street was literally blockaded
with people. Traffic, with the exception of
the Fifth s,venue cable cars, was entirely
prevented. About 40 men were employed
Saturday night, and 25 were at work yester
dav. The comnanv exnects to have the
work completed by Thursday, and then the
circuit will be completed. ,
One of the cables for the road has ar
rived, and is at the power house on Wylie
avenue. It is the cable for the Center ave
nue end of the road, and is to run at the
rate of 12 miles an hour. The other cable is
expected in a few days. The road will be
in operation in about four weeks.
The company will use High street' pend
ing the decision of the suit against them by
the citizens along that thoroughfare.
The Pittsburg Academy of Sciences Organ
ized br Physicians.
A new medical society has been organized
in this city. It is to be known as the Pitts
burg Academy of Medical Sciences. The
prime movers in the scheme are Dr. Irwin
J. Moyer, the police surgeon, and Dr. J. M.
Broekerhoff, of Fifth avenue. The first
meeting was held lastThursday evening and
a preliminary organization formed. An
other meeting will be held in two weeks.
The object of the association is the promo
tion of sciences, art and medicine. The an
nual election of officers will take place next
month. About 15 well known yoffng phys
icians are interested in the society and have
been enrolled.
Allegheny Officers Slake a Hani Early Yes
terday Morning,
About 1 o'clock yesterday morning Offi
cers Dierken, Blakely and Kelsh, of Alle
gheny, discovered two men and a woman in
a skiff near Lindsay's mill with about 400
pounds of iron pipe. They could not tell
why they were moving the pipe at that
hour, so they were sent to the lockup. They
gave their names as Esau Lynch, A. W
Miller and Elizabeth Eodgers. They were
sent td the workhouse for 30 days.
Movements of Flltsbnrgers nnd Others
Wide Acquaintance.
Nikola Tesla, the well-known elec
trician, returned last night from an extensive
European tonr, and put up at the Duqnesne.
He said that Europe was 60 years behind thi
-oountry in electrical appliances.
Harry Hamilton, son of the Superin
tendent of the Allegheny parks, arrived home
on Saturday last from his father's cattle ranch
in the San Luis Valley. Col. He will remain
East until after the holidays.
Disorderly on, a Train.
James McKeag, alias Dock, of Turtle
Creek, was arrested on Saturday by Special
Agent Hampton Houghton, of the P. E. B.,
and charged before Magistrate Gripp with
disorderly conduct on the Greensburg ac
commodation on the 16th of November.
HowfiBd10HdooBte. . , ,
Honsignor O'Connell, Bector of the
American College, in Town.
The Frelate Talks on the Differences in the
School Systems.
Monsignor D. J O'Connell, rector of the
American College at Borne, is a guest at the
residence of Rt "Rev. Bishop Pbelan, on
Sherman avenue, Allegheny. He arrived
in the city Saturday night, and will spend
several days sight seeing, etc
Father O'Connell is a native of Bich
mond, Va., and is in charge of the college
for American students who are studying for
the priesthood. He was one of the repre
sentative delegates at the Catholic Congress,
and since then has been traveling about the
country. He has been in Canada, and came
to Pittsburg from Baltimore. After visiting
different points of interest in this city he
will journey on West.
In a talk with a Dispatch reporter last
evening Monsignor O'Connell spoke of the
flourishing condition of the college, and the
large number of Americans who are now en
rolled in the institution. He said:
"The American college is an institution
for the education of young men from this
rnnntrv who desire in untAr 'the nriMthnoil
The college is the preparatory conrse to the
Propaganda. We have a large number of
students from the United States, but none
at present from this city. The nearest one
I think to Pittsburg is a young man from
"The college is the only avenue by which
Americans can reach Papal Borne. The
Government has no affilial relations with
the Vatican, and the only way to reach it is
through the college. Although the Vatican
has no temporal power the most friendly re
lations exist between the representatives of
the two Governments. There is no bitter
feeling between them. I have heard that
the latter is the supposition in this country,
but this state of affairs does not exist"
"How does the school system of this
country compare with that of Italy, and is
there any feeling between the Catholic and
other schools?"
"I do not know much about the systems
in this part of the country, as the schools
are conducted to-day, but'l think that re
ligion must be a part of a child's education.
In Italy we have the Catholic parochial
and the municipal schools. The latter are
about the same as the publio schools in this
country. They are sustained by the' city
government, and are very good institutions.
There is no conflict between the representa
tives of the municipal system and the Catho
lic Church authorities. The schools are so
well managed and conducted in accord with
the Catholic idea that in some districts it is
not necessary to establish parochial schools."
Monsignor O'Connell made many in
quiries in regard to the city, population,
how divided, etc. He was much interested
in the recent exploits of the Nun of Ken
mare, of whom he has often heard. He
ventured the opinion ithat she would again
see the error of her ways, and come back to
the Catholic chnrch. He was much sur
prised when told of the interest taken in the
nun by several Protestant clergymen. He
"I am much surprised at the actions of
the people who are backing the misguided
nun, presumably for the sole reason that she
is preaching against the Catholic church.
My idea of Pittsburg people was that tbey
were sober minded and sensible, particu
larly the clergy. If some of the Protestant
'ministers allow their prejudices to
carry them away I think they are
behind the times. With all your
natural gas L think your people need a
little illumination on the matter of religion.
It is not Christianity for a minister to in
dutge in such practices, and I wonder that
the people tolerate it. Pittsburg is a unique
city in many respects on account of her
manufactures, and is known all over
Europe. I am afraid; however, that this
intolerant, bigoted spirit does the people
more harm than good. The attacks on the
parochial school system shows that those
who make the attack need to read up a little
and become enlightened on other than purely
local matters."
Monsignor O'Connell is authority for the
statement that "Colonel" Beed, the well
known young colored man of the hill who
went to the college to study for the priest
hood, has given up the idea. It is pre
sumed that he failed to pass the examina
tion. This is the young man who, it was
said, would take charge of the negro Catho
lic congregation on Falton street when he
became ordained a priest
Tho Laugh Turned on a Supposed Snnday
Spy Police Precautions.
During the progress of the work on the
crossing of the Central Traction road yester
day several people not connected with the
work were noticed to be very curious in get
ting the names of bystanders, as well as of
foremen of the different gangs of laborers.
The report was soon current that the in
quisitive people were a new installment of
Wishart detectives getting data for actions
for performing worldly labor on the Sabbath
day. This gave rise to a good deal of chaff,
and one of the seekers for knowledge ap
proached a foreman, who was in thetrench
exhorting his men to increased exertions in
a choice Hibernian brogue, and asked his
"My. name; sure I'm McGinty," replied
jthe man at the bottom of the hole, without
stirring a muscle. The laugh that followed
drove the spies, if they were such, away
from that part of the work at least.
The Department of Public Safety will
place officers this morning to prevent wagons
and other vehicles from turning up to that
point Officers will be located at Market
and Fifth, Smithfield and Fifth, Diamond
alley and Virgin alley on Wood street, to
turn drivers up those streets, unless they
have business on Fifth avenue, between
Market and Smithfield streets.
,The Transverse Passenger Bailway will
transfer passengers at Fifth avenue and
Wood street until the crossing is completed.
A School of Instruction lo be Opened In the
Rifles' Hall.
At a meetfhg of the First Battalion
Hibernian Bifles last night officers were
elected for the ensuing term.
The battalion officers, commissioned and
non-commissioned, will meet on the second
Monday of each month at headquarters,
Hibern'ia Hall, on Wylie avenue, for in
struction. The annual reception of the bat
talion will be held at Imperial Hall, on new
Grant street, on January 31.
The A. O. H. Will Join In the Ceremonies at
Su Agnes' Chnrch.
At a special meeting of the A. O. H. of
B. E., held last night, it was unanimously
resolved that all divisions of the order take
gart in the dedication of St. Agnes' Church,
oho. on the 15th inst Formation of the
divisions will be made on Grant street, right
resting on Fifth avenue, at 9 A. H. on that
date. William Batchford will officiate as
Mes. De Simpson-, assisted by Prof.
Byron W. King, Mr. D. M. Bullockand Miss
Irene Sample, will give an elocutionary and,
musical entertainment at thePittsburg Club
Theater on Thursdav eveninc?. Dec. 12.
Twketfl t KajBlg sta store. .Wfi
The Aged Monongahela. Porter Is Saddened
Ho Bewails the Fate of the Fnraoas
One of the most humble and unpretentious
of the employes of the Monongahela House
was not temporarily dismissed by the pro
prietors after the fire of last week. Were be
let go the old house would go into deeper
sorrow and desolation than that now hang
ing about it He is a part of the Monon
gahela, and it is a part of him.
No one has visited that historic hotel who
has not seen the venerable sable face and
agile form of Uncle Samuel Golden, the
porter. Nobody knows how old Uncle Sam
is. He does not know himself. His years
are probably almost as many as those of the
typical Uncle Bam wnom all Americans love.
In rare moments of reminiscence he tells
his friends of an incident of his boyhood,
and that alone must serve to approximate
his age. He was born a slave in Virginia.
When he was a well-grown lad, perhaps 12
or 15 years old, his master took him with
him on a trip to Washington. That city
had just been built. It was only rising from
the waste lan'ds along the Potomac The
boy went with his master to see the Presi
dent It was an era in the young slave's
life and was deeply seared into his memory.
The President was Thomas Jefferson, who
entered upon that office over 83 years ago,
and went out over 80 years ago. Uncle Sam
will not go further than this to give the in
quirer a clue to his age.
He has been employed at the Mononga
hela House over 40 years. A few more
circles of the sun and his term of service
will be fitly described by his name. For a
few years he had been at the St Charles,
which is even an older hotel, perhaps the
oldest now standing in this city.
u nele Sam received a shoes: by the hre.
It was a disaster to his dearest friend, and
seemed a stab at his own life. But every
day since the fatal Thursday he has -gone to
the building. He could not stay away. He
has walked through the dismantled halls
and corridors am walked away again. He
was there again yesterday, solemn visaged
and thoughtful, his daughter by his side.
Last evening a reporter went to see Mr.
Golden at bis'home on Fulton street It is
a comfortable home, and all about it, out
and in, is tidy, cozy and domestic. A
graceful balcony hangs upon the front, and
a stairway leads to it at one side. Inside,
the visitor is struck by the elegance of all
the furnishings. It is a home of taste and
refinement and the evidences of the pres
ence of a careful housekeeper are every
where discernible.
When Mr. Golden was called he came
tripping down the stairs with the quick step
of a boy. He looks like a man of 60 years,
instead of 90 or more. He has scarcely any
stoop to his shoulders. His hair shows lit
tle gray. His short mustache is just the
least bit grizzled. His black eyes still
gleam with the keen glance of his early
years. It was told him that the reporter
desired some memories of his younger days
and some tales of the Monongahela House
in the period of its youthful prime. The
old man shook his head sad and slow. "It
would do no good," he said, "gazing fast
upon the hearth rug; "it would do no good.
Mr. Lyon is dead. Mr. John Crossan is
dead, and Mr. James Crossan, his father, is
dead. All the old people are gone. It
wouldn't do any good."
Urging and pleading would not move
him. He could not bring himself to speak
of the old but sad memories, nor would he
give a reason for his reticence. The reason
was, perhaps, too near to his inner and
secret affections. "Manyjreat men came
there," was all he wonld yield, "bnt I can
not go over their names. It is no use. The
names are all in the old books. From the
beginning I have kept the registers, and
the names are all there."
Then his visitor said something about the
talk that the old house might be torn down
to the ground, and a modern, new-fangled
block put up. At once his soul was up in
arms. "Not a bit of it," he said, and his
black eyes sparkled. "They'll not tear it
down. Mrs. Crossan wouldn't listen to
such a thing. Mr. Miller wouldn't think
of such a thing, either. Oh no, there's no
danger of that Why, the house is just as
sound as a dollar, as sound as a dollar. On
the outside you wouldn't 'know there had
been a fire in it, except that one little bit in
the corner toward the bridge. When Mr.
Lyon put that house up he ' put it
up to stand. The ceilings are
all that are hurt, and they can
just scrape those ceilings off and put new
ones on. And they can put in better ceil
ings now, too. They have a kind of plaster
now that has no lime in it It comes in
bags, and it'll stick to that smooth door
there. They used some of it last summer in
the fixing they did. The dining rooms are
all right You say there are uneven places
in some of the halls. That isn't because the
building has been settling any. That was
done once when Mr. Lyon had the iron front
put in. They kept the jack-screws under
the house too long. That ain't nothing.
The house is just as sound, as a dollar.
Don't I know it well, every inch of it?
"It's too bad about that fire, too bad.
Just after the fixing up last summer. But
the didn't fix any in that part where the
fire was. I've seen manv a fire in the house
that was mastered, but this one got the up-
Eer hand of us. The trouble was we didn't
ave the appliances that we had in the old
days. Mr. Lyon had things fixed so with
water pipes and hose all over the honse that
a fire could be put out mighty quick."
Mr. Golden said the origin of the fire was
a mystery to him; there never had been any
fire kept near where the conflagration
started; he could not understand it He
was again urged to tell some yarns of the
past, but he would not. "Some time maybe
you will," the reporter said. "Well, may
be," he said, with a cheery laugh, as he
bade the visitor a good night
Good Advlee.
The holidays are approaching, and you
are doubtless thinking of how you will glad
den the hearts of your family with a beauti
ful piano or organ. Many pianos are offered.
You will,hardly know which to buy. Take
the Kranich & Bach, and run no risks. It
is the very best the market affords. Its con
struction is superior to any' piaro made.
The increasing sales attest its popularity.
We can refer to hundreds of purchasers iff
the two cities. We have also the elegant
"Stultz & Bauer" and Jas. M. Starr pianos.
Miller and Packard organs. Prices and
terms to suit all. Warerooms open evenings
until after the holidays.
69 Fifth avenue.
Store Open Till 9 O'clock
Every evening until Christmas. Our stock
is more varied than ever before and will
amply repay inspection.
48 Fifth avenue.
Holiday silk handkerchiefs and muf
flers. James H. Aiken& Co.,100 Fifth ave.
B. & B.
Paris Dress Robes
At half price this week. See
the large
choice assortment
Boggs & Buhl.
New, Sweet, Delicious.
Marvin's royal bread possesses all these
properties. If you haven't tried it do so at
once, ityou want to renew your youth and
be happy. D
FnrE neckwear. '
James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave.
Call for Frauenheim & Vilsack's cele
brated Pilsne,r beer, on draught at all first
class bars.
Men's underwear.
James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth aver
Everybody Goes
To Anfrecht's Elite Gallery for fine photos
and crayons at lowest prices. 516 Market
street Bring baby. Use elevator. ,
Holiday silk and satin suspenders, plain
and eabroidered. ' ?
JASIM B, Axkbk CO.. 199 Fin aye.
Oakland Baptists Cut Toose From the
Fourth Avenue Congregation They Will
Go It Alone.
At the close of the evening services at
Linden Grove Chapel in Oakland, yester
day, a congregational meeting was held for
the purpose of considering a chnrch organ
ization. Linden Grove Chapel is at present
under the jurisdiction of theFourth Avenue
Baptist Church, and the latter'organization
made the proposition that the members of
the chapel congregation form an inde
pendent church of their own. This propo
sition is made necessary by the fact that the
section of the city in which the chapel is
situated is growing very rapidly, and an in
dependent church would be much more
beneficial than a branch of the downtown
Bev. Wm. Ward West, the assistant
pastor in charge of the chapel, presided at
the meeting. After some disenssion, it was
voted to accept the proposition of the
mother church andiorm a separate organiza
tion. A committee of two was then ap
pointed to visit the Baptists in the neigh
borhood and see if they would furnish the
money necessary for the support of the new
congregation. This committee is to report
next Sunday night, and it is expected that
they will he very .successful in securing
promises of financial aid. After some
further disenssion the meeting adjourned.
The chapel organization was formed just
two years ago last night and the meeting
partook of the nature of an anniversary
gathering. The chapel, and the ground on
which it stands, corner of Bates and At
wood streets, belong to the Fourth
avenue congregation, and, when
the new church is fully organized,
the property will be deeded over to it as a
free gift It will be seen, therefore, that the
new church will start under extraordinarily
favorable auspices, as the securing of a site
and the erection of a building thereon, with
the consequent debt, have always been causes
of a great deal oi trouble to a new organiza
tion. Indeed, many churches have struggled
for years under a heavy debt, and were com
pelled to disband at last
The pastor of the new church will likely
be Bev. William Ward West, who now has
charge of the chapel. He is a young man
and welLliked by the members of his flock.
After the meeting the reporter had a short
talk with Mr. West, and in the course of
the conversation the geatleman said:
"The rapid growth of this section makes
the new church a necessity, and I expect
that it will be a success from the start. We
have now a congregation of over 100 active
members, and more will joinafterthe organ
ization is perfected. There are a number of
Baptists in this vicinity who go to the city
to attend morning service, but when our
new church starts they will attend here.
You see, we do not hold morning services at
present, but only Sunday school and the
evening meetings. Everyone seems anxious
for the success of the new undertaking, and
I devoutly hope that they will not be dis
appointed." Mr. West also said that the separation
was entirely without animosity on the part
of either the chapel people or the down
town church. The only reason was that
given above.
Miss Mnggle Alexander Very Sick From Too
Much Laudanum.
Maggie .Alexander, 18 years old, em
ployed as a domestic in the family of Mrs.
Van Byan on Penn avenue, between
Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets, was
taken to the West Penn Hospital early yes
terday morning in a very precarious con
dition from an overdose of laudanum. It
seems that the girl was suffering with the
toothache, and in order to alleviate the pain
secured an ounce of laudanum, and instead
(of taking it in small doses, she took the
whole dose at one time. This had the effect
of making her deathly sick, and a physician
was called, and on his advice the girl was
.removed to the hospital.
Died From His Injuries.
Elmer Myers, aged 25, a fireman on the
Pennsylvania Bailroad, died at the West
Penn Hospital at 4 A. m. yesterday from
the scalding received in the wreck at
Greensburg last Wednesday evening. In-
quest this morning.
The German Delegate.
The only business transacted by the Ger
man Trades Assembly yesterday, was to
elect Gus Adam as delegate to the Federa
tion of Labor, which meets in Boston, De
cember 10, 11 and 12.
ImpuritiEB in Hie Liver.
When the Liver is crowded or clotted
with a mass of impurities, its action be
comes slow and difficult. Pleurisy,
Headache, Pain in Side, Tired Feeling
and General Weakness ensues, result
ing, if unchecked, in
When you have these symptoms, try a
few doses of the genuine
Celebrated Liver Pills.
Price, 23 cents. Bold by all druggists,
and prepared only by Fleming Bros.,
Pittsburg, Pa. Beware of counterfeits
made in St Louis.
A stock of superior excellence and design.
' -on-
of greatest elegance and largest
i variety. You should Inspect the
stock of
FrEncii, Kendrick & En.,
Onr Art Department occnples
the 'whole of the third floor.
TelefJionel878L Eeettio Elevator. t lf
jl i '
, '
PrrrSBUBG, Monday, December 9, 1S88.
These stores, all over, are one grand Christ
mas Gift Emporium.
To-day is the grand final holiday opening.
Here you have a world-congress of good things.
Count your cash. How much do von Intend'to
spend for father, for mother, for brother, for
sister for wife, for children for friend. Then
come to us to learn the "what to get"
Gifts for every member of the household.
Gifts for the baby gifts for grandparents.
Gifts to correspond with the circumstances
of every recipient.
Gifts beautiful and appropriate, from cheap
est to finest to fit every pocketbook.
We have published a little book called "X
Christmas Story," hastily thrown together, but
which, in an entertaining way, enumerates
thousands of items appropriate for Christmas
gifts, and is designed to help you solve tho -problem
of "what" Get it at the store free of
charge. It is not complete merely hintfuL
Begin to tell where?
A Sealskin Sacque at $600.
Or a Pocketbook at 50c.
A Dress as a Christmas gift represents the
practical idea.
Our Colored Dress Goods Department pre
sents a notion of completeness that you can
only appreciate by seeing. The popular method
of cutting up the goods into pattern lengths
has met with a wonderful favor.
Good, serviceable plaids, stripes, cheeks,
tricots and wool cashmeres. 80c and 40c goods
in 10 yard patterns, f nil and generous, at only
$3 50.
Thousands and thousands of yards of choice
goods cnt into patterns and neatly done up
especially for holiday buying $2 50, S3 00, S3 60.
11 00. 50, $5 00, 16 00 and 87 50. Finer patterns
to finest
All our fine Paris patterns, hundreds of
them, are now actually at half former prices
on the same goods. Not all our sacrifice wo
sacrifice the profit the gds themselves would
bring us. But Christmas is too near. That
profit to you. New, beautiful goods read the
prices and what they would be if the price
standard kept up.
The now S7 50, would be $13 50.
The now $10, would be S20.
The now 11 would be 324.
The now S12 50, would be tS.
The now $15. would be $25 and S30l
The now $18, wonld be $30 and $35.
None the less acceptable because the price
are down. Buy two where you thought of buy
Your choice of black goods Is greater than
yon are likely to find out When you've mada
your selection you have just begun to find out
what is there. Tell your price limit and gen
eral style of goods desired. Quick minds will
conceive your wants and in less than no time,
despite all the hurry and bustle, you will nave
just what you came for. Now for a little list
to guide you:
French Wool Cashmeres (40 and 43-Inch), 45c,
50c, 65c, 70c, 75c, 85c, 90c, $1 and $1 25.
French Wool Henriettas (40 and 46-inch), 75c,
80c, JL $1 25, $1 35, $1 5tt
Fine Warp Henriettas, best make in the
world, standard widths (40 and 42 inches), 85c,
$1, $1 25, $1 35, $1 SO, $1 75, $2, $2 25, $2 50, $2 75,
S3, $3 60. $4 and $5.
Silk Warp Drap D'AImas, O, $1 25, $1 60, $1 75,
$2 and $2 6a
Silk Warp Melrose. $1 50, $1 75. $2 and $2 50.
Silk Warp Armures and Crepe Cloths, $150
and $1 75.
Camel Hair Cloths, for costumes and wraps
75c. $L 11 25, $1 50, $1 75, $2, $2 25. $250,$3to
$45a -
"Lupins" French Merinos, extra wide, 75c,
$1,51 25 and SI SO.
"Lupins" DrapdeEte,48 inches wide, $2 60
and J3 60.
French and English Serges, 40 to 58 Inches
wide, 60c, 75c, $1. $1 25, $2 to $2 BO. tfl
English Diagonals, narrow, medium and Vida..
wa!e,Jl,$125.$r35adSl6a -
Fine Wool Tricots, 40c.
Fine Wool Cloths, 50c, 65c, 75c, 85c and $L V
Fme&Imported Broadcloths, sponged, ready
for the cutter, the best goods of the best mak
ers, $1 25, $150, $1 75, $2 00, $2 25. $2 50 to $3 60.
Fine Diagonal Cloakmgs. $2 to $3 5a
Beaver Clotbs and Kerseys, 14 to to.
Side Border Novelties, $125 to 52.
Fancies, for house dresses and combination
costumes, in stripe? and beautiful designs of
figured Jacquards. 75c. $1, $1 25, 51 50 to $2.
Think of over 200 grades to select from in the
Black Silks. For whom would you buy?
Many kinds will suit perfectly the purpose
some might not All the kinds for all pur
poses here. Every new weave and every old
one. Only reliable qualities, but a long range
of prices.
Surahs 50c, 65c, 75c (26 inches wide), 85c, $1,
$1 20, $1 25. $1 50, $1 75 and S3.
Gros Grains. 60c, 65c, 75c. 85c, 90c. SL $1 15,
$1 25, $1 35, $1 50, $1 75 and $2.
Cashmere finish Gros Grains, 14 grades, from
$1 to $4 a yard.
Satin Rhadame, 9 grades, from 65c a yard up
to $2 50.
Satin Merveilleux, in 6 grades, from 90s to $3
a yard.
Satin Luxor, 8 grades, from $1 to $2 75.
Ten (10) grades of Pau de Sole, $1 to $3 60.
And 10 grades of Black Armures, from 75c to
$2 50 a yard, in many weaves.
Satin Regence, from $1 25 to $3, 7 grades.
Sixteen (16) grades, from 75c to $7 50 a yard,
in the new Brocades, the richest and most ele.
gant of the Black Silks and the best stock we
have ever had.
Ten (10) patterns of Striped Surah and
twenty (20) of Fancy Stnpe Merveilleux.
Elegant Matelasses for wraps, in i grades
$l-$7 6a
The same idea of completeness and elegance
and big value, both for quality and style, in
Fancy Flannels, and Beautiful Satines for
house wrappers and tea gowns.
A Cloak and Suit House a building to itself,
where you and everybody near you are of the
same mind. Practical and experienced people
to serve you, and a stock unsurpassed. Noth
ing lacking for completeness.
A $5 Stockinette or Beaver Cloth Jacket
A $175 Sealskin.
A $10 Cloth Newmarket;
A $600 Sealskin.
A $10 Astrachan Shoulder Cane.
A $500 Russian Sable Cape. . ,
Fine Suits for ladies, mlsses.and children; aQ
new, stylish materials and stylishly made.
This for the Cloak and Suit house in brief.
The great Fur Departmen tin detail:
Sealskin, the genuine-Alaska, and best Lon
don dye.
In Capes, $40. $45. $50 and $55.
In Jackets, $94, $120, $130, $135. $140, $150. $165,
Long Coats, $100. $125, $150, $160, $175, $180, $180,
$200 to $275.
Ulsters, $225 to $600.
Wraps, $85 to $200.
We said "begin where" better say, "stop
Right here. i '
One grand item more.
Lovers of lace and there are thousands wh
will read this an opportunity for you.
We have a large stock of real duchesse lace
collars, collarettes and black thread lace capes,
barb3 and fichus, that do not seem to meet en
tirely this peculiar season's idea of styles.
They always have been popular. They will,
and must come np again. But for the present
this stock must go. A reduction of just 50 per ,
cent all around has been ordered. Last sea- '
son's prices just divided by two.
Real duchesse collars, some all lace, others
with point gauze, were $18 to $33, are now $9 to .. ,
$16 50. , .
Collarettes, all lace and point gauze combina
tions, $13 to $24. are now $S 60 to $12. ,"
Black thread lace points, all handmade, were) ,
Xu up now s up.
Barbs were $9 up now $4 SO up.
In the lace department to-day.
,-.TS3sr-- i . rr",-'t-ij- 'x ..
.. 'j .-ra&'A jAVvf ;&&? tJteK--"."a,
r J z,T .