R?5 ' C5iT -y. . 9 t. Bafl If yon want Board, Rooms, Home or Heir, ndvertlsn Id THE DISPATCH. Fnrcnasera can be found for everything offered For Sale In THE DISPATCH. ME DISPATCH U tho best advertising mcdlnm la Western Pennsylvania. Try It. PORTY-FOHRTH TEAE. A COUPLEOF CLEWS That May Lead to the Settle ment of the Conundrum, WHEBE CAN COONEY BE? Evidences of a Mysterious Murder Sear Hammond, Ind. A STRUGGLE HEAR TEE RIVER Proved by the Discovery of a Hunter Jn the Buffalo Grass. MILWAUKEE CHIPS IS ITS QUOTA People living in Hammond, a little Til lage near Chicago, think that Cooney, the missing Cronjn suspect, has been murdered there to prevent his telling the story of that ' murder. They bate their theory on the dis covery of a bloody knife and other property near a pool of blood found by a hunter on the bank of the Calumet. Some supposed effactx of the missing Cooney have also been found in Milwaukee, fSFECUL TXLXGBAM TO THJ DIEFATCB.1 Chicago, December a Ten days after Dr. Cronin was murdered, old man Carlson, who owned the house in which the crime - was committed, received a letter postmarked Hammond, Ind., from the mysterious Frank "Williams, who has since been identified as Martin Burke, and the writer expressed his regret that he had found it necessary to paint the floor of the cottace. i Eight days ago three strange men -were seen walking toward the Calumet river, at Hammond. A few hours later people living near Sahl's icehouse heard the re- ,port of a revolver. The three men were not seen again, and on last Thursday Harry Thomas, -who was shooting ducks along the ' river, stopped at the icehouse to load his jt- FOUXD E THE GBASS, Sg? In the rank buffalo grass growing along - -the shore the hunter saw a blood-stained " handkerchief and a bloody knife, and a more careful search revealed a great pool of blood, a letter written in a disguised hand, a newspaper and a railroad baggage check. There were footprints on the light snow on the ice in the river, and the yellow grass had been trampled in several places. Everything showed that a stubborn fight had been made by the man -who fell. The body of the victim was missing. The letter was written for the purpose of advancing the theory of filicide. It was dated Chicago, and signed by the one word "May." The t chirography was clearly that of a man. 'A. SIGNIFICANT WRAPPER. The newspaper was of November 9, and contained an account of the finding of Dr. Cronin's clothes and sugical instruments in a sewer on the Evanston road. The article was marked with two black crosses. The -wrapper was missing. A notebook and a coin purse were also found on the shore. The fly leaf of the book bore the name of "N. F. Lawler" written in a bold business hand. The thirty-fifth page showed the same handwriting in the name "B. C. Cun ningham." On this page lay a clipping from the London Times, giving the origin of the nations from the earliest authorities. Three pages further on was a clipping from an unknown paper of a poem entitled Stanzas for the Times," written by John G, Kf hittier. The purse contained the battered works of a gold watch. The back case alone re mained. This is engraved with a hexag onal figure surrounded by leaves, the cen ter being composed of a cluster of flowers. The number is on the outside and inside case, and the works have been defaced.either by a knife or a file. - AN OLD-FASHIONED WATCH. The watch was a key-winder, of an old ' make, the works being undoubtedly Swiss. The chain is broken, but was gold, with a twisted link of common pattern. A brass sleeve-button with a dog's head was also found among the broken jewelry, a One month ago a zinc chest was shipped from Hammond to Grand Bapids. The check -was strapped around it, and which "bore the same number as the check found in the blood on the river bank, has never been returned. This chest, it is believed, contains the secret of the tragedy, or at least " some clew to the dead man or of his mnr- 1 derers. The railroad station masters at Grand Bapids do not remember having re ceived the chest. A woman who went by many aliases rent ed apartments in a honse at No. 442 Twenty fourth street last January. A workingman namecl Home lived in the rear portion of the.bouse. Nearly every night the woman was visited by men who called for her by different names. One of the men was B. C. " Cunningham, a ypung Irish-American with a Jight mustache, broad shoulders and sunken eyes. THIS NAME APPEARS. The same of this man appears in the note book found by the side of the river. Short ly after Dr. Cronin was murdered, last May, the mysterious woman disappeared and has not been seen since by Home. The river at Hammond has been dragged day and night, but thus far without bring ing to the surface the body of the man sup posed to be lying in its depths. The police of Chicago and Hammond are working des perately to solve the mystery, as it seems certain that the murder has some bearing on the great Cronin tragedy. One rumor is that Cooney, the missing Clan-na-Gael man who assisted in the assassination of May i, has been killed to prevent any attempt by him to tell the story of the tragedy in the Carlson cottage. Hammond is a little vil-1 lage, 30 miles.from Chicago, and just across , thethlinois State line, milwadkke's share. Milwaukee people also think they have found some of Cooney's effects, as the follow ing telegram from that city shows: Sup posed bloody relics of the Cronin tragedy " have been discovered in this city, and are now at Milwaukee police headquarters. They are clotbeiMthongbt to belong to the . missing suspect, Cooney, and with them, in 1 a trunk, were four blood-stained hand- -jkerehlefs, a numbefTof photographs and a jtn ?! bundle of letters. Police Captain Sennet tier, of Chicago,made the find, acting on an anonymous letter from Milwaukee, oalling attention & the fact that the suspicion articles were in the possession of a Mil waukee expressman, James M. Mooney. Captain Schnettler left Milwaukee to-day, taking with him the letters and photos. His destination could not be ascertained, and the inference was drawn that he had started to run down a clew furnished by the letters. THE STRANGER MISSING. On May 26, the Sunday following the dis covery of Dr. Cronin's body, Expressman Mooney was aecosted by a stranger at the Union depot, looking for a qniet boarding house. The stranger was taken to Mooney's home, and remained there a few days, but went out for a stroll one night with another stranger, and has not since been seen. The boarder forgot his laundry, and never claimed the trunk. The Mooneys broke open the trunk, and the" mysterious circum stances have been a matter of gossip in the neighborhood for some time. One of the pictures in the album, and Mooney's de scription of his boarder, both tally, it is said, with the missing Cooney WILL SUE FOE HIS WIFE. The Canadian Minister of Finance Threat ened With the Loss of His Bride. 1SFICTAL TXlXQVJJt TO-TIIB DISrATCH.l Ottawa, December 8. A sensation was caused here last evening oyer the announce ment that D. B. Chisholm.the divorced hus band of Mrs. Foster, had arrived here from Minneapolis, to begin proceedings against Minister Foster for the recovery of his wife, claiming 'that the signature presented to the Chicago Court, purporting to be his was a forgery, and that the divorce was obtained under false pretenses. The air is full of all sorts of rumors regarding this now celebrated rase, and it is impossible to get an accurate statement of the tacts. Mr. Foster has been closeted with his legal ad viser all day long, and refuses admittance to all newspapermen. He says it is a purely private matter, and cannot understand why the Canadian and, American newspapers take so much interest in his private affairs. A member of the Dominion Cabinet said this evening that of all others his colleague Foster was the last person he would think of getting into a muddle of that kind in marrying litigation as well as a wife. "Mr. Foster," he said, "was such a meet, mild, manner-of-fact sort of man, without a par ticle of romance or sentiment in his compo sition, and to think that the first time he attempted matrimonial negotiations he should get into this muddle which may vet necessitate separation from the lad he has married, I cannot understand it. Lady Stanley will not recognize Mrs. Foster, which the Minister of Finance feels even more keenly than the snub both he and his wife received from Lady Macdonald." THE TICE PEESIDENT'S TRIP. Morton Receives nn Effiiilio Welcome In Ibe Great Western City. Chicago, December 8. Viee President Morton arrived in Chicago this morning from Washington to be present at the formal opening of the Auditorium. He was accom panied by his wife and Mrs. Sands, his niece. They were met at the depot by Ferd W. Peck, President of the Auditorium; Colon il Corbin TJ. S. A, and Charles A. Hutchinson, President of the Art Institute. A carriage conveyed the party to the Hotel Richelieu, passing en route the Exposition building. The- Vice President's eye caught the latter structure, and drew from him the remark that the last time be was within its walls was when the famous "300" made their gallant stand for "Old Ulysses." A veritable bower of roses was what the Vice President's room at the hotel re sembled. After an interval all attended Grace Episcopal Church. The afternoon and evening was spent in driving on the boulevards and in quiet social enjoyment. HIS HORRIBLE FATE. A 12-Yenr-OId Boy Comes In Contact With tbe Buzz Saw. Portland, Ore., December & Fretz Johnson, tbe 12-year-old son of Mrs. John son, living at Astoria, met with a frightful death yesterday. Tbe boy was in a saw mill Gathering sawdust. In one part of the mill is an edger saw, part of it above and the greater part below the surface of the table in which the saw works. The boy had gone under this table in quest of sawdust, not remembering anything of the swiftly re volving saw over his head. He raised up quickly, one of the workmen heard a smoth ering cry and peculiar grating noise. Bushing to the spot, he found the pros trate form of the unfortunate lad, spattered with blood from hideous laceration of the head, the upper half of his skull having been sawed oft The mother of the lad is crazed with grief. TAFFY FOR WAKAMAEEE. Kov, Wilbur Crafts Dishes Ont Streets to the Postmaster General. rFFXCIAX. TELEGHAM TO THI DISPATCH. New Tore, December 8. An American flag was wrapped around the reading desk on the platform of Cooper Union, alongside which the Bev. Wilbur F. Crafts talked to the New York Letter Carriers' Association this afternoon. In the course of an hour and a half he said these things, among many others: " Postmaster General Wanamaker is consider ing the question of Sunday work in the postal service. He has done well in the past, hav ing made several changes la tbe San day delivery of mails at the seaside re sorts and in big cities. It is now also within tbe discretion of tbe postmaster whether a special delivery letter shall be delivered on a Sunday or not. No particular harm comes from this rule, f or I am informed tbattbe ma jority of such letters are delivered to places not the most respectable. KOT EXACTLY SATISFACTORY. The Selection of Algiers for a Navy Yard Doesn't bait Georslans. ISFECUI. TZLKQBAX TO THE DISPATCH. ' Washington, December 8. The coal men of Pittsburg have been somewhat inter ested to know what selection would be made by the commission appointed nnder an act of the last Congress to select a site for a new navy yard on the Gulf coast. The commis sion appointed for the purpose decided on Algiers, a point on the Mississippi river op posite .new urieans. It seems, however, that there is to be a fight over the matter, and the Georgia Con gressmen are organizing a movement among the Southern members of the House to have the location changed to Savannah, in their State. AREESTED FOE TWO 1IDEDEES. One is Keadlly Confessed, but the Other Is Positively Denied. Minneapolis, December a Michael Schieber was arrested in this city yesterday on the suspicion that he was the murderer of two persons at Bavaria, Germany, two months ago. He has confessed to the murder of his father-in-law, but denies that he killed his young son-in-law. He has been in this neighborhood for a couple .of weeks, and was working for Farmer Matit who suspected him of being the murderer In question, and brought him to this citr and turned him over to tha POUM. , ffo W Mbm LEEDOM'S TIPS. Evidence of the Iote House Cashier's Dips lata Stock Gambling lie Left His Wife. Well Cared For-No Need to Skip. tSrSCUL TZLZQUAU TO TUB DISPATCH.! Washington, December 8. To-day a discovery was made in the Silcott matter, which throws light on Bilcott's financial operations, and indicates that stock gam bling ruined him. Among the letters he left was the following, written on a letter head of J. Pugh Bees, stock, grain and pro vision broker, Philadelphia. The letter was signed by Bramble or Branhill. The name is not plainly written. The letter concludes as follows: I hope yon will be lenient and let me get on my feet again. Will there be an extra session? I enclose "tips." When changed, and when they get to work on train or oil. will let yon know Keep this very confident. On tbe right kind of market you can make 8500 a day, easily Watch the ticker closely, and you will see bow nlcelv it works. When you see either of the stocks jumping, then lay out for it Now Silcott. I'll do all 1 can to make you some boodle, and would like to see yon make 1,000 a day. Will send tips for next week. When Silcott was betting on the raees bis wife and Leedom both remonstrated. He told Leedom that he was 55,000 ahead, and Leedom found it so. Mrs. Silcott was silenced by the promise that she should have a big per cent on his wining, and she says he gave her large sums every week. On the Saturday ot his departure he threw her a roll of bills, saying: "Here's vour share of the raee winnings. It will last until I come back." Mrs. Silcott to-dav discovered that she had $1,200; also, that he had paid $100 in advance for her board. Leedom says that had Silcott explained his shortage of $1,400 it would have been quietly settled, through his bondsmen or out of his own pocket, rather than have the scandal. GETTING HIS EETENGB. A Discharged Clerk Has His Employer Ar rested for Grand Larceny. SPECIAL TM.EGBA1I TO TOE DI8PATCH.1 New Yore, December 8. Hamilton S. Wicks, of Williamsburg, was arrested on Saturday night for grand larceny, and was arraigned to-day at Jefferson Market Court by Justice Ford, who had issued the war rant more than a year ago. Wicks returned from Europe on Friday. Ibe complainant, Dering Fosdick, alleged that in November, 1886, he paid Wicks $1,000 for 400 shares in the American Land and Colonize, tion Association. Wicks represented to him that the company owned lands in the West and Southwest, and had a cap ital of $100,000. Dr. George O. Jeffrey, of Brooklyn, was President, and Henry Pren tiss, of the Prentiss Tool Company, of New York, Vice President. D. Welch was the Secretary and Wicks was the Treasurer and Manager, Fosdick said he was made As sistant Secretary of the company at a salary of 825 a week. "He received his salary for 143 weeks, while Wicks was traveling, but when Wicks returned he discharged him, with the information that the company was not doing enough business to pay salaries. Fosdick then made an investigation,-and learned, he says, that his $1,000 was all tbe money the company had. Wicks repre sented that he was the proprietor of the Kansas City Commercial, and that he had been traveling in Europe for the purpose o( writing magazine articles, one of which had appeared in the Coimopolitan. Justice Ford held Wicks in $25,000 ball. THE ANACONDA MINE OPENED. A Search for the Bodies of the Victims .- ., Hns Been. Commenced. Butte, Mont., December 8. Early this morning the Anaconda shaft was opened after being closed ten days. A dog was let down in the cage to the 800-foot level, and when brought up it lived only a few mo ments. Thirty minuted later another dog was let down to the COO-foot level and came up ;alive. The shaft of tbe St. Xawrence was opened and. at 11 o'clock men went down and opened the bulkheads in the 100 foot level. They then went down to the 600 foot level and removed the bulkheads there. The shaft is free of gas, but steam and gas have come np the Anaconda shaft all day. The men.are now at work in the 600-foot level of the St. Lawrence removing the dirt that has fallen down so as to reach the place where the dead bodies of the miners are in the Anaconda. It is expected they will be reached to-morrow morning. The steam in jected .into the mine has completely extin guished the fire which was in the 500-foot level of the St Lawrence, but the extent of the damage is unknown. MARRIED WITHOUT PA'S CONSENT, Bnt When the Old Gentleman Heard of It He Gave the Usual Blessing. JEPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TBE DISFATCB.1 St. Louis, December 8. A sell elope ment that was kept secret until to-day oc curred last Monday in thesuburb of Webster Grove. Th? principals are Francis M. Canter and Lottie Saunders, daughter of G. H. Saunders, a wealthy merchant. The pair have been engaged for some time, but owine to the vouth of Miss Lottie her parents objected to a marriage for a year. Ten days ago an elder sister of the girl was married. She acted as bridesmaid and Mr. Canter as best man. The ceremony made such an impression on them that they de cided to elope. Lastftlonday Miss Lottie informed her folks that she was going to visit friends in the city, and would not return for tyo days. She met Mr. Canter at the Union depot, aqd they took a train to Quiney, III., where they were married. Miss Lottie returned home the next day, and the affair re mained a secret until the husband sum moned his nerve and told the bride's parents, to-day. The old people made the best of it, and gave the elopers a blessing. RAINING IN OALIF0ENIA. The Water Has Been-Comlng Down Steadily for Two Weeks. San Francisco, December 8. One of tbe heaviest rain storms for years has pre vailed thioughout California for the past two weeks. In a few portions of Northern California the rainfall has been the heaviest ever known, some damage having resulted therefrom, and especially in the lowlands of the Sacramento Valley. In general the rain has been most welcome, and the grass and grain are springing up from the ground as they has never done before at this season of the year. A largely increased area Of fall-sown grain will result. Telegraphic advices in dicate that thousands of acres ot oranges andfruit trees will be planted in Northern and Southern California, and hundreds of new vineyards will be started in the Fresno raisin district FIRE AND EXPLOSION, Property to 'tho Extent ot 8300,000 De stroyed by tbe Flames. New York, December 8. Fire broke ont this mprnipg in the basement of the five story building, 36 East Fourteenth street, and soon enveloped the building. Shortly after the fire was discovered an explosion took place that shook the whole building. The fire traveled through the elevator shaft with great rapidity to the top floor. The roof was constructed of very inflamma ble material, and the flames made short work of it Firemen Livingston and Vincent were overcome by smoke, but were resened-and wilTreeovon. rha total loss it nearly S30Q, fJ42- -P-afjkit it-'.. .. PITTSBURG, MONDAY, THE! BIT THE BAIT, Ten Per Cent a Month Was Promise That Induced the th6 WAYHESBURGEKS TO INVEST ALL. Sooubery Whatever Connected With, the Greene County Panic CATTLE COMPANIES MANAGED APAB, And the Snriaksef, Both General an4 Specific, Too Great to Be Born. The secret of that remarkable financial panic in Greene county need not longer be songht. It was a simple disposition to hive faith in greater profits than could possibly accrue from cattle companies or anything else. Thus the people really speculated with more securities than they had cash to cover. FEOK A STAFF COBBISFONDENT. Waynesburg, December 8. As I Tiave said before, it will not be wise upon the part of the creditors of the various cattle com panies to push their claims. To foreclose the mortgages, to seize and sell at once the property whieh is the guarantee of the var ious promissory notes floating around,would be disastrous to many people who are inno cent sufferers. They are innocent, because there was no intention to do wrong, or to defraud anyone. They are wiser If not hap pier people now. It would be, for a few months, at least, a difficult thing to hood wink the owners Of property In Greene county by any chimerical financial scheme. ' But in the meantime the persons who have suffered mnst make ready to meet their obligations, providing immediate payment is demanded. It is lamentable to think of the distress that may result, pay, that -Ul result, in case of precipitate foreclosures. IBS BLAME DISTRIBUTED, I think all fair-minded and intelligent persons among the snfierers will agree, how ever, that it was as much their fault as it was the fault of any possible schemer that they got into the dilemma. It is easy enough to tell stories; it is still easier to imagine vain things. The false hoods, tbe voiced imaginings that have been told as gospel troths in and about this town wonld nil volumes. It is a matter of regret that it is so, but it is necessary to mention the faot in order to better understand tho situation. It might do injury to print these false hoods. Untrnths have a habit of outrun ning the truth. 3)ut some idea may be gained of some of the stories by a few state ments of denial. In the first place William T. Lantz, ex cashier of the Farmers' and Drovers' Bank, does not owe the bank one cent. It is true enough that he does owq some money more, in all probability, than he will be able at once to pay but it is not to the bank. On Friday Mr. Lantz had exactly $30 in cash. He had no more, and couldn t think where he could get more. FACTS AND RUMORS AT ODDS. And vet he was, accused of having made 8200,000 in clear, cold cash recently by rea son of his connection with the cattle com panies. Two other persons are currently retorted to have made $100,000 each. Neither Mr. Lantz. Dr. Braden nor anv other person is wealthier because of these The money that is gone was simply frit tered away. The attempt to conduct busi ners at such long range oonld scarcely be anything else than a failure. The em ployes of the companies may not have at tended faithfully to their duties, because they were so far away that the officers could not watch them. Tbe cattle depreciated in value, possibly, as one of the results of snch neglect This depreciation was in addi tion to the general depreciation which ocenrred in all cattle interests during the past two years. It will be remembered that there havo been several failures of Western cattle campanies. Only recently execution was issued against Stephen W. Dorsey for a considerable amount It wasn't so much that the prices fell as it was that the hay crops failed, and that two or three severe winters hurt stock. QUITE POSITIVE INFORMATION. These, are facts. Where so many persons are interested, where such large interests are involved, where so much money has been lost people want the truth. It took me some time to find out how it was possible that so much money could have been lost I at first felt, just as many stoccnoiaers in tnese came companies still feel, that there must have been dishonest methods of work. After carefully investi gating all the allegations made, after seeing the books and papers of the companies (and learning more, I firmly believe, about the inside workings of the companies than nine-tenths of the stockholders yet know), I am convinced that there was no dis honesty. Whether or pot there was mismanagement is an entirely different question; perhaps there was; but that is a thing to be settled in the suits in equity which will shortly come before tbe courts. It is a matter of judgment, and outsiders have no right to say anything about it. On next Thursday afternoon the Board of Directors of the Laramie Plains. Land and Cattle Company will hold a meeting at tbe office of Jones cj Brock, No. 96 Diamond street, Pittsburg. At this meeting arrange ments will probably be made for tbe sale of the land and cattle, and for closing up the business altogether. The principal i stock holders', however, wonld rather hold on, and they will keep their property if the creditors of the company do not insist upon pushing judgments and mortgages. PLASTERED WITH MORTGAGES. And, speaking of mortgages, Greene county is pretty well plastered with them. Judgment notes cover what land is not metaphorically roofed with a mortgage, but nevertheless there is much more wealth here than there are debts. It creditors will be patient there is not a shadow of doubt that the home of Democracy will pull through all right. There is one thing I forgot to say, which will throw a little more ligh,t on the tray so many persons got stuck. Some of these cattle companies offered -and did pay 10 per cen a month on the capital stock. Women with money; administrators ot estates not hampered by statutory regulations in their fiduciary ca pacities; gentlemen of leisure; young men just starting out in life with money left to them by their ancestors, all bit eagerly At the bait of 10 per cent a month. The Upited States Treasury would hardly, notwith standing the surplus, be able to furnish enough money to make prompt payments of such astounding profits. Of course tbe time came when they could not be paid. And yet people say somebody stole something. There wasn't very mueh stolen, except com mon sense and confidence; C, T. Dawson. HARRISON AT HOME. Ho Attended the First Fresbyterfoa Ctmrch Both K oralng- and Evening. iNDiANApous, December 8. President Harrison passed Sunday quietly a tbe resi dence of his son-in-law, Bobert McKee, on Tennessee street. He attended the First Presbyterian Church both morning and evening. Immediately after the evening services, the party was driven to the Union station and embarked ia their private ear. The train puUedeit ' OlttavQ at 12:M fUa ! a - .nn'tr1 ivJ.T, ' uf I.UBBlK.k v - 1'7.VJ Vi 2- DECEMBER 9, 1889. A' ?ERBIBLE OIjABGE. The Confessed Defaulting Cashier of tbeMSt. I PauI Pioneer Press Aeensed of a Greater Crime Seven Lives Lost. ISriClU. TXLKGBAH TO TUB DIIFATCH.1 Minneapolis, December 8. Charles S. Ostrom, until Friday night cashier and bookkeeper of the Pioneer Frets, Minneap olis department, is suspected of setting the fire which burned the ZVt&une building, Saturday night, November 80, in which seven men lost their lives. The charge made against Ostrpm on Friday night was that he had stolen, $2,?00 df the funds of the Pioneer Frets. He not only admitted his enilt, bnt did what he could to help the company straighten ont the books, At first he denied that he had taken more than $1,200, but when confronted with the evi dence he admitted that he had stolen it all. The terrible rumor almost immediately got abroad that he had deliberately set tbe Tribune building on fire to cover np his jPeculations. He was confronted with the cnarge of arson, and the grand jnry will make a thoropgh investigation of the mat ter. Ostrom was interviewed at the county jail to-day. In answer to the question, "Are you willing t? sav anything about the awful charge that you" set the Tribune building afire?" he replied with emotion; "Yes. I did not set the building on fire. This charge is no surprise to me. In fact, I expectedit woujd be made before. I cer tainly had eyery .incentive in the world to destroy those books. If tbey bad been burned np there would have been no evi dence against me. It is perfectly natural that suspicion should point to me when all the facts are considered. As addi tional proof against me, I left the books ont of the safe on Saturday night. I had often done this before, and nothing was ever thought of it Some of the men in the office generally locked them np before they left, as they did on this occasion, but taken into consideration with my defalcation and the firethe logical conclusion of nine men out of ten would be that I am responsible for the origin of the fire. "I think I can prove that I wag not at the Trt&tme building on Saturday. Heft the office between 5 and 6 o'clock P. M., and went to the Union Bailway station, intend ing to leave this part of the country. While in the depot, waiting fos the train, I thought the matter over and finallv concluded it would be better to stay here and face the trouble. I went up to the Summit House o get my wife. She wasa't'there, and 1 then went to the Wes.1 Hotel and to several Other places, getting to my house about 9 r. m.'1 . A detective bad been shadowing Ostrom for a week before the fire, and will be asked by the grand jury to state what he knows of Ostrom,' movements on that Saturday night. Ostrom is a yonng man, and has been in the employ of the Pioneer Press ' Company .for about three years. He has a yonng wife whoip he married about three months ago. The money, it is learned, was lost by gam bling, which caused great surprise sfnee he was considered an extremely moral fellow, who 1 1 ever drank, and was not known to take iny Interest in games of chance. 3DH0L COST J30NNEB $45,000.- Aland, S Slay be Turned Over to Bodd Doblo and be Taken West, J SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! BaSt FrAncisco, December 8. Bobert Bonner and his brother David left here yes terday morning, on, their way to Les An gelegj and thence east. Though Mr. Bon j-not-rfaid not' say so in. as many words, he jave the dispatch correspondent to understand that the price paid for Sunol was $45,000. While on the train on his way to Port Costa, Mr. Bonner said to his inter viewer: "I am bound on honor not to divulge the exact figure. However, I'll say more to you than I have yet said to anyone. X gave more than $40,000 and less than $50,000. Strike your own aver- 'age," Without counting on his fingers the reporter asked: "Well, did you throw in vour brood mare, Lucy 'Cuyler. with $45,000?" "I did not say $45, 000, did I?" Without waiting for an answer, Mr. Bonner said: "Lucy Cuyler did not go with the bargain. She" still be longs to me, and is at present with my stud." Mr, Bonner, before bidding adieu, at Port Costa, stated that one of his sons had asked him tot let Maud S go into the hands of Budd Doble, who desired to bring her to this coast, where he fully expected she would materially lower her record. ''There is great probability of my acceding to my son's request Yu see." he added, "Murphy, my trainer for over 20 years, died a few months ago, and during his lingering sickness I refrained from appointing anyone in his place, for fear he would think I, too, had given up all hope of his recovery. I may, when I get back, let Doble have charge, and (hen he can do as he wishes." Mr, Bonner will return here next fall, before rain sets in, and see Sunol do her best His visit to L. J. Eose s stock farm, in Los Angeles, is purely one of pleasure. THOUSANDS CAMPING OUT In Order to Attend the Jubilee of tho Mexican Archblshpp. Cmr ov Mexico, December 8.The jubilee of Archbishop De Labastida was celebrated to-day. The city was crowded with strangers and the Cathedral was filled to overflowing, it being estimated that there was qver 25,000 persons in and about the church. A pontifical mass was celebrated, and a beautiful sermon was delivered by Bishop Ygnacio Monte? de Oca, of San Luis Potosi. t The entire ceremony lasted nearly three hours. Thousands of visitors are encamped in outlying towns, and the proprietors of hotels are asking exorbitant prices for sleeping places. Five hundred policemen were em ployed to keep order in the Cathedral dur ing the services. The people are indignant at the Archbishop for bis action in estab lishing a difference between the poor and the-rich in the matter of admission to the Cathedral. DIED HOLDING THE REINS. A New York Cabman Expires While Drlv Ins Up Fifth Avenae. fSrEClAI. TELXOBAM TO TUX DISPATCn.1 New- York, December 8. James Mc Coyey, a driver of a hansom cab, died on the perch of his cab while driving np Fifth avenue on Saturday afternoon. Mr. O. B. French, a dramatic agent, was his passen ger. As the cab neared Forty-seventh street, Mr. French and others noticed that the driver was sitting motionless, with the reins in his hands, and the horse going along at a good pace. The cab was stopped. McCovey was re moved from bis'seat and laid on the side walk. A few moments later a doctor came and said at once that the man was dead. The death is supposed to have been due to, heart disease. McCovey jras 48 years old, . ?HE ECLIPSE EXPEDITION Has Arrived, on tko African Coast, and b Beady for Baslness. St. Paul de Xoanda, December 8" The United Btates steamer Pensacola, with the Eclipse Expedition, arrived here to-day. The expedition will locate at Cape Lodi. There is no time to go Jnrther in land except with portable instruments, An English astronomer has arrived here to observe the eclipse. Geraaa sd ab; atrefioewf re alio exMeted, v& Mmm CANADA'S BEST WAT To Free Herself; From the Colonial Shackles That Are Galling. THREE WAYS ARE OPEN TO HER. Of These, Annexation to the United States N ov Has the Call. ATTORNEI GENERAL L0NGLEY BAYS SO, And tbe Kecent Elections Bear Conelns!oni, Him Out la Bis The Attorney General of Nora Scotia has been talking to a large audience in Quebeo on the position of Canada, which he insists cannot always remain a colony. Of the three courses open to her for relief, he favors annexation with the United States, though it, too, has some disadvantages. A great Liberal victory In E imouskl is also looked on as a straw.that shows the way the wind is blowing. ISFZCTM, TELSOEAM TO TUB DISPATCH.J Ottawa, December 8. There is no one who has given more careful study to the increasing desire for Canadian independence in the maritime provinces than Attorney General Longley, a member of tho Nova Scotia Government. An immense audience gathered at Quebec to hear his1 views on this subject Canada's position, he said, was "more anomalous than that of any other ftonnlrv. It had nn area greater than that of most conntries with larger re-4 sources, was developing great cities, build ing up inter-provincial commerce, and pos sessing two of the largest railway enter prises in tbe world: and yet, when we traveled abroad, what could we call our selves? We were simply British colonists. We couldnot even claim British citizenship. We neither contributed to the empire nor shared its burdens or responsibilities." can't always be so. He contended that it was opposed to the manhood of Canada that this condition ot affairs should last. He confidently, there fore, laid it down as a fact that Canada can not always remain a colony. He believed tbe general sentiment of Canadians was against a change at present It might not be necessary now, but some time in the future, whether in 10, 20, 40, 60 or 80 years, it would be necessary, in consequence of the increased wealth and population of the country. It was one of tbe greatest ques tions that could agitato the minds of sober minded people. In 60, 80, or 100 years the population of Canada would be greater than that of the British Isles. It would then be impossible for the greater to be ruled by the lesser. There were three alternatives "imperial federation," "annexation with the United States," or "Canadian independence." The first was impracticable, while with regard to annexation there was, no doubt, an ob jection in some quarters to merging Cana. da's nationality in that of the neighboring Bepnblic But he urged that political union with the United States shonld have its advantages, as Canadians were so closely allied with them in race, language, laws, institutions and trade relations, If he read aright tbe signs of the times among onr yonng thiilmawiU; coma when Canada would put on the national garb, and it would not be necessary for one of ner sons ip say more that ''I am a Canadian." "I don't say those who favor this'are in the majority. I have already said I be lieve the majority favor a continuance, for the present of existing relations. To that class belong pearly all the politicians. They don't want the present condition of affairs disturbed, for they are all comforta ble as they are, and it would upset all their calculations." Then it would be opposed by a large body of loyalists, of the battle and breeze kind, who see nothing good outside of the old flag. There is a feeling, too, that the United States, being the larger and more powerful nation, wouia ne more aggressive than when, in tbe fisheries and Behring Sea troubles, we bad the British nay y at onr back, "But they have lived long as neighbors of Mexico without gobbling it up, while if we naa power to maxe our own treaties, without reference to the Foreign office, we might be differently situated in regard to these matters that have been the cause of international 'dispute. The cost of paying Consuls, etc, which is now urged as an ob jection, will cease when our wealth and revenue will have augmented nntll there are ample resources for maintaining the national life and paying for the national housekeeping. Then would come the con sideration of our form of government It does not seem as if monarchies are destined to thrive In America. If we are to have a President, the constant nightmare of an im pending election eyery four years, which shakes the whole country from core to cir cumference, is not a very bright prospect, and I would not care to have it pftener than once in 15 years." He felt he need scarcely refer to the re puted dream of a French Bepnblic in Que bec, for he had never found any indication of it, and believed there was no foundation for it, but rather that it was repudiated by the entire French-Canadian people. A SIGNIFICANT STRAW, The Liberal Victory la Blmonskl Called a gqnlnt Toward Annexation. rSrXOAL TILKOBAM TO TBS DISPATCn.1 OTTAWA, December 8, The result of the election in Bimouski on Wednesday has caused great excitement in political circles here, This connty has always been one of the rankest Tory hotbeds, and that an out-and-out Lib eral, who went to the polls advocating Canadian independence, should have been elected, has more than surprised everyone. At the last election for the Quebeo Legis lature Bimouski returned Colonel Martin- by a large majority. Tbe Colonel was a stanch friend of Sir John Macdopald, and fully believed that any Conservative was safe for re-election in that county. It has now been made apparent that dissension is rapidly growing in Quebec, as elsewhere in Canada, and that tbe old Tory party have but a short time to live. It is this party ot old fos sils who have retarded the country's prog ress, and have opposed every attempt to extend trade relations between Canada and the United States. Their days are num bered, and it will be a fortunate thing for Canada when they have to step down and out When Sir John Maedonald was told that Tessier, the Liberal candidate bad been elected by a very large majority, he would not believe it, remarking at the same time that the electors of Bimouski were not such fools as to elect a man who, on the first op portunity, would vote for Canadian inde pendence, or even worse, for annexation with the United States, This is the most signal victory theXiberals have yet gained, and unmistakably indicates the direction in which publio sentiment is drifting. Wheat nnd Floor Destroyed by Fire. Xockport, N, Y., December 8. The large seven-story flouring mill in this city owned by Saxton Ss Thompson, of Troy, was destroyed by fire to-day There were 35.000 bssbels of wheat and about 7.000 bar. rels of Soar la the U1, Tfca tW( J ,-sitiMssl at SttU.SM V '. TT ' AnTKRTISE onr bnlaes-, - PATCH. yif -.iv-: THE S1LYEE SCHEME Proposed by Secretary Wisdom Stronaiy Becoramended by tbe Director of (ho Mint A Measure That Will Solve the Problem. Washington, December 8. Director of the Mint Leech, in a statement furnished for publication, says that he believes Secre tary Windom's proposed silver measure not only the best plan for the present utiliza tion of silver, bnt that it contains in itself the solution of tbe silver problem. - "It will afford.I believe," says Mr. Leech, "a ready market for the surplui silver product of the world, the normal effect of which will be to permanently enhance tbe value of silver until it reaches a point so nearly corresponding with its valne in coin age, that we can with safety do away with all temporary measures and restore the law as it existed from the foundation of the Government to 1873. I have not seen a single objection, in newpaper com ments, which was not fully consideied by the Secretary in the prepara tion of bis report. It is a curious fact that the papers representing the extreme gold sentiment of the East and the extreme silver men of the West, s&ould both oppose the plan, and for diametrically different reasons; the former because it proposes to utilize silver more fully as money, and the latter because they say it degrades silver to the level ot a commodity. "It is not true that the Secretary's plan is similar to one suggested by Senator Sher man, or, so far as I am aware, by anyone else. The plan in its essential character istics is entirely original with Secretary Windom. notwithstanding that a suggestion to issue certificates on silver bullion based on market value, redeemable either in quantity or value, was contained in a pam phlet published by Mr. J. W. Sylvester, of toe .new xotk. assay omce. SIMPLE DUPES OF A GLIE TALEEB. Hott a Southern Negro Mnnaied to Keep Himself In Cash. rSPECIAI. TSLIOBAH TO TUX DIBrATCH.l Ellicott Cmr, Md., December 8. Henry Roberts, a sharp negro with a glib tongue, made a neat sum of money out of the religious members of his race.in this city by representing himself as a prophet whose gilt for discovering future events had not been equaled since the days ot old. The superstitious negroes were easily duped, ind Roberts was doing a lively business when tha law stepped in and pnt an end to his opera tions. At the hearing last evening his vic tims appeared against him, and their evi dence contained many amusing arguments said to have been offered by the would-be prophet to obtain their money. His victims were Andrew Lyle and wife, to whom he represented that a certain de ceased gentleman of Ellicott Citv had de posited in the earth a pot containing $100, 000; that he was the only one who knew its whereabouts, and that upon the payment of a nominal sum the treasure could be ob tained. Lyle says he and his wife together handed over to him $16 60, for which ho promised $100 to the former and $9,000 to the latter. ANITH1BG TO BEAT WA8HINGT0N. Bnmors of a Combine to Keep the Capital Oat af the World's Fnlr. tTKOSt A BTATP COBnCSFOXDXCT.l WASHUTGTOir, December 8, It is ex pected that tha New York lobby in the in terests or the World's Fair Of 1892 will be on this week, and that the tripartite head quarters of New York, Chicago and St Louis will then be in full blast. There is a whisper of a combination between the lob bies of the three cities to defeat all hopes of Washington, as they know that until the capital is knocked ont there is no chance for any one of them. It seems to be evident to them that Washington at this time has a great majority of the members of Congress as against any one of the other three cities, and therefore a "combine" is necessary, which will bet in effect, an agreement that the lobbies will dine and wine members with a view of "anything to beat Washing ton." Whether such a combine will work is donbtful. The Washington Board of Pro motion appears to think itwill not, and says that it has the game in its own bands. Liohxsteb. DEATH OF DR. DEU.US. The Eminent Author, Consnl and Clergyman Passes Away From Life. rSPZCIAZ. TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCILl Wheeling, December 8. Dr. Frank 8. Dehaas, late United States Consul to Jeru salem, and known throughout the country as a distinguished traveler, lecturer and preacher, died at his residence in Martin's Ferry, O., opposite this city, at 11 o'clock to-night For many years Dr. Dehaas fol lowed the ministerial calling, and was pas tor of leading Methodist Episcopal churches in -New York, Pittsburg, Cincinnati ana Washington, D. C. In tbe latter city he was General Grant's pastor for a time, and built the famous Metropolitan Church on Four-and-a-half street General Grant ap pointed him Consul to Jerusalem. He traveled all over the world, and his lectures on his travels have been listened to by thousands throughout the South and West His book, "Buried Cities Becovered, or Travels and Explorations in Bible Lands," hat bad a large sale. Dr. Dehaas was a brother of Dr. Wills Dehaas, the eminent archaiologist, of Washington, and a descendant of General Charles Dehaas. SOME C0L0EED PEOPLE OBJECT To a Separate Branch of IheYoang; Men's Christian Association. Chicago, December 8. At a mass meet ing of colored people held at the Olivet Baptist church this afternoon resolutions were adopted protesting against tbe organi zation of ft "Colored Y. M. C. A," and in sisting that such a movement was calculated to "draw the color line" in this great relig ious organization. The resolutions, after petitioning the board of managers not to grant a charter to tbe proposed organization, closed as follows: Resolved. That we deprecate the fact that tbe movement has received lta strongest sup port from some of tbe colored men of this city, for It shows that while the majority are ever striving for tbe eleratlon and progress of the race, tb ere are still some others who seem to be ready to sacrifice its welfare- for their own interests. HE LOST THE DEBATU, Also a Pleee of Ills Jaw, and His Opponents Are Arrested. Charles Congy stepped out of the patrol wagon yesterday afternoon with a dejected air, a bandaged head and a square chunk bitten out of his right cheek. He had evi dently been in an animated discussion with some one, but, like Senator Quay, he re fused tb talk. The police last night arrested Marsh Walls, William Walls and James John son, who are supposed to have been on tbe affirmative side of the debate with Congy, who after being patched up and stitched by Police Surgeon Mover, was sent to bis home in Pastare street The party was engaged "shooting craps" when tbe question eame before the house which may tad 1b a& in WANTS torKSN srR 'X ift WW T3t" wn"j feraation &t &ayh te-day. 4 T V V BTfUV !W K VTM. Prompt retarno assartS? ore always prewptly r l fnlOJ advertised In THK DISPAW il Iota can bo sold through ndl? .mTWT nTommrtT AU& W13JTAAWMS . THEEE in rvrnmn nnnn' rxiv. . m ft r,nifK. JJ. -i.i ' a .-.. Sk fcpJallot Box Contract Forgei. y Will be Brought to Light. CONGRESS TO INVESTIGATE IT... K OElPl ".i jbk BiZm $? rHEi BatteiTTorti to Introduce a BesolntJon; JxCj the House To-Day. aft LAWYER CAJtfBELL TALK8 0SCBX0SB,Vi A Bolt for Danuses Is tabs InitltnttiliriiaitHaiat'- HilitMd, The statements of Governor Foraker and &i Senator Sherman to The Dispatch havo t created a sensation among Ohio politicians. An unsuccessful attempt was made to pre vent a Congressional investigation, but it is stated that Mr. Butterworth may introduce a resolution to that effect to-day, A libel suit is to be brought against Halstead later. tSVSCUXi TZUCQBAK TO TBX DIUFATCILt Coiumbus, O., December 8. The Sher man. and Foraker interviews published in The Dispatch of this morning, and brought out by statements of T. C. Camp bell in behalf of his client B. G. Wood, ia regard to the ballot box contract forgery, have been read with great interest and created no moderate sensation among those more nearly interested. These interview leave little doubt that a Congressional in vestigation will be ordered of the subject ia the next day or two. A gentleman came np from Cincinnati to night, who stated that he had facilities for knowing that there was an effort made to smother the proposed Congressional investi gation, or rather have no step taken in that direction, but those who were interested were unable to prevent sveh a course. He claimed to have information to the effect that both Sherman and Butterworth wera cognizant of the movement to have Wood arrested and tried at Cincinnati in the hops of having that end the matter so far as they " were concerned. butterworth to mote. His attention was called to their state ments to the effect that they had nothing- to do with the arrest of Wood at Cincinnati, and he said that would not do, and the con trary could be shown when the time came to make disclosures. He claimed to have in formation that Butterworth would intro duce the resolution ordering the investiga tion to-morrow, bnt that he was not doing it lrom choice, bnt because he was compelled to do so, and had only been brought to that way of thinking in the past few days. A dispatch from New York says: It was learned to-day, from a source that cannot be questioned, that the man at whom the Ohio ballot-box forgeries were really aimed was Ben Butterworth, the Cincinnati Congress man, and especial enemy of Governor For aker. Sherman and McKinley were in cluded to make the job complete, but But terworth was the man it was specially in tended for. It is said that this statement will be amply proven when the complete story of the case becomes public. At pres- ent there is nothing publicly known to indi cate that any particular one of the 'Big Four" was singled ont as a victim. THE OA3IPBELX3 CONSULT. Governor-elect Campbell remained in this) city until yesterday evening, instead of starting for home early ia the day. He spent a long time during the afternoon in tha office of Lawyer T. C. Campbell, counsel for the ballot box company and custodian of the confession of Wood, the man who gave the forged document to Governor Foraker. After the Governor-elect had gone, Lawyer Campbell said: - "It has been decided that we shonld giva nothing more to the publio until Congress investigates the matter. We assume that Congressmen McKinley and Butterworth. Senator Sherman, and the others involved will not be contented to let the matter drop without such an Investigation. We take it for granted that, inasmuch a3 Foraker has been hoist by bis own petard, they will think it wise to have tbe hoisting as com- -pietely and thoroughly done as possible, and will not allow the fact that the row is all in their own party to prevent them from demanding an investigation. Pending that it would be improper for us to publish our case to the world. After Congress has dona with the matter, we shall begin action against Mr. Halstead for the damages we have suffered. a anrsTEBiOTTS ettimatios-, "One interesting thing about this matter is the way Governor Foraker came to get mixed in it personally; in the lait out break of it, I mean. The article in the Cin cinnati JSnguirer said that Wood's con fession showed that the forgery scheme in volved 'a man as hieh in the party as Governor Foraker.' Now, as a matter of fact, that phrase was not intended to refer Foraker at all, but to the man at whom tho conspiracy was aimed. He was 'as high in the party as Governor Foraker,' and he was 'involved although it was as a victim and not as an accomplice. However, everybody. even Governor Foraker himself, jumped t the conclusion that Foraker himself was the man who was meant, the Governor rushed into print, and here we are. It was the best accidental uncovering of an enemy's bat teries that I ever knew of." TWO IHP0BTANT LETTERS la tho Case That dare Never Yet Been Clren to tho Public ISFECIAI. TILSOBAM TO TBX DI3FATCH,1 Cincinnati, December 8, The recent developments in the famous Wood ballot box contract forgery case has caused no end of talk among the Republican leaders ia this State. As a political scandal, it over shadows the celebrated Morey letter, and when the full particulars of the affair are, made pnblic, it will be found that Governor Foraker and Congressman John Caldwell, of the Second district of Ohio, are deeply interested. So far no one has connected Caldwell's name with the scandal, ' . .. Colonel T, O. Campbell, of New York, couldBI be made public, Republicanism all over tha country would be startled, it is believed that a committee will be appointed by Con- jj eres to investigate the charges, Dut not, until this committee meets will Colonelkg Campbell give up the letters. .ii ;.. .(.-I..,. - IT MAI BE POSTPONED. ConTesmnn Battsrworth Is Not Qtt! Beady for That IaTestlfatlon. rrnou a stamt coBBxsrorasxr.l J m 4- WASHiHOioa", December 8.-ngTesWj A lit - At ! i. -- -- I-tY. muii caximg lor lue appoinbiucu. u a sjjcoiaij committee of the House tor the purpose of investittatinz the Ohio ballot box scandal' and was expecting to introduce it in tho' Home to-morrow. For some reason, which1 he does not caro to divulge at present, ho. has concluded not to present the resolution until after Governor-elect Campbell has been inaugurated. Lighxjtzr... Arrested His Neighbor, John Berger, a citizen and resident of.Bfrd serye township, took upon nimseii tne omce oi a minion ot the law yesterday and a2 rested one of his neighbors, a man named! Joseph Kant, for breaking np Bergertfj household. He locked hut up la fl'AUi3 gneay Mauoa'aouse, V Lfe . . i ""- ..-'sr. ley T- JZr.iMisJ.,. 'A . A 2 it i "wmMhainr". iTfif- VT .94SssV.2U." rff: Tf