r y pEPiBINGTOMHT. np JThe South Side of London Threatened r With Long Nights of Darkness. PGAS COHPAHT EMPLOYES STEIKE, Or Gfitlinir EeadT to Go Ont if Their De l$ mauds Are Kot Soon Met El . JOHH BOSKS C0US5KUKU TiLK MEH. In AMltlm of 1.000 BobMea Fossl Kecessirr to lie IM-"5 Potlr Pm. ' Several English gas companies are having trouble with their employes. The men at Manchester went ont yesterday, and those on the aouth side of the Thames in Iondon threaten to strike. John Barns is engineer ing the strike at the former place. The labor v troubles hare necessitated au addition ot 0,000 men to the .London police force. fBT CABLE TO THE BXS1UTC8.1 IiOSDOK, December 7. Copyright, jThe threatened strike of London cas stokers fen the south side of the Thames, promises to be as productive of incident and interest m the dockmen's strike. The origin of the i dispute is a enrions one. The South Lon don Company, like sll the London gas companies, is enormously rich, but the law will not allow it to distiibnte more than 10 per cent dividends, though some small ex tra bonnsis conceded. Consequently- the company scarcely knows what to do with Its surplus funds. The chiefs are all paid handsomely, luxury abounds in the houses and offices ot the staff; new gas mains of the most expensive Muds are being constantly laid, and new works erected. The gas has been reduced in price two or three times, And still there is a surplus. XBOUBLE WITH" IIS SUBPLUS. To get rid of the surplus, and at the same time benefit their workmen, the directors of the company elaborated a scheme whereby ; every man would have a small sum paid Jilm yearly. In return for this privilege ithe men were to sign a 12 months' contract, !ln which it was set forth that the bonus ab isolntely belonged to the men, unless In .case of willful misbehavior or of strike. (Thereupon the men rebelled. They thought, 'if they signed for 12 months, the company would only try to cet more work out of them, and they saw also an attempt, by binding them so closely, to break up the Gas Stokers Union. They would prefer to have their wages advanced $1 weekly, and l to forgo the fortnight annual holiday at the 'company's expense. BOUND TO STICK TO IT. Naturally the directors are indignant at having their cift treated in this way, and aB a large number of employes have already feigned the contract, they are determined to abide bv their scheme. The stokers, how ever, who have mainly held aloof Irom it, thare determined to resist, and a strike will commence in a week's time, unless some ar rangement is arrived at. Already the men are preparing for a straggle, and pickets are placed at every railway station in London, to prevent new hands reaching the gas works. South London is within a measurable dis tance of absolute darkness, as there is no electric light in that region, and with the foggy season full upon us, and a 16 hours' night out of the 24, the outlook is certainly not inspiring to those who hare the mis fortune to live is South London. AirOIHEB STRIKE OS. Another great gas strike has already been brought about at Manchester, where the municipal corporation owns the cas works and where the men turned out to-day. The corporation is making frantic efforts to get new hands, and they have to some'extent succeeded, but nevertheless, Manchester is threatened with partial darkness, the same as South London. John Burns is on the spot, encouraging the men, but be returns to London on Monday to organize the other strike. By the way, the chief agitator among the South London stokers is one Austin, a born orator and leader of men, a good workman and a man of sound judgment. He will be beard of strain in these labor disputes. The strengthening of the .London police force by the addition of 1,000 men was unexpected, but the rapidly increasing area of modern Babylon, and the labor involved in watch ing the continual trade disputes, is sufficient warrant for the increase. GLADSTONE IK HIS ELEMENT. The Grand Old Mao Delighted With HIi Re ception at Bfancheater. JBT CJLBL.X TO THE DISPATCH.) Loxrxnr, December 7. Mr. Gladstone had a magnificent reception at Manchester, and the speeches which he delivered have animated and encouraged the home rulers .throughout the laud, Mr. Bal four has also been speaking at select ticket meetings in Glasgow and Edinburgh, but he said nothing new, and failed even to dish up the old facts in an appetizing or novel form. The only thing at all remarkable about them, in truth, was the vitriolic virulence with which .be attacked his political opponents. The Nationalist organ, the Freeman's Journal, has made a weak attempt to emulate ta e Balfonrian style, In the following editorial remarks: Tie effeminately supercilious Mr. Balfour, the Scottish Mary Anne among politicians, the psendo aristocrat who diets himself upon pills and saline mixtures, the theosopnite philosopher wbose Taunted virility i open to so many doubts, shall nut wind up his suspicious career in the manly clothing and the manly accents which he assumes when tar away Irom Ireland, without final exposure. It will be interesting to many Americans to know that Mr. Gladstone returned home to Hawarden alter his four days' campaign in Manchester in undiminished health and strength. He narrowly escaped a cold, though. On Monday be rode in the bitter east wind through the streets of Manchester bareheaded. As a rule the Grand Old Man takes cold easily, but he savs he never suf fers through going without his beadgear.and this he ascribes to invariably discarding his hat when working out of doors at Hawarden. The old man expressed himself as delighted with the unanimity and enthusiasm of the Liberal delegates at Manchester. He de clared it a sure augury of victory. CAT-AXOGtTES illustrated and 'printed, TlTTSBUBa BHOTO-ESGBAVErQ Co., 75, 77,79 Diamond street. A GIGANTIC LIE Arenbhaop Corrijtaa Nails a Mammoth Fabrication The Vatican Has No TfceariK ef SmbSHWbk a Great Bask to Asscrlca. New York, December 7. Archbishop Corrigan was seen this afternoon in regard to a statement published this morning that a great Boman Catholic bank with a cam tal of $100,000,000. was about to.be started in this city. The Archbishop said: "Sou can deny the whole tiling, most pos itively. This Mr. Leybourn is a most con summate liar .The whole thing is a gigantic scheme of swindling. I have never in any shape or form given any sanction or coun tenance to Mr. Leybourn'a scheme. Mr, Eugene Kelly, Mr. Hoguet and Mr. James Lynch, who have been mentioned in connec tion with the matter, all of them state most positively that they would never approve it The story that I have had friends in the Vatican pushing the scheme is ju unmiti gated falsehood. The Vatican has never written a line to me, or I to them, in refer ence to the matter. Moreover, there are documents in my possession which charac terize Mr. Leybourn as a liar and a fraud. This papal benediction does not amount to anything. It is simply a blank form which anyone can buy and fill in." Archbishop Corrigan then showed the re porter a long letter which he had received from "Colonel" Leybourn, asking he Arch bishop's support for the proposed bank, and offering him 1,000 shares of stock of the en terprise if he received the Archbishop's sup port. The "Colonel" also said that if the enterprise succeeded he had reason to know that someone might receive red stockings, "intimating, of course, thereby," said the Archbishop, "that I might be made a Car dinal, beside offering me a bribe. I took no notice of any of the fellow's letters, and when be called he was sot admitted to the house, and orders were given to the butler never to admit him on any pretense what ever." FOR SLBEPLESSNES8 T7w Horaford'a Acid Phosphate. Dr. C. B. Dake, Belleville, UU says: "Ihave found it, and it alone, to be capable of produo ine a sweet and natural sleep in cases of insom nia from overwork of the brain, which so often occurs in active professional and business men." Time Works Wonders, It is only a question of time until Hen dricks & Co., the photographers, 68 Fed eral street, Allegheny, will do all the busi ness of Allegheny and Pittsburg. Their work is appreciated more and more every day. People will go there. Good cabinets $1 00 a dozen. Rich Cat Glass. Onr stock now complete with every re quisite for the table or bullet in all new and artistic effects. Our prices and depth of cuttings are the very lowest BdZBVSTEnr, 152, 154, 156 Federal st, Allegheny. TTSSU Good umbrellas, no charge for engraving name, at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. WFSU 100 pairs all-wool country blankets, full size, reduced to $5, were 56 50. ttssu Huous.& Hacks. aaaa-a aaa.aBeaaBaaa..aaafcaa.aa...BaaB: Vststay flraaa BaH. The greatest and certainly the meet inter esting event of the holiday season Is the dolls' fancy dress ball beld at Fleishman & Co. 's, Market street, and to which all til? children of the two cities are invited. The show window of this enterprising firm is the realised eaibodimeatot the dreaaas of our childhood The window is handsomely ar ranged as a ballroom, with galleries extend ing around the hall and filled with the elite of doll society; The floor is occupied by several groups of figures, and in the center is old Mother Goose, that we all know so well and that is so dear to the heart of every child. The Great "Western Band, with Prof. "Weise gracefully wielding his baton, is stationed to the right of the old lady and her goose, a crowd of plantation minstrels are having a jolly good time is the other end or the bail and numerous fairy dancers are trip pine the light fantastic toe and gliding through the maxy figures of some fairy dance. But the center of attraction is the grand march. No wonder Mother Goose looks .so complacent, as Little Bo Peep makes her appearance, heading this won derful procession, crook in band and sur rounded by ber sheep. Then comes Silver Hair, sleeping so sweetly in the little bed. The three ugly bears have just fonnd her and are standing round the bed looking at her. "We can almost hear little Tiny shrieking, "somebody has been lying in my bed, arid-here-she-is-lying-still" listen to the bell "ding dong, dell, yes, evi dently Pussy's in the well;" "what a naughty boy was that to drown Door pussy cat" But, hark! don't you hear a child crying? It is our old friends Jack and Jill, and Jack has taken bis usual tumble down the bill. Old Mother Hubbard is at her cupboard, and ber doggie stands waiting for bis bone. The Old Woman That Lived in the Shoe and had so many children she didn't know what to do, is just as much crowded and in as close quarters as ever. "Here the Conquering Hero Comes," and who should it be but the valiant Jack who has just killed his giant Innocence protected is well illustrated by the dear Little Babes in the Woods and their attendant birds snugly covering them with leaves. We know every little one that has read this description is "Wishing, wishing, wishing hard that she was in the midst of the light and the music of this beautiful ball," and we know if she is like the good Cinderella "as busy as a bee from morning till night," she will certainly get her wish gratified, and mothers will make sure that every little girl will accept her in vitation, and get to the doll' ball, where she will see Cinderella in all her glory. Poor old Gullivar is still tightly bound, and bis liliputian tormentors are having it all their own way. "Once upon a time their lived" the words naturally spring to our lips as we see Little Bed Biding Hood, and Icnow the wolf is jnst saying, "Good day, wherfe are you going all alone by yourself, pretty Miss? And but, but not least, in this grand pageant is a scene irom Midsummer Night'sldream with Queen Titania, Bottan Puck and attendant fairies. Take it all in all, we may never see its like again. Each scene is arranged as a float, and the whole procession is kept in continual motion by some bidden machinery. Certainly, time, money, patience and ingenuity have been freely given, and the result leaves nothing to be desired. See it by all means. Overcoats. Montenae, chinchilla and Kersey over coats, ready-madeand to order, atPitcairn's, 431 Wood street ICtaT-flaatlSVvV-tt-alsf" eS-Savta To ABfrecht's Elite Gallery for fine pbetee and crayons at lowest prices. 516 Market street Bring baby. Use elevator. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! jfsw AvramsmmBm, 7U l. vr.i 72 Gold Spectacles, Gold Eyeglasses, Opera Glasses, Field and Tourists' Glasses, Magic Lanterns, Microscopes, Graphoscopes, Pho tographic Cameras, etc. KORNBLUM, OPTICIAN, No. 50 Fiffch Avenue, NEAB WOOD STREET. Telephone No. 1686. de&lOO HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Hb&yHg I HsflKstssssssssssssss. ?Jrz - ' h Stiff. .Sfc JWW A.VTBXnmMMKtS. THOB PTTTSBUBG LAMP Ig tbe beet iB the market It is the most perfect i coastrHotloa, gives the most light, burns less oil and you can buy them from us at lowest prices, ju we Are the agents ia Pittsbay jotheir sale , -., -- OPERA GUJAi-jfc-JJBS. The largest and finest assortment in the city, sold at low prices. Gold spectacles, 5 and upward. 15 Gold Eye Glasses with chain attached. Field Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Ba rometers, Thermometers, etc, etc. Call and examine. J. DIAMOND, Optician, 22 SIXTH STREET. P. a A beautiful present given to every purchaser. no24-107-MWPSU GUN WA is a Chinese Physician. Owing to existing laws he cannot practice medicine in America. So he has prepared a line of Chinese herb and vegetable specifics wblcb, instead of simply relieving symptoms, strike at the VERY BOOT OP DISEASE, and perform cures that are nothing less than mar velous. A friendly talk and CONSULTATION with Gun Wa COSTS NOTHING. He charges but a small sum for bis remedies, which, tbbugh gentle and harmless to take, are certain and unerring in their effects. They SPEEDILY CUBE all blood, nervous and chronic diseases. Young, middle-aged or old men, suffenner, quickly restored to PERFECT PHYSICAL HEALTH. GUN WAis aFRIEND TO THE AFFLICTED. If yon cannot call, write him, in perfect confidence. Send for history of bis life, and his circular on Cancer, Tumors, Tape Worm, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Female weak ness, or Piles. Inclose 4c stamps for reply. Office hours, 9 A. x.to 12 X.;lto5and7to9 Plttstrarer, Ia. 04O Penn Ave. ocs-wau HERBERT WALKER, ARTIFICIAL EYE MAKER, "Hi SSr 65 IUH Tit ST. Office hours for inserting eyes. 1 to 3 p. si. Saturdays, 1 to 6 P. K. de3-23-Su Pp mfwnth "Paris Tnwmrnp! l88a Jl CUrS obtained the only gold medal awarded solely for toilet SOAP in competi tion with all the world. Highest pssibk distinction? ejssv BaSSSSSLxSflBSSSSSSSSuXxBSSSSSSSSJEl We are now recetrtneour Holiday Goods beautiful Dinner and Chamber Sets: a com plete line of Fancy Goods, suitable for presents. If yon want to save money and who doesn't? yon can do it at E. P. WALLACE & CO., 211 WOOD STREET, Opposite St. Charles Hotel, or 102 and 104 THIRD AVE. nolS-wTSu HIW ADYWITISeMWTS AEBALFUE GAP IFon? 98oarb ZRTTIBIEJIEsrS. Vjkft ?s5 Bn The "Boston" Turban,.; 98o, 98c, 98c, 98a "We illustrate herewith the most popular shaped Fnr Cap out this season, -which we offer at the almost ridiculous price ot 88c. It "is a well-made, satin-lined Fur Cap and will wear as well, last as Ions and keep is warm, as a genntne Alasta Seal at $10. The identical article whicn we sell at tbe matchless price of 88c Is advertised by some dealers under the misleading name of "French SeaP for H 18. Thla again proves our assertion thatanytnine; in the Hat or Cap line can be bought of us 33 per cent lower than any other place. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 Bmfthfleld St deS-wrsu HAIR ON THE FACE, NECK, ARMS OR ANY PART OF THE PERSON EASILY, QUICKUY AND SAFELY REMOVED WITH And the growth destroyed without slightest injury or discoloration to the slcln. discovered by accid est. xa compounding anojner preparation, in e Incomplete mixture was accidentally spilled on tbe back of the hand, and on washing afterward it was discovered that the hair was completely re moTea. we purchased the new discorery and named itHODENE. It is perfectly pure, free from all injurious substances, and guaranteed to be as harmless as water. It is so simple anyone can use it, and you will be surprised and delighted with tbe results. It acts mildly but surely. Apply for a few minutes, tnea wash off, and the hair goes witn it. It has no connection wbaterer with any other hair preparation erer used for like purposes, and no scientific discorery has eTer obtained such wonder ful results. IT CANNOT FAIL. If tbe hair be thin and fine, one application will remoye It permanently. The heavy growth, such as the beard, or hair on moles, may require two or more applications before all the roots are destroyed, although all hair will be remored each application. Toun? peo sons who find an embarrassing growth of hair coming should use Jlolena to early destroy its growth. Recommended by all Who Hits Tested its Merits ilsed by People of Refinement. Gentlemen who do not appreciate nature's gift of a beard will find a priceless boon in Modene, which does away with sharing It penetrates the hair follicle orsac ana destroys the life prin ciple, thereby rendering its future growth an utter impossibility. Modene sent by mall, postage paid (securely sealed from observation) on receipt of -price, $ I 00. 8end money by letter, with your full address written very plainly. 2-c. postage stamps received same as cash. (Always mention your county and this paper.) . 4. 1 Address MODENE MANUFACTURING CO., CINCINNATI, O. (General w9 .rf r Manufacturers of the Highest Grade Hair Prepiratlons. Agents waniaa. j Yoa can ragiitar your letter at any poatoffice and insure its safe delivery. I Wanted CI flflfl RPWARn To convince the public that Modene Is n article of merit, we mail yl)UUU flCTiririLI. with each bottle sold a legal agreement to forfeit One Thousand Dollars to any purchaser or Scientist, if Modene fails to permanently remove the hair, or dls cplors or Injures tbe skin In tbe slightest manner, or produces any unpleasant sensation or feel ing wnen applying or ever aiierwaro. EVERY BOTTLE IS GUARANTEED. nol7-V9-Su Cat this advertisement out, as it may not appear again. ifSvSA iLlri" 1r V. If 'VJz.. i r afe ifi la t : 1W- & j -. Pf lt'v IT' Ml- S I A W lk Jh Hi1" CT? 1 SECOND : WEEK : OF : KAUFMANNS' : GRAND : HOLIDAY: SALE UOOK i OUT i KRIS! A DROP CHRISTMAS GIFTS. We don't wait until after the Holidays with marking down our Christmas Gifts, but sell them right now at prices which, if compared with those asked elsewhere, will be found to have taken a drop and tumble below and beyond the expectations of the closest Holiday shoppers. Now then, make up your mind what kind of a Christmas gift you want to buy. If you want to get something sensible and useful make your selection from the following PEERLESS LIST OF PRETTY THINGS: Plush Toilet Sets, Plush Manicure Sets, Leather Toilet Sets, Traveling Sets, Shaving Sets, Smoking Sets, Poker Sets, Hand Mirrors, Folding Mirrors, Picture Frames, Work Boxes, Work Baskets, Chatelaine Bags, Pocket Knives, Jewelry, Writing Sets, Writing Desks, Fancy Ink Stands, Card Cases, Cigar Cases, Cigarette Cases, Pocketbooks, Portfolios, Jewelry Cases, Collar Boxes, Cuff Boxes, Handkerchief Boxes, Glove Boxes, Cologne Bottles, Perfurrery Stands, Plush Albums, Leather Albums, Celluloid Albums, .French Dolls, Domestic Dolls, Silver Back Brushes, Silver Card Receivers, Silver Pin Cushions, Horn Foot Stools, Brush and Crumb Trays, Silk Mufflers, Silk Fichus, Silk Umbrellas," Canes, Seal Caps, Smoking Caps, Seal and Fur Gloves, Ladies' Seal Garments, Fur Trimmed Overcoats, Collars and Cuffs, Silk Hats, Full Dress Shirts and Ties, &c. ooooooooo BEAB THIS PACT IN MIND: No matter how big the rush of patrons, there'll be no crowding or jostling, for the .'pace de voted by us to the sale of fancy goods has just been enlarged to fully four times its former size, thus enabling hundreds of peo ple to do their Christmas shop ping at the same time and with the greatest ease and comfort 0000000,00 A MOST PRODIGIOUS ARRAY OF CHRISTMAS BARGAINS OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT ! occupying the entire third floor of new addition, a space of about 5,000 square feet, is accessible by two fine elev ators and large, easy stair case. It is nearly double the size of any place of its kind in the city. No Lady should fail to see it The following bar gains will be offered THIS WEEK": S3 50 kuvs cnice t oyer 100 tailor-made Beaver Jackets no shop-worn, shoddy stuff, but a fine Jacket, nicely bound, and a fit and style that the wearer would be proud of. Actual value, $ $ 50 to $7 S' C4. buys a Lady's Newmarket, with stylish shoulders and bell sleeves; will do very nicely for hack, wear, &c. Many ladies find it necessary to have just such a garment Cloak stores call 'em choice bar gains at $ 7 50. S5 75 kny3 a Deautful Beaver Jacket in Directoire style shamefully low price, but they must go. There's not another house selling 'em for less than $8 75. $0 buys choice of at least six different styles of Newmarkets that are good value at 12 50 to 14. Very desirable and stylish. Ask to see these, please. They're splendid bargains. , $12 kuvs a handsome Beaver Newmarket in Direc toire' style a material that will not only hold its color, but also an excellent wearing fabric Beau tifully shaped garment, and as pretty as a picture. $15 DUVS one those exquisitely stylish Newmar- kets with fashionable plush Bishop sleeves, in navy and slate. Regular price elsewhere, $22. Bet ter call and look at these before ifs too late. t $20 DUys beyond doubt the very best English Top Coat (Seal Plush) ever sold in this city for $20 yes, for $2$. We are headquarters for every (good) kind of Plush garment $25 kuys that always desirable arid truly elegant indestructible Seal Plush Sacque. Go into every store in the city and compare their 25 Seals with ours. That'll tell the story, and our Sacque will be yours in less time than it takes to tell it No other Sacque in the market will wear like these, and they're strictly confined to us. Now's the time to look 'em over, buvs a Misses' real crood Newmarket that's made well and'll fit nicelv. Cloak dealers call them extra values at $$ 50. $550 buys here will this week, anyway a Misses' Beaver Uewmarket, with loose front very stylish and worth $8. buys a very nobby Short Cloak, with Cape. The nattern is a nrettv strine. and the Garment was made to sell for 9; just in, too. CQ takes choice of a large assortment nearly 20 different .styles of Misses handsome Newmar kets, in newest colors and materials; not one worth less than xo, and many as much as 12. I I'll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II I $4 $6 MAMMOTH SHOE PALACE is the only name applicable to our enlarged and beautiful Shoe department It occupies the entire first floor of the new addition just completed fully 5,000 square feet, or more room than required by any Shoe house in the city for the acco mmodation of its trade. But jt is not only the largest but the handsomest salesroom in both cities. The entire floor is tiled in Mosaic design and the seats are the most comfortable to be found. Several hundred people can try on Shoes here at the same time, without crowding each other in the slightest MAS SLIPPERS ou OVERCOAT DEPARTMEN T $10 The last division of our Shoe department is allotted to Holi day Slippers. Here you can see anything and everything in the line of Alligator, Plush, Velvet, Kid and Calf Slippers, for Men, Women and Children, and the prices at which we offer them will cause a : OTSAIIOJT. : 1 1.11 n 1 1 1 1 1.1 1 in mm 111 ! too, has been greatly enlarged, and now occupies the entire third floor of old building, nearly 10,000 square feet a larger space than required by any other Clothing house in America for the sale of its Overcoats. The following unequaled bargains are on the list for THIS WEEK: . djq KQ buys Men's good warm or medium weight 9Q ou overcoats that other dealers ask $4 for. $4 buys Men's better Winter Overcoats and $4 5 qualities that'll surprise old-time bargain hunters Overcoats, in truth, thafre worth 5 and $6 every where. 1jg buys Men's strong, nice looking and wear-resist- ing Overcoats that'll keep one warm and com fortable for many a winter; $7 50 is the real valuei and $6 will buy a coat worth $9. 1 $7 buys a thoroughly good Overcoat that's adver- tised by others as special values at 10; while $8 gives a handsome winter Overcoat that many houses would call timely bargains at $12. buys a remarkably nice Overcoat, either in smooth, or rough-faced goods, and with or with out velvet collars or bindings, some satin-lined., Just such a good and durable coat, jn fa.ct, as some clothiers are blowing about for $14 and 14 50. tjO buys choice of so truly fine, an assortment of Overcoats that thousands of good dressers will see among the great piles just the coat that'll suit them. Any style, and regular price everywhere else $15 and $16. Do you care to save $3 or $4? Then see these. ' - jfclK buys choice of an elegant gathering of winter Overcoats in hundreds of styles, colors and newest shapes same qualities as are advertised else where as great leaders at 18 an4 20. Cg buys choice of a superb tailor-made assortment of every kind of smooth, rough and semi-rough Overcoats that're trimmed splendidly and'll fit well. All shapes and styles. Others ask 22 or more for identical grades, minus the tailor-like appearance! And 20 will buy the qualities you'll be aske'd $9$ for elsewhere. $22 buys magnificent Overcoats here will this week that're custom-fitting, rich and luxurious every way. Garments that're expensively gdtten up and perfectly made. Costly Overcoats, that're. sold all over at $28 and J30. -And $27 will buy. a Royal Garment that some dealers have the nerve to ask I35 arid frjo'for. $3 50 Wstcr or Storm Overcoats that look well and will give satisfaction. Just the thing for street car employes, teamsters, &c Sells elsewhere for $5. $6, $7 and, $8 buys better grades, for which others'll ask you. from $8 to $10 for. $10 and 12 buys an Ai, Ulster $iz to $i$ being the teal prices. 15 and 18 gives you choice of scores of finest ones. i HR!TIS, s iLP"- S. Enlarged, Improved and Remodeled 0.K FJp' ISTABLISHMENr OUTFJITJNB Greater and Grander Than Ever. The large, new addition of our store is now -occupied by us. The hum and noise of the builder, carpenter, elevator man, painter and decorator, have ceased and the steady rush of business has commenced. An area of about 100,000 square feet filled with attractive goods and attractive prices, and enthusi astic Holiday buyers, is the animated scene that spreads itself before your vision. Charming! Enchanting! Infatuating! Be witching! Wonderland in reality! A larger, lighter, brighter place; more cheerful, commodious, handsome surroundings cannot be found west of the Allegheny mountains. Instead of pain and trouble, shopping becomes here a matter of pleasure and profit to every patron. And right now, while Kaufmanns' GREAT ANNUAL HOLIDAY SALE is in progress, double interest and importance attach themselves to every department For, after all, the grandness and magnitude of. a store amount to little if the goods and prices are riot right That's the standpoint, at least from which, Kaufmanns' look at the matter. And they are backing their opinion in a manner most substantial and effective, by orxenng such a flood arid wilderness of Holiday bargains as fairly overshadows and throws into insignificance wn sn prand and vast an establishment as Jauii manns' Grand Depot TVnW thi Tnammnrri Villainous hlnr.V is excelled' and exceeded by one thing only and that one things! IS IBB gUUUa U1U U1UC3 IU.UC 1UUUU MflkUfu. au ... t KAUFMANNg KAUFMANNS' FIFTH: AVENUE and SMITHFIELD STREET. Jity sSi h .