Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 08, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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pleading Baseball Features of
the Week.
flSome Interesting Opinions About the
Local Baseball Sitaation.
Harry Sampson's Opinion of the Smith and
Jackson Affair.
The reek has not unfolded anything of a
sensational nature in the sporting 'world,
although there have been many events of
considerable interest. Baseball continues to
hold ihe sway as far as demanding most of
the public attention is concerned. The ex
cessive talk and rumors regarding what the
Brotherhood will do, and what the League
also do, are as plentiful as ever. The con
flict, however, wages hotter every da ' be
tween the two organizations, at least it s so
on the part of the Brotherhood. How
ever, the League does not seem to nave thor
oughly conned its fighting clothes yet and its
programme of warfare has not been touched
so far. The "boys," on the other hand, are
working like beavers and they seem to be scat
tered all over the country, from Maine to Cali
fornia. What seems to have absorbed the at
tention of the Brotherhood leaders most dur
ing the week has been the consolidation ques
tion. A few days ago there seemed to be sure
indications that the Brotherhood and the
"remnants" of the American Association would
amalgamate. As I am not a party follower, but
only pronounce on matters pro and con, accord
ing to their merit, I, as my readers are aware,
opposed this proposed plan. Since then Presi
dent Johnson and Secretary Keefe, of the
Brotherhood, have followed suit in a very em
phatic way and there now seems to be little
probability of such an unwise step
being taken. It is worthy of note that
Mr. Keefe states the Brotherhood has
made no overtures for consolidation, but that
all negotiations have been made by the Asso
ciation. I hope this is true, because there is
not the least necessity for the Brotherhood to
join hands with anybody. If the players can
not come out victorious alone their chances
win only be the more remote if they hamper
themselves with outsiders. Another report,
and I may say, one of a very foolish kind, has
been circulated. It is to the effect that the
League and Association will combine. Don't
believe It; not a word of it. They will do no
such thing. It may be that the league will
buy some Association players, but a combina
tion between the two bodies is almost im
possible. Another feature of the week has
been the expression of opinion regarding the
approaching legal fight; that is the attempt to
be made by the New York club to secure in
junctions against Ward and Ewing. Those
who have from time to time, in their infinite
wisdom, contended that the League's threat
to go to court was all a "bluff."
must now be convinced that they do not
know everything. The matter will most as
suredly be tested in court, and for one I am
glad of it. Outside of the particular point
at issue we may get some definite knowl
edge as to the legal status of baseball organ
izations and alto the legal worth of a ball
player's contract generally. We have needed
this knowledge for a long time.
Association Prospects.
notpin the history of the game baa become so
BuudenlT shattered almost bevond recocnition
as the American Association. It is, indeed, in
a very lamentable plight just now, and whether
or.not it will survive the inock-down is very
problematical. Of course I contend that the
League is to a very great extent responsible for
the present knocked-out condition of that very
useful organization, and I further contend
that it will always be one of the very unpleasant
blemishes of the League's history. True it is
that internal dissensions strained the Associa
tion fearfully, but if the League had not held
out inducements to certain parties, those in
ternal difficulties would have been overcome
just as they have in the past But what of the
Association in future? Here is a question for
all of us. The .immediate future is really so
black for Association people that only a very
short distance can be seen. 1 don't think that
the old League players will ever attempt to
rescue the remnants of the Association, and if
they don't it is difficult to see how it can, for a
longtime to come, be termed a first-class or
ganization. To have eight clubs, about four of
the second and third class order must be
secured, and this certainly will lower the
standard of the whole body. It is a pity that
such difficulties should overwhelm the Associa
tion. It has been a heroic body and has pro
vided many exciting baseball entertainments
for Pittsburg.
' Organ and Anti-Organ.
Beaders'ot these reviews will have observed
that, as far as the League and Brotherhood are
concerned, they have been unpartisan; that is,
they have pointed out faults in both sides
wherever they were to be found and credited
the good features. This has not only ever been
, my policy, but that of The Dispatch ever
V since I first knew it. It is not an organ, but a
i newspaper; therefore the faults and good
it points of one siae get as much prominence as
' ' those of the other. But this evidently is not
satisfactory to some of my baseball readers. A
few days ago President .Nimick was complain
ing about my finding too much fault with the
old League, and a day or two later Jimmy Gal
Tin, that gay old sport, complained even more
strongly about my 'roasting" the proposed
new league. Now I was not surprised
at this, not at all, because as
I have already Intimated, It is not the
mission of these reviews to unduly boom
. one thing in preference to another. I am
aware that nothing short of holding up the
Brotherhood plan as the ideal of perfection
will seem fair to some of its supporters, but I
conscientiously maintain that anybody who
- defends the Brotherhood in such a way is among
its worst enemies. Any man or body ottnen
i, before the public, who cannot stand fair
criticism, betray a very small faith in their
. scheme or principles,and that there is room for
criticism is just as certain as .that human
organization is not perfect. But I want to
remind partisans, those partisans who deem
everybody their enemy who does not shut
his eyes to glaring faults, of a few facts.
Did any Of them think I was unfairly roasting
the League last year, when I assailed the
classification system? Did my criticism then
mean that I was opposed to the existence of
the League, or that I desired to try and injure
ur no such thing: i claimed that the
existence of such a system wonld threaten
the life of the League. That such
turned out to be the case we all know now.
Well, now if it was fair to criticise what
1 termed the bad features of the League it cer
tainly must be quite as fair to act similarly
with the new organization. But I argue that
my "roasting." "i aultnndrag," or whatever it
m?y be called, has been of benefit to the pro
posed league, because the two .features that I
have assailed most strongly are likely to be re
formed. Among others, I condemned that
part of the players' contract which gave him
no guarantee for his salary. Ot course the
criticism was unfair in the eyes of rabid parti
sans. But what is the result? Why. Messrs.
Ward and Johnson are making arrangements
to establish a guarantee fund. Now. I ask was
my f anltfinding right or wrong? The action
ot Messrs. Ward and Johnson shows that in
their estimation it was In the right. Organs
don't point out faults, but allow them" to exist
until they have fatal results.
Another Strong Point.
There was another feature of the Brother
hood that I assailed last week, viz., the con
solidation of the Brotherhood and American
Association. This proposed amalgamation was
condemned in these columns last week in very
strong terms, and my friend Galvln said to me
on Monday: "IVhj, I've met SO men who
wonder why yon are roasting the Brotherhood
so much." "Wen, now, without arguing this
point, let me say that On Thursday last Mr.
Keefe. Secretary ot the Brotherhood, took the
same view as I did a."fewdays prior. Was Mr.
Keefe's opposition to consolidation fair? If it
was, pray let me know why mine wasn't. Pro
viding the new-organization get onto, the field,
it there Is one thing more necessary than an
other it Is sound organization. Sorry, indeed,
would I be to see a start made and to be speedily
followed by a miserable collapse; but the latter
can be prevented by careful preparation. The
object is all right, but the means of attaining
are in many respects faulty. 1 strongly argue
that the players that is, the Brotherhood
players are sufficient la themselves to attain
the object they have in view without the aid .
of the American Association. An amalgama
tion will leave ample roum for all kinds of sus
picions and unpleasant conjectures: In short It.
will be Injurious in many ways to the players.
But it seems tome improbable that the good
sense of some of the Brotherhood leaders
would permit any such undesirable step.
Two Local Club.
In local baseball circles an interesting ques
tion has been discussed frequently. Itistothe
effect that if we have a Brotherhood club here
next season, and one representing the National
League, how.wiU they get supported? A friend
of mine, very much of a baseball crank, very In
geniously figured out the other day that with
two clubs here, at 25 cents per game, there
would be more Pittsburgers attending ball
games than there ever was in the history of the
game In this city. He contended that a large
number of the patrons of tho old club would
continue to patronize it irrespective of the ex
istence of an opposing clnb; the low prices and
the new local rivalry would Increase the num
ber ot baseball patrons, and many of them
would like to see both clubs as much as possi
ble. The price being only half of what it was
before, my friend continued, patrons could see
ine two games xor tne same price tnst one lor
merly cost. However, he concluded by argu
ing that the Brotherhood club would receive
the best patronage. Now, there is considerable
truth lo the reasonincs above stated. I firmly
believe that with two clnbs in the city there '
win De an increased attendance mat is, tnere
will be more people go to the two games
than went to the one last season. I am also in
dined to believe that' the bulk of the patron
age will go to the old players, but to what ex
tent I am not prepared to say. Many business
people who have heretofore bought season
tickets will continue to buy them from the old
club,and altogether there will probably be more
people patronize the old clnb, although it may
be made up of youngsters,than Is generally ex
pected. However, it would seem safe to say
that If the Brotherhood club is made up of al
most all of last year's local players it will be
the drawing card. At any rate whether it is or
not one great fact remains that Pittsburg will
not support two clubs. One of them,therefore,
must die. Mr. Anson pointed this out very
forcibly the other day when in this
city. He admitted that if the Brotherhood
clubs got on to the field that it would then be
come a question of the survival of the fittest,
but he added: "The League will survive."
However, if the Brotherhood once cets fairly
to work and has plucky backers behind it and
can Keep clear oi internal dissensions, it win
give the League an awful argument. The lat
ter, however, as Anson said, is fighting tor its
own territory; it is fighting for the land that it
has cultivated, and this is something to battle
for. This, in my estimation, is one ot the
strong points of the League's case. But If all
cities are like Cleveland and Pittsburg: that is.
If the contrast between the Brotherhood and
League clubs will be as great in other cities as
they are likely to be here .and in Cloveland, I
fear the League's prospects are not the bright
est. About n New Manager.
On Tuesday the annual meeting of the local
League club will be held, when it is likely a
new manager will be elected. According to
President Nimick's statement there are two
candidates definitely before the directors, viz:
Messrs. Leadley. of Detroit, and W. W. Burn
bam, of Massachusetts. But I am informed
that there is a strong desire to make Fred Car
roll manager of the team, I know that a very
prominent club official favors this appointment
very much. The selection would, indeed, be a
good one, as Carroll has bad a long experience
and is a very intelligent player. But whether
or not he would accept the position is another
matter. JVhen he left this city for home I
know that he promised faithfully to report to
the old club on March IS, However. CarrolL
like many more, had little Idea that the revolt
from the League would be anything like what
it is. He may be disposed to turn against the
League, even though he may have no personal
cause for doing so. But whether he accepts
the position or not 1 am disposed to think that
it will be offered to him. At any rate I am told
by a gentleman who is in a position to know
that bis name will be proposed at the meeting.
I would like to see Carroll manager. If he
does not accept President Nimick seems to be
inclined favorably toward Mr. Burnham. The
latter is a good man, and so is Mr. Leadley; in
fact, they are both such fine gentlemen that
it would seem invidious to compare them. A
good manager, and one of great experience, is
what the old League club needs in this city,
and it is to be hoped that the directors will se
cure one who will be a credit to the club.
DIr. Smith's Youngsters.
If all goes well the youngsters gotten to
gether by Mr. Smith to form the local League
club next year will start on their Southern
journey be fore long. Mr. Smith, to all appear
ances, has gotten together a promising lot of
players. He deserves credit for the speedy
manner in which he secured nearly 20 young
men who have the 'very best reputation as
youngsters. Out of the lot there certainly
ought to be a few future stars. A season's
work might develop a tew of them into won
derful players, because they surely cannot be
all failures. This, then, would seem to give
hope for the future' as far as League patrons
are concerned. It may be, however, that Mr.
Smith Is over enthusiastic about his young
men's abilities and that be places them in a
class far above their real merits. I am afraid
tbat such will turn out to be the case. How
ever, time will tell. I hope they will prove a
first-class lot.
McAollffe and Daly.
To some extent the monotony of the pugilistic
world has been broken during the week by the
contest between Jack McAuliffe and Mike
Daly, the lightweights. In some respects the
contest and its results were a surprise, as Mc
Auliffe performed considerably better than his
friends expected him to do. It will be remem
bered that for a very long time previous to
Thursday night's contest McAuliffe had been
living somewhat fast He for more than a year
was following the fortunes of bookmaking and
wound up "dead broke." In the meantime he
had gotten fearfully over weight, and few of
his friends thought he would ever get down to
his fighting weight again. However, on Thurs
day night he stripoed at 139 pounds, a little too
big,bat-considering the circumstances he was in
remarkable condition. Daly, who is a cleverlit
tle fellow, but comparatively harmless, was also
in good condition, and, as a result, they fought
15 rattling rounds. The referee then declared
the contest a draw, but it was apparent to
everybody that McAuliffe had considerably the
better of his man. Few of us who take any in
terest in fistic contests would, hesitate -for a
moment to say tbat McAuliffe, when In proper
condition. Is a much superior man to Mike
Daly, but the contest on Thursday night, it
seems to me, was made because of two things:
One was to get the money there was in it, and
the other was because McAuliffe was not in the
best of condition; in fact, it was not definitely
known whether or not he would even get
back to his old form. It seems that he
can and his backers are now anxious to match
him against any lightweight in the world.
However this may be, none of us can forget the
miserable show McAuliffe made against Meyer
In Indiana. Had he fought as hard there as he
seems to have done at Boston, he might have
soon defeated Meyer. However, there was
considerable money at stake in Indiana, and
comparatively little at'Boston. But whatsur
prises me considerably is that one day we'll
find pugilists and other athletes performing
one day for almost nothing, and the next day
they want half of the earth. On Thursday
night McAuliffe received 500 for his
share of the purse for which Daly
and he were fighting. But J will
not be surprised to find in a few days that
McAuliffe cannot afford to meet anybody tor
anything less than tl0,00a If ever there was a
class of people whose notions of self import
ance were absurd that class is the pugilists of
to-day. And mere boxing exhibitions have
done this. The idea of men like McAuliffe
holding ont for a 10.000 purse and Sullivan de
manding a purse of $35,000! The. thing is ridicu
lous. If McAuliffe means to continue in the
business a while longer the most manly thing
he can do is to go and fight Carney. The latter
is eager to meet McAuliffe again and for any
amount of money.
Kllraln'a Latesr.
Doubtless, the sporting world was somewhat
surprised to read the other morning that Kil
rain was eager to dgaln face Sullivan and that
the former's backers are willing to put up
10,000 for him. I had thought that Kilraln
would not appear .in a prize ring again, and
judging from his performance with Sullivan,
he will be aTery foolish man If he does. Kil
raln is not a fighter; that is he is not a fighter in
that class to which he belongs. He is another
proof that to box with gloves is one thing and
to fight with bare fists in a ring is another.
It would not be very wide of the mark to say
that Kilraln could do more damage against a
good man, of course with gloves, than he could
with bare nuckles. The way in which he has
.been reared as' a pugilist accounts for that.
But he is not only deficient as a punlsher In the
ring, but he lacks the activity necessary to
make a good ring fighter. A pair of good legs
are chief essentials. Kilraln showed all these
deficiencies or shortcomings in his encounter
with Sullivan. It Is, therefore, very strange
that Kilraln wants "another try." I really
don't think he does, hut be certainly
wants as much advertising as possible. I
would like to4 see Kilraln and MOCatfrey
come together in a boxing contest of say 15 or
20 rounds. Both men in condition. I wonld be
inclined to favor the chances of the ex-Pitts-burrer.
Tbev would make a zosd contest, mi1
'I often wonder why tkey Aoa't arrango ose. X
have alwavt held that despite hi unattractive
methods McCaffrey is a quick as any man to
day. Of course he is not a Mace, and. In some
respect:, far behind Mitchell as a boxer, but
McCaffrey is a wonderful roan with a pair of
gloves. At any rate, I deem him superior to
British Opinion or Sisilh.
Doubtless the following opinion of Henry
Sampson regarding the Smith-Jackson affair
will be of considerable interest. As I have
often remarked. Mr. Sampson is one of the
best authorities In the world on boxing and
pugilism. He saw the Smith Jackson contest,
and writing of It says: "The fight, as it is called,
lasted six minutes, exactly one minute of which
was spent by the men resting in their corners,
and all but another was wasted in preliminary
sparring. Yet the remaining four minutes were
fully sufficient to show that, providing this was
a true-run race. Smith bad met one who Is Im
measurably bis superior. Except where acci
dent has had its effect, it is not easy to remem
ber so rapid a rise on the one side, and so, com
mensurate a fall on the other. Also, short as
was the time. It enabled Smith to offer three op
portunities for his disqualification. Of the first
two, his hitting Jackson a long way
below the belt and his eivine him the shoulder.
the referee took no notice. Both acts might
have been unintentional, though they did not
look like it; and, beside, in a contest for points
they could have been set against him in
summing up at the finish. The folk who were
present had paid to see a ten-round fight, and
it was clearly the duty of the officials to helD
give them all that was possible of that which
they wanted and had paid for. But Smith was
not going to be robbed of his desire in this way.
His third offense was too wanton and too
wicked to be passed over, and the referee, rising
in his place, and his righteous wrath as well,
disqualified the cheapest "champion of Kn
gland" that ever lived as soon as the uproar
aroused by Smith's third deliberate endeavor
to evade his contract allowed him to
make himself heard. The final foul, all read
ers who care to know by this time know, was
a back-heel a thing which no man would
think of attempting while he had the gloves on,
unless he was anxious above all things to get
himself turned out of the combat. This piece
of bad work has not even the merit of original
ity. To foul a man who is too good and who
can hit hard and especially to foul him by
wrestling and thus avoid a pasting, has for
long been a favorite trick of the boxing .pro
ressional when be is in a difficulty, and, like a
hunted rat, does not mind how unsavory is the
crevice Into which he creeps tt find shelter.
Smith's dearest friends cannot well deny that,
as things were going, he saved himself from a
great thrashing by flagrantly violating the
rules under which he was boxing."
The Grent English Champion.
The samelauthority goes on: "Before he re
sorted to throwing; Smith had shownhimself
utterly unable to cope with the nigger, al
though the latter is not by any means such a
wonder as the crowd since his victory acclaims
him. This is to me the most marvelous feature
ot the entertainment. Accident excepted, any
one having the least claim to be considered a
champion ought to have held his own, say,
until the fourth round, no matter what then
happened. Readers need not cow be told that
I never had any high opinion of Smith, or that
I have constantly pointed out tbat he has no
one claim to be regarded as of real champion
caliber; but I certainly do not believe the con
temptible figure he cut last Sunday night was
the best return he could make for the Pelicans'
oft-expressed confidence in his capacity.
His own seconds, and his - closest
friends as well, admit that he was utterly una
ble to cope with' Jackson as soon as the first
round was over. Directly they got together
there was only one in It. A waster from the
street corner would have made as good a show
with Jackson as was made by the "champion of
England." Another feature of the affair Is
that after a few passes Smith's wind seemed to
go all to pieces; no man in a fair state of health
could, after a month or more's preparation,
have been thus distressed by so paltry an effort.
If a man gets knocked out, that's his bad luck
the best man in the world has been tumbled
over before now by a hit which happened to
land on the right spot but such a pititul dis
play as was given by Smith when he hung on
to the rope as helpless and exhausted as
though he had been fighting for hours, has
never Deiore Deen given in tne enure nisiory
of either boxing or prize fighting that Is,
when the fight or the boxing match has really
been what it professed to be. The generous
patrons of Sunday sport who subscribed 1.000
tor the funniest show ever yet given by boxers
of pretention, must find themselves on the
horns of a dilemma. So must Mr. Smith, the
now for a long while avowed pet of the Peli
cans. They, and he, are welcome to either
horn. No one who knows anything about pro
fessional boxing need be told tbat if Jem
Smith, "champion of England," is within a
mile of his previously published form, his show
on Sunday night is utterly incomprehensible.
If the show is correct, then the Pelicans must
be the greatest lof of asses, 'and Smith himself
mutt be the most colossal impostor, that even
an age that bristles with asses and impostors
has so far been able to generate."
How He Forestalled an Owner In Backing
a Horse.
It Is an old maxim with race" plungers: "Be
careful how you forestall an owner In the bet
ting," but Pittsburg Phil on Saturday at Clif
ton disregarded this maxim and escaped get
ting "burnt" the usual fate of such rashness.
TheBeverwyck stable's mare Clay Stockton
was not particularly fancied by her people on
Saturday, more especially as just before Tier
race she ran away and cut her shoulder on the
fence. Still "Johnny" Campbell, as he came
from the paddock, whither he had gone after
the runaway to scratch the mare if she seemed
much the worse for her escapade, remarked:
"Well, I guess it must be 20 to 1 against Stock
ton, and I'll put on a ten or twenty. '
To his surprise he found that each of the 25
bookmakers had "cut" the mare's price down
to 3 to L at which price Campbell did not bet a
dollar. Going round to find out the cause
Campbell found that Pittsburg Phil had been
"down the line" giving each bookie a century
on Stockton at 5 to 1. which lumped means an
aggregate amount of 12,500 to 1,600.
Many owners, being thus "forestalled" by an
outsider, would have either scratched or
"stiffed" the horse, but Campbell, with a
"Well, she can't win any way," let the race
take its comse, and the mare won in a
gallop. This caused insinuations to be made
that her maiden races of late were "for the
gallery," but from what I know of the situation
I place no credence in such a statement
McCaffrey and Farrell.
It looks as if Dominick McCaffrey Is deter
termined to force Pat Farrell to a real fight. I
am not surprised at this because If McCaffrey
means to reappear again before the world as a
boxer, he must have the score rubbed out that
Farrell has up against him, I don't see any
reason why Farrell should refuse to meet Mc
Caffrey that is, if Farrell means to fight any
body at all. Farrell is, undoubtedly a much
improved man; certainly a good deal better
than when he hit Dominick that big blow at
Philadelphia. Pbinolb.
A Good Track and Fine Weather Helps a
Good Day's Bport.
New Orleans, December 7. The winter
meeting of the Louisiana Jockey Club was con
tinued amid fine weather. The racing was good
and the track excellent.
First race, five furlongs, selling, for beaten
horses, seven starters-School Girl 10, a to I; Boot
Jack 107, 3; rnente 107, J: Bonnie Annie 109,6;
Mollle Hardy 109,11 to S; Dutchman 112, S to 2:
Dyer 112, 10. Dutchman and Puente made nearly
even racing and'the last furlong Dutchman catne
away ana won easily by a length, r uente second,
three lengths ahead ofMollle Hardy, 'lime, 102).
Dutchman was bonpht In bT'hla owner for Sl&A
more than the entered price.
I Second race, selling, for all ages, six furlongs
Starters: Buckler 101 1 to I: KokolCl 2: Neva C
105, 8; Keltevo 107. 6: Colonel Hunt 110, 1: Harry
Ireland US. 14. Harry Ireland led at the start, but
at the half Colonel Hunt was In front, Neva G and
Bellevo third. Ireland fourth, Koko filth. Buckler
sixth. Entering the straight they were on even
terms, and all commenced .drirlng. The finish was
very close, there being not more than a head be
tween the four, Ireland first, Koko- second. Ke
llero third. Buckler, Neva C and Colonel Hunt,
tbe raTortte. ln th orer named. Time, 1:18.
Third race, selling, all ages, eleven-sixteenths
or a mile-Morse 109, 2 to 1: Zeb Ward US. 25:
Tommy B 121. 2; Rowland ra. 4 to 5. itowlandled
at the start, but Tommy B soon went to the front
and led to tbe stretch. Here Bowland was given
his head, and came in an easv winner by one
length, Tommy a second, two lengths ln front of
Zeb Ward third, Morse fourth. Tune, 1:10.
Fourth race. AfnAianrt1in fnt all ac. Ann
mile-Cruiser 115, 2 to S: McMurtry 108,. I: Arundel
102, 5: Cashier 100, 10; Probus 87, 8. At the start
Probus was ln front, but at the quarter Cruiser
iooe me ieaa ana neia it ti tft tmi.ti. winning hr
a neck, Arundel coming very fast at finish second.
three, lengths ahead or Casnler third, McMurtry
fourth, f robas fifth. Time, l:UJi.
George Baa Signed.
Indianapolis. December, 7. Pitcher
George, formerly of the New York club,
signed to-day with Indianapolis. He is re
garded as a valuable acquisition. He has a
good record for hard hitting in addition to
creditable pitching qualities, and jilll be used
Guy Looms TJp. 1
rrrtaxi. txlxgrxx to thi saFATeici
Cleveland, December 7. It is reported
here that Guy Hecker has been booked for
thoFlttsburg League. team. There is nothing
huhuiu aopus It, WVA IS
fjriUytay at Piwrtwrg if rercd, .
The Local President Beplies to John
son's Statements.
Jwo or Three Terr Strong" Assertions Made
by the Local Official.
All cf the Sporting Hews From Krery
of the Globe.
W. A. Nimick, President ot the local ball
clnb, denies some statements about alleged
offers to Eaulon. Hr. Nimick makes an
interesting explanation. A full list of
alleged signers of Brotherhood contracts
is given.
The statements made bj Mr. Al. Johnson,
President of the Brotherhood's proposed
leagne, as published in yesterday's Dis
patch, caused many complaints from gen
tlemen who know about the local effairs of
the League club here. Among people who
stated that Mr. Johnson was simply talking
without any true authority was President W.
H. Nimick. He said:
"Now I won't confine my few words to an in
terview, but I'll send a short statement to The
Dispatch, a paper tbat I know will see us fair
in this big conflict." Mr. Nimick wrote a
statement and it is as follows:
Baseball Editor Tbe Dispatch.
"I read in your paper to-day an Interview with
Al Johnson, the reputed president ot the pro
posed league of ball players. Mr. Johnson
stated that Edward Hanlon had been induced
by Boms' extraordinary offer to stay with the
Pittsburg club, and that Hanlon ignored this
offer because of his love or allegiance to the
"Now I don't as a rule enter into a newspa
per warfare, but really at a time like this it is
incumbent on me to show that Mr. Johnson's
statement Is absolutely false, or if it is not S10,
000 bail players have been all a sham.
"When it has come to this, let me tell what
our dealings or proposed offers with Mr. Han
lon were. Mr. Hanlon met me- ln my office,
and Mr. Converse was present at the time.
Mr. Converse made the following propo
sition to Mr. Hanlon: 'We, the Pitts
burg Ball Clnb, will pay yon a
salary of $2,800, and (1,000 extra if our
club gets fourth; 600 if It gets second; (400 if it
gets third, and so on. Two days after that Mr.
Hanlon came to my office and I asked him what
he thought of the offer;of Mr. Converse.
He stated tbat he had an offer of his
own. It was this: "Til play for and man
age the Pittsburg team for $3,800; that
means (1,000 more than I received last
year.' I accepted his terms directly, and be,
Ed Hanlon.said, Tm sorry I didn't resign from
the Brotherhood.' Mr. Hanlon agreed to the
terms that I have stated, and if (3,800 for a sea
son is an extraordinary salary, why we have
been Imposed upon, because we paid Dunlap
35.000 for tbe season.
"Sir, I did not wish to make these senti
ments of mine public, but when it comes, to a
question of misrepresentation, I must defend
myself and tbe gentlemen who are direc
tors of the Tittsburg ' League club.
"In a word I emphatically deny that Mr.
Hanlon was offered any 'extraordinary' induce
ment to remain with the local club. He made
his own terms, (3,800 for the season and they
were accepted oy me. He said that it was all
right and his engagement for next year with us
was fixed.
"Now, all this I can prove by Mr. Converse,
who was present. But I think that Mr. John
son has been talking a little wide. If Mr. Han
lon will meet me in presence of gentlemen and
state that Mr. Johnson has any authority, true
authority for saying what he has said, then the
whole matter can be settled.
"Mr. Editor. I know that the League, that is
such as me who have never derived a dollar
from baseball but have furnished the slavers
along with other gentlemen, is daily. m(3repre,
sented to thepublio just' as Mr. "Johnson has
done in the Hanlon case. I take- this oppor
lty, through your unbiased columns, or saying
that every director ln the present Pittsburg club
is ln it because of his admiration of the game.
We have invested money in It, and the players
have realized it. I can prove this. We have a
pride in sticking to a concern, a public concern
of amusement, and we are determined that no
conspiracy on tbe part of those whom we have
kept like centleman shall push ns to one side
Without our knowing the reason why.
"I'm not disposed to go into this question at
length; in fact I would not have said a word
had Mr. Johnson's extravagant statement not
been made. All tbat I say Is: Tell tbe public to
Judge between facts and wild statements. Tbe
players are trying, I don't say all the players
but a few who have designs in view are trying
to make our investments, which are entirely
for their benefit, worthless, and in a patriotic
spirit we are determined to test it. The public
is tho tribunal. All that I want to know is
there a high-priced player ln the old local team
who did not get his money, and has he a real
grievance T If tbe general public could live
like ballplayers, we would have a land of aristo
crats. The League is .willing to continue tbat
aristocracy, but the entire country is wanted
and we have not that at our disposal."
W. A. Nraf 6k.
Two Korlces Make a Lively Fight Down In
the East.
Stbacttse, December 7, William O'Hara,
of this city, and Prof. O. G. Easterly, of Michi
gan, fought with bare fists at Durhamsvllle,
Oneida county, early this morning, O'Hara
went into the ring under the name of Jim
Murphy, ot New York. The mill was ostensi
bly for a stake of (50 a side and the gate re
ceipts, but ln reality it was to satisfy a long
existing grudge between tbe two men. The
referee awarded the contest to Easterly
in the second round. -Marquis of Queens
berry rules governed. O'Hara stripped to 190
pounds, while his antagonist weighed only 160
pounds and appeared au easy victim. When
the principals faced each other it was evident
mat tne ngnt was to do one xor dioou. U'Uara
forced the fighting and led off with a savage
blow, which Easterly cleverly warded, retaliat
ing with a stunning left-hander on O'Hara's
nose, drawing first blood and a knock-down.
O'Hara arose to the scratch but appeared
dazed. Easterly struck four qulek blows in
snccesslon and a clinch followed, In which
O'Hara was thrown over the ropes because he
bit Easterly in the breast
In the secondround Easterly led out with a
right-bander on O'Hara's neck, resulting In a
second fall. O'Hara came to time and received
another right-hander, which would have
knocked him out of the line bad not the spec
tators held him in. O'Hara received three
light blows on tbe head and then clinched a
second time, biting Easterly In the lert side.
On account of tbe foul the referee decided the
right in favor of Easterly, bnt ordered the men
t continue the entertainment for the satisfac
tion of the spectators.
Easterly led 'out in the third round with a
left-hander which O'Hara parried and re
turned a solid one on Easterly's left side.
Easterly again knocked O'Hara down in the
midst of great excitement Here James Clark,
of Oneida, O'Hara's second struck Easterly a
blow on the head. O'Hara and Easterly
clinched, the former seizing his antagonist's
wrist In bis teeth. The round ended with tbe
men in that position. O'Hara feared punish
ment in the fourth ronnd and avoided it by
clinching. After several times breaking away
Easterly got in a heavy right-hander' on
O'Hara's law. knockimr him over thnrhi-.
They again clinched and the ronnd ended amid
Intense excitement, a dozen men having Jumped
inside the ropes to tear the fighters apart. The
fieht ended in a general row in the fifth ronnd.
Easterly struck at O'Hara but missed him, the
blow landing sqnarely on tbe mouth of
O'Hara's second with sufficient force to loosen
several teeth. Clark whirled, and grabble?
Easterly with O'Hara's aid threw him to the
floor. O'Hara and Clark both bit at Easterly
who was finally liberated by tbe crowd. Mes
sitt, the ball player, acted as Easterly's second
and did some good service in freeing his favor
ite from tbe embarrassing position. A Mr
Ford, of Syracuse, was stakeholder. Easterly
claims the middle weight championship ot
Michigan and the heavy weight championship
ot Honda. O'Hara has considerable reputa
tion as a local sparrer, though this was his first
prize fight
The Brotherhood's True Hen,
New Yobe, December 7. The following
players have signed Brotherhood contracts:
Ewing, Brown, O'Day, Keefe, Crane, Connor,
Richardson, Whitney, O'Bourke, Gore, Slat.
terr, O'Connor, Tucker, 'Baesett, Ward, Bris-
.Farrar, Myers,. HillmaB;.Jalvey, Bafthici,
tt wu, AawBfvn,HJKwqpn, UHiaan,. WVeOS.
ling, Boyle, Farre'.L King, Baldwin. Tener,
Gumbert, Dwyer, Coroiskey, Tfeffer, William
son, fathom. Van Haltren, Kyan,
Duffy, Bastian, Fields, Carroll, Gal
Tin, Btaley, Beckley, Dunlap. Kuehne,
Hanlon, Maul, Clark, Mack, Ferson, Haddock,
G, Keefe, Carney, Wise, A. Irwin, J. Irwin,
Rowe, White, Beecher, Hay, Brown, Stovey,
Bennett Daly, QoinD,- Radbonrne, Johnston,
Nash, H. Richardson, Kelly, Broutbers, Zim
mer, Sutcllffe, Bnyder, Gruber, Bakely,
O'Brien, Baskin, Strieker. Robinson, Tebeau,
TwltchelL McAleer and Radford.
Details of the Jack Pot Stakes for Thor-
rsrcaai. tiliqkajito the dispatch.!
Lexihotok, December 7. After quite a lot
of correspondence, the details of the new stake
to be run for at the. three Kentucky racing
points have been arranged. It is the most
unique stake ever given in the United States,
and is as follows:
Tbe Kentucky Jack Pot stakesto be run an
nually over the courses ot the Kentucky As
sociation, at Lexington, Ky.. the Louisville
Jockey Club, at Louisville, Kv., the Latonia
Jockey Club, at Covington, Ky. Entries for
sprine meeting of 1890 to close January 15, 1890,
for 3-year-olds and upward, and (100 entrance,
half forfeit, or only (20 if declared on or before
April 15, 1890 (money to accompany declara
tion), 81.000 added by the association to the
stake run over its own track, the first race to
be run one and one-eighth miles, and to be run
over the course of tbe Kentucky Association.
The second race to be one and one-quarter
miles and to be run over the course of the
Louisville Jockey Club. The third race to be
one and a half miles and to be run over the
course of tbe Latonia Jockey Clnb.
The horse winning any one of these stakes at
any of said courses to receive two-thirds ot the
money added by such association, together
with two-thirds of the entrance money and for
feits in the hands of such association, due on
said race. The second horse to receive (200,
the third (100. The remainder will be held by
tbe association, and when the horse shall win
three of said races such horse shall receive all
of the added money and forfeits due on said
races, except the money going to second and
third horses.
A horse may be entered in any of tbe above
races and be liable only for the race or races
entered In, but to be eligible for all must be
entered in all and if so entered will be liable for
forfeit to each association. Weights to be
carried: 3-year-old, 108 pounds: 4-year-olds 122
pounds, and 6-year-olds and upward, 128
pounds. .
The Champion Light Weight to Glvo Up
Pnslllsm for Bookmaking.
New Yohk, December 7.-Jack McAuliffe,
lightweight champion of the world, announces
his intention of giving up pugilism to enter
what he deems a more lucrative business, that
of bookmaking. His "book" will be backed
Dy two millionaire corse owners, ana as ne is a
shrewd fellow, there is no reason why he should
not amass a comfortable fortune 'In his new
business within the next few years. Together
with a party of friends, McAuliffe returned
from Boston, late Friday night When Joe
Lannon gave his decision after the flcht, the
champion quietly remarked that he was
through with fighting. Nobody paid anv at
tention to this rmark, but it seems that Jack
meant what he said.
McAuUffo's friends, who expected to see a
good fight between the champion and Jimmy
Carroll, will be disappointed wben they learn
of his permanent retirement from the ting.
The Australian Onsht to bo a Terr Easy
London, December 7. Copyright The
boxing mania in England shows no sign
of abatement Notwithstanding, that the
Chief Commissioner has delined to al
low police protection for these displays, a
turnament of professionals has been in pro
gress the whole of this week at tbe Aquarium,
the show being brought to an end to-night.
The light and middle weights were exception
ally good, but there was nothing among heavy
men worth noticing. Indeed, in England just
now the best heavyweight boxing to be seen is
at amateur displays.
Jackson, who has been giving some mors dis
plays with Smith, is strictly training for his en
counter with Slavin there, for which the Aus
tralian is backed freely at two to one on him.
If there were no suspicions about Slavic's
bands it would be ten to one on him.
An Interesting Hatch Between TivoLocal
' ' Teams of Promise.
There was an interesting football game at
East Liberty Park yesterday between an eleven
from Sbadyside Academy and an eleven of the
Pittsburg Alumni, the latter being beaten by
11 too. Brainard scored all the points for
Pittsburg, his playing being very fine. Tbe
Shadyside boys made a better fight than was
expected, and the school Doys present yelled
themselves hoarse. Messier and Arbnthnot
showed most prominently for Sbadyside, the
former playing a really brilliant game. Phil
Reymer. Ewing, Brainard and D. Barr were the
best men on the other side.
Tbe teams were: PittsburgAlumni Back,
Brainard; halts, Reymer and D. Barr; quarter,
Ewing; rushers, Totten, W. J. Barr. P. Preston,
V. Preston, McCance, Brown, Carson.
Sbadyside Back; Arbnthnot; balls. Messier
and Fisher; quarter, Morgan; rashers, McCune,
Berger, Collins, Crab, Dinniston, McCandle&s,
Clifton Winners.
NewYobk, December 7. To-day's races at
Clifton resulted as follows:
First race, selllnr, seven and a half furlongs
Red Stone first. Groomsman second, J. J. Ob.
third. Time, 1:33. Betting: Bedstone 6 to 1,
Qioomsman 5 to 2 for the place.
Second race, five furloncs Village King first
Fllrter colt second, Gratitude third, lime, 1:05.
Betting: Village King 12 to 1. Fllrter colt 3 to I.
Third race, selllnr, .six and a half farlones
Mattle liooram first. Eatontown second, Prince
Edward third. Time 1:25. Betting: alattle
Looram 7 to 1, Eatontown 5 to X.
irourin race, seven xunongs r uiaway nrst,
Melodrama second, Bonnie S
Time 1:32VS.
.fifth race, seven and a half furlongs Hilda
first Adonis second.
Speedwell third. Time
Sixth race Bassanlo first Zangbar second, Lin
guist third. Time 2:57.
Gnttenbnrs Results;
New Yobs, December 4. To-day's races at
Guttenburg resulted as follows:
First race, selling', six and one-half furlongs
Cheeney first Festns second. Don't Know third.
Time, 1:23. Betting: Cheeney 11 to 5, Feitus 3
to 1.
Second race, five fUTlongs Civil Service first
Australitz second. Kancocas third, 'lime, 1:0SJ.
Third race, seven farlongs Qaesal. first. Jim
Gates second, Stephanie third. Time, 1:35)$. Bet
ting: Quesal 6 to 5. Jim Gates 2 to J.
Fourth race, one mile and a quarter Hamlet
first Larchmont second, Big Brown Jug third.
Time. 2:21.
Fifth race, seven farlongs Blue Bock first Elk
ton second, Benedictine third. Time, 1:33.
Sixth race, six and one-half farlongs Tyrone
first Thaditowe second, .Landsecr third. Time,
A Monument ta 'the Mother of Trotters.
Middietows; N. Y., December 7. Mr.
Charles Backman has just erected, on a com
manding site on his Stony Ford stock farm, a
handsome 28-foot monument to the memory of
Oreen Mountain Maid, justly styled Hhe
Great Mother or Trotters. The Maid was the
dam and grand dam of more fast trotters than
any other mare that ever lived. The most
famous of her sons is Electioneer, himself the
sire of 27 trotters in the 2:30 list, among whom
is Sunoi.
Jaa. D9cK.ee, Jeweler
Has a very fine display of holiday goods in
diamonds, watches, jewelry, silverware, fine
clocks, etc., very lowest prices. 420 Smith
field st, one door below Diamond St., form
erly 13 Fifth ave.
HAYES On Sunday morning, December 8.
1SS9, at 12J5 o'clock, STELLA, daughter of
John and Ann Hayes, aged 1 year and 8
Funeral from the residence of the parents, 47
Linton street, Eleventh ward, Pittsburg, on
MondATAFTebnoon at 2:30 o'clock. Friends
of tbe family are respectfully invited to at
DY to introduce an educational specialty
among the nest people In the city: gi
and pleasant work. CHAMBEBLLN
LAP, 95 Fifth are.
a salary
to. sell exclusive specialty ln the city and
laryto gooa man.
fifth ave.
hands. Planer fmnrfa nnrt Sttra. Annlv
at p. AirMii.-iuorAauaaai oxo ci
-. ' mwvwiib m,m...-..-V. . -TK
W. B. tl'EST. National .Hotel
TV Apply to
Barber snot),
on, steKeespoii, fa. deSlSS
John F. Beggs Wants to ,be Either
folly Acq aitted or'.Hanged.
No Evidence to Connect Eia Client With,
the Atrocious Murder.
Has Been Commenced, and the Cronln Trial is How
Drawing it a Close.
Mr. Foster, the attorney of John F.
Beggs, closed his argument in behalf of his
client, yesterday. - He demanded & lull
acquittal, and strongly condemned any half
way verdict Mr. Forrest, the leading
lawyer foe the defense, then commenced the
closing address for the prisoners.
Chicago, December 7. The eloquent
argument in defense of John F. Beggs was
again the leading feature in the Cronin trial
to-day. Mr. Foster began the second
division of his speech by an allusion to
"that meeting which has now become his
toric that was held in Camp 20, February
8." He said that there was no principle of
law more firmly established than that the
burden of. proof is on the State, and that the
accused cannot be compelled to prove his
Beferring to the notorious Camp 20, Mr.
Foster said: "Where is the argument,
where is the assumption, to establish in
yonr minds the conclusion that this was a
conspiracy which originated in and was car
ried on by Camp 20? Not one tmng in all
the evidence, not one thing in all this case,
except that lour of these defendants were
members of that camp nothing. Do yon
believe, gentlemen, that a society composed
ioa . i s. ax ': -!.:....
oi oou xueuiuera m ub vifaj wj xu.ay.
composed of snch men as have appeared -
before you, such men as Michael P. Brady,
the lawyer, snch men as John P. Finnerty,
the journalist, snch men as have been pres
ent, or have-been compelled to come here
by process of this court and who testified
that they were members of Canfp 20, do yon
believe that snch an organization was cor
"Do yon believe that such an organization
as that camp has adopted and carried out a
connected scheme for murder? Individuals
may be dishonest, bnt societies nev.er can
be. The gentlemen are met with this propo
sition as a reply to every argument that
they can make upon the theory that that
camp, as a camp, resolved upon the killing
oi Dr. Cronin. It is false; it is unreason
able, it is unsupported by a syllable of the
testimony, it is untrue.
Mr. Foster, with much feeling, declared
that to say that Mr. Beggs appointed a com
mittee to murder Dr. Cronin was a lie.
Said he:
"The witness is yet to be born who will
come into court and swear that the object of
such a committee, or ot the appointment of
snch a committee was made. It is absolutely
false,unsnpported by a scintilla of evidence,
and I challenge the whole record."
Mr. Longenecker I only say that the
testimony was that a motion was carried.
Mr. Foster I Know that a motion was
carried. I have not falsified-the record, nor
have I attempted to, and it makes me mad,
cool as my nature may be, when my client's
life is in jeopardy to have men continue to
insinuate and interpolate in the hearing of
the jury, to men in tbe jury box that there
is evidence that a committee was appointed
to murder Dr. Cronin. No adjective in the
English language, known to me, is suffi
ciently strone to express my views and sen
timents when these charges are made.
Mr. Foster continued to argue at length
that Beggs, as Senior Guardian, had always
counseled in favor of peace and unity, and
then said: "Hang him because he is a friend
of Alexander Sullivan. I do not know
whether he is a friend of Alexander Sulli
van or not I do know that Alexander Sul
livan bas been arrested in this case. I know
that he has been discharged under the evi
dence by one of the ablest and oldest jurists
that sits on the bench in this State.
"I do know that his case has been pre
sented to the grand jury and' the bill ig
nored. I do know that the bonds which he
was required to answer have been cancelled
and he is a free man. Now, in the name of
conscience and in the name of heaven, will
they ask you to convict my client because
he (a the triend of another man whom they
despise, bnt against whom they can prove
no criminal act ? Hang him for his friends.
Now. we will not discuss the question
whether he and Alexander Sullivan are
friends or 'not I do not know. X do not
care. For the purposes of this case I do
not care."
This -was followed by an argument as to
the evidence. Concluding, Mr. Foster told
the jnry that they must either find his
client worthy of death or must acquit him
entirely. He said: "John F. Beggs is the
dnpe of no man. He is the tool of no man.
He stands forth responsible for his acts,
withont a mitigating circumstance, if be
is guilty. Therefore I say to you, gentle
men, in all candor and sincerity, yon must
destroy the life of John F. Beggs or else yon
must turn him free.
"Are yon opposed to the execution of tbe
death penalty? Ton and each one of you
have sworn tbat von were not Are yon
waiting for. a murder more atrocious? In
the name of heaven, where do you expect to
hear of one? I am talking sense now, gen
tlemen. I am appealing to your reason and
your judgment If Beggs is guilty he must
"Shame to the verdict, shame to the ver
dict under the circumstances surrounding
this case that would say, '"We will not tor
ture our minds, we have not the moral tur
pitude to hang a man upon this evidence,
but guessing, imagining, speculating that
he might be guilty we will give him a term
in the penitentiary on general principles, or
upon speculation.' Shame upon such a
verdict as that. Humanity can stand no
snch outrage perpetrated on one of its
Mr. Forrest then began the closing argu
ment on behalf of all the accused. He
began by contrasting the methods used by
the orators for the prosecution and those of
tne aetense in treating oi circumstantial
"The prosecution treated it as a maw, as a
bundle of sticks, bnt the defense proceeded
to analyze each circumstance. The latter
was the right method and was according to
Attired la his last season's old clothes,
cleaned, Tepalred. pressed and renovated so as
to look like new by DICKSON, the Tailor, of
(to Fifth avewM, cer. Wood st, seeoud floor.
Good werkMMhla, sharaw awOtwiis. GHve
h m wrmm
faw(legie awl, reason. Hr. Iaghaasafld
the JHry, ho ' said, would never forget the
scene when Ingham, in bis address, de
nounced Cougblia and Eunze with snch
fierceness that their faces blanched and the
little German cried out. from the bottom of
his soul: 'Goi knows I am innocent'
This was the answer to the reasoning and
insinuations or the prosecution."
Mr. Forrest occupied the remainder of
the time till the adjournment of the court
in reading from ,rWilIs on Evidence" and
other legal works, and in making an ex
haustive statement of the methods to be em
ployed in the application of circumstantial
evidence. '
Listen A present with ?1 purchases
this week at Busy Bee Hive.
lUPnPTAUT UflTIPC Our Store will from now until the end of?
imi wis s nn "uiiul. q
k?cuiuu.c,y ovi?AUMe,a uubu jiw u uiuu&j
llo. until 9 o'clock.
"We're not flooding the city with made-for-show, cheap or trashy goods, but are offering1 ?'
TnnOflt CXnfAm aA Ini nnnAa t Ann mkvrman ta Ma nth aw Tna4a11fnant TTunii.. ! ., ' C'
v,mw ivwuv wn 14AI.C4 VU CMJ JT AAACAAfca rtJ ViUbi AlUMMUMCUl 1AVUBCS IUJa t-
for cash. If you don't want to waste your time in hunting around for ,--,
something nice, good, usefnl, appropriate and sensible, come to
us first .It will save time and worry as well as
money to begin with us.
What a Wonderful Superb Stock Wherefrom to Select the Handsome-
est of Presents I
W y) w & vh pw
mWtti MW
fW 4TSf' Ml-H AF W
mW zf
$WJfr wkAmw
4i3r Mmmmw
All the novelties in Fnrnitnre and Curtains will be'found in our establishment for'
the Holiday Trade.
Ladies' Cloaks, Wraps, Newmarkets,
Don't let your being short of money stop you. We'll sell-anything in our stock on
easy payments. You'll not find any Sbylock tricks with us; we leave those methods of
doing business to those houses who, while always praising their honest (?) ways of doing
business, will fleece you. of your hard-earned money if you give 'em bnt half a chance.
"We've only one place of business, and this is
Corneif Tenth Street and Penn Avenue.
lrv L" --
---er$r Ussy
"Very glad, that our friends, customers, and w
might say the people generally, appreciate oar
KY In the way they do. - "
And we most certainly esteem the many tes
timonials we receive from time to time, and the
kind words spoken to us dally in favor of our
old Export Whisky, and under these gratifying
prospects wo certainly shall continue to dis
pense old Export In full quarts at 1100, or six
for S3 00.
All orders by mall or given in person will re
ceive prompt attention.
For the coming season of festivities do not.
overlook our PURE CALIFORNIA WINE-. '
LIST.' Full quarts Hte, or to 00 per dozen.
oes-TTSsu uruggists, Pittsburg. Pa. ,
Holidays be open every eyeninrl
lut tuo nuuun iiiiuvfcqibi.ua OX une uuB-
- -aS
v. - W
Fancy' Chairs, Ottomans,
Easy Chairs, Parlor Suites,
Hat Backs, Battan Chairs;
Pedestals, Easels, Battan,
Bookers, Mantel Mirrors, Of-
ce Desks. Fire Screens, Gilt
Chairs, Foot Stools, Mantel
Cabinets, Oriental Chairs, Ex
tension Tables,
Book Cases, Sideboards; Cheff
oniers, Card Tables, Divans,
Lounges, Secretaries, Oak
Stands, Smoking Stands,
Brass Easels,
English Dining Tables, Hang,
ing Cabinets, Dining Chairs,
Onyx Top Stands, Music Cab-,
inets, Parlor Desks, Marble '
Clocks, Pictures, Bric-a-Brao
Cabinets', Ornaments, etc.
Dolmans, and Men's Overcoats, also
TlhiB "Week
tBB jWL'
INWTEbrytoW SEE :jH9
. "ft i