Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 08, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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A Conference of Eepresentatives of
Patriotic Societies
Correcting Existing Political Eyils Throush
tlie Ballot.
Superintendent of Hails Stephen Collins
will leaye to-morrow evening for New York
to attend a conference of the executireheads
of all American patriotic societies and
orders, to be held in the Union Square
Theater on Tuesday. The meeting is called
by Mr. Henry Baldwin, and those to be in
attendance go by invitation, and not as rep
resentatives of the various organizations to
which they belong. The conference is to be
Known as the Patriotic Congress of Amer
ican Orders, and it is called for the purpose
of devising some uniform line of action for
all American orders to pursue, and to adopt
means, if possible, by which it will be made
practical for all organizations to work to
gether in dealing with the political ques
tions of the day.
It is not the intention to try to consolidate
the orders, but to concentrate their work in
iurthering their objects. For instance, the
American Mechanics is a strong order in
Pennsylvania, and they are especially in
terested in the matter of immigration and
public education. The Loyal Orange
League and the American League are strong
in the Western States, and have similar ob
jects. The idea is to harmonize all the work,
and with a combined membership of over
a. million, it is hard to estimate the work
that lhey might be capable of doing. The
meeting Tuesday will be attended by such
men as the Grand Master, Thomas Milligan,
of the Loyal Orange League, of Everett,
Mass.; Prank W. Hendley, National Secre
tary" of the Patriotic Sons of America, of
Cincinnati; Charles W. Elliott, President
Harvard University; Andrew Powell, New
York; Prank A. Davis, Berkeley, Cal.;
James M. Greer. Esq.. Memphis; Hon. Chas.
L. Hot, Bosendale, Wis.; George S.Baker,
New York; S. B. Pratt, Marlboro, Mass.;
W. D. J. Hambly, San Jose, Cal.; S. M.
Douglass, Bochester; Henry Baldwin, of
New YorK, and Stephen Collins, State Vice
Councilor of the Jr. 0. U. A. M.
The purpose of the conference is to con
sider: First The dancers that menace our country.
"What they are. Howtheyaremadeup. Why
they are dangerous. To examine or to prepare
a way for a full, clear and honest explanation
of each and all of them in detail.
Second The means we bare iu hand and can
use. and the plans we can inaugurate to meet,
to "fight, to master and overturn these wicxed
things that would take away our liberties.
The question of immigration will be con
sidered first A paper will be presented
containing recommendations that immi
grants should be required to pass an exam
ination before a proper United State official
berore being permitted to take passage; that
they should be of good moral character,
and that they should contribute to the
United States Treasury a sum sufficient to
insure the landing of only those who are
proper for citizenship. On the matter of
naturalization and citizenship, attention
will be called to the fact that in 17 States a
man may vote in city, local, State or United
States elections by simply declaring his in
tention to become a citizen, and an effort
will be made to have the laws amended so
that none but actual citizens be allowed to
vote. A proposition to extend the term to
1 years and to allow no person to vote who
cannot understand, read, write and speak
the English language (deaf and dumb ex
cepted) will be submitted.
The question of education will be made a
cnhiMt or discussion, and a recommenda
tion will be made to place the free" school
system under the Federal Government to
establish a national university. The paper
on this subject to be considered contains the
"All the children should be taught ot
every class of citizens, and to the end that
the instructions sbonld be suitable, the
State shall have the right to appoint visi
tors, who shall inspect schools, both public
and private, and prescribe a standard. The
teaehine of foreien laucuaces to be aband
oned in all public schools. The teaching of
American history, the American system oi
government and political economy to be
especially introduced in all schools of every
grade, public and private."
Opposition will be made to the recogni
tion of anv national church of belief, or
to the givingof any public moneys, ciedits,
property or the use of the same, or the
enacting of any special laws for the benefit
of religious sects or bodies.
The American home and public lands
will also be considered, and an effort will be
made to devise plans whereby the working
man may be able to secure his homestead
free and clear of all incumbrances.
Monopolies, combinations and trusts will
be handled, and recommendations will be
made to place all combinations formed for
the purpose of restricting the production
and distribution of wealth under the control
of wise and healthful laws. The following
is an abstract from the paper on "Amer
canism" to be considered:
"A purer type of Americanism is needed
Americans need to be Americanized. The
cultivation of self-reliance, the knowledge
oi actual worth of things American and less
dependence upon influence from outside.
We need the encouragement and support of
the newspapers. How shall we develop and
strengthen a distinctively American free
press? The various organizations have the
power and should compel the public repre
sentatives in Congress, Legislatures and
pnblic positionsto place their gifts of office
and honor only in the hands of men who are
conspicuous for their civilization. Parti
sanship, as now understood and practiced,
iione of our greatest dangers and evils.
We should have less hyphenated Ameri
cans. There should be established such a
public sentiment ai not only those born on
the soil, but those who come from outside
shall be glad, and leel it an honor to be
known simply as Americans." The follow
ing plans for organization will be sub
mitted: First It is not wise to form a new party,
but rather a compact organization, which
shall hold the balance ot power. Have
every man who joins the organization
pledged, while he follows his political
preferences as to party organization. Have
these principles clearly and fairly stated in
two or three points to which every loyal
citizen of either party can subscribe.
Second All .must harmonize on a plat
form, and our votes and influence must be
cast solid for the party which will support
our principles, even though it be the party
which we have previously opposed. Form
American clubs everywhere, and influence,
as far as possible.oneor bo thoftbeold parties
to adopt our views. H neither party will
aid ue, then with our clubs organized
throughout the nation we will be able to
form a party of our own and accomplish our
objects. Third Unite all the existing
orders and societies, permitting them to re
tain their individuality, and in no case in
terfering with their internal affairs, by the
erection of a central headquarters, which
shall be the property of all. The province
of this headquarters is to collect and to dis
tribute facts, data and information that shall
be valuable for the Tises and purposes of the
orders and societies, and for the well being
of our country."
The liquor question is not to be forgotten.
The eradication of gambling and drinking
dens; proper legislation regarding the man
ufacture and sale of wine and liquors of
all kinds, and the cultivation of the grape
for wine making will be recommended.
Mr. Collins said last evening about the
coming congress: "The action of the con
ference is to be adrisorr onlv. No pledges
will be asked of any man that would bind j
either the members of the conference or
their societies to any specified course of
action. The actions of the congress will be
submitted to the various State and national
bodies of the different organizations for
action, and if approved the societies will
then adopt the lincof action laid down."
A Matter Thnt Interests Every Man and
Woman In Allegheny County.
Last Friday there appeared in the evening
issues of the Pittsburg papers announce
ments made bv certain clothiers in this city
that they would give away presents worth $4
with every $5 sale. Now there are limits to
all reason, and heretofore when these "ads"
appeared we let them pass as unworthy of
our notice. This time, though, their an
nouncements are so flaring and deliberate
that we feel it our duty to warn the public
against such a bare-faced and atrocious
manner of humbugging the people. We
have always found Pittsburgers very intelli
gent, and it's a great deal of assumption on
the part of these clothiers to think that the
reading public are so ignorant as to believe
that they will rive away a $4 present with a
ee -1 T Knnf tima tew cnmA All tO 06-
(nounce such methods, and we are happy to
jJ J . .. lia Altthin(f
say we siauo, reauy u, ; tu ..
buyers irom such frauds.
We give no 54 presents with a pi sale.
We give you good substantial clothing and
solid value for your money. These present-
fiving merchants advertise to give away a
I present with a ?5 sale, then they acknowl
edge that their goods are only worth $1, and
expect you to pay them $5 when purchasing
$1 worth of goods. We can't stand by and
see the public gulled in such a bold and
barefaced manner. Our store is right on
the corner of Grant and Diamond streets.
We don't give away any present but when
von buy a suit of clothes yon get an article
which is guaranteed A 1 in every particular.
Call and see us. We are the P. C. C. C.
( Pittsburg Combination Clothing Company),
and to-morrow we offer a special line of chin
chilla and Kersey overcoats in four shades
at 510 and J12. P. C. C. C,
Opp. the new Court House.
Perfection, Elegance and Reliability.
This trio of words, conveying pore than
the ordinary significance, comprises the es
tablished motto at Mellor & Hoene's famons
establishment a house in its line the oldest
in the city of Pittsburg, and unquestion
ably unexcelled for liberality and courteous
attention to patrons. The principals are in
defatigable in personal attention to visitors,
and per force of their wide experience in trade
handle only such pianos and organs as are
perfect in construction and which conse
quently afford unlimited satisfaction.
Among the pianos will be found the Hard
man, Krakaner, Kimball and Harrington
makes, all of them built on the. most
thorough acoustic and artistic : principles,
many Being absolutely elaborate and ex
quisite in designs ot case and finish. In
organs they make a specialty of the Chase
Palace. Kimball and Chicago Cottage
manufactures, which they have in styles
and sizes suitable for churches, lecture
rooms, halls and residences, each make
sharing the highest awards for general ex
cellence. Those contemplating the purchase
ot an instrument during the holidays, will
do well to call at once or send for catalogues
and full particulars of easy payment plan
to Messrs. Mellor & Hoene, at 77 Fifth
avenue, and you will be the recipient of the
most courteous treatment and receive a full
line of catalogues.
Art Pottery.
Onr resources in the matter of space to
displav all the handsome goods we have for
the holidays are being severely tried, large
as our art department is, bnt by nsing our
fourth floor as a temporary showroom, we
have been able to find a place for all. There
is no china store in town with anything like
our selection of goods, or with equal facili
ties for seeing them, as visitors have no
stairs to climb, each floor being easily ac
cessible by the electric elevator. If you
have not yet paid us a visit you have a treat
in store. There is no occasion foryonjo
take our word for this; ask some of vour
friends who have been here. Our visitors
are our best advertisement.
Fkench, Kestdeick & Co.,
516 Smithfield street, opp. City Hall.
House coats, smoking jackets, dressing
gowns, lonnging coats and hath robes in the
greatest profusion, at Gusky's. As these
garments are very popular as Christmas
presents we are prepared to lay aside and
deliver at any time such as may be selected.
All the new things are here and are offered, as
usual, at lower prices than you'll get same
quality goods elsewhere for.
And Cheaper Than Gim Crocki Are the Car
pets, Rccs nd Cnrtalns at Groetzlnaer'g.
Velvet carpets, latest patterns, 80c to $1
per yard.
Brussels carpet 80c to $1 per yard.
Fur rugs from $2 to $6, worth double the
Smyrna rugs from Jl 75 to $4; have been
selling at 53 to $7 all season.
Edwabd Geoetzinoee,
627 and 629 Penn avenue.
Smoking- Jackets as Holiday Gifts!
Choice from a diversified and remarkably
elegant assortment in plain cloths, velvets,
velveteens, silts, etc., trimmed in brown,
navy blue, light blue, garnet or cardinal
and handsomely lined, at Gusky's, at all
prices from 54 to 520. You cannot get such
beautiful goods elsewhere under 25 per cent
more money.
Holiday Goods by Stall I
People out of town in search of useful,
substantial and economical holiday presents,
and who cannot visit Gusky's, should send
in their orders by mail. Such orders will
be promptly attended to.
Too Are Invited
To examine the splendid Stultz& Bauer
pianos. They are the finest in the market
for the price. Easy payments.
wsn 69 Fifth avenue.
Wo Cannot Make It Too Widely Known
That we will, on payment of a small de
posit, lay aside anything we have in our
great holiday stock, and the balance can be
paid any time between now and New Year's.
Come and make selections before the
choicest of the choice goods are gone.
Last Week. Those large Frenih Ju
meau bisque dolls at $1, worth 51 BO; doll
caps, shoes, stockings, parasols, corsets, etc,
5c to 20c Busy Bee Bive, Sixth and Lib
erty. Christmas Is Almost Here
If you have not made your selection,
choose from the following list.of desirable
Turkish Chairs, Easels,
Howard Chairs, Euchre Tablea,
Platform Bockers, Easy Chairs,
Floor Bockers, Fancy Chairs,
Colonial Bockers, Gold Divans,
Antique Bockers, Gold Chairs,
Seaside Bockers, Hat Backs,
Moorish Bockers, Hall Glasses,
Adams Bockers, Hall Chests,
Brockway Bockers, Hanging Cabinets,
Brass Easels, Mantel Cabinets,
Bamboo Easels, Music Cabinets,
Oak Easels. Music Portfolios.
Cherry Easels, Beed Chairs,
Clothes roles. .Revolving (Jhairs.
Bric-a-Brac Tables, Botary Book Cases,
Bric-a-BracPedestals,Shell Chairs,
Flush Chairs, Leather Couches,
Brocattellc Chairs, Plush Conches,
Tapestry Chairs, Bug Couches,
Shaving(Standg, Tapestry Couches,
Toilet Tables, BookCases,
Toilet Stands, Blacking Cases,
Cabinets, Butler's Trays,
Chairs, China Closets,
Dressing Tables, Curtain Cases,
Dining Tables, Card Tablts,
Divans, Chiffoniers,
Desk Bockers, Cbevals.
ion are respectfully invited to make an
inspection. P. C Sohoineck,
tou .. 711 Liberty stewt.
Judge White Sentences the Colored
Uxoricide to the Gallows.
The Pittsburg and L. S. Coal and Iron Go.
File an Affidavit of Defense.
The first sentence of death pronounced in
the new Court House, and in the county
since that on Edward Coffey, was imposed
yesterday on William H. Smith, colored,
for the murder of his wife. The motion for
a new trial in the case had not been argued
and it was overruled by Judge White.
Smith was called up and asked if he had
anything to say. He said he was in the
Judge's hands and must submit to whatever
he chose to inflict, but he would be vindi
cated in the court above. He expected to
stand on the other side of Jordan and see
the false witnesses against him destroyed in
Judge White, before imposing the sen
tence, said that though he agreed with the ver
dict, he would not opposo a commutation of tho
penalty to life imprisonment. It seemed hard
that a poor negro should die for murder when
other men who were more guilty had escaped.
This however, was not his reason for favoring a
His real reason was that he had become in
favor of the abolition of capital punishment,
and believed that if imprisonment for life were
substituted, they would have more first degree
and fewer second degree verdicts, and less
murders. He then pronounced the sentence,
the entire Court arising. He said:
"William H. Smith, the sentence of the Jaw
is that you, William H. Smith, the prisoner at
the bar, be taken back to the county jail, from
whence you came, and thence to the place of
execution, on such day as the Governor of this
Commonwealth may appoint, and there to be
hanged by the neck until you are dead, and
may God in His infinite goodness have mercy
onvoursouL" . ...
Smith received the sentence with but little
show of emotion, and was led back to jail. His
crime was shooting his wife while she was
asleep, at their home on Fulton street, on Sep
tember 5. Ho shot himself at the same time
bnt recovered. He claimed that his wife had
been unfaithf al, and an effort was made to
save him by showing that he had been drunk
the day before the shooting.
New York Creditors Take Proceeding's or a
Nature Indicating an Attempt to Defraud
How Ware Had Himself Protected.
A. W. Ware, proprietor of the liouvro Glove
Emporium, on Sixth avenue, was arrested on a
bench warrant yesterday and taken before
Judge Ewing. The warrant was issued at the
instance of New Yors: creditors of Ware's, who
alleged that he had attemnted to defraud
them. The creditors who broucht the suit are
H. P. Plante & Bra and Hardt, Von Bemnth
it Co.
They allege that Ware purchased $20,000
worth of goods from various firms on long
terms of credit He then gave judgment notes
to various parties, who issued executions and
had him sold out by the Sheriff. These notes,
it was claimed, were given with the intent of
defrauding his legitimate creditors. At the
hearing before Judce EwinR the plaintiffs were
represented by J. 8. Ferguson, Esq., and Ware
by John S. Robb, Esq.
It was shown that thejudement notes given
by Ware were to W. L. Konn. his father-in-law,
for 16.951: Gustave Konn, his brother-in-law, for
$1,500; E. David, $423 30, and Charles Kaufman,
$350. When Ware's effects were sold at Sheriffs
sale they were bought m by W. I Konn. who
in turn sold them to Ware s wife. When Mr.
Konn was on the stand be testified that he had
loaned Ware 55,000 without a scrap of paper for
security, and he could not produce a note or
other evidence.
Ware claimed that all the notes had been
given for value received, and no fraud was in
tended. He states that he did a large busi
ness, spending at least $3,600 per year for adver
tising. After hearing the' case Judge Ewlng
admitted Ware to bail In the sum of 55,000,
until Monday, to give him time to make some
arrangement with his creditors. W. L. and Q.
Konn went on his bond. If a satisfactory ar
rangement is not made by then Ware will be
sent to jail.
John George Kins Allesed to Have Been a
Bad Benedict Many Other Cases.
Testimony was filed yesterday in the divorce
proceedings of Annie E. King against her hus
band, 3 ohn George King. They were married
by the Rev. Colonel Danks on April 9. 1SS6, and
went to housekeeping on Buena Vista street,
Allegheny, bnt soon afterward to -Thirty-third
The wife alleges he was abusive soon after
their marriage. He struck and knocked her
down, and repeatedly accused her of evil dome.
A cnua was oorn to tuem in novemoer, xooo.
When it was six weeks old he struck his wife
while she was holding the child, and knocked
them both down. She then went home to her
parents, but he coaxed her back again. His
abuse continued, and she left him for good in
February, 1SS9. Mrs. Ann Bounce, the mother
of Mrs. King, also gave her testimony to the
effect that King refused , to let her visit his
wife, and that once he had assaulted her, Mrs.
Bounce, in her own house.
A rule was granted Sarah A. Lutz yesterday
to show cause why ber husband. Charles Lutz,
from whom she had been granted a divorce by
jury trial, snouia not pay ner sumcient money
for ber support as well as the expenses of the
trial, her counsel fees, etc.
Sophia Hartman obtained a rule on Nicholas
Hartman. from whom she had been divorced,
to show cause why he should not pay her coun-
Ida Mullen brought suit yesterday against
her husband, Joseph, asking for divorce on the
ground of abuse and desertion.
Commissioners were appointed in the cases
of divorce, as follows: J. A. Emery, for Vir-
Snia K Nesbitt vs William W. Kesbltt; L. B.
. Reese, for Mary Barnatz vs Matthew Bar
natz; H. S. Floyd, for Anna M. Spangler vs
John A. Spangler; Levis McMuIlen, for Luella
Riley vs Charles M. Riley: C. C. Montooth. for
Mathilda J. Roth vs Peter Roth, and H. B.
Herron, for Stewart Simpson vs Druscilla
The Renl Estnto Dealer Gets Four Tears
nnd Ten Months at Riverside.
James L. Orr, the real estate dealer convicted
of flagrant assault upon May Kelley, was sen
tenced yesterday by Judge White.
When called up, Orr made a statement in
justification, but Judge White said he had no
fault to find with the verdict, and accordingly
sentenced Orr to five years in the penitentiary.
Afterward, at the suggestion of District At
torney Porter, he reduced it to four years and
ten months; in order that Orr would not be re
leased from the penitentiary between the dates
of November 15 and March 15, as prohibited by
Criminal Conrt Sentences.
Other sentences imposedin the Criminal
Court yesterday by Judge Slagle were: Will
iam Kiteal, felonious assault and battery, six
months to the workhouse; William Doyle,
entering a building with intent to commit a
felony, one year to the workhouse; S. Sanders,
felonious assault and battery, two and half
years to the penitentiary; J. Koposta, felonious
assault and battery, one year and six months
to the penitentiary; S. Kobast, felonious as
sault and batterv, six months to the work
house: A. Polak, felonious assault and battery
and felonious assault, five years and six months
to the penitentiary; D. Magber, aggravated
assanlt and battery, two years to the work
house; H. Schilling fraudulently secreting
property to defraud creditors, six months to
the workhouse; P. Cassarte, felonious assault
and battery, two years and eleven months to
the penitentiary; Mickeal Matat, felonious as
sault and battery, six months to the workhouse.
Declared a ljunatle.
Caroline Brunner was appointed a committee
yesterday to take charge ot her sister, Mary
Brnnner, who was declared a lunatic. The lat
ter has been snch since she was three years old,
having become so from an injury received in a
f alL She is now 29 years of age, and Is heir to
the one-third interest of four acres of land In
the Twenty-second ward. Bond in the sum of
$3,000 was given for the faithful administration
of her affairs.
Cbnt of the Court Corridors.
W. H. Wright, a printer, and the editor of
the Sunbeam, published at Jaee-b'a Creek, was
seatm to the Fayette ywrtf Jail ynfrraay
for one year. He was found guilty In the
United States District Court of circulating ob
scene literature.
An Affldavlt Filed In HU-Srit Against the
Pittsburg and Lake Superior Iron Com
pany Muilc Alead.
Messrs. O'Brien and Yeager, attorneys for the
Pittsburg and Lake Superior Iron Comnany,
yesterday filed an affldavlt of defense in Com
mon Pleas, No. 1, to the snlt brought bv Mr.
Ralph Bagaly, ex-president of the company,
for salary for self and for help paid assistants
and other expenses, amounting to $20,7585.
The defendants claim, in brief, that Mr. Bagaly
was not entitled to any salary, was not author
ized to hire assistance, and that he has mixed
up the accounts with moneys, drafts, etc paid
by the company and not by plaintiff As to
the $5,400, amount claimed as salary, it is aver
red that no agreement ever existed hy wnicn
Mr. Bagaly was1 to receive a salary for nis
services. As to an item of 8117 67, charged as
expense of a trip to the mines, defendants deny
that the trip was authorized or of any benent
to them. The affidavit is made by Joseph Kirt
patrick, General Manager and Treasurer of tne
company. ,
The same attorneys also filed an affidavit oi
defense in the suit against the same company
by the Westinghouse Machine Company, ot
which Mr. Bagaly is Manager, Treasurer and
Secretary, and in which the defendant com-
Eany claims that the purchase of a "string
eater" on September 10, 1885. at 8L600, wasnot
authorized bv them; that It was not worthmore
than 8340, and as to other items mentioned in
affidavit of claim, swelling the whole amount
to some (3,000, they were paid for by them.
There seemed to be but little disposition to
talk by any one conversant with the case, but
it is said the controversy will likely become
torrid before its close, the company showing a
disposition to fight Mr. Bagaly at every step
and he showing an equally pugnacious spirit.
It seems according to a ruling of the Supreme
Court that the President of a corporation can
not charge a salary for his services unless by
express contract or under certain pecnllar cir
cumstancesw The object is to prevent people
from eating up stockholders in companies that
cannot afford to pay salaries. Borne people
say the suit entered does not represent more
than 25 per cent of the amount that will event
ually enter into the dispute.
Monday's Trial Lists.
Common Pleas No. 1Brien vs Field et al;
Casey & Co. vs Keil & Son; Davis et nx vs Ache
et al; Burns vs Ferguson et al; Donaldson vs
same: Benz Bros, vs Mauch; same vs same;
Dicken vs city of Pittsburg; Bailey vs Trauer
man;Foyvs McLean; Walsh vb Gilmore etal;
McAfee vsBalph: Ludwlgvs Anderson et al;
Friedman vs Maeder et al: McGuirk vs Woods
et al; same vs Garrett et al.
Common Pleas No. 2 McNeal Pipe and
Foundry Company vs Weaver et al:Sneathen
A Co. vs Burgwin; McKee vs Garrick et ux;
Gilmore vs P., V. C. Railway Co.; Semmel
rock 'vs Twenty-ninth Ward B. & L. Associa
tion: Shiver vs Pittsburg Bridge Company:
Beatty Bros.vs Chapman etal: Lane vs Mc
Gowan; Conner vs Burgess and Town Council
borongh of Braddock.
Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Andrew
Monheim, Jack McCurdy, John Coats, Max
Gndowitsch, Stephen Lycoming et al (2),
James Cuff, Matilda Blnsb, George Fletcher et
al, Harry Stickford (2), John Sharper (2),
Joseph Wentzel, Harriet Williams, William
McFJvain, Ralph Glldea (2), W. Callahan,
Desora Collins (3), Joseph Porter et aL
Hunting Work for Convict.
The regular meeting of the County Prison
Board was held yesterday. Upon a request
made by the Board of Managers of the work
house, a resolution was passed authorizing the
transfer of 8100,000 from tho liquor license fund
to the Workhouse Board. Superintendent
Warner said this was made necessary as
the barrel business jit the workhouse at present
amonnted to nothing, and the money was
needed to maintain the institution. At his re
quest a committee composed of Judges Collier
and White and County Commissioner Mercer
was appointed to confer with the workhouse
managers to the end that some new industry
may be introduced there, the prisoners now
being without employment.
Executrix Removed.
An order was made In the Orphans' Court
yesterday revoking tho letters testamentary
issued to Mrs. Florence E. Donnelly and re
moving her as executrix of the estate of
Josenh R. Donnelly. The removal was made
on the petition ot creditors of the estate, Mrs.
Donnelly, who is the widow of Joseph R. Don
nelly, have removed from the State, and they
being unable to get an accounting.
Injunction Asked For.
George Ewart yesterday filed a bill' in equity
against the city of Pittsburg and Booth fc
Flinn. Ewart owns a piece of land in the
Thirteenth, ward, fronting over 600 feet on Cen
ter avenue. He states that in paving the street
tbey are about to change the proper line so as
to take a strip two feet wide from his land, and
he asks for an injunction to restrain.them.
Motions for Ncvr Trials.
Motions were made yesterday for new trials
in the case of Henry Doerr againstthe Pitts
burg and Birmingham Passenger Railway
Company, in which Doerr obtained a verdict
for 813,500: and in the case of J. M. Lippmcott
against the Leader Publishing Company, in
which Llppincott received a verdictior $4,000.
The Refinery Downed. ' ,
The jury in the Miller Oil Refinery 'nuisance
case yesterday returned a verdict 'of guilty.
This will mean an abatement of the nuisance.
The case will probably be taken to the Supreme
Court Notes.
N. a Williams, Esq yesterday was appoint
ca Master to take testimony in the case of Will
iam M. Scaife and others, creditors, against the
Chartiers Creamery Company.
She Was Surprised.
Dr. Byers says he had a very fanny ex
perience last Friday. He had made ar
rangements with a young lady who lives in
a neighboring town for her to visit his of
fice for the purpose of having a tapeworm
removed. She presented herself about 9
o'clock feeling very nervous and excited,
and was given the first dose of medicine.
In half an hour the dose was repeated, when
she was told to make herself as comfortable
as possible, as she would probably have to
spend the day. At 4 o'clock she was re
lieved of a tapeworm that measured 45 feet
with head and neck attached, and Dr.
Byers says he never saw a more surprised
and delighted person than she was when
the wriggling mass wasshown her in a basin
of warm water. It was hard to tell which
was the most surprised, the girl or the para
site. She was so happy she wouldn't stay
for anything to eat, though she had fasted
24 hours, and started for home with her late
companion embalmed in alcohol to exhibit
to her waiting and anxious friends.
But It Will Prove n Better Thing; to Take
Stock In Than Useless Presents.
We refer to the elegant carpets, rugs and
curtains at Groetzinger's. which have been
specially reduced for holiday purchasers.
Smyrna rugs, $1 75 to $4; half price.
x nr rugs, 3 to $&; nan price.
Lace curtains, 65 cents per pair, up.-
Velvet carpet, 80 cents to f 1 a yard.
Body brnssels carpet, 80 cents to 51 a yard.
Every line of goods In our store has been
greatly reduced in price to get them out of
the way of the new goods which will be
coming in soon.
Edwabd Gboetzikgeb.
627 and 629 Penn Avenue.
Good News for the Ladles t
In order to make a clean sweep of the
balance ot the elegant pictures they have on
hand, Gusky's will continue giving one of
them away (until they're all gone) with
every purchase in their men's or vonth's
clothing department to the amount oi $10 or
upward. An early visit is necessary to
insure getting one.
Pltubnrc's 400
Will all be seen during the week at our
china store, 516 Smithfield street, because
when they ojake presents thev like to do it
well, and readily acknowledge that onr
claim that we have the most recherche stock
in the city, is a perfectly just one. 'Trom
French, Kendrick& Co. s" gives tone to
any gift.
Oh, Hamma Buy your infant's cloaks,
slips, caps, etc., at reduced prices this week.
Dolls given away with $3 purchase. Busy
Bee Hive, Sixth and Liberty.
Nothing better than a smoking jacket
or dressing gown as a holiday present. The
most elegant and grandest assortment ia the
city at Gusky's. As sr natter efeectse
prices are by losg odds lowstt ia ft My. .
Mr. Farland Asks the City to Pay, for
Bis Destroyed Property.
Inadequate Protection Furnished Oatlyiasr
The Finance Committee of Councils met
yesterday afternoon, and, as one member
remarked, the meeting was held in Council
chamber, as there were bat lew matters of
consequence to he discussed. One was the
claim of Mondorf & Co. for a release from
taxation, and the other was the claim of M.
M. Garland for the destruction of his
house in the Thirty-first ward by fire. In
the latter case a number of people who were
in the lobbies made comments during the
discussion, which tended in the -direction
that the city had no right to take new terri
tory within the municipal limits which it
could not protect, both in police and fire
particulars. '
This was felt particularly by the residents
oftheSonthside hill residences, who were
present when Mr. Carnahan announced that
the law on the matter distinctly kept the
city free from liability, "bnt some relief was
experienced on the appointment of the sub
committee to consider the Matter. One of the
City Hall officials who is particularly inter
ested in the financial affairs of the city
said the same argument could be used in
favor of the Twenty-second ward and other
portions of Pittsburg, which were as little,
if not less, protected than the Thirty-fifth
and Thirty-aecond wards, and it would be
impossible for the city to assume such re
sponsibilities. When asked if this was jus
tice, he replied that the difference between
law and justice was sometimes so marked as
to provoke comment, but he declined to give
an ex-cathedra opinion in the matter.
W. A. Hagee presided at the meeting and
the first, matter considered was the claim of
Mundorf & Co., of the Twenty-filth ward,
from property tax for the reason that their
property had been burned down and they
did not intend rebuilding. They wanted an
exoneration of the second installment of last
year's taxes.
There was also an opinion from the City
Attorney, in which he stated that there was
no law authorizing the exoneration. The
matter provoked considerable discussion. A
resolution was finally ordered returned to
Councils recommending the exoneration.
The petition of M. M. Garland was read,
and stated that his house in the Thirty-first
ward had been destroyed by fire on the
night of November 17. An attempt had
been made to send in an alarm of fire from
box 167, but the wires were out of order and
it was 45 minutes before the engines reached
the scene. Meanwhile the honse and all its
contents were destroyed. The petition
claimed that the total destruction was due
to the negligence of the city. The damages
asked was dwelling, $2,000; household goods,
$1,632; clothing, $1,144 25.
A. C. Robertson supported the petition,
claiming the man had lost everything he
had in the world and was unable to bear the
loss. The city had not supplied the hill
wards with proper fire protection. He
moved the petition be returned to Councils
W. A. Magee opposed the motion, saying
the question should not be railroaded or
hurried, as it entailed grave consequences.
Such action would involve the city in not
only this claim, but many thousands of dol
lars on account of the precedent. The
speaker did not think it fair on the first day
that the petition was presented to pass on
it without any investigation ot the subject.
I The question Was an important one to the
city, and required the best thought of Coun
cils on the subject. If the petition was passed
as proposed there would be nothing to stop
the first man hurt in any part of the city
from coming in with a claim of damages,
saying the city was negligent. He was op
posed to it in its present shape, and would
use his influence against it on the floor ,of
Mr. Robertson stated that he recognized
the city had no legal right to pay the dam
ages, but they had a moral right. There
was no question bnt that the city had been
negligent. The engine house was only a
quarter of a mile away, and yet it was 45
minutes before the company ?ot to the scene
of the fire. He was opposed to the petition
being sent into a sub-committee and allowed
to die there.
This brought Mr. Paul to his feet, who
wanted it understood that any sub-committees
he was on did their work, and no peti
tion or ordinance was allowed to die.
Mr. Bender favored the petition. He was
the man who had attempted to pull box 167,
also box 162, and both were fonnd to be out
of order. He afterward learned that the
fire alarm office knew the wires were out of
order at 9:30 o'clock, and the fire did not
occur until 10:30.
Mr. Bobertson withdrew his motion, and
the motion that the petition be referred to a
sub-committee of three for investigation car
ried. Messrs. Paul, Keating and Donley
were named as the committee.
The claims of Pile & Brown, William
Warren and Norah Galway for overpaid
taxes were affirmatively returne'd to Coun
cils. A communication to Delinquent Tax
Collector W. B. Ford by I. M. Van Vorhiss
was read. The communication asked that
the writer be exonerated from the payment
of taxes for 1879, on the ground that the
property he purchased formerly belonged to
the city, and was not in his possession in
the year 1879, upon which the taxes,
amounting to $260, called for.
Controller Morrow made a statement re
garding the matter, explaining that the
property .was located in the Seventeenth
ward, and had been bought in by the city
and then sold to Mr. Tan Yorhis.
Mr. Magee stated that he remembered the
sale of the property, and that it was sold
nnder a resolution of Councils, and the buy
er had promised to pay all liens or taxes
standing against it, Mr. Magee was there
fore opposed to granting any exoneration.
On motion it was decided to return the
petition to Mr. Ford, and instruct him to,
collect the money as called for in the origi
nal resolution.
That heretofore appeared on
this page of THE DISPATCH
will be found on the Eleventh
Page, in the Second Part of
this issue.
The Wants, For Sales, To
Lets, Business Chances, Auc-'
tion Sales, eta, are placed
under their usual headings en
the Eleventh Page. Adver
tisements handed in toe late
for Classification will b
fmi m tiw Sixth Pae.
Two TMaga That Are Inseparable, and Heir
to Preserve Thera.
The subject of good looks is one in which
everybody takes a deep interest, and it is
natural and proper that everybody should
do so. If we did not all like to annear well
in the eyes ot other persons, how soon would
we uecome unttay, unKempt, slovenly ana
dirty. It is because of this universal desire
to make a good appearance that men and
women keep themselves clean and dress
well. It is a trait, therefore, that serves a
most usetui purpose.
Opinions as to what constitutes beauty
differ widely: Persops that are regarded as
handsome by one are declared to be posi
tively homely by another. "Pretty is as
pretty does," say some; others -pay no heed
whatever to character or conduct, but judge
wholly by external appearance; some hold
that the features are the correct criteria;
others that the expression has everything to
do with it
But, while views on these points are
widely divergent, all agree that no person,
and especially no woman, can be beautiful
whose complexion is bad. Hermind maybe
cultured, her character noble, her features
regular, and her expression charming; but
if her face is covered with unsightly pimples
and other skin eruptions, her beauty is
marred and spoiled. It is for this reason
that the appearance of the smallest blotch
upon the face annoys a woman beyond ex
pression. And when blotches appear in
great numbers, covering the whole face as
they often do, her life is made absolutely
miserable. With men the effect may not be
the same in' degree, bnt it is the same in
The eruptions of the skin that thus dis
figure the face are divided into two classes,
each one of which embraces a number of
less distinct varieties. These two classes are
acute skin diseases and constitutional skin
diseases. Both classes are very disfiguring,
but the latter class is always chronio and
more difficult to cure than the other. It
will be useless to attempt to give the names
of all the varieties belonging to these classes,
because most of them are scientific names
and would not be recognized by the general
reader. Some of them are patches of differ
ent colors and sizes, some are blisters, and
some are pimples of different colors, sizes,
shapes and characters. All are unsightly
and annoying. Some of them burn, some
sting and some itch, and all destroy the
looks of the face.
Many persons, not understanding the na
ture of these eruptions, seek, to both conceal
and remove them by certain external appli
cations and operations. They invariably
fail. And why? Simply because the root
of the trouble is more than skin deep. These
eruptions indicate that the whole system is
out of order; that the blood is impure or
diseased. To cure them, therefore, it is
necessary to get the system in order and to
purify the blood. Id other words, pimples
show that the body is not in a healthy state,
and it must be restored to health before they
will disappear. Certain external applica
tions are beneficial, as is shown by Dr.
Hartman's useful "His of Life." But the
internal remedies, the remedies that get
right at the root of the whole trouble and
destroy the impurities tbatfeed the eruptions,
are hy far the most important. As there are
two classes of eruptions, so there are
two remedies; and the remedies that have
met with the most unparalleled success in
the cure of these eruptions are Pe-ru-na and
La-ou-pi-a, the former for acute diseases of
the skin, and the latter for the constitutional
and chronic diseases. Their success in the
cure of these diseases has indeed been re
markable. Sometimes it is advisable, when
taking either Pe-ru-na or La-cu-pi-a, if the
bowels are constipated, to take Man-a-lin to
regulate the liver and keep the bowels in
order. One trial Will satisfy anyone that
they are all that it is claimed they are.
They demonstrate their own worth in man
ner far more convincing than words. Give
them a trial. One dollar a bottle; six for
five dollars. If your druggist does not keep
them, send the money to the Pernna Medi
cine Company, Columbus, O. Tour order
will be promptly filled. Thsuwk
Cash paid for old gold and silver, at '
Hanch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. Tyrsu
Ladies' and Children's and Misses', in all
styles of Fur, with or without collars, from
50c up to Real Seal at $15.
BOAS, 3 yards longs, in Black Hare,
Silver Hare or Lynx.
SHOULDER CAPES in Astrachan,
Monkey, Nutria, Beaver and Plush.
Embroidered Handkerchief', lOo to $3.
Silk Handkerchiefs, 25c to $2.
Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs, 10c to
Initial Handkerchiefs, 10c, 15c, 18c,,25c
and up.
Gents' Linen Hemstitched Handkerohiefs,
12Kc to 76c.
Gents' Colored Border Linen Handker
chiefs, 8c to 75c
Handkerchiefs for Misses, 5c to 25c , , ,
Beautiful Silk Mufflers. $1 to 85.
Embroidered Silk Initial Handkerchiefs.
Real English Seal Plush Jackets, 88 to $20.
Real English Seal Plush Sacqnes, $13 50
to $10.
Tailor-made Jackets, $2 75 to $15.
Misses' Garments, $2 to $18. All greatly
Silk Headrests, Paiuted Silk Bags,
.fainted siiK sacnet Dags,
Table Covers, Painted Silk Monchoirs,
Plush Scarfs, Portieres, Lambrequins,
Fancy Linen Scarfs, Fancy Linen Toilets,
A collection of over 3,500 pieces, includ
ing genuine specimens from the Paris Ex
position, with unique handles. Prices
ranging from $1 to $15. Initials engraved
free of charge on Silk Umbrellas.
U R' invited to da your shopping in the forenoon if possible, so
as to avoid the afternoon rush,
SK, 512, 514 MARKET ST.
Old Honesty
Will he found a combination not
always to he had.
A Fine QuaUty of PLUG- TOBAC
CO at a Reasonable Price.
Look for the red Htln tag n
each plug.
If you are looking for a
Ask your dealer for it. Don't take any other.
For seven years did Mr. John Y. Hart
man, of 1214 Main street, Sharpsburg, suffer
from catarrh, which gradually grew worse,
until he became afraid he was on the verge of
consumption. He had a constant hawking
and spitting, and some of the poisonous
matter that gathered in his throat extended
to his lnngs. A cough set in. He felt sore
ness and pain in his lungs and around his
shoulder blades. His throat became sore
and ulcerated, breath short, his eyes were
weak and had much pain over ihem. He
lost flesh, had those terrible night sweats,
and gradually jrrew weaker. After becoming
cured by the physicians of the Catarrh and
Dyspepsia Institute, 323 Penn avenue, he gives
tne ioiiowing statement:
Mr. John V. Hartman.
"Yes. I was afraid of consumption, and my
case was even worse than has been described.
I now weigh more than ever before, feel well
and strong, and it gives me pleasure to add my
testimony with the hundreds already published,
to my complete cure bv these physicians.
The Catarrh andDyspepaia Institute is ner
manently located at 323 Penn ave. Tbey cure
Catarrh. Dyspepsia and Diseases of Women.
Consultation free to all. Patients treated suc
cessfully at home by correspondence. Office
hours, 10 A. K. to If. K., and 6 to 87. K. Sun
days. 12 to p. it. de-i-MWTSu
Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, .
Smoking Sets, Shaving Sets,
Oxydized Silver Shaving Sets.
Hand Mirrors, Triplicate Mirrors,
Picture Frames, Painted Placques,
Work Boxes, "Work Baskets,
Chatelaine Bags,
Traveling Companions for Ladies and Gents,
Collar and CufT Boxes, ,
Fancy Keyholders, Whisk Broom Holders,
Inkstands, Brush and Comb Trays,
Writing Tablets, Card Cases,
Cigar Cases,
Pocketbocks, Wallets, Odor Cases,
Plush Albums. Morocco Albums,
Portfolios, Easels, Pictures,
Music Rolls.
For Ladies,
For Gentlemen, For Misses,
For Children.
Fur Top Kid Gloves.
Extra Loner Snede Gloves.
Long Sllk"Mitts.
Cashmere Mittens.
Fine Silk Mittens, 75c and $L
Silk, Lisle and Woolen, for Ladies and
Underwear for Gentlemen, all kinds.
From 15c to 2 each.
Beautiful Lace Fichus, Lace Scarfs, Lace
Fine Neck Buchingtf.
Lace Collarettes.
Lace Chemisettes.
It is a time of year when a few in ggettioM
for Holiday Gifts will doubtless prove of in
terest to many who are at sea for a suitahia
present. In no line can you find so many
varied and acceptable things as in a well
stocked Jewelry Establishment We make
no, boast of being an art store; on the con- .
trary, wa are Distinctly Jewelers, and for
this reason carry a Host Complete Stock.
Pendants, Brooches,
Stick Pins, Bead Necklaces,
Roman Pearl Pins, Hair Pins,
Watch Chains, Watches,
Miniature Lockets, Bracelets,
Earrings, Rings,
Collar Buttons.
111 1
Stamp Boxes, Combs,
Bonbon Boxes, Court Plaster Caset ,
Belt Buckles, Mirrors,
Garter Buckles, Toilet Articles, '
Bracelets, Tablets,
Shoe Buttoners, Thimble Cases,
Glove Buttoners, Needle Cases,
Stick Pins, Shoe String Clasps,
Purses, . Corsage Holders,
Scent Bottles, Pin Cushions, '
Pocketbooks, Card Cases,
Hand Satchels, Opera Glasses,
Puff Boxes, Shoe Horns,
Tea Strainers, Scissor Sets,
Shirt Studs, Cuff Buttons,
Watches, Charms,
Vest Chains, Lockets, - -
Full Dress Fobs, Fob Chains,
Rings, Scarf Pins,
Hatch Boxes, Odd Rings, ,
Tobacco Boxes, Pen Knives, '
Cigarette Cases, Pens. , .
Cigar Boxes, Pencils,
Cigar Cutters. Scarf Holders,
Cigar Stands, Key Chains,
Pocket Combs, Key Rings,
Toilet Articles, Tennis Buckles, .
Shaving Mugs, Card Counters,
Razors, Suspender Buckles;
Oat Heal Dishes, Ink Erasers,
Napkin Rings, Pen Wipers,
Opera Glasses, Card Cases:
Canes, Cnps and Saucers,
Flasks, Collar Boxes,
Cuff Boxes, Manicure Sets,
Shoe Horns.
Rings, Rattles,
Earrings, Whistles, 4
Pins, Puff Boxes, 'f
Safety Pins, Comb and Brush ia
Necklaces, SterlingandPlate,
Bracelets, Pap Bowls,
Cups, Pap Spoons,
Knife, Fork and Spoon Sets.
We are Distinctly
JEVBlHVBmi. t:
R. Siedle & Sons, :
And Eye Glasses, $5 and upward.
J. DIAMOND, Optician,
noZi-lOS-rrssu ZZ SIXTH ST Pittsburg;
Piano Lamps,
Banquet Lamps,
Vase Lamps,
Hanging Lamps,
Hall Lights,
Tea Sets.
Dinner Sets,
Chamber Sets,
Fish Sets,
Gamo Sets,
Onyx Tables,
Umbrella Stands?
Rich Out Glass,
Art Pottery,
Chocolate Pots,
. &3
. "'&
i ,-, j ,.
i ! X-'
After Dinner Coffees and
Plates and' other fancy China,
satin lined cases, at about
; one-half J
actual value.1 '
Lamp, Glass China h.
935 Penn Avenue.
Between Ninth and Tentn Streets.
P. S. fatra- lffsr orlces on Trw
Marb-WiClook3 and RIch'iO
) . ".