Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 08, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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They Talk of a $100,000 New
Clnb House.
P, -To be Secured by Option Pending a
Bustle for Funds.
There were many members of the Amer
Jcni Club who attended the caucus last
evening to nominate officers for the ensuing
year, who vent there with the firm con
viction that a beautiful political shindy was
brewing, and that it would materialize in
the shape of a cut and dried slate "anti" to
the present control of the club. But the
slate failed to show up, and the proceedings
were intensely harmonious. Lest, however,
there should have been any political attack
in the rear, the adherents of Senator
Matthew Stanley Quay slumbered not, but
'drummed up every affiliating member of the
. club. So that it was harmony with a large
"H," and all went smoothly.
In the absence of President Paul, Vice
President and Postmaster-soon-to-be ile
.Keaa presided and worked Cushing'a
Manual for all it was worth.
E. D. W. English, chairman of the com
mittee upon a new constitution and by-laws,
Tead a lengthy report upon the matter, in
which was embodied an entire departure
from the methods of procedure and club
.government which, have heretofore pre
vailed, xne report was oraerea prano,
and will not appear in public until adopted
'by a majority of the members. It can be
said in advance, however, that it sits with
a ponderous sit on the practice of political
blackballing which at one time prevailed in
the clnb, and which led to the exchange of
many lingual amenities at the last annual
meeting of the club. There are also many
radical departures from the old club rules.
The report has been nearly a year in prepa
ration, and has been formulated upon the
results of a critical comparison of the best
points in the constitutions of the leading
political clubs of the country. The new
constitution will be voted for at the forth
coming annual election, and is already as
sured of adoption. v
Through AL G. Boenigk, the report of
the clubhouse committee was present. It
contained an earnest recommendation that
the club which by the time the meeting was
over would contain 601 members, begin to
provide for the future by securing, owning
or erecting permanent quarters at some cen-
- tral point in the city. The committee be
lieved that the club was now out of its
swaddling clothes and had ceased to be a
political infant. It now numbered on its
rolls some of the greatest names in the na
tion both as active and honorary members.
As a matter of fact the members themselves
were able to chip in and accomplish big
-things. The friends of the club could be
called upon and would doubtless respond
handsomely. The committee had ascer
tained that the Hotel Hamilton property
could be purchased tor $105,000. It has a
frontage of 60 feet on Penn avenue and a
depth of 125 feet, and is admirably located
for club purposes. The report was received
with enthusiasm. A clubhouse to cost
100,000 is talked of.
On motion Messrs. Al G. Boenick and
John B. Barbour were appointed by the
chair a committee to secure an option upon
the Hotel Hamilton property, it meeting
with general approbation. -
Messrs. H. D. W. English, H. S. Paul
.and J. H. Willockwere appointed a gen
eral hustling committee with a roving com
mission to skirmish for funds for the new
clubhouse, and to feel the pulses of the
financial heavy-weightjfriends of the club.
Xittle doubt is expressed of the ability of
the club to control ample funds for the
Although the members present thought it
a little early to speculate upon the shape
the plan would finally would take, there is
no doubt but that the Americas Club will
allow no grass to grow under its feet The
proposition to have a new clubhouse will be
voted upon by the members at the annual
After the transaction of some minor busi
ness the club went into a committee on the
'whole for the nomination of officers for the
ensuing year. Harry A. Paui; the present
popular President, was renominated amid
a burst of applause with a pleasing unanim
ity. Charles C. Baer was renominated for First
Vice President and James S. JIcKean for
Second Vice President with a halo of har
moniousness gilding the occasion. John
3Jaston was nominated for Third Vice Presi
dent, Samuel Moody declining to be placed
in nomination.
James H. Willock was nominated for
Treasurer, vice A. J. Logan; W. T. Beiter
and J. D. Littell were nominated for Corre
sponding Secretary, George H. Houghton
was renominated for Recording Secretary,
"W. W. Colville was renominated for
Financial Secretary, A. J. Loean and A.
M. McCandless were nominated for Major.
' For Captain two nominations were made,
"W. H. Davis and S. D. Huhley. A little
bird says that the newspaperman will make
the riffle. H. C. Stewart was nominated for
First Lieutenant and W. S. McLain and
"William Hlaber were nominated for Second
'There were 13 nominations and six to
elect, and 13 will be an unlucky number for
someone dead rare. The opposition in the
ere expected to bob np at this point
i proceedings, but there was nary a
The following gentlemen were placed
. F. Collingwooa, James P, Anderson. J. M.
. Jker. George P. Letscbe. W. H. Keech,
ames P. Youngon. W. 3. Ford. H. P. Ford.
W. P. BennetR. C.Patterson, H. D. Sellers
Jr., E. Sj. DeTOre and A. M. Wright. '
It will be seen that with the exception of
Mr. Samuel Moody and A. J. Logan.neitber
of whom desired to serve, the entire list of
officers of the club was renominated.
The following gentlemen were elected to
membership: Mil ton T. Robertson, Allegheny:
Charles A. Turner, Pittsburg; - Charles S.
Holmes. Pittebnrg; John Goettmann, Pitts
burg; William Petty, Pittsburg: H. L. Bow
man. Pittsburg; Percy C Hamilton, Dunkirk,
H. Y.: C. A. Freeman, Stenbenville. O.; J. M.
Freeman, Stenbenville, O.; D. B. Johnson,
Stenbenville, O.: Luther L. Smith, Sewiekley,
Fa.; General Asa W. Jones, Youngstown, O.
As honorary members Major "William Hc
Kinley, of Ohio, and. General Nathan B.
Goff, of "West Virginia, were elected and
cheered to the echo.
Trying to Get All tbe Kneedr la Town Into
the Colon.
'Bakers' Union No. 27 last evening held
an open meeting in Buppel's Hall, Smith
field street, t6 gain recruits for their union.
John Lambert held the chair. He and
others made speeches extolling the benefits
.of the union. It was decided to hold soon a
mass meeting, to which all bakers will be
invited, in a large ball. At the next regu
lar meeting of Union No. 27 extorters will
be appointed to visit all shops and urge
bakers to attend, It is said that non-union
bakers work from two to six hours longer
than union bakers.
The next open meeting of the union will
.. be held at Runnel's Hall on Saturdav. De
cember 21. In case this hall proves too
small larger one will' be secured.
!' , - 1ST
' JV.
A Fine Holiness Block Mar Replace tbe
Old Wonona-abelR Mack Depends on
the Dsmace.
The owners of the Mbnongahela House
and the lessees met with the Board of Un
derwriters -yesterday afternoon, to appoint
appraisers to view the damage done by fire
and water and to fix the loss in dollars.
Charles "Wilson, of tbe firm of contractors,
"Wilson Brothers, was selected to represent
the owners. Henry Shenk was chosen to
represent the underwriters. Both gentle
men are well known and experienced build
ers. Mr. Shenk is the gentleman who built
the Duquesne Clnb and other large build
ings in this city. Messrs. "Wilson and
Shenk will select a third man, and they will
get to work to-morrow. Until those gentle
men complete their work the hotel will not
be cleaned np to any great extent The ap
praisers will see in just what condition the
building and the furnishings were left by
the fire.
A great deal depends on the report of the
expert appraisers. Practically they have
the say whether theoldMonongahela House
shall be repaired or whether it shall be
razed and replaced by a modern, I are, fire
proof business block. The interior walls of
the old hotel are in some places very soft,
and have been severely injured by the fire.
The floors are weakened by fire and water all
over the house. The structure is over 40
years old and is of very antique style of
If the report of the appraisers shows that
the cost of repairing the house will approach
very nearly what the building originally
cost, tbe owners of the property will prob
ably decide to tear it down even to the last
stone of the foundations, and erect a big
structure which shall be as nearly fire-proof
as modern buildings can be made.
Attorney Florence C. Miller said yester
day afternoon: "The owners have not con
sidered what they will do, and will not
until the insurance appraisement is con
cluded. All will depend upon that At
resent I know no more about what will be
one than yon do."
Joseph Stillburg, the architect of the Ex
position and tbe gentleman who planned
tbe works of improvement done in the
Monongahela Honse last summer, said yes
terday that, with a good force or men, he
could have tbe hotel in order in two months.
He expressed a fear that the new hard
wood ceiling of the north dining room,
which was pul up at a cost of $4,000, had
been spoiled by the water and would have
to come down. Every plaster ceiling in the
house will have to be removed.
The cafe was open yesterday in good order.
It is on the ground floor, and had quito-a
number of patrons. Yesterday afternoon
about two dozen women employed in the
bouse were paid off at the office. Clerk
Miller took their addresses, and if the hotel
reopens they will be sent for. Some of them
had worked in the MonongahelaHouse for
periods running from 10 to 20 years, and on
going away, with a possibility that they
might not return, they expressed great sor
row, and even abed tears.
The police were not on duty at the house
yesterday. Clerk Charles Miller is to be
seen behind the desk, sadly and solemnly
gazing out over the ruin all around him.
He does not say much, but be gazes with a
far-away look as if looking about COO years
into futurity. He is thinking. Hs won
ders, he says, whether the fire would have
occurred had he remained another day in
Falls for 830 and Casta on IUrsed XJqaor
Eleven cases of Sunday selling were dis
posed of by Alderman Carlisle yesterday
forenoon. Captain A. Wishart, of the Law
and Order League, was the prosecutor, and
the testimony was given by five detectives,
Ed P. Hesser and a brother, Lindler,
Groehn and Cummings. For selling liquor
on Sunday the following persons were fined
each $50 and costs:
Emannel 4' Asthes, druggists, at No. 23
Fourth avenue, John iRoebber. proprietor of
the Western Hotel, corner pf Robinson and
Sandusky streets, Allegheny: Mrs. Mary Ann
McMnllen, Superior street. Wood's run;
Charles Cooper, a blind man. Ko. 61 Sandusky
street, Allegheny; Frankle Steel, No. 13 Rose
alley, Allegheny; Michael Kern, No. 80 Pike
street: Mrs. Mary Connolly, Decatur street,and
Mrs. Jane Plan, Sedgwick street, Sonthside.
For selling candy on Snnday, John Tin
telnot, of No. 1345 Penn avenue, was fined
$25 and costs. For selling general groceries,
Godfrey "Weber, of No.2C7 "Wylie avenue,
was fined 25 and costs. He was let down
easily because he was poor, and because one
of the hill Aldermen interposed for him.
Mrs. E. Hutchinson, of No. 139 Center
avenue, was fined $50 and costs for selling
tobies on the first day of the week. The
first two heard gave notice of appeal. In
the cases of the poorer defendants, they
were given leave to jay their fines by in
stallment MOST PAI P.DLL FAEE.
Ko Excursion Rates Will be Sold by the
Bonds nt Holldav Time.
The soft' weather of the last few weeks has
hurt the general holiday trade of the various
railroads. Excursion rates on the trunk
lines will not be offered, and those expecting
a reduced fare, such as is in force during the
holidays, will be disappointed. A promi
nent railroad official, when seen by a Dis
patch reporter, said, with many chuckles:
"The local traffic and the travel to near
points is such as to bring joy to the heart of
the railroad man, but the regular hegira to
distant points is by no means up to the
standard. This is caused by the soft weather
of the last few' weeks, but -we do not care so
long as the local trade keeps up. These
people who go to the various winter resorts
are the very people who can stand the price
Local trade is the thing just now, and it is
to the local trade that all passenger agents
are catering, so to speak. The passenger
departments of all the roads are making
money just now, and I want to see things
Holiday excursion tickets over the vari
ous roads have been sold for a number of
years, and, outside of the reason given above,
the railroad men are not aware of anything
that could cause a change.
Favorable Beport on a Grant lor an East
End Street Railway.
Councils Committee on Corporations yes
terday took up the ordinances granting 'the
Larimer Street Bailway certain rigb.tr. The
road starts at the intersection of Collins
avenue; thence to Station street, to Larimer
avenue, to Mayflower street, to Lincoln
avenue, to Shetland avenue, to Larimer
avenue, to Station street Also a branch
road runs along Broad street to "Larimer
avenue, and thence to Station street
Tbe company is granted the right to use
cable or electric power, etc., the entire work
to be under the supervision of the Depart
ment of Public "Works. The ordinance was
affirmatively returned to Councils.
. Son-In-!.aw and the Wife's Father Fall
Oat About Home Affairs.
Elmer Culvel.living on Friendship street,
Bloomfield, was arrested on an information
made by his father-in-law, before Alderman
Porter yesterday. f
Cnlvel is charged with throwing a earr
ing knife at his "step-dad" during a brawL
The two men got into a wrangle about home
affairs, when Culvel became enraged, and
picking up a knife threw it with great
force, striking his opponent on the arm with
the handle. He was placed under $500 bail
for a hearing on Monday.
Evening; Entertainments.
Music makes long evenings pass quickly
and pleasantly. Violins, flutes, Mandolins,
guitars, zithers, concertinas and musical
boxes are sold for less than half price at N.
Gallinger's, 1106 and. A?99 penn aye. ihsu
: 5i:
, ' -'. r
Fifth Avenue Sarket House Captured
by the Militia.
A Hall to Contain at Least an Andiencs of
. 6,000.
The fact that the Eighteenth Beglment
and Battery B have secured a lease of the
Fifth Avenue Market House, corner Fifth
avenue and Miltenberger street, has been
known for some time, but few people realize
that the proposed alterations in. the build
ing will give the city a hall for use on
special occasions capable of meeting any
The building will be practically
rebuilt at an expense .of $50,000,
and the lease will run for
50 years. At the corner of Fifth avenue
and Miltenberger street the building will be
three stories in height It will be used for
company rooms, headquarters, etc'. At the
east end will be a building of the same
height for the use of the battery. The
drill room will be 116x182 feet, with a gal
lery running all aroundf and will seat com
fortably between 5,000 and. 6,000 people. In
the basement will be .kitchens, rifle range,
gymnasium and the lavatory, and the base
ment will communicate with all the upper
portion of the building by capacious stair
Captain W. H. Davis states that it has
not yet been decided whether the building
will be of brick, with stone facings, or all
stone. The estimate of $50,000 js on brick,
with stone facings, but it will be all stone,
if sufficient money is forthcoming. The
city is atpresent and has been losing money
on the Fifth Avenue Market House, but
under the lease it gets a contingent rental
of $5,000 to (3,000 a year. The building
will be insured in the name of the city, and
it is arranged so that the State can never
secure possession. The citv will have the
right to the use of.- the hall on all great
occasions when theieart of the community
is stirred; such, for instance, .as was the case
at the time of the Johnstown disaster, and
the people generally will have the satisfac
tion of knowing that they have a hall
enough for any emergency.
As the season for building is past work will
not be commenced before spring, but the
military organizations named expect to oc
cupy the buildings before a year from date.
Money for the work is already largely
promised,-and the promoters have no appre
hensions of being unableto carry the project
to a successful conclusion. Mr. Davis
states that at first there was some objection
urged by surrounding property holders, but
they were withdrawn as soon as they saw
the plan, and learned the character of the
building to be erected, and came to the con
clusion that it would enhance the value of
adjacent property.
The trustees are C. L. Magee, A. F. Keat
ing, Colonel Chambers McKibbin, Colonel
'Norman M. Smith, Captain A. E. Hunt,
Lieutenant George Sheppard and Captain
"W. H. Davis.
Allegheny Councils' Committee Hold a
Special Meeting-.
There was a special meeting of the Alle
gheny Committee on Street Railways last
night, for the purpose of considering the or
dinance granting the Pittsburg, Allegheny
and Manchester Traction Company the
right to use electricity or cable power on anv
passenger railway now owned or' operated
by the Pittsburg, Allegheny and Man
chester Bailway Company, or the Pittsburg
Union Passenger Bailway Company.
The original ordinance, referred to the
committee was thrown aside and an entirely
new one substituted for it This latter was
taken up in sections and considered, and
after several amendments were added to it,
it was finally passed as a whole. Instead of
the words "other devices and mechanical
fixtures." the words "cable or electricity"
'were substituted. This was done for fear an
elevated road would be built, "or that steam
power might be nsed. The rail must
he 'of a pattern approved by -the city
engineer and the committee, and the com
pany is required to lay block stone one
foot on either side of the rails. The rate of
fare must not exceed 5 cents between 5
o'clock A. m. and midnight and the work
must be begun by July 1, 1890, and com
pleted ih one year thereafter, the whole
work to be approved by the City Engineer.
The privileges of the company mnst be
the same as those of the P. A. & M. and the
Union Line Companies, as provided in
existing ordinances relating to those com
Sloan & Blclrtvayne Get the Job to Im
prove Grnndvlew Avenae.
Messrs. McCallin, Bigelow and J. O.
Brown were present at the meeting of the
Department of Awards yesterday forenoon,
and the leading subject for consideration
was the contract for improving Grandview
avenue in the Thirty-second and. Thirty
fifth wards. Chief Bigelow, of the Depart
ment of Public "Works, stated that H. O.
Howard was the lowest- bidder but his bond
was irregular and that according to law
they would be compelled to throw it out
Mr. Bigelow stated that he vras sorry, but
that no exceptions could be made. He then
moved that the contract be awarded to Sloan
& McHwayne. Their bid was 575,072.90.
The other bids were ns follows: Martin
Joyce, $77,961.30; H. C. Howard, 574,474.56;
McCormick & Moran, $78,063.20. The
avenue is to be paved with irregular block.
Both the ordinance and petition call for ir
regular block, but a number of the citizens
would like to have an asphalt, and Chief
Bigelow says.be thinks it should, be aspuau,
but he has to live up to the ordinance.
General Police Powers.
A petition, bearing the big gilt seal
of the Humane Society,' of Western Penn
sylvania, was yesterday forwarded to Gov
ernor Beaver, asking him to appoint Samuel
F. O'Brien General Agent of the Society,"
and James F. Berryman Assistant Agent,
and by that' act to confer upon them general
police powers. At present those gentlemen
have police powers only inside of the city
Death of a Braddock FhraJclaa.
Dr. "W. "WV DonaldMD, of Braddook, died
yesterday forenoon, after an illness of Jen
tlays. Tbe funeral will be held at Green
ville to-day, under directioaof Council 122,
Jr. O.V. A,JC , . v , ,s :.
A Lively Flabt la the Ebcataer Baptist
Church Cloo Watch on the Contrrba
tlon Box.
The name Ebenezer is a quite common
one for a church. It means a' stone of help.
It is often said also In backwoods religio
comio parlance that when a man Is very
mad "he has his Ebenezer np." Ebenezer
is the name of the church of colored Bap
tists who own a lot and a building in which
they worship, at the corner of Colwell and
Milton streets, and, in the rural sense of the
term, it would seem that a large portion of
the congregation has had its Ebenezer up
for the last three years. In 1886 a portion
of the congregation, composed of some 20
communicants, was excluded from fellowship
on the charge of "unchristian conduct"
This portion of the congregation, after re
maining quiescent for three years, has
finally decided to assert its rights, or at
least supposed rights, and has brought the
matter to an issue by employing "William
B. Broe and James "W. Preicott, Esqs., to
procure a charter for them which will give
them, if they succeed, the right to worship
in the building. Among the excluded are
Messrs. Isaac Morton, Alexander Barbour,
Johnston and Isham Carter. Amoncr
those to file exceptions to the granting of
the charter are trustees. Messrs. Lee, Down
ing and Burrell. They have employed
James S. Young, Esq., to represent them,
and Albert H. Clark, Esq., is tbe' commis
sioner appointed to take testimony.
No meeting has been held, but the case
promises to grow interesting before it The
rules, discipline orlawsof the church, whatl
ever they may be called, are, of course, of
prime importance in the settlement of the
Church and the expression, "unchristian
conduct," will probably be given a very
wide signification according to tbe different
angles from which the contestants view it
It is expected that some counter-charges
will be preferred by the applicants for the
As a specimen of what is called "nn
christain conduct," one of the exceptants
testified that the contribution plate was not
sent around among the congregation as is
the case in most churches, but that all who
felt like contributing were expected to come
to a box and deposit it This exceptant wit
ness stated that he made it a rule to sit close
to the box where he could see the size of the
contributions,and that some of the excluded
members' financial aid was very small.
Of course, to ascertain whether, the
placing ot a small amount in the contribu
tion box, constitutes "unchristian conduct "
it might be necessary to inquire into the
circumstances of the contributor and find
how he was rated in the commercial
agencies, and even this rating might not de
termine his ability, as a giver might play
the Ananias-Sapphira dodge, for the rem
edy of which there have been no deterrent
executions lately.
Some people expect an awakening when
the exceptants get through testifying and
the other side begins.
It Seems to bo In Process of Formation De
spite Opposition.
The announcement of the formatiosf-ora
straw and rag wrapping paper "trust, as
published exclusively in The Dispatch
a few days ago, caused considerable discus
sion among the various paper dealers in
Almost to a man they express themselves
as inimical to the scheme. Some even go
so far as to say that no such trust will bed
lormed, out there are others who tninc that
it will, the latter claiming that it is a ne
cessity. One gentleman, who refused to allow his
name to be used, said that while the state
ment was a surprise to him, he had been ex
pecting that the manufacturers would com
bine for the purpose of advancing prices.
A mill owner from "West Virginia was in
town yesterday and confirmed the Teport
that the trust was in process of formation.
He, however, refused to give any particulars,
saying that too much had already been pub
The Rebecca Street Line Still to be Ope
rated by Horss Power.
Allegheny railway matters are still in a
chaotic state, but tbe Pittsburg, Allegheny
and Manchester Bailway is still bobbing
up with matters oi interest to the pnblic
It was reported yesterday that the Bebecca
street line would beTun by electricity, but
investigation confirms previous 3 publica
tions. Mr. G. B. Hill, one of the corpo
rators of the traction company, said:
"It is very likely, in fact it is a sure thing,
that the motive power of the long and short
line will be changed. However, as was re
ported some time ago, the Bebecca street
line will be run by horse power, as in the
past Tbe motive power of the main line
will likely be cable, but no decided steps
have been taken in regard to the Bebecca
street line."
The Junior O. U. A. M. Preparing to Cele
brate Washington' Birthday la Style.
A meeting of the Jr. O. XT. A. M. was
held in Moorhead's Hall last night to con
sider the'preliminaries for tbe coming pa
rade on February 23. William Fix, of
Vesuvius Council, Sharpsburg, was elected
Chief Marshal. This time the entire parade
will march through the Sonthside, where a
large contingent of the order lives.
Next Saturday a meeting will be held at
Odd Fellows' Hall, Sonthside, to elect Di
vision Marshals, and the general idea of the
brethren is that Thos. J. Morley, of Iron
City Council No. 171, will command the
Sonthside division. It is expected that over
20,000 men will be in Jine on next "Wash
ington's Birthday, to show an American
recognition of the occasion, and the route
will be made long enough to tire the march
ers and satisfy all the sightseers.-
The Coroner's Bonds Filed.
The bond of Coroner McDowell arrived
yesterday from Harrisburg, and with the
same bondsmen testifying the same faith
that they had in him at the commencement
of his present term was approved by Presl
dent J udge Btowe ana o uage uoiiier.
iae 1
bonds were executed and returned to Har
risburg and the uoroner is naturally de
lighted. He jHnped Too Short.
About daybreak on Friday morning, the
most unlucky Friday he ever struck, a man,
supposed to be an Italian working for the
contractori on the new bridge at Chartiers,
attempted to jump on. the steamer Venice,
but fell short, and; although ropes were
thrown to him, he failed to make connec
tion, and was lost Ho report has yet been
made to the Coroner's office of the drowning.
Dr. B. M. Hasna. Eye, ear, nose and
throat diseases exclusively. Office, 718 Penn
stmt, Pittsburg, Pa., sa
Detective 0'Mara 'Approves Strongly
oL Capital Punishment.
Selling Beer is an Easy, Faying Business
in Birmingham.
Assistant Superintendent O'Mara said
last night regarding the sentence of death
pronounced by Judge "White- against the
colored man who shot his wife in bed on
Fulton street:
"I do not suppose he will ever be exe
cuted, as the Judge has plainly indicated
his course of action. If the law could try
murderers proven to have committed the
crime quickly and execute them quickly
when it had been proven that the murder
was a deliberate one, as is the custom in
other countries, I think that it would dimin
ish the crime.
"The delays obtained from one court to
another, and the trouble in getting people
convicted on the plainest evidence show
that the system is faulty and the position
held by a man who is in favor of capital
punishment is the best preventative of that
class of criminal work. I know that the
abolition of capital punishment in Michigan
did not decrease the murders, and when on
the Humphreys execution in Sandwich,
Canada, just opposite Detroit, for shooting a
man who owed him some money, a large
crowd flocked over from Michigan to hear of
the smallest details, it shows that a life for a
life was a rarity in the State of Michigan,
although Jackson is now laden down with
men in the murderers' cells."
He Sojb the Water Receipts Are 870,000
Ahead of Expenditures.
Superintendent George H. Browne, of the
"Water Bureau, feels somewhat aggrieved at
his bureau being placed over $182,000 be
hind in the figures given the other day on
the success of the best watered stock in
Pittsburg. He said yesterday: "Now,
while some of the works you charged against
ns no doubt added to the expense, still there
is less doubt that those expenses should, in
their results, be added to the value of the
plant, which in any stock company would
be credited. Most of the improvements
made were effected at the rate of
$80 per ton of pipe when iron was very high,
when four months later the same pipe could
have been contracted for at 540 per ton.
That was something that could be very
comfortably be regarded as a mistaken time
for awarding contracts, or something that
should be taken into consideration. There is
another thing that should be credited, and
that is the fact that all the pnblic institu
tions such as theteunicipalbuildings,publio
schools, etc., have their water service free,
which in the hands of a private or stock
company would net a very pleasant addition
to the annual receipts.
"I can still be confident that the receipts
of my bureau are $70,000 ahead of actnal
expenditures. There is no company in the
world which would charge up an increase of
stock to expenses, the returns from the stock
being a certain result within a year. There
is no financier in this country who would
not take our water works at $4,000,000 to
$5,000,000, and be glad to pay a dividend of
6 per cent on tbe investment I still believe
the 7 per cent interest on the water loan is
too high, and I persist in saying that the
improvements should not be charged as ex
penses without being credited as stock.
Controller Morrow was talked to on the
question.but refused to say anything further
on the matter at present
Controller- Morrow Drew the Lino on the
English Nnlsance.
Controller Morrow doesn't like an En
glish sparrow any better than he does a
member of the Owl gang, and was rather
surprised when 41 youngster, carrying a
Flobert rifle longer than himselt and a bag
apparently well filled, entered his office
yesterday. At first the Controller thought
it was one of the E. S. Morrow Band of
Hope who had backslidden, but the first
words disabused him of the torturing
"Say, mister, are you the Controller?"
Mr. Morrow acknowledged the corn, and
was startled by the boy opening his game
bag and showing it filled with recently de
ceased English sparrows, which, as Coroner
McDowell would put it, had come to their
death by gunshot wounds at the hands of
persons unknown, and, looking up at the
Controller, continued:
"Them is wuS a cent a piece, ain't they,
The Controller demurred to collecting or
nithological specimens or instigating a war
of extermination against supposed foreign
ers, not knowing but that they might have
taken out their papers. He said that though
several bills had been introduced against
the English sparrows, they continued to in
troduce bills in their own favor with regu
larity and dispatch, and the American worm
has not yet commenced to turn in this vi
cinity. The boy closed up his bag, gazed
with an expression of lofty contempt upon
the official and fairly shrie'ked:
"Wot're ye givin'me; yer ain't got as
much go in yer as a dago peddler. I'll sell
'em to some other feller."
A Saloon Man Says It Is Done Much Easier
Than la FIttibarg.
Andrew Shorn and August Bhue, two
old residents of Lawrenceville, returned yes
terday from Birmingham, Ala., where they
migrated after Judge White knocked their
licenses sky high. Mr. Shorn Btated yes
terday that they went South, where the
feeling against liquor was not so strong as' it
is in Pittsburg.
"As soon as we got to Birmingham," said
Mr. Shorn, "we obtained an excellent house
to sell liquor. Alter getting tbe h.ouse we
went to the revenue office with a
legal document signed by 12 men,
paid $886 for the license and
got it. Any 'man can get a
license down there if .be has the boodle.
Having been engaged in the saloon business
in both cities, and closely observed the
statistics of crime, it can safely be said that
Pittsburg, in proportion to population, hag
a blacker record than Birmingham. Here
you have few licensed .houses where liquor
can be sold legally, but yon have the city
filled with. illegal liquor shops, with all the
evil and crime which is the natural outcome
of having them in your midst
"Georgia, Alabama, indeed all the South
ern States, are not steeped in drunkenness
and crime in tbe same ratio'as our Eastern
This fact should not be ignored when the
next'License Court sits. A more equitable
distribution of licenses should be given to
Pittsburg, and a more beneficial result will
be felt The anthorities can control the
saloons and keep them in such shape tbat
they will not conflict with the law."
Detective Coalson Says He Doesn't Like a
Lead Diet.
Detective Sol Coulson said last night In
Central station: "I don't know how I feel
nnless I classify myself with the jumping
frog of Calaveras county, of which Mark
Twain so feelingly speaks. I am loaded
with shot. The boys had some shot, and
were trying to bombard two or three people
aroBMl here, mi I befzswt a saemfcMgJ,
but the first'breatfa I drew in took saest of
the shot down my throat, and X don't know
whether to take blue pill or an emetic. ' I
tell you duck shot sits heavy upon the di
gestion, especially when a man is not accus
tomed to a lead diet"
Catties" Down the Saloons Has Helped the
Brewers Business.
A report has been circulated that the
wholesale liquor dealers are in hard luck
this year, owing to the large trade the brew
ers are conducting among 'consumers by
selling beer in small casks. Heretofore
the wholesalers have thrived by selling beer
in bottles, but the consumers are now buy
ing beer in kegs and bottling it themselves.
It is said they can get 16 quart bottles of
beer for $1, whereas they formerly paid $1 20
for 12 bottles.
Mr. Sam "Wainwright was interviewed
yesterday by a Dispatch man. He said:
"I am,certaln that the wholesalers are doing
a much larger trade in beer this year than
they have for many years past Though
the brewer sells his beer on wagons in small
packets it has not injured the wholesaler.
"When we had the city filled with saloons
the trade was more widely distributed.
After the court reduced the licenses to a
minimum it naturally threw the selling
trade to a few, the wholesaler more than
any other man in the business got the ben
efit of the reduction in licenses. Many peo
ple prefer to buy the beer in bottles rather
than in kegs and bottling it themselves. If
we had a larger number of saloons, the re
sult would be the brewers' trade would be
confined to more limited channels.
"There has been a boom in- the beer trade
during the past year. Every brewer has felt
.the benefit of the change in increased busi
ness. Every brewing establishment in this
section has sold more beer than it did last
Foraker Is Not Dead, bat Will be Heard
From Occasionally.
Charles Kurtz, Private Secretary to Gov
ernor Foraker, and William Monaghan, of
New Lisbon, passed through the city yester
day on their way westward from "Washing
ton. They had been in attendance at the
opening of Congress.
Mr. Kurtz said that Governor Foraker,
immediately after the inauguration of his
successor, would resume the practice of law
in Cincinnati with the firm of Foraker,
Black & Bockhold. Joseph B., his secre
tary said, is not altogether out of politics,
and is quite likely to be beard- from at op
portune intervals. Mr. Monaghan said tbat
he had no doubt that Major McKinley
would be appointed Chairman of the Com
mittee on "Ways and Means.
Movements of Pltubnrgon and Others
Wide Acqaalntance.
Chiefs Indian Wolf, Homili, Peo and
Showoway, of .Oregon, Indian Agent Moor-
honse and Interpreter McBean took breakfast
at the Union depot yesterday. They were en
route to Washington to see the President and
the Secretary of the Interior regarding certain
land and tax questions affecting tbe Oregon
Indians of the walla Walla, Cay ate and Uma
tilla tribes. The Chiefs wore American rai
ment and sombreros, and talked reasonably
good English.
William Martin, Secretary of the Amal
gamated Association of Iron and Steel Work
ers, left last night for Boston to attend tbe con
vention ot the American Federation of Labor
on Tuesday. Mr Martin is Vice President of
the Federation.
John McTver, delegate to the Boston
Convention from the Tile Layers' Union of
Western Pennsylvania, went East last night
H. Kleber b Bro. Don't Handle Goods.
Unlike their rivals on Fifth avenue and
elsewhere, the Messrs. Kleber & Bro. do not
handle pianos and organs they only sell
them. The instruments sold by the Kleber
Bros, are not made to be bandied by the
uncouth fists of ignorant music dealers, but
they are intended to.be played upon, by per
sons desiring to become good performers and
to get the greatest amount of sweet music for
the smallest amount of money, and this is
jnst the difference between tbe, instruments
offered by Kleber & Bro. and their rivals,
who constantly work the handle. So if
you want a Christmas piano for use of
your wife and children, to be nsed with
their fingers and to make them good play
ers, you should buy them at Kleber &
Bro.'s, 606" Wood street. Persons desir
ing to handle them with their fists
will hardly find them at Klebers' store. The
holiday stock of this grand old firm is some
thing wonderful to behold. Five large
floors filled with the choicest pianos and
Organs ever made in America or in Europe
will be found at Klebers' at the lowest pos
sible prices and on the easiest time pay
ments, and warranted for eight long years.
The Klebers don't handle their goods qr
allow others to handle them until they are
second-hand; their goods are all fresh and
unhandled by anybody until they are sold.
Call at Kleber & Bro.'s, 606 Wood street,
and examine their splendid Steinway, Con
over, Opera and Gabler pianos and their
elegant Burdett and Earhuff mouse-and-dust-probf
organs, and learn their astonish
ingly low prices and easy terms, and, our
word for it, yon won't feel like-buying any
where else than at Kleber Bro's.
A Valuable Remedy for Colds.
From Lewis, Iowa, Independent
"We have advertised a great many differ
ent patent medicines, but have never taken
the pains to editorially puff one. We
are going to do so now for the first time.
Chamberlain & Co., Des Moines, Iowa,
manufacture a cough remedy which is abso
lutely the best thing we have ever seen.
We have used'it in our family for the past
year,iand consider it indispenasble. Its ef
fects are almost instantaneous.and there is no
Luse talking, it is a dead shot on a cough or
cold. We don't say wis lor pay, but be
cause we consider Chamberlain's Cough
Bemedy, tbe best made, and we want the
people to know it and use it" For sale at 50
cents per bottle by E. G. Stnckey,
Seventeenth and Twenty-fourth sts. Penn
ave., and cor. Wylie ave. and Fulton st;
by Markell Bros. cor. Penn and Frankston
aves.j by Theo. E. Hirig, 5610 Fifth ave.;
and by Carl Hartwig, Butler st. Pittsburg,
and in" Allegheny City by E. E. Heck, 72
and 194 Federal st; and Thos. K. Mor
ris, cor. Hanover and Preble aves.; Fred H.
Eggers, 172 Ohio st; F. H. Eggers, Ohio
and Chestnut sts. ttsu
Mu.Ical Christmas Gifts.
' A more acceptable Xmas gift than a good
musical instrument cannot be obtained.
The headquarters for the bes makes of
guitars, mandolins, zithers, violins, flutes,
cornets, banjos and all other musical in
struments is the store of H. Kleber & Bro.,
Ko. 506 Wood street, the oldest and' most re
liable music house in Western Pennsyl
vania. Beside the celebrated Washburn
guitars, mandolins and zithers, Klebers
keep in stock tbe antique oak euitars, sold
at $8, and the beautiful Arion mahogany
guitars, sold at $10. These instruments are
warranted trne in tone and not to split A
large lot of banjos, Antes and mandolins at
$4 and upward; also, a large assortment of
instruments suitable for children, such as
xylophones, metallophones, ocarinas, blow
accordions, toy pianos and violins and mu
settes.. Everything sold at the lowest prices.
Store open every evening.
Bio Monet Saved. Buy your blankets,
comforts, winter underwear, child's dresses,
cloaks, ladies' wrappers, etc, at reduced
prices this week. Busy Bee Hive, Sixth
and Liberty.
An extraordinary stock and assortment of
holiday slippers at Gusky's. All sizes, all
materials, all colors, all styles and shapes.
A full assortment of slippers for man,
woman and child at guaranteed lowest
prices. .
Use Angostura Bitters to stimulate the
appetite and keep the digestive organs ia
- Fine umbrella, lowest priees.at'Haaeh's
jewftry ?, V, 9f Ftfm ay. '-'
ft- "V --
The Colored Folks and tfewsboys En
joy Fhh in Lafayette Hall.
Produce! Will Trimmings Not Oftea Sees
at tbe Theater. .
For two nights past the colored people
have enjoyed a theatrical treat at Lafayette
Hall. A young man, whose name on the
bills appears, inclosed in black lines, as
Master Eddie H. Winn, has been pacing
the boards there as the star of the "Great
Comedy Drama," 'entitled "A Heart of
Gold." He is himself the young gentleman
supposed to possess the valuable heart in
question. Mr. Winn, who is a bright col
ored lad, has been assisted by John M.
Schrader, who Is placarded as "Pittsburg's
Favorite Young Actor."
Three of the actors were colored, and the
orchestra was colored, and the greater
part of the downstairs audience, those
who sat in the aristocratic 25-cent
chairs, were colored people. The leading
male heroes represented newsboys and boot
blacks. As a result, the 10 and 15-cent(
plebeian benches in the two galleries were
well patronized by the noisy urchins of the
street. In one sense it was a newsboy's
frolic. There was so much uproar on Fri
day night, and so many hats and caps were
broken and lost, that an appeal was made
yesterday afternoon at the Central station
for a squad of police to maintain order and
preserve the dignity of the dramatic art
The precise number of policemen asked for
was three. One was wanted on the lower
floor, one to patrol the galleries and the third
to keep order behind the scenes. The In
spector thought he could spare one officer,
and he detailed a young patrolman, who is
passionately fond of the drama, to visit the
hall and see that the artists were protected
from the scoffs and flings of the newsboy'
It was shortly after 7 o'clock that the
first exceedingly antecedent party of news
boys climbed the stairway, and bought
tickets for the upper gallery. It was a
ragged line which kept climbing up until
8 o'clock, and at that hour there was a jolly
crowd in the two galleries. Down on the
floor there were about two dozen colored
ladies and gentlemen, and half as many
white persons. The members of the orches
tra were in their seats in front There were
five of them. A white man sawed the big
bass viol, two fat colored men played the
fiddle, and two white men blew wind instru
ments. It was a pleasure to watch the
leader. His soul was in his work. His
face expressed the utmost gravity. ,How he
sawed the strings of that old fiddle and made
it sing high and growl low. His bow shot
to and fro like electric play in dark summer
clouds, and as he struck some moving strain
he bent his body back and forward, and
bowed his head with the intensity of his
artistic glow. He was rewarded with soul
ful applause from the appreciative audi
ence. The Individual who had secured an
orchestra chair, was met at the door by a
' shirt He had discarded his coat and kept
himselt warm by pulling intensely at a
very big and very blacc cigar. As he
flourished the ticket holder into a seat he
assisted the victim to sit down by wafting a
huge volume of cigar smoke into his face.
The noise in the hall, before the curtain
went up, was appalling. From one gallery
to the other flew clanging choruses of yells,
cat calls, whistles, and such descriptive
cognomens as only newsboys know how to
shout out Everyman, woman and child
wbotventured inside the door and had the
temerity to walk down the aisle after the
black cigar and its .chaperon, was saluted by
a new set of yells from opposing galleries.
"Ah there, Beddy; take off your hat; you'll
burn it." "Get onto the dude; hello,
Carneyl" "There's Tallow Mike; where'd
you get the quarter?" "That's my gal
with the green dress; look at her step."
"Hello, Chappy; how's the Sonthside?"
The boys in the galleries grabbed hats
from neighbors' heads and threw them down
to the pit An usher was kept busy throw
ing the dilapidated tiles back again. He
grew tired of this, and' began to pile the hats
on a chair beside the stove. He soon had a
heap of them, when a crowd of the hatless
in the gallery organized a raid, swooped
down the stairs in spite oi doorkeepers, and
carried their top ornaments off exultingly.
The curtain went up and the play began.
The whistling and stamping was such that
the words of the widowed heroine and her
Eretty daughter could not be heard. The
eroine had jet black, hair, but she was sup
posed to be somewhat advanced in years.
So she wore a white bang over her forehead.
When the villain, wearing a black shirt, a
slouched sombrero, a big kniie and a des
perate frown, furst upon the scene and
swept across the stage with three enormous
strides, a thunder-toned newsboy in the top
gallerv yelled. "Jack the Bipper." The
villain's frown broke into a grin, and the
play was delayed until the actors could
straighten their, faces.
By and by the young hero appeared and
rescued his defenseless mother and sister
from the horrible villain. His coffee col
ored complexion was obscured by .a thick
coating ot chalk, which gave nis lace a
deadly pallor. It was as white as his
mother's bang. The chalk had been rub
bed and piled on so liberally that it had
fallen from his face and covered the front of
his coat and trousers. His black wig was so
large and obtrusive that even in the most
pathetic scenes the graceless gallery gods
could not be restrained from yelling,
"Chappy, get your hair cut"
The bill announced "startling mechanical
effects." They were startling enough. The
wings on a scene supposed to be the interior
of a humble home, represented the walls of
a palace hung with armor and costly tap
estry. A lawyer's office being shown, one
half of the setting- revealed a village tav
ern, the other half belonging to a garden
with a whitewashed paling. In a third
setting, the canvas 3t the rear revealed the
big blue A of the factory wbich turned out
tbe cloth, with a statement that it came
from a Manchester mill.
The" part of a white-haired and solemn
jrisaged lawyer being taken by a young man
whose regular line of business was song and
dance, it was impossible for him, even in
situations of the utmost dignity and thrill
ing solemnity, to keep his eyebrows from
!..1a2 ..A lta .. it w.. n.l mth 41.A ot.aa. '
WlUlfclUi; b Hie 411C1JT, i n.n. WD g. lat
est difficulty could he restrain his fantastic
and uneasy legs from executing a break in
tne miast 01 s paineuc luve scene.
After the second act the principals were
called before the curtain. They rushed
across with nervous and awkward haste.
The comedian trod on the heroine's skirt in
his anxiety to escape, and the villain nar
rowly dodged an apple core, which made a
spatter light on the nose of the
painted angel on tbe drop curtain.
About this time the one policeman appeared
and stood himself up in a corner of the
top gallery. Thereafter, through three
acts more, some order was maintained. To
make a long storyshort, the hero's father
was at last proven innocent of forgery, and
was liberated from the aldermanio summer
resort at Sing" Sing; the villains were either
hanged or went to Canada to meet Silcott.
and.therestof the characters were married
and. lived happy forever afterward.
The receipts were $21 35.
A Klgnt Glorioss Dltstay
And a msgnlfieent awortaaeat of iitmiag
gowa at Gusky's. All prises, free, ft to
$36; also a superb sleek of bath robes ia all
tk newest novelties of tbe Aseat inspected
ftuMMls. Fries 96 to 915. These ge4s ace ,
MtoMsaJtaU. ftr Mifcr life,
watee eonre dowj. --
eperatsrs and Miners Waitfaa: It ths
Other to fifcre b.
The depth f water 2a the lisilrn1 was 6
feet 3 inches last eveniaf, as fa Stas gen
eral fate of water, ectng down- DoatEgthe
afternoon the Louis A. Sharfey. with a
heavy cargo of freight and dark-colored
deck hands, departed for Cininnati, while
the Courier, of the Kanawha line, left for
Parkersburg.. The steamer Timi arrived
up. The coal operators are sitting in their
offices these days wondering how soon the
miners up the valley will give in and be
come reasonable. The miners up the valley
are sitting smoking by their cottage fires,
wandering how soon the operators will giro
in and become reasonable.
All Traveling; Saleamen
Interested in forming a building and' loan
association, or land company, are invited to
attend a meeting at the St Charles Hotel,
Saturday, December 14, 8.-00 p. m.
J. F. Hazlett, Secretary pro tern.
CUT Pbices For child's plush coats,
capes, etc. Busy BeeHive,Sixth and Liberty.
I will guarantee to save yon 20 per
cent all aronnd on your Groceries. If
yon are a millionaire this does.not inter
est yom
If you are only an ordinary person, ;
a great bis rustle for Christinas Money, It does
interest yon very much. .
' Don't take my word for this. I am an inter
ested party, and don't take your grocer's word
if be says I can't, for he. too, is an interested
party. But send for my large weekly price list
and compare my prices with what, you are pay
ing. I do not ask you to compare one or two,
or a half dozen prices, for anyone can sella
few things cheap If he can make it upon ths
rest. Bat take my price list and go through
the whole line of groceries, and If you can't
see where I can save you 20 per cent all around
drop it right there.
I am the only Betail Grocer in the State who
issnes a weekly price list, and so I am the only
one who can guarantee to sell at the prices ha
Orders amounting to 110, without
counting sugar, packed and shipped
free of charge to any point within
200 miles.
79, 81 AND 95 OHIO ST,.
Cor. Sandusky, Allegheny.
. DECJSMBKit,'ISa.S . ,.
, . ..- . -' ,-i r, ,v1 - "
Extra grade White Country Blanket St
12-1 White Conntry Blanket extra value, f&
Good, fall-size Bed Comforts, II, 51 25.
Special low prices on Eiderdown Quilts.
Two extra fine grades:
English Suitings, In All-Wool Cheeks and
Stripes. SO-lnch wide, reduced to 51 and & 25.
36-inch 8111c and Wool Plaid and Stripe Suit.
Ings at STKc, worth uc
60-Inch Wool Stripe Suitings atSOc, worth 75c,
oO-InchWoolPlaid Suitings at 75c. worth ft.
Special value in Black Henrietta:
Jet Black and BlneBlack Shades 40-inch SOlc
Warp Henrietta, in extra fine grade, reduced
to (1, worth 1 37.
Ladles' and Children's Fnrs in Mink, As.
trachan, Persian, Beaver and Seal at very close
With durable cover and novel handle. Sea our
Solid Silver Mountings on Natural Bulb Stick.
Jnst the umbrella to please a gentleman or
lady for Xmas.
jacketsInd WRAPS.
An immense display of Newest Fabrics,
Newest Shapes, and, of great importance to
yon. Newest prices.
The season is somewhat advanced, and wa
are enabled to close ont lots at great reduction.
We give you the benefit ,
505 and 507 MARKET STREET.
Ten Show Booms filled with the latest pro.
dnctions of the Furniture and Upholstery
Art from the recognized manufacturing cen
ters of the world.
Grand Exhibition of IMPORTED. NOVEL
TIES suitable for HOLEDAY and WEDDING
PRESENTS, and for Drawing Boom use and
ornamentation, at specially attractive prices.
Visitors to New York are cordially invited to
call and examine our stock and prices. Tha
central location of our establishment (adjoin
ing Eden Musee) makes it easy of access front
all parts of the city. je23-10S-sa
39, 40 and 41 WATER ST f.
Beg to call attention to their superior
facilities for storing and caring for aQ
classes of merchandise.
BefMftta Apartments rented for hew,
hold gees, ate.
A . ;V .--
. iv lit satS1
i .1 - i -5-.' -; . . ..
.. WH5
' -
' . r.
. n.m
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