BflR ULUjKT EQW - vd s k -" rsa.- - liarapSTswiffl! fpSxSnafl?fSp rv-fl rxHrsg:j a ', -Tys J - -i gp'NEWSIN BRIEF. tr-ia.i. bllxxird u Prebnre-. SnnnrT. nine yeaoni lost tbelr Ures. j&rEdiwd Kimball, who was severely lnjnred In the Pnmclt Ax. Company fire, Buffalo, Frl- uajvwea ax aa early Hour yasteraaymonune. !S Th TTnitiul tat rmluri PhlMPn. At. lanfcCTorktown and Boston started on their ermse rrom Boston at 10 o docs: yesterday tnornlnc. 'rrCasper CUspy, a confirmed opium eater, of BuLouis, shot his sweetheart, her sister and father becansa tha latter had nrohihlted his Tiaits. He then committed suicide. fc-tHfllsDoro.nL. Hanr Franklin, a Vest- can desDerado. -who one nlcbt recently a anlted and attempted rob MaTor Wilton, baa lieen sentenced to 21 years in the penitentiary. i The British bark .Monarch, Captain Mor row, which sailed from Hambnrr October 1. for eJydhey, has been burned at lea. Sixteen ol the crew were sarca. A boat containing six others Ismissins. kf-R. P. HalUdlT. late cashier of tha Tint Na tional Bank, at Tit. Gilead, O., pleaded cnilty of .emDenlement in the united States Court yesterday, and was sentenced to the Ohio penl- nouarj lor seren years. ' Jt Is the intention of the Austrian Gorem Sient to pass stringent laws with reference to migration. Agents who are found guilty of fraudulent representations will be liable to a aentence of five years' penal servitude. S Yesterday; Bona offennes were as follows: (Coupon 4s. llL&Xk registered Is. M46.600 at 127: (registered 4X. 73,900 at 104 The 90,000 reg- usterea -is are surrenuerea oy a national Dans depository. AUthe offers were accepted. L. A. large body of masked men from the country cameinto ChriEtiansbnrc Va Friday fnicht on the 11 o'clock train to lynch two men t; named coopexbeld for rnnraer. The autnor IlUes were warned in advance and Judge Jenk : Ins summoned a posse and carried the prison fers away and hid them. A easels on trial In the District Court of r-Xansas which perhaps is without a parallel in Bithe history of American politic?. A Bepubli- L can wno was unseated as a delegate in a county Iconvention sues the party by whose evidence before the Committee on Credentials he was on seated for $2,000 damages, including expenses and the harrowing condition usually accom panying an unsuccessful candidate. - Clans Snreckels' bie refinery at Front and Seed streets, Philadelphia, is about finished ana will start business in a lew days. Toe ma chinery was to have been started yesterday, but some portions of it have not been tested, and the refining cannot begin until every part of the complicated apparatus is ready. Three ship loads of raw sugar are at the refinery' piers, ana two more consignments are on ineir way to this port. The machine shop is in oper ation, and the cooper shops are ready for the xaen to begin work. KXW ABVniLTlOBMHKW. HARRY WILLIAMS1 ACADEMY, Monday Evening, Dec.9, Hatinees. Tuesday, Thursday aad Saturday. ttFETKST printing, lowest prices. IPlTTSBURO PHOTO-ESGKAVHTG CO., to, 11. jy .Diamond street. Lester & Williams Londqn Specialty Co. Im-Mense Lester 4 'Williams, Sam De Vere, Harris 4 VIdocq. JUTAU. Shedman Brot, Jmro Fox, Miss Polly McDonald, The Sisters Coulson, Harry La Rose, Geo. W. Brown and Sam De Vere's Comedy, cauea A Rag Elephant Dec IS. The Irwin Bros'. Big Show. deS-1? J" -y ,vt-j Jyv -a ?- mnr,A, nS&' HARRIS THEATER. WEEK. COMMENCING MONDAY, DEC! Every Afternoon and Evening.' By Special Arrangement with -HE. LOUIS ALDEICH, The Best American Flay, ' MY PARTNER, By BABTLEY CAMPBELL, Esq, . With a Company of Acknowledged - Artists ! Under the management of CHAPMAN A SELLERS. Week Dec. 18. Ada Gray In "East Lynne." de8 W?. I PMSEH wfpiSi i waii i wji sn i r iii I, mi TBnmir tnar Biwmr. -TR BS iMFwlil'Bi? Uli SH jtHSlAh Sl fH?.etf CMEDiniNE '"ITfl 3UINiBV For Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. rcparcdonl.vbyTHOS.BEECKA.S,StHclens,Iancasliire,Enslaiia. B. F. .AIiLJSN & CO., Sole Agents FOR TOTTED STATES, 385 fc S67 CAHTAJL ST., NEW YORK, "Who (if your druggist does not keep them) will mail Beecham's Pills on receipt of price- inquire jfvACPlease mention this paper.) MB. E. D. WILT, Leesee and Maaajeer. WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, -DECEMBER 9. Matinee Saturday Only. A Grand Comedy Event ! MB. NAT. O. GOOD'WIN And his company of players la A. GOLD MLNB. Creating a Perfect Furore 1 Crowding the Theaters Everywhere I Laughter and Applause Alternate! The Interest From the Else ot the Curtain ! SECURE SEATSatthe BOX OFFICE. USUAL PRICES: V80 deS-lUS MRS. SCOTTSIDDONS, The beautiful and talented artist. Appears in dramatic readings and recitations in rich and appropriate costumes at Lafayette Hall, Friday ETening:, Dsc. 13, Sale of seats at T a TiA"VTfc TinrsTrRTiTRW No. 86 Fifth arenne. llonday morning, Decem- VCtMVVUVUi MW-w wikV. AM4nHMsissiswm GRAND OPERA,HOUSE SPECIAL XMAS ATTRACTION; Grand Opera in Englisfi. ONE WKEK COMMENCING MONDAY, DEC. 23. Matinees Wednesday '(Xmas) and Saturday. Direct from their Eastern triumphs. THE EMMA JUCH GRAND ENGLISH OPERA CO, Headed by America's Own Peerless Prima Donna, MISS EMMA JUCH. Members 100 Members. The Jnch Opera Orchestra. The Jnch Opera Chorus. Conductor, ADD NEOEHDORF. Repertoire? Monday, Dec. 23 CARMEN. Tuesday. Dec. 21-4L TROVATORE. Wednesday matinee. Dec 25-POSTILLION; OF LORYUMEAU. Wednesday eyeninjr. Dec 25-JIARTHA. Thursday. Dec 26 FAUST. Friday, Dec 27 MIGNOK. Saturday matinee, Dec. 2S-BOHEMIAN GIRL. , ,, Saturday evening; Dec. 28 DER FREX- SCHUTZ. Sale ot tickets opens Monday, Dec 13, at box office, theater. Prices $2, $1 so, $1 and 60v ac cording to location. The celebrated Bteinway piano used by the Emma Jnch Grand English Opera Co. deS-108 'JNW AsWJMMlJNJWB!Hft?f -rjr-f n CONCERT For the benefit of the ALLEGHENY GENERAL HOSPITAL Will be giyen by the ALLEGHENY MUSICAL ASSOCIATION. A Chorus of 100 Toices, supported by an Or chestra of 40 pieces, and assisted by Mrs, L. C. Webster, Soprano, and Mr.Beveridge Webster, Pianist; Jno. Gernert, Violin; Chas. F. Cooper, Cello. At Fonrtn U. f. Church, Allegheny, corner Montgomery avenue and Arch street:, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 10, 1S89. Admission, 31. Tickets can be exchanged for reserved seat tickets without additional expense at the mualo store of Alex. Koss, No. 137 Federal street. Alle gheny, on and after December 9, at 9 o'clock Ju M. ae-9 p UENTHER'S ORCHESTRA tarnishes Music for Concerts, Weddings, Receptions, etc., etc Also Lessons on Flute and Piano. gelS-l-su ' 440 WOOD ST. WORLD'S MUSEUM, ALLEGHENY CTTr. WEEK COMMENCING DEC. 9. MANY NEWENTBIES. CRAWFORD, The Inimitable One-Man Royal Italian Orchestra. Sub-Marine Torpedo Boat, The Tery latest U. S. Invention. CAPTAIN CHITTENDEN'S Very Interesting Exhibit of 10,000 Historic Relics and other Interesting Objects of Uote. ENURE CHANGE IN THEATER. Homer's All-Btar Specialty Co., introducing Pittsburg's old-time favorite comedians, John Cannon Bros. James And a Score of Vaudeville Entertainers. v Coming. December 18. Capt Paul Boyton's Performing Seals. THE QUESTION OF THE DAY. I loaned McGlntySlO on Thanksgiving Day. He promised to par me In SO days; ten off now. The Great Wild West Show comes to this Museum Dec 23. How much will McGinty owe met de7-89 ""33!- ; "yja.r new ' " Sa &. ' ', fe6' THEATRE- inderlb direeTior? of mMEvfom m H 7r f ONE WEEK, BEGINNING MONDAY. DECEMBER 9, ONLY MATINEE SATURDAY. FIRST TIME IN THREE YEARS, HLARA .:. MORRlf SUPPORTED BY A .POWERFUL COMPANY, INCLUDING; ::: FREDERIC DE BELI1EVILI1E, ::: IN THE FOLLOWING BRILLIANT REPERTOIRE: MONDAY and THURSDAY, Tuesday, Saturday Matinee and Eveotyg CAMILLE HELENE morrii. PHOTOGRAPHER, 16 SIXTH STREET. A fine, large crayon portrait $3 0; see them before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, $2 and t2 60 per dozen. PROMPT DELIVERS; ocl3-S5-Mwysu WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, RENEE DE MORAY DECEMBER 16-JAMES CNEfLL, IN "MONTE CRISTO." deS-10 ELEGANT SECOilD-HAjlD CARRIAGES sortmentoinsUtortouCoacaes, Six Seat Rockaways, Barouches for one horse. Phaetons and Side-bar Buggies; also S fins hearses, late styles, nearly as good as neV. This Is withont donbt the finest Una of second-hand vehicles ever shown In Pittsburg, and we will sell them at rock-bottom prices. Terms saUsIao tory. Come and see us or write for particulars. L. CLESENKAMP & SON, ' .. no20-wrsu Repository, 313 and 320 Fens aye, city. I HsLl- PLEASANT NEWS FOR. THE CHILDREN! SANTA CLAUS WILL MAKE HIS EIGHTH ANNUAL VISIT TO PITTSBURG AND WILL AS USUAL, MAKE GUSKY'S His Headquarters. Knowing how -eagerly his visit is looked forward to by all children, he will hold his Grand Carnival Receptions in his Grand Auditorium, at Gusky's, , ' ? MONDAY, December 23, from 9:30 A. M. to 12 noon; .from 2 to 5:30 and from 7 to 9 P. M. TUESDAY, December 24, from 9:30 A. M. to 12 noon; from 2 to 5:30 P. M. only. All good children, accompanied by -their parents or grown up friends, are., invited to attend and receive as a reward of their good behavior a Box of Fine Candies. - ' II 1 TJHE VJLY TTK TJSEI TO COME. THE WUL'S: BUS COMES NOW, b. SANTA CLAUS DRESSED IN HIS ROYAL ROBES AND SEATED IN HIS STATE COACH WILL MAKE HIS .:. EIGHTH ANNUAL VISIT TO THE ORPHAN HOMES OF PITTSBURG AND ALLEGHENY .V CHRISTMAS DAY, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25. EVERY INMATE THEREIN, YOUNG OR OLD, BIG AND LITTLE, WILL BE PRESENTED WITH A CHRISTMAS TOKEN OF GOOD WILL, WITH THE COMPLIMENTS AND GOOD WISHES OF THEIR FRIENDS, GUSKY'S. OJJK WISH FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL IS EXPRESSED IN EVERY ARTICLE WE OEPER FOR SALEK EFu a4. if &w r 6U" Ki AND SANTA CLAUS HLMSBI.F WELL BE IN ECSTACLES OVER OUR BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF NEW, NOVEL, BEAUTIFUL, USEFUL AND APPROPRIATE HOLIDAY GOODS? THE ENTIRE BUILDING, FROM BASEMENT TO DOME, IS CROWDED WITH THE NICEST AND MOST ELEGANT OF NOVELTIES. THERE IS SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY! FOR EVERY PERSON! EVERY AGE! EVERY TASTE! EVERY PURSE! 3T -. raOUR PREVIOUS EFFORTS ARE SURPASSED tSuiJlyc- present a collection of Euiraoic vnnsimas unto sucn as Kuriigpod people of Pittsburg and Elcimty' have never before seen. gurmends can always rest assured KhatlHfour dealings are always to tfielr advantage. 'Largest stock and lowest prices. WE ADVISE That you make your purchases now, while the variety is complete in every particular and when ,the usual Holiday throng will not pre vent careful selection. We will lay aside your selections and deliver at any time and place desired. A small deposit will insure the obtaining of any article in our store. OUR VARIETY Is endless and our prices will surely meet your views. You'll have little trouble in finding what you want A small deposit down will secure choice of anything youlike. The balance can be paid any time be tween now and New Years. We lay aside and deliver at any time stated anything purchased at our Great Holiday Sale. LET US SUGGEST That you write down the names of all the dear ones you wish to re member. Then come and take a good look at our stock. Whether you wish to make the present to iather, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, beau, sweetheart, rela tive or friend, you'll find what you want here. Our Great Holiday Sale now on. A HEARTY WELCOME Is extended to all to come and see our Holiday stock. The smallest purse can find with us an elegant present. It'll be a source of plea sure, to us to show you the goods and answer'all enquiries relative to the prices. Come along and bring your friends. You'll be gratified by seeing , a wonderfully elegant stock. DON'T DELAY In coming, because we offer you now in variety and low prices, what we may not be able to do latSr. You of course know that the choicest and best bargains always go first The stockings must be filled and now is your time and ours is the place to get what you want to fill 'em. The largest stock, lowest prices. REMEMBER THIS, Monday and Tuesday, December 23 and 24, are Children's Days. Santa Claus will be decked out in all his glory. A choice entertain ment will be provided and ' every child will have the opportunity of shaking hands with jolly old Santa Claus himself. How pleased the children will be. Don't forget to bring 'em along. PLEASE BEAR IN MIND.' 1. Our Great Holiday Sale is now on. 2, 'That we lay aside and deliver at any time stated anything pur chased. - 1 That a small deposit will1' in sure the obtaining of anything in our store. 4. That our prices are the lowest' in the city. ; A . P: PRESENT YOUR HUSBAND, gather, Son or Brother With a Handsome Suit or Fine Overcoat. What More Appropriate? Nothing! No need to pay handsome prices for them, either here. You surely cannot consider $10, $12, $15, $18 or $20 high prices for a handsome Suit, gnbr. can you think any of the prices too high for a fine Overcoat for your gather or husband, your big son or your big brother. The prices named areiall we ask for auits or Overcoats fit for anybody to wear. Then for gyounsmall Eon or brother you can obtain here (and at no other store in town) handsome Suits at 5, $6 and $8 and fine Overcoats at $5, $6, 7, R&and $10. Elegant Kilt Suits at $3. $4, $5 and $6 and beautiful novel- les in Kilt Overcoats at $3 50, 4, 5, 6 and 8. PRESENT YOUR FATJlER, Husband, Son, Brother or Beau With an Elegant Smoking Jacket or a Beautiful, Dressing Gown. If you know what a Smoking Jacketor Dressing Gown should be, not a word more is necessary. Simply see the luxurious and stay at home a'night garments we've got You're not likely to see in any other store in this city such1 high, qualities go hand in hand with such low prices. Prices: Smoking Jackets, 5 to 15. Dressing Gowns, 7 50 -to 25. Wouldn't a Bath Robe be a nice present? 6 to 10. Smoking Caps, "all prices, from 49c to 1 &. PRESENT YOUR BEAU, Son, Husband, Brother or Father With a Seal Cap, Pair of Seal Gloves or a Nice Silk Umbrella. We have hundreds upon hundreds of genuine Seal Caps, at all prices, from 2 49 up to 12; hundreds upon hundreds of pairs of Seal, Otter and Beaver Gloves and Gauntlets at prices ranging from 1 98 to 10. Then what a grand assortment of Silk Umbrellas. Exquisitely carved ivory handles, etcned sterling silver, hand chased gold, curious designs in natural wood, etc. All prices from'i 98 to 12. NAME OR INITIALS ENGRAVED ON UMBRELLAS FREE OF CHARGE. 7 PRESENT YOUR MOTHER, Sister, Husband, Brother, Son, Beau, Sweetheart or Friend With a Pair of Exquisitely Embroidered Slippers. Nothing Nicer for a Holiday Present. After the days work is over and the men and women folks, with the children, are about the domestic fireside enjoying: the peace and pleas ures of home, what is at once so picturesque and comfortable as a pair of Slippers. We have them in all sizes, all materials, all colors, all styles and shapes the completest and the most beautiful line and at .prices lower than any one else m the city. Not alone in Slippers' do we lead the trade, but in everything in the shape of footwear for both sexes and all ages we are as far ahead in assortments as we are lower in prices than all other dealers. i. ?; . . . . . -- . ' , - .. .. Men's Fancy Silk yests, Carriage Robes, Buggy Robes, Silk Mufflers, Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Suspenders, Silk Hats, Full Dress Shirts, Coachmen's Coats, Coachmen's Capes, Coachmen's Gloves, Walking Canes, Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Leather" Dressing- Sets, Pocketbooks, etc. HUSKY'S IMPORTANT: Having a few of those beautiful Pictures (which we have been giving away) left over, we shall continue to present them (as long as they last) with every purchase in our Men's or Yduths'Clothing Department to the amount of "10 or upward, and the balance of the Tool Chests which we have in stock wilL be givea. away Ready in a few days the Christmas number of our elegant "Illustrated Monthly," which we send postiree io any address."- Write, for it v GUSKY'S m. " HBBnJy 3ieOw j9k $i i X -f Th Most,Popular Stpre JiktbsrSeyuzSFyA ..6-t.B9s!9!lsSBs.ife!QiA lWt Ji fSJ ,.,.f,,23