Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 08, 1889, Image 1

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Winter "Weather Inconven
iences Crowned 'Heads.
CoTers the Bailway Tracks and De
lays AH Trarel.
He Takes a Great Interest in the Welfare of
The traveling in Europe the past week
has been so bad that royalty has been
inconvenienced. The Empress of Aus
tria was enabled to go from Miramar to
Vienna only by having 7,000 men wort six
hours clearing off three leet of snow that had
fallen on the railway track. The young
Emperor of Germany continues to clinch his
hold on the affections of all classes of his
London, December 7. Copyright
'The movements of royal personages in Eu
rope this week have been greatly hampered
by unfeeling and disrespectful weather.
Austria and Hungary are underneath three
feet of snow, and the drifts have blocked
railroads and highways. In Vienna 5,000
laborers, constantly at work, have managed
to keep the more important thoroughfares
reasonably clear, but the price of food has
risen 20 to 30 per cent
The Empress Elizabeth knew all about
this, bat for some inscrutable reason she
suddenly expressed a wish to take atrip
from her castle at Miramar to Vienna on
Thursday. Nothing could have been more
inconsiderate or less opportune, but her
wish was law, and the civil and military
.authorities took prompt measures to obey.
The line from Miramar to Vienna was
blocked, and every station was crowded
with shivering, half-starving, snowed-up
passengers. Seven thousand soldiers and
railway men were, however, set to work, and
in six hours had cleared a single line suf
ficiently to allow of the passare of the Im
perial train. It proceeded very slowly, and
the officials in charge were in constant dread
of an accident.
As the train passed through the various
stations, people groaned and hooted the Em
press, presumably out of sheer envy at not
being able to travel themselves. No at
tempt was made to keep the line open, and
'the Empress alone benefited by the concen-
ririfted energy of 7,000 men.
It is rumored that the Empress had been'
suddenly filled with an uncontrollable de
sire to pray by the coffin of her deceased
son. She has not yet recovered from the
shock produced by Rudolph's terrible death,
and her mental and physical condition is
snch as to'inspire anxiety. It is even as
serted that she hates the sight of human be
ings, hides herself whenever strangers or
friends approach, and prays for death. The
dead Prince's widow was on the way to
Vienna, but could not get beyond Luxen
burg, where she is still snowed up.
Kaiser "Wilhelm has not allowed frost and
snow to interfere with the great task he has
set himself of making himself popular
with all classes. On Wednesday he visited
Dressan, and dined with the Duke of An
halt, surprising the royal and princely com
.pany by his historical learning and the
'dexterous manner in which he utilized it
v In proposing the health of the Duke, fhe
Kaiser remarked:
There is hardly any princely family In Ger
many which has been so long connected with
our house fcnd our Fatherland as that of this
country. Brave scions of Ascanians ruled in
Bradenburg before ourhouse, and made that
country solid and strong? My ancestors utilized
this foundation, and were able to build higher
.upon it. The old relations, however, did
sot cease. The house of Ascanians
has given added proofs of Its old
prowess in arms, and has rendered
the Prussian army the greatest service. Many
a Prussian field marshal lies buried in the
church here, and we must all look up with th
greatest gratitude and most ardent venera
tion to the man who was the teacher of the
Prussian army under my great ancestor, Fred
erick the Great to whom, in a lanre measure.
we owe it that the kingdom has become what
it is.
Next day the Kaiser went to Darmstadt
and told the Hessians how much he loved
them. Notwithstanding these courtly Junc
tions, His Majesty has found time to give
serious attention to the. universal discontent
among the coal miner, especially in the
JSheuish and Westphalian districts. He
bas received, and is said to have been much
moved by, a petition signed by 20,
000 men engaged in the State
mines in the Saar district. The
document is important, as affording
another proof of the hold the young Em
peror is steadily obtaining upon the affec
tions of his hnmbler subjects. The Social
ists tried to prevent the signing and sending
of the petition, but completely failed. That
the unfortunate miners hate no revolution
ary taint and that their demands are mod- It
erale may be judged by the folio wing ex
tract from their petition:
Tour Majesty is just. You are our last hope,
for yon are just. We do not wish to say that
we are always and in everything right, but we
have made no claims wantonly, without being
certain that they were just We would not
trouble Tour Majesty with our petition, but
affairs cannot go on any longer as they are.
There is great distress, which increases dally,
and alio . discontent Your Majesty
will be told that politics and re
ligion have much to do with it
but this Is not true. We have nothing to do
with political party matters, and have no relig
ious disputes in our union. If your Majesty'
thinks a court of arbitration should examine
and decide everything then we are in favor of
a court of arbitration, with yourself as Chair
man. We want peace, so that the work may
go on quietly again, and that men out of work
need foot tpend tbelr.Christinas In misery.
The Emperor feels that he cannot inter-
fere directly and personally between private j
employers and their men, but he considers
that the State mines are on a different foot
ing. He has therefore Called for prompt
information, and it is not impossible' that
he may visit the. districts and note for him
self the present state of affairs.
This being pre-eminently the beer eating
season, the practical mind of Queen Vic
toria has been occupied with cattle shows
and auction sales. At the Birmingham
show the Queen took the first prize of 100
guineas with a shorthorn bred upon her own
farm, near "Windsor, and also gained eight
other prizes. One of her Hereford steers
weighed 1,960 pounds, and another beauti
ful shorthorn steer scaled 2,403 pounds.
To-day took place the annual sale of
fat stock belonging to Her Majesty. There
was a large attendance of buyers, from all
parts of the country, and excellent prices
were realized. The Queen takes great de
light in this annual -auction, always inspects
the stock previous to the sale, and gives the
people who attend a good old-fashioned En
glish luncbeon.with plenty of roast beef and
strong beer.
The Czar has recovered from his influenza,
and is again thinking of paying a visit to
Constantinople, much to the Saltan's dis
An Oceanlo Poker Ploying Sharp Unmaked
He Is Blade by One of Ills Victims
to Disgorge He Then Dines
With a Fleeced Man.
nrr cablx to tbx dispatch.:
IiONDON, December 7. The City of Paris
reached Liverpool last Wednesday, her pas
senger list bearing the name of Hon. S. Las
celles, who informed his admiring fellow
passengers he was the youngest son
of the Earl of Harewood. Lascelles
was a magnificent creature. He had
the biggest plaids, the highest collar,
the most Anglican accent, and the
best stateroom on board. No American
who had ever seen a lord play could fail to
realizethat Lascelles was the real article,
and bis grandeur was such tuat Vice,
Admiral Sir Michael Culme Seymour and
J. B. Partello, United States Consul to
Dusseldorf, felt that they were not "in it"
at all, in spite of their official station.
The honorable Sidney sat at Captain
"Watkins' table; he presided at the custo
mary benefit performance for the seamen's
hospitals; he drank champagne at four
meals, played poker regardless of expense,
and went broke. It was Pot In the benevo
lent nature of John D. Elwell, of Brook
lyn, who came over on the City of Paris,
to witness unmoved the embarrassment of a
member of Britain's proud peerage,
and he paid the noble lord's poker
debt and steward's bills, sums amounting
to 90, taking Lascelles' check on the Lon
don and Westminster Bank as collateral.
"When Elwell presented this check for pay
ment he was told that no Lascelles had an
account there, and a telegram to the Earl of
Harwood, at Leeds, brought the Information
that he had no son answering the descrip
tion of honorable Sidney.
Elwell philosophically charged his 90
to profit and loss. On Thursday night
however, he was enjoying supper at the
Continental Hotel with Felix Murphy, a
young New York lawyer, when the Hon.
Sidney- Lascelles, clothed in purple and
fine linen, came in and sat down at an ad
jacent table. Elwell hurriedly told the
story to Murphy, who at once posted a po-,
liceman outside the door: Then the two
came down upon the British aristocrat
Lascelles,' seeing no chance of escape,
began to weep, ana said there was a hor
rible mistake somewhere, which nobody
doubted. Then, before the wondering nests
ia the supper Cxave uplthelBr&SgLllJSINSS TICS HEALTH,
money he hadin hisspceMaenTTirTW K -,
mark neon it a gold watch and chain and
his diamond sleevebuttons He now begged
for enough money to pay his cab fare home.
and Murphy gave him 1 shilling and 6
pence. The most astounding impudence of
all was that he then sat down and. ate sup-
Eer with Murphy and Elwell, Lascelles
as a week to redeem, his. jewelry,. which
amounts in value to just- about 90, for
which the Elwell check wits' drawn.
An American Land Company Reaping a
Meat Utile Harvest.
London, December 7. Is ere have been
numerous anxious inquiries this week at the
Consulate of the United States concerning
an institution calling itself the "California
Land Company," and giving its address as
227 Main street Cincinnati, O. This con
cern has been advertising largely in Lon
don and provincial papers, offering free
20,000 acres of land, "divided into California
fruit tracts of ,"10, 20 and '40 acres each,and
selected residence pr bnsiness lots." The
advertisement goes on to say:
The object in making this extraordinary
offer is to secure 'diversified interests and
ownership throughout be different countries
of Europe, in lands ow&efl and controlled by
the above named compaay. When this Is ac
complished, the company will open branch of
fices in various European cities, and offer its
large remaining properties for sale at a uni
form price of 5 per acre for California fruit
tracts, and 8 per plot for residence or business
Persons who have answered this adver
tisement have been informed from Cincin
nati that the tract of land has been selected
for them, and that payment of 10 shillings
was necessary for the legal expenses of exe
cuting warranty deeds. The return for the'
10 shillings is extremely indefinite, and a
gorgeous piece of parchment upon which
there must be at least 9s 6d profit to the
vender. Vice Consul Johnson thinks that,
judging from the number of inquiries by
persons interested, the California Land
Company is doing a lucrative business in
A BUI Proposed to Greatly Decrease
Republic' Revenue
London, December 7. Serious times are
beginning for foreigners in France. A bill
will probably be passed by the present
Chamber, which promises to subject ajl
foreigners to a capitation tax of 24 francs
per annum, and to impose upon all
French employers of foreign labor a further
tax of CO francs per annum for every loreign
workman, they may employ. According to
the.national officially recorded list the num
ber of foreign residents, in France is at
present over 1,300,000, but it asserts that
this figure is very much under the mark,
and that in reality the foreigners number
2,000,000, a majority of them being artisans,
workmen,andlaborer8,aconsiderable number
of whom, working at lower wages, take the
bread out of the mouths of the.native work
ing population. For instance, it alleges
that out of 180,000 foreigners, only 16.735
have independent incomes or live on wages
as domestic servants in foreign families, and
it concludes that the remaining 163,000 are
so many parasites living on .salaries which
by right belong to the natives.
Already the prefects are instructed to
warn, by means of posters, all young men
ixrn in France of foreign parents, that they
must present themselves forthwith, at the
military bureau of their respective Mayor
alties, to prove their parentage. If they
fail to do so they will be liable to a period
of imprisonment ranging from one month to
one year.
Mr. Jeffreys Gets Oat a Book.
LOBDOV. December 7. Mn Jeffreys, who
has bees la Paris to investigate Chicago as
a site for tie' "World's Fa&'iBlSSC.'hashad'
the result of his observations published in a
Samphlet to the number of 1,600, which he
as sent to members of Congress, Senators
and other distinguished persons.
An Excltlag Scene at the Circus, Not an the
Bills Forottangh's Scheme to Get
EagHeh' Capital on Bis Side.
London, December 7. Adam Forepaugh.
is attempting to turn Barnum & Bailey's
success to his own account Secretary
Tracy's partner, Lawyer Hudson, is in Lon
don, with power of attorney to float the
Forepaugh show for 300,000, Forepaugh
agreeing to take half of the shares, manage
the show himself for five years, and guar
antee an annual profit of 40,000. The
Barnum show goes merrily on, with daily
and nightly crowds in attendance.
Aside from the tragedy in the menagerie
last Tuesday, there have been other inci
dents to keep Barnum's name before the
public. This afternoon, for instance, the
Princess Beatrice and the Duchess of Al
bany came to the show, to see if what the
Prince of Wales told them about it had
been exaggerated; and it is almost definitely
decided that the royalest old royalty of
them all, Victoria, B L et al, herself will
shortly buy a ticket
not quite a tbagedt.
Last night 10,000 Britons witnessed what
might have been a fearful tragedy at
Olympia. During the performance of the
"Fall ol Borne," while .Nero and his court
were gazinglangnidly upon thechariot races,
one of the four-horse chariots in advance of
the others, going at full speed around the
short turn of the course, .tipped over and
threw' the driver right under the following
horses. Eight horses went ever him with
out touching him, and the chariot wheels
grazed his toga, but he was uninjured. His
lour horses, meanwhile, bolted straight for
the seats at the lower end of the track, which
were packed from the boxes, only three feet
from the ground, up to the eaves of the roof.
It seemed as if the flying horses were go
ing to plunge right into the audiecce, and a
cry of horror rose, while so sudden and im
minent was the peril that not a man or
woman in the low boxes, moved to get out of
the way. Not three feet from the audience
the horses'swerved clear about, the axle of
the chariot touching the boxes, and made
straight for Borne, where" BOO ofKiralfy's
gorgeous chorus stood in a glittering pha
lanx about the imperial palace, surrounding
the tyrant The horses were upon them in
a moment. . Nero jumped through the side
of a house, half a dozen dead Christians who
had been taking an anxious interest in
the proceedings from their mortuary litters
were at ence'restored to life and superhuman
energy, the army dropped its banners and
spears, the maids of honor threw down their
wreaths, the dancing girls their tambour
ines, and all fled in twenty different direc
tions just as, with a tremendous crash, the
four horses and chariot bolted into Nero's
banqueting chamber and through the wall
behind, out of sight
By a miracle nobody was hurt, and five
minutes after the catastrophe the same
charioteer drove the four runaways about the
ring amid thunderous applause.
Mr. Balfour, the Irish Chief Secretary,
has been at Olympia again this week, and
had a slight misunderstanding with .the,
management The two detectives who con
tinually shadow him wantqd to get into the
show for nothing, on the ground of their
official character. The management was nn-.
able to see things in this light and' Bal
four's guardians had to pay.
lie Alio" Stakes 56 Preaentatton Speeches
or One Banquet.
LONDOir, December 7. A company of
the Second. volunteers, of the Queen's Own
Boyal West Kent Begiment, had the honor
of the presence of Consul General John C.
New at their annual dinner and prize dis
tribution in Greenwich, Wednesday even
ing. General New made 66 presentation
speeches, and responded to a toast It
should be noted for camnaien nurnoses that
he likewise drank the Queen's health.
In His Work of Selecting Committees and'
Their Chairmen.
Washington, December 7. Speaker
Beed has made good progress with the for
mation of his committees dnring the few
days' recess, bnt an immense lot of work re
mains to be done before the announcement
is made. It is probable the membership of
the Committee on Elections will be announ
ced earlynextweek,thatthat importantcom
mitteernay get to work at once sifting the
evidence in contests and weeding out Demo
crats who hold pertificates, who are voting
on every question, and who will sit as
judges and jurors in their own cases when
they come before the House for final deci
sion. Nothing has occurred to indicate a
selection of the Chairmen of important
rtimlt1Aca ttliA 4ltan tliat- ivlititli linn Immh
predicted. The difficulty of- finding Chair
men is light compared with that of constitu
ting the remainder of the committees. Old
members have to be fixed in places that
please them, and nefw ones cannot be hustled
pell mell into any position that might suit
with the Speaker. Democrats must be
given careful and courteous attention in the
composition of the minority.
Mr. Beed is receiving able assistance from
those who were most conspieions in his sup
port such as Bayne, Lodge, Farquhar, Bel
den and others, and while the completed list
will not be announced for some time, it is
probable that no long recess will be taken,
and that considerable work will be done
previous to the holidays.
A Iilttle Speech nl Richmond the Only
Incident ofthe Trip.
Ikdiakapolis, Ind., December 7, Tne
Presidents! visitors to the opening of the
Chicago Auditorium arrived here at noon
to-day. The trip from Pittsburg was
without special incident except that
at Bicbmond the President stepped
to the platform and spoke a few words to the
people who had assembled at the station.
There was no demonstration. The Presi
dent was driven to the residence of Mr.
McKee, where he remained all afternoon
and evening.
Mr. Clarkson and wife are stopping at a
hotel, where they received a few callers this
evening. Bnt a few callers were received
at the McKee residence, among them Mr.
and Mrs. Clarkson. Tomorrow the Presi
dent and party will attend church -in the
morning and will leave at midnight for Chi
The Belgian Government Has Ordered
160,660 New Repeating Rifles.
BsBxnr, December 7. Twelve Belgian
Officers attached to the .War Department
recently arrived in Vienna. Their visit
was kept a secret, and the manufacturers of
the Wannlicher repeaters were allowed to
make a contract with them to supply
100,000 small-bore guns, the 'arms to be de
livered in. installments, aud the whole con
tract to be finished in March, 1891, winch Is
a good step into the iature, when we remem
ber tie energy which Buss-la is how showing
in providing her sy.witfe a ew and im
He Strikes Back at Bis Assailants
With HiS Usual Vigor, and
His First Statement Concerning tha'Be
publlcan Leaders.
He Does Bet' Bee Bow Any Person Could Believe the
Contract Genuine. -
Governor Foraker has made a statement
to The Dispatch concerning the charges
implied by Attorney T. O. Campbell. He
pronounces them as maliciously false in
spirit, and denounces the threat of a libel
suit, as unmitigated impudence. For the
first time he publicly refers to the connec
tion of Sherman, Butterworth and McKin
ley with the forged document Mr. Sher
man also has a very decided opinion npon
the subject,
ColtjmSus, December 7. Governor
Foraker's attention was to-night called to
the interview with Attorney T. O. Camp
bell, in which that gentleman implied some
sensational charges, and -he was asked to
make a statement concerning them. He
thereupon dictated the following to The
I have read the article to which you have
called' my attention, published in to-day's
Pittsburg Dispatch, in which' It is charged
by Mr. T. C. Campbell, of New York, as he is
therein reported,. that in the statement I made
I withheld telegrams of importance that were
"sent by me to Mr. Wood, and, that on that ac
count material facts were not disclosed in my
statement This whole statement of Mr.
Campbell is, in spirit at' least unqualifiedly
There were two telegrams that I sent of which
I have no copy, one that I sent from the Fifth
Avenue Hotel, New York, aud another, which
I suppose from a letter I have from Wood,I must
have sent to him from Columbus on the 9th of
September. But I called attention to both of
1 these telegrams in my statement, and in neither
'one of them can there be a wora or a thought
inconsistent with the statement I made, or a,
single word that can, by any honest interpreta
tion, reflect upon me in the slightest.
Moreover, as soon as Wood was arrested, I
wrote to Judge Harmon, giving him a fetter of
authority to' the Western Union Telegraph
Company, to deliver to him all telegrams that
passed from me to Wood or from Wood to me,
and placed at Judge Harmon's disposal every
scrap of information I have in regard to the
matter. There is nothing whatever in connec
tion with the whole case from beginning to end
that I have at any time withheld from the pub
lic from any consideration for myself.
The talk of Sir. Campbell about prosecuting
me for libel is simply a piece of unmitigated
impudence, whieh he is' at liberty to put into
execution, so far as X am concerned, whenever
it suits his convenience to do so.
There Is only one other statement that Mr.
Campbell is reported to have made that 1 deem
it worth while to notice, and that is bis state
ment that Wood went to Washington after the
forged paper;, at my request. Mr. Wood did.
-not go to -Washington at my request.
or any other place, but as his letter
to' me clearly shows, he went there uuen
his own motion, I,did not know he Intended to
go to Washington, until be wrote me that he
was going and asked me to send him a letter of
introduction iefther .President at the. bbltt
"'I never gave him any direction, whatever, In
the matter, from the flrsftothe last. So far
as his statement goes; that I was making an
effort to get bold of the paper long before
Campbell was nominated, that is true, but at
the time when I first heard of it in June, and
long before that, it was generally believed
throughout the State that Mr. Campbell would
be nominated and my endeavor to get the
paper was In anticipation of that event.
But Mr. Campbell, in giving this informa
tion, is only restating what I stated from the
outset Mr. Campbell does not, however, call
attention to the fact that the time when I was
first told of this paper, and undertook to get
hold of it was more than two months prior to
the time when the paper was forged. His
statement that I was trying to get hold of it for
the purpose of injuring Sherman, Butterworth
and McKInleyis in the line with the other
statements of his Interview.
I never bad any such purpose at any time.and
this is tne first time I have ever publicly men
tioned the name of either of these gentlemen
in connection with the matter. So far as their
names are' concerned and my knowledge of
their supposed connection with the ballot box
business, there is nothing whatever for me
to even desire to withhold from the public, and
Mr. Campbell and everybody else can have the
full benefit of all I know on that point when
ever it becomes proper to disclose it.
The Document a Rnok Forgery, and He
Does Not See How Anyone Conld
Ever Alive Believed It Gen
uine McKlnley Silent.
Washington, December 7. The mem
bers of the House of Bepresentatives whose
names appeared with that of Governor-elect
Campbell, of Ohio, on the alleged contract
prepared by B. G. Wood, now under arrest
in Cincinnati for his actions in the recent
ballot box scandal, are determined that so
far as they are concerned there shall be
no doubt in the mind of the public
as to who was in the wrong in
that matter. They do not propose to rest
under any imputation themselves, and they
are anxious th3t the whole transaction shall
be shown up in its true colors and the guilty
Sarties pnnished. For these reasons tbey
ave determined to institute a Congressional
investigation into the affair and have it
thoroughly ventilated before a House com
mittee. The interview published in The Dis
patch this morning from Lawyer T. C.
Campbell, the counsel for the ballot box
company, containing the fresh charges
against Foraker, has made quite a sensation
here. An effort was made this evening to
secure from the three men supposed to be
the most interested in the matter an expres
sion of opinion as id this charge that For
aker was desirous of knifing them. Con
gressman Butterworth waB dining out, and
could not be seen. Bepresentative McKln
ley was caught just as he was proceeding in
the capacity of a gue'st to the gridiron din
ner. "I have nol read Mr. Campbell's inter
view." said he, "but you must understand
thatthlsisa subject upon which I do not
care to talk, xou must' please excuse me
from discussing it"
Senator Sherman was no less unwilling to
talk about the affairs,
"This whole matter will be brought be-
fore a Congressional, investigating commit
tee," said he, "and it will be silted to the
bottom. It is a very painful subjeet to me,
and I do not care to comment upon any
one's motives or actions while there is an
opportunity of having all the inside
facts laid before the public. In fact
the only interest I'have in the subject now
is to have the facts in the case passed upon
by the publio whose criticisms are always
just I have no comments to make on Mr.
T. O. Campbell nor'on his remarks in the
interview "you show me. He is only a
lawyer defending hfs client I see that he
says Wood did not commit a forgery. I
don't know what else it could be called.
The names were -net only forged to a pieeo
of paper Galling for lsrgeBBaaaof money, bnt
they ..were lorged tefa.eotet.,.-Tht wsj
in itself illegal, .um u a M
old as the Government itself which ex
pressly prohibits any member' of Congress
'from entering into any contract with the
Government Any member of Congress
signing his name to such a piece of paper as
;that would be not only-dishonest but a fool.
And jt is for that reason that I cannot im-
Jtglne' how ftnvhnilv iflanAtno nt ihft face of
.the document could for a' moment have
.believed m its genuineness.'1 No, you must
excuse me from commenting on the .matter
arall."" LiaHTNEB.
The, Ballot Bex Boslness May Keep an Ap.
( pobMsseat From Being Confirmed
Senator Sherman Angry at
", an Old' Friend.
.rsrxciAL TzxxoBAx to thb dispatch, i
CnrciNNATTT, Deoember 7. The Ti'me
'Sfarj the evening Bepublican organ here, in
an extra edition, which creates genuine sen
sation, says: '
There is war at Washington- It is- over the
confirmation of the appointment of Amor
Smith asSurveyor of the Port and the astound
Ingpart ot the matter is that Senator SheT
ma'n, who has been regarded as the first and
foremost supporter ot the ex-Mayor, now
figures as his opponent The primary trouble
-between Senator Sherman and Mr. Smith
pew out of the. ballot-box forgery, and this has
led tn a crnnArfil nvit1o!tt1nTi nf the wav
Jn which the offlea herA hits been ran. It is
'now claimed that Amor Smith was the mys
terious messenger who carried tne torgea con
tract to Mr. Halstead. It was on the ,4th of
September that Mr. Halstead .first saw the
forged document On or about that time a
conference was held between Governor For
aker. Amor Smith and Mr. Halstead. The
forged ballot box contract was under dis
cusslon. '
A week or two latter Sherman was In the
city. Among his callers was Mr. Smith. Did
the Surveyor of the Port, who owed his official
position to the kindness of the Senator, imme
diately tell him of the ballot box forgery which
Mr. Halstead had on icef Bid he tell him of
the expense of that document and ask how to
proceed I Did he do as the years of
friendship between himself and Mr. Sherman
would seem to have dictated that he should do?
No, he did not do as 'he might have been ex
pected to do. On the contrary, he kept quiet.
Thlsls why Senator Sherman has soured, so to
speak, on Amor Smith. Unless he can satis
factorily explain to Senator Sherman there is
apt to be a remarkably lively time In Washing
ton during the next few weeks.
A Dressed Cigar Keeps' a Witness Array
From the Grand J nrr.
Lima, O., December 7. Hudson J. Call,
prominent resident of Bluffton, this county,
leading Mason and formerly connected with
the passenger department of the Lake Brie
and Western Bailroad, has just had a
strange experience in Toledo. He was
found on the street in that city, wan
dering aimlessly around and not seeming
to realize what he was doing. He was ar
rested and locked up by the Sheriff, who
thought' he was suffering from dementia,
and his friends were telegraphed to come
and care for him. The next morning 'Mr.
-Call felt all Tight appearing mentally
sound as ever. He thinks he was dragged
by a prepared cigar. He was summoned as
a witness before the United States grand
jury, and left home Wednesday to go to
Toledo' Tis the Lake Brie and Western
road. -
He met a gentleman on the train who
made- himself agreeable, and after chatting
a little while the stranger offered him a
cigar. He took it, and after lighting and
smoking it for some little time, noticed it
bad a peculiar taste, and spoke Of it. to the
stranger, but continued smoking until the
cigar was three-fourths burned) when he
threw it, away. Mr. Call says this is ail
he remembers, till he awoke Thursday morn-iufpW'jai;xte-
drugged and given bim with the purpose to
prevent him from testifying in the case be
fore the grand jury.
Quarter Centennial Anniversary of a News
paper' Owner and Editor.
Philadelphia, December 7. The
twenty-fifth anniversary of the ownership
of the Publio Ledger by Mr. George W.
Childs, and also the twenty-fifth anniver
sary ' of its directorship by, Mr.
William Y. McKean as editor-in-chief,
was pleasantly commemorated this
afternoon in a reception tendered
Mr. McKean by the editors, reporters and
other employes of the Xedyer. The recep
tion was held in the Academy of Fine Arts.
The two guests who Attracted the most at-,
tention were Mr. George W. Childs
and his almost inseparable com
panion, Mr. Anthony J- Drexel. They
took their places in the line, arm in arm,
tende.red their congratulations to Mr. Mc
Kean, and presented him with a handsome
vase of silver, lined with gold, elaborately
ornamented aud bearing the inscription:
1864-16&-December3. For 25 years William
V. McKean has been Editor-in-Chief of the
jPubUe Ledger, and bas done his Important and
responsible work for the publio and' for the
newspaper with conscience and common sense,
nonest purpose ana ciean nanus.
The occasion was further celebrated to
night byabanqaet given by the Ledger
employes at Boisser's cafe: Mr. Childs
himself received many congratulatory tele
grams from other cities.
A Deposit Box Containing 813,000 Spirited
Away In n Flash.
Wh,mingtOn, Del., December 7.
While John O. Patterson was standing at
the Delaware Bank counter this morning
clipping coupons from bonds which he kept
on deposit there, an unknown man seized
Mr. Patterson's deposit box, containing
about $13,000, mostly negotiable, and ran
out and away. No one in the bank saw the
theft committed.
Mr. Patterson bad just cutoff two coupons
and' presented them at the cashier's desk,
leaving his box on another desk. While he
was thus engaged, the box was spirited away
and nothing more is known than that it was
there one minute and was gone the next
And One of Them Empties Both Barrels of
n Gnn Into the Other.
Huntington, W. Va., "December 7.
Joe Templeton, aged 13 years, was shot and
killed by his brother Jeff at Union yester
day. The boys were boxing and knocking
6ff hats, and a boy named Smith struck Jeff
in the mouth. This enraged him, -as he was
suffering from a sore tooth.
While brooding over the blow a boy
named Stowasser came up with a shotgun.
Jeff Templeton grabbed the gun, and aim
ing at Joe. discharged both barrels in his
face. The boy lived three hours, but never'
spoke. ,
Thero Are Now Strong Hopes That He
Will ETentaally Recover.
Beblin, December 7, The latest news
from Bmin Pasha is that there are'rtrong
hopes of his recovery. The brain is, now
known to be uninjured, and the fever is re
duced. In response to an inquiry from the
Emperor, Major Wissmann yesterday- ca
bled: "Einin Pasha is much better, but, he
must for the present remain at Bagamovo.
He charges me to tell Your Majesty that
the Emperor's congratulations are the best
reward for all his work, and he begs leave
IW SXMSM 111 kBffi W tUHUH
Tie Chief Prelate of Pittsburg's B. 0.
Dioceso Snccnmbs at Last.
Bora Febrnarj" 19, 1820, and Goaseeated
Karch 19, 1875.
He Elates That Matters Will Etmaln as- at Present
' in tie Diocese.
Bt Bev. John Tuigg, Bishop of Pitts
burg, died at Altoona yesterday, fnll of
years and honors. His life is instructively
skeiched. Bishop Phelan, who becomes
tho local head of the church, -will not dis
turb existing arrangements.
The Et Bev. John Tuigg, Catholic
Bishop of Pittsburg, died in Altoona,
shortly before 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
The deceased prelate has been ill for a long
time, he laving been prostrated by an at
tack of heart disease in 1883, when his life
was despaired o
He rallied, however, but was afterward
twice stricken with paralysis, These-attacts'
shattered his naturally strong constitution,
but -he still continued to administer the
affairs of the diocese with the assistance of
Coadjutor Bishop Phelan. His death has
27ie Dececued Prelate.
been expected .several times dnring the last
six years, and once, at least, it was' reported
that he was dead.
On Thursday last he took a congestive
chill, and his physieian gave np all hope of
recovery; Friday he received the last sac
raments, which were administered by his
Secretary, Fatier O'Eeilly.
Bishop Tuigg retained consciousness until
an hour,berore his death, and passed away
elm1yt?stfanpeacefulry. The-funeral will
itaketiraceon Wednesday, the 11th. and the
I Ttni -nrSII Tva' ittitovoA in Rf -TTi fl '!.
tery, Altoona. A large number of distin
guished prelates vrill be in attendance.
BishopPhelan, who succeeds the deceased,
was seen by a Dispatch reporter last night,
and in talking over the occurrence said:
"Bishop. Turges' death will not cause any
material change in the management of .the
diocese. 1,'of course, am now Bishop of Pitts
burg, and, so' far, know of nothing that would
cause anyxbange. It is too early yet to dis
cuss such matters, and we will knolr more In
the future." ,
"Will youmovetoFltttburgnowthatyouare
Bishop?" was asked.
"No: that is, I have not contemplated such a
move, but I cannot say for certain. There will
be no necessity for such action on my part just
Bishop Tuigg's death is a great blow to.
tne Viatnoiic unurca m mis yiciuuy, uuw it
is in Altoona that its effects, will be more
strongly felt as it was in that city that the
deceased made his influence more percepti
ble. He was 'universally esteemed, be
ing kind to the poor and lending aid,
to all who were deserving. A mas of'
strong convictions, he followed the lines
laid down for himself, working always for
the greatest good for the greatest number.
He was liberal minded in his policy, and
had many friends among those who differed
witn mm in religious uenei.
The deceased was born In County Cork,
Ireland, February 19,1820. His divinity
studies began at All Hallowmas Missionary
uoiiege, AUDim, ana were completes, at oi.
Michael's Seminary, Pittsburg. He was
ordained priest by Bishop O'Connor on May
14, 1850, and stationed at the Cathedral as
assistant While there he acted as secre
tary to the-Bishops.. In the beginning of
1853 he was assigned the duty of organising
St Bridget's congregation and the building
of a church.
When the new church was well under
way he was assigned to the most important
mission of Altoona in July of the same
year. He was the first Catholic priest in
Altoona. By bulls dated January 16, 1876,
he was elevated to the bishopric, and was
consecrated on March 10 by Archbishop
Wood, ot Philadelphia.
His successor, Bishop Phelcn, was ap
pointed titular Bishop of Cibyra and 'co
adjutor Bishop of Pittsburg on August "2.
1885. BishopPhelan will now drop the
title of Bishop of Cibyra and will hereafter
be known as titular Bishop of Pittsburg.
The following Information was conveyed
by a telegram from Altoona last night:
The Bight Bv. John Tulgg. Bishop of Pitts
burg diocese, died shortly before 3 o'clock this
afternoon of paralysis. Bishop Tulgg was
bom In County Cork, Ireland, February 19, 1820.
His divinity studies began at the mission
ary college of All Hallows, Druraeondra, and
were completed at Bt. Michael's" Seminary,
Pittsburg.be was ordained May 14,1850, and
while assistant at the Cathedral founded the
parish of St Bridget and began to erect the
church, bnt in 18S3 be was assigned to the Im
portant mission of Altoona, of which he was
the first resident pastor.
He acquired a pastorate residence, a ceme
tery and enlarged the church. Avery fine
school building was the next work, and
in the hands of the Sisters fit Charity
bas grown rapidly and is one of the
best institutions of the kind In the
city. Bev Tuigg had charge of several
dependent missions, and having been appointed
vicar of the eastern part of the diocese in 1869,
he aoan reanlred other priests to aid him. He
then commenced a sew church, which was'
dedicated lo id io.
Having been appointed to the See of Pitts
burg. In the following year he was conse
crated on the 19th day ot Match, 1878,
by the Most Rev. James T. Wood,
Archbishop of Philadelphia, The dio
cese committed to his care was no.sHght
harden, but, on the resignation of Bishop
Domenec, the administration of Allegheny waa
alto confided to him. The arduous duties
proved too trying even for his vigorous consti
T TaVa 1CCY t, . a . f n . A Y. nn
attack of heart disease and his life was de
spaired of, but he rallied, ind, though twice
siaee stricken with paralysis recovered eaf
Setently to administer the dloosse under
'bis 'ears For ' the past, six ' years be
was as invalid hi the parsonaae la this city and
onset tt SalM the iUeM w to the
i ia ifft
time Of his death. Hevral tlm
past Six years he was at tnn nolnt
- n- rm.-j .... I . -..;. .f -
ju luurauj iw ne toot a cniu uu,: -
he received all the nmmjiiti of the
which were administered by his BecreS
Father O'Relllr. of Ht John's Ohnreh. of t
city, His death was calm and oeacof aland
maintained consciousness until an honrbefon
In the death of Bishop Tulgg. Altoona has
lost a most'exetllent dtisen. He was a pro
gressive man and did considerable to build up
and make Altoona a substantial tows. He was
universally esteemed by all classes, and was
kind to the poor. His death is a bard blow to
many of our citizens.
Hqwasa manor firm convictions and one
who, when he believed he was In the right
went forward in the line which ha had marked
tor himself, believing that the greatest good for
the greatest number would be the result of his
actloa; and In this he was rarely, it ever, found
wrong in bis opinions. The funeral will proba
bly take place on Tuesday or. Wednesday next,
and the remains will be buried in St John's
Cemetery this city.
He Will Not Take the Money Offered Him
by the Brazilian Republic His
Future PlantNotEotlrely
Decided Upon.
Lisbon, December 7. The steamer Ala
goss, with ex-Emperor Dom Pedro of Bra
zil and party on board, and flying the' old
Brazilian flag, arrived in the Tagus at 1015
o'clock this morning.
The captain of the Alagoas had received
instructions to do everything in his power
to meet1 the wishes of Dom Pedro and make
him and his family comfortable. When the
Alagoas Iras off the Island of Fernando de
Noromha, Dom Pedro dispatched a carrier
pigeon with a message containingfthejlmper
iaf family's farewell to Brazil. On Monday,
December 2, the ex-Emperor's birthday, a
dinner was given on board the steamer in
honor of the occasion. The Countess d'Eo,
Dom Pedro's daughter, gave a toast to her
father. In reply, Dom Pedro toasted Brazil.
Many inquiries have been made of Dom
Pedro touching his future and; his attitude
toward the Government of Brazil. In
answer to all these, he confines himself to
tha declaration that, if summoned to return
to-Brazil, he will go. He alludes to some
of the prime movers in the revolution with
respect, to others with ditdain. None of
these men were in direct communication
with him, bnt all that passed between them
was through intermediaries. It is known
that they are all unimportant men,
and that they organized a military con
spiracy which was carried to its conclu
sion with the most perfect secrecy. All
Spanish and Portuguese revolutions are
worked by military conspiracies. This con
spiracy was a complete surprise to every
one. There had been on the part of the1
Government some suspicion of fidelity
ot the Twenty-second Infsntry Begiment,
which had therefore been ordered to Para,
and which did not take part in the pronnn
ciamento. It was only onboard the Alagoas that the
Emperor heard of the. decree continuing
his civil list He declares that he will not
accept either the list or the donation ot
money offered him by the Provisional Gov
A Smart Attorney Speedily Convinces the
Northern Pacific Railroad.
Ohicaoo, December 7. The Northern
Pacific Bailway Company to-day settled for
511,000 a suit for 20,000 brought by Madam
Nelson, the Australian '.equestrienne. The
claim was on account of bodily injuries in a
railroad accident near Gold Creek, Montana.-
The companyihadaapoSacetLjita in
tention or fightlngi. "the s4Hr2jerepon
Mme. Nelson's attorney, Edmund "Firth-,
maun, quietly sent to the .scene of the
disaster and secured the tie which had. al
lowed the rails to spread, The tie was,
shipped to his office in Chicago.
It was found to be so rotten that it would
scarcely hold together, and the spikes for
holding the rails in place had literally
fallen out Calling lor tne lawyers lor tne
defense. Mr. Furtbmann in their presence
carelessly kicked a. square foot or so out of
the timber, a. willingness to settle was ma
result and the case was dismissed from
Crushes Three Men Who Receive Injuries
That Are Probably Fatal.
Salem, 0.t December 7. Herbert Mc
Cracken, contractor, Phil Brickey, carpen
ter and G. M. Haines, carpenter, were terri
bly mangled by the falling of the new street
car building here, this morning, about 10
o'clock. The entire structure collapsed,
and the men were taken out of the ruins in
sensible, and bleeding at the nose, mouth
aud ears.
All arer injured internally, and it is
thought fatally. They were married men
and have families in Salem.
Features of This Mammoth, Twenty-Pago
Triple Issue.
Good morning I The Dispatch Is just as
full of good things as usual, and as you would
sooner read its contents than a long self
laudatory comment we will at once proceed to
business and tell you where to find the more
important features. In the first part you witt
find all the news of the day, from almost every
country in the world and from every State in
the Union, written in a bright breezy style.
The second and third parts are devoted to arti
cles more literary in character, the most im
portant being as follows:
- r Part H.
Page 9.
Long-Bange Gossip WAUts
The Beautiful Snow.............. ....7. S. BaSSXTt
There She Blow L. Q. Sahtobd
Tbe'Pastor's Clgar.BT 23 EiasxNT Clxeotukt
Page 10.
Gotham's Grab Bag CLARA Belli
An' African Colony Gxoaas TV. Williams
Barstogss By Mall M. G.
Business Cards.
Page It.
Some SUent Voices J AXIS C Pusirr
Paying the Indians.. ..'....; Bxdkbd
Wants, To Lets, Ifor Sales, etc.
Where Beanty Belgns. King Up the Cnrtala.
The Boys, 6f Sixty-One.
Saber and Musket. Pictures and Painters.
Basinets Cards.
Password and Grip. Pedagogue and Pupil.
financial Intelligence.
Business Cards-
Fag til.
A Yoyage to the Bun Claiki A. Obb
Every Day Science...: srxr Wbitxk
East Versus West Bchbalo
Bnsiness Cards.
Page li.
Get YenrToboesan ....Wilt. I. Poso
Don't Throw Stones Geobo Honors
Hope Glenn's Btory. Hop Glxsn
Business Cards.
Page IS.
Late News In Brief;
Amusement Announcements.
Business CarUs.
Part IH.
Pages. i ..
A Cluster of Bods.... ....... ... .MM. GBtTJTDT. in.
Why Doa't Ha Marryr.. -...KsavPsixx LxsLra
Page It.
Sunday Thoughts...
Jack's Life Afloat.,
Page 13.
TheSnow Queen....
A NlbUIrt Session.,
A Noble Profession,
.W. Class: Bussxll
.Xkkist H. hxctbicus
Pate it. (
la the 8ay Boat-......!.. ......... ........M.SI.
-3 Caldwell Admits That Prince
glrat Was Bather Mercenary. .
As About'$500,0OO Would. Paj-His DelV
and $60,000 a lear '
lowers His figure. ' "T i
Miss Gwendoline Caldwell has been in ,
terviewed in Paris by a. Dispatch eorre- '
spondent, on the subject of her broken en
gagement with Prince Mnrat She says her
lawyers induced her to tell the Prince his!
financial demands for his title in exchanger
for her wealth and companionship were too
steep- She would marry him to-morrow if
his demands were less unreasonable.
PAbis, December 7. Copyright Com
tradictory and exaggerated reports are still
circulated with regard to the rupture of tha
engagement of marriage between Miss
Gwendoline Caldwell and Prince Mnrat
The lady was recently waited npon by TnB
Dispatch correspondent, and was asked to
grant him an interview on the subject Mia
Caldwell referred him to her attorneys
whom she authorized to furnish him with
all necessary information, saying that what
ever they might say might be considered as!
coming direct from herself.
In an informal conversation, Miss Cald
well spoke freely and frankly of her rela
tions with Prince Mnrat, aud of the causa
of his action with regard to their engage
In the first place, the Prince has not
broken oft the engagement The wedding;
is only indefinitely postponed, and thaS
In consequence of the counsel acting
for us in the matter being unable to
agree as to the amount of my Income
which the Prince should have absolute)
control of. The story of my offering him $10,
000 as an annuity is one of the most monstrous
absurdities I bare ever read. I knew nothing
of such an offer until I read it In the papers...
The truth of the matter is, I have never of
fered Prince Mnrat one son, either condition
ally or unconditionally. I simply referred him,
to my legal advisers, when the question of my
estate was broached, and I was much sur
prised, to say nothing of my feelings being
awfully crushed as would be those of any
young girl in a similar situation when tha
Prince informed me, in a very curt manner,
that our wedding must be postponed until my
attorneys saw fit to agrees with his counsel re
garding the amount of my income ha was to
I consulted my lawyers, and learned that the)'
demands of the Prince were so unreasonable)
that they were forced by prudential considera
tions to decline to accede to them. I asked
them haw much of my income the Prince)
wanted' for our living purposes, and they
said two-thirds, and that I couldn't afford.
I remonstrated with the Pnnce, but to no pur.
pose. He argued that my income was large,
and that In accordance with our social position,
a large sum would be required. I toldi
bim so far as I was concerned I was
perfectly willing that he should hava
his way, but that T was bound to be governed is
my financial affairs by those having them ia
charge. He seemed to think I had more taUn
enca in the matter than I really possessed, and
blamed m e for th e unhappy state of affairs.
TanraVtf tr- liim thafcT ritallv Invnd Mm ftniTi
efraeaO?islred to: have the ceremony tako1. tm
i piace. a: rata my attorney mat a was per.j .
r fectly willing that ther Pnnce should be favorer .
ably considered in his demands; bnt thyin-i-v
silted that such acquiescence would be im. '.
prudent and beside, complications would
surely arise therefrom that would render
our lives anything bnt happy. I concluded
they knew best, and permitted their judg
ment to stand. Seeing this, the Prince simply
oaue me gooauy, saying at the same time tna
whenever my attorneys should deem It proper
to acceae to nis demands, be would luinunis
marriage contract. With these words nalef&
me, and I have not seen him since.
In the course of (he conversation, Mis) ;.
Caldwell avowed, with much feeling, that '
if the Prince would be more rea ,
sonable she' would forgive him. At-,
the request of Miss Caldwell, tho
writer called upon Mr. Cachard,
who has charge of her financial affairs in
Europe, and who conducted those of Prince
Hatzfeldt before his marriage. In answer
to the question as to the cause of the trouble'
between Miss Caldwell and Prince Murat,
Mr. Cachard said:
The real cause of the non-fulfillment of tha
engagement was tne disagreement between our
firm and the legal representatives of Prince)
Murat as to how much be should have of tha
lady's income under his absolute control.
There . was no specified sum offered
by us. Prince Murat's counsel simply .
made an unreasonable demand, which wo
deemea unwise to grant The Prince was u-
compromising and we were firm; hence tho '
Postponing of the wedding; and thus the mat.
ter still stands. There bas been no attempt at)
a reconciliation, so far as the financial settle. '
ment is concerned, and I do not think there Is
likely to be. unless the Prince should bring his,
demands within the bounds of reason.
Miss Caldwell was anxious to have the mat
ter settled, and was inclined to give way to' tha
Prince, but being a woman of good Judgment,-.
she, in spite of her strong affection for nun,.
was ruled by the advice of her counsel, and
permitted the Prince to break the engagements
when he declared he conld not marryfi
ner unless his demands were acceeo 10.1
As for the story of the offer of $10,000. tho;;
oniy lounuaaon ior tnatis pern-pi oa unuj n
conversation between counsel, one of whom '
Jokingly remarked that he thought thePrlnco
ought to be satisfied with, that amount. This
was wholly outside the case, and Miss CaldwpU,
neTarinthnrlzfd or knew of SUCha-TO-OS-i
tlon until it was published In the papers. Howv
tney got it is a mystery. . , id
Mr. Cachard was asked: ""What is that
amount of Miss Caldwell's income?"
"About 8100.000." r
"How much of this did Prince Marai
want?" ' -IS
"There was no soecifio sum mentioned."
"But there must have been a proposltioaj
to Inspire a rejection." suggested the writer
"The fas-Is," replied the lawyer. "
Prince wanted to control the greater'par
Miss Caldwell's income, and we could
agree to it"
In the absence of Prince Murat from tM
city, bis representatives were seen, f sail
without hesitation gave their sideofl
story, '..bey were asked 11 there was as
prospect of a reconciliation, andreplie
"The Prince has not authorized us to 1
any comp'romiie in his demands."
"What was his demand?"
"Why, a bagatelle of about J60,0O0J
year for necessary expenses, ana a as:
consideration aside from that which d
not amount to much.'
"What was that consideration?"
"It was a mere matter of a small adv
to meet a few obligations which had to
settled before the marria.e. and wbiclw'
to have been returned as soon as the Print
could get control of his estates."
"Has the Prince manv debts?"
X7h wy. tWiflVtin .) WAf-ff-M-l
aim from all bis obligations and place hi
Tt AAnlanl k 9 ! mnnf ftf nMnarfv"'.
".5i."uA " " --. w. .VF-....
'Was that the amount tnernncewn
to borrow from Miss Caldwell?" -
"WelL not exactly. You see,thePriiS
wished to meet s. certain obligation.
would release a certain amount nowJi
bond. This would plaeehim in siposiliestej
make his bride a, present as bo desired t'i
The Priase. only asked for the ceatralvf
e! . a ... LI- -
a iu-ensi S-BOuat 01 Brassy om
and his tilt to Ufa up to their s-S- I