Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 07, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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'V V
The Ohio Private Says Moro in a
Message Than Harrison Did.
Is Amply Predicted by the Priendof One
Million Veterans.
Clerks to Qo at Claims and Quit Answeriaff a Lot of
Foolish Letters.
Private Dalzell writes to Tub Dispatch
tome more seasonable matter from Caldwell.
Even if it is in the line of prognostications,
it will be read with as much of interest as if
lie were twitting on accomplished facts.
To the Editor of Tie Dispatch:
If you want to know what Congress will
do, I can tell yon. You may smile all yon
please, for "a man may smile and smile and
be a Tillaiu still;" bnt I can predict cor
rectly what Congress will do about pensions.
It will do it because it has heard from the
boys, and that's why I can predict it, too.
More than half a million of our claims are
pending in the Pension Office, and, as I
have shown in the columns of The Dis
patch heretofore, at the present rate these
claims cannot be passed until half the ap
plicants are in their graves.
The boys cannot wait any longer. Time
is up! Congress will rip the Pension Office
up. There is a Congressional election next
year. Any man who falters this winter
will never get back to "Washington. "We
give them 100 days to hustle our pending
claims through.
They will codify all the pension laws,
simplify them and knock all the red tape
j.out so that onr claims can be put through
i as fast as you could count a pile of bank
notes or read off names in a catalogue.
The 2 rule will be abolished, so that 10
and $12 will be the least pension, as under
Tanner and Black. The Tanner rule, that
a private soldier's oath will go for as much
as a red-nosed btigadier's, will be restored,
and the foolish and insulting rule that it
takes two private's affidavits to equal one
officers, will be reversed. That rnle lost ns
Ohio and Iowa.
Congress will call in the 250 special pen
sion agents who go gipsying about .the coun
irv rathering testimony(?) at a cost of a
million a year, and put the genties to work
on our claims in the office at "Washington.
It ill direct that the 500 clerks in the
bureau who are kept busy answering fool
letters of jcquiry shall stop that folly and
Co at our claims, and that all such letters go
into the waste-basket until we get our pen
sions. Wo know the employes will not like this.
It is a good job, and they will want to string
it out as long as they can. But we can't
wait. Onr claims must go through this
winter, and then 1,000 of these folks can go
home to th;ir native goose-pasture in the
spring and earn an honest living.
This foolishness will be stopped. Con
gress will lay hold of it, and save millions
of dollars by doing so. Until this is done.
Congress will pass no pension bills. It would
be idle to encourage filing thousands of new
claims until the 00,000 old ones are settled.
It will not be gniltv of that folly. Tou will
hear things rip up about the Pension Office
when Congress begins. They have heard
from the boys. They remember our 3,000,
000 votes next year, and that will lift the
Pension Office out of its boots. You will
The soldiers promise to make the next
Congress Republican, if . The sol
diers promise to make it two-thirds Demo
cratic, if . You can fill the ellipsis.
The first faint echo was heard in 1889.
Little Ben Harrison heard that feeble pro
test. One million soldiers who own no
office on paper; 1,000,000 of their sons and
sons-in-law; 1,000,000 of their fathers and
brothers 3,000,000 ! a potent factor and a
unit as one man! "With 600,000 pension
claims penning at Washington, going
through like the "seven-year itch," with a
President ostracizing men of the ranks and
scaling pensions to $2, no wonder the boys
are mad ! They won't stand mnch more.
They will watch Congress, yon bet ! It is
life or death on both sides.
He is not the hero who is Speaker. He
is the hero of this Congress who captures
the soldier vote by doing just this. Xew
bills? Nonsense! "We want no new bills.
"What good till we get these claims through
and an increase of $10 to $20 on the pensions
we have. That is the line on which you re
gain or lose eternally the 3,000,000 .soldier
votes the only line!
Inasmuch as we number yet fully 1,000,
000 souls small and insignificant as the
souls of the rank and file appear in the
estimation of the accursed politicians still
we can cast 1,000,000 votes yet, and can
make them feit only by combination and
organization. "We have a million sons,
a million sons-in-law, a million fathers and
brothers who vote with ns, and if we use
good common sense and put our heads to
gether and combine, we can force the
politicians to do for us what they have long
promised to do, and never intended to do,
and otherwise never will do.
My voice, therefore, this winter is for
such an organization, composed only of those
who win uise an oain io oe onr Inends, and
make eligible to it all voters of every politi
cal party. This would give us the whip
hand of the wretched demagogues, aud next
year we would fill Congress with men sworn
as solemnly as Masons are sworn to do our
behests as to pensions and a fair share of
public offices. But this we can never ac
complish in any other way. Here we should
be simply omnipotent, forgetting politics,
tariffs, temperance and reform, simply be
come a solid party of 4,000,000 voters, sworn
solemnly to enforce such legislation as the
soldiers demand, and only this ami nothing
more, and be done with all further hvpoc
itisy and lying. Peivate Dalzell.
Caldwell, O., December 6, 1889.
The Philadelphia Company' Big; Gusher
Oliver Bros. Strike a Gas Well Union
town Natural Gas Plnjinar Oar.
On Thursday the Philadelphia Gas Com
pany struck a strong oil well in the Hick
ory region, near Taylorstovrn. The com
pany was boring for gas, but is satisfied to get
oil. Superintendent T. A. Gillespie could
not give the capacity of the well in barrels,
but he was pleased to say it was a spouter
of good dimensions. The report of the strike
has turned the head of the farmers, and the
oil land lessees are doing some lively skirm
ishing. Oliver Bros, have struck a fine gas well
in the Bellevernon field, not far from their
other two wells. It dropped in on Sunday
last, and is by this time turned into their
line from Bellevernon to the Southside.
The newcomer is very strong, and gives the
firm an ample supply of gas for all contin
gencies. At Uniontown, Pa., the Thompson Glass
Company is sinking a well inside their
works, and hope to strike it rich. The
Eider well is weakening, and a well which
was bored to the same depth of sand, and
not over 00 feet from the Kider well, tailed
to respond yesterday, although it should
have if the conditions were all right. It was
stated by a reliable resident of Uniontown
that very serious fears were prevailing as
to the permanency of the field. It maybe
said that in the Bellevernon field no trouble
is experienced from water, while the reverse
holds good at Uniontown.
There is a very decided revival of interest
in what is regarded as the Brnsh creek oil
sand extension, northeast of Sewickley;
Lidecker & Campbell's well, on the Hhodes
farm, is thought to be good for ISO or 175
barrels a day, and the Snee.. BurchGeld Ss
Co. well on the Jones farm 100 barrels a day.
These holes are only a short distance cast of
the original Duff farm well.
Interest has also been revived in the
Connoqenessing district, where the W. H.
Christie well on the Kuoff farm, after the
owner thought of abandoning it, began
doing 360 barrels a day, and is still making
over 200. There is some trouble from salt
water, which has been the blight of the 100-
foot-sand producers, but there is now no
doubt that in time means will be found by
which salt water can be shut out and petro
leum given a better show.
Lilly, Thompson & Co.'s No. 1, on the
Shannon farm, and the United Oil and Gas
Company's Trust No. 1, on the "Walker
farm, Saxonburg field, are expected to prove
good producers.
The McCalmont Oil Company's No. 2,
Core farm, Mt. Morris, is making 50 bar
rels a day.
Weak lungs and sensitive throats are se
verely tried by the sudden changes of tem
perature usual in our climate, and in conse
quence asthmatic affections, inflammation
of the lungs, pleurisy, bronchitis and simi
lar complaints are sure to be more or less
prevalent. Coughs and colds, the forerun
ners of these often fatal complaints, should
be prudently taken in hand on the first
symptoms, by resorting at once to Dr.
Jayne's expectorant, an old and well-tried
remedy, certain to remove your cold and to
exert a healing and strengthening effect on
the pulmonary and bronchial organs.
The People's Mutnal Accident Insurance
Association, of Pittsburg, Pa., insures
against accidents of all kinds. Class A
preferred membership certificates provides
for the payment of $5,000 in case of accident
resulting fatally, or $25 weekly indemnity
for totally disabling injury. "The People's"
is the largest, strongest and best accident
association organized under the laws of
Pennsylvania, andhas paid $100,000 in death
losses and indemnity claims since commence
ment of business. Cost of carrying a policy
has never exceeded $14 per year, inpayments
of $2 each about every 53 days. Send for
application form to Home Office, Hamilton
building, Pittsburg, Pa.
And It Is Alio Certain That the Y. M. la. A.
and M. I. Will be Preset-red.
The Library Committee of the Young
Men's Library Association were yesterday
raised from despondency's depths to an atti
tude from which they think they can see
over the fog, by the action of John M. Ken
nedy, Esq.,counsel for John Holmes, trustee
of the mortgage, staying the Sheriff's writ
of sale. This action gives until next March,
which gives the committee three months,
time in which to raise $27,000 necessary to
liqnidate the indebtedness. As $24,000 were
provided for by two weeks' work, little fear
is expressed of ability to raise $9,000 a
month. Of the amount necessary to satisfy
the debt $66,000, there is provided including
the $5,000 bequest of "William Thaw,
The committee nas a project in view by
which it is expected that the matter can be
arranged without any further cause for
worry, and it is well convinced that people
who have had power to make trouble are not
disposed to do so. Once cleared of the in
cubus there is no doubt the property can be
so managed as not only to make the library
Belf-snpporting but.also yield a revenue as
sured that will allow it to extend its sphere
of usefulness.
Superintendent lUalone Says $249,000
Won't Finish the New l'oatofficp.
Superintendent Malone, of the Federal
building, expressed the opinion yesterday
that the amount which Secretary "YVindom
asks Congress to appropriate to finish the
building, $249,000, is rather small. He
does not say, however, that it may not be
enough. The appropriations already made
add up $1,250,600, and if the sum wanted by
the Secretary is granted, the whole cost of
the edifice will be jnst abont $1,500,000.
The greater part of the money is paid in
Maine, where the building is really made.
It is only put together here like a playhouse
of blocks. The superintendent says that
he expects to begin the construction of the
roof in about three weeks.
To Install Their Pastor.
The installation of Bev. H. C. Hollo
way, D. D., pastor of Grace English Luth
ern Church, Carson and Seventh streets,
will take place on Sabbath morning at 10:30
o'clock. Kev. "W. A. Passavant, D. D., and
Bev. D. M. Kemmerer will officiate.
Not a Pimple on Baby.
Baby one year old. Bad with Eczema. Hair
all gone. Scalp covered with eruptions.
Thought his hair would ntver grow.
Cured by Cuticura. Hair splendid and
not a pimple on him.
Cured by Cuticura
I cannot say enough In praise or the CcncTOA
Kemedies. My boy. when one year of age, was
so bad with eczema that he lost all or his hair. His
6calp was covered with eruptions, which the doc
tor said was scall head, and that his hair wonld
never grow again. Despairing: of a cure from
physicians, 1 began the use of the OgticuraKem
ediss. and, 1 am happy to aay, with the most
perfect success. His Tialr Is now splendid, and
there is not a pimple on him. I recommend the
Cutiotba Kmedixs to mothers as the most
speedy, economical, and aure cure for all skin dis
eases of infants and children, and feel that every
mother who has an afflicted child will thank me
for so doing-. MBS. M. E. WOOD3UM.
Norway, Me.
Fever Sore Eight Years
I must extend to yon the thanks of
customers, who has been cured by usln
coka iiEJiEuiKs, oran old sore, caused by a long
6pell or sickness or fever eight years ago. He was
so bad he was fearful he would have to have bis
leg amputated, but is happy to say he is now en
tirely well-sound as a dollar. He requests me to
use his name, which Is H. H. Cason, merchant of
this place. JOHN V. MINOIC, Druggist,
Ualnsboro, Tenn.
Worst Scrofula Cured
We have been selling your Cuticub A Kemedies
for years, and have the first complaint yet to re
ceivo from a purchaser. One of the worst cases of
scrofula 1 ever saw was enred by them.
TAYLOB, & TAYLOK, Druggists,
Frankfort, Kan.
Cuticura Resolvent
The Hew Blood Pnrlflcr and purest and best of
Humor Kemedies, Internally, and Cuticura, the
great Skin Cure, and CUTictmA Boar, an exquis
ite Skin Beautluer, externally, speedily, perma-
neuLiy iuu cuuiiuuiicaiiy cure every aisease ana
io or my
the CCTi-
liumor of the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of
hair, whather itching, burning, scaly, pimply,
scrofulous or hereditary, when all other remedies
Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura. 60c; Soap,
25c: RESOLVENT, tl. Prepared by the l'OTTEB
Dntra and Chemical Com-onATioir, Boston.
3-Send for "How to Cure bkln Diseases," 64
pages, ou muBiraiiuuB ana juu testimonials.
Good Things
For Holidays
And Other Days.
We are far from expecting
every Overcoat we sell to be
a $50 one. Our Overcoats at
$15 to $30 are too good to
allow it Between $15 and
$30 a man can get as good as
it's worth while to wear. Be
tween $15 and $30 quality,
stvle, every good is to be got.
Those who pay $50 pay for
luxury. And genuine Sedan
Montagnacs made as we make
them, and as no other qtore
makes them, are a luxury.
December 7t 1889,
& Brown
Sixth street and Fenn avenue.
X) A DV'C skl11 and Scalp preserved and beau
DHD I Otlfied by cuticura Soap. Abso
lutely pure.
Every Muscle Aches.
Sham aches, dull rjalns. stralnn nnd
weaknesses kkliey-ed in one minute
bythe Cuticura anti-Pain Plastir,
toe first and onlv lnsantanpnn nfn.
killing, strengthening plaster. 25 cents. ws
Fob a disordered liver try Beecham's Fills.
Fsabs' Soap the purest and best ever made
JAMES O. PTJBDY gives some
reminiscences in to-morrow's DIS
PATCH of great vocalists who
have appeared in Pittsburg.
One Week More,
Commencintr Monday, December 9, of the
bankrupt sale ot dryeoods, carpets and rugs
at 723 and 725 Liberty sL, corner Eighth.
The public will no doubt be glad of this,
another week in which to secure some of the
great bargains that have made this import
ant sale so popular. Jfarties having goods
on deposit must call and secure them dur
ing the coming week. The sales will be
held as usual morning at 10, afternoon at
2 and evening at 730.
Latest improved Spectacles and Eye-Glasses:
will fit any noso with ease and comfort. The
largest and best stock of Optical Instruments
and Artificial Eyes.
KOBNBLUM, Theoretical and
Practical Optician.
No. 0 Fifth avenue, near 'Wood street.
Telephone No. 1688. selS-ssa
401 Smlthfield Street, cor. Fourth Avenue,
Capital, $100,000. Surplus, 550,000.
Deposits of Si and upward received and
interest allowed at 4 per cent. tts
BIc Attendance at Indiana Normal.
The attendance at Indiana Normal is
larger than at any previous fall term. Win
ter term opens Dec. SO; spring term,
March 31.
The Honongahela cafe will be open for
business to-day as usual.
"W. S. Andeeson & Co '
Finest printing, lowest prices.
rPiTTSBHEQ Photo-Engraving Co.,
75, 77. 79 Diamond street
S3 00. S3 00. $3 00.
Cold weather shoes for tender feet Ask
for the "California" shoe at 3 00.
Cats & VEENEB,Fifth ave. & Market si
1 3S0 Styles
Of new patterns and shapes of toilet chamber
tets in unique designs and colorings at
Eeizenstein's, 152, 154, 155.Federal st. Alle
gheny. TTSSU
Everybody Gora
To Anfrecht's Elite Gallery for fine photos
and crayons at lowest prices. 516 Market
(street. Bring baby. tTJse elevator.
Sixe initial
James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave.
handkerchiefs fcr holiday
A S3 OO Washing; machine Free.
To introduce them, we will give away
1,000 self-operating washing machines. No
washboard or rubbing required. If you
want one, address, inclosing stamp, Monarch
Xaundry "Works, 25 Pacific avenue, Chi
cago, 111.
Why is Drcydoppel Soap I.Ike Mr. Ell?
Because it gets there; washes clothes
clean, beautifully -white, sweet and health
ful to wear; is the finest, best and most
economical for all purposes that soap can be
used for. Bednced to 8c a lull pound bar,
at grocers everywhere.
Hooka for the ITolidays.
Pratt's fifty-second annual sale is now
open at 428 Wood st. Everybody knows
how cheap he sells.
Its superior excellence proven in millions of
homes for more than a quarter of a century.
It is used bythe United State Government.
Indorsed by the heads of the frreat nniTeraitiea
as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful-.
ir. trice's uream uaiung Fowder does not
contain Ammonia. Lime of Alum. Sold only
Gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Lorgnettes,
Barometers, Graphoscopes, Stereoscopes, etc.,
Handsome Pearl Opera Glasses, in
Plush Case, $5.
Fancy Thermometers, Magic Lanterns, Qteam
Novelties, etc, etc., at cost.
W5I. E. STJERES, Optician,
COMPANY. Schedule In effect November 17,
1S89. Central time. DaPABT-For Cleveland,
5:00, s :00a. rn.. 1:35, -):2u. 9:30p. ra. For Cin
cinnati, Chicago aud St. Louis. 5:00 a. m., '1:33,
"9:30 p.m. For Buffalo, 8:00 a. m., 4:20, toa) p.
ra. For Salamanca, "8:00 a. m., 4:20 p. m. For
Youngstown and Newcastle, 5:00, 3:00, 10:15 a.
m., l:35, '4:20. 9:30 p. m. For Beaver Falls.
5:00, 7ao, 8:00, J0:15 a. m., 1:55. 3:30, 4:20, 5:20,
"9:3up. m. For Chartlers. 5:00, 15:33 a. m., 6:35,
8:55,7:15.7:30. 8:05. 8:30. "9:50, 10:15 a.m., 12:05.12:35;
112:45, 1:40,3:30,3:50, 14:30,5:05,5:21 8:10, '10:30
p. m.
Abrive From Cleveland, "6:25 a. m., '12:30,
5:40, 7:55 p. m. From Cincinnati, Chicago and
St. Louis, '12:30, "7:55 p. m. From Buffalo, '8:25
a. m., "12:30,10 p. m. From Salamanca, ")2:30,
7:55 p. m. From Youngstown and New Castle.
8:25, 9:3) a. m., '12:30, 5:40, ni55. 10 p. m. From
Braver Falls. 5:25, '8:25, 7:20, "9.-20 a. m., '12:30,
1:20,5:40. 10 p. m.
1.. C. it Y. trains for Mansfield. 8:30 a. ra., 3:30,
5.-05 p. m. For Essen and Beechmont, 8:30 a. m
3:30 d. m.
P.. C. & Y. trains from Mansfield, Essen and
.Deecumoni, cwn. m., ji:oa. m.
P., McK. &Y. R. K. Depart-For New Ha
ven, 5:30 a. m., '3-Jap.m. For West Newton,
15:30. 9:30 a. m.. '3:30, 5:20 p.m.
Abbivb From New Haven, '8:20 a. m., "5:14
p. m. From West Newton, 6:15, $"8:20 a. m., 135,
5:l5p. m.
For McKeesport, Elizabeth, Monongahela City
and Belle Vernon, 8:30, 17:30, 11:15 a. m 13:30,
3:50 p. m.
From Belle Vernon, Monongahela City, Eliza
beth and McKeesport, 7:45 a. m 19:20, 12:30, 5;00,
u:u u. ui
late on Sunday.
JM!S&H '! BIBLE''' nl3S&J,
W-M "; caller?' ?2e
t fvi - I ' i ) ,j. JZ. C ' i
v'" iB
ISundays only. JWill run one hour
I win ran two nonrs late on Sun-
r Ticket Office, 633 Smlthfield Street.
C Cornets,
Specially for home and church music; also
home orchestras receive special attention at
Hamilton'. He will fit out complete at 523
to 50. Write or call lor particulars.
Holler Tlinn Elixir.
He was poor and old and decrepit The
physicians had given him up; the famous
elixir had iailed to do him good. He was
abont given no when somebody suegested
Marvin's well-known digestive biscuits.
They cured him at once, and to-day he is
happy and contented. d
S3 OO. 82 00. $2 00.
The sales are increasing daily in our gents'
$2 morocco, patent-leather, trimmed chamois
lined slippers. They make very acceptable
Xmas presents. Cain & Veenee,
Fifth ave. and Market st.
In the Jacket Room Thla Moraine.
90 fine quality, winter weight.
Beaver cloth jackets, richlv embroidered;
All sizes, at 55, actually worth $20.
Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Mr. Charles Freston had for some years been
a victim of kidney disease. The pain across
his back and kidneys was so severe that sev
eral times he was compelled to give up bis bus
iness. He had more or less pain all over his
body. He had a constant tired feeling, and
much pain over his
eyes. His appetite at
times was very poor.
He felt very nervous
ana coma not sleep.
He had a dropping of
mucus into his throat,
wbicb.in hawking and
spitting it out, caused
a burning feeling in
his throat. His dis
ease so affected his
mind that ho became
very melancholy, and,
as he said, he fre-,
quentlyfelt like kill
ing himself. He be
gan treatment with
the Physicians of thn
Dk. Shafer. Polypathia Institute,
120 Penn avenue, on September 23, and became
cored. He can be found at Noa. 5 and 7 Boss
He says: "I take great pleasure in an
nouncing to the people .pr Pittsburg that I have
been cured of the above disease, and most
cheerfully advise those who are suffering from
chronic diseases to consult these doctors.
"CHARLES Peeston."
They treat successf nlly all forms of kidney
and urinary diseases, chronic diseases and sur
gery. Office hours, 10 A. ar. to v. M., and 6 to 8 p.
II. Sundays, 1 to 4 v. it. Consultation free
and strictly confidential. Treatment also by
correspondence. de5-TTS
And Eye Glasses, 15 and upward.
J. DIAMOND, Optician,
no24-10S-TTS3u 22 SIXTH-ST Pittsburg.
u. e: lippencott.
39 Smitbueld street, Pittsburg.
Distiller and wholesale liquor dealer.
Onr specialty is Llppencott's Nectar, a pure
old-fashioned rye whisky, 3 to 15 years old. at 50c
to SI 75 per quart. Fine wines and liquors at
lowest prices. Orders by mail attended to.
Cincinnati and Milwaukee bottled beer con
stantlyon hand. Bel4-35-s
Schedule In effect November ID, 1889:
For Wasnlngton, I. C, Baltimore, Philadel
phia and New York-, SrOOa. m. and "9:20 p. m.
Vor Cumberland, '8:00 a. m., $1:00, 9:2fi i p. m.
For Connellsvllle. 46:40 and 8:00 a. in.. 11:00. 14:00
and : p. m. For Uniontown, 38:40. 8:0O a. m
M:00 and J4:0O p. ra. For Mt. Tleasant, :40,
8:00 a. m. and 41:00 and $4:00 p.m. For Wash
ington, Fa., 7:0S and 9:40 a. m., 3:35, $3:30 and
7:30 p. m. For Wheeling, 7:05, $9:40 am.. "H,
"7:30p. m. For Ciciinnatl and St. Louis, 7iC5a.
ra., 7:S p. ra. For Columbus, "7:03 a. ra.. 7:30
p. m. For Newark. 7:05, $9:40 a.m., "3:35. 7:30
p. m. For Chicago, 7:05 and 7:30 p. m.
Trains arrive from New York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and 'Washington, 6:20 a. ra., "8:55 p.
m. From Columbus, Cincinnati and Chicago,
"8:25 a. m., 9:00 p.m. From Wheeling, "8:25,
10:50 a. m,, $5:00, "9:00p.m.
Through sleeping cars to Baltimore, Washing
ton, Cincinnati and Chicago.
Connellsvllle accommodation at S3:35 a. ra.
DUUiut uuir.
3tels and residences
IlcKet Afflfv. comfr
Pass. Agent. J.T. O'DKLL, General Manager.
The Plttsbnrcr Transfer Cmumut will rail fnr
.. -, . . ." - t.vr --------
auu cuccL uajtKBKB irum noieis
upon oraersieitai n. & u.
Finn ave. and Wood st.
Trains leave Union Station (Eastern Standard
time): Klttannlng Ac. 6:56 a. m. : Niagara Ex
dally. 8:45 a. m., Hulton Ac.. 10:10 a. m.: Valley
Camp Ac, 12:05 p. m.; Oil City and irallols Ex-
Sress, 2:00 p.m. ; Hulttn Ac, 3:00 p.m. ; Klttannlng
C, 4 :00p.m.; Braeburn Ex., 5:00 p.m.; Klttaan
lng Ac, 5.30 p. ra.; Braeburn Ac, 6:20p.m.: Hoi
ton Ac, 7 50 p. m.; Buffalo z., dally,
8:50 p. m.; Hulton Ac, 9:45 p.m.: Braeburn Ac.
11:30 n. m. Church trams Braeburn, 12:40 p. su
and 9:35 p, m. Pnllman Sleeping Cars between
Pittsburg and Buffalo. JAb. 1. ANDERSON,
U, T. Agt,: DAVID MCCAEQO. Oca. Bus;.
To-day Kaufmanns' will breac their best records of liberality by presenting with
every purchase of a .Han's or Boy's Suit or Overcoat, or Lady's or Misses' Cloak or Wrap,
costing not less than 510, a copy of these world-famed three books:
3Do3?e's Bltae 3-a,Hez?3rI
3:l-toDL's Paa?adise HLos-bl.
Dante's Xm -f erno I
Illustrated by Dore.
Ko finer books are published in .the English tongue. They have been indorsed, com
mended and praised by the press, pulpit and people of every country oc the face of the
globe. Ko library is complete without them, or, being 10x12 inches in size, and finished,
in the highest style of the binder's art, they will be an excellent ornament for the parlor.
And if you get one of these books and you desired to give it to 'jour friend or relative aa
a Christmas gift, what a magnificent and sensible present it would be. Each book cornea
in a box, and the publisher's price (4) is printed on every box. The very high cost of
these books compels us to limit their free distribution to one day only to-day 1 To-day 1 ,
So if you want one don't come next Monday, but to-day, Saturday, December 7. ''
An immense variety in every Department, suitable for presents, useful
and ornamental.
-. J . J1
Far seeing and reading lenses combined, in
the neatest and most practical form, either in
spectacles or eye classes: indispensable for con
stant house or office wear and shopping.
-Ell. C? J-25-, OPTICIAN,
Cor. Seventeenth and Chestnut, Philadel
phia. no21-TTS
Slipper, Slippers, Slippers,
Tor Xmab at Cain & Terner's, Fifth avenue
end Market street.
Totj never saw such bargains in albums
Jw are being offered at Harrison's Toy Store,
1123 Federal street, Allegheny. its
j $7 Complete lines of American neck
iwear. 53 Complete lines of English neck
wear. J03. Hojjne & Co.
Glove department, Saturday, gloves for
leTerybody; men, women and children; fur
(gioves, ciotn gioves,cotcn gloves, silt
gloves ana mittens ooas & Udhl.
Eight-button monsanetairesSl ft-nair. nnrl
others, just as good bargains, 7fic to $150.
Buttons, hooks, mousquetaires, children's
kid gloves, men's, youths' and bovs' kid
gloves. Hoggs &Uuhl,
Winter Underwear.
Big bargains in ladles, gents and chil
dren's scarlet, camel's hair, natural wool
and merino underwear at H. J. Iivnch's,
438 and 440 Market st
fascinating story of an Irish gen
tleman's adventures in America,
by Justin H. McCarthy. M. P., and
Albert Delpit -will appear in to
morrow's DISPATCH.
THS 7atoxr Pretalpttoni of
the Erlghteit Sfaiiul Uiadi
In tbe orld, ai niea by them In
th UcmpltiH el rpnaaa, SUSt,
Berlin and Vienna.
Wo, 1 Cures Catarrn, Hay Fever.Bose
Cold, Catarrhal Deafness, -
Ko. 2 CougbBf Cold Bronchitis, Asth
ma, Consumption. AfeerlessBemedy.
Ko. a BBenmarlwn, Gotjt.
Ko. 4 Idrer &mtoe,pyspopsla,In
digestion. Constipation, Brignts Disease.
Ko. 6 Fever and ue, Dumb Ague,
Malaria, Nouralcia. -
Wo. 6 Temale Weakness, Irregulari
ties, Whites. AGoldeultemody.
Ko. 7 A Ferfoct Tonic, which gives
ileal tn, rann naaanuueea, uiear uom
si Bxlnn. Good Blood and lots of it.
Ko. 8 NervouaDebilltyJjoss of Power
Impotenee,an lncomparabloremedv.
nrr bottle Enermnteed to en.
ltl ldU dlHW UODIUDLE ud
to gin permanent relief ALWAYS.
Deserlpirra Cirenlan lent free on
ipplleatlon. HOSPITAL EEMEDY
COUPAHY. Toronto, quade.
, cxi0.a.:k:s.
AH our PLUSH and CLOTH GARMENTS for Ladies, Misses and
Children at greatly reduced prices. Fine Seal Plush Jackets, $g 75,
worth 15. Fine Seal Plush Jackets, 12 45, wofth gi8. Fine Seal
Plush Sacques, 15 75, worth 22 50. Fine Seal Plush Sacques, 18 75
and 22 50, worth $30 and 35. 25 styles of Plush" Garments to choose
from. Tailor-Made Newmarkets, $5, $6, $ 7, $8,o to $19 75, worth 50
per cent more. . .
Hand-embroidered, with tucks, and small
and dainty Aprons lor tea parties. Large
Aprons for nurses.
Doll Hats for small ladies.
Over 3,500 in stock, including genuine
specimens from the Paris Exposition, the
quaintest, most stylish handles for Ladies
and Gentlemen.
-L O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents,
S1I SUth avenue, above Smlthtleld. next Leader
omce. in o ociaj.l ausvauuaacu mi years.
Kid Gloves, Fur Gloves for Ladies, Gen
tlemen and Children.v Silk and Woolen
Fine Silk and Lisle, from cheap to finest,
open-worked and embroidered patterns.
in Beal Ostrich Feathers. Hand-Fainted
Gauze and Satin Fans. Beal works of art.
for Children,. Young Misses and Ladies.
Muffs, Boas, Stoles, Pelerines, Capes; 2ff
different kinds of Furs.
Hand-Painted Satchel Bags, Handker
chief and Glove Cases, in Silk, and Satin.
Grandest line ever shown. Drawn "Work,
Silk Tidies and Throws, Hand-Painted
Tidies, Playing Card Cases, Calendars,
Hand-Painted Porcelain Placques (work of
art), Smokers' Tables and Sets, in Plnsh,
Silver and Fancy Wood Cases. Jewelry in
all its details and every novelty.
Beal Dnchesse Lace Handkerchiefs and
LaceTichus, Lace Scarfs, Vandyke Col
lars, Chemisettes in Crepe de Chene and
yelvet, Directoire Sets, Crepe Lisse Buch-ngfc
Toilet Sets, Work Boxes, Collar and Cuff
Boxes, Combination Toilet and Manicure
Sets, Shaving Sets, Infants' Sets. Most of
these are fitted in ozydized silver. Photo-
fraph and Autograph Albums, Screens.Al
ums in morocco and hand-painted. Whisk
.Holders in leather, oxydized silver and
plush. Mirrors, hand and triplicate, in
celluloid, plush, leather and silver. Ther
mometers, Watch Safes, Fancy Baskets,
Odor Cases, Pictures with silver and gold
frames. Easels, silvered and in bamboo.
Comb and Brush Sets, from the lowest to
the most elegant. Parses, Pocketbooks,
Traveling and Chatelaine Satchels, Card
Cases, Music Bolls, Traveling Companions,
in fine Plush and Paper Boxes.
With every Boy's or Child's Suit or
Overcoat, no matter how low its price, we
will give a truly gorgeous Christmas book,
10x14 inches, containing a 50e water color
engraving by the great American artist,
Ida Waugh, free of charge. If you don't
want the book we will present you with a
handsome SLBD.
With every Girl's Cloak bought to.
day we trill present the grand PIC
TUBE BOOK described in the opposite
column, or, if preferred, we will give you
an elegant 14-inch, large TRUNK, with
zinc and leather trimmings, inside par
tition, etc., well worth fl, free of
In spite of our free distribution of these valuable gifts, we will guaran
tee onr prices not as low, BUT LOWEB than those of any other house is
the city.
Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street
liter November 10, IKS. trains leave Union
Htatlon, tttUburc; as XoUowf, Eaitera Standard
New York and Chicago Limited or .Pullman Ye.
tlbule dallvat 7:15 a. m.
Atlantic Express dally for tbe at, 3:20a.m.
JJau train, Uallr, except Bandar, bmu a, m. Bun-
day, mall, 8:40 a,
express dallrmt 3:00 a. m.
Mall express dally at 1:00 p. m.
Beal Cut Glass; plain for covering, and
Oxydized and Gold Finish.
Lace Curtains, Lambrequins and Por
tieres. Chenille and Silk Table Covers, 4-4, 64
and 8-4.
The grandest line of Silk Hemstitched
and Initial Handkerchiefs for Ladies and
Gentlemen. Embroidered -Handkerchiefs,
Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs, Gents'
Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. A new line
of Initial Handkerchiefs, from 10c to 50c,
for Ladies and Gentlemen.
Full lines of Silk Mufflers, Gents' Dress Shirts, Teck and Puff Scarfs, Hosiery
and Boys' Furnishings. Our Prices are the Lowest I
' :
510,512.514 MARKET ST. AND 27 .FIFTH AVE. .
-.,.,.. deS-JSW
1'blladcTphla express dally at4:3t p. m.
Eastern express dallr at 7:13 p. au
fast Lino dally at 8:10 p. m.
Greeniburgexpresso:iop. m. weekdays.
Derrr express 11 :00 a. m. week days.
AIIthrouEb trains connect at Jersey Cltywlta
boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn, S. Y,
avoldlngdoubleferrlase and burner through XT.
Trains arrive at Union Station aa roUowst
St. Lonls, Cliicaeo and Cincinnati Express.
dally 1 2i00a.m.
Mull Train, dally S:10p. m.
Western Express, dally 7:45a. m.
1'aelBo Express, dally..,. 12:43 p. m.
Chicago Limited Express, dally 9:30 p.m.
Fast Line, dally 11:55 p.m.
For Uniontown, 5:30 ana 8:35a. m. and4s3p.
ra., without ehanire of ears: 12. JO p. m connect
lng at Qreensborg'. Trains arrive from Union
town at 8:45 a. m.. 13:20, 55 and 8:10 p. m.
WE8T iMSNMBrurAJUA nrviBiua,
From FEDEIiAL ar. STATION, AUegbenr City.
itingioriuairsTiue... o:ua.m.
: ting lor
!:ilp. m.
lintler Accera 8:20a. m., 2:25 and 5:45 p. m.
1T&11 train, connecting
Express, for lilalrsTllle, connecting; for
Sprlngdale Aceom9:00,liaoa.m.3:30and 1:3 p.m.
ftMnnrt Afnm 4:15. 8:20and 11:40 D. m.
On Sunday :35and p :30p.m.
North Apollo Aceoiu 110 a. m. and 6:00 p. m.
AUegbenv Junction Accommodation S:3 a. m.
Blalrsvllle Accommodation ...llrfJOp. m.
Express, connecting from Butler....... .10:35 a. m.
Mail Train. "A' P m-
Botler Aceom :10a. m., 4:40and75p. ra.
Blalrsvllle Accommodation 9:52 p. m,
FreenortAecom.7i40a.rn.. 1:25, 7:25 and 11:10 p. m.
On Bandav ........10:10a. m. nd 7:00 p.m.
Sprlngdale Aecom....:37,ll:4Sa-tt 3:45, C:45 p. m.
North Apollo ,Accom 8:40a. m. and5:4up. m.
Trains leave Union station. I'lusouru. as follows.
1'or Moaosgaheti City, West Brownsville and
Uniontown. 10:40 a.m. Jfor Monongahela Cityand
West Brownsville, 7tCS and 10:40 a. m. and 4:40 p.m.
Ua Bandar, 1:01 p. m. i'or Monongahela City, 5:44
p. m., week days.
UraroBburgAc, weekdays, JJOp. m.
West Elizabeth Accommodation, J :20 a. nu 2:00
tOitniUM-o. m. Sunday. :40 p.m.
Ticket offices Corner JToartb arena and Try
street and Union station.
General Manager. Gen'l rass'r Agent.
Trains (Ct'I SUn dUme)
llntler Accommodation.
Chicago Express (daUv)
Mew Castle 2c Clarion Accom.
Slntlv Aitntr
rirst class rare to uaieago, aiuou. secouucuH,
(0 60. l"ullmaa SoSat ileeyiag car to Cblcajro
6:40 a in
9Kva m
12:25 p mi
s:j p m
5:30 p ml
7:37 p m
So d m
llOa m
From Pittsburg Union Station.
Trains Run by Central Time.
Leave for Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 1:15 a. m.,
d 7:30 a. m., d 9:00 and d 11:15 p.m. Dennison, 2:4?
p. m. Chicago, d 1:15 a. m. and 12:05 p. m.
Wheeling. 7:3U a. ro... 126, 8:10 p. m. Steuben,
vllle, 5:55 a. m. Washington, 5:55, 8:35 a. m.. 1:55,
3:30, 4:45, 4:55 p. m. Bulger. 10:10a. m. Burgetts
town, a 11:33 a. m., 5.-2S p. m. Mansfield, 7:15,
8:30 11.0) a. m. 1.-05, 8JO, d 80, 80 p.m. ilc
Donalds. d 4 15. d 10:45 p. m.
Tbaixs AEKIVEfrom the West, d 2:10, d 8:00 a.
m., 3:05, d 5:55 p. m. Dennison, 0:30 a.m. Stea
benvllle, 5:05 p.m. Wheeling, 2:10, 8:45 a. m..
2:05, 5:55 p. m. Bnrgetutown. 7:15 a. m., 8 9:05
a. m. 'Washington. 8:55, 7:50. 8:40, 10:25 a. m.,
2:33, 6Sp. m. Mansfield, 5:35, 8:30, 11:40 a. m.,
12:45, 3:So. 9:49 and S 8:20 p. m. Bulger, 1:40 p. m.
McDonalds, d 6:35 a. m., d 9:00 p. m.
iDiDamroav iiitf u."..
Crestline, 5:45 a, m., Cleveland, 6:10, 12:45 d 11:05
j! u n.suiiiii A.c
p. m., and 7:25 a. m., via 1.,
12:20l 3:45 d.
m.: Youngstown and Miles, d 12:20 V. m.:Mead
tic and Ttoungstown. 7:05 a. m
:Yonnntown and Miles. dl2:2
viue, iLrie ana Asntaouia, vn a. m.. u: p. .
Miles and Jamestown, 3:45 p. m.: Masslllon. 4:10
p. m.; Wheeling and Bellalre. 6:10 a. m.. 12:45,
5:30 p.m.: Beaver Falls, 4:00. 5.-05 p. m.; Beaver
falls S 8:3) a. m.; Leetsdale, 5:30 a. m.
Depajit from allxqiient Kocbester, 8:10 a.
m.; Beaver Falls, 8:15. 11:00 a. m.; Knon. JSO p.
m.: Leetsdale, 50, S.-O0, 10)0, 11:45a. m.: 1:15, 2:30.
4:30, 4:45. 5:30, 6:15. 70, 9Kp. m.: Conway, 10:30
p.m.; Fair Oaks S 11:40 a.m.: Beaver Falls, 9
4:30 p. m. ; Leetsdale. S 8:30 p. m.
TRAisa akeive U nlon station from Chicago, ex
cept Monday. Ii50, d 6:00. d 0:35 a.m., d 5:55 and
dc:50p.m.: Toledo, except Monday, 1:50, d 6:35 a.
m 5:55 and "6:30 p. ro.; Crestline, 2:10 p. m.;
Youngstown and Newcastle, 9:10 a.m.. 1:25, saO,
10:15p.m.; Mies and Youngstown, a6:50p.m.t
Cleveland, dS:50 a. m., 2SS. 7-OOp. m.: Wheeling
and Bellalre. 9:00 a. m.. 2:25L 7KX) p. m.t Erie and
Asbtabnla, 1:25, 10:15p.m.: MasiUIon. 10:00 a.m. :
Mfles and Jamestown. 8:10 a. m.: Bearer Falls,
7:)a. m., 1:10 p. m.; Beaver Falls, 3 65 p. m.;
Leetsdale, 10:40 p. m.
Akbive alleouknt, from Enon. 8.00 a. m.:
Conway 6.40, Uochester, 9.40 a. m.; Beaver Falls,
7.10a.m., 6.W p. m.: Leetsdale, 4.30. 5.S0.6.15,
6.&0, 7.45 a. m.. 12.00, 12.45, 1.45, 3.30, 4.30. 6.30, 9. CO
ro.; jrair uaxs. a 8.5S a. m.: Be?" 11.
m.; Leetsdale, s 8.05 jf.xi.ijtm"
11.30 p.
H H-l&n. m.
d. dally; B, Bandar only; otter trains,
WlnterTlme Table. On and LD.ecember
1889, until further notice, tralna will run Mrouows
on every day, except Sunday. Eatn?ndir4
time: Leaving l'lttsburg-SB a. m.. 7110 a.m.,
t.ton.ui.. 9-jna-m.. ll-JOJ. in- 1:40 p- mZiirp.
m.. SiIO p. m.. 5:50 p. m., 6:30 p. nij, 8 J9 p-in.,
ll-n. m. Arllugton-5:49 a. m., 6S0J. ra., 7:10
a. m.. 8:00 a. m.. I00a. m.. iap. m wp. m..
4S0p. a., 4:10 p. m., 5:50 p.
m.. 7:10 p.m.. 10:34
lng KtUDurg m a.m
p. m. snnday trains, ving ""VJf -"i g, r
lido p. m., 6:10 p. m?. )P. Arilnftoa-aJl
a. a, uop aiasp.in-Ay