'6 mFJraBTOFATOPggmpSssf i&k jpf . $ 'Ml W PRICE FOB HIM, Al Johnson Means to Have the Great Clarkson. CONSOLIDATION WOFT GO. Alleghenians Pat Up a Forfeit for a Fire Engine Hatch. M'CAFFREY WILL FIGHT FAREELL Al Johnson, President of the Players' League, makes some more interesting state ments. Clarkson is to be secnred at any price and the consolidation scheme is strongly condemned. A forfeit of $50 is pnt np toward a wager that an Allegheny fire engine is better than any in Pittsburg. Mc Caffrey is ready to fight Pat Farrell. UTTCIXJ. TXLXQBAX TO TBI D1SPXTCH.1 Cleveland, O., December 6. When President Johnson, of the Players' League, was seen by your correspondent to-night, he was just in the act ot writing a message to Mike Kelly, reading: "Sign Clarkson by all means." "Yon can say," said Mr. Johnson, "that Clarkson will pitch for the Brotherhood. He is with us, heart and soul. He told me so at Bos ton, and he supplemented this avowal of good faith while at Cleveland. "We would not let him get away from us for any money. His present offer is his last season's salary and his division ot receipts. If this is not ecough we will give him more." "How about WilmotT" "Well," said Mr. Johnson, "the Brotherhod people do not believe the story of his desertion. wtlmot's statement. He was present at the Brotherhood meeting in New York. Ho stood up and said that, al though he had been reserved by the Washing ton Club, he was with the Brotherhood, but, said he: 'I have an offer' to act as captain and manager of the St. Paul team, of next year, at a good salary. 1 may decide to accept the offer,' The Brotherhood said to him frankly: If you can better your position in this way, all risht. 21, however, the league reserves you come to us.' In the presence of hundreds of witnesses Wilmot made that solemn promise. Under the circumstances, I cannot believe that he has gone over to the League, outright. As an instance of the League's efforts to retain Its old players, let mo cito you this fact: You know Ed Hanlon to be an active Brotherhood man. HANLOJJ'S GBEAT INDUCEMENTS. Now, I know to a certainty that he was offered the most extraordinary inducements ever held out to a ball player. He was offered a certain salary as manager, another salary as captain and another salary as player with the Pittsburg club. He declined the offers and said he was with the Brotherhood to stay. I consider that a most remarkable illustration of fidelity to principle. Why, our Players' League has taken don all the bars hitherto kept in place by the League We secured the abolish ment of the classification rule and the modifi cation or the sales system. A player that has promised us his support in advance is simplv incapable of gratitude to go back oa us alter this achl '-Miient." While vour correspondent talked, Mr. John son was Demi deluged with telegrams, many of them relative to a 10 or 12 club Players' Leac . "My own notion," said Mr. Johnson, "is that the Brotherhood will decide at its meeting In New York on December 16 to place clnbs only in these cities: New York, Boston, Philadel 1 hia. Chicago, Brooklyn, Pittsburg, Cleveland and Buffalo. AGAINST CONSOLIDATION. "It is possible that I shall be outrated, and that clubs will also be placed in Cincinnati, St. Louis, Washington and Indianapolis; but I doubt it. I know that the players generally favor eight clnbB in the League. We can make eight strong clubs, and eight clnbs that will draw. If we try to increase the number ' to ten or twelve we shall only suc ceed in getting on our list two or three very weak clnbs that will never pay expenses. 1 shall make an earnest fight at the meeting in New York against any new vent ures. We are on to J right track now. We have grounds picked out in eight different cities aud clubs nicked out that cannot fail to draw crowds. To-day 2 have signed "Jersey" Bakely for our local club, who, with O'Brien and Gruber and one more first-class man, will make Cleveland a great club." "How about the legal situation?" "Well, sir, we are only waiting for the League people to show their bands." BEADY TO RETALIATE. 'We can show bow almost every clause of the League constitution, regarding contracts with players, has been grossly violated. When these cases have been settled we shall proceed against the traitors, although we do not want them in the Players' League. We shall assume the defensive, and shall let the League make the first advance." "What is the outlook in a general way for the Brotherhood to-dayT ' "Better than ever before by long odds. I admit, frankly, that there was a timejnotmany days ago, when we lost heart. Desertion seemed to follow desertion, and I was consider- auiiaisconragea. -men uanion, ivelly, ward, than whom there is no fairer, sqnarer man in the business, began shower ing me with telegrams. We all started to work, and. as a result, in ten days had signed 50 of 60 of the best ball players be neaththesun. To-daytheBallPIavers' League is as much of an assured success as if the season was begun and tne interest at its height. Don't let the people worry about sufficient financial backlog. It is already guaranteed and eves' player will get his salarv." President Robison, of the local League club, is quite sure that two, and possibly four new clubs will be taken into the League circuit next season. If only two are admitted they will be Cincinnati and Brooklyn. If the other two are asked within the fold, they will be Buffalo and St. Louis. Another Reliable Rumor. St. Lotus, December 6. The Sporting Hews to-day publishes a statement to the effect that if the Brotherhood and American Association do not consolidate the League will take pos session of the remaining clnbs of the Associa tion. The plan is to transfer the Indianapolis club to New York, the St. Louis Browns to Chicago, the Columbus and Lonisvilles to Bos ton. This will strengthen all the League clubs so that if there is no coalition of the Brother hood and American Association they (the League clubs) will be easily able to hold their own against the Brotherhood. This Informa tion is derived from a most reliable source and can be depended upon. Is Sillier Weakening t After all the talk it seems that the backers of Alexander Miller are not anxious to match him against McClelland, of this city, for a ten mile race. Yesterday's McClelland's backer put up a forfeit in the Now York Sun office for a race, give or take expenses, but the Pitts-' burgers backer does not expect it to be con ceded. McClelland is extremely disappointed at Miller's hesitancy, particularly after Miller was the challenger. Hudson Driving Pnrk Cnrd. IRPKCIAL TELEGRAM TO TOE DISPATCH.'. Hudson County Driving Paek, N. J.. December C The card for to-morrow is as fol lows: First race, six and one-half furlongs Nlta 101, Bocks 101, Easterbok 101. Volatile 100, Duff 103, rlherwood 103, Hatto 97, Harry Brown 97, Allda gelding 97, Festus 97, K. K. Fox 110, Pontlce 110, Herman 107, Trojan 107, Hot Scotch 107. Cbeeney 109, Chancellor 114, Ben B 104, Don't Know 99, Lizzie Scott 105. Second race, fire furlongs Australltz 100, Fred eric 1 100, Barrlentos 100, bhakespeare 100, Benga llae 97, Felix 97, Imogen formerly Wanda West filly) 97. Phoebe 97, Morrlstown (formerly Baga telle colt) 115, bam Morse 115, Belle Kennedy 107, Marie Lovel 107, Bancocas 120, Civil bernce 129. Third race, seven furlongs Gold Fish 108,Quesal 115, blephanie 115, Bettle L 115, Jim Gates 95, Gendarme 95, Nattot 105, Bunislde B8. jrourtn race, mile ana a quarter iianuet 105, jiSrcDmDum ivt, uienuaie ju', it Dalv. Jr.. 92. 1'urseva. mf isrowa ior uu,.Deta 90, Kaplneso, Glenmound 103, Dunboyne 103. Fifth race, seven ID furlonsrs Glenmound 110. Ocean 110, Benedictine 110, Elkton 85, Blue Bock 103. Sixth race, six furlongs Onward US, Velvet 104. Joe Helneman 104, Artless 99, lopeka02, Arizona 102, GlenucollZ, Suitor 115. Extra lis, Millie K 82, Capstone 96. Pomerr Sec 96, Gipsy filly 75. Miller 101, Landsecr 110, Carlow 110, Hearst 108, Tyrone 07, Thad Bowe 114, Dr. Jcykl 114. 1 Race Horses Said. r.TrrrwoTOir, Kt., December 6, The sale of the Spendthrift stad did not come oil here to day as advertised. Mr. Bocock, the owner, telecrapbed to stop it Halt a dozen outside horses were sold, they brlncing 81,620. Favor, by Pat Malloy, was the only horse bringing a good price. Milt Young, Lexington, getting him for $3,105. WHEBE 18 CHIEF ETAKS? A Bold Challence From Allegheny Concern Inn Hla Fire Euslnea. The Alleghenians are patriots without any doubt, and they won't by any means allow their pnblic properly to be disparaged without rev son. Tbey are now after Chief Evans and his fire engines, and if the Chief is as spirited and patriotic as the Allegheny citizens, he will put np the cash to-day for a very interesting con test. A well-known gentleman from the city across the river left the following statement, accompanied by a deposit of ISO, with the sporting editor of this paper last evening: "Time and time again Chief Evans, of the Pittsbnrg Fire Department, has praised his engines, the Amoskeags, at the expense of those in Allegheny City, the Silsbys. To-day he is once more auoted as saying that the Duquesns, No. 2, of Pittsburg, can throw water further than any of ours in Allegheny, that is, any of the Silsbys. Now, we mean to call the veteran chief to time on this occasion and if he half believes what he says he will try and make good bis boastings. I now put up $50 with the sporting editor of The Dispatch as a forfeit for a wager of $500 that he will find a Silsby engine In Allegheny that will throw water further than the Duquesne engine. I will meet the Chief at The Dispatch office any time that may be convenient to him or his friends to arrange for the contest. It is to be hoped that Chief K vans will come to the front in this instance or in future refrain from mak ing statements that have no truth in them. At any rate, there is now an honest chance to have the question thoroughly settled." H'CAFFBEY TO FAREELL. Doralnlck Now Rendy to Meet the Pitts burner Under Any Rules. Evidently Dominick McCaffrey has changed his mind about not fighting Pat Farrell; at least the following letter received by the writer wonld Indicate so. The letter reads: "If Pat Farrell. the Pittsburg boxer, wants to fight Dominick McCaffrev, the latter will go him. ana will be glad to get the chance. Dom inick is ont ot the saloon business and it would just suit him to go Fat to a finish under any rules anaioranysuDsiantiaiotaKeab a yumi, within 100 miles of New York." The letter was dated the Hoffman Honse, New York, and signed by Ed Bradford, McCaf frey's friend and trainer. This looks like a thorough-going business challenge, and nothing now is left for Farrell bnt to accept it. He cannot well refuse to meet a man like McCaf frey If he wants to fight at all. However, Far rell and his backers are considering the matter and they may come to a definite conclusion to day. Clifton Races. ISrECIAL TXLIGKAM TO TBS DUFATCH.1 New York, December 8. To-day's races at Clifton resulted as follows: First race, five furl ones King Arthur first. Keystone second. Time, 1:03. Second race, seven furlongs and a half Mable Glenn first, Mattle I.ooram second. Time. 1:38M. Third race, seven furlongs King Idler first, Remelir&nre second. Time. 1:34 Fourth race, one mile and six furlongs Eleve first, Charlie Russell second. Time. 3:13H. The fifth race was at six and a half furlon gs, and, was for horses that haTe not won more than two races this year. It was won Dy Supervisor, while U'lreuns Deal ueangut ior tne place, luat, i:u;$. The entries for to-morrow are: First race, seven and one-half furlongs, selling l'erll 105. Lucy H 103, Adonis IDS. Marsh Kedon 110, J J O B 110, King orNorrolk ISO. Meade 100, Groomsman 100, Brier 100, Wilfred Jay 95, Bed stone 93, Free j.ance 95, J J Healty 95, Beatick 95, Ten Bookh 95. Second race, five furlongs-Waterloo 108, Tillage King 108. Australlnd 108, Veva 105, Gratitude 100, FllrterSS, Famine 95. Third race six and one-half furlongs, selling BraU 122. Mattle Looram 112, Ebtls 112, Romance 112, Baymond 111, Ban Dance 111, Tom Kearns 110, Kuelewood 110, Prince lulward 110, Avery 110, Highland Mary 107. Bedltgbtl07, Eatontown 105. Fourth race, seven furlongs John Arklns 130, Melodrama 127. Balesman 122, Jim Murphy 117, Geo. Corbett 117, Callus Dan 117, Bonnie B 117, Bed Leaf 117. Courtier 114, FHtaway 114, Hair spring 114. Sparling 112, Queen Hattle 109, Con- slgnee ion, Annie M109. i lour irth race, handlcan. seven and one-half far- longs Speedwell 115, HI ildalOS, Gramercy97, Fan- nleH 93, Adonis 92. fa lit h race, hurdle race, one and one-half miles over five hurdles Bassanlo 159. Bangbar 159. Lln- I gulstlW, SanfordHS, Klllarney 142, Elgin 142. Bixin race, one mile uecepuon, go, uuts, first: Van, 111, A. McCarthy, second; fcpeeawell, 115, Palmer, third. Elizabeth Winners. rSFECTAX. TELEGRAM TO TUB DISPATCH. 1 New Yobe, December 6. To-day's races at Elizabeth resulted as follows: First race, five furlongs lie-echo first, Caspar second. Time, 1:05J. Second race King Idle first, Sunshine second. Time. 1:48. Third race Kenwood first, Harry Faustus sec ond. Time. 1:17. - Fourth race, six and a half furlongs Fred B first, Newburg second. Time,l5!4- The finish in the fifth race, at six furlongs, was Felham first, half a length before Manola, a length anl a hair before Tipstaff; third. A sixteenth from the finish Klleysent Pelbam over against Tipstaff and forced bun to pull up, hereby losing the race. Time, 1:17. Tobenu for I bo Brotherhood. Cleveland, O., December 6. President Al Johnson, of the Brotherhood, telegraphed Third Baseman Tf beau last night at New Orleans, asking him if it was true that he intended to desert the Brotherhood. Mr. Johnson received the following telegram ip answer this morning: Sew Orleans, December C Al Johnson, Cleveland, O.: I am with the Brotherhood, you bet. I have sent you a letter, 'J.Tebeau. A JACKSON CELEBRATION. Governor Denver Invited to Co-Operate With the Governor of Tennessee. Habbisbubg, December 6, Governor Bea ver has received the following letter from Governor Taylor of Tennessee: 1 desire your Excellency's co-operation in promoting the purpose of the National Jack son Club to honor the name of that illustrious patriot. The first annual meeting of the club (non-partisan) will occur in this city on the 8th of January next, and it is intended to celebrate the anniversary of one of the greatest military achievements by an assembly of patriotic men of all parties from all the States. I sincerely invite Your Excellency to attend, and if Your Excellency will do me the kindness to com municate this invitation and announcement to the people of your State to invite all your citizens who admire the character of this great chieftain, to assemble with us to honor his memory. It will be of Interest to those who have never visited us to look In upon the wealth added to our great country by the valor of Jaokson and his compatriots, a country not only rich within itself and destined to take the lead, but which adds a mighty volume of wealth and glory to the whole nation, and re flects honor and glory upon the patriots and heroes who rescued it from the wilderness and savage domination." LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed for Ready Reading. Michael Rolvukt .was committed to jail yesterday aiternoon in default of $500 bail for a hearing on Monday before Alderman McM as ters on a charge of felonious assault. The prosecutor is J. H. Kelly, who claims to have been attacked by Rolvunt with a knife on December 5. The inquest into the death of Patrick O'Brien, from the cinder explosion at the Bligo mill, was begun yesterday morning. The testimony showed that the explosion occurred because O'Brien emptied the tap before It had .cooled. The inquest will be resumed to-day. Jacob Metz and Charles Cosack, the young .men charged with the larceny of some copper pipe from one of the cars of the West Penn railroad, were discharged by Mayor Pearson yesterday. There was no evldence'that they were guilty of the theft. The Pittsburg and Mexican Tin Mining Company held a meeting to hear the report of Manager J. W. Trlmboth. F. W. Smith, Esq., states that it was better than the most san guine had expected. The mines are at.Dn rango. William Colson, living on Robinson street, made an information before Alderman Jones yesterday charging Thomas Jackson with surety of the peace. Alexander McGba-w, of Second avenue, fell downstairs and sustained severe injuries yesterday, which may result fatally. The Department of Awards will meet this afternoon to award the contract for the Im provement of Grandview avenue. The Finance Committee and the Committee on Corporations will hold meetings this after noon. The Allegheny Poor Board met yesterday afternoon, but transacted only routine busi ness. The Allegheny Poor Board will hold a regular meeting at 2 o'clock this afternoon. BBBNAN, in to-morrow's DIS PTOH, draws vivid pictures of soenes on the Fitteburff bridgea J GONE WITH AKAHDA. A Prominent Merchant, Member ot the Church, and Choir Leader, ELOPES WITH HIS WIFE'S SISTER. A Little Canadian Town Famished With a First-Glass Sensation. THE ESCAPADE COOLLI CARRIED OUT. How the Wool Was Fulled Far Over the Eyes of tie Wronged Wife. Harry Watts, a prominent merchant and church member of Iona, Out., has eloped with his wife's young sister. The elope ment causes great surprise, for he was con sidered steady, and the last man to do such a thing. rSFECIAL TXLXOBAX TO THE DISrATCH.1 Ottatta, Out., December 6. The town of Ions, Ont,, has been furnished with a first-class sensation by Harry Watts, a prominent merchant and church member, who has eloped with his wife's sister, Miss Amanda Bolph. Seventeen years ago Watts married a daughter of James Bolph. He had arrived from England a short time previous. He opened a store at Middle- miss, and 18 months ago removed to Iona, where he conducted a general store. He was steady, paid his debts promptly, and was looked upon as a staid, industrious citizen, in good standing in the Methodist Church. He was a capital singer, and speedily was appointed leader of the choir, and later was chosen leader of the Baptist choir as well. After that no entertainment was complete unless superintended by Harry Watts. ONE Or THE BOYS. Years before he had become identified with the Masonic Brotherhood, the Home Circle, and every other society that hap pened to establish a lodge in his abiding place. He spent most of his evenings with the young men of the village, seeming to prefer the company of the "boys" to that of the elderly citizens. "Watts had by this time reached the age of 40 years, had a" wife, fourNchildren, ana was apparently devoted to them. He also had a sister-in-law, Amanda Bolph, 21 years of age. She came to visit her sister, and her nut-brown hair and petite figure seem to have infatuated Watts. His 15-year-old daughter. Louise, noticed there was some thing wrong, and told her mother that "Pa and Aunt Amanda are altogether too thick," but the wife laughed and did not Bhare her daughter's tears that something wonld harjpen. Amanda spent part of her time at Watts' and part of the time at home, but it has since been learned that they corresponded almost daily, but Watts was too cunning to leave his letters lying around. AN ELOPEMENT PLANKED. A short time ago Watts induced his wife to go to her father's saying that it would benefit the health of the infant child, who had been ailing. Amanda, meantime, re mained to keep house, aud it is supposed that it was then that the elopement was planned. On Saturday the girl left, ostensibly for none, ner route would naturally be via London. On Saturday night Watts showed his wife what purported to be a telegram from London, stating that he had to go there. His wife remarked that it was strange that he should receive a telegram to that effect after telling her a few days pre viously that he had to go to Forest City on Monday, but she thonght no more about it. He left on the early morning train on Mon day, and next day a postal card was re ceived from him saying that he had been unavoidably detained. Wednesday and Thursday passed without the return ot the absent husband, and Mrs. Watts visited her father's and found that he had received a letter from Watts saying that he would not return, and asking Mr. Bolph to look after his business. didn't tell ALL. Watts made no mention of the fact that Amanda was in his company, but the wronged wife was informed that her brother-in-law had met Amanda there by chance and asked her to so home with him. This she declined to do, saying she would go by train. She also refused to allow him to take her trunk. His suspicions were naturally aroused, and the receipt of Watts' letter only served to, confirm them.- Mrs. Watts' brother accompanied her back to Iona, .and the business was con ducted as usual until the effects were seized by the Sheriff. A letter was received from Mrs. Pike, wife of a former hotel keeper at Iona and now of Toledo, saying that the guilty pair were in Toledo. It is currently believed that Watts, knowing that his sins would be sure to find them out, fled. Home Orchestras. S. Hamilton's fine specialties, 91 and 93 Fifth avenue. Personal attention given to selections of orders by mail. ?50 for or chestra of six. 2 First violins, 1 Second violin, 1 Viola, 1 Cello, 1 B flat cornet. Other instruments added as desired at cor respondingly low rates. B. fc B. Ladies, see the new furs. All the kinds and qualities: all the shapes of collarettes. I stoles, boas fur capes, $5 00 to 550 00. Only me nest oi an &wus oi iurs. 1 Boogs & Euhl, Allegheny. 82 OO. $2 OO. $2 00. The sales are increasing daily in our gents' 2 morocco, patent-leather, trimmed chamois lined slippers. They make very acceptable Xmas presents. Cain & Veenee, Fifth ave. and Market st Rich, Elegnnt Plates. Now is the time to select "We never had so many from 25c up to 25 each. They are marvels of beauty and design. . Call early. Reizen STEIN, 152, 154, 156 Federal st, Allegheny. TTSSU This 820 for 85 Moraine 90 fine winter weight Beaver cloth jackets, richly braided, at $5, actually worth 520. See our "ad." JOS. HOEKE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. $3 OO. S3 OO. S3 00. Cold weather shoes for tender feet Ask for the "California" shoe at 53 00. Cain & VEENEB,Fifth ave. & Marketst Dolls are being sacrificed at Harrison's. Think of it A kid body, bisque face and hands, and 16 inches long, all lor 50 cents. Others in proportion at Harrison's Toy Store, 123 Federal st, Allegheny. tts Fine neckwear for holiday presents. James H. Aiken & Co.. 100 Fifth ave. Slippers, Slippers, slippers. For Xmas at Cain & Verner's, Fifth avenue and Market street Just Received Tula morning. Only 90 fine winter weight beaver cloth jackets, Richly braided, in black, green, navy and brown, At 55 actually worth 520. See our "ad." Jos. Hokne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. B. & B. Men's furnishing department full of choice holiday noveltinlo neckwear. iSUUUa SB UUHZi, Allegheny, MT IN DESOLATE LOCALITIES. Yon Can Only be Ejected Prom a-Traln la Inhabited Places. Middletown, N. T., December 6. The Supreme Court of the Fifth Judicial dis trict has just passed upon questions of great interest to railroad travelers in the case of Hurlburt against the Borne, Watertown and Ogdensburg Bailroad Company. In this case it was shown to the court and jury that the plaintiff bought of the company at a re duced rate a limited ticket specified to be "Good for one continuous passage," from TJtica to Watertown. The plaintiff stopped off the train at Bemsen, and when he took a subsequent train at that statio'n to complete the journey to Watertown the conductor re fused to honor the limited, ticket and de manded the regular fare. This the plaintiff declined to pay, where upon the conductor put him off the train at a point in the woods distant from any rail road station or dwelling house. The ejected passenger brought suit against the company for $1,000 damages for alleged un lawful exclusion irom the train. The court instructed he jury that when a passenger purchases a limited or continuous railroad ticket, which is sold for less than the regular fare, and refuses or neglects to comply with the conditions of the contract attached to such ticket it is then lawful for the conductor or other servant of the com pany to put him and his baggage off the train; but the ejecting must be done with out any unnecessary force and at or near one of the company's regular stations, or an in habited house, where the ejected passenger may find immediate help and shelter. In the case in hand the company's servants were justified in ejecting the plaintiff from the train, but they erred in putting him off at a point distant from any station or dwell ing, and the plaintiff was therefore entitled to recover a verdict for reasonable damages for the improper exercise of the company's rights in the premises. Under these instruc tions the jury returned a verdict for the plainiiff for $250 damages and costs. MASQUERADES AS A MAN. A Pretty Illinois Girl Rons Away In Male Attire. S7..LOTIS, Mo., December 6. Miss Jen nie Merrill was arrested at the Union depot this morning for masquerading in male at tire. She'isayoung lady of extraordinary beauty and of great refinement, and one who would be least suspected of entertaining any idea of indulging in romantic escapades. She made a neat-looking young man, and when arrested was in company with another girl. Both were taken in charge by the police matron, who supplied the young miss with raiment becoming her sex. Miss Merrill lives at Galesburg, 111., where she attends a seminary. Actuated by some foolish impulse she escaped with one of the pupils, assumed masculine at tire and boarded the train for St. Louis. At Monmouth, HI., she was recognized by friends while smoking cigarettes and conversing with young men. Her father, who is a wealthy citizen of Galesburg, was immediately wired and he came to St Louis to-night and tooK his erring daughter home. She is 16 years old. QUITE A ROMAiNCE. How the Plot of an Iunldlona Rival Were Defeated. Axsonia, Conn., December 6. Louis Powe and Miss Edna Parmelee, both of this place, were married in Seymour to-day. There is a romantic story connected with the marriage. Their wedding was to have taken place in September. On the day fixed for the ceremony the friends ot 'the young peo ple assembled at the home of the bride's parents. They waited from 7 to 10 o'clock for the bridegroom, but he failed to show up. The next day it was learned that Powe had gone to New Jersey. About a month ago he returned and resumed his attentions. Miss Parmelee received him with favor and they were married to-day. Powe's reason lor leaving was a trick played upon him by a rival, who placed in his hands on his original wedding day a telegram purporting- to come from a rich uncle in New Jersey, who was ti leave Powe his wealth upon his coming to him. The hoax was discovered too late to repair matters at that time. All is now thought to be serene. , A Stabbing Rumor. A rumor was started in the Eighteenth ward last evening that a Pole, named Hu dolph Milouskl, had been stabbed by an other man of the same nationality, at Fifty fourth street and Stanton avenue. The po lice had heard nothing of the affair, and, upon investigation, no man by the name of Milouski had ever been heard of in that vicinity, and the belief that such an affair liad occurred was discredited. Secretary Noble nt Home. St. Louis, December 6. General John W. Noble, Secretary of the Interior, was tendered an Informal reception by the Merchants' Ex chance to-day. He made a brief address on the Interior Department and its close connection with St Louis. To-night he was entertained by Blair Post, G. A.R., of which he is post commander. Lyon Post assisted in the enter tainment General Noble yesterday sat for a photograph In Grand Army uniform, and it was presented to Blair Post to-day. A Buried Treanuro Resurrected. Jaspeh, Ga., December 6L Durlne the war some scouts who knew that Hugh Bnant, who lived on Scarecrow creek, bad buried a lot of gold, hanged him to make him give up his treasure. He refused to do so, and survived till after the close of the war. The money was found to-day by some men plowing. There was 3,176 in gold in the pot i HITHER AND THITHEE. Movements of Flttuburgers and Other of Wide Acquaintance. Harry A. Panl, president of the Amer icus Club, left for Denver last night to exam ine one of those mines which Bill Nye men tioned as enabling a man to become poor enough to own a yellow dog. Mr. Paul is a half owner In this particular mine and has re cently heard good reports of it. He coes to In quire Into Its exact condition. Despite his ab sence he will be re-elected president of the Americns Club at the meeting to-night. Manaeer James H. .Meade, of the Chi cago Opera Honse, was ill yesterday and was confined to his room in the Hotel Anderson. He sent word, in response to an inquiry, that the contract to produce Gilbrt & Sullivan's new comic opera, from Pittsbnrg west, had Deep signed u and the Hew New York, on W. A. Schoyer, Esq., who has been confined in his room for the past two weeks with a peculiar affection of the feet similar to gout expects to be out in a few days. It is rather tough treatment to confine an athlete in a room, but the clover catcher of the East End Athletics is a patient man, and will enjoy the beauties and miseries of a wet December so much the more when released. It was stated yesterday by the friends of Mr. H. L Gourley that he expected to get out of bis honse and appear again among his friends down town, on Monday next Colonel Sam G. Hatch, Traveling Pas senger Agent "Cotton Belt" route at St Louis, was In town yesterday on business connected with bis road. J. H. "Welsh, General Agent of the Union Pacific Railroad at Cincinnati, was in the city yesterday. Thomas D. Catlin, President of the Union Glass Company, was a passenger west ward last night. Adjutant General Hastings and E. A. BIgler traveled on to Bellefonte last evening. Cold Feet Made comfortable by wearing our feet slip perslor young and old at low prices. Cain Teeneb, Fifth aud Market st BESSIE BRAMBLE, in to-morrow's DISPATCH, talks about the social standing of teachers and the present method of electing them. WEATHEE. For Weitern Jnn sylvania, Ohio, In diana and Kentucky, warmer, fair; south erly wind. Ptttsbubo, December 6, 1889. The United States Signal Service officer in this city furnishes the following: Time. Tlier. ,, , Thar. Maximum temp.... 48 Minimum temp...-, it fiauffe ...: a SsOOA. V....M 40 lllOO X 42 1:00 P. x ZrOOr. K 41 S:oor. x srcor. x is Mean temn 41 Precipitation. 01 Elver at 4:20 p. x.. 8.5 feet, a change of 0.1 in 14 hours. Kiver Telegrams. rsrrciAi. tiliqbams to the dispatch. i HOEOAitTowir River 5 feet 6 inches and sta tionary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 45 at 4 P. X. BbowxsyilS River 6 feet 5 inches and stationary. Weather clear. Thermometer 31 at 7 P. x. Waskex River 2 feet 4-10 Inches and fall Ing. Weather cleat and pleasant Symptoms of Torpid JLler. Loss of appetite and nausea; the bowels are costive, but sometimes alternate with looseness or diarrhoea: pain in the head accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation in the back part; vain in the right side and under the shoulder blade; fullness after eating, with a disinclina tion to exertion of body or mind; irritability of temper, low spirits; loss of memory, with a feeling of having neglected some duty; general weariness and debility. If these warnings are unheeded, serious diseases will soon be de veloped. No better remedy can be used than Tntt s Pills. A single dose produces such a change of feeling as of ten to astonish the suf ferer. Tutt's Liver Pills Cure Bilious Diseases. Sold Everywhere, 25c de2-TTBsn IN THESE DAYS Of adulteration it is desirable to purchase wines known to be pure. OUR PURE CALIFORNIA WINES Are strictly so. Not only pure, bnt first-class in every respect Full quarts, 50 eta., or S3 per dozen. GOLD SEAL CHAMPAGNE. Our Gold Seal now enjoys the reputation of being the best wine made in America, and suc cessfully rivals the best brands of Europe, and is in no way below them In purity and flavor and much lower In price. Pints, 73c: quarts,!l 60. Our Pure 8-year old Export Whisky has be come a prime favorite at SI, or six for 5. Pnt up in f nil quarts and sold only BY JOS. FLEMING & SON, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, 412 Market St, Pittsburg, Pa., To whom all orders should be addressed for any of the above goods. del-nssu TO THE PUBLIC. TBY Hunter's Ketchup IT IS TapTTIRIE.. Mr. Thos. U. Jenk ins: Dear Sm The sample of J. W. Hunter's To mato Ketchup received from you on Oct. 8, '89, has been analyzed, and 1 find It free from all min eral acids, salicylic acid or artificial coloring matter. Signed HUGO BLAMCK, Chemist, Pittsburg. FOR SALE BY THOS. no!6-68-SSu C. JENKINS. THE NEWEST AND NOBBIEST -nT- Habs am.cL Caps POPULAR PRICES. Manufacturing Clothiers,Tailors, Hatters and Furnishers, 954 AND 956 LIBERTY ST. STAB CORNER. de5& JOHNFLOOKBR & CO., MANUFAOTUBEBS OF Flocker's. Lubricating Hemp Packing FOB RAILROAD USE. Italian and American Hemp Packing, Clothes Lines, Twines, Bell Cord, Fish Lines, Chalk Lines, Night Lines, Sisal Bale and Hide Rope, Tarred Lath Yarn. 8 pun Yarn, etc. WORK- t-ist street, Allegheny City, Pa. OFFICE AND SALESROOM S) Water st, ttsburg. Telephone No.1370. oc22-69-MWS ERN. STEIN'S TOKAY WINES. In original bottles, direct importation from his vineyards in the Tokay district (Hungary), the Purest and Best Dessert Wines in the world, now obtainable at reasonable prices Irom the undersigned agents. Inquiries for terms solicited from wine dealers. H. A. WOLF & SON, Pittsburg. W. H. HOLMES 4 SON, PitMburg. JOS FLEMING & SON. Pittsburg. KLINORDLINGER A CO. Pittsburg: WM. 8CHUSTER. Eist End. ARTHUR ANDRIESSEN, Allegheny. MEDICINAL TOKAY AT HARRIS DRUG GO. nol2-73-TTS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFT. LOST PUT BY MISTAKE INTO THE wrong package a plr of ladles' tan color suede shoes and pair or cloves tust from the cleaner's. The party having received them will confer a great favor bv returning same to JOSETH HORNE & CO.'S KETA1L bTOKE8. de7-ffl vMM4? m HbCVMQnHBSjj&aBK jrzw 'AwrMsaoBmasfiB. HOLIDAY AIIflMClMTi rms.ptopws.Ksrom; FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURG. TTOT TJi A V 'AJiJiAIN trHiJylJCiJN b. PREAMBLE. Never before in our history have we been able to present such a magnificent array of attractions for Christmas and the holiday season. Every department of our large and beautiful store is now full of the choicest and best goods that money can buy. Every effort has been put forth to make it interest ing to onr thousands of customers to visit our store at this festal season. It is impos sible far us to enumerate the many lines of goods, bnt here you will be able to find everything for the young and old, both in the useful and ornamental. BOYS' CLOTHING. All new styles, durable material, well made, all sizes, from 2 to 18 years. Kilt Suits, Short Pants Suits, Long Pan fa Suits. Also Odd Pants and a fine line of Boys' Overcoats. You can save money by buying Boys' Clothing here. "SILKS. A Silk Dress Pattern makes a nice present Our Silks are guaranteed to wear and give satisfaction. All the different weaves can be had here. Price for a full dress pattern from $16 to (50. PLUSHES. For Dresses, Trimmings, etc., all colors, widths and qualities. See our Plushes at 45c, 60c, 75c and upward. UMBRELLAS. Nearly one thousand just come to hand for the holiday trade. The largest assort ment and the best value we ever offered. Ladies' and Gents' Glorias from 51 25 to 4. Ladies' and Gents' Silk, $2 50 to $7 50. The above have handsomely mounted han dles in gold, silver, oxydized, as well as natural woods. POCKETBOOKS. Bags and Satchels in all the various sizes and in large variety of styles aud shapes at prices from 75c to $10. KID GLOVES: One hundred dozen 5-hook Ladies' Gloves, all sizes and shades, at 51, worth 51 50. Also, finer Kid Gloves up to 62 25. GENTS' ' Gloves, lined and unlined, in Kid, Dogskin etc, at 51, 51 25, 51 50 and 52. CHILDREN'S Boys' and Girls' Kid Gloves, all sizes, at 60o and 75c. STOCKINGS For every age and -condition in life Men's, Women's, Boys', Girls', Children's and In fants' from 5c to $2 50 a pair. CLOAKS Genuine Alaska Sealskin Jackets and Sacques from $100 to $225, quality and value guaranteed. PLTJSH JACKETS, Three-quarter Coats, Modjeskas, "Wraps. Sacqnes and Kew markets, made from best English Seal Plush, ranging in price from 57 60 to 50. "WRAPS of every description, long or short The largest stock in the city of new and choice styles, and at prices the very lowest. JACKETS of every kind, color and quality, more than a thousand of them, from $2 to 5100. CHILDREN'S CLOAKS Largest assortment in the city. Every size, very lates styles, beautiful materials, irom SI 60 to 25. LADIES' SHITS 250 different styles a larger variety than we ever offered. Ma terials, designs and prices you will find entirely satisfactory from 56 60 to $80. WRAPPERS AND TEA GOWNS A fine assortment from 75c to 512 60. MISSES' SUITS, Plain, Plaid and Combination, many new and nobby styles, all sizes, from 2 to 18 years, 81 50 to 525. RAIN GOSSAMERS, Mackintoshes for Ladies and Gentlemen, Misses and Boys, all kinds, from 75c to 516 50. SHAWLS, Woolen, Cashmere, Persian, Velvet, Beaver and Broche, from fl to 30. JERSEYS House Jerseys, a large assortment of new styles, from 75c to 513 60; CAMPBELL & DICK A : HOST : REMARKABLE : PAPER. : THEDISPATCH : TO-MORROW : Will Contain a Number of the Most Striking Features. . Twenty Pages, . ZHUDILIID.A.'y SIEsTAJ3 IsTO. 9. Baby rings, sold gold. 25c. Baby rings, solid gold, set with ruby, pearls, torquolJe, eta, 80c Ji Misses' rincs, solid gold, plain and engraved, 75c, L2S Misses rings, solid gold, with tono J sew, i, ji a, ti w. iauies" rings, sec wun ruoj, peari, tirqunise. emeraia, cameo sua u.u. , , from! 25 to $3.00. Gent's initial rings, solid gold. 88 50. Id 60, 10 CM. SoUd gold set rtags for. j Doys irom Bi an to $J uu, ooua goia rings, set una xiains ana voltaic stones, ti ra. " " And last hut not least, genuine diamond rings, ranging from the tiny baby rings at U 60 to stones weighlne li to 2 carats. Prices from 8 25 to J12S. We guarantee our goods strictly as represented. 351 Sl&irr, 934 Baap M-afLVEBWABE. ( From Saturday, December 14, until Tuesday, December evry evening until 9 o'dock! GENTLEMEN'S Presents. Silk Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Shirts, Ties, Suspenders, Col--lars, Cuffs and Undershirts, Cuff and Stad Buttons. . DRESS PATTERNS. Any kind yon want, black or colored, plain or fancy, for child or grandma. Al most no end to the variety. You can suit every taste here. Nice Dress" Pattern lengths, 52 75, 53 50, 54, 54 50 up to 515. ' FURS. Ladles' and Misses' Muffs, Stoles, Boas and Capes, in Seal, Sable, Mink, Astrachan, Persian, Beaver, Hare, Lynx, Monkey, Coney, etc. Large assortment fromSOoto 5100. LINENS. A Table Cloth and a dozen Napkins to match make a nice present "We have them this way from 53 25 to 530. Also hem. stitched from 510 to 520. Tea Sets, with colored border, from 53 50 up to 512. Plain "White Fringed Sets from 53 to 525. TABLE COVERS. Fancy "Victoria Table Cloths, plain and tinseled, 53 25 and 56. BLANKETS. All kinds, from 51 to 520 a pair. Coin, forts from 75a to finest satin covered Eider down at 510 each. SATINS, Put up in Dress Patterns. Also Chintzes, Ginghams and best Calicoes from 75c to 53 a pattern. N HANDKERCHIEFS. This stock is a perfect encyclopedia in itself of kinds and qualities. Handkerchiefs for Men, "Women and Children. Come hers ( and buy your handkerchiefs. JEWELRY. Bracelets, Breastpins, Earrings, Finger Rings, Cuff and Stud Buttons a whole col lection of nice-looking Jewelry of the latest styles, many of them indistinguishable from the finest stones, from 25c, to $5. NOAH'S ARK Undoubtedly had a large collection of quad rupeds and other animals, but if you want to see a variety snch as was unknown in those times come and see our Christmas ex hibit A special department has been made up for the benefit of the children. Every thing beine present, from the ordinary Jumping Jack to the modern Barrel Organ, including' Glassware, Baby Dolls, China ware, Horses, Books, Guns, Vases and Man tel Ornaments, Shaving Cups, "Whips, Horses and "Wagons, Engines, Steamboats, Games and every manner of top and amuse ment for the little folks that was ever heard of in Santa Klaus' most voluminous cata logue all going at prices which will make the hearts of parents glad. de7-TTS Three Parts. r V no30-U7-a Liberty a, Cor. Smithfield. del-TWM., Qfifa - 'j. v i 5- ! &