'THEPITTSBUEG DISPATCH, .SATUEDAY, DECEMBER , 188&: S -2Btf fiiJYIGEFEQMCATLIN. . tfhe Local Window Glass Combina tion is flow Almost Assured. IMPORTANT CONFERENCE HELD. 'Workings of tho United Glass Company Explained in Detail. PITTSBURG FACT0EIE8 TO BE UNITED The qniet little meeting that took place yesterday afternoon at Messrs. B. C. Schmertz's offices between three United Glass Company officials and a fall repre sentation of Pittsburg's window gists manufacturers will possibly tend to remove all obstacles from the path of, and smooth the way for, the local combine of window glassmen, of which so much has been already said. It has been sufficiently noto rious in window glass circles lor some time past that there was a very considerable dif ference of opinion among those interested as to the plans of organization and details of the combination, and it was even said that the projectors of the new amalgamation were beginning to feel doubtful as to their final success. To remedy this state of affairs an invitation was accorded to the President of the United Glass Companv, Mr. Thomas D. Catlin, of Ottawa, III., the Treasurer, Mr. M. B. De Long, of Utica, N. Y., and one of the local managers, Mr. "W. N. Xoble, of Ithaca, X. Y., to journey on here and enter into the details of organization, and subsequent management of the United Glass Company. This these gentlemen did, and yesterday lor more than three hours entertained the local manufacturer with all the minutiae apper taining to the large corporation which they represent The result of the discussion to judge by the pleased appearance of those present on breaking up must nave Deen very satisfactory ; and what was picked up in the course of the evening would seem to point to an early and successful realization ot the scheme. A SUCCESSFUL COMPANY. For the short time that the United Glass Company has been in existence, it is re ported as beine eminently successful. The company has been in operation about a year. It originated in the East by obtain ing the control of the Canastota, Cleveland, Bernhardt's Bay, Ithaca, Utica, Clyde, Covington and Dnnbarton factories in the State of If ew York, and those at 'Wellsboro and Blossburg in this State. About four months ago it extended its operations by taking in the factories at Meadville, Bavenna, Lanesville and Bowling Green, and at . Ottawa, Streator and Bock Island in Illinois. To do' this it increased its capital to $1,500,000. As is understood, the factories mentioned are ab solutely the property of the company, which manages them from its head office in Chicago. In many instances the old pro prietors remain in as managers on salary, and as shareholders take a lively interest in the welfare of the corporation. It was said yesterday that it was not an utter impossibility that the corporation should further extend its meshes so as to embrace the Pittsburg factories. It was argued that the real estate value of the properties, besides their worth as going con cerns would militate against the fulfillment of this far-reaching scheme, but it was said, on the other hand, that this obstacle was one easily surmounted by providing the neces sary increase in capital. This was a subject touched upon at the meeting, but just ex actly what had been done in relation to the project, the members present were not at all desirous of saying. Mr. "Watson, of McCully & Son, was ac costed on his way to his office and asked if the United Glass Company was seeking to aDsoro tne irmsDurg lactones. i "Well, now von are hard on me," he re- I plied. "What were you discussing at the meet ing?" "What meeting?" "At K. C. SchmerU & Co.V "Oh, just having a little talk." "What is President Catlin doing here?" CATLIN qiVIHG ADVICE. "Just giving us a little talk. Going into a few details about the proposed but really now you must excuse me," and the gentle man disappeared within his office. Subse quently other glass men were seen, but they reticent as usual. finally air. XioefSer was located and broached on the subject of the meeting, but he would neither confirm nor deny the report anent the United Glass Company's desire to absorb the local factories, and would only admit that Mr. Catlin had been giving them some details. Later Mr. Catlin "was approached, and on being asked to mention the purport of the meeting, said: "We were talking about the condition of the trade and the markets, and I entered into some details relative to the working of the United Glass Company. As yon are, no doubt, aware, your people are consider ing tbe practicability of incorporating their interests within one concern, and they wished to know how the 18 factories com posed within my company were managed, and how the details of the corporation were arranged. It is always difficult to get a set' oi men wnose interests conflict to combine in such a way as I have mentioned. There are always a few who seem undetermined as to what course they should take. I believe that your manufacturers will now come together and combine their interests. It is what I should wish, as I would much sooner have one big concern for a competitor than a number of small ones. "When they incorporate their interests we shall have but one concern to deal with on the score of prices rather than a dozen, as at present found in the association. The ten factories here should make a very nice concern, indeed, and I conceive that such will soon be bronchi about." "Does your corporation contemplate ab sorbing the factories in this district?" "Ob, as to that I don't know. The real estate value of the factories is very large, and the deal would be a very big one. I can say, anyhow, that at present there is no such intention. Tbey will make a very nice concern of themselves.0 "Will tanks ever supersede pots in this country, Mr. CatUn?" "On that point I cannot speak. I have no experience. I do not even know the per centage of best qualities obtained from the tank at Streator. The tank has capacity for 18 blowera, 6 in a shift I can sav, though, that, in my opinion, pots will always re quire to be used where the best grades of glass are desired. The condition ot trade is good, and I don't think the rates for glass will bettered for the present. They are low enough, however, and need not be so low to compete with imported glass." M'GAW WAS BEJJJSIATED. A Local Assembly Take Issue With the Atlanta Convention K. of L. Last night "Warehousemen's Assemblv So. 7190. Knights of Xabor, of which Homer L. McGaw was a member before his expnlsion by tbe Atlanta Convention of the order, reinstated him. At the meeting Secretarv James Carroll read a communica tion from the General Secretary announcing that Mr. McGaw had been expelled. Under the law a member expelled, it was announced, could be reinstated by a three fourths vote of is local assembly. The motion to reinstate Mr. McGaw was offered and adopted unanimously by a rising vote. Axesolntion was also passed to give the action of the assembly to the press. Catalogues illustrated and printed. Pittsbubg Photo-Engravtno Co., 75, 77, 79 Diamond street Cold Feet Made comfortable by wearing our feet slip ners for vnnne and old at low prices. Cain & "Vebneb, Fifth and Market sVxesrrulBgSecretry. HIGHEST GRADE OF ART, In the Statuary to bo' Seen at the Store of Hardy & Hayes. The exquisite-work of the sculptor is seen in the charming objects, chiseled from purest Italian marble as white as a snow drift, at Hardy & Hayes', 629 Smithfield street. These beautiful works bear the fol lowing titles: "Spring" is a dainty little damsel's head and shoulders; another bear ing tne same name is an exquisite bust; "Grandmother's Glasses" shows a demure little maiden assuming the role of grandma; "First Knitting" is a lovely child giving her whole attention to the homely task in her dimpled hands; "Don't Touch Me" is tne ngnre ot a shrinking, modest, loveiy maiden. Bach and all of these are in the highest style of the sculptor's art Another article in the maze of beautifnl things at this place is a wonderful and most graceful table in bronze, with onyx top. The metal is fashioned into leaves, sprays and other designs, in a way to reveal the hand and brain of a master in such work. This table is from the Paris Exposition, and is alone worth a visit of inspection to the store of Hardy & Hayes. Good Advice. The holidays are approaching, and you are doubtless thinking of how you will glad den the hearts of your family with a beauti ful piano or organ. Many pianos are offered. "You will hardly know which to buy. Take the Kranich & Bach, and run no risks. It is the very best the market affords. Its con struction is superior to any piaro made. The increasing sales attest its popularity. We can refer to hundreds of purchasers in the two cities. We have also the elegant "Stultz & Bauer" and Jas. M. Starr pianos, Miller and Packard organs. Prices and terms to suit all. Warerooms open evenings until after the holidays. IiECHNEB & SCHOENBERGEE, 69 Fifth avenue. S. Hamilton's Specialties. In response to the growing demand, we have just opened a department of small goods embracing everything kept in a first class music .house. Violins, guitars, banjos, drums, fifes, strings of all kinds; indeed everything needed for home orchestras, bands, etc All our goods are from the most reliable and celebrated makers. Fall value is assured you. Please favor us with an order and tell your friends. Personal at tention given to orders by mail. Gent's furnishings to-day. The largest and most complete line in the city. More of every line than is shown else where, and lowest prices. Jos. Horns & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. B.&B. Hen's furnishings; handsomest lines and styles new neckwear ever shown in either city 25c to $2 50. New handkerchiefs, snspenders, mufflers, smoking and honse coats, English, Japanese and American. Come and see. Open till 10 o'clock Satur day. Boggs & Buhl. 82 00. 82 00. 83 00. The sales are increasing daily in onr gents' $2 morocco, patent-leather, trimmed chamois lined slippers. They make very acceptable Xmas presents. Cain & Vebneb, Fifth ave. and Market st. Retirement Sale. We will close out our entire stock of dress goods, wraps, underwear, etc, without re serve, to give us more room for wall paper. Come for bargains to 63 and 70 Ohio street, Allegheny. tts Arthur, Schonselmyrr & Co. A new 50-cent Biarritz glove misses novelty Biarritz gloves. Ladies and cents' gloves the best and cheapest. Jos. Horne & Co. A Joyous Xtnas. This is not possible if the little ones are " """ i""' sad Or disappointed. Mace them happy bv j getting them some of Marvin's Christmas loys una animal cases. J-ce nesrts oi tne children yearn for them. ( d S3 00. S3 OO. S3 OO. Cold weather shoes for tender feet. Ask for the "California" shoe at ?3 00. Cain & VERNER,Fifth ave. & Market st "When overworked yon will be greatly re freshed and benefited by a glass ot Franen heim & Yilsack's Iron City beer. Insist on having it. At Tail's Philada. dental rooms, 39 Fifth ave., you can get the best set ot teeth for $8 00. A good set for $5 00. B.&B. Aprons for Xmas presents. See our special 25c, 35c, 50c, 65c, 75c and $1 styles. .Bargains you want to see. Boogs & Buhl. Porcelain. Our own importations. All the new things from all the famous potteries. Lowest prices, atBeizenstein's, 152, 154, 15G Federal st, Allegheny. 4 ttssu . . 9 Slipper, Slippers, Slipper, For Xmas at Cain & Verner's, Fifth avenue and Market street 25 per cent cheaper than ever before. Those dolls, doll carriages, cribs, beds, etc, at Harrison's Tor Store. 123 Federal street. Allegheny. tts Brocade and Fancy Velvets and plushes in colors and black re duced to 25a and 50c per yard to close. H. J. Lynch, 438 and 440 Market st. Silk and satin embroidered suspenders. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Filth ave. Cold Feet Made comfortable by wearing our feet slip pers; for young and old at low prices. ICatjt & Vernke, Fifth and Market st MEETINGS. VT O T I C K-MEETINO MACHINISTS- JLl Pittsburg Lodge No. S3, National Associa tion of Machlnits. meets every SATURDAY EVENING At No. 81 Fourth avenue, at 7:30 o'clock. D017-146-S 31HE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF tbe stockholders of tbe Plttsbnrg and airport Terminal Company will be held at the office of the company, B. 4 0.K.R. station, corner Smithfield and water streets, Pittsburg, Pa MONDAY. December 9. 18S9. at 2 p.m. no2424 C. S. WIGHT, Secy. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the stockholders of the Pittsburg and Al legheny Droveyard Company will be held at the office of tho company, B. fc O. R. R. station, corner Smithfield and Water streets. Pittsburg. Pa., MONDAY, December 9, 18S9. at 3 p. M. no24'J4 C. B-- WIGHT. Secy. PUOPOhALa. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CiSIVED by the Board of Inspectors of the Western Penitentiary of Pennsylvania, up to 6 P. K. FRIDAY. December 6, 1SS9. for brick arching, concrete and galvanized Iron work in couth wing. Details furnished at prison. ED WARD a WRIGHT. Warden. del-43 PROPOSALS. rlRON MANUFACTURERS. OFFICE or the Light-House Engineer, Third Dis trict Tompkinsville, N. Y December S, 18S9. Sealed proposals will be received at this oQce until 12 o'clock noon of MONDAY, the twenty third day of December, lbS9. for furnishing the materials and labor of all kind-i necessary for the completion and delivery on tbe site of tbe metal-work ot tbe Coney Island Light House, New York. Plans, specifications, forms of proposal, and other information may be obtained on application to this office. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids, and to waive any defects. D. P. HEAP, Major of Engineers, U. 8. A. L. H, Engineer. Third District de7-S2-D ELECTIONS. ATTENTION ALLENTOWN TURN VER EIN. Tbe annual election for officers of me aDove association win be held in tbe Turn xiauon aiukuai ntmuni, Decembers, at 8 o'clock. Bv order nTTARf.TOt MAOKT. ' for I wrin J. E. sJLt no) First Speaker. JOSEPH ITALXENER, Cor- de7-ia JS3-JHpIay advertitemenit one dollar per tquare or one tntertion. Classifltd advertize menu on thitpage ruch as Wanted, For Bale, lb Let, do, ten cent per line for each inser tion, and none taken for leu fhanflfTv tents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BBANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of tho public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already hare accounts wlthTHiDlS- PATCH. rrrrsBURa. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 3Su Butler street. EM7L G. STUCKEY, 24th street and Penn are. E. G. STUCKEY CO., Wylle ave. andFultonst N. BTOKKLY. Fifth Avenue Market House. XASTXXD. J. W. WALLACE. 6121 Penn avenue. OAXXA1TD. MCALLISTER & SHED3LEB, 5th av. At wood It SOUTHSIPS. JACOB 8POHN. No. 2 Carson street. B. A. DONALDSON. 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. XAERCHER, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBRDJE. Market House, Allegheny. FRED H. EGGERS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGERS 4 SON, Ohio and Chestnut its. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENRY, Western and Irwin ares. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. FERRY M. GLEIM. Eebecca and Allegheny aves. M1LLVALE BOROUGH. W. W. FLOCKER, Stationer, No. 4 Grant ave. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE FOR THE SOUTHSIDE AT NO. 1220 CARSON STREET, WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS, NEWS AND SUB SCRIPTIONS CAN BE LEFT, BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS, AND FOR THE SPECIALS0UTHSIDEIS8UE PUBLISHED EACH SATURDAY. WANTED. Mole Help. -Trr-ANTED-A RELIABLE YOUNG MAN FOR YY porter. RED LION HOTEL. de7-31 WANTED-A LIVE, ENERGETIC MAN FOB real estate business. J. E. GLASS, No. 138 Fifth ave. de7-97 WANTED-TINNER. INQUIRE AT JNO. DUNLAP & CO.'S, corner Market ct. and Second ave. de7-41 WANTED-ONE GOOD TIN N ER-BTEADY work and good wages to tbe right roan. Address FKNN BROS.. Johnstown, Fa. de7-74 WANTED-COACHMAN-MUSTBE A GOOD driver, and come well recommended: wages S30 per month. Address BOX 154, city. de6-17 WANTED-4 OR 5 GOOD MACHINISTS AT Gaysport Fonndry. Call or address Mo LAN AHAN & STONE, Hollldaysburg, Fa. ae4-l TTTANTED A COMPETENT ORGANIST FOR VV Catholic church. Address ECCLESIA. Dis patch office, giving experience and .salary ex pected. de7-65 -VTTANTED-FOUR BBIDGEMEN. ArFLY VV at JONES & LAUGHL1NS' Steel Works. Carson and Twenty-seventh st, Sonthslde. C Klizee. de7-78 WANTED FOBEMAN BOILER "WORKS Who can mansge about twenty-live men and get out good work at lowest cost Address A. J. I, Dispatch office. de7-7S , "TTTANTED-A RELIABLE MAN WHO THOR VV OUGHLY understands laving out of Iron bridge work. Apply at the SHIFFLEB BRIDGE WORKS, Forty-eighth st, city. de67 -TTTANTED-COMPEIENT DRUG CLERK; A TV steady, sober and Industrious man can se cure a permanent situation at STEPHENSON'S' MODEL PHARMACY, Greensburg, Pa. de7-SS WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SHOE salesman to carry our lines of women's, misses and children's shoes In Pittsburg and vi cinity. HARRI8BUEG BOOT AND BHOEMFG. CO., Harrltburg. Pa. nozs-77-D TTTANTED- RE1,1AULE LOCAL ANDTRAV- W ELING special Inducements now: fast-selllngspeclaltles! don't delay; salary from start BROWN BROS., Nurserymen, Rochester, N.Y. sel7-70-TTS WANTED-AOENTS SHOULD WRITE FOR Illustrated circular, terms ana two weeks' trial of Missouri washer: washes dirtiest clothes by bot steam without rubbing; easily sold; profit able. J. WORTH, 64 Beekman st, N. Y. nolO-94-wssn -TTTANTED AGENTS -"DODGE'S HORSE W blanket holder;" keeps tbe blanket from blowing or sliding off the bone; nothing like It In the market: every horse owner buys; sample by mall 25c. STAYNER & CO., Providence, U. I. n 010-83 - WANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING powder and pure spices: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners or rnillmun can makemoney lp their spare time: special Inducements to per sons having established trade. YAMABH1KO TEA CO.. 83 Jackson st, Allegheny, Fa. aulO-79-TTS WANTED-SALESMEN AT 75 PER MONTH salarr and expenses, to sell a line of silver plated ware, watches, etc: by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once for full Ssrtlculars and sample case of goods free. STAN AED SILVEBWAIIE CO., Boston, Mass. se24-90-D -TT-ANTED - SALESMAN EXCLUSIVE LO VT CAL agency aiven; goods agreeable to handle, and sells to largest ana soundest business firms and corporations: good salesmen make flO to tlOO weekly. Address, with references and ex perience, HALL, 3015 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, WANTED AGENTS FOR OUR ADJUST ABLE, all metal, nickel or bronze door plates; can sell and put together at once; while enamel letters for window signs and new style door bells: S5 to 18 a day easily made selling to businessmen only: free samples to reliable men. Address NEW YORK DOOR PLATE CO., 18 Ann St., New York. del-114 Female Help. WANTED-SECOND GIRL-MUBT HAVE some experience with children, and Protestant preferred; no laundry work. Address BOX 154, city. de6-17 WANTED -LADY TO SELL PATENTED music binder and portfolio; easy seller; food pay; exclusive territory. Call and examine aturday or Sunday. HUND, 19 Seventh ave. de7-40 mole and imitate Heln. WANTED-COOKS; WAGES, f3 50 TO 4 00r chambermaids, diningroom girls, nurses; 100 house girls; German and colored girls: farm hands: drivers. MRS. E. THOMPSON, 08 Grant st deS-UThs -TT7-ANTED-J WHITE WAITERS, MALE V cook, 2 farm hands, cooks, chambermaids and bouse girls, dishwasher, laundress, linen room girl, housekeeper lor hotel, seamstress. HEEHAN 'S, 45 Grant st no30-D -TTTANTED-AGENTS WE FAY S0 TO F0 VV per month to energetic gentlemen and ladles to procure members tor our association. If you can only devote a few hours each week to our business it will pay vou well. For furtherpartle ulars, address NATIONAL LIBRARY ASSOCIA TION, 103 State street, Chicago. III. deJ-63 Situations. fTTANTKD-A POSITION BY A MAN AS VV nurse or any other light lob; can give good references. Address NURSE, Dispatch office. de7-7J -TTrANTED SITUATION IN OFFICE OR TV similar work. bv a voune man of 20. now In drugstore; change wanted on account of long hours: best of reference. C B. A.. Dispatch of fice. de7-73 TnrXANTED-SrrUATION AS CUSTOM CUT VV TElt: will not object going" out or town; can furnish security, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Address F. B., 517 Smithfield st, city. de7-89 WANTED-A POSITION BY AN EXPER IENCED English lady cook: can furnish thn Vit of references. Address MRS. COLLIER. care S. Newburry, Ridge street near Thirty third, city. oe7-33 Rooms, Houses. fcc -TlTANTED TO RENT IMMEDIATELY W small bouse aboutvrooms. allconvenlcnces; give location, terms and full description. Ad dress GOOD TENANT, Dispatch office. deS-SS Boarders nnd Ledgers. WANTED-FOR A LAGE PLEASANT room suitable for tworbr three young men or married couple; location good; convenient to station and cable lines: terms reasonable. Ad dress KINGSTONE, East Liberty!'. O. de7-83 FlaanclaL w ANTED-SMALL MOR3 GAGES-L J.WIL- SON, 149 Fourth ave. H02S-23 WANTED-MORTGAGES IN LARGE OB smaU amounts on Improved city or Alle gheny county property, ilcCUNE & COULTER, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, 98 Fourth ave. de7-100 WANTED TO LOAN S500,000. IN AMOUNTS of S3. 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4)4 percent, free ortax; also smaller amounts at S and per cent. BLACK A BAIROi 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d2S-o WANTED MORTG AGES-ft 000, 000TO LOAN on city and suburban properties at H, Sand 6 per cent, and on tarms in Allegbenr and aqja eent counties at (per cent. 1. At PENNOCK: A bON, 105 Fonrtb avenue. SD7-H1 ANTED-TO a,OAN 1200,000 ON MORT- UAtiio; fioo ana upwara at o per cent; (500,000 at 4K per cent on residences or business nronertv: ty; also in aaioiniug counties, s. H. FRENCH. US Fourth avenue. OC2I-4-P WANTED-MORTGAGES-tl00,0X TO LOAN on mortgages. In sums from tSOO to 110,000, for t to ( years on city property, at very low rates ; write for terms and give description of property. . js. U1V.UC, mo juu ave, Aucpuoaeoo. um. JS BOU-U WANTED. Financial. w ANTED - MORTGAGES LARGE AND smau. jsu. W1XJ.13U, siuuram street. nolt-55-D WANTED MORTGAGES-ON CITY OB snbnrban improved real estate at lowest rates. ALEXANDER A LEE. 213 Wood St. no30-71-MW8 TTTANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN VV In sums to suit at Vi, 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES A BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 157. apl9-14-TTSSU TTTAliTED-MOBTGAGES ON CITY PEOP W ERTY, ortr u,Q00i i per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER CO., S2 Fourth avenue. mh2-a32-D TTJANTED-MORTGAGES ON PITTSBURG, V V Allegheny or suburban Improved real es tate at lowest rates. 'ALEXANDER & LEE. S13 Wood st. de7-W-MWB TIT ANTED-$500 TO S50O.KO-TO LOAN ON Vv mortsares. iX. S and 6 per cent. JAS. w. utiArj; & (ju i to rourth Ave., Pittsburg. Tele- phone No. 875. ae-n-w WANTED-MOBTGAG 125-81. 000, COO TO LOAN In large and small amounts at 454. S and S per cent, zree or Biaie tax; no aeiay. &cru o. COYLE& CO., 131 Fourth ave. mySl-60 DUscellnneons. TITANTED-HOR3ES TO WINTER ON A V v good farm near city, where they well cared for. Inquire of JAMES D. GLO' where thev will be 'AMES D. GLOVER. 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. ae&-6S-iTns WANTED-EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT PEARSON, the leading photographer, of S Fifth ave. and 43 Federal St., AU'y., Is making a life size crayon portrait, beautifully fraraecLand one dozen cab. photos, all for fS; all fine work. mbI3-3 WANTED-THE PUBLIC TO KNOW THAT the largest and most complete stock of trusses, elastic stockings, shoulder braces, etc., can be seen at tbe store of ARTIFICIAL LIMB M'F'GCO.. 909 Penn avenue, near Ninth street, Pittsburg. Pa. nol65-ssn FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE City Residence. TTIOR SALE-CONGRESS ST.-ONLY J brick dwelling or Brooms; lot 22x70. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. de7-10 T7OR SALE COL WELL ST. -S3, 800, NEW X' press brick dwelling or 6 rooms, ball, gona cellars, etc; lot 20x90. R. COOPER A CO., 107 de7-10 r ouriu ave. FOR SALE-SECOND AVE., OPPOSITE PARK finebrlcK dwelling of 12 rooms: large lot; very cheap. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. de6-20 FOR SALE-CLIFF BT.-AT A BARGAIN, brick house of 7 rooms, hall, bath, etc: lot E0H47; terms to suit buyer. J. R. COOFEK& CO., 107 Fourth ave. de7-10 CH)R SALE-TWO GOOD BRICK DWELLING A houses: large lot: paved street; half square from cable line; Eleventh ward; only 15,000. ED. WITTISH, 410 Grant st. de5-o FOB BALK-tMARION ST., NEAR FORBES, good brick bouse, mansard roof. 7 rooms, halt vestibule, gases, finished attic etc ; lot 3)x 100; a decided bargain. J. R. COOPER & CO.. 107 Fourth ave. de7-10 FOR BALE-TO CLOSE AN ESTATE, AT A bargain, 3 brick houses; lot 60X114 ft. ; rent ing for S64 per month; on Vine St., Eighth ward; call or send for particulars. W. A. HERRON & SONS, $0 Fourth venue. no30-40-B FOR SALE-CENTER AVE. A CHOICE 2 story brick house of 8 rooms, halt vestibule, bath, gas and other modern conveniences: ot24x 163 it to Wylle ave.; price low: easy terms. I. M. PENNOCK A SON, 105 Fourth ave. de5-76-TTS FOR SALE-NEAR FIFTH AVE. MARKET House, only 15,000, new two-story brick house, 6 large rooms, good finished attic, both gases, double parlors, cemented cellar, sewerage, etc. ; lot S0X90. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. dc7-10 FOR SALE-NO. 4S1S CALVIN ST., SEVEN TEENTH ward, new brlek dwelling, slate roof, 6 rooms, halt vestibule and large finished attic: large stable on rear of lot; price, 2.500 at terms to suit THOS. McOAFFBEV, 3508 Butler street no22-31-wg FORSALE-FORBESST..NEARVAN BBAAM, a first-class Investment only S3, 000, brick house of 8 rooms, finished attic and nail: also good brick house 6 rooms In rear, fronting Tustln st. ; side entrance to both; lot 24x120. J. R. COOPER CO., 1U7 Fourth ave. de7-l0 FOR SALE -SEVENTEENTH WARD, ON Forty-second, near Davidson street 4 modern 3-story brick houses of 7 rooms each, all in excel lent repair: lot 70x98 ft. to Forty-third. St.; desir able and price reasonable to an early buyer. I. M. PENNOCK ft SON, 10S Fourth ave. de7-13-MWS FOR SALE-MT. WASHINGTON, ULYSSES street, a comrortable 2-story frame dwelling house of 8 rooms; halt, cemented cellar, coal and wood house, frame stable, good well andlarge cis tern: lot 116x114 ft ;prlce, 15,800; terms easy. I. M. PENNOCK ft SON. 105 Fourth ave. de3-J4-TT8 FOR SALE LAWKENCEVILLE-SPECULA-TORS are Invited to look at this; two good 6-room bouses on nice paved lot: rentals yielding 10 per cent net: owner urges prompt sale and au thorizes us to meet buyer. Call on us. CHARLES SOMERS ft CO.. 313 Wood st Telephone 1773. de7-21 FOR SALE-ON MAIN. NEAR DAVISON ST., Seventeenth ward, at a sacrifice, as owner Is leaving the city, a new s-room brick dwelling, with modern conveniences; lot 25x100: price f4,G0O; all or half cash, bat to suit; cost over 5,000. THOS. MpCAFFREY, 3509 Butler street. nols-SO-wssa FOR 8ALE-PRUiE ST.. WELL BUILT pressed brick front dwelling, 7 rooms, hall, finished attic both gases, water on second floor, good cellar, sewerage, side entrance, etc.; also 6 room brick house in rear; lot 24x104: at a low price and easy Unas. J. B. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. de7-10 East End Residence. FOR SALE-FOB K,250-A NEAT 8-ROOM house In the East End In good location: ex- ,- . J.. I ." "-T7 P., ... ' .V..".--. ceueuuui; great oargaiu. 4AS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. de7-l-D FOR SALE-IN THE EAST END-A NO. 1 hquseof 6 rooms, bathroom, laundry. Inside shutters, w. c, range, papered throughout porches, etc. : .ot 48x109 feet to an alley; one square from Fifth ave : price 3,760. ALEXANDER ft LEE, 313 Wood St. de7-98 FOR SALE-ON WEST MARKET ST.. ALLE OIIENY, 2-story frame of 6 rooms, attic front and back porches, good eellar, gas. Water, etc.: lot 20x120 to an alley; this is desirable In every respect; price f3,000. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. de7-9-MWBSu FOR BALE-EAST ENO RESIDENCE ON inland are., a delightful bouse of 8 rooms, finished attic, bath, laundry, range, gas, electric bells, and in fact replete with all modern conve niences; splendid lot: carriage bouse, stable, etc; reasonable prlec and easy payments. I. M. PEN NOCK ft SON, 105 Fourth ave. de7-13-MWS FOR'SALE-ACOZY EAST END RESIDENCE, almost new; 8 nice rooms, beautified with Esthetic taste; all the new appliances, bath and lavatory, laundry, natural gas; good lot 50x120 feet: lawn In front: price only (7,500; owner go ing South; Immediate possession given. JAS W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Plttsburf . de7-17-D FOR SALE-OAKLAND, FOURTEENTH ward; but few of the many people in this great city have any conception of the magnitude immense Improvement rapid growth and en hancement of tbe now most aeslrable residence district within our city limits; within 30 days the new electric street railway will be in operation, connecting Oakland Square and the city (via the traction road) for the nominal fare of 6 cents; Oakland Square Is a beautiful park around wblch run wide streets paved with asphaltnm and sew ered free of cost to the purchaser of one of the beautirul dwellings facing tbe square a brief de scription of which is here given: Built of brick, by day work, two sires, 8 aud 9 rooms, halls, bath. Inside shutters and w. c's, handsome elate man tels, tile hearths, sliding doors, ran;e and both gases; also, electric lighting apparatus, large porches, cemented cellars, fine chandeliers, large lot, etc.; terms, small cash payment down, bal ance S500 per annum; 17 or these dwellings have been sold to representative business men: tbe time consumed In running from the postoffice to the square is but 17 minutes, thus giving ample buying elsewhere. "we w ku uuuie iuc uumri . sec me- square Deiore BAJll'U w. iJItACK CO.. 99 iourttt ave. no2S-64 Allegheny Residences. FORBALE-AN ALLEGHENY RESIDENCE, close to the parks and cars, brick with man sard root S rooms, attic rooms, bath, lavatory. natural ras. nan snu ccuar, large uouoie lot: a bargain. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth ave., Plttsbnrg, de7-17-D FOB HALE-A NICE 7-EOOSI HOUSE AND good lot with side entrance to an alley. In Allegheny, on line of street cars: natural gas. bath, w. c and other modern conveniences: price only$5,S00. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. de7-17-D TTIOR BALE-BIDWELLST.-ASUBSTANTIAL P AWnrhen-r investment: a inree-storr brick (Iwalll...... ......V.O vnm. h.th unc.UKB, WUTfl ivwuib, v.u. cam, iuaiue W. C, range, h. and c. water, prime repilr: rented low; aggregate annual rental 1300. CHARLES SOA1- uau, inside w. c. JUU & CO, FOR BALE-NO. 293 ROBINSON BT ALLE GHENY, S-room house; No. 295 Robinson St., Allegheny, 8-room house, and No. 32 Rebecca St., Allegheny. 9-room house; these properties can all be bought at a bargain. .MCCUNE A COULTER, Agents. 88 Fourth ave. de7-10O FOR BALE-ALLEGHENY-A GOOD PAY ING lnvestment-on Lacock st, a 2-story brick store and 7 dwelling rooms, finished attic, eellar; also. 2-story brick house of 4 rooms, cellar, water and both kinds gas In each: lot 45x84 feet. I. M. PENNOCK & SON, 105 Fourth ave. deS-44-TTS FOR 8ALE-A NICE ALLEGHENY HOME on Pleasant st. with good surroundings, con venient to parks; substantial brick house of six large rooms, yestlbule, bait bath, b. and c. water, maire, both gases, t s. closets, etc.: a very at tractive and salable property at the price, 84,000. CHARLES SOMEBS & CO., J13 Wood s Tele phone 1773. de7-24 FOR 8ALE-A FINE LARGE RESIDENCE and wide lot on one of tho best streets In Al legheny; contiguous to streetcars; spacious and elegant rooms and all tbe modern appliances throughout; beautiful lot; lawn side and rear: property Is too large for present owner, the only reason for selling. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. de7-17-D TJiOR SALE-NEAR PLEASANT VALLEY A? Electrle Road, on a good street In Second ward, Allegheny, a brick row or slxhonsesofslx rooms each, with Inside w. c ; property thorough ly sewered: marble mantels, etc; at tbe price asked this is a bargain, and an Inspection of the premises Invited. Call at BOOM 814 PENN PENN partlcu I de7-77 J BUILDING. X&aa ay., tsr runner particu FOR SALEIMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Allegheny Residences. W: E 8ALE-3 BRICK DWELLINGS S BOOMS each: gas, water, w. e. ana nat. gas: "Jn ?f dKHlck M-t Allegheny: rents $818 per year. A. IV WILSON. 65 Federal St., Allegheny. aei-ii-wrs Suburban Residences. street, Pittsburg, and Wllklnsburg, Pa. de5-3 TTOR BAIE- HOUSE AND LOT. INGRAM JL station, on line of .railroad. 2 minutes walk from station. 12,650: small payments; Immediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE St. CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. de7-17-P FOR SALE-SMALL PLACE OF 9 ACRES, with abundance of fruit of all kind, wltb a good house of 8 rooms: also a honse of S rooms and one of 2 rooms, large bank-barn, etc.: situate about 10 minutes' walk front Glenueld station: a good Investment. C BERINGEB it SON, 103 it Fourth ave. deS-7o-Ths FOE BALE-ON LIBERAL TEKMS OF MOO cash and tSOO per year, an attractive brick dwelling of 10 rooms, bath and usual convenlen lcnces: excellently situated on Broad St., Sewlck ley, one block from station : lot 47x203 feet; Imme diate possession. A. W. ADAIBLKoom 614 Penn building, Penn ave. de7-77 FOR SALE-AT WILKINSBURG AN ELE GANT residence or 9 rooms, finished attic, natural gas, bathroom and all modern improve ments, with one acre of ground: plenty of fruit or all kluds; will be sold cheap, as owner must move In spring. W. E. HAMNETT, 404 Smith field street, Pittsburg, and Wllklnsburg. Pa. FOR SALE-AT WILKINSBURG, CONVE NIENT to station, a neat 5-roomed frame houses, lot 33Xxl00 feet: excellent water In both houses; natural gas: good, dry cellars: will be sold very low and on easy payments: full particulars from SlcCUNE & COULTER. 93 Fourth ave., who will Mke you out and show you tbe property. no28-37 FOR SALE LOTS. CltT Lota. FOR SALE-20 LOTS IN BYRNE'S PLAN, Eighteenth wardtprlce, 1200 to L000:good. cheap .SON. 105 Fourth avenue. de3-44-TTS FOR BALE A BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOT tl 40x102 feet on Boggs ave.. Mt. Washington, 'Ulecond ward: paved avenne; a bargain. ALEXANDER 4 LEE, SIS Wood st. de7-93 East End Lots. FOR SALE-LARGE BUILDING LOT, NEAR Penn and Firth aves.. East End; 101x191 feet; price low. ALEXANDER & LEE, 312 Wood st. de7-58 FOB 8ALE-A FINE LARGE CORNER LOT, near Shadyslde, East End. IOuxUO feet; fine place to build. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 13 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. de7-17-n TTIOR SALE-AT WILKINSBURG AND TWEN X! TY-SECOND ward, Pittsburg, on East End ave., lots 50x1 J750; terms, SI05 down, bat to suit W. E.HAMNETT, 401Smlthfleld St., Pittsburg, and Wllklnsburg. Pa de7-70 FORSALE-THE CHEAPEST LOTS IN THE market to-day are to be found In the Villa Park plan, Brnshton station: no city taxes and xonvenlently located; secure plan (book form), from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, SI2 Smithfield street. del-66-TTSEu FOB'8ALE-47 LOTS ADJOINING SCHEN LEY Park, about 1,300 feet front: can be reached by R. R. and electric cars: must be sold as a whole; price only 10 per foot; terms, 83,000 cash, balance longtime. SAMUEL AV. BLACK & CO., (9 Fourth ave. de6-12 Anecnenv Lots. FOR SALE-82,800 FOR 2LOTS ON JUNIATA St., near Allegheny ave. A. D. WILSON. 65 Federal st, Allegheny. de7-71-MPS TTIOR SALE LOT IN ALLEGHENY-A X? choice lot on Arklev St., 25x100 ft L M. PENNOCK & SON, 105 Fourth ave ds7-13-MW8 lus uii nraici bl.. iiciu irariiciu aic. FOR SALE-LOT IN ALLEGHENY, BELL ave.: a nice lot 10x100 ft; will sell cheap. I. M. PENNOCK ft SON, 105 Fourth ave. de7-l3-MWS FOR SALE SPECIAL BARGAIN IN IRWIN ate. lots, near North ave., to quick buyer. ALLES & BAILEY, 1S4 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. de5-71-5,7,8, 9,18,21 FOB SALE-2.000-LOT 21X75, FREMONT ST.. near Pennsylvania avenue. Second ward, Al legheny: the last of the Mohicans on this street A. LEGGATE4S0N. 31 Federal st dc5-5 FOR SALE-LOT ON FAYETTE ST., ALLE GHENY: will offer for a short time only; 60x140 ft; one of the finest building lots In the city. A. D. WILSON, 85 Federal St., Allegheny. de7-71-WTS FOR SALE-FINE BUILDING LOT ON bbefflcld st. 30 feetPfront; bas brick stable on rear of lot; has water and sewer: a Splendid building site. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st, Allegheny. de7-"l-MFB OR SALE-LACOCK ST , NEAR FEDERAL St., Allegheny; vacant lot 60x100; price tax) a foot; new buildings being erected on adjacent lots, which will enhance value. A. LEGGaTE ft SON, 31 Federal st. Allegheny. de5-6 Suburban Lots. FOB SALE-AT EDGEWOOD-LOT IOOxIM: T minutes from sta. ; (1, 100: easy terms; also lot 145x185, 6 minutes from sta. YY. E. HAMNET. 404 Smithfield street Pittsburg, and WUUusburg. FOR SALE-AT WUiKINSBUBG-LOTB 30x150; Rebecca street 8 minutes from sta. : S25 down, bat your own time. W. E. HAMNETT. 404 Smithfield street Pittsburg, and Wllklnsburg. FOR SALE-AT BRUSHTON-LOT 40x137 ON Bennett street 6 minutes from sta., S7"0; also corner lot 40x137, S minutes from sta., $300. W. E7 HAMNETT, 404 Smithfield st, Pittsburg, and Wllklnsburg, Pa. de5-53 Farms. FOR 8 ALE-A FARM CONTAINING 70 ACRES and underlaid with coal, on Panhandle Route. 12 miles from Pittsburg. MRS. NEBO, 105 Grant St., Plttsbnrg. de3-77-ws FOB SALE-VERY CHEAP-ONLY (2,000-14 acres ground, with fair Improvements, at "I' See W . A. UER- BON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. de4-12-ws FOR SALE A GOOD FARM OF 80 ACRES ON line ol railroad: dwelling, outbnlldlnzs, orchard, water; would exchange In part forrlty property: send for farm list JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, .Pittsburg. de7-17-D fJiOR SALE-FARM OF 29 ACRES; ONE MILE A; from railroad and convenient to the city; 15 acres cleared; balance good timber: excellent soil; good water: young orchard; new frame house; stable, etc.; price I,S0O. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood st. de7-t3 FORSALE-A VERY FINE FARM OF K acres in a high state ot cultivation, well wa tered by never-falling springs; land rich and pro ductive; frame house or 4 rooms and an excellent bank barn: situate near Butler, Pa.; price, only 13,800. C. BEBINGEKA SON, 103 Fourth ave. de5-75-Ths FOR SALE-MARKET GARDKN FAR5I-A choice little farm of 82 acres In Forward town ship, 2 miles from Mooongshela City: nearly all cleared; well watered; fine soli; orchard, brick house of 9 rooms, large barn and stable, spring and greenhouse and various outbuildings; price low to an Immediate buyer. L Jl. PENNOCK A bON, No. I0S Fonrtb ave. deJ-76-TTJ Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED properties at Brusnton. Wllklnsburg, Edge wood, Swlssvate, Hawkins, Braddock and Brtn ton stations P. B.R. MCCUNE & COULTER, Agents, 98 Fourth ave. de7-100 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chnnces. FOR SALE-FINE CONFECTIONERY-CEN-TRALLY located: will make an elegant cigar store. CANDY. Dispatch office. de7-88 FOR BALE-GROCEKl" STOKE IN ALLE GHEN Y, doing a paying business; good loca tion; will Invoice about StODO. For particulars address J. W., Dispatch office. deS-48 FOR SALE-GROCERY AND DRUG STORES, wall paper and notion store, printing office, etc, and other good business chances. PKRCl VAL & CHAPMAN, 67 Fifth avenue. de7-20 TTIOR SALE-A FIBST-CLASS, GOOD PAYING Jj barbershop, centrally located: must be sold this week as the present proprietor wishes to en cage in other business. For particulars call on ROSS W. BLACK, 80 Diamond st, Pittsburg, Pa. deS-82 TTIOR SALE-DRUGGISTS LOOK AT THIS: i1 i draff store: rood location in eltv: nice store room; plate glass front: solid walnut fixtures; dean stock: a place for business; on small Invest ment: 11.800 will secure It to a quick buyer. CHARLES SOMERS & CO.. 313 Wood st Tele phone 1773. de7-24 I7IOR HALE-COAL BUSINESS ON LINE OF ; railroad, near the city, all In successful op eration, and Including pit wagons, mules, tools and allneccsary equipment: about 150 seres J) f solid coal; side track space for 50 cars; rare open ing for anyone who understands the coal busi ness. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. de7-17-siws TTOR SALE-GROCERY STORES IN BOTH A' cities, from $350 to 110,000; cigar stores S250, 1350, KOO. 11.800 shooting gallery paying ITS per week clear of expenses: fine Cliy nau cuuuirj res: rood Darin z drugstores: general country stores slate roofing business in live town; boarding bouses, milk routes, confectioneries, bakeries and mau) uiner gooa Dusmess cnances. djujahu a CO., 64 Fifth ave. noX3 rtnslncM Stands. FOR SALE-SOUTHSIDE-A 2-STORY FRAME store and dwelling or 6 rooms, 85 Twenty-firth street: will sell at lowflgnre. I. M. PENNOCK ft SON, 105 Fourth are. de7-13-HW8 FOR SALE-STORE AND DWELLING, ON Butler street near Thirty-seventh st, a good 2-story brick store and dwelling; lot 28 ftlOlnx 104 ft. 7 in. deep along an llley; price low. L M. PEN NOCK & SON, No. 105 Fourth ave. deS-78-TTS FOR DALE HOTEL STAND IN A GOOD town In Stark county, Ohio, consisting of a 15-room hotel bnlldlng, large stable, etc.; lot72x 150 feet: price only $2,000, or will exchange for city property. O. BEK1NGER& SON, 103 Fourth nve. de5-75-Ths FOR SALE-BLACKSMITH AND WAGON shop, with a one-story house of two large rooms and good attic; also stable, etc., with one aers of ground; about 30 minutes' walk from Sharpsburg; price only tf,400; an excellent oppor- tunltyfor a blacksmith. a Diacisnuin. iLtfaAuiujuKEiiuii. twjuanBSTs, deMS-zha VOS. SALE BUSINESS. Business Btantf. rSiLE-GEANT ST. BUSINESS PEOP-ERTY-4 story building, size 24x100: 12 rooms ??d, . "toreroom ; special bargain. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. de3-40-TTS FOR BALE-WE HAVE BARGAINS TO oner In business properties: Diamond, Alle gheny: Wylleave, " D.ECCb, 1CUU KID,, UlU C.a re. Grri:i.TcssiiMKHsnn aisiwuvi r.tu. : r - mnw - st, Telephone 1778. de7-24 FOR SALE-3,S00-ORANT8T.,BET. SECOND and Third aves. ; S-story brick business proper ty or 8 rooms, hall and storeroom; side alley: good cellar: rents for p per year. ALI.KS A BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 1ST. de6-20 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Hones. Vehicles. Live Stock, dee. FOR SALE-TWO DRAUGHT HORSES. LUM BER wagon and harness. McQUEWAN DOUGLAS, 207 Penn ave. de6-41 TTIOR SALE-A HORSE AND COAT. WAGON X. also a team of sorrel mares suitable for light driving. Apply at 178 GRANT AVE., Allegheny. oej-H Machinery and Metals. FOB SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS NEW and refitted: repairing promptlr attended to. PORTERFOUNDRY ANDIIACH1NECO..LUL, below Suspension bridge, Allegheny. Pa. aulO-29 TTIOR SALE-ONE 2UX24 HORIZONTAL EN- r GIN E, 23. 000 feet second-band wire rope; also hoisting and portable engines and Slcmen valves, castings, etc VELTE 4 MCDONALD. 3200 Penn avenue. )y21-91-TTS FOR.SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles la stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.;allrefltted;goodasnew, at lowest prices; portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p.; boilers au sizes ana styles. J.S.YOUNG,3Park way.AUegheny, Pa. OC2S-80-D PERSONAL. PERSONAL -ASTHMA CURED PERSONS having asthma can procure a receipt that cuiedtbe writer seven years aeo; has not had It since. Address A., Dispatch office. de7-87 PERSONAL-NEW BOOKS-HUNDBED3 OF new books, nicely bound In cloth gilt at 15c each; many fine books In elegant bindings; come and see them. LEVI'S BOOKSTORE, Liberty St., near Ninth. nc3-33 PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently they bad not been on the best of terms owing to a little family Jar occa sioned by tbe wife Insisting on being allowed to renovate his wearing apparet and which, ot course, was done In a bnngllng manner: In order to prevent tbe trouble they agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 63 Fifth ave, corner Wood St., second floor, and now everything Is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns In their household. Telephone 1553. au30-D RELIGIOUS. UNITARIAN CHURCH Melton's Bank Building, No. 114 Smithfield street opposite City Hall, at 10:45. Sunday school, la Rev. James Q. Townsend. D. D., pastor. Subject: "A New Theology a Demand oi Our Times." de7-8 AMUSEMENTS. B UOU THEATER EXTRA. Week Beginning Monday, Dec 9. ONLY MATINEE SATURDAY. First Appearance in Three Years. CLARA MORRIS, . In the following Repertoire: Monday and Thnrday" Camllle." Tnesday and Saturday, Matinee and Evening "Helene." Wednesday and Friday "Renee de Moray." Sale of Seats Now Open. de-70 CONCERT For the benefit of the ALLEGHENY GENERAL HOSPITAL Will he given by the ALLEGHENY MUSICAL ASSOCIATION. A Chorus of 100 voices, supported by an Or chestra of 40 pieces, and assisted by Mrs. L. C. Webster, Soprano, and Mr.Beveridge Webster, Pianist At Fourtn U. f. Church, Allegheny, corner Montgomery avenne and Arch street:, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 10, 1889, Admission, JL Tickets can be exchanged for reserved seat tickets without additional expense at themuslo store of Alex. Ross. Nc 137 Federal street Alle gheny, on and after December 9, at 9 o'clock A. M. de7-9 BLIOU THEATER. TONIGHT. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. HALLEN AND HART, IN LATER ON. December 9 Clara Morris in Repertoire. de2-9 GRAND OPURA HOUBK TO-NIGHT. Saturday Matinee. BLUE BEARD, Jr. The Greatest Spectacular Operatic Ex travaganza. Next week Nat C. Goodwin. de3 HARRIS' THEATER Every Afternoon and Evening. BEACON LIGHTS. A New and Beautiful Drama. Week Dec 9 My Partner. del-14-D H ARRX WILLIAMS' ACADEMV- To-night Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. SHEFFER & BLAKELY'S del-30-D REFINED NOVELTY CO. WORLD'S MUSEUM - ALLEGHENY CITY Week commencing December 2. Captain Chittenden's exhibit of rare relics. A hundred other now objects. Hume's Very Funny Farce Comedy GINGER SNAPS in Theater. Dec 9-BABEL.COWBOYPIANIST. de2-2-D LEGAL NOTICES. COTTON & HOLMAN, 91 Diamond street. Estate of Lucy Barnes, deceased. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE - NOTICE IS hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Lucy Barnes, late of the city of Allegheny, Penn'a. deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and to whom those having claims or demands against said estate will make them known without delay. WM. H. BARNES, Executor, nol6-2S-3 94 Fifth ave., Pittsburg. L. B. D. REESE. Attoruey, 129'Fifth avenue. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States, Western District of Penn slvania In the matter of Carrier & Baum, bankrupts, No. 2,228, in bankruptcy. To cred itors and all persons interested: Yon are here by notified that on the 2d day of December, 1889, a petition was presented to the court m the above entitled cause, by the assignee of said bankrupts, praying for leave to settle and compound the claims of said estate against Henry Metzger, wherenpon tbe Court ordered said petition to be filed, and further orderod that the matter of said petition be heard at a court to be bolden at Pittsburg, on tbe 14th day of December, 1889. at 10 o'clock A. iL.when and where all creditors and parties Interested are required to appear and show cause, if any tbey have, why an order should not be made by the Court authorizing and directing tbe assignee to settle and compound said claims upon the terms and conditions set forth in said petition, LEVI BIRD DUFF, Assignee of Carrier 4 Baum. de3-42-3,7,U L. B. D. REES1S, Attorney, No. 129 Fifth avenue. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States, Western District of Penn sylvaniaIn the matter of William Dilworth, Jr., bankrupt. No. 2154 in bankruptcy. To the creditors and all persons Interested: Yon are hereby notified that on December 2, 1889. a petition was presented to tbecourt iu the above entitled cause, by tbe assignee of said bank rupt praying for leave to settle and compound the claim of said estate against Henry Metzger, whereupon the uonrt oruerea saia pennon to be filed, and further ordered that the matter of said petition be heard at a conrt to be bolden at Pittsburg, on the 14th day ot December, 1889, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all creditors and parties interested are required to appearand show cause, if any they have, why an order should not be made by the Conrt au thorizing and directing the assignee to settle and compound said claim upon the terms and conditions set forth in said petition. GRAHAM SCOTT, Assignee of William Dilworth, Jr. de3-42-3,7,U X. B. D. REESE. Attorney, 129 Fifth avenne. IN THK DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States, Western District of Penn sylvaniaIn tbe matter of Bates it Goldsbor ougb, bankrupts. No. 1586 in bankruptcy. To tbe creditors and all persons Interested: You are hereby notified that on tbe 2d day of De cember, 1889, a petition was presented to the court in tbe above entitled cause, by the as signee of said bankrupts, praying for leave to settle and compound tne claim of said estate against Henry Metzser. wherenpon the Court ordered said petition to be filed, anttf urther or dered that tbe matter of said petition be beard at a court to be holden at Pittsburg on the 14th day of December, 1889. at 10 o'clock A. Jr.. when and where all creJtturs and parties inter ested are required to appear and show cause, if any they bare, why an order should not be made by the Court authorizing and directing the assignee to settle and compound said claim upon the terms and condition set forth in said petition. W. a PURVIANCE. Assignee ot Bates 4 GoldtboroBgh. OeS-iMtf.D. . TO LET. Ckv RealdeBeea. TO LET-TWO BEAUTOFULDWELLING3 0 seven rooms, ball and bathroom, both gases, on Thirty-seventh street: rent very low. J. H. ARMSTRONG, Real Estate and Ins. Agt.. 2115 Penn ave. dei-H ABegheny Residences. TOLET-A VERY DESIRABLE HOUSE, AL MOST new: 10 rooms; very cheap; No. W Fremont cor. Franklin St., Allegheny. See W. A. HEREON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. deS-81-XTbg Apartments. TO LET-ONE FURNISHED ROOM, WITH kitchen, for llrht homekeeninr: dishes. sewing wsciuiie, eic. u Wylle. LOGAN ST., near der-JS Business stand. T LET-A LARGjS, NICELY FURNISHED art gallery: centrally located on (Clay ave nne) tbe principal business avenne of Jeannette. Pa.; splendid opening for the right party. Ad- dress BOX 137, Jeannette, Pa. deS-U Farm, mo LET-A FARM AT WILKIN SBUEG-TIN JL acres or garden and ten acres of fruit trees and vineyard; house, stable and sprlngbouse on property: a German tenant without lamllv pre ferred. For terms, etc. apply to U. BIN O EH. 73 Fourth ave de7-73 Offices. Dealt Boora. See. TTVJ LET-300 PER YEAR-A LARGEWELL X LIGHTED office with all modern conven iences; newly painted and papered; baa two larra closets for storage room. Inquire at GERMANE. SAVINGS BANK. 423 Woodtt. noll-JI-D AUCTION BALES. ONE WEEK MORE, COMMENCING, MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, OF THE BANKRUPT BALE.' OVER $150,000 WORTH -oy- F1NE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CRT GOODS, CARPETS. RUGS, Era, BY AUCTION I -AT- 723 AND 725 LIBERTY ST., CORNER EIGHTH. Sales, Morning, Afternoon and Evening; N. B. Special accommodations provided for ladies. de&61-TTSSn AUCTION SALE ON SATURDAY, DE CEMBER It A property on Taylor street, Bloomfleld, Sixteenth ward, containing 5 houses, grocery store, and suitable lots for everybody. Information is given by BERN -HARD HILTERMAN.No. 140 Taylor street, Bloomfleld. dei-2 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK report of Viewers on tbe damages caused by the (Trading of Urbana alley, from 12S fees south ot south curb line of Davison street to present pavement, bas been approved by Coun cils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Dep't of Public Works. Pittsburg Pa.. Nov. SO, 1889. no30-U-D TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JLl report of Viewers on the gradlne ana paving of Urbana alley, from a point 128 feet sonth of tbe sonth enrb line of Davison street to the presentpavement, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal Is filed In the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. Fittsbubg, Pa, November SO, 188 no30-H-D "VI-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE S report of Viewers on the construction of a sewer on Fox street from South Twenty fourth street to South Twenty-third street has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Dep't of Pnblic Works. Pittsbubq, PA.. November 30, 1889. no30-ll-l TOTICE IS HEREBY 'GIVEN THAT JL v the reports of Viewers on the opening of Bennett street from Frankstown avenne to tbe city line, and Kelly street from Fifth avenue to the city line, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Conrt of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. KM. BIGELOW. Chief of Dep't of public Works. PITTSBURG, Pa., November 30, 1889. EOOU-ll Office of the Crrr Treasurer. Pittsbubq, December 2, 1889. NOTICE-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tbe duplicates for the second as sessments of water rents (for new buildings completed since April L 1S00,) have been placed in my hands for collection, and payable at this office during the month of December. All water rents remaining unpaid January 1, 1S90, will be placed In the hands of W. R. Ford, Collector of Delinquent Taxes, with 5 per cent added, for collection. J.F.DENNISTON, de3-38-l) City Treasurer. REPORTS. THOMASVILLE, GA., Piney Woods Hotel. Season opens December 4. 1889. M. A BOWER, Proprietor. For circulars, rates, etc., address WM. E. DAVIES, Manager, Thomasville, Gs. or F. A. BUDLONG. Windsor Hotel, N.Y.Clty. ocRV97-TTS FOR SALE. SQUIRREL HILL, NEAR SCHENLEY PARK. 30 acres land, having a frontage of ovsr 2,800 feet on a good street 21 acres land, street frontage 1,400 feet 6 acres, fronting on two streets. 4 acres and 2-story frame dwelling of 5 rooms. IS acres land near the Squirrel Hill Electrio road and Forbes street IRA M. BURCHFTELD. 158 Fourth are. de64-TTS SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, M. MAY SONS & CO.,' STEAM DYERS AND SCOURERS ' And general renovators of textile fabrics, la dies' and gentlemen's soiled or faded garments neatly cleaned or restored in color. Curtains of every description carefully attended to. M. MAY SONS & Co. jell-TTS 68 SIXTH AVE,, Pittsburg, Pa. F OR BALE PENN AVENUE! BUSINESS PROPERTY. Finest location in East End. Lot extending to another street. Price and terms very rea sonable. Must be sold at once. SAMUEL W. black: A CO., de4-23-wrh8 99 Fourth ave. WALTEB J. OSBOtTBNX. RICHARD BARROWS. BARROWS 08BOURNE JOB PRINTERS. . 90 Diamond street Telephone No. 812. an31-frTTS TTOLIDAY 'GOODS BOYS WATCHES, 1 3 and up; misses' solid silver watches, 1560 and np; fine gold watches, diamonds, jewelry, silverware, clocks, spectacles, eta, at WILSON'S, 61 Fourth ave., Pittaburz, Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired. nol9-TTS -f A, RALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR. 41 Seventh avenue, Pittsburg; Pa. Telephone-1344. bc&&tts JIANOSs, ORGANS. B. HAMILTON, a AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg; Pa. ap30-7t-D you married f If not,sendyooraddreasto THE AMERICAN CORRESPONDING CLUB; Box 643L Clarksburg, W. Va. de&63 MONEY TO LOAN deT-lS ON MORTGAGES -AT- 4. 6 and 6 per cent; dry o country; no delay. BAMUEL W. BLACK k CO- W Fourth art -,JvS- '-r4.i