Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 07, 1889, Image 1

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iTansiEfli MveruseieflB
A.t tbo SBranch Offlcos of Tlio
For to-morrow's Issue up to 9 o'clock P. M.
For list of branch offices in. the various dis
tricts nee THIKD PAGE.
A Deep Current of Distrust
Yet in Greene County.
All Its Withdrawn Deposits Having
Been Returned.
Charges Made Against Some Cattle Com
pany Speculators,
The only bank in Greene county doesn't
appear to be affected by the many assign
ments made by farmers there of late. It is
announced that the institution has safely
weathered the blasts, and has money iij
plenty to lend on good security. A remarks-able
suit has been brought by some of the
men who were pinched by the cattle com
pany failures.
v Waynesbubg, December 6. While the
first flurry of the excitement OTer the
numerous failures resulting from the ven
tures in cattle companies is dying out, there
remains a deep current of distrust, and a
feeling of uneasiness. This distrust and
' uneasiness does not apply to the Farmers
and DroTers' National Bank, the only bank
that is located within the limits of Greene
county. Tor two days a run was made on
the bank, under a misapprehension. It was
thought that the bank was carrying
all the wildcat paper which had gone to
support the cattle companies.
The smaller depositors were the most anx
ious to secure their money. This was de
monstrated by the fact that the largest indi
vidual deposit withdrawn was 52,026 05.
That was on last Friday. On Saturday
morning the depositor who drew out this
money brought back and deposited $3,025,
be having kept out only $1 05.
The run commenced on the bank on
"Wednesday of last week. The Thursday
following being a legal holiday, the bank
was closed. It was expected that the run
would continue on Friday. For three or
four months the bank had kept in its vaults
between $16,000 and $20,000 of unsigned na
tional bank notes, given in exchange for
currency redeemed.
Mr. W. T. Lantz, the cashier of the bank,
had been seriously ill for some week. Mr.
Charles A. Black, the President of the
i bank, died during the early part of the
J year, and his plaoe had never been filled.
-fbr. D. W. JJraden, the Vice President, had
L . been.serving at the board meetings, but had
never undertaken to do any executive work.
In anticipation of the continued run on
the bank, and the necessity for signing the
currency, the Board of Directors held a
special meeting on Thanksgiving Day. At
- that meeting Mr. W. P. Lantz resigned his
position as cashier, and Mr. A. L Lindsey,
the assistant cashier, was elected in his
place. Mr. George L. Wyly, one of the di
rectors, was elected President, to fill the va
cancy caused by Mr. Black's death, and
Mr. Samuel Harvey was elected a member
of (he Board of Directors to fill Mr. Lantz's
position as director.
Tnese changes tended to foster the feeling
of uneasiness that resulted from the failures.
It was intensified by the fact that execu
tions had been issued against Mr. Lantz,,
and by stories that need not be cited, be
cause they were untrue. Hardly had the'
day ended when many of the persons who
had withdrawn theirdeposits felt ashamed of
themselves, and the next day, Saturday,
there were actually more persons in the
bank trying to make deposits than there
were people endeavoring to get out their
It was found that the bank didn't hold
any of the cattle company money, with the
exception of $4,000 ot the Dowlin & Bush
firm. There are a few $5,000 notes in the
bank that may be cattle company money,
but everyone of them is secured by ten
times the value in real estate, and nearly
every note is secured by judgment in
So much for the bank. It is safe enough,
and has money that it would like to loan, if
any person will brine in good paper. Now,
as to the cattle companies. Last night I
thought there were only two companies.
Upon my soul I can't tell how many there
are. As near as I can get at it there is the
Dowlin Ss Bosh Company, the Wyoming
Cattle Company, the Sweet "Water Feeding
Company, the Laramie Plains Land and
Cattle Company, the Braden Feeding Com
pany and two or three others that have gone
The meeting to-morrow will be of the
"Wyoming Cattle Company and the Laramie
Plains Land and Cattle Company. At this
meeting an effort will be made to secure such
arrangements as will prevent the utter wreck
of people who have lost money in the enter
prise. It is believed that there is enough
money invested in land in the West to bring
in at least 50 per cent of the losses. The
cattle owned by the different companies will
form another element of income.
The Laramie Plains Land and Cattle
Company is the one which is most heavily
involved. Yet this company owns 17,000
acres of land, well watered and all fenced.
This land will be sold as soon as it is
,possibletb make the arrangements to do so.
' Sbouldvthc proceeds of the sale not be suffi
cient to pay the liabilities, it is altogether
likely that the other moneyed men of
Greene county will come to the assistance of
those in distress.
A most remarkable bill in equity has
been filed in court. This is by Josiah A.
Inghram and Lemoyn Hoge against Daniel
"W. Braden, "William T. LanU, John B.
Bush, John Dowlin, David A. Spraggs,
Ora Haley, Samuel Haas, "Winfield a
Adamson, William F. Smith, Abncr Hoge,
Jacob B. Fordyce and Morrison J. Garrison.
... . . a. i o . v ,
The bill relates thai, on September 29,
1. ,, j--. t.J T.V T ..!
4.ooit Araniei'rr. joraueawimu-. .uussjjsiapcr, aooo
wmm -
John Dowlin and William T. Lantz repre
sented to the plaintiffs that they were about
to form a co-partnership for the purpose of
buying and feeding cattle through the win
ter of 1887-8, on two meadow fields on the
Hutton Home ranch, in Albany county,
Wyoming Territory. It was represented to
the plaintiff that large profits could be made
out of the enterprise.
The bill is exceedingly voluminous. It
consists of 20 pages of legal cap, divided
into nineteen sections. Some of the aver
ments are remarkable, to say the least. It
is claimed that John Dowlin and John B.
Bush could sell and would sell to the Wy
oming Company 900 head of cattle, averag
ing 1,300 pounds "strong weight," what
ever that means, for $35 per head.
Dowlin and Bush also agreed to sell to the
new company 2,000 tons of good, merchant
able hay, then standing in rick in the Hut
ton Home ranch, in Albany "county, Wyo.
T. TJpon these representations the plaintiffs
paid in $5,000 together, or $2,500 each, as did
Abner Hoge, D. A. Spragg, Ora Haley, Sam
Haas and Adamson and Smith. There is a
long story about hauling hay presses, etc,
which goes through several pages, but this
is where the gist of the matter comes part
of section 5:
And so also the said John Dowlin and John
R. Bush received money subaenbed to the cap
ital stock of the said copartnership, with the
Knowledge and consent of the said Daniel W.
Braden and William T. Lantz.
Sixth That your orators are informed and
believe, and therefore aver, that the said John
Dowlin and John B. Rush confederated and
combined with William T. Lantz and Darnel W.
Braden in the receiving, handling and paying
oat the capital stock of the said copartnership,
and in getting the cattle and hay for
said copartnership, and in the management
of said cattle and other property
ol ' said co-partnership, and in selling said cat
tle and other property, and in receiving the
money on said cattle and in using the same, and
in using and applying the proceeds of the sale
of the said cattle a.nd other property, and In
the using of other property. That your orators
are informed and believe, and therefore aver,
that the said Daniel W. Braden, John Dowlin,
William T. Lantz and John B. Bush have from
time to time since the commencement of the
said copartnership applied to their own use the
capital stock subscribed by your orators.
Section 7 says that Bush, Dowlin, Lantz
and Braden conspired to defraud various
people by organizing a cattle-feeding com
pany and selling to that company cattle
that they already owned. Section 8 says:
That the said Daniel W. Braden, William T.
Lantz, John B. Bush and John Dowlin were in
debt to a very large amount, either on their
own account and in their own names, or on
their own account with others, or in the name
of one or the other of them or some of them,
with others, or in and by the name of the Lara
mie Plains Land and Cattle Company,
which indebtedness matured on or about No
vember 1, 1SS7; that the above named persons
were at the time In great need of money to pay
the above stated indebtedness; that your ora
tors are informed, and believe that this said
Daniel W. Braden, William T. Lantz, John B.
Bush and John Dowlin organized the said co
partnership to enable them to obtain the pos
session of the money subscribed to the capital
stock of said copartnership by your orators,
aggregating $25,000, to use and apply to their
own use, and to use tops; oS the above stated
This allegation about Messrs. Dowlin,
Bush, Braden and Lantz taking the money
and applying it to their .own private uses is
told with wearisome repetitions. Section 9
sets forth that Dr. Braden did not collect from
either John Dowlin, W. T. Lantz, John B.
Bush or W. A Haley or Samuel Haas the
$5,000 that they subscribed to.the company,
and that even Dr7Bta'dca-, "himself didn't
pay his subscription. Section 10 avers
that the 900 head of cattle didn't weigh as
much as it was claimed they would.
It is claimed that Dowlin and Bush wil
fully neglected the care of the cattle; fur
ther, that Dowlin and Bush permitted
Haley and Haas to winter through the
winter of 1887-88 200 head of cattle on
the hay of the copartnership then standing
on the Hutton Home ranch, and which the
copartnership had bought and paid for.
But here is the corker, section 15:
That your orators are informed and believe,
and therefore aver, that each and every state
ment, representation, act and matter and
thing done and said or acted by either or any
one of them, the said John B. Bush, Daniel W.
Braden. William T. Lantz and John Dowlin. as
(hereinbefore or hereinafter set forth, were
.rnaue, actea,aone ana stated oy them, the
said John E. Rush, Daniel W. Bradln, William
T. Lantz and John Dowlin, in confederacy with
and in combination with eaoh other,
After having so thoroughly squelched
the defendants as is done in that last para
graph, there would seem to be no excuse
whatever for them to show signs of life by
kicking, but they do kick. I am not at
liberty to use, ana The Dispatch would
scarcely want to print the exceedingly Ions
answer to this excessively Ions bill in
equity, and of course every distinct and
separate, as well as all the collective allega
tions, is and are denied.
I can't get in any more verbs there. The
reader will have to be satisfied with the
quantity given. But it is dne to Dr. D. W.
Braden to say that he asserts, in the most
positive manner, that instead of having
made any money.out of the Laramie Plains
Land and Cattle Company, or out of the
Dawlin & Bush Company, or the Wyoming
Cattle Company, he is actually out of
pocket $2,500, through money advanced to
members of the company without authority,
The litigation which must necessarily re
sult from the suits will doubtless be more
than a nine days' wonder, when the trial of
the cases take place. Lemoyne Hoge, who
is one of the plaintiffs in the equity suit, is
the proprietor of the Downey House. He
only got caught for $1,600, but his name has
been confounded with that of his father,
Abner Hoge, who was scorched badly.
C T. Dawson.
President Corbln Denying a Report Be
lieved by UnrrUbure Officials.
Habeisbubg, December C President
Corbin, of the Philadelphia and Beading
Bailroad Company, to a committee of Har
risburg Councils, denied with emphasis the
truth or the apparently wen-authenticated
report that the company had
purchased from the Pennsylvania Bail
road Company the South Penn piers,
stating-that such an arrangement was im
possible of consummation, and that the
Philadelphia and Beading andf Harrisburg
Terminal Bailroad Companies preferred to
build their own bridge across the Susque
hanna, to obtain, with a line being con
structed to connect with the Harrisburg and
Potomac, a western outlet.
Two of Them Erplnto Their Crimes TJpon
iho fenmo Gallowa.
Flobence, Ariz., December 6. Na-Con-Quiu-Say
and Kah-Dos-La, two of the
Apache murderers, were executed here to
day. Both their necks were broken. The
gallowa was originally constructed to hang
the five Indians, but was readjusted for two,
as the other three committed suicide in their
cells Wednesday night.
Na-Con-Quin-Say and Iwo of those who
committed suicide were convicted of the
murder of William Diehl. near the San
Pedro river in June, 1887, They came
upon their victim at work in his field and
shot him. Kah-Dos-La and the other In-
aian "B0 commuted suicide murdered
William Jones near TtadlervUle In Son.
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Attorney Campbell Says Forakcr Left
Some Facts Untold.
Hay be the Defendants in a Bait Soon to
be Instituted.
The Class fbr Which the Famous DoconeafWas
Onslnally Secnrea,
Governor-Elect Campbell and Lawyer
Campbell, Wood's attorney, are in confer
ence at New York. The latter is not satis
fied with Foraker's explanation and inti
mates that proceedings will be instituted.
He calls particular attention to the charge
that the contract was not secured originally
to injure the Democratic candidate, but to
use against other Bepublican leaders.
New Yoke, December 6. Lawyer T. C.
Campbell, who, as counsel for the ballot
box company received the confession of B,
G. Wood, the ballot box inventor, which
implicated Governor Foraker in a conspi
racy to ruin John Sherman, William Mo
KinleyandBenButterworth.and incidental
ly, Governor-elect Campbell was disposed to
be captious to-day overthe explanation which
Governor Foraker made on Thursday in
The Dispatch, and which was first
printed in this city this morning. He did
not think the Governor's statement was as
frank and complete as it might have been
expected and he intimated that he saw
nothing jn it that promised to interfere with
a proceeding against Governor Foraker and
Murat Halstead for libel.
"It is unfortunate," said Mr. Campbell,
"that Governor Foraker had not a little
more time at his disposal, for then he could
have obtained copies of the telegrams that
he says he didn't have at hand when he
made up his statement of what purports to
be a substantially complete reproduction of
all the correspondence that" passed between
himself and Mr. Wood.
quite an insinuation.
"The Governor may not have realized it,
but I can assure you that the telegrams
which the Governor did not include in his
statement would have been of material aid
in explaining and connecting those which
he did include. Of course I have copies of
the telegrams that are missing from the state
ment, but I am not free to give them out
till others have been consulted.
"One thing the Governor's statement does,
however, is to clear up pretty effectually
the doubt as to the motive for the forgery.
The dates of the first letters and telegrams
show that Foraker was dickering for that
document for a good while before Campbell
was named for Governor. I think Campbell
wasn't nominated until August 21, and
Foraker was after this document "nearly a
month before that. That makes it pretty
clear that it was Sherman, McKinley and
Butterworth that Foraker was after, and not
Campbell, who was a comparatively insig
nificant personage at that time.
wood in no danoeb.
"The Governor's statement also clears
Mr. Wood of any legal liability in the mat
ter. He can't be prosecuted for forgery
under the (Jhio law, and so fie has been ar
rested on a charge of criminal libel. But
now-Governor Foraker says that Wood went
to Washington after- this document at
his request, and after obtaining it
gave -it to him at his request. It was
therefore legally a privileged communica
tion from Wood to the Governor no more
libelous than if I should write you a letter,
at your request, expressing an unfavorable
opinion of some one whom you were think
ing of employing as a clerk. "
'But it you should show my letter to an
other "person, or procure its publication in
any other way, you would be liable for libel,
not L Wood, giving this document to For
aker, at Foraker's request, was all right.
Foraker felt so bad about his Bepublican
friends being mixed up in such an
affair, however, that he couldn't
bear the burden all alone. He
confided in that discreet and careful person,
Mnrat Halstead, and Murat published the
document I don't know that the Governor
personally procured the publication of the
document. Perhaps it does not make any
difference under the law for libel whether he
did or not At any rate the ballot box com
pany has been libeled, and would have been
ruined if the scheme had succeeded. Some
body must be legally liable for that
"Incidentally Mr.Campbell told howGov
erner-elect Campbell came to have anything
at all to do with the ballot box bill. "I was
counsel for the company," he said, "and
when that bill was ready I looked around
for a good man to get it introduced into
Congress, and fixed on Grosvenor as a
leader in the Ohio delegation. I took
the bill to him, and he said he
would do it if I wished, but suggested, what
I ought to have known myself, that as the
House was Democratic it would probably
be better to have the bill introduced by
a Democrat. I thought of Campbell,
who was a sort of neighbor of mine,
living in Hamilton, while I lived in
Cincinnati, and whom I had known
for many years. I gave the bill to him and
of course he introduced it It went to a
committee and that was the end of it We
never pushed it and it was never even
taken up by the committee. Wood was the
inventor of the ballot box and for some time
was employed by the company, but he has
had no interest in it for some time beyond a
trifling holding of stock, $500, 1 believe."
Governor-elect Campbell and Mrs. Camp,
bell were in this city to-day. The Governor
said that the ballot box forgery had nothing
about it more than The Dispatch had
printed. All the same the Governor-elect
found time to get down to the office of Mr.
T. C. Campbell's on Lower Broadway,
and, that gentleman being out, to leave a
letter that led to an appointment for a meet
ing between the two Campbells before the
Governor-elect starts for Ohio to-morrow.
The Chairman of the Democratic Commit
too Enters tbo Contest.
COLUMBUS. O., December &. Chairman
James E. Ne'al, of the Democratic State
Executive Committee, met Al Carlisle, the
traveling man and politician here to-night
bv appointment, and the two called on
Judge Thurman, holding a conference last
ing for an hour or more. It is understood
the Senatorial contest was under considera
tion, and rnmor has it that Mr. Neal is to
enter as a candidate.
It is urged that with his prestige as Chair
man of the committee, in a year when the
Democrats were successful in Ohio, and the
influence of Governor-elect Campbell,
which he could undoubtedly command, Mr.
Neal would prove a more formidable oppo
nent of Mr. Brice than anyone yet men
tioned for the position. By some this is
regarded as a movement to concentrate the
opposition to the man from New York, who
desires to represent Ohio in the United
States Senate.
THE CONGO STATE, its organ
ization and government, is de-
soriDeain-to-moiTOW's dispatoh
fcy George W. Williams. -
Succeed In Arranging- tbo Proposed Com
blimtlon A Very Lengthy Platform
Adopted The Vlovn en tbo
Tariff nod Other Mailer.
St. Louis, December 6. The proceedings
of the day session of the Farmers' and Lab
orers Union and the Northern Alliance was,
devoted almost exclusively" to discussion of
amalgamation and the revision of the con
stitution. Many conferences were held between com
mittees of the union &nd' the Northern Alli
ance and with representatives of the BTnights
of Labor. The result Is confederation of
the Farmers' and Laborers' Union with the
KnightB of Labor, andwill be a union of
the Northern and Southern bodies of far
mers. The following officers were elected
this afternoon: President, L. L. Polk, of
North Carolina; Vice President, D. H.
Clover, of Hansas Cityj J, H. Turner, of
Texas, Treasurer.
The National Farmers' Alliance has
adopted a long series: of resolutions favoring
woman suffrage and iavoring the reservation
of public land for actual settlers and
against the, acquisition of lands in the
States and Territories by aliens; for the
rigid enforcement of the law against rail
Toad corporations that were not complying
with their contracts as to the disposition of
lands: called for the free coinage of gold
and silver, and an amendment to the law
which permitted loans to banks on bonded
securities of money at 1 per cent, while the
farmer was obliged to' pay 8 and 10 per
cent; favoring the payment of the publio
debt as rapidly as possible, opposing
bonds as the basis for loans and
reiterating the argument against the national
banking system and in favor of the green
back doctrine. Taxes on real estate, mort
gages and a graded income tax were re
manded. Economy in the management of
all departments of the Government was
called for, and a special declaration was
launched against any proposition looking to
the increase of governmental salaries. The
Australian system of votings was enthusi
astically indorsed. The resolution on the
tariff was as follows:
Besolved, That we favor such revision and
reduction of the tariff that the taxes may rest
as lightly as possible upon productive labor,
and that its hardens may be imposed upon the
luxuries and removed from the necessaries of
life, and in a manner which will prevent con
tinued accumulations of the United States
Treasury surplus.
Theforegomg resolutions were then capped
by one declaring that the members of the
convention would support no candidate who
did not subscribe to the principles enumer
ated therein.
Finds a Colored Imitator In Boral New Jer
ey A Host Brutal Crime Committed
The Perpetrator Believed to
be Under Arrest.
Millville, N. J., December 6. The
body of Mrs. Annie Borden, a colored
widow, was found shockingly mutilated on
the floor of her house here this morning.
The discovery was made by Mr. Frederick
Boedel, a neighbor. The floor of the room
was literally covered with blood, and there
was every evidence of a terrific struggle.
The woman was covered with blood from
head to foot, her clothing was torn and hung
in saturated tatters. Coroner Miller took
charge of the case. "Medical 'examination
revealed the fact that the woman had been
outrageously assaulted.
At the inquest the doctors testified that
Mrs. Borden's wounds were of the most
brutal character, like, descriptions of "Jack
the Kipper's" work. Police investigation
led to thex"kiitpi6on of. a. dissolute glass
blower ,jfamedpDiintJInox, who had been
seen to hurriedly -leavd Mrs. Borden's house
about sundown last night Blood has also
been noticed on his hands and coat He
was arrested late this afternoon. When
brought before the Coroner he was just re
covering from a debauch, and was scarcely
able to talk intelligibly.
Two gunners, who met Knox last nisht
on a road leading out of town, testified at
the Coroner's hearing that he had made
damaging admissions to them. In his own
behalf he denied that he had committed the
horrible crime charged against him, and ac
counts for the blood on his hands and cloth
ing by saying that he had cut his hand with
apiece of glass. The evidence against him
is very strong, however, and he was com
mitted to jail without bail to await the re
sult of the Coroner's inquest
HIppolyto Befuiea to Treat With Him as
the United States minister.
New Yobk, December 6. Hannibal
Price, the newly-appointed Haytian Minis
ter to the United States, arrived to-day by
steamship George W. Clyde. Mr. Price is
a fine looking man. About the alleged
strained relations between Hippolyte and
United States Minister Fred Doug
lass, Minister Price did not know, but
some of the passengers declared that
the representatives of the other countries
were as much opposed to Douglass as Hip
polyte was, on account of his color and the
fact that his wife is white. They thought
there was very little prospect of the United
States Government being able to establish
a coaling station at Port au Prince so long
as the negotiations were in Mr. Douglass'
hands. Hippolyte declines to talk with
Douglatsxm the subject
Minister Price emphatically denied the
rumors of outbreaks in Hayti, and said the
people are perfectly contented.
The Chinese at rtnaknng Forcibly Defend
Their Kclielom Doctrines.
San Feancisco, December 6. By the
arrival of the new steamer China, advices
are received from Hongkong to November
13, and from Yokohama to November 22.
The Chinese troops suffered a severe defeat
from the savages in South Formosa, 300 or
400 of them having been killed. Becently
a mob attacked the China Inland and
Methodist Episcopal Missions, at Naukang,
and destroyed both chapels and an opium
refuge and stoned the officials who attempted
to interfere. The missionaries and ladies
took refuge in the Yamon.
The United States flagship Omaha re
turned to Yokohama from Corea on the 21st
of November. Custom house branches have
been opened at Karatsu, Hakatat B-uchi-notsuand
Fushiki, four ot the newly created
special ports of exportation in Japan.
Emln Pacha U Lying In the Most Critical
London, December 6. Stanley commu
nicates to Mr. Burdett-Coutts "by cable
that the condition of Emin Pacha is
in the greatest degree criti
cal, and that the German naval
surgeons who have seen him declare that
only 20 in a hundred of such cases ever
recover, this percentage including all tiie
cases of men in (the vigor of life. Emm's
age is not great, but his physical condition
is not good.
In addition to other bad symptoms, the
hemorrhage contiuues, and this, though it
prevents the immediate formation of a large
clot in the brain, menaces life by loss ol
.strength. He is lying in the German Hos
pital at Bagomoya.n Dr. Parke still has
.some hope. .. .....
aeaei ,"fr7ss i
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The Entire South in Mourning for the
Late Jefferson Davis.
Mrs. Davis Pint to Observe Signs of Ap
proaching Dissolution.
When Thonsandi ef Soutnernon Will Attend and
Weep With the Widow.
THe South is in mourning for Its dead.
Arrangements are being made for the fu
neral of Jefferson Davis next Wednesday
noon, until which time his remains will lie
in state in the New Orleans City Hall. His
end was-peacefuL He was conscious to the
last,but unable to speak. His wife held his
hand until dissolution took place.
New Oeleans, December 6. Although
his friends had feared a fatal termination to
his malady, Jefferson Davis' death was sud
den. His condition had improved steadily
for the last three or four days, and was so
perceptibly better yesterday that it was
thought the end would yet be postponed
some weeks. A portion of his family, an
ticipating bis no immediate danger, was at
the opera last night, and were summoned to
his death bed. There stood around his bed
side, in his last hours, only his doctors and
his immediate family.
It was a quiet passing away, ft death from
feebleness. For half an hour before the end
he scarcely Beemed to breathe, so gentle
were his respirations, yet his eyes showed
that he never lost consciousness, although
for a few hours before his death he was too
feeble to speak. The only evidence he could
give that he still lived was the feeble press
ure of his wife's hand, which he silently
clasped to the end.
no death stbtggle.
There was no death struggle, and the pas
sage from life to death was scarcely per
ceptible. It was only when his respiration
had ceased altogether that the doctors knew
that he had passed away. Not the faintest
suspicion of the serious attack which killed
Mr. Davis, or of his death, came out until a
relative went to the Western Union Tele
graph office to file a cablegram to Europe,
announcing to his daughter, now abroad on
account of her health, her father's death.
This was the first news the press had
or it.
The only other person notified was Mayor
Shakespeare. He was roused from his bed
about 3 o'clock in the morning by the
family, and proceeded at once to the Fenner
residence, where Mr. Davis' body lay, -and
there, in consultation,with the family, drew
up his proclamation, announcing to the
public Mr. Davis' death, and appointing a
committee of prominent citizens to arrange
for the funeral.
- At an early hour this morning a confer
ence of the committee was held at the City
Hall to arrange for the funeral. There
were present the members ot Mr. Davis'
family, the city officials, the various Con
federate veteran associations, the officers of
the State militia, members of the Grand
Army of the Bepublic, Federal officials, the
Presidents of the Beveral commercial Ex
changes, the State and city judiciary, and
all the leading clergy of the city, and other
prominent citizens, ths large hall being
crowded with visitors.
It had been first determined that the
funeral would take place Sunday, but be
fore the conference was over telegrams began
to pour in from all portions of the South,
asking for the date of the funeral, and an
nouncing that a nnmber of persons desired
to 'be present, and suggesting that time be
allowed for them to get there. This induced
the conference to postpone the funeral until
Wednesday noon, so as to give all who de
cided to come here ample time to do so. As
soon as an agreement was reached, Mayor
Shakespeare telegraphed to all the Southern
Governors, notifying them of the arrange
ments, and inviting them to take part in
the funeral ceremonies.
The question of the place of burial was
also discussed. Tee family burying ground
of the Davis family is at the Briarficld
homestead, just below Yicksburg. Here, in
this beautiful spot, Mr. Davis' father is
buried, and here the ex-President's remains
will also ultimately lie, but as it was impos
sible to hold funeral ceremonies at Briar
field, it was determined to lay the remains
temporarily at rest here in the tomb of the
Confederate Veterans' Association of the
Array of Northern Virginia, in a metallio
As soon as the news of the death was cir
culated through the town by the papers, the
Fenner house was visited by such a large
number of people that it was determined
that the body should be removed to the City
Hall, to lie in state there in the council
chamber until the funeral. Mrs. Davis
asked that the corpse remain in her charge
to-day, but consented to allow its transfer to
some public place to-night, provided it was
made quietly and unostentatiously.
The details of the funeral ceremony were
placed in charge of a committee, of which
Colonel William Preston Johnston, son ot
General Albert Sidney Johnston, President
of Tnlana University and ex-aide of Mr.
Davis, is chairman, and one member of each
of the following organizations: United
Confederate Veterans, Grand Army of the
Bepublic, Army of Tennessee, Army of
Virginia and City CounciL The Washing
ton Artillery will station a guard of honor
over the remains.
' Telegrams were received from Mobile and
Memphis, announcing that troops from
those cities would like to take part in the
ceremonies. The committee will arrange
its programme of the funeral ceremonies
Sunday morning.
By the People of-North Carolina, on Tbelr
Governor' Proclamation.
Kaleioh, N. O., December 6. Gov.
Fowle to-day seat the following telegram:
Executive Office.
Mrs. Jefferson Davis: .
North Carolina mourns with you the death
of the greatest and best beloved son of our
He also issued this memorial proclama
tion: Whereas, Almighty God, by His provl
denre, hath removed from this world the
trusted leader of the people of the State of
North Carolina in the four darkest years of Its
history, and, ,
Whereas, Onr entire people regard his mem
ory with feelings of the highest respect, esteem
and affection, now for the purpose of manifest
ing their appreciation of his exalted character
and distinguished services, I enjoin upon the
people of this State, laying aside all business,
to assemble themselves at their respective
places of worship at the time to be appointed
for the funeral by Mrs. Davis, and to join in
services suitable to the sad occasion.
Asnevllle in Menrnlnc.
AsnEVTXLK, N. C, December 6.-On the an
nouncement of the death of Jefferson Davis
bells were tolled, flags put at half-mast, build
ings were draped in emblems of mourning and
a pnbllo meeting was called by the-Mayor for
tnight, at which appropriate resolutloss were
t. . .taj - oa& A fw
'S , rilWMHiyWTWIieHU,
A Stenoarapher Who Remembers Him aa
Senator Jmtlce Lamar' Trlbaie
Sesolatloa Paed by the
JHIulatlppI Delegation
la ConsreM.
Washington, December 6. There are
not many persons about- the Capitol now
who were there when Jefferson Davis was in
the Senate, SO years ago. Mr. E. V. Mur
phy, one of the official stenographers of the
Senate, was a boy, just beginning short
hand work, during the latter part of Mr.
Davis political career under the National
Government. He remembers Mr. Davis
well, and speaks of him very highly. He
said to-day:
Mr. Davis was a nervous, energetic speaker,
and very Impressive. He spoke rapidly and
forcibly, and as if he were thorouEhiy-in earn
est. This earnestness and force made him
highly effective. He was a leading man in the
Senate, and gave everyonu who saw him the
impression that he was a born leader. He was
not a demagogue, and would always take the
unpopular side of any question when he be
lieved he was right In his speeches in the
Senate he was not nearly so outspoken a seces
sionist as bis colleague. Brown, of Mississippi.
Brown appeared to fear that Davis would
stand better with the people ot Mississippi
than himself, and for that reason took a very
radical tone In his Southern speeches. But
when the time for secession came he could not
make a farewell address. Brown burst Into
tears in the office pf the Secretary of the Sen
ate, and said he couldn't doit The galleries
were crowded when Davis made his farewell
address with young Southern men and boys.
Davis was the leader of the South, and Judah
P. Benjamin was its orator. Those were ex
citing times, but there was never such a scene
as when Benjamin made his farewell speech.
The galleries were packed, and when Benjamin
ended by saying: The South will never sur
render; never, never, never!" handkerchiefs
were waved and thrown into the Senate cham
ber, and there was an outbreak such as I have
never seen In the Senate.
Mr. Davis was courteous and kind to all. He
gave strangersthe impression that he was re
served and unapproachable, but this was not
so. His quick, nervous temperament made him
easily nettled, and when be was disturbed be
would sometimes make a sharp retort but
would apologize for it the next moment
Hestood very high in the estimation of Senators
on both sides of the Chamber. His long and
varied service, and his practice of entertaining,
gave him a wide acquaintance. In those days
most ot the Senators and Members lived In
hotels and boarding houses. Money was not so
abundant and many of them lived in quarters
which a Government clerk would not now oc
cupy. Davis. Slirteil, and a few others were the
only Southern men who kept house, and they
entertained in a luxurious manner for those
days, although It would not be thought so now.
I recollect particularly bow kind Mr. Davis was
to .all the employes about the Senate. He
knew them all personally, and would ask after
them and after their families, when they had
any. Be complimented ths stenographic re
ports of the Senate. He was a favorite with all
the employes for another reason, and that was
because he would always endeavor to secure
extra compensation for them.
. Several years ago Mr. Murphy wrote to
Mr. Davis in regard to two pictures which a
friend had secured at a sale of the collec
tion of a picture dealer named Lamb. The
history of the pictures made it probable
that they had belonged to Mr. Davis. A
letter from him was received by Mr.
Murphy, in which he said that the pictures
had Seen stolen from him, and that he had
had too much experience with pillage during
the war to buv back his property twice.
Bepresentaiive Mills, of Texas, spoke his
mind freely to the following effect:
Mv Ttavta wag regarded bv the Southern
people as one ot the greatest, best, and purest
men in the werld. We all loved him. He was
our representative man, and all of the South
ern people understood that the opposition he
encountered and the adverse criticisms piled
nponbim were Intended for them. Hisposi
tlon was misunderstood In the North. Mr.
Davis was a. Union. man at the beginning, and
he adoptedV the- course he did with great re
lnctanrn hnt from a feeline of dutv. He was
deeply" attached to the Union, ana wanted to.
exnansc every means jua ear.u w juovcub a
rupture. He was not a vindictive or cruel
man. He had perfect confidence in himself,
was well balanced on all occasions, and was a
freat military man and statesman. He was
Ighly accomplished, and spoke the purest of
His memory was marvelously clear; he never
forgot anybody. My predecessor, Mr. Ged
dlngs, told me that one day Mr. Davis was ad
dressing a crowd, when a snowy-haired old man
on the outskirts expressed a desire to greet the
speaker, whom he had known and served under
in the Mexican war. Mr. Geddlngs offered to
introduce him, but the old man declined, ana
going up to Mr. Davis, offered him his band
and asked if he recognized him. Mr. Davis
fixed his eyes upon him for a moment, his
mouth twitched, tears sprang into his eyes, and
he exclaimed: "Ward, snow has fallen on Vour
head since I last saw you." And that saidMr.
Mills, was about 40 years before the meeting.
Bepresentative Clements, of Georgia,
A good man gone. He was permitted to live
to see largely modified the harsh criticism en
gendered by the late strife, and the events in
which he took such a prominent part and the
ultimate verdict of the world will be that he
was both a statesman and a patriot. In time to
AAn.A .Ha Jn-tfi urfll np(Arr1 in that Inilffmpnt
as well as the Soutn and tho rest of the world.
I do not believe that any man was ever ani
mated by moro pure and patriotic motives than
he was. -The people of my section have the
ereatest reverence for him.
Senator Beagan was seen at the telegraph
office this afternoon, just as he was sending
a telegram of condolence to the family ot
Mr. Davis. In answer to a question by a
reporter he said:
"I served with Mr. Davis in the Cabinet of the
Confederacy, from the beginning to the end, as
his Postmaster General."
"What were his characteristicst"
"He was a man of great learning, of great In
tegrity and purity."
"What from your knowledge and acquaint
ance with the man, was the principal motive
which actuated him in going into the Re
bellion?" "To secure a government that should, be
friendly to the people." "
"Why nas he elected to the Presidency of the
Confederacy, if the leaders felt so disposed to
ward nimr
"Because they recognized his ability and in
tegrity of character, and knew that he could be
depended on."
nirt Ma tronble during the war with Gen
eral Johnson grow out of the lack of confi
dence expressed before the rebellion began?"
"I do not care to go into that trouble, for it is
one about which I know but little. This much,
however, I can say: that before the difference
aroso between them (and they related to no
questions of rank anjd precedence, merely in
appointments), they were the best of friends;
both were conservative by nature, both were
ardent States' rights men, and their divergence
was not occasioned by any variance of views as
"What will be the effect of bis death upon the
"There wilt be general sorrow, for the people
of the South greatly loved him."
"Will it affect in any way the sentiment in
favor of acceptiegthe results of the War of the
Bebellion as final?"
"No, not at all. Why, Mr. Davis himself al
ways urged the fullest acceptance of the pres
ent condition of affairs."
"Why then, did he not ask to have his disabil
ities removed?"
"Because he did not feel that he had
done anything which required him to ask any
man's pardon. Mr. Davis was greatly mis
judged in many ways. He was the most devout
Christian 1 ever knew, and the most self-sacrificing
man. When bis plantation was in dan
ger of being seized and the property destroyed
be was urged by friends to send a force of men
to protect it 'The President of the Confed
eracy.' he responded, 'cannot afford to use pub
lic means to preserve private interests, and I
cannot employ men to take care of my prop
erty,' ana so, when bis Hill property in Hinds
county was threatened, and all his books and
papers were in danger of destruction, he again
resisted all persuasion of friends to have them
Mr. Beagan said he knew nothing about
the intentions of the Southern members of
Congress, whether or not any of them would
attend the funeraL
Postmaster General Wasamaker said:
The passing away of Jefferson, Davis shuts
Continued on Seventh JPage.)
ifij -. f-rtffisigwij
May be banded inl at the main advertising
office ot Ths Dispatch, Fifth avenue, np to
midnight, ,
Up Lawrence
ipositors' Claims.
$2,000 .DeposH
Appracitd by Feople Who Think IMy See a Epe&t
Mr. Johnson has bought Mr. Ward's de
posit claim of $2,000 on the Lawrence Bank
at a 50-cents-on-the-dollar basis. Other de
positors have been approached, and the
movement revives many hopes that have
A new development among depositors ol
the Lawrence Bank took place yesterday.
Some oftbem who have claims against the
bank for large amounts are offering them at
a discount. Mr.William Johnson, President
of the Pittsburg Manufacturing Company,
bought the deposit of Mr. James Ward,
which amounts to 2,000, for $1,000. Mr.
Ward is in business with Mr. Charles
Heleler, a member of the Depositors' com
mittee. Mr. Ward was seen last evening
relative" to the rumor about the sale of his
claim. He said:
"Mr. Johnson came into onr store, and in
the course of a conversation we talked about
the failure of the bank. I told him I was
dubious about receiving any of the money
I deposited there back again. He thought
I was mistaken.
"He then turned around and said, what
will yon take for your claim! I had not
given the matter any consideration, but
jocularly remarked I would let him have it
for 50 per cent discount He immediately
took my offer, and gave me $10 to secure the
bargain. We exchanged documents to es
tablish the sale and the purchase. Mr.
Johnson will hand me over the balance of
the money in the course of a week."
This new turn in the failure created quite
a stir in Lawrenceville. There are a nnm
ber of people who are ready to dispose of
their deposits, and rumor says there are
quite as many who are desirous of obtaining
them, at the same rate that Mr. Johnson ac
quired that of Mr. Ward.
Mr. Charles Heigler nas deposited in the
bank $2,800, and he wants to part with his
claim, but he asks a much higher figure
than his partner. A man called upon him
yesterday, whose name he withholds for
obvious reasons, to negotiate for the purchase
of the deposit Mr. Heigler askea $2,300
for the amount, leaving a margin of $500.
The gentleman bid a smaller figure, but at a
better rate of percentage than that Mr.
Ward obtained. Mr. Heigler, however,, re
fused to accept it
This barter and exchange in bank de
posits created a great deal of excitement
among the various depositors. A number
of email storekeepers, who are nearly stalled
on account of ikt bank's stoppage, grew
feverish to. dispose of their little amounts.
so that they could get a few dollars to tide
them over until the true state of the bank'
affairs became known.
In the lower1 part of the Fifteenth Ward
the storekeepers ore not doing one-half the
business that they usually do at this time of
the year. They say the failure has caused
a general depression, and it is by the hard
est work that they are able to keep on their
feet Three storekeepers said last night
that they had been in business from 9
to 15 years in the ward, they had
always done a nice business, sufficient to
keep them, but they feared by a delay on
the part of the bank to pay up quickly they
must shortly go under. This cry on the
part of storekeepers is prevalent throughout
the ward.
The three checks' which were to be pre
sented to the bank for payment yesterday,
Senator Upperman says were delayed for a
day on account of the illness of one of the
men who was to present a check for $17,500.
Homer McGaw Reinstated by Worebonse
men' Aisemhly, K. of L. Tola Action
Expected to Create a Hoge and Beauti
ful Row.
The reaction to Homer L. McGaw's ex
pulsion from the K. of L. came last night
when his Local Assembly No. 7190, com
posed of warehousemen, reinstated him by a
unanimous vote.
This was an unexpected action and created,
considerable talk among the labor people of
all classes.
When Mr. McGaw was expelled by the
Atlanta Convention, it was generally under
stood that he could have no standing in any
local assembly. The action of his own as
sembly last night puts a different com
plexion on the matter, and it is now stated
that he must be recognized as a full-fledged
Knight in good standing until the general
officers decide otherwise.
It is very evident that the matter will
prove a boiling bone of contention in labor
circles; that the people who worked so hard
for Mr. McGaw's expulsion will not be sat
isfied with his reinstatement, and that the
whole fight will have to be gone over again.
The friends of Mr. Campbell say that he
will not accept the action of the Warehouse
men's Assembly as a just proceeding, and
that he will fight the issue again, just as he
did before. Some even predict some special
and immediate action by the National K.
of L. dignitaries.
An Bntroo Burner That Caused Great Bx
cltement on Wall Street.
New Yobk, December 6. Shortly after
the business on the floor of the Stock Ex
change began this morning, somebody told
an appalling lie. The little group of men
that were scattered about the floor of tha
Exchange had j met in one of those mad
rushes which are incomprehensible to thoso
who are ignorant of the powerful effect any
change in the price of stocks has on the
nerves of those who earn a living by keep
ing track of these things. Every man was
trying to make himself prominent by stand
ing on his toes, waving his haqds, and yell
ing when the lie was penetrated. It spread
like a cloud of dead leaves in a whirlwind.
Everybody asked everybody else if it were
really true that Governor Hill had been
shot, and when none of the members seemed
to know, the messengers were applied to.
These young men in their eagerness to oblige,
went out on the street seeking for informa
tion. Some of them being gifted liberally,
gave information wherever they were unable
to receive it In this manner a fantastic
story traveled through the down-tows
streets, in and out of offices, and in a very
few minutes had reached the other ex
changes. Shortly after 11 o'clock the lis
reached the news agencies, and a query was
at once sent to Albany. In a few minutes
the lie was "nailed." The information that
the Governor had not been shot was pat on
the tape, much to the amazement of a large
Bart of the city to which no inkling of tie
had penetrated.
Basis of $fW&l&&