mn'rfmmKfttY,M,MtoVF. mKTTBcnVl tfWriMKiwSHxTSI MSMS& ' : tS : -o-' . " . .-i"K!i--3p v ?:f"-l .. - y avwaach a , - .- xJ!AJJumJOJBBa,- -- :z M,J . i- rr, r " -aJ r '- ss. n 15E0CAL LITE STOOL eading Features of ilarkets at the East Liberty Yards. QUALITY OF CATTLE BELOW PAE. s Smooth, Light Batcher Stock and Exporters Terj Acture, BHREP AND HOGS IN GOOD DEMAND Office or PrrrsBURQ dispatch, Wednesdat, December i. 18S9. 1 The ran of cattle this week was about five loads larger than last week. Total receipts were 125 carloads. The quality of cattle received this week was below that of last week and, in fact, below anything on the market of late. There were no strictly prime cattle in the offerings. A few loads of good cattle from Ohio, weighing a shade aboTe 1,600 ponnd6, were sold at 54 30, this being the best price obtained. There were re ports that $4 35 was paid for some loads, but from the best in formation that conld be had U 30 was the outside figure. The supply of small, well-fatted, light butcher stock was scarcely up to demand, and this grade was strong at full last week's prices. Few Export Cattle Here. Demand was good for export cattle, but there were very few offered. There was ready sale for all export and light, tidy butcher cattle that were offered. Of the latter grade there were not enough to go round. Low grades and stockers of all kinds were slow sale, and touched their lowest point this season. There were some 20 loads of stockers on the market, mostly of Inferior grades and they were only disposed of at ruinous prices to tho shipper. Homo sold as low as SI 80 and from that upto $2 23 was the range lor inferior stock. The range for better trades of stackers was 2Ji ' 3Jic The season for stockers is practically over, and buyers are unwilling to invest In this grade of cattle unless on very liberal con cessions. For a few weeks alter har vest demand for stockers was good. They were wanted by fanners of adjoining counties to eat no grass and stubble which abounded. In the past tew weeks the demand has greatly fallen off, and only" the better grades, ready to go Into stable, are wanted. The demand for stockers has declined 50 per cent at least In the past month. Sheep end Lambs Supply did not vary materially from last week. There was an improvement in markets, but no advance in prices. Some dealers re ported a slight advance on last week's prices, but the only improvement was more active markets. All choice stock was readily taken at full last week's prices. Eastern buyers complain that Pittsburg markets for sheep and lambs have of late been relatively too hich as compared with prices at New York and Philadelphia. Our Liberty stockmen claim that prices here are in fair proportion with rates at Chicago and St. Louis. Boca nt SlIfTer Price. The run of bogs this week has been consider ably lighter than last and prices have stiffened. The improvement, however, has not been up to what was exppcted. The price of Philadelphias this morning ranged from S3 90 to $4 00 per hundred. Last week prices dropped 25c below these figures and hogs sold at Liberty as low as at Chicago. Prices have been fairly main tained at East Liberty since the beginning of the week, notwithstanding Tuesday's big run of inferior stock. Receipts at Chicago to-day were 32,000 head and yesterday 38,000, and the ontside price there for selected packing hogs has been S3 653 70 for several days past. One of our leading packers said to-day that his firm had bought hogs at Chicago this week at the lowest price this season, and this was equivalent to saying that they were lower now than for many years past. AlcCnll & Co.'a Weekly Review. The supply of cattle has been only fair, but mostly of an inferiot quality. Good to prime butcher grades were in demand at strong prices. Heavy fat shippers ruled slow at last week's prices. Good feeders weighing 1,100 to 1,300 pounds were in demand at strong prices, while it was almost impossible to sell light stockers and feeders, this grade reaching the lowest prices of the season. We quote the fol lowing as ruling prices: to 1,600 pounds, $4 254 50: good, 1,200 to 1.400 pounds, S3 7o410; good butcher grades, 1,000 to 1,200 pounds. $3 2j3 65; rough fat. 1, 100 to .1,000 pounds, S3 253 40: (rood feeders, L10U to 1,300 pounds, $3 403 05; good feeders, 900 to L100 pounds, 2 603 25: common stockers and feeders, 700 to 900 pounds. 12 002 50; bulls and fat cows. SI '502 50; fresh cows and springers, $25 U045 00 per head. The receipts of hogs to-day are fully equal to the demand and the market is slow at the following quotations: philadelphias $3 90 4 ;00; best Yorkers. J3 80(23 So; common Yorkers. S3 75; roughs, 2 753 50, The receipts of sheep this week were fair and the market active at unchanged prices. We quote sales ,as follows: Prime Ohio and Indiana wethers, weighing here 110 to 120 pounds, J4 S55 25; good, 90 tn 100 pounds. f4 50 4 85: fair to good mixed, 75 to 80 pounds, S3 603 90t -good yearlings, 75 to 80 pounds, $4 254 75; fair to good, 50 to 60 pounds, S3 50 4 25; good lambs. S5 O06 00; veal calves, 110 to 120 pounds, $5 006 25; heavy calves. $2 00 03 25. By Telecrsnb. New Yoke Beeves Receipts. 40 carloads for the market, 60 carloads for exportation and 4 carloads for slaughterers direct. No prime or extra offerings; market firm; poor to good - steers. S3 254 75 per 100 lbs; bulls and cows at SI 80133 10. Exports to-day, 1,040 beeves and 6,180 quarters of beef. To-day's Liverpool cable quotes American refrigerated beef, firm at 9c per ft. Calves Receipts, 500 bead; shipment steady at 58c per ft for veals, and at 2K3Kc for crassers and Western calves. Sheep Re ceipts. 4,600 head; active at steady prices for sheen and at a small advance on lambs; sheep eoldat5Jcperll. St. Loots Cattle Receipts. 3,200 head; ship ments, 500 bead; market slow; good to fancy native steers, J4 204 95: lair to good do S3 25 Q4 30: stockers and feeders, SI 8o3 10: range steers, S2 003 Mi Hogs Receipts. 1U700 head: shipments, lOftfffead: market opened weak and closed firm; Sir to choice heavy, S3 5563 65; gacking grades, S3 454 60: light, fair to best, t 403 55. . Sheep Receipts, 600 head; ship ments, 200 bead; market steady; fair to choice. S3 004 70; lambs, S3 8U5 4a Kansa Crrr Cattle Receipts, 4,200 head: shipments. 4,500 head; market steady on the best ana very slow on others; natives. S3 25 3 75: cows, SI GOfft! 40; stockers and feeders. 12 15S 10; Texans, SI 752 SO. Hogs Receipts, 11,000 head: steady to 5c higher; good to choice light, f3 553 60; heavy and mixed. S3 52U 8 80. Sheep Receipts, 600 head; market slow and steady: good to choice muttons, S3 80 65 00; stockers and feeders, S3 254 60. CHICAGO Cattle Kecelnts. 16.000 head; shipments. 4,500 head; beeves. JH 50S5 65: steers, 2 90S4 40; stackers, and feeders, SI 75S2 80: Texas cattle, 51 402 8a Hogs Receipts, 20,000 bead: shipments 6,000 bead; market weak; mixed. S3 533 75; light, S3 4003 70 heavy, S3 603 75; skips, $23 6a Sheep Re ceipts, 9.000 head; shipments. 4,000 head; market strong; natives. S35 50; Westerns. S3 255 00: Texans, S3 0004 la Buffalo Cattle steady, firm, unchanged: receipts, 50 loads through, 4 loads sale. Sheep and lambs steady, firm; receipts, 16 loads through. 14 loads sale. Hogs steady; receipts, 17 loads through, 60 loads sale; mediums, heavy and heavy ends. S3 9003 95; mixed and Yorkers, S3 90; pigs, S3 7563 9a Drysoods. New.Yohk. December 4. There was further improvement in the demand for cotton goods and in the general tone of the market. Agents were closing out previous to an advance stock of the following bleached cottons: Lonsdale shirtings and cambrics, Blackstone, Hope, Fitchville and forget-me-not. Stocks of fruit of the loom 4-4 and were all closed out to-day and orders placed "at value." There was con siderable activity in some descriptions of im ported goods, particularly fancy and fine linens and handkerchiefs. Metal Market. .New Yobk Pig iron quiet and firm; American;- 516 50gl9 00, Copper easier and more active; lake, December. 14 (XI Lead nominal; domestic S3 85. Tin brisker and higher; straits. ,$2145. ' Wool Market. St. ' Louis Receipts of wool during tho week 271.277, against 832,758 pounds for the week previous. The market is firm, but busi ness light. Tottering to Its Base. Health totters to its very foundations when vigor begins to wane. To check Its loss, to re pair its general damage to the constitution which this Inflects, impaired digestion must be rendered active the conversion of food into blood must be facilitated. No tonic on earth can accomplish this so effectually as Hostetter's Stomach Bitters; a remedy also for malaria, constipation and biliousness. irf . i 33L MAEKEf S BY "WIEtE. Wheat Fairly Active bat Lower Cora Dull and Weak Oats Stress nad Higher Pork Steady and Featureless. Chicago Wheat There was a very fair trade in a speculative way to-day, and prices ruled weak and lower all around. There was considerable selling of long wheat and shorts covered moderate quantities. Foreigners, too. were reported as being buyers both here and at New York at the decline. Cable advices were generally steady and firm, and London noted S6d advance In Russian, while Paris also quoted firm and 10c per barrel high on flour. Operators who had bought yesterday, expect ing to sell at higher .prices to-day, were dis appointed and became sellers, and the offerings were liberal. The boards dispatch also noted 720,000 bushels Increase in the quantity of wheat on passage, and it, was reported that stocks in the United Kingdom bad increased about 1,000,000 bushels during the month. The export clearances were small. Receipts in the Northwest, although not as heavy as during the preceding weeks, still continued fairly large. There was .talk of an increased movement of wheat from first hands in the Southwest, but there is nothing in posted re ceipts to show such a movement. The local market opened at yesterday's closing .figures, declined Jlc, and closed quiet; c lower than yesterday. It was claimed that the weakness was partially the result of a combined bucket shop raid on the market to lorce out some of their customers on long wheat held on slender margins. Corn was rather dull the greater part of the session, though early in the day a fair degree ofactivity was manifested. There were no feat ures of importance developed, outside of the free selling of December by a bouse supposed to be largely long, this being about the only feature worthy of cote. The prevailing feeling was weaker, December in particular, the other futures ruling comparatively steady. The mar ket opened at yesterday's closing prices, was easy, December sclllne off Jc, while other months declined c rallied a little and closed with December $b and January and May H6Hc lower than yesterday. Oats were active, stronger and higher. De cember and January were the strongest, and advanced JfiC on several large buyers bid dins for round lots. May advanced Kc. At the top, operators who bought early began sell ing. A weaker feeling devoloped and prices declined slightly, but last sales were at a small gain over yesterday's close. Pork Avery light business was transacted and the feeling was steady. Prices exhibited very little change. Lard Trading was only fair and the feeling rather firm. Prices without material change. Short Rib Sides There is no particular change to note in the market. Prices rather favored sellers, though no advance was estab lished. The leading futures rancea as follows: Wheat No. 2. December. 808079K TBKc: January. 80e8080SOc; May, 84 81KS384c Cobn No. 2. December, S15e31J31W 31Kc: January, 31J631J3131c: May, 33J 33Je33Jf33Kc. Oats No. 2, December, 20J20X20K 20kc; January. 2020XK2lc; ilay. 22Ji Mess Pobk, per bbL January. $9 30J9 S5 9 309 35; iiarcli. S9 47U9 529 47K 9 50; May. $9 709 72X9 709 72W- T.ATOT, na, 1M ffco Tan-...., ITPTiyitC OVl 5 8905 90; March, IS 006 00; May, 56 07JS 6 106 07K6 la Shoet Ribs, per 100 tts. January. $4 75 4 75; March, S4 854 874 854 85; May, S4 954 97K4 954 97K Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull and weak; No. 2 spring wheat, 79c; No. 3 spring wheat, 64K66c: No. 2 red, 70Hc No. 2 corn. Sljjc No. 2 oats, 20Kc No. a rye. 44c, No. 2 barley, 58c No. 1 flaxseed, SI 34. v Prime timothy seed. SI 18. Mess pork, per bbk S9 129 25. Lard, per 100 lbs. So 92. Short ribs sides (loose), S4 85 5 15. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), S4 S7K 4 5a Short clear sides (boxed), S5 725 75. Sugars Cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour. 20,000 barrels; wheat, 112.000 bush els: corn. 295.000 bushels; oats, 117,000 bushels; rye, 16,000 bushels; barley, 85.000 bushels. Ship mentsFlour, 8,000 barrels; wheat, 75,000 bushels: corn. 205,000 buhels; oats, 112,000 bushels; rye, 2,000 bushels; barley, 38,000 bush els. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was firmer; fancy creamery, 27628c; fine, 2:23c; finest dairy, 2124c; fine. 1519c New Yobk Flour active for home and export, closing easy. Cornmeal steady and more active, wheat Spot dull and weaker; options active, JQgfc lower and heavy; free selling by longs. Rve higher; active export demand; western, 5656c Barley weak. Barley malt quiet. Corn Spot firm and fairly active. Oats Spot active and higher; options active and strong. Hay quiet but steady. Hops steady and in fair demand. Coffee Options opened steady: nnchanced to 5 points down: closed weak. l(XZW points down: sales. 48.000 bags, including December. 15.4515.55c; January. 15.5015 65c: February, 16.65c: March, 15.60i6.75c: April, 15.75c; Mav, 15.6515.S0c; June, 15.7515.80c; July. 15.60c: September, 1560c; October, 15.4015.50c; spot Rio dull; nominal fair cargoes, 19e. Sugar Raw, active and higher; fair refining, 6c; centrifngals 96 test, 6Vc: sales, 5.000 bags; Brazil, 87 test, 14c; 200 Tiags centrifugal, 96 test, 6Jic: 15,000 bags Rio Urande, 84 test, Sc; 576 hogsheads Muscovado, S7 iest. Ria refined firm and quiet Molasses New Orleans fairly active. Rice in fair demand, and steady. Cottonseed oil dull; vellow at S435c Tallow quiet and easy. Rosin quiet. Turpentine dull and lower at 45 45Jc. Eggs in fair demand and firm; West ern, 28c; receipts, 3,755 packages. Coal steady and quiet. Pork easier and fairly active; mess, inspected, S1I 00S11 25; do, uninspected, S10 50 Kiiu o: extra prime, ttf vortiu uu. unt meats quiet: pickled hams, 89c: pickled bellies, 10 to 12 pounds. 6e; middles quiet. Lard quiet and firm; sales, 550 tierces; Western steam at S6 3036 32K, closing at SB 30; options sales 2.500 tierces; December, f 6 26; Jannarv, S6 2SQ8 29, closing at S3 29 bid; February. SS S3 &o 04, eluding at 30 m 01a; jiiarcn, co sa old; May, S6 47bid. Butter Choice fresh in de mand and firm; Elgin, 2829c; Western dairy, 918c;do creamery, 1427c; do held, 10019c: do factory. 7S20c. Cheese quiet and steady: Western, 7K10c Pnn.ADEi.PHiA Flour dull. Wheat strong and higher; fair to good milling wheat, 80S5c; choice and fancy longberry, 8790c; No. 2 red. in export elevator, 80c; No. 2 red, December, 80 KMc; January. 81Ji82k'c; February, S3K 84c;ilarch, 83K84jf. Cora-Options steady but quiet; car lots weak;- high mixed in Twentieth street elevator, 40c; new steamer No. 2 high mixed on track, 42c; old No. 2 mixed in Twentieth street elevator. 43kc; do, on track, 44c; new No. 2 quoted at 424Sc; No. 2 mixed. December. 3Sfti39Jic; January, SSffiSSKc: February. 3939kc: March, 39J40a Oats Carlots firm: No. 3 white. 28U0!29c: No.3wh!t 29c: futures quiet but steady; No. 2 white December.- 29K29Kc; January. 2929JJc: Feb ruary, 29Ji30c; March, 8030c. Eggs steady: Pennsylvania firsts, 27c MnraEAPOLis Early demand for sample wheat was active for the high milling qualities hut the low grades went slowly. The market was well supported, considering the weakness existing at some other places. A good inquiry was noted for original way-bill wheat, with a 9c transit freight, and such lots had a prefer ence in some cases at full quotations. Millers again appeared to be the principal buyers, and mainly for local consumption. Receipts were 250 cars and shipments 81 cars. Closing quota tions: No. 1 hard, December. 77c: January 78c: May. 84Jc:on track, 7879e; No. 1 Northern. 75c December; 7CKC January; 81CMay;on track,7777Kc;Ko. 2 Northern, December, 72c; May, vSJc; on track, 7274c St. Louis Flour steady and generally firm for the better grades. Wheat lower: large receipts caused a sharp break, and with all domestic markets weak to close was dull at c below yesterday: No. 2 red, cash, 78Vc7 nominal; December. 7979Jc, closing at TSjfcc asked: May. 83U84c closing at 83c asked; July 7979c closing at 79c Corn lower; ,t closing at 30c asked. Oats better: No. 2 mh 20c; May, 22e asked. Rye strong and higher; No. 2, 41c bid. Barley Nothing of consequence done Provisions dull and droon ing. PorkS1010 25. r Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat easy: cash 72c: May, 78c; Ha 1 Northern, on track, 81c Corn steady; No. 8, 29c Oats steady; No. 2 white, 22kc Rye quiet; Nc 1 44Jc Barley steady; No. 2, 48c Provisions steady. Pork, S9 30. Lard, $5 9a Cheese un changed: Cheddars. 99Kc Baitoiobe Provisions steady. Butter Fine creamery. 2425c Eggs firm; western. 252Gc, Coffee steady; Rio, fair, at 19i20c T01.KDO Cloversecd dull and steady; cash and December, S3 60; February, S3 70. A Constable Contrition. Constable Chilson, of HcKee's Bocks, was arraigned before Alderman Gripp, yes terday afternoon, to answer a charge oi cruelty to his family, preferred by Superin tendent Dean. As Mr. Chilson showed con trition and promised to be good, he was dis missed on the payment of the costs. A Loir River Again. The river has been falling rapidly for the last four or five days, and is now down to C feet, too low for barge operations. The J packets still run regularly. rThe Hudson departed yesterday afternoon for Cincin nati. Ann 9ft ilmTM tt AnivnclnM 73114am n every glass of iipure water you fcUfc, BANK Depositors Assured of 50 to 75 Per Cent, and May Get Everything. THE OPINION OP AN INSIDEB. Canse3 of Depression in Local Securities, and Eeasons for a KeviTal. EAILEOADS LEAD THE rBOCEBSION. It turns ont that the report that the Treas urer of the German Lutheran Church, at Bloomfield, who died a few days ago, had a considerable amount of his own and church funds in the Lawrence Bank at the time of the failure, is untrue; and consequently he did not die of trouble over his loss, as he sustained iione. In this connection it was ascertained yes terday from a gentleman who is very close to President Young, that if 'reasonable time' be given the assignee, or receiver, to realize on the assets of the bank, de positors will receive not less than 60 and probably 75 per cent ot their claims. This much the gentleman said, is certain, ana there is good ground for hope that ultimately the entire amount of deposits will' be returned. There is no war on any of the local stocks no organized raid no change in conditions of an adverse character to weaken confidence in their earning capacity and yet they are both weak and inactive, except by spells. There is no regular demand for them that amounts to anything. Investors stand aside and watch the little ups and downs of the market as coolly and disinterestedly as they would an auction sale of old junk The reasons for this apathy are to be sought outside of the securities thomselves. It cannot be denied that however abundant moneymay be for commercial and manufacturing pur poses, it is scarce for speculation. There is considerable difficulty in getting stocks carried. This discourages business. Another reason is found in the fact that yearly settlements must soon be made, and investors want to know ex actly how they stand financially before engag ing in fresh ventures. Tn e uncertainty of Con gressional legislation on financial and other questions affecting speculative securities is another cause for hesitation. Any and all of these reasons sufficiently explain the apathy in the local stock market, irrespective of condi tions. That there will be a revival of business early in tho coming year is as certain as anything can be. There is nothing against it. The trac tion roads are good property.and when once fully launched must make big earnings. The rapid settlement of the districts through which they pass assures them of a large patronage. The Westinghouse properties are among the most valuable in the country, and must increase in popularity. Bank, insurance and bridge stocks are on a solid foundation. The free bridge agi tation should be considered an element of strength rather than of weakness. Leaving natural gas stocks out of the ques tion, and putting no estimate npon their in trinsic value, present or prospective, local securities are among the best in the market, and ought to command the confidence of In vestors. That they will rally from the de pression of the last few months and regain their old-time spirit and activity, cannot be doubted. The traveling publio will be the gainer by the recent close traffic arrangement established between the Northwestern and Union Pacific Railroads. Already a fast limited mail train has been pnt on this ronte from Chicago to Portland and San Francisco, reducing the time from Chicago to Portland to 83 hours, and to San Francisco to 85, a reduction of seven hours on the former and a full half day on the latter. A similar rednction in time is to be made on east-bound passengers and malls. There is no donbt that eventually it is the intention of the yanaerbiits by this new combination to run through fast trains from New York to San Francisco and Portland without change The passenger bound around the world can then step from bis ocean steamer in New York, take the elevated rallroadto the Grand Central station, enter his Wagner palace car, and in i days find himself on the Pacific coast, ready to take his steamship for China. This is a won derfully fast age and American railroads are keeping np with the procession. H. a Skinner, of South Carolina, thinks cotton growers should be protected as well as cotton manufacturers, to accomplish which he has devised a novel and ingenious plan. It is as follows: "Let a part of the Treasury surplus be expended in building cotton warehouses at' convenient points in the South. Let the Govern ment say to the cotton planter, 'If manufac turers will not pay you 13 cents a pound, bring your cotton to the warehouse, and on strict and proper grading you shall receive ware house receipts' (suppose I term them cotton certificates in analogy to gold and silver cer tificates), 'at the rate of 11 cents a pound for standard grade You must pay the warehoused a fee of 1 cent a pound to cover all expenses "J costs and risks.' 'These certificates could be issued for lo 100 and 1,000-pound lots ana be made nego tiable (I say 14 cents because this adds the 1 penny the Government has received to the price the cotton could be purchased for before entering the warehouse If a large part of the crop should pass through these warehouses the rtvenue would leave a handsome profit to the Treasury after paying all expenses.) These cer tificates would be the same as cash to the planter for all purposes, for they would be ac cepted by everyone as readily as are gold and silver certificates. These are general ugges tions only, but they form the bails of a plan that can be perfected in detail by proper legis lation." St Joseph. Mo., is one of the growing cities of the country. It is charmingly situated on the east hank of the Missouri river, almost in the exact center of the United States, and is surrounded by a country excentionaily rich and productive. It has a population of 75,000. Fourteen great railroads enter the city, .repre senting a total mileage of 33,586 miles, and 93 passenger trains pass tn and out of the Union depot daily. The wholesale trade of St. Joseph reaches the astounding figure of $110,000,000 per year. There are seven hanks, with total assets of $7,619,150. - Although well and favorably known as an ex excellent manufacturing center, St. Joseph offers unusual Inducements to capitalists in this direction. Quite a hog-packing interest is already centered there, one concern consum ing from 1,000 to 2,000 hogs daily, to which must be added three other packing houses, which have been in operation over 20 years. Very ex tensive stock yards are located some two miles south of the city, STOCKS MORE ACUTE. Philadelphia Gn Still Seeking; a Lower Level A Venture lo Wheeling-. The stock market was active, but generally weak yesterday. The sales were 550 shares,, of which 240 were Philade lpbia Gas, 200 La oria, 100 Wheeling and 10 Pleasant Valley Hallway. There was very little demand for anything else, and no material changes in quotations. Philadelphia Gas was raided down in the forenoon to 29, but rallied later with sales at 2 It closed at 29 bid and J-more asked. Central Traction was steady and unchanged. and Citizens' and Pittsburg a trifle stronger. There were no bids for Electric Switch and Bignal was fractionally better. A broker paid S10 for the privilege ot calling 100 shares of Wheeling Gas in ten days at SO, and 520 for an other lot of equal size on the same terms. The board quotation was 25K. No one seemed to know what there was behind this movement, bnt it was surmised that the company expects to bring in some good territory before the ex piration of the ten days. Holders of mining shares continue hopeful of big strikes before long, and refuse to sell at concessions. Bids, offers and sales are ap pended: xoEimra. arxxxoox. Bid. Asked. Hid. Asked. German National Bank 300 Masonic Bank SI Metropolitan n. uanic People's National Be. Heal .Estate L. AT. Vo. 100 155 159 BO second. B., Airy ..;, City Insurance 31 SS 200 Allegheny Heatlngco. PennylvanlaGas Co.,, vxt jJSffi .!: 2 gg H Sg Wheeling Ga Co 26 36 Columbia oil Co : .... ..".. Tuna Oil Company.... ....- . 63 Central Traction SS'A X Citliens' Traction Pitts. Traction .... to Pleasant Valley MX 33 Pitts., A. &Mn SS5 P.O.&St.L - Pt.,.Va.ftC.K.B.Oo. Pitts. A Western H.K. N.Y. a O. Gas Coal Co. 35 37 La Boris Mining Co H Luster Mining Co, lVi IS 2U ; 40 tat 5 70 SO 23 .Diuu-jraneia nir, vo.. vo .... Mon'g-ahela Water Co 35 ..... .... 0.8.&sig. Ce IMS Pitts. Cyclorama Co... 6 Keystone Con. Co,..., 125 Sales at the first call were' 15 Philadelphia Gas at 2 95 at 29X. 5 at 29; 100 Wheeling at 25 and 200 La Noria at . At the afternoon call 60 shares of Philadel phia Gas brought 29H. 60 29X, 25 29 and 10 PleasantValley Railway at 23. Andrew Caster sold 50 shares of Philadelphia Gas at 29 Kuhn Bros, sold 50 shares of Wheeling Gas at 25K- The total sales ot stocks at New York yester day were 323.900 shares, including: Atchison, 4.825; Delaware. Lackawanna & Western. 43,525; Denver, Texas and Ft Worth, 3,058; Louisville and Nashville 13,330; Missouri Pa cific, 21,660; Northwestern, 3,080; Northern Pa ciflc, preferred, 3,216; Reading, 39,650; Richmond and West Point, 4,959; fit. Paul, 2L400; Union Paclfie U,S10L ' THEI ALL wANT IT. Local Money Continues Active, But No Chances to Note. The leading banks reported a good demand for money yesterday, with rates firm at 67 per cent. 'There was no stringency. Checking and depositing were large indicating a prosperous condition of general business. Currency and exchange traded about even. The holiday trade has commenced, and promises to be un usually heavy. The exchanges were $2,486,257, 24 and the balances, S2C5.560 81. Money on call at New York yesterday was tight, ranging from 4 to 8 per cent: last loan, 4: closed offered at 4. Prime mercantile paper. 57K. Sterling exchange quiet and fairlT steady at 54 80 for 60-day bills and U Ui for de mand. Closing Bond Quotations. D. s. 4s, reg 123 U. 8.4s. coup 127 U. 8. 4KB. reg ...104K M.K. AT.Gen.5s . 62X Mutual Union 6S....100 N. J. C. Int. Oert...ll Northern Pac Uts..11SV Northern Pae. 2d. .109 Northw't'n consols.141 Northw'n deben's.,109 Oregon & Trans. 06.103 St. L. AI.M. Oen. it UU D. 8. 4Ks, coup.... 104H Pacific 6s of 95. "3 Loulslanastamned4s tin Ljnissonn os u xenn. new set. 6....iusjj icnn. new set. as....iu Tenn. new set. 3s 73l4jat. L.& 8. If. 112 Canada Bo. 2ds 97 31. rani oonsou ...,uj St. PL Chi A feists. 118 Oen. Pacific, lsts 112 lcn. &K.O., UU...118 Den. &E. a. 4s 78 D.&B.Q.West.lls, 97 Erte,Itt ......102 U.K.. AT. Oen. 6s.. 72 Tx., Pe.L. O.Tr.Bs. SS TX.,PcK.a.Tr.BcU JSH union rac. UU.....U3K West Shore VH "Yesterdays bond offerings were as follows: Registered 4s, $258,100 at 127; registered 4s. S13,500atlO Nhw Tosk Clearings, $157,005,646; balances, $4,970,892. Boston Clearings, $18,362,398; balances, $2,079,136. Monev, 67 per cent. Baxtimobe Clearings, $2,605,302; balances, $272,105. Philadelphia Clearings, $16,815,672; bal ances, $2,547,127. London The amonnt of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England to-day is 50.000. Paris Three per cent rentes, 87f 80c for the account. Chicago Bank clearings, S13,915,00a New York exchange sold at par. Money continues in good demand, a great deal being taken to carry wheat in the Northwest, Rates are 6 per cent for call, and 68 cer cent for time loans. St. Louis Clearings, $3,663,162; balances, $535,082. ' HEW FEATURES SCARCE. on Bather Bullish at the Opening, but Weak nt the Close. The oil market was moderately strong at the opening yesterday, as a resnlt of the rally at the close of the day before, and remained sj for an hour or two, when it was weakened in sympathy with the depression in New York stocks. Trading was light, what there was of it being of the Pyking sort. The market opened at $1 05; highest, $1 0 lowest and closing, $10 Tuesdays, clear ances were 616,000 barrels. There Is considerable activity in the Brash Creek and Mt. Morris fields,. bnt nothing big to show for it. In the Cbartiers Valley field the Arbuckle Aiken and Davis wells are still keep ing up finely, doing 150, 180 and 215 barrels a day respectively, according to the gauge. 'Kelly No. 4, in the Shannopin field, is doing a little less than 600 barrels, with good prospects of in creasing the flow. The Lulu X, on tho Burton farm, in the Gold field, has been keeping np its gushing quality since it was drilled in Monday, and Is making 580 barrels a day. Fenlures of the Mnrket. Corrected -dally by John M. Oaxiey A Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange Opened 1CSUI Lowest. 104X 1MX Barrels. 26,742 62,695 40,655 m flgneat.. .lMCloed Average runs . Average shipments Average charters. Reflnod, New-York. 7.60e Keflnerf, JUmdon. 6 3-160. Refined, Antwerp, 17r. Kenned. Liverpool.' 6 1-160. .Refined, Bremen, 7.30m. A. B. McGrew & Ce quote: 1 02; calls, $104. Puts, $102 Other Oil markets. Trrr8vri.i,E, December4. Opened at 81 05; highest, $1 05; lowest, $1 04; closed at $1 04. Bradford. December 4. Opened at SI 051; highest, $1 05: lowest, $1 03; closed at $1 tj. jearances, ozu,uuu Darreis. On. Crrr. December 4. Onened at CI n5V; lghest. $1 05; lowest. $1 04; closed, $1 oi iales. 324.000 barrels: shinments. 66.156 harrl- runs. 36.524 barrels: clearances. 772.000 barrels: vuarters o,oui oarreis. ftEWYORK. December 4. Petrolanmnnonari firm at $1 04JJ, and moved up to $1 05 In the first hour. Then the market became heavy and declined steadily until the close which was weak at $1 03. StocK Exchange: Opening. $1 04; highest. $1 05: lowest, $1 03; clos ing $1 03. Consolidated Exchange: Open ing, SI (to; highest, $1 05; lowest, $1 04; clos ing, $1 04. Total sales, 587,000 barrels. MOYEMENTS IN EEAlTr. A Number of Important Denis In tbe City nnd Suburbs. E. D. Wingenrotb, 100 Fourth avenue, sold for a Pittsburg party a seven-roomed frame house, with lot 60 feet wide, on Dallas avenue, Ingram, to Mrs. Nancy Peine, for $3,400. Charles Somers & Co., 813 Wood street, sold for Robert Beaty to J. D. Young a building site on Wylle avenne, near Roberts street,Eleventh ward, having a frontage of 50 feet on Wylle and a depth of 127 feet for 53,600. Samuel W. Black & Co., sold No. 6 Oakland Square. This makes the sixth one of these de lightful two-story and mansard nine-roomed brick dwellings sold since November 19. Tbe lot Is 30x100 to a 20-foot alley, and the price paid was 56,50a Reed B. Coyle di Co.. 131 Fourth avenue, placed a mortgage of $800 at 6 per cent on prop erty in the Twelfth ward. city. Black & Baird, 95 Fourth avenue, sold to Ed; ward Ball a lot between Watts and Francis streets. Thirteenth ward, being 18x60 feet, with a two-story frame dwelling thereon, for 51.600. L M. Pennock & Son sold and settled a mort gage on a farm in Penn townsbm for Bimo flm years, and one for 5850, three years, on property in the Thirteenth ward, city; both at 6 per cent. STILL LOWES. The Nntnral Tendency of Railroad Shares to Rally, But tbe Bears Say No isome Recovery, However, at tbe Close. New Yobk, December 4. There was less an imation in the stook market to-day, bnt the tone of the dealings was not so strong as .yes terday, and most of the list this evening is still lower. The natural tendency is evidently to rally, but the improvement was nret' by the bears with attacks on certain stocks which re sulted in a feverish and divided market. Missouri "Pacific was one of the weakest stocks on the list, although there was an effort made to make the street believe that insiders had been largely buyers during the past week, and that the stock would go considerably higher. The greatest pressure was first brought upon New England, and it dropped off about 1JJ per cent, but the decline brought In what was considered good buying, but the rally left It still lower than last evening. Thepres ure was continued upon the Coal stocks, but while active they were held within narrow lim its, and their final changes are insignificant, and owing to tbe abandonment of the attack they were comparatively dull during the entire afternoon. The strong feature of the day was Chicago Gas, which rose from S8H to 4 on coveringof shorts and buying by Chicago people. There was a story from the last named place that a ool bad been organized to squeeze tbe shorts i tbe stock. All of the advance was not held, but the stock made the most pronounced ad vance of the day. London was again a buyer of some of its fav orites, especially Louisvilio and Nashville and St. Paul, though the Utter- was veake&ed y- the disappointment over the small increase la the earnings reported, and the former raided down late in the day, when tho support. from the foreigners was withdrawn. The movement in Ontario and Western was reversed to-day, and it was one of the weakest stocks-intbereg-war list, on the report that Mr. Vanderbilt.-de-clined to receive proxies for the annual elec tion. The news of the day was generally of a favorable character, but had little If any in "oonce upon the course of- prices. The opening was made at advance over last evening's figures, which extended to per cent, but the attackupon New England checked the improving tendency immediately, and prices receded all over the room, the only strong feature being Cameron Coal, which was specially active for that stock, and rose from OH to 8. The general list recovered fully before oon, but the fluctuations were generally for slight fractions only, and the advance con tinued until well into the afternoon under the lead of Chicago Gas. Prices then gave way all over the list, and the close was rather heavy generally at something under the opening E rices. Most stocks, however, are fractionally igher as usual. In railroad bonds there was a rather heavy tone to the trading, and declines are in a ma jority this evening, the most important losses being Chicago and Pacific sixes, 2 at 118: Chi cago and East Illinois consols, at 122; Read ing seconds, SK at 55, and Hannibal and St. Joe consols, 1 at 117. There were, a few ad Taoces, but they were of minor importance The PotVt review say3. There is no doubt that the unpromising condition of the coal trade has recently brought a good deal of long stock of all the coal companies upon the mar Set It has been dribbling out for two months, in which time Laccawanna and Jersey Central have each declined 9 points, and Reading and Delaware and Hudson 7. It has been a steady sagging of their prices during the two mpnths, and not the effects of the general demoraliza tion of the market, that has carried the coal stocks down. There Is, iowever, a chance for some misconceptions of the earnings of these properties, as is shown by the annual report of the Erie, in which the loss of over $800,000 in Its coal trade was more than made up by the in crease of other traffic There was a story circulated by thefears yes terday that np to September 30 the Lackawanna had earned only 4 per cent on its stock, but it W&S Pnnstr1aiari tAA nVisnvd n vannlra nntiita and this morning President Sloan denies it, and I oojs mat, notwitnstanaing tne poor coai traao. the other traffic of the railroad has been so good that up to September 30 the surplus earn ings were equal to 7 per cent. The following tame snows tne prices of active stocks on rthe New York Stock Excnange yester day. Corrected daily for Thb Dispatch by WHrntiTABTiPHiKSON. oldest Pittsburg mem bers f New York Stock Kxenange 57 Fourth ave nue: Open ing. High est. 34H 72J4 Ml! 118) 34 25 105 69M 112S 9714 Am. cotton on. ... Atcn., Top.4B.JT..... M Canadian Pacific 72! Canada Southern 63)4 vuinu oi xi ew Central Pacific 34 ChesaneaknA (Ihtn VK C.. Bur. & OuIlct. .... C., MU. s St. Paul... a. JUi.A8t.Ppt..., C, KockL 4P C. lit. L. ft flttt U, St. L. A Pitts, pt. U. 8t.PM.ftO C.. t.r.M. ftO.. of. 104J4 .69)4 U2S 97X SX 3334 fjS orthwestern 109K C.& Horthweitern, pf. .... c., a. c. & i 7o C..C., Cftl., nr '.. OoL Coal ft Iron 34 Col. ft Booking fu .. 18i Del.. L. 4 W...- 137X Del. A Hudson. 15 E.T.. Va.4Ua . t E.T..Va. ftOa.lst pf. .... f.1'.. Va. ftOa. Zd pr. 21J4 Illinois Central. ....i Lake Gnn . WAatAvn i7w 110 im wi us 145J4 JSS 137) 145 69 21 JS8 62!4 1U6 83K 96 12)4 9 60H 10644 27 ?! 7J 42 JSX 19 S9K 'IK 74 20 43)4 V4 3)4 18 38K 185 21)4 8054 lOolt IS 36 85)4 19 67X 13X SO S?H 65K 61H' 4,2 17i 17!4 63 63 106X 106 84 3 96 96 ei'k ) 107 107 27H va 67 67 ii" 42)i 20J4 19 60)4 60" 31 H 3114 7434 74 21 21 Lake trie West. nr.. 63 Lake snore &M. 8.....106K LonlrrllleftNashvllle 84 Michigan Central f 96 Mobile 4 Ohio Mo.. Kan. A Texas Missouri Pacific. 67ji New Kork Central 107 A.J..L.1S.A W 27 N.Y..L.E. ft W.pref.. 67 . ., O. ft St. L. Pf. N.r.. C. ft Bt.ii. 2d ot .... N. YftN. 15 44 A. y.. O. ft W 20 Horrolkft Western Norfolk Western, Of. 60 Northern Pacific 3I!4 Nortnern Pacific urefi 7 Ohio 4 Mississippi..... 21 Oregon Improvement. ... Oregon Transcon 24 Pacific Mall as Peo. Uec. ft JCvans. Phlladel. ft iteadlnc.. 28V 1'aUmanPaUoe Oar.. .185 Blchmonu ft W. P. T.. 21)4 Kichmond ft W.P.T.nX 79)2 St. P.. Minn, ft Man St. L. ft Stan Fran St. L. ft San Jrran pf.. X9 St.v. ft San JT. 1st pf.. 87) Texas Paolflo I9H UnlonPaclflo 68X Wabasn 16 Wabash preferred IQK Western Union J2J Wheeling ft L. . 6514 Sngsr Trust 61 National Lead Trust.. 18 Chicago Gas Trust.... 29 XH an 33 H 183 20H 79)4 37 M 1814 67 ?4 U)i 30 J2J4 C5 69)4 18 S3K Boston Blocks. Atch. AToc.lstTi. 115V A.iT. lAndar't?i.lI0) Atch. 4 Top. B. K... S3J4 Boston A AlBany...il4 C. 11. ft 10414 Clun. Ban. A Olev. 32M Eastern B. K. 6s ....111), easterns. It 123)4 flints PereM 22 JTlintiFereM. nru. 91 Jlexlean Oen. com.. 1594 Jlex.U.lstmtg. bus. 6511 -N. X. A iieniSaK... UK UldOolonr. 178 Rutland, com 4 Uutland preferred.. 45 Wis. Central, com... Wis. Central pC. MlouezMeCo Calumet A Hecla.... trranaiin.. Huron Osceola. fewable Unlncv Bell Xelepnone... dosmh i.ana..,. Water Ifower... Tamarack SanUleco IS Santa Fe copper..,. 1 Philadelphia Mtocks. Closlnjr qnotatlons of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney & Stcnhenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue, ilembers Mew York titocfcJSx- cnange. DM. ,. S29i .. 1H .. 7K .. fa .. 31 .. 74 Asked. 195? UK Pennsylvania Ballrcad. , BeaainK Buffalo, Pittsburg Western..., LehlKh Valley Lenhrh navigation Northern Pacific... Northern Pacinc prererred , Mlnlnir Stocks. New York. December 1 Alice, 105: Best 4 Belcher. 275; Consolidated California and Vir ginia, 550; Deadwood Territory, 145; El Cristo, 100; Gould & Curry, 150; Homestake, 900; Horn Silver. 200: Iron Silver. 200; Mexican, 2B0,Ontario. 345: Plymouth, 290; Savage, 130; Serra Nevada, 230. . Business Notes. The firm of A. J. Givens & Co. has been dis solved, A. J. and S. D. Givens retiring. The Union Transfer and Trust Company oc cupies rooms in the Fidelity building, on Fourth avenue. The Secretary of the Treasury recommends the issue of Treasury notes on' deposits of sil ver uuuion. The amount of Government deposits in na tional banks at the commencement of this week was 542,624,2481 Twelve or 15 fine dwellings -will beerected on tho Wilkins' plan of lots, near Wilkinsburg, early next spring. It is stated thattheSugarTrusthasS13,000,000 cash on hand, and has earned its quarterly divi dend in the last four weeks. The prospect is good for even greater activ ity in iron next year than in the one drawing to a close, and prices may go higher. About 1300,000 will be paid to pensioners in the Pittsburg district duriag the present month. Payments commenced yesterday morning. .The business at the Torrens Transfer has been on the increase duriner the nast two weeks. This is accounted for by the approach of the nouuays. Business In mortgages is looking up. Forty nine were recorded yesterday. The largest was fortlO.000. Twenty-three of the total number were for purchase money. Secretary Windom's policy in regard to national banks meets tbe approbation of local financiers. Its enforcement so far has resulted in putting more money In circulation. A charter was granted at tbe State De partment yesterday to the Greensburg Steel Company; capftal.i 5100,00a A. C. Isaacs, of Pittsburg, is the principal stockholder. McReesport is enjoying a real estate boom, or something like it. Over 5250,000 worth of re alty has changed owners there In the last two months. Building v!i be active in the big borough next season. The settlement of the litigation between the little Miami Railroad and the Panhandle re sulted in the latter getting over 5500,000 for bet terments. This will materially strengthen Pan handle stock, A large amount of it is held here. It is expected that the lull in real estate will continue until after New Year's. A broker re marked: -"Investors won't do more until the January settlements show them bow they stand financially. The prospect for next year is ex cellent;" " SICK HEADACHE '-Carter's Little Liver Pills. SICK HILU)AjHECarter,aUtfler,lTerm,. SICK HKiDACHBCarUl,,utaeUTerHl!1. SICK HEADACHKClrU!I,,' mae u Pmj. JQl$-?MTSa DOMESTIC MARKETS. ImproYed Demand for Fresh. Poultry; but Old Stock Drags. ODE GAME MARKET LITTLE GOOD. Oats, Old Corn and Choice Hay SnoiriBf an Upward Tendencj. THE QUIET LUMBER SEASON IS HEBE Office op pittsbtjbo Dispatch, ? " Wednesday. December 4, 1888. i pountry Produce Jobbing; Prices. Trade la quiet. The demand for nice, fresh poultry is better than it has been since Thanks giving. Old stock, on the border of decay, is a drug on the market. A large amount of this quality of stock was left over from Thanksgiv. ing, and has exerted a depressing influence on markets. The supply of game is in excess of demand. Quail are cheaper hero than at Chi cago and St. Louis the past few days. Any quantity have been sold -within a day or two at 75c to tl per dozen, while Western prices have been tl 60 per dozen. Babbits sold at 12 to 15o a pair within a day or two. Gray squirrels are a drug at 75c to tl per dozen, and red squirrels can hardly be given away. In the line of gen. eral produce, markets are unchanged. There is an active movement of choice dairy products. In the next week all cheese products will "bo in the hands of dealers and a rise is confidently looked for. Choice creamery butter and fresh laid eggsarevery firm, Countrv butter is slow. Butteb Creamery, Elgin, 29K30c: Ohio do, 2827c; fresh dairy packed, 2224c; country rolls. 2122c Beaks Navy hand-picked beans, J2252 80; medium, (2 102 20. Beeswax 2830c $1 lb for choice; low grade, 1&&20C Oideb Sand refined, SO 607 60; common, $3 5024 00; crab cider. J8 008 50 $ barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c ? gallon. Chestnuts $o 0005 So ft bushel; walnuts, 6070c jp bushel. Cheese Ohio, llHKc: New'York, HKc; Limburger, OKSJllc; domestic Sweitzer, 11 13Kc; imported .Sweitzer, 23c Egos 2420e fl dozen for strictly fresh. PBtrrrs Aoples, fancy, 82 503 60 fl barrel; California pears, S3 504 00 a box; cranberries. Jerseys, 52 50 bushel box: Cape Cods, box, ?2 7503 00: Malaga grapes, large barrel. $8 00. Game Squirrels, 75cSl V dozen: quail, tP f? dozen; prairie chickens. 54 50o 00 fl dozen; pheasants, $4 605 00 f) dozen; rabbits, tl 501 75 ? dozen; venison saddle, 1517o jj) pound; venison carcass, 1213c $ pound. Feathebs Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1, do, 4045c; mixed lots. 3035c V &- Poultbt Live chickens, 6oC5c a pair; dressed. 89c a pound; ducks, 6i75c ft pair; geese, tl 2501 30 ft pair: lire turkeys, 10llc ft; dressed turkeys. 1214c fl ft. Seeds Clover, choice, 62fts to bushel. 15 00 6 2 6fl bushel; clover, large English. 62Sts, $5 50; clover, Alslke, S3 00; clover, white, t9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 fts, tl 60; bine grass, extra clean, 14 tts. 90c; clue grass, fancy, 14 tts, tl 00; millet; 50 tts, ll 00; German millet, 60 Sis, tl- 60; Hungarian grass, 50 tts. tl 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, $2 60 fl bushel of 14 tts. Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4J oc. Tbopicax Fbutts Lemons, common, 13 50 4 00; fancy, 54 005 00: Florida oranges, 5250 3 00; bananas, 52 00 firsts, tl 60 good' seconds, fl bunch; cocoanuts, 54 004 60 V hundred: ngs, SK9c W lb; dates, K6Kc V ; new layer figs, 14K16c: new dates. 7Kc fl tt.- veoetablxs Potatoes, from store, 5055c: on track, 4045c: cabbages, 54 008 00 a hun dred; celery, 40c dozen; Jerseys, S4 004 25; turnips, tl 001 oO a barrel; onions, 52 a barrel. BUCKWHEAT F.I.OT7S 2K2JsC f POUnd. Groceries. .Groceries are moving freely, but prices are unchanged. Coffee options stiU show an up ward tendency, and packages are firmly held at old rates. Sugar is firm enough to advance at an early day. Green Coftee Fancy'RIo, 5324c; choice Rio, 2122c; prime Rio, 20c; low grade Rio, I819Kc; old .Government Java, 2728c; Mar acaibo, 23K24c; Mocha, 2329c; Santos, 20X2ic; Caracas, 2224c; peaberry, Rlo,23 21c; La Guayra, 23K24c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c; high grades, 252Dc; old Government Java, bulk, 31K33c; Maraeaibo, 2728c; Santos, 24H28Mc; peaberry, 28)c; choice Rio, -25c; prime Rio, 23c; good Rio, 22J; otdinary, 21c SPICES (whole) Cloves, 1920c; allspice, 10c; cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c; nutmeg, 70S0c Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 testTWc; 'Ohio. 120, 8c: headlight, 150. Xc; water white, 10Kc: globe, 1414c: elaine,14Kc;car nadine, U)c; royaline, 14c; globe red oil. 11 HKc Miners' Oil No. 1 winter stralued. 4647o p gallon; summer. 404243c. Lard oil, 70c SYBOTS Cora syrup, 2830c; choice sugar svtud. 33R38c: prime suzar svrun. 30033c: strictly prime, S335c: new maule syrup, 90c N. O. MOLASSES Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c: medium, 43c; mixed, 4042c; choice new crop, 53c Soda Bl-carb in kegs, 33c; bl-carb in s, 5c: bl-carb, atsorted packages. 56c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated. 2c Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, set, 8Kc; parafilne, 11012c. Rice Head, Carolina, 63i7c; choice, 60 6c: prime, 56c: Louisiana, 56Vc Starch Pearl, 2Kc; cornstarch, 56c; gloss starch, 47c Foreign Fruits Laver raisins, 52 65; Lon don layers, 52 90; California London layers, 52 75; Muscatels, 52 25; California Muscatels, 52 10; Valencia,7c; Ondara Valencia, 85c; 8nltana,9Kc: currants,6K5c; Turkey prunes, 45c; French prunes. 69c; Balonica prunes, in 2-B packages, 8c; cocoanuts, fl 100; 56 00; almonds, Lan., lf a, 20c; do. Ivica. 19c; do. shelled, 40c; walnuts, nan., 12X15c; Sicily1 flloerts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 125lSc; new dates, &K6Kc; Brtzil nuts, 10c: pecans, ll15c; cit ron. $) B, 1920c; lemon peel, $1 ft, 16c: orange peeL 10c. Dried Fbutts Apples, sliced, per & 6c, ap ples, evaporated, 9c; apricots, California, evap orated. 1416c: peaches, evaporated, pared, 2628c: peaches, California, evaporated, nn pared, 1821c; cherries, pitted,13K14c; cher ries unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evaporated, 25V26Kc: blackberries, 7K8c; huckleberries, Sugars Cubes, 7Jic; powdered, TJfc; granu lated, 7c; confectioners' A, 7c; standard A, 7c; soft white, (6c;yellow,cboice,66c; yellow, good, 66c; yellow, fair, 6c; yellow, dark, 5c PlCKXES Medium, bbls (1,200), SCO; medi um, half bbls (600), 53 25. Salt No.L V bbl.95c: No. 1 ex, bbl, 5106; dairy. ?t bbl, tl 20; coarse crystal. bbl, tl 20: .Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 52 80; Higgles' eureka, 10-14 a pockets, 53 in. Canned Goods Standard peaches, 52 00 2 25; 2ds, 51 651 80; extra peaches, 52 402 60; pie peaches. 95c: finest corn. 51 0001 50: Hid Co. corn, 7590c; red cherries, 90ctl: Lima beans, si 20; soaked do, 83c: string do. oouoc: mar rowfat peas, SI IOiHJI 15; soaked peas, 7080c; pineapples, tl 401 50; Bahama do, 52 75; damson plums, 95c: greengages, tl 25; egg plums, $2 00; California pears. 52 50: do greengages, tl 85: do egg plums, tl 85: extra white -cherries, 52 40; raspberries, 95cSl 10; strawberries, 51 10; gooseberries, 51 Sosfl 40; tomatoes, 8590c; salmon, !-&, tl 651 90; blackberries, 65c; succotash, 2-B cans, soaked, 90c; do green. 2-B, tl 251 SO; corn beer, 2-B cans, 52 05; 14-fi cans, 514; baked beans, 51 45 1 50: lobster, l-&rtl 751 80; mackerel, lib cans, broiled, tl 50; sardines, domestic-Js, 54 2S4 60; sardines, domestic K, 56 757 00; sardines. Imported, Js, til 50312 50, sardines, imported, s, 518; sardines, mustard, 50 SO; saroines, spiceu, w ou. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 536 $ bbL; extra No. 1 do, mess, $40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, 532; extra No. 1 do, mess, 538: No. 2 shore mackerel. 524. Codfish Whole Pollock, 4c f B; do medium, George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c: boneless hake, in strips, 6c: do George's cod in blocks. 6X7c Herring Round shore, 51 50 bbl; split, 56 50; lake, 52 75 100-B half bbL White fish. S3 00 fl 100 B half bbl. Lake trout, 55 50 fl half bbL Fin nan haddock, 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut, 13c fl ft. Pickerel, Kbbl.2 00: JibbLtllO; Poto mac hernng, 55 00 bbL 52 SO fl Jf bbL OATHXAI-56 006 25 fl bbL Grain, Flour and Feed. - Receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex Change, 21 cars.- By Pittsburg. Ft, Wayne and Chicago, i cars of hay, 4 of flour, 1 of corn and straw, lot barley, 1 of straw. By Pittsburg, Cin cinnati and St. Louis. 4 cars of corn, 1 of oats, 1 of hay. By Baltimore and Ohio, 2 cars of hay, 1 of corn, 1 of rye. By Pittsburg and Western. 2 cars of hay, 1 of corn. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie. 1 car of com. There were no sales on calL There is a scarcity of oats and old corn, and prices are very firm. Choice hay is in bet ter demand, and tone of markets is stronger. Wheat and flour are fairly steady. Northwest ern millers grow steadily firmer in their ideas of values, and there is no longer the disposition to make concessions there was a few weeks ago. Prices below are for carload lots on track. Wheat New Nc 2 red. 8485c; No. 8, 80 82c COBS No. 2 yellow, ear, 4243c; new, 87938c; high mixed, ear, 4041c; No. 2 yellow, shelled. 4242Kc; new, 8738c; high mixed, shelled, 410 41Kc; mixed, shelled. 41041Kc Oats No. 2 white. 2829c; extra. No. 8, 27K28c; mixed. 2&26c Rte No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 60051c; Nal Western, 4849c; new rye, No. 2 Ohio, 45 Flora Jobblce prices Fancy winter and spring patents, 15 005 60f winter straight, itl2fti&; clear winter, H 004 26; straight , XXXX Bikers', t6 696 75. Ky -lour, 56 56 JJai-rEED MlddllDM fine "white, 15 090 15 IW ton; brown middlings, 110913CV: winter wheat bran, ill 25S11 60; chop feed, H5 59eittoa Bat Baled timothy. So. L 2112501150; No. 3 do, 58 00010 00; loose from wagon, til 00 012 00. according to quality; No. 2 prairie hay, ft &8 00; packing do. 57 257 6a STBAW-Oats. Jo 7587 00; wheat and rye Straw. W 006 25. ' PToTltlons. Sugar-cured hams, large, 10c; sugsx-curea hams, medium, !0c: sugar-cured hams, small, HKc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, Sc; sugar cured shoulders, bJia sugar-cured boneless shoulders.7Kc:sugar-cured California hams, 7cj sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sugar-cured dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, 12c: bacon shoulders, 5Jc: bacon clear sides, 7Kc; bacon clear bellies, 7Kc; dry salt shoulders, 5)c: dry salt clear sides, 7c Mess pork, heavy. 511 50; mess pork, family. 112 00. Lard refined, in tierces, 6c: half barrels. (c; 60-B tubs. 6c; 20-ft pails, 6Kc: 50 & tin cans, 6Kc; 3-ft tin pails, 6c: 6-lb tin palls, (c; 10-B tin pails, 6c; 5-B tin pails, gic. Smoked sausage, long, 6c; large. 5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams.l(c Pigs feet, half barrel, 54 00; quarter barrel. Dressed Heats. The following prices are furnished by Armour tCo. on dressed meat": Beef carcasses,450to550 lbs. 5c; 550 to 650 tts, 6c; 650 to 75Q tts, 6K06KC Sheep, 7Kc ft ft. Lambs; 9c fl ft. Hogs, 5?c Fresh pork loins, 7c Laraber. Trade is slow, as it uniformly is Just before and after holidays. The wretched condition of roads and streets in country towns has had a "depressing influence on trade in lumber lines the past month. Dealers do not push business on account of the difficulty encountered to de liver goods. We are now in the midst of the ?uiot lumber season, and no revival is looked or until well toward, spring. Prices are un changed. run mrPLAJTED taed quotations. Clear boards, per JI. t52CO."3 00 1 Select common boards, per JI. Common hoards peril a) 00 Sheathing ,... is 00 4U uu rue irame lumber per 31 a O0Q27 00 Shingles, No. 1, 18 In. per M 500 Shingles, No. 2, IS In. per M 375 Lath J 00 ruurzn. Clear boards, per SI , 60 00 Surface boards 30 0035 00 Clear, -lnch beaded celling 2S 00 Partition boards, peril 35 00 Flooring, No.l 3000 Flooring, No. 2 2500 Yellow pine flooring 30 00) 00 Weather-boarding, moulded, No. 1.... 30 00 Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 2.... 25 00 Weather-boarding, -lnch 2009 HAXtD WOODS YARD QUOTATIONS. Ass, 1M4 in 14000(35500 mack walnut, green, logrun 45O0a0O Bl-ek walnut, dry, logrun GO 00(375 00 iuerry , Green white oak nlank. 2 to 4 In. . 40 0O2SOOa 200O&2S00 - 5 ravax m Dry white- oak plank, 2 to 41n Dry white oak boards, lln 20 00(33 00 West Va. rellow nine. 1 inch srtflnifcsm WestVa. yellow pine, 1J4 Inch 23 00330 00 West Va. yellow poplar, ft to lln lsooigsoo Hickory, ito3fn 1SOO2$00 Hemlock building lumber, peril MOO Bank rails J4 03 Boat studding MOO Coal car plank is OO HARD WOODS JOBBDTO rziCZS. Ash...... $30 00345 03 Walnut log run, green : 25 00345 00 Walnut log run. dry SSCOS-MOO White oak plank, green 17 00318 00 White oaK plank, dry IS 00323 00 White oak boards, dry 1300023 00 WestVa. yellow pine, lln 21 OOrpJoo WestVa. yellow pine, 1 In 20 00025 00 Yellow poplar is 0O&2S00 urcyr, 13 w in. 'JJ UXOU5 03 Hemlock: 9 0010 00 Dunk rails , Boat studding., Coal car plank 14 00 MOO 1800 7cpeenbt 20-IEAR GOLD BONDS. We Offer si Par and Interest $500,000 Bear Lake and River Water Works and Irrigation Co. Bonds, Due In 1909, Interest Payable April I and October I. These bonds are a portion of a total of 12,000,000, and are issued to complete the construction of 120 miles of canals diverting the water of Bear Lake and Bear river into the Great Salt Lake Valley, Utah, for Irrigating 250,000 acres of land, and to supply tbe city of Ogden and other towns with water for domestic and manufacturing purposes. They are secured by a first mortgage on all the property, canals, franchises and water rights belonging to the Irrigation Company, including many thousand acres of fertile land in Salt Lake "Valley. The right is reserved to adrince the price without notice. For full information, address or inquire at the offices of the JARVTS-CONKLIN MORTGAGE TRUST COMPANY, No. 239 Broadway, New York; No. 518 Walnut street, Philadelphia: No. 60 State street, Boston, Mass., and No. 27 Custom House street,' Provi dence, R. I., or PITTSBURG COMPANY, LIM., j 140 Fifth avenue. no28-76-TTS BEECHAItt'S PILLS (THE CREAT ENCLISH REMEDY.) Cure BIX IOTJS and Nervous ILLS, 25cts. a Box. OF ALL rRTJCrOISOS. "Why toil and slave forever P Life was meant for living-, not eternal slaving-. Cease this -weary drudff ery. SOAPONA does your work itself, and neither injures hand nor fanric Then why do It youP Tia nonsense, very nonsense. Awake, Ladies, Awake I Tour health and life are at stake. Use SOAPONA everywhere. It cleans like magic BELL'S BUFFALO SOAP-BestSoap Mado. R.W.BELL MFG. CO., Buffalo, N.Y, mylSS-TT JAS. D. CALLER .-.President JOHN W. TAYLOR Cashier OITY SAVINGS BAJSIK, SIXTH AVE. AND 8MITHPIELD ST. Capital and surplus. 1125, (XXX Transacts a General Banking Business. yS-TTS SKIN DISEASES SWAYNE'S OINTMENT ABSOLUTELY CURES. Dimply apply 'SWATrax's Oumaarr.' Noln- ternal medicine reanlred. i meaicine i Cures tetter, eczema, itlv ernutlons on the Itch, erysipelas, all unslghtl chtlv face, bands, nose, etc., leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Iti great healing and curative leaving the skin clear. powers are possessea oy no ower rcmeuy. ais your druggist for SWATjrx's Onramt. uOA THE CONSUMPTION CAUSE OP is now admitted by the medical authorities to be a deficiency or undue waste of Oxidlzable Phosphorus normally existing in the human economy. The remedv consists in tbe admin istration of a preparation of Phosphorus being at once assimilable and oxidlzable. WINCHES TER'S HYPOPHOSPHITES is the only prep aration of Phosphorus which combines these characteristics in tbe highest degree. For Consumption, Bronchitis. Coughs, Night Sweats, and Nervous Diseases, it is unequaled. Recommended by Physicians. Sold by Drug gists, tl per bottle. Send for circular. WINCHESTER 4 CO, Chemists. mySl-2i-Torswk 183 William St. S. Y. M.anml jm mXERS and HEAD NOISES r C ift C CDKEO by Peck's P.t. In. U C MJk I" TtoibleTubnUr Ear Cosh. w Jess. Wtispers heard distmct. Ir. Suceeesful when ill remedies fad. Write or call for iltnstmUd book PREE. Sold only by P. HISCOX, 8a3 Btoadwv, cor. IHh St,, Sew York, Ko acents. B0ll-rr3euwk SOrfOll PDWDE! XXW 'ABYKRTISfcMjntTS; TOOLEiSALB -:-fl0USE WOOD AND LIBERTY STS. . Special attractions now open ia ta(i4;a goods specially suited lor the Holiday Met Dealers are invited to inspect the stocks which is complete, and at prices whichvcaa-" not foil to impress the buyer. ' noiy-9 OrRO WlWJI A purely Vezetabl-' Comnound that exoela all bad humors from th -system. Removes blotch' es and pimples, and makes pure, rich blood; ap2-58 BTMPTOMS-XtbS, res iKteima ltehlntf aadwtlniriagliMoatal lent! worse by neTBKJunE. .ir al lowed to eoattue tumors form sod ITCHING PILES..!: Erotmde, which often Im1 mxA vleermta. beeomlac Terr ore. SWATNtTS LNT. MOT tops toe ltehlBirand bleedlnc, heala ulceration, oodln stoat eooeo restores Lho to. mors. SwArjrc'sOOTiinrUMidbTdrocslt,oriiunlia any aodrcM on receipt of price, 50 et-a box: SboxesvlUo. ownrent ienen, iiK.DWAiakBUff. rauaaoipoia, n 3 isuokr Financial. -ITTHITNEY & STEPHENSON, EI FOURTH AVENUE. Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. DrexeV Morgan A Co., New York. Passports procured $5 TO S100 JUDICIOUSLY INVESTED'. A PERFECT '- '"jr Blood Parifleivl? ; m cc m fl 9 I vld fes BsVialnVa In stock options or margins in Wall St. leads t;4 , r J weaim. - ,, s , STEVENSON 4 CO., Brokers, -S5-no2C-TTSn 50 Now st, Ne w York. . . - JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum. Private wire to New York and Chicago. 15 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg. - . TOT23-S1 MEDICAL. DOCTOR . WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE, PITTSBURG. PA. As old residents know and back; files of Pitt, burg papers prove, Ij the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, de- voting special attention to all chronic diseases. SSffSffiSNOFEEUNTILCIJRED MrrDni IC?ana menial diseases pnysicat IN t II V U U Odecay. nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory, -disordered sight, self distrust, bashfuiness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak- . ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting tho person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKINstateTeruM blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. 1 1 R I M A D V kidney and Madder derangs. U nilNnn I intents, weak back, giavel. ca tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and other' painful symptoms receive searching treatment, ; Tirnmnt relief and real cures. Dr. Whlttler's life-long, extensive ezperJJFT? ence, insures scientincana rename treatmensi r- on common-sense principles, ijonsuiaiioniree.; Patients at a distance as carefully treated as If here. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. x. Sunday, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. DR. WHITTIER, 811 -Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. no9-30j4-isu-wk. Health is Wealth: v- Dr. E. C. West's Nkeve ash Heai. Tkeatmekt, a guaranteed speciflo for hysteria, dizziness, convulsions, fits, nervous neuralgia, headache, nervous prostration caused by ther use of alcohol or tobacco, wakefulness, mental depression, softening of the brain resulting la Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, premature old age. barrenness, loss of power in either sex, involuntary losses and spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of tho brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each, box contains one month's treatment, tl a box, or six boxes for to, sent by mail prepaid on re ceipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case.With each order received by ml for six boxes, accompanied with 15 00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not efv fectacure. Guarantees Issued only by EmilG. Stucky, Druggist, Sole Agent, 1701 and240t Penn, are. and cor. Wylle ave. and Fulton st Pitts burg. Pa. SC27-100-TTS3U DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS In all cases re quiring scientific and conOden -tial treatment! Dr. S.K. Lake, M. R. C. P. 8 is tho oldest and -. most experienced specialist in tbe city. Consultation free and, strictly confidential. Office; hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8p.m.; Sundays, Zto 4 p. . icConsult them personally, or write. SOCTOB33 ' LAKE. 328 Penn ave, Pittsburg: Pa. jel243-owk CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND. Safe and lwj rdlattla. Ladle, il aik XrniKsdit for Diamond Jrand. tn ret), meUftto tiozes, jKId with blue ribbon. Taka bo otkerw AH eftn In Dsvktstiimnl boxes with slnjtvns ten r dmartrouu erantenetta. Sea4 4. (ittnipi) for nrtlcolwt, teitlmonUlJi ; aad LKUef for Xd.,' in Mtara mmlL JfaMS Painr. CUC0Uram?lU,vHmBTVliT OCS-Tl-TTH s Ootrtoaa. Eocro", COMPOUND nosed of Cotton Root. TansT and Pmmww,! ft IWAnt (AVITArV BT &n'- 'old nhvsldan. Is suecessuSu used' jiumuuy oaie, jmscuiai. rnw j- j umu .-RpjtlAil- -Ladles, ask vnnr dnlffzist for COokS tiff W mfimtmL VnmmmvVPTjBnij ray 1 f ii 17 is Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute. .- j.H .-j or molose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. &&'.& .3 OTCBH fUAU AJLIX IjUdlXOil JI, ,U M JI mtwim . , Block, 131 woodward aveDetroit. iiicn. JS-3oId in Pittsburg. Pa, by Joseph Flen T! ing A son. Diamond and Market sts. se2S-23 '.' i Manhood RESTORED. M ErxrnTran. iTlctta of Touthrol lmprcdencs. canslns Premature Decay. Nerroos Peblhty, urn dy,haadlBCOTerelnitlmpteiDeapsof eir-cnT8-walda i he will send (sealed) FREE to his fellow-sufferers. Address, J. H. REEVES, P.O. Box 230, Hew York Chy. oclO-oS-TTSStt MEN ONLY! A PtMITTVK CUUB. vor ijjsr or iraninr MANHUOD-Merrou. ' npaa. AVearneas ofb ' hoot amino, uiceor strengtn, vior ana ue-- veiopment, caused by Errors, Excesses, Ac. Boot Mode of 8il-TBtATjrtsT7 and Proofs mailed iseaiea) rree. Address KBIK MEUieAIi COV, llairalo. H. Y. deS-J7-TTsJtwk mMM snffi fium the eff tecU 01 joatnrni er., 1 rors. enrry cecay, lort manSood,is. IwilTiKnTaTatnaWetreatlsefsealedJfil eontjuslatr ran particulars tor soma wn, ui PROF. F. C. FOWLER, Moodus. Conn. --1 UCIO-U-DSUWIC HARE'S REMEDY For men! Checks the worst cases in.thr davs. and cures in fin rfirt Prlea SI 00. at" J. FliEMmiPS DROGSTOKE-tJ ja5-TISM U2 Market strtwt, ? -. -. JW c r.S ?& H i -Mj JSfti