Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 05, 1889, Image 4

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. S8 00
garter SOO
,j Mouth. TO
lncludingtjunday, lyear. TOW
j, lncludingBnnday,3m'ths. 2 50
.rcn, including bunday.l month 90
.ipiTriL One Year.. ...... ... 2 50
fctV- r IMsrATCH. One Year
I Ithx Daily Dispatch is delivered ny earners
35 cents Der week, or including ounu y cw".
"at SO cents per week. ,
The announcement of the appointment to
the Supreme Bench, of Judge Brewer, otthe
United States Circuit Court, is an extremely
disappointing one in many respects. The
passing OTer of the names which hate been
presented for the position, in order to ele
vate Judge Brewer, suggests a principle of
selection which can only be to the discredit
of the administration.
rThe main quality which has made Judge
Brewer's name known beyond his circnit
has been the remarkable facilities which the
most unscrupulous corporation manipulators
ive had for securing from his court what
Ter action they mieht desire. This was
especially brought out in the case of the
"Wabash receiveiship, and a second time in
the case of the Iowa railroad law, in which
the State supervision of railroads, previous
ly declared by the United States Supreme
Court to be the exclusive jurisdiction of the
States, was held by Judge Brewer to be
subject to the review of the United States
Circuit Bench on which he sat.
The corporation questions which are
likely to come before the Supreme Court
are among the most vital at stake in this
country since the war issues. To make ap
pointments (or the purpose of insuring de
cisions favorable to the corporations would
be a distinct betrayal of the public rights,
let there is little assurance that such is not
the ease, when the Judge who exposed and
removed Jay Gould's wrecking receiver of
the Wabash system is passed over in order
to promote the Judge who appointed and
upheld the wrecker.
The placing of large contracts for iron ore
in Pittsburg, two months ahead of the usual
lime, coupled with the brisk activity which
pervades all our mills, and the active move
ment of coke and iron products over the
railroads, make it clear that next year's iron
trade will equal, if not surpass, the activity
and prosperity of the year that is just draw
ing to a close. All indications point to this
desirable conclusion. Indeed, the only
features which the constitutionally pessimist
ic mind can find to criticise are the tendency
toward increased cost of materials and
products, which may go to a point where
consumption can be checked, and the dis
position to spread out in extensions, to an
extent which might be inconvenient if tbe
check should come. "With these dangers
guarded against, there is no reason why the
present prosperous outlook should not be
regarded as promising a long and steady era
of good business.
' The time is approaching when we shall all
lave that delightful dury of buying Christ
inas presents forced upon us. The premoni--.
tions of that joyful period are plentiful.
The mails are full of circulars, announcing
store openings for the season, and the
peculiar suitability of this or that article
for the season's gifts. A man writes all the
way from Chicago to snggest to us the de
sirability of letting our friends taste
Slaughterem's Extract of Meat at this glad
festival; and there are not wanting happy
beings who confront us with the astonishing
aptness of clothes books, meat grinders,
second-hand lawnmowers, tool chests, false
teeth, ink: and unbreakabl s cuspidors, as re
minders of universal good feeling at Christ
xnastide. We quarrel with none of these good pro
ponents save one. She is a woman, too, and
ve would have welcomed her little offer if
Ve could have done so in fairness to our
selves and our friends. She wants sub
scribers to a cheap funeral company, and
she offers extremely reasonable rates for
sepulture. It may be as she says that the
winter season is opportune for such over
tures, but the man who would send even to
an enemy, a coffin for a Christmas present
deserves to need one instantly himself.
)'- It is rather interesting to find that the
'speech which the Hon. William. Walter
"'Phelps made at the Thanksgiving dinner in
Berlin, attended by Count Herbert Bis
marck, does not -please the Kevr York
World. Taffy is universally recognized as
an international commodity in diplomatic
dealings; but the esteemed World is decid
edly of the opinion that in the exchange of
compliments between our Minister and the
younger Bismarck the balance of trade was
left too decidedly on the tide of Germanv.
It declares that Mr. Phelps "'slathered'
the German Emperor with laudations fit
only to proceed from the mouth of a Prus
sian subaltern officer eager to 'bend the
pregnant hinges of the knee that thrift
might follow fawning." This indicates
that the Bepublican Mr. Phelps must have
rivaled the adulations which under the last
administration the Democratic Mr. Phelps
offered up at the shrine of British royalty
and aristocracy. As to surpassing Mr.
Phelps, the Democratic Minister to En
gland, in that line, that is beyond the power
of Mr. Phelps, the Bepublican Minister to
The exceedingly high standard set by
certain lawyers, when the exigencies of
their case demand an exceptional degree of
stupidity or credulity in the jury, has often
been commented upon. But the lawyer in
a spiritualistic libel case at New York, Tues
day, who got bis own case thrown out of
ccurt, because be would have no juror who
'fjL .was not prepared to give credit to the in-
Ky uie, id euuueu m uc vuaiujjiunsaip.
insist that the jury which tries a
ous murderer shall be of the stupid
(bat never reads the newspapers and
ows nothing of public events, is a thread-
requiiement; and really, considering
general character of juries, it does not
m altogether unreasonable. But this
lliwyer baits at no such common-place limi
tation. If the juror is not ready to lend a
"willing ear to testimony that a grease-spot
&onlhe floor developed into visions of de-
aflight from the seventh heaven; or that a
flovely young 'woman shut up in a burglar-
proof vault emerged thtnee without
f-.mellocki-he jcannot
litigation. In abort, this
ryfitnesa,'reqnlres the juror to
. unbelievable and. lead the ear of
if only to the statements of
iy and common-place facta.
ae utility of this theory is by no means
-jnfiued to the prosecution of sniritualist
lawsuits. Tbe illustration already sug
gested might be of great use in defending
the 'safe-crackine profession; while in a
green-goods case the requirement that a jury
should be prepared to believe testimony
that 10,000 in first-class greenbacks was put
into a satchel and turned into waste paper
on the way to the depot would be very use
ful in earning iigb fees. There is bardly
any department of criminal effort which
might not be benefited by the theory that
the jury must believe the most incredible
testimony, if furnished to order.
The developments of such theories of the
legal profession are calculated to arouse our
special wonder. But the trouble is that
they leave the public esteem as an entirely
undeveloped and dormant faculty.
It is not the fault of the real estate agents,
or of the reporters of the city press, if the
Pennsylvania Bailroad does not eventually
get a new and handsome depot in the heart
of the city, For three years or more the
newspapers have been planning for that
convenience. They have selected this site
and that; they have purchased property for
the road, drawn up designs for the new
buildings done everything in fact that an
enterprising press, conscious of the require
ments of the situation, could -be expected to
do; and finally when the prospect seemed
most hopeful, and even the real estate agents
began to believe in tbe transactions they
were themselves represented as making, lot
there comes a cold, unsympathetic denial
from the highest local authority ot the road
so inclusive in its negation as to sbnt out
pretty much all such depot projects, past,
present or immediately prospective.
However, this would but make more mys
terious the recent unusual activity of real
estate at high prices in the district in ques
tion, were there not one evident reason to
give for it. That is simply the pressure for
business room in the old part ot the city.
Tne tremendous rate of growth here for . the
past few years has compelled merchants to
look out, not only for present accomodation,
but to take into account also future neces
sities. This condition of things will of
itself keep the real estate men and report
ers active, even though tbe cherished depot
project is laid away once again on the shelf.
While Pittsburg is enjoying a business
aspect of almost unalloyed prosperity
with the exception of tbe merely local bank
failure in Lawrenc'eville Wall street is dis
playing a panicky feeling. The reason of
the difference is not hard to discover, nor is
it without sound business instruction.
Pittsburg's prosperity is based on tbe
legitimate supply and the country's demand
for iron and steeL It is based on conserva
tive prices for whatever Pittsburg sells, and
as a result the demand is expanding to an
extent in excess of immediate supply that
forces prices into an advancing tendency.
New York, on the other band, has been
plunging into the trust speculations.
Founded on equal disregard of the laws of
trade and the laws ot the country, these
concerns were successful for a short time in
getting up an inflation of their stocks and
persuading tbe Wall street public to em
bark in them. The inevitable collapse has
been hastened by the discovery that the
laws do not permit themselves to be nulli
fied without protest, and the shrinkage in
four trust stocks alone during the past few
months is between $100,000,000 and $150,
000,000. It is fashionable among Wall street organs
to ascribe the panio of 1873 to granger legis
lation. The fact is, bowever, that it was
caused by the reaction from an era of the
wildest railway inflation building roads on
a capitalization of three or four times the
amount of bona fide cash cost. The same
feature has produced financial reverses both
before and since that date. We presume, if
any serious complications arise from the
collapse of the trusts, Wall street will make
haste to lay the responsibility somewhere
else than on the dishonesty and inflation of
those schemes.
Nevertheless it will be worth while to
bear in mind the fact, shown by the contrast
between Pittsburg and New York, that when
legitimate business is kept up panics do not
come. Those reverses are invariably prod
uced by speculation and inflation.
The United States have always been
ready to give the people of the old world,
who still retain the burden ot royalty or
imperial despotism, the benefit of their ex
perience in self-government, but now the
time seems to have come for more practical
aid in tbe transformation of institutions
which is taking place slowly but surely in
Europe. What we mean is that a company
of experts in Republic making combining
bright minds of this continent with the
more fiery spirits of South America would
find a field for remunerative labor in several
parts of Europe, Talking of SouthernB e-
publicans the accomplished revolutionists
of Brazil, who turned a monarchy into a Be?
public with no more fuss than it they had
been breakfasting, ought to be very much
sought after when the Latin races of South
ern Europe determine to rule themselves.
Aside from the philanthropic aspect of
tbe enterprise, it ought to be profitable.
People oppressed by effete or any other kind
of undesirable Kings, Emperors or
Princes surely would be willing to pay for
the rapid, easy and safe erection of Repub
lics. In England, and we dare say in other
countries, skillful hands could put up a Be
public, "while you wait," as it were. There
is money in it and honor, too.
The report that Kansas farmers are burn
ing corn for fuel is regarded by some of our
cotemporaries as indicating an economic
saving. It may be so in one sense, as it is un
derstood that the price of a bushel of corn in
Kansas is actually less than the cost of a
bushel of coal; but it is, nevertheless, an
economic waste which is indicative of
something wrong.
While it is natural, under certain circum
stances, that an abundant yield of corn might
make its cash market value so slight that it
cannot bear the cost of transportation to
market, and therefore cannot be promptly
turned into cash, it ought to be worth more
as the raw material which can be converted
into staples that can be transported, such as
pork or beef, than it is to burn up as fuel.
What all the circumstances may be which
subject tbe farmers to this loss may not be
clear; but in the combinations which on one
side sustain the cost of anthracite coal, and
on the other are alleged to keep down the
price of cattle anil hogs, a partial explana
tion may be found of tbe circumstances
under which Western farmers finding coal
too dear to buy and corn too cheap to sell,
are using the latter-as fuel.
Illustrations of this sort, balanced by the
dlfficulty'of we-?kw''WrouT cities to
obtain an abundance of , feed, are decidedly
strong indicatibns that the financial methods
of the day are- levying undue burdens on the
common people.
Now it Is reported that at the' last moment
the multi-millionaires of i?e w York will step tn
and capture the Congressional fancy by sob
scribing enough to tho World's Fair fund to
mate the total up to $20,0OO.OOO. While this in
volves a decided change of "heart on the part of
the millionaires. It is to be hoped that it may
prove true,f or the reputation of the millionaires
themselves. The same consideration also per
mits the hope that they will throw tn enough to
finish the Grant monument whilo they are
about it.
The proprietors of Florida winter resorts
are now freshly painting their taverns and
putting new coats of varnish on their alligators
In order to let them present their best appear
ance to people from tho North. In the mean
time the oranges, the sole products of Florida
which come North, continue as sour as ever.
The deposit of a large surplus in the
national banks by the United States Govern
ment is "shown by the Secretary ot the
Treasury's report to be bad policy; but it Is not
shown to be any worse policy than keeping a
large surplus idle in the Treasury itself.
Jay Gould recently retired from active busi
ness once mora, and a number of the other
speculators in Wall street are making tho dis
covery that several millions of what was once
their money have retired with him.
The refusal of the Court to appoint a re
ceiver for the Lawrence Bank on, the motion of
the Auditor General, until certain formalities
are complied with, puts that action back for at
least 30 days. In the meantime the depositors
will not be in a mood to share the holiday fes
tivities. There is just one thing that would
help them out of their gloom in this matter,
viz: an early and favorable statement from the
assignee. If the facts and figures ot tbe situa
tion at all warrant it.
Tee Soudanese are on the march again
with tho expressed Intention of wiping out
Christian civilization. With recent disclosures
as to the character of some parts of our civil
ization, the principal emotion inspired by this
announcement Is fear that the Bondanese will
not succeed in their reformatory enterprise.
Jay Gouid's subscriptions of 525,000 to
tbe New York fund and 100,000 to the St.
Louis fund, are both evidently based on the
principle that it is well to subscribe liberally
when yon are safe against the subscription
every being collected.
Now that the President's message Is out it
permits the invidious comment that one ex
planation of the war in which Miss Sangster
kept the secret so successfully was that there
was no secret in it worth telling.
The coke and car famines have abated, as
nearly together as effect can follow cause. The j
furnaces can now keep in active operation, ana
the coke regions "can get rid of their surplus
stock. Talk of $2 00 coke is heard; but with the
memory before them of the effects of the last
advance to that figure, tho coke interests will
probably recognize the wisdom of letting very
well Indeed alone, and of reaping the harvest
of good profits at present prices.
The assignee of the Lawrence Bank has
about three weeks longer to discharge his
duties before a receiver can take his place. If
he can, before the expiration of that time, get
oat a good statement and show the creditors a
good chance of getting their money back, his
term may be indefinitely extended.
Ax open switch was the cause of the last
collision on the Pennsylvania Railroad. The
discipline and equipment of that great line
should be kept up to its old standard of having
no open switches where they should be closed.
Tbe first edition of the Congreuional
litcord and Congressional Directory appear
this week. The departments of realistic litera
ture and the production ot waste paper are
having a boom.
The case of highway robbery which oc
curred on one of our leading avenues Tuesday
night presents a variation from the usual rob
bery case, by the capture of one of the Tobbers
on Wednesday. If the police can make that
prompt, work the rule instead of the exception,
the thievish fraternity will be apt toseek other
fields of industry.
The first hippopotamus ever born in the
United States has made its appearance in New
York, and an exchange says: "Of course it
will be named Chauncey." This must be In
compllment-to Mr. Depew's dining powers. It
cannot be based on the hippopotamus' manly
beauty or his genius for oratory.
The Pennsylvania Bailroad officials de
clare that tho reported purchases of real estate
for their company are cases of whole cloth con
struction; bat the purchases by some one keep
right along notwithstanding the denials.
FlBES and railroad accidents, of second
rate character, in tbe magnitude of their fatal
results, are crowding each other pretty closely
at present In the record of death-dealing
Mast Audeesos is again visiting Lord Ten
nyson. Becretaet Noble left Washington yester
day for bis home in St. Louis. He is expected
to return the early part of next week.
Minister WHITEI.AW Reid and Mrs, Held
have gone to tbe South of France. They will
also visit Borne. They will be absent from
Paris for a month.
Miss Hattie Blaise, the Secretary's
youngest daughter, who is to make her
debut in Washington society this winter, is
described as the beauty of the family.
James 8. Camion, an aged man now living
In Baltimore, Md., claims to have been the
first discoverer ot the peculiar effects of co
caine. Ho says that as early aa 1819 he knew
tbe properties ot the drug and made use ot
it in his own family.
Beoxson Howabs. the successful play,
wright, is a small, clean-cut man in middle
life. He wears eyeglasses and a mustache.
He does not look any more imaginative than
does William D. Howells. In tact, these two
successful wlelders of tbe pen look more like
brokers or bankers than like literary men.
The Bev. B. Heber Newton it 49 years of
age and has been a D. D. during nine and a
quarter of them. His face is thin and guilt
less of hair, yet he has a grown-up son study
ing art in Paris, and three others whom he
scrutinizes through a pincenez. His sermons
are published in cold type 13 times a year, and
' ho wears a turn-down collar.
Not everyone knows that the Hon. Chauncey
M. Depewhasa brother who is a prosperous
.business man in Detroit. There this brother Is
affectionately known to everyone as "Larry,"
and for the same reason that someone was
called Peter In one of Gilbert's comio poems,
"because Peter was his name." When the
father ot the two Depewboys planned to give
them both a collegiate education, the idea was
for them to lay the foundations of the higher
studies in the local academy. At the end of
tbe first term the father got a bill lor Cbaun
cey's tuition, but none for Larry's. Lawrence
had not been to the academy at all. It was
found that he was clerking In a store in the
village. That ended the attempt as far as Law
rence was concerned. Ho was permitted to
stick to business.
A Limit to Man' Capabilities.
Franklin (Q.) Banner.
A man maybe in possession of various tal
ents, and capable of enacting wonderful and
noblo deeds, but there .Is, one thing which is an
utter impossibility lor him to do, and that Is, he
can't wink and work bis ears at the same time.
Nothing but the much-slandered, although in
tellectual mule has the gift to perform this
marvelous act.
- -.)rMhJ'
A Proper Way to Petrify Kate The Aafe
Wason's BeHsh-Gea. WHey and a Lady
Wao Panted tan Earth Tho Buffer af
Too Mack.
"How are you getting along with the chick
ens?" I asked an enterprising citizen who is
determined to supply himself with eggs and
"Well enough, now," was the reply, "but the
rats played tbe mischief at first. Tbe plaguey
brutes would steal a young chicken rleht under
my nose. You see I bouse my chickens in tbe
stable, and I was afraid to use Bough on Bats
lest the chickens or the horse should get hold
of it. But I've hit on a plan now which Is clear
ing out tbe rats as fast as possible."
"New kind of trap, ehf'
'No, I've made a mixture of cement and
flour, both dry, In equal parts, and havo it
about tho stable. The chickens can eat It it
they've a mind to without harm to themselves,
but it fixes every rat forever that makes a meal
of It. For as soon as a rat has eaten his fill of
the cement and Hour he feels thirsty and drinks
water as soon as he can get it. The cement in
tho rat's interior turns to stone as soon as
the water reaches it, and the result Is a petri
fied rodent before he knows what's the matter
with him. I haven't seen a rat for weeks.'1
Yon may talk of your bells, my dear Mr. Poe
You sang of a nnmber a good while ago
And I'm free to admit they're many that ring
Olad tidings to men, and that sort of thing.
And I mind me ofMatblas, hoof the play
And the Polish Jew's sleigh bells they haunt mo
Errckman and Chatraln and bring, I guess,
Small power would find In the bells I address.
For the bells I am hearing from, moraine till
Tell not of rejoicing, nor do ther affright;
They ring o'er the neck of a broken-down horse,
And herald the ash-wagon's furious coarse.
H. J.
Soke schoolmaster abroad, I plainly foresee,
will call me down for tbe use of Itathias In tbe
first line of the above chaste lyric's second verse.
Pronounced as it Is commonly, it would leave
the line a foot short, but in the play of "The
Bells," when it was given by Mr. Irvings com
pany, the name was always pronounced as if
spelt Mat-ee-yas, and that Is the pronunciation I
am out for. All cold, cruel critics, pedagogic
or otherwise, will bepleased to take notice and
jump on the writer elsewhere.
Fob ail the world I couldn't tell what sets
me thinking ot bothersome people, for the un
fortunate wretch who is shut up in his house
for a week with physical pains that are inter
mittent learns to welcome the sight oi a visi
tor no matter who it is as I Bupposo a
Siberian exile does the appearance of a mes
senger from the world without ;Yet something
,or other has reminded me ot General Wiley's
experiences with the horde ot pestering men
and women who descended npon him when he
had charge of the Department of Publlo Safety
In the reorganization of battered Johnstown.
The other day I heard a story which illus
trates some of the trials General Wiley en
countered in his position. A certain woman
who came to Johnstown on a very charitable
and honorable mission went to General Wiley's
headquarters the night she arrived and asked
him to send an orderly with her to pnt up her
tent General Wiley directed the orderly to
raise the tent and make it habitable'to the best
of his ability. The orderly obeyed orders and
returned in due time to headquarters. Hardly
had he arrived whep the distinguished woman
trotted into the General's presence and said:
"Oh, General, could you let me have an
orderly again. I want tbe tent turned around
the other way." '
"Certainly, madam," said General Wiley.
The orderly disappeared with the lady and
again returned. Once more upon his heels
came the lady with a request for an orderly to
take her trunk up to tbe tent from the depot.
This was done and then for the fourth time the
petitioner again appeared with a request for an
orderly to move her tent a few teet higher up
the bill. Exactly what General Wiley said I
don't know, but It was something like this:
"Madam, you can take all the orderlies I hare,
and have them turn your tent upside down, or
on Its edge, or any way yon please," and when
the great lady was gone the handsome soldier
made some editorial remarks whose strength
and size could not be conveyed in smaller typo
than long primer. ,
No wonder that when that clear-headei
business-like woman of affairs. Mrs. Dr.Eastvn,
went into General Wiley's headquarterslat
Johnstown, and asked him simply to point lut
to her from his tent door the Bureau of infor
mation and declined his offer to send an officer
to show her the way, he broke out in astoi
pleasure: "You are the first woman, Mrs.
ton, who has not wanted halt dozen orde:
and all the staff officers to escort her over
mud patch!"
Too much of anything is bad
Too much tall talking in a lad;
Too many simpers in a maid;
A magistrate too much afraid
Of rognes who run a city ward;
Too much of boarding houses' board;
Too much oi letters f resldental.
And too much talk that's transcendental;
Too many courses at a dinner;
Too many Judges of a sinner;
Too many Christians bound to fight,
All certain they alone are right;
Too many haunts for "easy-speaking;1
Too many hustlers office seeking;
for baseball far too many players,
Who pitch in lies in heavy layers;
In fact the toos are, more'i the pity
Too many for this simple ditty.
H. J.
As to tho Propor Mode of Stock Gambling
and Speculation.
Chicago, December 1 T. Ogawa, a member
of the Organization Committee of the Tokio.
Japan, Bourse, is at tbe Grand Pacific, on his
way to New York. He Is on an important mission
to the United States. Said he to a reporter.
'There are at present in Japan 12 rice and five
stock exchanges. The licenses under which they
are now operated expire June 1, 1891,af ter which
time it is desired by the Japanese Government
and the principal exchange managers
that certain improved methods should
be introduced, and for this purpose the
aid and earnest co-operation of leading
merchants and ' business men of Japan
were invited. In order to better bring
about tbe result, It was thought best to insti
tute inquiries both in Europe and America as
to practical methods, both present and past,
of conducting exchanges there In vogue;
and I was appointed one ot a commis
sion for collecting such data. My questions
would be based upon tbe practices of tho ex
changes in Japan, for which reason many in
dications of dissimilar methods observed in
American exchanges will be found. Much is
expected by my people as to the result of the
report which my commission will make, and
for this reason I respectfully go about bother
ing your board ot trade and exchange people."
Amontr the things Mr. Ogawa will ask Chi
caeo business men will be those concerning the
capital stock and share holders, the steps to
secure permission from the Federal or State
Government for the establishment of ex
changes, and the relations which exist between
tbe Federal or State Governments and the ex
changes in regard to tbe business of the latter;
members of the exchanges, departments of the
exchange hall, terms for future or direct
delivery price, and limitation of amount of
transactions; securities, breaches of contract,
and penalties, tbe relations between members
or brokers of the exchanges and principals
who delegate business to them, and kindred
subjects. Mr. Ogawa will occupy a year in
America gathering bis information.
Decide That a Change or Prices at Present
U Inexpedient.
Philadelphia, December 4 Pursuant to
a call issued November 25 by President Oliver
Williams, a meeting of the Eastern Bar Iron
Association was held here to-day for an inter
change of opinion as to the condition of the
trade. All present teemed to consider the bus
iness in a promising condition, most of them
reporting that they were filled with orders for
the remainder of the year.
The general seaboard price Is 2 cents per
pound, and it was deemed inexpedient to
chance prices at this time. It was, however,
decldedto hold another meeting here on Fri
day, December 20, to carefully consider the
question ot extras and other Important mat
ters for the new year.
A Wonderful Woman.
From the Chicago Tribune.3
A Jamaica girl who 1 an orphan has refused
37 offers of marriage. She Is worth $1,000,000.
The wonder Is that the number of offers is so
small ana it would not bo if she lived tn New
A. StM The Brlaaa Marvefeai Lack
Hawallaa Fbaenaea.
Paradise of tbe raelflc, Honolulu.!
Eane-au-kai Is the name of a stone near
Walmea, on the Island of Oihff. It has a very
curious legend connected with it Many years
ago how many, this deponent saith not the
fishermen of Waimea went out on a morning to
fish. They cast their nets as usual, but op
taking them up, found tbey had caught noth
ing. They moved a little away to some other
spot, but with no better success. They ohanged
again, but failed. After these futile attempts
had been often repeated, they were about to'
haul in their nets and return homeward, for
the gods of the sea seemed, that day, at least,
to be unpropltious. However, tbey deter
mined, before leaving, to try once again. This
time tbe net was loaded. Tbey supposed, from
the weight, that some monster of the deep was
in the meshes.
On hauling the net ashore, they found
nothing in it bnt a stone. Tbe stone was flung
into the sea, another cast of the net followed,
and again it came np heavy. There was in it
a stone, and amazed were they to find It the
same stonO tbey had already flung into the sea.
A second time the offending stone was cast
into the deep, and the fishermen moved off to
a new location. One mora attempt was made
at fishing, when, a third time, up came the
identical stone. The fishermen were, by this
time enraged. With vigorous strokes, and'
tierce V1MKU uu tuweu luey lac affray DGanaxu,
and tossed the intruding stone overboard.
Certain that now they were rid of it, they re
tired to their fishing grounds and proceeded,
on the spur ot fresh excitement, to ply Jhetr
labors. The net filled and now they palled
shoreward with many congratulations. They
rejoiced in the prospect of a good return to
offset the adversities of the morning. Out of
the not came the stone, only that and nothing
more. Awed now by its miraculous reappear
ance, they carried it reverently. to land, and
kneeling around, paid it divine honors. Re
turning to their work, they cast their net, and
now were they rewarded with the finest haul of
fish ever they had taken. Thus runs the legend,
and, to this day, on returning from the harvest
of the ocean, the first fish taken by tho head of
the party is laid, tor future good luck, on tbe
stone Kane-au-kai.
X Prominent Knnsaa Lawyer Named for
tho Supreme Bench.
WAsnrs'aTOir, December 4, The President
sent to the Senate to-day tbe nomination of
David J. Brewer, of Kansas, to be Associate
Justice of tbe Supreme Court of the United
David J. Brewer, the newly appointed As
sociate Justice, Is about 50 years old, and a
native of Smyrna, Asia Minor. His father, He v.
Joslah Brewer, was a missionary to that coun
try when the Justice was born, but returned to
this country when David was 3 years old. The
appointee graduated from Yale College, by a
strange coincidence, in tbe same class with
Judge Hrown. of Detroit, and John Mason
Brown, of Kentucky,both of whom were promi
nently named in connection with the appoint
ment. After a years study of the law in New
York City, Mr. Brewer removed to Kansas,
where he early took a prominent place in his
profession. He served two terms of six years
each on the bench of the Supreme Court of
that State, and bad entered upon tbe third
term when President Arthur appointed him
Judge ottbe Eighth Judicial Circuit, to suc
ceed George W. McCrary.
Justice Brewer is a nephew of Justice
Stephen J. Field, his mother having been a
member ottbe famous Field family. The ap
pointment is generally well received, Jnstica
Miller, over whose circuit Justice Brewer has
presided, speaks of him in the warmest terms,
ranking him among the ablest of Judges on the
bench. Dr. Morrison says tbe appointment will
give satisfaction to all parties in Kansas.
Tho Problem of Settling Virginia's Debt
Again Before the Legislature.
Richmond. December 4. At noon to-day the
Virginia Legislature, elected in tbe contest of
November 6, was opened. Both branches are
overwhelmingly Democratic In the Senate
that party has 81 of the 10 members, and in the
House 85 of the 100. Soon after the two houses
were organized Governor Fitzbugh Leo, who
will be succeeded on January 1 next by Cap
tain Philip McKlnney, sent in his last annual
message. Tbe feature of this paper is its
treatment of the debt, the question which has
been the cause of so much political strife in
this State for tbo past 12 years
Some of tbo best financiers think that Gov
ernor Lee, in this message, has come nearer a
solution of this question than any of bis prede
The Increase la Internal Revenue na Com
pared With Last Year.
Washixhjton, December 4 Tbe total col
lections of internal revenue for tbe first four
months of the fiscal year were $18,783, 350. an
increase of M, 039,331, as compared with the col
lections during the corresponding period of
the last year.
The Increase has averaged over $1,000,000 a
month, and was principally due to the in
creased consumption of spirits, tobacco and
fermented liquurs. Tbe increase on spirits
alone was S2.383.16U Tbe receipts for October,
1ES9, were S56S.558 greater than for October,
Missouri Citizens Object to Compulsory
Obiervanco Of tho Snbbatb.
Washington, December 1 Senator Cock
roll to-day presented a memorial of citizens of
Ralls and Pike counties, Mo., remonstrating
against the passage of any bill for the observ
ance of Sunday, or any other religious institu
tion or rite, and also against any amendment
to the Constitution, providing for religious in
struction in the public schools.
It prays that the Government be kept strictly
secular, and that church and state be entirely
NEW Yoke Evening World (Dem): Though
tinged with bitter partisanship the message is
an Important one and deserving of tbe careful
consideration of every American citizen.
New York Herald (Dem): President Har
rison's message is a plain, business document,
well written and making recommendations
strictly in the line ot the Republican platform.
Philadelphia Inquirer (Rep): President
Harrison has given Congress a thoroughly old
fashioned message. Itis conservative and yet
decisive, unpretentious except as to length, and
doos not attempt to usurp any of tbo functions
of tho legislative branch of the government.
Cleveland Leader (Rep): The dominant
characteristic of President Harrison's first
message to Congress is its strong Republican
ism. It expresses and illustrates the spirit of
progressive and patriotic Republican policy In
every paragraph. It is the address of an earn
est and thoughtful executive.
Philadelphia jPreit (Rep): It is the
strongest proof at once ot tbe prosperity of the
country and tbe prudent common sense of
President Harrison that, save on four or five
subjects, his recommendations in regard to the
vast work of Federal Administration urge a
policy which every good citizen will approve.
Philadelphia Timet (Ind. Dem): The
President's first message to Congress is just
such a cautious, conservative paper as was to
have been expected from him. If any one
looked to Mr. Harrison for a bold declara
tion of party policy, like that conveyed in Mr.
Cleveland's famous message to the Congress
before this, the expectation was hardly justified
by bis past deliverances and will certainly not
be realized by the present.
NEWY0EK2W6une(Rep): Its most strik
log characteristic is the absence of pretense,
exaggeration or rhetorical flourish, and there
is no attempt to enlarge upon especial topics
tor tbe sake of catching temporary popular ap
plause or partisan advantage. It has the tone
throughout of conscious strength and sincerity,
and ot profound conviction that the people
will unwaveringly sustain the national policies
to which they gave approval by their votes one
year ago.
NewYoek Bun (Dem): For originality,
grasp of public questions andonse of perspect
ive in the statement of the condition of 'nat
ional affairs, General Harrison's message com
pares unfavorably with the first message sent
to Congress by Mr. Hayes twelve years ago.The
weakest man that ever ocenpied the White
House had more to offer to CongTessJin tho way
of information and suggestion, and offered it
with a more vigorous individuality ot thought
and expression than the present Individuality
ot the thought and expression than the present
chief executives! the United States cm ex
hibit or command.
. L.t. frndajKEnR fttdOi'S .x -
MIm Lily Walker BatertelM Haaaaeauly
at the Walker Bfaaaloa on Western Ave
nueSuperb Appointment! la Every
Fully 150 ladles called at the Walker resi
dence on Western avenue yesterday afternoon
in response to invitations issued by Miss Lily
Walker to an afternoon tea.
Mrs. D. T. Wateoo, a sister of Miss Walker's,
was there, as she was At the charming recep
tion given a short time ago by her sister-in-law,
Miss Jane Watson, the honored guest. She
was robed In a handsome gown of rosaplok
silk, gracefully draped with white'Jace and be
traying itself in eyeryfpldag a Parisian crea.
In tbe handsome drawing room where tbe re
ceiving was carried on, in the croup of assist
ants were to be found a charming aggregation
of ladles noted for their ready tact and admira
ble conversational powers. They were Mrs.'
Scaife, Mrs. fanulre. Mrs. J. Scully, Mrs, J. O.
Horne, Mrs. Fontefract, Mrs. Proctor, Mrs.
Watson, Miss Catherwood, Miss Reed, Miss
tiewport, Miss Boyle and Miss Watson. -
Tbo floral decorations were unusually fine,
the ball, ot such dimensions as to admit of
profuse decorations, was one mass ot tropical
and other foliage plants, a handsome bronze
newel lamp was beautifully trimmed with
smllax ana the chandeliers were festooned
with thesame glossy gTeen vine,
Roses were the flowers favored on this occa
sion, and It was bard to decide which was the
prettier drawing room, the front one. with its
warm crimson American beauties, and Ben
nett's' abounding in every conceivable nook
and corner pf (be corresponding room with its
wealth of pure white blossoms. There was no
attempt at any set form ot decorations, but
simply an abundance of sweetly fragrant
flowers placed where they would most delight
the senses.
One jrery noticeable feature In tho front
room was an exquisite little malachite stand,
on which was placed a transparent vase, low
and flat, and filled with the rarest of orchids.
The dining room was a poem in pink; La
France roses, with their delicate coloring and
exquisite perfume made it a very attractive
spot in which to partake of all the dainty
eatables that imagination could suggest.
The buffet and mantel were both burdened
with an abundance ot this ever-popular flower.
Tbe table, which was star shaped, bad for a
center piece an elegant vase of ODresden china,
filled with the choicest of rose; and perched
on the side some half dozen seagulls. J. R.
& A. Murdocb had charge of the floral work,
and Hagan, following the Eastern style, served
the refreshments on trays, and such a feast.
There were truffles and terrapin, oysters and
salads. Ices and fruits, glaces and cakes of
every description, tea, coffee and chocolate.
Toerge Bros., from a screen of foliage, fur
nished delightful music and nothing was lack
inc to make the tea what It was, a most brilliant
A Fashionable Gathering; la New Tamer
Hall Last Night,
New Turner Hall, on Forbes street, was
th ronged last night with a fashionable gather
ing of young people In response to the invita
tions sent out by the Lafayette Club, the now
social organization on the hill. Two hundred
invitations had been issued and over 180 couples
answered to tbe call for an evening's enjoy
ment. It is needless to say that their anticipa
tions were realized to tho fullest degree. Tbe
grand march was led by tho President, O. A.
Corcoran, assisted by Miss Aggie McGee. Tbey
were followed by about 100 couples, nearly all
of them being in full dress. Gernert's orches
tra furnished the music for the dancing, which
was continued until 2 o'clock. Bnpner was
served at midnigbt by tbe caterer of the club.
The Committee of Arrangements were: F. H.
McCarthy, A. B. Patterson, W. J. Wiseman, T,
J. Donahue, C. McSwigan and S. E. Marks.
Social Chatter.
Duquesxe Lodge No. 95, L. O. F. 8. of L,
will entertain their friends at Turner Hall,
Forbes street, Pittsburg, this evening. Music
by Gernert Bros. The Committee of Arrange
ments includes Robert Rascovar, Meyer Strong,
B. N. Jacobs, Gerson Strong, Joseph Crown,
Emanuel Dreif us, Samuel Levine.
The Yonng Ladies' Missionary Society ot
tbe Seventh U. P. Church, Forty-fourth street,
gives a pretty entertainment this evening, at
which a Japanese wedding will be celebrated.
The Poverty German Club will meet for the'
first time Friday evening, December 13, at the
residence ot Mrs. J. H. Ricketson, on RIoge
Mrs, Foece, of Center avenue, gives a large
euchre party this evening, and fashionable so
ciety will be well represented.
Miss Cora McKelvxy, of tbe East End,
entertains tbe members ot the Teaspoon Club
An enjoyable programme by thdfieetlibvea-f
Club In Hamilton's Hall this afternoon.
Introduced by Senators Yesterday, Very
Few of Them Being New.
Washington, December 1 The first bill
introduced in the Senate in the Fifty-first Con
gress came from Senator Sherman, and was
aimed at trusts. It is identical with tbe anti
trust bill, reported by him last year from the
Committee on Finance. It declares all trusts
unlawful, gives persons power to recover In
courts whenever articles are advanced in value
by combinations, and declares officers of trusts
guilty ot misdemeanors. Among other bills in
troduced were the following:
By Mr. Beagan, to define trusts and provide
penalties 'for them: also, for tbe free coinage
of silver; also, to repeal the act for the sale of
bonds to redeem leral tender notes. (He gave
notice that he -would address the Senate to-morrow
on the latter bill.) By Mr. Dawes, extending
the pension laws, By Mr. Cameron, to encourage
tbe commercial marine. By Mr. Btewart, to pro
vide for the free coinage or both gold and silver,
and for tho Issuance or coin certificates, to circu
late as money. By Mr Blair, for the establish
ment and temporary support of common
schools; also. Joint resolution proposing
amendment to the Constitution allowing woman
suffrage and prohibiting tbe manufacture, Im
portation and sale ot alcoholic liquors; by Jlr.
Vance, to repeal ithe civil service law; by Mr.
Voorhees, for the payment of arrears or pensions
from the date of death or dlscharse; by Mr. Cul
lom, to revive the grade of General of the armr;
by Mr. Farwell, to perpetuate the national bank
ing system: by Mr.TIawley, to revive the grade of
Lieutenant General of the army; by Mr.
Uavis, granting pensions to ex-eoldlers
and sailors Incapacitated for manual labor
and dependent on relatives; by Mr.
Mitchell, to prohibit objectionable foreign
immigration, encourage desirable immigration,
and defend American labor; also for 1 cent letter
nostage; also for the admission of. Idaho as a
State; by Mr. Krye, for the appointment
of a commission on alcoholic liquor traffic:
by Mr. 1'lerce. for the inspection of live
stock about to be slaughtered for consump
tion In some Mate or county other than
that In which slaughtered, and prohibiting
tho importation ol adulterated articles; by Mr.
Mitchell, extending the Mexican pension act to all
who served 30 days or more In any war since 1M3;
by Mr. Turpie, granting a pension of 1 cent a
month for each day's service In the army during
the late war; by Senator Dolpb, providing for
fortifications and other sea coast defenses,
as recommended by the board appoint
ed by 1'resldent Cleveland to select
the ports at which fortifications are most urgently
needed. Among tho ports selected are San Fran
cisco, the lake ports, fcew Orleans, Galveston,
rorUand, Ore., and ban Diego. Tbe bill appro
priates for the purpose 128,377,800 tp be emended
over a period of It years.
Altogether S03 bills were presented, against
69S on the first bill day two years ago. Most of
tbe measures proposed were bills that failed to
become laws during the last Congress.
Chilly Dara la Ohio.
From the Boston Heraia.l
The Ohio man is not pervading the National
Government so much as be was. He didn't
get tho Presidency this time ; he lost the
Speakership, and now he has been informed
that he can't have the vacancy on the Su
preme bench. It is a cold season for Ohio,
but the other 41 States are keeping their toes
Nat C. GooDWUf, in his new play, "A Gold
Mine." will appear at the Grand Opera House
next week. The comedy was written by
Brander Matthews and George H. Jessop, and
contains a bright and clever plot If is pro
nounced one of tbo funniest and best plays of
the season. Nat Goodwin is always welcome
here. Seats are now on sale for this engage
ment. '
The Bijou has a great attraction next week
Clara Morris and a competent company In an
excellent repertoire. On Monday and Thurs
day "GainlHe." will bo presented; Tuesday and
Eridaythe new play, "HeleneJ" Wednesday,
Saturday matinee and Saturday evening,
"Reneo do Moray." Miss Morris has not been
In Pittsburg for several years, but she will be
none the less welcome.
"MtPabthkb," an old-time favorite, Is the
attraction at Harris' Theater next week. The
company Is said to be a good one, and every
body knows that tbe play is always pleasing.
Lester & WiUliams' London Specialty
Company, which Is made up of tbe best variety
talent in tha country, will be at Harry will
lams' Academy next week.
Tfflt World's Museum and tbe Casino have
1 attractions that ate drawing crowds dally.
BBTSBtfari mm ,3rxfnXB
A Strawria Wtl a Maiiiaa.
tiravr Toaaf auasac (rscULS.1
NxwYobs, December 1 A taH leaa, well
dreseed man entered the furniture star e oi R.
C, Cassia, in Sixth avenue, this morals, aod
quietly asked the proprietor: ''Why dp you per
secute mef "I persecute you!" exclaleed Mr.
Cassia, "you most be crazy," Without reply
lag; tbe young mas drew a 38-callber revolver
frea his pocket and pointed it at tne furniture
dealer. Before be eould.pull tbe trigger Cash
in grabbed tbe weapon. In the straggle tbe re
volver was discharged, tbe bullet passing diag
onally through th9 furniture man's right hand
sear tbe wrist. Mr. Casbio, who is a strong
man, wrestled with bis assailant and threw him
upon a lounge. Tbe stranger struggled away
from him,-however, and knocked down, with
tbe buttfll his revolver, the bookkeeper, who
hurriea to his employer's assistance, Tbe
stranger raised the weapon to shoot again at
Mr. Casbin, but was caught and thrown by two
clerks before he had time to pull the trigger.
He was sent directly to a police court, where he
was held in 86,060 bail. He gave his name as
Frank Melon. He believed that Mr. Casbin,
whom be met in UJSfl in a hoarding bouse, had
ruined bis life by hypnotizing hira almost daily
for tne last two years. He was formerly an ex
pert draughtsman, be said, hut his ability to
work bad lately been destroyed by Cashta's. in-
fl uenee. Melen acted in an altogether rational
manner. Caihln says be is crazy.
ConlaVt Tell Who Cat Him.
Early this morning a hatless man staggered
up Third avenue, near tbe Park, with his throat
cut and bis sbirt front covered with frozen
blood. A policeman who met him called aa am
bulance and sent him ton hospital. At noon
tbe man regained his senses sufficiently to say
he was Christian Happ, aq employe ot tbe New
York Central Railway, and that he did not
know how he got his tbroat cut. He was paid
off yesterday and got drunk early in the even
ing. He was thrown out ot a saloon at mid
night, and that is the last be remembers of bis
eprpe. There are no indications of an attempt
at suicide. Tbe police are looking for two men
whom they suspect of trying to do the killing.
Bapp will probably recover.
HI Execution Again Stayed.
The counsel of Charles McHvalne, sentenced
to be killed by electricity between December 9
and 18 for having murdered Christian W,
Lucca, a Brooklyn grocer, has filed a notice of
appeal. A day for the argument of tbe case will
be set shortly. The filing ot the appeal stays tbe
execution without an order from any Judge,
Thonaauda of Clgara Seized.
The Unitetl States District Attorney baa
brought suit in tbe United States District
Court to secure the condemnation of 261,000
qigars and 3,609 pounds of tobacco recently
seized in a Pearl street cigar factory, becanse
tbe manufacturers failed to comply with the
law which fixes tbe sizes of the boxes In which
the goods are packed and provides that they
bo properly stamped.
Too Much Sympathy for Murderer.
Henry Morgenweck, a German painter con
victed of manslaughter In shooting and killing
his stepson,John Kirchncr.on August 12, was ar
raigned for sentence to-day before Judge Mar
tine. He was sentenced to State's prison for 16
years and 11 months, and in imposing sentence
Judge Martina said: ''Human life Is held too
cheaply la this community. There seems to be
amaudlin feeling in behalf of those who com
mit crime a feeling entirely for tbe slayer and
little feeling of sympathy or kindness for the
slain. Too frequently, when persons are killed
there is an attempt in various ways to create
sympathy for the person who kills, rather than
punish him or her for tbe crime committed.
This is entirely wrong, and the ends of justice
in this manner are not served.'
Perjured Himself for New Clothes.
One year ago James W. McCabe, a Brooklyn
stevedore, got a decree of absolute divorce
from his. wife, on the ground that she had been
intimate with his brother- The principal wit.
ness against Mrs, McCabe was her 18-year-old
son William. To-day Mrs. McCabe, through
her counsel, asked that the divorce be re
opened, because It had been procured by means
ot the perjured testimony of her son. In an
affidavit young McCabe confessed fo-day that
his story in court was falsa from beginning to
end. that he had told it at the Instance of bis
JiUhfir, wbojiad promised him a suit of clothes J
granted. The judge reserved his decision,
Marvelous Arithmetical Calculations Made
by Gotham Fair Manager.
New York Bun.l
"Talk'about high prices," said a well-known
fair manager a few evenings ago, "you will
never know what large estimates business men
can put upon tbe value bf their goods until you
have seen the list of donations jo a fair. A
contribution of stationery will be valued at
(HO, when I can go right to the same man's
store and buy it for Si A f 50 sofa pillow would
be dear at to, and sets of china marked at
S28 60, or something like that, when exhibited
In store windows, are put down at UOO when
contributed to a fair.
Tve heard Insurance men complain ot tha
waymen figure up the value of a stock when
tbey come to make up a schedule of losses after
a fire, but that trouble isn't a circumstanceito
that of the manager of a fair, who Is expected
to realize 800,000 off of donations that wouldn't
bring $5,000 at a sale."
The House Clerkships Given to Minnesota
and Pennsylvania Men.
Washinotos; December 1 Clerk Me
Pberson has made tbe following appointments:
Charles R. McKenney, of Minnesota, to be En
rolling Clerk, vice King, of Illinois, and Judson
Holcomb, ot Pennsylvania, to be Index Clerk,
vice Otley, of Virginia. The appointees
formerly held the places to which they have
been reappointed.
Ezra L. Moorebouse, of New York, has been
appointed Assistant Librarian ot tbe House,
vice Barnett.
A Sure Way to Do It.
Chicago Trlbune.1
To remove a wart: Rub it with apiece of
sliver taken from a calf that was killed in the
dark of tho moon, at the same time repeating
the alphabet backward. Then with a pearl
handled knife that has never been used before,
cut carefully around tha root of the wart, seize
the excrescence Itself firmly with a pair of
strong nippers, and jerk It out.
A Beaver Falls paper tells a preposterous
stofy about an old man who has been dried, up
by tbe natural gas fires in bis bouse, until hU
weight Is hardly that of a 7-year-old child. Of
late, also. It has been noticed that when he
walks his joints seem to give way under him.
and his whole frame emits a queer, crackling
sound like dried peas in a pod. Physicians
have examined him and found that every joint
in bis frame bas shrunk from its socket.
ACUBIOUS spectacle was presented tho other
night to thoso living in the vicinity of Chippewa
Lake, O. A cat tall swamp bordering on that
sheet of water was seen to be one blaze of fire,
.which continued to burn for a number of
hours. There are several theories given In ex
planation ot this phenomenon, the most plausi
ble being that someone had saturated the head
of each, cat tail with kerosene and then set
fire to the swamp,
Accobdiso to a"sreathr record in possession
of Martin Meloney, ot Avondale, Pa., this Is
the wettest year we have bad In two centuries.
THE '-West End Big Bugs" Is the title of a
ladles' social club ln'AHentown.
A Beaveb Faias Italian, who wanted to
sell cigars and tobacco at his store, asked an
acquaintance how to get a license. He was
told to go to the postofflce, get a postal note for
the amount required, and sead it on. He got
the postal note all right, but instead of sending
it to Pittsburg, took it borne anH tacked it up
in bis store, where it can yet be seen, covered
with dust, dirt and fly specks.
A cousTRTHAJ went to a store in Morgan
town, W. Va., the other day and purchased a
kerosene lamp. "That's the first one o' them
notioM that ever come to my house," hs ye
narked. "Candles was alius good enough for
marai and me. but darter's got a beau and
tktekt we ert to put ob a MaMe style,
A girl out In Smith county, Kan., won
50 by husking and cribbing 60 bnsbels.oteora
in Ave hours. '
An ice palace according to the Ameri
can and Canadian style la to be erected in Jan
uary at St. Petersburg.
A hog that weighed 900 pound' was rj
eently butchered near Laurel. DeL It was
heavier than one of the farmer's horses.
Tha new Mayer of Birmingham, atj
meeting of the Diocesan Church of England
Temperance Boclety. said that from inquiries
be bad made at Somerset House he found that;
out of 33 shareholders in local breweries 115
(or more than one-sixth) were clergymen andr-women.
A new sort of boot sole hasbeen.intro-
duced in Nuremberg, consisting of a sort or
trellis of spiral metal wire, the Interstices' J
being filled with gutta percha and rosin. They. V'
can be fitted with nails like ordinary soles, arA .
60 per cent cheaper than leather, and vastly
more durable. o-j.
One of the most important collections of '
Kapoleana will be sold at the sale of Sir John
Harnage's library. It numbers upward of 259
volumes dating from 1793 to 1855. includine"'
memoirs of all kinds of both the Emperor and"
the men who made up bis circle. It Is thought! ,
in England that it will very likely come to it
America. M
A carload of bufialoes for Austin Cor-
bin's game forest on Croydon Mountain passed
through Claremont, K. H, Friday, en route to '
Newport, N. H. Tbey came from "Buffalo
Jones," who herds them at Winnipeg; Man.,
are worth S13.0OO, and have been 12 days on the'
road. Herbert Lowe, ot Fargo. Dak, was in'
charge, and reports tbey came peaceably and
stood the j ourney well.
A Mated pedestrian of Dalton, Qa.,
while returning home one dark night recently,
stumbled aver a slumbering muley cow, reclin
ing upon the pavement, and was precipitated
squarely upon tbe animal's back, iiefore he
could regain his feet, tbe fTightenexl cow, bel
lowing loudly, started down the street, carrying
him with her. After a dash of a block or two:
tbe gentleman jumped and landed in a mud
hole, '
A Honolulu paper thus describes s
curious substance thrown off by the molten
lava and found close to the lakes of fire at the
volcano. 'It clings to the adjoining rocks in
fiber-like threads of a flaxen color, and has the
appearance of human hair; but mixed with It
are sharp particles ot black lava. Considering
that this -substance Is a mineral production, it
is wonderfully flexible and tough bending
easily, but not ductile in its present state or ca
pable of being lengthened. It Is peculiar to
this volcano, and is certainly a singular produc
tion," Bucoda is the name of a town in 'Wash
ington. Tbe origin of its name is of a some
what curious nature. However, it arises from
civilized sources. It may puzzle some pf thej
commentators when they endeavor to search?
for its origin. This Is how it was christened:
There were three great railroad men in that,
portion of tha country where the town is now,
and their names were Buckley, Coulter and
Davis. Each of them wished the town to be
named after himself. But they could not coma
to an agreement, and finally as a compromise,
the first two letters from each name were
taken and placed together, and thereby" orlg."
inated Bu-co-da.
A statue commemorating a touching
little episode In the life of the late German
Emperor, Frederick, is about to be erected'at
Kalserslauten. When Frederick was Crown
Prince he visited one of the orphan asylums of
that town. Among the children was a sickly
and sad-faced little boy. Frederick noticed
him, took him in bis arms, and thereupon
agreed to become his godfather. The child, to
whom a caress was a stranger, appeared some
what frightened at first, but soon got over his
difficulty, and began to play with the Prince's
medals and decorations. Tbe statue in ques
tion will represent the Prince with a baby In
his arms, and the youngster tugging ft his cor
dons and crosses.
Mia. Ana Adams, nee Smith, died the
other day in Chicago, aged 08 years. In 1836 her
mother was eaten up by wolves not far from
tbe spot now known as the corner of Twenty
second and State streets. Tbe Smiths theq
had a farm out toward Blue Island, and it was
about 63 years ago last month that Mrs.Bmlth
left town late one afternoon with some gro
ceries. She went out by a road now known aa
State street, and, a little beiore dusk, was
struck by a blizzard from the Northwest. Tha
snow blew so furiously that she 'lost her way
and traveled aronnd in a circle for Severn
hours. Finally she sat down to rest and eat
some of the groceries aba had with her, when
suddenly a pack of wolves pounced upon her
T1a tfiirMtnttw tf VM.tr mmrttm tm k .
vanced another step.
...,..j w ---- -a .M-awiar i
d another step, instead oi carryinjr
.Jtteirbook?jklfi5m7apiWnffffiar ved them and prevented them from ob.
talning admission to most of the houses and
offices at which they called, the smartest of
them now have the books carried by a small
boy who follows them. Wlthont any sign of
their calling, they have little difficulty in get
ting admission to an office, and, once inside,
after broaching their business, they step to tha
door and call: "Johnny, come in!" and in trots
tbe boy with the books, upon tbe merits of
wbich tbe agent proceeds to dilate with a vigor
and persistence that can be shut oft only by a
subscription, or by forcible ejection from tha
Out in Creston, la., one Saturday night
not long ago, there happened an amusing inci
dent which railroad trainmen will appreciate.
Creston Is a division point on the Burlington
road, and the town .is naturally tbe stopping
place as well as the home af a great many rail
road employes. On the evening mentioned,
Donnelly and Girard were-playlng "Natural
Gas" there. The bouse was crowded, and
among the gallery gods were some 250 brake
meu, switchmen and yardmen, who had coma
directly from their work, consequently tbey
were nofr only dressea In their laboring garb,
but each man carried his lighted lantern.
About the middle of tbe performance, when
the railroad boys were enjoying immensely the
funny specialties of the two comedians, a smut
covered chap rushed up to tbe door and in
quired of Manager Bert Riddle whether or not
Jimmy McCool was la the audience. "If be is
I want to see him right away," he added.
Riddle replied that be did not know "Jimmy"
by sight, but said that as soon as the act was
over he would go out before the curtain and
call for him. This did not appear to satisfy
the smut-covered party. He pushed by Riddle,
rushed up stairs, and called out in a loud voice:
"No. 7, east-bound, on time; No. 3, going west,
one bour late; all hands wanted in tbe yards!"
At this every mau of the 250 left bis seat, and,
with lighted lantern in band, marched out.
The effect of such a disturbance npon the per
formance may be Imagined. It simply broke
tbe actors all np and completely knocked them
Democrat This has been a pretty hard
year for the Republicans in the United States.
Bepublican Yes; but we carried Brazil. !.
Still Ahead. He I've got a brother
She Pat's nuffln. I've got r brother a nangel.
In a Bowery Eestauraut. Customer
This Is vegetable soup. I ordered chicken.
Walter (examining the soupl-Bat's so, sir; my
mistake. I t'ought dem celery tops wuz feathers,
Honor and shame from no condition rise,
Nor poverty tht aspiring youfh debars.
The boss his brains and bank account may prize.
But his clerks smoke the 10-eent cigars.
DrcUfiMagaiiM. t
In a Drygoods Store. "You want a pojU .
tlon as a floor walker, do you? What experience !
have you hadf" . ,,
Applicant I am the father of nine children. ' ..
He was engaged. Minneapolis Timet.
"Can you use these poems?" he asked, u
he laid a large roll on the table.
'Why, certainly," said the editor cheerily.
"Just the right length for pipe lighters. 'Most.
all the poems wo get are on note paper, and
they're very Inconvenient. Call again. DraU't
"Ladies and gentlemen," said the profes
sor, "I find that I cannot perform the experi
ment of Inflation, as tbe wind machine Is out of
There was a great aroan oi disappointment..,
"However," added the professor, "1 may be able
to provide a substitute. Is there a gentleman -from
Chicago In the audience? Vrate't Maga-' -'n-
t .
""'.Are you still taking painting lessons '
aujnle?"- v
'So; I quit yesterday. I don't like my teach-4
er." . ,
"Whv not!"
"He has such a disagreeable way of talking: He
told me that If I kept on for some time longer!1
mlgbtbeabletownuewasna lenee." nutamg
tan. CavitaL v , -'
Biter Say, this slotmachiueia a swindled
I've dropped five nickels Into It and haven't got
anything yet. , ..,:
Owner of the Machine-Did you read what UV
iav on tOD? w-'
Owner-Wen. do so, then. u
Ttnrrriti "TJron a nickel In thanlotlnl
conBrm the statement that all the foohTare aetjS"
dead yet," atww uncnca,fc
' ,rf.