J Judge Swing's Decision Against the Central Traction Company M THE HIGH STREET 1KJUKCTI0N, The Double Track on That Thoroughfare Jlaj Have to Come Up. FEOPIETI HOLDEES HATE A GOOD CASE The property holders on Sixth avenue, be tween "Wylle and "Webster avenues Qoli High street), have scored a victory against the Central Traction Company. Judge Swing has handed "doira an opinion over ruling the demurrerentered by the company, and it is barely possible that the company will have to tear their tracks from the street If the property holders finally win the case, the company will either have to vacate the thoroughfare or pay the residents for the -privilege of running their cars on the street. As the readers of The Dispatch al ready know the traction company now oc cupy the street -with their tracks. It is a narrow thoroughfare and the space between the outside tracks and the curb is so narrow that vehicles will be unable to pass. "When the cable cars are runninc on the street vehicle travel will have to find some other .way of getting to "Wylie or Filth avenues from that part of the city. The street is no w crowded most of the day with teams from the Pan handle freight yard and is about the only one that can be used by teams to or Irom that place and the hill. At the corner of "Wylie avenue the outside track is within four inches of the curb, and the residents of thevicinity say there will be numerous ac cidents at the corner on this account. A PRET.TMTNABY INJUNCTION. Some months ago the property holders along the street asked the Court for a pre liminary injunction restraining the com pany from putting down a double track. They had one track down, and the general supposition was that the cars would go down Sixth avenne and up "Wylie from Fifth and Grant. "When the residents found that the company was putting down two tracks they were astounded on account of the Barrow condition of the street. "When they asked lor the preliminary injunction the at torney of the corporation, James Reed, Esq., of Knox & Keed, said the company would furnish indemnity bonds if they were al lowed to continue the construction of the road. This arrangement was made, and the work of laying the second track was com pleted. Mr. Beed then put in a demurrer, alleging that there was no jurisdiction in equity in the case, and asked that the proceedings for an injunction be quashed. He said the remedy of the property holders was suits for damages if they had any grievances. He said it was not a case in equity. The Court took the papers under advisement. In the meantime the tracks have been completed. In his opinion, which was filed in the Prothonotary's office yesterday, Jndge Ew ing said there was jurisdiction in equity and the company mnst show why they took possession of the street. The company is chartered under the traction act of 1S87, which 'does not allow a trac tion company to traverse any street not already occupied by a passenger railway. The only way in which they could legally get possession of the street was to obtain the consent ot the property owners. This thev did not do, and the street was never occu pied before by any railway. This makes them trespassers, the attorneys lor the de fendants claim. MUST GO TO THE SUPBE2IE COUBT. Judge Ewing says the objections to the bill are all overruled upon the grounds in which they have been made. He did not like to express anv opinion on the merits of the case itself, feeling confident that it would go to th' Supreme Court. The defendants wilt be siren 30 days in which they sre expected to file an .answer. lfXhorjhKt ahSwef VytBSt time fhettts' junction will be granted by the Court. It will then be optional with the property holders what shall be done with the tracks. If they decide to remove them the companv willliave to take them up. It is possible a monetary arrangement may be made, and the property owners paid by the company for the privilege of running the cars on the street. Messrs. C C. Dickey and George Shiras HI were the attorneys for the plaintiffs. In conversation with a Dispatch reporter yesterday Jlr. Shiras said: "The company are trespassers and if we win the suit in the end they will have to pay for the privilege of occupying the street or tear up their tracks. It is not a question of damages, but one of right They must file an answer and disclose their line of defense in the final proceedings. Judge Ewing says the case should go before a Master to be argued. I suppose that one will be an. pointed and testimony taken. The property holders have a good case against the com- Sany and in Judge Ewing's opinion they ave scored a victory. No, the opinion will in no way affect the Pittsburg Traction Company. They secured the consent of all the property holders except one before they put their tracks on Fifth avenue between Liberty and Grant street The fact that they acquiesced to the proceeding waives all claims for trespass." A Preventive for Croup. Croup is a terror to young mothers, especially during the winter months, as it is then sost prevalent. It can always be pre vented, if properly treated as soon as the first symptoms appear. Hoarseness is the first symptom; this is soon followed by a peculiar, rough couch. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely given as soon as these symptoms appear, it will invariably prevent the attack. There is no danger in giving the remedy, as it contains no in jurious substance. For sale at SO cents per bottle by the following named druggists: E. G. Stuckey, Seventeenth and Twenty ibttrth sts., Penn ave., and cor. "Wylie ave. and Fulton st; by Markell Bros., cor. Penn and Frankstown aves.; bv TheoE.Ihrig 3610 Fifth avenue, and by Carl Hartwigl Butler st, in Pittsburg, and in Allegheny City by E. E. Heck, 72 and 174 Federal st. and Thos. It Morris, cor. Hanover and Preble aves.; Fred H. Eggers, 172 Ohio st: F. H. Eggers & Son, Ohio and Chestnut sts. TTSU A Special Lot Of men's fine overcoats just received which are selling at 812. They include fine chin chillas, kerseys and beavers in many new shades. This morning we start the sale ot them at $12. Call and see them. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. B.&B. "Stunningly ajsthetic." someone said to day about the new India stools. Calfskin (with the hair on) cushions; also chamois cushions on some. uoggs & Buhl. New, Sweet, Delicious. Marvin's royal bread possesses all these properties. If you haven't tried it do-so at once, if you want to renew yoar youth and be happy. d 330 Styles Of new patterns and shapes of toilet chamber sets in unique designs and colorings at Beizenstein, 152, 164, 156.Federal st, Alle gheny. A TTSSn m j fstirllsa Trousering. affheIargest stock at popular prices, axsu PlTCAUur'S, 434 "Wood street TOTJ won't believe it until you try it, how much vo. can save by purchasing vour Christmas gifts at Harrison's Toy Store, 123 Federal street, Allegheny. its Economical Gas Fires, Moves, Bonces, dec. O'Keete Gas Appliance Co.,3i-Fiitii av. SoctbsIdersKlck Formally for Safety-Gatra nt Railroad Crossings Chief Bleejow Heard Tbem Affably Olhcr City Bnll News. Chief Bigelow was waited upon yesterday afternoon by Councilmen Donley, Matthews ana Evans, ot the Southside, and Daniel Mor gan, chairman ot the committee appointed at the indignation meeting on the Southside the other night, the object of the conference being to secure the Chiefs aid in suppressing the danger at the Pittsburg, Virginia and Charles ton Railroad crossings at the cross streets from Sooth Twenty-filth to Eouth Twenty-ninth streets. The conference was held in the City Attorneys office. The committee explained to Mr. Bigelow that on many streets the cross streets converge to such an extent that when an ordinary train stops between Twenty fifth and Twenty-ninth streets, those and the intervening streets are blocked until the train pulls out again. They also pointed out that hundreds of workingmenhaTe to cross the tracks at these streets every morning ana eveaing on their way to and from work, and they are not only in danger of being killed or injured, bnt are frequently kept late in getting to their work if they do not choose to climb over the moving trains that pass along with great frequency. Hundreds of school chil dren, not to speak of the many other citizens who must cross the tract. daily, are likewise impeded and their safety endangered. The committee related incidents to illustrate the manv troubles these street crossings cause. One of the incidents was that of a laboring man on his way to work at Jones fc Laughlms' mill He lived up on the side of the bill and was a little behind time and anxious to get to the mill as quickly as possible. When he came flown Twenty-seventh street a freight train blocked the crossing. He waited a mo ment for the train to move, and then, thinking he bad plenty of time, started to climb over. He set his dinner pail on the end sill of a box car and was just in the act of climbing up him self when the train started off at a sharp speed. Being badly frightened, he lumped off to save himself from Injury, bnt his dinner pail re mained on the car and went speeding along toward the other end of the road. The committee stated that they did not want saiery gates, as tney wouio, not euro mccm of which they complained. Overhead bridges at Twenty-seventh and Thirtieth streets would be all they would ask at present, except a flag man at Eighteenth street, where there is also a great deal of danger. Mr. Bigelow promised them he would do all in bis power to helo them out, and said he would have a conference with Superintendent D. A. Watt, of the Pittsburg, Virginia and Charleston road, to see what the company would be willing to do. The committee will call again next pi onday for an answer. Louis Kim, who was also arrested by Officer James Mulvibill on last Saturday night, was held for court by Judge McKenna in 1,000 bail for highway robbery. It appeared that Louis, being an enterprising citizen, thought an equable distribution of the currency would be a good financial movement. He accordingly stopped a boy named John Spaeth at the Eleventh street bridge, when he was going home, about 10 days ago, and relieved him of his week's wages, amounting to 3. The finan cial transaction resulted disastrously for the gentleman who attempted to solve the social and monetary equality question. The Department of Awards will meet this afternoon to award the contract for the Im provement of Grandview avenne, ML Wash ington. This contract Includes sewering, grad ing, paving, curbing and building a solid ma sonry retaining wall along about a mile and three-quarters of the street, and is one of the biggest contracts of the year. H. C Howard's total bid was the lowest among about a half dozen, but it is quite likely that the work will be divided up among the bidders, giving to each that work on which he bid lowest. The work of the Police Bureau as shown by the November report,. completed yesterday by Mayor McCallln, shows a total 1,304 arrests made in the city during the month. Of these, 862 were made in the First district, 258 in the Second and 1SS in the Third. Fines were paid by 488, 238 were sent to iail, 15S to the work house, 392 were discharged, 15 held for court, 2 sent to the Reform school and 1 to the hospital. Of the arrests made 533 were drunks, 443 dis orderly conduct, 99 vagrants, 107 suspicious characters and 116 for various causes. Offices Jaues Hultieill yesterday morning arrested August Webber on a charge of larceny. He had engaged lodgings at 1151 Penn avenue with a friend a few nights ago, and during the solemn stillness of the night arose, and whether in a state of somnambulism or ot kleptomania is not known, but tbe pockets of his roommate were found more thoroughly cleaned out than the city's bank account at the close of the fiscal vear. Webber was brought before Judge McKenna and committed to jail in aeiauit oi ci,uuu naiu The Councils Committee on Public Safety yesterday considered the ordinance presented at the last meetiner of Councils to authorize the Chief t jhjSD.epartment of-Pablle-Safetyi w luviiun met ikhui uiu jwuta service, H suggested by Coroner McDowell. Councilman Berry moved that a sub-committee be appointed to investigate the subject, taking in the ques tions of cost, utility and efficiency. Messrs. Berry, Nesblt and S. A. Dncan were appointed as such committee. Captain Dak Stlvus last evening when asked what it would cost to have two police men detailed for service at an evening enter tainment said very sadly: "In tbe old time it cost 35 each for tho officers to attend such gath erings, but I am sorry to say that the value of tbe force as a circulating medium has depreci ated, and now you can have the men at the rate of two for five, but they must not be called Uwofor under any circumstances. You can have the men." The County Treasurer yesterday paid over to Major J. F. Denmston $17,021 82 due the city from the liquor license collections. This is $32,975 03 less than the estimate of the Finance Committee, which was $50,000. Controller Morrow feels perfectly certain that the amount collected will fall far short of tbe estimates provided this year, and has already, as noted, commenced to economize as far as possible hv checking the demands for supplies in every de partment. Tuekket Jackson Larimer, of the Cen tral station, leaves for Johnstown to-day to testify in tbe case against "Gentleman Jim" (James) McMuUin, arrested in Pittsburg and taken to Johnstown Monday night. The testi mony will consist in the tact ot finding tbe gold watch said to have been stolen on the per son of tbe prisoner when arrested. Peeeidewt Fobs, of Select Council, yester day appointed Messrs. Nisbet, Thirty-first ward, Robertson, Thirty-fifth ward, and Mon roe, Twenty-eighth ward, as tbe contingent to represent beleit Council on the Joint Commit tee on Free Bridges. The receipts of the police magistates from city cases were as follows: Magistrate Gripp.Sl, 291 81; McKenna, $631 GO: Brush, $503 SO: Hynd man, $665 95; Brokaw, $761 80; Mayor McCallin. from licenses issued, $60; total, $3,978 46. The Board of Viewers yesterday held a meet ing on the ground to fix the valuations for as sessment for the big Twenty-eighth street sewer. Weak lungs and sensitive throats are se verely tried by the sudden changes of tem perature usual in our climate, and in conse quence asthmatic. affections, inflammation of tbe lungs, pleurisy, bronchitis and simi lar complaints are sure to be more or less prevalent Coughs and colds, tbe forerun ners of these often fatal complaints, should be prudently taken in hand on the first symptoms, by resorting at once to Br. Jayne's expectorant, an old and well-tried remedy, certain to remove your cold and to exert a healing and strengthening effect on the pulmonary and bronchial organs. A Special Lot Of men's fine overcoats just received which are selling at $12. They include fine chin chillas, kerseys and beavers in many new shades. This morning we start the sale of them at $12. Call and see them. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., cpp. the new Court House. Millinery Reduced AtThePtople's Store; look at our choice stvles and quality: always a large stock tn select from; great reductions in nil millinery goods. Look at our 25 cent ribbons. CAiirnELL & Dick. A Jojon Xinns. This is not possible if the little ones are sad or disappointed. Make them happy bv getting them some of Marvin's Christmas tdr,and animal cakes. The hearts of the children yearn for them. t i At Taft's Philada. dental rooms, 39 Fifth ave., you can get the best set ot teeth for $8 00. A good set for 85 00". Fine neckwear for holiday presents. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave. Econmnlcnl Ga Firrp. !tvr. Ranges, dec CKKeefe Gas Appliance Co.,34 Fifth av. ALL 'the best dealers frn V A-V. PitUbnrgbeer. Try it. Xoa irfll like it. J A Food Genaam Mother Traces Her Boy to This City. Mrs. Ernsteln Pohl, of "Hohenweise, Schmiedberg, Hisenberg, Germany, wrote a few days ago to Mayor Pearson, of Alle gheny, requesting information about hex son, who she said had been for six years n teacher in the public, schools. As he hsvd not.-writteu to her for a year, she feared lie might have lost his life in the Johnstown flood. The facts were published and read by -the son, "William Pohl, a music teacher,' who yesterday called on Mayor Pearson. He said he had not written to his mother since last Christmas, and asked the Mayor" to in form her that he was well. The Mayor "will do so. Christmas and Pianos. Holiday gilts will soon bein order uni versally, when the all-absorbing topic will once more arise, "What shall if be?" Ah! Tnat's the question! But why hesitate? What's the matter with a good piano or or gan? "Too expensive," did you say? There's just where you are mistaken. Be advised, and before you arrive at a hasty conclusion you will certainly drop in at Mellor & Hoene's, 77 Fifth avenue, where you will be most agreeably surprised upon acquainting yourself with 'their rental plan, or easy method of procuring a piano or or gan. You will find they submit a choiije beyond comparison, ranging in prices and supplied on terms adapted to the circum stances of everyone. And still more the old established character of this house affords ample assurance that you will meet with the most honorable and courteous treatment. Call or write to them for catalogue at 77 Fifth avenue.' Rich Cut Glass. Our stock now complete with every re quisite for the table or bu&et in all new and artistic effects. Our prices and depth of cuttings are the very lowest Reizenstein, 122, 154, 156 Federal st, Allegheny. TTSSU B.&B. Fur capes, S5..S10, up to 5125. Visit -this fur department for Christmas presents and, once for the choice bargains. Boggs & Buhl. Only a few dozen of those 16-in. kid body bisqne face dolls left at 50c each. Buy one and secure the greatest bargain of the season at Harrison's Toy Store, 123 Federal street, Allegheny. " tts Economical Gas Fires, Stoves, Ranjres, dec O'Keefe Gas Appliance Co.,34Fifthav. PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED by the Board of Inspectors of the Western Penitentiary of Pennsylvania, up to 6 P. It FRIDAY, December 6. 18S9. for brick arching, concrete and galvanized iron work in south wing. Details furnished at prison. ED WARD a WRIGHT, Warden. del-43 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED proposals, addressed to the undersigned. Indorsed "Proposals for Grading." will be re ceived until MONDAY NOON. December 9. for grading six miles of the P., Y.4A.K. IL, from Wampum Junction, Pa., to Lawrence Junction, Pa. Good bonds will be required. Bondsmen must be named and bids made on blanks, which may be obtained at my office, where profiles and specifications may be seen. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. WM. MULLIN8, Of Executive Committee. P., Y. t A. R. R. Co. PrrrsBUEO, PA,, November 29, 1889. no29-2-D MEETINGS. 3PIHE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the stockholders of the Pittsburg and airport Terminal Company will be held at tbe office of the company, B. 4 0.K.E. station, corner Smltbfield and water streets, Pittsburg, Fa.. MONDAY. December 9, 1S89. at 2 p. K. no21-2! C. S. WIGHT, Secy. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OP tbe stockholders of the Pittsburg and Al legheny Droveyard Comnany will be held at tbe office of the company, E&O.B.B. station, corner Smithfield and Water streets, Pittsburg, Pa., MONDAY, December 9, 1889. at 3 P. II. PQ2121 C. B. WIGHT. Secy. LEGAL -NOTICES?. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF Fabian Boehm, deceased. Notice is here by given that letters testamentary on the estate ol Fabian Boehm hava neen granted to the un dersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the same should make them known without delay. ANNA MARY BOEHM, 823 Penn ave.. Pitts burg. Pa. no28-45-Th AMUSEMENTS. BIJOU THEATER. EXTRA. Week Beginning Monday, Dec. 9. OET WM SAMDAT. First Appearance In Three Years. CLARA MDRRIB, In the following Repertoire: Monday and Thursday 'Camille." Tuesday and Saturday, Matinee and Evening "Helena." Wednesday and Friday "Renee do Moray." Sale of Seats Now Open. dc&9 B UOU THEATER. TO-NIGHT, Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. HAIil.t.N ASS u UAltl, IN LATER ON. December.0 Clara Morris in Repertoire. de2-9 GRAND OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT. Satnrdav Matinee. BLUE BEARD, JR. The Greatest Spectacular Operatic Ex travaganza. Next week Nat C. Goodwin. de3 HARRIS' THEATER Every Afternoon and Evening. BEACON LIGHTS. A New and Beautiful Drama. Week Dec 9 My Partner. . del-U-s HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. SHEFFER 4 BLAKELY'S del-30-D REFINED NOVELTY CO. w- E AND RILEY- LAFAYETTE HALL TO-NIGHT. Good Seats 60 cents. deS5 WORLD'S MUSEUM ALLEGHENY CITY Week commencing December 2. Captain Chittenden's exhibit of rare relics. A hundred other new objects. Hnme's Very Funny Farce Comedy GINGER 8NAPS in Theater. Dec -BABEL,COWBOY PIANIST. de2-2-D y FOR SALE. SQUIRREL HILL, NEAR SCHENLEY PARK. 80 acres land, having a frontage of over 2,800 feet on a good street 21 acres land, street frontage 1,100 feet S acres, fronting on two streets. 1 acres and 2-story frame dwelling of 6 rooms. IS acres land near tbe Squirrel Hill Electric road and Forbes street IRA M. BURCHFIELD, 168 Fourth ave. deS-64-TTS -TjlORSALE PENN AVENUE BUSINESS PROPERTY. Finest location In East End. Lot extending to another street Price and terms very rea sonable Mnst be sold at once. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., del-29-TnbS 1 99 Fourth ave. TTm-idrrlodT If not, send youraddressto THE AMJSRIOAN CORRESPONDING CLUB; Box 813, Clrkbarc "vWVa, &-IHptay advertisement one dollar per square for one, insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page sucA at Wanted, For Bale, To Zet, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH bbjjtce: offices. For the accommodation of tho public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with THE 1)18 PATCH. prrrsBUKG. THOMAS MCCAF1TKKY, S5o8 Butler street. EMIL G. BTUCKEY, zith street and Fennave. . G. STUCKEY ACQ., Wylle ave. and Fultonst N. STOKELY. fifth Avenue Market Bouse. XABTXHD. J. TV. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAXXiAOT). 'UCALLISTEK BHE1BLEK, 5 th av. ft AlWOOd St. EOUTHSIPK. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Carson street. H. A. DONALDbON, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY, A. J. KAERCHEK, S9 Federal street. H. 3. McBRIDE. Market Bouse, Allegheny. FEED B. EGGERS. 17Z Ohio street. F. B. EGGERS ft SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson street!. THOMAS McHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G.TV. HUGHE3, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PKKEY M. GLEIM. Kebecca and Allegheny aves. M1LLYALE BOKOUOU. W. W. FLOCE.EB, Stationer. No. 4Ursnt ave. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE FOR THE SOUTHSIDE AT NO. 1220 CARSON STREET, WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS, NEWS AND SDB SCRIPTIONS CAN BE LEFT. BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS, AND FOR THE SPECIALSOTJTHSIDEISSUE PUBLISHED EACH SATURDAY. WANTED. Male HelD. -TXrANTED-KEGIBTEREI) DRUG CLERK. VV Address KALL Dispatch offlce. deS-05 WANTED-F1KST-CLAS3 DPHOLSTEBER at McELYEEN'a, 1S1 Smithfield st. de5-57 WANTED-A GOOU, STEADY BARBER Apply at once. No. 710 FIFTH AVE. de5-S7 WANTED salesman. Braddock, Pa. EXPEKLENCED CLOTHING Call on or address FAMOUS, del-Si WANTED-BOILER MAKER, FD1ST-CLAS3 repair worker, at once: none other need apply. MORRISON'S BOILER WORKS. deS-60 WANTED A FIRST-CLASS CUTTER: ONE who can speak German preferred. Inquire at P. J. LOUGHNEY'S, No. 922 Liberty St. deS-87 TTTANTED-4 OR 5 GOOD MACHINISTS AT vv liayspon ounarr. Call or address Mc- LANAHAN ft STONE, HoUldarsburg, Fa. UC4-1 WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED COACH MAN: one who Is well acquainted with the streets in the clrr. Armlr J. 3. FLANNERY, 1610 and 1612 Second ave. deS-3 WANTED-A RELIABLE MAN WHO THOR OUGHLY understands laying out of iron bridge work. Apply at the SUIFFLER BRIDGE WORKS, Forty-eighth St., city. deS-67 WANTED-F1RSTCLAS3 BARBERS FOR the country: will pay good wages. Apply at The Leading Barbers Supply Depot. A. ED LIS ft CO., 504, 5M, 806, 60S. 51(fLlberty st, Pitts burg, Pa. de4-31 T7-ANTED AN EXPERIENCED SHOE TV salesman to carry our lines of women's, misses and children's shoes In Plttstnrg and vi cinity. HARRISBUBG BOOT AND 8HOEMFG. CO., Sarrlsburg, Pa. . , no28-77-D TTANTED-A GOOD AGENT IN EACH ntvlvjLTilft for 'HftliTrr V V town In Western I Thoughts on Home Ton Thoughts on Home Topics;" entirely new boo w rite at once zor excj XLRO Y, 547 Liberty st Write at once for exclusive territory, T. C. Mc- del-32 WANTED-REL1ABLE LOCAL AND TRAV ELING salesmen; positions permanent: special inducements now: fast-selllngspeclaltles: don't delay; salary from start BROWN BROS., .nurserymen, itocnesier, .n. y, seu-iu-iTS -TTT-ANTED AGENTS "DODGE'S HORS VV blanket bolder:" keeps the blanket from blowing or sliding off the bOrse; nothing like it In the market every horse owner buys: sample by mallSSe. STAYNEK ft CO., Providence, K. I. WANTED-BY THE UNITED STATES Rolling Stock Company three good axis, makers and their heaters: must be sober, steadt men, who can have steady work the yearroundl Inquire of W. H. CHADDOCK, Superintendent -U.UM! WW. AW. , UnMl T 1J "TTT-ANTED AGENTS TO SELL TEA. BAKING TV powder and pure spices; gifts -with goods: coke workers, miners or mlllmcn can makemoney In their spare time: special Inducements toper sons havfnir Mtnhllnhnd triA YAXfHII!H( TEA CO., 83 Jackson st, Allegheny, Pa. U 4.V IV-liS "TTTANTED-SALESMEN AT S75 PER MONTH TV salarrand expenses, to sell a Ilneorsllver- plated ware, watches, etc.: by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once for full Ssrtlculars and sample case of goods free, STAN ARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. se24-9Q-P TTTANTED AGENTS FOR OUR ADJUST V ABLE, all metal, nickel or bronze door plates: can sell and put together at once: white enamel letters for window signs and new style door bells; SS to 815 a day easily made selling to business mpn nnlv; frpn t srnnlpn tn wlUhl. mpn . Address NEW YORKDOOK PLATE CO., IS Ann 'st, New York. del. Ill Female Help. VTT-.AOTED-GOOD AGENTS TO SELL ti "iappy'inongnisonionieToplcs;"anew, mat selling nooE mat every iaay needs. Anply at once. 547 LIBERTY ST, Room 3. aei-dd "TTT-ANTtD-lMMEDIATELY-A SMART. ACT VV IVE business woman; mnst be willing, if necessary, to make short trips for us; good pay, and expenses. For particulars call on the man ager, BOOM 16, 701 Smithfield, after 1 r. jr. de5-85 "TTJANIED-TO EMPLOY A FEW LADIES. V V on salary, to take charge of my business at taeir homes; entirely unobjectionable; light: very 'Asclnatlng and healthful: no talking required; permanent position; wages 10 per week In ad vance; good pay foi part time; my references In clude some of the best well-known people of Lou isville, Cincinnati. Pittsburg and elsewhere. Ad dress with stamp, MBS. MARION WALKER, Fourth and Chestnut sts., Louisville, Ky. se!2-13-TbSu Male nnd lfemale HelD. TTTANTED-COOKS; WAGES, fS 50 TO tl 00; VV chambermaids, diningroom girls, nurses; 100 house girls; German and colored girls; farm hands; drivers. MRS. E. THOMPSON, 608 Grant st deS-MThs TTT-ANTED-S WHITE WAITERS, MALE VV cook, 2 farm hands, cooks, chambermaids auu nouse gins, uisuwasner, laundress, linen ruuiu gin. nouseaeeper lor MEEHAN'S, 545 Grant st. hotel, seamstress. UO30-D Partners. WyiNTED-A YOUNG MAN OF GOOD AD DRESS to bnv a half Interest in one or tbe best paying businesses in the cltv: will stand thorough investigation. Address BOX Dispatch office. . de5-83 WANTED-A PARTNER WITH 85.000 TO EN GAUE in a well-established light manufac turing business: large profits; parties meaning business will be treated confidentially. Address C. 8., Dispatch offlce. . de5-62 Situations. TTTANTED-SITUATION AS DRESSMAKER VV in private lamiiy. Aaaress L, T., Dispatch offlce. de5-65 w ANTED-STEADY EMPLOYMENT BY A afraid of work; indoor work preferred. Address ., -ney8ionexioiei,iruisourg. de5-55 WANTED-POSITION IN WHOLESALE OR manufactory business as salesman; sold shoes for years: want a change to another line. Address CHAS. BTAKK, Allegheny City, Pa. de5-80 TJANTED-6ITUATION JANUARY 1 BY vv bookkeeper cf one of tbe largest flint glass factories in Ohio, who must change present local ity on account hay fever. Address T Dispatch office. no29-12 Boarders and Lodgers. T)TTA.NTED-OCOUPANTS FOB HANDSOME- tv iii rurnisnea iront room, racing para. NO. 23 MONTGOMERY AVE. de5-64 Rooms. Houses. 3kc "rrjANTED TO BENT IMMEDIATELY VV small house about 9 rooms, all conveniences; 51ve location, terms and full description. Ad ress GOOD TENANT, Dispatch office. de5-58 Horses, Vehicles, Live Slock, Etc WANTED-A FINE BIDING AMD DBIVING horse; give full description. Address O. P. DEARTH, Box 259, Brownsville, Pa. de5-72 "TTTANTED-HOR3E3 TO WINTER ON A V V good farm near city, where they will be well cared for. Inquire of JAMES D.GLOVElt.129 Fonrth ave, Pittsburg, de5-66-MThS nnnnclnL T7"ANTED-MORTGAGES-il, 000, 000TO LOAN TV on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand o percent, anu on xarms in Auegnenyana aaja- lerhenv am cent counties at 8 per cent LM-PENNOCJCft wfli iu z onrta avenue. ap7-f41 TTTANTKD-TO x,OAN 8200,000 ON MORT- V V GAGES: 8100 and upward at 6 per cent; tax), OX at 4J per cent on residences or business iJivutm; siBu m aaioiniug eunnues. o. . pMijaitu 125 Fourth avenue. OC2I-4-D TTTANTKD-MORTOAGKS-tl00,000 IX) LOAN .tv on mortgages, in sums irom sow to amuAt for 3 to 5 years on city property, at very low rates; write for terms and give description of property. J. E. GLA.S6, 118 Ffiifc av. && He. KM. neU-47 "TtrANTED-SMAXL MOitlGAGEB-L J.TVIL VV SON. H9 Fourth ave. no3S-S TTTANTISD - MOKTOAUES - LAKGE AND VV small. EU. W1T1IHU, 110 Gran? street. non-U-D WANTEU-MOKTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN in sums to suit at Hi, 5 and 6 per cent. ALLE8 ft BAILEY, 1 Fourth ave. Teh 167, apl9-14-TT8SU W'ANTED-MOBTGAGEJ ON CrTT KBOl'- EKTY. OTerM.000: 4H cer cent: no tax. HENEY A. WEAVES ft IO., , S2 Fourth avenue. mU2-&-D WANTED KENT3 TO COLLECT AND houses to rent In all parts of both eltlei and suburbs: established 1863. W. A. HEKKON ft BONS, 80 Fourth yyenne TXrANTED-MOirrGAGlCS-S1.0Ca,C00TOLOAN TV in large and small amounts at 1H. 5 and a per cent, free of State tax: no delay. KKKD IS. COYLE ft CO.. 131 Fourth ave. mya-CO WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY ON MORT GAC1EH on lmnrnvpri Trial estate In mtnit of $300 and upward for 3 or S years at H, 6 and 6 per tui!'. u.j. x xA4ii.n, r ony-mia anu Duuer sis. noSO-S-TTSu -TTT-ANTED TO LOAN So00,00O. IN AMOUNTS TV of f3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on M percent, free or tax: also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent BLACK ft DAIKD, 85 Fourth avenue. se21-d3-D TtHsceUancous. WANTED-TO EDECHASE A BAKERY AND confectionery; will pay cash for rood stand. Address BUSINESS, Dispatch offlce. de5-99 WANTED-HOKSES TO KEEP DDK1NG the winter: terms very reasonable. Call en or address R. A. MORRISON, 10 Sixth st, city. dc-5 TT7ANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S VV dozen (13) of Stewart ft Co. 's fine cabinet photos forfl, at SO and S2 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny.. mv28-19-TTSU w ANTED-ALL PERSONS HAVING FUtST rlass referenrft. wlahlnir rmnlarmptiL call or aaaress iiiiu uixx juirLUX.aLft.ni. : . j. rii;. -.i. -v..r. Trr..r; .... BU- BEAU. 67 Fifth ave. deS-77 WANTED-EVEBYONE TO KNOW THAT PEARSON, the leading photographer, of 06 Fifth ave. and 43 Federal St., AlTy., is making a life size crayon portrait, beautifully framed, and one dozen cab. photos, all for SD: all line work. rahl3-63 TTANTED-32) ABLE-BODIED MEN TO TV call and buy our sold filled Elgin stem winding watches at 113 SO each; other dealers charge tlS 00 to CO 00 for same watch. M. J. SMIT, 311 Smithfield st, third door from Fourth ave. del-97-TTSu FOR SALE I3IPROVED REAL ESTATE City Residences. FOR SALE-A 3-STORY DWELLING HOUSE of 10 rooms, opposite Second ave. park. HENRY A. WEAVER ft CO., 82 Fourth ave. de3-37 FOR BALE-TWO GOOD BRICK DWELLING houses: large lot: paved street; half square from cable line: Eleventh ward; only 13,000. ED. WITTI3H, 110 Grant St. de5-D PORSALE-FORH750, '.750 OASH-A NEAT brlek house 8 rooms, lot 21x100 ft.. In Sixth ward: only a short walk from the P. O. BeeW. A. HERRON ft SONS, SO Fourth avenue. no2W4-HTh A. HERRON ft bONS, 8T Fourth avenue. del-76-MTh FOR SALE-CENTER AVE. A CHOICE 2 story brick bouse of 8 rooms, halL vestibule, bath, gas and other modern conveniences: lot24x 163 ft. to Wylle ave.; price low; easy terms. L M. PENNOCK ft SON, 10S Fourth ave. deS-76-TT8 FORSALE-ON SIDNEY, NEAR TWENTY THIRD st, a complete new brick house, 8 rooms; Just finished; late style, handsome ap pearance: only M, 750 on very liberal terms. Bee W. A. HEREON ft BONS, 80 Fourth avenue. no2S-55-uTh TTOR SALE-S25 CASH. REMAINDER IN s.' montniv installments or rzi; no other n&v monthly Installments of 825; no other payment required; a neat brick house, 8 rooms, late lra- provements; on Sycamore street. Thirty-fifth wara; price only p,aJU. w. A. xlEKRON ft SONS, 80Fomrthave. no!7-3-MTh TJIOR 3ALE-MT. WASHINGTON, TJLYS3ES JJ street a comfortable 2-story frame dwelling bouse of.8 rooms: hall, cemented cellar, coal and wood house, frame stable, good well andlarge cis tern: lot 116x114 ft: price, 5,5i)0: terms easy. I. M. PENNOCK ft SON. 105 Fourth ave. deS-44-rrg FOR SALE LAWHENCEVILLJ5-SFECULA-TORS are Invited to look at this; two good 5-room houses on nice paved lot; rentals yielding lOper cent net; owner urges prompt sale and au thorizes us to meet buyer. Call on us. CHARLES SOMER3 ft CO., 313 Wood st Telephone 1773. de5-l FOR SALE-LIBERTY AVE. AND THIRTY NINTH St., new modern frame dwelling, S rooms, finished attic, hall, vestibule, inside shut ters, side entrance, large cellar, etc.; grained and well finished; lot 20x100 feet: good location and convenient to cable line: price 82,800; terms easy. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. no30-8-TTSU East End Residences. Tri O R SAL E OAKLAND RESIDENCES. JP CHARLES SOMERS ft CO., 343 Wood St. 'Telephone 1773. deS-1 FOR SALE-HILAND AVENUE PROPER TIES. CHARLLSSOMEKS&CO., 313 Wood Telephone 1773. de5-l TlORSALE-t2,000, EASY PAYMENTS-HOUSE J of 5 rooms; lot 25 ft. front on Murtlandavr ite, near Dallas avenue. W. A. HERRON ft UVB, 80 Fonrth avenue. no!7-l-iiTh H SALE-5 MINUTES FROM HOMEWOOD station; 3-room. frame dwelling: lot 25x100: only 8700; must be sold at once. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO.. 99 Fourth ave. deS-M T710R SALE-CHOICE DWELLINGS-9 TO 13 JU .rooms, on lorbes st and Coltart Square, Oakland; late style: elegantly finished; price low, terms easy. See W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. de4-13-uih FOR 8ALE-H.0C0 WILL BUY A NEW, SUB STANTIAL modern frame dwelling, well ar ranged and convenient to steam and cable cars; located in the finest part orthe East End; it con tains 6 large roomB, and all modern conveniences, complete sewerage, etc. ; fine lot 21x133 feet to alley; terms very easy. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty fifth ana Butler sts. no30-3-TTBu FOR SALE-OAKLAND, FOURTEENTH ward; but few of the many people In this ?:reat city have any conception of the magnitude, mmense improvement rapid growth and en hancement orthe now most aeslrable residence district within our city limits; within 80 days tbe new electric street railway will be in operation, connecting Oakland Square and the city (via the traction road) for the nominal fare of 5 cents; Oakland Square is a beantlful park around which run wide streets paved with asphaltum and sew ered free of cost to the purchaser of one of the beautiful dwellings facing tbe square, a brief de scription of which, is here given: Built of brick, by day work, two sizes, 8 and 9 rooms, halls, bath. lpsiae snorters ana w. cs, nanasome slate man tels, tile hearths, sliding doors, range and both gases; also, electric lighting apparatus, large porches, cemented cellars, fine chandeliers, large lot. etc. ; terms, small cash payment down, bal ance (500 per annum; 17 or these dwellings have been sold to representative, business men; the time consumed in running from the postofiloe to the square is but 17 minutes, thus giving ample time to go home for dinner: see the square before buying elsewhere. BAM'L W. BLACK ft CO.. 99 Fourth ave. no2S-61 Allcoheny Residences. FOR SALE-ALLKGHENT PARK PROPER TIES. CHARLES SOMERS ft CO., 313 Wood st. Telephone 1773. de5-l FOR bALE-ONLY 111.000 FOR A WESTERN avenue. Second ward, Allegheny, residence or 8 rooms. For full Information see W. A. HERRON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth avenue. de4-ll-MTh FOB BALE A NICE ALLEGHENY HOME on Pleasant st. with good surroundings, con venient to parks: substantial brick bouse of six large rooms, vestibule, ball, batb, h. and c. water, range, both gases, 1. s. clqsets, etc.: a very at tractive and salable property at the price, 81,000. CHARLES SOMERS ft CO., 313 Wood st. Tele phone 1773. -de5-l Snburbnn Residences. FOR SALE-AT WILKINSBURG-HOU8F, 7 rooms; lot 50X132; 8 minutes rrom sta.; 84,000: easy terms. W. E. HAMNETT, 404 Bmlthfleld street Pittsburg, and Wllklnsburg, Pa. de5-53 FOR SALE-SMALL PLACE OF 9 ACRES, with abundance of fruit of all kind, with a good bouse of 8 rooms; also a honse of 5 rooms and one of 2 rooms, large bank barn, etc.: situate about 10 minutes' walk from Glenfield station; a food investment. U BERINGEB ft SON, 103 ourth ave. de5-75-Ths "CIOR SALE-AT WILKINSBURG AN ELE X GANT residence of 9 rooms, finished attic, natural gas, bathroom and all modern Improve ments, with one acre of ground; plenty of fruit of all kinds; will be sold cheap, as owner must move in spring. W. E. HAMNETT, 404 Smith field street Pittsburg, and Wllklnsburg, Pa. de5-53 FOR 8ALE-AT WILKINSBURG, CONVE NIENT to station, X neat 5-roomed frame houses, lot 33KX100 feet: excellent water in both houses: natural gas; good, dry cellars: will be sold very low and on easy payments: full particulars from MCCUNE ft COULTER, 98 Fourth ave., who will take you out and show you the property. no28-37 ' FOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT, ETNA BOR OUGH, at Orphans' Court sale: the property of Lewis King, deceased, on the Butler turnpike, near Etna postofflce, will be sold at auction on Thursday, December 5, at 2 o'clock; lot 30x100: frame house and store: terms, rourth cash and three years, A. L1.UUATE ft BON, Auctioneers. no28-90 FOR 8ALE A DESIRABLE WILKINSBURG residence and large lot; 8 spacious and cheer ful rooms, bath, w. c, lavatory, hot and cold water, natural gas, pantries and other modern ap- Sliauces; everything In excellent order; fine lot 1x132 feet: considerable number of fruit trees, grape vines on trellis work, etc., etc.; perfect sewerage: stone walk in front; 2 minutes to rail road station; exceptionally pleasant and con venient neighborhood. Particulars from JAB. W. DRAPE ft Co., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. de5-74 FOR SALE LOTS. Manufacturing Sites. TRTOH BALE-IN THE HE ABT OF THK CITY. A JL fine manufacturing site, containing one-third n-;.j&o)r.A,i HKKHUAADuaa ouironrEn srejuf-amsiji only 13 LA r FUK SALE LeTK. City Lata. FgB. SALE-M LOTS IN BYHNE'S PLAN Eighteenth ward:prlce,COtouoeo-good,chea S?0,;eiTe"r Payments. I.M. FENNOOK i SON. 105 Fourth avenue. de3--TTS East EndZxira. FOR SALE-CHEAPt-EASr END BUILDING lots: call or send for printed list. Just issued, free. W. A. HERKON ft SONS.80 Fourth avenne. del-77-mh FOR SALE-BUILIHNU LOTS. IS FT. DEEP, in sizes la iront to suit, on Alder st. near Hl-l?2.t!e.-i E8' End: location nrt-class. W. A. HERBONftSON 3, 80 Fourth ave. nol7-ffi-MTh TJIOR SALE-A LARGE CORNER LOT, 100X133 JL' feet, in tbe ShaUyslde district, East End; Srice to a prompt buyer, S3. 000; a decided bargain. VAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., m Fourth avenue. Pitts burg. je5-71 FORSALE-THE CHEAPEST LOTS IN THE marketto-day are to be found in tbe Villa I ark plan, lirnshton station: no city taxes and conveniently located: secure plan (book form), from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 5iS Bmlthfleld street. del-58-TTSS FOB BALE-BAUM GROVE LOTS -THE choicest i estrlcted property foi private dwell ings in the EaBt End: for convenience of access and prospective advancement lu value nothing else on the marker approaches it Full informa tion fronvMELLON BROS., East End,or JNO.F. BAXtEBjAgt, 513 Bmlthfleld street del-57-TTSU Alleshonv Ijots. FOR 8ALE SPECIAL BARGAIN IN IRWTN ave. Iota, near North ave., to quick buyer. ALLES A BAILEY, 161 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. de5-71-5,7,8,9,18,2l TflOR BALE-tlOOO-LOT 21X75, FREMONT ST., X! near Pennsylvania avenue. Second ward. Al legheny: the last of tbe Mohicans on this street A. LEGGATEftBON. SlFederaUt de-S FOB SALE LACOCK ST , NEAR -FEDERAL st, Allegheny: vacant lot 60x100; price I20O a foot; new buildings being erected on adjacent lots, which will enhance valne. LEGGaTE ft SON, 31 Federal st- Allegheny. des-fl Suburban Lota. TjIOB SALE-AT EDGEWOOD-LOT 10OXI5O; T -L' minutes irom sta.;fi, iw: easy terms: also lot 145x185. 6 minutes from sla. W. if. HAMNET..404 Bmlthfleld street, Pittsburg, and Wllklnsburg. de5-54 FOR SALE-AT WILKINSBUKG-LOTS 30x150; Rebecca street 8 minutes from sta. : 3S5 down, hal. your own time. W. E. HAMNETT, 101 Smithfield street 'Pittsburg, and Wllklnsburg. deS-53 FOR SALE-AT BRUBHTON-LOT 10x137 ON Bennett street 5 minutes from sta., 17 0; also corner lot 40x137, S minutes from sta., 1300. W. E, HAMNETT, 401 Bmlthfleld st, Pittsburg, and Wilkinsburg, Pa. de5-5f Farms. FOB 8ALE-A GOOD FARM OF 71 ACRES, ON line of railroad, about IS miles from tbe city; dwelling house, outbuildings, orchard, water.etc, etc.; would exchange In part for city property. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. deS-74 F OH SALE-A VERY FINE PARM OF 59 acres in a nigh state of cultivation, well wa- tered by never-failing springs; land rich and pro ductive; frame house of 1 rooms and an excellent DanEDamrsituate near Butler, fa. ; price, only 3,800. C. BEBINGEB ft SON, 103 Fourth ave. de5-75-Th8 FOR BALE-MARKET OABDEN FABM-A choice little farm of 82 acres In Forward town ship, 2 miles from Monongahela City; nearly all cleared: weltwatered: fine soil: orchard- brick bonse of 9 rooms, large barn and stable, spring and greenhouse and various outbuildings; price ow to an Immediate bnTer. x. ai. rK.iut;a. a BON, No. 105 Fourth ave. de5-76-TTj STiscellaneons. TTIOB BALE-AT 8100 PER ACRE-28 ACRES OF .a- iana weu locaiea in xwenty-xnira wara con- sldered cheap. See W, HEBRON ft SONS, 80 fourth avenue, ael-78-xin FOR BALE-SQUIRREL HILL, NEABSCHEN LEY Park, 30 acres lana having a frontage of over X 800 feet on a good street: 21 acres land, street frontage 1.400 feet; 5 acres fronting on two streets; 4 acres and 2-story frame dwelling of & rooms; 15 acres land near the Squirrel Hlllelec trle road and Forbes street IKA M. BURCH FIELD. 15a Fourth ave. de3-25-TbSM VOU SALE BUSINESS. Business Stands. F OR SALE-GBANT ST. BUSINESS PBOP- EBTY-lstorvbnlldlng. size 24x100: 12 rooms buu Bboreruum; special Dargain. . -.. vzr. ;. . wi . ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. deS-IO-TTS FOB SALE-FIFTH AVE.-FKAME HOUSE; storeroom and 7 rooms: natural gasand water: lot 20x120; rents 312: taxes and ground rent 1100: 5 years' lease from February, 1890: price only I80O. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO.. 96 Fourth avo. de5-ss FOR SALE-STORE AND DWELLING, ON Butler street near Thirty-seventh st , a good 2-story biick store and dwelling; lot 28 ftlolnx 104 ft. 7 In. deep along an alley; price low. L M. PENNOCK ft SON, No. 105 i ourth ave. deS-78-TT3 TTtOK SALE-HOTEL STAND IN A GOOD J? town In Stark county, Ohio, consisting of a 15-room hotel building, large stable, etc.; lot72x 160 feet: price only 82,000. or will exchange for city property. C. BEKIN GEK ft BON, 103 Fourth ave, de6-75-ThS FOR BALE-ALLEGHENY A GOOD PAY ING Investment on Lacock st, a 2-story brick store and 7 dwelling rooms, finished attic, cellar; also. 2-story brick house of 1 rooms, cellar, water and both kinds gas in each: lot 43x61 feet L M. PENNOCK ft BON, 105 Fourth ave. de3-41-TTS Business Chances. FOR SALE-AN INTEREST IN A RETAIL grocery store to a man capable of running the business. Address Q. B. O., Dispatch office. de3-36-TT FOR SALE-BUblNESS-NICKLE IN SLOT Machines Co., automatic Waukesha water fountains, tanks, patents and contracts: a great suecess here last summer. For particulars ad dress H. M. BLACK, 821 Penn ave. ds5-6S F IOR SALE DRUG STORES. GROCERY stores, nrlntlng offlce. wall psoer and notion store, and other good business chances: we also have a purchaser for a well located cigar store. PEKCIVAL ft CHAPMAN, 67 Fifth ave., second floor. de&-77 FOR BALK-A VERY FINE SANDSTONE quarry on the West Penn Railroad, with a 200-foot face and rock !0 feet thick; R. R. siding, tools, derrick, blacksmith shop, boarding house, etc.: price only 84,000. C. BEHINGERASON. 118 Fourth ave. deS-75-Ths FOB SALE-DRUGGISTS LpOK AT THIS; drug store: good location In city; nice store room; plate glass front: solid walnut fixtures; clean stock: a place for business; on small invest ment: 11,800 will secure It to a quick buyer. CHARLES BOMERS ft CO., 313 Wood st Tele phone 1,773. de5l FOR SALE-BLACKSMITH AND WAGON shop, with a one-story house of two large rooms and good attic; also stable, etc., with one aere of ground;. about 30 minutes' walk from onarpsnurg; price OLiy si,wm; an excellent oppor- tunltyfor a blacksmith, 103 Fourth ave. U. DJUUIl ur.it s. duj, de5-75-ThS FOR SALE-COAL BUSINESS ON LINE OF railroad, near the city, all In successful op eration, and Including pit wagons, mules, tools and all necessary equipment; about 150 acres of solid coal; side track space for 50 cars: rare open ing for anyone who understands tbe coal busi ness. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. de5-71 FOB SALE-AN OLD ESTABLISHED AND successful light clean mercantile business: no opposition, and first-class location; established 27 years: doing a businessof 10,000 per annum; owner must sell on account ot Infirmities; this Is a first-class opening which we can highly recom mend: will require about rzooo cash. See L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. no30-8-TTSu FOR SALE-GROCERY STORES IN BOTH cities, from 8350 to 110,000; cigar stores 8250, 8350, 8500. 11,800; shooting gallery paying 875 per week clear or expenses: fine city and country drugstores: general country stores: good paying slate roofing business in live town; boarding houses, milk routes, confectioneries, bakeries ana many other good business chances. BHEPABDft CO., 54 Fifth ave. noB FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, etc FOR BALE-ONE HORSE TEAM COMPLETE. Apply to A. L. BEBER, Cherry and Oak alleys. de5-93 Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE ENGINES AND BOILERS NKW and refitted: repairing promptly attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY ANDMACH1NECO..L1M., below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. anlO-29 FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers: all sizes and styles In stook, rrom 4 to 100 h. p. ;all refltted;good as new, at lowest prices; portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. ; boilers all sizes and styles. J .8. YOUNG, 23 Park way, Allegheny, Pa. OC25-80-D -wTuiK sarrc NOW ONE 8ECOND-HANI1 JC tenoning machine, 2 surface planers and 1 I hsner.and new and second-hand engines. boilers. I lard kettles, tar tanks. Slemen valves, castings, etc VELTE 4 MCDONALD, Thirty-second st and Penn ave. jvzi-sii-TTS Miscellaneous. 1TiOBB.I,K-A GKANDPATHEB'B CLOCK IN J good running order: is SO years old; price as Apply at BOYEB HOTEL, Dnqnesne way. de5-53 TT10B SALE THE LARGEST SELECTION OF JD genuine diamonds in the city at BMIT'S. 311 Bmlthfleld st, third door from Fonrth ave. All goods marked In plain figures. del-97-TTBU LOST. LOST-PACKAGE OF FBOMISSOKY NOTES ot value to owner only. Liberal reward lor tbelr return to B. HUMPHREY, 543 Bmlthfleld st. city. de4-8 LOST-81TU K WILL BUY YOU AN ELEGANT pair of Khtne or Voltaic stone eardrops, mounted in solid gold: scarf pins from 75e to 81 75, and all other goods In proportion. M. J. SMIT, 311 Smithfield st. third door from Fourth are. del-97-TTSu FOUND. FOUND-THAT YOU CAN BUY SOLID gold baby rings for o at M. j. SMTt'S, ail BaUSaeld H.t MUrd Ooor ftus Jfoarth ave. 321- CkvjResldeaces. mo LET-TWO BEAUnFUKDWi. J. seven rooms, hall and bathroom, . on Tblrty-serenlh street: rent very lo ARMSTRONG, Real Estate and-Ins. A Penn ave. r. fast End Residence. " mO LET-7-ROOMED HOUSE ONDENNISTON X ave.. East End; both gases, hot and cold water, bath, range, etc; within two minutes' walk from depot; rent (25 a month. Inquirer H. T. DUBHFIElD, N o. 213 Fifth ave. de5-96 Allrsheny Residences.' mOLET-A VERY DESIRABL1THOUSE, AL- i MOST new: 10 rooms; very cheap; No. 69 Fremont cor. Franklin st, Allegheny. See W. A. HERRON ft SON&, 80 Fourth ave. de5-81-KTbS- OHces. Desk Boon, etc TO LET-I30D PER YEAR-A LARGE, WELL LIGHTED office with all modern conven iences; newly patnted and papered: has two large closets for storage room. Inquire at GERMAN LA SAVINGS BANK, 123 Woodst noIl-D Miscellaneous. TO LET YOU CALL AT ONCE AND EXAM INE our line of diamonds, watches. Jewelry, silverware, etc. M. J. BM1T, 311 bmlthfleld st, third door from Fourth ave. del-97-TTSu PERSONAL. PERSONAL-NEW BOOKS-HUNDREDS OF new books, nicely bound In cloth gilt at Sic each: many fine books in elegant bindings: come and Bee tbem. LEVI'S BOOKSTORE, Liberty st, nearNlntb. , nc3-33 PEKSONAL-WE LEAD, AND NO ONE CAN follow, or afford to sell as low as we do; jnst think of it, we are selling solid gold stem-winding watches, for ladles, at S9 50 and np; gold filled Elgin watches, SI3 60; gold rings from 25c up, at XL. i. SMIT'B, 311 Bmlthfleld st. third door from Fourth ave. del-97-rTSu PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently they had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family Jar occa sioned by. the wife insisting on being allowed to renovate his wearing apparel, and which, ot course, was done in a bungling manner; In order to prevent tbe trouble they agreed to send all tbelrwork hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor. 65 Fifth ave., corner Wood St., second floor, and now everything Is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns lu their household. Telephone 1558. au30-D AUCTION SALES. THE LAST WEEK, COMMENCING, MONDAY. DECEMBER 2, or tub BANKRUPT BALE. OVER $150,000 WORTH -OF- F1NE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, CARPETS, RUGS, Era, BY AUCTION 1 -AT- 723 AND 725 LIBERTY ST., CORNER EIGHTH. Sales, Morning; Afternoon and Evening, N. B. Special accommodations provided for ladies. deSoI-rrssu. GEO. D. RIDDLE, Att'y, Nc 118 Diamond St. ORPHANS? COURT SALE ESTATE Mary Meredith, dee'd. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny county, at March term. No. 7, 1SS9, in partition, I will expose at public sale, on the premises, on THURSDAY. Dec 12, at 3 o'clock P. H.. tbe following described real estate: A lot or piece of ground, situate in the Third ward of the city of Allegheny, county of Allegheny and State of Penna being lot No. 35. in Hugh S. Flem ing's plan of lots, recorded in Recorder's Office aforesaid, of tbe connty of Allegheny In Plan book, vol. J, part 1, page 106 having a front age of 20 feet 6 inches on tbe easterly side of Sandusky st and extending back in an east erly direction, preserving the same width along the line of a 3-foot alley on tbe north sldeof said lot to line of J. H. Sewell property. Being the same premises which Mathew Graham and wife by deed, dated June 2L A. D. I860, and re corded in the Recorder's office aforesaid. Deed Book, vol. 248, page 159, granted ana conveyed to the said Mary Meredith, dee'd. Terms of sale One-third cash on delivery of deed, bal ance three equal annual Installments secured by tight bond and mortgage on the premises with interest JAMES MILUGAN, Trustee. A. J. PENTECOST, Auctioneer. 113 Grant street no21-37-Th HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIMITED. ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE OF FINE buggy, carriage, bay mare, stable goods, Siano, furniture, carpets, etc. etc, at the resl ence of Mrs. J. J. Vetter, on Center avenne, between Roup and Aiken avenues. East End, THURSDAY MORNING, December 6, at 10 o'clock. Fine carriage, made by West, almost new; buggy, wagon, bay inare. harness, hose and stable outfit: elegant Stelnway piano, solid wal nut parlor suit, lur rugs, lace curtains, mahog any cabinet, ornaments, pictures, desk, concb, Wilton velvets and body bmssels carpets, oak ball rack with French plate class, carved oak chamber suit, fine walnut chamber suit, ward robe, bedsteads, bureaus, rockers, chairs, wash stands, line Doulton dinner set of ISO nieces, glass and silverware, walnut sideboard, leather dining chairs, walnut extension table, laundry acd kitchen goods, etc. Honse open at 8 o'clock morning of sale. HENRY AUCTION CO., UM., del-82-arwxh Auctioneers. A T AUCTION- FRIDAY MORNING, December e, At the Rooms, No. 311 Market st,, at 10 o'clock. Fine line of parlor suits in crushed and silk plushes, brocatelles. rng3 and hair cloth, easy chairs, couches, rockers, cabinets, bookcases, secretaries, desks, wilton, velvet and body brussels carpets, linoleum, rugs, shades, cur tains, chambersuits, bureaus, wasbstands, bed steads, chiffoniers, folding beds, hair and husk mattressses, mirrors, picture?. wiUowwarc fine sealskin sacque, iron safe, stoves, revolving chairs, springs, china, glass and silverware, no tions, dress goods, fur trimmings, etc HENRY AUCTION CO., UM., Auctioneers. de5-94 AUCTION SALE ON SATURDAY, DE CEMBER U. A property on Taylor street, Bloomfleld. Sixteenth ward, containing S bouses, grocery store, and suitable lots for everybody. Information is given by BERN HARD HILTERMAN, No. 110 Taylor street, Bloomfleld. deo-2 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS report of Viewers on tbe damages caused by the grading of Urbaca alley, from 128 feet south of south enrb line of Davison street to. present pavement, has been approved by Coun cils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Dept of Public Works. PITTSBURG PA, Nov. 30, 18S9. noSO-11-D NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATTHE report of Viewers on the grading and paving of Urbana alley, from a point 123 feet south of the south curb line of Davison street to the present pavement, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. Pittsburg, Pa, November 80, 188a. no30-U-D NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of Viewers on the construction of a sewer on Fox street from South Twenty fourth street to South Twenty-third street, has been approved by Councils, which action w.U be final, unless an appeal is filed in tbe Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. ELM. BIGELOW. Chief of Dert of Public Works. Pittsetjbg, Pa, November SO, 1889. no30-ll-D N OT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 tbe reports of Viewers on the openinir of Bennett street from Frankstown avenne to tne city line, ana ikeiiy street, irom film avenue to tne city line, have been approved by Councils, which action will be flnas unless an appeal is filed in tbe Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E.M. BIGELOW, Chief of Dept of Public Works. PxrTSBUBO, PA, November 30, 1SS9. no30-ll Ofticb ot tits Crrr Treasurer. 1 Pittsbubg, December 2, 1889. ( NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the duplicates for the second as sessments of water rents (for new buildings completed since April 1, 1SS0.) have been placed in my hands for collection, and payable at this office during the month of December. All water rents remaining unpaid January 1, 1880, will be placed in the bands of W. R. Ford, Collector of Delinquent Taxes, with 5 per cent added, for collection. J.F.DENNISTON, rie33S-T City Treasurer. WAX.TKBJ.OSBOUBXE. RICHARD BARBOW3. BARROWS 4 OSBOURNE JOB PRINTERS, 80 DiajBond street TstoplioaeNo.aii sSI-rq tht. ingh. eqaipm. three ves which, fort are designate No. 6 Two ste. displacement each. practice vessel of abu Gunboats No. S and No. in accordance with the . aforesaid act of March 2,1889. August third, eighteen bundreu entitled 'An act to increase the im. ment,' so far as applicable, shall construction of the two steel ennboa said vessels shall be of domestic manufac ,-iev ijie JTUcfcii3 vessel is w u cousirucieuftasixe quired by tbe aforesaid act of September,? 1883. viz: "To be built by contract in accord ance with tbe terms of tbe 'act to increase thsf naval establishment,' approved Angnsttblrd.'Q eighteen nunarea ana eighty-six." The con tracts for the construction of said vessels will contain provisions to the effect thaf tbe contractor guarantees- that when completed and tested for speed, nnder condK tionsto be prescribed by tbe Navy Depart ment, the speed developed by said gunboats upon such trial shall be not less than an aver age of 13 knots per honr, maintained success fully for four consecutive hours, during which period the air pressure in the flreroom shall not exceed one-half inch of water; and tbe speed developed by said practice vessel upon such trial shall not be less than an average of 12 knots per hour, maintained successfully for four consecutive hours, during which period the air pressure in tbe ash-pita shall not exceed one-half inch of water; and in the case of each vessel, for every quarter knot of speed so de veloped above said guarantee, the contractor shall receive a premium, over and above the) contract price of five thousand dollars; and for every quarter knot that such vessel falls of reaching said guaranteed speed, there shau be deducted from tbe contract price the sum of five thousand dollars: bnt that If, nnder the conditions prescribed as aforesaid, cither of said gunboats shall tail to success! nlly develop and maintain, for four consecutive hours, an average speed of at least 12 knots per boar, she shall be rejected, and if, nnder such conditions, said practice vessel shall fail to develop and main tain, for such period, an average speed of at least 11 knots per hour, she shall be rejected. Said vessels are to be constructed In accord ance with plans and specifications provided or adopted by tbe Secretary of the Navy. Plans' and specifications, forms of proposals embrac ing a genenl statement of provisions to be included in the contract for the vessels will be prepared by, this Department, and may bo seen and examined at tbe department, where all in formation essential to bidders can be obtained. Said vessels must be completed within two years from the dates of the respective con tracts, and payments on each vessel will be,, made in twenty equal installments, as the work, progresses, upon bills duly certified, from which ten per cent will be reserved to be paid' on the fnll and final completion of the con-' tracts. The cost of said gunbeaas, excluding1 the cost of armament, but including equip-, ment is limited to an amount not exceeding $350,000 each, and tbe cost of said practice ves-r sel is limited to an amount not exceeding $260,- 000. Proposals for the construction of said ves sels will be received "from every American, shipouilder and other person who shall show.' to the satisfaction of tbe Secretary of the Navy, that within three months from tbe date of the contract he will be possessed of the necessary plant for the performance of the work in tbe United States which he shall offer to undertake." Tho evidence thus required must accompany the proposals or be submitted to the department in advance. Each proposal must include the construction of both tbe vessel and her machinery complete in all respects, as re quired by the plans and specifications, and contracts will be made separately for each vessel. including hull and machin ery. Proposals for each vessel are divided into four classes, as follows: Proposals for Hull and Machinery. Class L For the construction uf the hull and ma chinery, including engines, boilers and appur tenances, complete in all respects. In accord ance with the plans and specifications provided by tbe Secretary of the Navy. Proposals for Hull and Machinery. Class 2, For the con struction of the huB and machinery, including engines, boilers and appurtenances, complete in all respects, in accordance with the plans and specifications provided by tbe contractor. But no such proposal will be considered unless accompanied by as lull and complete plans and specifications of such hull and machim ry as are issued by the Department for tbe vessel; and a satisfactory guarantee of tbe results of the same if adopted. Proposals for Hull and Machinery. Class S- For the construction of the bull according to the plans and specifica tions provided by the Secretary of the Navy. the contractor to put In engines, boilers and . appurtenances of any design which he may consider more suitable than those called for by said plans and specifications, not to exceed, however, in weight nor in the space to be occupied, that allotted in said plans and specifications. Bnt no such proposal win be, considered unless accompanied by as full, and complete plans and specifications of such, proposed engines, boilers and appurtenances as are issued by the Department for the vessel. , and a satisfactory guarantee of the results of the same If adopted. Proposals for Hull and Machinery. Class 4. For the construction of the machinery, including engines, boilers and appurtenances, complete In all respects, in ac cordance with the plans and specifications pro vided by the Secretary of the Navy. For the construction of the hull complete in all respects In accordance with the plans and specifications provided by tbe contractor: but no such pro posal will be considered unless accompanied by as full and complete plans and specifications of such hull as are issued by the Department for -the vessel, and a satisfactory guarantee of the results of the same if adopted. The arrange ments for tbe accommodation 01 ail machinery, coal, armament.flttings, equipments and stores complete, mnst oe for the same articles and equally convenient and commodious as those, contained in the Department's plans and speci fications. Bidders who may desire to offer to construct mora than one of said vessels, may embrace. In one proposal, either two or three of said vessel", tne price ot each being given separately. Bidders are not restricted to one proposal, i. e the same bidder may propose for one or more of the vessels under one or more of the four classes of proposals, as above speci fied. Each proposal must be accompanied by a cash deposit or satisfactory certified cheek payarjie to tne oraer 01 tne secretary 01 me Navy, which shall become the property of the United States in case the successful bidder shall fallta enter Into tho requisite contract and to furnish the requisite security on the ac ceptance of his proposal. The amonnt of such deposit or check must not be less than 5 per cent of the amount of the bid, bnt bidders in cluding more than one vessel in their proposal will not be required to submit therewith a cer tified check exceeding in amount the sum of 830.000. All deoosits and checks of bidders whose proposals shall not be accepted will, on, the award of the contracts, be returned to, them: the deposits or checks of each successful ; oiaaer wiu do returned to mm wuen nis con tract has been duly entered into and the requi site security furnished. Every bidder will be required, within 20 days after the acceptance of his proposal, to enter into a formal contract for tbe faithful performance of the work and to Svea satisfactory bond for such performance a penal sum equal to 15 per cent of the amonnt of his bid. Proposals mnst be made. In duplicate, in accordance with forms which will be furnished on application to the department., inclosed in sealed envelope', addressed to the Secretary of tbe Navy, Navy Department, Washington. D. C, and marked "Proposals for tbe constrnction of gunboat No. . or practice vessel" (as the case may be). The Secretary of the Navy reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids, as, in bis judgment, tho interests of the. Government may require. B. F. TRACY, Seo retary of the Navy. no21-68-Th-ja21 REPORTS. - a THOMASVILLE, GA., Piney Woods Hotel. Season opens December 4. 18S9. SI. A. BOWER, Proprietor. Crip Mlvitnlaa sofa atn f1fOV WM. E. DAVIESS, Manager, ThomasviHe, Gs.V or jr. A. .ts uuiAi.au. windsornoiei,r..x.i-iiy?. OClZ.j-TTS SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, M. HAY SONS & CO: -". ttt ciiiAji ixtua ajxu stuuiuiiw r. a Auu kgucim caui4(uia u& c..v -mw.ivo, .Mr dieS' and gentlemen's soiled or faded garments; neauy cleaned or restored in coior. wuitaiua of every description carefully attended to. M. MAY SONS & CoJ JoU-TTS 68 SIXTH AVE. Pittsburg.' Pajj HOLIDAY GOODS-BOYS WATC Si and np; misses' solid sliver wa $3 60 and np; tine gold watches, dian. Jewelry, silverware, clocks, spectacles.. el WILSON'S, 61 Fourth ave Pittsl Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired. Ufa noiy-TTS jsb! p A. BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, U Seventh avenue. Pittsburs. 1 Telephone 1314. se38.TT31 piANOa, OEGAN& B. HAMILTON, HAND83 FIFTH AVENUE, .3 PUtaburg, Pa, a.p3