I RIG PAPER TRUST, w -- I.. pie "Wrapping Paper Manu facturers Form a Combine &; $0 SHOOT UP THE PEIOES. liLocal Mill Owner Approached by Agents of the Trust. iOVER 1,000 MILLS IN THE TRADE "Users of the common grades of -wrapping , paper may soon have the doubtful pleasure of paying a much higher price than tney dow do for the material in which, they '"do-up" the packages of their various cus tomers. For some years the price of straw and rag wrapping has been so low that, according to the manufacturers' story, there has been no profit for them in either grade; in fact, some owners of paper mills claim to have been running at a loss. This state of affairs is, of course, caused by excessive competition, and many are the schemes that have been devised to remedy matters, but, up to the present time, all have proven futile. The latest scheme which has been sprung upon an unsuspecting public, is to form a gigantic trust similar to those formed in other branches of trade, for the purpose of diminishing competition by securing con trol of all the straw and rag wrapping mills in the country. WOBKDrO Iir THE "WEST. The people back of the trust have as yet confined their operations to the "West, but are gradually working eastward. Agents are out, and it is safe to say that there are very few mills, large or small, which have Dot been visited. While talking with a prominent paper-stock dealer yesterday, a reporter learned that letters explaining the proposed trust and its methods had reached Pittsburg, and were then in the hands of Mr. Hugh McElroy, a local capitalist, who is largely interested in several straw paper mills in Ohio. When the reporter called upon Mr. Mc Elroy, that gentleman admitted that efforts were being made to form a trust, and that his partners in Ohio had been approached by agents who wanted to make arrangements to secure his mills. As Mr. McElroy, through the firms with which he is con nected, controls the greater part of the straw wrapping trade of Pittsburg and vicinity, it will be seen that the matter at once assumes proportions of great interest to local con sumers. pubposes outliked. The letters, which were kindly shown to the reporter, state that J. C. Bicbardson, of the Haldeman Paper Company, Lockland, O., and J. B. Sherwood, of Lafayette, Ind., were the agents, and had visited various mills throughout Ohio in the interests of the trust. Among others visited were those at Coshocton and at Newark, from which places the letters were written. According to the Ietters,Messrs. Bichard son and Sherwood offered to buy the mills outright at a fair value, nr take them into the combination, giving in return stock in trust, or part stock and part cash, the latter to be paid in time installments, the trnst to have, through the present management, full control of the property. This arrangement would enable the combination to shut down or start up the mills, as best suited their convenience and profit. The headquarters of the proposed combi nation will likely be at Chicago, though this is by no means certain. Just wt,.i else be sides the agents are interested could not be learned, but great progress has been mad-, and in the West the trust is looked upon as an assured fact. X A LOCAL lIAinTFACTTJBER DUBIOUS. Mr. McElroy did not say positively that he would or would not enter into an agree ment to transfer his mills to outside control, but said that he would await further infor mation on the subject Several other paper dealers and one manufacturer were seen, but, while they thought that such a combi-. nation could be made of great benefit to the trade, they refused to discuss the matter further. It is probable that the last great effort to form a paper trust, and its ignominious fail ure, is still fresh in their minds. This trnst, or combination, which was called the Consolidated Paper Company, and which had its headquarters in Chicago, was com posed of a number of mills situated all over the country. Its primary, and in fact its only object, was to advance the price of wrapping paper. It was formed some few years ago, and after a short and precarious -career, failed, pinching every member more ior less. Some members lost thousands of dollars, and ugly rumors of dishonesty on .some one's part were for a time heard. OVER A THOUSAND MILLS. Should the present, or rather the pro posed, trust be formed, it will be one of the greatest in the country, as there are over iOOO straw and rag wrapping paper mills in the United States. These mills are of vari ous capacities, some making 1 ton a day and-others as high as 60 tons every 24 hours, and millions of dollars are invested in them. C0L0HEL ESCHLEMAN DEPARTS. He Was Here on a S20.000 Suit Against the ' Blrmlnennm Companr. Colonel Prank B. Eschleman, the well known attorney of Lancaster. Pa., and one of Adjutant General Hastings' most valua ble assistants at Johnstown, who has been in the city ior several days, left last even ing for his home. The Colonel has been "here as one of the attornevs in the case of Henrv Durr against the Pittsburg and Birmingham Passenger Railway Company. The jury was out all night, and will render their verdict this morning. The case is an old one. Suit is a promi nent and wealthy resident of Lancaster. "While in this city in 1886 he alleges he was pushed from a Birmingham car by the condnctor. He fell on the street and had theTieck of his thigh bone broken. This made him a cripple, and one side of his body is useless. Dr. "William H. Pan-' roast, the great Philadelphia surgeon, was There and testified to the man's injuries. The amount of damages is filed at $20,000. - The plaintiff's attorneys in this city are .Xyon & Shoemaker, who assisted Colonel ' Eschleman. LAI1KG THEIR OWB LIKE. i.iAnderon. Dcpny fc Co.-ratlins Down a Gas Pipe to tbo FertrsTille Road. Anderson, Depuy & Co., owners of the steel works at Chartiers, are laying a gas line to the field on the Perrysville road. The line will be about an 18 inch and will cross the Ohio river at Jack's run. It be- ! - gins at the horseshoe bend near the cream- hollow. It strikes the river below the station and will be laid .along the level "ground on the south bank ot the Ohio. The line will be about 5i miles long. The Linden Club Organized. ,T' ivArhe Linden Club, an organization of the SEsst End. which proposes to put up a hand Hsome clubhouse and assembly rooms on Lin den avenue, near Meade, such as has been iVexistence in the Bellefield district for 8veral years past, was formally organized oand intends to apply for a charter this week. ilMrv D, McK. Lloyd is President, Mr. Jos. 5 Ja. Cuss Vice President, ana U. A. Uhipley, fjS.'M. U Jteill, J. JS. ecuwarcz, d. xt. ju.c Otintock, T. A. Gillespie. A. M. Jenklu-j-on and H. E. Collin?, Directors. Prank JXaughlln, Jr., is Secretary and D. P. Black, "Treasurer. A -WESTIKGHOUSB SEW WORKS. The Old BaUdlng " Peon sad Twenty Foarrtt Street to te Extensively Co modeled Upward of $40,800 to be Expended. The "Westinghouse Machine Company, Twenty-fourth street and Penn avenue, have pulled down the larger part of their works, and they intend to erect a substan tial addition upon the site of the old build ings. The new works will run from Twenty fourth street along Penn avenue half a square, and back to Liberty street. The new annex, when built, will be used for a warehouse, salesroom and machine shop. The front of the building, facing on Penn avenue, will be built partly of heavy stone, and the balance of red brick. The rear of the building will be made entirely of cor rugated iron. The total cost of the im provements, it is estimated, will approxi mate $10,000. The new warehouse will be replete with every modern appliance for hauling and re moving the heavy masses of iron used. The great difficulty which has hitherto been ex perienced in shifting the iron will be obvi ated in this new warehouse. Two long shafts will be run the entire length of the apartment; stretching from one snait to the other will be fixed a crane arrangement This crane will be movable, and it can be so handled that it will remove a piece of ma chinery from and to any part of the floor. A large space will be reserved in the ware house for fitting up the various machines before they are sent into the salesroom. The machine shop will contain all the most approved machines, bo that the com pany will then be able to cover the whole process of transforming iron ore into the most intricate pieces of mechanism. It is expected that when the new portion of the "Westinghouse building is ready ior occupancy it will give work for additional A J31BH0P DIBCUSBES A RACE. Tho Administration Gets Rapped for Ita Southern Policy. Bishop Daniel A. Payne, of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the senior bishop of that organization, is in Pittsburg on his way to Florida, and last night he lectured in the "Wylie Avenue A. M. E. Church on "The Only Hope of the Negro's Future." There was a large audience, composed almost entirely of colored people. The bishop's idea was that the negro should put his trust in God, ana shonld look to Him alone ior elevation and strength. In Africa, he said, the negro is helpless because ot his ignorance, and in the United States he is helpless because of his poverty. He is not only unable to pro tect himself, but has the misfortune to live under a Government which is either un willing or unable to protect him. The venerable bishop does not appear to be greatly enamoured of Benjamin Harrison, and censured him for not tryine to furnish military protection to the black men who are being murdered in the South. The negro had no hope of aid from any political party. The bish'p declared that politicians were untrustworthy and pqlitical parties alto gether selfish. It was only to the Deity that the colored man could look For actual, aid and comfort. His service would elevate the race, increase their moral and intellectu al qualifications, and lift them to a higher plane. "When the colored man is upright, educated and courageous, no power on earth will be able to withold from him his" rights. MUST BE BROKEN Iff. Sonthslders Have to Await Heat In Can Until All Cars Have Stoves. Southsiders are evidently a very delicate people. Some two weeks ago stoves were procured for the Birmingham street cars. The patrons had howled themselves hoarse every year for the past decade for the heat ers, and it almost took their breath away when they learned the stoves had been or dered. Their surprise was still greater, however, when they discovered how truly considerate the company is lor the welfare of their pa trons. One car with a stove in was placed on the road last week, and the second one went on yesterday. But there is no fire in either. A conductor said yesterday that the-company did not allow fire in any nntil all cars were supplied. "The inference is," said a patron, ''that the people who ride on these cars are delicate and must be broken in gradually, lest they catch colds." The stoves have all arrived and they will be put in the cars within the next few days. SHE WAS A TERMAGANT. A Husband Who Was More Than Usually Henpecked. The divorce case of Charles Lutz against Sarah A. Lutz is on trial before Judge Stowe. Lutz is a farmer and lived near Homestead, afterward removing to Beaver. He sned for a divorce, alleging cruelty and abuse on the part of his wife. His testi mony shows that their life together has been a long series of quarrels. He claims that she scalded him and pulled his fair and whiskers, and otherwise abused him, com pelling him to leave her. Mrs. Mary O'Brien yesterday sued for a divorce from Harry O'Brien. Mrs. O'Brien, whose maiden name was "Williams states that thev were married on September 12, 1880. This marriage, she asserts, is null and void, because O'Brien had another wife living and well at that time. Mrs. Margaret Gabe sued for a divorce from Joseph Gabe, alleging desertion. IT STIRRED THEM UP. Wm. Penn Council, Jr. O. U. A. DL, la laves tlgatlog dome Charges. Eev. George Street, pastor of the Mt "Washington Baptist Church, preached to the "Wm. Penn Council, Jr. O. "U. A. M., last Sunday week, and subsequently some person or persons started a report that his remarks were not palatable to the members. Just what he said that was judged objec tionable does not appear to have been speci fied, but the affair has stirred up the coun cil, and a committee has been appointed to investigate. A member states that the sermon pleased him very much as a whole, though he thought Eev. Street dwelt upon the impor tance of joining the Baptist Church to a greater extent than he, the member, thought necessary, but he supposes that may have been in the line of the minister's duty, or that he might suppose it so at least. Ctesar A. A. Taylor Released. Philosopher Csesar A. A. Taylor, he of the sapient aspect, forensic acquirements and grandiloquent verbiage, was honorably released from immurement in the county bastile, and bobbed np with the announce ment that his promised lecture would materialize in the proximitous hereafter. He said that he had atone bound freed him self from the sinuous entanglements of the pottage de consomme, and was buffeting grandly the felluysid billows of the swim, as it were. The party allnded to was not in, but called later. The Greatest Team on Earth. All the seats reserved for the Nye-Biley entertainment at Lafayette Hall this even ing have been sold, but an extra row will be ? laced on sale at Klebers' this morning, 'his is the heaviest advance sale for any of the Press Club entertainments. The entire first gallery and a portion of the first floor space remains unreserved, however, and plenty of good seats may be obtained this evening for 50 cents. Evening Entertainments. Music makes long evenings pass quickly and pleasantly. Violins, flutes, mandolins, guitars, zithers, concertinas and musical boxes are sold for less than half price at K. Gallinger's, 1108 and 1200 Penn ave. xhsa SRr & W Andrew Carnegie Writes to the Coun cils Committee Chairman, SATIHG THE LIBRARY WILLBE A GO fle Has Been Terj Busy, But Will Be Here After the Holidays. HO TIME WILL BE LOST IN THE HATTER Andrew Carnegie has written a letter in relation to the proposed library to be built by him, to John S. Lambie, chairman of the Uouncilmanic Committee appointed several weeks since to confer with Mr. Carnegie, and it was received yesterday. A meeting of the committee was held on Fri day last, and Mr. Lambie was instructed to write to Mr. Carnegie and inform him that the committee awaited his pleasure. The letter mentioned above was in response to Mr. Lambie's communication. "While that gentleman is not at liberty as yet to make the letter public, he last night told a Dis patch reporter the substance of its con tents. A VEBT BUST 2IA2T. Mr. Carnegie says that his arduous duties in connection with the entertainment of the Pan-American Congress ana other business have prevented him from coming to Pitts burg. He will be here, however, he says, soon after the holidays, and will then meet the conncilmanic committee. He assures Mr. Lambie that there Will then be no de lay in pushing the matter through. Mr. Lambie yesterday notified his fellow com mitteemen of the receipt of the letter, in forming them of the substance of its con tents as given above. He thought there would be no necessity for another meeting of the committee before the conference with the generous benefactor ol Pittsburg and i'; surrounding towns. The Dispatch reporter asked Mr. Lam bie if the committee would have any sug gestion to make as to site-scope, etc. IT "WAS MB. CABKEGIE'S AFFAIR. "No." he replied, they will not It would, in my opinion, be an extremely in delicate thing for anyone to make any sug gestions whatever to Mr. Carnegie. It is his donation and he should be left alone to decide all questiions appertaining to the gifti . "Ot course if he should ask for suggestions the committee might have some to make, they would be pleased to do anything possi ble'to aid Mr. Carnegie it he requires any assistance. But I think that he has shown himself to be a gentleman thoroughly com petent to make plans himself and carry them out. "We have hereabouts many evi dences of his ability. I hope that no one will have the indelicacy to offer any sug gestions in regard to the proposed library unless they are solicited. "In Mr. Carnegie we have a veiy great benefactor, and the people of Pittsburg should show their appreciation by not hampering him in any way with unsolicited suggestions as to what shape the benefaction should take." HAS HAD FAITH IS IT. Mr. Lambie further said that he never had had any doubt that the library would be built riven when the question .as to the power of the city to use public money for its maintenance and support was under dis cussion, and it became necessary to apply to the Legislature for authority to make such appropriations. Since that question was settled by the action of the Legislature he had been more than ever confident that the library would be built He was asked: ""Will the prospective sale-of the Library Hall building have any effect, one way or another, upon Mr. Carnegie's offer ?" "I don't think it will, as the two cases are in no sense connected. I do not see how the sale of the Library Hall property could affect the other proposition, either to accel erate its materialization or in any other way." HE RAN A FENCE. The Police Drop Upon No. 101 Wylle Avenne nnd Unaartu Stolen Property. Michael Gant, a young Italian employed in a shOemaking shop at "So. 101 "Wylie avenue, was given a hearing yesterday after noon before Magistrate Gripp on a charge of receiving stolen goods, entered by In spector McAleese. Prom the testimony of the Inspector and Sol Coulson the place has been a resort for sneak thieves who had clothing and small articles to dispose of. Some men now in the workhouse for petty thieving have acknowledged to the police that No. 101 was one of their sale places. "When Coulson ana Inspector McAleese were looking through the shop for a stolen overcoat, Gant denied that there were any coats there, and when the officers found it at last, he made a strong claim for it, asserting that it belonged to him. It was identified by a Mr. Ferguson, in whose interest the search was being made. Gant subsequently told different stories of how the coat came into the store. Several other overcoats were found there on the same visit, none of which have been identified. Gant gave bail in the gum of 5300 for trial at court A CHURCH TRANSFORMED. The Fourth Avenne Baptist Church Ladles Will Receive To-Day. The Ladies' Aid Socieiy of the Fourth Avenue Baptist Church has originated many methods of raising money to help along its charitable work, but this afternoon and evening what the ladies think is their best effort will be offered to their friends. All of yesterday they were preparing for the forthcoming event, and as a result the Sunday schoolroom has been transformed into the neatest and cosiest diningroom imaginable. There will be room for all who wish to be present. The Beception Committee is Mrs. M. P. Hutchinson, Mrs.W.E.Lincoln, Mrs. C. A. Porter. Mrs. Eliza Strickler and 'Mrs. Harry Berlin. The booths of the youngs ladies' Dazaar will represent six days of the week and those in attendance upon them will be dressed to represent the characters they assume. The receipts will be used for the charitable work of the society. RECE1TED ROUGH USAGE. Fines Given Sontbslde Schools by the Jr. O. U. A. BL. Nearlv Worn Out.' The American Mechanics on the South side, who furnished flags to the publio schools a year ago, are very much dissatis fied at the manner in which the flags .have been used. Several hundred dollars were iXETW spent forflags for the schools on that side of1H'teigrostrated by her experience the river, and it was expected that they would last at least two years. t There is now scarcely a respectable flag to be found. A prominent member of the or der, a business man on Carson street, said last evening: "It is no wonder the flags are worn out The janitors allowed them to be exposed to all kinds of weather, stormy and other wise. It was nevef intended that the flags should be abused, and it is due to simple carelessnesthat they have been." "Do yon suppose the Mechanics will furn ish new flags again?" , "Oh, yes; I believe they will. In fact, I believe there is some talk now of doing so." Infantry Officers Elected. At the last regular monthly meeting of Ithe "Washington Infantry the following out ers were elected for 1890: President, a. j?. Shannon; Pinancial Secretary, G. P. Wil harm; Eecording Secretary. Victor "Weiss; Treasurer, William Geilfnss; Directors, A. P. Shannon, J. H. Klebaum, William Geil-fuss. aPEBSBgPKPBSJBBBg -TVPSWS3BSHS- V . fWtt-VZf Wtim THE CiAEGESr -21 The Kxecatlve Beard of the C T. C. Accepts Jnraes Campbell's Challenge A Com mittee to Examine L. .. 300's Mtaates. A special meeting of the Executive Board of the Central Trades Council was held last evening at the office of the Na tional Olats Budget. The meeting was1 called to consider Messrs. Homer L. Mo Gaw's and John Philip's expulsion from their respective assemblies. Invitations to be present for the purpose of making any statements they thought proper in the prem ises, were accorded to President James Campbell, Master Workman Boss, and Delegate Cambach, of L. A. 6111. The two latter gentlemen attended. The members of the board in attendance were Joseph L. Evans, President; John Ehman, Secretarv; Patrick Carr, J. A. Young. Patrick Havey, Daniel McWill iams and Hugh D. McGaw. Homer L. Mc Gaw was also present and read a lengthy statement in controversion of the charges made against Turn before the General As sembly of the Knights of Labor at Atlanta, and which resulted in his expulsion. This appears elsewhere in the columns of this pa per. Messrs. Boss and Cambach were asked to make any remarks they thought fit re garding what they had heard, but both de clined to make any statements or appear in any light other than that reflected from their utterances on the question which have appeared from time to time iu the dailv press. In the absence of Mr. Campbell, a committee of two Knights of Labor in good standing was appointed to accept that gentleman's invitation to attend at the office of L. A. 300 and examine the minutes of the proceedings which led up to and finally resulted in John Philips' expul sion from the assembly. Kegarding the charges entered by L. A. 6111 against Edi tor Kelly it was resolved that a copy of the charges should be forwarded to him, and that he be summoned to appear before the board on next Wednesday, to which day the meeting adjourned. Mr. Boss, when seen after the meeting, said that an effort had been made to get him to talk, but that he had contented himself with mereiv corroborating his opinions op the matter.'such as they had appeared in the press. THE N0SNIBS AT WORK. The Movement for n Non-Partlsnn W. C. T. U. Grovrins Steadily. The non-partisan faction of the W. C. T. 17. is about ready to call a meeting Of the members who have withdrawn from the union. The work of canvassing the State for the purpose of determining the strength of this faction is about completed, and the leaders are surprised at finding many on their side who have always been third party people. The list of questions that was sent out some time ago are being answered from all parts of Pennsylvania. The first question that in relation to the approval of a non-partisan policy is re ceiving the heartiest responses. In nearly every case the question, "Do von expect the W. C. T. TJ. will ever return to such a policy?" is being answered in the negative. An early meeting seems desirable, and re plies have been received from many who signify a willingness to join and work with an organization based oipermanently non partisan and non-sectarian principles. The exact date ior a general meeting has not been fixed, but it will be held as early in January as possible. It will in all prob ability be held in Philadelphia, and Mrs. Harry White, of Indiana, Pa., will doubt less be President of the meeting. The meeting will be an important one, as it will shape the future actions of more than 1,000 active workers in the cause of temper ance in this State alone. Among the latest and most prominent ad ditions to the non-partisan faction in this city is Miss Etta L. Clark, Secretary of the County "Union. She has taken her stand with the seceders since the last meeting of County Union, and is now reported as one of their most ardent supporters. NUT AND BOLT MAKERS. They Meet and Talk Privately Bat Die With All Their Knslc iu Them. There is a convention of nut and brtt manufacturers at the Anderson Hotel, 16p tabhshments being represented. Just wlat they aro doing is one of the things tipy don't tell, at least they didn't last nieht Pour of them were approached. One was affable and talked about ithe meeting bnt didn't tell anything, two lad. tetanus and the fourth shook his hide lite a rhinoceros and scowled like a bull-log, plainly intimating that to ask him for sews was a felony withont benefit of clergy. Under these circumstances all that can be learned is to watch the market reports to see whether nuts or .bolts go up or down in prices. NO MORE RED TAPE. Allegheny's Chief Can Use His Own Judg ment Upon Requests for Help. The Allegheny Eire Committee met last night A communication was read from Mr. Menough, the foreman of No. 10 Engine Company, who asked that the action of Chiet Jones in discharging the men of that company be investigated. The matter was laid on the table without comment sir. Hartman offered a resolution, which was passed unanimously, giving Chief Jones the anthority to answer a request for an en gine to pnt out a fire in adjoining towns within a radius of SO or 100 miles. By this action the Chief is allowed to use his own judgment upon requests for help. This ac tion was the outcome of the recent fire in Leechburg. Such authority has never be fore been given the Chief oi the department. FOR THE RIVER PATROL. Coroner McDowell Expatiates Upon the Necessity of the Plan. Coroner McDowell said last evening with regard to the ordinance providing for a river patrol boat: "I don't want anything in the world except a good service. The fact is that there are some bodies in the rivers to-day, ana although they may not be called-what you term leading citizens, there may be iriends of theirs who lament their loss. "I think a patrol boat would obviate all necessity for the employment of divers on certain occasions, where the relatives can afford them, and show the people that the poor man's brother or sister, as the case might be, is as well looked alter as Mrs.' Sartotius' would be." BATTLED WITH A BURGLAR. An Allcntovm Womnn Takes n Bile Ont of the Robber's Finger. An unsuccessful attempt was made to rob the bouse of Albert Hempbter, in Allen- tnnm ntinnt 9 o'clock last nipht. Mm. with the thieves. When she went to an up stairs room shortly alter a o'cloct she was surprised to find the room dark. Before she had time to make a move she felt herself seized and a hand placed over her month. She struggled and attempted to scream. She succeeded.in breaking away by biting the hand that was over her mouth. The man was joined by another man, who aided his c'ompanion in freeing the latter's finger from her teeth by striking her in the face. (Steps to Build the Lino Taken. Another meeting of the stockholders of the East End Passenger Bailway was held yesterday at the Chamber of Commerce rooms, and the sale of the property, fran chises, etc., of the company to Mr. T. A. Gillespie was formally effected. It is the purpose, as already stated, to put down an electric line along Penn avenne from East Liberty to Wilkinsbnrg, with possibly a loop by way of Fifth avenue extension and Prankstown avenue to Homewood, The work will be completed within a year. w IE. Director Kirkpatrick Says the Bank Will Pay Ont. NO SUCH STATEMENT' BEFORE. Three Checks Presented Insolvency. to Test the THE BASK OFFICIALS WAITE HEARING The affairs at the Lawrence Bank are rap idly assuming tangible shape. It is pos sible, and more than probable, that'before the time expires for the depositors' commit tee to go into court again to ask for a receiv er to be appointed in Mr. McKelvey's place, the Lawrence Bank, its liabilities and its assets will be pnblic property. The prob abilities are that a statement will be made by the assignee in the course of two weeks. There is a rumor among the knowing ones that the statement will not be discreditable to the bank, and consequently the creditors can anticipate its Advent without that dread which seemed to grip the Lawrence ville pub lic but a few days ago. Mr. Kirkpatrick, one of tbe'shrewdest directors, of the bank, and himself a large ironmaster, controlling heavy interests in the commercial world, said: CHEEEINO PREDICTIONS. "The Lawrence Bank will pay every dol lar it owes. The difference between the liabilities and the assets are large. It will not surprise me if the bank, after paving its liabilities, divides quite a neat sum of money among the stockholders. There must be a nnmber of liabilities which I am not aware of, if my prediction fails, and I can not conceive how the bank could have any heavy liabilities which are not now known to all the directors. However, the truth about the bank's financial standing will be forthcoming in a day or two, and then the depositors will be able to judge for them selves without outside advice." Bev. J. H. Sands, pastor of the Seventh U. P. Church, Lawrenceviile, said that one of the most prominent directors of the bank hnd assured him the liabilities would not exceed $500,000. Mr. Sands stated that he had every right to believe the statement was absolutely correct The same director also remarked that the assets (and these good) would overrun the liabilities by many thousands of dollars. Mr. Sands under stood the director to say that the debts of Long & Co., and the Love Sewing Machine Company alone, when paid, will cover more than the assets, and the balance of the assets will be free, and will be divided among the stockholders. TO PEOVB ntSOLVENCT. ' The depositors' committee, to prove the insolvency of the bank, secured three dis honored checks yesterday, and the givers and holders of the same; they took the checks with the following written requisi tion to the assignee: ""We, and each of us, do herewith demand payment on the above checks." The demand, of course, was refused. The committee allege that a refusal of pay ment is an act of insolvency, and after the lapse of 40 days they can force the Court to respect their wishes and grant them e re ceiver. The checks, with the written requi sition, were sent on to the Auditor General of the State, who will investigate the matter after the expiration of 30 days. BOTH OFFICIALS "WAIVE HEABIKO. President W. W. Xoung, of the Lawrence Bank, appeared before Alderman O'Don nell, of the Ninth ward, on Tuesday even ing and waived an examination on the charge of embezzlement preferred by Thomas McCaffrey. The Alderman reduced the amount of bail from $2,500 to 2,000 and held Mr. Young to the March term of the Criminal Court The bail- bond was signed JilcCleane Comnanr. "Mr. Browne is a brother taone oi the members of the firm of J. D. Long & Co. When Mr. Young was first arrested his bond was signed by Ira, P. Brainard, of the Central Stockyards. Cashier John Hoerrs hearing was set for 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, but at 3 o'clock he went to Alderman O'Donnell's office, waived examination, and gave bail for the March term of court. His bond was also reduced to $2,000, and was signed by his brother-in-law, Charles T. Ahlborn, of Allegheny. The creditors of Long & Co. met yester day forenoon, but aid nothing. The com mittee appointed to confer with the assignee of the Lawrence Bank advised that the creditors take no action1 until the issue re lating to a receivership be settled. The meeting was accordingly adjourned for one week. Peter Bellamy, a shoemaker on Penn ave nne, near Thirty-fourth street, on November 21, the flay the Lawrence Bank closed, de posited $65 in the bank, making $200 in all which he bad there, and sent to four of his creditors in the East checks on that bank aggregating $200. The checks are now worthless, and have been retured to him with a request for cash. The work of taking an inventory of the property of the Love Sewing Machine Works, at Rochester, was begun yesterday by the assignee. No statement of assets or liabilities will be given out until the in ventory and appraisement are finished. A RESTFUL SABBATH. Resolutions to Go to Congress Adopted YesQ terday by the Convention. The Sabbath Convention which has been in session in this city for two days past closed yesterday by incorporating its views in a very clear ana able presentation in the shape of the following declaration of prin ciples: The fundamental idea of the Sabbath as a civil Institution is "Test from labor." In this, as truly as in its religious aspect, It is of divine origin and authority, inasmuch as its necessity is, written in the very constitution of man's be ing. And it is the duty of the State to protect its citizens in the unrestricted enjoyment of their rights to the day of rest In view of these principles we cannot bnt view with alarm the fact that great numbers of the citizens of this Government are, either in part or wholly, deprived ot this divinely given right and in many instances under the full sanction ot law. Chief among the agencies by -which this result has been brought about we name: First The national Government In leaving tho territory over which it has exclusive juris diction without laws protecting the Sabbath, and in requiringthe hundreds of thousands of employes in the army, navy ana mall service to continue their labors through seven days of the week. Second Tho railroad corporations, with their Sabbath trains. Third The vast army of dealers in intoxi cating liquors, with the open bars and open saloons on the Sabbath. We therefore first call upon the Congress of the United States to enact such laws as shall secure to the citizens of the District of Colum bia and the Territories subject to their juris diction full protection in the enjoyment of the day of resb Second, we heartily commend the Postmaster General for snch reduction of Sabbath labor in his department as he has already secured, and express the hope that sustained by the Government, he will vigorously prosecute bis efforts in this direction nntil a complete cessa tion of Sabbath labor in the mail service of our government shall be secured. Third, we earnestly request that an order be issued at once discontinuing tho sale of postal matters and the special delivery service on the Sabbath. Fourth, wo ask from Congress and the State Legislatures such legislation, inter-State and otherwise, as shall prevent railroad companies operating their roads on the Sabbath. Fifth, we demand the strict enforcement by our public officials of the laws upon our statute booksforblddlngthesaleofintoxlcatlngllquors on the Sabbath. Lastly: That this association Indorse the peti tion to Congress for a Sabbath, rest law. Dolls are being sacrificed nt Harrison's. Think of it. A kid body, bisque face and hands, and 16 inches long, all lor 50 cents. Others in proportion nt Harrison's Tov Store, 123 Federal st, Allegheny, xza Z j3SZ5T r-3SS?Z.. t r "'mem -Mii:iiwsiTJi. w She Instil ea a Foeas to LHrary-HaH The Talk Asset the I'emHag Sale. The sale of the Library Hall Company's building looks almost a certainty now, as all efforts to meet the mortgage have ceased. Some of the stockholders are inclined to blame Mr. Felix B. Brunot, as they argue that a little time given would enable mat ters to be fixed up. A legal gentleman said yesterday that Mr. Brunot would .never have thought of foreclosing the mortgage but for Mr. Charles Clark's suggestion to that effect, and that Mr. Clark nad since tried every means to undo the effect of his inspiration, but with out success. Mr. James P. Hudson stated last night that the library proper would find itself obliged to seek and find new quarters conse quent upon the sale. Miss Macrumb, the genial Librarian, when seen last evening, appeared to keenly regret the fospect of such a disturbance as would result from removal. She thought that nothing short of a miracle would pre vent the sale. She said she had a woman's horror of moving, anyway. She, after some pressure, consented to yield up for publica tion the following original poetic effusion which might be called either a dirge upon the old quarters or an apostrophe to new. "lOOKIHa FOBWABD." "I had a dream which was not all a dream." This favored city, girt with many hills. And blessed by nature's richest, latest gifts. Three forked rivers carry diamonds black In fleets upon their bosoms. And the cas Flashes in myriad jets, sending its gleams Across the night from many a forge's mouth, Coining the shekels for our citizens. "Unconsecrated wealth," it has been called, Because too often lavished all on self. Forgetting that the better ends of wealth Are to make nobler, happier, humankind. But other brighter days are aawning here. Already in our sister city's midst Towers an artistic pile of granite vast, Carnegie's tribute at Minerva's shrine. And as I cast prophetic vision on Through coming years, methinks I see its peer On the near verge of Allegheny's flood. Not far from where the industrial arts are shown Yearly, beneath yon ample roof of glass. Vulcan with piston rod and hammer strokes. Shows Pittsburg's guests what Pittsburg's sons can do. Another temple rises solid stone Adorned as Athen's Parthenon of old. With all that is most beautiful and rare. Wide doors admit us to the vestibule. From thence we pais to a rotunda fair. Cheerful and light and decked with plants and flowers Grouped round a fountain In the center, where Luxurious couches win to soft repose. Farther within the sculptured arches seen Long vistas lined with books rare prints And curiosities from every clime abound. Still onward in the precincts we explore Halls where Apollo and the "tuneful nine" Hold revelry. Laughter and innocent mirth Unite in bonds of human brotherhood Both rich and poor in this great city's heart. Utilitarian city! Waked at last To know that mind is evermore above Gross matter. Music, learning, art. Crown with a glory little dreamed of now The sons and daughters of the present race, Who worship Mammon, more than aught be side. THE INJURED HEN. All of Them In a Precarious State, and They May Die. Michael Brown, Elmer Meyers and M. Daly, the men injured in the Greensburg wreck, were taken yesterday to the West Penn Hospital. All three men are in a precarious condition, and the probabilities are that they may die. American Pianos Throw the European Ut terly In the Shade. Fifty years ago all the good pianos were imported from Europe, but they were found to be utterly unsuited to our American cli mate and soon fell into disrepute. Just compare their flimsy workmanship and ma terial with snch splendid instruments as the Steinway, tbe Conover, the Opera, the Gabler, etc., and you'll smile in contempt at the European efforts to reach our lofty Amer ican standard. Why, the firm of H. Kleber & Bro. have imported the most renowned pianos from London, Paris, Berlin, Ham burg, etc., but thev air paled before the splendor, vigor and brilliancy of such na tive products as the Steinway, Conover, Opera, etc Just call at Kleber & Bro.'s, 606 Wood street, and examine their magnificent new holiday stock, made of every conceivable fancy wood and in all styles of cases; listen to their exquisite tone, learn the fact that those world-renowned goods are fully warranted for eight years, and can be bought at reasonable and honest figures, and you will feel that your own best interests demand that you first examine these superlative instruments, and, if not suited by them, to then iall back on the second-class articles exposed at various other places. The musical headquarters of Kleber & Bro.'s overshadow all other music estab lishments, for, in addition to having a mo nopoly of all the first-class instruments, the reputation of Mr. H. Kleber for unfailing musical judgment and unflinching honesty and reliability of dealing make that house the favorite place in Pittsburg and Western Pennsylvania. HAMILTON, FIFTH ATE., PITTSBURG. C. Cornets, Specially for home and church music, also home orchestras receive special atten tion at Hamilton's. He will fit out com plete at $25 00 to $50 00. Write or call for particulars. A Special Lot Of men's fine overcoats just received which are selling' at $12. They include fine chin chillas, kerseys and beavers in many new shades. This morning we start the sale of them at $12. Call and see them. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. j B. fc B. The dress patterns of merit for Christmas presents in nice, substantial and artistic boxes at the black goods department,Prench dress goods department, cashmere depart ment, American dress goods department $2 50, $3, 4, $4 50, $5 hnd np to $10. Christmas bargains. Booos & Buhl. Candlesticks And candelabras; 6ver 500 patterns in china, cut glass, etc.; the prettiest decorations for the house or table. EEiZENSTErn, 152, 154, 156 Federal St., Allegheny. TTSSU B. ifcB. One minute to look fdr it and a minute to read it the display ad. in this paper then come and see the unusual bargains. Boogs & Buhl. Ladies Five Hundred Pieces of fancy ribbon, all best shades and quality, some worth 50 and 75 cents, will go at 25 cents a yard. Campbell & Dick. All for the bahv reduced, prices this week for infants' Woaks, slips, caps, etc. Busy Bee Hive, Sixth and Liberty. Dress Sails. For a good fitting dress suitor overcoat go to Pitcairn's, 434 Wood street TTSu. Do not buy your holiday presents until you have seen the bargaini at Harrison's Toy Store, 123 Federal at, Allegheny, TTS Dolls given away, worth from 25c to $2, :with purchases in all departments this week. 3usy Bee Hive, Sixth and Liberty. Cheistmas crayons at low prices at Lies' popular gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st Cabi nets, $1 per doz. ttsu Silk umbrellas for holiday presents. James H. Aikek & Co., 100 Fifth ave. Economical Gas Fires, Stoves, Ranees, fcc. O'KeefbGas Atpliancs Co.,34Fifth av. ? Gilbert & Sallivaa's Latest f arceled Oat ib America. HOW BANGIE BEAT THE AROKSOflS The Moa-t Eoown of the Opera is That it's Oriental. HENDERSON & MEAD HATE THE WEST Mr. James JL Meade, the proprietor and manager of the "Bluebeard, Jr.," Company, this week playing at the Opera House, is the. partner of Mr. David Henderson in the management of the Chicago Opera House. The firm ,ot Henderson & Meade has ar ranged with the American attorney for Gil bert & Sullivan for the sole right to play the new comio opera of those authors in this country from Pittsburg to San Francisco. Mr. Henderson was in this city on Mon day, and on Tuesday, morning he departed ior New YorK, accompanied by his Chicago attorney, William E. Sheridan. They were to meet Gilbert & Sullivan's attorney, Mr. Choate, yesterday, and the contract was then to have been signed. Mr. Meade said last evening: "X have not yet beard from Mr. Henderson. I look for a telegram at any minute. There may, of course, be some delay. We do not yet know the name ol the new opera. The name will be in the contract, doubtless, so that I will know as soon as Henderson wires me. We were, of course, given a description ot the opera. It is to be Oriental and something alter the style of the "Mikado." There wDl be fine opportunity for brilliant costuming, bnt tho nature of the costumes we do not yet know. COMHTO OUT at the savot. "The opera will be first produced at the Savoy Theater, in London, next Saturday evening. The right to produce it in Boston and all New England has been secured bv John Stetson, and the right for New York has been obtained by Frank Sanger, mana ger of the Broadway Theater. Aronson, I understand, was trying to secure the right for New York, and I suppose he confidently expected it He will, no doubt, be greatly disappointed to see the opera cap tured by his rival. Aronson brought out Gilbert & Sullivan's last opera, The Yeoman of the Guard,' and lost heavily on it He expected to make up on the new one. The New York production wiU be very soon, I suppose; sometime during this month. It will be brought out in Boston at about the same time. "We will first produce it in Chicago, at the Opera House, but our engagements there are such that we will not be able to bring it ont until some time in February. A lew ot our principals have already been selected. We- are to pay a royalty on the firoceeds of the piece, so that we are not ikely to lose anything on the venture. Costumes, of course, will be expensive, as they have always beenat'the productions in the Chicago Opera House." THE ABONSOSS -WANTED IT. Up to 11 o'clock last night Mr. Meade had not received any word from his partner. When Mr. Albert Aronson was in this city about five weeks ago he said to a re porter for The Dispatch that he was then negotiating for the American rights of the new opera.but that he was doubtful whether or not It would be a success. The score,, he said, was at that time on its way across the ocean, and after its arrival it would be ex amined. If he and his brother then thought that it promised success, the nego tiations then in progress would be closed. The securing ot the New York rights by Sanger indicates either that the"Aronsons were not satisfied with the score, or that they were outgeneraled by Sanger. Bkecham's Pills cure bilious and nervous ills Pxass' Soap secures a beautiful complexion Music Boxes. Special fine variety from SO cts. to $200 00. Also finest stock and variety of all kinds of strings. Hamilton's, 91 and 93 Fifth ave. Economical Gas Fires, Stoves, Ranges, Sec. O'Keefe Gas Appliance Co..34 Fifth av. BIBER & EASTON. 505 and 507 MARKET STREET. A FEW OF MANY BARGAINS THIS week. Plush coats 38,38, 40 inch lengths, at 15 00, &8 00. ra roup to 830 00. Elegant Braided Flush Garments $35 to 50. Novelties in Plush Jackets with Astrachan Vests, Collars and Lapels. A large purchase of French Braided Wraps, offered under value, at 515 to 530. Imported English Cheviot Jackets. Stockinette Jackets m medium and heavyweights. Blade Beaver and Di agonal Jackets at popular prices. FRENCH DRESS PATTERNS. We offer a large lot of extra fine Ladles' Dress Combinations at greatly reduced prices. 160 00 Robes for 0 00. $50 00 Robes for S35 00. 25 00 Robes for $18 ua KO 00 Robes f or S15 00. $15 00 Robes for $11 0. These are choice new goods and a chance to save money. Special values at our silk counter: We offer on very close margin a large purchase of re liable Black Silks. We name as unusual good valnegradesattl 00, SI 25. All Silk Sarahs Full line or colorings, at 49c, 65c, 75c, 85c A few of many Dress Goods bargains: 40-Inch all-wool Henriettas at 60c-40-inch all-wool Serges at 60c. 48-inch all-wonl extra fine Henriettas at 81 00. 42-Inch all-wool .French Biarretz at $1 00. 42-inch all-wool Rojal Cords at 51 00. 52-inch all-wool extra Sergo at 85c Stripe Silks in new effects 75c Hieh novelties In Silks, Persian effects, etc, at fl 50 to J2 50. BARGAINS rNHANDKERCHIEFa Ladles H. S. Handkerchiefs at 10c 12Xe,15e, 20c, 25c all of which are special value. Also printed borders and emoroldered Handker chiefs In low, medlnm and fine grades. JBIBER cTeASTON. del-TTSSu CHRISTMAS 1 -IS And a foretaste of the grandeur and beauty of our holiday stock can now be seen in our stores and show windows. We promise to excel all previous displays on our opening daj Thursday, December 5. Come and see. E. P. RDBERTB k BQNS, JEWELERS, CORNER FD7TH AVE. AND MARKET ST. de3-63-D rtlWK THE CHuNA STORE, -vo&- CHRISTMAS GDJTa InsDect the stock of FRENCH, KENDRICK & CQ. m SMITHS1SLD ST. deJ-TTS mw BEMSH 'OP m iRK&llir ?- BROOOUr ' 'Ft- A New fteetloa of Vasfaiatea Coaaty Ix cited Over1 Olt Prospects. Oil smellers have hegiraed over into a a new section of Washington county. They are leasing land between Venice and Mid way, and it is thought boring will soon begin. Mr. A. J. McQuitty says no drill ing is yet being done in or about Mansfield, hut he will not be surprised to hear of its inception at any time. Perhaps the County Home farm may yet prove to be oQ territory and become self supporting. 'lis a consummation devoutly to be wished, as most people in the outlying sec tions of the county are getting quite restive at being taxed to support a retreat for the tired portion 'of the inhabitants and tempo rary sojourners, mostly the latter, of Mc Keesport, Braddock and Sbarpsburgv As has been urged in the case of the City Home, at Homestead, it might be good pol icy to sell the County Poor Farm and Day another where land is cheaper, especially should it prove- to be underlaid with oil bearing rock, as seems likely to be the case. Were poor farms further from publio cen ters they would not prove so tempting to bums, who treat them as they would hotels. They are their inns where they take tfieir ease when tired or when the weather is too cold to keep warm in the open air without working. The tramp's life has been a hard one for some years, as the railway compa nies from year to year show more inclina tion to eject him from freight trains and the roads in the country are getting worse in stead ot better. GENERAL ALGER'S ARRIVAL. Hs Will be Here- This Afternoon and Will Receive a Great Welcome. General Alger, Commander-in-Cbief of the G. A. B., will arrive in the city this afternoon. He will be in Erie this morning and will arrive here at 2 o'clock this after noon. In the evening the G, A. E. of the county will tender him a reception at Old City Hall. The wives and families of the .G. A. B. members will also be present After the re ception, a banquet will be giver, at the Hotel Daquesne. The arrangements are in charge of the County Executive Committee. JDS. HDRNE k CD.'5 PENN AVENUE STORES, PnTSBTjEO, Thursday, December 5, 1S38, Over 300 Fur Sets for the children. This tbe stock you have to select tbe surprises for the little misses from. "I'm like mamma.'' Dollies forgotten. Dishes put away. Is there) a happier little miss in creation t Briefly, here's what there is for them: Misses' Muffs and Collars. ? 3(lsses fluffs and Stoles. .", Hisses' Mnffs and Boa. In: Chinchilla, Congo-Otter, Gold Beaver, Persian Lamb, Astrachan, Silver Bearer, Cape Seal, Krimmer, Coon, ' Black Lynx, Natural Lynx, Nutria, Bine Coney, Gray Coney, White Coney, Tiger, Opossum, Silver Hare. Banging in price from JL50 to 512.00. a set Any set separated and sold by piece, if so de sired. Many of these goods absolutely cannot be seen elsewhere. The values on all are excep tional, and the assortment and stock complete. These are in tbe center of the store. Finer gooods for the Children, also, in the Seal Room. There's another item for the Children. Just the weather they're needing Leggms, and greater need coming on. If you think ot the prices you will, k find them just right For the foods: Children's Colored and Black Wool Legging. Children's Colored and Black Jersey Lefctrlns. Children's Colored and Black Velvet Leggins, Cbildren's Russet Leggins. Infants' Knit Wool Leggin Drawers. Infants' Black Jersey Leggin Drawers. 50 styles Scotch Flannels, will not shrink, for Nightdress, Children's Dresses etc, etc. At 30c. to 37c. 40 styles Extra Heavy Plaid and Stripe French Flannels, Excellent value, at 37Kc 20 styles Extra Heavy Ail-Wool Stripe Flan nels, for Children's Jackets, Coats andLadies' Skirts, Excellent value, at 45c 60 styles Country Flannels best makes, Bargains at 28 to 37c 50 styles Skirting Flannels.thebest we ever bad. From S5c to 5250 a yard. 25 styles Elder Down Flannel, for Children's Coats, From 60c to 80c a yard. BOpIeces Black Stripe Silk Velvet at 75c yard, but f ullyorth 5L25. 25 pieces 2-tone Brocade Velvet at 65c a yard, which would actually cost now 12 to import. One lot 21-inch Plushes, at 5L75, that are res ular 52.25 goods. Best quality Seal Flushes, 54 inches wide, for Jackets. Bacqnes, Wraps, etc lowest prices for finest quality. New Tartan Plaids opened for this morning; representing 12 of the most popular clans we have ever shown, 43 inches wide, and at just the right price. See them. New CO-inch Suitings, English styles, at 75c; always were 51 goods. Red Cashmeres are all the rage. See here the beautiful shades in Choice Ail-Wool Goods, In price from 35c np to finest JDS. HDRNE k Cn.,: 609-621 PENN A VENUE. iu L? ' iSm S 1 " kw k,tet $ -i Hmhfr. 2 .-