!51 K?v '.&--?--' "! If -on wtatWwMKMW,1 B09wa era Help. ndTertlieiirgB-BISPATCH. A1i'-H T-'jC-, m-sr- . -rr-. sr5j. --tdsj. Parebner1 e57rendr for evcryttdsff offered For Sale 1?THE DISPATCH. THE DISPATC1T4 tho best odvertlslng medium la Western Pennsylvania. Try It- Sv . A -.-AiJ-,wAHT8 are always! wrtmmri rMpoe.j :ji-.i-;j-r"- "- -- f , c wnv - '!, --- - , mm n 4 ' lewheadTen!e4IaMJEBiaATCH. 3 a...?! v-j(W;7r-, "!Jesrt Estate can b'oW'"raa advert' ttoeateat In TBI! DISPATCH. fls iftttff m ? - :KA' . : :. . ' iSRSI A 5;- t . - Z . L. & ' - . "3E . ' Iw, jC - -tuk -Vj 2E119- -i FOKTY-FOTIRTH TEAR 113 i. warn W Foraker's Connection With the Notorious Ballot Box Con tract Forgery. THE GOVERNOR THE VICTIM Of the Apparently Plausible Tales Concocted by k A LETTER TO HARRISON ; "Was a Part of the Price Demanded ; ; i lor the Surrender of the Fictitious Document. ." f ''fyi ) .WOOD BECEIVED AH APPOINTMEHT ..TUpon the Recommendation of the Ohio -. .- . ... Executive, as a itewara lor uis s. - - .- Bupposea. Bsrvices. GHAPTE- OF EICH BEYELATIONS GoTernor Foraker last night made a statement concerning his connection with the forged ballot box contract. He gives in full the correspondence with "R. G. "Wood, 'which led up -to the delivery of the false document. In .return for this, Wood was given a letter of recommendation to the President, and appointed Smoke Inspector of Cincinnati Foraker believed the con tract to be genuine until Halstead's :retrac-, tion. He says his only fault was that of being imposed upon. ISFZCLJLXi TZXX QBAH TO THX t)ISrATClX.T Columbus, December 4. Governor Fa?. " aker to-night made public, in a letter ad dressed to Murat Halstead, the history of the famous ballot box contract forgery, so far as his connection with the same is con cerned. It is a lengthy document, contain ing all correspondence .passing between the Governor and B. G. Wood, .the forger. Governor Foraker says: The article appearing to-day concerning the ballot box forgery is of snch a cln.cter that I deem myself Justified In aslungyou to now give to the public, in ad ranee of the trial of Woods, the following statement of the information I . 'hareta regard to the matter. If His BeuoB for Silence. -, I have until now kept silent except as to a ' general statement, but I have not done so, as you are aware, from any unwillingness to give to the public every item of knowledge I have possessed In regard to this matter, but only be cause the interests of public justice seemed to require that I should say nothing until called as a witness to testify. ' In submitting this matter to the public 1 wish to add In addition to what appears in the regu lar statement tttat I have never made any charge against any one in connection with the same at any time or place, except only in so far as I may have done so in my speech at Marietta as to Mr. Campbell, all the particulars of which have been time and again set forth. I never assumed any responsibility whatever with re spect to the paper, except to only let you have it after I had explained to you how I came by Mt My fault, therefore if fault it be was con fined solely to being imposed upon. He Hi. Always Regretted It. That 1 have always regretted, bnt have never In any way sought to evade. I submit, how ever, that the fact that I was told there was such a paper months before the forgery was committed, and the fact that the paper pro duced by Wood seemed to fit the case pre cisely, except as to certain of the names, and partially in that respect, coupled with the fact that Wood's statements were, from time to time, corroborated, it is no wonder that I should have accepted the paper as genuine, as you and others did who saw it, without ques tioning its character. 'On June 27 or 28 1 first heard of the matter. 1 was told that J. E. Campbell introduced the bill in Congress, and that there was written evi dence that he was interested financially in the result with John It. McLean and others. Beginning of the Correspondence. Then follow some telegrams relating to "Wood's request to the Governor for an in dorsement for the office of Smoke Inspector of Cincinnati, and an account of 'Wood's promise to' secure a copy of an alleged contract in ex istence at the time the bill was introduced in Congress by Governor-elect Campbell. "The next heard from "Wood," says the Governor, "was on September 2, when he wrote asking for a letter ot in troduction to President Harrison, 'lite the one given him to Governor Luce, of Michigan. In this letter "Wood states that Mayor Mosby would be absent from the city for ten days, and adds: this will give us time enough to get the exact documents you want. I believe I know for the first time ezactly what you do want I would suggest that you write His Honor, the Mayor, saying that in a week you can give him your recommendations.' " Continuing, Governor Foraker says: "I wrote for "Wood the following letter of introduction to the President: Introduced to Mr. Harrison. BU Excellency. the President, Washington, D.C. DKAS Bik: Allow me to introduce the bearer of this letter, Mr. E. G. Wood, of Cin cinniti. Mr. Wood is an old soldier, a good citlxen and a hard working man. He has ex hibited considerable genius as an inventor. I do not Know that be wants any favor, other than opportunity to pay his respects, but,-however, that may be, I take pleasure in commend ing him to your favor; ' j. Tery truly yonrs, f J. B. FOBAXKE. .. i Inclosed it to him in the foUowing letter: " B.O.fWooO, sq., Ebbltt House, Washington, ' -. mo. .. , Dexk Srar Herein I hand you a letter of in troduction to the President, as requested. I shall expect you here with the paper I want not later than Thursday. Truly, etc X 11 FOBAKES, r A Terse TeleaTam From Wood. "I next heard from "Wood on the morning J of September 5, when I received the follow ing night message: WAsniKOTo's, D. a, September i, 1S89. UOTernor Foraker: I have written; everything O. K. - R. G. Wood. "The same day I received the following letter: Washtsotok, D. C., September 4, ISSa. Governor Foraker: Deae Sib Yours of 25th at hand. Thanks for the letter ot introduction. My friends are highly pleased with it. The President Just re turned to the city and I am to see him this evenins. I go to Baltimore later this evening .to get the paper, or in the morning, and will wire you the hour I can be at Columbus. Respectfully, R. G. Wood. "September 6 1 received the following: WAsmNQTOif, D. O, September fl, 1889. To Governor Foraker: I will be In Columbus Sunday. B, G. Wood. Wood Was Getting Anxious. "I next heard from him4 September 9, when I received the- following telegram: CiscantA.ii, O., Septembers. Governor Foraker: Where can I see yont , R. G. Wood. "To this I answered: Colttmbus, U., September 9, 1SS& B. G. Wood. Cincinnati: Here, where you promised to see me. Unless yon come to-day you need not come at all. I leave to-morrow. J. B. Foeaeee. "An hour Or two after'I had sent the first telegram I received the following letter: Metbopoutan Hotel. i Washington, D. C, September 8, 1889. J Governor Foraker: Dear Sib I have the valuable paper in my pocket for you, owing to Langston telegraphing to meet him at Cincinnati and two of my friends roinc alone who have been with me all the time while here and at Baltimore. We go to-day to Cincinnati and will wire to Columbus In the morning to know when to go to Colum bus, or where I can see you. Ready to Prodnee the Paper. I have the document with the valuable namees on. J. R. M. is out of the city. In closed is one of Ed Hall's letters to me. I will get from him our contract with J. R. M. There are three papers in all. I have two. In haste, R. G. Wood. The following is a copy of the Hall let ter, which was inclosed: Haix's Safe and Lock Co., ) Cincinnati, Om September 4, 1SS9. f B. G. Wood, XbtiittHouie, Washington, D. C, Deab Sib I did not have much time to spare with you yesterday when you called, but would like to have had a talk with you. Do not hesitate about getting facts and staying with Governor Foraker during his campaico, and if there Is anything I can do to aid yon, do not hesitate to ask it. Those envious politi cians you spoke to me about, are the same fel lows who tried to take us in on that Findlay scheme. Look out for them. They need show ing up, and you can give them(a whirl. When you return come in. yours, E. C. Hat.t,. Bendy to Do Business. "Immediately on receipt of that letter, I wired "Wood: K. G. Wood, care Hall's Safe and Lock Company, Cincinnati: Since sending you telegram have received your letter from Washlng'on. Come here this afternoon or night, if possible. I go to Middle port to-morrow. J. B. Fobaeeb, "That telegram had been sent only a few minutes when I received the following mes sage, sent evidently in reply to my first mes sage of the 9th: , Cincinnati, O. September 9, 1889. Governor Foraker: I will mail paper to your address, or will bo up to-morrow. Answer. Your telegram too late. R. G. Wood. "I made no answer to that of which I have record, at least, and later received the following, which would appear to be in an swer to my second telegram of September 9: Cincinnati. September 9, 1SS9. Governor Foraker: I can be at Columbus 11 in the morning. An swer. Signed. R. G. Wood. One Telea-mm That Is Missing-. '- "Ziam- .unable to'finufj5ay"atiIrer to thai" telegram, but think X' must have sent one. 2Iy Impression Ms that X wired him not to come until the 11th, and I must have done so, for I find among my letters' the "'follow ing: Cincinnati, O., September 10, 1SS3. Governor J. B. Foraker: Deab Sib Your telegram at hand saying for me to De at Columbus' to-morrow. I will be there. Yours truly, R, G. Wood. "I find I also received from him the fol lowing telegram: CiNcnrNATI, O., September U, 1SS9. i To Governor Foraher: I will be in Columbus to-day without fall. R. G. Wood. Governor Foraker does not give any de tails as to "Wood's visit and the delivery of the famous document THE BOMB BUBSTS. FORAKER SURPRISED BY HALSTEAD'S RETRACTION. The First Intimation Thnt the Document Was a Forgery His Desire to Havo Everything Blade Public A Chance Interview With Wood. In reference to the disclosure of the fact that the contract was a forgery, Governor Foraker says : "The nextthing I heard of the ballot box matter was Mr. Halstead's retraction Until that moment I never suspected the genuineness of the sig natures. The thought that they were for geries had not entered'my mind. "When I returned to Columbus from Steubenrille I learned for the first time what the facts were. I at once insisted to Mr. Kurtz that every detail of the whole matter should be pub lished. He then informed me of the follow ing letter to Mr. Halstead: OCTOBEB 12. Dear Mr. Halstead: Your letter just at hand, and I write, perhaps hastily, bnt none the less earnestly, to snsgest the importance of your giving to the world and at once the name of the forger or forgers, to tbo end a vigorous prosecution be at once en tered upon of all thus engaged In the ballot box affair. That is not only the right course to pursue, but the best policy as well, and the line of action best calculated to maintain and pro mote your good name. Hastily and trul v yours, C.LKBBTZ. A Confidential Acreement. "Mr. Kurtz said Mr. Halstead had an swered in harmony with what,he had pub lished in his paper to the effect that he was nnder an agreement with Judge Harmon and Mr. Jordan, acting as the representa tives of Mr. Campbell, to publish nothing more than he had published. That being the case and the publication being his own act for which he had assumed full responsibil ity and the agreement being made on behalf of Mr. Campbell, I felt that I could do nothing more than to hold my peace until the proper time to speak might come. "Wood was at this time in "Washington. "When I learned that he had imposed upon me a forged document, I, of course, lost all confidence in his truth and veracity, and his integrity ot purpose in dealing with me, and finding myselt unable, by reason of Mr. Halstead's agreement to make a full dis closure on the subject, I felt it my duty to keep track of him, to know into whose hands, if anbody's, he might tail, to the end that I might have full information as to tne source and influence producing it of any statement he might make. The Governor Had Wood Watched. "I therefore had Mr. Kurtz communi cate with Mr. McGrew, of "Washington, who, at his request, came to Columbus and got full information from us as to the situa tion, and who returned to "Washington with instructions to keep "Wood in hand to the extent of keening himself or somebody else continually with him, so Jar as might be necessary to know all about whom he might meet with and what statements, if any. he might make. Except in this -way, and to this extent, neither I nor anyone else con nected with me or the Republican party bad any correspondence or intercourse of any kind whatever with "Wood until after the election. ""While "Wood was in "Washington, how ever, and before Mr. Halstead published his retraction, he wrote several letters to Mr. Kurtz, copies of which can be produced if desired. I have had no communication with Mr. "Wood since the forgery was" dis covered, except that I unexpectedly met him in the hallway of the Commercial Gazette ofiice at Cincinnati on November 11, and he manifested a desire to talk with me. A Tery Unsatisfactory Interview. "I did not care to talk with him there, and told him he might call npon me ar the Gib son House if he had anything to say. He came to my room at the Gibson House, and I there told him tnat I had seen the affi davits that had been submitted to Mr. Hal stead, and that they satisfied me that he had committed a forgery. He wanted to know if J meant to charge him with having com mitted a forgery. "I told him that I did not know, but I wanted to state the fact that such was my belief and the reason for it, and that inview of that I could not do anything for him or have anything to do with him further. From that day until this I have had no communication of any kind with him. "J. B. FOBAKEB." A HUMAN MAGNET. A 16-Ycar-OId Baltimore Boy Who Puzzles the Scientist His Touch Is So Hlngl- cal Thnt He Lift Heavy Weights at Bis Fingers' Ends. rSFECIAL TELXOBAU TO THE DISPATCB.1 Baxtihobe, December 4. Louis, the 16-year-old son of Philip Hamburger, is pos sessed of a mysterious power which is puz zling scientific men. This power enables him to make objects of considerable weight adhere to his finger tips, contact only being necessary. The young man, who is quite small, has been studying chemistry some time at the Maryland CoUege of Pharmacy, and has shown his par ents and friends some astonishing feats and bits of magic Bv merely pressing his fully distended fingers against a J heavy cane, he holds it suspended in air tor along time. He is also able, by placing the balls ot three fingers against the sides of a glass tube, to raise the weight of five pounds attached thereto. He says he has always remarked a peculiar feeling when touching small objects which are wet or greasy, and iu order to get the best results in his experi ments he must have both the hands and ob jects dry and very clean. For this purpose he always washed his fingers in alcohol and ether and wipes them and the objects dry. In the presence of friends he gave an ex hibition of his powers. The first experi ment was to place a number of pins around tips of the palm of his hands and on the his .fingers. On holding the- palms vertically the pins are found to drop onlv after a long time. He next showed his abil ity to pick up from the table, by pressing his dry finger tips against it, any highly- polished smooth body, such as a pencil or a pen. Much more striking, however, was the manner in which a pen, held perpendic ularly, stuck to the ends of his fingers. Both hands have the same remarkable power, though the right one does the better work. The tips of the fingers, which aie more than usually fleshy, are capable of the greatest" feats. 'He touched his fingers against a glass tube three-quarters of an inch in diameter, and they stuck with such force that, as he pulled them away from .it, one after another, there was a click. The end of the tube thus raised was freighted with a blaster of naris block", and on- this were gradually plied leaden weights until o pounds was reached, xms ne was aoie to raise with the open 'palms. mmicQTii:. A Dozen of Them Fined rorlllegnllr Traffick ing In Stamp. KFXCIAX. TSLXaKAM TO TUX DISPATCH. 1 Habtfoed, Conn., December 4. A comical scene was presented at the opening of the December term of the "United States District Court in this city to-day. From 20 to 25 country postmasters were on band. They had been arrested at various times dur ing the past four months for violating the United States postal laws.. They sold post age stamps or stamped envelopes on credit to the New York firm ot Palliser, Palliser & Co. In some instances, in making returns to the authorities at "Washington, they ad vanced from their own pockets the amount due from the New York firm, and, in other instances, they put it down as cash on hand, although they had not received it. They came into court to-day like a lot of erring school boys waiting to be disciplined. None of them entered any defense. A few cases were continued, in others no plea was entered and in others a plea of nolle con tendre was made. Judge Shipman said that there was no course open to him except to fine them all. They had clearly done wrong. Then he smiled benignantly upon them, and fined each $50 and costs, amounting in most cases to about 110. This is the minimum penal ty. They all took their medicine like little men, and kept Clerk Marvin bnsy making change until his desk looked like a counting house. Twelve erring postmasters were thus fined, and about a dozen more remain to be disciplined. GENERAL GREELI DEAD AGAINST IT. The President's Proposition to Shift the Weather Bureau. rSFECIAC TELEOBAK TO THE DISPATCH. I "Washington-, December 4. Objecting, as other "Weather Bureau people do, to the President's proposal to transfer them from the war to the Agricultural Department, General Greely, the Chief, says: "The Senate, by the emphatic vote of 33 to 9, de feated such a bill last 'year. The President and the House heretofore have favored it. "To make the change- and pay civilian meteorologists the salaries they command would be -very expensive. There are such men, but they come high.' The transfer would involve an additional expense to the Government, all things considered, of 5100, 000 to $180,000 annually." A CASE WITHOUT PBECEDENT. The Son of Senator Bloody, of South Dako ta, Appointed a Pase". ISTXCIAI. TEbEOBAK TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Washington, December 4. Nepotism has begun early in the United States Senate this session. Senator Moody, ot Sonth Da kota, has secured the appointment of his son, Warren Moody, to be a page on the floor of the Senate. "Ae appointment is charged to Senator Pettigrew, Mr. Moody's colleague. Officials of the Senate, some of whom have been in service a quarter of a century or more, say that this is the first instance with in their "recollection when a Senator's son has filled the office of a page. FIRST IN THE FIELD. New York Has n World's Fair Bill Beady for Congress. Nw Yoke. December 4. The bill drawn by the World's Fair Committee, of this city; was to-day made public. Under thebill the commission may issue $20,000,000 of stock certificates, at $10 per share, to subscribers. The limit of the commission's life is 1893., Details fill the other sections. It is proposed to submit this bill to Con gress for that body's action, and to that end copies of this bill will be immediately for warded to the New York" Congressmen, with the request that they work ia ito behalf, PITTSBURG, THURSDAY, ALL FINE FELLOWS. A Very Decent Dozen of the Most Uotable Newly-Sworn H. C's THREE OP THE KEYSTONE SEXTET, With Glimpses into Satjlana, VIrslnia. Missouri and Tennessee. 0HLI COLORED MEMBER OF CONuEESS, And Montana's One Federal Offlclil Who Heeded Ho Electoral Commission, There is a deal of instruction and enter tainment in the two columns oi pen and pencil pictures appended. They afford a fair idea of what a variety of physiognomies of records entered into thev choice of the 118 new members of the Lower House, There is but one colored man in that body. rSFZCXU. TELBOBAlt TO TUB DISPi.TCtt.1 Washington, December The com monest pastime in "Washington for a fort night after new Congress assembles is to sit in the House gal leries and study the physio'ao my and anatomy below. The Senate is never new, ibr.changes here are so jfeif'.and so small in proper tion to the -whole number of Sen ators that the new faces are soon identi fied and analyzed. But the House is one third ne every two .AaM, TTolf a dozen K' of the members who took fresh seats Monday afternooon have been in Congress before. Among them were: General Banks, who was Speaker years ago; H. lb Morey, to whom General Garfield did not write a certain letter once upon a time; Bosowell P. Flower, M. H. Dunnell, of sand-hauling fame. But 118 of the new men were taking their Initial ex perience in Congressipnal life. New faces have not changed the Demo cratic side of the chamber as much as the other. Mr. Beed found Tuesday that he must go diligently at work to get acquaint ed with his own forces. The Speaker's eye was litely to recognize, more men from the minority than, the ma jority. The South has replaced 27 of its 97 members with new men. New Eneland has retired over half of her representatives in the Fiftieth Con gress and 13 hew mem not including General Banks and John "W. Ohandler. who are former members, were Bworn in. Four of the C. C Towmena Pennsylvania nine Pacific. Coast 'delegation are new tohe House. Forty-two of the 118 "Western mem bers are strangers. Thirty-two of the representatives from the Middle States ail ere ate six CongressionalBovicesfrom Pennsylvania. All are good politicians and as keen as new jack-knives. Lewis F. "Watson the seventh newcomer.sat in the Forty-fifth and Forty-seventh Congresses. He is a big, handsome and rich old fellow. He was the first.man to strike oil in Penn sylvania. David B. Brnnner, of Beading, is a nota ble Pennsylvania Democrat. He is a car penter by trade a big, heartv. wise old man. He laid by-his wages when a young" man ana put mmseit through Dickinson College. He bought an academy and began what has been, his lifework, teaching. He Is now President and proprietor of the Eeading Business College, and he has'a snug fortune from his successful career. He has written a grammar, and a work on "The Indians of Berks County," beside a series of articles on the mineralogy of that county. The "Waynesburg member, Bay.is a stout, well dressed lawyer about 38 years old. He also edits a paper at his home. C. C. Townsend is one of the promising men in the del egation. Governor Beaver is a constituent of his. He looks as if he were 35 years old, but is 48. He served two years in the army. He is en gaged in manufac turing various kinds of iron and steel and is somewhat interes ted instjel.Cnlbertson of the Erie district, a millionaire manufac turer, succeeds w. L. Scott. His wealth Jlf. S. WriahL Penna. is largely in Mich igan lumber and he has a big yard in Chi cago. He is a tall big man, '"plain spoken and evidently home-made. M. B. Wright of the fifteenth district is a cool reserved man, fho never says a word too much. He is a politician ali through and not only looks somewhat like Matt Quay, but acts like him. He is ably assisted by his wife who is his private secretary. Maryland has two new men Herman Stump, of Belair, and Harry Stockbridee, one of the editorial writers of the Balti more American. Stump is a handsome old school gentleman, with a snowy mus tache and a rnddy complexion. For some inscrutable reason in the divine economy he is still a faatchelor. He made a strong fight for his nomination and election, supnosinc he would be in the mnioritv and nave a .Democratic administration to assist him in mak ing wise laws. He comes of the Prus sian family of "Von Stumuf. who came to this country early in the eighteenth century and pur chased large tracts of land in what is now called Harford and Cecil counties, Maryland, which the family have since possessed. He was born August 8, 1836. at the family country seat, "Oak incton." in Harford Serman Stump, Maryland. conntv. After receiving a classical Arlnr.i tion he studied law with his cousin, Hon. Henry W. Archer, at Belair, Harford county, and was admitted to the bar in 1856, where he has since continued the practice of his profession. He was president of the State Senate in-1880. North Carolina has the only negro Con gressman in the House. He li H. P. Cheatham, a golden skinned mulatto 30 years old. He is a quick, shrewd, capable young lawyer. One of the first things Mr. Cheatham did Mondav Was to seelr nnt Mr. $7 awJ Jk3k t jWjr Adams, the new doorkeeper, aad ak him joj ' XECEMBER 5, 1889. (retain one member of the folding room staff. I MI know he is a Demo- 'am?- cray-said Cheatham. 'Tbut he is a steady, in dustrious young map, and for peculiar rea sons I want him re. taiaed. I was given to his mother when I was a little boy as a wedding present. I told his widowed mother I would try ray level best to keep her boy in worfc." The young man is still f his job in the fold tWi room". Cheatham was eAnmieA at atinn. S. P. Cheatham, Jforin uarouna. University and ftintrt, cnhnnl fnr awhile. He is tall, strong and good looking. Mr. St6ckbrldge is a surprise to himself aa well as his friends. He ran against Is l dor Baynor, a strong and popular Democrat, and unex pectedly beat him. He is 38 years old, but looks younger. His 1 profession is the law. 'He is spare and nerv ous in build and has a Keen, penetrating pair of black eyes. His hair is turning gray early. He is a a hard student, a forci ble, trenchant writer and a good speaker. He will come quickly to the front in the i S. Stoekbrtdge, Bouse., where, nowadays, young men are at juaryiana. fjtpremium. He is in great luck to be the inly Republican from his end of the State during a Republican administration, and ffhas.patronage galore to distribute among spatiiotic friends. . .Virginia made more changes than almost iu other State in the last Congressional A.cv.i4uiitt. five vi uer ueieguuuu aic new men. Posey G. Lester, of Floyd Court ;HouSer is the only clergyman in the House. -W'SCT PP during the war, self-educated for the most part. For a time he was a sing ing school teacher. He is the tallest man.in the house, standing 6 feet 2 inches in his ,tocklDgs, and weighs 20$. pounds. His voice conquers space with terrific volume and foree, while it is really very musical. In 1876 he was ordained to the work of the .ministry iu the Primitive Baptist Church, which he joined in 1873. Since 1882 he has oeen aomg the work ot an Evangelist, and has .made full prdof of his ministry. He has trav eled and preached.in 18 of the States, and in Ontario, Canada. His travels during a single year have embraced as many as 13.000 miles. using nearly all manner of vehicle of convey ance from a dump cart to a steamboat and rail way car. His ability as a preacher, the clear, forcible manner with which he presents his J. O. Letter, Virginia. views, and his extended travels, together with the productions from his pen, have given him an acquaintance and a degree of popularitysecondtononeinhischurch. Since (1883 he has been associate editor on Zion's XantJmarl, a religious periodical of his church published at Wilson, N. O. He had never given his attention to politics prior to July, 883, more than to keep some what posted on general principles involving the interest of the country at large, and his State in particular. He never sought polit ical honors, and when urged to become a candidate for Congress, refused to seek the position so much as to attend the conven tion that nominated him. Henry St. Georce Tuoker. of Stanton. brings.an old and honored name back to ngresW Heoa one At.thervoung members born in Winchester in 1833,, the son of Jo a n .Randolph Tucker, who was a representative in Congress from Vir ginia from 1875 to 1887, and th e grand son of Henry St. George Tucker, who was President of the Court of Ap peals of Virginia, and subsequently Professor of Law at the University of Virginia. St. George Tucker graduated from v Washington and Lee University, at Lexington. Va. in B.S.TueJcer, Va. 1875. and in 1876 graduated in law from the same institution. His district is the same his. father repre sented. Tennessee's most notable new men is Alf Taylor, who ran for Governor against his brother DoD. tie is a short, fat bulbous man, but his face is good one. He is said to be lazy, but bright, and like Tom Beed has a nasal twang in his voice that has been inherited in his family for 100 years. H, Clay Evans and, xvice.jrierce are new Tennesseeans In th xiouse, one xiepuu-, lican and the other a Democrat. Pierce"1- once sat in Congress. Alf Taylor, Tennessee. There are fonr new Wolverines C. E. Belknap, who succeeds Ford: A. T. Bliss, who has Tim Tarsney's seat; F. W. Wheeler, wio suc:eeds bpen cer Fisber. and S am Stephenson, the rich lumber man, who has Sey mour's seat. Bel knap has a big rough mustache and a wild eye, the two .features making him look like a man terribly in earnest. He is a jolly ialker, a careless dresser, and a good, wire puller. He can make a good stump sneech and is in C. E. Belknap, juicnigaTi. clined to take things easy. He was born in St. Lawrence county, N. Y., and is 43 years old. When 15 years old he enlisted anda he saw three years of active service, taking his part in several big battles, marchincr to the sea and winning a Major's shoulder straps. He was commissioned 1 captain wnen jusi i years aim uiomns old. He was wounded seven times. He is a wagon manqfacturer and employs 100 men. Thomas H. Carter, the Montana member, was elected a delegate from his State when It was a Territory, and again when it was soon after ward admitted as a 8tate. He is a man of medium height, well-built, active and quick in his mental pro cesses. He knows his State from one corner to every other and is very popular .at home, as he is bound to be here. He served in the army, is a goo'd lawyer and owns mines. Thni.IT. Carter. Montana. He is progressive and enthusiastic over the Qfrtinuti on 8tofo ftge, ' & 'Wry i Witt mf mjkLi 5fg "s3fe , N J W i fWHl I S2M A fBINCELY SWELL. Failure of Lewis S. Cox For Half a Million Causes a Eovelation, TEAES OF LAVISH EXTRAVAGANCE 'When He Lived So Fast That Millionaire .neighbors Envied Him. HIS RISE FROM A $2,000 CLERKSHIP. Honey Went Lite Water, Thousands Being. Spent Texrly for Shoes Alone. Lewis S. Cox's failure for ?500,000 has set his neighbors to talking. It is learned that a few years ago his income was only $2,000 a year, bnt latterly he has lived in a style which has excited the wonder even ot mill fonaires. He began cutting a dash after Mr. Singerly became his financial backer. rSPECTAI. TXLIOBAX TO TUB DISr ATCH.1 Philadelphia, December 4. Lewis S. Cox, whose failure for 1500,000 last Monday surprised the business people of Phila delphia, has had a brilliant career for a few years past. The manner in which he lived iu his palatial residence at Ogontz has for some time excited the wonder and ad miration of his millionaire neighbors. Ogontz is a few miles west of Jenkintown, on the Philadelphia and Beading Bailroad, and is noted for the splendid suburban homes located within its borders. A number of Philadelphia millionaires live in handsome style at Ogontz, but one gentleman said to-day that not one of them attempted to keep up with the pace set by Mr. Cox. "He ran far away from the rest of us," remarked this gentleman, "bnt re cent developments show that he could afford these extravagances, while we could not." FEOM POVEBTY TO A PALACE. This man, who, while not a millionaire himself, could live in a fashion that amazed men of far greater wealth, has had an event ful business career. It is not so many years ago that he was an employe in a store on Market street, and lived on less than 2,000 a year. An Intelligent estimate of his liv ing expenses for two years or more past places them at $40,000 a year. Mr. Cox seems to have struck the floodtlde in his af fairs when he got "William M. Singerly to back him in his business ventures. It was shortly after that Mr. Singerly put his money into the Brighton Mills that Mr. Cox bought his house at Ogontz and skilled workmen began to fit it np. "When it was turned over to Mr. Cox it was a veritable palace. His stable9,which are located back of his house, are among the finest in that section, and he had nothing but blooded stock. EICH NEIGHBOBS ASTONISHED. He had a half dozen or more saddle horses and several ponies for the children. He is a great lover of horses and is an excellent horseman. His wife and children are just as fond of horses as he is. The favorite pastime of this family was to canter over the magnificent roads of Montgomery county on their spirited steeds. Nothing gave Mr. Cox more pleasure than the aston ishment which he created among his rich neighbors by his lavish expenditure of money. He is a high-spirited and austere man. He was never contented to follow. He always wantedto.be in the lead. One of Ms latest surprises to his neighbors was his purchase of a pack of hounds. The dogs have a very luxurious home near the stables. The introduction of the hounds was a ereat hit Thev caused, mure' talk -smong 'MivCox'a neighbors- than anything eise ne Dougnt lor montns. nothing too good foe him. One of Mr. Cox's neighbors, iu talking about him to-day said: "Lou Cox is a good fellow. He lived ou the top notch. Noth ing was too good for him, and if he wanted anything he got it, 1 don't know why he got the hounds,- unless it was just to make a show. I know it made a pretty picture to see him and his family dashing along the roads after the yelping hounds. Cox prides himself that he and his family have tne nnesi ana neaiesi-mung nuiug iiauiis in our section. It was such things as this that pleased him and he would never let anybody out-do him in anything. He has gone along at break-neck pace for a few years and I have no doubt he has thorough ly enjoyed himself; I feel very Borryfor Mr. Singerly." When any member of the Cox family wanted an article of dress the cost was a secondary consideration. The article would have to meet their taste or they would not have it. 52,000 PEE YEAE FOE SHOES. Mr. Cox and his son, George H., who managed the New York office, had their clothing made by one of the fashionable tailors on Chestnut street They were very fastidious and whimsical, and always ordered suits from the finest cloths. Their tailor bills ran into several thousand dollars a vear. Since January 1 he has paid a fashionable shoemaker on Chest nut street nearly 2,000. One pair of riding boots which he purchased last summer cost him 535- Another pair which he purchased recently he paid $26 lor. His button gaiters cost him from 514 to S25 per pair, while shoes for his children cost 58 50 to 512 per pair. Mr. Cox and his son were also liberal patrons of Tiffany & Co., the New York jewelers. Personswho know Mr. Cox say that it did not cost him less than 55,000 a year to clothe himself and his son George. Mrs. Cox and her daughters ran up bills ou the same lavish scale. Her bill for one year at one of the leading stores was $5,000. One of the items in this bill was 5150 for dolls' clothes. THEY MAI F0E11 A TB0ST. . The Bras Manufacturers ot the Country Are In Secret Session. Chicago, December 4. From every in dication the brass manufacturers of the United States are perfecting a gigantic con federation. A meeting was held in the Grand Pacifio to-day. George T. Copplus, a prominent manufacturer of Boston, did all in his power to keep the matter of a meeting quiet He became very much ex cited when a reporter called to ask him about the meeting. "Ob, I thought so," said he. "I thought some reporter would come sneaking about. Chicago is the worst place in the country for reporters. It was on account of this that I opposed Chicago as a meeting place." "But you can tell something abont what you propose doing?" "No, sir, I cannot; because we are not going to do anything of interest to the news- papers. "Where are the delegates from?" "All parts of the United States." "Will the subject of a trust be con sidered?" "No trust will be formed, I think. In the first place, there is so much friction be tween the brass goods manufacturers that a trust would be imoracticablej Mr. D. Ellis, of Bridgeport, Conn., and many other Eastern manufacturers are present Bridge Bolldl'ng at McKeesport. The bridge across the Monongahela river to connect Dravosburg and Beynoldtown to establish a means of running an electric street car line from McKeesport to those places will be completed April 1. The pro posed McKeesport and Duquesne bridge across the same stream will be completed In August CASEBOK'S BATCH OF BILLS. Various Measares Proposed fey (ho Sent Pennsylvania Senator. tntOM A STArr conBisrosnrtT.J "Washington. December 4. Mr. C eron was the only one of tnePennsylvi Senators present at to-day's session, and introduced the following bills: To allow JabezBurchard, assistant engineer on the retired list of the United Btates Navy, 75 per cent of the eea pay of the rank held by him at the date of his retirement; to promote Commodore Louis C. Bartori, to be a rear ad miral on the, retired list: for the relief of As sistant Engineer Howard D. Eotts.. United States Navy; to appoint Frederick N. Kress an ensign in the United 8tates Navy on the retired list; referring tho claim of Madeira and Ca bada, on account of the seizors and detention of two cargoes of molasses at the port of Phil adelphia, to the Court of Claims; referring to the Court ot Claims the claims of J.F.Bailey dc Co, Oliver L. Garrison and a number of others, for excessive duty paid by them; for the relief of Beaney, Bon 4 Archbofd. Mr. Cameron also reintroduced his bill of last session to promote the foreign trade of the United States and. encourage the in crease of the American merchant marine. This measure classifies the ships of the mer chant marine by their tonnage and proposes a system of bounty. Senator Faulkner, of "West Virginia, In troduced a bill to appropriate 5100,000 for the erection of a public building at Mar tinsburg, W. Va.; another to pay 52,500 to the trustees of the German Evangelical Church at Martinsburg, "W. Va., for the destruction of their church, and a third to pay 53,900 for a similar purpose to St Jo seph's Catholic Church at Martinsburg. BOTE BULLETS T00E DEFECT. DesperateEncoanter Between a Moonshiner and a Depaty marshal. ELiNSAS Crrr, December 4. A terrible tragedy occurred at Butler,' Mo., a small town in the interior of the State, late last night, in which two men were shot and killed. One of the victims was Deputy United States Marshal J. P. "Willis and the other Pierce Morgan, a moonshiner, whom he attempted to arrest. Morgan was a man of desperate reputation, and when told that Willis had a warrant for his arrest, declared that he would never be taken alive. The Deputy met Morgan on the street at Butler and approached him to serve the war rant Morgan warned him that he would shoot him if he attempted to arrest him. "Willis approached him to do his duty and Morgan drew his revolver and fired. The bullet missed the mark, and Willis whipped out hia revolver. The second time both bullets took effect. "Willis was shot through the heart and died instantly. Morgan was shot in the stomach and died this morning. HE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Bora Pedro Is Opposed to Any Plan for an . American Commercial Union. LlSBON,December 4. Brazilian royalists in this city state that Dom Pedro is much opposed to the propositions made in the United States looking to the organization of an American commercial union. He bases his objections on the fact that Brazil is chiefly an agricultural country, not yet much advanced in manufacturing interests, and that it is in need of European capital, immigrants and markets, and cannot deprive itself of these by joining in an exclusively American combination. Dom Pedro, it is said, foresaw the recent revolution, but declined to consent to any efforts at repression. He will himself be the greatest obstacle to any activity on the part of his partisans. THE OLD FLAG AND APPR0PRIATI0BS. Stiver and Harbor Men Greatly Encouraged by the President's Words. man a etatt coBnzsroxnxxT. Washington, December 4. The river and harbor men In Congress are congratu lating themselves on the manner in which the President treated the subject of internal improvements in his message. When Mr. Harrison was in the Senate he opposed each river and harbor bill consistently, and the gentlemen interested in those matters were somewhat dubious as to the encouragement they would receive from him as President They expected to see a bill of considerable proportions reported from the Biver and uarDor committee mis session, an- are giau t to belieVe that the President will not put his veto to it THE C0UUITTEE ON BULES. It Will Include MeKInley, Carlisle. Cannon and Handall. nrBOH A STAIT COBBESPOXDEXT.l "Washington, December 4. It is un derstood that Speaker Beed wiil to-morrow announce his-first standing committee that ou rules. He has selected the following as its member, he himself being its chairman: Cannon, of Illinois; KcKinley, of Ohio; Carlisle,of Kentucky, and Bandall, of Penn sylvania. The placing of Mr. McKinley's name on this committee indicates that' the Speaker has decided to select him as chair man of the Ways and Means Committee. It is said io be Mr. Beed's desire and in tention to secure a revision of the rules of the House as soon as possible. STILL WRITING LETTERS. The Stanley Expedition Is Probably Nearlng tbe Port of Zanzibar. London, December 4. -The Stanley expe dition arrived at Mbikl on December 1. All the Europeans were well, with the ex ception qf Commissioner Stevens, who has a very bad fever. The whole camp is in a state of perfect discipline. A party of Ger man soldiers under Lieutenant Schmidt precede the main body and choose a camp ground for each night Stanley and his companions praise very highly the kind reception they have met with from tne uermans. otaniey nas writ ten another long letter detailing his experi ences while in the heart of the dark conti nent IN THE SHEEIFFS CUSTODY. Missing Diamonds Recovered, and Charges Slade Against tho Insolvent Jewelers. SPECIAL T OBAM TO THX PISrATCH.1 New Yoek, December 4. That vagrant "hatful of diamonds" for which the creditors of Stern & Stern, the insolvent jewelers, have been searching, is in New York and in the custody of the Sheriff. Jacob Stern is here, too, and it is now given out that he has all the time been acting in the interests of certain of the creditor Mr. Greenbaum, of Hays & Greenbaum, counsel for creditors who have judgments against the firm amounting to about 540,000, said to-day that Jacob Stern had been act ing in the interest of these creditors in all he has done since the failure. A $43,090,000 H0RTGAGB Given by tbe Norfolk and Western. In Order to Bnlld an Extension. ISF-CXU. TIXXaBA TO TUB DISPATCn.1 Peteesbubo, Va., December 4. The Norfolk and Western Bailroad Comnany has given a consolidated mortgage deed on their road to the Mercantile Trust Company of New York for 543,000,000. The object of "this mortgage is to pay off the present in debtedness of the road, and to build a double track and to extend the road into North Carolina, Ohio and Kentucky. The deed has.been admitted to record in the office of the Clerk of Corporation Court of this city, and coven 75 pages of printed matter. 2&h wai: IfW sniiVK V-toy -. THREE CENTS 4 A GENEROUS JUDGE ----S--M-M-M-M--M-M--r e Fewly Appointed Associate Jus. tice Gets His f lace Through LAY OF EAEE MA6H ASIMITr MWKOsV J5T& V83l.& s?vs yfe. ta Honor Becanra fle r?aiJ " A'llnn in Tin ITio U!-a1 nT vr AN OLD FEIEND AND C0LE6ErCHUJt( Sneakir eed Shows a Disposition to &itl Basinets of the-Bouse. - 'AC The appointment of Judge Brewer, of" Kansas, to be Associate Justice of the Suj. preme Court meets with general approval at the Capital. Judge Brown, of Michigan, had the prize almost within his grasp, wheat. Brewerwrote a letter retiring from the fieldj as he did not want to oppose Brown, his old. schoolmate. This, it is said, caused the President to appoint him. isncxi TXLanA to is dispatch.! Washington December 4. There is aa interesting little incident connected with, the appointment of Judge Brewer to be; Associate Justice of Supreme1 Court A, week ago the President informed one of thev Michigan Senators that the contest had nad rowed down to two Judge Brown.of Michlv gan, and one other person. He did not say who that other person was. Last night this Michigan Senator's colleague was at the "White House and learned then that Judge Brewer would probably be appointed. Michigan, which is in the Sixth Judicial' circuit, had two candidates Judge Brown.' and Alfred Bussell. Senator Stockbridga' favored Judge Brown. Senator McMillan, was backing Mr. Bussell. Upon being told, that Mr. Bussell's appointment was out of the question, both Michigan Senators inV dorsed Judge Brown, and were exceedingly hopeful that he would be honored. , ' A ETVAX'S GENEROSITY. ' President Harrison was in a dilemma.' Judges Brown and Brewer were equal: favorites with him. and their aualificationi. seemed about equal also. Then it happened' that a letter that Judge Brewer wrote .to one of his friends in Washington turned the scale in his favor. Iu this letter, which.' fortunately found its way to the "White? House, Judge Brewer stated that he and Judge Brown were old schoolmates, and college chums, and if he, as a candidate fox' the Supreme Court Justiceship, stood in'tha way of the advancement of his old friend, he desired to retire from the field.. This act of magnanimity, so unusual in the strife for political ofiice, struck the Presi dent most favorably, and probably turned his mind definitely in the direction of Judge Brewer. The Michigan Senators are nat urally disappointed, having had the prize) almost in their grasp, and they feel quite, confident that Judge Brown is the coming man fur the next vacancy in the court At the Capitol to-dar those of the Sen ators and Representatives who are ac quainted with Judge Brewer spoke of him.- . in the highest terms. Senator Davis,iof Minnesota, is his most intimate friend among the Senators, and he was loud in-' praise of the new Justice. IiITTLE DISSATISFACTION FELT. A few of the Senators, however, found objection to Judge Brewer because of hia 'alleged prohibition sentiments. It is known that he has been Warmly indorsed by lead ing Prohibitionists in the West, and it ia said that many of his decisions favored 4he Prohibition party. The appointment i&. -crediteimainly to the influence of Senator Plumb, added to the high opinion which President Harrison has long held of. Judge Brewer and his legal abilities. The first hard work in behalf of Judge Brewer's ap pointment was done by Senator Plumb dur-i mg the mysterious visit which be paid" to I President Harrison last summer at hia cot tage at Deer Park. : The President's attention had been called! before that time to Judge Brewer's qualifi cations, and it is said that the President per-! sonally read over Judge Brewer's leading1! opinions! Mr. Harrison was also attracted' by the fact that Judge Brewer is a young man, and a hard-working, conscientious, lawyer and Judge. It is the opinion at thaj Senate that the nomination will be at once confirmed. SPEAEEE BEED A HUSTLE.. A Probability That He Will Speedily Cobs-. plete Bis List of Committees. 11-0 A BTXTV COERZSFOXDZXr.l Washington, December 4. It is be lieved that Speaker Beed will use every en deavor to complete his list of committees at( an early date. - At the beginning of the last Congress it will be remembered that Mr., Carlisle took so long a time to perform this? duty that absolutely no business was transacted in the House before the Christmas; holidays. It is expected that the organiza tion of the House will this year be com pleted by the middle of this month, and if this is done the result will be to consider ably expedite its business. In this con nection it is the general opinion here that Bepresentative Keller will not be offered the Chairmanship of the Ways and Means Committee. The only reason given for this belief is his advanced age and his feeble condition of health, which has been gen erally commented on since the opening day" of Congress. ' ." It is stated that Mr. Lodge, of Mass., one of Mr. Beed's stanchest allies, will be given the Chairmanship of the Committee on the" Election of the President and Vice Presi dent Informer Congresses this committee has occupied a very obscure position, and its use has been frequently called in ques tion. But at this session, from this commit tee is to be reported a federal election law, which the Bepublicau party in both House and Senate is to push to its passage as. a party measure. In that case the committee' reporting the measure would at once bs come a very important one, and its. Chair-t. .'.'. man occupy" a prominent position in the TTnncA t Ir m ALL HIS APPEALS IN VAIN. :K jl murderer .one hbdkbu bhib ibibb -vh ... . . , . . . .- 4 . -., nocent by Other Convicts. rSriCTA- TXUQRA TO TUX -I3rTC.l4&: xiisw xu, ecemoer . itoon uree-y wald, the murderer of Lyman S. Weekafi; will almost certainly be hanged in Baymdndf Street Jail Friday morning. Lawyer PenyJ made a final appeal to-day to Governor Hill, but, according to a dispatch received from Albanv bv District Attornev Bidswl way the Governor said that, as he-.fulljrj agree- wibn we uecisiou ui u uuge -iiwrcf. qj could see no reason for granting a reprieve.! He took all the papers, however, andiprom ? ised to give a decision as soon as he had'ex aminedthem. '..8 A canvass of the 348 prisoners in theTjaU was taken to-day. Keeper Lee wentffrqtaj cell to cell and asked each prisoner, whether he believed Greenwald guilty or innocent ah ot them, with two exceptions, voted mi innocent x , AHIBH UDfUD. IT ICC. rV "Willie'Beed, of NeviUe street, was' chaSnj mg a cow yesterday alternoon. When nearJ the corner of Craig street and Fifth avenues . f L - 1 V-J 5 V5t'v rf?"JS ue raa against a uarvcu wire wujcu waj stretched in front of Mr. Scott s residence; The wire struck the boy right ac'6Mts-s eyes, cutting a serious and d gni( wouna. h - t 4 C V' .-, U ,-