7 up w ? V '?' S"" ffELTEi Eloquent Advocates Striving toton vince the Cronin Jury. OUE PLEA FOR THE PEIS0SE8, Judge TYing JlaXes an -Attack Upon the Sci entific Testimony. THE ARGUMENT OF ATTOSNEI IXGOAM. He Attempts U Enow a Conspiracy an J Assaults the Altered AHM. Judge Wing, for the defense, and Mr. Ingham, for the prosecution, occupied the attention of the Court in the Cronin case yesterday. Each made an elaborate argu ment for the cause he represented. Ingham closed with a strong demand for the convic tion of all the prisoners. , Chicago, December 3. This was an ora torical field day in,the Cronin trial, and strong pleas were advanced by both the counsel for the prosecution and defense. For the latter, Judge Wing continued his argument. After touching upon a number of minor points he took up the question of the cause of death, stating the law to be that the cause must be proved in accordance with the terms of the indictment, else a con viction couldn't follow. In this case it was charged that Dr. Cronin's died from the ef fects o( the infliction of wounds and contus ions on the head. The speaker went on to argue that this allegation was not proved and that the experts in their testimony could not sav that the wounds on Dr. Cronin's head and face were such as to necessarily cause death. Judge Wing next took up the question as to whether or not the blood found in the cottage was human blood. The prosecution talked as if the floor and the walls of the cottage had been deluged in blood; but none of this blood had been shown. Experts had testified to having microscopically exam ined 56 corpuscles, an amount invisible to the naked eye, for a single drop of blood contained many millions of corpuscles. The prosecution had brought in large sections of flooring covered with footmarks made by paint, but no blood stains. JUDGE WING'S ASSUMPTION. It was safe to assume that there were no such things, or they would have been shown. There was not a cottage in the city in which it would be impossible to find fullr as much blood as was examined by the experts, and the best evidence they could give in this case was that it was the blood of some mam mal. The speaker then proceeded to attack the testimony of MicroscopistTalman on the subject of the lanugo, or microscopic hairy fuzz and scaly epitheleum which he found in the blood specimens examined bv him and which he thought peculiar to human entities. The speaker denounced Talman as a man of small experience and little learning, who posed as a professional witness. Talman, lie said, bad examined some of the hair found in the trunk and in the cottage and on Dr. Cronin's head and he confessed that lie could not tell they were the same hair. Judge "Wing then told how themicroscopists for the defense, men of great learning, had stated that it was impossible to predicate humanity on any ot the tests. ' This closed his address and Mr. Ingham took up the argument io behalf of the pros ecution. Alter a brilliant exordium in which he described the killing of Dr. Cronin and the disposal of the body Mr. Ingham defined and illustrated the application of the law of conspiracy. He added : " CONSriBACY TO J1TJBDEB. So under the law, if these defendants con spire together, eltber alone, hy themselves or with others who are at present cnknown.and if some one of those conspirators in that cottage on the nlcht of May 4 did the deed, then all are guilty. No matter whether he was in his home asleep, whether he was in the station on North Chicago avenue, or in the saloon of Matt Danahy, or no matter if they aided, if they as sisted. It they advised, if they encouraged, they are equally guilty with the man who was actually present and vtho actually struck the fatal blow. The speaker then proceeded to reply to Judge "Wing's argument, addressing him self first to the question ot the value of cir cumstantial evidence, and quoting legal opinions to the effect that it may be stronger than anv direct evidence. Judee "Wine. said Mr. Ingham, had taken up the evidence bit by bit and had argued its weakness. This was simplv an illustration of the old storv about the lfiragibility ot the bnndle of sticks, each of which could easily be broken Kingly. So it was he said in this case; each incriminating circumstance was explana ble upon the theory of innocence; but, com bined, the conclusion to which they pointed was irresistible. As an illustration the speaker cited the case of a man who, walking along the street sees piles of lumber and stone gathered together. He would not conclude that it was a mere "fortuitous concourse of atoms," but that their 'assemblage there was in the furtherance of some design, and a close ex amination would reveal the fact that all of these timbers and stones were designed to fit into certain places, and that when put together hey would form a great building towering toward heaven. A PAEALLEL CASE. So it was in this case. The circumstances from the time of the meeting in Camp 20 to that of the finding of the clothes of Dr. Cro nin in the sewer showed an intelligent human design. It had its origin in hate, its foundation in the charge that Dr. Cronin was a spy, and its end in the butchery in the Carlson cottage and the burial in the sewer; Then Mr. Ingham proceeded to analyze the evidence with that point in view. He said that Simonds, in buying the furniture, took the first thincs offered till he came to the trunk, the satchel and the strap. These be was particular about, thongh there was no evidence tnat ne naa anything to put into them. He -was not particular about the bed on which his sick brother was to lie. He did not get him even a pillow slip. The rooms were opposite Dr. Cronin's office and were well situated for the murderous deed, the doctor being called to attend the Eickjirother. "Why it was not committed there would probably be never known. "Why did Burke rent the' Carlson cottage, and hold posses sion of it unoccupied month after month? He was a day laborer, getting; ?1 CO per day, and working only part of the time. "Where were the bi others and the sick sister whom, be said,were to occupy the cottage with him? Why did they not appear and testify in his behalf? SUSPICIOUS CIBCUMSTAXCES. Pour or five people were to live in this cottage, yet it die- not contain a single ar ticle of kitchen furniture. It was to attend one of O'Sullivan's men that the doctor was called; the cottage was close to O'Sullivan's house, and Burke told O'Sullivan about it as soon as he rented it. Subsequently O'Sullivan vouched for him. Then the speaker dwelt at length on the suspicious character of the iceman's contract for Cronin's servioes. Next the hiring of the white horse and Cougblin's suspicious actions; caution to Dinan to say nothing about it, and bis iailure to arrest the driver of the white horse when he found nim were dwelt on. The driver of the white horse acted suspiciously; he wanted a horse of a less conspicuous color, and he wanted side icurtains on the buggy. It was doubtless technically true that a hair from one bead conld not be distin guished from a hair from another, but tvery-day common sense could determine teach a question off-hand when two bunches xf hair were submitted for inspection. The speaker then went over the ground of the ride to the cottage, the murder, the subse quent bestowal of the body iu the catch basin, and Burke's flight. All this con- Sec ting chain of evidence, he said, was un ispnted.. r ATTACEIKO IHE AMBIS. ifit testieny,aa-saowedsihatit was friends of the accused, wliile the inculpat ing evidence was , by impartial witnesses. The -speaker then took, up the evidence against Kunze, and in the course of bis re marks said impressively: "It was said by this man Kunze to a man on the Sonthside, that he expectedto be ar rested on this Cronin business. Why? Why? The defendant Kunze "Why, be cause he told me thai Mr. Ingham (resuming)-Because he knew the business. The defendant Kunze 6od knows I am innocent, sir. Mr. Ingham then proceeded to trace the connection between Coughlin, Kunze and O'Sullivan. The speaker next reviewed the fight between Cronin and the Triangle as the moving cause of the murder, and closed iiu uu ujjpeai lor conviction. A MAYOR DECAMPS, Leaving Qla Municipality to Wonder Why lie Kan Away Chlnntown In New York in a Fearfal Form eat A Great Sensation. " rsrxciAi. TU.EQBXrTo Tna -dispatch. i New Yoek, December 3. Chinatown has a sensation, and this is the story of it by Mr. Wong, the well-known Chinese reporter: Chinatown is suddenly le't without its mayor, and Joss without Its priest. The Hon. Chyo Yon Ping, the Chinese Mayor, chief justice of the peace, Mandarin and high priest, popularly known as the "Zoon Fah Goon Soo Cean Sung," has suddenly and secretly deserted his post, and left for parts unknown. The Chinese city hall, nt 16 Mott street, U practically in EgyptianV darkness, and left in the sole care of its only other official, "Fob Ye," the old town mar shal and chief of the police department and uepanment oi puoilo worics. It was alleged by some that Mr. Chyo Yon Ping has simply eloped with a beauti lul Irish blonde, and -that he has taken her to Canada, together with the funds of the "Zoon .Fan," etc., municipality, but upon closer examination of the contents of the "city hall" safe a couple of ancient cigar boxes and a dilapidated tomato can experts found that the Chinese Mayor bad not joined the congregatiorfof ex-aldermen, but had been strictly honest in his accounts. The majority of his political opponents think the Mayor has only absented himself until the present Mott "street scandal, ac cusing him of a bold attempt to sell China town to the highest bidder, shall blow over. This was probably the reason why Mr. Chyo secretly packed up his blankets and pipes and discharged himself from further duties of the "Joon Fah Goon .Soo Cean Snng's" office.- it is probable that he had formally tendered his resignation as high priest to Joss, as a big bunch of fragrant joss-sticks, and also the fresh ashes of a pile of burnt incense papers were found upon the altar of the very centlemanly Chinese god. , In the mcatime the affairs of Chinatown were all topside down, and in despair the merchants in a body, at about 7 o'clock this evening, went up to see their Consul, to have their affairs straightened out by that able Confucian jurist. The conference was a very long one, ending in the Consul's de cision for the warring factions to become once more friends and to advertise for Chinatown's Zoon Fah Goon Soo Cean Snug to rome back and serve out his term of office. DISCUSSING THE WORLD'S FAIR. Munneer Johnston, of tho Exposition, Gives a Sensible Expression .pf" Views. In speaking about President Harrison's recommendation to Congress on the World's Fair question, Manager Johnston, of tho Exposition Society, said yesterday after noon: "President Harrison takes a dignified view of the matter. The World's Fair should be one of the first things to claim the attention of Congress. There is not a minute to spare. America ought to be shown just as it is. The general government ought to suggest the location and have sl general supervision over affairs. "Whatever Congress may do, or wherever the fair may be held, I hope the whole peo ple will rise up and put America where she belongs, and show what she can do. I am satisfied Pittsburg will do her part There is enterprise, push and capital here; and that, joined with the industries snrrounding the city, leaves no room for doubt Pittsburg will be heard from in good shape." Holiday Opening; Wednesday, December 4. The most elegant line of fancy goo-Is in every conceivable shape and material ever shown in Pittsburg. JOS. ElCHJJATTSi & CO , 48 Fifth avenue. New, Sweet, Delicious. Marvin's royal bread possesses all these properties. If you haven't tried it do so at once, if you want to renew your youth and be happy. D Men's natural wool underwear. Jajies B. Aiken & Co., 100 Tilth are. Cunea With gold or silver heads, gold spectacles and eyeglasses, fne bisque and bronze figures, music boxes and imported artificial flowers. Very low prices at Haucb's Jewelry Store, No. 295 Fifth avenne. wrsu Economical Gaa Fires, Moves, Ranges, &c. O'KeefeGas Appliance CcSlFiftb. av. No tonic equals "Walnwright's beer. Families supplied direct 'Phone 5523. wsu Fine neckwear for holiday presents. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave. Economical Gaa Fires, Siovcs, Ranges, &c. O'Kekfe Gas Appliance Co,, 34 Fifth ay. Oedeh your crayon portraits now for Xmas, at Aufrecnt's, SIS .Market street. Best and cheapest in the two cities. JACOBS oj I SURE (IllRE. CURES PERMANENTLY In Pain 80 Yean. Conitantlne, Mich., Fen. U, 188T. I had pains In the bide for thirty yean. Confined to bed for weeks. Five years ago St Jacobs Oil cured me: am weJ ana hearty, no return of pain: can lift as much as ever. IXM.BEARICK. At DnuccisTS jure Dialers. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO., Baltlreort, Hi. 4DCd, . . 1 v V ri ffH nSavfijSr nmml PearS obtained thinly gold medal awarded solely for toilet SOAP in competi tion with all the world, Highest fissibk distinction? teEHminjMDigareri Net t fampto onvBtiy. Baby one year old. Bad with Eczema. Hair all gone. Scalp covered with eruption. Thought ,hli hair would .never grow. Cored by Cutleora. Hair splendid and not a pimple on him. Cured by Cuticura I cannot say enough In praise of the Cuticura JtEiLEDiES. ily boy, whoa one year of age, was to bad with eczema that he loitaliorhls hair. Bit scalp was covered with eruptions, which tho doc tor saia was scan neaa, ana mat ms nair woaia never crow again. Despairing of a cure from physicians, 1 oejran theuno of the Cutictjka 1:em- edies. and. 1 am happy ' to car. with the most nerfect sncce&s. Ills nair -tieel success, nu x Is now splendid, and him. I recommend the there Is not a pimple on him. Cuticuka Kemedhs to mothers as the most speedy, economical, and sure cure for all skin dis eases of Infants and children, and feel that every motner wno nas an amieiea cnua mil tnanK me Tor so doing. MBS. If. E. WOODSUM. .Norway, lie. Fever Sore Eight Years I must extend to you the thanks of one of my enstomers, who has been cured hy nslnir the Curc CUitA. .Remedies, of an old sore, caused by a long spell or sickness or fever eight years aeo. He was so bad he was fearful he would have to hare his leg amputated, but Is happy to say he Is now en tirely well sound as a dollar. He requests me to use his name, which Is B. II. CUsox, merchant of thU plate. JOHNV.MINOKUrngglst, Galnshoro, l'cnn. Worst Scrofula Cured Wo have been selling your CUTIC0R A Beuedies for years, and haTe the first complaint yet to re ceive from a purchaser. One of the worst cases of scrofula I ever saw was cured by them. BC TAYLOK ATAYL&K. Druggists, Frankfort, Kan. Cuticura Resolvent The New Blood Purifier and purest and best of Humor Remedies, Internally, and Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and CuncunA Soar, an exquis ite Skin Beaotlner, externally, speedily, perma nently and economically cure every disease and humor of the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, whether Itching, burning, scaly, pimply, scrofnlous or hereditary, when all other remedies fljji Bold everywhere. Price, Cuticura. jocJ soap, I5c: Kksolvknt. si. Prepared by the Potteb Dr.tto AND CHEMICAL Coiu-OBATioif, Boston. J83-Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases,1' 64 pages, SO Illustrations and 100 testimonials. B A Ono Skin and Scalp preserved s DAD! O tlfled by CUTICUKA SOAP. Skin and Scalp preserved and bean- ADSO- lutelypure. Every Muscle Aches. Sham aches, dnll pains, strains and weaknesses BXLtEVSD in oke uetotk bythe CUTICURA anti-Pain Plaster, the first and only Instantaneous natn- kliUng. strengthening plaster. :S cents. wi kJL TEN POUNDS TWO WEEKS THINK OF IT! As a Flesh Producer there can ho no question but that SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Pare (Mirer Oil and Hjpopiiospbltes Of Lime and Soda I is without a rival, 'Many, have gained a poand a day by tho aao ox n, ai cures CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS AND COLDS, AND ALL FORMS OF WASTING DIS EASES. jIS PAXjATATILE JLS MILK. , .Be sure vou act the genuine as there are poor imitations. 0&-ZH-MWFSU NEW YORK STEEL MAT CO., 234 & 235 BROADWAY, K. Y. Owners & Sole Honnfacrnrers of th ROCHESTER STEEL MAT. AND Stripped Steel Mats of all Sizes. Patented Feb. 701,1883. These Mats have thecomblned advantages oralj Otter Mats with none of their disadvantages, and have woven to be the Cheapest and ISest. tvrenr au wire, lemarkeL ram i..n tvinfoot twttitr than anv other Hat. and not pennltthe dirt to be carrtedbeyond Uiem. People stepping on them cannof"bllp as their enrfaceofiers resistance In all directions. Thevneed no shaking, therefore create no dust Sold In aUHnrdware, Dry Goods, Carpet and House Fnrnishinff Stores. Liberal dis count allowed to the trade. unifies. Vou 1-SIxs 16x31 No. 2-Slte 18x30., No. S-Slze 22x39, ScVl-SlMMxte., ,.2.CUNo. S-Slze3Cfcri3 ..4&M ,.50 No. 6-Slze 86x43.... 7.00 &5No.7-lzeS6xS0.... 9.03 ,. 5.00 N0.8-S1Z6S6XTC. ..O00 nolS-DOotwy HOLIDAY PRESENTS. OPERA G3uA8Ssg, The largest and finest assortment in the city, sold at low prices. Gold spectacles, 5 and upward. S3 Gold Eye Glasses with chain attached. Field Glasses. Telescopes, Microscopes, Ba rometers, Thermometors, etc., etc Call and examine. J. DIAMOND, Optician, 22 SIXTH STREET, P. & A beautiful present jrlven to rvery purchaser. lu24-107-MWFsa Latest improved Spectacles and Eye-Glasses; will fit any nose with ease and comfort. The largest and best stock of Optical Instruments and Artificial Eyes. KOBNBLTJM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No. 0 Fifth avenne, near If ood street Telephone Ka 1CS0. sc19-dsu 'Paris Exposition, i88o. 7VhK OtS I i tea I i)Kffl5T ill? SSSabSEaidaAbSBiaaaaavF flM&aMMa&??8eS3l ggSk )KESDTaMBPECEMBMlj mwjXWfWKtpmmmmu y-r?T-T "PUSH -OFF" SALEM . -oy- FTJEOAPS HAS : MADE : AN : IMMENSE : HIT. ?cnts Irrlvmer Stylo. In Oregon Seal, 8120. $J io. $1 80. J2 20. In Alaska Heal, fS, $10, $12. The lively boom which we have) experienced the last ten days Is doe entirely to our cut prices. Because the weather has been unfavor able to the sale of winter caps, we did not propose to continue carryinc a vast stocfc, wait inR like "patience on a monument" for cold weather to set in. Cuttinc prices n half is our old and never-fallinE: remedy to run off surplus stock. From the way people responded to our announcement it is quite evident that the pub lic has full faith in "Ruben's" statements. Once more w will say: If yon havB the re motest idea of pnrchasine a Fnr Cap come to this sale, and you will be sura not to freeze when the cold weather does set in. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 Smithflold St del-WTSu ELEGAST SECOND-HMD (MMACDH Ait Six Seat Rockawajs,.Baropches -for one horse. Phaetons and Side-bar Buggies; also 3 fins hearses, late styles, nearly as good as new. This is without donbt the finest line of second-hand vehicles ever shown in Pittsbnrg. and we will sell them at rock-bottom prices. Terms satisfac tory. Come and see us or write for particulars. L. GLESENKAMP & SON, Repository, 318 and no20-WT3n DOUGLAS MACKIE Will offer this weekjsuch Bargains in Ladles' Cloaks, Wraps, etc, as would maka Comment or Remark Thereon Unnecessary and Superfluous. An elegant lot Ladies' AH Wool Cloth Newmarkets, in Blacks and Browns, for only (2.S0 each; they ars worth every cent ot 85.00. An exceedine pretty lot Ladies' Striped Newmarkets, that are being offered all over at $5.00; our A superb lay-out of Ladles' Tiger Cloth Newmarkets, Flush Trimmed; they're being freely shown and advertised elsewhere at tlS.75; our nrice $12.60. An exquisite display Ladies' Seal Flush Jackets. 87.75, 9.00, 110.50, (12.00, and on up; we'll save you from $2.25 to 55.00 on these garments. A really boautiful stock Ladles' Seal Flush Saeqnes, Quilted Satin Lined. Chamois Pockets and Seal Loops, to be offered at $16.50, 18.50, 923,50, np to finest, and they're from S2.50 to SfiLOO less than osnal prices. , 100 Ladies' Beautifully Fine Black Stockinette Jackets, that have sold all season at 57.50; yonr pick now for 83.00. AND SEB Thousands of Misses and Children's Cloaks, Wraps, etc, Newest and Latest Styles, Prices Lower Than Ever. WORTHY OF NOTE Seal Skin Sacques, Furs, Muffs, Boas, Capes, etc Great Variety PfUUES EASY ON POCKET-BOOK. 151 and 153 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. de2-MW FURNITURE AND CARPETS GRANDEST VARIETY! BEST QUALITIES! NEWEST STYLES! Cas!b. -.and Ch?ecL"t; TIo-a.se3 923 and 925 Fenn avenue, near Mnth street. LARGEST -or- HOLIDAY :: SLIPPERS EVER SHOWN IN PITTSBURG. ' Dealers are cordially invited to call at our Wholesale House, 515 Wood street, and inspect this wonderfully large and elegant selection of Holiday Slippers. Every desirable effect in pattern, shape, color and material. Our prices are from 10 to 15 per cent lower than same grades are offered for, while our stock and assortment is by all odds the largest in the city. We are headquarters for Holiday Slippers. Can ship goods at once and fill orders in sizes, and any quantity. W. M. LAIRD, WHOLESALE SHOE HOUSE, 515 WOOD STBBET. RETAIL STORES. 406 AND 408 MARKET STREET. A. Bia DRIVE Is not necessary to each our Mammoth Store Rooms, only a short walk from Fiith avenue down Wood street to NO. 3 0 7. Here you will find the largest and most complete HOTJSEJfTTENISHING BAZAAR in Western Pennsylvania, not a flimsy, struggling concern, bat an old-established and re liable one, composed of men who not only look forward to the mighty dollar, bat who also take great pride in looking to the wants and comforts of their patrons. OOOD ELIJLBXjS goods Only are carried by us, and anything yon would ask for, either a comiort or a necessity in yonr homes, we have it, and will let yon have it on OUR,EASY- TERMS OF PAYMENT. A COMPLETE STOCK OF FURNITURE and CARPETS NoveltiesiLtfiArt Furniture for HOPPER BROS. & CO., pOMPLETE : HOUSE : FURNISHERS, OIA.SSI OE OEEDIT. WOOD STBEBI " u-u I'--- .CTmETO rnrnn lWn whuto ivm. U V I 5rwCHJ-.cwjVli'arf,5,?SS7l.D,SS! 102 and 1C4 xm&u,A.ys.mm 1 bib . iT"--n.r- - i ..fii-.;. -i : ai.t ? i i ni iisiiitsr m BETWEEN THLBD PjSw AtWl yf-'ytSBifi ?" ta ' CRUMBSOF COMFORT! At 50 Cents, Ladies' Warm, Lined Felt Slippers. At$10O, ' Ladies' Cloth Felt Lined Cone andBals. ' At'$l 00, Ladies' Cloth Felt Lined Pebble Fox Bala. , , At$l 25, Ladies Glove Kid Felt Lined Cong, and Bals. , At$l 50, Ladies' Cloth "Warm Lined Foxed "Button, At $1 50, Ladies' Beaver Cloth Felt Lined Button, At $2 00, Ladles' Fine Kid Dongola Button in Com mon Sense and Opera, wide and narrow Toes, Long and Short Vamps, well worth S3. Gents' Fnr Lined, Grain Waterproof BOOTS at S3. Also Gents' Beaver Foxed BOOTS at $2 G.D. SI MEN'S, 78 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY. Corner of Bandnsky street no25-KW 320 Fenn are., city. LOWEST PRICES! EASIEST TERMS! BEST TREATMENT! Se33-MW DISPLAY no29-MWT Holiday Presents. : AND FOURTH AY58, WWSWM7ELt i wmBsM&ftfHIMHEIt. - ,3, j - - T(K i -armn j I j, KAUFMANHSr DAILY CARD OF fiEASOM; - J -1 A J .wife holding this gorgeous and dazzling display. And, if you're" wise, you'll not delay your Christmas shopping another daypf Thousands of odd, unique and handsome things are now oni our counters which in a few weeks from now can not be had! for love nor money. These Sensible and Appropriate Xmas Gifts, picked at random from our,immense Holiday Bazaar, will, give the reader an idea of the vast ocean of pretty things we have prepared for our trade: Plush Toilet Sets, Plush Manicure Sets, Leather Toilet Sets, Traveling Set?, Shaving Sets, Smoking Sets, Poker Sers, Hand Mirrors, Folding Mirrors, Picture Frames, Work Boxes, Work. 'Baskets, Chatelaine Bags, Pocket Knives, Jewelry, Smoking Caps, Smoking Jackets, Dressing Gowns, Stockinette Coats, Bath Robes,. French Dolls, Domestic Dolls, Silver Back Brushes, Silver Card Receivers, Silver. Pin Cushions, Fancy Key Holders, Whisk Broom Holders, Horn Foot Stools, Brush and Comb Trays, Silk Mufflers- Linen Handkerchiefs,. Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Fichus, Silk UmbreUas, Walking Canes, Seal Caps, Seal and Fur Gloves, Coachmen's Coachmen's Coachmen's Silk Neckwear, Night Robes, Full Dress. Shirts, Full Dress Ties, Fancy Silk Vests, Full Dress Shields, Collars and Cuffs, Silk Hats, Ladies' Fur Muffs, Fur Boas and Capes, Children's Fur Sets, Ladies' Seal Garments, Ladies' Cloaks, Children's Plush Coats, Children's THE VALUE OF EARLY PURCHASING must forcibly present itself to every sober and sensible mind. NOW the stocks are complete; NOW you can j'ust get what you want; NOW the prices are the lowest. And, as.we.haves , repeatedly said in these columns, if you haven't thereaciy.' cash just at present, select the articles you desire and, upon " payment of a small deposit, as a guarantee of good faith, we will wrap up the goods, put your name on the package and lay it aside for you until Christmas, when you may call for it, or have us deliver it at your residence. Come on, then, and select your Christmas Gifts. First come, first served. Don't wait until the big rush sets in. - " KAUFMANNS I V TmvHwvvvvvvmvvwmtvvv w j Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street "WHOIjESArE and BETAIL. GRATIS nificent Picture Book, containing a water color engraving by- Ida Waugh (the engraving alpne worth 50c; or a large sub stantial bled free ot charge. MADE OUT Br" 'N the YY UKLU G e o.A.Macbeth & Co. Pittsburgh.Pa STATE LINE To Glasgow. Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. KBOM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage (33 to (DO. according M locaUoa of (tatcroom. -Excursion 65 to S30. Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates. AUSllX BALDWIN.. CO., General Aseata, UBroadtrar. Heir York. J. J. McCORMlCK. Agent. 639 and 401 Smithfield 81., Pittsburg, Pa. oeu-D ANCHOR LINE. United Slates Mail Steamers. " Sail everr SATUKUAY from NEW YORK TO GLASGOW, Calling at HOVILLE; (Londonacrrv.) Cabin pilM to Gluro-w, Liverpool oi ImAvo- derrr, S and t.Tlound trip, M and SIOO. Second-ctaM, 0. Steerage, aj. MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE via Azores. Deitronte to Altlers and toast ot Morroceo. NEWYORKtoFLORE8,FAYAL,GIBRALTAR, NAPLES, VENICE and TRIESTE. S. 8. CALLTOKMA, BATUBDAY, HOY. SO. S. S. V1CTOB1A, SATUKUAY. JAUABY t Cabin passage to Axores, t65toS0: Naples, 30 to 0O: Venice. S13X Drnrts on Great XJrltiln. Ireland orlulr, and letters or crertltat riTnrjb ; rates. Applv to HENUEKSON BKOTHEKS, I. Y.. or . J. ftcCOKMICK. 638 and 401 SnUtbfleld it :A. V. SCURERftSOM, 415 Smithfield it., Flttibnrt; W. BEXXUE, Jr., MSyedarslsU. AUegbeny. yrrmiz sr ak lx e- FOB JUEiJoTOWM AHU LrVEBPOOI Koyal and United States Hall Bteamcrs. Tentonlc DeeJIi7:30 am 1 Germanic, Dee. 1S.S p m rvittt Jin. Germanic, Jan. IS. HrltannlcIee.a3k7aoa ArirlAtlR. .Jan. 1. Britannic n. -a. AUrlatlcJan. 3. rrnm wlilrp Mur rtoek. root or v nt Term n. nni iihin on thttie atMTnen. Saloon rates! foOand npirard. becond cabin, fS and upward, according to iteamerand location or bertS. Ex cursion tickets on favorable termi. Steerage. S28. Wolte star oralis pay&Die on aeiaauu ra iu tua J I 1 Wnite Star draft payable on demand In all the n .1.. at rhirlea HotaL orViSEH . 11 ' irin?in.i tout. tbroDitioat Great Britain. Ad- OppoaltO Bt. CDaries nn,iirtav' sflMwp5sBt7jKaSKjr December 4,1889- GLEAM or TOE- TT I'll are now apparent in evei-vTae 2yK m. : H 1.113 srji - r-s partment of Kaufmanns'ManKN moth Stoieespec?allvtso their Fancy Goods- Bazaar The sight here is beautifulb yond description. HundrecW, oi raagnmcenc noiiaav, noyeiy. ties tastefully groupeHLjtoi ' gether, making Christmasf gift pleasure. Visions of woncTer, land rise in the mind on tielr Writing Sets,, j. ' Writing Desks, Fancy Ink Stands; Card Cases, -' ' Cigar Cases, ' '-"' Cigarette Cases, Pocketbooks, Portfolios, , jewelry leases, tujrf collar isoxes. - Cuff Boxes, Handkerchief Boxes, Glove Boxes, Cologne Bottles, Perfumery Stands,' Plush Albums, Leather Albums, Coats, Collars, Celluloid Albums, Fancy Slippers, Easy House Shoes, Red Top Boots, Gloves, Blacking Sets, Rubber Boots, Fur Robes, Carriage Robes, Sleighing Robes, Plush Capes, Hand Satchels, is9L Fur Trimmed Overcoats,'Trunks and Valises. With every Boy's Suit or Overcoat we give "Kaufmanns' Holiday Greetings," a mag de4-s LAMP HIMNEYS THE PITTSBURG LAMP Is the best in the market. It is the most perfect in construction, gives the most light, barns less oil and 70a can bnv them irom 11s at lowest prices, as its are the agents in Pittsburg for their sale. We aro now receiving onr Holiday qwk , neautlfal Dinner and cna VaBk a F moer Beis;,.e.i, i piettllna of Fancr Goods, wta')lSIrPJKaHi If yon wan t to save money and wno aumema yon can do it at V'9silfi R. P. WALLACE &,GES qh wnrvn STREET. X 1 .: it: Mr. Ingham then touched upon the alibi I HMMMWHnHHHNMM. ' - -- . .,1 - nffl I - jr - -- mlwlBMi "