iiiim ii ii'lHii mil ill imniiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiy i Bmmmmmmrr -;, 'mmmm f!4T plERS Iff s&ssm: mennnal Conventions of 'the' Hneei anaAuiuuceAuvocai.es. T0 COMBINE WITH THE MIGHTS. SComrniUees Appointed to Prepare a Scheme for Consolidation. IT WILL ONLY BE A TEMPORAET AFFAIR, -- - If Hie Two Bodies Cannot Agree Tney Will Separate PtiCtlllf. The various grangers organizations as sera Died in convention at St Louis yester day. They propose to effect.a consolidation among themselves, and then enter into an agreement with the Knights of Labor. Some of the members do not favor the latter plan, however. St. Louis, December 3. The annual convention of Farmers' and Laborers TJnlon met here to-day with a large nnmber of delegates in attenduice. The convention was called to order by President Evan Jones, ol Texas. After addresses of wel come by Mayor IToonan on behalf of city and by Governor Francis for the State, and a brief response by J. H. McDowell, Chair man of the Executive Board, the convention took a recess until afternoon when it met in executive session. -At 1:30 the convention reassembled in ex ecutive session for business. These meet ings are to be secret The Committee on Credentials reported the following organiza tions as represented by delegates on the floor: Arkansas "Wheel, Arkansas Alliance, Kentucky "Wheel, Kentucky Alliance. Kansas Wheel, Virginia Alliance, Georgia Alliance; Tennessee Farmers and Laborers' Union, Louisiana Farmers' Union, Okla homa Wheel, Maryland Alliance, Alabama Alliance, Nebraska Alliance, North Caro lina Alliance, South Carolina Alliance, Missouri Farmers and Laborers' Union, In diana Farmers and Laborers' Union, and the Texas Alliance, conditionally. A NATIONAL ALLIANCE. The lollowing committees were then ap pointed: To Confer with Alliance North on Formation ot National Alliance; on co operation with Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association. After listening; to addresses by President Evan Jones a recess was taken. The delegates to the convention of the Northern Alliance meeting at the Planters House, under President J. D. Burrows and Secretary August Post, held an informal conference in parlor 22. There are 75 dele gates to this convention, representing the State organizations of Illinois, Ohio, Minne sota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Dakota, Colorado, and Washington, and under the plan of consolidation with the ' Farmers' and Laborers' Union of America this body will probably adjourn to sit at the convention at the Exposition building. At a meeting of the Farmers' Alliance this afternoon at the Planters House at the request of the Farmers and Laborers' Union a committee was appointed to confer with a similar committee lrom the union to discuss the advisability of a consolidatian. The following are the committee: L M. Morris, Kansas; Alonzo WardelU South Dakota; George W. Sprague, Minnesota; A. J. Streator, Illinois; John H. Powers, Ne braska; Walter Mnir, North Dakota; N. B. Ashby, Iowa; William Ulrich, Wisconsin; T. Y. Williams, Washington. The major ity of these are not in favor of a consolida tion. THE CONSOLIDATION PLANS. As to the proposed consolidation with the Knights of Irtbor, F. L. Livingstone, Pres ident ot the Georgia State Organization, said: "We propose to form nn offensive and defensive alliance with the Knights of .Labor, and to co-operate with tbem as long as.it;fs mutually advantageous. If our paths (ead ns along the same road it adds to the 'strength of both orders to work to gether. "When our ways diverge we can part in friendship to meet further along in some other issue. I am not one ot the principal advocates of co-operation with the Knights, bnt I can see the advantages to be derived from such a step. POWDEELTS PLAN. Not an Amalgamation, bnt Onlr an Alliance, Intended The New Land Plank of Ibe Knights of Labor The Communism Chargr. rsrxciAi. raiioMK to tok mRrjwcn.: Philadelphia, December3. Mr. Pow- derlv was seen in the Broad street station while waiting for the train for St Louis, and in answer to a question concerning the approaching conference of the Knights of Labor officials and the Alliance, said: I cannot tell you anything concerning the outcome of the meeting. The majority of the people have the idea that the amalgamation of the two organizations is Intended. Now , that is a mistake, tor that is not our purpose at alt We Intend to form, however, a strong alliance, which will have the weight of a practical amalgamation without causing either the Knichts of Labor or the Farmers' Alliance to lose their identity as separate organizations. The poor man does not hold a secure title to any land which be may own at the present time. There Is a man in Scranton who pur chased a lot some time ago, and now, as there is a railroad about to lay its tracks over a route which will cat right through this particular piece of ground, he will be coin- Selled to surrender his property. I ave no objection to that. The will and demands of the majority must be acceded to, bnt if it is right to allow a railroad to per emptorily demand property of the owner, why should not the Government have the same right? Our new land plank favors the plan of the Government controlling all of the land, and while it Is considered right to allow corpora tions to come into the possession of the land by what is practically forcible possession, the cry of CommnnlSDi' is raised as soou as we say that the Government has the same right. The railroads now control more land than the Govrnment, and in consequence tho creature Is more powerful than the creator, bat that is not as It should be. I believe it is said that at one time, while the Pennsylvania Legislature was in session a member aroso and made the motion that "If the Pennsylvania Railroad had no more business to transact, I move we ad journ." Of course, he had to apologize, but his assertion contained' a great deal of truthful force. I0UNG WATTERSON ELOPES. A Lovely. If Net Star-Eyed. Goddess Cap tores the Courier-Journal Scion. Nashville, Tknn., December 3. Some two mouths ago Ewing Watterson, son of Hon. Henry Watterson.editorof the Courier Journal, took up his residence at McMinn ville, a quiet little mountain town in War ren county, Tennessee, for the alleged pur pose of studying medicine. ' His tutor was Dr. ThomasBlack, at whose home he boarded. Dr. Black has several children, among them a pretty black-eyed daughter, Jennie, aged 18. She and young Watterson soon became fast friends, and as nothing was suspected by her parents they were allowed to be together like brotherand sister and soon learned that there was some thing sweeter than friendship. Ot course it was out of the question for them to ask the consent of Miss Black's parents for an early marriage, so on Satur day afternoon Watterson secured a horse . .and hugey and took .Miss Black out for a ridejrwhich extended to Smithville, in De Kalb countr.This place was reached just before midnight. .The County Court Clerk was awakened and jT-liceuBe secured, and a minister was found and persuaded to repair to the resi dence of the bride's uncle, Alex Black, where at midnight the eloping couple were married. They started back to McMinnvule Sun day morning, reaching there that, night. Thev nmed throni-h here this evenioc. en route to Xouisvilie, where they will seek ue parental blessing. J D0MPEDRQiGATEirT0HlM. A Highly Prized MeAal Possessed by Captain Been, of tho Alllnn.cn. t NewTobk, December aThongh the fact has never before been published,' Cap tain James B. Beers, of the United States and Brazilian mail steamship Allianca, was probably the last man to receive a medal from Dom Pedro as Emperor of " Brazil. Captain Beers is certainly the only Ameri can ship commander jso honored. " The medal was presented theiOaptain on the last visit of the steamer to Kio Janeiro as a mark of the Emperor's appreciation of the Captain's bravery during the fire on board the Allianca last July. committee sent by Dom Pedro at a fete given in the commander's honor. The xne presentation was maae Dy a special medal, of solid gold, has a portrait of Dom Pedro on one side, and on the other ate the words in Portuguese, "Love thy neighbor as thyself." Many ot the nobility of Bio Janeiro were present at the ball, as well as a number of the passengers Captain Beers' saved from certain death on that memorable July night The modest Captain was banqueted in style and almost overwhelmed with honors. When the presentation was made it lormed a fitting climax, and Captain Been was fairly overcome. Afterward his officers, who with him had shared the perils of ibat night and helped to save the steamer from threatened destruction, crowded around and congratulated him. None were heartier than Chief Officer JtTeisner, whose curly brown beard was nearly burned off his face and who has not even now fully recovered. A SCHOOLHARM'S GREAT LUCK. Her Bravery Lead a Wealthy Mine-Owner to Offer nil Band nnd Hcnrt. Chattanooga, December 3. A most romantic story in real llfehas become known to-day by the arrival of Mrs. Dandrldge Harrison from New Mexico to visit rela tives. Two years ago Mrs. Harri son, then Miss Childless, was teach ing school on Sand Mountain, and she became the object of the affections of one of her older pupils, Jim Majors, who, fail ing to havehisaffectionsreciprocated, began to circulate stories.against her. Miss Chil dress procured a shotgun, and, hunting him up, demanded a retraction, which he made in the most abject terms. The facts were published at the time, and attracted the notice of a wealthy mine owner in New Mexico, who wrote to her, asking her to correspond with him. She paid no attention to the letter, as she re ceived hundreds of letters at the time from all parts of the conntry; but after a week, for some reason unknown to herself, as she states, she an swered this letter, and the result was a cor respondence which has now culminated in her happy marriage. Mr. Harrison, the successful suitor, is the owner of valuable raining property, and the brave young school-teacher returns a wealthy lady. A TICIODS EEKTDCKr HORSE Kills Hla Master and Breaks tho Lee of His Brother. Fleuingsbubg, Kr., December 3. Last Thursday morning Henry Waltz, a farmer of near Plummer's Mill, left his home to attend to" some business matters at Muse, a village five miles distant. A few hours afterward his horse came galloping into the barn yard, the bridle hanging loose and the saddle overturned. Yesterday even ing Prank Waltz, brother of the miss ing man, in company with neighbors, fonnd the dead body of Mr. Waltz frozen in the ice in a creek. Marks on the body indicated that he had been thrown from his horse onto some rough surface and then roiled into the creek, where he was drowned. After the body had been recovered Prank Waltz was sent home to break the news, bnt when half wav there the same horse that had caused his brother's death threw him, breaking both legs and probably fatally injuring him, and he would have been killed outright by the vicious brute, which was.hitingandkicking tat him, had not help arrived and beaten the animal off. . PATCHED IN HANI PLACB8. A New Jersey Man Who Has Survived All Sortn of Injuries. Camden, N. J., December 3. With a big silver plate under the skin of his fore head, serving the purposes of bone, some of his ribs gone ana his internal organs so awry that his heart gets in its work from the right side, George Burns manages to get along in life somehow. He was re leased from the Camden jail yesterday, where, it was alleged, lie had been sent by mistake for drunkenness. He claimed that he had been taking morphine and sat down on a doorstep to rest, was arrested on a charge of drunkenness and sent to jail by Mayor Pratt for ten days. Burnt claims that he was an engineer on the steamer Savannah, which foundered at Gay's Head in October, 1884. While trying to'reverse his engines he was thrown into the machinery. His left leg was broken in four places, the front of his head was crushed in, all the ribs of one side were crusnea ana orosien, ana ue was nurt in fernally. He says he was patched up by Dr. D. Hays Agnew, of Philadelphia. HE LEFT TWO WIDOWS. Singular Disclosures la a New Jersey Dnmnge Salt. Newaek, N. J., December 3. An inter esting story has been brought to light iu this city through litigation over the estate of Frederick S. Stondinger, of Hilton. Stondinger was killed in an accident on the Morris and Essex Bailroad about a year ago, and suit for $50,000 damages is pending. The brothers and sisters of the deceased claim that the woman whom the public knew as Mrs. P. S. Stondinger was not the legal wife of the victim of the rail road accident, as a Mr. Healy, who married the womau in 1873, and whom Mrs. Ston dinger believed dead before she became the wife of Stondinger, has put in an appear ance. Healy disappeared mysteriously in 1873, and his wife waited five years before remar rying. She now sues to recover a share in the Stondinger estate. REUNITED AFTER 40 YEARS. Romantic Marriage of Two Old People Who Were Lovers Long Ago. Wxlkesbabbk, December 3. Hector Stephens, aged 72 years, and Mrs. Mary Boss, aged 55, were married at Nicholsenon Priday. A son of the groom, aged 39, acted as best man, and a granddaughter, aged 20, was maid of honor. Porty years ago Stephens loved Mrs. Boss, but the great dif ference iu their ages prevented a union. Stephens then went to Nevada and mar ried. Mrs. Boss followed snit later. Becently both lost their early partners in life, both got to hear of it, correspondence was started and theold love flame rekindled, which culminated in their marriage. Ste phens is now wealthy. A SMALL BUT FATAL WOUND. A Man Hurts HI Thumb Slightly and Dies of Blood Poisoning. Philadelphia, December a About nine mouths ago Mark Casto, a middle-aged man residing in Atlantic City, received an injury to his thumb, which a few days ago resulted in blood poisoning and caused his death yesterday morning at the Episcopal Hospital. As the wound was slight, Casto neglected to attend to it, and a few months ago it began to decompose. On Monday last the thumb was ampu tated, and Casto grew ill. His body began to swell, and he suffered excruciating pains. which were aly alleviated "by death. . 13 r3S3WSm&iMaj!s GE0 CATCHES IT From a Boston Broker Against Whom He Had Rendered a Decision. NOTHING. ELSE WAS EXPECTED. Bj Mr. Tanner, Who Says He Wouldn't Hare Given $100 for His Chances WHEN MB. CLEVELAND WAS APPOINTED I The Prospeetrre Loser in the Case Hates a Statement f oftheAffidr. Broker C. H. Vanner, of Boston, against whom ex-President Cleveland, acting as referee, has rendered an adverse opinion in a suit brought by George B. Phelps, is out in a statement He says he never expected a favorable opinion from the ex-President, but doesn't say "why. ISrXCUL TZLZOBAil TO TITS DI8FATCB. I Boston, December a Broker C. H. Winner, who has offices in Boston and New York, but whose home is in this city, makes this reply to ex-President Grover Cleve land, who, as referee in the Vanuer-Phelps case, reported against Mr. Yanner: "I am not unmindful of the fact that a re port made by ex-President Cleveland will have its influence upon some people, and for the time being, perhaps, work ah injury to me, but I have no thought that the report can stand, because it is against the evidence. When the case was submitted to Mr. Cleveland I would not have given $100 to he guaranteed a verdict in my favor. The whole question Js whether I acted as a broker, selling the bonds on commission, or whether I acted as a dealer, buying the bonds as low as I could and sell ing them as high as I could. WHAT THE EVIDENCE SHOWS. "There is no evidence which shows that I ever pretended to act as an agent or broker for Phelps. On the contrary, the corre spondence proves that I accepted and bought the bonds at the net price fixed by Phelps. My books show that the transaction was just what I claim it to be, namely, for my own account, and not a commission trade. Furthermore, $25,000 of the bonds were not sold by me for nearly a month after I bad bonght the $100,000. There was no charge of commission or suggestion of one, which would have been the case .had I acted as broker. This transaction was in April, 1884, when it was not easy wirk to find a market for anything. In May, 1881, and acrain in No vember, 1884, Phelps offered me more of the same kind of bonds, which I didn't bny. In January, 1885, as the bonds defaulted their interest, Mr. Phelps was the contractor who built the Lamoille Valley Bailroad, and he took these bonds in payment He knew more about these bonds and their value than any one else, and it is ridiculous for him to say that I misled him as to their value. , HIS LAST LETTER. My last letter from Mr. Phelps bears date June 15, 1886, or two years and two months after the transaction, and shows his views then of the character of the business, viz: That I bought the bonds of him, not selling them for him. The letter is as follows: "Watkhtown, S. Y., June 15, 18S8. "To C. H.-Vanner & Co., Boston: Gentlemen Have you any objection to in forming me who is the present owner of the $100,000 Lamoille Valley Extension Bailroad Company bonds which you bonght of me a year ajro. Yours truly, "Geoecje B. Phelps. "Many of my friends have seen the cor respondence and agree that my position is right If there had been any basis for the suit, which was not commenced for nearly five years niter the transaction, I would not have fought it, but knowing it to be an unjust suit, I fought it and shall continue to fight it until that report is set aside. If Cleveland's de cision should 'stand something I do not an ticipate then every dealer will become a broker to the profits on securities purchased under an option." A. COMMERCIAL RESTRICTION Imposed Upon American Vessels In tbo Canadian Pacific Waters. Ottawa, December 3. Captain Roberts, of the steamer Olympian, has been instruct ed by the Collector of Customs for the port of Victoria, British Columbia, to land no more Canadian goods in bond from the United States. Some weeks ago representations were made to Ottawa that American vessels were per mitted to do a coasting trade in British Columbian waters. As a result of these representations an order was passed by the Dominion government wnicn not only for bids American steamers carrying coast freight from different points on the British Columbia coast, but also prohibits them taking Canadian goods in bond for British Columbia from Sound ports to their destina tion. This order has been enforced on the steamer Premier for oyer a month, she having been unable to take any bonded freight from Tacoma to Van couver. But on account of the insurances of leading public men at "Victoria that there was some mistake about the or der, which wonld soon be rescinded, Mr. Hanley did not until a few days ago en force it. CLOTHES STOLEN FE0M A CORPSE. Tho Charge Blade by a Witness In a Brook lyn Court. NewToek, December 3. In September, 1888, Augustine Tompkins, a marine, on leave of absence, was taken sick and died at the house of Mrs. Eliza Wilson, at No. 220 York street, Brooklyn. The boy was buried by Undertaker John McLean, who claimed that Mrs. Wilson had assumed the re sponsibility. She repudiated the claim against her, and yesterday McLean sued her for the amount, which was $66, in Justice Courtney's Court in Brooklyn. Much of the testimony was amusing, and that of James Callahan, an employe of McLean, especially. Callahan said: "Mrs. Wilson told us to do the thing as cheap as we could, and we did. She got a snit of clothes for the corpse, but one of the boarders stole it, and so we had to bury the body with nothing on but a shirt, a collar and a pair of cuffs." Justice Courtney dismissed the case. KILLED BI CANNED CORN. A Child's Death Results From Eating; Food Prepared by Its Mother. Phoskixville, Pa., December 3. An infant child of Enos Griffith died to-day, it is snnnosed from eating canned corn, pre pared by a new process involving the use of salicyclic acid. juts, urimtn nerseir put up the corn, which was eaten on Saturday the child feeling well until this morning, when it was taken very ill and died in a few hours. Meantime Mrs. Griffith fed a dozen chick ens with the corn and every one of them died. The contents of another can, pat up at the same time, are being analyzed Dy Dr. Emack, in order to discover, if possible, the true cause of the child's death. A TUNNEL TO NIAGARA. The latest Scheme to Dtillze the Power of the Falls. Buffalo, December 3. Plans have been prepared for the construction of a tunnel from this city to Niagara Palls, through which it is proposed to conduct the water power of the latter place to Ibis city, to be utilized as motive power for manufactories here. It will be made at a cost of $1,000,000. Articles of incorporation bate been filed by '.the Niagara Biver Tunnel Company, with General Jewett ss President. BIG GAME HUT. j, r uiu UAiaxa xi '! - . , StartHac BeTelepmenlstaihe Woea Fewrery Case "A Very Prominent PoHtlclaa Raw Said to- be Implicated In the Affair. tSFSCIAl, TILEQUAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Cincinnati, December 3. Startling developments were made to day in the case of E.G.'-Wood, who forged the names of Governon - Elect Campbell, Senator Sherman, Congressman Butterwortb, McKinley and S. &. Cox ' to the famous ballot-box contract used so promi nently by the Bepublicans in the last campaign. Wood was ar rested on the charge of circulating a libel, and his trial will come up in a few days. He has retained Colonel T. C. Camp bell, of New York, to defend him. During the past week Governor-elect Campbell has visited the city several times, and held consultations with the attor neys in the case. To-day Wood handed over to his attorney all the papers in the case. Among the lot are telegrams, letters and notes, that are said to implicate a very prominent Republican. Wood told his attorney the full story, bnt the papers tell more than Wood. The name signed to the papers is that of this prominent Bepublican, and the contents show that he knew about the forgery long before it was sprung on the public. Colonel Campbell re fused to make the papers public until the day of the trial. Assistant United States District Attorney Probasco, a nephew of John Sherman, is the prosecutor in the case. MAKING BILLIARD BALLS. How the Spheres Are Fashioned From the Tasks of Elephants. . Mr. Burroughs, an English manufacturer of billiard balls, has been interviewed re garding his trade. He says the average number of balls cut from an elephant's tnsks is ten, five from each tusk. "The size of tusks out of which balls are turned are called scrivelloes. You cannot make a satisfactory ball out of a tusk that is over a certain size, because if you turn a 2 1-16 out of a tooth that measures 2 or 2 you will remove too much of the outside skin or hard surface of the tusk. The nearer you have the tusk to the size of the ball the better surface you obtain. We consequently select different sizes for the English and Continental balls. "The process of manufacture is very sim ple, but it requires great skill. The block of ivory is placed in an iron chuck, and one half of the ball is turned. The ring that is taken ofi is, in the case of the smaller size, used as a coupling ring for a pair of horses, and in that ot the larger is sent to India as a native bangle. "After the Becond half has been turned itis hung up for a few months with its fellows in a net to dry. No artificial heat is used. They are kept frejj from any draught of air, as ivory cracks when exposed either to a hot or cola current When considered thor oughly seasoned they are most skillfully turned by men who have been taught this process for years, and it is certainly one of the most wonderful pieces of handicraft there is. There are thousands of turners in the kingdom, but not one in a hundred will turn a billiard ball so as to produce a per fect sphere. Each one is carefully tested to insure accuracy. But, besides the size, the weight must also be exact, for this is essen tial to the correct playing of the game of billiards. A set of match halls weighs lour teen ounces. Balls of the same tooth will vary very considerably, and so there must be a careful selection. The polishing is the final operation, and that is done simply by whitening and water, with a good deal of elbow grease. A ball always retains its beautilul polish. A DOG THAT FELT FOOLISH. He Lost a Tonne- Kitten While Holding It In l Hla Month. Boston Conrier.I . A gentleman who has a big mastifiwas much amused the other day to see bow humanly absent-minded the creatures could be. There isin the family a tiny kitten with whom the big dog lives upon the terms of the greatest intimaoy. The pair play to gether as might Tom Thumb and the Chinese giant in a circus, save that the con trast between their relative sizes is in this case greater. If Brnno hears the little thing cry he instantly runs.Jo see what the trouble may be, and if possible to help his small friend. One afternoon the pair had Come into the library, where it was the tradition of the house that neither was allowed, and were having a fine irolic together: and at lastthe big dog. in perfect good nature, took his companion by the head and held her up in the air. Only a tiny black nose stuck ont of the dog's mouth, and from the helpless kitten belonging thereto proceeded the most doleful of miaws. The instant the first cry was heard, Bruno stopped in bis play and listened. Evidently he did not remember that he had the kitten in hismouth and was at a loss to tell whence the cries came from. With puss dangling from his jaws and uttering the most mournful yowls, he ran all abont the room in search of her, getting more and more puz zled at every step. When the gentleman, in pity for the kitten, called out to the dog to iay her down, Brnno obediently opened his month, and then when puss dropped and went scampering away as fast as her small legs would carry her, an expression of self consciousnes and foolishness came over his face which was most comical to see. BELLE8 AT A BANQUET. They Act as Eavesdroppers, bnt a Screen k Falls and Exposes Them. St. Lopis, December 3. Society is dis cussing a rather novel affair which occurred a few days ago when the "School for Scan dal," with the scandal left out, was played. It occurred in the halls of the University Club on the occasion of a very swell din ner party. Two society belles had the hading parts in this little comedy not down on the bill of fare. Both young women are prevented by deep mourning from accepting invitations to social events just now, and their hearts thirsted for some excitement They got a gentle man friend to fix up a screen for them, and were smuggled in behind it, where they could have an opportunity of seeing the festivities, drinking anon sparkling cham pagne brought by male gallants into their retreat But during the evening the screen by a mishap fell and (exposed the lair eaves droppers in blushing confusion, whereat they withdrew. The- young ladies were Misses Smith and Garrison, representing the verv cream of St. Louis society, ana their innocent adventure hqs caused no un favorable comment except that of censuring their awkwardness in allowing the screen to fall. LOOKING OUT FOR A FRIEND. A Plnco Sought for n Foreigner Who Had Not Yet immigrated. Milwaukee Wisconsin. A Milwaukee statesman who deprecates the suddenness with which foreigners get into politics after arriving in Americasays that when be was in the Legislature a few years ago a German member 'arose in open session and proposed that the Speakershould appoint LudwigSchimmelpfennig chairman of a certain committee. "Schimmelpfennig, Schimmelpfennig," queried the Speaker, "Idou't recollect that name. What district does Mr. Schimmel pfennig represent?" "Oh," was the reply, f'he hasn't come over yet, but he, will arrive in New York in a few days," 5a,Tr;(-wwit iWFrjLLTHA'KDTOD'O; The Trunk Line Presidents Again Try to Abolish Commissioas, BDT ALL WON'T SIGH TBE BOND. Private Stock Cars Constitute Another Ghost That Will Not Down. THOSE CANADIAN B0ADS AN OBSTACLE, And Exceptions Are Eeadily Assented to In Behalf of TOMiaao. The Trunk. Line Presidents, even with George B. Eoberts, of the Peunsy, in the chair, still find it hard to cut off all the scalpers at one fell swoop. They met in New York yesterday, and tried it again, in vain. They want the private stock cara to go too; but they linger. rSFirUL TXLEOBAIt TO TffX PtSPATCS.t Netv York, December 3. The officers of the Trunk Line Association at 346 Broad way to-day swarmed with railroad men. The Trunk line presidents invited the presi dents of the New England and Central Traffic Lines to attend a joint conference to discuss the subject of abolishing passenger commissions, and also to find out whether the connecting lines would agree to banish private stock cars from their tracks, as the trunk lines agreed to do last summer. About the same trunk line officials, with their subordinates, were present to-day as were at the presidents' meeting two weeks ago, and among the score of visitors from New England and the West were: Presi dent J. Gregory and John Porteus, General Manager of Through Freight Traffic of the Central Vermont; Arthur Mills, General Traffic Manager of the B. and A.j E. P. "Vining, TrafficMan ager of the N. Y. and N. E.; J. Whitmore, General Traffic Manager of the Eitchhurg; M. E. Ingalls, President oi the Big Pour and C. and O.; H. B. Xedyard, President of the Michigan Central; J. N. McCullough, First Vice President of the Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg, and Commissioner George B. Blancbardof the Central Traffic Associa tion. President Eoberts. of the Pennsylva nia Bailroad presided. Ex-Commissioner Albert Fink was present, having returned from his European trip on Saturday last. Nothing was said to-day about the appointment of bis successor; but as Mr. Pink is feeling pretty well again, it is not unlikely that he will be occupying the Commissioner's chair again within a month. IT WAS HARMONIOUS, BUT. The meeting was harmonious, but the results were unsatisfactory. Time and again the presidents have pledged them selves to stop the evil of commissions, and they went throueh the form again to-day, the Central Traffic Association and New England roads concurring in abolishing commissions and rebates in territory east of Chicago. One exception was made. The Central Vermont and Grand Trunk roads were allowed to pay commissions outside of Trunk Line territory, wherever they have to compete witb the Canadian Pacific. As for private stock cars, the New En gland lines were all in favor of abolishing them, but the President of the Central Ver mont said existing contracts precluded his road from taking the step at present When the contracts run out they will be glad to abolish the use of such cars. The central traffic lines were not so unanimous. The Chicago and Atlantic and the Chicago and Grand Trunk representatives, whil willing to do away with -private cars, did not see their way clear to do so until competitors agreed to do likewise. ItEEELT PRELIMINAET. But when unanimity is secured in this re gard, the Chicago and Atlantic and the Grand Trunk readily promised to fall into line. So all that could be done was to pass a resolution abolishing the use of private stock cars in trunk line territory. This is not an inch further than the trunk line presidents got last summer, and the purpose of the joint meeting utterly failed, as far as this matter was con cerned. The action in regard to com missions on passenger commissions is likely to fall flat, as long as the Northwest ern and Transcontinental lines continue to feed the brokers. The Transcontinental lines allow agents and brokers $4 on every first class passenger, New York to San Fran cisco, and all of the roads in the Western States' Passenger Association pay commissions from Chicago to Missouri river points. This furnishes the broker a good basis to begin on, and manipulation is easy with tickets of roads east of Chicago by "made-up" tickets. SENDING TRUNKS BI MAIL Oddities nnd Conveniences of the Postal Service In Switzerland. Bernese Oberland Letter to J?rovldenco Journal. It came to be quite an amusement, when nothing better offered, to go to the village and see the mail arrive. The post man left at 7 in the morning, going down a steep, narrow footpath between fences, to the high road that runs beside the river far, far below us. There is another postoffice where the passing stage leaves 'the' mail bags thrice a day. When the carrier comes to the honse be only has a black leather bag slung over his right shoulder by a strap, in which are the letters and newspapers, and in his hand whatever bundles there are to deliver in our direction. Bnt it is quite different when he comes up to the village. Then he has on his back a kind of shelf, painted a brilliantyel low, as are the vehicles of the Swiss post office. This shelf, as I call it, for want of a better English name, is a board abont three feet long by two wide, a smaller board fast ened at right angles to the upper end of it rests on the carrier's head. Another board, fixed like a shelf halt way down his back, projecting the other way, and strengthenea by two supports, holds ail the bundles that can be tied on to it One can send almost anything in Switzer landby post, and at very small expense. For instance, an ordinary letter that costs 2 cents may weigh half a pound, and a news paper costs two-fifths of a cent A trunk that weighs 200 pounds may be sent by post at a rate varying with the distance. For 4 cents a pretty large bundle may be sent WHERE CENTS AEE USELESS. Citizens of San Francisco Use Pennies Only to Bay Postage Stamps. Sn Francisco Examiner. "Give me silver for this, please," said an Eastern tonrist yesterday, as he dumped a double handful of 1-cent pieces on the coun ter of a prominent money broker. "I don't want them. They're not worth counting. I wouldn't give 0 cents on the dol lar for them," was the reply. "I never took them but once, and then, I had to. A fel low owed me ?5, and after repeated duns offered payment in coppers. I indignantly refused. The next day he came in, and, shoving a copper cent into my hand, asked me to give him credit for that amount upon the debt He kept that up, making a pay ment of 1 cent every morning, noon, and night 3 cents a day until I accumulated a cigar box fnll of coppers. They're here yet, and they'll stay here until someone comes aloDg.who has more time than money. I won'c count them. "The circulation of copper cents in San Francisco is limited to about 40 feet of the postoffice. They go in at the stamp window at the rate of $3 or $4 dollars a day. They are carried from there to the Money Order De partment, where they are used in making change. They never get outside the post office door, bat immediately find their way to the stamp window again. SCMn"8;WlTI DELIGfiV5'V New Styles la Dress Goods That Please a Western; Society Editor. Lassen (Cal.) Advocate. We noticed from our Eastern exchanges that some of the popular shades in dress goods this winter are described as "dragon's blood," "elephant's breath," and a pale pink called "stifled sighs." We just gnrgled with delight when we heard this, because all these colors are so nnique. We were real glad with a regular Pan-American gladness for the dear girls, for a girl loves to be unique, don't yon know, even if she has to wear it under her WraPDer. A firl ftrppi) In otonti'int'a l. 'A Y . "" ..---.." ---r---" I """ "nnS ln, Bjacemi lows and 1 looped HUP ana tastened at the corners with stifled I sichs. With ft ni-i.T-n? nM nM .U.ho' ? . , "- M- - -- 6-, - r- wun aragon's gore, won l a ne just too lovely for anything. We have been sighing for just such a Ctrl for vears. hut onr siorh had hardly stifle enough 'n it to match the new color. We have sent for a remnant of a stifled sigh to mase a necktie of it It ap pears io us that elephant's breath would be rather strong for real comfort in the summer time, especially if the elephant was inclined to be dissipated. ' We are Induced to make these harsh re marks by observing that men who go around all night to see the elephant have a breath on them in the morning that they can hang their hats on and have enough left to start the fire with. Dragon's blood should only be worn in spots, a la polka dot, as it were, and should never be worn without being well sprinkled with ashes of roses to tone it down. In the absence of roses, wood ashes or cigar ashes would answer as well. But there is a iullness and a pathos about the stifled sieh which will make it a rank favorite the moment society corrals it It is so delicate and yet so far-reaching. A sigh at any time is a dear thing to look at, but when it is stifled and worn fnll in the back, with box pleating down the sides and caught up with silver buckles into a double cinche about the 'waist, it is simply a dream. WOMEN WAGE EARNERS. The Reason They do Not Kecelve as Much Pay as Men. New K oik Kyenlng Sun. One gets very tired of that woman who does a man's work and gets only half his pay. She is altogether too ranch with us. The first axiom of economics is, that the worth of a thing is just what it will bring in open market If this woman's work brings $15 a month less than her husband's, it is worth jnst that much less, and her ac ceptance of the lesser pay signifies her assent to the fact And it is just In 99 cases out of a hund red a woman's work will always be worth less than a man's, and will command less pay. A scoie of causes, more orjless remote, are operating to bring abont tbis effect The main one undoubtedly is that the man is paid not alone for what he does, but for the things he may do in case a nedded necessity. A man can do all a woman can do, and a hundred other things beside. He is paid for potentiaity, for the reserve power which he mav never need to use perhaps, but which makes him more available than a woman. It isn't a question of equality of skill or of un Jerstanding; it's a question of physi cal strength, of units of horse power, if you will. 1 When any woman teacher can thrash an unruly youngster into whimpering submis sion, as a man can; when any saleswoman can lift bales and boxes as a man can; when every woman can dispense in all her work with any added thought for her safety and comfort in short, when women can sing bass, then a woman's work will be worth just as much to the world as a man's is. BOOTS AT A BARGAIN. A Young; Lad j Gets a Pair by Walking to tha Pontofflce. Lewis ton Journal. She was as gentle of eye as a soft gazelle, that is she wa3, for this didn't happen this week; It was in a shoe store in Lewiston, and the gentle-maiden-was an acquaintance of the proprietor and always bought her No. 2s there when she encased her dainty feet in anything brand new. "Here's some thing that would fit you," said the jocular propietor passing out a pair of wool boots fitted with a pair of lumberman's rubbers. "I'll make you a present of them if you will wear them down to the postoffice and back." "Wait a minute," said she, and iu a "minute" she was arrayed in woolen boots and lumberman's rubbers. "Watch me to the postoffice," and she was gone. "Her feet beneath her petticoat like little mice stole in and out as if they feared the light," wrote the poet 200 years ago, but he didn't refer to the Lewiston young lady who did this feat on loot, or he never would have said it She was back in less than ten minutes, red-cheeked and laughing. "There," said she, "as she pasesd up the boots." "Do them up. I'll send them to my lather down in Penobscot county. I ne'ver lose a chance to help the folks at home," and the Shoe dealer was as good 'as his word, and "dad" marveled at a pair of nice wool boots from his thoughtful daughter in Lewistown. PULLMAN PORTERS IN DISGUISE. Lois of People In England Who Levr Tribute an American Trnrcters. Conflagration Jones, in Inter-Ocean. There are more Pullman car porters in disguise doing business in England than any place I ever saw. It was embarrassing at first to find people who in America could pass themselves off for Governors or Sena tors and not half try, and yet who act polite to you for tuppence, more polite for 4 pence, most polite for 6 pence, and would bump their brows on the floorior you for a trifle like a shilling. These people, whom you find pretty thick in hotels, stations and churches, invariably do a cash business. Quick sales and small profits seems to be their motto. I met am American here who came over to reform the country, and redeem it from the evils of tipping. He had re solved never to tip anyone. On your side he had been a fine, large, portly man of 210 pounds. To-day he surreptitiously wears two pillotTS to make his clothes fit him. He is holding out nobly, paying his hotel bills and ndthing else, but there is no telling how long the spark of life will last. We first saw him when he had fallen down in the street through weakness, not having tasted food for 11 days. The police man would not pick him up, for he very foolishly had announced that he would die before he spoiled his record. Ko cabman would help him .for the same reason. We took him to his hotel, where he was shunned by everybody, and got him some beef tea, which we forced between his teeth. This man had paid every legitimate bill, and yet he was at the point of death from starvation. This is no fancy sketch. A SOCIAL LAW IN BOSTON. Impossible to Know a Man Until the Bon Ton Takes Him Up. Boston Couner.l It is always well to be instructed in mat ters oi social etiquette, and the remark which Mrs. A one of the leaders of Bos ton society was overheard making to a young friend recently is admirably in structive. "Do you know Mr. S.?" somebody asked the young lady, speaking of a man just then the tashion of the moment "Oh, yes," she replied. "I have known him for years." "My dear," Mrs. A. said; the moment she had an opportunity of speaking to the other side, "yon must not say yon iave known Mr. S. for years. Nobody could have known him before last winter, for he wasn't taken up till then." Economical Gas Fires, 'Stoves, Ranges, fcc. O'KbbfeGas APPLiAHCECo..34FiftSaT. , ifoPGBAND. OLDlEtf1 V Boldly Outlines the Pntnro Policy 0$ the Liberal Party. IBELAHD THE LEADING QUESTION Much Less Crime on the Emerald Islanl Than in England.' STANLEI IS'STILL WRITING LETTEES;- lbs Eizllsh Faperz Are llach Pleased With tie Fresidental Ilessaje. I At the Liberal conference yesterday Mr Gladstone, in an inspiring speech, outlined the course of action which will be pursued by the party. He is as firmly for home ruler as ever, and very confident of ultimate vio tory. His address was received with cheers Londok, December 3. At the ineetlnf of the Liberal Federation at Manchester to day, a resolution was adopted urging tha necessity for a prompt settlement of tha questions of the disestablishment of tha Church in Wales and free education. Mty Gladstone inspired great enthusiasm in his hearers at Manchester by his definite expo sition of the Liberal policy. He said Ireland is the leading question of the day, and that the Tories would have) been converted to the Liberal view of tha subject by this -time but for the dissident Liberals. The split in the Liberal party, be said, wonld not have occurred except for the personal a-ubitiops of some Tories and their allies, who desired more to form a national party than to do political justice. A SETEEE AEEAIGNMENT, He severely arraigned the Unionists' leadeis on this point, and said that the plan of campaign was a necessary consequence of the Government's refusal to grant proper relief to Ireland. There was, he said, less crime in Ireland than in England. He was" of the opinion that the country had clearly expressed the desire that there should be a change in tbe administration of Ireland, and the Liberals might look to the future; with confidence. At this point he wad cheered with great spirit Mr. Gladstone quoted the recent speeches! of Lord Salisbury and the Marquis of Hartington as evidence that the Unionist party is now forming plans in anticipation of a decisive defeat when the time shall' come for a general appeal to the nation The only reason for the existence of tha dissidents as a party is anti-Irish feeling. It was the curse of their destiny that they were chained to a wheel. JS VEST BAD SHAPE. They must revolve or stop with it and could not determine things for themselves.' They had done much harm which was, perj haps, unintentional; and in addition to tha unintentional harm they had done some un intentional good. Tbey had promoted tha aspirinss of Scotland and Wales to definita national recognition. Furthermore they1 had cansed an enormous increase in tha radicalism of the Liberal party. They had advanced its political position. It behooved them to consider well theis position iu the light of the Knowledge that with the settlement of the Irish question: they will be extinct as a party. He con cluded by giving his warmest thanks to tha comrades who had stood by hinf in a time of adversity amonnting to discomfiture bating no jot of their confidence in a noble and generous people. 7ABKELL MISSING. The St. James Gazette states that Mr. Parnell disappeared several weeks ago, and since then has not been neard from. His whereabouts is a mystery, and his pro longed absence causes much trouble to his adherents. The Gazette savs that though it has been Mr. Parnell's custom to occasionally se elude himself, his period of retirement hasv, this time been longer than usual. He hasj even failed to keep a number of important engagements, among which was one to meeS Mr. Gladstone. MORE NEWS FROM STANLEY. The Great Explorer Has Written Manj". Letters to His Friends. toiTDOH', December a A long letter from Stanley to a friend, dated September, 1888, is published to-day. It records his discoveries and recounts the difficulties anV ticipated on his homeward journey. There is an account of the hostility of tha, King of Kabburega, who stripped Casatt and turned him adrilt to perish. He. wag. fortunately found and rescued by Emin,' Another letter gives a full account of hia, sojourn with Emin. The Egyptian Government has sent tha Khedival steamer Mausourah to meet Slan ley at Zanzibar, which will greatly hasten; his return to Europe. THE FLAG OF THE EMPIRE Floats Above the Teasel Which Carries tha Exiled Bom Pedro. Lisbos, December 3. A dispatch from St Vincent reports that the Alagoas sailed: December 1 flying the old flag of the Bra-, zilian Empire, in compliance with instruc-. tions wired here by the Provisional Gov. ernment Dom Pedro was much gratified by bis reception by the Portuguese. He maintained his reserve, however, and his physician required that persons received in audience should abstain from any refers ence to the Brazilian revolution. FITE HUNDRED KILLED By the Fall of a Platform la a Chinese), Theater. Shanghai, December S. The platform, of a theater at Wienhen, in the province ofi Shantung, collapsed during a performance. Five hundred persons were killed. Think a Good Deal bfllarrlson. London, December 4. The Morning Post Bays: "If President Harrison carries out in practice the. peaceful and progressive principles indicated in his message, tha whole world will be gainers thereby." A GEATEIAED HBYEEIE. Childish Thought of an Old Man Who Lin gered Beside a Grave. Chambers' Journal. An old man who sleeps by the roadsida yonder, and upon whose tomb are the fa miliar lines beginning, "Bemember me as you pass by," spent the greater portion ot. the last ten years of his life by his wife's grave: He came in the early morning, and, after removing any microscopic weed that -that might have showed itself since the pre vious evening, wonld light his pipe and sol emnly contemplate the stones in his vicin ity. He went away regularly to his meals, and as regularly took his afternoon nap on the grass by the graveside. Shortly before his last visit to the cher ished spot he requested me to decipher for him the dates upon several of tbe grave stones; and we conversed about many whom we had known in life, and who had passed away. I remarked that the churchyard wasr a very pretty place, and his face lighted up t as he rejoined: "Ah, master, I've always' thought I should like to be buried here, ' for," looking around, "you see, there's such a splendid view from here." This was uttered in good faith, and tha old man seemed convinced that neither , coffin lid nor churchyard clods would ob struct his view. Perhaps they won't' In a few brief weeks he came to his favorite haunt to stay. "Poor old William," the . flowers upon your grave have run wild long.v ago, and no one seenu to remember yon a they paw by. 3 r .V -tot .