'"L-l? . M ;J :,t .Vi (? P"i5, r iffi Jkrn &.. s ft P 1 .ieV pBUBBAJf AjEHOIL K - EUCouncil Torn Up Over an Effort to lllake a Member Obey a Local law. COBAOPOLIS COMES TO THE FRONT. Eome Citizens Think They Bow Pay Too Jlnch for Their Whistle. BOAED WALK8,FENCES AKD IHE DRAINS. Coraopolis isn't over the measles yet. At the meeting of ito'Council night before last there was (according to the statement of a resident of the village, -who is too modest to be quoted, but perfectly reliable, neverthe lebs) a tizne'that verged on the monkey and parrot order. It teems that it was started by Councilman J. K. Jolly, who insisted that a brother Councilman be made make a a boardwalk and take down a barb wire fence that fronted on the highway in con travention of an ordinance "made and pro vided" to govern municipal fencing. There were do blows struck, but there was warm talk much of It and there wasn't much that was suave about it The row has stirred up all the bad blood in the borough, set people to talk about the inequalities in assessments, and various other matters whose ruffled plnmage was beginning to lie down. A gentleman named Wilson, who is a civil engineer, has been taking notes of the street engineering by which water is occasionally made to run uphill; and it is said he has come to the con clusion that a Street Commissioner would lose none of his dignity were he to nse tools himself; that the bossing of one small man and a boy isn't exercise sufficient to keep a man warm in this inclement season or the year. ' PLENTY OP GRIEVANCES. The comnlaint mill having begun to crind, there is no telling when it will stop. .Another grievance is that a ditch, said to be 15 feet in depth in some places, dug to drain Phil Haas' turtle ponds, a very meri torious aim, by the way, is being left with banks unprotected, and that if allowed to remain so until spring, some of the McFad--den property will soon be in the Gulf of Mexico,' and the borough will be called on to pay lor it and no one will be benefited, unless it be the inhabitants of a future con tinent to be built in the Golf a contingency ,to- remote to interest the present taxpayers of Coraopolis, and the deposit may possibly be injurious to the Eaas jetties and the com merce ol the Crescent City, and reflexively to that of the entire nation. It is cold comfort for a Coraopoltan tax payer to tell him that Pope said all partial evil is universal good, for he fears that uni versal good may not declare a dividend during the life of the present generation; that when it is declared Coraopolis' share may be so small as to be inappreciable, but all thines come to those who wait, and the time will come when that borough can wipe its weeping eyes, smile at Satan's rage and face a frowning world with equanimity and the approval of a good conscience. A LESSON FROM THE BIBLE. They can also, in the language of St Paul, lay the flattering unction to their souls that "though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. Por our light affliction which is but lor a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;" while the wars and contentions among them may arise, yet they are evi dences of life, and a desire to pnt off the old man put on the new, which is an indica tion ' of progress, and an evidence .also that the town is not done growing; If this contentious spirit be fostered Sewickiev, across the river from Coraopolis, must look to her laurels, for she is notoriously opposed to modern progress, and take a "conniption" fit every time any one 'proposes to establish a factory in her midst, and is now in convulsions lest pe- brujeuuj ue ujmxjvctcu wimxu iier Doraers, which dire discovery-would be sure to invite an influx of greasy mechanics. CiTI HALL BOTES. A Half Dozen Paragraph From Officers In tfae People's Building. The Board ot Viewers yesterday held a meet ing on the Fifty-first street sewer. The fire department will receive their sal aries at 2 o'clock this afternoon, the water de partment to-morrow, atreets on Friday, and the police on Saturday. Captats William Scott, chief clerk In the Police Bureau, and Captain Sick Brophy, of the Second police district, yesterday after noon conveyed to the widow of the late James Ford,-whose position Captain Scott now holds, the balance of the police fund of $540, volun tarily contributed by the Pittsburg police to the widow. BtrrLDiKa Inspector Hoffman yesterday afternoon made a thoroneh examination of the Kan f man n building on the corner of Fifth ave nue and Smithfield street to determine whether the cracks that opened along the Fifth avenue side of the old building were dangerous or not. He found that In excavat ing for the foundations of the addition on Fifth avenue the old foundation wall sank about a half-inch, causing the upper part of the old building to sway over against the new one and causing the cracks to appear on the walls of the upper stories. The inspector is of the opinion that the wall has moved as far as possiDie now, ana wiin tne use of a brace which he advised, the building will be stronger and safer than ever. The Committee on Public Works met yes fcttJay afternoon, and gave an affirmative recommendation to the following ordinances: Grading and paving Eden alley from Forty fifth to Forty-sixth streets; opening Kearcher street from Greenfield to Forward avenues; opening Vine Cliff street from Wyoming to Sycamore streets; opening Larimer avenne from Station to Broau streets; opening Hart ford street from Brownesville avenue to Fritz street; board walk on Belonda street from Mason to Wilbert streets; sewer on Soho street from John street to Center avenne; sewer on John street from Mabon to Soho streets; sewer on Harcnms alley from South Twenty-second to South Twenty-third streets; sewer on Spring alley from Twenty-sixth to Twenty-seventh streets. The ordinance for opening Wick street was laid oyer. THE Building Inspector's report for Novem ber was Hied in "hief Brown's office yesterday, and shows 21 permits issued, the estimated value of the buildings being 360,103. Two per mits were for dwellings of stone, 15 were for Ironclad buildings. 59 for brick structures and 145 for frames. The Nineteenth ward took the lead, with 33 permits to her credit, the build ings valued at $68,540. The Twenty-first ward follows wltn 29 permits and valuation of 149 625. The Twentieth ward, which generally leads, drops back into third place, with only 25 per mits to her credit and a Taluation of $53,670, The Thirteenth wardV comes next on the list u-ith 15 bnildincs rained at 813.58.1 follower! closely by the Fourteenth ward with 14 tmild-j lngs vaiuea v id,oou. une permit ior a :i7,ouu building was granted to the First ward, and the Fourth ward also had only one to its credit, but it was $20,000 affair. The receipts to the city from the Inspector's office were $855 50. ANOTHER DELIGHTFUL SURPRISE. The Everett Club Piano This Week' "Will be delivered to certificate .No. 116, a, held in Allegheny City, on payments of 51 . per week. The name of this member is withheld by request. We have ft number of these surprises among our club members and there'will be many homes made happy by one of these lovely pianos that could M never have possessed them in any other than m our club system of easy payments. W It is the only practical plan ever adopted wherebyipurchasers can get the lowest pos - Bible cash - price, and at. the same time have t 'the privilege of making payments in easy " installments. -We can admit a few more re liable peopVeTo membership, but you had better make haste, the list is almost full. Call at 137 Federal st, Allegheny, or send lor circular. Alex Boss, Manager. MW A Joyous Xmns. "This is not possible if the little ones are Md nr riiunDointed. Make them happy bv ' getting them some of Marvin's Christmas f toys and animal cakes. The btarta of toe children yearn lor uem, u i M. TALE ABQOT THU TA Accordlng to (ho tBookn lb Ctty'a Ke- oarcea Are All, Rial". There is a very great deal of qniet discis sion on the question of taxes going on at present, and the close of the year, at least the close of the time for renewing taxes out side of the Delinquent Tax Collector's office having expired, the question of who will pay for the parks, for widening the streets and other city improvements is brought very prominently to the front The resources of the city appear to "be all right, according to the figures famished by the city officials. The last call of the Finance Committee upon the Delinquent Tax Collector was $250,000, which, by his collections up to date, is very nearly filled. The end of December will show. Mr. Ford said, probably a little in crease upon the amount set aside by the Pi nance Committee. Still it dawned upon the mind 'of some or the taxpayers that the amount aid would ran short of the amount required, and Major Joseph P. Denniston, CityTreasurer, was asked how the city stood. The Major, as City Treasurer, Is simply the cashier of the municipality, and immediately took his books to examine how the accounts stoodas between the city and the citizens. He said: "I am now in the position of the boy who could not get the strawberry jam. I'd like to take in more taxes, but I cannot The money has come in, and will be a very valu able adjunct to the citys resources, but I am afraid the amount paid in. will not eqnal the sum required." "What was the total amount placed in your hands for collection of taxes?" 'There were $2,602,794 7.4 placed in my hands for collection in the city alone, of which 52,155,958 61 was paid." The only discrepancy found in the books was one of six cents In 2,000,000, occasioned by some error in making up the paper. In addition to the figures above given the amount handed over to "people outside was 5302,518 90. THE SCHEME STRUCK A SNAG. The Location of tho Hammond Plant at Cbartlera Banes In the Balance. The scheme to have J. W. Hammond & Son locate their big plant at Chartiers borough has struck a snag. The citizens of Chartiers were extremely anxious to have the plant located there, and had raised $2,000 of the amount necessary to purchase the site. Colonel Glenn had donated five acres of ground in a ratheroff-hand way, and ten acres, were purchased from theCarrothers es tate. When a call was made upon Colonel Glenn to make good his offer, he wanted the privi lege of an outlet through the plant from his property to Chartiers borough. This Ham mond & Son would not agree to, and there the project hangs. There are no new developments in the consolidation scheme, although the matter is agitating the citizens of Mansfield and Chartiers to a considerable extent. TO CENTRAL AMERICA. A Plttsburger to Snll on the l?th and Light That Country. E. G. Kemmler, electrical engineer of the Westinghouse Electric Company, will sail from New York on the 17th instant for Sal vador, Central America. He will take with him two complete electric plants which he will erect in that country. One of these is an arc and the other an in candescent outfit The former will be erected at -Santa Anna and the other at San Sonnate, about 60 miles distant The ma chinery has been packed and will be shipped to New York to-day. It will take three or four freight cars to transport the stuff. This is another illustration oi how Pittsburg is lighting the world. Tax Paid. There are probably fewwho realize the en ormous amount of money annually paid into the United States Treasury on both imported and domestic liquors, Are yon aware that Max Klein. 82 Federal st, Allegheny, is a large contributor to that fund? Are you posted as to who dae&rm.e.Qttbelargest busi nesses in the liquor line? It not, let us tell youthat Max Klein leads them all, and why? Because he has long ago succeeded in convincing the public that he furnishes value for value. Here are a few of his prices: Six-year-old Guckenhelmer, Tinch, Overholt and Gibson at $1 per -quart or six for 55; 4-year-old Guckenheimer, Finch, Gibson and Overholt, 75 cents each, and his Silver Age Eye, that defies competition, at $1 50 each quart "Wines, 50 cents per full quart and upward. There is not a liquor known to anyone that is not for sale at his place. He ships in neatly packed boxes. Send for his price list and complete cata logue, and do not hesitate to send in vour order to Max Klein, 82 Federal st, Alle gheny. iiwr English Plnm Podding. One-half pound of bread crumbs; pour over them one pint of boiling milk; when cold add one-quarter pound suet chopped fine, one-half pound seedless raisins dredged with flour, one-half pound currants washed and dried, one-half pound of sugar, three ounces of citron chopped fine, three eggs well beaten, one-half teasnoo.nful.salt. two grated nutmegs, one tablespoonrul ground mace, one-half gill brandy; mix well; add, last one and a half measures "Banner" Baking Powder; bake two hours in a mod erately hot oven; before it begins to brown. stir from the bottom. Eat hot 'with -wine sauce. Holiday Good. A grand display at the very -lowest cash prices at the manufacturing jewelry" house of Henry Terheyden, No. 530 Smithfield street Solid eold watches, 615. $18, $25, $30, $35, $45. $75, $90, $100, $110. $150 and Upward. Chatelaine watches, $4 50, $7 50, $9, $11. $14. Boys' watches, solid silver, $15: beauties. Gold chains, 10 and 14 k., $10, $15, $20, $25, $30, $40. $75, together with a large and very select stock of lancy goods. Just the thing lor holiday presents. mwf Handsome Gowm and Garments. Hiss E. S. Farr, from the establishment of Mr. A. H. Kosenbaum, Boston, London and Paris, will take pleasure in sbowingthe ladies of Pittsburg and Allegheny a large lice of handsome, gowns and garments for home, street, carriage and evening Wear, be ginning Thursday, December 5, and con tinuing for one week JUonongabela House Parlors. 11 and 12. Newly Married Coaplest Making preparations for housekeeping do not forget that Dreydoppel yoap is a very important article to have. The finest and best for all purposes that soan can be used for. Benders clothes beautifully white, sweet and healthful to wer Pull pound bars, 8c per pound, at grocers levefywbere. Holiday Opening lYcdnesdar, December 4. The most elegant line of fancy goods in every conceivable shape and material ever shown in Pittsbure- JOS. ElCHBAUM & CO., 48 Fifth avenue. Umbrella for the Holidays. Fine Bilk, cold and silver handles, best quality, lowest prices; no charge for en nravinr? name, at Hauch'a Jewelry Store, No. 295 Fifth ave. WFSu Highest prices paid for ladies' or gents' cast-off clothing at De Haan's Big 6, Wylie ave. Call or send by. mail, wsu fa " '" -- Whek overworked you will be greatly re freshed and benefited by a class ot Frauen heim & Vilsack's Iron City beer. Insist on having it xlconomlcnl Gas Fir m, sieve, B.nngr. &cr. O'Keefe Gas Appliance Co.,34 Filth av. To rub .with, in rheumatism the genu. iaeBrow' Ginger. Fred. Srewn, PhiU.J &. rHEfHTTSBURGi -DISPATCH,- " s wx.r v i J n- " T0-B8 HE BETHESDA HOME. The Project tar the Redemption of" UnfortB ante VYerarn Takes Deflolte Form Offlcers 'Bad Trustees Chosen TeaWo rarlly. The managers and some others interested in the proposed home for unfortunate women met in the music room of the Hamilton, building yesterday afternoon. Rev. J. T. llcCrory was made Temporary Chairman and Miss Mary Hunnings Tem porary Secretary. Mr. McCrory read the resignation of Mr. Durbin Home, of the board, who regretted his inability to serve, as he conld not give the required time or attention to the project. Mr. B. T. A. David also resigned for the same reason, and on motion both resigna tions were accepted, and Edwin L. Porter, Esq., and Lee S. Smith elected to fill tbe vacancies. Mr. Samuel Hamilton sent a letter regretting his absence, but tendering we use oi nis nail whenever wanted. Rev. J. H. Prngh moved that a commit tee be appointed.to nominate officers and ap point committees to serve in the organiza tion. The motion was adopted and Dr. Miles, Rev. J. W. Snroul, "W. B. Brickel, Mrs. Dr. Smith and Mrs. Leak retired to nominate them. In their absence Mr. Tost announced that it would not be proper to elect any permanent officers before securing a charter. It was decided to place them in nomination, however, and elect them after the charter will have been obtained. Mr. McCrory then asked that names be sug gested tor the institution. Some three or four were suggested "Good Samaritan," "Bethesda," ?'In His Name," and Rev. Mr. Locke suggested that it be called the "Wm.Thaw Home"out of respect to that phil anthropist and particularly as the name has not yet been adopted by any institution in the city. A vote by ballot was taken on it and that of Bethesda chosen by 12 votes, there being but six other votes cast Mrs. Locke moved to amend the name, and call it "The Bethesda Home." which was ear ned. Mr. Tost then read a draft of the charter, in which the objects as already known were stated to be for the careof unfortunate women, for their religious education and aid in their reformation. Mr. Yost suggested that the Board of Managers be reduced from 30 to 21, but the original number was retained when a vote was taken on it The committee returned at this point, and announced the following nominations: President Edwin L. Porter, Esq.; Secretary, Mrs. Di. C W. Smith; Treasurer, &. Samson. Committee on Site W. B. Brickel, Mrs. E. Z. Brown and Rev. J. T. McCrory. Committee on Finance S. Hamilton, Dr. Bterritt and E. L. Porter. Committee on Matron Mrs. W. C. Moreland, Mrs. O. E. Locke and Mrs. Helen Myers. Committee on By-Laws Rev. O. E. Locke, Miss Mary Hunnings and Rev. J. H. Prugh. The trustees, some of whom were not present to sign the charter, and who are requested to do so as early as possible, are as follows: H. Samson. Dr. W. C. Shaw, Eev. J. W. Sproul, J. L. Cooper, T. H. Rabe, Dr. O.sL. Mil ler, W. B. Brickel, 8. Hamilton, Key. J. H. Prugh. George R. Lauman, Mrs. Wm.Vankirk, Mrs. E. Z. Brown, Mrs. Melissa McKee, Mrs. Rev. W. J. Reid, Mrs. T. J. Leak, Mrs. Sarah Hammet, Mrs. Dr. Sterritt, Mrs. S, L. Wood and Mrs. Rev. J. W. Riddle. Beecham'S Fills cure sick headache. Peaks' Soap, the purest and best ever made. Oedee yonr crayon portraits now for Xmas, at Aufrecht's, 516 Market street. Best and cheapest In the two cities. No tonic equals Wainwright's beer. Families supplied direct 'Phone 5525. vsu Economical Gas Fires, Stoves, Ranges, tc. O "Keefe Gas Appliance Co. ,34 Fifth av. Fine neckwear for holiday presents. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave. AIEETINGIS. 3flHE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF L the stockholders of the Pittsburg and airport Terminal Company will be held at tbe office of the company. B. 4 0.E.R station, corner Smlthfleld and water streets, Pittsbnrc, Pa, SIONDAY. December 8, 1889. at 2 P. M. no24-24 , C. S. WIGHT. Secy. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF tbe stockholders of the Pittsburg and Al legheny Droveyard ComDany will be held at the office of the company, B. fc O. R. R. station, comer Smlthfleld and Water streets, Pittsbure. Pa., MONDAY, December 9, 1859. at S P. M. no24 24 C. S. WIGHT. Secy. LEGAL NOTICES. GEO. D. RIDDLE, Attorney-at-Law, 118 Diamond street. TESTATE OF WINFIELD a WILSON, DE XJ CEASED Notice Is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Wlnfleld S. Wilson, late ot Allegheny county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same shonld make tbem known without delay to MARY H. WIL SON, Executrix, No. 23 Cabinet St., Allegheny. no20-13-w EXECUTOR'S AUCTION SALE OF PER SONAL property belonging to the estate of Wm. M. Lyon, dee'd., WEDNESDAY MORNING, Dec 4. at 10 o'clock, at tbe Henry Auction Co., No. 311 Market st, city, furniture, microscope, lot jewelry, mirrors, etc, etc to be sold to close np the estate, by order of the Safe Deposit Co., of Pittsburg, executor. Also, at same time and place, of the estate of Char lotte Blame, deceased, watches and other arti cles, by order of the administrator, the Safe Deposit Co., Pitts. For further particulars in quire of HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIU., No. 311 Market st, nol9-C7-19.2o.2a.de2. 8,4 PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS WIXL BE RE CEIVED by the Board of Inspectors of the Western Penitentiary of Pennsylvania, np to 6 P. M. FRIDAY, December 6. 18S9. for brick arching, concrete and galvanized Iron work In south wing. Details furnished at prison. ED WARD 8. WRIGHT, Warden. del-43 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORSr-SEALED proposals, addressed to tbe undersigned, indorsed "Proposals for Grading." will be re ceived until MONDAY NOON. December 9. for grading six miles of the P., Y. t A. R. R., from Wampum Junction, Pa., to Lawrence Junction, Pa, Good bonds will be required. Bondsmen must be named and bids made on blanks, which may be obtained at my office, where profiles and specifications may be seen. Tbe right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. WM. MULLIN8, Of Executive Committee. P., Y. fc A. R. R. Co. Pittsburg, Pa,, November 29, 1889. no29-2-D AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPJSRA HOUSE TO-NIGHT. Wednesday and Saturday Matinees. BLUE BEARD, Jr. Tho Greatest Spectacular Operatic Ex travaganza. Next week Nat. C. Goodwin. de3 UOD" THEATER. TO-NIGHT, Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. HALLEN AND HART, IN LATER ON. December 9 Clara Morris in Repertoire, de2-S HABRI8" THEATER Every Afternoon and Evenlnjs. BEACON LIGHTS. A New and Beautiful Drama. Week Dec 9 My Partner. del-14-D HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night, Matinees Tnesday, Thursday and Saturday. SHEFFER & BLAKELY'S del-SO-n REFINED NOVELTY CO. -VTYE AND RILEY, ji In a New Entertainment at LAFAYETTE HALL NEXT THURSDAY EVENING. AUBPICES PRESS CLU& .O-Tickets at Klebers'. des-23 WORLD'S MUSEUM ALLEGHENY CITY Week commencing December 2. Captain Chittenden's exhibit of rare relics. A hundred other new objects. Hume's Very Funny Farce Comedy GINGER SNAPS in Theater. Dec 9-BABEL.COWBOY PIANIST. de2-2-s BUSINESS CHANGES. DISSOLUTION NOTICE-THE PART NERSII1P heretofore known as A. J. (jlvens & Co., doing business at Chartiers, Pa., has been dissolved hy mutual consent, A. J. and 8. D. Girens retiring. All money due above firm are payable to C. A. GIVEN8 4 CO and those having elaims will present them SJiSitj: atsci-io-rr TTEBNESDAX," JWMHffXoy odinrHtemenU site, dollar par ignore $r one itucrUo. CltutiftM odvertite mtntt en this page ruch at Wanted, For Bale, To Let, etc., ten cent per. lne for each inter Hon, and none taken for leu than fifty zentt. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BUANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at tfce following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning; Advertisement are to be prepaid except where advertiser already hare aca.iau wltliTBCDls- rATca. FmSBUBB. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, S5u9 Butler street. EMU. G. STUCKEY, Zfth street and Penn aye. E. G. STUCKEY 4CO Wylle ve. and Fulton ft. N. bTOKELY, riRhytvenue Market House. BABTX2TD. J. W. WALLACE, SElPenn avenue. OXKJjAKD. UCALLISTXU A SBEIBLEB, Sth av. 4 Atwood t souTBsmz. JACOB SPURN, No. JCanoa street H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carson street ALLEGHENY. A. t. KAEBCHEK, SS Federal street. H. J. MclJRIDE. Market House, Allegheny. FBKD R. EGGEKS. 172 Oblo street. F. B. EGGEK3 & SON, Ohio and Chestnut its. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENBY, Western and IrwLn ayes. G. TV. HUGHES. Pennaylvanla and BeaTeraTea, VEUBY M. G LEUU. Bebeeca and Allegheny aTes. M1LLVALE BOKOUGU. W. W. FLOCKEB, Stationer, No. 4 Grant aye. THE DI8PATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE- FOR THE SOTJTHSIDE AT NO. 1220 CAR80H STREET. WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS, NEWS AND SUB BCRrPTlONS CAN BE LEFT. BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS; AND FOR THE BPECIALSOTJTHSIDEI8SUE PUBLISHED EACH BATURDAY, WANTED. Mojo Help. WANTED-TWO FEEDERS FOR 2 DAYS AT STOOKAIAN & FARMER office, East End, aet-U WANTED AGENTS TO SELL HOLIDAY signs and shoir cards. MAETELL. 411 Bmlthneld st. de4-rnT "TTJANTEO-TTVO GOOD BAEBEKS. APPLY YV at once to W. B. WEST, National Hotel Bar ber Shop, McEeespOrt de4-49 WANTED MACHINIST. GOOD LATHE and planer hand: good wages. Applvto TAYLOR, SHAW & OO.. SharpsvUle. Pa. deS-85 WANTED-4 OR 5 GOOD MACHINISTS AT Gaysport Foundry. Call or address MC LANAHAN & STONE; Hollldarsburz, Pa. OC4-1 -TO-ANTED-TWO YOUNG MEN ASWA1TEES: VT ones speaking Ge-raan and rngllsb pre ferred. Apply at NO. 48 DIAMOND ALLEY, Pittsburg. :le4-38 WANTED A LIVE. ENEHGETIC MAN state age and business experience; must have a large city acquaintance. F. O. V, Dis patch office. de4-2 TJTANTED-AGENTS IN EVERY TOWN TO vv sell our teas, coni salary and commission, sell our teas, coffees and spices to families; ASSAM TEA CO.. 4505 Liberty ave. de3-31 WANTKD-MAN OF BU81HKSS TACT DE SIRING active work, can find permanent Soiltlon at salary or SCO a month. Call at NO. 5 1XTH AVE. del-lll-wsu WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED COACH MAN : one who Is well acquainted with the stretU In the city. Apply L. ULESENKAMP, 3l8and33)Penn ave. de4-4S WANTED AN EXPERIENCED BOOKMAN to take charge of our book and stationery department; also several assistants. FLEISH MAN & CO., Pittsburg, Pa.. de4-13 WANTED-TEN BOYS ACQUAINTED WIM the work la bolt and nut shop; most under stand how to run cutting and tapping lathe. Apply at 180 GRANT AVE., Allegheny. de4-M WANTED-A GENTLEMAN OF- GOOD AD DRESS for permanent position, with good salary: reference and personal application Im mediately. P. WARD, Room 2, lCMPcnn ave. de4-17 WANTED-F1RSTCLASS BARBERS FOR the country: will pay good wages. Apply at The Leading Barbers' Supply Depot. A. ED- LIS & CO., 802, 504, SOS, 80S, burg. Pa. 6tuL.iDerty St., Pitts- de4-31 WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SHOE salesman to carry our lines of women's, misses and children's shoes In Plttscnrg and vi cinity. HARRISBUHG BOOT AND SHOEMFG. CO., Harrlsburg, Pa. no28-77-D WAHKD-A .GOOD. -AGENT IM EACH town In Western Pennsylvania for "Happy Thoughts on Uarae Topics;" entirely new book. W rito at one for exclusive territory, T. C. MC ELROY, 547 Liberty st. de4-32 WANTED-SHOESALESMAN, THOROUGH LY experienced.man for wholesale house in Pittsburg: no traveling required; good posi tion for a man who can fill it properly. Address SHOES, Dispatch office. de3-80 WANTED AGENTS SHOULD WRITE FOR Illustrated circular, terms and two weeks' trial Af Missouri washer: washes dirtiest clothes by hot steam without rubbing; easily sold; profit able. J. WORTH, 54 Beekman St., N. Y. noio-M-wesn WANTED AGENTS "DODGE'S HORSE blanket holder:" keeps the blanket from blowing or sliding offthe horse; nothing like It In the market: everyhorse owner buys: sample by mail 25c. STAYNER & CO., Providence, R, 1. n 010-85 "VYTANTED BY THE UNITED STATES vv Rolling Stock Company three good axle makers and their heaters: must be sober, steady uicu, mm can nave Bicaux wars uie yearronua. Inquire or W. H. Annlston. Ala. C11AUDOCK, Superintendent, de4-23-Twry WANTED A FEW tMOREI FIKST-CLAtS agents at good salary ror our book, 'Mary, the Queen of the House oiDavld:"lt sells every where: good salary to right parties. Published exclusively by A. S. GRAY CO., Eisner and Phillips building. de4-21 WANTED-SALESMEN AT S75 PER SIONTH salary and expenses, to sell a line of silver plated ware, watches, etc.; hy sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once for full Eartlculars and sample case of goods free. STAN AHD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. pe24-9-I WANTED-A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT and active business man, with first-class references, would like to Invest &5. TOO to 110.000, with services. In a good paying business; manu facturing preferred: all communications strictly confidential. AddrcssBUSlNEbS. Dispatch office. de4-4 WANTED-ALL BRICKLAYERS AND CON TRACTORS to know that the headquarters of the INDUSTRIAL MUTUAL BENEFIT AS SOCIATION, at 83 Fourth ave. near Wood, is the authorized Central Labor Exchange for the B. and M. L. U.; no charge to employes or mem bers. ocll-80-wTSu WANTED-AGENIS FOR OUR ADJUST ABLE, all metal, nickel or bronze door plates; can sell and put together at once: white enamel letters for window signs and new style door bells: 85 to 815 a day easily made selling to business men only: free samples to reliable men. Address NEW YORK DOOR FLAE CO., 18 Ann St., New York. del-114 WANTED-SALESMEN AT ONCE-A FEW good men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; we are the largest manufacturers In our line In the world; liberal tatary paid; permanent position: money advanced for wares, advertising, etc. For full terms ad- urcu iiTMHiai,iuu. cu Chicago, III., or ...uwtuuaii, y. no77-wvsu Femnlo Help. WANTED-A CHAMBERMAID: MUST BE well recommended. Apply to 203 RIDUE AYE , Allegheny. de4-13 WANTED-TWO WOOD DINING I -ROOM girls: also good girl (white), 14 to 15 years old, to take charge child 3 years old. Apply HOIEL HAMILTON, city. def-43 WANTED TWO LADIES FOR FOUR months' work at 840 to too per month; must be of excellent address and willing to work. Call at ROOM 45, Eisner building. de(-21 TTTANTED-GOOD AGENTS TO SELL .vv "uappyTnougnisonHomeToplcs:"anew, fastsellln iiung dooe mat evrrr iaoy needs. Apply at once. 547 LIBERTY ST, Room 3 aei-oj Male and Female flclo. "TTTA-NTED-2 WHITE WAITERS, MALE VV cook, 2 farmhands, cooks, chambermaids and house girls, dishwasher, laundress, linen room girl, housekeeper lor hotel, seamstress. MEEHAN '8, 545 Grant st. noao-D Sltnntlons. WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN, POSITION as clerk, assistant bookkeeper or any kind of office work; good reference. Address D. R., Dispatch office. dc4-35 WANTED-81TUATION JANUABY 1 BY bookkeeper cf one of the largest flint glass factories in Ohio, who must change present local ity on account bay fever. Address T Dispatch omce, U029-12 Pnrtnersu nrr anted an excellent opportun- t V rrx wm be onerea 10 a gooa ousiness man to Invest (3,000 or 10,000 in a large, well-established and profitable mercantile business; onewho can give nis lime to ouswess, Address A. !., Dispatch offlce. oei-4 "TTTANTED TO INVEST flOOQ, III A YOUNG v v man of experience and tborongb business training in a mercantile or mfg. business: Is a hard worker and will devote entire time to busi ness. Address for one week with particular., MERCANTILE, " Dispatch offlce. uo23-51 Financlnl. fTJAJ4TED-MOKTGAGia5-T1.09B,080TOLOAN YV In large and small amounts at 4. 5 and t per cent, free of Bute tax; no May. Seed B, tow.. i.. 13 Fourth ave. ,, " mVxi-sn v. .,, --.-.- ,-. -1881V WAXTKB. wiaasrtal. w ANTED-SMALL MOltl G AGE3-1. J.AVIL- sua, us jrounn ave. nc2S-2i w ANTED - MORTGAGES - LARGE AND small. U. wuiiSH, UO Grant street. noiz-55-n WANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY l"BOr EBTY. oyer M.OOO; 4 ner cent; no tax. HEN BY A. WEAVEUACO., 92 fourth avenue. mhz-as-D WANTED -MORTGAGES-ON CITY OR snbnrban Improved real estate at lowest rates. ALEXANDER & LEE, 213 Wood st. notW-ji-Awa TTTANTED-TO LOAM 1500,000, IN AMOUNTS TT or (3; 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on AH percent, free of tax: also smaller amounts at 5 and S per cent BLACK 4 RAIBD, ii Fourth avenue. iea-d26-D TrrAMED- MOKTO AGES-SI, 000, 000TO LOAN Infp nt. ovrn, iiu ronnn avenue. ap7-m WANTED-TO rOAN 1310,000 ON MORT- GAGES: 1100 and uoward at 6 ner cent; iaiu,O0Oat 4)4 per cent on residences or business property: ; aiio in aaioimng counties. S. H. FRENCH. 12S Fourth avenue. OCZI-4-D "rsTANTED-MOUTGAOES-l(,00p TO LOAN for 3 to s years on city property, at very low rates; vi uu murigages. in sums irom ow iucujlum. iur terras ana give aesi J. E. GLASS, US Ffith ave. iWerlntlnn of nrODertv. vh Tal.nhnna Nn. Y?fl A W.f,.. - A1.T. . Miscellaneous. TtTANTED-HORSES TO KEEP DURING vv the winter: termsverrreasonable. Call en or address R. A. MORRISON, 10 Sixth St., cliy. de4-5 TlfANTED-HlGHESr SPOT CASH PRICES T T paid for second-hand furniture, carpets and household goods or all kinds. 1211 PEN S AVE NUE. au28-2S-MWT TXTANTED HORSES TO WINTER-TERMS .. reasonable: good box stalls. S. W. MOR ROW, BaVerstown, Allegheny co., Pa., or T. M. MORROW -S LIVERY AND SALE- STABLES. 15 Ohio St., Allegheny. Pa. no30-60-MWs w ANTED PERSONS TO KNOW THAT BY line to Day 81 Der week you can get possession of fine froldor sliver watches, clocks. jewelry, diamonds, silverware, etc. J.M1TSCH, ov r cue deral St., Allegheny, Fa. sel2-M"vrrsn WANTED-EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT PEARSON, the leading photographer, of 98 Fifth ave. and 43 Federal St., AU'y.. Is making a life stie crayon portrait, beautifully framed, and one dozen cab. photos, all for 8; all line work. mh 13-63 FOR SALE iaiPUOVED REAL ESTATE City Kealdencea. FOR SALE-A 3-STOHY DWELLING HOUSE or 10 rooms, opposite Second aye. park. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., 92 Fourth aye. de3-37 FORSALE-ON FIFTH AVE.. FORI2.SC0, ON monthly payments If desired, a neat brick bouse of 6 rooms: location good; call or send for lilt. W. A. HEUBON& SONS, 80 Fourth ave. no30-fl - FOR SALE-NO. 4315 CALVIN BT.. SEVEN TEENTH ward, new brick dwelling, slate roof, S rooms, hall, vestibule and large finished attic: large stable on rear or lot: price. tlMOat terms to suit. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3309 Butler street. no22-31-ws FOR SALE-LOCUST ST., NEAR CHESTNUT, 2 fine 2-story pressed brick dwellings of 8 rooms and batbroora each; all Improvements: lot 42x113 to a street; room to build 3 more honseson lot; big bargain. ALLKS & BAILEY, 184 Fourth ave. 'telephone 167. de4-41-'WTSu FOR SALE-WITHIN HALF SQUARE OF cable; 8 minutes ride from center of city, on nice resldenco street; block stone paving; sewer age: sidewalk; all complete: 40 feet front bv 100 deep; only tl.TTO: wc cannot duplicate this. CHARLES SOMERS & CO.. 313 Wood at. de4-47 FOR SALE-ON MAIN. NEAR DAVISON ST.. Seventeenth ward, at a sacrifice, as owner is leaving the city, a new 8-room brick dwelling, with modern conveniences: lot 25x100: price (4,500; all orbair cash, bal. to suit; cost over &O00. THOS. MCCAFFREY. 3509 Bntler street. nois-es-wssu T7OR SALE-AT A BARGAIN FOR A FEW X' days only Prime Sixth ward property; sub- attractive and complete: press brick front: 2-story attic: 7 rooms. nan. range, water. gas both floors: large yard side entrance: im- grovlntr neighborhood: lowi OMER3 & CO., 313 Wood St. owat fi.600. CHARLES OWHi Erut End Residences. FO R S A L E OAKLAND RESIDENCES. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood st. Telephone 1773. de4-47 FOR SALE-HILAND AVENUE PROPER TIES. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St. Telephone 1773. de4-47 fTlOR SALE MUST BE BOLD AT ONCE, a.' cneap, Lincoln ave., nouse ana 101. 47xuu: S300 cash, balance to suit purchaser. JAMISON & DICKIE, E. E. de4-4S FOR SALE-FOR 13,300, house, s rooms, well in A NEAT, NEW nnroved: lot 27x120 feet: onHallman. near Howe sL. Twentieth ward. See W. A. HERRON &SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. noIs-72-ws. FOR SALE-H200-ATWOOD. NEAR BATES St., Oakland: fine location; street sewered and paved; two-story frame; 7 rooms; hall, bath, ranee, U. and c water: all In prime condition: lot 22x100, CHARLES SOMERS oV-CO., 313 Wood st. de4-47 FOR SALE-A FINE PROPERTY FOR THE money, nicely located within two squares of Penn ave. cable; a choice home and an Invest ments two-story brick, vestibule, hall, attic six rooms, poiches, side entrance; excellent condi tion throughout: gas, water and every conveni ence; perfect sewerage: we can offer tbe property now at $1,000. Wood St. OH2 ILLtlLO dvjijlxu a vt. 313 dc4-47 FOR SALE-THOSE TWO BEAUTIFUL NEW residences corner Atwood and Bates sts.. Oakland, eich containing 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, with tile floors, sliding doors between hall, parlor ami tuning rooms, insiue snuuers. porcnes irom and rear, slate mantels, tile hearths with fancy basket grates, natural and artificial gas, fine ar tistic chandeliers with electric attachments for lighting, electric bells, bath, Inside w. c, and marble top w. s range, hot water, laundry in basement with cemented walls and ceilings, with 3 large tnbs. These houses are in tbe best location in Oakland, have direct connection with city sewer, are nicely finished and grained throughout in oak. cemented walks and pavement, lots graded and sodded, fine Iron fence aronnd lots, street is paved and the electric cars will pass the door; come and see these honses before buying else where. REED B. COYLE Jb CO.. 131 Fourth ave. de4-95 FOR SALE OAKLAND, FOURTEEATH ward; but few of tbe many people in this Jrreat city have any conception of the magnltnde, mtnense Improvement, rapid growth and en hancement of the now most aeslrable residence district within our city limits; within 30 days the new electric street railway will be In operation, connecting Oakland Square and the city (via the traction road) for tbe nominal fare of 5 cents; Oakland Square Is a beautiful park around wblch run wide atreets paved with asphaltum and sew ered frer of cost to tbe purchaser of one of the beautiful dwellings facing the square a brief de- Bcripuon 01 wnicn is nere given: juin 01 onrs, by day work, two sizes, 8 and 9 rooms, halls, bath, inside shutters andw. c's, handsome slate man tels, tile hearths, sliding doors, range and both gases: also, electric lighting apparatus, large fiorches, cemented cellars, line chandeliers, large ot. etc.; terms, small cash payment down, bal ance 8500 per annum; 17 or these dwellings have been sold to representative business men: the time consumed in running from the postoffice to the square Is but 17 mlnntes, thus giving ample time to go home for dinner: see the square before buying elsewhere. bAM'L W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth ave. n 028-04 Allechcnx Residences. FOR SALE-ALLEGHENY PARK PROPER TIES. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood st. Telephone 1773. det-47 FOR SALE-NEW QUEEN ANNE DWELL INU, choice location in Second ward, A.le Sheny. containing 11 rooms. large reception hall, ath, 2 Inside w, c's, slate mantels, tile hearths, closets, pantry, laundry, etc.; front and rear porches, plate-glass windows, stable and carriage house: lot 80x137 feet to a street; a most complete home; within 300 feet of electric cars: will bear the closest Inspection, as house was not built to sell; price, (11,600; terms, half cash, balance to suit purchaser. BASIL. W. BLACK CO.. 99 Fourth ave. no23-74-MWF8 bnburbun Residences. FOR SALE-AT BRADDOCK-6 GOOD 2 8T0RY frame houses of 6 rooms each; nat. gas; lot 120x130 ft., on Bell ave. and Itebecca st. ; will be sold at a very reasonable price and on easy terms. L M. PENNOCK A SON. 105 Fourth ave. no30-7i-jiws FOR SALE-AT WILK1NSBURG, CONVE NIENT to station, X neat 5-roomed frame houses, lot 33KH00 feet: excellent water in both houses; natural gas: good, dry cellars; will be sold very low and on easy payments: full particulars from McCUNE Sb COULTER. 93 Fourth ave., who will take you out and show you the property. no28-37 FOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT, ETNA BOR OUGH, at Orphans' Court sale: the property of Lewis King, deceased, on the Uutler turnpike, near Etna postoffice, will be sold at auction on Thursday, December 5, at 2 o'clock: Iot33xl00: frame house and store: terms, fourth cash and three years, A. LEGOATE&SON, Auctioneers. UO2S-90 FOR 8ALE-A DESIRABLE WILKINSBUBG residence and large lot; 8 spaclons and cheer ful rooms, hath, w. c, lavatory, hot and cold water, natural gas, pantries and other modern ap- S llances; everything in excellent order; fine lot 1x132 feet: considerable number of fruit trees, grape vines on trellis work, etc., etc: perfect sewerage: stone walk in front; 2 mlnntes to rail road station; exceptionally pleasant and con venient neighborhood. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. de4-68 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. machinery ana metals. FOR SALE ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted: repairing promptly attended to. FORTERFOUNDRY ANDMACH1NEOO..HM;, below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. anlO-a TT'OR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND J boilers; all sizes and styles In stock, from 4 to 100 h. p. ;ali rcflttedtgood as new, at lowest prices; portable engines s to 25 b. p. ; boilers ail sizes ind styles. J.S.YOUNG,23Parkway,Allegheny. Pa. ocax-D TJIOR SALE- HOISTING ENGINES. NEW J and second hand; wire and manllla rope, der rick and fittings, hoisting tubs and cars, day and ore pans, engines, boilers and machinery. THOMAS CAKLIN "5 SONS, Lscock and Sandusky sts.) Allegheny, aaS-17-Mmr DECEMBER' reR SALE L0TM. East Ead Lor. TK)H SALE-A LARGE CORNER LOT, M8X130 I? feet. In the Shadyslde district. East End; o -S; ,Vt, "ItKi outer, w.ouu:a aeeiaea uargain. dAO. IV xrAJUrxi vy. r12S Fourth avenne. Pitts- bare, aiM-to fTlOB SALE-VILLA PARK PLAN OF LOTS JL' are the most desirable in the market: no lot less than 40x149 feetrgood walks, dose to station: prices low and best of terms: Investigate this pUn before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN F. BAX TEB, Agt, SUSmlthfleldst. del-Worwr, TCWR SALE-CHOICE RESIDENCE SITES IN A." tno most attractive part ot East End to be se cured by Investing in a lot in Bun Grove plan; HSsJ'?ate thl Plan before purcbasingelsewhere. MJ.LLON BROd., EastKnd, or JOHN F. BAX TER, Agent, SLI Smlthfleld st. dcl-Korwr Glen wood Lots. FOIt BALE-LOTS AT OLENWOOD: CON . VENlENTtotne station and Second Ave. Electric Railway: graded streets, sidewalks, city water; houses and lots for sale on monthly pay ments. GEOBGK C. BDBG WIN, ISO Fourth ave. OCCS-a-MWSU Suburban Lot. FOR SALK-AT W1LKINS15UBG, ON MON 1 OUR st, 2 nice lots, .-WxCWit., price fKB, and 30x300 ft., price fffiO. I. M. PENNOCK A SON. No. 105 Fourth ave. no3Q-74-TWS Farms. FOR SALE-B ACRES LAND-CHOICE SPOT for Investment; K mile from railroad: Imlle from city limits; price 8,000. EDWITXISH, 410 Grant st. no30-D FOR SALE-A FARM CONTAINING 70 ACRES and underlaid with coal, on Panhandle Route. 12 miles from Pittsburg: MRS. .NEBO, 105 Grant St., Pltlsbnrg. de-77-ws FOR SALE-VERY CHEAP-ONLY HO0O-14 acres gronnd. with fair Improvements, at Stoops Ferry, P. 4L. E. It B, RON 4 SONS, M Fourth ave. bee ft . A. HER- de4-iz-ws FOR SALE-A GOOD FARM OF 71 ACRES. ON line of railroad, about IS miles from the city; dwelling honscv outbuildings, orchard, water, etc, etc.; would exchange In part for city property. JAS. W. DRAPE CO., 123 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. . de4-93 FOR SALE-PRODUCTIVE FARM OF 130 acres, almost level and all tillable, except 20 acres in timber; new barn; 4 miles from railroad; within driving distance of numerous large towns; cheap at 130 ner acre. CHARLES SOMKRS & CO., 313 Woodst. de4-47 OHscellancooa. 1TOR SALE 4.0CO ACRES HEAVY TIMBER. I? Cameron county. T. LIVEZEY, Allen's Lane, Phlla. nolS-42-w FOR SALE-BUSINESS. Bnalneaa Cbnncea. FOR SALE-COAL BUSINESS ON LINE OF railroad, near the city, all In successful op eration, and Including pit wagons, mules, tools and all necessary equipment: abont 150 acres of solid coal; side track space for 60 cars: rare open ing for anyone who understands tbe coal busi ness. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO.. 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. de4-08 FOR SALE-GROCERY STORES IN BOTH cities, from $350 to 310,000; cigar stores fSoO, 350, fSOO. (1,800; shooting gallery paying (75 per week clear of expenses: fine city and country drugstores: general country stores: good paying slate roofing business in live town; boarding houses, milk. routes, confectioneries, bakeries and many other good business chances. SHEPAHD Jc CO., 54 Fifth ave. noS F OR SALE-A FIRST-CLASS FULL ROLLER mill, from 75 to SO barrels canacltv. frame building 40xS0 feet, 3H stories high, 55 horse Iiowersteim engine. 12 sets SXI8 Dawson rollers, 0 fourteen feet reels, 4 Smiths' purifiers, dust collector, magnetic separator, flour packer, Rich mond bran duster, four cleaners, 30-inch corn and reed stone, new bnckwheat rolls, etc: this property Is situated on the line of the Pennsyl- vanla Railroad nt New Florence station. West moreland county. Pcnna., with a side track to the mill door: It is In a good grain country, and should command a good run of custom; the present owners are not practical millers; they re side at a distance from New Florence, and are engaged In other pursuits thev would therefore rathersell tbe ml at sr bargain to- a good cus- tomer, than rent It. For terms, etc, apply to Aaxea a.iiuisis, uiairsvuie, renna. no9-38-rwT Business ffranfl. FOR SALE FEDERAL STREET PROPERTY. Nos. 43 and 45, having a front or 40 feet: this is a rare chance for buying a business property In one of tbe best locations in Allegheny. See SAMUEL DYER, or GEORGE ALEXANDER. 48 Parkway, Allegheny. no2T-30-irwrs FOR SALE AN EXCELLENT PROPERTY OF 4 acres: new building of 15 rooms, occupied as hotel doing good business: st-tble, icehouse, frblt in abundance; soil adapted to gardening, location close to station and river; (8,000. CHARLES SOMERS A CO., 313 Wood st. de4-47 TO LET. CIrr Resldcncca. mo 10 LET-NEW HOUSES IN 5-ROOM APART MENTS at 119. with all separate conve niences, on uoiweu st., aoove vine, inquire at V. LANGE'S, 333 Fifth ave. de4-9 Allegheny Residences, m 10 LET-BRICK DWELLIN G. WASHINGTON 1 street. Alleirhenv; 12 rooms, modern im- street. provements. rr- -. ------- --.-..--., -- ..-.,, , --- 1 inquire kuuju ua, jiisseii mocK. r dc4-9S-UWF8n ADnrtmcnta. TO LET-FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH KITCH UI. tableware, etc 1CI FOURTH AVE., near Grant. de4-37B TO LET-FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, WITH kitchen, tableware, natural gas, etc. 41 LOGAN ST.. near Wylle. de4-33 TOLET-3UNFURNISHFJ1ROOM3. SUITA BLE for light- housekeeping, 4th floor: rent reasonable: no children. 1313 PENN AVE. deS-45 Offices. Desk Boom, dee TO LET-LARGE OFFICE-INQUIRE ROOM 208, Blsscil Block. de4-96-rwFBU TO LET-fSOO PER YEAR-A LARGE, WELL LIGHTED offlce with all modern conven iences; newly painted and papered: has two large closets for storage room. Inquire at GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK. 4a Woodst. no-31-D PERSONAL. PERSONAL-WILL MR. JOHN O'DONNELL, foimerly of Homestead. 1'a., please send his address to M. C. care City Hotel, Pittsburg, Pa. ael-03 PERSONAL HAVE YOU SEEN LEVI'S bookstore? Da you know we have new books as well as old? Do you know we have tbe largest slock or old books west ot the Allegheny Moun tains? LEVI'S BOOKSTORE, 800 Liberty St. no3-33 TJERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY EE- i. lUKMU; recently bpst of terms owtneto TURNEU; recently they had not been on the a little family lar occa- sloned by the wife insisting on being allowed to renovate his wearing apparel, and which, ot course, was done in a bungling manner: in order to prevent the trouble they agreed to send all tbelrwork hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 65 Fifth ave., corner Wood st., second floor, and now everything is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns la their household. Telephone 1553. au30-D LOST. LOST-PACKAGE OF PBOM1SSOKY NOTES of value to owner oulr. Liberal reward lor tbelr return to R. HUMPHREY, 543 Smlthfleld st.. cltyj de4-8 t- iisT or Misr.Ain poLicr NO. 24.699. . Co.. J J Issued by tbe Penn Mutual Life Ins. Philadelphia, on the Ufe of Theodore Kestner. The flnderwlll please return It to the undersigned. Application has been made for tho Issuing or a duplicate. (Slrued) MELCHER VAHNEH. uo 24-34-21.26.28 30-de2. 4 AUCTION feALES. T)Y JAS. W. DRAPE & CO. Administrators' sale continued to-day, WEDNESDAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK, of DAIRY STOCK, HORSES. UTENSILS, etc. fMILK WAGONS, MDLK CANS, etc, at the dairy of tbe late ALFRED HARRISON, deceased, Oakland,near public schoolhonse; nearly 75 good COWS, HEIFERS, BULL8, CALVES, S.HORSES AND IMPLEMENTS, etc, will be sold at to-day's sale, commencing promptly at 10 o'clock. Peremptory sale; no reserve TERMS CASH. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Auctioneers, d&4-23 129 Fourth avenne. ' HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIMITED. ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE OF FINE bnccy, carriage, bay mare, stable Roods, piano, furniture, carpets, etc, etc. at tbe resi dence of Mrs. J. J. vetter, on center avenne, between Roup and Aiken avenues. East End, THURSDAY MORNING, Decembers, at 10 o'clock. Fine carriage, made by West, almost new: buggy, wagon, bay mare, harness, hose and stable outSt: elegant Steinway piano, solid wal nut parlor suit, tur rugs, lace curtains, mahog any cabinet, ornaments, pictures, desk, couch, Wilton velvets and body brussels carpets, oak hall rack with French plate glass, carved oak chamber suit, tine walnut chamber suit, ward robe, bedsteads, bureaus, rockers, chairs, wash stands, fine Doulton dinner set of ISO pieces, glass and silverware, walnut sideboard, leather dining chairs, walnut extension table, laundry, ard kitchen goods, etc House open at 8 o'clock morning of sale. HENRY AUCTION CO, LIM., del-82-inVTb Auctioneers. ELECTIONS. MOSONOAHELAlNSmtANCECO, 1 98 Fourth avenue, I November 20. 1889. j ELECTIOy-THE ANNUAL MEETING and election of fifteen directors toserre for the ensuing year will beheld at tbe office of tbe company on TUBSDAY, December 3, 1889, between the boon of 11 A. h. and lr.it, noll-W-B JOHN H. CLANEY, ftarttuy. XyEW ABTEKTISgaiZrtTg. ti Reduced Rents, TO LET. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO,, 99 Fourth Avenue, Real Estate Agents. Established 1873. Renting and Collecting a Specialty, " STORE ROOMS. ETC. U and S3 Third ave.; danble S-story brick war- house; power elevator: 40x80: HOOD yr. 23) Liberty st, between Third and Fourth aveSj. 3-sty brick warehouse: storeroom Hx77, , through to Third ave. 11,800 yr. Second ave , near Soho, 3 acres; B. B. sldingfr riverfront: sheds, offices, etc. tl.20Oyr. Wood St.. 304 and 206, 2d floor wareroom. 30x4 with 1 office and elevator, moderate rent to good tenant. Cor. Strawberry and Cherry alleys, I B., third floor, 20x60. with power. COO yr. 53 and S5 Ninth St., 1 B., fourth floor, 36x2, both gases. S000 yr. ' 4409 Plnmmer street. 2 store rooms and 3 dwelling zooms, (12 per mo. OFFICES. Cor. Penn aye. and Fifth St., fine office building, pieutr ugiu. mou. unp., fiUf yr. Fifth ave. NY ood St.; offices, single and In suite In the news story "Eisner Building;" Fifth ave. entrance; Crane elevator, steam heat, janitor services, etc ; floor plans can be seen at this office. "Penn Building," Penn aye., near Seventh st, offices, single or in suite In the elegant new S story building; 2 Crane elevators, beat and Janitor services; rents exceptionally low. Floor plans can be seen at this office. Hamilton Building, Fifth avc:offlce, sixth floor, Room No. 612: 16x18; 120 per mo. .Fourth ave., 152, 2 R. 1st floor. tGOO yr. Water St.. 143, front office 2d floor. 15x20. 175 yr. Water St., 143 front office, 2d floor, 15 ft. so. tl5dyr Office room, 530 BIsseU Block, fifth floor, 18x22, fl5 mo. 101 Fourth ave,, second floor rear, 2 offices, 110 mo. 101 Fourth ave., 1 room, second floor, 10 mo. P1TTSBUHGDWELLING3. 9 Oakland Square, 2-sty mansard residence, 8 R., first-class location. In good order, all modern conveniences, 17 minutes from P. O., cars al most to door, 45 mo. 25 Boss St., 3-sty brick residence, 11 R., mod. Imp. good order, 81.000 yr. 102 Marlon, cor. Ann sts., new 2-sty and mansard residence, 7K.. mod. Imp., 25 mo. Ridge, near Monroe St., 2-sty fr., 7R., f 18 mo. Corner Penn are. and Fifth street. 3-story man sard residence, 9 R., hall, bath, h. and. c. water, marble mantels, range, washhouse, cellar. In good order, tL.209yr. 3 Klrkpatrlck St., 4R., hall, etc; 314 mo. 218 Center ave., 2-story 7 B., mod. lmp.,frontand rear yards: porno. Herron ave., opposite water basin, 5-roomed lrame bouse, nat. gas, etc. fio 50 mo. Rear 358 Cedar St., Bioomfield, second floor, 2B. and attic, a 50 mo. ALLEGHENY DWELLINGS. 98 Page cor. Manhattan sts., 2-sty br. res., 9 B., mod. imp., 8503 yr. SOEIdwell St., 2-story and maKsard. 10 R., mod. imp.: poss. March or April, 1890; S900 yr. and water runt. Irwin ave., above Washington ave,new4-roomed frame house, S 15 mo. Irwin ave. same as above new 6-roomed brick house 822 mo. Woodland ave.. Eleventh ward, 2-story fr., 8 R., 1 acre ground; 15 mo. 100 Gerst alley, second floor, 2 R., 37 mo; first floor. 2 U , v mo. Spring Hill road, fr. house 3 R., 84 mo. EAST END DWELLINGS. 9 Oakland Square 2-sty and mansard brick resi dence 8 R.. alt mod. imp., in good order; this Is a first-class location. 17 minutes from P. O., cars aimot 10 QOQr.ftu mo. Edgewood, 2-sty fr., 4 R.. 813 50 mo. Neville st 1st from i lfth are.. 8 K., large lot, fruit and shade trees, $J00 yr. Aurelia st., near Denniston avc,2-story br.,6 H., hall, etc.; S20mo. Thomas St., Homewood. 3 R-; S3 mo. SOUTHSIDE -DWELLINGS. 1906 Josephine st,, 2-sty fr., 5 R., 315 mo. 1817 Wharton St., 2-sty, mansard, 5 K., attic 23 COO. y 1102 Virginia ave, Duquesne Heights, near In cline 2-sty, 5 R., $12 50 mo. 2814 Mary st., 4 R. ; 810 mo. Cor. Pine and Nintn sts., 4 It.. 2d floor: V mo. 22C3 Larklns alley, 4 R. and kitchen; 14 mo. B. & O. R. K. DWELLINGS. Glenwood. Second ave.. cor. American St., Glen wood Hotel, 2-sty and mansard frame store room and 12 R. and large hall 23x68, 873 me Hazel wood aye.. Hazelwood, Twenty-third wd., 12 minutes from station. 2-story br., 7 R. and 2 finished attics.; mod. Imp., large grounds; 2S mo. Benovast., Glenwood, Tmlnutes from station. 2 storyfr..5R. and attic: 820 mo. Hazelwood. Twenty-third ward. Flowers ave. and KRbuck St., 2-story fr., 4 R.; 310 mo. P., FT. W. 4 C. R. R. DWELLINGS. Sewlckley. convenient to Osborne or Sewickiev stations, 2-story br. residence 12 R-, all mod. Imp.; large and handsome grounds; late oc- cupled bv Mrs. Bobert S. Davis; a very mod erate rent to a good tenant: poss. at once. Edgewortb station, 3-sty, mansard, 11 &,, all mod. Imp., large grounds, fruit and shade trees: occupied by Miss Agnes Way. Home ave., Bellevue: handsome residence, 14 R., elegancy finished and all mod. Imp.; lotHOx 290: choice fruit and shade trees, etc., etc; tWOyr. STABLES. 27 Granville St.. brick stable for 2 horses and car rlage entrance, 1 100 yr. de4-30 F OR SALE PENN AVENUE BUSINESS PROPERTY. Finest location In East End. Lot extending to another street. Price and terms very rea sonablc Must be sold at once. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., de4-29-WThs 99 Fourth ave. -plANOis, ORGANS. a HAMILTON, 91 AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsbure Pa. ap30-74-D ARE YOU MARRIED? If sot, send your address to THE AMERICAN CORRESPONDING CLUB; Box 613; 'Clarks burg. W. Va. de3-2 MONEY TO IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND England can best be sent by checks on the "Cheque Bank,'' which are cashed by all bankers, merchants and tradespeople. Pitts burg Agency MAX SCHAMBERG &. CO..S27 pmitnneiq St.. riitsourg seawsn OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS report of Viewers on tbe damages caused by tbe grading of Urbana alley, from 128 feet south of south curb line of Davison street to present pavement, has been approved by Coun cils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is hied In the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10 days from date E. M. xHGELOW. Chief of Dep't of Public Works. PlTTSBTJBG Pa Nov. SO, 1889. no30-ll-D NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of Viewers on the grading and paying of Urbana alley, from a point 128 feet south of the south curb line of Davison street to the present pavement, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed In the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. Pittsbubq, Pa., November SO, 1889. no30-lI-D "VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE J report of Viewers on the construction of a sewer on Fox street, from South Twenty fourth street to South Twenty-third street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed In the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Dep't of Public Works. PnTSBtrBQ, Pa November 30, 1889. no30-U-D NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the reports of Viewers on the opening of Bennett street, from Frankstown avenne to the city line, and Kelly street, from Fifth avenue to the city line, have been approved by Councils, which action will be Ana's, unless an appeal Is filed in the Conrt of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E.M. BIGELOW, Chief of Dep't of public Works. PrrrsBTJBO. PA November SO, 1889. no30-H OFFIOSOFTHE CrrTTBIASTrjttB. 1 PrrTSBTTJta, December SL 1889. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the duplicates for the second as sessments of water rents (for sew buildings completed since April L lS90,)have been placed in my bands for collection, and payable at this office during the month of December. AH water rents remaining unpaid January I. 3890, will be placed In the bands of W.R. Ford, Collector of Delinquent Taxes, wltn S per cent added, for collection. J, y. DENNISTON, trtfrW-B City Treasurer.