Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 04, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 11, Image 11

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t the Late Exposition Did in Ad
vertising Our Industries.
DiscoTering That This is to 1 One of the
Great Centers.
office of Pittsburg Dispatch, l
Ttjesdat. Decembers. 1889, J
It goes without saying that Pittsburg's
Exposition lias been a success. 'Every
doubting Thomas has "seen and believed."
In variety and excellence of exhibit and
financial results there has been no industrial
display in any city of the land which has
excelled, or, in the opinion of many who
ought to know, equalled, Pittsburg's Expo
sition. It has brought many dollars to your
merchants and manufacturers, has very
much enlarged our city's constituency in
trade lines, and has advertised Pittsburg
ana her industries through the commercial
world as no enterprise ever did before.
Daily visits to our tradesmen and manu
facturers during the progress ot the Exposi
tion snd since, reveal the fact that it has
done excellent service in bringing customers
to our doors, and furnishing to the outside
world valuable information concerning the
resources autLAijtacity of the city in indus
trial lines.
Terr Clearly Illustrated.
An illustration or two will suggest how
the Exposition has benefited. A gentleman,
who had for some time been working on a
patent, visited the Exposition, and, to his
surprise, found an invention on exhibition
that had the same object in view. The one
on exhibition suggested to him valuable
improvements, and he has been able to
make such additions to his own invention as
give assurance of success. His improved
machine has already been patented, and in
a very short time will be on the market.
The Exposition was the school in which he
learned the defects of his machine and dis
covered a more excellent way.
One of our leading dealers in the line of
filters said recently that the Exposition had
been a great stimulus to his trade, as it
brought him a number of customers from
Jarteyond Pittsburg's natural territory.
gA trade," eaid he, "has been opened up
nn'bur line of goods with many who had
heretofore so knowledge of our wares, and
would still be in darkness but for the light
poured upon them by the Exposition."
Reaching Broader Field.
Said a leading jobber of carriage hard
ware: "Our trade lines have been very
much extended as a result of the Exposition.
New customers from beyond our natural
territory have come in, attracted by the ex
hibit of our industries, and we have secured
valuable trade which hitherto has gone to
other cities."
Similar testimony comes from scores pf
our trades people. The Exposition has been
a mighty educating influence. The outside
world knows more of Pittsburg's resources
in commercial and manufacturing lines than
it did before.
Visitors to the Exposition could learn
more in a day of our industrial resources
than they could learn in a month by going
through our great manufacturing establish
ments. Our products were brought to a
common center where in a few hours could
be seen the fruits of great industrial devel
opment. In the Book it is stated that the Queen of
of Sheba, hearing ot the wonderful king
dom of Solomon, went to Jersaleum to see
tfor berSelC Whfin shR RAW thn i-lnrinim rttv
land the evidences of power and glory, she said:
"The half had not been told." So multitudes
of those who visited our Exposition went away
with similar expressions on their lips concern-IngPittsbnre-
and her resources. Thevhad
not-erjassa orour city's capacity in industrial
uiw uuui uiey came ana saw.
Advertising Actually Purs.
The prime need of Pittsburg to-day is to as
sert herself. She has in the past been entirely
too conservative, too modest in pushing her
claims as a great center of manufacture and
There are now few cities west of theAlle
ghenies that surpass us in population, and
fewer in commercial power. In the past decade
Cleveland and Cincinnati have been distanced,
and in the next St. Louis may be in the rear.
It needs no prophet's pen;to see that, when the
twentieth century dawns, the three great cities
of the American continent will be New York,
Pittsburg and Chicago; and, if there be the
right spirit of enterprise among oar business
men, there is no need that Pittsburg shall hare
the third place. If we had blown our horn as
Chicago has done, Pittsburg to-day might be
the second city of the American continent
The Scotch-Irish element which is the con
trolling element of this city, and has been from
its origin, is little given to advertising. We
quietly wait for customers to come to us, instead
ui guiug iu wub turners.
He Told the Troth.
Aleadmgmanufacturersaldrecently: "JVTiat
Pittsburg needs is to accept the injunction of
rtbe Master, Uo out into the highways and
.hedges, and compel the people to come in.' We
have been" so confident of our resources and
ability that we have folded our arms and waited
for trade to come to us, Instead of going out
after trade as other great commercial centers
have done."
The Exposition is a move in the direction of
lifting our old, staid and too conservative city
out of the old ruts in which it has been moving,
the flrst century of its career. It is hoped that
this is but the beginning of a new era in our
history, and that we are to see still more glorious
results in the future development of this project
which is yet in its infancy.
It has already dawned upon the minds of the
American people that this is the greats ron and
steel center of the continent. The location of
Pittsburg eminently fits her to become a great
commercial as well as manufacturing center.
Very few of our citizens appear to appreciate
our advantages and opportunities. Untold
wealth lies beneath; vast populations are
springing up on our borders, ana It only re
mains that our peoyle seize their opportunities
to make Pittsburg one of the great cities of
the continent.
We have already seen some of the good re
sults of the exposition In bringing our city into
notice. Learning what can be done in this di
rection, it now remains to make onr future
exhibits a still greater success. The way has
been opened. J. H. Youmg.
The Pennsylvania Company Sinking Im
provements on the Ashtabula Line.
"William Mullins, purchasing agent of the
Pennsylvania Company, and a member of
the Executive Committee of the Pittsburg,
Youngstown and Ashtabula Bailroad, is
advertising for proposals for the grading of
six miles of road from 'Wampum Junction
to Xawrence Junction. The company now
run trains between these points over the
tracks of the Beaver Valley road, which
theyhave leased. The new line will practi
cally be a double track of that road. Jhe
freight business has grown to such enormous
proportions over the Ashtabula line that it
is found necessary to build another track to
handle it The. work will be finished by
spring, when the rails will be put down.
Kicked In a Door.
John Leonard was arrested yesterday for
acting in a' very disorderly manner at the"
house of Mr. Divine, on Taylor street,
BJoomfield. Leonard went to Divine's
house and kicked his door with such 'vio
lence that he smashed it from its hinges.
Divine called the police, who had the man
promptly removed to the station house.
He wseent to the workhouse for 30 days.
v ' TJitrt While Wrestling.
'Charles Wayne, an 18-year-old employe
at S. S.' Marvin & Co.'s, was seriously in
jured about the body yesterday during the
noon hour while wrestling with one of his
fellow-workers. He was thought to have
been Injured internally, but an examina
tion at tbe Homeopathic Hospital showed
otherwise, and lie was removed to his home,
i it eostcr avenue.
Wheat More Active and Stronger All Konad
Encouraging Cables Corn Moves
Up a Fraction Fork Im
proves a Little.
Chicago, Decembers. Wheat There was a
very fair demand to-day and a stronger feeling
existed, with prices showing an advance all
round, and chiefly in December, orcash wheat.
December, which was yesterday 65
under May, was bid up to-day to within 4Jo of
May price. The reason for this was a sharp de
mand from carriers and elevator men. Trad
ing largely in tbe way of buying December and
selling May. The market opened io higher,
and prices for December advanced Jc, while
May advanced Jc, receded slightly, and the
closing was c higher for December and c
higher for May than closing figures yesterday.
Cables were again of an encouraging tenor.
India shipments last week show a large in
crease, being reported at 90,000 bushels, an
increase of 62,000 over the previous week.
The export clearances were larger than for
some days past, equal to 205,717 bushels of
wheat. Receipts at Minneapolis and Dulnth
aggregate Ml cars, against 850 cars same day
last week, showing quite a respectable falling
off. The news from outside domestic points
were also quite strong. Minneapolis reported
a good demand for cash wheat there, and
tbere was a rumor that the aggregate stocks in
country elevators in tbe Northwest was only
about 9,500.900 bushels, while 13,000,000 had
been calculated on.
Com A. moderate business was transacted
early, and the feeling prevailing was quite
strong, bnt later the market became quiet and
easier. The early strength was attributed
largely to the receipts falling short of expecta
tions, and-to the poor grading ot the same, but
IS ner cent beinsr nn to the snecnlativa stand
ard. Tbe demand was confined mainly to De
cember "shorts." but at 32c offerings became
quite liberal, aprominent local trader selling
quite freely. The wet weather here and in tbe
Southwest also tended to limit offerings early
in the session. The market opened a shade
above the closine prices ot yesterday, was firm,
especially December, which advanced He, Jan
uary selling up Kc. Prices then declined
YsQc, ruled firm, and final quotations were
H&: higher than yesterday.
Oats were moderately active and easy early,
due to free selling of May by large operators,
but later trading Increased and a firmer feeling
prevailed. Prices at about the same range as
on yesterday, but the extreme fluctuation
Mess pork A fair trade was reported and the
feeling was steadier. Prices ruled 710c
higher, and the market closed comparatively
Lard A little more life was manifested.
Prices ruled about 2c higher, and the market
closed steady.
Short rib sides Only a light business was
transacted. Puces exhibited no particular
The leading futures rancea ss follows:
WHEAT No. i December. 7B$68079i80c;
January. 80XSlSQJS681c; May, 84&&o568iK
31Vc; January,
n. - ' X . . . - . . ... 'A
uiia no. a, jjecemDer. zuczzotait
20Jc; January. 2020220c;
Mess Pobk, per bbL January. S9 239 32K
69 22X9 30; March. S9 429 5009 42
9 SO; May. S3 609 709 609 70.
Labs, per 100 Rs January, $5 87KS 90S
5 S75 90; March. t5 97kS 97Ho 97k
5 97; May, 6 056 106 06S 0
. 8hobt Bibs, per 100 s. January. S4 72U0
4 754 72V1 75; March. $4 85187V4 85
4 85; May, H 954 954 954 95.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
dull and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat, SOc;
No. 8 spring wheat, 6566c:,No. 2 red. 80c.
No. 2 corn. 3134c No. 2 oats, 20J20Kc.
No. 2 rye. 41c. No. 2 barley. 58c. No. 1 flax
seed. SI 33. Prime timothy seed, SI 2a Mess
pork, per bbl. 9 129 25. Lard, per 100 lbs,
5 9Z& Short ribs sides (loose), Si 90
5 20. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), un
changed. Short clear sides (boxed), unchanged.
Sugars Cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts
Flour, 15,000 barrels; wheat, 103.000 bush
els: com. 263.000 bushels; oats, 178,000 bushels;
rye, 16,000 bushels; barley, 87.000 bushels. Ship
ments Flour, 20,000 barrels; wheat, 35,000
bushels; corn. 337,000 bushels; oats, 104,000
bushels; rye, 6,000 bushels; barley, 23,000 bush
els. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was firmer; fancy creamery, 26K17c;
fine, 2122c; finest dairy, 21624c; flue, 15019c
New York Flour more active and steady;
Cornmeal dull. Wheat Spot dull but firm,
options active, ((21c higher and strong; ex-
Sorters free buyers. Bye steady: western, 55
c Barley easy; western, 5065c; Canada,
5973c Barleymalt quiet; Canada, 77Vc
Corn Snot stronger: rood exnort and trade de
mand; options moderately active and firm.
Oats Spot fairly active and weaker; options
firmer and moderately active. Bay quiet and
steady. Sops firm and in fair demand. Coffee
Options opened barely steady: 510 points
down; closed barely steady, 1020 points down;
sales, 67,750 bags, including December, 15.600
15.80c; January. 15.7015.BOc: February, 18.70c;
Marco. 15.S0i5.90c; April, 15.80c; Mav, 15.80
15.90c: June,15.&0c;Jnly,15.7515.S0c: September.
lo.6015.70c;October.l5.6015.60c; spotBio dull
lower; fair cargoes, 19c; No. 7, 17c Sugar
Haw firm and active: sales, 1,500 bags; molasses
sugar, 88 test, 5c; -300 hogsbeadg, English
islands, 87 test, 5Kc: 68,000 hogsheads. East
India, 4c Tor JJoilo; refined firm and quiet.
Molasses firm and nominal; New Orleans
steady. Rice steady and in fair demand.
Cottonseed oil firm. Tallow steady. Rosin
quiet. Turpentine dulL Eggs quiet and firm;
Western, 28c; receipts, 4.575 packages. Pork
firm; mess, inspected, ill 00Q11 50; do, unin
spected, $10 76011 00: extra prime, $9 509 75.
Cut meats weak; sales, pickled bellies. 10 to
12 pounds, 5K5c: pickled shoulders, 65kc;
pickled hams,S3ig!9c: middles easy; short clear.
55 60. Lard firmer and quiet: sales, 600 tierces:
Western steam at $6 27K7 30. closing at $6 SO:
options sales 3,750 tierces; December 56 24
bid; January. S6 2S6 30, closing at J6 28; Feb
mary. S8 34; March, $6 376 38, closing at
56 S3 bid; May, $6 47. Butter Best fresh scarce
and firm; Elgin, 2828Kc; Western dairy, 9
18c; do creamery, 1327c; do held, 1019c: do
factory, 719c. Cheese quiet and steady: West
em, 7K10c
Minneapolis The demand on samples
tables for good qualities was active and the
higher grades mostly taken by Minneapolis,
with a few orders filled for outside milling
points. The milling demand kept prices above
the point at which elevator operators could
work, so that very little was taken for elevator
urposes excepting of tbe low grades. The
itter was dull and poor wheat did not sym
pathize in the advance of regular No. 2 North
ern and above. In some instances it was not
easy to sell poor qualities at what seemed to be
satisfactory prices as compared with the good.
Arrivals for the 24 hours were 381 cars; shlp-
uiouu, . uiunuit ijuuutuuns: .no. x Bard.
Acwiuwi.. tum, umiiuij, r;3Ci iuay, m
oquock, ?u; .no. x .
Northern, December, 75;
January, 763c; May. 82Kc: on track. TTVfiffi
No. 2 Northern, December. 73c: January. 73c:
May, 79c: on track, 7375c.
St. Louis Flour quiet and steady. Wheat
higher; market unsettled early; later there was
an improvement and the close was strong, with
December lc and May c above yesterdy;
No. 2 red, cash, 78c;Mav. 8384Wc, closing
at 84Jc bid; July, 8383?fc, closing at 79c
nominal. Corn higher and firm; No. 2, mixed.
cash,27K27Kc: December, 227Jc, closing
at 27c asked; January, 2c; February. 27Tc
closing at 27o bid: May, 8030Kc Oats-No
trading. Barley dull and neglected. Flaxseed
strong; salable at $1 27. Provisions falrlv
steady. Pork 1010 25. '
Milwaukee Flour fairly active. Wheat
firm: cash 72Kc; May, TSJc; No. 1 Northern,
82c Com steady; No. 8, 39c Oats steady: No.
2 white, 22JJC Bye firm; .No. 1. 44)f c bid. Bar
lev aulet: No. 2. 48'c. Provisions jte.iriir
Pork, $9 3a Lard, $5 8oc Cheese unchanged:
Cheddars, 99&c
Baltzmobe Provisions steady. Butter and
eggs firm and unchanged. Coffee firm; Rio
fair, at 19c
Toledo Cloverseed dull and steady; cash,
S3 60; January, S3 65; February, $3 70.
A 16-Year-Old Boy Who Wns Hammering
Two Bis Antagonist Arrested.
Thomas Keegan, a boy 16 years of age,
was arrested by an officer of the Seventeenth
ward for fighting two big Germans on the
railroad, near Forty-seventh street yester
day. The Joy, who weighs only about 117
pounds, knocked his opponents about in a
very severe manner, and when they pre
sented themselves at the station bouse their
idendity was difficult to distinguish.
Magistrate Brush will give Keegan a hear
ing this morning.
Italians Mill Troublesome.
The Italians at "Wilmerding who are still
waiting on the wages due them by Brown &
Emmery are still troublesome. They say if
Mr. Emmery comes to the place he would be
harshly dealt with. They still occupy the
shanties into which the new contractors
want to put their men. They will not va
cate until they receive their wages.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria,
Wnen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Chlldren,she gave them Castoria
',.77-JCWTSU j
iL . i -
Business Property on That Thorough
fare Brings Big Money.
The Company to Widen Its Boadbed Be
tween Hazelwood and Langhliri's.
The feature of the local real estate market
yesterday was the sale by Black: & Baird of
a Penn avenue property at a price approxi
mating $80,000. They refused to give the
exact location, but leit it to be inferred that
it is between Sixth and Tenth streets. A
large mercantile house will be erected on
the lot for the purchaser's own use.
He is one of the most prominent bu siness
men of the city, and that he did not buy for
speculation is shown in the fact that he
proposes to improve his purchase and occupy it
Owing to the great increase of freight traffic
on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, the com
pany has decided to add 20 feet to the east side
of their track from a little above Hazelwood
station to the Pittsburg Junction road, at
Langhlin's. This addition to their track facil
ities has become imperative by present inter
ference with passenger trains, which bas for
some time been a cause of much complaint
from patrons of the road. The plans for the
improvement are being put into shape, and
work will be commenced at an early date.
This improvement will give the Baltimore
and Ohio ample facilities for the prompt trans
action of all its immense passenger and freight
business, without either interfering with the
other to cause vexatious delays. It will also
stimulate building at Hazelwood, where a num
ber of houses have already been started, and
many others will be next spring. The natural
beauty and advantageous location of this place
are attracting attention to it as one of the most
desirable residence districts around Pittsburg.
The few business failures which have oc
curred in different parts of tbe country within
the past few days possess no particular signifi
cance. Tbe end of the year always brings to
the light many weak spots in business which
had been tided over somehow, and the weak
concerns go to the walL This is an illustration
of the survival of the fittest. These failures,
or the most of them, resulted from mismanage
ment. Some of the concerns that have been
overtaken by disaster attempted to do a $1,000,
000 business on a 100,000 capital. This sort of
commercial slight of band contains the
elements of its own undoing.
The conditions of trade, as reflected in care
fully collected reports from' all sections of tbe
country, are encouraging in the highest degree,
and give rich promise of continued activity
throughout the winter season. There may be a
failure here and there, but business rests upon
too substantial a basis and is too profitable to
warrant anticipations of any serious reverses
where correct methods have been pursued.
Those who succumb will owe their misfortunes
to their own mistakes, and cannot justly attrib
ute them to outside influences. A vessel that
sinks in calm weather shows some inherent de
feet. A man who fails with a good cash de
mand for his goods or products should look to
his methods for an explanation.
It is the opinion of several prominent real
estate brokers in this city that property on side
streets has about reached the limit of its pro
ductive capacity, and that, therefore, any at
tempt to enhance its market value would end
in disappointment.
In illustrating this proposition, one of the
gentlemen referred to said yesterday: "People
live on side streets because they have to and
not because they want to. Houses are gen
erally of an inferior class, and rents are lower
than on the more fashionable thoroughfares.
They are largely occupied by men getting
moderate salaries, say from S800 to SI, 000 a year.
They pay a rental varying from $20 to 25 a
month. This is all they can pay without an in
crease of income, which seldom happens, and
when It does, the tenant at once seeks a more
desirable location; Twenty or $30 a month is,
therefore, the utmost that owners of this class
of property can hope to realize. It nets them
6 or 6 per cent, a very handsome income from
the investment, bnt not large enough to justify
extravagant prices for their property.
"I had a man come to me the other day who
owns a house on a side street in the lower part
of the city. He had been getting S27 a month
for it, but wanted to raise the price to $30. I
asked him what business the tenant was in, and
what his income was. He said he was a clerk
and earned about S900 a year. Do you think. I
asked, that ha can stand an advance of S3 a
month f The owner didn't know, but thought
he could. Well, he cannot, I said, and if you
raise the rent you will drive him out, and your
bouse may remain empty for months, for men
of means will not want it, and those of small
incomes can't afford to pay what you ask. You
had better let him alone, or better still. If he is
a good, careful man, reduce the rent to 25.
This will encourage him, and he will stay with
"The property in question house and lot is
worth about $5,000, and yet, with its productive
capacity limited to 300 or 324 a year, the
owner is asking 10,000 for it. A capitalist
wouldn't even look at it at those figures. This
incident shows that the exalted ideas of some
of our property owners have nothing substan
tial to rest upon. It is not difficult to get a big
pnee for property that is susceptible of de
velopment that will increase its productive
capacity, but it is quite different in the case of
property on side streets and alleys, wbere the
limit in both of these respects has been
reached. A house so located and bringing in
300 a year has a fixed commercial value, and
any attempt to boom it must necessarily fall,
unless it should be wanted for a special pur
pose. For these reasons 1 think prices for the
class of property in question have about
reached the top, and are more likely to decline
than advance
Locnl Securities Dull AH Bound Strong
and Weak Spots.
The stock market was dnll yesterday, prob
ably in sympathy with the weather. Tbe sales
were only 260 shares. Pleasant Valley Bail
way, Pittsburg Traction and Switch and Signal
were stronger. Fittsbure, Allegbenyand Man
chester Railway also showed some improve
ment. Central Traction was a trifle weaker
and Electric about steady. The natural gas
stocks were weak, Philadelphia leading, and
closing with a small sale at the lowest point
yet reached. The rest of tbe list was feature
less. Bids, offers and sales were:
Bid. Asked. Did. Asked.
Freehold Bank , ;.., 60
GermsnlaSavlngs : .... 300 325
People's National Bk. 155 .... 155
City Insurance 31 35 .... 35
ConsoL Gas Co., 111... 38 ..
PennylvanlaGaa Co... 13 13)4 13 1334
Philadelphia Co 30 30k
Wheeling Gas Co 25 28
Columbia Oil Co 2
Central Traction Z3( 33)4 33)4 ....
Pitts. Traction 49 GO .... 60
Pleasant VaUey 22)4 23)4 .... 23M
Pitts., A. A Man ZoS 300
La Norla Mining Co... 44 1 UK
Luster AlinlUfr Co 13)4 15 Uii IB
Yankee Ulrl Mining 3
Allegheny Co. Llectrlc ... 87
Westinghouse Electric 47V 43 .... 48
U.S. ABlg. Co. - ... 18 .... 19
WestlnghonieA.B.Uo. 112 114 .... 114
Pitts. Cyclorama Co. .. S ....
Sales at tbe first call were 120 shares Phila
delphia Gas at 30 and 60 Central Traction at
S3X. At the last call 50 shares of Central Trac
tion brought 80 20 Philadelphia Gas SO and
Andrew Caster sold 100 shares of Philadel
phia Gas at 80i and 100 Luster Minine Com
pany at 14- F. D. Morris & Co. sold 60 shares
Adams Coke Oven Company at 10. 3. F. Stark
sold 75 shares of Philadelphia Gas at 30 and
80 Pleasant Vallev Railway at 23J4
The total sales of stocks at N e w York yester
day were 874,953 shares, including: Atchison,
13,520; Delaware. Lackawanna A Western.
63,000; Denver, Texas and Ft. Worth, 4,420;
Louisville and Nashville, 12,460: Missouri Pa
cific, 19,500; Northern Pacific, preferred, 5,825;
Paciflo Mall, 3,750; Reading, S),010; St. Paul,
2S.785; Union Pacific, 8.43i
Philadelphia Mtoclta.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New xorx Stock .Ex
change. xun. AHM
Pennsylvania HAHroad.
. 19S-1S
:88 SB
Change In the Money Freralam.
Enosghto GoRonud.
There was a good demand for money yester
day, and rates were firm at 67 per cent There
was plenty to go round, even, outsiders having
very little trouble to get all they wanted.
Checking and depositing were large. The ex
changes were 2,312,871 02, and the balances;
Money on calll at New York yesterday was
easier, ranging from 3 to 7 per cent; last loan,
8; closed offered at 8, Prime mercantile paper.
&K7K. Sterling bxchange barely steady at
4 80 for 60-day bills; and 4 84 for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations.
U. 8. tt,rec
U. 8. 4s. coup....
U. B. 4Kb. res-...
M. K. AT. Gen.SS .
Mutual Union 6s.. ..loot
S.J. C.lnt. Oert...I ,
Northern Psc UU.MiH
Northern I'm. M8..112M
Northw't'n consols.m
North w'n deben'a..I09
Oregon & Trsne. t.W2M
8t.L.&I.fttUen.S4 84g
St. I,.AS.k Gen.il.IU
Si. faul consols ....I27M
3t.FL ChlAl'c.Uts.ll8M
U. 8. 4ks, conn.... 1M)
Pacific to of '95. .... Us
lioulslanattanvnedls KH
Missouri Ss 1C2
Tenn. new set. 6s... VtH
Tenn. new set. SS....102
Tenn. new sct.ls.... 4..
Canada Bo. Ids St
Oen. Pacific lsta 111
Wen. AK. G., UU...11S
Den. SB. G. 4s....;. 78
D.AB.G.We6t,lits. 17
Erie, Ms...... ,.1W
Jd.lL.AT. (Jen. 6a.. 71X
Tx., Pe.UU.Tr.Bs. 84
Union Pac. Uts.....U3X
West Shore 108
Nbw Tobk Clearings, 214,171,786: balances,
$7,242,658. ,
Boston Clearings, 19,776,791; balances,
$1,886,920. Monei 67 per cent.
Baltimore Clearings, $2,098,421; balances,
330,"ao. ,
Phh,a.iexphiJ. Clearings, 18,185,638; bal
ances. 3,033,22LT
London The tmount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bank of England to-day is 100,000.
BsBxnr The statement of the Imperial Bank
of Germany shtws an increase in specie of
1,850,000 marks.
Pabis Three ber cent rentes, 871 70c for
the account.
Chicago Bask earnings were again large,
being swelled byjbuslness incident to the first
of the month. (The aggregate clearings were
18,963,000. NewjYork exchange was par to 25c
discount. Rates on money remain at 6 per
cent for call, and 68 per cent for time loans.
St. Louis hearings, 5,538,594; balances,
w , -
Room Traders Do Enough Business to Bus
sain the Market.
The oil market was strong but not very
active all day yesterday, except for a short
time after the opening, when Eastern selling
and a drop in refined at London gavo it a
bearish twist The opening was 1 0
highest 1 0,lowest 1 04, closing 1 05& A
fluctuation of c afforded a fine opportunity
for scalping, aid the trading was mostly of
that description.
A broker tailed In this wise: "It Is known
that the monthly pipe line report will be less
bearish than uiuaL This alone should sustain
the market, and will, if let alone, but so long
as it is subject to manipulation no reliable
estimate can be made of tbe probable course
of prices. My pwn opinion is that tbe market
will change very little until after New Year's,
when I shall look for an advance."
Feature of the Market.
Corrected duly by John M. Oasuey & Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Rrchanga.
Opened .J lC4ULowest 104
Highest J. 105M I Closed 105X
Average runs.!
75, 921
85, 211
Average shipments ....
Average couriers
Jiennea, xter zone. 7.&uc
Kenned, Loldon. 6 3-16H.
Refined, Antwerp, 17HC
Kenned, Liverpool, s 1-I8di
Kenned, Bremen, 7.25m.
A. B. McOrow & Co. quote: Puts, 1 0
callsM 06K.T
Other OH Markets.
On. City, December 3. Opened at 1 M;
highest, 1 5Ji; lowest, 1 04& closed, 1 Oik
Sales, 243,000 barrels; clearances, 1,604,000 bar
rels: charters, 81,110 barrels; shipments, 74,689
barrels; runs 39,754 barrels.
BKADFOim December a Opened atl 0fl;
closed at $1 05; highest. 10 lowest, SI 0
clearances, 8&000 barrels.
Trrusvnxk Decembers Opened at5$l"04;
highest, 1 05k; lowest, 1 04; closed at 1 05.
KkwYoeb December 8. Petroleum opened
strong at 1 h, and advanced to 1 0 In
the flrst noun A slight reaction was followed
by a quietperiod, and the market closed
steady at 5104. Stocs Exchange: Opening.
1 03K; blgiest. 1 04; lowest. 1 03; clos
ing El 04J4. I Consolidated Bxchange: Open-
tag, 1 0S&
tgnest, si uo.; lowest, 81 us;
Total sales, 494,000 barrels.
Closing, ii
Some Important Deals, bat Not Many of
Them Mortgages Placed.
James W. Drape & Co. placed a mortgage of
1,200 at 6 per cent on a bouse and lot at Home
stead; also two mortgages of 2,800 on a prop
erty In tho East End and at McKocsport at 6
Samuel W. Black Co. sold No. i Oakland
Square, Fourteenth ward, city, this being tbe
fifth one of those deliehtful two-story and
mansard dwellings sold since November 19, lot,
30x100 to a 20-foot alley, for $6,750. The terms
upon which these houses are sold, their near
ness to the new Schenley Park and tbeir ac
cessibility to the heart of the city recommend
them to those lookinc for a home.
Charles Somers t Co., 313 Wood street, sold
for William M. Greenlee to Horace C Cook, a
two-story frame dwelling of six rooms; being
254 Irwin avenue, Allegheny, with lot 25x80
feet, for 2,250 cash.
Black & Baird, 95 Fourth avenue, sold to
Emma Hammond for the Alta Land Company,
two lots on Virginia avenue, being Nos. 340 and
341, having a total frontage of 33 feet by 100 in
depth, for 360.
L. O. Frazier, corner of Forty-fifth and But
ler streets, placed a 51,000 mortgage on a lot
and frame dwelling situated near Penn avenue.
Sixteenth ward, for three years at 6 per cent.
To Bailroad Shares and Advances In tho
Majority Pacific Mall Strengthened
by the President's Message
Tbe Coalers Raided.
KewYobk, December 3. The stock market
was less active to-day, especially for the un
listed department, but there was a much better
tone to the dealings throughout tbe greater
portion of the day, and advances are in a de
cioed majority. The features of tbe trading to
day were the continuance of the foreign pur
chases, the heavy covering of shorts in the gen
eral list and trades on Coal stocks and the
Trnsts. the last having the look of a demonstra
tion under cover of which to recoup short
sales. The figures from London this morning
were materially higher than our last night's
closing, and as there were plenty of buying or
ders in the market for both tbe long and abort
accounts, the opening was made at advances
over last evening's prices extending to per
cent in the generrl list, while exceptional gains
were made among tbe specialties, Tennessee
Coal being up 1, Sugar 1 and Jersey Central
2. Their figures were placed too high, however,
and a material reaction occurred in the early
The stocks of the regular list, however, were
well maintained and some marked advances
were reported. Pacific Mail moving up over 1
per cent on tbe rumor that the President's
messace wonld contain a clause in favor of in
creased compensation for carrying the mails.
The Louisville and Nashville, Missouri Pacific
and Atchison were all quite strong, and at noon
the market was fractionally better than the
opening prices. .Tho usual daily raid upon the
Coal stocks was then made, and the demand
from tbe foreigners and tbe shorts having
fallen away, tbere was a material impression
made upon tbeir prices in a very short time.
Tbe raid was accompanied by a rumor that tbe
ioxe suit naa oeen aeciuea against tbe Lehigh
Valley, though no confirmation of thl report
was had.
naa. jjacaawauua auu .neaaing were
ed for sale in large quantities, and the de
cline in the former extended to 3 per cent. Tbe
trusts suffered to a lesser extent, but the losses
In them were material. Another endeavor to
cover the shorts in the last hour resulted in a
marked rally which extended to the entire list.
andSngar refineries was specially prominent
in the rise, reaching the best figures of tbe day.
Missouri Pacific at the time was. rather beavy.
and lost a portion of the early improvement.
The market finally closed only fairly active and
firm to strong at tbe best prices or there abonts.
The preferred stock of the Great Northern
Bailroad was traded in the unllst department
to-day, selling at 39.
Bailroad bonds were a shade more active to
day, the sales of all issnes aggregatine $1,702.
000, though the increase over yesterday was
perceptible in tbe Kansas and Texas lssnes.tbe
6s contributing $274,000 and the 5s 3119,000,
though tbe Manitoba 6s furnished $332,000. Tbe
Kansas and Texas issues were tbe strong fea
ture of the day, tbe 6s rising 1, to 7 and
the 6s a fraction. Milwaukee, Lake Sboreand
Western firsts lost 2, at 121K.
The'-Poif review says: TUe large offerings
of bankers' bills in the exebange market on
yesterday and again this forenoon showed that
Heading .v
Leklffb Valley .i ,
Lealxh .Navljratton. .........
Northern Faclac
North wnfscino preferred..
money was being transferred to this uaarket
either for loan or for the purchase of stocks.
These facts, as well as the disposition to cover
shorts made the opening figures itol per
cent higher than last night. There were vari
ous rumors afloat to account for tho sudden
drop in the Coal stocks, but tbe statistics ot tbe
coat tonnage for tbe 64 days from September 30
to November 23 afford a sufficient reason for a
drop In tbe Coal stockd.as they show a decrease
Of 1.250,810 tons for the five leading companies.
The experience of the last week is valuable
In showing what kind of a foundation there is
for tbe range of prices which has prevailed in
the last month. On Tuesday last both bulls
and bears bad become so doubtful that the
total sales up to 12 o'clock that day were only
96,300 shares of listed stocks, and prices were
only irregularly And fractionally changed from
the previous day. Since that time there bas
been an extraordinary snccesslon of events to
depress the stock market. Considering all the
excitement and the panicky feeling which pre
vailed for the greater part of these days, the
decline has been insignificant and shows that
there is strong support to the market that is
not likely to give away now, even if there came
a further decline in tbe Coal stocks as the re
sult of the poor coal trade.
Notwithstanding reports to the contrary, the
negotiations for the transfer of the Denver,
Texas and Fort Worth to the control of the
Union Pacific have terminated successfully,
and the operation of tbe road was transferred
yesterday to the Union Pacific officials. The
new corporation will stand in tbe same rela
tion to tbe Union Pacific as the Utah Northern
and Oregon Short Line. The 600 miles of tbe
Union Pacific Colorado lines have been earn
ing and paying dividends into the treasury of
the Union Pacific, rnditis expected that tbe
new consolidated stock, for which the Denver
and Fort Worth stock and the stocks of the
Union Pacific Colorado lines are to bo ex
changed on eqnal terms, will be on a dividend
paying basis within a year.
The following tame snows tne prices oraetlve
stocks on the New York Stock xcnsnge yester
day. Corrected dally for Tint dispatch by
WuiTNETAbTrnENBON, oldest Pittsburg mem
bersofKewKorKStocxlcxcnange. STVouxthave-
ing Bid.
Am. Cotton Oil 30
Atcn.. lop.AB.F MJf
Canadian Pacific 73
Canada Southern S3X
Central or .New Jersev.120
Cueupeakeft Ohio.... UH
C Bur. A QulLCT. ....1MK
0 Mil. a St. Paul.... tSH
C, Mil. A St. P- pr....H2S
C Bock I. A P 9IH
C. lit. L. A Pitts
a, St. J,. A Pitts. DC. .. .
C St. P..M.AO 32K
C. SI.P..M. to., or. S7
C A .Northwestern iOSH
C A Northwestern, pf. -
U.. C C. A 1 70
c a, a al, pr
Col. Com a Iron. K
Col. A BocKln Vsi .. 20
Del.. L. A W. 1S9J
Del. A Hudson 145!
Denver A Klo Q 1M
llenverABloU.. pt... 49)4
K.T.. Vs. AGs ....
E.T..VS. A O. 1st pf. ....
K-1'.. Vs. AGs. Zd pr. ....
Illinois Central.
Late Erie A Western.. 17M
Lake kne A West. pr.. 63
Late Shore AM. S 106)4
iKmlsvUieAMsshvllle. 8H
est sox
34 )b
est. 29)4
704 ax
mcuijnn central...... va
Mobiles Ohio
Mo.. KanJATexas
Missouri Paolflo 67K
New iforx Central. ....107)4
Ii. V.. L.E.& VV 27)
M. X.. C. A3U L. 1614
H. X.. Q. A St. L. pf.. mi
.!.. a ABL.li.2d pf ss
M. It AN. K 44-
A. IT., O. 4 x - 20K
Norfolk a Western.... 19)4
Norfolk Western. pf. eo'4
Northern Pacific 31H
Nortnern Paclflo Orel. 71)4
Ohio A Mississippi..... 22)4
Oregon Improvement. ...
Oregon Transcon 34
PacincMall 35
Peo. Dec. A Kvans
PhUadel. A Beading;.. 39)4
Pullmsn Palsoq Oar.. .184
Blcnmona A W. P. T.. Z1H
Klchmond&W.P.T.nf ....
107)4 107
27)4 27M
16)4 1
71 71)1
44)4 41
21 H 20H
19)4 19X
60H 60)4
SIM 31)4
74 74)4
22 sa
an an
KH 35
39 38"
184)4 184
11)5 21
St. P.. Minn. A Man. .105)
St. l. A San Fran 15'
st. Li. a Ban JTran pt.
St.L,. A Ban jr. 1st pt.
. 33
lexas raoiuc.......
Union Pacino
Wabash nreferred.
. KH
Western Union 82k
WheeUng A L. . 65H
Sncar Trust SO
National .Lead Trust.. IS
Chicago uas Trust..
, 40
Boston Stocks.
Atcb.ATsn..lstTi. 115
A.AT. lAndUrt7s. 110)4
Atch. ATop.li. K... 34
Boston A Altsny...2H)4
Boston A Maine.. ...205
C U.AU. 103K
Clnn. San. A Clove. 22)4
Eastern R. K. 6s ....111
KaiternB. B 124
Flint PereU 23
FUntAPereM. Dfd. S3
K.C.St.. A O.B. 78.121
Otrd.AL.Cham.com. 5
Old Ooionr. mM
Wls.CentraL.com... 31
Wis. Central pC... 61
AUouezMgCo 1
Calumet A ilecu....215
rranailn. 16
Huron 234
Osceola. 19
Pewable S
Qulncr -. 70
Bell Telennons . ..197
(Little B. ft 11. 8. 74.103
Boston Land SJi-
JUUiGWUlU. cum,. Jd
Mex.C.lstmtg.bls. 67
N. If. ANewlCnc... 41
X.y. AN.E.7S....I23
Vi aier rower... s
Tamarack 149
SanDleiro 19
Santa Te copper.... 1
Business Note.
The Thorn Oil Company has declared a divi
dend of 2 per oent, payable forthwith.
Ttubtt-two mortgages were recorded yes
terday, the largest being for $8,000. One-third
of the whole number were torpurchase money.
Stbange as it may appear, the Pennsylvania
Railroad was not named in connection with the
big deal in Penn avenue property yesterday,
reported elsewhere.
It is not unusual of late for the oil market to
be dull and strong at the same time. There
was a time when dullness was equivalent to
weakness. Conditions are changing.
F. D. Morris & Co. sold yesterday 60 shares
of Adams Coke Oven Company stock at $10 per
share. It is not listed, bnt probably will be.
The company is erecting a plant at Johnstown.
Tub annual meeting of the stockholders of
the Pittsburg and Allegheny Droveyard Com
pany will be held at the office of the company,
corner Smith&eld and Water streets, on Mon
day, December 9.
James W, Dhafe has been fully occupied
for the past two days superintending the ex
tensive public sale of dairy and farm stock of
tbe estate of the late Alfred Harrison, of
Shadyside and Oakland.
The Financial Chronicle reports gross earn
ings of 63 railroads for third week in November
this year $5,123,270, as against $4,615,179 for same
period last year; an increase of $503,091. For
second week November 84 roads showed an in
crease of $793,429.
Buiiob is still at work. "It is said that the
Pittsburg Locomotive Works have purchased
the entire square bounded by Water, Grant,
Ross and First avenue for the purpose of erect
ing their plant." The transaction out 01 which
this bas grown was tbe sale of tbe property of '
tbe Bakewell heirs about two montbs ago.
Only a part of it will be used for the purpose
Four permits were issned by tbe building
Inspector yesterday. II. W. Miller, brick
dwelling on Center avenue, Thirteenth ward,
to cost $4,000; Fred Frallch, frame dwelling;
Apple street, $450; L. Uelser, brirk two-story
dwelling on Carson street, near Thirty-fourth,
to cost 2,350. The other permit was for a
waeon shed, to be built by P. B. Mc Williams,
at 6800 Penn avenue.
At tbe annnal meeting of the Monongahela
Insurance Company yesterday, tbe following
were elected Directors: Wm. A. Caldwell,
George A. Berry, Georca W. Diiwortb, Charles
Atwell, Henry Hays, James A. McDovltt,
Charles H. Spantr, J. W. Dalzell. John U. Steph
enson, William Thaw, Jr., Charles H. Shinkle,
A. D. Smith, Nathaniel Holmes, H. L. Mason
and John Caldwell, Jr.
The Condition of Business at the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Office ofPIttstjuro Dispatch. 1
Tuesday. December 3, 1889. j
Cattle Receipts, 380 head; shipments,
SCO head; market steady at yesterday's prices;
no cattle shipped to New York to-day.
Hoas Receipts. 1,800 head: shipments. 1,100
bead; market fair; all grades, S3 854 00; fonr
cars of hogi shipped toNew York to-day.
Sheep Receipts. 3,400 bead; shipments, LSOO
bead; market steady; prime, fo 1005 15; fair
to good, $4 251 75; common, $2 603 (10; lambs,
$4 5036 00. '
By Telegraph.
Kawsar City Cattle Eeceipts. 8,900 head;
shipments. 2,100 head: market weak to JSc
lower; natives. $3 253 75: cows, SI 60ffl3 40:
stockers and feeders. $2 153 10; Texans, $1 75
2 80. Hops Receipts, 11,000 bead; shipments,
none; marset opened 60 lower and closed
strong; good to choice light, $3 50; heavy
and mixed, S3 603 55. Sheep Receipts.
1,000 bead; market steady for muttons and
66810c lower for feeders; good to choice mut
tons. $3 805 00; stockers and feeders,;S3 25
64 60. ,
Bt. Louts Cattle Receipts, 3,200 head; ship
ments. 200 bead; market steady and active; good
to fancy native steers, $4 204S4 SO: fair to good
do., S3 204 SO: stockers and feeders, SI S03 20;
range steers, $2 003 10. Hogs Receipts. 7,300
bead; shipments, none: market a shade lower;
fair to choice heavy, S3 5533 65; packing
grades, S3 5004 50. Sheep Receipts, 400 bead;
shipments, Vone: market strong; fair to choice,
S3 004,70; lambs, $4 S05 60.
Buffalo Cattle steady; receipts, 76 loads
through, t loads sale. Sheep and lambs firm
and unchanged: receipts, 22 loads through. 8
loads sale. Hogs active and firm; receipts,
12 loads through, 40 loads sale; mediums,
heavy and Yorkers, H 99; pigs, $9 698 75.
Aa OYerdose of Dfeseed Poultry juad
Prices Depressed.
Oats and Old Corn Steadily Advancing to a
Higher Level.
office of PrrrsBUHO dispatch,
Tuesday. December 3, 1889. 5
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Markets are flooded with poultry, especially
chickens, and prices are decidedly off. A Lib
erty street commission merchant reports a will
ingness to unload two tons of dressed chickens
at 60 per pound. It is probable that this stock
approaches the border line of good for nothing
ness. Tbere is a decided lull In poultry and
game lines since the people gave thanks. De
mand for fancy apples improves. Potatoes are
very quiet. At the meeting of the Elgin Bat
ter Board yesterday prices of creamery butter
were advanced lo per pound, and our quota
tions are advanced accordingly. Country but
ter Is dull and slow. Fresh laid eggs are not
easily to be had, and readily brins 30c per dozen
from storekeepers.
Bdttee Creamery, Elgin, 29K30e; Ohio
do, 2627c; fresh dairy packed, 22.Mc; country
rolls. 21Q22C
Beans Navy band-picked beans, $2 252 30;
medium. S2 1002.20.
Beeswax 2830c ft ft for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, $6 507 50; common,
$3 601 00; crab cider. 88 008 60 V barrel:
cider vinegar, 10012c 9 gallon.
Chestnuts 55 OOfiS 50 ft bushel; walnuts,
6070c ft bushel.
Cheese Ohio. llQllWc: New York, llci
Limburger, 9i&llc: domestic Sweitzer, il
13Kc; imported Sweitzer, 23c
Eqqs 2426c ?l dozen for strictly fresh.
Feuits Apples, fancy, 2 &03 SO f) barrel;
California pears, S3 &04 00 a box; cranberries.
Jerseys, $2 SO fl bushel box; Cape Cods, box,
$2 7603 00; Malaga grapes, large barrel. $8 00.
Game Squirrels, $1 25 f dozen; quail, $1 25
V dozen; prairie chickens. $4 505 00 fl
dozen; pheasants, S4 &05 00 9 dozen; rabbits,
31 50Q1 75 V dozen; venison saddle, 1517c ft
pound; venison carcass. 1213c $ pound.
Feathers Extra lire geese, 5060c; No. L
do, 4045c; mixed lots. 3035c V &-
Pouttbt Live chickens, 6065c a pair;
dressed, 89c a pound; ducks. 6575c ft pair;
geese, $1 251 30 fl pair: live turkeys, 10llc V
S; dressed turkeys. 1214c fl ft.
Seeds Clover, choice. 62fts to bushel. $5 O0
5 2Sfl bushel; clover, large English. 62&S, $550;
clover. Alslke. $8 00; clover, white. 59 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 fts, $1 50; bine grass, extra
clean, 14 fts. 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, $1 00;
orchard grass, 14 Ss. $1 65; red top. 14 As. $1 25;
millet, 60 fts, tl 00; German millet, 60 fts, $1 50;
Hungarian grass. SO fts. $1 00; lawn grass,
mixture of fine grasses, $2 50 fl bushel of 14
Tallow Country, 4Jic; city rendered, 4J
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common. $3 60
4 00: fancy, $4 005 00: Florida oranges, $260
3 00; bananas, $2 00 firsts, $1 60 good seconds.
VI bunch; cocoanuts, $4 0004 60 $1 hundred:
ngs, 8K9c ft ft; dates, noc fl &; new layer
figs. 14KQ16c; new dates. 7c fl ft.
vegetables Potatoes, from store; 6055c:
on track, 4045c: cabbages, $4 008 00 a hun
dred; celery, 40c dozen; Jerseys, $4 004 25;
turnips, SI 001 oO a barrel; onions. S3 a barrel.
Buckwheat Flour 22c fl pound.
Greek Coffee Fancy Bio, 232ic; choice
Rio, 2122c; prime Bio, 2034c; low grade BIO,
18K19c; old GAvemment Java. 2723c; Mar
acaibo, 23K24c; Mocha, 2SK29c; Santos,
2024c; Caracas, 2224c; peaberry, Bio, 23K
21c; La Guayra, 23K24c
Boasted (m papers) Standard brands, 24c;
high grades. 2529c; old Government Java,
bulk, 31K33c; Maracaibo, 2728c; Santos,
24X28Kc; peaberry, 28Wc; choice Rio. 25c;
piiine Bio. 23Kc; good Bio, 2K; ordinary, 21c.
Spices (whole) Cloves, 1920c; allspice, 10c;
cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c; nutmeg, 7080c.
Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 testTJic;
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight, 1SCP, Xc; water
white, lake; globe, 1414c: elaine, 14c; car-
nadine, u4c; royaune, 11c; gioDe rea oil, uts
ejers' OtL No. 1 winter strained. 46S!47e
ft gallon; summer, sutsrac j-ara oil, me.
Stbups Corn syrup, 2&g30c; choice sugar
syrup, 333Sc; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
strictly prime, 3335c: new maple syrup, 90c.
N. O. MOLASSES Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c:
medium, 43c; mixed, 4042c; choice new crop,
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, S3Jc; bi-carb in Ks.
6c: bi carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c.
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, f)
set, 8Kc; parafline, 11012c
Bice Head, Carolina, 67c; choice, 6g
6c: prime, 56c: Louisiana, 66Vc
Starch Pearl, 2Jc; cornstarch, 56c; gloss
starch, 47c
Foreiqn Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon
don layers, $2 90; California London layers,
$2 75; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels,
$2 10; Valencia,7Kc; Ondara Valencia, SVi6Sc;
sultana,9Kc; currants,553c: Turkey prunes,
4K5c: French prunes. 69c; Salonica
prunes, in Z-& packages, 8c; cocoanuts, ft 100,
$6 00; almonds, Lan., fl ft, 20c: do, Ivica, 19c;
do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap 1215cf Sicily
flloerts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12013c; new dates,
66c; Brazil nuts, 10c: pecans, ll15c; cit
ron, y ft, 1920c; lemon peel, ft ft, 16c: orange
peeL loc.
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per & 6c, ap
ples, evaporated, 9c; apricots, California, evap
orated. 14H16c; peaches, evaporated, pared,
2628c: peaches, California, evaporated, un-
pared, I9zic; cherries, pitted I3$g?i4c; cher
ries unfitted, 66c; raspberries, evaporated,
25k26c: blackberries, 8c; huckleberries,
Sugars Cubes, TJJc; powdered, 7Jc: granu
lated, 7c; confectioners' A, 7c; standard A,
7c: soft white, 6&c;yeIlow,choice.D6ac;
yellow, good, 66cvjellow, fair, 6JJc; yellow,
dark, t&ic
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), $5 60; medi
um, half bbls (600). $325.
SALT N o L ft bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex, fl bbL $1 05;
dairy, fl bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl, SI 20;
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 80; Hlgglns'
Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, $3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, $2 00
2 25; 2ds, $1 651 80; extra peaches, $2 402 60;
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn, SI 0001 60; Hid Co.
corn, 7590c; red cherries, 90cSl; Lima beans,
$1 20; soaked do, 85c: strinjr do. 6065c: mar
rowfat peas, $1 101 15; soaked peas, 708Gc;
pineapples. $1 4001 60; Bahama do, $2 75;
damson plumv 85c: greengages, SI 25;
egg plums, $2 00; California pears. $2 60; do
greengages, SI 85: do egg plums, SI 85; extra
white cherries. $2 40; raspberries, S5cSl 10;
strawberries. $1 10; gooseberries, SI 301 40:
tomatoes. 8590c; salmon, I-ft, $1 651 90;
blackberries, 65c: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked,
90c; do green. 2-ft, $1 251 60; corn beef, 2-ft
cans, $2 U5; 14-ft cans, $14: baked beans, SI 45
Gl SO: lobster, 1-&, $1 751 80; mackerel, 1ft
cans, broiled, Jl 00; sarumes, aomestic, ms,
$4 254 50; sardines, domestic. Ks, $3 757 00;
sardines, imported, &. HI 5012 60, sardines,
isnportea, Ks, $18; sardines, mustard, S3 30;
sardines, spiced, S3 60.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S38 fl
bbL; extra No. 1 do, mess, $40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, mess,
$36: No. 2shore mackerel. $24. Codfish Whole
pollock. 4c ft ft; do medium, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c: boneless bake, in strips, 6c: do
George's cod in blocks. 6X370. Herring
Bound shore, $4 60 fl bbl; split, 56 60; lake,
$2 75 fl 100-& half bbL White fish, $6 00 f) 100
& half bbl. Lake trout, S3 50 fl halt bbL Fin
nan haddock, 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut, 13c fl
ft. Pickerel, Khbl,$2 00: X bbL SI 10; Poto
mac herring, J5 00 bbl, $3 50 flK bbL
Oatmeal $6 OOffiO 25 fl bbL
Grain. Flour and Feed.
Receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 37 cars. By Pittsburg. Ft. Wayne and
Chicago, 3 cars of oats, 3 of rye, 8 of hay, 2 of
flour, 2 of barley. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and
St Louis. 3 cars of oats, 6 of corn. 4 of hay, 1 of
bran. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie. 2 cars of
oats, 1 of wheat. By Pittsburg and Western, 1
car of hay, 1 of flour. Sales on calll car mixed
ear com, new,35c,5 days,P.R.R.; lcarNo.2
vellow shell corn, HKe, December delivery, P.
R. R. Oats are tending upward, and choice
stock can hardly fall to command higher fleures
at an early day. Old corn is also firm at quota
tions. Otber cereals are unchanged. Wheat
and flour are steady.
Prices below are for carload lots on track.
Wheat New No. 2 red, 84885c; No. 8, 80
Cokn No. 2 yellow, ear, 243c; new, 8738c;
high mixed, ear. 40ilc; No. 2 yellow, shelled.
4212c; new, 3738c;bigh mixed, shelled, 41
Kc; mixed, shelled, 41kc.
oats no. -A wnite. zobc; extra, no. a.
27K28c: mixed. 2626J4c
ktb a
No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohln WKSSlcr
No. I Western, 48lSc; new rye. No. 2 Ohio, 15
Flotjb Jobbine prices Fancy winter and
spring patents, $5 005 50: winter straight,
$i 254 50; clear winter, 00! 25; straight
XXXX bakers'. S3 503 75. Rye flour, S3 60
4 75.
Milltsed Middlings; fine white, 15 00
15 50 V ton; brown middlings, 811 00013 OU;
winter wheat bran. 1112591X60; chop feed,
115 5016 0a i' -
HAT-Baled timothy. No. L tU 25011 50:
No. 2 do, S8 0010 00; loose from wagon, Sll 00
12 00. according to quality; No. 2 prairie bay.
7 008 OOr packing do, 7 2e7 60.
Stbaw oats, ft 7507 00; wheat ae4 rye
straw. e3. :
. PrsvMes. ,
BHcar-cnred haras, large, ltc: sagM-curs
hams, medium, lOJic: sugar-cured hams, small,
lHic sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 9c: sugar
cured shoulders, &Jc; sugar-cured boneless
bonIders.7LXc:sugar-cured California hams, 7q
sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8c; sugar-cured
dried beef sets, lOcr sugar-cured dried beet,
rounds, 12c: bacon shoulders, c: bacon
clear sides, 7Kc; bacon clear bellies. 7Kc; dry
salt shoulders, 5c: dry salt clear sides, 7c
Wen pork, beavy. 11 GOr mess dotx. family.
12 00. Lard refined, in tierces, 6Kc; half
barrels. 6c; 60-a tubs. 6c; 20-ft pails, 6jc; 60-
ju tin cans, ojjc; a- tin pans, nyt
', 674c; 5-ft tin pails,
e- S-i tin nailSL
10-ft tin palls, 6c; 5-ft tin pails.
c. Smoked sausage, long, 5c; large, 6c.
rtesa pore lines, vc Boneless nams.lOMc.
Pi(T feet, half barrel, $4 00; quarter barrel,
Dressed Meals.
The followlngprices are furnished by Armour
& Co. on dressed meat: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550
fts, 6c; 650 to 650 fts, 6c; 650 to 750 fts. 6K6Vc
Sheep, 7Ko fl ft. Lambs; 9c ft ft. Hogs.Sc.
Fresh pork loins, 7c
The General Master Workman at Work oa
the Proposed Amalgamation.
Philadelphia. December 3. General
Master Workman Powderly arrived In this
city yesterday from Scranton, and left for
St. Loufs to-day, in company with Ealpb.
Beaumont, of New York, and A. W.Wright,
editor of the Journal of the Knightt of
Labor, and a member of the Executive
Board. The object of the trip is to complete
the arrangements for the amalgamation of
the Knights of Labor with the Farmers'
Alliance, whose annual convention met in
St. Louis to-day.
Vice President Gray, of the Farmers'
Alliance, telegraphed to a member of the
Executive Board of tbe Knights of Labor
that the rumor stating that there was strong
objection among the members of the Alli
ance agafnst the Benights, on account of the
statement that there was a large constit
uency of Anarchists and Socialists on.tbe
roll of membership of the Knights, was en
tirely unfounded.
A New Fast Train.
The new Panhandle train, to run from
this city to Washington, Pa., arrived in the
city yesterday, and. will be put on next
Wednesday. It Js made up of a combina
tion car, two day coaches and one chair car.
The cars are entirely new, and the interiors
of them are handsomely fitted up. The
train will leave the Union station at 5:45
city time, and make the run of 40 miles in
56 minutes.
Swift's Specific entirely cured me of a severe
case of blood poison which obstinately resisted
and refused to be enred for over 26 years. The
regular medical remedies of mercury and
potash only added fnel to tbe flame. I suffered
during most of this long time with ulcers,
blotches and sores of tbe most offensive char
acter, and was for a long time practically an
invalid. In less than 30 days use of S. 8. 8. 1
was all cleared up sound and weU. This has
been nearly a year ago, and no sign of any re.
turn of the old enemy.
1 John b. Willis,
87 Clark street, Atanta, Ga
Swift's Spedflc cured me of terrible Tetter,
from which I had suffered for 20 long years. I
have now been entirely well for five years, and
no sign of any return of the disease.
Sogers, Arfc, May 1, 1889. W.H.WIOHT
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed
The Swxtt Specific Co., Drawer 3, At
lanta. Ga. au21-55-HWT
Transact a General BanMiig Business.
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits,
Available In all paits of-the world. Alto Issue
For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West
Indies, South and Central America.
This is now conceded to be the best in the
market, u witnessed bv tbe fact that we
at the Pure Food Exposition, held in Philadel
And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresh
ly roasted beef.
The GOLD MEDAL has been awarded to
ARMOUR & CO., Chicago,
For their exhibit of
Special attractions now open is useful
goods specially suited lor the
Holiday Trade.
Dealers are Invited to inspect the stock,
which Is complete, and at prices which can
not fail to impress the buyer.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel,
Morgan fe Co, New York. Passports procured.
Incorporated January 24. 1867. Charter per.
petual. Capital 8500,000. Burglar-proof vaults
for securities and valuables. Acts as Execu
tor, Administrator, Guardian, Trustee and all
other fiduciary capacities.
A. Garrison, Edward Gregg;
Wm. Rea, Tbos. Wlgbtman,
A. E. W. Painter, Chas. J. Clarke,
A. P. Morrison. Felix K. Brunot.
John H. BIrketson,
A Garrison, President; Edward Gregg, First
Vice President: Wm. Rea, Second Vice Presl.
dent: Wm. T. Howe. Sec'y and Treas.; Robt. C.
Moore, Ass t. Bec'v and Treas.; Henry A Miller,
Counsel, So, 153 Fourth avenue. de4-xWT
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Cfcicgtfc
46 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg
- r