Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 03, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Leading Features of Markets at the
Hen's Island Yards.
Choice Sheep and Lamfcs Firmly Held at
Last Week's Bates.
Mondat. Decembers. 18S9. J
The rna of stock for to-day's markets was
light, but an attempt to lift prices proved
unsuccessful. The failure to bring about
an advance was due mainly to the fact that
quality of offerings was below par.
Receipts of cattle were 322 head against
475 last week, and consisted mostly of com
mon and low grade stock. The demand was
chiefly for prime light and heavy beeves, and
these grades being scarce were firmly held.
The stock on hand was slow. Best heavy
"Western beeves weighing 1,500 to 1,600 pounds
were quoted at $4 S55 10; medium weights,
1,350 to 1,450 pounds, at 54 60Q4 75; do, 1,200 to
1,300 ponnds, $1 304 50; prime lightweights,
900 to 1,100 pounds, at H 1084 25, and common
to fair thin and rough steers at 3 253 65.
Fresh cows were in light demand and were dull
at a range of J2545 a head. Calves were very
scarce and firm at a range of 56c per pound.
Bolls, stags and dry cows were quoted at 2
SKc per pound.
Receipts: From Chicago I. Zeigler, 83 head;
L. Gerson, 83; A.Tromm, 53; Rothschild Co,
54. From Ohio L. Rusell, 27. From Penn
sylvania D. O. Plsur, 10; various owners. 12.
Total, 322; last week, 475; previous week, 433.
Sheep and Lambs.
Choice stock sold readily at full last week's
prices, bnt this class was in very light supply.
There was not enongh of the good to co round,
hut enough, and more than enough, of the
common and poor. The latter grades were dull
and slow, though the indications at noon were
that all would be sold. Best heavy western and
native wethers sold at S4 755 00: good to
choice medium weicbts, S4 254 65; fair to
medium do, 4 004 20; common and mixed
lot1:, S3 603 75. Lambs were quoted at 66c
per pound. A few very choice bunches were
sold as high as 6c.
Receipts: From Chicago I. Zeigler. 105
head. From Pennsylvania J. F. Cruikshank,
131; McCrearv 4 Bell. 19S; Bingham 4 Co., 17V;
D. O. Pisor. 13: G. Fhnner. 25; William Craig,
149. Total, 800; last week, 761; previous week,
' S46L
Light Supply of Hoci
Supply was light and market a shade firmer
than last Monday. There was, however, no ad
vance. The range for Chicago and Ohio was
S4 I0S4 20. Country hogs wholesaled at S3 70
Receipts: From Chicago I. Ziegler, 210
head. From Ohio Needy fc Smith, 301; Will
iam Smith, 98; L. K. Russell, 6; J. F. Shepherd,
9L From Pennsylvania L. Feeser, 20; J. F.
Cruikshank, 6; Bincham A Co 10: D. O. Pisor,
41: G. Fhnner, 45; William Craig. 8. Total, 836;
last week, 1,035; previous week. 1,023.
Liberty nnd Chicago Live Stock.
Receipts of cattle at East Liberty .yards to
day were 105 loads, against 110 last Monday,
and for all choice grades; prices were abont 10c
higher, while common grades were tbesamaAJ
me run oi nogs was ugui, ana prices were
strong at an advance of 15 to 25c on last week's
rates. On the other hand, advices to one of
our leading packers from Chicago this mora
ine indicate that hogs there have touched
their lowest this season, the outside rate for
the best selected hogs being 3 65. The low
prices wiU no doubt reach this center by to
morrow, as our Tuesday's hog markets are
usually overstocked with common grades.
The prediction was made some weeks ago
by one of oar leading dealers in provisions
that hogs would drop to S3 50 before the season
is out. Prices at Chicago to-day are very close
to the verification of this prediction. At pres
ent prices of hogs the margin on products is
very narrow.
The Condition of Business nt the East Lib nor
Stock Ynrda.
Office orPiTTSBtmo Dispatch, l
ilONDAT. October 2. 1889.
-Cattle Receipts, 3,860 head; shipments.
LSCW head; market steady; prime, 54 10Q1 SO;
good, $3 503 SO; fair. 62 7063 20; bulls, stags
and fat cows, SL 502 50; 10 cars of cattle
shipped to New York to-day.
Hogs Receipts. 7,000 head: shipments. 5,700
head; market fair; Yorkers, S3 803 90: selected
Philadelphiag. 3 9o4 00; 12 cars of hogs
shipped to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts. 4,400 bead; shipments, 2,400
bead; market firm: prime, 5 005 20; good,
$4 604 80; fair, S3 254 25; common, S23:
lambs, Sl6 25.
By Telecrrnpb.
New Yoke: Beeves Receipts, 4,500 head;
making 13,000 beaa for the week; the arrivals
included 100 carloads for exportation, 87 car
loads for home trade slauehterers direct and
80 carloads for the market. The demand was
fair and the yards were cleared before noon;
common to best steers sold at 3 705 00 rer 100
pounds; bulls and dry cows at SI 70"2 70.
The week's shipments included 1,730 beeves and
9,960 quarters of beef. Latest Liverpool cable
advices quote American refrigerated beef firm
and strong attcperpound. Calves Receipts,
450 head, making 1,800 bead for the week;
barely steady at 579c per pound for veals,
and at 2JJ3c for Western calves. Sheep
Receipts, 9,800 head, making 25,300 head for the
week: firm with an active trade at 45Jc per
pound for sheep and at 57ic for lambs.
Hogs Receipts, 8 400 head; unchanged for live
hogs at S3 804 10 per 100 pounds, with four
carloads sold at 4 004 50.
Buffalo Cattle In good demand for good;
common slow and a shade lower: receipts, 168
loads through, 225 loads sale; choice to extra
export steers. 4 104 60; good, 3 754 10.
bheep and lambs active and firm; receipts, 18
loads through. 62 loads sale; sbeep,?cboice to
extra, 5 255 60: good to choice, J4 905 15;
lambs, choice to extra, 6 156 40; good to
choice, 5 754J6 00 Hogs active, firm and
higher: receipts, 72 loads through, 160 loads
sale: mediums and heavy, 3 9U4 00; heavy
goods. 3 858 90; mixed and Yorkers, 3 85
3 9UL
Chicago The Drover? Journal reports:
Cattle Receipts. 15.000 head: shipments 4,000
head; market about steady; beeves, 4 SOfflS 15;
steers, 2 SOffit CO; stackers and feeders. 1 90
62 85; Texas cattle. 502 85. Hogs Re
ceipts, 28,000 head: shipments 5,000 head: mar
ket lower; mixed, 3 653 SO-, heavy. 3 553 SO:
light, 3 45S 80; skips, 2 9l)3 50. Sheep-!
Receipts, 7.000 head: shipments, 1,000 head;
market steady to strong; natives. 2 734 40:
Western, 3 604 25: Texans, 3 004 10.
St. Loots Cattle Receipts, 1,800 head;
shipments. 600 head: market steady; good to
fancy native steers, 4 254 85: fair to good do
S3 304 30: stockers and feeders, 2 103 25
range steers, 2 003 00. hogs Receipts.
2,800 bead: shipments, 1.900 head: market firm
lair to choice heavy, 3 603 75; packing
grades, 3 50S 70; Ught, 3 503 65. Sheep-
Receipts, 900 head; shipments, none; market
strong; fair to choice. 3 4C4 SO.
Brazilian Coffee.
Riose Janeiro, December 2. Coffee Reg
ular first, 6,550 reis Der 10 kilos; good second,
5,850 reis. Receipts during the week, 33,000
bags; purchases for United Statesj54,000; clear
ances for do. 24,000: stock, 220.000 bags.
Saittos, December 2. Coffee Good aver
age, 6,000 reis per 10 kilos: receipts during the
week, 54.000 bags; purchases for the United
States, 10,000; clearances for do, none; stock.
246.000 bags.
The Visible Supply of Grain.
New Yoek, Decemoer 2. The visible snn-
ply of gram on Saturday, November 30, as
complied by the New York Produce Exchange
was as follows: Wheat, 31.472,359 bushels; in
crease. L34&.303 bushels. Com, 6.204,128 bush
els; increase, 103,974 bnBhels. Oats. 5,116 954
bushels; decrease, 657.759 bushels. Rye. 1,262,
331 bushels: increase, 97.9S5 bushels. Barley,
3,992,573 bushels; decrease, 148,843 bushels.
Metal Market.
New York Pig iron firm and quiet; Amer
ican, 16 9a Copper dull and steadv; lake,
December. 14 15. Lead dull and steady; do
mestic, S3 So. Tin quiet and firmer; straits.
' Drrcoods.
New Yobk, December 2. The drygoods mar
ket displayed Increased cheerfulness. Prices
were unchanged, except on New York camlet
jeans, which were advanced 2 per cent.
Thx druggists say Salvation Oil has no
faults. It always relieves pain instantly
and permanently. 25 cts.
E. W. Hill, Pittsbnrg Meat Supply Co.,
corner of Church avenue and Anderson, Al
legheny, Pa., sold for Nelson Morris & Co.
for the week ending Nov. 30, 1889, 95 car
casses beef, average weight 614 pounds,
average price $5 25 per 100 pound. ,
All Quiet In the Wheat Pit-December
Lower and May Hicher Mess Pork
Unsettled nnd Steady
Corn Stronger.
Chicago. Wheat There was a very fair
trade in this market to-day, hut a good deal of
it was in the way of operators transferring
their interest from December into May. Under
these operations the difference between De
cember and May was widened out to 5c.
The opening was rather weaker, and especially
lor December, which declined a, while May
receded only Je, bat later recovered, Decem
ber advancing Jgc and May lKc. and closing
was Ho lower for December and H higher for
May than the closing quotations of Saturday.
The weakness in December was attributed to
the rather free deliveries, folly l,tX,000 bush
els, and some claim 1,250,000 bushels, having
been delivered on December contracts. There
was a pretty fair inquiry for December at the
difference established, and May also met with
a good demand and showed some strength.
Cables were generally firm. The reported
taking of 12 loads late Saturday afternoon in
New York for Lisbon had a strengthening
effect, as did also the prospects of a smaller in
crease in the visible supply than had been ex
pected. Receipts in the Northwest were quite heavy
again. The visible supply showed an increase
nf 1 SJS cm hnnhpli lint was rather late in be-
ing .posted, though operators had a pretty fair
idea of whar it wonld be lone before. The
nrincipai increases were uminmore, ouu. .,
Chicago, Detroit. Dulnth, Minneapolis and
afloat at New York. The decreases were
mainly at Boston, Indianapolis, Montreal, New
York, Toledo, on the lakes and on the canals.
Corn A moderate business was transacted,
most of which was local, and within Kc range.
The feeling early was comparatively firm, a
few outsider buying order being on the make
on the Ailing of the same, together with the
purchases of December and January mostly
the latter by a prominent local trader prices
advanced Jic. The market then declined H
He, ruled steady and closed Hli better than
Oats were steady, with a moderate volume of
trading in May, but very little in the near
Mess pork A fair trade was reported early
in the day, and the feeling was easy. .Prices
declined 67c, but rallied again and closed
Lard Very little "business was transacted.
and the feeling was rather easy. Prices were
without material changn.
Short Rib bides There was a comparatively
light trade without material change in prices.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Wheat-No. 2. December. 7879&78K
79Kc- lanuary. 808079K80iic; May, W
Corn No. 2, January. 30Kffi31K3031c;
May. 33S343333iic: j ul v, 3k33c
Oats No. 2, January, 20620kc; May. 22
Mess Pore, ner bbL January. 9
9 279 20(ffi9 2fK: February. 9 27k09
9 27KS'9 35: Ma v. & 6003 62U&9 6509 62X.
Lard, per 100 Os. January. 5 87o 87;
February, $5 905 92k5 905 92& May,
6 07K6 07K6 056 05.
Short Ribs, per 100 lbs. January. 4 75
i 754 72K4 72fe; February. 4 75477K
4 754 77& May. 4 954 9a
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
dnll and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat, 79
79Kc:No. Sspring wheat, 6i07c;Na 2red.79
79kc No. 2 corn. Zlc No. 2 oats, 2M2(Wc.
"No. 2 rye. 44c. No. 2 barley, 58c Nn. 1 flax
seed, 1 33. Prime timothy seed, 1 2a Mess
pork, per bbl. 9 37J9 50. Lard, per 100 4bs,
S5 92K. bbort ribs sides (loose), 4 90
5 25. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), 4 37K
4 50. Short clear sides (boxed), 5 2o
5 37X. Sugars Cutloaf, unchanged. Re
ceiptsFlour, 27.000 barrels: wheat. 98.000 bush
els: corn. 250,000 bushels; oats, 138,000 bushels;
rye, 9,000 bushels;'barley, 70,000 bushels. Ship
mentsFlour, 23,000 barrels; wheat, 19,000
bushels: corn. 294,000 bushels; oats, 201,000
bushels; rye, 6,000 bushels; barley, 47,000 bush
els. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was steady and unchanged. Eggs,
New Yore Flour quiet and unchanged.
Corn-meal quiet andsten-iy. Wheat Spot firm;
12c higher and quiet; options quiet; chiefly
switching from December to May. Rye steady;
western, 5555Hc Barley steady. Barleymalt
quiet. Corn Spot stronger and fairly active:
options dull and firmer. Oats Spot quiet and
weaker; options firmer and dnll. Hay steady
andqmet. Hops fairly active and firm. Coffee
opened steady; unchanged to o points up;
closed steady. 1015 points up: sales, 26,250
bags, including December. 15.6515.75c; Janua
ry. 14.7015.B5c: March, 15.85i5.95c: May, 15.90
ei5.95c; Jnne, 15.90c; July, 15.7515.S5; August,
15 85c: September, lo.7515.75c; October. 15.55
15.56c; spot Rio dull and easy; fair cargoes.
and active: fair refining, 5K5c; centrifugals.
96 test. 6X6c: sales, 2,000 bags China at 5c;
some lots of English islands 67 test, 55c:
refined firm and quiet. Mplasses Foreign nom
inal; New Orleans steady. Rice fairly active
and steady. Cottonseed oil strong. Tallow
easier; city (2c for package), 4Kc Rosin quiet.
Turpentine dull and easier at 4546a Eggs
firmer toi fresh; Western, 2Sc; limed, 1719c;
Icehouse, 1822c; receipts. 3,492 packages. Pork
firm. Cut meats qniet; pickled bellies, 12
pounds 55Jc: pickled shoulders, 5iC; pickled
hams, 99c: middles firm; short clear, 5 65.
Lard easier; England bought 1.100
tierces Western steam at $6 SO; other
sales L200 tierces at 6 306 32
closing at 6 30: options sales 3,000 tierces;
December, $6 206 25; closing at 6 24; January,
6 27 bid: Fcbiuary. 8 82 bid; Marcb,6 36
6 S3, closing at 6 37; April, 6 45 asked; May,
6 47 asked Butter Best fresh firm; Western
dairy, 918c; do creamery, 1327c; do: held, 10
19c: do factory, 719c Cheese quiet and
steady; Western, 7410c.
Phuji.dei.phia Flour. Wheat Spring
wheats firm, with a fair demand; winter grades
quiet and barely steady; Western winter clear,
4 004 25; do do straight, 4 304 40; winter
patent. 4 505; Minnesota , clear, 3 504 12K;
do straight, 4 254 75: do patent, 4 855 2o.
Wheat firm and quiet; options opened a shade
firmer, but subsequently reacted and closed
He lower; fair to good wheat 8085c and choice
and fancy longberry, 8789e; ungraded in
grain denot, 83c: No. 2 red, December, 79U
79c: January. 80V81c: February, 82K83c;
March, 84g84&. Corn Options shads firmer:
car lots active and strong; new steamer No. 2
high mixed on track. 41c; new No. 2 high mixed
and yellow. In Twentieth street elevator, 43c;
old No. 2 mixed, on Port Richmond track, 43c;
old No. 2 mixed, on track and in Twentieth
street elevator, 44c; dodo, in grain depot, 44c:
old No. 2 yellow, in Twentieth street elevator,
44c: No. 2 white, December. 8839c; Janu
ary, 3S?iic: .tf-eDruary,-3SJg39c; March, 39
40c Oats Carlots steady: No. 3 white. 2Se:No.
2 white. 2S$gSc: futures quietand unchanged J
provisions sieauy, wiw a moaerate aemano.
Pork Mess, new, 12 60; do prime mess new.
11 00; do family. 13 00013 50. Hams Smoked,
1012c Lard Western steam. 6 50. Butter
firm and in good demand; Pennsylvania cream
ery, extra, 27c; do prints, extra. 3438c Eggs
Fresh stock scarce and firm; Pennsylvania
firsts, 27c; held lots dnll,1423c Cheese steady;
part skims 78& Receipts Flour, 1,800 bar
rels: wheat, none; corn, 13.700 bushels; oats,
8,500 bushels. Shipments Wheat, 3,200 bushels;
corn, 13,600 bushels; oats, 10,000 bushels.
Mikneapoi.18 There was considerable
wheat delivered on December contracts but
less than had been expected, estimated not to
exceed 750.000 bushels. After the deliveries of
the morning were over, prices that had been
barely steady were firmer. Arrivals at Minne
apolis, and Dulnth amounted to L279 cars for
the two days with 87 cars shipped from Minne
apolis. The smaller movement by railroad, and
little moving in the country from farmers bins
tended to create more firmness, giving a better
tone to futures. Closing quotations: Ha 1
hard, December. TTHc January. TSJc: May,
81c: on track, 78c: No. 1 Northern, Decem
ber, 75c; January, 76Jc; May, 81Mc; on track,
78c; No. 2 Northern, December. 72c; January.
72c; May, 78c: on track, 7274c
St. Loins Flour steady: demand moderate.
Wheat higher; tbe market was rather un
settled, but closed c above Saturday's fig
ures; No. 2 red, cash, 7778c; December, 78
TSKc closed at 78Xc bid; January, 79Jc, closed
at 79c bid; Marcn, 81Jie. closed at8ijc; May.
83M8-fc closed at 83c bid; July, 79-Vg)
794c, closed at 79c bid. Corn dull; No. 2,
mixed, cash, 27Kc; December, 2792rkc,
closed at 27Kc; January. 27J27Kc; February.
27K27c closed at 275c: May, 30c Oats
nominal. Barley Nothing done. Flaxseed,
l 2a. jrruTisiuus ijuie. aim eaaj, m.u moa
erate spot business but no sales of up-country
product reported.
Milwaukee Flour fairly active. Wheat
steady: cash 72c; May,78Jc; No. 1 Northern,
81c Corn steady: No. 3, 2c Oats steady; No.
2 white, 22Kc Rye steady; No. 1 44c Bar
ley steady: No. 2, 4SKc bid. Provisions on firm.
Fork, 9 85. Lard, 92c Cheese steady; Ched
dars, 99fc.
Toledo Cloverseed steady; cash, 3 60; De
cember, 3 62; February, 3 75.
Grain In 6lsht.
Chicago, December 2. The Board of Trade
report on the visible supply of grain is as fol
lows: Wheat, SM7L0O0 bushels; increase, 1,.
343,000. Com, 6,204,000; Increase, 104,000. Oats
5,117,000; decrease, 788.000. Rye, 1,264,000: inl
crease, 101,00a Barley, 2,991,000; decrease, 00,
'Carter's Little Liver Plus.
-Carter's Little Liver Pills.
-Carter's Little Liver Pills.
SICK HEADACHECarter,iI(jttjeIlTerPmi
Bad Hoads. a Serious Reflection on
the Slate of Allegheny.
Speculative Shares Weak Through Fear of
Congressional Tinkering.
Agitation for the improvement of the
country roads should be kept up until the
desired relief is obtained. A drive into the
suburbs in almost any direction would con
vince anyone of the necessity of doing some
thing W establish and maintain communi
cation between the city and the country. It
is now practically cut off by an ocean of
mud. It has been suggested that this would
be a good time for the State Boad Commis
sion to make a tour of observation through
Allegheny county on foot, of course, for
they could not travel In a vehicle. They might
gain somethingin experience if nothing else.
It will bear repeating, that the roads through
the county are very little better than quag
mires and the man who can drive over them
with any degree of satisfaction and equanimity
is a philosopher of the best type. To let them
remain in this condition from year to year is a
disgrace to the county, beside inflicting a
heavy tax upon the people. The importance of
road Improvement is so great that if every other
means of securing relief fail, appeal should be
made to the Legislature.
Liquidation seems to be the order of the day
in the speculative markets. It is so in
Pittsburg as well as at other points and it ac
counts for the steady weakening of prices
which has been observed for some time. Thero
is nothing especially significant in this It
does not mean that there has been such a rad
ical change in conditions as to permanently
depress the values of speculative properties.
In fact, it does not mean that there has been
any change at all.
It is the custom of speculators to close up
their accounts at tbe end of tbe year, and to
carry over as little of the old business as possi
ble. To enable them to do this very few new
deals are begun in the closing weeks of the
year. This year settlements are somewhat
earlier and more general than usual. Investors
have been led to adopt this course through un
certainty as to what the policy of Congress will
be in regard to many questions affecting the
speculative interests of the country. Railroads
the various trusts, the inter-State commerce
law, the silver problem, contract labor, and the
tariff will be discussed, and existing laws
amended or new ones enacted to suit the al
tered circumstances of each case and to satisfy
the demands of the public.
With these certainties, and also uncertain
ties before them it would exhibit a very small
degree of business discernment for speculators
to enter upon the new year loaded to tbe
guards with securities the financial status of
which will be doubtful until Congress takes
rctlon. In this view of the case the heavy
realizing of the past few weeks has no other
significance than that investors are shaping
their affairs so as to be prepared for anything
that may happen. Their action is independent
of conditions.
Counterfeiters unlike most other classes of
"crooks" are drawn from all ranks of society.
Many persons of worthy antecedents drift into
crime almost by accident. A fine engraver, for
instance, in a moment of thoughtlessness, tries
his hand at an imitation of a Government note
as a mere test of skill. -Success in deceiving
his friends perhaps by way of jest, gives him a
dangerous impulse onward, and in an hour of
weakness the temptation to use his powers for
a bad end finds him a ready victim. The same
may be true of a die-cutter orv metal-worker
who makes a matrix for a coin even for the
adornment of a bit of Jewerry or as an adver
tising device. The policy of tbe Secret Service
has been uniformly to discourage everything
of the Bort.
The statutes of the United States on the sub
1ect are very sweeping, and their interpreta
tion by he courts correspondingly broad.
Where there is plainly ho fraudulent intent, a
person discovered making anything which
conid possibly be mistaken for a Government
coin or note or bond or stamp, or, indeed, for
any part of one, is quietly warned from head
quarters to cease. If the work is finished it is
ordered destroyed, and on non-compliance, de
clared contraband and confiscated. This often
seems like a serious hardship to innocent
makers of -fancy goods, but the majority of
them yield gracefully enongh when the prin
ciple underlying the rule is explained to them.
Young men upon going into business for
themselves should remember that whatever is
worth doing at all is worth doing well. The
adoption of this policy as tbe rule of their lives
wUl greatly increase their chances of success
Benjamin Franklin, the philosopher and states
man, once entered his house and found his lit
tle daughter sewing. "Those buttonholes, Sal
ly," he said, "are good, for nothing. They will
not wear. If yon make a buttonhole, child,
make the best buttonhole possible." Not con
tent with rebuking the child, he went down the
street and sent np a tailor, who had orders to
instruct Miss Sarah in the art of making but
tonholes properly.
HFewmenof any age have combined, as did
Franklin, a broad and lofty grasp of thought
with the minute attention to practical detail;
but it is this very quality of thoroughness in
the most trifling work which falls within one's
duties that gives to tbe work and to the char
acter of the worker truth and vitality.
Stock Begin tho Month With a Good Show
ins of Activity.
The stock market began the month yesterday
with an unnsual as well as unexpected spurt of
activity. The sales were 770 shares, of which
400 were La Noria and 23d Philadelphia Gas
Pennsylvania Gas and Luster entered the act
ive list, but at concessions from recent quota
tions Philadelphia Gas opened at 30 and sold up in
the afternoon to 3 closing at 30 asked and
30 bid. Very little attention was paid to the
other natural gas stocks and they were weak as
weU as neglected. Central Traction was a trifle
stronger. Pittsburg Traction was off a little at
the oueninc. but imnroved durinir the dav and
-Closed steady at something better than first
prices, iuectnc and tswitcn ana signal were
weaker, tbe latter closing off ered at 18. There
were no material changes in the rest of the list.
Details of the day's business embracing bids
offers and sales are appended:
Bid. Asked, lild. a iter
Masonic isanK
People's National Bfc.
City Insurance
Citizens' insurance....
Consol. Has Co., 111...
Pitts. Gas Co.. Ill
Allegheny HeatlngCo.
KrldgeiTater Gas
PennylvanlaGas Co...
Philadelphia Co
Wheeling UasCo
Columbia Oil Co
Central Traction
155 .... 156
30 39 35
is uk ia
30 20 SOX
-S .... 2
tS'A S3 . ttii
3 .... 48Jl
23 an ....
22 25 ....
19 20 ....
14 15 H&
WM 96 ....
8 flH
ntts. Traction.
rieasaut Valley.,
Pitts., AAilai
P. C. 4 St.L
HUB. & Western K. B.
Pitts. W. K. K. pfd.
La Korla Mining Co...
Lnster Mining Co
Allegheny Co. Electric
WestinKhouse Electric
Mon'gahela Mav. Co. .
Mon'Kahela Water Co.
U.S. A Sir. Co -
Pitts. Cyciorama Co..
Sales at the first call were 25 shares of Alle
gheny Heating Company at 100, 400 La Noria at
, 100 Pennsylvania Gas at 13, 105 Luster Itln
ing Company at 14, and 30 Philadelphia Gas at
SO. At the last call 100 shares of Philadelphia
Gas s. o. 90, bronght SOJi, and 10 Electric 47.
Henry SLXong sold 100 shares of Philadel
phia Gas at 30. R. J. Stoney sold 150 Central
Traction at 43..
Tbe total sales of stocks at New xork yester
day were 4S9.55S shares including: Atchison,
12,645; Denver, Texas and Ft Worth, 9,875;
Erie. 3,050; Louisville and Nashville, 10,015;
Missouri Pacific, 11,430; Northwestern, 4,040;
Northern Pacific preferred, 14,210; Reading,
S9.060; Richmond and West Point, i312; St
Paul. 29,375; Texas Pacific, 3,905; Union Pacific,
A855; Western Union, 7,245.
Philadelphia Mrocks.
Closing Quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney HteDhenton, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue.
jumpers aew xt
Ifork BtookEx-
PsBasytrswii Hsllrosa.,....,... ax
An Active Movement In All of tbe Financial
The first business day of December, the last
month of the year, and tbe beginning of the
great holiday season, brought with it a good
demand nnnn the banks from merchanJftand
manufacturers for accommodations and their
wants were promptly supplied, at a premium
ranging from 67 percent.
Nothing was said about money being scarce.
Checking and depositing were heavy. There
was no particular pressure for either exchange
or currency, and both were in fair supply. The
exchanges were $2,746,217 80 and the balances
393.307115. ,
iloney on calll at New York yesterday was
tight, ranging from 6 to 20 per cent: last loan,
10; closed at 10 bid. Prime mercantile paper,
57U. Sterliug exchange quiet and weaker
at 4 80 for 60-day bills and 4 84 for demand.
ClosIneBond Qnor.nr.lons.
U. 8. 4sreg 126
U.S. 4s. coup 127
U. B.4(jsreg 1W
U. 8. 4)s coup.... 1044
Pacific da or '95. 115
Loulslanastampedls 1
Missouri Ss 102
Tenn. new net. 64... 10$X
Tenn. new set. M....102
Tenn. new set. Ss.... 73H
Canada So. Ids 87),
Cen. Pacificists.. ...in
Den. &R. G., lsts...HS
Den. & K. G. 46 77H
D.&B.O.West,lsts. 97,H
Erle.Idi Itt!
M.K.ftT.Gen.is .
Mutual Union 68....100
N. J. 0. Int. Oert...H
Northern Pac Uts..ll6X
Northern Pac. ads. .1KM
Northw't'n coniOl.H3Jf
Northw'n deben,B..li9
Oregon & Trans. 6s.l03$
St. L.4 8. lf.Gen.il. 117
Sv. Paul consols I27i
3t.PL Ohl A f cists. US
Tx., Pc.L.U.1 Rs'SMf
Union Pac. lst U3J
West shore dK
ll.Jt.4T.Gen.6s.. 70HI
Government and State bonds continue firm
and duU. i
New YoBK-OIearings, 18208,761; balances
Boston Clearings S20.60S.208; balances
$2,629,268. Monev, 67 per cent.
Baltimobe Clearings, 82,327,419; balances
Philadelphia Clearings, JU305,260; bal
ances, 61,997,891.
London The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bank of England to-day is 50,000.
Bar silver,44J)d. per ounce.
Pams Three per cent rentes 87f 52 for
the account.
Chicago Bank clearings were quite large.
The aggregate' for the day was S15,95oi000. New
York exchange was a trifle firmer at par to 23c
discount. Rates for money continue at 6 per
cent for call, and 68 per cent for time loans
Oil Getting Dangerously Near to the Dollar
Line Watching the Cat.
The oil market was wak at the opening yes
terday, and remained in that condition all
day. It received less attention than New
York, stocks which broke in the morning, but
rallied somewhat in the afternoon.
The opening for January oil was 91 03,
highe st tl 04& lowest $1 02, closing tl 04. In
the morning cash oil was offered at tl 02, with
nobody wanting it. In the afternoon New
York took some at SI 03 and SI 0 This gave
the market about all the strength it had. There
was considerable pyking, but no large deals
Saturday's clearances were 1,238,000 barrels.
Last month's business is pretty well settled
up. and traders want to see how tbe cat is
likely to jump before entering into important
Features of tho Marker.
Corrected daily by John M. Oaxiey & Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Sened 1C31flLowert I02X
ghost 1MM I Closed ; 104
" Barrels.
Average runs , M 5S.465
Average shipments 75,169
Average charters . ,. 15,168
Kenned, New York. 7,50c
Kennei, London, 6a.
Beflned, Antwerp, !7Hr.
Keflned, Liverpool, 8 i-isd.
Beflned, Bremen, 7.30m.
A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts 103;J
caus, i voyi iaya.
Other Oil Markets.
Oa CTTT. December 2. Opened at SI 03J4;
highest, $1 H; lowest, Jl 02; closed. 81 04J.
Bradford, December 2. Opened at $1 03:
closed at 1 0 highest, tl 04: lowest, $1 02.
Titubvii&s, December 2. Opened at SI 03U;
highest, 1 OIJi; lowest, $1 02; closed at 1 04)2.
New York. December 2, Petroleum opened
weak at SI 02, and declined on forced tales
to SI 01& The market then turned sharply
and advanced to SI 03. A reaction followed
on Vhich the market closed steady at SI 03.
StocE Exchange: Opening, SI 02K: highest.
SI 03; lowest, SI 01; closing $1 W. Con
solidated Exchange: Opening, SI 03; high
est, $1 01; lowest, SI 0; closing, SI 03.
Total sales. 684.000 barrels. ' "
Buyers and Sellers Stop to Compare Notes
Monday's Record.
L M. Pennock & Son sold and settled a
mortgaee on property in Beltzhoover borough,
for 1,200, three years; also one for $1,400, three
years on property in Homestead both at 6 per
Jamison axiicKie soiaior J. w. Klrker, a
five-roomed brick house on Mayflower street,
lot 46x100 feet, .East find, to John W. Pool, for
S3.300. and for Robert Glass a lot 24x187 feet on
Rural avenue, to H. L. Benner, for SL600.
Black & Baird, 95 Fourth avenue, sold lot No.
239 in tbe Baum Grove plan of lots, at Roup
station, Pennsylvania railroad, fronting 40 feet
on Amber street, by 115 in depth to a 20-foot
alley, for J.2,000, John Kleser was thepurchaser.
Ewing & Byers, No. 93 Federal street, sold for
Matbew Boyle to William H. Hnnter the prop
erty. No. 78 Lacock street. First ward, Alle
gheny City, being a two-story frame house of
three rooms and hall, with lot 20x25, for 11,200
Samuel W. Black & Co. Bold for W. M. Short
lot No. IS, Center avenne. Tenth ward, Alle
gheny. This locality is coming into tbe mar
ket owing to improvements now being com
pleted by tbe Pleasant Valley "Railway Com
pany. The price of tbe lot sold was S500.
Railroad elhnree Open Weak, but Rally
and More Than Ilecover Losses The
Money Market Demoralized
Cotton Oil In Demand.
NwTokk, Decembers. The stock market
was again very active to-day, but while it was
weak in the first hour, there was a full recov
ery and a decidedly strong tone toward the
close, which left prices generally slightly higher
than those of Saturday. The panicky feeling,
among the smaller holders especially, was con
tinued into this morning, and although London
failed to respond to the lugubrious advices sent
there since Friday morning and come all higher
on Americans the opening figures were invar
iably lower, and in tbe specialties in particular
the declines were very marked, extending to
nearly 3 per cent
The announcement of the withdrawal of the
deposits in banks did considerable to demoral
ize the market at the outside of the local mar
ket for cnt loans, as high as 20 per cent being
paid for accommodations during the day helped
to check the improving tendency when it had
once been started. It early became evident
that there were supporting orders in the market
The Gould stocks were very well supported,
and tho presence of Mr. Gould on tbe street
gave rise to the belief that he was under tbe
market, which tnmed many of the traders over
to tbe bull side, and they were found working
for a rally during the remainder of the day.
The shorts went in to cover on a liberal scale
and tbe movement became general, everything
on tbe list sharing in tbe movement The
bears, however, raided the Coal stocks as a last
resort when the rally began, and both Reading
ana Lackawanna were materially aepressea on
a large business while Delaware and Hudson
was lower. The pressure was removed after 12
o'clock, and tbe entire list moved np in unison,
while the specialties made rapid strides toward
higher figures.
Good buying in Cotton Oil was accompanied
by rumors of news to come out which would
mak6 the stock cheap at ruling figures. Chi
cago Gas was bought heavily by two large op
erators and led the upward movement, retain
ing most of advance at tbe close. There were
rumors and talk of a Stock Exchange house in
trouble, but the head of the bouse was a liberal
buyer of sugar in the early dealings and little
was heard of the impending failure after that.
The market finally closed active and strong at
the best prices of the day.
Railroad bonds were quiet and generally
steady, but there was a preponderance of de
clines over advances at the close, while the im-'
portant changes in quotations were few in
number. The Kansas and Texas Issues were
the strong feature, and the sixes contributed
8215,000 ont of the total day's business of 9L
298,00a Chicago and Alton sinking fund sixes
lost 2k, at 121& and Northwestern sinking
sixes 2 at 115.
The Posfs financial article says: The an
nouncement which only came to the general
public newspapers yesterday, though it was
apparently known to a few on Saturday, that
tbe Secretary of the Treasury would inaugurate
his new financial policy by cilline in on Janu
ary 16, lOper cent of the $47,000,000 of Govern
ment money deposited in tbe national banks
Keaolnr 199-W
Buffalo, Pittsburgh Western 1H
Lehigh VaUey , S2M
Lcblxh .Navigation BtH
Nortnern Pacific ( 30ft
Kortnern Pacific preferred 74
turuuguuub tuo kwuuMj, ain wmDwii&uuuAV ruau mi oeVCBlu AV
a more severe spasm this a9rE4BganBy efjjiepotwiupebsil'
the succession of disasters and unfortunate
developments of the .past week. It is com
monly believed that fully three-fourths of the
bonds deposited by national hanks as security
for Government deposits are borrowed and
owned by estates and persons who do not care
to Bell them, and that therefore tbe greater
part of the amount so-called in will be re
tuned in t le Treasury because the proposal of
the treasury to buy the bonds is not practica
ble. But this can be determined pnly by experi
ment. Assuming that only one-fourth of the
bonds on deposit with tbe Treasury are availa
ble tor purchase, this would leave say 53,600,000
of currencv to be absorbed by tbe Treasury on
the 15th of January, In fact, the amount is too
small to create any serious disbar; if it was not
this action isn't looked on as merely the fulfill
ment of promises made in electioneering
speeches for tbe purpose of making political
capital. It is tbe apprehension of what may be
done in the pursuance of such a policy that dis
turbs the minds of financiers, as well as specu
lators rather than the amount of capital in
volved. The following tatne snows tne prices oractlve
stocks on the Mew tork Stock Kxcnange yester
day. Corrected daily for THi Dispatch by
WHrririT 4 HIIPDENSOK, oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of New Kort KtoeK Kxchanze. 57 fourth ave
ing Hid.
Open- HIjr
In i. eat.
Am. Cotton Oil. ...... 7K 30),
Atcn., Xop.4 B. r J2K S33
Canadian Pacific
Canada Southern ..... 53 53
Central or.New Jersey.116 118
Central Pacific 33 S3
CbesaneakeAUbio.,.. 24 ZH
CBnr. & Qulfcer. ....103'4 10
C., Mil. ft St. Paul.... 6S 6StJ
C., Mll.ftbt.P.. pf....mii 1I2X
C., JtockL ftp XX 87H
U.. St. L. ft Pitts
C.. St. L. ft Pitta, vt.
U. St. P..M.4 0 S2H S2M
p.. st. p.,m. 4 o.. nf. wh ii
U 4 Northwestern 108 109
C.& .Northwestern, pf.
O., C. O. ft 1 69 7ia
C C. U. ftL, pf 9 9
Ool. Coal A iron .'. 33Ji MM
Col. ft Hoctlnc Vat .. 20
Bel.. L.&VT. 1J9M 1334j
Be), ft Hudson. 118)J IKH
DenverftHlo a
Uenver&KioU.. nf... 4S 43
E.T.. Va.4Ga
E.T..VS. AG:lst Df.
& Tv Vs. ft Oa. Zd pf. 22 22
BUndls Central.
Like Erie ft Western.. 17m
Lake Krle ft West. pr.. 61
Late Shore ,6 Ai. s 105H
Louisville ft Kashrllle. tax
MlcMmin central 85
Mo.. Kan. ft Texas
Missouri Pacific 68
New if ork Central 10634
Jj. V.. L.E.& W 27
M.Y..L.E. ft W.pref.. 66)
?. TC..C ft St. u 17
ij. r., ti a st. L. or.
N.r.. C. ftSt.li.2d of J7H
N.xftN. J5 43X
1". If., O. ft W 20K
nn 17
63 61V
106H 105?
S3 Wi
95 95
67K 65
107X 106X
27 27)4
06X 68)
17 17
is" 87J
4i) 41S
norroix a western
NorfoHc Western. pf. 69)4 69)
KortnernPaclflc...... XX 31
.Nortnern Paclttc nret 73 14H
Ohio 4 Mississippi..., 21 22'
Oregon Improvement
Jregoa Transcon 32)4
PaclllcMall 333$ 34H
Peo. lec. A Kvans
105 .
Phlladel. ft tteadlnx.. 39V 29ft
Pullman Palace CBT...183 186
Blcnmona ft w. P. T.. 20 tlH
Klchmond ft W. P. T. pf 79)4 80
St. P.. Minn, ft Man. .105 106
Huu ft,saD Fran 15V jsm
St. L. A san Jrran pf.. 37)3 7!'
st.L,. ftSanr.lstpt
Texas Pacific 19 19)4
Union Paclflo 67tf 67
Wabasn IS 163
Wabash preferred )! SH
Western Union 82 83)4
Whocuncr ft L. . M CSX
Snjrar Trust 67 ....
National Lead Trust.. 17V ISli
Chicago Gal Trust.... 36 40ft
What the Public Debt Statement for Novem'.
ber Shows.
WASHmaiOH, December Z The following
is a recapitulation of the debt statement, issued
Bonds at 4)4 per cent ( 124,4100000
Bonds at 4 per cent 639,631,100 00
Refunding certificates at 4 per cent.
111.650 00
navy pension iuna ai a per cent....
Pacific Kailroad bonds at 6 per cent.
14,000,000 00,
64,623,512 00
Principal .
Interest ...
... 842,679,262 00
8, 624. "SS 00
Total 851,304,060 00
Principal t 1,847,2 00
Interest 162,037 00
8 1,999,262 00
Old demandandlegaltendernotes. t 346,737,463 00
Certificates of deposit 10,140,000 00
Gold certificates 1,433,119 00
Mlvercertlflcates 27S794,3S6 00
Fractional currency, less 83,375,834
estimated as lost or destroyed, 6,914,132 00
Principal t 764,069,093 00
Principal 1, 60S, 503,683 00
Total..... 11,617,372,419 00
Less cash items avail
able for reduction of
the debt 8421,012,227 00
Less reserve held for re
demntion of United
States notes 100,000,000 00
521,042,527 00
Total debt, less available cash ltems.tl, 096.330.192 00
Met cash in the Treasury 40,249,187 00
Debt, less cash In Treasury Decem
ber U 1839 fl,056,OSI,005 00
Debt, less cash In Treasury Novem
ber 1,1889 A 060. 950, 677 00
Decrease of debt during the month. J
4.869,672 00
20,665,616 00
Uecrease of debt since June 30, 1889
Gold held for gold certificates ac
tual! v outstanding
1123,433,119 00
SUver held for silver certificates ac
tually outstanding 276,794,336 00
U. S. notes held for certificates of
deposit actually outstanding. , 10,140,000 00
Cash held for matured debt and in
terest unpaid 10,624,061 00
Fractional currency 661 00
Totalavallableforrednctlonofdebt $421,042,227 00
reserve ptraD.
Held for redemption of United
States notes acts of June 14, 1875,
and July 12, 1832 f 100,000,000 00
Unavailable for tbe reduction of the
Fractional sliver coin... fZ2, 133, 430 00
Minor coin 102,396 00
Certificates held as cash t 33,697,264 00
Met cash balance on baud 40.249,187 00
Total, cash in the Treasury as
shown by Treasurer's general
account 617,224,604 00
Boston Stocks.
Atch. 4 Top.. 1st 7s. U5X
Wls.UentraI.com... SOX
AllouezMgOo 1
Calumet 4 Hecla....245
rranaun. 17
Huron 2H
Osceola. 1737,
Pewablc i... 5
Qulnoy M
Bell Telepcone....198
Boston Land 6
W ater Power SJi
a.x. ianaurTivs.iii
Atob. ATop. B. B. .. 33X
Boston ft AlHany...214X
Boston 4 Maine.. ...205
U.. B.&.Q 104M
Cinn. Han. 4 Oleve. 23
Eastern ft. B. 6s ...AH
FUnt4 PereM 23
FUnt4PereM. pfd. 92
Mexican Oen. com.. 1SX
Mex.C.lstmtg. bds. 67
N. X. AKewKng... 44)4
N. Y. 4 N. E. 7s... .126
Old Colony. 175
Tamarack. .....l
San Diego 20
Santa Fe copper.... X
Bnalneaa Notea.
Fdidlat, O., is to have s new market house
at a cost of $10,000.
In Philadelphia money is quite scarce, loans
befng made at 1 per cent.
Thbee new business houses have "been
opened in Wilkinsburg within a month.
Hi Philadelphia SLOOO city of Pittsburg 7s.
water loan bonds, due in 1898, sold at 121.
Thebe is no ground for the renewal of the
rumor that St. Peter's Church property is to
be sold. It is not on the market.
The Beech Creek Railroad, which was badly
damaged by the recent flood, has been repaired
and was opened for traffic yesterday.
The finishing tonches are being given to St.
James' Catholic Church, Wilkinsburg. It will
be dedicated on the fourth Sunday of this
The promoters of the La Noria mining
scheme will bold a meeting this week, and it is
said that Superintendent Davis will make an
important statement.
Thtrtt-stx mortgages were recorded yester
day. The largest was for $30,000 and the small;
est for S225. Fourteen, including the largest,
were given for purchase money.
Official notice has been sent ont by the man
agers of the Chicago Gas Trust that they will
hold a stockholders' meeting on the 14th inst,
at which dne arrangement will be made for re
organizing under tbe laws of New Jersey.
To-mobbow" the regular quarterly pension
payment by the Government falls due, and the
Treasury Department will disburse abont
$20,000,000 for that purpose. At the last quar
terly pavment the amount disbursed was over
The PennsylvanlaJtallroad reports that the
quantity of coal and coko originating on and
carried over Its lines east of Pittsburg and
Erie for the week ending November 23 was
229,873 tons of which 225,977 tons were coal and
103,998 tons coke.
It was stated in. The Dispatch two weeks
ago that tho Pennsylvania Railroad was nego
tiating for the Oak alloy church property, and
woulunrobably buy It. Yesterday it was re
ported that the deal had been concluded. The
price paid is in the neighborhood of 990,000.
This purchase makes an opening for the rail
road to Seventh avenue, where It ia probable
Poultry and Game Are Quiet aad Off
Since Thanksgiving.
Oats and. Old Corn Scarce and Firm, Otlter
Cerjeals Btea'dy.
Monday. December 2, 1889. J
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Monday's usual quietness prevailed in prod
uce lines Poultry and game are very quiet
since Thankszivine and nrlces are off. South
ern sweet potatoes are pratically out of maf
ket. Jerseys are firm and higher. Irish pota
toes are slow. There is an improved demand
for fancy apples and prices are stiffening.
Plonda oranges are coming in freely, and qual
ity is much improved over early receipts. There
are no changes in dairy products since onrlast
report Choice stock is firm at quotations, but
low grade stuff is neglected. Fresh laid eggs
wonld very readily bring an advance of 6c per
dozen on quotations below in aobblng way.
They are hard to be had at any price. Tbe
short crop of nearby poultry has resulted In an
unusual scarcity of fresh laid eyes for this time
of the year.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2929r; Ohio
do,2627c; fresh dairy packed, 2224c; country
rolls 2122c
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, 52 252 SO;
medium. 52 102 20.
Beeswax 2830c 1 ft for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, E6 G07 GO; common,
S3 60(34 00; crab cider, SS 008 50 $ barrel;
elder vinegar, 1012c gallon.
Chestsuts $3 OOQa-SO fl bushel; walnuts,
6070c $ bushel.
Cheese Ohio, Ullc: New YoTk. llc;
Llmburger, 9llc; domestic Sweitzer, 110
13c; imported Sweitzer, 23c
Eaos 2428c fl dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples, fancy, S3 03 60 If) barrel;
California pears. S3 50611 00 a box: cranberries
Jerseys S2 SO fl bushel box; Cape Cods box,
S2 733 00; Malaga grapes, large barrel, S3 00.
Game Squirrels, SI 25 f dozen; quail, 31 25
f dozen; prairie chickens SI 605 00 ift
dozeu; pheasants, S4 605 00 1) dozen; rabbits,
SI 601 75 W dozen; venison saddle, 1517c jf)
pound; venison carcass, 1213c fl poumi.
Feathers Extra live geese, 060c; No. 1,
do. 4045c; mixed lots 3035c fUb.
Poultry Live chickens, 6o65c a pair;
dressed, ll13c a pound; ducks, 6o75c n pair;
geese, SI 251 30 $ pair: live turkeys, 10 lie $
ft; dressed turkeys 1315c W &
Seeds Clover, choice; 62s to bushel, S5 OOigl
5 2 5fl bushel; clover, large English. (i2ft3, $5 50;
clover. Alsike, S8 00; clover, white, 19 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 fts, SI 50; bine grass, extra
clean, 14 lbs, 80c; blue grass, fancy, 14 Bs, SI 00;
orchard grass, 14 lbs. SI 65; red top, 14 fts SI 25;
millet, 50 Ss SI 00; German millet, GO Bs, SI GO;
Hungarian grass 60 Bs. SL 00; lawn grass,
mixture of fine grasses 82 66 9 bushel of 14
TALLOW Country, 4Jc; city rendered, 4
Tropical Frutts Lemons, common, S3 50
4 00; fancy, S4 005 00: Florida oranges 5250
300; bananas, $2 00 firsts, SI GO good seconds,
H bunch; cocnanuts, H 004 60 f) hundred:
hgs, 89c $) ft; dates, f6c V ft; new layer
figs, 1416c; new dates 7c ? lb.
Vegetables Potatoes from store. 5055c:
on track, 4045c; cabbages, $4 008 00 a hun
dred; celery. 40c f) dozen; Jerseys S4 004 25;
turnips, SI 001 oO a barrel; onions, 12 a barrel.
Buckwheat Flour 22c ft pound.
Gbeeu Coffee Fancy Rio, 2324c; choice
Rio, 2122c; prime Rio, 20c; low grade Rio,
18X19c; old Government lava, 2723c;Mar
acaibo, 23K21Kc; Mocha, 2S29Kc; Santos,
i!0K21c: Caracas, 2224c;-peaberry, Rio, 23Ji
21c; La Ouayra, 2342lc.
Roasted (in papers Standard brands 24c;
high grades 2529c; old Government Java,
bulk, 31K33c; Uaracaibo, 27g2Sc; Santos.
cassia. 8c: pepper. 17c: nntmeg. 70S0c.
Petbolbum (jobbeio' prices) 110 test, 7ic;
Ohio, 120, 8Wc; headlight, 150, 8Jc; water
white, 10Kc; globe 1414c: elaine,14c;car
nadine, Uxc; royaline, lie; globe red oil. 11
MrNEES' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 4647c
fl gallon; summer. 40313c Lard oil, 70c.
Stbdps Corn syrup, 2830c; cboice sugar
syrup, 333Sc; prime Sugar syrup, 3033c;
Strictly prime, 8335c: new manle syrup, 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c:
medium, 43c; mixed, 4042c; choice new crop,
Soda Bi-carb in kegs 33c; bi-carb in s,
5c; bi-carb, acsorted packages, &6c; sal
soda in kegs lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, fl
set, 8Kc; paraffine, ligiSc ,
rues neaa, uarouna, ot$jc; cnoice, bwq
6Vc: prime, 56c: Louisiana, 5&Vc
otabch reari.zic; cornstarcn.
; gloss
Fobeion Fbtjits Layer raisins S2 65; Lon
don layers S2 90; California London layers
S3 75; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels
$2 10; Valebcia.TJc; Ondara Valencia, 8Sc;
sultana,9Kc; currants,5$5c: Turkey prunes
4K5c; French prunes. 89c; Salonica
prunes in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, $1 100,
S6 00; almonds laa., $1 6, 20c: doy Ivica. 19c;
do, Bhelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12j15c; Sicily
nloerts,12c;bmyrna figs 1213c; new dates,
6CKc; Brazil nuts, 10c: pecans, U15c; cit-
rnn O) IK 1090 lovrtnn n..l S3 fh lfi nnn.a
T Pel. 1&c.
I'tubu f Auxxo-ipyic9, aiivcu. yvt to UU, ap
ples evaporated, 9c; apricots, California, evap
orated. 1416c; peaches evaporated, pared,
2628c: peaches California, evaporated, un
pared, 1921c; cherries pitted,1314e; cher
ries nnpitted, 56c; raspberries evaporated,
25K26ic: blackberries, 8c; huckleberries
Stjoaes Cubes TJfc; powdered, 7Jic; granu
lated, 7Jc; confectioners' "A, 7c; standard A,
7c; soft white, 6K6Jic;yellow,choice,666J4c;
yellow, good, 66ic; yellow, fair, 6c; yellow,
dark. 5c
Pickles Medium, bbls (L200), S3 50; medi
um, half bbls (600), S3 25.
8ALT N o L fl bbl, 95c; No. I ex, fl bbL Jl 05;
dairy, f bbl, Jl 20; coarse crystal. W bbl, Jl 20;
Higgins' Eureka, 4-Du sacks S3 0; Higgins'
Eureka, 18-14 ft Bockots, $J 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches &2 00
2 25; 2ds, Jl t!5l 80; extra peaches, $2 402 0;
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn. $1 001 50; Hid Co.
corn, 759Uc; red cherries 90cSl; Lima beans,
SI 20; soaked do. 83c: string do. 6065c: mar
rowfat peas, SI 101 15; soaked peas, 7080c;
pineapples SI 4031 50; Bahama do, S2 75;
damson plums, 95c; greengages tl 25;
egg plums S2 00; California pears. S3 50: do
greengages, SI 85: do egg plums, SI 85; extra
white cherries, S2 40; raspberries 95cSl 10;
strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries SI 301 40:
tomatoes 8590c; salmon, 1-ffi, SI 651 90;
blackberries, 65c: succotash, 2-ft cans soaked,
90c- do preen. 2-ft. SI 25421 50: corn beef. 2-lb
cans, S2 05; 14-B cans S14; baked beans, SI 45
1 50; lobster, 1-&, Jl 751 80; mackerel, 1&
cans, broiled, SI 50; sardines domestic, Ms,
S4 254 60; sardines domestic, s, S6 757UI;
sardines imported, s, SU 5012 50, sardines
imported, Us, $18; sardines mustard, S3 30;
sardines spiced. S3 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $38 fl
bbL: extra No. 1 do, mess S40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, mess
$36: No. 2shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c ft B; do medium, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c: boneless bake, in strips, 6c: do
George's cod in blocks 6X7c Herring,
Round shore, $4 60 fl bbl; split, S8 50; lake,
$2 75 ft 100-ft half bbL White flsb, 58 00 fl 100
& half bbL Lake trout, S3 50 fl half bbl. Fin
nan haddock, 10c f) ft. Iceland halibut, 13c fl
&. Pickerel, bbl. S2 00: i bbl. $1 10; Poto
mac befnng, 55 00 M bbl, J2 50 fl bbL
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 52 cars. By Pittsburg. Ft Wayne and
Chicago, 14 car of hay, 1 of oats, 2 of feed, 5 of
flour, 3 of rye, 6 of barley. By Pittsburg, Cin
cinnati and St. Louis. 2 cars of hay, 1 of flour,
3 of corn. 1 of middlings of mlllfeed,2 of
flour. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of wheat,
1 of hay. By Pittsburg and Western. 2 cars of
hay, 1 of bran.. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie.
3 cars of flour, 1 of bay, 1 of rye. There were
no sales on caU. Oats are scarce and Arm. The
same is true of old corn. Choice hay has been
active for a few days past, but to-day's liberal
receipts arrest all upward tendencies Wheat
and flour are fairly steady.
Prices below are for carload lots on track.
Wheat New No. 2 red, 8185c; No. 3, 80
82c ,
Cobn No. zyellow, ear, 4213c; new, 3738c;
high mixed, ear. 4041c; No. 2 yellow, shelled,
41&42c; new. 3738c: high mixed, shelled, 40
41c; mixed shelled. 4040Kc
OATS IN o. A wmte, .:; extra, no. i.
27H28c: mixed. 2626Kc
rte m
.Nn. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio. 50051c:
No. 1 Western, 4849c; new rye. No. 2 Ohio, 45
Flotjb Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
spring patents $5 005 50; winter straight,
$4 254 50; clear winter. $4 004 25; straht
XXXX bakers', $3 603 75. Rye flour, $3 603
4 75.
Millteed Middlings fine white. $15 00
16 60 ft ton: brown middling., $11 00013 00;
winter wheat bran, $11 25311 60; chop feed,
$15 6oi6 oa .
Hay Baled timothy. No. L J1125gU50;
No. 2 do, $8 0$10 00; loose from wagon, $11 00
wheat and rye
Sugar-cured hanu, largs'jOiic; suHar-cured
hams medium, lOc; sugarsured hams small,
llc; sugaivcured breakfast bacon, 9c; sngar
cured shoulders, 5c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders7!c: sugar-cured California bams, 7c;
sugar-cured dried beef flats 9c; rugar-enred
dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef
rounds 12c: bacon shoulders, 6c; bacon
clear sides 7c; bacon clear bellies 7cj dry
salt shoulders, 6,c: dry salt clear sides 7c.
Mess pork, heavy. SU 50; mess pork, family,
S12 00. Lard-refined, in tierces 6e? half
barrels. 6c; 60-B tubs 6c; 20-ft pails, 6c; 60
ft tin cans. 6c; 3-ft tin pails 6c: 5-ft tin palls
6c; 10-ft tin palls 6c; 5-ft tin palls
GKc. Smoked sausage, long, '5c: large, 5c
Fresh pork links, 9c. Boneless bamsl0c
Pigs feet, half barrel, S4 00; quarter barrel,
Dressed Meats.
The followingprices are furnished by Armour
& Co. on dressed meat: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550
&S Ec; 550 to 650 fts, 6c: 650 to 750 fis, 6KSM&
Sheep, 7c $ ft. Lambs; 9c ?l ft. Hogs 6c.
Fresh pork loins 7c
No Time Like the Present.
Taken when constipation is first noticed, one
or two Hamburg Figs will put the bowels in
healthy condition,and will prevent the develop
ment of serious trouble. 25 cents Dose, one
fig. Mack Drug Co., N. x". ttsu
A pure dry Soap In powdered form. The great
labor saver and quick cleanser, without Injury to
hands or fabric. Economical! pure and good.
Beats the world for cleaning glasses, windows,
houses, dishes, milk palls, milk cans, clothes, Ate.
Keeps moths out of carpets, bureaus, &c. See
that you get BELL'S SOAPONA-Red Packages.
R.W. BELL MF6. CO., Buffalo, M.Y,
'Blood Purifler.
A purely Vegetable
Compound that expels
tail bad humors from the
f system. Bemoves blotch
es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
JAS. D. GALLERY President
Capital and surplus 5125,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business
ore) intenM lteAin
and tinging f meat 1
iini) worfte ry
craseiunff. it Al
lowed to covtlnna
.a. iiunurs iui
tumors form mad
ITrUIMH DM CC nratrnde.wlleh often
IIUIIII1U Tl LtW. bleed and ulcerate,
becomlne very aore. BWAYNE OLNT.
ME.VT slop the Itching aat bleeding, heal
ulceration, andln moat eaaea remove the. tn.
mora. SVATaxsOiiiTHXBTUioldb7dnisglit,ormalledaj
any addrcia on receipt or prloe,50eu.atox; 3 bozei, SUS
AdlreU lMleri. DR. SWATHE SON. PUUdiloUa, Pa.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs Drexel,
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured.
itl .4aa1 atla.a n ,. .t n
i n stock options or margins in Wall st. leads to
STEVENSON & CO., Brokers
no25-TTSu 60 New st. New York.
Stocks Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chicago.
45 SIXTH BT., Pittsburg.
We Offer, it Par and Interest $500,000
Bear Lake ai.dv River Water
Works and Irrigation Co.
Bonds, Due in 1909, Interest Plylble April I
and October I.
These bonds are a portion of a total of
$2,000,000, and are issued to complete the
construction of 120 miles of canals diverting tbe
wifter of Bear Lake and Bear river into the
Ureat Salt Lake Valley, Utah, for irrigating
250,000 acres of land, and to supply the city of
Ogden and other towns with water for domestic
and manufacturing purposes
They are secured by a first mortgage on all
the property, canals, franchises and water rights
belonging to tbe Irrigation Company, Including
many thousand acres of fertile land in Salt Lake
Valley. The right is reserved to advance the
price without notice. For full information,
address or inquire at the offices of the
No. 239 Broadway, New York; No. 618 Walnut
street, Philadelphia; No. 66 State street, Boston,
Mass, and No. 27 Custom House street, Provi
dence, R. I., or
140 Fifth avenue. no2S-76-TTS
Royal and United States MaU Steamers.
Adriatic Dec 4. 3 n m
,'Adrlatic, Jan.
"Teutonic Decll, 7:30am
Germanic Dec. 18,? p m
Britannic, Dec. 23, 7 JOam
Celtic n. s.
Germaulc, Jan. IS.
Britannic Jan. 22.
jrrom hi
hlte Star dock.
root or weatTestnst.
Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates.
$50 and upward. Second cabin. J3S and upward,
according to steamer and location of berth. Ex
cursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage 0.
White Star drafts payable on demand in all the
.principal banks tbrouKhont Ureat Britain. Ap
ply to JCHK J. JlCCOitMICK, 639 and 401 Smlth-
fielrl st.. Plttahnrir. nr J. BUllCE 1SMA1C. Gen
eral Aftent, 41 Broadway, NewYorC.
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool..
Cabin passage (33 to ISO. according to location
or stateroom. Excursion $33 to 190.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO.; General Agents,
52 Broadway, HewYorfc.
J. J. McCORMICK. Agent.
639 and 401 Smitbfield SL, Pittsburg. Ps.
Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations for
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and
from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe
den) Denmark, etc
General agents, 807 Walnut st Philadelphia..
Full information can be bad of J. J. MCCOR
MIOJC, Fourth avenne and Smit&fleld street;
LOUK MOESER, m SBaithald KrHfr
STRA-w-Oats SB 75g7 06;
straw, S3 006 25.
Special attractions now open, in useful
goods special.y suited for the
Holiday Trade.
Dealers are invited to inspect the itoclrj' i '
which Is complete, and at prices which caa (
sot fail to impress tbe buyer.
As old residents know and back flies of Pitts
burg papors- prove, is the oldest established
and most prominent physician in the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
MLTDWmtCand mental diseases physical
IM L. H V U U Odecay. nervous debility, lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory,
disordered sight, self distrust, bashfulness.
dizziness sleeplessness, pimples eruptions Im
poverished blood, falling powers organio weak
ness dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business, society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches falling bair. bones pains glandular
swellings ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat'
nlcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
1 1 R I M A R V Sidney and bladder derange
U 111 linn T j menu, weak back, gravel, car.
tarrhal discharges inflammation and other
painful syniptomrreceive" searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experi
ence, insures scientific ana reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consolation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if
here. Office hours 9A.x.to 8 v. ar. Sunday,
10 A. X. to 1 P. M. only. DR. WHITTIER, 814
Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. .
How Lost! How Regained,
khow thyself:
a . a-. gtr-n-yrmgrTCT o!P
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise oat
tne terrors oi i outn, rremature ueenne, a ervona
and Physical Debility, Imparities of the Blood,
Resulting from Folly. Vice, lgnorxnce. Ex
cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfit'
ting the victim for Work; Business, the Mar
riage or social .relations.
Avoid unskillful pretenders Possess this
great work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8ro.
eantifnl binding, embossed, full gilt. Price,
only SI by .mail, postpaid, concealed in plain
wrapper. Illustrative Prospectus Free, if you,
apply now. Tbe distinguished author. Wm-H.
Parker, SI. D., received the GOLD AND JEW,
ELED MEDAL from the Nstlonal Medlesl As
sociation, for this PRIZE ESSAYonNERVOUS
nd PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a
corps of Assistant Physicians may be con
sulted, confidentially, by mail or in person, at
STITUTE, No. 4 Bulfinch SL, Boston, Mass., to;.
whom all orders for books or letters for advice
should be directed as above. anlS-67-Tursuwk.' '
Health is Wealth
Db. e. C. West's Nebve and Ukae
Treatment, a guaranteed specific for hysteria,
dizziness, convulsions hts. nervous neuralgia,
headache, nervous prostration caused by tha
use of alcohol or tobacco, wakefulness, mental
depression, softening of tbe brahVTesulting la
insanity and leading to misery, decay and
deatb, premature old age. barrenness loss of,
power in eitner sex, involuntary losses and,
spermatorrhea caused by over-exertion of tho
brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence- Each.
box contains one month's treatment. $1 a box.
or six boxes for 15, sent by mail prepaid on ra4
ceipt of price.
To cure any case. With each order received by ul
for six boxes, accompanied with $5 00, we will
send the purchaser our written guarantee to
refund the money if the treatment does not ef
feet a cure. Guarantees issued only by EmilG.
Stucky. Druggist. Sole Agent, 1701 and 2401 Penn
ave. and cor. Wylie ave. and Fulton st Pittv
burg. Pa. se27-100-TTSSu
SPECIALISTS in all cases re
quiring scientific and confiden
tial treatment! Dr. S. E. Lake,
M. R. C. P. S., is the oldest and
most experienced specialist in
Jbeclty. Consultation free and.
atrictlv . eonfldentiaL Office)
hours U to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M.; Sundays. 2 to 4 P
M.Consnlt them personally, or write. D0CT0E3.,
T a w 59 Pann ftvrt Pittshnnr "Pa
jel2-45-DWK V
io3s:'S Ocrfrtoaa. BOOT
.Composed of Cotton Root, Tansy and
Pennyroyal a recent discovery by an ,-.
'old physician. Is txuxtsxfvllv used '
mrmthht Saf". EffeetnaL Price SL br- tnafl.
sealed. Ladies, ask your druggist for Cook'aV
Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute,
or lnolose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad
dress POND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 Flfther
Block, 131 Woodward ave-, Detroit. Mlch.
.s9Sold in Pittsburg. Pa., by Joseph Flea
tag fe Son. Diamond and Market sts. te26-2
Safe tod svtwijf reliabl. lAUe,.
. uk Jnigj(irt for IHanumd Brand'
Hjin retlV metanio boxes. MJeX wiUi
4 bios ribbon. Take v othetv AH
ipllU la pasteboard boxes with pink vrmp
4C iiuunpf ror pvicauars isMtnaasOaiiaaisf
aod Misllef far Isdle" to bttsr, b? '
i-ctnra tnsklL NamPanr.
QJeboUr QvTCo .Biitlin-i S4-rBJlfc,r .
a posrnvE cubs,.
For LOST or railln',
MAN HOOD, Nervous
ness. Weakness of
RnfrAMInrt. l.V.r atinth Vlirnr ftnrf rv..-
velopment, caused bv Errors, Excesses, &c Book, .-
iuuujc ox,oju-xitaT3iicvr. ana jrroois maiiestV''
Builalo. N. Y.
iBcsivui ilvu Aaaresj .r.r.in mui;aM uj
m de237-TTS.t:Wlr JX
Ttamrr Taxx. A victiiii
of voutafal lmnnidence.a.1.
caosuifr Premature Decay. Nervous PehUlty, Loss.
dy, has discovered a rimple means of self -cure, wblcaJ
Da wiu send (sealed) rlt to his rellownnerers. j
Address, J. H. BEEVES, P.O. Box S2S0, Verr York Ci;
0tl53-TTS3O i
UADrie Ttr? i rr?Txr
Ain.JtVA0 A.IillIiI- I , .IS
For men! Checks the worst cases in thre
uaya, ana cures in nve days, .race uu, as
Ja5-29-T-rssu 412 Market street. ;
1 r, 1
fenlterlnsloratiSa etJ
' f W MHI6CU CZ JnU"ttJ,Wv V- '
ox yooLQlu v
asaavjsat fl 1MB m d njrs, rtij uwar, IVW9 .
xn-uiboolfeta iwlU -naTuiiBreoi
containing fall partlcaUrs for bom, can,, t
cbanr. Zddress.
7 &? PlJwkJ.
T. ' V
IMtf r rim
at taaaaB I ' HaaaaBa3 -aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaVaal
JL -..