"' BRIGHT PROSPECTS, r iPresident Johnson Surreys the Brotherhood Meld. N iB'UCOWING'SNEW NOTION Sullivan on the Warpath for Peter Jackson. iFOLErS INTERESTING BALLGOSSIP AL Johnson, President of the proposed new baseball league, rives some cheering sews about the league's prospects. Swing wants the St. Louis club transferred to Cin cinnati in Brotherhood interests. Delehanty deserts the Brotherhood and joins the ' League. The- date of the Brotherhood's next meeting has again been changed, this time to the 16th. rSFECLU. TXU.IGRAX TO THE DISFATCH.1 Cleveland, December 2. Albert L. Johnson, the young President of the Ball Players' League, came back to-day from ten days of hard work in the East Mr. John son returned to face a pile of telegrams 12 inches high and letters innumerable. He as in the best or spirits when The Dis patch correspondent saw him at supper to 'tnight. "So some people consider the Brother hood a simple came of bluff, do they?" said Mr. Johnson, laughing. "We will show fc them whether we mean business or not. x t have put a stack of money in this, move ment, and you can depend upon it that I am not signing five-year leases without knowing what lam about. The Brotherhood has come to stay. De Wolf Hopper said to me In New York yesterday: The moment your first came is played you are at the top of the heap.5" "Are "ou using any efforts to secure men al ready sfgned with other organizations?" was ' asked. NOT SIGNING SIGNED MEN. "None whatever." said Mr. Johnson. "Let me tell you something. 'We have bad number less applications from men who hare signed other contracts and are now anxious to come tons. If they have been paid advance money and have signed absolute contracts we have re fused in eVery instance to take them." "But you expect suits against you for signing League men?" "Oh, certainly," said Mr. Johnson. "But we have every advantage. We nave every good lawyer in the country, almost, on our side. We are able to go into the courts and prove that section 3) of the League constitution, under which tbey assent to the holding-over obliga tion, has been grievously violated. That sec tion fixes the classification limit at $2,000, and provides for the expulsion of a club payine a man more money than that. Every member of the New York Club is ready and willing to 'swear that be received a larger sum. Borne of them, indeed, were paid as much as (4,000. How is the League to get around thisT" -What was the object nf your tripT" WHY HE "WENT EAST. .'To strengthen up the clubs in the weaker cities," answered Mr. Johnson. "Yesterday we signed Foreman, the creat Baltimore pitcher, for Philadelphia, and otherwise streogthened that club. Tucker, the hard-hitting American Association man, is going to play first for Johnny Ward's Brooklyn club; Larkin will surely play first for Cleveland." "Tell me somethngof the make-up of the Philadelphia clubT" "Well, there 1s Shlndle at short, Hallman catcher, Mulvey at third, Farrar at first, with Thompson, Wood and Fogarty in the field, and Delehanty for substitute.'' "How about Chicaeor' "There is a great club, sure enough," said Mr.Jobnson, opening a telegram from Johnny Ward. "Bv the way," said he, "here is a tele gram asking me to have the Brotherhood meet ing put over from the 10th to the 16th. I shall do-so, and I wish von would say so. As for oar Chicago club." said Albert, a moment later, 1t can't be beat. There is Comiskcy at first, PXeffer at second, Williamson at short, and Latham at third, with Bastian as substitute, and Ryan, Daffy and Van Haltren in the field." JU,L BROTHERHOOD MEN. "They are all Brotherhood men?" "Without a question." "Any pitchers?" "Only Baldwin, Tener. Gumbert, King and Dwyer." answered Mr. Johnson. "How about New York?" "Well, sir," said Mr. Johnson, firmly, "we will have the New Tork club of last year, with the exception of Johnny Ward. In his place I have signed a man, first class in every way." "How abont Cleveland?" "Here," said Mr. Johnson, "we have Larkin at first, Strieker at second, Tebeau at third, and Robinson at short. In the outfield we have Radford and Twitchell sure, and possibly McAleer. Anyway, we will have a good man." "And for Brooklyn ?" "Well, there is Ward at short. Bastian at second, Tucker at first Bicrbaner at third, with Andrews, McGeachy and Seery in the field. Con Murphy, of last year's Syracuse club, is one of the pitchers, and we will get a good many more." "How about Boston?" "Well." said Albert. "I bought round-trip tickets for Kelly and his wife to the Pacific coast. The last words Kelly said to me were: Tf I don't bring back the signatures of the other eight players I will jump in the Atlantic Ocean the moment I reach Boston. " "Tell me about your Buffalo club?" "There we will have Rowe and White at short and third, Sam Wise at second, and John Irwin, Hoy and Beecher scattered about, with Keefe, Haddock and Krock as pitchers.' CHANGES IN THE PITTSBUBGS. "What changes will be made in the Pitts burg club?" "You can say authoritatively," replied Mr. Johnson, 'that only two new men have been employed, and these in place of Rowe and White, at short and third." When asked about McKean's alleged double dealing. Mr. Johnson said: "McKean was one of the first 16 men to come to my room and ask me to go into the enterprise, assuring me that he was with me, heart and soul. I asked him how much he received, during the past year, and be replied, 2.000. I said to him that in the Brotherhood be was worth $2,500, McKean as sented to our proposition, and took an oath to stand by our agreement. He came to my room six times, each time asserting his loyalty to the Brotherhood. We shall make no fight against him." Mr. Johnson was asked about the alleged combination between the Brotherhood and thn Association, and when pressed for a definite answer he said: "The talk is cot without 'foundatiom It will be one of the principal tiremes ior discussion ai oururomernoou meet ing; on the 16th. I would not like to say that the proposition is not under consideration, but I can not anticipate the outcome." . tlUABASTEE FOB THE PLATERS. "What guarantee will you give the players against being cast adrift at any time during the championship season T" "It is exactly here," he answered, "where the Brotherhood exhibits its lalrness. The men cannot, underthe terms of our contracts, be cast adrift at any time, but are signed for the season. This is a hapny contradistinction to the League, whose players may be cast adrift after serving ten days, under the reserve con tract." "What assurance have the players in the weaker clubs of roceiTing their salaries regu larly?" "At our meeting of the 16th each club will be compelled to put np a guarantee fund of either $5,000 or 10,000, making In the aggregate, of course, (40,000 or 180,000. When any club, for any reason, falls "behind, this guarantee fund is at its disposal." -How many players have you already signed?" "To be exact, IIS, and this number is made up of the flower and sinew of the baseball pro fession." Mr. Johnson left to-night on a search for Unter-State players, and will, on bis return, re main in this city until the meeting of the Brotherhood in New York. AK0THEE TEAITOB. Delehantr Goes Back on Bit Signature to the Brotherhood. rsrxcux, txlioejlx to thx sistxtcs.i v Philadelphia, December! TheNatlonal .Leacue threw another bomb Into the Brother. hood camp to-day when the Philadelphia club announced that it had signed left fielder E. J. Delehanty to a contract - Delehanty signed a .Brotherhood contract some time aco. but he Mwrites to Colonel Rogers that be lias since be come convinced by consultation with meads and a lawyer In Cleveland that the Players' League contract was a snare and too one-sided to be considered at all. Delehanty receives an advance over last sea son's salary and $500 in advance money. The capitalists of the Players' League club of this city and the Athletic club held a very lengthy conference to-day. NEW LEAGUE OEGANIZED. 'HarrUbnrc Patrons of the Rational Game Likely to be Well Supplied. tSFXCUX TELZOBAX TO THI DISTATOH.. Habresbubo, December Z. The Inter-State League was organised here to-day by repre sentatives from Altoona, Lebanon and Allen town, Pa, and Wilmington. Del. Two clubs from this city applied for admission, and after a protracted struggle the one recently organ ized won. Scran ton and Wilkesbarre, al though not represented at the meeting, are counted on as certain to enter the league. The eighth club will probably be Easton. The new Harnsburg club, which will be man aged by the manager of the club from this city, which won the Middle State League champion ship this year, will expend about 85,000 to put the large island in the Susquehanna river In proper condition tor baseball playing. Two clubs in this city are among the probabilities. SWING'S K0TI0IT. Back Wants the St. Lonis Clnb In Cincin nati, rSFECIAI, TZUQBAX TO TBI DISPATCH.! CINCINNATI, December 1 Captain Jswmg's idea is to transfer the St Louis team here, and drop that city out of baseball altogether. "lam not itching for any fight, but I am not afraid of one," declared President Stem. Hf the Brotherhood wants to put a club In here let them go ahead. But they won't do any such thing. I have the document that proves Ewing a falsifier. He said the Brotherhood had Hoi lidav. That's a lie." . , , "What do you think of the consolidation schemer" "I wish they would do that H the Associa tion cracks the national agreement well, there are three or four players I'd like to have." ME. SMITH RETURNS. He Failed to Capture Bis Game for the Local Clnb. H. T. Smith, who has been out trying to sign players for the local League club, returned home yesterday. Mr. Smith's mission was not of the most successful kind, because he cap tured neither Staley nbr Beckley. It is more than likely that the two latter are destined for the Players' club. If Staley is true to his many promises and pledges he certainly will be in the Brotherhood team here. Mr. Smith has signed many youngsters, and is confident that they will make a good sbow ir.c However, it seems safe to say that it will take more than youngsters to cope against Cincinnati, Brooklyn, or even a mixture of Baltimore and Washington. TAN HALTEEN AND LATHAM Sign Contracts to Play With the Brother hood White Stocking; Tram. Chicago, December 2. Van Haltren has signed a "Brotherhood contract, and will be a member of the Chicago Players' Leaeue team next season. His sienature was obtained by John Morrill, of the Bostons, in California, ana the announcement that Van had joined "the boys" was made by President Weidenfelter, at a meeting of the directors of the White Stock ings this evening. The annonncement created no little enthu siasm, inasmuch as It was shortly after fol lowed by the contract of the only Arlie Latham, which was received by mall from Denver, Signed With Indianapolis. ISFICLAL TELEQBAX TO THX DISPATCK.1 Canton, O.. December 2. Charles Miller, of this city, released by the Baltimores, has signed to play center field for the Indianapolis League team. Manager Harrington, of last year's Can ton tean, has tacked his name to a contract to manage the Bvansvilie, lniL. team next season. JUMPEE PEINAUD DEAD. He Succumbs to Injuries Received Friday at New Orleans. rEFECXAI, TELZORAM TO TBX DISrATCB.1 New Obleans. December 2. Bapttste Pey naud, the great jumper, died here this morn ing from injuries received on Friday night while jumping from a tower 150 feet high. Fey naud had been making these dangerous leaps for the past 15 years. He was bom in Mar seilles. France, in 1852. When a boy he joined a traveling circus as trapeze performer. He first conceived the idea ot jumping from lofty heights by lumping from a trapeze into a net He gradually increased the height and being successful in bis experiments, aban doned the circus and took to jumping. He traveled all throueh Europe, and at -times would jump from places 200 feet in heigh. He visited Paris last summer, and astounded the Parisians by announcing that he would jnmp from the Eiffel tower. The Government, how ever, interfered, and Peynaud was compelled to abandon the idea. Peynaud married in Paris, during the exposi tion, and with bis bride came to America All last summer he jumped at different resorts around New York. Friday night was very foggy and damp, and when Peynaud sprang from the tower be could not see the net below distinctly enough. He struck on his neck in stead of on his shoulder, and was picked up unconscious, and finally died. WANTS PDLDA TO SPEAK. J. L. Salllvan Anxious to Hear From the Clnb President. . Boston, December 2. John L. Sullivan is as anxious as any of the sporting men to know If he and Jackson are to be permitted to meet in the ring. When asked to-day what he thought of the prospects, he replied: "Do I think there will be a fight? How can 1 say? I know I want to fight and will do all in my power to get one on. But I can't fight alone, lacksonmnst be consulted. I wont fight for 10,000. lean get $30,000 for the same amount of work, and that's the way things look to me just now. I've never heard officially from the California Clulfe but if it is true that they've hung up the nigeardly snm first mentioned I will say that I think they desire an unfair advantage of Jack son. If the fight is worth $30,000 to one club, it is worth something like that amount to an other, and no club in the world can afford to offer so liberal a purse as the California. If Jackson wants to fight me, let him tell the California people so. I'd as lief fight there as elsewhere, and if they will offer a suitable purse, the earlier the date the better. But I'm in this for money. I wouldn't fight him If 1 didn't want it; and I want to fight where I can get the most of it Why doesn't President Fulda speak np, anyhow? Let's hear what he has to say." TOO GOOD FOE GOLDEN. The Saratoga Ped Thinks the Christmas Race Too Hard. Manager Davis, who is promoting the local, 72-hour race, received a letter from Peter Golden and one from George Noremac yester day. The former states that he is not inclined to start in the race, because it will be "too severe." He says: "There are five atleast who are training hard for it and as I am not in first class condition 1 know I cannot get into money. The race will be a hard one, butl don't think Noremac will win it" Noremac wrote to request that the track be surveyed, as Hegelman recently had broken a 45-hour record at Salem and It couldn't count because there was no certificate as to the dis tance of the track. "1 am certain," said Nore mac, "that Hegelman broke all records of is hours, but as the track was not surveyed by the proper people his marks did not count I feel confident the record will be broken at Pitts burg during the Christmas week. The best of us are in gQod condition, and 1 have just bet Howartb's backer 1100 that I beat Howartb. Some of us may break down, but I think I'll stay." XILRAIN LEATES FOE THE SOUTH. His Friends Anxious to Back Him Against Salllvan Again. ISFZCXJX TELEOKAM TO THE DISM.TCH.I Baltikobe, December 2. Jake Eilraln, ac companied by his manager. Doc Adler, left this afternoon, at 2 o'clock, for Mississippi City, whets his trial takes place next Monday. That his friends have still creat faith in Jake's prowess is shown by a proposition to back him for another fight with Sul livan. This fact is not generally known, and only leaked out this afternoon. The offer was made on Saturday by Frank Stevenson, Kilrain's backer in the Sullivan fight, who arrived from New York early in the morning, and left again on the noon train. His Eresence here was unknown to any one except lgKllrain. Stevenson told Jake that his friends had still unbounded confidence In him, and that they were ready again to back him against the big fellow. The stake proposed was 15,000. Miller and McClelland. McClelland Is still negotiating with Miller relative to their proposed race. Yesterday Miller wired to the Pittsburger to the effect that the latter can have 118 expenses to run in Philadelphia. McClelland accepted, so that the match seen as goes -as made. Vi 4 ' JTTTr. REFORM IN THE LAWS Considered Necessary by Gladstone to Meet the Country's Demands. PH0BLEMS IN ENGLISH POLITICS Discussed by the Grand Old Man, Who Takes Hopeful Yiews of the Future. A CATHOLIC COLLEGE FOB IEELAND. The Terms on Which Great Britain is Willing to Endow the Institution. Mr. Gladstone made a speech at Man chester yesterday in which he discussed problems of state with his usual eloquence. He alluded to his approaching 80th birth day, and touchingly said that he would hare no part in many future great reforms. London, December 2. The meetings of the Liberals began in Manchester to day. Mr. Gladstone was present, and delivered an address in Free Trade Hall. In the course of his ad dress he said that the local government bill did not meet the legitimate deuands or the country. He advocated the granting to county councils powers of taxation, the con trol of the police and the liquor traffic, the care of the poor, power to deal with the question of ground rents and to form dis trict councils, as he would possibly go fur ther and establish the parish principle of government, and thus convey to the rural population the first elementsjof their public education, and create a sense of public dnty which is the highest aim of a statesman. THE QUESTIONS OF THE HOUB. Mr. Gladstone said that since 1885 there had been an enormous stimulus to the pub lic in regard to dwellings for the poor, en franchisement, leaseholds, crofter legisla tion, shorter Parliaments, the disestablish ment of the church in Scotland and "Wales, the currency and the House of Iiords. The provisions for direct Scottish and Welsh home rule, Mr. Gladstone said, must be dealt with by future Parliaments. He referred to his approaching eightieth birth day, and said it was not probable that he should have a direct interest in many future great reforms. When the idea of evolution, especially with reference to Irish affairs, should become more familiar. Parliament would be able to address itself to the dis charge of its duties and would be relieved of an intolerable burden. A PBOBLEM UC 8TATECBAFT. The state of affairs in the Turkish Empire, Mr. Gladstone said, is again before the En glish people. The transactions in Crete and Armenia are dissatisfying, and incidents have occurred which require to be brought home to the consciences of the British peo ple. It was difficult to deal with Turkey. He trusted that the Government would not use honeyed words in matters involving property, liberty, life and female honor. The country would not admit apologies and palliations lor cruelties and wickedness. Mr. Gladstone predicted a Liberal victory at the next election for members of Parlia ment. He advocated an amendment to the registration laws removing the anomaly of a plurality of votes, and the establishment of a system of one vote for one man. A COLLEGE FOE IEELAND. Balfour" Names the Terms oa Which the Boon Will be Granted. Glasgow, December 2. Mr. Balfour, the Chief Secretary for Ireland, in his speech here to-day, set forth the ideas of the Gov ernment on the subject of a proposed Irish College. He proposes that Government aid shall be given to a Catholic college in which the regular curriculum shall be given, in cluding the classics and mathematics; but that the Government shall not endow any institution for teaching theology in Ireland. Mr. Balfour declared, however, that he would never advise his colleagues in the ministry to embark upon this arduous en terprise unless the following absolutely nec essary conditions were fulfilled: That the boon be cordially accepted; that the offer be not nsed aaapohtical weapon in Parliament; that English, Scotch and Irish shall all con cur in oSering this boon. he confessed he saw no likelihood that it would be accepted with these conditions. It was never any part of his intention that government should endow a Catholic theo logical chair. His only purpose had been to equip the necessary chairs for the study of literature, science, medicine and law. He believed that founding a complete uni versity would be fatal to higher education in Ireland, because it would remove the competition between Catholics and Pro testants. DINAHITEDNDEE HIS FEr. How Conspirators Planned to Kill the Hun garian Prime Minister. Vienna, December 2. An important discovery has been made by the police in re gard to the.details of the-plot to assassinate the Hnngarian Prime Minister Tisa. Four men were designated by the conspirators to place dynamite beneath the pavement, with such connections that it could be exploded under the feet of the Minister as he passed in or out The Minister's life was saved by the fact that a member of the opposition was let into the secret by the conspirators and succeeded in persuading them to abandon their plan. THE BULLS WOULDN'T FIGHT, And the Mexicans Turned In and Raited a Bow Themselves. Citt op Mexico, December 2. There was a riot at the bull ring at Paseo yester day because the bulls were bad. The peo ple, indignant at the tameness of the show, hooted the bull fighters and nearly demol ished the amphitheater. The police being unable to manage the crowd, were reinforced by the military. Some arrests were made, but there was no blood shed. OFF TO MEET STANLEY. A Jadse Sails With a Man-of- War to Bring; Back the Explorer. London, December 2. Judge Cracknell, of the Consular Court at Zanzibar, will sail for Bagamoyo to-morrow on the British man-of-war Turquoise to meet Stanley and Emin Bey in his official character, and to accompany them to England. Railroad Builders Start for Africa. Anxwebp, December 2. The officers who will have charge of the constrnction of the new Congo railway sailed hence to-day. They were accompanied by several engi neers and a large force of workmen. BRANCH EOAD FROM BEDFORD. McKecsport to Enjoy the Benefit of a Minia ture Park. A party of civil engineers of the Baltimore and Ohio road yesterday started for Hynd man to locate lines for the proposed branch of the Baltimore and Ohio to Bedford from Hynd man. The company is abont to tnrti the large triangular piece of land at the McKeesport station into a park. The property has a frontage of 300 feet on Fifth avenue. At E resent the McKeesport offices are on this md, but they will shortly be transferred to the new freight depot. The Best Record on a Wheel. Chicago, December 2. Tom Boo, the bicy clist, arrived here to-day from San FranAsco after making the entire rnn by wheel and beat ing the best similar record by 21 hours and 13 minutes. The Journey began September 23 and Mded this af taiBooat 13 o'clock. nwm vks HTTSBURG' DISPXTOHT AN AE1E TO A I0RTDNE. One Pound on Trey Hill Part of a large Estate Waiting oa Him la Ireland Accidentally Discovered by a loiter. Mayor McCallin yesterday rerelved a let ter from George "W. Gault, dated Louisville, Ky., in which he asks for the whereabouts of a certain Hugh McCaw, on behalf of bis brother Bobert, The former was supposed to have settled in or near Pittsburg some years ago, and hishrother is naturally-anxious to learn of his location. The letter goes on to state that (no expense or trouble should be spared to find the missing man, and requests the flavor to use his utmost vigilance in looking np the case. Without usurping the office of the Mayor, or in any manner taking the palm from the Department of Public Safety a quiet in vestigation was made by a Dispatch re porter, and finding John McCaw, of Troy Hill, Allegheny, the fact,cropped out there is a large property in dispute for which the heirs are wanted. The original MoCaws lived near Belfast, Ireland, and br patient industry made a large fortune. With the usual results of a large increase in family they separated, and some songht the world of the West, as it was known ia Ireland many years ago. The two brothers, Hugh and Bobert, reached New Tork some" 14 years ago and were accidentally separated, since which time they have never met. Bobert is a well-to-do business man in Louisville, Ky., whence the inquiry for his brother origin ates, but the tact that a very handsome legacy is in store for the McCaws has caused a diligent inquiry among the members of the family. A telegram from Toronto, Canada, shows that Hugh McCaw did a merchant tailoring business on Queen street in that city several years ago, but has since been lost sight of. He was a very prominent member of the Orange order in that city, and it is thought has either retired or left the city. The rumors regarding the inquiry place the estate to which heirs are wanted at from 200,000 to 5500,000. The inquiry has naturally called up all the McCaws in North America. A COSTLY INTERMENT. Chief Bljtrlow's Estlmntes oa the Obsequies of tho Overhead Wires. Some very interesting statistics have been compiled by Chief Bigelow, of the Depart ment of Pnblic Works, on the motion of Councils which referred to him the estimate of the cost of introducing the underground system of telegraphy aud light service. Among other figures he intends to present to the Councils, he will include the total amount of wires that are strung up along the streets in the district bounded by Water, Grant and Eleventh streets and Dnquesne way. He has already completed the figures showing how many telegraph and electric light poles are standing with in the same limits. The total num ber is 1,090, of which the East End Electric Light Company has 418; Western Union Telegraph Company, 186; Pennsylvania Railroad and Pennsvlvania Comnany, 40; Central District Telephone Company, 148; Postal Telegraph Company, 8; B. & O. Telegraph Company, 22; Phila delphia Natural Gas Company, 42; Second Avenue Electric Kailway Company, 132 iron poles; Pleasant Valley Electrio Bail way Company, 94 iron poles. These poles, said Dr. Bigelow, hare a value of from $25 to $50 each, and if they were replaced with the subway system the first cost might be great, bnt there would be no expense in replacing them, as there is every lew years in replacing the poles. The question o? poles at least enters into the question of the expense in the matter. THE 1TEEESP0ET P0ST0FFICE. There Are Many la the Race and Anyone May Get There. The candidates for the McKeesport post office are as follows: W. E. Thompson, Jo seph A. Stone, W. E. Harrison, Bobert Smiley, C. E. Patterson and Jerre A, Mell-,1 inger. The hot fight has narrowed down to Stone and Thompson, and old politicians there think that it will be a dark horse in the person of Bobert Smilev who will secure the appointment While Stone and his friends are at "Washington, Thompson, Harrison and Smiley are working quietly through their respective influential friends, namely, Magee, Dalzell, Bayne and Wanamaker. It is claimed by old Republicans that Stone has at all times been of great financial aid to the party at both his home and in the county. The fight appears to be between him and Thompson. THEI TOOK LEATE OF THEIE SENSES. Huncnrlans at Wllmerdlng Get Mad Tboasht They Wouldn't Be Paid. What threatened at one time to become a serions riot occurred yesterday morning at Wil merding The work of one of the con tractors had been taken out of his hands and given to Bidge and Stewart to com plete. The contractor had not paid the Hun garians employed on the work, and they looked upon the transference of the job to other hands as a scheme to defraud them of their wages. They became enraged at the supposed- outrage, and drawing pistols flourished them in the faces of the new con tractors and their foremen. Braddock was telephoned to for police protection, bus after an interval, on it being made clear to them that no injustice was meditated, the Huns calmed down. The Second Postponement. The Library Hall property was offered for sale again yesterday, Messrs. John M. Kennedy and A. D. Thompson bidders, the first representing John G.Holmes, trustee of the mortgage on which sale is pushed. The sale was postponed on a bid of $125,000 un til next Friday. It is thought that by that time money enough will be i secured to save the property to the Library Association, strenuous efforts to that effect having been made. SOHMER & CO. PIANOS. Pelonbet Reed'PIpe Organs. Best in the world. Call and examine these matchless instruments at the music store of J. M. Hoffmann & Co., 537 Smith. -field street A nlocnlflcent Offer. 1,250 Eoyal Standard kersey overcoats at $10 for to-day. Made of imported kersey in blue, mouse, wine, stone, black and steel gray. These overcoats are tailor-made, and lined with a rich farmer' satin of the very finest quality. They1 are the finest speci mens ot the kind in the city, and worth from $25 to $30. Out price to-day, $10. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Better Than Elixir. He was poor and old and decrepit The physicians had given him up; the famous elixir had Jailed to do him good. He was about given nn when somebody suggested Marvin's well-known digestive biscuits. They enred him at once, and to-day he is happy and contented. D Odd Caps. We have 600 styles of teas, coffees, choco lates and bouillions at popular prices; in single dozens or harlequin sets, popular prices. Eeizensteut, 152, 154, 156 Federal st, Allegheny. TTSSU J Special holiday boxes, fine handker chiefs, 25c per half-dozen box np to the finest Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. A Jorons Xinas. This is not possible ir tbe little ones are sad or disappointed. Make them Ibappy bv getting them same of Marvin's Christmas toys and animal cakes. The hearts of the children yean for the. c d ,s? V?r s:tr wrassi TUESDAY,; -DECEMBER JUDGE WING'S LOGIC Exercised in Behalf of Congblin and the Other Cronin Suspects. NOTHING PROVEN BI THE KNIVES, He Maintains, as the Detective, Would Never Hare Carried Them HAD HE PARTICIPATED IN THE CEIME. The Conspiracy Question Discussed Ally and at Considerable Length. After the introduction of some testimony ,in rebuttal for the defense, Judge Wing re sumed his argument in the Cronin trial yes terday. He contended that a conspiracy had not been proven, and made a strong plea in Coughlin's behalf. Chicago, December 2. Mr. Forrest, for the defense, introduced some testimony in rebuttal in the Cronin trial this morning before the argument began. August Loe wenstein, a clothier, testified that he sold 'to Dan Conghlin, April 27, the week before the murder, a pair of pants which Conghlin then and there put on. In doing so he took off the old pair which he wore and emptied the pockets, placing the contents on a chair. Among the articles were two knives. Witness then examined the knives taken from Conghlin, and identified by Mr. Conk lin as Dr. Cronin's, and said that he could not say positively that thejj were the same knives as those which he saw Conghlin have on April 27, but they looked something like them. HE TVAllTED BOTH KNIVES. On cross-examination the witness said he just glanced at the knives and started to take one of them, saying Conghlin did not need both, bnt Conghlin stopped him, say ing he wanted both of them. The examina tion brought ont the fact that the witness s a brother oi ex-Detective Jake Loewenstein, Dan Coughlin's partner. Ex-Detective Loewenstein, Coughlin's partner, swore that he recognized one of the knives as the one Conghlin had carried for a long time. The other one he was pretty sure of, but not posi tive. Jndge Wing then began his review of the evidence. After denouncing the evidence of Saloonkeeper Nieman, Major Sampson and Milkman Merles, the next point han dled was that of the two knives supposed to be Cronin's, found in Coughlin's possession. On this point Jndge Wing said: JUDGE WING'S PEOPOSITIONS. Now, that whole question is very easily dis posed of by the statement of two propositions, lh which every mind on .this jury will agree with me, I think. First, 'the defendant here, Conghlin. is either guilty or innocent If inno cent, be could not have had those knives, If they were Cronin's; if guilty, -he would not have had them If they belonged to Br. Cronin. Those two plain propositions, in the mind ot any reasoning man, would be the end of that knife episode the last and grand climax that the State gave to a case of suspicion against these men. .That they are not Dr. Cronin's is conclusively shown by those two considera tions: That they were found 20 days after the homicide, in the possession' of Conghlin; that if Conghlin was Innocent he could not have had them if they were Cronin's: if he is guilty, he would not have bad them. That Is all there is upon that episode, and that is all that can be made of it by legitimate argument Yet, they say a detective, a member of the police force, a man who has sent the men that had engaged the horse for carrying the man to his death they would have this court and jury believe that a man thus circumstanced would carry two little knives which would indicate his guilt beyond all earthly question, carry them after he was arrested, carry them after he was suspected. I say that if guilty he would not have bad them; if Innocent he could not have had them. He did have them and there fore, they are not Cronin's knives. THE CONSPIEACY QUESTION. This, he said, was the only conclusion which could be reached, even if no evidence in rebuttal had been given, but two wit nesses had testified that the knives were Contrhlin's. Judge Wing then took up the question of the alleged conspiracy in Camp 20 and said: Now there are only three ways under heaven of establishing a conspiracy in any par ticular case. One is by direct proof. That can rarely be made unless some man becomes dis satished, or repentant, or something of the kind, and reveals the conspiracy. Another way is by circumstantial proof; by incidents and facts and surrounding occurrences. Now, here they have sough: to establish a conspiracy in this case and they have got to acquit. Thts case can not be maintained In any court ot jus tice against these men unless the fact of con spiracy is established beyond all reasonable doubt. These are two of the ways to establish the conspiracy, and then there is the fnrther way, and the only other way that I ever heard of, and that Is by considering all the inde pendent acts and facts, where proven against, and from the consideration of those facts infer conspiracy. Now you can not establish a con spiracy in both these ways. You can take either one, but you can not take both under tho law, because If you did you would be rea soning in a circle, a method tnat is forbidden in logic. It is forbidden even in the logic, and it is not admissible at all in a court of law. You can consider all the proven facts, and from that infer the conspiracy, if a conspiracy is proven by that process beyond all reasonable doubt. But you can not take a partially proven conspiracy and then infer that the act proven is in conformity with the conspiracy. ONLY PACTS CAN COUNT. It is fair and it is right under the law that when you are weighing any circumstance against Daniel Conghlin you should look at that circumstance in the light of law, but not in the light of facts proven against the other man; but I do object to this jury or tnis Court taking a partly proven conspiracy, and from that giving color and character to the individ ual circumstances and acts which are proven against my client That is a" forbidden method. Now, let us see briefly if there is a conspiracy here, established beyond reasonable doubt, to which Daniel Conghlin is a party. They do not claim that the declarations of the parties in the camps at the various meetings' constitute any proofs of the conspiracy, except inferen tially and by process of reason. I will tell you that does not constitute any proof at all. I never beard presented as absurd a theory of conspiracy as the State presents to us in this case. It is an unnatural and nnreasonable theory to begin with. It is true that they had their factional differences; it is trne, perhaps, that Cronin led one faction, and that some other party led another. It is true that that man was disliked and despised by half his brethren in that society; It is further true that be had nis menus anu nis ldoitzers in tne otner branch. It may be true that he was the subject of censure, it may be true that a short time be fore he met bis death fault was found with him. THE DOINGS OP CAMP 20. But what does all that prove? Tako their theory and give it the most favorable constrnc tion possible to them, and at the most it only proves that In that camp there were a number of men who disliked Cronin. a number of men who disliked his performances in bis own camp, a number of men who were inclined to censure bun for some supposed violation of their camp rules. That Is the most that can be made of it. What kind of a camp was it? How many men participated in it? It ran from one up to two or three hundred; I don't know the full num ber. I know that the proof shows that 40 men were present on the night they say this con spiracy was planned. Whoever beard of any such thing since the world beganT Planned, too, under the very eye ot his best and most in timate and .warmest friends. A most likely proposition. Preposterous upon its face, un likely in its very aspect; who can believe it oc curred in that way? No one, unless he is de sirous of believing it Why, the circumstances that tbey have ar rayed here to shbw a conspiracy in Camp 20 would lie at the door of any of the other men who participated in the meeting of the camp that night. Is there anything suspicious about it? It maybe barely suspicious What inter pretation are yon going to pnt upon the State's prdof ? Are you going to draw inferences from it that.are not there and are not lawful? The prosecution made a great cry about unwilling witnesses, and yet after tbey produced people that the prosecutor announced to be patriots, tbey had nothing to tell but what the other people told you, nothing whatever. COUGHLIN'S telephone talk. Judge Wing said that the preponderance of Evidence was against the appointment of a committee in Camp 20 on the night of the row over Cronin's reading the report on the trial of the Triangle. The prosecutor hsndkd the word about, plot to aurder 3, ' 1889: very lightly, saying Cronin's murder had been delayed by the spring election. He exclaimed: Think of Conghlin postponing a murder by telephone. Just think of his telephoning to O'Sullivan and saying: "'O'SulUvan, I can't keep that engagement! made with you to kill Cronin, because I have got to peddle tickets for the election of an Alderman." Then think of O'Sullivan's answer: "Well, no matter, any time will do." Now, they pretend here that there are a multitude of circumstances which XI consid ered lead to the conclusion of conspiracy, inde pendent of Camp 20. Gentlemen, that question is not material to this discussion. The ma terial question is, whether the acts proven against the men on trial indicate that they were criminal participants In some conspiracy which resulted In the doctor's death. It may be his death did result from a conspiracy, bnt that is not what you are to try. If it is uncertain, then there must be an acquittal, and that there is an uncertainty about it from the inception to the end, is most conclusively demonstrated. Even the inquiring body known as the grand jury frankly stated In the document that they spread upon the record that the perpetrators of this crime were unknown to some extent.. Who are tbey? That Is not for us to decide. The question is whether the men who sit be fore you are proven to be members of that con spiracy. THE WHITE HOUSE. AGAIN. The speaker went on to argue that Cough lin's remark that "a prominent Korthside Catholic wonld get hurt if he did not, keep his month shut, ' had no application in this case, as it was not shown to apply to Cronin. He contended that Coughlin's re mark to the effect that Cronin was suspected of being a spy was1 not inconsistent with the theory of innocence. As to the white horse, there was a reasonable doubt whether it was the same animal that drew Dr. Cronin to his death; the preponderance of evidence was against it, and even if it were, still Conghlin might be innocent; he might not have known what the man from Michigan wanted it for; this man was a friend of Dan's brother, and Dan could not do less for him. The speaker then took np various other circumstances which were adduced in evi dence to show Coughlin's connection with the crime, and argued that every one of them was consistent with the theory of in nocence. A LETTEE FE0M LAWIEE BEGGS. Confident of His Acquittal, bat Sorry for His Connection With Camp 20. tSFZCIAI, TXLXQBjUf TO THE DISrXTCII.l Boston, December 2. John F. Beggs, one of the Cronin suspects on trial, has written the following letter to an uncle in this city: Chicago, November 2a We are now ab ont to close our case. Everybody here, friends and former enemies alike, say that I will be ac quitted; but inasmuch as the Clan-na-Gael Camp 20 is the only thing before the jury, if anybody is convicted I may be In some danger on account of being an active member of said camp. Such a conviction can only come from an inference drawn from an inference. No evidence of the slightest kind has been introduced to connect me with the great crime, or of having any guilty knowledge of the death of Dr. Cronin. The impression that the murder grew out of the internal quarrels in such camp may make it unpleasant for those, implicated, the only thing against whom may be the fact that tbey were unfortunate in belonging to the society. I am confident of acquittal, and that my name will be cleared from any suspicion whatever. OFFICERS WERE ELECTED. ' The Annual Election of the Society for the Improvement of the Poor A Movement on Foot to Better the Financial Condi tion. The fourteenth annual business meeting of thefiociety for the Improvement of the Poor was held yesterday at the Y. M. O. A. build ing. The election of officers resulted as fol lows: President, Mrs. W. A Herron; Vice Presi dents, Mrs. L. M. Harding and Mrs. Thomas Ewing; Treasurer, William R. Thompson; Sec retary and Superintendent, Mrs. 8. E. Lippin cott Managers. Mrs. W. A. Herron, Mrs. William Thaw, Mrs. Ii. M. Hardmg, Mrs. S, E. Lippin cott. Mrs. Annie Duff, Mrs. J. T. McBroy, Mrs. Thomas Ewing, Mrs. A. W. Book. Mrs. William H. Kwint Mrs. Archibald McBride, Mrs. Will iam P. Shlnn, Mrs. Samuel McKee, Mrs. John Dunlap. Mrs. Richard S. Warring, Mrs. F. McKee. Mrs. William Frank, Mrs. John Arthurs. Mrs. H. W. Williams. Mrs. John B. Dunlevy, Mrs. Joslah Cohen, Mrs. Charles Zng, jnrs. if, a. oiewan, axis w. xx. xluusb, alias Mary Bemple, Mrs. Margaret M. Armor, Mrs. Frank Swilt, Mrs. David Reed, Miss Jane W. Magee, Mrs. J. J. Speck, Mrs. J. D. B. Meeds, Mrs. J. W. Paul, Mrs. John Baner, Mrs. George T. McCoy, Mrs. Charles L Wade, Mrs. W.C. Moreland, Miss Annie Williams. Advisory Committee David Robinson, Levi Harris. M. D., Bev. E. P. Cowan, Bev. W. J. Beid, C. A. Kitzmiller. Finance Committee Charles J.Clark, Joseph Home, H. K. Porter, W. O'H. Scully, J. D. B. Meeds, W. E. Schmertz, Eugene M. O'Neill, Alexander Nimick, W. A. Herron, G. K. Stev enson. Mr. David Bobinson was appointed a committee to andit the books. A vote of thanks was tendered to Bev. W. E. Mackay, the officers and chair of St Peter's church for their kindness on Snnday. The debt was discussed and action will be taken to put the finances on a better footing. THEIE LAST MEETWG. The Armstrong Monumental Association Winds Up Its Affairs. The Armstrong Monument Committee met last night at the family residence of Mrs. Armstrong, No. 212 Lacock street, Alle gheny. After an elegant supper a number of speeches were made. Dr. D. B. Stur geon. President of the Executive Commit tee, on behalf of the association, thanked. the family for the kind treatment they had accorded thronghout the work. Eev. David Jones, Captain W. P. Herbert, Miss Annie Armstrong, Colonel A. P. Bnrchfield and John Campbell spoke of the traits of the man in whose behalf the committee had been called into, existence. Bev. Jones, at the request of Misa Armstrong, thanked the committee in the name of the family for the work they had done. Secretary Martin reported that enough money had been raised to cover all expenses and all bills incurred had been paid. There had been paid in since the last report, $563 77. The report was adopted. Mr. Shields moved that the receipted bill of A. E. Windsor & Co. be copied by an expert penman, framed and presented to the family. The motion was adopted, and all the effects, papers, etc, of the association directed to be turned over to the family. A vote of thanks was tendered to the officers and the Executive .Committee, and on mo tion the committee adjourned sine die, thus virtually disbanding the Armstrong Monu mental Association. t ' HE WOULD DIE OUT WEST. A Man Who Stole a Horse Arrested While Drank and Driving. Yesterday afternoon George Acre, of the Thirteenth ward, drove in to City Hall to see Chief Bigelow. When he arrived he hitched his horse and bugg in front of the building. After transacting his business he returned to the street to find his rig gone. The police were notified and in a few hours Edward Singleton was arrested, drunk and driving the horse along Smithfield street. He was locked up in Central station, and an information will be entered against him for larceny this morning. Symptoms of Torpid Liver. Loss of anpetite and nausea; the bowels are costive, but Bometinjes alternate with looseness or diarrhoea; pain in the head accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation in the back part; pain in the right side and under the shoulder blade; fullness after eating, with a disinclina tion to exertion of body or mind; irritability of temper, low spirits: loss of memory, with a feeling of having neglected some dnty; general 'weariness and debility. If these warnings are unheeded, serious diseases will soon be de veloped. No better remedy can be used than Tutts Pills. A single dose produces such a change of feeling as often to astonish the suf ferer. - Tutt's Liver.Pills Cure Bilious Diseases. Sold Everywhere, 3Sc defrrrsw C: i-v- NEW ABTERTISEMENTS. The PEOPLE'S STORE FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURG. fafiirfQ OTmihas BdfiPiinwn Xmn m , uvwiuiiu, nuiumuuj iuuiuuiiu. uiiiiiiu. This change in the temperature demands warmer coverings. The goods are right hers in most attractive form; an immense stock at prices which speak for themselves. . " A SPECIAL LEADER. - ? A nice, large, all-wool Country Blanket, white and colors, 53 50 a pair. Other grade run at J4, i w, ?o ana te up to the finest maices. A "Very Large Line of Cotton Comforts at very low prices, viz., 75o, Jl, &. 25, 51 50, 81 75, f 2 np to the finest makes. Eiderdown Comforts and-Pillows. V You can buy these goods with coverings of Chintz and Satine at very low figures. ' 3, The Imported Comforts, with Silk and Satin Coverings, are most luxurious and-aw.S also offered at low prices. . i .,. PLAJSTNELS. - v- The best heavy all-wool Country Elannel marked do wn to 33 Jc, a handsome lineof styles. 100 styles of Embroidered Flannel, from 65c upward. Eiderdown, Saxony; ' . Scotch and other Elannels for Dresses, Wraps, Cloaks, Tea Gowns, etc, in largest va- riety, best makes and qualities, 'at prices which will court strict comparison. ' LINENS. ,:; The nicest and most acceptable presents at Christmas for the housekeeper will 'bV found in this department There are a few pieces left from our late Special Sale, which' we will close ont at the advertised prices. v Just opened some very handsome Dinner and Tea Sets, in choice patterns, from $3 25, y $4, 5, $6, up to the very finest grades. A handsome line of Towels, all linen, for 8c, 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c, 25e,30c,37Ko,'" " 60c, up to higher grades. , ''- Chenille, Tapestry and Silk Table Covers ',' from 4-to 12-4 sizes. Prices 50c, 76c, 81, $2 $5 and upward. THE NEWEST TABLE COVER, Victoria Cloth, printed and tinseled; nice line of patterns. CAMPBELL & DICK.- no30-TT9 mSM X WTO V U I I mMJI I . m?a&iWM&4W'. f EP THE WEATHEE. For We tern Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, rain, decidedly lower tem perature ly TFine day morning; touth erly, shifting to west erly, winds. "PmsBiTRa, December 2, 1883. The United Btates Signal Service omcerin this city lumisnes tne following: Time. 8:00 a. sr, 120 Jf, Titer. I Tdt. M SI .. M .. 17 .. .0 Maximum temp. Minimum amp., Kange Mean temo ........4o JiOQFa Ms sss" lo r. m ..50 SwOF. JC. .......a..... SrfYIP- w 43 Precipitation. ... Blver st too r. n-. 7.1 feet; a change of LS In 24 hours. Blver. Telegrams. rsriciJU. TILEOBLIMS TO Tax DISPATCH. I BB0W2TSVHX15 River 7 feet 3 Inches and falling. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 43" at 6 p.m. Moboahtowk Biver 5 feet 10 inches and stationary. Weather clear. Thermometer 4S at 4 P. M. THEY TAKE A TUMBLE. Has a can of dynamite exploded and wrecked this beautiful drugstoref Or is it an earth quake? No, my son, the druggist did it him self. The rush for Sogers' Boval Nervine was so creat the poor fellow had not been able to get to bed for four nights, and in trying to t;et down a bottle of Nervine he has Jarred things a trifle. The people will hive Rogers' Royal Nervine, and druggists do not keep sending us big checks for ten-gross orders because they love us, but because they can't help themselves. The "greatest tonic on earth," sells lite hot cakes, and it wonld take a four-banded record ing angel to file away the bushels of testimonials that are pouring in upon us. no5 PEARS' Is the PUREST, BEST and-CUanat SOAP ,. Of all Druggists, but beware of Imitations. IN THESE DAYS Of adulteration it is desirable to purchase wines known to be pure. OUBPUEE CALIEOENIA WINES Are strictly so. Not only pure, but first-class in every respect. Full quarts, 60 cts or $5 per dozen. GOLD BEAIj CHAMPAGNE. Our Gold Seal now eniors the reputation of being the best wine made in America, and suc cessfully rivals the best brands of Europe, and is in no way below them in purity and flavor and much lower in price. Pints, 75c: qnarts,tl 50. Our Pure 8-year old Export Whisky has be come a prime favorite at tl, or six for S3. Put up in full quarts and sold only BY JOS. FLEMING & SON, Wholesale and Retail Druggiits, 412 Market St, Pittsburg. Pa., To whom all orders should be addressed for any of the above goods. del-nssu ERN. STEIN'S TOKAY WINES. In original bottles, direct Importation from his vineyards In the Tokay district (Hungary), tho Purest and Best Dessert Wines in the world, now obtainable at reasonable prices from the undersigned agents. Inquiries for terms solicited from wine dealers. . H. A WOLF 4 SON, Pittsburg. W. H. HOLMES SON, PitMburg. JOS FLEMING & SON. Pittsburg. KXINORDLINGEB & CO. Pittsburg. WM. 8CHUSTER, East End. AETHUB ANDBIESSEN, Allegheny. MEDICINAL TOKAY AT HARRIS" DRUG CO. nol2-73-TTS RAILROADS. BALTlMOItE, AND OHIO HAILKOAD. Schedule lrfeffect November 10, 1883: For Washington, D. C, ISaltlmorc Phllsdel- Shla and New York. '3:00 a. m. and 9:20 p. m. or Cumberland, 8:00 a. m., $1:00, 9:aip.m. For Connellsvllle, t6:40and '8:00 a. m., l:00, $4:00 aud too p. m. For Cntontown, $8:l 8:00 a. m., $1:00 and $4:00 p. m. For Mb Pleasant, $8:40, 8:00a. m. ana $1:00 and $4:00 p.m. For Wash ington, Pa., T.-CS and $9:40 . m., "3:35, $5:30 and "7:30 p.m. For Wheeling. "7:05, $9:40 am.. "3. 7:30 in. m. For Cluiinnati and St. Louis, TiOSa. m., "7:30 p. m. For Columbus, "7.-05 a. m., 7:30 p. m. For Newark. 7:05, $9:40 s. m "3:35, Tao p. ni. For Chicago, "7:05 and 1:30 p. m. Trains arrive from New Tork, PhUadelphla, Baltimore and Washington, too a. m., "8:S p. m. From Columbus, Cincinnati and Chicago, 8:2Sa. m., 9:00 p. in. From Wheeling, 'i-JS, 10:50 a.m., $5:00, -9:00 p.m. m Through sleeping cars to Baltimore, Washing ton, Clnelnnatland Chicago. Connellsvllle accommodation at 53:35 a. m. Sunday only. The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences upon orders left at B. & O. ticket office, corner Fifth ave. and Wood st. CHAS. O. BCULL, Gen Pass. Agent. J.T. O'DELL, General Manager. PITTSBUKG AND CASTLE SHANNON E. B. WlnterTlme Table. On and after December 1899, until further notice, trains will runasfollows on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard time: Leaving Pittsburg 6:33 a. m., 7:10 a. m., BtOOa.m.. 9:30a.m.. 11:30. m.. 1:40p.m.. 3:40 p. m., 5:10 p. in.. S:M p. m., B:S0 p. m.. 9:30 p. m., 11:30 p. m. Arlliigton-S:40 a. nu, 1311.B., 7:10 a. m 8:00 a. m., i0:20. m., 1:00 p. m.. 2:40 p. m., 4:31 p. m., 6:10 p. m., 5:50 p. m., 7:10 p. m., 10:30 p. m. Sunday trains, leavfaj- PltUburg-10 a.m., bop. m., 6:10 p.m., J0p.m. Arlington DUO 4$&SL r- rtn X -5- & BAILKOADH. From Pittsburg Union Stitlon. ennsy Ivan ia Lines. Trains Rnn by Central Time. aniiFTTttrlWr SYMTEH-fAHUAfl ULtK HU UT. Leave for Cincinnati and St. Lonls. d 1:15 a. m.. . d 7:30 a. m., d 9:00 and d 11:15 p.m. llennlson, 2:43 p. m. Chicago, d 1:15 a. m. and 12:05 p. m. Wheeling, 7:30 a.m., 12:05, 6:10 p.m. Steuben vllle, 5:55 a. m. Washington, 5:55, 8:35 a. m.. 1:55, 3:30,4:45, 4:55 p.m. Bulger. 10:10 a. m. Bnrgetts town, S 11:35 a. m., 5:25 p. ffi. Mans&eld, 7:15, 9:30. 11.09 s. m., 1:05, 6:30, d 8.30, 9:50 p. m. Mc Donalds, d 4 15, d 10:45 p. m. ,...,. Trails ABEIVIfrom the West, d 2:10, d 6:00 a. m.. 3.06, d 5:55 p. m. Dennlson, 9:30a.m. Sten benville, 5:05 p. m. Wheeling, 2:10, 8:45 a. m 3:05, 5:55 p. m. Bnrgettstown. 7:15 a. m., S 9.-05 a. m. Washington. 6:55. 7:50. 8:40, 1025 a. m., 2:35. 6:25 p. m. Mansfield, 5:35, 8:30, 11:40 a. m., 12:45, 3:55. 9:40 and S 6:20 p. m. Bulger, 1:40 p. m. McDonalds, d 8:35 a. m., d 9.00 p. m. NORTHWEST SY3TEM-FT. WAYNE BOUTB. Leave for Chicago, d 7:25 a. m., d 12:2'. d 1:00, d :45, except Saturday 11:20 p.m.: Toledo. 70S a. m., d 12:20, d 1:00, and except Saturday 11:20 p.m.: Crestline, 5:45 a. m., Cleveland, 6:10. 12:45 d 11:05 p. m.. and 7:25 a. m.. via P.. Ft.W.&C.By.: New Castle and Yonngstown. 7:05 a. m.. 12:20, 3:45 p. m.;Youngstown and Nile, d 12:20 p. m.:Mead Tllle, Erie and Ashtabula. 7:05 a. m.. 12:20 p. m.; Nlles and Jamestown, 3:45 p. m.; Masslllon. 4:10 p.m.; WUeeUng and Bellalre, 6:10 a. m.. 12:45, 3:3p.m.: Beaver Falls, 4:00, 5:05 p. m.; Beaver falls s 8:20 a. m.; Leetsdale. 5:30 a. m. Difabt rr.oM allegiiknt Kochester, 6:30 a. m.; Beaver Falls, 8:15. 11:00 a.m.: Enon, 3:00 p. m.; Leetsdale, 5:00, 9:00,10.-00, 11:45a. m.:l:15, 2:3 4:30, 4:45. 5:30, 6:15. 7:30, 9:00 p. m.: Conway, 19:30 J.m.; FalrOaksS 11:40a.m.: Beaver Falls, 3 :SO p. m. ; Leetsdale. S 8:30 p. m. Tbaos akbtvx U nlon station from Chicago, ex cept Monday. 1:50, d 6:00, d 6:35 a. m., d 5:55 and d 0:50 p.m.: Toledo, except Monday, 1:50, d 6:35 a. m., 5:55 and 6:50 p. ra.; Crestline, 2:10 p. m.; YoungstownandfiewCaslle, 9:10 a.m.. 1:25, 6:50, 10:15 p.m.; Miles and Youngstown, 0 6:50p.m.; Cleveland. d5:50 a. in., 2:25, 7-00 p. m.; Wheeling and Bellalre. 9:00 a. m.. 225, 7:00 p. m.: Erie and AsJitabuls, 1:25, 10:15 p. m.: Massillon. 10:00a.m.: Nlles and Jamestown, 9:10 a.m.; Bearer Falls, 7:30 a. m., 1:10 p. m.; Beaver Falls, S 8:25 p. m.; Leetsdale, 10:40 p. m. Aebite Altxoiiiirr, from Enon, 8.00 a. m-t Conway 6.40, Rochester, 9.40 s. m.; Beaver Falls, 7.10a. m., 6.30 p. m.: Leetsdale. 4.30. 5.S0. (.15. 6.50, 7.45S. m.. 12.00, 12.45, 1.45, 3.30, 4.30. 6.30,1.00 Ji. m.; Fair Oaks. 3 8.55 a.m.; Beaver Falls, S 2.30 p. m.; Leetsdale, S 6.05 p. m.: Beaver Falls, S 8. 15 p. m. d. daUr; S, Sunday only; other trains, except Snnday. PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD ON AND after November lit 1899. trains leave Union Station, Pittsburg; as follows. Eastern Standard lime: MAIN UNE EASTWAKU. New York and Chicago Umltsd oTParimanTe Ubnle daUr at 7:14 s. m. . Atlantic express daUyibr the East, 3:20 a.m. Mail train, daUy, except Sunday. 5:30 a, m, San day, mall, 8:40 a. m. Day express dally at 5:00 a. m. Mall express dally at 1:00 p. nu Philadelphia express dally at 4:80 p. ra. Eastern express daUy at 7:15 p. au Fast Line daUy at 8:10 p. m, Greensburgexpresss:iop. m. weekdays. Derry express 11:00 a. m. week days. All through trains connect at Jersey City wit boats of "BrooElyn Annex" for Brooklyn, ft. Y avoldlngdoubleferrlage and loonier through iu Y.Clty. Trains arrive at Union station as roUows: St. Louis, Chicago and Cincinnati Express. dally . 2:00 a.m. Mall Train, dally, 8:10 p. m. Western Express, dally 7:45 a. m. Pacific Express, dally 12:45 p.m. Chicago Limited Express, daUy ........ 9:30 p. m. FastLIne, daUr 11:55p.m. SOUTP.WESr PENN KAILWAX. For Unlontown, 5:30 ana 8:35 s. m. and 4:23 p. tn without change of ears: 12.50 p. m., connect lng at Greensburg. Trains arrive from Union town at 9:45 a. m.. 1220, 5:35 and 8:10 p. m. WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVI3I03. From FEDERAL a v. STATION, Allegheny City. MaU train, connecting for BlalrsTllle... 6:45 a. m. Express, for Blalrsvllle, connecting for Butler 1.13 p.m. Butler Accsrai 8:20 a. m.. 2:23 and 5:45 p. m. gprtngdale Accom9:00,ll:50a.in.3:30nd 6:20p.m. FreepoTt Accom 4 Mi. 8:20 and 11:40 p. m. On Sunday 12:35 and 9:30p.m. North Apollo Accom. ....11:00 a. m. and 5.-00 p. m. Allegheny Junction Accommodation :2) a. m, Blalrsvllle Accommodation 11:00 p. m. Trains arrive at FEDEKAL STBEET STATION: Express, connecting from Butler 10:33 a. to. Mall Train. ,. ....1:0 p.m. Butler Accom 9:10 a. m., 4:40 and 7:25 p. m. BlalrrrUle Accommodation ..9:52 p.m. Freenort Accom.7:40a.m.. 1:25, 7:25 andllilOp. nu On Sunday lOUOa. m. and 70 p. m. Springdale Accom... .6:37,11:43a.m., 3:45,6:45 p. a. North Apollo Accom 8:40a. m- and 5:40p.m. 51UNU.1QAUELA IMVISION. Tralnsleave Union station. Plnsourg, asfbnows: For Moaongahets City, West Brownsville and Unlontown, 10:40 a.m. For Monongahela City and West BrownsTllIe,7K3and 10:40 a.m.and 4:40p.m. on annaa y, iaii p. m. nor siononganeu wu, ;j p. m, week days. Dravosburg Ac, week days, 3:29 p. m. West Elizabeth Accommodation, 8:20a. nu, JiCO, 6:2U and 11:35 p. m. Sunday, 9:40 p. m. Ticket offices Corner Fourth avenue and Try street and Union station. CHAS. E. PUGH, J. K. WOOD, General Manager. Cen'l Pass'r Agent. PITTSBURG AND LAKE EBIE RAILROAD COMPANY. Schedule In effect Novembers, 1889. Central time. DsrABT-For Cleveland, 5:00,,8.,00a. ra.. '1:35. '1:20, "9:30 p. m. For Cin cinnati, Chicago and St. Louis. 5:00 a. m.. '1:35, 9:30 p.m. For Buffalo. 8:00a.m.. 4:20, 9:30p. m. For Salamanca, 8:CO a. m., 4:20 p. xn. For Youngstown and Newcastle, 6:00. "3:JO. 10:15 a. m., 1:35, '4:20. 9:30 p. m. For Beaver Falls, 5:00, 7:30, 8:00. 10:15 a. m., 1:35. 3:30, '4:20, SCO. 9:3u p. m. For Cbartlers. 5:00, 15:33 a. m., 5:35, 6:55.7:15.7:30. 8KB. 8:31 "9:50, 10:15 a.m., 12:05, 12:35. 112:45, 1:40, 3:30, 3:50, 14:30, 5:05, 5:21 8:10, '10:33 p. m Asbxvz From Cleveland, 6:25 a. m., "12:30. 8:40, "7:55 p. m. From Cincinnati, Chicago and Bt. Lonls, '12:30, -7:55 p. m. From Buffalo, '6:25 a. m., ',12:30, 10 p. m. From Salamanca, 12:30, 7:55 p. m. From Youngstown and New Castle, 6:25, 9:20 a. m., 12:30. 5:40. "7:55. 10 p.m. From Beaver Falls. 5:23, tas, 730, "9:20 a. m., '12:30, 1.-20, 6:40. "7:55, 10 p. m. P.. C. & Y. trains for Mansfield. 8 JO a. m., 3.30, 55 p. m. For Essen and Beechmont, 8:30 a. m., 3:30 p.m. P., C. A Y. trains from Mansfield, Essen nd Beechmont, 7:08 a. m., 11:59 a. m. P., McK.& Y. B. R. Djvakt-Kor New Ha ven, 15:30 a. nu, "3:3b p. m. For West Newton, 15.30, 9.30 a. m.. "3.30, a:2Q p. m. ABurrx-From New Haven, fS:20 a. nu, 5:15 p. m. From West Newton, 6:15, fSOO a. m., 135, r5:15p.m. For McKeesport, Elizabeth, Monongahela City and Belle Vernon, 6:30, 17:30, 11:15 a. nu. 13-30, 3:50 p. m. From DeUe Vernon. Monongahela City. Eliza beth and McKeesport, 7:45 a. nu, 19:20, 12:30, 5,-00, 15:15 p. in. Dally. ISundays only. JW111 run one hour late on Sunday. I Will run two hours late on Sun day. City Ticket Office. 639 Smithfield Street. ALLEGHENY VALLEY KA1LROAD Tralns leave Union Station (Eastern Standard time): Klttannlng Ae 6:55 a. nu; Niagara Ex daily. 8:45 a. nu. Hulton Ac, MOB a. nu: Valley Camp Ac, 12:05 p. m.; OU City and DuBoIs Ex press,i0 p.m. ; Hultcn Ac, 3:00 p.m. : Xlttannln: Ac, 4:00p.m.; Braeburn Ejl, 5:00 p.m.: JUttaan lng Ac, 5.30 p.m.; Braeburn Ac,6a)p.ra.i Hut ton Ac, 7S0 p. m.; Buffalo Ex., dally. t-M p. m.; Holton Ac, 9:45 p.m. t Braeburn Ac B:30 p. m. Churcb trains Braeburn. 12:40 p. m. .and 9:35 p. m, , Pullman Sleeping Cars betwsea Pittsburg and Batfiuo. JAM. P. ANDERSON. G. T. Ait.: DAVID MCOABGO. Ben. SaM. PnTSBUBG AND WESTERN BA1LWAT Trains (Ct'lBtan dtlme) Leave I Arrive. Day Ex., Akron,Toledo, Kanej 6:40 a m gtf) a m 7:37 p m 5.-00 D m 12:25 p m II JO a ra N ej Castle & Clarion Accom. j;xj n in 7 .-to a m 5:30 a m Butler Accom I 5:30 jmliais m First class far to Chicago, tlO 50. Second class, 19 50. Pullman Buffet sleeping ear to Chleagc dallv. sskMH m SJSMNESS and HEAD NOISES, Iffl Esi S sW CUKEB ibr Peck's Pat. la LJC.M sP ,rfsiMeJ,irvl C.ush- BBSS' ssSsfaT ions. Whispers heard distinct ly. Successful when all zcmediMsaU.. WriUor call for -t illsstnted book FBEE. Sold only by F. HISCOXju SM steoadvay, cor. DthSU. NewYork. So smla7 . . nolMITasmwlt:" rlii ". K