5 M1 VSkft' :i"fl3 ' t T .-4 'Kw j w "V THE PITTSBXTEa DISPATCH, TUESDAY, DEOEMBEB V- lssa . X7SiF&. gfllONG THE MINERS. skiver Operators Think They Will Betnrn to Work at Old Rates. THE MEN DETERMINED TO FIGHT. 'Kanawha Coal Fast Becoming a Dangerous - Competitor. BOIMAKEES1 BTE1KE AT JEAHHETTE The 10 or 11 small mines up the Monon gabela Valley which were operating last week ceased operations on Saturday, frith the exception of that of Munhall Bros., in the first pool, who hare seven or eight boats to load. A leading operator stated yesterday that he felt assured, from information from reli able sources to which he had access, that the river miners would have all returned to work at the 2 cent and 3f cent rates inside a week or ten days. The feeling, he said, among the men and some of the leaders was in favor of a resumption of work at the old rates. In relation to this statement, Secre tary Kobert "Watchoro, of N. D. A. 135, said last night: "I have Just returned from the river dis trict, and think I am in a, position to ex press .some opinion as to the feeling among the men. They will return to work it they get 3 cents, and 2) cents in the fourth poof, but on no other terms. MIKEES IK EAENEST. "The miners are more determined now in support of what they regard as their just demand than they have been for many a year, due to the tact that they knowfrom bitter experience the impossibility of living at the 2 and 2-cent rates. The men are not all organized within the K. of L., but thev are all banded together and firmly de termined to hold out for the 3-cent and 2 cent rates." The greatest competitor in the Cincinnati and Southern markets local operators have to deal witn is the Winifrede Coal Company, of which Theodore "Wright is president. The capital stock of this company is $450, 000, fully paid up, and it is said that it has not paid'any dividend for some years past. It has branches at Chicago, Louisville and other river points, and only handles Pitts burg coal when its stock runs down. It has lately ordered 30 barges from JlcClure & Co., of this city, and is yearly adding to its trade. At prese'nt the company has 1,000,000 bushels in its Cincinnati yards, all of which is from the Kanawha region. The company has had the bnlk of the lower river trade for the past two years, and though it maintains its wholesale rates on a par with the Pitts burg figures, dealers handling the Kanawha coal sell it at 2 cents per bnshel less than the Pittsburg article. The cost of transportation from the shipping point on the Kanawha to Cincinnati and from the Pittsburg port is widely different Prom the former point to Cincinnati the distance is 200 miles, and the cost of transportation $45 for one barge for the round trip. FOOTING UP THE COST. Prom this port to Cincinnati the distance is 466 miles, and the cost of hanling one barge for the round trip is $175. To the latter cost must be added that cf lockage, which varies from the toll on a coalboat from the fourth pool at $66 25 to $18 90 for a light boat, and $22 50 for a deep boat in the first pool. A good deal of the Kanawha coal is mined at 2 cents per bnshel, and in relation to this National Master "Workman John B. Eae, of K. D. A. 138, said yester day: "There' is coal going out of the Kanawha district which is mined at Z$ cents. At Raymond City they have from 5 feet to 7 feet of clear coal, and the rate paid is 2 and 2y$ cents per bushel, but the men at these mines can make better wages at those rates than the river men here can at 3 cents. I must say that lam inclined to advise the men that if they cannot get a fair rate for their work here to go down where they can make better wages." Biver operators are now beginning to think that the syndicate which proposed buying them out is out of the deal. They argue that if they meant business they would be around seeing how things ap peared. A PBICE BLUFF. The movement of Boats on the Ohio and SlononeahclB. "Word was received yesterday that the steamboat Joe Williams had passed Yicks burg with its tow. The steamboat Time yesterday left Cincinnati for Pittsburg with a tow of empties. Yesterday the Brownsville and Morgan town packets adopted a new running card. The extension oi the packet line to Morgan town has compelled the company to leave an hour earlier than usual. Yesterday after noon the steamboat left at 3:15. "Word was given out yesterday by the coal dealers outside of the combine that the cnt in coal to lower markets was simply a bluff, and that at the figures set by the Pittsburg and Southern Coal Company no sales were made. A member of the latter company, in answer, said limply, "Iiet the man who vthints those prices are bluffs offer to bny any number of bushels at that price. He will get the price so quick it will make his head swim." Close inquiry on the docks revealed the fact that there was a sharp interest between company and outside coal. Members of the company say, however, that the price has been fixed by the combination. This com bination is likely to create a ruction in a day or two. John A. Heed, dealer in agricultural im plements for the W. A. "Wood Harvester Company, has removed from No. 521 Lib erty avenue to No. 109 "Water street. He has joined the "Water Street Club, and has been initiated in the most royal style. He is sow a thorough member of the Navigation Lodge. The leaving time of the Brownsville Packet Company was changed yesterday from 4 to 3 P. 21. The steamer Bainbow left yesterday with a heavy cargo. The Andes will be in this morning. The steamboat John A. "Wood arrived at New Orleans this morning. The S. L. "Wood stopped at Baton Eonge with 200,000 bushels. BOXIIAKERS OUT AGAIN. Ther Go Strike at Jennnette Without Mnklne Known Their Grievances. The boxmakers working in the Jeannette factories went out on strike again yesterday. Two of their number, who had not returned with the others last week, fonnd employ ment at Herr's Island, and it is charged that they were instrumental in inducing the men to strike. Master "Workman Boss said the men badi no business to go on a strike without making known their griev ance to their local or to the Iiistrict. He telephoned to them to return to work, and that if they did not he would put men in their places. M'EESP0BrS INDUSTRIES. Another New Floe Grade Steel Plant In Course of Erection. Another steel works is being .erected in McKeesport. The "W. Dewees "Wood Com pany are constructing a plant in connection with their iron mill, which will manufac ture a high grade of steely The plant will sot be so large at first, bnt if successful will be increased. "The process comprises some sew points. Oelecntea to Boston. Mr. Bobert Layton, Supervisor of Immi gration, and Homer L. McGaw, will be among the delegates to the Boston conven tion, the call for which has been issued for the 10th inst, next Tuesday. Foe a disordered liver try Beecham'i Pills. uPZikxs'oap the portst and best ever made THE HU8BAKD 10 BLAME. John Browne Had ills Wlte ArrcstedTTbr Neglecting Her Heme. John Browne, a laborer in Carnegie, Phipps & Co.'s mills, will have to make a very decided change in the treatment of his family if he wishes to keep out of the work house. Yesterday he had his wife, Mary, arrested, charging her with abandoning her children and not caring' for their home. He made some very harsh statements concern ing her habits, and when she was taken before Alderman Porter there was a great deal for her to answer. She was sobbing when brought before the Alderman, and alter answering the usual questions declared that it was her husband and not she who had abandoned their home and children, and she asked to have some one sent to the rooms to see the .condition they were in. The Brownes live in the three attic rooms of the rear house No. 3531 Butler street. "While an officer was looking at the apartment the poor woman unfolded her tale of woe. She is Browne's ctecond wife and they have five young children. She has always worked hard, and until a few weeks ago had her rooms comfortably furnished. The rooms were furnished with her earnings, her hus band contributing but little to the family's support. But a few weeks ago Browne came home and car ried away and sold everything in the place that had a monetary value. Then he spread reports against his wife's charac ter, and finally had her arrested. The offi cer who' had been sent to investigate the condition of the family reported that there was not a table, chair or bedstead in the three rooms that Mrs. Browne called home. Thev were bare of anything necessary to comfort, and showed the utter destitution of the family. Alderman Porter sent the woman home with some cheering words, and declared that he would compel Browne to support his family. A Preventive for Cronp. Croup is a terror to young mothers, especially during the winter months, as it is then most prevalent. It can always be pre vented, if properly treated as soon as the first symptoms appear. Hoarseness is the first symptom; this is soon followed by a peculiar, rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Kennedy is freely given as soon as these symptoms appear, it will invariably prevent the attack. There is no danger in giving the remedy, as it contains no in jurious substance. Por sale at 50 cents per bottle by the following named druggists: E. x. Stuckey, Seventeenth and Twenty fourth sts., Penn ave., and cor. "Wylie ave. and Pulton St.; by Markell Bros., cor. Penn and Prankstown ayes.; by Theo E. Ihrig, 3610 Pifth avenue, and by Carl Hartwig, Butler st, in Pittsburg, and in Allegheny City by E. E. Heck, 72 and 174 Federal St., and Thos. B. Morris, cor. Hanover and Preble aves.; Fred H. Eggers, 172 Ohio st; P. H. Eggers & Son, Ohio and Chestnut sts. TTSn Christmas and Pianos. Holiday gifts will soon be in order uni versally, when the all-absorbing topic will once more arise, "What shall it be?" Ahl That's the question I But why hesitate? "What's the matter with a good piano or or gan? "Too expensive," did you say? There's jnst where yon are mistaken. Be advised, and before you arrive at a hasty conclusion you will certainly drop in at Mellor & Hoene's, 77 Pifth avenue, where you will be most agreeably surprised upon acquainting yourself with their rental plan, or easy method of procuring a piano or or gan. Yon will find they submit a choice beyond comparison, ranging in prices and supplied on terms adapted to the circum stances of everyone. And still-more the old established character of this house affords ample assurance that you will meet with the most honorable and courteous treatment. Call or write to them for catalogue at 77 Pifth avenue. Elegant Holiday Pianos. "We are daily receiving shipments of beau tiful pianos, personally selected at the fac tories by our Mr. Schoenberger for the holi day trade. The list includes the celebrated Kranich & Bach, the Stultz & Bauer and James M. Starr pianos, in various styles of finish, as rosewood, mahogany, walnut, Spanish cedar, and oak. Everyone inter ested in the purchase of a piano is cordially invited to visit our warerooms and examine these elegant instruments. Low prices and easy terms of payment. LECHNKB & SCHOENT3EBGER, tusu 69 Pifth avenue. NEW PARLOR CABS Between Washington. Pa., and Pittsburg Via the, P., C & St. L. By. Beginning with Thursday, December 5, 1889, parlor cars will be run on the "Oil Special" trains of the Pan Handle Boute, leaving Washington, Main street, at 7:40 A. ax., arriving Pittsburg at 8:40 a. il, leaving Pittsburg at 4:45 P. M., and arriving Wash ington, Main street, at 5:50 p. si. The charge for seats will be 25 cents each. Handsome Gowns and Garments. Miss E. S. Parr, from the establishment of Mr. A. H. Bosenbaum, Boston, London and Paris, will take pleasure in sbowingthe ladies of Pittsburg and Allegheny a large line of handsome gowns and garments for home, street, carriage and evening wear, be ginning Thursday, December 5, and con tinuing for one week Monongahela House Parlors, 11 and 12. A Olacntflcent Offer. 1,250 Boyal Standard kersey overcoats at $20 for to-day. Made of imported kersey in blue, mouse, wine, stone, black and steel gray. These overcoats are tailor-made and lined with a' rich farmer satin of the very finest quality. They are the finest speci mens ot the&ind in the city, and worth from $25 to $30. Our price to-day $10. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Beantiful Paintings. The superb collection of oil paintings that have been on exhibition for a few days at 433 Wood street is to be sold at auction, commencing this evening at 7:30 o'clock. This is the best opportunity of the season to obtain a fine painting at reasonable rates. REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LUIL, 401 Smltlifleld Street, cor. Fourth Avenue. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $50,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent. its SOUMEtt PIANOS, Sohiner Pianos boomer Pianos, rELOUBET REED PIPS OBQANS. TJnequaled in tone, durability and work manship. Pine holiday assortment of these matchless instruments at the music store of J. M. Hoffmann & Co., 537 Smithfield street. Open until 9 o'clock evenings. Rich Cnt Glass. Our stock now complete with every re quisite for the table or buffet in all new and artistic effects. Our prices and depth of cuttings are the very lowest. Beizensteen-, 152, 154, 156 Federal st, Allegheny. Txsea - , A Magnificent Offer. 1,250 Boyal Standard kersey overcoats at $10 for to-day. Hade of imported kersey in blue, mouse, wine, stone, black and steel gray. These overcoats are tailor-made and lined with a rich farmer satin of the very finest quality. They are the finest speci mens of the kind in the city and worth from $25 to $30. Our price to-day, $10. P. C.-C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the sew Court House. Chbistmab crayons at low prices at Lies popular gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. Cabi nets, $1 per dor. zrsu Will Caitletoh-and "Betsey and I Are Out.' at Old City Hall to-night, JSeoti at Mellor St Esih'i, DRIFT m THE KRILL It Appears to be in Every Direction as Well as Toward the Center. PERSPECTIVE AHD PEOSPECTIYE. Wildcatters Determined That Surplus Shall Not be Exhausted. ALLEGHENY. COUKTI WILL BE BIDDLED The way oil smellers are dodging around these days in Allegheny county is calcu lated to make "an evil- and gum-chewing generation" unbutton its eyes, accustomed though it may be to expect some fresh ma terial developments deduced from scientific generalization every morning. What these gentry would do if these roads were passable, or even jack-assable, is hard to conjecture. : Buckle says that Spain and Scotland were once the most religious nations in the world and had the worst roads, rather appearing to argue inferential ly that intense piety and bad roads went to gether. If there be anything in the argu ment, the rural districts of Allegheny coun ty ought be the most pious in the State, for there certainly cannot be equally bad roads anywhere else, and certainly in most of the sections where the highways are the worst, the people are rigidly orthodox. Were con gregations on Sundays, before, between and after sermons, to exercise themselves in bettering the highways it could be easily shown to be a work of necessity and human ity, jnst asjnuch as the pulling of an ox or other animal out of a pit. Were it not for the piping of petroleum its discovery in this county wouid be the cause for improving the highways, for it could never be hauled in the mud slonghs after freezing began. The petroleum prospectors carom from place to place like billiard balls, and the petroleum deposit is either serpentine in its windings or in pools. A territory con demned one month may be the center of speculative excitement the next. The entire line of the Montour Bun Bailway is now being invested, from Imperial to the mouth of the run at the foot of Neville Island, and some very devious work is being done. In some sections scarce any two farmers get the same contract, and some who have leased, released and re-released several times with out bonus stand stiffly on their pins and demand it "no givee, no takee." A KBW FIELD ON TAP. Last week much territory was picked up by lessors in the vicinity of Guy's mill; or rather Wettengail's, now. A Well will be bored on the Wettengail farm soon, and this will doubtless have some effect on the determination whether or no the territory is connected with the Swing's mill section development. Por reasons best known to the company interested, the territory west of the Moore farm, in Robinson township, was condemned last summer, so far as gas was concerned, it being stated that the Moore farm well was a failure. It appears, however, that the well is not much of a failure after all, and that Coraopolis is getting mnch of its supply of gas from it. Charles Bobb states that Moore is getting $550 a year rent for it, and that it is above the average in pressure. Developments are extending both east and west in that section, and a well will shortly be bored in Crafton. The owner of a small piece of ground gets a bonus of $500 and $50 per month additional until operations are begun. This state of affairs is making some people turn up their noses at garden farming, which has hitherto been deemed profitable in that section. The forests in the vicinity of the Depp farm, on Montour run, are being demanded to make rig tim ber. It is a pity that they should be de stroyed, bnt Jim Watson secures some com fort from the fact that the resultant brush heaps make good rabbit, or rather hare, farms. The wells in the Stowe and Robinson township field are holding up quite well. Mr. Jamison says the Arbuckle No. 1 is still making well up to 200 barrels a day, and No. 2 is expected to come in a day or two, and it is believed it will be as good as No. 1. There will be a number finished this week and next between here and Shan nopin, but not enough to either confirm or condemn the territory. Hu kill's No. 2, on the J. C. Morris farm, ML Morris field, is in first pay streak, and Core No. 3 and C. Wise No. 1 are still pounding in the sand, but without results as yet. ON A FASHIONABLE DBIYE. The well on the Wilt farm, Horseshoe Bend, Perrrsville road, is showing for a lamer one than expected. It is thought it will be a 50-barrel affair, and should it prove so, there will be a good lumber mar ket in that section before Yule-tide. The fjfhamokin field isn't making much noise, being an old one, but it is turning ont big wells at intervals and there is enough doing generally to prevent any likelihood of the surplus being wiped ont this year, though it is likely that from this time on Pennsylvania oil will bring a remunerative price. Present prices are a stimulant to action and where three or a dozen wells can be pumped by one or two engines, so that one attendant can operate them, they are set to work, though the output of each may be bnt a barrel or two. The aggregate of this work is considerable and there is likely to be enough of it for some years to come to repress the energies of shale oil distillers. It will not surprise many people who have been keeping note of the run of events to hear of fresh developments up the Allegheny river, between its mouth and the Kiskemi netas and even up that Congressionally im proved stream, should the aspirations of Somerset county borers be rewarded. Theories have been knocked into a cocked hat, and no one knows for certain that a belt might not run to Johnstown and up Stony creek. People have been sitting' down on West Virginia development from time to time. but who is geologist enough to say that it may cot produce enough to support the de cline in Pennsylvania fields. The stiata dip deeply in that direction, but there is no reason to doubt that in time it will be found as feasible to drill a mile deep as it is now to go half a milel Duff City has been been quiet for a day or two, but the drill is at work vigorously, and a gusher majr be heard from at any time, as the mud is not over the top of the telegraph poles. Tottering to its Base. Health totters to Its very foundations when vigor begins to wane. To check Its loss, to re pair its general damage to the constitution which this Inflects, Impaired digestion must be rendered active, the conversion of food into blood must be facilitated. No tonic on earth can accomplish this so effectually as Hostetter's Stomach Bitters; a remedy also for malaria, constipation and biliousness. Dolls are being sacrificed at Harrison's. Think of it. A kid body, bisque face and hands, and 16 inches long, all ior 50 cents. Others in proportion at Harrison's Toy Store) 123 Pederal st, Allegheny. tts 300 Styles Of sew patterns and shapes of toilet chamber sets in unique designs and colorings at Belzenstein's, 152, 154, 156.Pederal St., Alle gheny, ttssu Steam train, track and all complete, only $3 50. Absolutely necessary for a complete Christmas tree. Harrison's Toy Store, 123 Pederal St., Allegheny. ITS Overcoats. Montenac, chinchilla and kersey over coats ready made and to order, at Pitcairn's, 434 Wood street xrsu Thr old reliable F. & V. Pilsner beer never fails to give satisfaction. All dealers. Or order direct. Telephone, 1166. Grand Christmas Oaeaina; Today at S. 8. Dark & Co.', 96 Pifth avs. jwecMuw. Mf'lHtplay advertisement one dollar ptr square for one insertion. Clairlled advertise ment on this page such arWanted, For Bale, To Let, etc., ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for lets than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are 10 bo, prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts wlthTnsUla" FATCH. FITTSBUBO. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, S5 Butler street. FJ1IL O. STtlCEET, zith street and renn ave. E. G. STUCKEY A CO., Wjlle ave. and FultoaiU N. bTOKELY. Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. 'WALLACE. 021 Fenn avenue. OAKLAND, MCALLISTEE&SHElBLER,5thaT. AAlwOOdlU EOUTHSIPX. JACOB SPOHN. No. ZCarson street. H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEBCHEB, 89 Federal street. H. 3. SICMUUE. Market House, Allegheny: FRED H. EGGEBS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS & BON,. Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHEN EY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. I'EHBY M. G LEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. M1LLVALE BOBOUGH. W. T. FLOCK.ER, Stationer. No. 4 Grant ave. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE FOR THE SOUTHSIDE AT NO. 1220 CARSON STREET. WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS, NEWS AND SUB SCRIPTIONS CAN BE LEFT, BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS, AND FOR THE BPECIA1SOUTHS1DEIS8TJE PUBLISHED EACH SATURDAY. WANTED. Male Help. WANTED-25 CASHBOYS AT KAUFMANNS' Apply at once. deS-O WANTED MACHINIST. GOOD LATHE and planer hand: eood Treses. Apply to TAYLOB, SHAW & CO.. BharpsTllle. Fa. de3-85 TTANTED-A COMPETENT BILL CLERK YV In the pipe and fittings business. Address FIFE AND FITTINGS, Dispatch office. dcS-46 WANTED-AGENTS IN EVERY TOWN TO sell our teas, coffees and spices to families: salary and commission. ASSAM. TEA CO., 4S05 Liberty ave. de3-31 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS DRUG CLERK; must be registered or a graduate in phar macy, a single man and one -who speaks German prelerred. Apply to J. F. UKBEN, 201 Franklin st., Allegheny, Fa. dc3-K WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SHOE salesman to carry our lines of women's, misses and children's shoes in Pittsburg and vi cinity. HARRISBUBG BOOT AND SHOE MFG. CO., Harrlsburg. Pa. no28-77-D WANTED-SHOE SALESMAN, THOROUGH LY experienced man for wholesale house In I'lttsDurg: no traveling required: good posi tion for a man -who can fill It properly. Address SHOES, Dispatch office. de3-80 WANTED-REL1ABLE LOCAL AND TRAV ELING salesmen; positions permanent; special Inducements now: fast-selling specialties; don't delay; salary from start. BROWN BROS., Nurseryman, Rochester. N.Y. self-70-TTS WANTED AGENTS "DODGE'S HORSE blanket holder:" keeps the blanket from blowing or sliding off the horse; nothing like it in the market: every horse owner buys; sample by mall 25o. BTAYNER & CO., Providence, K. I. n 010-85 WANTED 320 ABLE-BODIED MEN TO call and buy our gold filled Elgin stem winding watches at 813 60 each; other dealers charge SIS 00 to CO 00 for same watch. M. J. SMIT, 811 Smithfield St., third door from Fourth aTe. del-87-TTEu ANTED AGENTS TOSELL TEA. BAKING powder and pare spices; gifts with goods; coke workers, miners or mlllmen can makemoney in their spare time: special inducements to per sons having established trade. YAM A an 1 UP TEA CO., 83 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. au20-79-TTS T7-ANTED-SALESMEN AT 7S PER MONTH TV salary and expenses, to sell a line orsllver- plated ware, watches, etc: by sample only: horse and team furnished free; write at once for fall Bsrtlculars and sample case of goods free. STAN ARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. eeI4-90-D WANTED AGENPS FOB OUR ADJUST ABLE, all metal, nickel or bronie door plates; can sell and put together at once,: white enamel letters for window signs and new style door bells; S5 to sua day easily made selling to businessmen only: free samples to reliable men. Address NEW YOBK DOOR PLATE CO., 18 Ann sy. New York. del-Ill Female Help. WANTED-THBEE GOOD-LOOKING LA DIES for dramatic co., to play one night a week. Address DRAMATIC, McKeesport, Pa. deS-SS WANTED-INTELLIGENT 'WOMAN CAPA BLE of taking entire charge of household work: also girl to assist In care of children and light work. Address "HOME, " Dispatch office. ae-oa WANTED SEVERAL EXPERIENCED salesladies for oar book and stationery de partment, toy department and housefurnlsnlng department. Apply in the morning, FLE1S11 MAN & CO., Pittsburg, Fa. de3-55 WANTED A SUPERIOR SALESLADY. AC CUSTOMED to first-class trade. In whose hands we can place our best custom: city refer ences most desirable: salarv, til. H. A. SCHROEDER, No. S Seventh ave. Call after 1C only. ' de3-70 atolo and Female flelo. WANTED-J WHITE WAITERS, MALE cook, 2 farm hands, cooks, chambermaids and honse girls, dishwasher, laundress, linen room girl, housekeeper lor hotel, seamstress. MEEHAN'S, 645 Grant St. no30-P Situations. WANTED - SITUATION BY A YOUNG printer of S years' experience on a weekly. Address J. D. , Dispatch office. deJ-lJ WANTED-A SITUATION AS FOREMAN IN stalrbulldlng shop or general machine hand. Address O. N. F., Dispatch office. de3-50 TTTANTED-A POSITION OF TRUST HY A W youmr man 21 years or age: fair penman;! good references. Address H. P. D. F Dispatch office. de3-84 WANTED-S1TUATION JANUARY 1 BY bookkeeper cf one of the largest flint glass factories in Ohio, who mast change present local ity on account hay fever. Address T Dispatch office. noZ9-12 Partners. TTJANTED-PABTNEB IN A PROFITABLE TV manufacturing specialty: 7,500 required; good opening for right party. PRODUCER, Dis patch office. deS-17 TXT--' TED-PARTNERSHIP IN GOOD PAY VV ING business, manufacturing or other wise, in which about 11,600 could be safely in vested. Address PARTNER, Dispatch office. del-B9-Tusa WANTED TO INVEST UOOO. BY A YOUNG man of excellence and thorough business training in a mercantile or mfg. business: is a hard worker and will devote entire time to busi ness. Address for one week with particulars, "MERCANTILE, ' Dispatch office. no28-61 financial. w ANTED-SMALL MOB1GAGE3-I. JVWIL- SON, H9 Fonrtn ave. no2S-3 TTT ANTED MORTGAGES - LARGE AND YV small. ED. WITTISH, 410 Grant street. x D012-65-D "VTrANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN YV In sums to suit at )f, s and 6 per cent. ALLES i, BAILEY, 164 Fourth are. TeL 167. apU-14-rrssa TKTANXED MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP W EBTY. over S4.O00; 4K per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER CO.. 02 Fourth avenue. mh2-aS-D "TTJANTED -s BENTS ., TO COLLECT AND V V houses to rent in all parts of both cities and suburbs: established 1SS3. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ayenne. del-75-rt "T7-ATED-MOKTGAaiaS-fl.Oa000TOLOAN VY in large and small amounts at 4U.5and per cent, free of State tax; no delay. W 1 UC S IAS., l&L X guimnic. myZWO WANTED-TO LOAN, MONEY ON MORT GAGES on improved real estate In sums of 1500 and upward for J or 6 years at 4f, s and 6 per cent. L.O.FEAZIEE, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. .no30-8-TT6u "TXTANTED-TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS ftf tmni.nd nnward. oncltT&tirf inhnrhm property, on 4)4 per cent, iree or tax; also smaller amounts at 6 and S percent. BLACK & BA1RD, 5 Fourth avenue. seZl-US-D TTJ-AKTED-MOKTG AGES-SI, 000, 000TO LOAN YV on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand (percent, and on larxns In Allegheny and adja cent counties at Sper cent. I. M. PENNOC1C A BON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-Hl ITTANTED TO nOAN 00,000 ON MOBT- TV GAGES: sioo ana upwara at e per cent! two, COO at 4K per tent on residences or business property; also in summing FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. iso in adlolnlng counties. S. H. oczi-t-D WANTEDMOirrGAGES-100,000 TO LOAN on mortgages, la sums from S5O0 to 110,000, for S to 6 years on city property, at very low rates; write for terms and give description of property. J. E. GLASS, 133 Filth ave. Telephone No. 1764. noU-47 Miscellaneous. WANTED-TWO BEOOND-HAND, MOOT nnrs. saddle tank locomotive, from 5 to tons weight; alsois or 30 pott X Mk to relay. I I lAatatMiT.V.Xet.ifJ, WANTED. SHsceTlaneons. WANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S . . doxen (13) of Stewart & Co. 's fine cabinet photos foril, at 80 and 92 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny; my28-49-TTSu a lire size crayon portrait, beautifully framed, and one dozen cab. photos, all for 8; all fine work. mhlS-63 FOB SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE City Residences. FOB SALX-A S-STOKY DWELLING HOUSE a-Svi.y rooms, opposite Second ave. park. HENRY A. WEAVER 4 CO., K Fourth aveT deS-37 FOB BALE-ON FIFTH AVE., FOB 12,500, ON monthly payments if desired, a neat brick hojie ore rooms: location good; call or send for Ust. W. A. HERRON JtSONS, 80 Fourth ave. no30-41 FOB SALE-AT J3.000: MODERATE TEBMS . a good brick house: S rooms; No. 138 Colwell t., one square from Fifth ave.: lot 20x90 ft. to Our alley. See W.A. HERBON &SONS, 80 Fourth ave. no28-64-Tur TJIOB SALE-MT. WASHINGTON, ULYSSES A; street, a comfortable 2-story frame dwelling honse or 8 rooms; hall, cemented cellar, coal and irood house, frame stable, good well and large cls Sat lot. 116x114 ft. ; price. 85,600: terms easy. I. M.PENNOOK&sdN. 105 Fourth ave. deS-44-rrs FOR SALE LAWBENCEVILLE-LOOK AT this and give us a bid: must sell or withdraw from the market; two good houses, paved yards; lots extending from street to alley: good renting property: never Idle; paying 10 per cent net; ask $3,500. CHARLES SOMEltS & CO., 313 Wood st. deJ-S3 FOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN FOR A FEW days onlv Prime Sixth ward property; sub stantial, attractive and complete: press brick front: 2-story attic; 7 rooms, hall, range, water, gas both floors; large yard: side entrance; im proving neighborhood: low at 14,600. CHARLES BOMERS & CO., 313 Wood st. de3-88 Enst End Residences. FOR SALE-OAKLAND RESUJENCES. . CHARLES SOMEBS & CO., S13 Wood St. Telephone 1773. deS-88 FOB SALE-TWO NEW DWELLING HOUSES or 0 rooms, finished attlo, bath, w. c, range, slate mantels, front and back porches, inside shutters; lots 30x100 each; near Shadyslde station: terms easy; immediate possession. GEORGE SCHMIDT, 157 Fourth ave. no27-79 FOR SALE-LD3ERTY AVE. AND THIRTY NINTH St., new modern frame dwelling, 5 rooms, finished attic, hall, vestibule, inside shut ters, side entrance, large cellar, etc.; grained and well finished; lot 20x100 feet: good location and convenient to cable line; price 32.800; terms easy. L. O. FRAZIEB, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. no30-8-TTBU FOB 8ALE-H0O0 IVltli BUY A NEW. SUB STANTIAL modern frame dwelling, well ar ranged and convenient to steam and cable cars; located In the finest part or the East End; it con tains 6 large rooms, and all modern conveniences, complete sewerage, etc. ; fine lot 21x133 feet to alley: terms very easy. L. O. FBAZIER, Forty fifth ana Butler sts. no30-8-TTSu FOB SALE-OAKLAND, FOUBTEENTH ward; but few of the many people in this Seat city have any conception of the magnitude, intense improvement, rapid growth and en hancement of the now most aesirable residence district within our city limits; within 30 days the new electric street railway will be in operation, connecting Oakland Square and the city (via the traction road) for the nominal fare of 5 cents; Oakland Square is a beautiful park around which run wide streets paved with aspbaltuin and sew eredfreeof cost to the purchaser of oneofthe beautiful dwellings facing the square, a brief de scription of which Is here given: Built of brick, by day work, two sizes, 8 and 9 rooms, halls, bath. Inside shutters and w. c 's, handsome slate man tels, tile hearths, sliding doors, range and both gases; also, electric lighting apparatus, large porches, cemented cellars, fine chandeliers, large lot. etc.; terms, small cash payment down, bal ance S50O per annum: 17 of these dwellings have been sold to representative business men; the time consumed in running from the postofflce to the square is but 17 minutes, thus giving ample time to go home for dinner: see the square before buying elsewhere. SAM'L W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth ave. no2S-64 Allegheny Residences. FOR 8 ALE-ALLEGHENY PARK PROPER TIES. CHARLES SOMEBS Jfc CO., 313 Wood St. Telephone 1773. de3-88 FOB SALE HILAND AVENUE PROPER TIES. CHARLES SOMEBS A CO., 313 Wood st. Telephone 1773. deJ-88 FOE SALE-ON JACKSON ST.. ALLEGHENY, cheap, a very desirable property: lot 80x170 ft. : room to build in front, with a large 4-story building suitable for manufacturing on the alley in rear. W.A. HERRON &SONB.10 Fourth aye. de3-72-TUF FOR BALE-2-BTORY BRICK RESIDENCE, 8 rooms, bathroom, etc. ; all conveniences: desirable neighborhood; close to parks, Alle gheny; we offer this barsraln for 83,100; on easy terms. W. W. MCNEILL & BRO., 105 Fourth ave. del-52-TUSu FOB 8ALE-ALLEGHENY-A GOOD PAY ING Investment on Lacock st., a 2-story brick store and 7 dwelling rooms, finished attic, cellar; also. 2-story brick house of 4 rooms, cellar, water and both kinds gas in each: lot 45x64 feet. I. M. PENNOCK & SUN, 106 Fourth ave. de3-44-TTS FOR SALE S3.5U0-DK8IBABLE AND CON VENIENT location on Cbartlers st., Alle gheny, brick honse, hall. 7 rooms. In prime and attractive order: good lot, side and rear alley; a good property for the money: buyer shonld real ise aprofit when he desires to sell. CHARLES SOMEBS & CO., 313 Wood St. de3i83 bahnrban Residences. FOR SALE AT "WILK1NBBUBG, CONVE ND2NT to station, 2 neat 6-roomed frame houses, lot 33XX100 feet: excellent water in both nooses; natural gas; good, dry cellars; will be sold very low and on easy payments: full particulars from MCCUNE & COULTER, 93 Fourth ave., who will take you ont and show you the property. ncCS-37 FOR BALE-HOUSE AND LOT, ETNA BOB OUGH, at Orphans' Court sale: the property of Lewis King, deceased, on the Butler turnpike, near Etna postofflce, will be sold at anctlon on Thursday, December 6, at 2 o'clocc: lot 30x100: frame house and store: terms, fourth cash and three years. A. LXGGATE& SON, Auctioneers. noIS-90 FOR SALE LOTS). CItr Lots. "COR SALE 30 LOTS IN BYRNE'S' PLAN, A. Eighteenth ward:price, fan to II, ooo:good, cheap and on very easy payments. I. il. PKNNOCK bON, 105 Fourth avenue. de3-44-TTS FOR SALE-t2.200-40HOO FEET; TWO GOOD city lots, nice street, either as an Investmentor location for building: this is worth attention. CHARLES SOMEBS CO., 313 Wood St. de3-83 East End Lots. FOR SALE THE CHEAPEST LOTS IN THE market to-day are to be found in the Villa Park plan, Brushton station; no city taxes and conveniently located: seenre plan (book form), from JOHN F.BAXIER, Agent, 612 Smithfield street. del-66-TTSSu FOR SALE BAUM GROVE LOTS THl5 choicest testrlcted property for private dwell ings In the East End: for convenience of access and prospective advancement in value nothing else on the market approaches it. Full informa tion from MELLON BROS., East Knd.or JNO.F. BAXTER, Agt., 512 Smithfield street. del-57-TTSu ABesacnv Xiots. FOB SALE-ON ESPLANADE ST., ONE OF the most desirable residence locations in Allegheny: a neat brick house of 8 rooms. In first class order, bee Y. A. HEBRON A SONS, 80 Fourth aye. del-72-Tu? Suhnrbnn Lots. FOB SALE-LOT 80xl25- MILES FROM CITY; good railroad accommodations, natural gas, etc. : price, (800; easy terms to right party. Ad dress Z., Dispatch office. de3-62 FOB SALE SPECIAL INDUCEMENT IN price and terms to early purchasers of those very deslrablebullding lots at Asplnwall. the most beautiful location on the West P. H. R.: call or sepd for plns free. W. A. HEREON ft SONS., No. 80 Fourth ave. de3-24-Tur Farms. TTIOR SALE-22 ACRES LAND-CHOICE SPOT jj ior investment: Kmueiroi mile from railroad; l mile from city limits; price (8,000. D WlAI'iail, no30-D 410 Grant st. POR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOB SALE AN INTEREST IN A RETAIL grocerr store to a roan capable of running the badness. Address G. B. O., Dispatch office. de8-36-Tl FOR 8ALE-VALUABLE PATENT IMPROVE MENT on elevators: now in operation at Star Finishing Works, 2335 Hamilton St., Philadel phia. Pa. : preserves life and limb. For toll par ticulars apply to ROBT. J. WALKER, Inventor. noZ7-9J-n FOB SALE-GROCERY STOBE WELL LO CATED; must be sold at once, owner going Into other business; also other good business chances. Full particulars from PERCIVAL A CHAPMAN, 67 Fifth ave.. Second floor. AU kinds of business bonght and sold on commission. deS-53 FOB SALE-AN OLD ESTABLISHED AND successful light, clean mercantile business: no opposition, and first-class location; established 27 years: doing a business of tin, 000 per annum; owner must sell on account ot Infirmities; this is a first-class opening which we can highly recom mend: will require about 12,000 cash. See L. O. FKAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. noaw-TTSU "C"0R SALEGROCERY STORES IN BOTH JD cities, from S350to 110,000; cigar stores S250, 350. 500. 11,800; shooting gallery paying 75 per week clear of expenses: fine city and country drugstores; general country stores: good paying slate roofing business in live town; boarding houses, milk routes, confectioneries, bakeries and many other good business chances. SHEPABD A CO., 64 Firth ave. . no33 FOR SALE-HALF INTEREST IN FlRST CLASS grocery store in healthy, prosperous and rapidly growing Southern city of 60,000 neo ple: was established 1874 and pays ne profit of over (7, 000) seren thousand per year; said busi ness is iree rrom aeot ana win oniy oe soia 10 man of good character, capable of running and wuung to devote his whole time to tne ousir relieTlhs- nnunt owner of all details: orlce .neis. lO.0OTt no attention -paid to those not Bwaulog ba4ue. Address, with refsTsaee, D., Box No. asTMSia, Ga. HaVaBtlsh 3- " liBfl TM 1 llMIIMI FOR SALE-BCSDJESS. Baslaess Chances. FOB SALE-GOOD PAYING SALOON IN past End, O.. i miles from East Liverpool: population 1,000; only saloon in townr owner in other business in this city andwill sell cheap for cash. Address V. A. B., Dispatch office, del-28 Business Stands. F05T5A.LE-QEANT ST. BUBINE88 PBOP-EETY-4 story building, size 24x100; 12 rooms nd storeroom; special bargain. ALLES A BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. de3-40-TTS FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. , machinery and Metals. FOB SALE-ENGINES AND BOTXEBS-NEW and refitted: repairing promptly attended to. POSTER FOU NDRY ANDM ACHINE CO.. LIM.. below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aulO-29 . FOB SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND hollers; all sizes and styles Is stock, from 4 to 100 h. p. ;all refltted;gpod as new, at lowest prices; portable engines, 8" to 25 h. p.; boilers all sizes and styles. J.S.YOUNG.23Park way.AUeghiny. FOR SALE NOW ONE SECOND-HAND tenoning machine, 2 surface planers and 1 shsper,and new and second-hand engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks. Blcmen valves, eastings, etc VELTE ft MCDONALD, Thirty-second St. and Penp ave. Jy21-91-TTS Miscellaneous. FOB SALE-TINNERS' TOOLS -SECOND hand;nearlynew; cheap If sold at once. E. B. WEBB, 716 Fifth avenue. de3-39 FOB SALE-THE LARGEST SELECTION OF genuine diamonds in the citv at SMUT'S. 311 Smithfield St., third door from Fourth ave. All goods marked in plain figures. del-97-rrgq PERSONAL. PERSONAL THE PARTY THAT THOK AN ovAi-Huit. with a book, will nlease leave it at HOLT BBO'S GBOCEBY, on Hlfand ave.. as the .1 party was seen taxing it, ana mere will oe no questions asked. de3-S9 PERSONAL HAVE YOU SEEN LEVI'S bookstore? Do yon know we have new books as well as old? Do you know we have the largest stock of old boots west ot the Allegheny Moun tains? LEVI'S BOOKSTORE, 900 Liberty St. no3-33 PEBSONAL-WE LEAD. AND NO ONE CAN (follow, or afford to sell as low as we do; Jnst think of it, we are selling solid gold stem-winding watches, for ladles, at 9 60 and up; gold filled Elgin watches, S13 60; gold rings from 25c up, at M. J. SMIT'S, 311 Smithfield St., third door from Fourth ave. t del-97-TTBu PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently they had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family lar occa sioned by tho wife Insisting on being allowed to renovate his wearing apparel, and which, ot course, was done in a bungling manner: In order to prevent the trouble they agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, theTallor, 6J Fifth avo, corner Wood St., second floor, and now everything is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns In their household. Telephone 1658. anUO-D LOST. LOST-ON MONDAY, NEAR ROSENBAUM'S store, a pocketbook containing about (16 and some other small articles. A suitable reward will be paid to finder If left with CASHIER, Rosen baum's Store. de3-73 T OST-8ITO K WILL BUY YOU AN ELEGANT I i pair of Rhine or Voltaic stone eardrops, mounted In solid gold: scarf pins from 75c to 8175, and all other goods in proportion. M. J. SMIT, 311 Smithfield St.. third door from Fourth ave. del-97-TTSu LOST-BANK BOOK CONTAINING N. 1. draft ror 1100; loston Chestnut street between Ohio and Main St., Allegheny. The finder will please return the same to FRANK SISTECK, 24 Chestnut St., Allegheny: payment has been stopped on draft; reward will be paid at above ad dress. de3-S7 FOUND. F OUND-THAT YOU CAN BUY SOLID gold baby rings for S5c at M. J. SMIT'B, 311 Bmlthfleld St.. third door from Fourth ave. del-97-TTSU MEETINGS. rnHE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF I the stockholders of the Pittsburg and Fatrport Terminal Company will be held at the office of the company, B. O. R. R. station, corner Smithfield and water streets, Pittsbnrg, Pa., MONDAY. December 9, 1889. at 2 p. M. no24-24 C. B. WIGHT, Secy. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the stockholders of the Pittsburg and Al legheny Broveyard Oomnany vail be held at the office of the company, B.AO. E.E. station, corner Smithfield and Water streets, Pittsburg, Pa., MONDAY, December 9, 1889. at 3 P. K. no24-24 O. S. WIGHT. Secy. ELECTIONS. Monongahela Insurance Co., ) 98 Fourth avenne, November 20. 1889. ELECTION-THE ANNUAL MEETING and election ot "fifteen directors to serve tor the ensning year will be held at the office or the company on TUESDAY, December 3, 18S9, between the hortrs of 11 A. M. and 1 P. M. no21-70-p JOHN H. CLANEY. Secretary. PROPOSALS. s EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED by the Board of Inspectors, of the Western Penitentiary of Pennsylvania, nn to 6 P. M. FRIDAY, December 6, 1889, for brick arching, concrete and galvanized iron work in south wing. Details furnished at prison. ED WARD S. WRIGHT, Warden. del-13 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED proposals, addressed to the undersigned. Indorsed "Proposals for Grading." will be re ceived until MONDAY NOON, December 9, for grading six miles of .the P., Y. & A. R. R., from Wampum Junction, Pa., to Lawrence Junction, Pa. Good bonds will be required. Bondsmen must be named and bids made on blanks, which may be obtained at my office, where profiles and specifications may be seen. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. WM. MULLIN8, Of Executive Committee. P., Y. & A. R. R. Co. PrrTSBTJBG, Pa,, November 29, 1689. no29-2-D OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS report of Viewers on the damages caused by the grading of Urbana alley, from 128 fees sontb of south enrb line of Davison street to present pavement, has been approved by Coun cils, which action will he final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Dep't of Public Works. PiTTSBUHG Pa., Nov. SO, 1889. noSO-11-D NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of Viewers on the grading and paving of Urbana alley, from a point 128 feet sopth of the south curb line of Davison street to the present pavement, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas withm ten (10) days from date. 4 E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. PrrrsBtmo, Pa., November 30, 18S. no30-ll-D VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE AS report of Viewers on the construction of a sewer on Fox street, from Sonth Twentv fonrth street to Sonth Twenty-third street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas nithin ten (10) days from date. E.M. BIGELOW. Chief of Dep't. of Public Works. PrrrsBTjita, Pa., November 30, 18S9. noS0-ll-D NOTICE IS HEREBY GrVEN THAT the reports of Viewers on the opening of Bennett street, from Frankstown avenne to tbe city line, and Kelly street, from Fifth avenne to tbe city line, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in tbe Conrt of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E.M. BIGELOW, Chief of Dep't of pnblio Works. PTttsbtog, Pa., November 80, 1889. no30-ll Office of the city Treasurer. 1 Pittsburg, December 2, 18S9. f NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the duplicates for the second as sessments of water rents (for new buildings completed since April 1, 1890,) have been placed in my hands for collection, and payable at this office during the month of December. All water rents remaining unpaid January 1, 1890, will be placed in the hands of W. R. Ford, Collector of Delinquent Taxes, with S per cent added, for collection. J.F.DENNI8T0N, de3-S8-T City Treasurer. REPORTS. THOMASVILLE, GA., Piney Woods Hotel. Season opgna December 4. 1889. M. A BOWER, Proprietor. For circulars, rates, etc., address WM. E. DA VIES, Manager, Thomasville, Ga. or F. A. BUDLONG. Windsor Hotel, N.Y.City. 0C12-97-TT3 piANOts, OEGAN& a HAMILTON, SI AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, . Pittsburg; Pa. ap30-7-D "I A. BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 ueventn avenue. Pittsburg, pa. seo-38-TTS Telephone 1314. A RE YOU MARRTKDt IF NOT, SEND JX your address to THE AMERICAN COR RB8POVDING CLUB: Sax ML darksbnre. ,w. va. TO LET. CteT Residence. mO LET--BOOMED DWELLING NO. X X Ferry st. Inquire D. OPPENREIMEK, T1J Liberty st. del-tl Aneaheny Residences. TO LET-A FINE NEW 8 BOOM PBESSED brick bouse, with all modern conveniences; laundry, bath, front porch, etc. treat only B5 per month. NO. 29 JUNIATA ST., Allegheny, Pa. de3-30 Apartments. TO LET-3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, BUITA BLK for light housekeeping, 4th floor; rent reasonable; no children. 1313 PENN AVE. de3-45 Offices. Deslc Boom. 3tc TO LET-DESK BOOM-OK FURNISHED office; best location In city: terms moderate; call 64 Fifth ave,, room 35. J. S. PABB1SH. deJ-35 T 10 LET-S300 PER YEAR-A LARGE, WELL LIGHTED office with all modern conven iences: newlr nalnted and nanered: has two larsre closets for storage room. Inquire at GEBMANIA SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood St. nol3-3'.-n Miscellaneous. TO LET-T WO-STOBY BKICK STABLE BEAB of No. 435 Penn ave. Apply to BENBO W CO., No. 131 Fifth ave., or 2101 CARSON ST., 8. S. -del-13-1,12,21,24 TO LET-YOU CALL AT ONCE AND EXAM INE our line of diamonds, watches. Jewelry, silverware, etc M. J. SMIT, 311 Smithfield St., third door from Fourth ave. del-97-TTBu AUCTION SALES. BRUCE & SHIELDS. Attorneys, Fifth ave. and Grant st. Administrators'ExtensiveDispIenishing PUBLIC SALE Of the valuable dairy and farm stock, over 100 cows, 13 heifers, bulls, calves, 81 horses; also wagons, implements, dairy utensils, eta. etc., of the estate of the late Alfred Harrison, de ceased, all to be sold without reserve, by order of tbe Safe Deposit Company of Pittsburg, administrator, on the premises on TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, December 3 and 4, A. D. 1889, commencing each day at 10 o'clock. Call or send for handbill giving more full particulars. N. B. The first day's sale will take place on the premises, at the old homestead, on Ells worth ave., comer Barton st,, near Shadyslde station, with about 18 horses, harness, stone wagons, implements, etc, and then proceed to the other premises, near Fifth ave., Oakland, where the sale will be continued from day to day nntil everything has been disposed of. Peremptorysale. Terms cash. JA& W. DRAPE & CO., Auctioneers. noS0-78-D 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. THE LAST WEEK, COMMENCING, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, OF THE BANKRUPT BALE. OVER $150,000 WORTH -OF- FINE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, CARPETS, RUGS, Era, BY AUCTION I -AT- 723 AND 725 LIBERTY ST., CORNER EIGHTH. Sales, Morning, Afternoon and Evening, N. B. Special accommodations provided for ladies. de3-61-TTSSU AT AUCTION DESKS, B00KCA8ES, wardrobes, carpets, all kinds furniture, sealskin sacque, etc, at auction, TUESDAY MORNING, December3, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms No. 311 Market st. Walnut bookcases, oak bookcases, full line of office desks, ladies' secretaries, fine wardrobes, hail racks, large lot of center, library and office tables, consign ment of assorted chairs and rockers, iron safe, stoves, shades, linoleum, brnssels and ingrain carpets, handsome parlor furniture, folding beds, chamber suits, chiffoniers, bedsteads, bureaus, wash stands, springs, bedding, mat tresses, ladies' wraps, fine sealskin sacque, decorated dinner, toilet and tea sets, side hoards, extension tables, lanndryfarnishments. kitchen goods, etc HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM.. Auctioneers. del-83 AMUSEMENTS. NYE AND RILEY, In a New En tertalnment at LAFAYETTE HALL NEXT THURSDAY EVENING. AUBPICES PRESS CLUR 4S-Tickets at Klebers'. de3-65 "I RAND OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT. It Wednesday and Saturday Matinees. BLUE BEARD. JR. Tbe GreatesOSpectacular Operatlo Ex travaganza. Next week Nat. C. Goodwin. de3 BIJOU THEATER. TO-NIGHT. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. HALLEN AND HART, IN LATER ON. Decembers Clara Morris In Repertoire. de2-9 HARRIS' THEATER Every Afternoon and Evening. BEACON LIGHTS, A New and Beautiful Drama. Week Dec. 9 MyPartner. del-14-D H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday ana eararaay. SHEFFER & BLAKELY'S del-30-D REFINED NOVELTY CO. WORLD'8 MC8EUM ALLEGHENY CITY Week commencing December 2. Captain Chittenden's exhibit of rare relics. A hundred other new objects. Hume's Very Funny Farce Comedy GINGER SNAPS in Theater. Dec 9-BABEL.CO WBOY PIANIST. de2-2-D SPIRITUALISM-MR. EDGAR W. EMER SON, the celebrated Test Medium, will give a Test Seance this evening, 8 o'clock, at tbe First Church of Spiritualists, No. 8 Sixth street, uome all ana near mm. Admission 25 cents. de3-67 FOR SALE. SQUIRREL HILL. NEAR SCHESLEY PARK. SO acres land, having a frontage of oyer 2,800 feet on a good street. 21 acres land, street frontage 1,400 feet. 6 acres, fronting on two streets. 4 acres and 2-story frame dwelling of 5 rooms. 15 acres land near the Squirrel Hill Electric road and Forbes street. IRA M. BURCHFTELD, 168 Fourth ave. de3-64-TT3 QNE WAY EXCURSIONS PULLMAN tourist sleeping cars from Chicago to San i-inclsco and the Pacific coast. For the ex clusive accommodation of purchasers of second class ticket?, the Chicago, Rock bland and Pacific Railway are now running excursions in Pullman tourist sleeping cars (personally con ducted), every second Thursday, from Chicago to Oregon and California via Denver. Every comfort and convenience assured at a great redaction from regular first-class rates. Address for full particulars E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Gen. Manager, Gen. Ticket and Chicago. Passenger Agent. no28-80-TTS 8E5.TH AVENUE DYE WORKS, M. MAY SONS & CO., STEAM DYERS AND SCOURERS ' And general renovators of textile fabrics, la dies' and gentlemen's soiled or faded garments neatly cleaned or restored In color. Curtains of every description carefully attended to. M. MAY SONS & Co. lell-TTS 68 SIXTH AVE Pittsburg, Pa. TTOLIDAY GOODS-BOYS WATCHES, 11 sj and up: misses' solid silver watches, IqoO and up; fine gold watches, diamonds, jewelry, silverware, clocks, spectacles, etc, at WILSON'S, 61 Fourth ave Pittsburg. Watcbes and jewelry carefully repaired. nol9-TTS Walter j. osboubite. kiobabo BAssoira. BARROWS OSBOURNE JOB PSlNTERSj TJfhseKe,El stttM-m LEGAL NOTICES. -VTOTICE APPLICATION WILL 'BE ' Hi A.V maae lu mo ixmitut i.iuuuuia next meeting, third Tuesday of December, 18S9. for the pardon of C. C. Burgard, convicted at No. 2, June term O. and T, 1887 of murder ja in the second degree w. si. jjuyxiii. no23-30-Ta Attorney for Petitioner. Law office of W. A LEWIS, 98 Diamond St. ESJVATE OP MICHAL WEHRMAN, deceased. Notice is hereby given that let ters of administration on the estate of Michael Wehrman have been granted to the under signed, to whom all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment andthoe having claims against the same should make them known without delay. JAMES F. GRIME3, Administrator. nofr39-Ta OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN" THATLET TERS testamentary on the estate of John Koenig, late of Allegheny City, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All persona having claims or demands against the estate oC the said decedent are requested to maks known the same to her without delay, and all persons indebted to said estate will make lm znediate payment to her. MRS. ELIZA KOENIG, nol2-ou-Tn 45 Boyle st, Allegheny. ! -VTOTICE APPLICATION WILL BE JLN made to the Conrt of Common Pleas No. L of Allegheny county, at No. 641 December Term. 1889, for leave to amend the charter of the Pittsburg Natatorlum. The petition for the amendment is now on file in the Prothono tary's office at the above number and term, where tbe same may be seen nntil the 30th day of November. 1SS9, when the same will be pre sented to Conrt at 10 o'clock a. m. no5-27-Tn A. M. NEEPER, Bolldtor. ESTATE OF SAMUEL MOORE. Deceased. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE NOTICE la here by Riven that letters testamentary on the estate of Samuel Moore, deceased, lata of Chartiers township, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested tomako immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against tbe same will make thera known with out delay. WM. M. CRAMP, MARY E. MOORE. Executors. oc29-42-Tn ESTATE OF LET1TIA W. GAZZAM, Do- ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE-NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administra tion on the estate of Letitia W. Gazzam. de ceased, late of the city ot Allegheny, hare been granted to the undersigned, to whom all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having elaims or demands against tbe same will maks them known without delay. FIDELITY TITLE & TRUST CO Administrator. DAVLD Q. EWING, Attorney. oc29-4I-TU ESTATE OF FRANK L. ROWLAND, De- CCLS6d ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE NOTICE' is hereby given that letters of administra tion on the estate of Frank L. Rowland, de ceased, late of Mystic River Conn., hava been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having; claims or demands against the same will maka tbem known without delay. FIDELITY TITLE fe TRUST CO, Administrator. DAVID Q. EWING, Attorney. oc29-40Tu TESTATE OF ANDREW JACKMAN, DE tji CEASED. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary nnder the last will and testament of Andrew Jackman, late of the city of Pittsburg, in Allegheny county. Pa., de ceased, have been issued to me by the Register of said county. AU persons owing the estate will please make payment thereof, and aU per sons having claims against the estate will pre sent tbem properly probated for payment. EDWARD F. JACKMAN, Executor. 636 Penn ave.. Pittsburg, Pa. noZS-43-Ta EXECUTOR'S AUCTION SALE OF PER SONAL property belonging to the estate 01 Wm. M. Lyon, dee'd,, WEDNESDAY MORNING, Dec 4. at 10 o'clock, at the Henry Auction Co.. No. 311 Market st, city, furniture, microscope, lot Jewelry, mirrors, etc, etc to be sold to close up tbe estate, by order of tha Safe Deposit Co.. of Pittsburg, executor. Also, at same time and place, of the estate of Char lotte Blume, deeeased, watcbes and other arti cles, by order of the administrator, tbe Safa Deposit Co.. Pitta. For further narticnlars in quire of HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM No. 311 Market st. nol3-67-19,2j.2S,de2.3.4 S. A. & M. JOHNSTON, Attorneys at Law, S3 Diamond street. FTHE COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania In rs application of transfer of license No. 118 of -Fabian Boehm (late of No. 823 Penn avenne, Fourth ward, Pittsburg), deceased, by Mary Boehm, executrix ot his estate, to Anna Mary Boebnu Notice is hereby given that on tha 14th day of December, 1SS9. at 10 oclock a. Jt the application for tha transfer of license No. 118 of Fabian Boehm, deceased, for house No. 823 Penn avenue. Pittsburg, to Anna Mary Boehm, will be heard by said conrt, at which time persons opposing the transfer, as well as the person above named, will appeir. D. K. MCGUNNIGLE,. de3-49 Clerk of Conrts J. A. EMERY. Attnrnfiy No. 131 Fifth ayenna. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ANT h JLi application will be made to the Governor of tbe State of Pennsylvania on DECrlMBEB 17. 1889, by James L. Somen, Charles Somers,, William L Miller, Bobert H. Marks, W. Harry Williams and George W. MoKenzie, nnder tho act of tbe General Assembly of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act to provide for the incorpora tion and reo-nlatlnn nf PArtaln cornnratinnsi approved April 29, 1874, and the several supple- Jj menu wereto, ior tne cnarter 01 an mtenaea incorporation to be called tbe "Pittsburg In dicator Advertising Company." the character and object whereof is the manufacturing of articles of commerce from metal and wood and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all tbe rights, benefits and privileges of tha said act of Assembly and its supplements. J. A EMERY, Solicitor. PrrrsBtrBO. November IS. 1889. nol9-59-xu J. A. EMERY. Attorney. No. 131 Fifth Avenne. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN X application will be made to the Governor of the State of Pennsylvania, on DECEMBER 17, AD. 1889, by William L MiUer, Charles Somers, James L. Somers, W. Harry Williams. Robert H. Marks and Georgo W. McKeuzie, under the act of tha General Assembly of the Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain, corporations" approved April 29, 1874, and tba soveral supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended incorporation to be called tha "American Manufacturing Company," tha character and object whereof is the mannfao turiiig of articles of commerce from metal and wood, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said act of Assembly and Its supple-' ments. J, A EMERY, Solicitor. PrrrsBiTBO, November 16,1889. nol9-58-Tn L. B. D. REESE. Attorney, 129 Fifth avenne. FTHE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States, Western District of Penn sylvania In the matter of Carrier & Baum, bankrupts. No. 2,228, in bankruptcy. To cred itors and ail persons interested: Yon are here by notified thai on tha 2d day of December, 1889, a petition was presented to the court m the above entitled cause, by the assignee of said bankrupts, praying for leave to settle and compound the claims of said estate against Henry Metzger, whereupon the Conrt ordered said petition to be filed, and further ordered that the matter of said petition be heard at a court to bn holden at Pittsburg, on the 14th day of December, 1889, at 10 o'clock A- scwhen and w1i.rA all rreriftnr. and nartlpa fnfrf Arl an reaulred to aonear and show cause, if any they "3 have, why an order should not be made by tha Court, authorizing and directing tbe assignee to settle and compound said claims upon tha terms and condition set forth in said petition, LEVI BIRD DUFF, Assignee of Carrier Baum. . de3-423,7.U I B. D. REES15, Attorney, No. 129 Fifth avenue. FTHE DISTRICT COURT" OF THS! c United States. Western District of Peno-7 4 sylvania In the matter of William Dilworth,' A j r., oanKrupt, jn o. not in Danicrupicy. a a ma. creditors and all persons interested: You are. hereby notified that on December 2, 1889. a -petition was presented to tbe court In the above entitled cause, by tbe assignee of said bank rupt, praying for leave to settle and compound the claim of said estate againstHtnryMetzger,' wherennan the Conrt ordered said oetition to bo filed, and further ordered that the matter of 1 said petition Do heard at a court to ne coiaea. at Pittsburg, on the 11th day of December. xootf, as IV (TC10CK JL. su, wuco .uu.uqt.w, creditors and nartics interested are reauired to appearand show cause, if any they hava, why ,'j an oruer auoaiixuot do. mauo ur uio iwui. au thorizing and directing the assignee to settle" ana compouua saia ciaim upvu. mo betiua &uu. conditions set lorin in said peiiuun. uiuuuui. , SCOTT, Assignee 01 William iniworu, jr. de3-42-3,7,U L. B. D. REESE. Attorney, 129 Fifth avenue. TS THK TJISTOIOT COURT OF THBl I TTnl,.il I3,-..a- U'.t,am T)t.f,t nf P,nJ sylvania In tbe matter of Bates & Goldsbor-j oagn, nanjerupts, no. lotxi in uanarupicy. sor the creditors and all nersons interested: Yon are hereby notified that on the 2d day of De-t cember, 1SS3, a petition was presented to tnag conrt In the abovs entitled cause, by the as-i signee of said bankrupts, praying for leave to settle and compound the claim of said estate,, against Henry Metzger, whereupon the Court, -ordered said petition to be filed, and further or-1 aerea tnat tne matter or saia pennon oe neara at a conrt to bo holden at Pittsburg on the 14th day of December, 18S9. at 10 o'clock A. it,, wben and where all creditors and parties inter-J ested are required to appear and show cause. If fc any they hare, why an order should not bok made by the Court authorizing and directing? the assignee to settle and compound said claim noon the terms and condition set rortmn sau petition. W.S.PURVIANCE. ftssttmeo tf Bates 4 Goldeborooh, , . me m j.isj, , 't . J .41 . . ..v. . . .-, "- -