Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 03, 1889, Image 1

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Help, advertise la THE DISPATCH. '
Fsrehswrs eon be found far cverylklBg
offered For Sale In THE DISPATCH.
THE DISPATCH U tho belt advertising
medium tn Western Pennsylvania. Try it.
Opening of the Mfty-Eirst
Congress Marked by the
Selected by the Majority to Open Ses
sions With Prayer.
About $17,000,000 More Seeded to Bun the
A pleasant December day ushered in the
new Congress. The usually dull routine of
the opening daj in the House of Bepresenta
tives was broken by an unprecedented inci
dent. The nominee of the majority party
for a Eonse office was defeated, Dr. Mil
ward, the Democratic blind chaplain, being
elected through a singular chain of circum
stances. In the Benate the only excitement
,was iound in the swearing in of the Sen
ators irom the new States. Secretary "Win
dom asks for $17,000,000 more in appropria
tions than were necessary last year.
.. "Washington, Decembers. All nature
- seemed so happy to-day, that not even the
' most bilious and bigoted Democrat could
frown or look despondent as the Bepubli
cans made their re-entry into the control of
the House of" Eepresentatives, which they
have not had for nearly a decade of years.
Sever was there a balmier December day,
never a more genial and soothing December
sun. .Republicans were in a condition of
supreme happiness beneath its influence,
and Democrats warmed toward and con
gratulated the Republicans, and no one
seemed to think the country was going to
the dogs because Tariff Deform Carlisle was
about to resume his seat on the floor of the
House, while High Protection Tom Beed
ascended to the Speaker's throne.
Long before the hour of high noon, when
Clerk Clark's gavel rapped the House to
order, the galleries were filled to overflow
ing and the corridors jammed with other
crowds which could not even see inside the
doors. The members gallery was crowded
to its utmost by members' wives and daugh
ters, and a handsomer aggregation of ladies
never sat there. The correspondents' gal
leries were jammed as never before. Each
session these gentlemen of the press have in
creased in numbers, until now they are too
many by half for the gallery set apart for
them, and the railing must soon be moved,
i or a number of the scribblers taken out and
vjshot to make room for the rest
Members, -visitors, members' wives and
families, ex-members and others crowded
the floor. The tumult ot voices was like the
roar of a Dakota blizzard. Old friends met
and shook each other's arms nearly off, and
mingled the smoke of their cigars with their
jokes and chaff, fraternally, and not a few
adjourned to the region of the restaurant
and added the popping of corks and the
clinking of glasses to the general melee.
The huge bulk of Mr. Seed was always
most conspicuous in the throng upon the
floor. Surrounded by his old-time circle of
particular chums, Hitt, Lodge, Bayne and
others, he cracked his jokes and smiled his
wonderful child-like smile, just as though
he was not- about to take into his hand the
scepter of absolutism and make the desti
nies of these men and of the whole body.
Mr. Beed was congratulated to the extent
of being awfully bored. He sifted the sin
cere from the hypocritical, and to the latter
would make such little remarks as "I hope
you enjoy it as much as you seem to," and
"Are you really aa happy over it as you
look?" with such a big, innocent, baby face
as to make the hypocrites stop and wonder
what lay behind so huge an embodiment of
extreme youth and ignorance of the world.
Flowers were everywhere. There were
hardly enough pages to fetch and distribute
the bouquets. N ever were so many lovely
posies seen in the House. It was like a gar
den, or a conservatory, or a remarriage of
the Bepublican grass widow with Uncle
Sam after a divorce of several years. The
"perfume of the most costly winter product
of the hot house made the air heave with
Most of the bouquets were modest and
artistic, but some admiring constituents
sacrificed beauty to size, and to shower com
pliment on their member, hid him com
pletely from observation. Such was the
fate of Houk, the orator from Tennessee,
who was buried in imaginary waves behind
a vast floral ship that rocked with every
tuoch as though on real billows.
An immense floral chair and a horseshoe
eclipsed McCarthy, the "Little Giant" from
the Eighth New York district, the smallest
man in this Congress and possibly the
smallest ever seen in any Congress. It is
said, however, that he has a great head and
will make his mark.
Of the hundred floral pieces, however,
Speaker-to-be Beed had the very prettiest of
all, in a tree ot "Jacques," without any
horrible" basket or other mechanical con
trivance, but a plain little vase.
0 the routine of calling the House to
order by the Clerk of the last House, Mr.
Clark, of Missouri, the calling of the roll,
the election.of Speaker, the swearing of the
membersvwthe election of Clerk, Door
keeper, iSergeant-at-Arms and Post
master, there, is little or nothing
to say. It was the traditional non
sense of taking a great big oath to support
Constitution and laws, etc. It was only
broken slightly by four Pennsylvanians,
who refused to swear in the ancient and
l&' orthodox way and "were allowed to affirm.
" ;Of -these, Darlington, of Chester, is a
H Quaker. Yardley and Bile, of the Seventh
and Fourteenth districts, and Brosius, of
1 tbe Tenth, simply did not want to swear
that way.
The first big break in the routine was the
;" defeat oi the Bepublican caucus nominee
for chaplain, and it is the firjt instance on J
''& &
i ' " .Hi-'
record when a nominee of the caucus of the
majority suffered defeat
The blind preacher, MUburn, who did the
praying for the last House, and is a dyed-in-the-wool
Democrat, would probably have
been nominated for Chaplain by the Bepnb
licans had not his record of sympathy with
the Southern Confederacy been bruited
about Bamsdell, who was nominated, had
been a brave Union soldier. MUburn sym
pathised -with the Confederacy in very re
cent years, delivering in Virginia a speech
eulogizing General Eobert E. Lee. Not
withstanding this hehadmany warm friends
among the Republicans, and there "was a
lively effort to bring about his nomination.
"When it was discovered, last evening that
several Republicans were inclined to sup
port Milburn, who, it was thought, would
be nominated by the Democrats, a great
effort was made to' whip the schismatics into
line, bnt without avaiL In the election of
officers he was separated from the others.
After a parliamentary contest" for nearly
an hour's duration, Dr. Milbnrn was elect
ed by five majority, Cheadle, of Indiana,
Morse, of Massachusetts, Lehlbach and
Ewart voting with the Democrats. Butter
worth and Forney were paired, and Gros
venor, Harmer and O'Neill, of Pennsyl
vania; Owen, of Indiana, himself a
preacher; Payson, of Illinois; Stuart, of Ver
mont; Brickner, McCord and Browne, of
Virginia dodged. If these had voted with
their party, the four who left the party
would not have succeeded In electing a
Democratic Chaplain.
The only other episode that amused the
galleries was the drawing for seats. This is
always funny. Dignity and ability go for
nothing. It is a purely Democratic per
formance. A new member from wavback is
just as likely to jret the pick and choice of
seats as the leader of the House of a dozen
years. Numbers ar placed on the roll op
posite the names of members, and balls are
put in a box, having on them corresponding
numbers. A page is blindfolded, and he
draws the bails rrom the box. When a ball
is drawn its number is announced, and then
the name of the member having the corre
sponding number.
By motion, the three ex-Speakers of the
Honse, Bants, Bandall and Carlisle, with
Kelley, of Pennsylvania, the "Father of the
House," were excepted from the chance of
the drawing. Kelley put his hat on his old
desk, to hold it sacred. A page was placed
in Randall's old chair, as the ex-Speaker
was not able to come out, and Banks and
Carlisle each chose a seat, the former close
to the left of the Speaker, and Carlisle well
up to the center of the Democratic side, just
across the aisle from the old seat of Mills.
But if he expected Mills to get his former
place he was disappointed, lor the Texan
was left until all the good seats were taken,
and then, as though mad at his ill-luck,
squatted down in an obscure place in the
back row, from which his friends with dif
ficulty persuaded him to come to a somewhat
better seat, one row farther down.
Charlie O'Neill, of Philadelphia, got
more consideration. Bife, of the Dauphin
district, was among the earliest called, and
got a good seat, near the center of the Re
publican side. O'Neill was left almost till
the last, and would.have had to take a back
s?at had not Bife, a new member, and about
the heaviest 'in the House, graciously ex
changed places' With the Philadelphian'.
Culbertson, of Erie, had a chance for almost
any place, but he chose a modest nook to
the left of the Speaker, close to tbe mem
bers' corridor. Harmer' got his old seat,
ciose louaiDertson. .BuenamiiaaKuniiarj.Rpe.1i0f the tobacco lax. To call
luck, and squatted wntesteair.in the tonlTjot&btw
2"rt.nS&t.n,n?e!nthe LSe Speak"- tionfromMr. humming in. his ,
utuu, ir tiub, .xumueuu, ,-ci.bK.lusou, jroa-
ius, Craig. Bay and "Watson' got pretty well
bunched, a little back of the center of their
side. Osborne sits just to the rear of Gen
eral Banks. Buckalow, Maish and Mutch
lergot fairly good seats on the Democratic
Bayne, though deferred dangerouslylong,
got a good chair just to the rear of his old
seat, which latter had been captured by
Henry Cabot Lodge. DalzellwaS forced to
take a seat in the rear row, bnt a few chairs
farther from the center aisle than Bayne,
and Darlington, whose number was among
the very last to come out of the box, got
about the worst seat on the Bepublican side,
jn the rear row.far away to the extreme left,
into whose Egyptian gloom the eyes of the
keenest-sighted Speaker never penetrate.
ne is an ODiiterated yuater.
Of the prominent Damocrats, Brecken
ridge, of Kentucky, got his old seat;
Springer got near his old seat by a little
sharp practice; Holman was away down in
the list, but also struck near his former
seat. Boswell P. Flower and General
Spinola got into the front row, and the
"Little Giant," McCarthy, sandwiched
himself between them.
The most brilliant EDot in the Honp
however, is that on the Bepublican side,
where, in one row, well backand next the
center aisle, commanding a good view of
the House, are McKinley, Hitt, Henry
Cabot Lodge, Adams, of Illinois, and back
of them Houk, McComas, Bayne, Butter
worth and Burrows. This spot will domi
nate the House of the Fifty-nrst Congress.
The committee appointed by Speaker
Beed to wait on the President and inform
him that Congress was in session and
awaited a message from him consists of
Messrs. Cannon, McKinley and Carlisle.
Another Great Crowd Present The Cere
monies Dignified ns Usual "Lond Ap.
Dlnnio Upon tbe Introduction
of tbe Two Dakotas'
New Senators.
"Washington, December 2. To some ex
tent the scene of crowding on tho House side
was paralleled at the Senate. The galleries
were jammed, except that of the correspond
ents. The writers were mostly in the House
The probabilities are that the subject of
the quadri-centennial exhibition to com.
memor&te Columbus' discovery of America
will be one of the early matters to occupy
the attention of Congress. Senator Aldrich
to-day introduced a resolution asking for
the appointment of a committee of nine
Senators, to whom should , be referred all
matters, pertainin? to this, subject. The
proposition was laid over for the time being,
but Senators are expecting soon to have to
settle the question as to where the Expo
sition shall go.
The diplomatic gallery was well filled by
a number of the foreign delegates to the
Maritime and Pan-American conferences,
with their ladies. Sir Julian Pauncefote's
robust ngnre was conspicuous in one. of the
blue-lined benches, and the bewhiskered
visage of Admiral JCoznekoff, of the Rus
sian navy, looked down with interest on the
scene below.
Many of the desks were brightened by the
Presence of flowers, that of Vice President
torton being especially decorated in this
manner. Several new desks have been
placed on the floor since the adjournment of
the last Congress for the use of the Sens tors
Irom the four new States, those for the Mon
tana Representatives being placed on the
Democratic, side. As Montana has not yet
chosen her Senators, these two desks re
mained unoccupied to-day.
After prayer by the Chaplain. Vice Presi
dent Morton took the oath of eftee as Presi-
dent Of the Senate, Mr.
tering it.
Chandler adminis-
The .first business demanding attention
was the receipt of the credentials of Messrs.
Dixon, of Bhode Island, Moody and Petti
grew, of South Dakota, Allen, and Squire,
of "Washington, nnd Casey, of North Da
kota. Senator Pierce, of North Dakota,
was not present, having been detained on
his way here. The credentials were ac
cepted, and the representatives of the new
States, together with Mr. Dixon, from" the
old one, were given the oath of office. As
each ot them was escorted to the desk by a
Senator, and took the oatb, they were
greeted with round after round of applause
from a largo contingent ot Dakotans in the
galleries, who came here in four cars to wit
ness the ceremony.
That being over, the Senate settled back
into its accustomed serenity, and bnsiness
proceeded as though tt had been in session a
month. Resolution after resolution was
offered and referred to its appropriate com
mittee, and then, after having been in
session a trifle over half an hour, the Senate
adjourned. Lightnee.
Secretary Wlodom Asks for 817,000,000
More to Bnn tho Government Tbnn It
Took Last Your Pensions nnd Pub
lic Work More Costly.
Washington, December 2. The Secre
tary of the Treasury to-day sent to the
House the estimates of appropriations re
quired for the fiscal year ending June 30,
1891. Among the amounts asked for are the
following: 0249,000 for the completion of
the Pittsburg public building; J 7,000 for re
pairs to the Marine Hospital at Pittsburg;
$1,000 for rebuilding the stone inclosing
wall on the river front at the Allegheny ar
senal, where it has .been weakened by floods
and the constant passing of trains; $10,000
for new machinery at Frankford arsenal,
and $1,800 to improve the drainage at the
same place.
The grand total of the estimates is $341,
428,977. The estimates show an increase as
compared with the appropriations for the
current fiscal year, as follows: Legislative,
571,640; Executive proper, 816,980; "War
Department, $8,443,447; Navy Department,
$2,092,939; Interior Department, $4,269,602;
Postoflice Department, $7,046,902; Depart
ment of Agriculture, $119,392; Department
ol Labor, $14,170. The estimates are less
than the appropriations in the following
departments: Department 'of State, $496,
251; Treasury Department, $3,630,379; De
partment of justice, $15,302.
The estimates of 1891 are $17,961,489 in
excess of the estimates for 1890. The prin
cipal increase in the estimates is for pen
sions and public works, the former exceed
ing the appropatiations for the present year
by $8,827,816, and the latter exceeding the
appropriations by $6,996,272.
A Bo at hern member Wbo Toted far Cnm
mines for Speaker.
"WASHiNGTON.December 2. A good deal
of amusement was excited in the House to
day, by the vote of Mr.Cowles, of NorthCaro
lina, for Amos Cummings for Speaker. At
the time nobody knew what it meant, but
it crops out that it "was Cowles' way of
avenging himself on Speaker Carlisle for
the latter's refusal to recognize him to offer
his bill for the repeal of the tobacco tax at
the cIosb of the last session.
Mr. Cowles has recently been writing let
ters to the press of North Carolina, showing
that Carlisle and Mills are opposed to the
secure men-
Cummintrs in his "storv" of
the House proceedings, Mr. Cowles cast his
vote for the New York journalist-Congressman
for Speaker.
A Senatorial Cancns To-Day.
"Washington, December .2. A call has
been issued for a caucus of Bepublican
Senators to be held to-morrow after adjourn
ment of the Senate. The question of assign
ing the new Senators to committees will be
Several Bodies of Victims of tbe Mlnnenp
oils Fire Not Yet Found.
Minneapolis, Decembers. It has not
yet been definitely ascertained whether or
not there are more bodies in the ruins of the
Tribune building, it being impossible as
yet to institute a thorough search. "Who
the men were who were seen to shoot them
selves rather than suffer from the flames, has
not yet been decided. The women and chil-.
dren who went up into the building shortly
oeiore me nre DroKe out nave turned up
safe. Measures for relief of the sufferers and
the families of the victims are actively under
The Coroner is collecting evidence in the
case and a thorough investigation of the
whole matter is assured, together with the
placing of whatever biame may attach to
those connected with the ownership and
management of the building. There'is much
indignation expressed by the public gener
ally on the subject and the thorough silting
of the matter by the proper officials will fol
low. After the identification ot the bodies
and testimony as to the manner of their
deaths the inquest was adjourned.
He Thoucht a Cnblo Was About Laid That
Hasn't Been Began.
Charleston, S. C, December 2, The
true story about the French cable from
Hayti to Charleston was learned to-day.
Secretary Blaine telegraphed to Gover
nor Bichardson that the French Ca
ble Company desired to land their
cable at this place, November 20, the
cable being laid from Hayti to Charleston,
to connect with the Postal Telegraph and
Mackay-Bennett cable. Mr. Blaine blun
dered. "What the company asked was that
thev be notified bv November 20, whether
the'permission to land their cable would be.
,The French Company is making prepara
tions to start out the cable-laying expedU
tion, and do not expect to reach here for
several months. The scheme of the company
is to lay a cable from Charleston to Hayti,
and between Hayti and South America. "
A Bide on a Flat Car Ends tn a Scrlons
East TAWAs, Mich., .December 2.
About thirtv men, working at Sage's camp;
started for work before daylight on a flat
car. Theybacked onto-a sleeper over-hang-ing
the track and seventeen men.were more
or less injured.
Four of them were brought here, one
with a broken leg, one had an ear torn off
and the other two men severely injured.
Panama Citizens Have Little Unlth tn the
. Pan-American Congress.
New Yobk, December 2. A dispatch
from Panama dated November 25, says:
Many believe the Pan-American Congress
which is now in session, "Will cause dissen
sion,, rather than be the constructor of a
permanent nnion with a permanent state of
peace throughout the five republics, with
which it U proposed to form the union,
..". L ':- ''. - .- -,-
raws TrPvf w&rasww WFrnp ?.
: -,? ; .. v..: '
Two of Philadelphia Finns Collapse,
Owing Hearty a Millionc
Bj tie Closing; of a.fiousd in WMcfi Ha
Waa Greatlj Interested. . y,
A Dm;, aaJ OhMaleal Firm Assljas, With UallliUes
Of 1300,000. '
Philadelphia-was struck hard yesterday
by two big failures. The stockinette manu
facturing firm, of Lewis Coz & Co. was' the
first, for about $500,000, involving Mr.
Singerly, the wealthy publisher, and that
was followed by a drng firm that failed for
$300,000. - ,,
rsrzcLU. teliohjlm to tuts dispatch;
Philadelphia, December 2. Tho an
nouncement that Lewis S. Cox & Co, had
failed, which was on the street soon after
the beginning of business this morning, was
the biggest surprise that has come upon the
Philadelphia business community foralong
time. It .has been known for a long time
that Mr. "William M. Singerly was in some
way identified with the firm. h
Lewis' S. Cox & Co, conducted a very
large stockinette mill at Eighth and Dan
phin streets and the handsome store, 1220
Chestnut street, had their name 'over the
door. Very soon after court opened this
morning judgments with executions were
entered in the Common Pleas Court against
Lewis S. Cox & Co. and Lewis S. Cox, givt
ing the residence of Mr. Cox as Ogontz,Pa.,
for $185,000 on a judgment note dated De
cember 2. 1889, and payable on demand to
George Victor, of New York, trustee for
Frederick, Victor & Acheles for the amount
of $100,000; for Schefer, Schram Ss Vogel,
$30,000: for John Dobson, $25,000; for the
Quaker Citv Dye "Works Company, $20,000$
for the Quakertown National Bank, $5,000;
for the First National Bank of NewtowS,
Pa., $5,000.
NO deed op assignment yet.
There has been no deed of assignment as
yet Mr. "W. "W. Ledyard, of Third street,
is the counsel.
Mr. "William M. Singerly learned of the
judgments about 1:15 o'clock this after
noon through indirect channels, and was
completely taken backby the news. "That's
been done to cut me off," exclaimed the
publisher, throwing himself back in a chair
in his sanctum in the Jtecora building.
"Why, Cox had an engagement- with me'
here to-day." "With that he hurried away
to consult his lawyers.
Mr. Singerly's connection with Lewis S.
Cox & Co. dates from a period just anterior
to the opening of the handsome retail store,
1220 Chestnut street, about three years ago,
an event which caused a sensation among
shoppers and tradesmen on account of the
general atmosphere of elegance about the
place and its lavish display of goods. Mr.
Cox manufactured his product, consisting
mainly of stockinette goods, in a large mill
at Eighth and 'Dauphin streets.
Mr. Singerly, whose, capital built the
Chestnut street store and sustained the
manufactory, placed implicit confidence in
Mr. Cox's business acquirements, so much
sd.thathis Investments in the concern t to J
datg;afe said tcranjouDt.to-fcJUO.wo, itira'
known fact that the trade of the house had
not prospered of late to the satisfaction of
the parties, and within the past year, for
self-protection, Mr. Singerly placed Magis
trate Richard J. Lennon in charge of the
down-town store, and made his son-in-law.
James S. McCartney, the financial manager
of the business, with headquarters at the
Dauphin street factory.
Since the opening of the fall trade the
business outlook has been more encour
aging, and the entering up ot the judgment
notes this morning came to many like a
thunderbolt out of a clear sky, and to no
one was it a greater surprise than to Singerly
and Lennon.
sib. sinoeelys subfbise.
Lewis S. Cox was reported ill, and would
not permit himself to be seen, and William
M. Singerly said he had nothing to say, be
cause it was all a surprise to him. The
store at 1220 Chestnnt street .was levied on
by the Sheriff lato this afternoon.
A telegram from New York says J "An
attachment for $38,467 was obtained to-day
by Blumenstiel & Hirsch against Lewis S.
Cox & Co., manufacturers of knit goods, at
385 Broadway, Bnd at Philadelphia, for
goods" sold, and the Sheriff is in possession
of the New York office.".
The Mellor & Bittenhouse Comnanv. of
.ETuiiaueipuia, znauuiauiureiB ox drugs ana
chemicals, also assigned to-day. The com
pany was organized in 1886, with a capital
of $200,000. An officer of the company to
night estimated that the liabilities wonld
reach $300,000.
J. W. Moore Purchases a Large Tract of
Indiana Coanty Coal Land.
Gbeensbubg, Pa., December 2,-J. "W.
Moore, who recently disposed of his coke
interests in the Connellsville region, will,
it is reliably given out, embark in the
business again. Through an agent he has
just made a purchase of a big tract of land
in Indiana county. The tract contains
about 2,500 acres, and is located in the
neighborhood of the village of Homer. It
is understood that a seven-toot vein of cok
ing coal underlies the property. The'price
paid is not given, but a portion of the land
was bought for the small sum of $20 per
acre. Coke making is comparatively un
known in that section, there being but one
small plant of 20 or 20 ovens in the region.
The coke made from the coal mined there,
unlikeihe Conneljsville coke, does not re
quire "washing, a matter of much import
ance to the operator as regards a saving of
labor. It is expected that a connecting line
from the Indiana Branch Bailroad will be
built to the field.
The Amended fiennto Bill Llltely to Be Ap
proved by Them.
"Washington, December 2. A prelim
inary meeting of the National "Wool Grow
ers' Association was held here to-day. Ow
ing to the non-arrival of a large number of
delegates, the regular business of the meet
ing was postponed until to-morrow after
noon, when a large number of the leading
wool growers of tbe country are expected to
be Dresent
It Is understood that that part of ttie Mills
bill relating to wool and 'woollens, as
amended and passed, by the Senate at the
last session of Congress, will receive the in
dorsement and support of the association.
An Altoona Brakemnn Killed.
Altoona, Pa., December 2. George
Aikison, employed as a brakeman on the
middle division of the Pennsylvania Bail
road Company, was instantly killed this
morning while, attempting to make a coup
ling at flhoenberger station, near, Hunting,
don. He was caught between the dead
woods, He waa toarned &ad resided in thii
ettv " - - '
DEOEMBEB '3, 1589.
Death ot Samuel WllkcsB-RoiH Up
of a Life Fall of Honors and Hard '
Work A Lawyer Wbo
Couldn't Keep Oat
of JosraalUsi.,
rsrscui. tzlxqbau to tb nsrATCit.l
New Yobk, December 2 vThe death of
Samnel Wilkeson occurred-tiiis evening, at
bis borne in ibis city. Since lis retirement
from duty (s Secretary of the Northern
Pacific Bailroad. Company on October 17,
Mr. "Wilkeson'a bealth has been far from
robust. For several months prior to that
event it had vielded Verr ranidlv.
Samuel "Wilkeson was 52 years old when,
" m cnosen secretary oi me jaonueru
Pacific Bailroad Company, He .was born in
Buffalo in 1817, graduated from. Union Col
lege, was educated to the bar. under Daniel
Cady, the traditional great lawyer of " the
State of New York, and in 1840 admitted to
practice a profession from which he was al
ways turning aside to write for' a newspaper.
In 1856 in Buffalo, he started a radical,
liberal daily paper, 37ie Democracy. From
that paper, on the persuasion of Governor
Seward and Thurlow weed, he went to the
Albany Evening Journal, buying Thurlow
Weed's and George Dawson's interests, and
editing it as principal owner. His health
gave way in the second year of his work in
Albany, and he was compelled to sell out and
go into ntter idleness. A year and a half of
rest gave him the heart to accept ,an invita
tion from Horace Greeley to come on the
editorial staff of the New York 2Vune.
In politics Mr. "Wilkeson was a Bepub
lican. He leaves a widow, a daughter of
the late Judge Cady, and two sons, Samuel.
Jr., a resident of Tacoma, "Wash., and
Frank, a well-known newspaper correspond-
pf Norristown. Pa. His eldest son. Bavardf.
Was killed while in command of a battery of
muuery ai tne Datue ot uetiysourg.
For a Lodging Hoase for Deiervlnii Tonne
Women In New York.-
New Yoee, December 2. Mrs. Elliott
F. ShepardJald the corner-stone to-day of a
new lodging house for young women who
come to New York in search of work, at
14 East Sixteenth street, andlOO friends of the
generous daughter of the Vanderbilts stood
grouped picturesquelv among the heaps of
uncut stone and builders' materials. The
Bev. "W. B, Huntington, D. D., of Grace
Church, read a collect, and the Bev. John
Hall, D. D., made a prayer. Then came an
address by Dr. Chauncey M. Depew, after
which Mrs. Shepard took the silver trowel,
the gift of the Executive Committee of the
Young "Woman's Christian Association, of
wnicn sne is a memDer, and laid tne stone
with the words, "I lay this cornerstone in
the name of the Father and of the Son and
of the Holy Ghost. Amen."
There will be two entrances, one to the
restaurant, occupying the ground floor,
where the girls can get their meals at a
merely nominal charge, and the other lead
ing to tbe sleeping apartments above. There
will be 85 bedrooms; arranged abont a large
central light shaft
Belmont, tho Old Samuel' Meredith Home
stead, Entirely Consumed.
Cabbosdale, December 2. The Mere
dith homestead, familiarly known as Bel
mont, in Mi Pleasant township, "Wayne
county, was destroyed by fire last night.
The dwelling was one of the handsomest in
this region, and notwithstanding the fact
r'Ast-itJ-ss-the.oldest structure in "Wayne
county, it was well preserved. The build
ing was erected by Samuel Meredith, the
first Treasurer of the United States, in the
year 1817, and beneath its roof many of the
distinguished statesmen who were asso
ciated with the early history of theJJepnb
lio were royally entertained. Here the first
custodian of the nation's surplus lived and '
died, and around Belmont are clustered
many events which form an important part
of the early history of this country.
The property passed into the hands of the
present owner, James "W. Fowler, more
than 20 years ago. The origin of the fire is
unknown. The building was entirely con
Another Step In tho War Being Waged by
Jefpebson City, Mo., December 2.
Secretary of State Lesueur to-day inaugu
rated a new test of the anti-trust law by
serving notice upon .the Quick-Meal Stove
Company, of St. Louis, a foreign corpora
tion, that unless they withdraw within 30
days from the combination in which they
are illegally interested, he would revoke
their charter. This is the first fight made
on loreign corporations.
The answer of the stove company opens a
new point in the litigation. The company
sets forth that it is operating under a United
: States patent, and that the patent is a
license to manufacture, and cannot be ob
structed by the State.
The Son of tho Woman Wbo Owaedftho Cow
That Fired Chicago.
Joliet, III., December 2. Cornelius
O'Learyhas gone insane, and. was taken
from prison to-day to an insane asylum. He
was sent down in 1886 on a 40-year sentence
for brutally murdering Katie Snyder, his
mistress, and at the time of the murder, be
cause his own sister interfered to save tbe
Snyder woman's life, he turned his revolver
on his sisterand also shot her to death.
He is.a son of the famous Mrs. O'Leary
who owned the cow that kicked over the
lamp that set the fire that burned Chicago.
Three Men Convicted of Conspiracy and
Sent to tbo Poo.
Denveb, Col., December 2. Judge
Decker, of the. District Court, to-day sen
tenced ex-Lieutenant of Police James Con-
,nor and James Marshall, of Kansas City,
to two years in, jail and a nne oi $i,uuu.
Charles Connors received a sentence of one
year and aflne of $500.
The men were recently convicted of a con
spiracy to rob the Bio Grande express train
last April. An appeal will be taken to the
Supreme Court. '
A Harder Prevented by the Contents of a
'"' Vest Pocket.
Kalamazoo, December 2. Dr. Morris
Gibbs walked into the American House this
afternoon and coolly placing a pistol ai the
side of F. E; Michencr, fired. A stub-book
in Michetier'g side pocket prevented serious
results. The doctor tried to shoot again,
but was prevented.
Dr. Gibbs alleges that Miohener induced
Mrs. Gibbs to abandon her husband two
months ago. Miohener denies the charge.
Looking for a Speedy Change.
"Washington, December 2. Messrs.
Carothers and Stone, of McKeesport, were
here to-day, in the interests of a. change in
the chief of postoflice at that place. It Is
hH that a change will probably be' made
:eov ' , -; . . v . . .-' , .
A Wealthy Paralytic Having a Hard
Time Trying to Get Eid of
He leaves Her Several Times, TJut in Tain,
as She Invariably
He Has How left Her Again, Taking ill of Bis Foral
tore With Elm.
A wealthy New York paralytic, Mr.
Frederick "W. Engels, is having a hard time
trying to shake bis wife. He' has left her
several times, but she has heretofore found
him and treated him very unkindly. His
last attempt, though, bis friends think will
prove successful.
New' Yobk, December2. Frederick "W.
Engels, a wealthy paralytic who was spir
ited away from his wi.'e in the Sherman
flats, 150 "West Forly-eighth street, last Feb
ruary, went through a similar experience
one night last week. Mr. Engels
baa a country' residence at Bockviile
Center. He was stricken with paraly
sis in the legs about a year and a half ago.
On November 20 of last year he was taken
to New York for treatment, "While staying
at the Bossmore Hotel he became acquainted
I with a German woman, 'who was known as
.erancesca Msrgererta Aiensneu. mo
rented a suit of rooms in the Sherman flats,
and married his acquaintance of the Boss
more Hotel there on Thanksgiving Day
after their first meeting.
Mrs. Engels is described as a blonde of fine
physique. She at once interested herself in
her husband's health. A physician exam
ined him and advised a trip to Bermuda.
Mr. Engels consulted his attorney, George
A. Mott, who interfered to prevent the pro
posed trip. The pair quarreled, and he said
his wife abused him.
. Mr. Engels' brother Paul and Attorney
Mott were sent for several times by the
paralytic, and they always succeeded in
patching up a truce between the - two.
Finally, Mr. Engels told his attorney that
he could not endure his wife's treatment any
longer, and asked that a separation be
brought about. Mr. Engels said he wanted
to leave the flat. His wife had gone to con
sult her attorney.
A bold course was resolved upon. Four
express wagons and a coach were hired, and
the apartments were stripped of their hand
some furniture and decorations, which were
loaded on the wagons. They were all sent
away in different directions, so that their
destination should, not be indicated.
Mr. Engela was put in the
coach with a colored attendant and his
13-year-old son, and driven in a circuitous
route to the Thirty-fourth street ferry, and
across to a hotel in Long Island City. -The
wagons with the furniture arrived- at the
Long Island Bailroad depot abont the same
time, and the effects were. shipped to Mr.
Engels' country home in Bockviile Center,
L. I.
Mrs. Engels was'not long in discovering
her husband's whereabouts. After one or
two visits she succeeded in regaining her
husband's affection, and she was installed as
mistress of the household. Soon after
this Mr. Engels began to complain again
of his wife's treatment; ' Bockviile
Center was startled one morning by a report
that an attempt had been made to poison
Mr. jungeiB. .rnysicians were sent' lor in
haste. They disagreed as to the cause of
Mr. Engels' sudden sickness, some holding
that it was occasioned by the progress of
his . disease. Mrs. Engels left her
husband once or twice after this.
Last August Mr. Engels took his resi
dence in New York again, in a suite of
rooms in the first floor of a flat on Forty
seventh street and Broadway. Mrs. Engels
rented a, house in Forty-eighth street, where
she let rooms'. to gentlemen. It is said she
spent the day -with Mr. Engels and the
night in her Forty-eighth street house. '
Mr. Engels had notbeen in his new home
long before he began to complain of
his wife's unkind treatment. Two
weeks ago he telegraphed for his
brother and Lawyer Mott. He wanted
to be taken back to his place in Bockviile
Center. "When Mrs. Engels learned of the
visit of Mr. Mott and Mr. Engels' brother
she became suspicious and kept a close
watch on the flat. One night last week she
received an urgent message calling her
away from the flat.
She had hardly got out of sight before a
large inclosed furniture van was driven up.
The doors were flung open and Mr. Engels
was carried down stairs and placed on a bed
in the van which had been prepared
specially for the occasion. Accompanied
by his nurses, Attorney Mott, his brother
and his eldest boy, Mr. Engels was driven
that night 26 miles, to his country home in
Bockviile Center. Nothing has been heard
from Mrs. Engels since.
Mr. Engels' condition is becoming worse
daily. His physicians say he cannot live
much longer. His first wife died about,
two years ago, leaving four children, three
boys and one girl. She was the
daughter of Eobert Stafford, a millionaire
cotton planter of Columbia, S. O. After
her death, the New London (Conn.) courts
awarded her children $121,090 as her share
of her father's estate. This sum was re
duced, bv costs and otherwise, to $90,000.
Mr. Engels was appointed guardian, with
an allowance of $4,000 a year for the chil
dren's support.
Soon after the trouble between Engels and
his wife, the courts, on petition, substituted
Mr. Engels' brother, Paul, as guardian
of the children. A suit has been
begun in tho Georgia courts by
Attorney Mott, to recover possession
of the Cumberland Islands for the children.
It is alleged that these islands, which are
very valuable, belonged to their grand
father, Eobert Stafford, and that they are
now held illegally by other persons.'
Republicans Bent on Making an Attack on
the Monarchy.
London, December 3. The Lis"bon cor
respondent of the Times says that the Span
ish and Portuguese Governments have been
apprised that the Republicans are bent
upon attacking the Spanish monarchy
through -Portugal.
Only the Boandnry Question Bothers.
Otta"WA, Dec 2. It is stated that all
negotiations between England and tbe
United States, as affecting Canada; have
narrowed down to correspondence in regard
to the Behring Sea and Alaska boundary
?uest!on. Hopes are entertained of a satis
acto'ry settlement before next season.
Jefferson Davis Apparently Better.
New Obleans, December 2. If any
change in Jefferson Davis' condition it is
for the better. The patient's extreme weak
ness makes it difficult for his physicians to
give any definite opinion. Mr. Day, is fails
to take sufficient nourishment to strengthen
A Noted Temperance Worker Dead.
Salisbury, Mass., December 2. Mrs.
Anm'er H. Martendale, for years Vice
President of the National Wossaa'a Chris
tian unies.. is dead.
ii5 -f4i
easeni in
stae bouters wMKQgfELS ONTHEJMR:
A Decision of the Soprem Ceart Ai
Them A Neat Scheme to Get Far fr
Services Never Performed
-Vivid Reminders of
Borsey's Day.
"Washington, December 2. The Su
preme Court of the United States to-day
rendered aa opinion in the case of the.
United States against Bradley Barlow and
J. L. Anderson, brought on an appeal from
the Circuit Court for the district of Col
orado. This case grows outot one of the
star route contracts, which a lew years age .
attracted general attention. The defend
ants in 1878 were sub-contractors for carry
ing the mails from Garland to
Ouray, Col., passing by Lake City. For 10
miles, the distance between. Lake City and
Ouray, .the route layover the mountains,
and was almost impassable at times, making
the service slow and irregular. In order to
avoid passing over this mountain the depart
ment changed the route, and a detour of 110
miles over a good road was ordered and the
service was also expedited. The contractors
claimed and were allowed a largely in
creased compensation, their new contract
being adjusted solely on the basis, of' the In
creased distance and speed, no allowance
being madefor the more practicable character
of tbe route.
Upon the representations of the contract
ors compensation was also given for the dif
ference between 22 horses and 11 men under
the old schedule, and G6 horses and 23 men
under the new schedule, although, as a
fact, no additional help was employed. The
Government sought to recover this excessive
payment, but were defeated, the court hold
ing that the Government could not recover
unless it was shown that there was frand on
the part of the officers of the Department.
This court, in an opinion by Justice Field,
overrules that decision, and holds that the
contractors are equally liable, whether the
Government- officers participated in the
.fraud or were formerly imposed upon.
Flows From a Jersey Brewery Jest After
an Ammonia Explosion.
rsrzciAi. txlxobax to tot dispatcii.t
New Yobk,' December ,2. Eight thou
sand barrels of beer got loose in the streets
oi the upper part of Newark, N. J., early
this afternoon. "While the men of the C.
Trefz Brewing 'Company were at dinner
something burst with a lond explosion,
which startled everybody in the neighbor
hood and blew out the windows and a part
of the wall of the new part of the brewery
in Bankin street. Tor-rents of beer gushed
from all the windows, and, overflowing the
gutters, poured into cellars on the opposite
side of Banian street.
People living in the neighborhood fled
from their houses in terror.,. On reaching
the street they were nearly sunocated by the
stifling fumes of ammonia escaping from the
brewery. This odor gave a clew to the
cause of the explosion. The part of the
brewery in which the calamity occurred was
used for "resting" and fermenting beer, and
the pipes of the ice machine traversed all
three floors. It Is thought that one of the
coils containing condensed ammonia burst
under pressure, and that the force of the ex
plosion rent nearly all of the 50 huge vats
in the building. The walls of the building
were sprung and the floors so loosened as to
make them dangerous to use.
Nobody-was hurt; but the damage done is
estimated at $175,000.at least. It is one of
the plants recently purchased by the
British syndicate, and is ran by Mrs.
Christian Trefz.
An Express Employe Gone, bat His Clothing
Left by His Bedside.
Gband Bapids, Mich., December 2.
Clarence J. Toot, cashier and bill clerk in
the United States Express office in this city,
is missing under very mysterious cir
cumstances. "When Calvin J. Cham
berlain entered the office this
morning and went back' to the room where
young Toot slept he fonnd that the young
man's bed was empty and he was gone, but
his clothing was there, both the suits he
kept in the building, his hat, shoes, stock
ings, etc His watch and his revolver,
which was codked, lay on the floor
near the bed. In his clothing was his money,
also bis keys and all other personal effects.
A search of the premises disclosed the fact
the money safe was shut, and later the con
tents were found intact. The other safe, for
valuables, was opened.
Two packages of tickets or vouchers, val
ueless save to the owner, were torn and lay
on the floor. Further search discovered the
loss of two packages from the firm of
Fox Bros. & Co., of Cincinnati, diamond
brokers. Nothing else is missing so far as
Mr. Stanton, the agent, can discover. Many
theories are rife as to the cause of Toot's dis
appearance, and thus far all search has
failed to discover any clew to him. Foul
play is feared.
Tho Expenses of Entertaining Pan-AraorN
can Junketers Not Saddled an a City.
Kansas City, December 2. Judge
Henry made the injunction in the case of
D. B. Morrison against the City Auditor,
. the City Controller and the City Treasurer
perpetual this morning. Morrison sought
an injunction to restrain the officers men
tioned from drawing warrants for and pay
ing bills amounting to $994, being the ex
penses incurred in entertaining the dele
gates to the Pan-American Congress while
in this city.
"When the original ordinance, appropri
ating $1,000 for the entertainment ot the
guests, passed the Council, Mayor Daven
port vetoed it. The' Council then passed
tho ordinance over the veto. The injunc
tion grew out of the friction thus caused be
tween the Mayor and the Council.
Ono Woman Bled and Another Dying for
Lack of Medical Attention.
Kansas City, December 2. Mrs. James
Lythe, the wife of a wealthy farmer of Liv
ingston county, died at her home there yes
terday from lack of medical attention.
Mrs. Lythe' was a believer in Christian
science, and relied for her recovery upon
the faith cure
Her sister, Mrs. "White, a wealthy widow,
is dying, and she, too, will allow no physi
cian to see her, trusting like her sister to
the faith cure.
Nineteen Sailors Perish to a Wreck la
Japanesa Waters.
San Feancisco, December 2. Among
the arrivals on the steamer Gaelic from
China yesterday were four sailors, the sole
survivors of 23 of the American ship Cheese
brougb, which was wrecked on October SO
at Tsgaru Straits, Japan, while en route
from Hakodadl to New York.
The Cheesebrough was a wooden ship of
1.500 tons harden, named after Captain A.
Cheesebrough, of this city, and was valued
at abont $-10,000.
Probably Fatal Accident.
Cornelius Kennedy, a Panhandle brake
man, having a wife and three children at
278 Spring alley, was probably fatally hurt
about midnight, being caught between
bamsen .while, ooepling in the yard. He
;, waa'take to" West Psm Hot jitaL
FAJ.rewswwedf'' - v -'--?J
i..r..: ' '.i:."L: .. - '.'fX
advertise la THS IFATCH.
'Keat,Est4ta can be sold through advor-
xixx. utarA-xva. . -,
Cincinnati Officer's Chase After1.
Two Trunks Fall of Diamonds.
After a Desperate Struggle WithaConpIa-.
of Determined Hen. '" " '
' r.
Tie Rectos Stones Beaconed and Hustled Off -law
A Cincinnati deputy sheriff had an ex-.
citing time yesterday. He succeeded, after
a long hunt, in locating two trunks filled
with' precious stones and jewelry, on which,
he served an attachment from a Boston firm
for $1,000. which was paid, after which the
jewelry was hustled off to some point in
Kentucky. It was part of the property of
a New York firm, lately failed, and whom
assets were reported as wanting.
Cincinnati, December 2. One of the
largest attachments ever made in this city
took place at the Palace Hotel this after'
noon. The attachment may also lead to the
investigation of an assignment made by a '
big New York jewelry house several days
ago. The seizure was made by Deputy
Sheriff Cormany, who captured between.
$125,000 and $150,000 worth of jewelry,
which was released on. payment of the claim
and costs, after which the -stuff was hurriedly
taken to Kentucky and concealed.
Several days ago the big jewelry house of
Stern & Stern, in New York City, made aa
assignment, owing over $200,000, but left
little or no assets. The assignment caused
a flurry among the creditors, most of whom .
were manufacturers and importers, and
there were a number of suits.
One of Stern & Stem's traveling men is '
Joseph Phillips, who lives at 352 Freeman
avenue, this city. He had in his possession '
two trunks full of jewelry. Someone noti
fied Totten & Totten, of Boston, who en
tered suit in the Superior Court to-day, io
recover $1,000. A writ of attachment was
issued, and Deputy Jake Cormany was de
tailed to locate the trunks. He had been
given a pointer that the trunks' were in, ,
Bussell's jewelry store, in the Arcade.
Cormany called at Busseil's, only to be told,
that they were at tbe Grand Central depot.
uormany jumped into a hack and went to
the Grand Central denot, but they were not
there. He next visited the Cincinnati,
Hamilton and Dayton depot, bnt still he
did not find the trunks. Then he went to
Phillips' home, on Freeman avenue, where '
he was told the trunks were at the Cincin
nati, Hamilton and Dayton depot, billed to
Cormany hurried back to the depot, but
did not find the stuff. He then proceeded
to the Cincinnati Bus Company, where he
found that the trunks were checked with tags
Nos. 227 and G4, and were at the Palace
Hotel. 4- .
Cormany arrived at the Palace just in
tim. A big express wagon was backed up '
in front of the door, the driver oi wnich.
said he had instructions to' drive over to .
Covington as fast as his horse could go.:
Cormany then bribed one of the employes,
who. located the trunks. Cormany took' ,
possession oi mem ana waited until tbe ar
rival of the supposed owners. They showed.
ud in tne rjersons or Jacob Htern. one of thn
firm, and Phillips, his salesman.
Cormany served them with the papers
and started to leave with the trunks. Both
men, however, Jumped on Cormany and
tried to take the trunks by force. The'
officer, however, stood them off, with his
hand on his hip pocket, until an express
man could remove the trunks to the
Sheriff's office Here they were locked up
in a vault.
After the goods had been in possession of
tne snerux arrant an nour, stem and inu
lips showed up at the office and paid the
claim, and the trunks were released. Stem.
opened the trunks, whioh were iound to eon- &
tain nothing but loose diamonds, and jew
elry of the finest kintL There were over a
hatful of loose diamonds, twice as many
rubies, emeralds and other precious stones,
and some very fine jewelry.
As Stem closed and locked the trunks he
remarked: "Those are worth nearly
$150,000." The trunks were loaded into
an express wagon, and the driver was
instructed to put life in his horse and make
for the Little Miami depot, where Stem
and his trunks full of jewels left over the
Louisville and Nashville road for some
place in Kentucky.
McMnlllns, tbe Jailbird, Is Wanted
Johnstown for Larceny.
James McMullins, a notorious criminal,
yesterday was arrested in Pittsburg on a
warrant issued by 'Squire Hart, of Johns
town, for the larceny of jewelry and cloth
ing. McMullins began his criminal career 15
years ago by burglarizing a number of f
houses in company with Joseph Keever.
They were sentenced respectively to, 20 '
and 29 years in the penitentiary. For good '
behavior McMullin's term was commuted
and he was released last July. During the
flood he went to Johnstown and worked as a
cook. It is said that a week ago he robbed
a till in Allegheny, "holding up" the store
keeper with a pistol.
The Coroner's Terdlet Upon tbo Remains of
Charles A. Snyder.
The Corner's inqnest on the death of ',
Charles A. Snyder, who was found drowned "
in Thornton creek last Saturday, was neld-;
yesterday, and resulted in a verdict of acci--'
dental drowning.
The investigation developed that Snyder:.
cumstances point to the conclusion that he '.
was crossing tne unie onage over tne creeic.
near Boyce station, when he was seized with ;
a fit and fell into the creek, drowning h&-
fore be regained consciousness. There was" s
not a mars or scratch on his person to indi
fatA fanl Til.. s.' i
A Return to Coal Is Made by tho Mine
Forge Company.
The scarcity of gas at the mills in jthej
west End, Braddock, still continue, and!
In consequence verv little work has been?
done by the Braddock wire mill during the
asttwo weeks. A line which is-being-J
rough t in from the Mnrrysville field" will!
connect wun tne wire company's line, at;;
are now shut down for want of gas. 'i'M
xne -Miller lorge nas returned to tne usoi
of cool, and natural gas is only used for5
mnminauon ana under two inrnaces.
STL. ..., 1.... 11..
o jnviuin vrsan-iB , 'l
The Joint committees of the various mold-J
era' organizations met last night to arrange?
for a meeting on next Saturday evening,-, atj
wnicn a joint vote wilt oe taxen on thej
question as tt which- organization ahAlllrWl
ceive tne-waste, ooay wiuin 11.
- j
y i
" wl5?.-f,iL-ji1tflf-.Si25.;