Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 02, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    !' V
Xate in the afternoon of a summer day
two young men walked slowly along the
narrow road which leads through the little
Mendon graveyard, then up over the hill to
the worn old rustic seat under the oak tree.
!To judge by their travel-stained appear
ance, the two Xriends had wandered there
while waiting for a train, and were strangers
to the place. They were so deeply en
grossed in conversation that they sat down
almost mechanically, without observing
their beautilul surroundings, or noticing
that quite near them there was another man,
who, indeed, was more than half hidden by
the huge tree in whose shade he was resting.
One of the travelers wore that settled, con
tented look which comes from a happy dis
position and prosperous circumstances. He
was well-dressed and in all respects "to the
manner born." "When he spoke, which he
did often, his voice had that cheerful,
hearty ring which bespeaks the good com
panion and trusty friend. The other man
was younger than his friend, and his attire
showed that attention tojdetails which marks
the young society gentleman. His manner
was the most quiet amaginable; and wiile
his companion talked on in a quick, nervous
way, he sat looking straight before him, re
plying in monosyllables, if he replied at
all. Yet it was the younger man
and his interests that were the
theme of conversation, as was
manifest when the elder, with an air of
forced resignation, said: "The fact is, John.
I believe this is the one thing I can't help
you in. I think I could in everything else
under the sun but this; but here you have
stumped me. I can't advise yon; and I'm
sure I don't know what I should do under
the circumstances." Then, aiter a pause,
he resumed more seriously: "You Bee, I had
no such problem in my marriage. In fact,
I never had any problems at all. Every
thing has gone smoothly with ma from
the time I was born. It is so with some
people. One day I made up my mind it
was time to marry and settle down; and
the very next day I met Aunie, who
just suited me, and who had exactly the
nico little fortune I needed to make us both
comfortable, and who accepted me as soon
as I asked her, and has made me happy ever
since. There were no heroics about it We
liked each other, and have agreed firstrate
co far, and are likely to continue confortably
on for the rest of our lives. Ton see, I
haven't anv data to judge your case by
don't you?"
"Oh, yes, indeed!" said John, and then
relapsed into silence, staring straight be
fore him across the white headstones down
over the river, and so beyond to the sea.
The elder man looked inquiringly at his
companion, began to speak, hesitated, and
then went on: "I wouldn't worry about it
it I were you. anyway. "Why, my boy, it is
making you ill. What odds does it make,
alter all? One cirl is very much like an
other; and you'll love the one j-ou marry,
after you marry her. You say she doesn't
know'you care for her, so you are safe there.
Tou'll lorget her alter a while, and love
the one you marry, as I said before. You
know you thought you loved Mabel Dame
"Oh, yes, indeed!" responded John
acain; but added, "That was before I saw
Eleanor." Then rousing himself with an
effort, he went on: "The trnth of the matter
is simply this, Andrew, as I told you. I
don't know what to do. Since I knew
Eleanor I simply try to think I care tor
Mabel: bnt I can't bring myself to the point
of asking her to marry me; for when I even
imagine myself doing so, Eleanor's face in
terposes, and X simplv want to fall down
and worship her. I argue it all over to my
selj over and over again, hour after hour.
Mabel is beautiful and good and accom
plished. She would make any man happy
but me. Her father and mine are friends.
They want us to marry. SBe has a hand
some fortune, which will set me on my leet
in my profession, and make my way easy.
I think she cares for me, or would. In fact,
everything was as it should be, until I saw
Eleanor Maynard. Eleanor but I can't
argue about her!"
Again he sank into moody silence, and
his friend, as much for his own relief as
for John's, took up the theme and went on:
"Eleanor Maynard is pretty, beautiful, per
haps; but most persons would call Miss
Same lar prettier. Eleanor MaynaiH works
for a living, and a poor living it is, too.
She is only fairly well educated, your father
would be disappointed, and you well, you
would have to work hard on nothing a year
till you built up a practice. Not an" at
tractive picture, eh?"
"Oh, no, indeed!" said John his inevita
ble response when there was nothing to say;
"and yet " Here silence again Jell,
and Andrew, having no more to say, yielded
to his -friend's mood and was silent
also. Presently he looked up and around,
observing lor the first time the beauty of
their surroundings, and at length exclaimed
half aloud, "Well, that is curious"; and to
his companion's surprised look responded
by pointing out to him two gravestones side
by side a little way in front of them.
"Look, read there, and see if it isn't
strange." he said. John looked and saw
two plain white stones, bearing each the
same inscription, alike except as to names
and dates. One of them read: "In memory
of Mary De Long, wife of Honorable Ed
mund L. Stanwood, died August 7, 1842,
aged 23 years;" and the other: "In memory
of Marv Farland, wife of Honorable Ed
mund L. Stanwood, died August 7, 1816,
aged 27 years."
"Yes, it is stjange," said John, after
reading the two inscriptions slowly aloud.
"Two Marys, both the wife of one man, and
both dying so young and so near together!
There must be a sad story bidden in those
four years!"
"I wonder how many more Marys there
were," laughed Andrew, who was as usual
inclined to take things lightly. "None
buried here at any rate. Probably the third
Marv outlived the good man."
"Wait," said John, "here is his own stone:
Edmund L. Stanwood, died December 10,
1886 aged 75 years.' Just think of it
Forty years after the death of the second
Mary. How interesting to learn their his
tory!" "Oh, very," laughed Andrew; and he
was going on with his jest in spite of his
friend's seriousness, when he was inter
rupted by a voice nenind tneu.
"Pardon me, but I could not help over
hearing you." It was the gentleman who
had been sitting under the tree, unseen by
"I have been sitting here quite near you,
though you did not see me. You seem so
interested in my father's history that per
haps I can enlighten you."
The two friends hastily apologized for
their unwitting impertinence, jot which
there was no need, however, as the newcomer
had enjoyed their discomfiture sufficiently
to atone for any displeasure he might have
felt With an amused smile lie said to
Andrew, "You are mistaken abont there
being a third Mary." and then, more seri
ously, "my father lived alone after my
mother's death 10 years alone."
"Then you are Mary Earland's son," said
John, now thoroughly interested.
'"Yes," said the stranger, "I am Mary
Parland's only child. She died when I was
The three stood silent a moment, and then
the stranger, turning to John, said, with
feeling, "You said, a moment ago, while I
was unavoidably listening, that it would be
interesting to know the history of those who
lie there. I will tell you, if you like. It
is a story that helped me when I sorely
needed it." And then at John's earnest
acquiescence the stranger, seating himself
between the (wo, began:
"Mr father told me on his deathbed. Had
he not told me himself I never could have
believed that he was once the haughty, Im
perious, overbearing man that he must haye
been to make his story possible. For in
his Jage he wis as gentle and lov
able as a child. Long years of
sorrow and remorse changed him from a
demon into an angel.
The stranger ceased, went to the stone that
marked his father's grave, rested his hand
softly upon it for a moment, and then re
turned and went on:
"Perhaps I might never have known the
story of his life had I not come to a crisis in
my own. T had been a close student
throughout my youth and early manhood,
and had been so little in society that it had
never happened to me to see "a woman to
care for her until I was over 30 years old,
when, suddenly, as things do happen some
times, I became interested in two women
at once. One fascinated me, while at the
iame time I knew that she was too shallow
and heartless; the other, well, she is all
that heart can wish. To make the story
short, my father saw the net in which I
seemed hopelessly entangled and the sure
destruction I should meet if I went on.
With the prescience of the spirit when near
its release, he knew that I was suffering, my
doubts, my temptation, my desire and yet
my reluctance to be free from the false love,
and my feebler but growing wish to love the
one I oould also respect He called me to
him it was the very day he died and said:
'My boy, my boy, nothing will do but love,
nothing but love.' And then he told me the
story of his early life and of my mother, and
saved me yes, he saved me from my tempta
tion. "My father was an only child, and a
thoroughly spoiled child. From his earliest
infancy he had his own way in everything.
As he grew older he came to think that the
whole world was his on demand, and that
everything and everyone must and should
bend to his will. His brilliant intellect
went far to confirm in him this belief, for at
school and college he stood foremost in his
classes, won all the prizes that he conde
scended to compete for, and was the con
quering hero of every circle in which he
moved. Everything he wished for he ob
tained, until he came to believe thatnothing
could withstand him, and that if he chose,
he could rule the world. With a brilliant
future, in imagination already present, he
fitted himself lor the legal profession in hah
the usual time, and entered upon the prac
tice of the law with prospects or unusual
"t was at this point that there came the
period iu his life which may be called the
high-water mark of his audacity. A num
ber of his college companions were with
him on a certain occasion, talking of their
several plans and prospects, my father as
usual vaunting his own as superior-to all
others, when one of the number, who had
always been envious of him, offered to bet
any sum that my father's luck would change
within a year. My father at once caught up
the gauntlet thus recklessly cast down, and
offered to wager any sum that there was
nothing in reason that any one of them
could mention which he would not conquer,
and conquer too within a vcar.
"Now it happened that there then lived
here in Mendon a very beautilul girl, one
of the rare sort that one sees only once in a
century or so, the sort that Helen of Troy
must have been, or Cleopatra perhaps,
though Mary De Long was fair and small,
they say, rather than of the regal type. She
was fabulously rich also, and had at her feet
not only the whole rural population of Men
don, but also the youths and bachelors of
the adjoining city and of the whole country
around. Nothing could better meet the re
quirements of the young men who wished
to humiliate my father than to have him
fail in a love affair. Accordingly, when he
offered that andacious wager it was
immediately accepted, and he was
challenged to marry Mary De Long
within two years. None of them believed
for a moment that he would undertake
such a task as this, far-less -that he- would
succeed. But my father, nothing daunted,
calmly accepted the challenge, and made
arrangements that very day to remove to
"You must remember that up to this time
he had never once failed in anything he had
undertaken, that he believed himself invin
cible, and, more than all, that no idea of
the possibility of his failing to do anything
he chose, not only with himself but with
everyone else, had ever entered his head.
With the spirit of a conquering hero, there
lore, he entered Mendon descended upon
it I might better say to see and to con
quer being in his mind foregone conclusions.
And so far as the world was con
cerned he did conquer. He was suc
cessful here as elsewhere. His fiist
entrance into society marked him its leader.
The young men gave way before him, the
girls secretly adored him. He met Mary
De Long before a week had passed; and
the woman who had rejected scores of
suitors was conquered bv this man. And
he alone was not her lover. For how was it
with him? He was disappointed in Mary
De Long and, try as hard as he could, he
did not, could not, love her. This dilemma
had not occurred to him. He had supoosed
that she must be what everyone said she
was the most beautiful of women. And
possibly she might have been this to him, as
well as to all others, if it "had not happened
to him to see, on the very evening he first met
her,another woman.who to him was far more
beautiful. In fact, when he entered the
room on that first evening, his hrst glance
fell on this other girl; and he took it lor
granted, since she was the most beautiful
girl he had seen, that she must be Mary De
Long, Here was an unforeseen difficulty.
His pride and his desire, for the first time
in his life, were opposed. He met the other
girl everywhere, dreamed of her, soon adored
her, while ostensibly paying court to the
beautiful beiress. He was disgusted with
himself for loving this penniless, obscure
woman. How the fellows would laugh!
But they should not laugh, for they should
never knowl So his pride won. He
stifled his love, or he believed he did, and
committed the double sin of marrying
the woman he did not love, while
promising before God to love and cherish
her, and of turning from the woman
he did love with his whole heart, when he
knew, by the look in her pleading eyes, that
she, too, loved him.
"The wager was won. Once more he had
conquered: but he had not conquered him
self. From the moment the minister pro
nounced them man and wife, he began to
hate, not himself, the true culprit bnt her,
the innocent victim. He neglected her
from the first, and the story is too pamfnl
to tell she died in a year of a broken heart,
for she loved him.
"Hardened instead of softened by this ex
perience, he waited hardly a year before he
tried to win the woman he loved yes. real I v
loved, after his way, even then. She haS
loved him before, and mourned for
him; what wonder, then, that Mary
Farland yielded to his entreaties and be
came his wife? Here was another success
for the hero, conqueror again as ever. He
was completely happy, but, alas! still the
same imperious, commanding nature as be
fore. My mother was naturally a gentle
creature, with self-assertion, and under his
domination she became utterly crushed. He
loved her much as a tiger loves its prey.
She belonged to him. What were his
wishes must at course be hers. He ab
sorbed, annihilated her. , She grew timid,
shrinking, submissive, quiet, spiritless; and
when I came into the world, a -poor, little,
wailing nonentity, she sighed," said it was
too hard work to get well, and so died.
"My father was frantic with grief. His
pride was checked at last That be, the
conqueror, should be at last overcome!
He could not, would not, believe it He
kept my mother's body for days without
burial, insisting that she was not, should not
be, dead. And when at last he was forced
to see that she was indeed gone, he aban
doned everything, left home, and traveled
for years abroad, courting danger after dan
ger, only refraining from suicide, as he told
me, because of Hamlet's reason, the doubt
of what lay beyond. His will at length was
conquered, and time and love only were
needed to turn the strength hitherto so self
ish into aTjeautilul life of self-sacrifice. He
came back to me, his child, and we loved
each other.
"I was 10 years old when he returned, a
small, gentle child with my mother's eyes.
When he saw me, he fell to weeping,
and for days lav so ill that his life was
despaired of. x The audacious will was laid
low. How my father loved me! how gentle
he was ever after that! , I taught him what
love was, he used to say; but I am sure it
was he who taught me."
j?The speaker, paused, buried his face in
his hands, and then, with brightened coun
tenance, went on:
"Alter that first burst of remorse, follow
ing so long a period of rebellion and despair,
came years of suffering, then a calm and
calmerhope, and at last the peace of a per
fect faith. My father's later years were
filled with good deeds and an humble striv
ing to help his fellowmen. He had learned
the lesson of life. As he told me, that sad
day when he died 'It is love, my boy, love.
Nothing will do but love.' "
The story was told, and the three sat
silent for a long time, each moved by his
own thoughts. At last the stranger arose
and, lifting his hat, turned to go. Then
the others rose also, thanked "hi in in few
words and stood watching his departure. At
the turn of the path there came to meet him
a sweet-faced woman and a child, and their
meeting, as the boy was lifted to his
shoulder and the wife's face turned to his in
happy response to his greeting, told well
enough that his father's lesson had been well
learned by'the son.
As the two friends walked back down the
winding pathway, leaving behind them for
ever the quiet spot where so much had been
revealed, the elder asked:
"John, my boy, is the problem solved?"
And John, from whose face all doubt
and disquiet had disappeared, rejoined:
"Yes, oh yes, indeed." and then, added
softly: "Nothing will do but love.' -flTeio
England ihgazme.
Rots a Little of Everything-, b nt Can't Stand
Cape News.
The baboon, writes the Graaff-Reinet
Advertiser, seems to be changing its nature
with the changing climatic conditions. In
former years he was a vegetarian, his worst
offense being stealing mealies in the gardens
when he got the chance. Now he has taken
.to other ways of getting a livelihood. Said
a farmer the other day to a brother farmer:
"Have you lots of honey on your farm?"
Answer; "No; the baboons rob all the
"How do they do it? the bees would sting
them to death."
The answer was that probably the baboons
did the work in the night when the bees
were drowsy, sleepy and dull. Anyway he
believed the baboons got off with the swag
of honey whenever they conld get at a nest
Then, Mr. Peter Booysen, of Mooifontein,
has his story to tell of the new development
of the baboon; it attacks the wild aloe, pulls
it down and tears out the pith lor food. Mr.
Booysen, Sr., does not object to this, as he
would be glad if all the wild aloes on his
farm were cleaned out by any means what
soever. The special wish of the father and
son is that the baboons would take to some
food-providing operation which would get
rid of the prickly pear. But as the sub
stnnce of the leaf and the trunk of the
prickly pear is nothing but water the wish
is not likely to be gratified. Anyway the
poisoning clubs have classed the baboon
with the wild carnivora and the rifle and
arsenic are now busy to destroy him.
Farmers give interesting instances of the
difficulty of poisoning the baboon, the fel
low being about as "slim" as a human be
ing. One farmer believes the fellow can
taste the poison as prepared and disguised
for him, nnd if he finds it is not a good thing
for his stomach, spits it out. The farmer,
however, has succeeded in giving the ar
senic snch palatable surroundings that the
shrewdness of the baboon is not proof
against the palatable temptation and dies.
The Frlce is Way Down.
Detroit Free Press.
An eloping Swedish wife and her lover
were overtaken at Castle Garden, and after
an argument lasting half an hour the lover
agreed to withdraw all claims for $4 in cash
and a ticket to Philadelphia. His terms
were agreed to, and he tripped away to
greener pastures.
Tbe Condition of Bunlncsn at the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Office ofPittsbukg Dispatch.
SATCEDAT. November 30. ISS9. J
CATtxe Receipts, COO head; shipments,
COJ head; market closing stronger and 10c to
15c higher than Monday's prices; 3 cars of cat
tle shipped to New York to-day.
"Hogs Receipts. 1,600 head: shipments. 2,500
bead: market active; Fhiladelpbias, S3 95
4 OS: Yorkers, S3 &53 90: 10 cars of hogs shipped
to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts. 400 bead; shipment.", MX)
head: market steady: prime, S55 20; good,
604 80; fRlr, $3 254 25; common, S23:
lamDs, Si6 25.
By Telegraph.
Chicago The Drovers' Journal reports:
Cattle Receipts. 2.000 head; shipments, 500
head; market slow but steady: beeves. 54 60S
5 25; steers, J2 SOffil 40; stockers and feeders,
tl 852 90: Texas cattle, SI 502 85. Hoes Re
ceipts, 18,000 head: shipments 5,000 head; mar
ket strong but closed weak; mixed, 3 503 SO;
heaw. S3 60g3 82K: light, S3 153 80: skips,
S3 003 4a Sheep Receipts, 3,000 head; ship
ments. 400 head; market strong: natives, S3 00
5 25: Western, S3 504 40; Texans, S3 404 00;
lambs. S4 501 60.
Buffalo CattI e Feeling steady an d strong;
receipts, 65 loads through, 6 loads sale. Sheep
and lambs active and higher: receipts, 5 loads
through. 16 loads sale; sheep, choice to extra,
$5 305 50: good to choice, S4 i)05 25; common
to good, 4 254 75; lambs, choice to extra, SO 30
6 65; good to choice, Sfl 25; common to good
S5 255 SO. Hogs fairly active: receipts, 23
loads through, 35 loads sale: mediums and
heavy, S3 85; mixed and Yorkers, S3 85: pigs,
$S 603 65; rough, S3 25.
Kansas City Cattle Receipts, 3,700 head:
shipments, 1,400 head: market strong to 10c
higher; natives. S3 S04 85: cows, $1 65S2 50;
stockers and feeder. $2 303 15; Texans. SI SO
2 85. Hogs Receipts, 10,000 bead; shipments,
none; market opened steady, and closed 5c
lower: good to choice light S3 62K3 671J;
heaw and mixed. S3 653 65. Sheep Re
ceipts, 200 head; market steady; good to choice
muttons, S3 805 00; stockers and feeders,
S?404 70.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts, 700 head;
shipments. z,iuu neau; market strong; good to
fancy native steers, SI 204 SO: lair to good do,
S3 2001 40: stockers and feeders, S2 003 30;
range steers, S2 00. Hogs Receipts, 1,600
head: shipments, 1,600 head: market firm:
fair to choice heavy, S3 G03 75; packing
-grades, S3 503 65; light, fair to best 82 50
3 65. Sheep Receipts, 400 head; shipments,
100 head; market strong; fair to choice, S3 40
Drysoods. "
NEW YOBK,November 30 With the weather
again more seasonable, there was increased
cheerfulness in the drygoods trade, a cold
temperature being the only thing needed to re
animate the market. Demand was unimportant
to-day, or at least, inconspicuous as it usually
is at the end of the month. The market con
tinued in well sold-up condition, however, and
strong in tone. Buyers are expected to visit
the market next week when business will again
be more active.
Aemoue & Co., of this city, report the
following sales of dressed beef for the week
ending November 30: 149 carcasses, aver
age weight 533 lbs., average price 5c
Pittsburg Beep Company, wholesale
agents jor Swift's Chicago dressed beef,
sold for week ending November 30, 119$
carcasses of beef; average weight per carcass,
665 pounds; average price per pound, 6.56c.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, shecriedforCastoria,
Wlyn she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she bad Cbildren.9he gavethem Castorla
A Quiet Windnp to Week's Trade in
General Produce Lines.
Oats Higher and Firm, Corn Ditto, Wheat
and Flour Steady.
Office of FrrrsBCRQ Dispatch, 1
SATURDAY, November SO, 1839. J
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
The week's trade closed up quietly notwith
standing favorable weather. The lull which
follows holidays is fully on. In dairy product
lines creamery butter and choice grades of
cheese are firmly held. Country butter and
low grade cheese are very slow. Poultry left
over from Thanksgiving is hard to sell at any
price. Fresh stock is active and firm. The
supply of strictly fresh eggs is very scarce.
Cold storage stock is firm at quotations below.
Potatoes and apples are quiet at old rates. The
demand for tropical fruits improves, Florida
oranges are coming freely, but quality is not
up to standard. Much of the fruit now offered
is sour, having been plucked before it was fully
Butter Creamery, Elgin, Z929Ke; Ohio
do,2526c; fresh dairy packed, 2224c; country
rolls, 2122c ,-.,
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, $2 252 30;.
medium, S2 1002 20. r
Beeswax 2S30c ?! B for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, S6 507 50; 'common,
S3 501 00; crab cider, S3 00S 60 f) barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c &? gallon.
Ohestuts-5 005 60 $ bushel; walnnta,
6070e H bushel. w
Cheese Ohio, UUc: New York, llKc;
Limburger, 9llc; domestic Sweitzer, 11
13kc; imported Sweitzer, 23c
Eggs 2426c l dozen for strictly fresh.
Fru-its Apples, fancy, El 603 50 barrel;
California pears, S3 504 00 a box; cranberries,
Jerseys. S2 50 bushel box: Cape Cods, box,
S2 756)3 00; Malaga grapes, large barrel, S8 00.
GAME Squirrels, Jl 25 q? dozen; quail, SI 50
a dozen; prairie chickens. M 5U5 00 ?
dozeu; pheasants. S4 505 00 f) dozen; rabbits,
SI 601 75 dozen; venison saddle, 1820c-JI
pound; venison carcass. 1215c pound.
Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1,
do. 4015c; mixed lots, 3035c V
Poultry Chickens, old hens, 6570c: chick
en. large, joung, 505ae; chickens, small, 35
40c; ducks, 5560c M pair; geese, SI 001 10 ?)
pair: live turkeys, ll12c 13 ft; dressed turkeys.
loeaiHc w o.
HtcKTIS TIoVfr. Choice. 62BS to bnShel.S5 OTKv
, Vm r i; , i -7- i-- -c--iiirioTko cKKrt.
clover, Alsike, S8 00; clover, white, S9 00; timo
thy, choice. 45 Bs, $1 60; blue grass, extra
clean. 14 lbs, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 Bi, 81 00;
orchard grass, 14 Bs. SI 65; red top. 14 Bs. SI 25;
millet 50 Bs. SI 00; German millet, 60 Bs, SI 60;
Hungarian grass. 60 fis. Jl 00; lawn grass,
mixture of fine grasses, $2 60 f? bushel of U
Bs. i
Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4JJ
TeoficaIiFruits Lemons, common, S3 50
f?4 00; fancy, S4 005 00: Florida oranges. 5350
03 75; bananas, 2 00 firsts, SI 60 good seconds,
i bunch; cocoanuts, S4 001 50 $ hundred;
figs, SK9c 13 B; dates, RKtKc V B; new layer
figs, 14K10Ke: new dates. 7Jc g) B.
Vegetables Potatoes, trom store, 6055c:
on track, 4045c; cabbages, $4 005 00 a hun
dred; celery, 40c dozen; Southern sweet
potatoes, S2 5027S; Jerseys, S3 75Q4 00; tur
nips, SI Wtgl 60 a barrel; onions, Wi a barret
buckwheat Floub 2J2Jc 1 pound.
Sugar and package coffee are firm enough to
advance at an early day. Other groceries move
along in the old rats. Wholesale dealers re
port a satisfactory week's trade.
Greek Coffee Fancy Rio, 2324c; choice
Rio, 2122c; prime Rio, 20c: low grade Rio,
18K19c; old Government Java. 2728c;Mar
acaibo, 2324Kc; Mocha, 23K29Kc; Santos,
20K2ic: Caracas, 22J4c; peaberry, Kio, 23
24c: La Gnayra, 23K24c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands. 24c;
high grade1!. 2529c; old Government Java,
bulk, 31K33c: Maracaibo, 27g28c; Santos,
24X28Kc; peaberry, 2SJc; choice Rio. 25c;
pinno Rio. 23Xc; good Rfo, 22K; ordinary, 21c
Spices (whole) Cloves, 1920e; allspice, 10c;
cassia, 8c; perper, 17c; nutmeg, 7080c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7ie;
Ohio. 120. 8Uc: headlieht. 150. lAfc: water
white, wyic; globe, 1414c: elaine, l4)c; car
nadlne, llc; royaline, lie; globe red oil. 11
Miners' Oil No. 1 winder strained. 4B47o
ft gallon; summer. 40S43c Lard oil, 70c
Syrups Corn syrup, 2S30c; choice sugar
syrup, 333Sc; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
strictly prime, 3335c: new made syrup, 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c:
medium, 43c; mixed, 4042c; choice new crop,
Soda Bi-carblnkegs, 33c; bi-carb in Js,
5c: bi-carb, atsorted packages, 56c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles fetar, full weight, 9c; stearine, ?)
set, 8Kc; paraffine, ll12c
Rice Head, Carolina, 6J7c; choice, 6J
6c: prime, 56c Louisiana, 56ic
Starch Vcarl, c; cornstarch, o0c; gloss
starch, 4K7c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon
don layers, S2 90; California London layers,
$2 75: Muscatels, S2 25; California Mnscatels,
S2 10, Valencia,7Jic; Ondara Valencia, 8K8Kc;
sultana,9Kc; currants,55Jc; Turkey prunes.
4$5c; French prunes. 6)c; Salonlra
prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, fl 100,
0 00; almonds, Lan., fl &, 20c; do, Ivlca, 19c;
do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 1215c; Sicily
filnerts, 12c; Smyrna lies, 1218c; new 'dates,
66c; Brnzll nuts, 10c: pecans ll15c; cit
ron a, 190120c; lemon peel, t B,lSc: orange
peel, lbc
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per B 8c, ap
ples, evaporated. 9c; apricots, California, evap
orated. 14K 16c; peaches, evaporated, pared,
2628c: peaches, California, evaporated, un
pared. 1921c; cherries, ritted,I3K14Jc; cher
ries unpltted, 56c: raspberries, evaporated,
25K2GKc: blackberries, 7J8c; huckleberries,
SbUGABS Cubes, 7c; powdered. TJfc; granu
lated. 73c: confectioners' A. 7!c: standard A.
7c: soft white, 6K6Mc;yellow,choIcc6Ji0c;
yellow, good,
dark. 5?e.
yellow, fair, 5JJc; jellow,
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200),
So 50; medl-
urn, nan udir (uwi, ks zo.
Salt-No L W bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, ?lbM,5105;
uairy, dm, st hu; coarse crystal, w bbl, fl 2U;
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bn sacks, S2 80; Higgins'
Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peache, S2 00
2 25; 2ds. 81 651 80; extra peaches, S2 402 60;
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn, SI 001 6J)x Bid Co.
corn, 7590c; red cbernes,-O0c81: lima bean,
SI 20; soaked do. 83c: string do. 60S5c: mar
rowfat peas, 81 1031 15; soaked pea. 7080c:
pineapples. SI 401 50; Bahama do, 82 75;
damson plums, 95c; greengages, SI 25;
egg plums, 82 00; California pears. 82 50: do
greengages, 81 85: do egg plnms, SI 85; extra
white cherries, S2 40; raspberries, 95cSl 10;
strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries, 81 S01 40:
tomatoes, 8o90c; salmon, 1-ft, SI 651 90;
blackberries, 5c: succotash, 2-B cans, soaked,
90c; do green. 2-B, SI 251 50; corn beef, 2-ft
cans, S2 05; 14-ft cans, 814; baked beans, SI 45
1 50: lobster, 1-ft, 81 751 80; mackerel, IB
cans, broiled. SI 50; sardines, domestic, Js,
S4 25g4 50; sardines, domestic. )$s, I6 757 00;
sardines, imported. $, 811 5012 50, sardines,
imported, s, 818; sardines, mustard. S3 30;
sardines, spiced. S3 50.
Fish" Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S36
bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, V); extra Np. 1
mackerel, shore, 832; extra No. 1 do, mess,
836: No. 2 shore mackerel, 824. Codnsb Whole
pollock, 4c fl B; do medium, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c: boneless hake, in strips, 6c: do
George's cod in blocks. 6X7Kc. Herring
Round shore. $4 50 bbl; split, S8 50; lake,
82 75 v lOO-B half bbl. White fish, $0 00 9 100
B halt bbl. Lake trout, fo 50 ? half bbl. -Finnan
haddock, 10c V B. Iceland halibut 13c ffl
B. Pickerel, Vhbl.82 00: bbl. 81 10; Poto
mac herring, 85 00 ?? bbl, $2 7 $ H bbl.
Oatmeal-88 006 25 ) bbl.
Grain, Flour nnd Feed.
Sales on call at the Grain Exchange were 1
car sample white oats, 25c, 6 days, Pennsylvania
Railroad; 1 car No. 1 timothy hay, $12,'5 days,
Pennsjlvania Railroad; 2 cars No. 2 yellow
corn, spot elevator. Total receipts as bul
letined, IB cars. By Pittsburg. Ft Wyno and
Chicago. 2 cars of hay. 1 of bran, 1 of flour. 1 of
oats, lot barley. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and.
St Louis. 3 cars of oats. By Pittsburg and
Lake Erie, 1 car of flour, 1 of rye. 1 of malt.
By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of corn, 3 of
hay. Total receipts bulletined for tbe week 154
cars acamst 192 last week and 222 for the week
before' With diminishing receipts tone of
markets improves. Oats are very firm at an
advance over rates of the early part of tho
week. Corn Is also firm. Flour Is steady.
Northwestern millerd grow stAmger in their
ideas of values, and are no longer willing to
make concessions as they were a few weeks
Prices below are for carload lots on track.
Wheat New No. 2 red, 8485c; No. 8, 80
Corn Nc 2 yellow, ear, 4243c; new. 2728c:
high mixed, ear. 4041c; No. 2 yellow, shelled,
41M42c; new, 272br;hieh mixed, shelled, 40
41c; mixed, shelled, 4040Kc
Oats No. 2 white. 2b28c; extra, No. 8,
27627Kc: mixed. 2(X$28Mc
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 0Q51c:
No. i Western,i48S40c.-uew rye.Jfo. 2 Ohio, 45
Flour Jobbing "prices Fancy winter and
"M yWWI" III I w . w"f " . V Hl ." Jfc
254 50; clear winter. U 004 2-5; straigh
XXXX bakers', S3 603 75. Eye flour, $3 60S
4 75,
MrLMTKED Middlings, fine whits. Slo 00
15 50 H ton; brown middlings, $11 0013 00;
winter wheat bran, 311 2511 60; chop feed,
H5 50Q16 oo.
HAY-Baled timothy, No. 1, 11 25011 60;
No. 2do.S8 0010 00; loose from wagon, Jll 00
12 00, according to quality; No. 2 prairie hay,
S7 008 00; packing do. S7 257 6a
Straw Oats, SO 757 00; wheat and rye
straw, $6 00e 25.
Sugar-cnred hams, large, lOJc; sugar-cured
hams, medium, lOJSc: sugar-cured hams, small,
llic: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 9fl sugar
cured shoulders, 6c; sngar-enred boneless
8houlders.7i4c; sugar-cured California hams, 7c;
sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sugar-cured
dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef
rounds, 12c: bacon shoulders, 6c; bacon
clear slde, 7c; bacon clear bellies, 7Kc; dry
salt shoulders, 6c: dry salt clear sides, 7c.
Mess pork, heavy, 811 50; mess pork, family,
J12 00. Lard-refined, in tierces, 6Ke; half
barrels. 6c; 60-ft tubs. 6Kc: 20-fi P'll,a. ic'' 5
& tin cans. tc; 3-& tin pails, 6c: 5-lb tin palls,
:; 10-B tin pails, 6c; 5-B tin pails,
6c Smoked sausage, long, 6c; large, 6c
Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams. 10c
x ita iukl. nan narrei. m w. uuariur uuuei.
82 15.
-, . , - . .
Dressed Blent.
The following prices are furnished by Armour
& Co. on dressed meat: Beef carcasses,450 to 550
Bs. 5c; 650 to 650 fts, 6c; 650 to 750 Bs, 6K6c
Sheep, 7c ty ft. Lambs; 9c f ft. Hogs,5Mc
Fresh pork loins, 7c.
Corn Still Panicky, With n Sharp Brenk In
Prices Wheat Unsettled Decem-
bec Down nnd Alar Up Pork
Is Rather Quiet.
Chicago Only a moderate demand was re
ported in wheat transactions to-day, and the
market ruled steady without any important
changes either here or at other markets. Be
sides the usual local business there were some
few outside orders received, including some
buying orders again for May delivery on for
eign account Foreigners of late have taken
fair quantities of May wheat. A good share of
the business to-day was In the way of changing,
closing out December and buying May. Prices
covered a range of only c, and the closing
was tys lower for December and He higher for
May than closing prices of yesterday.
European market advices, were generally in
dicative of a firm feeling and in some instances
slightly better prices quoted. The export
clearances were large of flour and moderate of
wheat Estimates on the visible supply were
for an Increase of about 1,400,000 to 1,600,000
Corn Thprn waa ft vprv nflrvnH.4 and unset
tled feeling among opeiators in corn when the
- mart'Ot nnonnri nnv Af( fhAarHUmnnt
I .r ,r vy" wj. ...,. . ....-.v-.
attending tbe sharp advance it was uncertain
what course prices would take to-day. There
was not a great deal doing during the first hour
of the session. November ODerators civicc De
cember their attention. The first trade in No
vember was reported at 60c, the next down to
60c, afterward 52 was paid, when tbe offerings
were rather moro liberal, and scattering trades
were made at tho decline down to S2c, and the
month closed at 32c
It was quite apparent after tbe first hour of
the session that a good many short lines had
been settled quietly yesterday, some operators
placing the amount at 600,000 bushels. It was
said one line of 300,000 bushels was bought iu
around oSQGOc, and small lots aggregating 150,
000 bushels at abont the same price. It was
also rumored that 110,000 bushels was covered
to-day at abont 60c by brokers who gave up the
name of a largo local speculator, whose name
has been frequently mentioned with tbe late
bulge. After the break in November to 33c
the market began to assume its natural condi
tion, and December, which sold up early to
82Kc broke badly, touching 31c
Oats were steadier earlier, one operator buy
ing and advanced prices Hc An effort on
the part of several large traders to sell pro
duced a weaker feeling, and the early advance
was lost At the close a weak feeling pre
vailed, last sale's being at about inside prices.
Mess pork Trading very light and the feel
ing weak. Prices ruled 1015c lower for No
vember, and 25c on the other deliveries,
and market closed quiet at medium figures.
Lard Very little trading and no particular
change to note. Prices ruled steady.
Short rib sides Only a limited business was
transacted. Prices without material change.
The leaqng futures ranged as follows:
Wheat No. Z. December. 797978K
79c; January. 8080J68080Kc; May, 84
Corn No. 2. November.
Mav. 2222Vg)22Kffl22lic
Mess Pork, per bbl. Year, $9 009 10
9 009 00; January. 39 27)9 27K9 22U
9 27K;May, $9 SIH9 62li$ 559 572.
Lard, per 100 as. Year, So 87J5 87X
5 87W5 87K; January, 85 87J5 87J5 S7
Short Ribs, per 100 Bs. Year. S4 77
477K: January, 84 754 754 72&4 11;
May, S4 954 95.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
steady and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat, 79c:
No. 3 spring wheat 6365c; No. 2 red, 79c
No. 2 corn. 3156c No. 2 oats, 202fc. No.
2 rye. 44c No. 2 barley, 68c No. 1 flax
seen. SI 33. Prime timothy seed, 81 20. Mess
pork, per bbl, $9 37K9 50. Lard, per 100 lbs,
35 92& Short ribs sides (loose), 85 00
5 60. Dry salted shoulders 'boxed), un
changed. Short clear sides (boxed), un
changed. Sugars Cutloaf, unchanged. Re
ceiptsFlour; 13.000 barrels: wheat 117.000 bush
els: corn. 168.000 bushels; oats, 95,000 bushels;
rye, 13,000 bushels: barley, 75,000 bushels. Ship
mentsFlour, 16,000 barrels; wheat 27,000
bushels: corn. 201,000 bujbels; oats, 272,000
bushels; rye, 17,000 bushels; barley, 62,000 bush
els. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was steady; fancy creamery, 25
20Kc; fir.o, 2022c; finest dairy, 2022c; fine, 11
17c Eggs. 2324c
New York Flour dull and a shade easier.
Corn-meal dull. Wheat Spot firmer and dull;
options dull, closing steady. Rye steady: sales,
16,000: western quiet. Barley steady. Barlev
malt quiet; Canada, 77c Corn Spot active
and firmer: options drill and urmer. Oats Spot
steady; options dull and easier. Hay quiet.
Hops firm and in fair demand. Coffee opened
steady for options, 10 points down; closed
steady, o10 points down: December, 15.70
15.85c; January. 15.70155c; February, 15.70
15.85c: March, 15.75i5.90c: April, 15.85c; Mav.
15.S015.90c; June. 15.7515.85c; October. 15.50
15.60c; spot Rio dull and nominal; fair cargoes
19?c Sugar Raw activo and higher: fair re
fining, 6)4c; centrifugals. 96 test, 6Vc; sales,
10,000 bags Rio grade to arrive: 8? test
43 l-16c: refined firm and in good demand.
Molasses Foreign nominal. Rice steady.
cottonseed oil quiet Tauow easy at 4 ioc
Rosin steady and quiet Turpentine steady
and quiet at 4646Kc Eggs firm; Western,
27cj limed, 1718c; receipts, 3,197 packages.
Pork active and strong: mess inspected. $11 00
(Sll 50; mess unspected, $10 7511 00; extra
prime, 89 509 75. Cut meats firm: pickled
bellies, 55c: pickled shoulders, 55Kc:
pickled bams, 99c: middles strong. Lard
quiet and easy; sales, 1,250 tierces steam, $035,
closing at $6 85; options sales 1,000 tierces;
December, S6 26 bid: January. 8629. closing at
SO 30; Febi uary. $6 34; March, S6 40, closing at
$6 49; May. $646. Batter extra fresh firm;
Western dairy, 918c; Western creamery. 13
26c; Western iactory, 7K9c; Elgin, 2728c,
Cbeese quiet; Western, 710c
Philadelphia Flour quiet Wheat Op
tions quiet and ic lower; desirable milling
grades in small supply and firmly held; fair to
good milling wheat 80S5c; cBoice and fancv
longberry, 8789c; No. i red, November, 79H
80c: December, 79X80c; January, 818Pic;
February,82383ic Corn Goctt inquiry tor
export and option; prices ruled firm; specula
tion, however, was quiet; new No. 4 mixed,
on track, 37c: new No. 2 high mixed, in Twen
tieth street elevator, 43c; old No. 2 mixed,
in export elevator, 4ljic: do, on track, 44c; No.
2 mixed, November. 4142c; December, 3S
39Jc; January, 38Ji39c: February, 38K40c
Oats Carlots steady but trade quiet; No- 3
white, 282S5ic; No. 2 white. 29Hc: futures
quiet but steady; No. 2 white, November. 29
29Jic; December. 29i29Kc: January. 2929?c;
February, 29J30c Butter firm and imgood
demand; Pennsylvania creamery, extra, 27c; do
prints, extra. 3338c Eggs steady for fresh;
Pennsylvania firsts, 27c; held at 22633c.
Minneapolis There was less wheat offered
on tbe tables to-day and sellers of milling
wheat were not alarmed by the aoathy of
buyers early. Stiff prices were asked for every
thing that would grade No. 1 Northern, while
most of the low grade wheat was worked off
before the close. The blackboard encouraged
holders, only 327 cars being posted as receipts
here and 193 at Dulntb. Shipments from
Minneapolis were CO cars. Local elevators
were buying a little of tho No. 1 Northern on
tho table, but the bulk of dales wero for local
milling account The tables were quite weH
cleared at the close. Closing quotations: No. 1
hard, November. 77!c;- December, 77c; May,
84c; on track, 787Sc; No. 1 Northern No
vember. 74Jgc: December. 74c; May. SlJc; on
track, 7t&76Mc; No. 2 Northern, November,
71c; December. 71c; May, 78c: on track, 7074c
ST. Louis Flour Dull, weak and un
changed. Wheat The market sold He lower
soon after the opening, bnt at once rallied and
the close was KKc above yesterday's: No. 2
P closed at 78c bid; January, 79c closed at 79c
mo; May, 8383c closed at sajc askeo;
July, 79Kc, closed at 79c bid. Corn Dull and
lower: No. 2, mixed, cash. 28c: December,
27g27J4c closed at 27274o asked. Oats
urui; ro. z. can, aic: JNovemDer. zic; .May,
:J4c: December and Januarj, 20c bid. Rje
0.2, 40c bid, 41c asked. Barley Quiet and
asy; Minnesota, 68c; Wisconsin, 54c Flax.
fted. Si 25. Prnvlnlnna flnfnt and flteadv. Porlc
l&weratJlO 0010 26.
A Quiet Week in All Produce Lines
With the Exception of
Stock of Floor In Jobbers' Hands Large, bnt
Market Steady.
Office op FrrrsBTrao Dispatcit, 1
Batuedat. November 30. 1889. J
In general produce lines the week's trade
has developed few marked features. Vege
tables and fruit have moved slowly without
any change in prices worthy of note.
Thanksgiving brought a good degree of
activity in poultry, and the stock of choice
turkeys was short of demand. Other poul
try and game was in excessive supply, and
buyers found markets in their favor.
A slight advance in Elgin creamery but
ter at the beginning -has been fully sus
tained by firm markets. Country butter
has been in poor demand, and peddlers have
fonnd it very difficult to unload stock.
Butter imitations are freely and openly
handled, and this fact has no doubt bad much
to do with the depressing markets for the gen
uine article. The law against oleo Is no longer
a terror to dealers.
Good Effg Hard xo Get.
Fresh laid eggs are scarce and tending up
ward. A peddler whose beat covers the section
of country between Clinton and New Cumber
land, and who brings two wagon loads of stuff
weekly to the Pittsburg markets, thus gives
his experience for the past week:
"I have never known country roads hi a
worse condition at this time of the year, and
even after sailing through seas of mod I was
not able to get anything like the amount of
stuff needed for my regular customers. Last
Thanksgiving I brought over 400 turkeys to
Pittsburg. This week ray stock consisted of 55.
All I had this year were taken by customers
before I came within the city limits. The same
was true of my supplies of eggs. Through tbe
section where X travel all kinds of poultry and
eggs are scarcer than they have been for many
Potatoes-on tho Top Shelf.
"Potatoes, too, are very scarce and are selling
in Clinton stores for 75c to 90c per bushel.
About the only article there is too much of in
our section is butter. So cheap has butter
been tbe past month that many have been buy
ing it up at the low prices, and bringing it into
tbe city to find themselves stuck in their bar
gains. The recent failure of a Frankfort
creamery, has taken away a good market from
farmers throughout a large section, and hence
many more than nsual have turned their atten
tion to butter making."
One of our leading jobbers of dairy products,
thus reports the week's trade: "Markets have
been activo and firm for creamery outter and
tne oetter graces oi cneese, ana prices are a
shade higher than they were last week for all
choice stock. But all kinds of country butter
and low grade cheese are a drug, and prices
give no signs of improvement."
Llubt Receipts oi Cereals.
It will be seen by reference to the domestic
market column that receipts are very much
lighter this week than for some months past
In tbe last week of October receipts were 359
" car loads. This week the total is 154 loads. In
the past few days oats have taken a sharp up
ward turn and are at least 2c per bushel higher
than at tbe beginning of the week,
Tbe stock of flour in tbe hands of our Jobbers
is much larger than at the beginning ofltno
month, as a rise in freight rates between here
and Chicago equivalent to that which took
place between Minneapolis and Chicago was
anticipated. Receipts are falling off. and mar
kets have steadied up within a few days.
Moreover Northwestern millers are holding
their stock more firmly than they were a
week or two ago. A stiffening of prices is pro
bable soon after holidays.
Doll Market for Hides.
Tho market still rules dull, particularly for
bull bides. While quotations have not changed
tbe past week, stock is hard to' sell. Calf skins
are in better demand, but there are no signs of
an advance. The approach of cold weather is
felt on heavy steer hides for December de
livery. Chicago packers are offering Decem
ber hides Kc below spot prices. This is ex
plained by tbe fact that the hide taken off in
winter, having longer hair than that taken off
in milder weather, accumulates a sufficiency of
dirt to depreciate its value Kc Per pound.
Concerning tbe Builncss Interests of "Ails
Hive of Indnstr.
A prominent Pittsburg attorney, whose
office is in the Bakewell law building,-and
who has traveled considerably in Europe, in
speaking yesterday of the project for build
ing a market house on th Allegheny river,
said: "The idea is a good one, but I think
it can be improved. In place of a market
house I would cover both sides of the bridge
with'stores, handsomely fitted up, with glass
fronts and every convenience for business.
I saw such a bridge over the river Tyne,
near Newcastle, England, and it struck me
at once that something of that kind would fill
a great want at Pittsburg, where ground for
business purposes is scarce and dear.
"I bave made a mental calculation of tbe
cost and the income from such a structure, and
am convinced that the rental from the stores
would be sufficient to pay all expenses in abont
five years. The two cities would then have a
valuable property free of cost. But if the
cities should refuse to have anything to do with
it the building could be put up by private en
terprise, no large amount of capital being re
quired, and I am confident it would be a good
investment f. think the matter Is worth look
ing into further."
Landlords should lose no more time in sign
ing tbe agreement to change moving day, if
they want it to go into effect next spring. If they
hesitate much longer it will be taken-as proof
that they do not favor the change Do they de
sirs to assume that position?
That busiuess generally possesses a substan
tial backbone was clearly demonstrated last
week, when it successfully withstood the as
saults of soveral conflagrations which wiped
out millions of dollars' worth of property. Of
course, these heavy losses had a depressing
local effect, but their influence at large was
scarcely felt The great industries of the
country are so well distributed that a disaster
to any of them in one place only stimulates
greater activity in another.
Locally, complications growing dut of the at
tempts to get at the bottom of the Lawrence
Bank failure, afforded about the only diversion
from tbe usual run of events. Notwithstanding
the intervention of a holiday, and the continu
ance of bad weather, all departments of regular
trade viere iu a flourishing condition, as
shown by the Clearing House reports. The bank
exchauges for the week were $1,053 625 16 larger
than for tbe corresponding time last year, and
for the month $9,526,635 64 larger. There was
great activity in real estate for the season and
many important transactions were enected.
On the whole, tbe business of the week was
satisfactory and encouraging, showing that it
rests upon a solid foundation, backed ap by a
good demand and abundant capital.
This week The Dispatch may bo able to
throw some light on tbe real estate movements
on the Mononeabela river front referred to
yesterdav. In this connection it may be
stated, without a violation of confidence, that
one of the deals is about closed up.
Tne roiiowinir taoie snows tne prices oractlve
stocks on the New York stock xcnanfte yester
day. Corrected dailv for The Dispatch by
WjnTJ.ET4STBPBXNSON. oldest Plttsbuv mem
bers or.Newl' ork SJtocK Lxcnange. 67 1 ourtb ave
lne Hid.
72 K
ID sr.
Am. Cotton Oil 2$
Atcn.. lop.&B.K MX
Canadian .Pacific 73
Canada southern 54)4
Central or New Jersey.UD
rantritf PftMflft .... ....
esu SOS
est. &4
Chesapeake ft Ohio.... 28t
C. Bur. Qun:r. ....1WM
C, MU. a St. ram....
c. iin.Ast. P.. pr....
C, KocKl. If
IX, St. L.& Pitts
c, st. t. ft Pitts, pr..
C.St. P.. M. SO
c. M.P..11.AO.. or.
C A J(orthwestera....109K
C .Northwestern, pf .. .
o., c c.&i n
,C. U. UAL.-Pf..... SB -
21 Si
73 4
lN.i.. a !it.L..2d n 36M
H. XftW. E 44
K. I".. O. ft W 21H
Norfolk Western.... 19
Norfolk Western.pf. K)i
-Northern Piclttc 31j(
Nortnern PacWc nrct 744
Ohio ft Mississippi..... 21X
Oregon Improvement. ...
Oreeon Trarucon Z4)
memo Jiau u
FecDee. ftKvans....
PhUadel. ft Kesdlnr.
Pullman Palace C&T...18GH
Richmond ft W. P. f.. 21
Klchmond ft W.F.T.pf 80H
St P.. Jllnn.ft Man.,106S
St.lv 4 San Fran 14
St h. ft San Jfran pf.
Sl.Li. ft Ban Jf.lst pf.
Texas Paclflo...... I9!j
Union Paciac -6S4
Wabasn l(J
Wabash preferred..... II
Western Union........ 82
Wheeling ft L. A 65),'
Sugar Trust OK
National Lead Trust.. MU
Chicago tias Trust. ... 33
Change In tbe Flnnnclal Situation
Heavy Gains Over Last Year.
There was no change in tbe local financial
situation Saturday. There was a good demand
for loans, which were made at 67 per cent
but checking and depositing were slightly be
low the average of tbe previous days of tbe
week. Fnnds were in sufflcientsnpply for busi
ness purposes.
Manager Chaplin issued another very satis
factory Clearing House statement It shows a
gam of upward of 51,000,000 over, the corre
sponding week of last year. The gain over
November, 1888. is S9,o26.635 64. This shows
that all branches of trade are in a condition of
great activity. Tbe report in detail follows:
esterday 's exchanges I 1,933,73727
Yesterday's balances 300.244 03
Week's exchanges 11,881,137 61
Dallv average 2.376,274 33
Week's balances 1,471.6:6 8
xcbangea week of 1S8S 10,7)7.746 45
Balances week of 1SS8 1,833,133 79
Gain for week over 1883 1,063.6; 18
Month's exchanges 7,946,245 09
Month's balances 8.4X1,84140
iSxchangesmonthoflSStS 48,419.609 87
Balances month of ISM 8.180,06245
UaiQ for month over 1883. 9, KB, 635 64
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easy, ranging from 4 to 6 per cent: last loan,
4; closed.offered at 3. Prime mercantile paper,
57. Sterlingexchange quiet and steady at
$4 80.for 60-day bills and H 85 for demand.
The weekly statement of the New York
banks, issued yesterday, shows the following
changes: Reserve, increase. $406,650; loans,
increase, 774,000; specie, increase, $300,800;
letral tenders, increase. $96,200: deposits, in
crease. 105,400: circulation, decrease, 123,500. i.
The banks now hold $1,871,850 In excess of tbe
25 per cent rule.
Closing Bond Quotations.
U. 8. 4s,reg 126
U. S. 43. coud 127
SI. K. ft T. Gen. 5s 61
Mutual Union 6S.. .. 101
V. J. C. Int. Cert...m
Northern Pac lsts..I16!4
Northern Pac. Sds. .112)4
Northw't'n consols. 142
Northw'n deben's..ll!X
U. 8. 4)4s, reg WH
U. S. 4s. conp.... 103
Paclflc6sof '. 115
Loulslanastampedts 91
missoun os iirc
lenn. new set 6s... 109
Tenn. new set. 5s 102
Oregon ft Trans. 68.103
St. L. ftl.M. Gen. fe 84
St. I ft 8. K. Gen.M. lis
Si. Paul consols ....Tli
St. PL Chi ft Pc. 1st. 119
Tenn. new set. 3s.... 73
Canada Bo. ias not.
Gen. Pacificists 112
Den. ftK.G.. HU...11S
rx.. PCI G.Tr Its. 92)4
Den. &B.G.4S 77
Tx.,Jr,citG.'lT.Kct 36)4
I.SK.G.West,UtS. 98
Erie, 2ds.. 103
M..3t. ft T. Gen. .. 69
union rac. 1SU.....113
West Shore 109
Boston Blocks.
Atch. ft Tod.. 1st 7t. lit
Atob.ftToD.li.1iJ... tiH
Old Colony. 173
Wis, Central, com... 23
MlonezMgCo 1
Calumet ft Becla....250
rrankun.....i 16
Huron 2
Osceola, 18
limner 70
Bell Telepnone 199
BostouI.and 6
W aver Power 6
Tamarack .149
San Diego 20
Santa Fo copper.... 80
A toh. ft Top. It'it .. 33
novum x Aioan7...zj7
Boston ft Maine. ..,,205
C, fl. ftU 103
Clun. San. ft Clove. 23
KaitcrnH.it 113
Eastern It. B. 6s ....124
Flint PereM 20
FUntftPereM. oro. 90
Little K. ft Ft. 8. 7s. 90
Mexican Cen. com.. 13
Mex.C.lstmtg.bds. 66
J. XT. ftliewEnc... 44
Saturday's OH Hanffe.
Corrected daily by John M. Oamey & Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened IcSWLowest 1023
Highest lOottlCiosed 103
Average runs - S3.04S
Average shipments 5.542
Average charters 31,109
Kenned, Mew Yorlt. 7.S0S.
KfflneJ, London, 6M1.
Refined, Antwerp, l'Ht-
Kenned. Liverpool. 6 1-16(1.
Kenned, Bremen. 7.30m.
A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, (1 02
calls, 81 05.
Philadelphia Mocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers. Xo. 57
Fourth avenue. Members K
ork Stock x-
Pennsylvania Ballroad. .. fS.H
Keamng 20
Lehigh Valley XL
Lehigh .Navigation 53
Northern Pacl&c u. 31
Hortnem Pacmc preferred 7ZH
53 S(
Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat
firm: cash 72i4c:May,78Kc;No. 1 Northern, 81c.
Corn steady; No. S, 23K- Oats steady; No.
2 white, ZZ&c Bye quiet; No. 1 c Bar
ley dull: No. 2, 4SK6J8XC. Provisions easy.
Pork, 9 10. Lard, a 90. Cheese steady;
Cheddars. 99Kc
Toledo Cloverseed active and steady: cash.
13 63: December. $3 60; January, 3 65;February,
$3 72; March, $3 77K-
A 1QSN t0 Housewives.
the farmer and working sum who have been ont ia
tha mud all day can wash their boots dean before
eateringthnhonse. Therwulbo Soft, Polished
and Dry, it dressed with
Ifntwi honsekeephig easier.
Saves Sweeping and Scrtibbinff.
The boots will wear a great deal longer, will sot get
ttiSt and hard in snow water or nun, and win ba
WATERPROOF. Ladies, try it. and insist
that yonr husband and sons use it. Oncoaweek
for Gents' Shoes and once a month for Indies'.
TJneqoaledasa Harness DressIngasdPreservec
Sold by Shoe Stores, Grocers, Druggists, 4a
WOLFF & RANDOLPH, phodelpkijl
Transact a General BanMi BnsiHess.
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of Credit, fojTuse of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits '
Available in all paits of the world. Also Issue
For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West
Indies, South and Central America.
121 and 123 Fourth ave.
Capital S500.000. Full paid.
Acts In ail fiduciary capacities. Deals irfrell
able investment securities. Rents boxei in Its
superior vault from So pr annum npward.
Receives deposits and looms only on mort
gages and approved collateral".
JAMES J. DONNELL. Vice Pres't.
C. B. McVAY, SeCy and Treas.
OI. Com a iron Mh
Cot. & Hocking Vil .. SOJi
Del.. L. & W .....140
lel. A Hudson.
E.T., V. tUt ...
E. T Va. ft Oa. Irt p.'. 69
K. T.. Vs. ft Qa, 2d pr. 22
Illinois Central.
Lake Erie ft Western.. 17K
Lake Kite ft West. pr.. eiye
Lake Shore ft M. S.. .106'4
LionisvineftMuhvlUe. 84
Mlenmn Central
lo.. Kan. ft Texas.... 10 f
Missouri Pacific 6S
New if ork Central 106K
A. V.. L. E. & n 27
Jl. X.. a ft St. b 17)
N. x.. a ft St. 1. nr -...
The old worn out Potath, Mercury and Sar
saparilla mixtures all left far behind.
I have seen Swift's Specific used, and know
of many cases of the worst form of blood dis
eases which have been cured by it I know the -proprietors
to be gentlemen of the highest typ
and utmost reliability. I recommend it as a
great blood remedy, uneqnaled by anything I
know of. M.B.WHAETON; ,
Pastor First Baptist Cbnrcb, Montgomery, Ala, ,
ICthMSO UU ajw 4UJ. mwu mat-wtj iimngi, , .
free. Swift Specific Compastt. Bra-Frer-V IN
Atl-int n.n'Za.-rvrv "
This is now conceded to be the best In tho
market, as witnessed br tbe fact that ws
at the Pnre Food Exposition, held in Philadel
And with tho bright appetizing flavor of fresh
ly roasted beef.
The GOLD MEDAL has been awarded to
ARMOUR & CO., Chicago,
For their exhibit of ,
Special attractions now open in nsefnlt "j J
goods specially suited for the
Holiday Trade.
Dealers are invited to inspect tbe stock.: .Ik?
which is complete, and at prices which can
not fail to impress the buyer. "
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. DrexeV
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured,
Complete Protection Secured
To all holders of Bonds, Stocks and alt
kinds of Securities, Valuable Papers, Records,
etc Safes for rent at S3 a year and upward.'
Ample provision for the storage of Silverware
Jewelry, etc., at reasonable rates. Acts as ex-,
ecutor, administrator, guardian, trustee., as
signee and all other fiduciary capacities.
A. Garrison. Prest. Wm.'T.Howe, Sec Xr. ,
Ed Grejrs. 1st Vice P. Robt C. Moore, Ass't,
Wm. Rea, 2d Vice P. Sec. and Treas. - ..
Henry A. Miller. Counsel, No. 153 Fourth ave .
nolS-inn' . 4
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chicago.
5 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg.
As old residents know and back Qles of Pitts,
burg papors prove, is the oldest established?
and most prominent physician in the city, de-j
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.'
ML"Dni ICaud mental diseases physical
IM L fl V U U Odecay. nervous debility, lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired memor&
disordered sight, self distrust,-bashf ulness, ,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, ratlins powers, organic weak)
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business, society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular
....111.. ..I..A .In... it tnntr .... mnnth t)mi&
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, andblood'
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
1 1 D I M A D V kidney and bladder derange-
UnllMAn I iments, weak back, gravel, ca-t
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other, .
painful symptoms receive searching treatment;
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whittler's life-long; extensive expert,
ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consulatldn free. !
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if
here. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 p.m. Sunday,
10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. DR. "WHITTIER, &U ',
Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Fa.
Vnll YvtrtlflnlMrs In TVimnhl '
sent tree. The genuine Gray's ;" .
srecinc sola or arusiruu onivin
v yellow wrapper, l'rice, ft pee'
:n.nackasre. or six for S5. or br mall
on recelnt of nrlce. br address S
njf THE GKAT AlEDICLNE CO, Buffalo, H. T
soia in riusoarg Dya.3. 11UI.L1AJIU, corner
Bmlthfleld and Liberty iu. aptl-ij
SPECIALISTS in all cases tP
nuirin" scientific and confident
tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake.' . 5
4M. R. C. P. S.. is the oldest and'i '
UJUSb KJLpKI Vl.C Bgi..a.mi w.
the city. insuiianon iree ana . ;
srHntlr confidential. Offlcaiv.I
hours 9 to t and 7 to 8 P. ST.; Sundays, 2 to 4 P.f
K.Consult them personally, or write. DOCTOBS?
LiAKE. sa renn ave .riiiauurg, jra.
ioIc's Cotton.
itkmmI of Cotton Root. Tans-r as
Pennvroval a recent discoverv br I
'old Dhvslcian. Is tuccc&fuUu Uiedl
montAiir-Safc. EffectuaL Price 51, by.maaq
sealed. Ladies, ask your druggist for Coot'sil
Cotton Root OrJmnormd and take no substltute.'T:
or inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. 'Ad.?
dress FOND IXLT COMPANY. No. S F!s60
jjiocx, iai v ooawara ave uetroit, juca. .-
43-3o!d In Plttsbure. Pa by Joseph Fie
tag & Son. Diamond and Market sts. se283t
Til WEAKHPHs3?Srsir.1?K
nSnSood.ete. IwlIIinarhlotreatlje(ieaIel,MM
containing fall particulars for home core. trM't&fjH
1?o?rC?FOWLER, Mood us, CawH
71 j