JATiWrnrnvnairt -.!- &188a5 "I a "umani u.m.1 "' Sf 4 14 ' ram avjb f(r v- Th pSTOfpDlTGMdS m K MEW SALARY FUND. iWard's Scheme to Cheer tlie ';; Brotherhood Players. fGOKSOLIDATION MYSTERY. &Tho League Will Appeal for Legal II Id junctions at Once. SIN1EEESTING SPORTIKG HEWS John M. "Ward made some important .statements about the Brotherhood and As- I v'Eociation. He is raising a guarantee fund for players' salaries. Several magnates talk significantly about the consolidation of the Association and Brotherhood. The League means to appeal to the law at once. fSFECUA TELIOaXH TO TBI DISPATCH. I Philadelphia, December 1. John Montgomery Ward and President Johnson, of the Cleveland Brotherhood, were in town to-day and created quite a stir in the local Brotherhood ranks. The main object of their visit was to determine the local Brotherhood's attitude toward the proposed bonus fund of the new League to cover sal aries of players in case any dub fails, but "before their departure this evening the ques tion of the amalgamation of the Association and the Players' League had occupied the major part of their attention. Shortly after 1 o'clock this afternoon John "Ward and President Johnson, accompanied by President Love, Henry Tagcett, Lawyer Vanderslice, Robert Evans, George Wagner and Benjamin Hill entered a private parlor of the Girard Hotel and after locking the doors held a lengthy secret meeting. WHAT TVABD SAID. President Ward stated to the meetingthat he had come to ascertain the local management's attitude toward raising, the bonns fund, al ready agreed upon, to $80,000 or $10,000 assess ment to each club. Mr. Ward explained that this was deemed advisable in order to give the players every assurance ihat there will be no trouble in getting whatever money is dne them should any clnb fail. He said he did not ex pect anything of the kind to occur, but this should be done to meet the attacks of the League and effectually prevent the defection of players. The local management agreed and gave bonds for the payment of their assessment After transacting some matters of lesser Im portance the question of the amalgamation of the Association and the Players' League came up and engrossed their attention for over an hour. VEBE SOMEWHAT WAKM. They refused to state at the conclusion of the meeting whether any definite action had been taken in recard to the amalgamation, bnt of this there is bnt little doubt. President Ward stated in the meeting that Foreman and Tucker had signed with the Brotherhood. It was ar ranged that the former player should be with the local clnb, while the latter should go to Brooklyn next season. "We have talked over the matter of con solidation," said President Ward at the con clusion of the meeting, "and 1 do not see how snch action would hurt the Players' Leagne. Still, we are strong enough by ourselves to fight the League, and there isn't reallv any necessity for consolidation. With the defec tion of Baltimore the Association is in a very bad wav. It only leaves them four clubs, and a consolidation of the Pkuers' League with them would be of immense value to them." JOHN WOULDN'T ANSWER. In answer to the question as to how the differ ent club managements of the new leagne are disposed toward it, Mr. Ward said: "l do not care to answer that question. You see the .meeting of the League will not take place be fore the 10th of this month and some may change their minds during that period." In a further talk upon the subject President Ward left a decided impression of a considera tion. He laughed at the objection to the new Leagne that they were signing too many play ers, and said they wonld take all they could get and have nse for them. From this it may be interred that all extra Dlayers wonld be used in the consolidation action. "What do you think of the New York man agement prosecuting their players?" 'It's all bosh,'' be said. "They cannot keep the men from playing ball nor can they re serve them as they claim I understand that they are to prove cute this week. If they are going to do it, I want them to do it right off. We are ready any time." JJOT ATKAID OF LAW. But,' be added, with a sly wink and a broad smile, "they will not do it. They Know the courts will not sustain the action. There is also a prevailing sentiment that legal action will be taken by the various League clnb man agement against their players, bnt there should be no fear in this direction. The players' League has now settled itself on a firm basis, and the plaTers who are signing with it are not blowing b abbles. It has a certainty of success notwithstanding the opinions of those opposed to the n .w formation." President Ward said that he had received no information concerning the alleged defection of th f mons It. Louis Browns to the Brother hood. He stated that two or three members had just signed, and folly expected that the rest noma ao likewise in tne next ten days. The Leacl rill also find," said Mr. Ward, "when f the si ison opens that her star players will be j, gone, and Oelr clubs made up largely of new 5 material We are constantly signing their players an 2 we have no Instances of anyde '. lections as reported." ? MB. JOHKSOX SPEAKS. i. John Ward returned to New York this even- f ing, while Presid-nt Johnson took a throngh ' Western train for Ccveland. Previous to his departure President Johnson stated that the Cleveland Brotherhood was established on a firm basis and had a strong support from the baseball public i President Love, of the local Brotherhood. stated that they wonld not pay 570,000 for rorepaugu-s i-i-".. -c saia it was too much and a much belter groi-rl could be got for less money. He said that r o had his eye on a piece of ground and the pure tase of it may be made betore the end of the week. President Pennypacker, for the first time, came out for the consolidation of the Associa tion with the Piayerb' Leagne this evening. Yes," said Mr. Pennypacker. "I favor the con solidation scheme. It would not only strengthen us, but wonld give stability to the newly formed League. Together the fight against the League womd be a successtnl one without any doubt whatever. The defection of Baltimore has no doubt left ns very weak in platers, and the consolidation is desired by all the Association people." President Pennypacker did not deny tho fact that the Association had already been ap proached on the subject by the new Leagne, and that the subject was now being seriously considered. From this it Is evident that the consolidation ot the American Association and the Players' Leagne is only a question of a few days. LOOKS LIKE A EACE. E. C McClelland Forwards Articles of Agreement to Miller. There is a strong probability that E. C. Mc Clelland and Alexander Miller will be matched this week to run a ten-mile race. Yesterday McClelland received a copy of the articles of agreement, signed by Miller, for a race to be run at Philadelphia for 300 a side and all the recelDts on December 23. The articles, however, were not satis factory to McClelland. They did - not allow him any money for expenses to go to Philadelphia; they did not state when the final deposit was to be made, and they left the selec tion of final stakeholder and referee to be mutually agreed upon at some later date. These omissions simply meant that McClelland might go to Philadelphia to find that a final stakeholder or referee conld not be agreed upon. Last evening McClelland drew up a new set of articles making the Philadelphia Item final stakeholder, and giving that cfficial privilege to select a referee if the contestants could not agree in choosing one. McClelland also In serted a new clause providing him with tS ex--nses. It is, therefore, likely that Miller's icker, if he wants a fair race, will agree to -nese terms. The main object of McCIelland's Article is to insure him of a race if he goes to -Philadelphia. The Keds Want Latham. St. Louis, December L Ted Sullivan has been authorized by President Stern, of the ; Cincinnati Clnb, to sign Latham. The latter has a contract in bis pocket, butsavsbe has not signed It, He has taken Brotherhood money, but says he can renav it. Latham will probably do nothing until be discovers whether he can collect any of the 3900 back salary which lie claims Is due him, , WILL APPEAL TO LAW. The League to Try and Enjoin the Players at Once Fresldea Klmick's View of the Blatter A Case Ready for Conn. A well defined rumor is current to the effect that the League magnates intend to test the law regarding the enjoining of players at once. The Sporting Ttmes, the official paper of the League, in its current issue says: "We ask our readers to be on the imme diate outlook for a sensational turn in the Brotherhood revolt. "We are writing in telligently and advisedly, but in the interest of the good of the game we refrain from being more explicit at thiB time. However, we can say, with Bre'r Brnnell, that 'we have seen the papers,' and they are clinch ers. Something will drop for the Brother hood men with a dull thud. An injunction suit is liable to be brought at any time, and you can rest assured that such a suit would not be brought at this early day unless it was a cinch for the League. Just keep your eyes open." The above Is a definite intimation that a legal fight is to commence at once. A dispatch from New York also states that the law firm of Evarts, Beaman & Choate has a case prepared, and would have submitted it to conrt before now had Colonel J. L Rogers not been confined to his roomily sickness. The firm named rely very much on the Colonel's knowledge of base ball law, and it is said that as soon as he is suf ficiently rorvivprpti the Ippal ficht will com mence. The dispatch further states that J. B. Day is extremely anxious to have the question settled at once. It Is understood that Messrs. Ward and Ewinir will be taken as test cases, that is the New York club will ask the court to enjoin them against playing with any club in an organ ization which is a rival to the National League. If tho injunction is granted then it is safe to say that the Brotherhood scheme will be killed for a year at least. It is also stated that all of the other old clubs of the League are prepared tn institute nroceedlnes similar to those of the New York clnb. President Nimick could not be seen yester day, bnt a few oays ago be intimated to the writer that no legal action would be take here until the playing season had arrived. TnC players be said, had until next April to make up their minds as to whether or not they will plav with the League. However, as the New York clnb seems to be anxious to push the matter, it is probable that the other Leagne clubs will wait for the result of that club's .'ef fort. It was the intention of the League to de fer legal action until next April, but the mag nates and their lawyers have evidently come to another conclusion. It wonld seem singular to try at this juncture to enjoin a player against playing with certain clubs next year, but it is understood that the players are also willing to have the matter settled as soon as possible. Doubtless it is better for the Brotherhood that the question be settled now than to be de ferred until the playing season commences, be cause to fight it thoroughly next April wonld probably necessitate a suspension of playing on their part. If the legal battle is commenced now the players will havo plenty of opportunity to test the law in the question in all its phases. If the New York courts grant an injunction it is not likely that any of the Brotherhood players in other cities will hold out against the Leagne any longer, becaue with a veto on the New York and Brooklyn clubs the Brotherhood scheme will be virtually killed. However, if the New York courts refnse an in junction it is understood that the League clubs of other cities will also test the matter, hoping that the law in one btate is different to that of another on the Question. President Nimick and other local club officials think that in this wav Injunctions will bo obtained somewhere, and if they are the Brotherhood will be proportionately handi capped. A gentleman interested in the local Leagne said last evening: "I know that President Nimick has recently been busily encaged with some prominent local lawyers on the matter, and that extensive preparations are belngmade to submit it to court. These consultations have absolutely convincod President Nimick that in junctions will be granted here, hence bis wager ing that a Brotherhood will not play in Pitts burg next year. But Mr. .Nimick and his col leagues intend to wait until the New York club has made its fight." JACKSON AND SULLIYAN. Some English AnllidVltles Compare the Two Grent PaelllsU. The following are some of the opinions of the best authorities in England on pugilism re garding the merits of John L. Sullivan and Peter Jackson, the colored champion, who are just now offered phenomenal purses to fight: Jem Mace, ex-champion, says: "I consider Jackson the wonder of the world. Smith was no match whatever for him. If Sullivan was in proper condition I think he would be the best man in a fight to a finish. Bnt he will hardly ever get in first-class fix again. He don't like work, you know." John Bull (Chippy Norton): "Well, I backed Jackson for over $1,500 in the Smith affair, bnt I think John L. Sullivan can lick him without a doubt." JackDivis, ex-heavy weight: "Jackson is another John L., and the pair ought to make a splendid go in a fatr field with no favors." Parson Davies, Jackson's manager: "Peter would knock Sullivan ont in the first round." Jack Hal dock, the prince of seconds: "I would much prefer to be behind the white man if I had my choice." Jem Carney was asked what be thought of the two big fellows, but positively declined to give any op inion whatever. "All 1 want," said the lightweight champion of England, "is to meet that blooming American duffer, Mc-Auliffe."- Jack Harper, one of Smith's seconds: "Jack son is a good boxer, but I think Smith would defeat bim in the old style. Sullivan would be mv favorite against the colored man." The well-known owner of race horses, 'Squire Abington, lost many hundred pounds on Smith, and did not wish to give any opinion of fighters when asked. Jake Hyams, the lightweight, said he thought Jackson was a better man than bulllran. OBJECTED TO OAER0LL. He and Van Haltren Came a Kick at Frisco. rSFECIAL TELEGBAJI TO THE DISPATCH. I San FkAkcisco, Cal., December L The Executive Committee of the California League has decided that Oakland wins this year's pen nant. Last bunday ended the season and Oak land and San Francisco were tied. Oakland had George Van Haltren, who bad been playing with Stockton, and Fred Carroll, of Sacra mento. In uniform, read to play against the San Francisco Clnb. Manager Finn, of the latter team, would not allow his players to par ticipate in the came if Van Haltren and Car roll rook part. Umpire Sheridan decided the game forfeited to Oakland by 9 to 0. To satisfy the 20,000 people present the teams, minus the two players named, played what was announced as an exhibition game, and Oakland came out victorious. San Francisco protested Oakland's right to the pennant. It came out in tire testimony that Carroll had not been released by Sacramento, as Oakland's manager understood. The executive commit tee setaslde the umpire's decision declaring the game f orfeited and decided that that was an nounced as an exhibition game went on as a championship contest. Boston and Oakland to-dav played seven innings with a tie, score of 7 to 7. Clarkson pitched for Boston, Wehrhng for Oakland. .NOLAN HAS BACKING. Eastern Bookmnkers Willing to Back Him Against McCarthy Again. New Yoek, December L Several well known bookmakers who saw the Cal McCarthy and Mike Nolan mill on Wednesday night think that Nolan can whip McCarthy, and they are willing to back him against the Jersejrman for 81,000 a side. They said they would make it 52,500 a side at the Lynch-Flaherty fight, bnt when McCarthy's backer offered to donbie tbem and make it $5,000 a side and to make the match on the spot, they dropped their price to 1,000. and very likely a match will be made, this week. Good judges of fighters whosawthegoon Wednesday night say that it is their opinion that Nolan can give McCarthy a great deal harder and longer fight than he did then. Mc Carthy Is happy at the prospect of another light so soon, and he is confident that he can whip Nolan in less time than be did before. His friends will back him to their last cent, and if the bookmakers want to they can make the match for $15,000 a side as easily as they can for a thousand. HIS LIPS ARE SEALED. Phelps Wonld Like to Ten Something, bnt Dare Not. fSrCCIAI. TELZOBAK TO THX DIBrjLTCn.1 Louisvuvle, December L President Phelps was asked to-day if there was any newsabont the coalition of tbo American Association with the Players League: "My lips are sealed until after the meeting of tho Association." said he. "I'd like to tell in oil .hunt mattom , t r,- , -. i. would be improper. The Brotherhood was en- ucibk away some ojl ear .08 piajervfttt aujuie police purwu. this has been stopped now, at least, T haven't heard of any Association players being signed by them tor a week, Boyle being the last one, I don't blame the Brotherhood for making this raid, because they have got to go and win their fight if they can, irrespective of other organ izations. I can tell yon one thing, however, and that is Louisville will not be dropped out of the Association." Clifton Entries. tSFECXU. TELXQKJLM TO TBI DIBPJLTCK.1 New Yoek, December L The following fine field of probable starters at Clifton for to-morrow are: First race, six and a half furlongs-Oracle 99, Marsh Bedon 110, Souvenir 107, Belmont 114 King of Norfolk 122, SquandolOG, Woodburn 105, Prince Edward 117. Silver Star 118, Briar 110, Keystone HO. Annio M 106, Tony Pastor 110, Pegasus 102, Ked Elm 110. , ..,. Second race, flve-eiRhths or a mlle-Bosarlum 117, LorrlsW. bt. Mary 109, Osceola 114, PMllp D lli J. J. Heaiy, Waboo, Karl H each H7.Grooms man HZ, Kadlant U2, America 109, Nina W 114, Blessed; Davis each 112, Lady Archer 109. Third race, oae and one-sixteenth miles Frank "Ward 106, Centipede, Supervisor, Lafltte, Van, Eleve, Cathedra gelding, each 102, iannle H 99, Utility 90. ... . fourth race, one mile Carnegie lis, Speedwell 111, She. Wattle, Looram, each 107, J UcFarland 103. Specialty 99, Deception 99. Flan race, six and one-half fnrlonis Flush, Hardship, Grey Cloud. Bull's Eye, Parthian, Poc atello. each 110. bt Paris 115, Alveda 107. Sixth race, seven furlongs Madollne colt 120, Jackrose 119, Bessie K 115, Faustina 113, Owen Golden 112. Mabel Glen 110, Gramercy 109, Becklo Knott IDS, Bonnie Leaf colt 102. HE WAS TAKK ?0E A I0KEL. Ex-Sollcltor General Jenki Tells a Good Story on Himself. Ex-Solicitdr General George A. Jenks told a good story on himself a couple of evenings ago. He stalked into the Seventh Avenue on his arrival by a late train, and took up a position before the desk He was accom panied by a stout stick, a small weather worn grip and wore a sioucn nat, muuuy shoes, a storm-beaten overcoat andthe char acteristic hirsute appendage to his nether chin in its usual tangled condition, almost hidden from view in the folds of the volum inous muffler which encircled his throat. Anyone unacquainted with him would have taken him lor a nrosperous farmer in-' stead of the Solicitor General of the late ad ministration. Slowly drawing off his gloves he affixed his sign-manual to the register, and then a smile broke softly over his feat ures, as he regarded the clerk who saw the smile, and went him one better. "I'll tell you what happened me on the cars," said the ex-Solicitor General. "I was sitting back in my section, and having about concluded that I was feeling hungry, I called one of the porters and asked him if he thought I conld get a sandwich or something of that kind, to eat. I don't know whether he thought I wanted the sandwich to carry away with me as a souvenir of the trip or for some other purpose, but he went away, after regarding me in a fashion which sug gested to me that he had some doubts as to my sanity. He came back through the cars once or twice within the next few minutes, and I observed that each time he looked at me as if he had something on his mind of which he thought I could nossibly relieve him. Finally, about when I had made up my mind to make another request concern ing something to eat, the porter came along and reaching my section leaned over, and in a confidential tone, not unmixed with a touch of compassion, said, 'Think, sah, yo care go to a dollar?' I told him that I was willing to pay that amount for a meal, and I never saw a man's face change from an expression of mingled compassion and contempt as did that porter's. He bowed and rubbed his hands, and his ebony face shone with a delight at getting over successfully, what he evidentlv had regarded as a' hard job. I guess he took me for a countryman, who was trying a ride in Pullman for the first time, and by some process of mental calculation had arrived at the conclnsion that a dollar meal was more than I could stand. . HOW C0ULS0K CADGHT HIM. Ho Had More Trouble in Getting the Gov ernor Than the Criminal. Detective Sol Coulson arrived in triumph and a Pennsylvania Railroad coach yester day, bringing with him Dennis Meagher, the requisition for whom he had extracted from Governor Beaver by an operation little short of skillful dentistry. "When he first met the Governor he was still reluctant to give up the papers the bail piece idea having apparently taken root in the Gubernatorial brain. Coulson was per sistent, the Governor resistant; Coulson pleaded, the Governor receded. At last the detective, wearied of his own voice, sus pended operations long enough to eatdinner and renewed the attack afterward, with no greater success. He then sought out Secretary of State Stone, and to him he confided his griev ances with an appeal to intercede with the Chief Executive of the State for the papers. The Secretary did not hesitate, and a meet ing was held that evening between the Governor and Messrs. Kirkpatrick and Stone, which lasted until alter midnight, the Governor finally giving in, and the big sheet with the big gold seal and the big sig nature of the Governor of Pennsylvania attached was given into Coulson's hands. "You may be sure," said Sol, "that I didn't let the grass, which peeps between the cobblestones of Harrisburg, grow under my feet, or give the Governor a chance to repent and take it back from me, I got to New York by the next train, and I had no more trouble with Governor Hill than I would with Judge Gripp to make out a war rant. Here is the paper; it is a little one, and David B. Hill's signature is a little one, but I guess he is a pretty big man. I went to the Tombs and got-my man without the slightest effort to get a writ of habeas corpns or any other impediment." "How would it have been if you had gone with a bail niece only?" "How? I would have been laughed out of the city of New York by every officer, from the judge to the court boot-black." PILLED IT WITH MUD. How a Toll Collector Was Taken In on a Punched Silver Dollar. One of the toll takers on the Smith field street bridge is looking for a slick individ ual who passed a punched dollar on him one night last week. It was one of those disagreeable evenings when persons were scurrying across the bridge, trying to dodge the gusts of rain which swept -up the river. About 7 o'clock a young man ..without an umbrella crossed over from the opposite side of the approach to the bridge. As he neared the window he dropped a coin on the ground. He picked It up, and throwing it down in front of the collector, said: "You can wipe it off. Hurry up; I want to catch that car." The collector gave him 99 cents in change, and for a few minutes he was so busy that he could not wipe the mud and dirt from the silver dollar. "When he did so he found that the coin had a hole in it almost large enough to make an earring for a Fiji Islander. The young man had care fully filled the hole with mud, smeared some around the edge of the coin. A HUNTSMAN TRKfcD BY DOGS. A Fox Cfanso Brought to n Sudden and Terr Fanny End. POUGHXEKPSIE, December L The Dutchess Hnnt Clnb closed the season of 'cross country riding yesterday afternoon. The meet was at f Union Corners, East Park, and the riders were A. Kogers, E. P. Rogers, Edward Tower, Rob ert Sanford. William Tewksbury and there were two whlppers in, Mr. Utephenson being one. The run was southerly, and was to havo been over a route eight miles in length, but the man who dragged the aniseseed bag was so hotly Sressedby the dogs that within a mile of the nish he was compelled to climb a tree, and that brought the run to an abrupt finish. A Bed .Letter Sunday. Yesterday was the first Sunday upon record in which no arrests were made in the Point district, and even the redoubtable Trubv Shaul came off his beat in the Yel low Bow and Old avenue without a single case. This is regarded as the most uu xnis is regarded as tne precedented occurrence m many years la THE BILL (tf FAKE To Which the Fifty-First Congress Will Sit Down at Noon To-Day. MANY VERY FAMILIAR DISHES Amonjf the Courses That Will he Served up Oaring the Session. A FEW NIBBLES TO BE MADE K0W, UaTlBgMostoftlieMealto be Disposed of After tho Holidays: So much time will be occupied to-day by the House of Bepresentaives in organiza tion that it is not thought the President's message will be sent to Congress until to morrow. A forecast of the probable work of both houses until the Christmas holidays is given. "WASHiNGTOir, December L The Fifty first Comrress will assemble at noon to-mor row, with a prospect of accomplishing an orderly and uneventful organization. In view, however, of the necessary consump tion of practically an entire day in the organization of the new House of Represent atives, the President's annual message will not be sent to Congress until Tuesday. The annual report of the Secretary of the Treas ury will be transmitted at noon on "Wednes day. The coming Congress will have brought to its attention for action a number of mat ters upon" which the public has become well informed by reason of previous discussion. Among them are the Blair educational bill, the bills to forfeit land grants, general and special, to declare trusts unlawful, the dependent pension bill, the bills to repeal the civil service, and oleomargarine tax laws, and various measures relating to the tariff, internal revenue and general financial systems. EEPOKT3 TO BE BECEIVED. There will also be presented to the Senate the results of the investigations made during the recess by the several committees upon-, the dressed beef business, the subject of irri gating arid lands, the relation ot Canadian railroads to the inter-State commerce law, and the commercial relations existing be tween the United States and Canada, in cluding the Alaskan seal fisheries. The silver question will speedily come up in some shape. Senator Stewart's resolu tion, introduced last session, declaring it to be the sense of that body that the Secretary of the Treasury should purchase the full limit of silver bullion for coinage fixed by the law $4,000,000, will be pressed for adoption. The tripartite treaty with Great Britain and Germany respecting the control and direction of affairs in Samoa is the principal topic to be discussed under the head of lor eign affairs. WILL BOB UP AGAIN. There are, however, the fisheries and seal questions, which were up for consideration last session, which are likely to appear again; also, the proposed scheme to promote commercial union with Canada, with a view to its ultimate annexation; the settlement of tbe .Mexican ana Aiascan ooraera oy me appointment of commissions or by treaty; and the declaration of the sense of the United States with respect to loreign con trol of inter-oceanic canals on the American continent. The general expectation is, and precedents go to confirm it, that very little business will be completed before the holidays. A good part of the time of the Senate, the com ing week and up to the Christmas recess, will be consumed in executive session, dis cussing and disposing ot the long list of recess nominations that the President has to send in for confirmation or rejection. A SEHATOBIAL CAUCUS. A Republican caucus will be held early in the week, to -place new Senators on com mittees. It is said that at this caucus efforts will be made to effect some change in the personnel of the Senate's officers. Unlike the Senate, the House of Repre sentatives of the Fifty-first Congress will present a decided change in political com plexion as compared with its predecessor. Beside the addition of five Representatives from the new States to the roll, extensive changes have resulted from the last elec tions, so that of the total of 330 members, only 199 occupied seats in the last Congress and the Democratic majority of 12 in the Fiftieth Congress has been replaced by a Republican majority of 8, as shown by the uuomciui um urepareu uy iuo ciur&. HOUSE OBGANIZATI02T. At noon to-morrow General Clark, the Clerk of the last House, who holds over until his successor is appointed, will call the members-elect to order. The roll of members, as prepared by him, will then be called, in order to demonstrate the presence of a qnorum, and the House will immedi ately proceed to elect Mr. Reed, of Maine, Speaker. The oath of office will be admin istered to him by Judge Kelley, of Penn sylvania, the member who has the longest record of continuous service. The first duty of the new Speaker will be to summon the members of fhe House to ap pear before the bar and qualify. There has been talk of opposition to the qualification of certain Representatives whose seats will be contested, but it is thought unlikely that there will be any serious delay in the organ ization. The remainder of the elective officers of the new House will be chosen, and then will follow the biennial drawing forseats, with its attendant divertingscenes, which will consume the remainder of the first day's session. AS TO THE MESSAGE. - Upon the completion of the reading of the Presidept's message, on Tuesday, it will be referred to the committee on the whole for subsequent distribution among the ap propriate committees when appointed. It has been customary for each newlv organized Houseol Representatives to adon't the rules ot the preceding House, but in some instances this adoption has been for a limited period only. In view of proposed modification of the rules, it is probable that the old rules will this time be accepted only for a week or ten days, thus giving the Com mittee on Rules an opportunity to formu late a new code. It is not likelv, however, that the new code will be radically different from the old code, so far as restricting the power of the minority is concerned. KESISTANCE 'WOULD BE SUBE. Any attempt to materially interfere with what the minority has como to look upon as its right would be stubbornly resisted by the Democrats, and there are a few Repub licans who are equally tenacious of their in dividual rights under the present practice, but some modifications will undoubtedly be attempted in order to prevent a small mi nority (for instance, one-filthof themembers present who may now compel the roll to be called, ad libitum, upon filibustering mo; tions) from controlling a very large ma jority. The Committees on Rules, Mileage, "En rolled Bills and Accounts will necessarily be appointed this week; but of late years the practice has been to defer the appoint ment of the remaining committees until after the holiday recess, so that no legislative business is likely to be transacted before the New Year, Meanwhile, following numerous prece dents, the House will probably permit the introduction of bills for printing and refer ence to appropriatt committees, when ap pointed, and of these bills and resolutions, new and old, there are vast numbers now ready for introduction. A Serlons Tumble! Michael Carey, who lives on Forbes, near Pride street, was returning home Saturday night and fell down a flight of steps leading from Forbes street to the rear of his home, Jbreakingjau wrat uuLdulocfttiig: Msrigbt 'shoulder. He was 'removed to the Mercy Hospital, where Dr. Speer attended the mans injuries. WEATHER. For Wettern Jnn tylvania and West Virginia, fair,warm- southwesterly winds. PrrrsntTBO, December I, I8S9. Tbe United States Signal Service oOceria this city furnishes the following: Time. Ther. i ne. Maximum ternD.... 41 8 .-00 A. IT 12:00 M 24 ! Minimum temp...... 22 Bange - ... 19 IOTP. V -OOF. H S.-O0P. 11 8 -OOF. X .&3 nean temp S3 Precipitation. 0 Hirer at 8:20 r. K., 8.4 feet, a change of 1.5 In 24 hours. River Telegrami. rSFSCTUi TELEGKjkMS TO THB niSPJLTOB.1 Bbowksvuxe Kiver 8 feet 2 Inches and falling. Weather clear. Thermometer 89 at 4 P.M. MOEOANTOWit Rivet 6 feet and falling. Weather clear. Thermometer S6 at 4 p. K. tVAEBKW Klver 2 feet 8-10 inches and fall ing. Weather clear and mild. P1TTSB0EG IN EIGHTH PLACE. The Preceding Week's Bnalncsi at the Various Clearing Domes. Boston, December 1. The following table, compiled from dispatches from the Clearing Houses in the cities named, shows the gross exchanges for the week ended November 30, 1889, with rates per cent of in crease or decrease, as compared with the amounts for the correspondingweebin 1888: Inc. Dec NewYort 8S,60S,2E9 6.3 .... Boston 8US56,337 2.3 .... Philadelphia 67,751,293 12.5 .... Chicago 61,037.000 2.9 .... Bt. LdlJ.....-w. 16,922,056 12 S .... BiilTranclECO 16,653,973 4.6 .... Heir Orleans. 12,502, 14 4.6 .... flttsbnrc 11,831,372 10.9 Baltimore 11,603.181 13.2 .... Cincinnati 13,286,450 2.9 .... Kansas CUT. 7.7C3.9G4 .... 11.9 .Minneapolis 6,122,760 15.2 .... Louisville. 0.743.733 .... 2.9 Providence 5.523,200 29.9 Milwaukee S.239.O0U 1.2 Detroit 4,617,300 17 5 .... Cleveland 4,600,602 23.8 St. l'aul 4,420.906 10.7 .... Omaha .. 9)2,609 24.2 .... Denver 3,762,666 60.5 .... Memphis 3,100,693 0.7 .... Colnmous 2,675,000 31.1 .... Richmond L020,4o3 .... 11.7 lndlananolls 1.82.VIB9 2.8 .... Galveston 1.777,594 .... 0.9 Fort Worth 1,758,114 130.8 .... Duluth 1,530,806 .... 15.2 l'eorla 1,301,450 11.9 Portland. Me. 1.001.151 37.3 Ol. JOSCpn 1,U33,:2H 20.9 'i-8 Spnne&eld 1,008,075 New Haven 969,034 Worcester 923,240 .Norfolk 818,439 Des Moines. 611,342 Lowell 561,937 UrandBaplds : 534,407 Wichita - 251,790 Los Angeles 477,001 Topeka 304,684 Buffalo 2,691,981 Portland, Ore 1,515,937 2.8 209 6,'i 6.8 17.9 To 9.5 26.1 iia5aviiiB 1,400,001 Sioux city.. 831.014 Deauie .v.... lacoma Birmingham Montreal, Canada... Total Ontslda .New XorK., 770,338 605,222 559,711 8,022.613 992,011,863 360,403,604 65 69 Not included in totals. ATEET CLEVEK F0EGER Has Been ItlnUlnc En 97 Victims of the Merchants of Yoancntown. rSPECIAt, TELEOKJJI TO TRZ DISPATCH.'. - Youngsto-wtt, December 1. During the past week a stranger has been success ful in swindling merchants here by giving small checks purporting to be signed by prominent manufacturers. He appeared in the garb of a workingman and represented that he was in the employ of the party sign ing the check. Purchasing a small amount he secured the balance in money and in this manner raked in several hundred dollars. Ran nnd Broke an Arm. Frank Annis, with a number of other boys, made a fire on a waste plot of ground between Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth streets, yesterday. A police officer noticed the fire and chased the boys. Annis ran toward Penn avenue, stumbled over some stones and broke his arm in two places. The officer took him to the "West Penn Hospital and had his arm set. Hustling for OfQce. The McEeesport Postoffice fight between J. A. Stone, "W. E. Thompson and "W. E. Harrison is getting very warm. An ap pointment is said to be a sure thing this month. A delegation of six prominent politicians will leave for "Washington to day in the interest of an appointment. Some of the applicants are very much stirred up over the hand of C. L. Magee in the fight. Sent Up for tbe Winter. John Delaington, "W. J. Armdter and Edward Planigan had a hearing before Magistrate Hvndmen yesterday on a charge of being suspicious persons. Thev were ar- L Tested by Lieutenant Kramer on Saturday atterrroon at tne corner ot Ellsworth and Amberson avenues. The Magistrate sent each of them to the workhouse for 90 days. For SleeDlessness. Exhaustion, Nervous- rla, Paralysis, Neural- tuu, (tc ax. oi.w. Every Druggist. TEN POUNDS is TWO WEEKS THINK OF IT! AS a Flesh Prn Jnra hnr-n rnn Tin -. --.l: . ,r -. r.wy ,.,. . Hv uu ijueauua DUX tflat SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphlfes ! vi Lime and soda is without a rival. Many havo of it. Zt cures CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. BRONCHITIS. COUGHS AND COLDS, AND ALL FORMS OF WASTING DK. EASES. -3 f.JUA.TABLE AS MILK. I Be sure vox aet tlieaetuiine aa there are I poor imitations. 1 .1W57- THE i l v m W M Ml. -. -. i v n illl? -;WiJW. NEWJUBTBKTISBMliKTS: ' - - r' r r - m- u -fc-. There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as- the Ivory." They are not, but like , V all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar, and remarkable 1 qualities of the 'genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having it i 'Tis sold everywhere. no3-101-MW3 Reduce Your Shoe Bills. ffo'W fr,SV Bo.l m&iffflZ'i fOC- .1 tAl i&&22trZJ? Schurr's Patent Shoe Sole Protectors are an absolute protection for tbe soles of shoes for men working in mines, mills, foun- ones, Bteei worss, Diast iurnaces, etc, ASK YOUR SHOE DEALER FOR THEM. Dealers supplied by Pittsburg Shoe Finding Honses. oc7 29-xrh NEW PUBLICATIONS. CHRISTMAS NTJMBEE OF HARPER'S MAGAZINE. The N. Y. Sun of Nov. 23 says: "The Christmas Number of HAEPEE'S MONTHLY is out, and a more distin guished example of a monthly periodical was never printed, In illustration it sur passes all previous achievements, and in text it is a compressed anthology of the best of cotemporary writing. In the his tory of the modern magazine, the American magazine, the Christmas Number of HAE PEE'S marks the latest stride upward, and a great stride." This number begins a new volume. Subscription, U a year. del-SO HARPER'S MAGAZINE For sale by E. S. DAVIS fc CO., Booksellers, 96 Fifth avenne. Subscriptions received for Harper's or any other magazine at lowest rates. del B0 T . jtM Jsa. - - f- "THE WHOLESOME EDUCATOR OF FREE TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS Ifvnnaranot convenient to a news stand, send two dollars to the address Delow ana , the Ledger will he sent to you FEES OD . , the first of January, mom, ana una continued for a wholo year iromy .that date. ' Herbert Ward, Stanley's Companion. Herbert Ward, the companion of Stanley in his exploration in Africa, is ths only white man connected with Stanley's African explorations who has ever retained alive from the "Bark Continent" T&r. Ward's articles running through eight numbers of the "ledger" are of the most intensely interesting description, and cover five years of his adventures in Africa, and they will he illustrated by sketches made by Mr. Ward, and by the reproduction of photographs taken by himia AfpVq, These pictures will throw much light upon the manners and customs of the hitherto unknown cannibal tribes of Africa, The Story Of a Forsaken Inn, (a serial story) By Anna Katharine Green Life in British America, By Jtev. E. K. Young. Being the adventures and experiences of Eev. E. E. Young, the celebrated missionary, and his wifo during their residence in the Polar region twelve hundred miles north of St Paul, in which Dr. Young narrates how he tamed and taught the native wild TTiima of the Horthwest; how he equipped himself for and how he made his perilous sledging and hazardous canoe trips when visiting all the Indian settlements within five hundred miles of his home. Honorable Henry W. Grady Contributes a series, of six articles on the "Wonderful Development of the Industrial Pursuits of the Sow South." American Cookery, (a series of articles) By Miss jParZoa Giving the'reasons why it is imperfect, and some ways by which it may be improved. Nihiii6m in Russia, By Leo Hartmann, Nihilist. Leo Hartmann, a fugitivo from Eussian authorities, has been connected with the most daring feats of the Russian nihilists. Mr. Hartmann shows how the intelligent people of Bussia are becoming Nihilists in consequence of the despotism of the form of government A participant in plots to kill the Czar, such as the blowing np of the Winter Palace, he is able to give true information as to how this and other great schemes were accomplished. The situation in Bussia is sufficient to increase the love'of every true American for our form of government EXTRA SOUVEN8R SUPPLEMENTS. Among these beautifully illustrated four-page souvenirs, which will be sent freo to every subscriber, wiU be a poem by John Green leaf Whittier, Mutnhd ty Howard ryic. Writtenfor the "Ledger" by Mr. Whittier in his 82nd year. Another souvenirwill be a beautifully Illustrated poem written by Honorable James Russell Lowell. Tbe Ielger -will contain tho best Serial and Short Stories, Historical and Biograph ical Sketches, Travels, Wit and IZtuaor, and everything? interesting to the Ilonsehold. Other Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett. Mrs. Margaret Deland. Mrs, Florence Howe Hall. Mrs. Madeleine Vinton Dahlgren. Mrs. Harriet Prescott Spofford. Mrs. Emma Alice Brown. Mary Kyle Dallas. Marion Harland. Clara Whitrldge. Judge Albion W. Tourgee. Marqulse Lanza. Subscription money can be sent at our Send Six Cents for Address : . .. . . , IJW jnBWPTJBLICATIOJfS.' v THE , ATLANTIC MONTHLY For 1890 will contain SIDNEY, A New Serial Novel by MABGABET DELAND, Author of John "Ward", Preacher. OVER THE TEACUPS, '. A Series of Papers by OLIVEB WENDELL HOLMES. FELICIA, A Serial by a New "Writer, MISS PANNY MTJBFBEE, Sister to "Charles Egbert Craddock." HISTORICAL PAPERS, N BY JOHN FISKE. SOME FORGOTTEN POLITICAL CELEBRITIES A Series of Papers by PBANK GAYLOBD COOK. Also Stories, Poems, Travel Sketches, Essays, Papers on Education, Poli tics, Art, etc., bv the best American "Writers. ' TEEMS: fci a year in advance, postage free. The Nov. and Dec numbers sent free to new subscribers whose subscriptions for 1890 are received before Dec. 20. Postal Notes and Money are at the risk of the sender, and therefore remittances should be made by money order, draft, or registered letter, to HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO., 4 Park Street, Boston, Mass. del-88 ATLANTIC MONTHLY For sale byE. 8. DAVIS & CO.. Booksellers 96 Fifth ave. Subscriptions received for the Atlantic Monthly or any other magazine at. lowest rates. del 105 WEBSTER BEST HOLIDAY C1FT for Pas tor.Parent. Teacher, Chlld.Frlend. 3000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Engravings than any other American Dictionary. It is an invaluable companion in every School and at every Fireside. GET THE BEST. - Sold by all Booksellers. Illustrated Pamphlet with specimen pages, eta, sent free. G. & C MEBB1AH &C0., Pab'rs,Springneld,Hass. del-87-irwk OrDrEEVISTBoncltor of Patents, 311 Fifth avenue, above Smithfleld. next Leader office. (No delay.) Established 20 years. se2 WINTE TEXAS MEXICO Mild Climate. Sum mer Breezes, pure RESORTS! Ancient Ruins. Grand Scenery,Less Than 4 Davs St. Louis to tho op Mexico via m THE LEADING WRITERS.) CELEBRATED ARTISTS, SPECIAL FEATURES, Contributors for ,1890 Robert Louis Stevenson. Anna Sheilds. Josephine Pollard. Amy Randolph. Frank H. Converse. C. F. Holder. Dr. Felfx L. Oswald. Rev. Emory J. Haynes. Julian Hawthorne. Prof. W. C Kitchln. Robert Grant. - risk by Post Office Money Order, Bank Check or Draft, or an Express Money Order. Sample Copy and Illustrated Calendar Announcement. BOBBBT BONNER'S SONS, 164 William Street, New York City. NEW AOTETLTISEZSTS. I'C SEAL : KILLING IN AT.aBTT-A, I An FQ TV ng cto , Pwehase Genuins LnUICO Alaska Seal Garments can eet them at Bennett's. " We are direct importers ot Sealskins. We know good Sealskins. We cannot be deceived in bad Bealsklns. We are manufacturers of Seal Garments, Wo are the only manufacturers of Seal Gar-, ments in. Pittsburg. ' We can give you a perfect fit. If you wish your old Seal Garments made over or changed Into any other shape, no difference how diffi cult it should be, we can doit. Oar work will always be the best, our fits perfect and our prices the lowest. J. G. BENNETT & CO., Hatters and Furriers, COR. WOOD ST. AND FIFTH AVE. del-6 bTEAMEUS AND EXCURSIONS. -ry HIM STAB L1M- fOK QOEENSTOWN ASU LIVERPOOL. Koyal and United States Mall Steamers. Adriatic, Dec i 1 pm Adriatic, Jan. 1. TeatonlcI)ecll,7.30amlCeltlc Jan. 8. Germanic, Dec. 18,2 p m 'Germanic. Jan. 15. Brltannlc,Dec25,7.20&m Britannic, Jan. 22. from White Star dock, loot or West Teeth St. Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates, (30 and upward. Second cabin. 33 andnpward, according to steamer and locatIonr berth. Ex cursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage, po. White Star drafts payable on demand in all tha principal banks thconxhont Ureat Krltaln. Ap- Slvto JCHN J. McCUKMICK, 639 and 401 Smith eld St.. l'lttsburA or J. BKUCE 1SMA1, Gen erat Agent, a Broadway, New 'York. noCS-D ANCHOR LINE, Uniiad Slates Mall Steamers. Sail every SATUKDAT from NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Calling- at 1IOVILLE, (Londonderry.) Cabin passage to Glasgow, Liverpool or London derry, (43 and $33. Round trlD, SSO and U. Second-class. (30- Steerage, (20. MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE via Azores. Best ronte to Algiers and coast ot Morroceo. NEWYORKioFLORES.FAYAL.GIBHALTAR, NAPLES, VENICE and TRIESTE. S. S. CALIFORNIA. SATUKDAY, NOV. SO. S. S. V1CTOK1A, SATUKDAT. JAJJUABY . Cabin passage to Azores, $G5 to $S0: Naples, (33 to tlOO: Venice, (la. Drafts on Ureat Britain, Ireland or Italy. and letters or credit at faromblft rates. Apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. N. Y., or J. J. ircl'01tMlCK.KBand 401 Smlthdeld st. ;A.D. SCORER SON, 41S smithfleld St., .Pittsburg; W. SE1LTLE, Jr., 143 Federal St.. Allegheny. OC2Z-3TW7 STATE LINE To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAYS Cabin passage (33 to (SO. according to location of stateroom. Excursion (63 to (SOL Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Rates. AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO.. General Agents, S3 Broadway, New York. j. j. Mccormick. Agent. oju ana ui smitnneld St., fittsbnrg. Pa. OC24-D IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars with only one change via Laredo, Eagle Pass or El Paso. Winter Tourist Tickets at very low rates for sale at all Principal L'onpon Sta tions in TJ. S. and Canada with privilege of vlsitinir the Famons Hot Springs of Arkan. sas. H. C. TOWNRFISTD a. T x T Cot AGT., ST. LOUIS, MO. del-85 tjuyij. MILLIONS." A YEAR Sixteen Pages VERY WEEK, )- are: M. VV. Hazoltine. Thomas Dunn English. Ceorgo F. Parsons. Col. Thomas W. Knox. Rev. Dr. John R. Paxton. Rev. Dr. James McCosh. Prof. S. M. Stevens. Prof. J. H. Comstock. James Parton. Rev. Dr. H. M. Field. Harold Frederic.