" ? 1 -f l . -v TIWfiEii -W-k.--.VA -.. Jwi? V " B!"fl MlOUfi TAIIS BEEF. lepenies Jlelping to Destroy tlie law ! of Supply and Demand, DM EMITS THERE IS A COMBINATION Of SPackers to Keep Up the Prices of the CT i Best Cuts of Meat THB BOICOTT UPOK BUTCHEK SCHWAB . t V "WashEtgtok, November 30. Senator "Vest's committee which has been investigat ing the drwsed beet business of the country for some months resumed the examination 'of witnesses in the room of the Senate Com- L- suttee on Commerce this morning. There re present of the committee Senators Vest, Parwell. Manderson and Plum, and jj a number of : persons interested as wit- ft. nesses or otherwise. Among them was Mr. E. D. Armour, the Chicago beef and pork packer. "3Ie was accompanied by his JTattorueys, Messrs. Campbell, 3Iartin, Quinn anu Dudley. Idr. Armour was tue Jirat witness, ms 'Business, he said, was that of a beet and , jxirk packer. He denied being in the cattle business. The witness said he had been in tbebeef business all his life; the dressed beef business began to be important about "ten years ago. He himself went into it after one. or two otner firms had engaged In it. For two or three years it had not been remunerative methods had to be studied and the business learned. In 1881 or 1682 it had become a paying business. "Prices are lower now," said the witness, "than thev were when we began the dressed beef business. 1 cannot give the exact figures. In range cattle the decrease in prices, how ever, has not been so great as 40 or 0 per cent." Mr. Armour said that overproduction and overmarketing were responsible for the decrease in prices. CHICAGO FIXES FBICES. Senator Vest questioned the witness as to'tbe standing of the Chicago market as compared wuu omers, asking it me isuicagu market did not control tne prices "I do not think so," was the answer. "It is the largest market, and of course influ ences the prices at other places. Chicago prices regulate the prices largely." Senator Vest, reading from the annual re port of the Chicago stockyards for 18S8, called the attention of the witness to the tact tbat in 1SS1 there were marketed there 1,498, 000 cattle, which brought 8183,000.000, and in 1888, 2,261,000 cattle, told lor 182,000, 000. "How do you account for thai?" he asked. "It is in accordance with my statement," said Mr. Armour, "the growth of the cattle marketed largely exceeded the growth of population." In response to this, Senator Vest presented a statement showing that the increase of cattle and of population ran along in about the same proportion. Senator Vest then discussed with the wit ness the combination of packers to fix the prices of the tatter cuts so as to prevent a decline from oversupply ruinous to the dealers in thee meats. The witness said this combination included the other puck ers, and that they all made the same prices. "Well, then, don't you destroy the opera tions of the law of supply and demand?" "JSo, sir; I don't think we do." "With whom do you nx these prices?" "That I decline to state until after con sulting my attorney," responded the wit ness. XOX AX EXPEKT. Senator Vest produced a statement from Mr. Armour's brother, who appeared be fore the committee at Kansas City, snowing that he lost S6 23 on a 1,200-pound corn-fed f- bullock that cost him ?3 75 per 100. "How ii it that tqu make $1 32 on a steer In Chi cago, while he loses, $623 a a steer in Jvan sas City?" he asked. "I don't know anything about that state ment. There are so tnany things entering into the cutting up of a steef,'and the state ment of the market, that he might lose that amount on a steer cut up the day that state ment was made. I so not an expert." Mr. Armour admitted being a member of the hog-packing pool of 1886, in Chicago. "We paid 25 cents a bog for the privilege of killing them," said he. "There was no limit to the number "We killed. There were 18 firms and persons interested in the agree ment." "Have you any agreement now with any person as to the prices that shall be charged in certain districts?" "Absolutely, none." "Is there any agreement as to division of territory?" Witness declined to answer. AFETVDEXIAXS. In response to further questions Mr Armour denied that he had any interest in the Chicago Stock yards; that railroads favored dressed beef men; that boycotts were instituted against local butchers or dis charged employes, or that other dressed beef men refused to compete n ith his firm iu the purchase of cattle. Mr. Armour admitted, in response to a question of Senator Vest, that a combina tion did exist among the beef packers lor the purpose of fixing prices of the better cuts of beef in New Xork, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Kentucky, Tenuessee and Minnesota. Matthias Schwab, formerly a butcher of Freeland, Pa., testihed tbat Mr. Lacey, au aeent of Armour & Co., had shown him a dispatch from Armour & Co., telling Lacey to take measures to break lip the business of witness in slaughtering live cattle. Lacey wanted witness to act as agent for Armour & Co., but he did not want to give up the live cattle trade. Witness said he is now engaged in buying cattle in Buffalo. "Do you have any trouble with the rail roads?" asked Senator Vest. "They won't furnish me cars to ship mv cattle?" "For what reason?" "They say they have not got them. But all the same other buyers get cars. I have to ship altogether by the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western railroad." The committee then adjourned till 10 o'clock Monday morning, with the under standing that "vilr. Armour shonld return from Chicago next week if desired to do so. Marked Dovrn From Thankssiving;. A few more of those single bottles of rare old sherries, hocks, ports, cognacs, etc., which have been standing on the sample shelves for years, are left. There are rare liquors among them, and the prices pro nounce them rare bargains, too. Eemembcr the place. 523 Liberty street, foot of Fifth avenue. Don't be Disappointed For Christmas, but go to Hendricks & Co., 68 Federal st, Allegheny. Their work will be delivered promptly. Good cabinets $1 per dozen. To Accommodate the Public, Hendricks & Co., 68 Federal st, Allegheny, have increased their large force of help in or der to deliver all their work for Christmas. None of their patrons will be disappointed. Good cabinets $1 a dozen. Be wise, ladies attend the ten-day bar gain sale ot ladies' jackets, newmarkets, and girls' cloaks, dresses, and infants' wear. Busy Bee Hive, Sixth and Liberty streets. Odd Pants Not So Verv Odd Either. 1,500 pairs of fine pantaloons to be sold re gardless of cost Fine dress pants from 52, $2 50, $3, S3 50 and H- Surprise yourself with a pair ot these trousers lor the holidays. Jacksons', 951 and 956 Liberty street, Star Corner. Save money buy blankets.comforts.etc, at Busy Bee Hive, Sixth and Liberty. HeRSTO&B'B ACIB PHOSPHATE Recesaiaeaded by Physicians Ot all schools, for the brain, nerves and stomach. EMfifM"OFBAKH!fieWDERS By Actual Chemical Teats. faWCE'S,IWtWsaMsMsMsfJssMMsW Rmsjrr's (wm rrtk)..BsMBSBsaSsssBBssBsssssBSS1 HATWOOISAliiPw4r)SSSSSsSssMsssssssssai Baza's ssHsstBsssssssssBHHB QUXZ2T (UamFawder) BsssflssSBsBSBVBBBBSBl CL,BUim'S (Uort art. 1-2 .).. PATSY'S DAEXXLL & CCS (ii Powder) I0YU -EUREKA (AIom Powder), Heebeet & Co's, CHIET (Alnm Powdfr), GITTPOWDEES (eoatmla IXnmtt AmnosU). SCHE3TE PO WDEES(oaUla Ham k Aamoal a)Sssl BwXXPOCTDEE, (ol41ooa ilajaAnaala)..i RAMSET'S (wkeaaattrMa) njew aarasassNKm. DOTOUTfllSKOFLT FOB AN ANHIYERSARTor CHRISIMAS GIFT? EEPOHTS OP OOVEmrjTEST CHEJUSTS AS TO TUMt- TV AiD WHOtESOMEStESSOI" DB. PKICE'S CREA1I BJLKIh a POWDER. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder docs not contain Alum. Ammonia or Lime, or any adulterant E. S. G Patos, Ph. D., Chemist for the United States Government The Cream of Tartar nsed In i)r. Price's Cream Baking Powder Is. the strongest and free from all Ulae and other Impurities -The best Baking Pow der rsade. Prof. PETEnCoLUEn,hlefChemIstfor the Umted States Department of Agriculture, Wash ington, DC. I have sevaral times examined baking powders In the market toMetermlne their parity, raising power and influence onthe health of those using them. I hare uniformly found Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder the best In alljespects. In raising power ft standrat the head. Itxs a -pure, clean, elegant and healthful preparation. I hare nsed Price's'' In my family for yeari Prof, K. C. Ketjzie late President Michigan State Board of Health. mj5-S2-TTSooSu v HOLIDAY PRESENTS. OPERA GIL.AJSSES. The largest and finest assortment in the city, sold at low prices. Gold spectacles, 35 and upward. $5 Gold Eye Glasses with chain attached. Field Glasses. Telescopes, Microscopes, Ba rometers. Thermometers, etc, etc Call and examine. J. DIAMOND, Optician, 22 SIXTH STREET. P.S. A. beautiful present given to every purchaser. no24-107-SIWFSU THIS Banquet' MADE IN BB ASS, "WITH DO NEB AND SHADE. jdmSk. sm mvn j HANDSOME Lamp, ANTIQUE FITTED PLEX BUB- FABABOL . ONLY $4 75 EACH! THE SUPPLY IS LIMITED. - NniE J. P. SMITH Lamp, Glass & China Co, 935 Perm Avenue. Between Ninth and Tenth Streets. P. a Roger's Dinner Knives at SI 24 per set del-wrsu m-m JOSW ASYBKTJSXanMVft. -- ; . j" '" ft rt- J4tB.r f -" MMr- ' a-Jeiitgtts MUSH 'TMan,, --. a. UlT-aaasjJI ' ' --." . ,. , I liiillMeaaaaaaajaaaaaaMsaaaaaaaaaaaaaasj , T MlOfiUJil MtffcAlfl IISHBX MFUSH-OFPt". SAItlT! FTJK, CLAPS AN : IMMENSE : BXT. mzKC- Old Honesty. The Chewers of OLD HONESTY TOBACCO will soon find that it lasts longer, tastes sweeter than other tobaccos, and will please yoo. Ask your dealer for it and insist on setting it Genuine has a red H tin tag on 5 every ping. HERBERT WALKER ARTIFICIAL EYE MAKER, y-iTirtS' 65 HiJJNTJd T. Office hours for insertinE eves, 1 to 3 p. m. Saturdays, 1 to 6P. M. se55-su 3R Js i' ' ' 1'mS'i m Li rf-i ii ' mmSS i iiTMS h TSSRsT gmwrrfji Latest improved Spectacles and Eye-Glasses; will fit any nose with ease and comfort The largest and best stock of Optical Instruments and Artificial Eyes. KOBNBLUM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No. GO Fifth avenue, near Wood street Telephone No. 15S6. sel3-D3a DfflNlESSHMjMgWm r!4-,pFJi e 1 " : . isM . M A- mMMSTwmmm --m X2!m XX!?XXX&1 "a" I ' 1 1 NVXV VC .V WNVS SWV JOOOiS N. "rX?0 SLT lin NCvXC J .Jf NSJC NCSXS MON ?CNSNv - J TT OCNCCO'- CCM i!OC J NN . XSNOJCSWv NNNNNXXW iS tQ S SSSK v NlCStSSS. 5SSS iftSS JSxs;! 5SSNvv "NSSSS immmmBadm iffum S.C Kdl sS? mv-nirtiB MSVateng p MEDICINE . For Btlioos and Nervous Dlserde: a -AM GlflNEAa 9rs. such as wind and Fain In tne Stomacn. EIek Headache, Giddiness, Fulness, and Swelling: niter Heals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flashings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costlveness, Scurvy, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed bleep, Frightful Dreams, ana all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c TUE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWBNIZ MINUTES. This is no fiction. Every sufferer is earnestly Invited to try one Box of these Pills, zn&thcy willbe acknowledged to be a Wonderful Medicine. "Worth a guinea abox." BEECHA1TS PILLS, taken as directed, will quickly restore femaUt to complete health. For a WEAK STOMACH; IMPAIRED DIGESTION; DISORDERED LIVER; they ACT LIKE MAGIC: oetrdoewill work wonders upon the Vital Orcans, Strength eningrthemnscularSystero; restoring long-lost Complexion; bringing back the keen edge of appetite, and arousing with the BOSEBUD OF HEALTH the wJutle physical energy of the human frame. These are " facts " admitted by thousands, in all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated Is that BEICHAM'S HLLB BATS SEE! IiAfiSSSS SALS Cr AST 7ATXHX JCDISmS IS THE WOSLS. Full directions with each Box. Prepared only by THOS. BEECHASI, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. Sold oyPruggists generally. B. F. ALLEN & CO., 305 and 387 Canal St., New Tork. Bole Agents lor the United States, who Inquire first), it your druggist does not keep them, WILL MAIL BEECHAM'S PILLS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. 25 CENTS A BOX. - mh&35-ssa HAS :MADE EBBFBBaHBBBBBaBBBBWA v arVsst "CuutijIfK ft Gents' Dtlvlmr Style. In Oregon Seal, 1 20L 1 40, 1 90. 2 20. In Alaska Heal, 58, $10, 1Z The lively boom which we have experienced the last ten days is due entirely to our cut prices. Because the weather has been unfavor able to the sale of winter caps, we did not propose to continue carrying a vast stock, watt ing like "patience on a monument" for cold weather to set in. Cutting prices In half ii our old and never-falling remedy to run off surplus stock. Frem the way people responded to our announcement it is quite evident that the pub lic has full faith in "Boben's" statement; Once more we will say: If you have the re motest idea of purchasing a Fur Cap come to this sale, and you will be sure sot to freesa when the cold weather does set in. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 Smithfleld St. del-wvan - r - t'tjaBM At this time ot jrear it has been, our custotrrto have a Clearance SeitatTmj&t OeMs and eack of Carpets and Furniture. These sales have always beenremrkblr success! lor the reason that this community evi always rely on the adrsr&eaeaC of ihe time tried ' :WHff HOUSEHOLD CREDIT CW 405 "Wood- -ba?ee-b- RBDUOTIONS GREATER THAN EVERJ Fsrmer price ef this uitt$40. JFerthts week, in teven pieces, $28. r .sr j Jtm afcr u-T Jl. a .''tfswasaaMBsSt IsssVssssSsV9 1 ffiJsssssssKT i juni- iY5isMsB9 I13M I , w i HAIR ON THE FACE, NECK, ARMS OR ANY PART OF THE PERSON EASILY, QUICKLY AND SAFELY REMOVED WITH And the growth destroyed without slightest injury or discoloration to the skin. lhscoyebed Br accident, m compounding anotnsr creparati on, tne Incomplete mixture was accidentally spilled on the back of the ban d, and on washing afterward it. was discovered tbat the hair was completely re moved. We purchased the new discovery and named it MODEME. It T perfectly pure, free from all injurious substances, and guaranteed to be a harmless as water. It is so simple anyone can use it, and you will be smprised and delighted with the results. It sen mildly but surely. Apply for a few minutes, then vash off, and the hair goes with it. It has no connection whatever with any other hair preparation overused for like purpose, and no scientific discovery has ever obtained such wonder ful results, IT CANNOT FAIL. If the hair be thin and fine, one application i will remove it permanently. The heavy crowtb. such as the beard, or hair on moles, may require two or more applications before all the roots are 'destroyed, although all hair will be removed each application. Tonne peo ,sons who find an embarrassing growth of .hair coming should use Modene to (early destroy its growth. " Its Merits-Used by People of Refinement. t5Pss 4 JaYaT5-i R-J? immi tmxviim Recommended by all Who Have Tested Gentlemen who- do not appreciate nature's gift of a beard will find a priceless boon in Modene, which does away with shaving. It penetrates the hair follicle or sac ana destroys the life prin ciple, thereby rendering its tutors growth an utter impossibility. Modene sent by mail, postage paid (securely sealed from observation) on receipt of price, $1 00. Send money by letter, with yonr full address written very plainly. 2-c. postage stamps received same as cash. (Always mention your county and this paper.) .. 1 Address MODENE MANUFACTURING CO., CINCINNATI, O. (Gtneral WaVtYri r Manufacturers of the Highest Qrsda Hair Preparations. Agents J You ein register your letter at sny pot office and Insure Its safe delivery. I Wanted CI finn RPUARn convince the public that Modene is an article of merit, we mall I,UUU llbllnnu, with each bottle sold a leeal agreement to forfeit One Thousand Dollars to any Purchaser or Scientist, it Modene fails to permanently remove the hair, or Ms colors or injures the skin in the slightest manner, or produces any unpleasant sensation or feel ins when aDplying or ever afterward. EVERY BOTTLE IS GUARANTEED. Cut this advertisement out, as it may not appear again. iiol7-ifl-Sa CHRISTMAS REMITTANCES. MONET TO JRELAKD, SCOTLAND, Wales and England can best be sent by checks ori the "Cheque Bank," which are cashed by all bankers, merchants and tradespeople. Wo sell them at lowest rates. MAX SCHAMBERG & CO., 527 SMITH FIELD STREET.' no21.106.se -I Everything en JFaay Terms, me ytw Uke thftu $40 Parlor Suit now $28. $25 Chamber Suit now $18. w $15 Wardrobes now $10. - 2 $20 Sideboard now THE XYXFJB HAS BXZ2T PUT IX CJLMTXTM. ,- fc. ' Xemnanta mt ifour ken prie. ;! jp i - -nn . HOUSEHOLD CREDIT C1 405 "Wood Si33?eei3- UjMwMfMi CJnfWwf if Lkw PricMfaiM Etty T k m m THE - TXtJJAt 4up fin v r , " j. &v .? l. i OVERCOATS A FOR MEN. GREATEST EVENT OP THE KAUFMANNS' GREAT ANNUAL HOLIDAY SALE Commencing to-morrow morning, will be the most extraordinary affair of the kind ever flashed upon this city. With the weather in our favor, and the Holidays approaching, f i; f Here is your chance, gentlemen. You can't icome too quick, if you want a Jim-dandy Overcoat at these great -money-saving prices. Men's heavy Cassimere Overcoats, well lined and trimmed, were S4; our Holiday Sale price is 3. Men's Raritan Beaver Overcoats, warm and du rable, were $S; our Holiday Sale price is $5. Men's full length wool Diagonal Overcoats, first class garments, were 9; our Holiday Sale price is $6. Men's elegant 'Melton Overcoats, long and short cut, were S?io; our Holiday Sale price is $j. Men's splendid Chinchilla Storm Overcoats; sold all over at $12; our Holiday Sale price is $7 50. Men's blue, black and brown Beaver Overcoats, were $12; our Holiday Sale price is $9. Men's English Sack Melton and Cassimere Over-N coats, were 13; our Holiday Sale price is $10. " Men's Diagonal Worsted Overcoats, extra well made, full silk faced, were 13; our Holiday Sale price is 10 50. Men's French Kersey Beaver Overcoats, very fine garments, were $16; our Holiday Sale price is $11 50. Men's genuine English Melton Overcoats, all the latest shades, were 16; our Holiday Sale price is $12. Men's extra fine Kersey Beaver Overcoats, were fij; our Holiday Sale price is $13. Men's Carr's celebrated Melton Overcoats, short and long cut, were 20; our Holiday Sale price is $14 S- Men's Elysian Fur Beaver Overcoats, custom made, were 20; our Holiday Sale price is 15. t Men's finest custom made imported Dress Over coats, in the most fashionable and costliest materials, such as Irish Friezes, Sedan Montagnacs, English Chinchillas and Wide Wales, etc., were S25, JS27 and $30; our Holiday Sale Prices are 18, 20 and 22. Men's Pea Jackets or Reefers. We have a complete assortment of stylish and " serviceable garments, with or without Vests to match, In Chinchilla, Beaver and Astrachan. Prices for Jackets from $3 50 to $5. Prices for Jackets with Vests, from 4 50 to $15. buy Your Xmas Gifts while the stock is complete. If you will leave a small deposit on what you buy we will keep the goods for you until called for. Smoking Jackets. Breakfast Jackets. Dressing Gowns Smoking Caps. Smoking Stands. Fancy Silk Vests. Bath Robes. Seal Caps or Gloves. Carriage Robes. Foot Muffs. Silk Mufflers. Silk Handkerchiefs. Linen Handkerchiefs. Silk Suspenders. Coachmen's Coats. Coachmen's Collars. Rubber Garments. Night Robes. Full Dress Shirts. Silk Hats. WE ARE BOUND TO SELL MORE GOODS IN DECEMBER THAN DURING ANY TWO PREVIOUS MONTHS IN THE YEAR. ::: This may seem a rather difficult undertaking, considering our very large and increased sales this fall, but we have no doubt of its success. Read this announcement carefully and you will agree with us that there virtually is no limit to trade when such low prices rule. BOOTS and SHOES. Ladies' oil pebble Button Shoes, workedbutton holes, sizes 2 to 7, widths C, D andE, were $1 30; our Holiday Sale price-is 98c ... Ladies' glazed Dongola kid Button Boots, sizes 2j to 7, widths B to E, were 2; our Holiday Sale price is $1 50. Ladies' Amazon glazed kid Button Boots, patent leather tips, Spanish arch and common sense' lasts, flexible soles, all widths and. lengths, were $3 50 a pair; our Holiday Sale price is $2 50. Old Ladies' glove kid easy Shoes, hand made, were $1; our Holiday Sale price is 50c. All Misses' pebble goat spring heel Button Boots, box tip, double sole, sizes 11 to 2, reduced from $1 25 to 98c. Children's pebble goat spring heel Button Boots, box tip, double sole, sizes 8j to io1, at the un equaled low price of 60c ' Men's button, lace or congress Shoes, plain or tip toes, all sizes, were 1 50; our Holiday Sale price is 98c. Men's fine calf button, lace pi congress Shoes, plain broad or narrow toes, withuips all sizes, were $2 25; our Holiday Sale Price is $1 50. Men's fine French calf hand welt Shoes, ail styles and sizes, were $4; our Holiday Sale price is $2 98. Boys' button, lace and congress Shoes, solid leather, plain, or toe cap, sizes 2 to 5, were 1 75; our Holiday' Sale price is $1 25. Men's French patent leather Oxford Ties and Pumps, for parties and receptions, from $1 per pair up. Men's solid kip Boots, all sizes, were $2 75; our Holiday Sale price is $1 98. . Same kip Boots for Boys, $rt 30.. - Same kip Boots for Youths, $1 25. Men's fine calf, tap sole, hand sewed Boots, were $3 50; our Holiday Sale price is $2 50. ( 'Men's Rubber Boots, $1 98. Ladies' Rubber Shoes, 19c HATS and CAPS. '-- Men's genuine fur Derbys, latest blocks, silk band and lining, were $1 50; our Holiday Sale price is 98c. , t Young Men's English Buckle Derbys, our, own importation, were $2 50; our Holiday Sale price is $1 74- Men's very fine Square Crown Derbys, very latest style, were 3 25; our Holiday Sale price is $2 50. Men's very finest Youman, Dunlap and Knox shape Derbys, were 3 75, $4 and $4 25; our Holi day Sale price is $3 25. Men's fine fur Crush Hats, very latest styles, large and sir-all shapes, were 98c; our Holiday Sale pi ice is 74c. Men's finest French fur Crush Hats, light and dark colors, large and small shapes, were $1 50; our Holiday Sale price is 98c. 2,000 Men's college shape French Seal Caps, good, reliable goods, were $1; our Holiday Sale price is 69c 900 Men's French Seal Turban shape Caps, were $1 50; our Holiday Sale price is 98c. Best grades of Men's French Seal Caps, in all " the new and popular styles, were $2 50, $3 25 and , $4', our Holiday Sale prices, $1 75, $2 50 and $2 75. 500 Men's genuine Seal Caps, were $3 50; our Holiday Sale price is $2 50. A complete line of Men's finest Alaska Seal Caps, in Turban, Windsor, College, Jockey, Driving;" " Alexis, Gotham, Boston and Detroit shapes prices ranged from $8 to $15; our Holiday Sale prices r range from $6 50 to $12. ,' A large and magnificent variety of Boys' and Children's Winter Caps, in Plush, Velvet, Corduroy and Cloth, from 15c up to $r jo. The popular pleated Windsor Caps for Boys and Girls, the very latest novelty, at only 50c. , ' Good .Plush Caps at 25c ,. , . Children's fancy Caps, 15c up. Boys' and Children's Winter Caps of all kinds. 4 .TO IN I Ml 1 ; fry, V & . Special Holiday Novelty department is wchuck full" with neat, lovely aad appropriate "'Xmas Gifts. Earliest .buyers L secure prettiesfthg. Toilet Cases. ' , ... Manicure Sets, - -ny' Leather Dressing Sets , , Chatelaine BagsKV - - --. ra '. ,Si .-." ., nr-.t D..I.. -",? -i? b Fancy Albums.' -' ' .f ' ' K 4 Pocketbooks. , s ..t Portfolios.- ''" Writing Desks- Hand Satchels.".- "J ' ,r- Folding Mirrors - French. DoilsS Whisk HoldwsVt Poker Sets.1; k'f v -F 9 Fancy Slippers Silk UmbrelSiV " J Walking Caats. , ,V SealGio.-? Beaver Gawk.' Coach raea'S' OVERCOATS FOR BOYS Fathers, mothers aad guardjaas -cryV isviaterested in Boys' Clothing. sapuW raMgfMd aieh Miraculously lev prices at which -we'Malll choice Overcoats during our Holiday Sate. Bovs' extra lmur Cassimere Overcoat;' liaiag, were $2 our; Holiday Sale prlca $! Boys' extra iancypiaia uaeviqc ureter liaiag, were $2 50; oar Holiday Price m 1 First-class Cape Overcoats, lm Casa "Cheviots,vplaids, were $3; our Holiday Safcyncciis Boys.' extra fiae Cassiawre Cape OversMta, were t4? our Jtiouaay, aaie price is 3. Boys' beautiful Lord ChajBWy Oveots, all Vaee, were $ 5; our. Holiday Sal prictfia'fc? ' , Boys extr loag'faaey plaid HfUikCaf)etOver' coats, were $6; our Holiday Sale price is $4. ?y Boys' double aad. triplicate Cape Overetwts,- nurn Sfi cat our HOlMlav Sskse Trim Xj to. rr. :' vw. J- J-J J- r - r-T J" ,J SM t 'JET bssssssssssSHHBHAHH TEAHTal - k& m D OSS - m ib ')"" 1 C.JfI ESS! r 'slnssMsV 1 VMlH f H l BSH 9? ttjT I kLKf the 'Vi ")r 14 years J0-The above' Or:eflta will ft Beys freeaite! ears old. , -1 &, 1 fry Jr' TV r . . v ' J ' ' BIG BOYS' 0VEWWATS, - . "! SIZES .r4 TO 19,' t ." T lovs'. sood, aeietl Cawiawre. Orfcts. warms 'fkaael liaiag, were Jfr,So; oar' HeiksySje price isl i 75. ., , Boys' elegaatCassinere OYes-ceta,?will last! . several seasoas, were 3 50, our noty saie pnees 'WU 75. - . i - Boys' blue and (Mack. Chi&chtlla Overcoats, w jFc: our Holiday Sale price is tx so. Boys' first-class Cavi6t aad Caasiatere Over coats, vere $6; our Holiday Sale rice is Sa So. I Boys' silk, face i. Mekoa. Ovrcats, very nobbyjl were ti; our Holiday Sale wriee is t 71- M Boys' finest impdrted eastern made Dress Over-fl coats, in rjigusn hisjchius, acotca uitiw; Cart's Melton'setc, EaatMll .Box. Cane aad Uls style, prices were $xo, tt$Kmd 15; our HotfiaM Sale prices are fj, f aaa pio. -6 . KAUFMANNS J -FIEiMEWJE mad; ti KK MeltraSiaSit " V ,it iRTBTATTt 1 . . 'aa j aav V&fSMmJ.xjgjfjijiirm-fmf3it " wr ."n WV tW4: I!'3 r?,, . -."'- n v am&sa&mvpBS'W'nramaiVx. "'to&XA JL-txxMH&Zi. ir x " m muMtyFi -vs-rfa rXi JWHOrtBSALE and:;,. &L,&kyJ1t nT3Tm 4.TT .....,".... 1.TI Ml I f. -r Uifcij