Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 01, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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? Of Evidence Sn tlie Crbnin
r -
Case Welded Together.
Creates a Sensation in the Closely
Crowded Court Room.
Prosecuting" Attorney Longenecker com
pleted his address to the jury yesterday.
He reviewed the evidence in vigorous
language, devoting his attention to showing
a deep conspiracy. He was interrupted
several times "by the defense. At the close
of his speech Judge "Wing commenced a
plea for the prisoners. He eased his argu
ment upon the frailty of circumstantial
Chicago. November 30. The address of
Prosecuting Attorney Longenecker to the-
Cronin jnry to-day was of the most sensa
tional character. "With earnest and eloquent
wofdslie connected the links in the chamof
evidence against the prisoners charged with
the murder conspiracy. A number of the
statements made were of the dramatic order,
and several times the advocate was inter
rupted by the counsel for the defense, who
objected to his vigorous language. Judge
Longenecker commenced by saying:
1 want to call vour attention to what was
said and done In "the meeting on the 22d of
February. You will remember that Beeps
spoke of It in his letter to Spelman, and that
lie said not to forget their reunion. At that
meeting speeches were made by different par
ties, and among; them PatncK McGarry made a
speech and John F. Becss. Senior Gnardian of
Camp 20. answered that speech. This is what
iMcQarry said: "I was called on. There were
three other centlemen that made speeches
oefore me. One had referred to the unity that
ought to exist among the members and among
the Jrish Renerally,. particularly and alto
gether. It was about the time that lie Caron
had testified before the forgery commission in
England, and the other gentlemen had referred
to spies .getting into the organization."
A point to .be mabked.
Mark that, gentlemen. The other gentleman
had referred to spies getting Into the organiza
tion on the 8th day of February of this same
month. On the occasion of moving the appoint
ment of the committee you will remember that
Foy talked of Spiee getting Into the -organization.
McGarry further says: "And how Irish
men coming to this country and becoming
American citizens onpht to educate their chil
dren." That was -cood. 'Ought to educate
them first in the principles of American insti
tutions." That was good. "Educate them,
also, to have a lore for their fathers and
mothers and their forefather's home. There
was nothing in the Irish race or Irish
history that Irishmen ought to be ashamed
of in America." That is true. "I said 1
agreed" 'with what all three gentlemen had
aid. I said that it was all very ell to talk of
unity, and that I myself wanted to see unity
among the Irish people; but that there could
coffee unity while the members of this organ
ization were meeting in back alleys and on
dark corners and villifying and abusing a man
that had the courage to stand up and attack
the treachery and robbery of the Triangle. 1
told them that they ongbt to be about getting
members into the organization; that I bad been
inquiring into Le Caron's record, and I said
that there were men in this organization that
were worse than Le Caron. I said that tin
man who got Le Caron his credentials, that got
Iiim into the convention, was a worse scoundrel
than Le Caron ever pretended to be."
Jsow. did Beggs "make a speechfollowtne
thisT Yes. What did "be sa T Hear McGar
ry'8 testim uy: "I remember that Alexander
Sullivan's name had not been mentioned. The
Triangle bad tot been mentioned, Beggs said
that visiting members were coming in there,
and they would speak. It wasn't right, he said;
it was not fair, and I wanted to interrupt him.
and the Chairman attbat time" "wouldn't allow
neI wanted to-rnrermpt him when he used
Jhe word 'cowardly.' He said they came in
there talking about Alexander Sullivan, and it
was cowardly, he said, to talk about a man be-,
hind his back. WbV didn't they say it to his
face, and then be slapped his breast and said
Alexander Sullivan had plenty of friends and
he was one of them."-
Then yon find that on the 2nd day of Febru
ary this same Senior Guardian was called upon
to appoint a secret committee to investigate
the action of Dr. Cronin in charging Alexan
der Bulllvan with embezzlement of the funds
of the order, or rather the ex-Executive, better
known as the Triangle, with that offense. The
Triangle has been guilty of embezzling the
funds of the order and putting men into En
glish' prisons, yet, without having mentioned
his name In his .speech, McGerry merely re
peated the charge, and this man Beggs said he
would not submit to it. that it was cowardly
lor him to make an attack on a man in his
Now, gentlemen, remember this was on the
S2d day of Febrnary, two days after the carpet
was nailed down in the flat at 117 Clark street,
five days after the notorious letter that the
BeniorG nardian had written to Spelman under
the pretext of finding out something he knew
all about. What else? We find that at the
following meeting, on the first day of March, it
is in evidence from Henry Owen O'Connor
that, as .he was leaving the hall, Daniel Cough
lin. Chairman of the committee,
followed him into the ante-room,
and said to Henry Owen O'Connor that
there were other LeCarons there. Singular, la
' it not, that on the eighth day of Febrnary the
motion was made for the committee in Camp
20, on the 10th of February, Senior Guardian
Beggs is writing abont the-matter to Edward
Spelman: on the 17th he again writes about it;
on the 19th the- fiat is rented at 119 Clark
street; on the 20th the carpet was nailed down;
on the 22d of February Beggs defends the
Triangle, and ontbe first day of March this
man Congblin, who is now on trial for his life,
denounces Dr.Cromn as a spy.
On the 29th of April, as testified to by Beggs'
friend Spelman, the district member, it is con
clusively shown to what this committee had
reference, which was to report to Beggs alone.
"What did Beggs say on that dayl He said to
Spelman: "That matter has all been amicably
settled." How settltuT Gentlemen, at the
hour he spoke the cottage had been rented: at
the hour he spoke the final arrangements had
been made: at the bonr he spoke the sentence
had been fixed. Sensation. Tell me when it
was amicably settled? What bad been done in
the camp what steps had been taken to in
vestigate the matter? No one knows except
the Senior Gnardian and his committee as to
jnst what they did say.
The State's Attorney then read the law of
conspiracy as developed in the Spies case.
He then, in simple language, and with tell
ing force, again traced every move in in the
conspiracy from the proceedings of Camp
'20, step by step the renting of the Clark
street flat the Carlson cottage and the lur
ing of -the victim there. Speaking of
Burke's renting the cottage, he asked:
Wnat explanation is there to give for the
renting of that cottage? If Bnrke was working
at the stock yard, why go out to Lakeview to
keep house? Well, we will see if we cannot find
a reason for that By following the evidence in
this case we will give you a good reason for
Martin Bnrke not keeping house. My opinion
is that he ongbt to be compelled to live there
all the days of his life; that be ought to be com
pelled to wallow there in the blood that was
drawn from the veins oi Dr. Cronin. Sensa
Goinghack to what was done in the Clark
street flat, the State's Attorney said: "There
ore the two men that we "first see at 117
' South Clark etreet (pointing), Kunze, the
little German, and Burke, the Irishman.
Konze ha'd been sleeping there."
The defendant Kunze (excitedly) I never
did. That's a lie.
The State's Attorney As I say, Kunze
tad been sleeping there. Sow Burke was
helping to move the furniture with another '
"maoSlffihere is no contention here that
Kunzeever helped to move the furniture.
Nobody would ever contend that he would
miftany furniture.
Ll At this point Kunze made a gesticula
'iion and motion as if to again interrupt
the speaker, Jut he wa checked by a
bailiff behind 'him, who laid his hand on
the prisoner's shoulder and sternlv
utioned him to silence? and the State's
Attorney went . on with his speech.
.TnilIi.T.nnirenneekercontlrmedto trace the
story of the crime, dwelling upoa5rthe.ari-
.oui links in the cnain oijewaeuce wmen
! .connected each ,ot 4hc prisoners witkthe
"crime; CTSullivan and hucohfcact wjth
toe doctor; Tils avowed enmliy to him,
tttf driving awar to the Carlson cottage,
and the part the different prisoners Lore in
the tragedy enacted' here," witn
the subsequent " disposition of the
body. Continuing, the speaker said:
Dr. Cronm'a last words as lie drove away on
his errand of mercy, when Frank Seanlan
asked him when he would be back, were: ilGod
knows, God knows when I will get back."
Well, God did not tell him when he would get
back, nor did he know when be was going, yet
the God above stands ready to-day to direct
this prosecution aright, and to see that the
men who destroyed the life of that man shall
be punished for this terrible crime.
Ou the morning of 6th of May, at abont 7.
o'clock, you recollect, this man Stelb or TheeU
and two others, who .were out on that morning
found a trunk, a commoh trunk, with a com
mon lock, unlocked, with a common key, put
there, I suppose, by common hands, foil of
common blood. Sensation. Besmeared with
blood, with common blood, as though a hog
had been stuck and incarcerated in the trunk,
as if the trunk had been deluged with blood
this was the kind of trunk they found.
Then you remember tnis man Cougn
lin. this cold-blooded, 'heartless wretch
Ids. Donahue, Interrupting We except
to those remarks.
I speak from evidence. If this evidence does
not make him such, then I bavo no right to
say it, bnt, gentlemen, if you believe that this
evidence nails him to the cross in this case,
then he is a cold-blooded, heartless wretch.
Now what does he do during' that search. He
goes out and almost stands on the catch basin
where the body lies, huntingmind you, for the
body that was taken away ih that trunk and
deposited in that catch basin.
The speaker then dwelt upon the evidence
which showed the commission of the crime
n the Carlson cottage. Tbe next point
-taken up was the expert evidence .concern
ing the specimens bf blood and hair found
in the trunk and in the cottage, and argued
"the absurdity of supposing 4that it was other
than human blood. He said:
Now. do you believe that there was a dog
killed in this cottage; do you believe that there
was an ox killed in the cottage: do you believe
that there were guinea pigs killed in the co.tage;
do ) ou believe that it was guinea pig hair on
walls and in the soap; do you believe that it
was dog's hair on the wall and on the soap and
in tbe sink: do you believe it was guinea pig's
blood,tiog'sblnodoroxblood in the trnnkor
in tbe cottage? The evidence all points to show
that it was hnman blood.
Not only that it was human blood.-but that
it was the blood of Dr. Cronin that was found
in the cottage and in tbe trunk. Why was this
floor painted if this was an ox killed in there,
why was this floor painted if there was a dog
Killed in there, why was this floor painted if
guinea pigs were killed in there ?
What do I care .-about the blood corpuscles
that have been talked about in this case. I
shall not take up your time to argue the propo
sition that it was anything else than the blood
of Dr. Cronin. But if you want to get at this
case, if you want to boil it down, if you
want to write the history of the case,
you want to write: '"I contract for the medi
cal services of Dr. Cronin Patrick O'Sulll
van." "I contract for a cottage Martin
Burke." -I contract for a horse and bnggy for
my friend Daniel Coughlln." Draw your line
now and write "Committee ol three." And
write again, "I contract for your life Patrick
O'Snlli van." '1 contract for a horse and buggy
to drive you to death Daniel Coughlin." "I
rent a cottage in which to strike out jour life
Martin Burke." "Write ajain, '"The commit
tee reports to the Senior Guardian alone John
F. Beggs."
When you come to consider the verdict,
think of the 4th of May. Think of that man
gathering his little valiso and bis instruments;
think of him clasping to his bosom the cotton
with which to relieve tbe suffering of the
wounded; think of tbe splints in the box;
think of his rushing out into the buggy; think
of the crowded seat; think of bim rnsbing
north to relievo the suffering man; think of
him in the cottage, and when you think of him
there may there reverberate in your ears tbe
death cries of this man who in his last mo
ments called upon his God and his Jesus.
Think of these men, who, without giving him
time to pronounc the other trinity name,
felled him to the floor with their death blows.
Think of the wounds in his head; think of the
grave in Which he was .placed; think of 'all this
in making np your verdict, and in the end this
will be such a verdict as when His Honor pro
nounces his judgment upon it, that he. having
his heart and eye to GoiL. -may say: "May the
Lord have mercy on your sonls."
Judge Wing then addressed the jury on
behalf of the defendants. He began "with
Dan Coughlin's defense. He began by stat
ing the vast amount and the numerous
kinds of evidence produ;ed in the case, -and
all oi it circumstantial. He explained the
different light in which such evidence must
beconsidered from that accorded to direct
evidence. A mass of mere suspicion must
not be taken as proof, but each circumstance
must be weighed separately.
The speaker then told the jnry of the cel
ebrated Dr. Hull case in New York, citing
the sharply incriminating circumstances
which pointed to Dr. Hull as the murderer
of his wife. Yet a negro murdered her for
robbery. The circumstances, he said, must
have a known and visible connection with
the crime. He said:
If I was on trial for my life, no juror who
values his future peace 'of mind dare use
against me the fact that in the neighbor
hood of the homicide some hours before or
-some days after, unknown "men were seen.
A juror tha't would do that violates his oath
because there is no known or visible con
nection between the two. After that ques
tion is settled that there is a connection be
tween the circumstances and the fact that
yon are looking into and trying to find out,
without a doubt Then yon are to still in
quire if that circumstance may not be true,
and yet the man be innocent That is the
great test.
Judge Wing then dwelt upon the neces
sity that the jurors should put aside their
natural prejudice against those men on ac
count of their nationality and religion, and
remember that it was natural for them to
love the home of their birth. The court
then adjourned till Monday morning.
A Poor Woman, Tired of Life's Straggles
Kills Her Children nnd Herself.
London, November 30. A very affect
ing tragedy has touched a good many tender
hearts irvthis metropolis this week. A poor
clerk straggled along in the suburb of
Dalston, with a wife and three children,
trying to keep up respectability on the
wages of a day laborer. The continued
pinch of poverty and the straggles to keep
up appearances and make both ends meet,
so wore upon the nerves of his wire that she
ended the battle for life by murdering her
children and committing suicide.
The market for lower class clerks in Lon
don is so overstocked that tens of thousands
are idle, or are earning a most precarious
and inadequate living. They have no trades
union, and no society to help them. Hun
dreds of middle-aged men would be eager to
take work of this kind for less than ?5 a
Tho Husbnnd of a Runaway Wife Refutes
to Ent With Her Lover.
POUOHKEEPSIE, N. Y.. November 30.
Leander Hosier .and Mrs. Minnie L. Potter
eloped from Pine .Plains, this county, re
cently. They were traced to "Waterbury,
Conn., where they have been arrested. They
were at dinner in a house in "Waterbury
when the husband of tbe woman and an
officer entered tbe dining room. Hosier;
seeirijfthe husband of the runaway wife, ex
claimed": "Hello, John, sit down and have
s,qfcie dinner," which invitation was not ac
cepted. Both were arrested and held in $500 hail
each. Potter furnished bonds for his "wife,
and took her home. Hosier is in jail In
New Haven. .
Eleventh Word Politics.
The Eleventh Ward Eepublican Club
eleoled'o'fficers last night Ex-3Iayor Will
iam C. McCarthy permitted the club to elect
him Presidents and John Smith was elected
Vice Presjdenlj.A. J.Johnston, Secretary,
and George JD. Chambers, Treasurer. Mr.
MeCarthv states that he ha fallv'reeovprfrf ,
and feels able toteep.-Sraef in- th,organIza-i
., . v - -- " i
Tho TreaKry'Department Will Withdraw
Public Money "Jrfom The National
Bepetltorlesotlce Jo That
EFeet From Secretary
WASHDroTOK, November 30. The. fol
lowing announcement was made public this
afternoon: The Secretary of the Treasury
has decided to reduce the number of Na
tional bank depositaries, and the amounts
of public moneys kept therewith.
It is intended to make this reduction in
such s manner as to avoid as far as possible
any disturbance to the business of the coun
try. A transfer to the Sub-Treasury on or
before January 15, 1890, of about 10 per
cent ot their holdings of publio moneys will
be required from banks having In active ac
counts abontlO per cent of the surplus held
by them over and above the amonnt needed
for the convenienceof the publicrvice; or,
it the banks wish to sell to the Government
thebonds furnished as security for these de
posits the Secretary will purchase them and
retain from the proceeds of sale the amount
which otherwise would have to be de
posited as above stated, sending checks to
the bank for the residue.
Other calls will be made from time to
time, bnt always with due regard to the
business interests, until the public moneys
with the banks shall have been reduced to
the amount seeded for current public busi
ness, and the money withdrawn will be used
for the purchase of United States bonds.
Banks desiring to dispose of the entire
amount ot bonds furnished as securities for
public deposits will not, of course, be lim
ited to the 10 per cent transfer of the first
In conversation with the Secretary, he ex
plained that the phrase "banks having
active accounts" refers to the national banks
with which the Government, through its pub
lic officers in various parts of the country,
transacts current business by depositing
fiovprnmAnt MTtnnsi fW,Tn timo in Hmp nnrl
drawing upon them through checks of dis-1
nursing olhcers. "Surplus bancs' are those
designated by Secretary Fairchild solely as
depositaries for portions of the Treasury
surplus. The total amount of the Govern
ment deposits in banks of both these classes
is now about $47,000,000.
The ordinary amount of public funs dis
tributed among all the depositaries has been
from ?10,000,000 to $15,000,000, but ran up
in 1887 to about $20,000,000. In response to
a question, Secretary Windom further said
that the rates at which bonds -will be pur
chased from the banks desiring to dispose of
them to the Government will be tbe rates
fixed and paid to the public by the Treasury
on the date at which any individual bank
may notify the department of its desire to
sell them. The work of sending out
notices to the banks, some 266 in number,
was begun to-day, and a large number ot
letters were mailed this evening.
An Italian Confesses His Share In One of tbe
Late Mysteries of Crime.
Boston, November 30. Since Edward
Cunningham, the Hilton millionaire, was
shot down on the 21st inst by poachers
who had invaded his estate the police
have been actively searching the Ital
ian quarters of Boston for the mur
derer or murderers. Some ten arrests
have been made, all told, but the evidence
was very light, and it was felt by the Boston
police, in particular, that the right man had
not been found. To-night, however, two ar
rests were made, and one ol the arrested men
freely and fully recited the circumstances
of tbe murder, fixing the crime upon his
companion, Giusseppi He Lucca, a young
Italian tailor resident in South Boston.
There was a third man in the party that
went gunning in Milton that day, and he
will.be arrested also within a few hoars, for
the police are hot upon his trail.
The name of the man who has confessed
is for obvious reasons withheld by tbe
ponce., xiis story f inai ipusWere Attou
Cunningham estate, when the old pflflf-'
man oraerea meui on. ve juueca, wno was
the leader, reptied in an insulting
manner, whereupon Mr. Cunningham
set his dog upon him. The Italian
shot the dog. Mr. Cunningham, undeterred,
and not suspecting the fate which awaited
him, undertook to disarm De Lucca, but the
latter drew a revolver and shot the million
aire, inflicting a wound from which he soon
died. A big reward was offered by the town
of Milton'ior the apprehension of the mur
A Bnckeye Maiden Weds a Sinn Aged 65,
nnd Worth 81.500,000.
Massuxon, O., November 30. A mar
riage having unusual features was cele
brated at the home of the bride's parents,
here, lastjnight The bride was Miss Annie
Crone, aged 24, daughter of Prank Crone, a
leading dry goods merchant The groom
was Valentine Fries, of Huron county, O.,
a grand-uncle ot the bride, aged 65, who is
president of a bank at Huron, owner of six
vessels on Lake Erie, a large stockholder in
the Lake Superior Copper Company,-President
of the Cleveland Iron Ship Building
Company, and also interested in other en
terprises in the Forest City.
His wealth is estimated at $1,500,000.
Only members of the bride's family wit
nessed the ceremony. Bev. Cahill, of St
Joseph's Catholic Church, officiated.
Dr. Hnlleck Before ainglitrato Broknir for
Exhibiting Without License.
- Dr. ThomaB E. Halleck, the gentleman
who sells an Indian remedy called Katonta
and advertises it by an exhibition of dancing
by a number of Warm Spring Indians, was
tried before Magistrate Brokaw yesterday
on the charge of giving a show in Salisbury
Hall, on the Soutbside. It "was shown
that the Doctor had no license, but the de
fendant's lawyer, Morton Hunter, main
tained that no'license was necessary for such
an exhibition as was given. He held that
the law of 1845 referred only to theatricals.
circuses and menageries, and that Dr. Hal
leck had given none of these. Magistrate
Brokaw reserved his decision, until ' next
Tuesday. '
New York Completes lis 85,000,000 World's
, Fair Subscription.
New Yoek, November 30. The World's
Fair guarantee fund of $5,000,000' is raised.
To-day's subscriptions, which amounted to
$91,034, carried the total past the goal, with
$28,000 to spare.
But the work is not going to stop there,
for the Executive Committee decided to-day
to go right on taking subscriptions.
Wanted to Die Become Poor.
New Yoek, November 30, Oscar
Bicbter was fonnd nearly dead to-night in
a little back room over Pedro's res
taurant at 29 Dnane street He
had taken carbolic acid, and beside the vial
which had held the drug he left a letter say
ing be committed suicide because out of
work and money. He may be saved.
DIeneher I Comtnsr.
Inspector McAleese received a telegram
from Detective Sol Conlson yesterday after
noon, stating that he would leaveNew York
at 2 o'clock, having in charge Dennis
Meagher. This is tjie man who is wanted
for felonious catting and for whom bo much
trouble was bad with Governor Beaver in
getting requisition papers.
Took a Woman' Satchel.
Emil Miller, a young" German, unable to
sp!ak English, ;was arrested in the Lake
Erie i depot. lat night by Special Officer
fVinlr'for cfealinp a. woman's MteKeL Tha
satchWeentaiaeda ssMill'aaowt of sioaey.
Portugal is HearlyEeady to Follow
the Example of Brazil
Whenilhe Exiled' Bom Pedro Arrives in
' ,. tha Harbor of Liation'.
Austria Is Accused of Breaking Faith With Germany
and Italy.
The German diplomats are much worried
concerning the status of the new Brazilian
Bepublic Many continue to prophesy that
It will no be permanent. On the other
hand the success Jn Brazil has excited the
Bepublicans in Portugal, and an outbreak
there is entirely probable.
Berlin, November 30. Advices from
Brazil received at Hamburg to-night via
Lisbon. They were dated Bahia, Novem
ber 18, and were hrought by the German
steamer Tejuca, which arrived in the Tagus
to-day. They state that trade in Bahia was
not disturbed by the revolution. Although
the news created a sensation in Bahia every
thing remained quiet The troops appeared
to -sympathize with the Bepublic. They
were kept in readiness at the barracks for 24
hours, but the people remained ouiet and
military precautions were relaxed.
Marshal Hortes Da Fonseca held a con
ference in the Town 'Hall with the Presi
dent of the Province, who, declining to ad
here to. the Provisional Government, was
superseded, underorders from Bio Janerio,
by Dr. Victoreus Pereira. Dispatches from
Bio Janerio in reference to Dom Pedro's
arrival there from Petropohs state that he
asked for a conference with General Da
Fonseca, who refused to grant one. where
upon Senators Dantas and Correa sought an
interview with General Da Fonseca, who
made them the medium to inform Dom
P,edro that a Bepublic had been established,
ana that he must depart for Europe.
Dom Pedro broke down on hearing the
news, and protested that he deserved better
treatment at the hands of Brazilians. The
people of Bahia believed in the permanence
of the Bepublic. Hamburg firms receive
dispatches freely from Bio Janeiro. Open
dispatches, in spite of tbe assurance of the
Provisional Government, appear to be sub
jected to censorship. t
One cipher dispatch reports that in a row
in the streets of Bio Janeiro after a public
meeting there were cries of "Down with the
Bepublic Long live Dom Pedro!" Be
volvers were actively used, several persons
being killed and many wounded.
Conservative papers here continue to pre
dict a breakup of the Bepublic, and discuss
the probability of the German colonists de
claring an independent Southern Bepublic,
appealing for the protection of Fatherland.
The Jieichsanzeiger, commenting upon the
notable increase of emigrants to Brazil in
consequence of the seductive representations
of agents at Lisbon, announces that the
Public Prosecutor has been instructed to
investigate the matter, and to prosecute any
German agents who may offer inducements
for emigrants.
Beliable advices from Lisbon indicate
the imminence of a demonstration in favor
of a Bepublic, which will even menace the
overthrow of the monarchy. The Bepubli
cans of Lisbon, Oporto, JVillareal and
Ahoiro are co-operating. "They have 97
working committees and 17,000 enrolled
4hemhrs. amon? whom are Denutv Coellho.
i-av Lisbon, a member ot the Academy of
Sciences, Deputy jfreitas, of Oporto,
Colonel Elias Garcia, a professor in tbe
military school, and Dr. Braza, a member
of the Municipal Council of Lisbon.
The leaders of the army, and especially
those of the artillery, are ripe for a Bepub
lic. SenorZorilla recently paid a secret
visit to Lisbon to confer'with the supporters
of the revolutionary movement The changes
in Bio Janairo, which in themselves are
viewed with comparative indifference here,
are anxiously watched by the Government
as associated with the Bepublican agitation
on the Spanish peninsula, and with refer
ence to their reflex influence upon tbe
whole of Europe. '
The Foreign Office here has ample reason
to accuse tne .austrians oi having DroEen
faith regarding the recent Kalnocky-Bis-marck
compact Within tbe present week
the leading points of the entente have been
set aside. Emperor Francis Joseph has an
nulled the' decision giving autonomy to
Trentino, and-Count Kalnocky has author
ized the Bourse to give quotations of the
Bnlgarjan loan, and has permitted the
Austrian Consul at Sofia to renew his os
tentatious intimacy with Prince Ferdinand.
The check upon Prince Bismarck'sJ'di
plomacy is absolute, and has been the sub
jectof constant commnnications between
this city and Vienna. Count Kalnocky
is reported to have offered in explanation
of the action taken the statement that he was
forced to depart from the arrangement even at
risk of precipitating a conflict with Russia.
He found that both Austrian and Hunga
rian Ministers were averse to the terms of
conciliationTiffered by Bussia, and that the
opposition a Pesth was becoming so strong
thatit threatened to oyer tarn the Tisoa
Premier Tisza demanded as the condition
of his remaining in office that the foreign
policy be strengthened on tne old lines.
Regarding Trentino Emperor Francis
Joseph, finding that the concession of
autonomy was considered a diplomatic
victory, and that Premier Crispi was pre
paring the way for annexation lo Italy, de
cided to disenchant the Italians. Count
von Taffand, his colleagues in the Austrian
Ministry, were unanimous against Emperor
Francis Joseph's hasty assent to autonomy,
and supported a reversal of thaaction.
They Say the Home or Lords Will Throw
Oat the Home Rale Bill.
LoNDoif. November 30. Copyright.
The Tory demonstration at Nottingham
has been held, and Lord Salisbury made
some half dozen speeches. The only definite
fact of importance obtainable from the mass
ofverbiageisthatthe Tories rely upon the
House ot Lords to throw out the home
ruler's bill when it shall have been passed
by the new House of Commons. This threat
has been made upon the eve of every great
Liberal reform for 60 years past, and its use
by the Tory leader now is strong proof of
the despondent feeling' prevailing among
his followers. The House of Lords has not
iufreqnently resisted the popular will, but
it has invariably yielded sooner or later,
when confronted with the alternative of its
own abolition. '
Mr. Gladstone is at Haworden, strong,
hearty, and fnll of enthusiasm. He starts
on his great Manchester campaign .Monday,
preceded by -a magazine article upon the
by-elections, as full of confidence as Salis
bury's were of despondency. The Grand
Old Man points out in the Nineteenth Cen
tury the true importance and significance
of the electoral figures, and leaves no doubt
in the minds of his readers that Home Bale
will sweep the country had the Tories the
courage to appeal to their constituencies.
That is the frame of mind in which the
Liberal leader starts upon hlr oratorical
campaign, and he will find it reflected in
his andience. During the last few days
Mr. Gladstone has added considerably to
his speaking engagements, and has con
sented to receive an address from Liberal
Association's en route to . yaoheoter. -Oa
Tuesday and weaaertftje Ui 4
Ptwt S MMHW.- it Tg
ikefhod or Making the ' Popular Pocket
Popular Science. Monthly.!
The process begins with the gatherer. His
blowpipe is a tube of wrought iron five or
six feet long, and of lighter weight than the
pipe used in blowing window glass. He dips
the end of his pipe into the molten contents
of the boot, and brings out a mass of redhot
plastic glass. If the bottles to be
blown, are small, one gathering suffices,
but, for larger wares, two or even
three gatherings may be necessary to get the
requisite supply of material on the end of
the blowpipe. When the gathering is: done
properly, this lump of red hot .glass is a
perfectly homogeneous mass. Its subse
quent fortunes rest with the blower. He
takes the blowpipe from the gatherer, and,
resting the plastic glass against a, msryering
table of stone or cast iron, he gives the
pipe a few adroit rotations, thus fashioning
the glass into an evencylindrical shape. By
farther rolling it along the edge of theiable
he forms the smaller prolongation of glass
which is afterward to become the neck of
the bottle. Lifting the still red-hot glass,
from the table, he blows through the pipe,
lorming a small bubble of air in the interior
of the mass of glass. This is afterward ex
tended nntil it becomes the inwardness of
the bottle.
Ihe partly fashioned bit of glassware is
now introduced into the mold whichone of
the "shop" boys has already opened to re
ceive.it. For convenience in working, the
mold is placed on a somewhat lower level
than that on which the blower s'tapds. It is
made of cast iron, and' is commonly formed
in two pieces. One of these is stationary,
while the other opens outward, its
motion being controlled by a foot lever.
When the-blower places his incomplete bot
tle, still attached to the blowpipe, into the
mold, he closes tbe mold with hii foot, and
blows through 'the pipe nntil the plastic
glass is everywhere forced against the sides
oi the mold and has impressed upon it the
form of its prison.
Anthony Cohmock Has a Prosperous Llttlo
Business Broken Up.
New York, November 30. One of the
most flourishing businesses, in a small rep
resentative way, which existed in the "Wall
street district, was rudely broken up to-day
at about 130 o'clocs. Until that time Messrs.
A. Brown & Co., dealers in oil paintings,
bric-a-brac, lottery tickets, and other arti
cles of vertu, were driving a snug little trade
in room No. 11, at 24 Broad street. An
thony Comstock,who superintended the raid,
obtained a warrant for Adam Brown,
the head of the firm, and a search
warrant. Then he went to 21 Broad
street. He found that Mr. Brown
had gone out for the day, but that the
"company" was there, in the person of
Mackey Goodman, a prosperous-looking
young man with a fierce black mustache.
Detectives Nugent and Oates joined the
party, and Goodman was arrested. He
was taken to the Old Slip station
house and searched. Many lottery tickets
were fonnd in his pockets, and he was put
in a cell to await a hearing. The party re
turned to Brown &Co.'sofficeandnnearthed
731 lottery circulars and 736 tickets, in va
rious lotteries. They also got a check book,
the stubs of which showed payments made
for tickets.
The Benton That Sullivan Has Not Been
Giving Exhibitions Lately. '
New Yobk; November 30. John L. Sul
livan is just at present so deeply interested
in the mayoralty contest now drawing to a
finish in Boston that he will not give any
close attention whatever to the high
priced and very tempting offers
received by him almost with every mail
from all parts of the universe to give exhi
bition's of "his" great pugilistic powers.
Jack: Barnitt, his business manager, is
patiently waiting in this qity for the
end of the election in order that the cham-
Elon may start out upon the extended tour
e has mapped out ior him in various big
cities throughout the union. Barnitt has
some 40 to 50 dates made ahead for Sullivan
to fill.
The management of the-Boval Aquarium
of London, where Peter Jackson, Jem
Smith and Frank Slavin have recently
filled very profitable engagements, is ex
tremely anxious to secure Sullivan be
fore the present boxing excitement drops
off. Pat Killen, the heavyweight champion
of the Northwest, is also very anxious to
have Sullivan come out to his section of the
country and give exhibitions. Sullivan
will no doubt get down to business after the
election, which takes place next week.
They Purchase 20,000 Acres of Land to
Move Onto From Utah.
Ottawa, November 30. Collector of
Customs Allen, of MLeod, has arrived
here to report to the Government on im
migration and enstoms matters. He fur
nishes some interesting facts' regarding
the Mormon settlement in the Canadian
Northwest, near Fort McLeod. There are
500 Mormons, he says, residing at Lee's
Creek. Two years ago there were only 125.
Dr. Aliens information confirms the
prevalent fears that the Mormons wish to"
estaDlisn in tne uanaaian xtoriuwesi a
second Utah, minus polygamy. They have
inst tmrehased in one block of 20.000 acres
of land, at St. Mary's, and only seven miles-i
from Cardston, the original settlement.
Another Proof That Electricity Is Pally Able
lo Take Life. '
Newt Toek, November 30. At 11:15
o'clock to-night Harry Harris, a clerk in
the drygoods store of Bernard Calens at
675 Eighth avenue, went out to
bring into the store a showcase
which stood on the sidewalk.
Ashe caught hold of the show case he
came in contact with an electric light wire
and was instantly killed.
His body wastaken to the Twenty-second
precinct Tolice station, in "West Forty
seventh street -Harris was 22 years old,
and lived at 359 WestForiy-fifth street.
Like Other Huibands.
Detroit Free Fress.l
The mistake King Milan made has often
been made before. He took his wife for a
tender little ignoramus, who knew more
about embroidery than business, and had no
idea she would kick when he wanted to cast
her off She is more Of apower in European
politics to-day than he is, and also has the
respect and good will of the people.
Not Drflalto Enough.
St. Paul Pioneer Press.
"Jessica" writes to inquire: "What is
the average number of teeth?" Ton should
be more explicit, Jessica. Now, if it is the
mouth of a human being you refer to, 32 is
about it. But if your question refers to a
12-foot harrov, add 40.
Tlie Weather.
It was not very cold yesterday, the mer
cury being down only to 20 at daylight, and
as high as 32 shortly after noon. It felt
cold because it had come on suddenly. The
Signal Office Teport last evening spowed the"
river mark at520 P. M. to be 9 feet9inches,
there having been a fall in 24 hours of 4
Not Sold Yet.
Eev. John H. PrugbiTfetor of Grace Be
formed.Chuish, denies thai the building-has
been sold ta'tfc rflli'ttazresatiH.', -Tfce
kttr:ppH7a4e M&wsttehjMMtjMt,
i "
he United Slates Cosrt PeeitiTelj
Refuses to Naturalize '
- ' ' '
Th.9 Church Declare! to be a Treasonable
An Analysis of the 2rlance Offered fry Ow C$4Ib
A decision was rendered at Salt Lake yes
terday refusing naturalization to Mormon
applicants. The Jndge rendered an opinion
stating that the evidence showed that the
Mormon Church was a tre asonable organi
zation and hostile to the Government of the
United. States. The oaths taken in the en
dowment house constituted the chief ob
Salt Lape,' Utah, November, 80.
Jndge Anderson to-day, in an elaborate
andjcafefully prepared oplnion,denied the
applications for citizenship ,niade by Mor
mons who bad taken the.endowment bouse
oaths in the Mormon Ch'urch. The appli
cation has created widespread attention,
and for the past two weeks Judge Anderson
has been taking testimony. In" his decision
to-day he states the ground of hU opposi
tion to the admission ot such applicants as
The Mormon Church is, and always has been,
a treasonable organization in its teachings, and
in its practices hostile to the Government of
tbe United States, disobedient to its laws and
seeking its overthrow, and that tbe oath ad
ministered to the members of the endowment
honse binds them under penalty of death to
implicit obedience in all things temporal, as
well as spiritual, to tbe priesthood, and to
avenge the death of the prophets,- Joseph and
Hyram Smith, upon the Government and
people of the United States.
The objectors to the right of these applicants
to be admitted to citizenship introduced 11
witnesses who had been members of tho Mor
mon Church. Several of these witnesses had
held tbe position of Bishop in the church, and
all bad gone through the endowment house
" and participated in its ceremonies. The testi
mony of these witnesses was to the effect that
every member of the church expected to go
through the endowment honse, ana that nearly
all do so; that marriages are usnally solemnized
there, and that those who are married "else
where go through the endowment house at as
early a date thereafter as practicable in order
that marital relation shall continue throughout
It was farther shown that these ceremonies
occupy the greater part of a day and include
the taking of an oath, obligation or covenant
by each, that he or she, as the case may be. will
avenge tbe blood of the prophets, Joseph and
Hyram Smith, upon the Government of the
United States, and will enjoin this obligation
upon his or her children unto tbe third and
fourth generations; that he or she will obey the
'priesthood in all things, and will never reveal
the secrets of the endowment boose under pen
alty of havins their throats cut from ear to
ear, their bowels torn out and. their hearts cut
out of their bodies. Tho right arm is anointsd
that it maybe strong to avenge the blood of
the prophets.
An undergarment, called the endowment
robe, is then pnt on, and is to ba worn ever
after. On this robe, over the heart, are certain
marks or designs, intended to remind the
wearer of the penalties that will be inflicted in
case of violation of their oath. On behalf of
the applicants 11 witnesses testified concerning
tbe endowment ceremonies, but all or them de
clined to state what the oaths are there taken,
or what oblieations or covenants are there en
tered into, or what penalties are attached to
their violation, and these witnesses, when
askedlor their reasons for declining; to answer;
Stated that thev Old 80 on a noint at hfmor
while some stated they had forgotten what ww
mjM. .imiiuj Ul. H1UVH iu un psujjuoiw-
One ot the 12 apostles of the Chorea testified
tnat all that is said in the enoowmeat cere
monies abont avenglne the blood of the
prophets is said in a lecture in which the ninth
and tenth verses of thf sixth chapter of Eevel
ations is recited. Other witnesses for appli
cants testified that this is the only place in the
ceremonies where arencine the blood of
h prophets is mentioned. One of the objects of
tnis investigauon,is to ascertain wnetner the
oaths of the Endowment Honse are inceapatl.
ble with good citizenship, and it is nbt for ap
plicant's witnesses to determine this question.
The refusal of applicant's witnesses to state
specifically what oaths are entered into renders
the testimony of little value and tends to con
firm the evidence on this point offered by the
objectors. The evidence established beyond
any reasonable doubt that the endowment
ceremonies are inconsistent with the oath of
citizenship. The application of John Moore
and "Walter J. Edgar.both of whom were shown
on tbe former examination to be members of
the Mormon Church and to have gone through
tbe Endowment-House, are therefore denied.
As to tbe admission of the other aopllcants
upon the ground solely ot their being members
of tbe Mormon Church, a large mass of evi
dence, mostly documentary, has been Intro
daced. The evidence consists mostly of the
sermons and writings of the Mormon rulers
and leaders published under direction of the
Church. I think there cab be no question bat
that tbe Church claims and exerciser the right
to control its members in temporal as well as
spiritual affairs. Tbe evidence alsq shows
that the blood atonement is one of the doc
trines of the Churcb, nnder which, for certain
offenses, the offender shall suffer death.
On this point Judge Anderson quotes
Brigham Young at considerable length and
refers especially to his denunciation of tbe
Government when, In 1857, it sent United
States troops to Salt Lake City. The Judge,
summing up, says whether the language of
Brigham Young, Heber Kimball, Orson.
Hvde and others instigated the Mountain
I Meadow massacre, or whether that
was done by direct command of Brighass.
Yonncr. will probably never be known.
Judge Anderson then quotes the borders
entered in 1859, by Judge Coolbaagh, re
citing the difficulties thrown in the way of
his. court by the Mormon people and con
tinues: The counsel for applicants, however, contend
that the feelings of tho people of the Mormon
Church toward the Government ha veunder
gone a change, and that in later years the
former feeling of hostility has disappeared or
becomo greatly modified. The eviaence, how
ever, does not sustain this claim. The evidence
shows that the Church has in tbe most deter
mined manner, and with alltbemeasMatita
command opposed the enforcement of the laws
of the United States against polygamy. During
the ten days this investigation lasted, not a
word of evidence was introduced showing that
any preacher of that Church ever in a single
instance advised obedience of tbe laws against
polygamy. On the contrary, the evidence was
that it was persistently refused obedience to at
least a portion of tbe laws of the Government;
has insnlted and driven tbe United States
officers from the Territory, and has denied the
authority of tbe United States to pass laws pro
hibiting polygamy as an unwarranted inter
ference with their religion.
Jndonbtedly"there are many members of
this Church who feel friendly toward the Gov.
eminent and would gladly break tbe shackles
that bind, them to tbe Mormon priesthood if
they felt that they dared to do so. Bnt with as
organization the most thorough that cifi be im
agined, which can be wielded against them,
they remain in the Church rather than take the
risk ot financial rain and social ostracism. It
has always been, and still is tba policy of .this
Government to enconrage aliens who In good
faith come to reside m this country to become
citi7jtn. Tint when a man of foreign birth
'comes here and Joins an organization, although
professedly religious, which requires. of .fc.ira.aa
allegiance paramount to nis allegiance to tne
Government, an organization that implonsly
claims to be the kingdom of God. to control its
members under His immediate direction, and
yet leaches and practices a system of morals
shocking to Christian people everywhere, it is
time Sot the courts to pause and inquire
whethersnch men as applicants should be ad
mitted to citizenship.
Tbe evidence in this com eetafcHslns ncqoes
tlonably that tbe teachisfpstPToesteea d par
poses or the Mormon Charek are atsnfMlc
to tue aovernmeax.oi.iM uutBtswriy
sucversve'Oioottinr ww
ewtr, rb seat us ;
'-Jerhrt. Tfcre9e a se wo i
wfereeaieW mm-
1 . UitHcT Swiss.- TtoMatfgfttou ot
PreWi MHier. Henry J.'OiwwJofeB Beerge,
Ckrk ELClfeeoIa: Nets AaitoHuu. Carl?.
Lateen, Thosas M. Kafer JoflnGarbel and
Arts wTowaeead to beeeste cttiatea' are there-
XQVfl (KoWS,
TkewM BBSBvfcrle Bowled M Bteralty
' Vy a Kallrond Trata. 9hr Accidents'
A Mb a Browned.
Thomas Humphries, eaployed in the
mines near Mansfield, was killed at that
point at 5:15 Friday afternoon by bein
struck by the Washington aceeamodation.
Humphries was walking along the trace
and was cautioned to get off, w a train was
coming, but he relnsed to ober the com
mand, and as & result met his death- The
verdict of the Coroner's jury was accidental
Yesterday afternoon a horse attached to a
milk wagon became'frightened at a passing
train on Hanover street, Eleventh ward,
Allegheny,, and ran off. Near Superior
street a little boy named Nolan was run'
over by the horse and had his right aria
broken." The runaway was stopped a little
farther on without doing any farther
Charles Singer, employed at Oliver &
Phillips' raill.'Woods' Bun.had hiirieg badly
lacerated yesterday by falling" heavily on
some metal clippings. Dr-HcMnlIen at
tended him.
"Word was received byCoroner McDowell
yesterday that Jacob Snyder, 45 years old,
livintrat Boyce'S station, near the county
line, "had fallen froufthe bridge into Thorn
ton creek, and wadrowued. The accident
happening yesterday afternoon, 'Squire,'
Hanna, of. tha,t district, was notified, to noiev
tne inquest, t
John H. Johssoa Tried to Sheet Hi Wife
Becanse She Kept Borderm
John H. Johnson, colored, living on
Spring alley, attempted to shoot his wife,
Lizzie, yesterday, who keeps a boarding
house on Penn avenue. The man was ar
raigned before Magistrate KcKenna at the
Twelfth' ward station house. According to
the evidence, Johnson has been living, apart
from his wife for some months past. Mrs.
Johnson parted company with her spouse
and set no a boardincr hons1 Independent v
Whim. The green-eyed monster set to
work, which disturbed Johnson s peace, so
he determined to exterminate the lady, or
force her to clear the house of all male
boarders. Going around to her honse, he
inquired of one of the men if Lizzie was
abont. Beceiviag an answer in the affirma
tive, he asked.to see her. 'She saw him, lint
refused to tarn away the boarders. He then
flourished a loaded revolver. She screamed
and ran away, but he discharged one of the
chambers at her without success. She had
him subsequently arrested, and Magistrate
MeKenaa sent.him to jail to await a hear
ing at court.
He Will Await With Eqaaslahy the Actlea
or the GoverMseat.
H. Sellers McKee, accompanied by Mrs.
HcKee, left last night for Philadelphia.
Mr. McKee, when asked if he had received
any papers in the Jeannette- suit, said: "X
have heard nothing of the proposed suit for
damages for the alleged importation of
foreign workmen- No notice of stay such
suit has been, so far, served oa me."
"Yon seem to take the matter very uncon
cernedly, Mr. McKee?"
"Indeed I do. I don't gee that there is
any cause for feeling aahappy concerning
it. I really do not attach any importance
to it."
"Ho yoa credit the Government with a
desire to see the case to an end?"
"That is a question I casaot well answer;
Anyway, they have aotgofe very far as-yet,
and When the time comes, why, X taiafc that
they will have found the ease not quite so
Fi j: .a - xi 1.1 - t?
WHiiy iuyoro wwib irvi
, tmid to iiu msar.
Kary Wehk Wa't Wast te 6s WM aa
Meer She Preferred Petees.
Mary A. "Wekji, s pwUy girl of 19 sass
men, beeaae se disorderly in her conduct
yesterday., at her home, -Twesty-eighth-
street, that her father was forced to make
an information to that effect before Alder
man Porter.
Whea Constable Packer west to capture
the little beauty, she aeted ist a moet anac
countable manner. She refaaed te aecora-
panv the "biz man" to the office, smi in
stead tried to swallow a viol of poises. She
was prevented twice from taking the poison,
and then shetried to go to Paradise by the
aid of a carving tnife. She made three at
tempts to run the blade into Herself, but-be-Tond
a slight gash she is at present perfect
ly sound.
The girl was taken to jail, to prevent her
from committing any injury upon herself,
and she will remain behind the bars until
Monday, when she will have a hearing be
fore thej Alderman.
A Seere of Violators of the Ltwwr Law
IHepese at e Heeirlw.
Nearly 20 persons charged with violating
the liqnor laws, were given hearings before
Alderman Carlisle yesterday. John W
Carle, aa etf-CoaHcilaaaB, ckwged with rna-
ning a speak easy at 1700 Corses street, was-'
held in 500 bail for. Court Mrs. Amanaa
Bosan, of Duquetne Heights, was disposed
of in the same way. Charles Selater, of 138
Maalsoa avenue, was finea 950 foSftliisg ok
Mrs. Kaddey's of Green Tree alley, Mrs.
Byrnes, of 1443 Pena a venae; and Mrs.
MaryBiley, of 146 Pike street, who were
charged with selling qa Saaday paid 999 and
costs. There were several others, each of
whom were called upon to settle for the same
amount. There were eight defendants
charged with selling cigars and tobacco on
Sunday. They were released after they had
paid y aad costs.
James BagaaH Had a BaMet Hete la Hie
Arm BBd Bids'! Kaevr It.
YestAtday afternoon Officer Truby Shanl
arrested and sent to the Central station a
prisoner named James Dsgaall for disor
derly conduct. At the Ieckap the prisoner
complained that his arm hart -him, and he
thought that it was broken or sprained.
Dr. Moyer was sent for, and when DajrJ"
nail removed his coat blood was discovered
on his shirt sleeve. A farther investigation
showed that the blood tame frees a ballet
wound in' the arm. Tbe prisoner expressed
surprise at this, and said he eeald sot ae
eouat for the wound.
He stated that he had been esgftied la a
fight with two womee, aad. that they hod
knocked him dowa and beaten him, bathe
did not know of, aay shooting. Dr. Mover
probed fer.ths ball bnt was aaaUa to fad it.
Bled at the Weet Fee.
"Word wae received at the taorgae last
sight, that a man named Henry Bagh, 23
years old and married had died at sty West
Pean Hoepital at 8:40t. X., The man' was
employed, as a earpelfter oa the P. B.B.,
aad yesterday morning woe sensekby a train,
while walking oa the treeks at Irwin's sta
tia. Aa inquest will he aeW by Cer&aer
McDowell to-morroW.
The Beet Yateee ia Tewa.
Kelt's single-breasted' BWtseals la wales,
worsteds, kerseys, elysiaas, with plain or
fancy trimmlne;, at Gasky 'stale weet for
910 fad $L2. Yoa cannot oetaia seh qual
ity staaae r saea lime aaey aa aay vurer
toe city.
A'-VAT VAjpZlg
Fonnd in the Person of a WiTfS
is iln Wife of aa Aiwckik. t
And WrTeit Eeicned Talks EH611fM
About Spirits Haunting HervJ
Whs Became Indicated With Anaxcay sal Oae afm
A German prototype of NinaTai
is in a Brooklyn hospital, where 'it iJ
known whether her mind Is serioesJyl
affected or not. Her history is a romaatsal
one. She is the wife of an Anarchist whiefi
career 13 even more of a romance.
Beookitk, November -30. Mrs. Ab
Beinsdorf was reported to-day atStTl
Catharine's Hospital as slightly betterl'fltj
is uncertain whether ornot her mind ul hiT
pcwianenwy aaecieu oae spent aaanju-i
gijing night roaming aboard ferryboats aid?
along the wharves nntil 4:30 A. St. Priday.S
when she attempted suicide by jumpistg I
into the ferry slip of the Twenty-third street 1
line, at the foot of Broadway, WiUiiiatdj
burg. i
She was taen in an ambulance to.
Catharine's Hospital, where she ffladet
assault on the house surgeon. Dr. J.X
Long. She talked strangely abont apirifil
Aaunungmer, ana wnen asked, whether;;
had a husband she replied: "Not now:-!??
killed him.'" This assertion was notbnesSel
was declared insane to-day, and -was
ferred to the'Flatbush Asylum,
Mrs. Beinsdorf is an anarchist's wifejad
a sort of German Nina Van Zandt. She i
a native of Leipsig, where, without exareer'
ation, she may be said to have had a loeel
fame for her beauty. Her hair alsieet
reached the ground: when she stood ereet!
Though dark, it was golden where it caejh
the light, and it rose above her heaefS
wavy loops and coils. Her eyes wee
ot a soft brown and very exprestivvj
while the oval contour of her faeelsMat
been the study, it Is said, of German i
Belonging to a wealthy and loyal family?!
the creat university town, she recelvedVa
morkably thorough education far a woomS!
and then took a coarse in sketchiBgswal
painting; for which she had a taste. - '53B
Six years ago was the climax or tiwfaM
archistie movement ih Germany. Maay,,aerQ
sons became converts. Ampng taeaeetj
ardent oi tnese was tne art sweJeatSa
joined an an archistie circle and hrtisaii
quainted -with such revolutionist wl
Sophia Porowskaia. who 'was
eventually, ior being in the plot 4&aV'se4
suited in sailing the Czar.
Among these would-be beaefacten ofAsst
race were two unjuien, -a-agaM aemrme
Beinsdorf. A great monument was tefiw
unveiled in the forest of Budeehia.aa last?
tember 28, 1883. and the GersaM "TinpisW
and Prince Bismarck were to a&eadtate
ceremony. August Beinsdorf, assisted ?;
a lew sympathizers, dug a mlae aaderto
monument. loaded it with dyaavitssaoi
connected it with a thicket a few faiieewi
off, with a bnried wire. He was betraye,'
however, ana arrested while on ais wsya
toucn tne latai sey. xortois aanss'j
Beinsdorf was tried, convicted, adl
Febrnary 6. 1885. hanged.
A large exodus of German. Anasaaisaftal
the United States .auwJcee. thee evaM
Among: the exiles was Bfaae-XeiateWrla
jtJsomks orotaer, wnoreaenea -nrr J
year before tue nangiug oi bis He
he has sine made his liviasr as si
the composing room oi a Iseal i
'Bauer. After A year's resideaea Hf,
country, doriny which he corresiiuaisCa
atanuy wiia tae lair arwst, ne seat awrj
money to come w America roar ya
Her parents, who had thought her 4
of her craze for anarchy, objected Hsli
leaving, bnt ia vain. At that.tiasa-.
Most and others were attracting atesaeaWjfi
this country, aad Bruno Beiasiorf had'Antl
his sweetheart with an amblUeB. to sMa?M
thu country as a Louise Michel. .
There was bo marriage cerewoay.-g
Beinsdorf simply announced, oa Ju
arrival, that she was his choice, ssmIM
couple west wj .noasejfc.eepin at oae m
ton street, their present address. A'
monr woaid nave been un-a
The plan for Mrs. Beiasdorf to irk. fsj
ana lortaneas a lecturer laiieu aei
any fault of hers, but because
was notcreatlag so ranch excitesteatta7ii
naa oeeu creating uerc. one oega t l
for ner nauve country.
At the Anarchist pienio laet
Mrs. Beinsdorf boasted to Mrs. JehaaO
of Mr. Beinsdorf s fondness for her:
it is saiav-iea ss.is.ja.osi te sartMkttJ
Keinsdor had complained to MnMma
tnat Ars. .Keinsaori was ceimaamy: I
found by him on her Jcnees at pnytr. 1
statement maide Mrs.BeiBorf UasaCc
A larga nsmber of AaarehJs
heard this, aad it caased coosidesaa
because, the majority of Aaarehiee aV'iSaj
Dciiciciuntmt,aua ucjr Aaw m
Since taea Jars. .seiBsaorr turn Mast,
jwre-asd saore to retars i Iwr
country, aad praying mere aad
Jateiy sste nas iimeu a great ow aasnasiaj
, -. ji a- , J . . zM
spirits- ot ineuas ioag oeaa, a
thought were vet living, taoach
and might perhap be looWa dtm mII
Xb the hallway of szu Btoectetr
three letter boxes, marked rea
Bruno Beinsdorf. Bruno Bpewm :
Guntner. The two letter boxes :
portion of the mails snt te Sarrlfttssi
suoseqaeaiiy ueuvereei se aim ay
Than te Aeawer the Haeitfaa Vhrl
Be the Eareeec Claaar Anefc
Everybody who has ever had tmr oa
esce in baying a cloak at KaafaaasWJl
most ladies have), knows that wssHtfj
may have bmbv rivals aad lmit
city, thev' have no eauals. Othese I
veftise- the largest stock, the latest'
xne lowest arrcre, we oest getm,
the fact remains that Kaufmans
alone have these attractions. Hoi
fact is recoeaiaed br the ladies bi
conclusively. a v the ever-increeeiaatit
they bestow e Kaataanss. If trrdajll
on in Deeemeer as it has ueesiBr sen
Kaafsaaaaa will sell more ' steak i
this season, taa any twaheBeaeia.1
P. 8. SecM unusually exeeUasrii
(Ions fa. aewMBTketa beinr oa
this week,, a correspondingly bis sda 'Si
tiupatee;. tjra
Chelae Vreaa. Swlnn
Of Ionr. waMBly-liaed ulster
wide collaM. and asadeiof keratva. I
fur beaver, elysiaas, etc., at Geasjrtfl
week for HO aHd12. They're
the traeataeaea ot tbe word.
!' Brawera
At low prices, oa sale Me
cava alt won medicated
era. The Si 26 anility a'
not imperfeet, Vat regular goeda
have no vest le matcn. &u sia
eonfoaad theee with what vou i
at 85o or H, they are better sjeeefc. 3
ladies' riMeer yesta eeruano wan
Monday. -: 34c. Dawn, from
ttM toiasllbv Txonaror
r jpMswrfti &!.
fct-vgy,'y.- -&'&m