Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 01, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 12, Image 12

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P glut Of Lift
Gaiety, mnsio and mirth, combined -with
i the chime of wedding bells, has made the
past week -an exceedingly brilliant one.
, The weather, the early portion of the
yeek, was limply dreadful in its persistent
.gloominess, bat as the age of the week m-
creased a sharpness was noted analagous to
that which age often brings to human
beings, bat much more agreeable.
.Friday, the day for the receptions of Mrs.
Parks in the Bast End, and Mrs. Bakewell
Phillips on Ridge avenue, Allegheny,
dawned clear and crisp, and without doubt ad
ded much to the -pleasures of the occasion. I
ray without doubt, and who will not agree with
me, mat lames are ongnier, more vivacious
and brilliant on a brisk, sharp day than on a
doll, sunless one? With a continued coming
and going ot witty, interesting ladies, each
bevy winging new life and tone into the re
ceiving oarlors, the success of a social Cather
ine Is comparatively csy of accomplishment.
Hut, on tho contrary, -uhen the weather Is in
clined to be sullen or weeping, a constant ef-
K flnence. ..
v itn great interest, greater amusement ana
greatest possible delight that such a dire
calamity as continued veracity could never
affect people m real life, I witnessed the prc-
Fentation of "Palice of Truth." This little
comedy of Gilbert's which the young ladies
! or tho Srhool of Design, assisted by
fcevsral very clever oung centlemen,
presented in their Art rooms last Fri
day evening, abounds in wit and mirth; also in
' duels and fractured hearts, all the direct result
of telling the truth, which they tn?re compelled
to do while in the enchanted palace.
While insincerity is one of the society
devotee's greatest flaws, upon which cynical,
sceptical people moralize, yet it is also one of
their greatest charms, and without the pretty
little sayings and delicate compliments, a de
cidedly monotonous, colorless existence wonld
result. The complicated, embarrassing situa
tions that the plain unvarnished statement of
facts disclosed in that castle were Inexnressiblv
funny. The costcmes were elaborate and
really the play was very Interesting, so much
so that the young lady who regulated the
curtains, almost forgot to draw them at the
conclusion of the second scene. Their bazaar
was a great success in all Its details and ap
The marriage of the week was that of Miss
'JJellie Foster Wood and Air. Thomas McKee.
"which was solemnized In Calvary Church. East
gcTEnd, Wednesday evening. The exalted social
5- position held by these young people, the wealth
of both, the beauty of the bride, and the tlnee
of romance connected with the wedding com
bined to make it one of the leading events of
the season. It is stated by those who ought to
Know that prettier or more elaborate cere
monies have never characterized a marriage in
When Mr. and Mrs. TtlcKee return from their
travels they will reside on Ridge avenue, in a
spacious residence, one of their many wedding
presents ""
On Tnesday evening Miss Agnes Urben"5a
Mr. E. CL Garber were married in St. Peter1
Pro-Cathedral, Allegheny. The wedding was a
very pretty one. numerous ushers and hndms-
k maids attended the youthful couple to the
f altar.
The same evening Miss Carrie Lytle and Mr.
Charles Stewart were joined for life at a charm
ing borne wedding In Allegheny.
Tuesday, besides being the day for many
f weddincs, was the day also of two very de
bj Jtghtful receptions: one at the palatial rcsl
T dence of Mr. and Mrs. James McCutcheon, In
WAllegheny, where their daughter. Mrs.
R-Taeanor Collier, assisted in receiving, and Mrs
? Thomas McCutcheon, nee Miss banner, ot
f Somerset, was the guest of honor, was a signal
A social success.
-. The danclnc recentinn r-lren in tho irenhr
. by the Misses Hnssey, of Cedar avenue, in
honor of Miss Hazeltine, of Boston, was one ot
the most charming gatherings of the season. A
f perfect bevy of young society girls madothe
parlors a scene of beauty, and the four buds of
the winter. Miss Blcketson, Miss Daisy Dil-
l worth. Miss Woodwell and Miss Rhodes, made
their first appearance together.
The Pittsburg Club Theater will soon don its
gay attire, and unusually attractive It promises
to be too for the assemblies, the first one of
which will take place on December 6, and for
the ever-popular cotillons. A new manage
ment is announced for the cotillons, and
sumptuous suppers will be served, a slight de
parture from former season's festivities.
The members of the Teaspoon Club will be
i entertained next Thursday afternoon by Miss
j-Cora McKelvey, of the East End.
f Mrs. W. L. Abbott, or Neville street, will
give a reception next Friday evening from 8 to
12 o'clock.
Drawinc Room Pleasures.
One of the most enjoyable events of the past
week was a surprise party held at the residence
of tho Misses Kate and Mollie Kennedy, on
Crawford street, Thanksgiving eve.
Thirty ladles of the East End on last Friday
surprised Mrs. Samuel .Chadwick, of Leming
ton avenue, by visiting her in a body and by
ufmmu(, y huu i uiuiusume coain as a
( token of their esteem.
5 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel N. Murphy's Thanks
Eivine was speciaUy pleasant Alarge circle of
: relatives and friends gathered at their eleeant
I new residence at Bennett to celebrate the flf-
teenth anniversary of their wedding.
A very pleasant social of the Ladies' Aid and
Mite Society, or th Episcopal Church, West
End. was given at the residence of Mrs. James
ft. Hay ward. Thirty-fifth ward. West End. No
, vember, and was very largely attended?
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Napier, of Anderson
street, Allegheny, celebrated the twenty-sixth
I V anaijarsary of their marriage on last Wednes
fVt in the midst of their family and a few
friends. Among those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. James .Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. George En
gland, Mr. and Mrs. McLuekie. Mrs. Johnston,
Miss Carrie Johnston, Messrs. James Campbell.
Harry Raisback, James Chisholm, Robert
Smith, John Johnston.
Mr. Joseph E. McCarthy, of 139 Wylie ave
nue, observed his 21st birthday Tnesday even
t) tfne by entertaining the members of tho Forbes
9; Club and a few other friends, among whom
auM jcuik, juiss ngeo, Aiisses Zeiclen.
.Miss McFarland, Miss McLane, Miss Mamie
IRlely. Miss Ralston, Dr. Lougtry and wife. Mr.
uu iui,. uwito wit, jur, v. Ajris Charles
Rhodes, Howard Ralston, John Kennedy. Tom
Rhodes. Tom Kirk. Ed. Ward. Vr tr.i' t
Orr. ' -.
A surprise party was ltftonor of Miss HkIIb
IM. Brokaw at her residence. No. 2S9 Robinson
street, Allegheny, on last Tnesday evening. hT
.. number ot her friends. Both vocal and instru-
iucuku fiiouc wu reDdBrea ana a very enioya
(fble evening was had by all present Amone
f those present were Misses Flojd, Raring Craw
ft ord, Booth, JL Chessney. Jntte, Wrey and Miss
Mary Brokaw; Messrs. Crawford, Parker
Booth, Hubbard, Gant, Youngson, Martin!
Ste wert, Snynder and Evans. '
The members of the "Wood's Run Social
rf .Club tendered a surprise party on last Tuesday
evening to the Misses McCarthy attheir home,
. Superior street, Allegheny. Music, singing
? and dancing was the order or the eveninc
$ Among those present were: Misses Mary and
K Kate Hughes, Misses Lizzie, Maggie and Mary
f Donegan, Misses Mary and Maggie Collins
' Miss MaryMcCann, Misses Kate and Mary M
fTighe; James Donegan, Blazier Bnggs John
McTighe, Charles Gardner, Andrew Pavton
and Edward Mack. 3
A delightful surprise was given Miss Annie
McCabe at her residence, I?o. 3.S09 Liberty
avenud, on Thanksgiving night and all present
spent a most eniovable time. Kin mnn
good dancing and a grand supper was the order
or the evening. Among those present were the
lollowinc: Misses Una Hughes, Myra NulL
larrie Terrant MelUe McCambley, Nellie
yrne. May Younc, Carrie Plttaway: Mrs. Ter
int Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Colvllle and Mrs. West
jlesers. F. Bondser, C. Lacey, J. Deer, T. Wilk-
uovu, a- . iuuwu a. ucitj jina j u. y est
i The Caledonia Society, of Allegheny p
commence another year of their history In n.
iyery flourishing condition. The Secretary's
rreport shows a handsome balance on the rlcht
elde. Tho officers elected f or the enrninir 5.,
Kre: ?esldent- Joseph Naplen VIceKesl
K55! JJ?" Clark; Financial Secretary,
fWaiiam Mitchell; Recording SecreUry, Wife
lUin Hamilton; Treasurer, U. MurdocL; Con
anctor.B. McClelland; Doorkeeper, W.Pettl
F aXu8teeat 3oUn I0d H. McCallumJohn
"uuUlEntertainment Committee, James Mc
LeaAjThomas ClartJames Harper, Alexan
der England and W.Pettigrew. '
iAAvery enicrablo erenlnc wi imunt o ts
Wenet el Mx, and Mxs.J,S.jWilliam,oi:
Wilklnsbnrg, on Thanksgiving eve. Among
those present were Mr. and Mrs. McWhlnney,
-Mrs. Crager, and the Misses Belle Scott, Lilly
Boal, Minnie Wltberspoon, Bessie Davis, Ida
Clark, Ida McLean, Aggie Geoghegan, and
Messrs. Edward femitb, "Fin" and Albert
Gamble, Edward Klncald, Ed. McQulstonH.
EL FawhL H. W. Tencate. William McJQveen
ard G. B. Williams. Dancing and card playing
were Indulged in, and kept up untn alate hour.
While refreshments were being served. Miss
Scott entertained the guests with several choice
vocal selections.
The rooms of the Trcmont Club, on Superior
avenue. Allecheny, was the scene of much
gaiety Tnursday night. The boys amused them
selves In various ways until 11:30, when an
elaborate spread was laid, consisting of the
delicacies of the season. The members present
were: Messrs. H. W. Pearson, Jos. Sprague, Ab
Mens, ueo. u. r-earson, u. A. iticnarason, t.
O. Cameron. J. S. Pearson, Alex. Cameron and
Jack Follansbee. together with a few select
friends. The club is in connection with the Su
perior Athletic Club, which took part is the
Suburban League race the past season.
A very pleasant surprise was given Mr. and
Mrs. Mackintosh at their home, on West Jeffer
son street, AUepheny, on Thanksgiving even
ing. Dancing and other amusements were in
dulged in till the wee Sma' hours. The feature
of the evening was the singing of Miss Lillie
Mackintosh. Among those present were: Mr.
and Mrs. England, Mr. and Mrs. Weir, Mr. and
Mrs. William Mackintosh, Mrs. Louden, Mrs.
Sharp, Mrs. McCallum, Mrs. Cunningham,
Mioses Aggie, Lillie and Mand Mackintosh,
Misses Jessie and Aegie Philp, Miss Jean
Louden, Miss Maggie Sharp, Misses Mary and
Kate Myler, Miss McLuekie. Miss Alice hharp.
Miss Mary Mldgely, Miss McElroy, Miss Gro-
fan. Miss Callahan, Miss Hannah England,
ilss Jcannie Mackintosh, Messrs. England,
Hamilton. Mitchell. Philp, Pettiirrew, Barr,
Myler, McGroarty, McLuekie, Mackintosh,
Murdoch, Mclntyre. Willie Weir, John, Charlie
and Lee Mackintosh.
An event that will long be remembered by
the members of Christ Evangelical Lutheran
congregation, took place on Thanksgiving
evening in their church, at Broad and Sheridan
streets. East End. It was their reception in
honor of Rev. and Mrs. H. 3. Kuder. The oc
casion promised much and realized more than
It promised. A multitude thronged the audi
torium and added smiles to the prevailing good
cheer. Addresses were made by Rev. Drs.
Passavant and Uelfour.of Pittsburg: Rev.
Kemerer, of Allegheny; Key. Delo, of Beaver
fans, ana tue pastor, ine cnanaeuers ana
pulpit were tastefully decorated with smllax,
anu the speakers stood in a very forest ot pal
mettos and other semi tropical plants. After
tho intellectual dishes had been served, there
was an informal reception, and the multitude
repaired to the lecture room, where tho ladles
gave a banquet after the most delicious order.
2 he abundance of good throes was far greater
than the demand, and the thanksgiving took
substantial form by sendinc the vastuncon
sumed part promptly to the Orphans' Home at
Rochester, Pa.
On last Tuesday evening quite a large con
course of their friends assembled at Slater's
Rink, ML Washington, to celebrate the
"wooden wedding" of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Pare and the twenty-third birthday of Samuel
.rare. Among tnose present were Mr.
and Mrs. Haddox, Elba, O.; Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Jones, Frank
lin. Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Porter, Lewis,
Pa.; Prof. Morris and wife, Allegheny; Mr. and
Mr. Joseph Bosh, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nay
smith, Mr. and Mrs. George Pare, Mr. and Mrs
Ed Pare, Mr. and Mrs. William Pare, Mrs.
Tier. Lawrenceville; Mrs. Olden, Temperance
ville; Mrs. McCullougn, Lawrenceville: Mrs.
Crawrord: Messrs. A. J. Norrls, CulmervUIe;
George Fleming, Lawrenceville; William
Lynch, ShadTside; Joseph McEean, George
and William Naysmltb, William and George
Smith, George Brokaw, Robert and Frank Jes
sop, James Brown and William Tranter.
Misses Lizzie and Becky Fleming, Lawrence
ville: Louise Docrr, Parkersburg, W. Va.;
Annie and Lydia Morgan, Carri j, Jennie and
Belle Naysmith,8adle Willis, Manda Summer
ville. Charlotte Weible, Sarah and Mary May
berrv, Mame Smith, Maegie Wise. Miss Stew
art, Miss Hopper, Kit Gray and Miss Tilley.
Marriage Chimes.
Among the Thanksgiving weddings last week
was that of Mr. James S. Digby and Miss Edith
R. Sawhill. The ceremony took place at S
o'clock Thursday evening, in the Mt Washing
ton Presbyterian Church, and was performed
by Rev. Mr. Montgomery. A large number of
the friends of the couple were present After
the ceremony a reception was held at the resi
dence ot the bride's parents on Joel street.
Thirty-second ward, at which Mr. and Mrs.
Digbywere the recipients ot numerous and
costly presents. After the reception the couple
left on a short tonr to the West Upon their
return they will reside on Mt Washington.
The groom is a brother of Law Librarian Percy
G. Digby.
A wedding of considerable interest to Pitts
burgers was that of Miss Kate Gessler, ot In
diana. Pa., and Mr. Joseph A Donnelly, of
Latroue. It was celebrated last Tnesdayfn
iue uaiuouc iumco 01 xnoiana auring nuptial
high mass at 10 o'clock A. M. The bndemalds
were Miss Fannie Gessler and Miss Kate Don
nelly, sisters of the bride and croom respec
tively. The groomsmen were Mr. W. A Bho
walter and W. J. Kirk, of Pittsburg. The
ushers were Mesrs. J. B. McCulIey. cashier of
Pittsburg postofflce; H. K. Donnelly, of La
troue; Morgan Ellis and W. H. Smith, of In
diana. The wedding presents were exceedingly
valuahlo and handsome. The guests from
Pittsbnrg were Mrs. Frank McCoy. Mrs. WM
Haslett, Mrs. J. B. McCulIey. Mr. Chesley.
Mrs. Dr. G. B. Sweeney and Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Donnelly. Judges White and Blair
were also among the guests.
On Thanksgiving morning, at St Mary's of
Mercy Church, Miss MaryMullin,of the Du
quesne school, was united In marriage to Mr.
William Lardner, of Sheridanyille. The cere
mony was witnessed only by the Immediate
friends and relatives. The bride looked lovely
in a traveling costume of steel gray, with hat
and gloves to correspond, and diamond orna
ments. The groom was in the regulation even
in? dress. The bridemaid. Mist Delia. .Tnvrn
of St Xavier's Academy, looked -fresh and
charming in her pure robe of cream cashmere,
ornamented with pearls. The groomsman was
Mr. John McClelland, of tho West End. After
a sumptuous wedding breakfast at the home
of the bride's aunt Mrs. Martin Logan, of Penn
avenue, the happy couple left on the early train
for an extended tour through all the Southern
States. On their return they will be at home
to their friends at Sheridanyille.
Personal Notes.
Miss Kate Russell, ot Allegheny, spent
Thanksgiving with friends In WllkmsbnigT
Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter Judson and son, of
Washington. Pa are visiting in AlleghenyTpa.
Mr. A G. Rotrock and Robert Brown left to
day for a week's hunt in the wilds of West Vir
ginia. The "Allegheny 'Cyclers" held a "smoker" on
last Monday evening, and it came out a grand
Harry C. Walker, of 178 Chartlers street
Allegheny, Ib at home from school atKlskimin
itis, for the Thanksgiving holidays.
Mr. Albert Iron Christy entertained a num
ber of bis musical friends on Friaay afternoon
at bis home on Shady avenue, Allegheny.
Charles Kline, of Indiana, Pa.,'and Theodore
Whitla, of Beaver Falls, are visiting their
friend, Harry C. Walker, of 178 Chartlers
street Allegheny.
Madam Hcnkler, one of the leading members
of the Mozart Club, and Miss Belle McGinms,
of Sewickley, were guests at the home of Mrs.
AVasson, of Hazelwood avenue, Thanksgiving.
Mr. A T. Rowan d, who is prominently con
nected with the Westingbouso interests, wilL
with his wife, leave for 8an Bernardino, Cal
next Tuesday. They expect to spend the win
ter there.
Mrs. Grandee, son and daughter, wim ii
been visiting their aunt Mrs. C. S. RusselL of
162 Forty-fourth street for a couple of weeks,
have returned to their home on tbeeastern
shores of Maryland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stevens, of West ave
nue, Buffalo, N. Y are visiting Mrs. Willis H.
bmith, or Oakland Square. Mr. Stevens re
turns to Buffalo Monday, leaving Mrs. Stevens
for a few weeks as a guest of her sister. Mrs.
Mri. Thomas E. Conley and bride, of Colnm
bia, Lancaster county, are visiting their cousin.
Miss Mollie RusselL of Forty-fourth street and
are perfectly delightod with the frienduless of
the Pittsburg neople. They will make an ex
tended tonr West and take in all prominent
Sewickley Society Notes.
Mrs. A B. Starr is visiting in Williamsport.
Miss McCleery is visiting friends In .New
York City.
Miss Annie "Warden Is making a short visit
to relatives in the East
Mrs. James Gilmore is home after a pleasant
visit to friends in Chicago.
Mra. S. C.Hutchinson Is visiting her mother.
Mrs. Cassin New Yorfc City.
The Misses Graff gave a small theater party
last Wednesday evening at the Grand Opera.
Miss Irene jrcVay and Mis Elsla Chew,
chaperoned by Mrs. Charles McVay. are enjoy
ing a short stay at Annapolis. ""
Miss Morgan, of Covington. Kywho "has
been visiting Mrs. Burro rb, left last Monday
for a visit to friends In Youngstown, 0
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Oliver and little daughter.
Fan.nji,?f Shield; station, spent Thanksgiving
with Miss Amelia Oliver, who is attending
school in New York City.
The tableaux given by the Sewickley Valley
Club last Friday night and spoken ot In detail
in yesterday morning's Dispatch, were cer
fcdo'y'very artistic, and great praise is due Mr.
la. Miller, who so aptly assisted the committee.
Mrs. Colvin Reed and Mr. Harley McKnight
owing to tbe serious illness of an uncle, were
compelled to withdraw from the cast of "Es
meralda," which Is to be Eiven on the evening
of December 20 by the Bejrickley Valley Clubt
The vacancies have been filled by Miss JUante
Anderson and Mr. B. P. K evto. jf.C?: uluuo
Ltj fy (jo jo it Ijyy.
World's museum.
Curiosities, tc.
The above are the theatrical attractions for
this week.
Theeb Is no disputing the fact that
Salvini ranks among the first ofheroio
actors, and that as a volcanic tragedian he
possesses immense physical advantages.
He is aging very fast, and his tendency to
ward corpulence is depriving him of the
claim lie once had to he considered a grand
ly and ideally proportioned man. It is
hardly likely that Pittsburg will ever see
him again, not so much because this is an
nounced to be his farewell tour, as because
the financial returns could have hardly
been great enough to impress the Italian actor
favorably with Pittsburg audiences.
The artistic value of Salvini's performances
here has already been impartially estimated in
the columns of The Dispatch, and there is
really nothing to add. If any injustice has
been done to Slgnor Salvini, it must be laid to
the door of the ridiculous attempt to give a
play in two languages. If Salvini, when he be
gan to play before English speaking audiences
10 or 12 years ago, had set himself to learn the
language of the people whoso money be was
after, the event would have been eminently
more satisfactory all around, artistically and,
I think, financially. The younger Salvini has
taken the trouble to learn English, and has not
suffered by It But the chief ornament of the
Italian stage comes here with English or
American associates and the upshot is a
dramatic curiosity rather than a great artistio
The extravaganza "Blue Beard, Jr.," which
comes to the Grand Opera House this week is
one of those picturesque and amusing produc
tions which Manager Henderson is now bring
ing ont yearly in Chicago. Last year it was
"The Crystal Slipper." Now we have another
familiar nursery story, "Blue Beard," treated
In the same fashion. Beautiful scenery, a large
corps de ballet troops of trained children, and
a company sf clever actors. Including that
unique comedian EdaieFoy, are the principal
strong points of "Blue Beard." It has had a
great success elsewhere, and there is no reason
why it should not appeal to Pittsburgers, and
children especially, just as strongly. One
thing is certain about Mr. Henderson's enter
prises, namely, that he always keeps the prom
ises made in the advertisements. If he says
that there will be a ballet of 40 yonng women,
there will be 40 coryphees and not 10 sticks,
To-IfOEBow night at the Bijon Theater,
those sterling comedians, Hallen and Hart
will present for the second time in the city,
their latest comedy triumph, entitled "Later
On," which has been filling the theaters East
and West and receiving the encomiums of
everybody. Hallen and Hart will add zest
with their cheery presence, and in their play
they have a medium that pleases the eye and
occasions laughter and applause. "Later On"
is a light production, but one declared
to be hirhlv amuslm?. of thn nnrr.
which has a stromr present hold
on the public patronage. The two stars of the
combination, finding in the parts which they
assume, an obstacle to matrimonial success,
not being titled individuals, disguise them
selves as English lords and so disgust those
with whom they are brought in contact, that
alliance with them on assuming their proper
station as common American citizens is deemed
very desirable after alL The songs, dances,
medleys, gavottes, etc., in "Later On" are very
numerous, and the cast, headed by Hallcrvand
Hart, includes some very clever players,
among which are Annie Lewis. Mollie Fuller,
Josie HalL Carrie E. Perkins. Virginia Earle.
Jeanette Begeard, Lillie Maehl, Joseph J. Sul
livan, Robert Broderick, Bert C. Thayer, Das
tin Farnum, Charles Kettler, Fred GugeL etc
The costumes and scenery are far above the
At Harry Williams' Academy this week ap
pear a great number of old favorites. Sheffer
and Blakely, both excellent artists, have sur
rounded themselves this season with a great
number of first-rate variety people and are
sure to present an entertainment that will de
light the patrons of this popular house. Wil
liams ana .urannan, tester Howard, John W.
Ransone. Master Belzac, Mile. Catharine Nel
son, and the Robinsons are among the special
ists. The programme is a varlea and interest
ing one.
Tas romantic and pleasing melodrama, "Bea
con Lights," will be the attraction at Harris'
Theater this week. The plot Is Interesting and
well woven, connecting the scenes and charac
ter ot the story. In an easy naturalistic manner.
Dramatic situations, pathos and comedy are
nicely bound together by the author. "Beacon
Lights" Is not a one-part piece; every actor in
the cast has important work to do, and does it
well. The scene of the story is laid in New
Mexico. The play was presented here last sea
son ana was very popular, xne cast Includes
several well-known names and the scenery is
very fine.
The Cronin suspects, or wax-figures repre
senting them, will be among the curiositlesun
exhibition at the World's Museum this week.
Other interesting articles will be there as well,
while on the stage will appear Hume's "Ginger
Snap Company" in a mirth-provoking reper
toire. "She is an actress who makes a man go home,
kiss his wife and children, and thank God that
his lot Is cast in the ordinary channel of life,"
has been written of Clara Morris. And it is a
prouder distinction than that other she has
won, "The American Rachel." for it means
that she reclothes the stage with its highest at
tribute, that of the moralist and the teacher;
and no lesson is more needed in this land than
that which tends to make holler and stronger
the family bond. Miss Morris comes to the
Bijou next week with a capital company. Her
new and successful play, "Helena," will be pre-
Bru. Nte and James Whitcomb Riley will be
here again this week. At Lafayette Hall on
Thursday evening Bill will talk and James
recite poetry. They make one of the best
"teams" on the roan, and present an entertain
ment combining wit and pathos in jnst the
right proportion to delight every person of
literary tastes. They received a irrand ovation
here last year, and as an entirely new pro
gramme is to be presented on this -occasion
a crowded house will doubtless greet them.
The entertainment is under the auspices of the
Press Club.
Mbs. Bcorr BrsBOxs, the beautiful, accom
plished actress, whose success as a reader has
made her quite a favorite in this city, as well
as elsewhere, will appear at Lafayette Hall,
Friday, December IS. It will be remembered
that during Mrs. Siddons' visit here two years
ago seats were sold at a premium, and quite a
number were unable to gain admission.
Several Americans Scoring Big Snccesses In
London Theaters.
London, November 30. "La Tosca," a trifle
modified to suit the taste of London, Is scoring
a great success at the Garrick, the tremendous
coup by which the adapters, F. C. Grove and
Henry Hamilton, have placated the British
matron being the expedient of marrying Floria
Totea to Count Cavaradotti, Instead of pre
senting her as his mistress, thus creating a
situation whereby the heroine does not offend
proprieties in Uking a personal interest in
bis tortnra and dpsith Xfn R.m,wl Harpa aa
La Totca, rose above all her previous efforts.
dub rcuaero me scene witn scarvta outside
power and pathos that has reminded ..many of
the newspaper criilos.et Bernhardt; .while I
H- zmui J
. S Guard opiea House..
f' JB 7 gffi ' 'Blue Beard, Jr. "
W H$J? "Later On"
ggjjfl isijfiiw Habeis' theater
".? Zf$f "Beacon Lights"
lfwf Academt or Music... I
UWIi Sheaer-BUlcely Specialty I
Forbes Robertson, as Searpta. has created a
distinguished success. Not the least important
feature of the English production of Sardou's
creat drama Is tho costuming. As a matter of
friendship. Edwin Abbey designed every dress
worn in the place, with -all the historical
accuraoy and fidelity to detail that have placed
him first in bis branch of art The costumes
were constructed under Abbey's personal su
pervision, and It is probable, therefore, that no
play has ever been put upon the stage that
forms so perfect a picture of the time repre
sented. Abbey, by the way. sails soon for
America, where he will spend the winter, his
first extended visit to his native country in
eight years. Frank D. Millet and Charles Bar
cent will also be of the artistic colony in New
York this winter. ...
Adelaide Detchon IS another American wno
is doing big things in this country at present
She is playing a month's engagement in Glas
gow, where on Thursday night she was pre
sented with a cold medal, set with diamonds,
by the faculty and Btudents of the university,
and afterward the horses were taken from her
carriage and the youthful philosophers dragged
her a mile and a half, to Pror. Story's resi
fion.b Mii... cKn but been livinf?. Miss
Detchon has only just finished a month's en
gagement In Edinburgh' where hundreds were
turned awav every nlgnt as Is now being done
inGlasgow. Her performance consists in
humorous and pathotic recitals, mostly from
American authors, and singing of ballads and
songs on a stage banked with flowers.
Since Wlilspcrs.
Lattba BEM.INI has joined the Emma Juch
Grand English Opera Company and is winning
general commendation for her work.
Mme. Janauschek opened her two weeks'
farewell engagement at the Academy of Music,
Philadelphia, before a large and fashionable
audience on last Monday night
It is hardly likely that the new Gilbert and
Sullivan opera will be seen for some months at
the Casino in New York. The opera was to
have been produced at the Savoy Theater, Lon
don, on Saturday, but It will not be ready in
Reports from the West are to the effect
that the low price of wheat has Impoverished
the farmers, and that the people consequently
have no money to spend for amusements. At
tractions are playing to business running from
$20 to 510 nightly, and wrecks are strewn every
where. Commencing Monday, December 2, tho
Casino Museum will open at 10 o'clock A. it
and close at 10 r. it It is open all day and
performances are given hourly. The foot
pianist, the bov macician, the fire king and
other clever specialists aro engaged for this
Sicjnor Saxvini told Mrs. Bowers, says Lew
Rosen, not long ago that he hoped to take $15,
000 back to his native land with him at the end
of the season. Salvini is as fond of the ducats
as ever. Bolari, a brother of Patti, who travels
witn me company, carries nis money tor nun in
a big bag.
"I Alt a great admirer of Emerson," said E.
E. Kidder, the playwright to me some time
ago. "I read bis essay on The Over-Soul' only
the other day." 'Aht" Lew Rosen replied,
cynically. "I fear too many playwrights, play
ers and scribblers wonld rather Indulge in the
Gbace FrLKiNS, of the auburn hair and the
fulgent eyes, now leading to Sol Smith Russell,
has a fondness for bright yellow gowns. It was
to satirize this mania that EbenPIymptonwho
played with her when she was with Modjeska,
called her "The Canary," and Wilton Lackaye,
who was in tho cast with her in McKee Ran
kin's "Skirmish Line," jokingly alluded to her
as "The Omelette."
GtpsyAxcott, the soubrette of the J.K
Emmet company, has discovered that she Is an
heiress. A friend who looked up her ante
cedents during a trip to Paris has informed her
that she is the rightful owner of a flourishing
vineyard and other property. No date has, as
yet been set by her for her trip to her estates
in France, and she wiU probably continue with
the organization for the remainder of the
1 don't suppose "Jimmie" Powers has an
enemy in the world. Everybody knows him
and everybody likes him. The wild, tumult
uous greeting that was bestowed upon him on
tlweivl of "Ermlnie" last week attested to
tire remarkable popularity of the actor. He is
studious, steady, and as gentle as a girl. He
never speaks ill ot anyone, never praises his
own work, and never tires of admiring Louis
Harrison, Dixey, Wilson and the other come
dians that he has grown up with.
1 keteh saw Booth laugh heartily but
once," said Billy Mestayer last week. "We
were playing 'Julius Caesar at the Baldwin in
'Frisco. Booth was JSruttu, McCuIlough was
Catsius, Harry Edwards was Ccuar, and Char
ley Bishop and I were Plain, everv.dav citizens.
It was the test night of the run and we all felt
frisky. Soivhen Coesar spoke the well-known
une, 'Xiet me nave men anout me that are rat
Bishop and I walked boldly np to Caxar and
shook him heartily by the hand. It broke
Booth all up and he laughed outright"
The letters on the subject of religion from
several well-known members of the theatrical
profession that were printed in The Dispatch
last Sunday, were rare and rather racy effu
sions, the Black Cat thinks, and the senti
ments expressed for the most part redounded
to the credit of the stage as an institution: The
uses that actresses put religion to were espe
cially well described by those two pillars of the
church. Rose Coghlan and Fanny Davenport
but the full value of a combination between
Art and Providence was only completely pic
tured bv the eminent nueen of bnrlesntin. Mm
Langtry. It appears that before going on the
stage to essay a new part, the humorous lady
falls on her knees and prays that she maybe
permitted to make a hit This Is a very pretty
idea, an idea worthy of a great mind. The only
auca, ftu mea wunuj ui. a creat mina. xne oniy
objection to its beine published is that it may
go a long way towards destroying the general
elief in the efficacy of prayer.
The Ulack Cat, speaking of Booth's grand
work in "Tbe Fool's Revenge," says: Thdre is
a disembodiment of the graceful, shapely
tragedian in this strange, weird hero of Tom
Taylor's drama that commands curiosity from
the start The spectacle of tbe great Booth
cringing and leering In the bells and baubles of
the conrt fool Is a surprise even to those who
know him best To disassociate him from the
upright proud, victorious poise that It is his
custom to assume, requires considerable effort
It Is only his wonderful, sublime art t hat up
lifts tbe hump-backed, bopping jester from the
disgrace of miserable comicality to the summit
of thrilling force. I know of no man who
would clothe the repulsive figure of Merluccio
in such a noble panoply of strength, and at tbe
same time preserve tbe conflicting depravity of
his distorted, revengeful heart
There will be a meeting of the Teachers'
Guild next Saturday.
On Friday evening the teachers of the
county presented Superintendent Spindler with
a gold watch, the citizens a very fine clock.
Deputy State Supeetntendknt Hotck
was in the city yesterday morning. He was en
thusiastic over the Immense gathering of teach
ers at the Washington County Teachers' Insti
tute, held at Washington. Pa., the past week.
THEHigh School professors are busy trying
to reconcile the statements of acknowledged
authorities and those of Ernst Litken regard
ing Bpitzbergen. Mr. Litken has been here for
some time giving Information abont that island.
At the general session of the Teachers' In
stitute next Saturday at the Ralston School
tbe Hon. E, E. White, of Cincinnati, will de
liver a lecture. Miss Ella Hanlon will give a
class drill In the general work of step one. The
class drill In arithmetic by Prof. Logan will
not take place till a later date.
On the following dates the applicants for
permanent certificates will be examined in
these studies: February!, physiology, compo
sition and reading; February 8, music, spelling
and geography: February 15, drawing and eeiS
eral information; March 1, grammar andd
The latest petition to bob up serenely for an
Increase of salary is one that was prepared at
a meeting of the 21,400 principals, held yester
day morning. Tbe project started over a week
ago, but was kept very quietly. There are 17
principals in tbe city who receive 11,400 a year.
Thev ask to have their salary raised to
i.ouu xneir ciaim 13 tuis: xweivo years
ago all principals who had charge of
over six teachers received 11.000. Their salaries,
as well as these of other city employes, were
reduced on account of the stringency in the
municipal treasury. At the increase ot tbe
principals' salaries, two years ago, the stipend
of those who have charge of schools having
from 6 toll teachers was unchanged. -They
claim they got years ago more than they are
getting now. A petition has been pre
pared and a committee appointed to watt
on the Committee on Teachers and Salaries
which meets next Friday evening. Profs.
Bayne, ProudQt, Burgoyne, Gonlden and Miss
Ella McCutcheon constitute tbe committee.
Meanwhile the "dear girls" of tho primary and
grammar rooms are urging their claims for an
increase, believing they ought to have first con
sideration. The teachers who are working for
an increase are not using a brass band,
but are doing quiet effective hustling.
They are not stipulating the amonnt of
increase, bnt leaving that to the Judgment
and generosity ot the Central Board. These
teachers have never received any increase, and
in reference to the primary course of the Pitts
burg schools it can be said that it has roceived
commendation everywhere, and is the featnm
par excellence ot the Gas City's educational
system. The lowest salary, after five years' ex
perience, paid in tbe Allegheny schools, is US'
per month. InPitaburg.it is but J60. Both
petitions will be presented to tbe. Committee oa
teachers ana tsaiam, w r esa tfrl
ISUm&X "frEOEaiBEB "-1;
T toTJ 0l.Y-0fe
Commander-in-Chief Russell A. Alger
will arrive in Pittsburg on next Friday,
December 6, accompanied by John A.
Logan, Jr. A reception will be tendered
the distinguished guest at Old City Hall in
the evening, from 8 to 10 o'clock. Secre
tary Bengough, of the Executive Commit
tee, has sent inyitations to the Posts of the
county. Grand Army men and their fami
lies are cordially invited to be present
Thousands of old soldiers and their fami
lies will doubtless avail themselves of this
opportunity of seeing antl grasping the
hand of the worthy General, who has been
raised to the greatest honor in the great
Grand Army.
The Reception Committee is composed as
follows: A. B. Burchfield Post 162, "Will
iam J. Patterson Post 15T, J. P. Deuniston
Post 117, Thomas G. Sample Post 123, William
McClelland Post Zo, A. c. FranK Jf ost l&t
The programme at Old City Hall includes ad
dresses by Commander-in-Chief Alger, John A
Logan, Jr., William McClelland, William J.
Patterson and Department Commander Thomas
J. Stewart, and music by the G. A R. Band.
General Alger is a self-made man. He is a
man of public spirit, a gentleman, a soldier, a
scholar, a statesman, generous and charitable.
He Is a native of Lafayette, O., and is 63 years
of age. He became an orphan at 11 and was
the only support of a younger brother and sis
ter, wneu ine iteueuion commenced ua on
listed in the Second Michigan Cavalry; where
ha was soon marked as a brave soldier. He
was wounded at the battle of Booneville. Miss.,
was promoted to be Major October 16. 1SC2,
made Lieutenant Colonel of the Sixth Michigan
Cavalry, and June 2. 1S63, was again wonnded
at tbe battle of Boonesboro, Md. He took part
in 66 battles and skirmishes. "For gallant and
meritorious services," General Alger was
breveted Brigadier General and Major General.
In 1884 he was elected Governor of Michigan
and in 1S88 was a strong candidate in the Re
publican Convention for President of the
United States. He is an honorable man in, an
honorable office, and the soldiers and people of
Allegheny county will cordially welcome him.
la He the Oldeslf
Every little while a claim Is made in behalf
of some old soldier, that be is the oldest mem
ber of the 8.A.K. In last Sunday's Dis
patch such a claim was made. .But since that
issue an older veteran has been discovered in
the person of Mr. Fisher, father of J. S. Fisher,
the well-known Mimber dealer of this city,
whose office is in the Hamilton building. The
elder Fisher entered the Union Army as a
member of the Gray BeardRegiment from
Henry county. Iowa. None were admitted to
this regiment nnder 60 years of age. Mr.
Fisher had previously served in the war of 1812.
He is now a member of a Grand Arm Post in
Mount Pleasant la., and is bale and hearty,
though in his Doth year.
Mr. J. S. Fisher, of this city, also served in
the war of the Rebellion, having entered the
Union service from Farmland, Randolph
county, Indiana, and was chosen Captain of
uomoany n, lugnty-iourtn Indiana ;egiment
If any veteran can present an older record
than that of the senior Fisher, let him rise and
be counted.
Post 41 a Lam-cnco Bank Depositor.
Post O. ts among the depositors ot the Law--rence
Bank. All its funds were in the broken
institution. It was a heavy blow to the post
and now it is greatly in need of money. The
post has not enough available cash with which
to pay running expenses. There is nothing
else to do bnt to call on the public, and it has
been decided to do this in a way that will afford
Eleasure to the public, while it lends a helping:
and to this excellent cause.
A grand fair will be held where the people
can, while enjoying themselves, assist the un
fortunate post in retrenching its losses. The
fair will be opened abont December 15; it has
not yet been decided where. Tbe post makes
an earnest call npon its friends -to help it by
patronizing the fair at this unfortunate time.
Reception to Din. C. V. SherrlC
The ladles of the Q.A.K. of Mount Wash
ington last evening gave a reception to the
Department President Mrs. Came V. Sherriff,
in Dietrich's Hall, where she was royally enter
tained as a universal favorite in the Order.
Mrs. Rachel Dora, the Department Treasurer,
was also present at the meeting and was the
recipient of numerous compliments on her
ability in office. After tbe adjournment of tbe
meeting Post 153, G. A. R., on special invita
tion by the ladies, showed np in full uniform to
take part in tbe reception exercises, and a very
pleasant evening was spent by all present
speeches being made by the officers of both or
ganizations, 1
Notes for and of Veterans.
Miss Lizzie Bitteb, was the fortunate win
ner of the lady's gold watch. at the fair ot Post
Post 151's fab: was a success financially as
well as otherwise. The exact amount netted Is
not yet known.
The comrades of Post 8, Philadelphia, dedi
cated their new post room last Friday 'evening;
Forty recruit3 were mustered.
Colonel Danes will go to New Texas, Pa.,
next Tuesday, where he will lecture on the
"Battle of Gettysburg" In the evening.
CoiiEADE Henry Heiseb, Company D,
Sixth Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, who died
on Wednesday, was buried by his Post, 151, on
It is expected there will be an unusually
largo attendance at the regular assembly of
Encampment No. 1 to-morrow night when
officers for 1S30 are to be elected.
The magnificent demonstration attending
the unveiling of the Armstrong Monument on
Thursday was a well-merited tribute to the
memory of a worthy ci:izen and soldier.
National Commandee of the U. V.It.
General A. L. Pearson and Adjutant General
John H. Short will visit Encampments Nos. 2
and 20 at Philadelphia during the month it De-
Geoboe H. Hopeins, Adjutant General of
tbe G. AR., wasanenlistedmandurlngthelate
war, having carried a musket for three years.
He is nowa successful business man of Detroit
Mich., but is a bachelor.
GenebalLandee Post No. 6, Lynn, Mass.,
is the largest post In the Grand Army. It has
1,106 comrades In good standing, and owns real
estate valued at abont 190,000 1,687 In all have
been mustered Into this post
A chaster has been granted to Encamp
ment No. 60, U. V. L., to be stationed at Ed
wardsville lib The new encampment will be
mustered in by Sureeon General J. S. Reed, M.
D., an old Pittsburger, who is now located at
St Louis, Mo.
ALL old soldiers will be the eainer by the
election of United States Senators in the new
States of Messrs. Allen and Squire in Wash
ington, Governor Pierce in North Dakota and
Judge Moody in South Dakota. All served
credltamy auring ine late war.
THE selection of August 12 as tbe date for
the next National Encampment will be Jnst be
fore the "busy season" in Boston. The hotels
will be less crowded then than ordinarily and
the comrades there will be freer to assist in
giving the delegates a welcome.
Among the details as installing officers by
National Commander A L. Pearson are the
fnllnwinffl For Encampment Vft. 1. Chlnf
Mustering Officer, E. F. Seaman; No. 0, Colo-H
nel X. v. orruigion. xne installations w.u
take place at the first stated assembly next
The Pittsburg "XAfe is now running an inter
esting series of articles on the battles and
generals of the Rebellion. In the notice call
ing attention to the articles intheXfeit says
that when the series Is completed it will give a
concise and reliable history of the war. The
first Bull Run, was published yesterday, They
will be publisbecLweekly, 62 in all.
A Reunion will be held ,ea Friday, eta
.berlS, at Union Riak, Allsjhony.by the' Ojm,
jaasx aa xwesty-vBHaa JUfieMHtiM
ff VcSai HI PBHB.lP?
vemry of the battle of Fredericksburg -will 1m
celebrated. Tbe indications are that the affair
will be a complete success and that there will
be a large gathering;. Many are coming from a
longdistance. A meeting will be held next
Friday to complete arrangements.
Post 123 opened its fair in the Semple build
ing, Allegheny, Thanksgiving evening. It is
one of tbe finest Everything has been aone
for the pleasure, convenience and comfort of
patrons. The large, hall is beautifully
decorated. An interesting feature is a.caso of
relics of tbe Johnstown flood. Tbe two large
windows of the building are uniquely arranged
as camps and the other windows have appropri
ate displays, before which crowds are always
to be seen.
At the-breaking out of the war the first call
was for 75,000 men and the number obtained
was 03,000. The second and third calls for
three-year-men were for 683,000, and the number
responding was 714,000, besides 15,000 three-montbs-men.
The fourth call, in July, 1862,
was for 200,000 men for three years, and the
number responding was 432,000. After that tbe
enlistment felPbelow the calls because, as an
exenange puts It the former calls had skimmed
the cream of the Natlone manhood.
The fair of Post 167 Is meeting with deserved
success. The week: closing with Saturday
nigntwas a profitable one. The receipts were
larger than any of tbe preceding weeks. There
will be many indncements to visitors the pres
ent week; the fancy and useful articles on ex
hibition will be sold at whatever they will
bring; Articles will be raffled oif. The big
raffle of five prizes will take place after the
fair. Those desiring to participate in this
extraordinary chance should obtain tickets at
Restless, an old war horse, is passing in
peace his last remaining days on a farm at
Hamburg, N. J. He entered the service nnder
the late Colonel Samael Fowler at the head of
the Fifteenth New Jersey. The Colonel rode the
charger through, two hard-fought campaigns
until he had to leave the field on account of
illness. Restless then passed into the bands ot
Chaplain Haines. The old equine hero par
ticipated in over SO battles and skirmishes, in
cluding the encasements at Petersburg; Fred
ericksburg, Winchester, the Wilderness and
Gettysburg, and he carries a scar of a wound,
received & the last-named battle. He is 33?
years old and doing well.
Sons of Veterans.
BnoTHEB Pentecost, of Camp S3, arrived
home from Chicago yesterday.
Camp 333 reception last Tuesday evening
was a success, socially and financially.
THEBS is no abatement in the increase ot
membership in Camp 162. Fire more applica
tions were acteu upon last xuesaay evening.
Mb. AF. Kino's still-life picture of an
overturned pan of peaches, the one shown at
the .Exposition gallery, has been sold by Gil
lespie & Co.
The William F.Evans prize ofj $300 will be
awarded by. a vote of tbe exhibitors at the
Twenty-thlrd Annual Exhibition of tbe Ameri
can Water-Color Society, which opens on
February 8, 1890, continuing until March L
"A straoiEB Day at Eidenau," a work by H.
B. Stevenson, is shown at Boyd's. The scene U
one of a character such as may be found along
almost any of the numerous water courses of
Western Pennsylvania. The bright waters of
a small stream curvintr In and ont batwn
picturesquely wooded banks, a sky serenely
blue with but a few light woolly clouds to vary
and relieve the coolness ofitsazuie tone: tbe
whole seen in the brilliant light of a mid-summer's
day, such is the subject of this work,
which has been very aptly named. Since
light and brightness are the special qualities
with which Mr. Stevenson has endeavored to
Invest this work; he must be credited with
having attained his object fairly well, but one
can scarcely be blamed for finding fault with
the handling in many portions of it, particu
larly the manner in which the foliage of the
trees has been demoted, since In nlacd nt thn
lightness and flexibility characteristic of leaves
and branches, they have been given the ap
pearance of hardness and rigidity that would
seem to bid defiance to any zephyr less vigor
ous than a Montana blizzard.
Although the painting which Mr. George
Hetzel has npon exhibition at Boyd's is a very
pleasing little picture, it does not come any
where near being one of the best which that
artist is capable of producing. The subject, as
indicated by the title, "Early Autumn," is a
landscape effect characteristic of those pleas
ant dreamy days which herald the approach of
winter. The vivid green of the trees and herb
age near at hand has been toned down and sub
dued by the introduction of warmer colors,
which indicate tbe coming of the short days and
long, cool nights, while the more distant
landscape is shrouded in a delicate, misty haze,
whleh spreads over it like a veil, and Increases
the charm of the scene by adding to it a quality
-of mystery and indeflniteness. With all Its
pleasant qualities, the picture might have been
a great deal better had the artist chosen to
make it so. Mr. Hetzel, as is well known, is
very clever at representing foliage with truth
and fidelity to nature, ana he certainly might
have put a little more vigor into the handling
of the trees than is apparent in this work. In
fact, the whole picture bears evidence of slight
ness, almost carelessness, of execution, and in
no portion is this more clearly to be seen than
in the drawing of the cattle grazing under the
trees near tbe foreground. Although this is a
very considerable fault as the picture stands, it
is not really very serious, since it is one that the
artist can very easily remedy.
A marine view entitled "Pier at Dieppe,"
by J. L. France, may be seen at Boyd's. It
will be remembered that Mr. France, who was
not so long since married to Eusflda Q. Loomls,
follows tbe same school of art as that accom
plished young lady, though he paints an en
tirely different class of subjects. The style of
handling, characteristic of this school of art
is yerf broad; the pigments are applied very
heavily, apparently even roughly, and there is
but little attempt at fine gradation or delicacy
of color. The picture in question is possessed of
all these characteristics, but it has been exe
cuted with a considerable degree of artistic
feeling, and i one of the strongest works
which Mr. France has yet shown. Paintings of
this description are never seen at their best in
tbe light ordinarily afforded by a store window,
and they cannoMie Judged fairly until teen in
a clear and moderately strong but softened
and subdued light, which tones down the
strong contrast of color, supplies the want of
more delicate gradation, and aids in producing
the general harmony of effect for which the
artist has labored. This must not be
understood as implying that tbe quality
of the light is to make amends or atone for any
defects or shortcomings that may exist in the
painting, for no such meaning is intended.
This class of work is executed with a view to its
being seen under certain conditions of light
and ft is only under such conditions that it ap
pears to the greatest advantage. If harmony
01 relation noes nut reauy oust in a picture no
arrangement of light whatever will make it ap
pear to. It is not by disguising the nature ot a
picture that its character is improved, but if
the worK has been painted with a view to the
exuression of certain features it is desirable
that it be placed under such a condition of
light as will emphasize those qualities and
render them effective.
It is quite an old saying that eyes do not de
ceive; that no matter what the lips may say, if
one could but read tbe language of the eyes
they would always be found to speak tbe truth.
Perhaps "the old saying is partly true, or for'
that matter it may be entirely so; since we will
never, In all probability, be able to prove the
contrary it will do no manner of harm to accept
it as an established fact out as no one can ever
clearly read the story told by another's eyes,
it is not likely, on the other band, to
be productive of a very 'great amount
of good. But granting that eyes do
not deceive, it is undoubtedly quite possible for
eyes to be deceived, and, indeed, a very slight
Investigation will readily prove this to be the
case. "Seeing is believing," Is an expression that
had Its origin In the conviction which, most
persons entertained that what they saw was of
all things what they should put faith in, bnt we
would certainly entertain many erroneous
ideas if we fully credited all that our eyes
would lead us to believe. Our eves are de
ceived because their power is limited; their
range is restricted, reaching neither to tbe
microscopic vision possessed by most insects on
the one band, nor to the keenness and strength
01 many birds ana oeagts on ine otner. xnis
defect ot vision, or rather this limitation, for
it cannot properly be called a defeat, is not
without its compensating advantages. Were
the human eyesight greatly more powerful
than it Is. the result must be that we would see
entirely too much for our comfort, and many
pleasing illusions which under the existing
order of things add to the sum total of human
happiness would be dispelled. Were we
fnrnlshed with eyesight capable of appreciating
tbe molecular structure of various objects, it
would be impossible for us to practice any
description of graphic art whatsoever, for the
simple reason that there would then be no room
for the play of imagination, and we could
never, even for a single instant become un
conscious ot tbe nature of the material with
which the representation was formed and it
would cease to be imitative. In place of be
coming Impressed with the sublime color in a
work by Titian or Murillo, we should realise
nothing beyond the fact that there was pre
sented tp our ease so much paint of different
kinds; so much yellow ochre, so ntaeh sulphate
of iron, so much chromate' of baryta, or what
ever pigments might have entered into its com
position. As it M, nature presents to us a
taoa nd varieties of form &4 twctoN which
are Mwdaoed kf uses skM an saww Mr
nSVv. n WMHCI BO fSflVSs vQSBeSB ssfl
to tta pro partial obscurity, aa4w
be 6rlTSd of snach of the Dleassrai
,exerieoe. Asbet of white paper fcrtaff a
series of fine parallel btoekr lines ruled aeree
it when held at a little distance tram. t eye
does not look like white paper with black liMf,
but like paper of a fiat tone of gray rotor; it i
this fact whieh makes engraving possible, aad
it is to this lack ot visual power that
we most attribute all the pleasure we
receive from the contemplation of fia art.
works. Those who have any cariosity as Ur
what wosld result from an increase ia the
power of the organs of sight may easily de
termine the matter wrtnelr complete satisfac
tion by eraminlnga fine steel engravlngthrough
a strong magnifying glass. If the glass be of
sufficiently high power, they will see what ap
pears to be a very coarse and woolly kind of
paper covered with numerous irregular lines
asd blotches, which appear to have no mean
ing whatever. It Is true that within, certain
narrow limits the coarseness and irregularity
might be remedied by making the whole work
finer, or looking at irtrom an increased dis
tance, bat tbe difficulty with the texture of
surface would still remain. With any great en
largement ot our visual powers our recognition
of the different varieties of texture wonld be so
prompt and unerring-that one surface could
never be made to represent fairly another.
While it is undoubtedly a fact that anyone
possessing less than the normal degree of
visual strength is deprived of much of the
pleasure which art affords, it Is nevertheless
true that any material increase in our power of
seeing would not be an advantage in this re
spect at least
Save money by purchasing your holiday
presents in diamonds, watches, jewelry, sil
verware, clock, bronzes, etc, of M. G.
Cohen, diamond expert and jeweler, 633
Smithfield street, Large street clock ia
front oi door.
Do Yoa Readt
Are you aware of the fact that Jacksons
do the leading tailoring business in the city?
Business suits made to order from $20 to 25
are insured-' against repair for one year.
This, is a big saving. If your suit needs
pressing, retiuttoning or repairs in any man
ner whatever, yoa are under no obligation;
bring it to Jackson, the maker, have it re
paired without a thank you. No other house,
in the city will do this, and it is your own
interest to have your tailoring done at Jack
sons', Tailors, Clothiers, Hatters and Fur
nishers, 954 and 956 Liberty street, Star Cor
ner. All Kinds of Dyeisg
And dry cleaning done at the American
Steam Dyeing and Dry Cleaning Co., 61S
Penn ave., with Dravo & "Wilson. so.
Sttspbisz your husband by having his old
easy chair reupholstered in latest goods, by
Haugh. & Keenan, 33 and 3i "Water t
Everything Now Rendr.
Tho stock is complete. Come and exam
ine goods and prices. Yon will save money
by dealing at flauch's Jewelry Store, No.
295 Fifth avenue; established 1853. wrst
, veTcoat.
Kontenae, chinchilla and kersey over
coats ready-made and to order, at Plteairn's,
434 "Wood street. zxsa
The old reliable X1. & Y. Pilsner beer
never fails to give satisfaction. All dealers.
Or order direct Telephone, 1186
Ix won't cost much to have your old par
lor suit reupholstered in latest goods, by
Haugh & Keeaau. 33 and 34 "Water at.
Phone 1628.
UTodc 3Lad i ea.
500 Cloth Jackets, $1 SO.
Formerly Sold far $4.
Owlne to the mild. wet. weather we ar
.obliged to pat oa prices MOW tfcatwswtll
naye to alter ise nouaays, so sacy
nTJsr a-oi
Doable these sums have relied la See that
goods we are overstocked.
These, with .OHHiDHOra COATS, aro
marked nominal prices.
138 Federal and 46 South Ditimmd
Streets, Allegheny, Ft,
Hunter's Ketchup
ti Hr..Tti nnnit of J. W. Hnnter's To
mato Ketchup recelred froayou on Oct. a, '88,
has been Married, andl And It free from all min
eral aels, salicylic add or artificial colorlBj
draw at- . bbsbsbsbskHbsb
ooasura- aKJHUHrajiSHI
superi- ""laWBHUIIIHBI
orityof flBtS&IHBH
Hunter's HA 1
Ketahnp. v7asbsbs9bbbsbsbVKbsbsI
It is made HMSflftxBflHflHBflHBflfl
from so- B9bVbvVIbVRBHbVI
lected to- flTMIIKMHBflRIII
ma toes, asBBSBsBflSsBSBsHBaH
is IfllftVllflHQSHasHl
guaran- SSbsbBkbbsBbsB
as perfol- bbBqbVb&SqIbHI
lowlngan- wBbsbIbsbeBbbsHI
alyslsj bsbsbsbsbbbVbsbsbsBw
Mr. Taos. HHIIIIIIPVhbbbbbbbHI
ajsat- IbbbbbbvbbbBbsbsBI
ytlTX, if OTHER, SMXra-Xaka Uwm Haapykr IM by Wyia aitaar aaa afr
-FOR A- 1
r" ;
HirDnDr ism 1 rat
The claim to cure an disease, iaayatirst
glance Seem very absurd; but after reading our,
pamphlet giving a history of the Microbau
Killer, explaining the germ theory ot disease;
aaa reading our testimonials, which prove coa
elustvely there is no disease it will not cnr,
the truth, of our assertion becomes clear. Norf
person suffering from any blood, cbronlo or
contagious disease should l-t .,i-,-Tv.itW
Ki,KiDiE:i,ani5 read,nK his interesting book;-
-""- ..-..... . or mauea iree. i
jrpnwemen couaenea witn this company ar
wanted eTerywnere. Address -
Tha Wm. Radam Microbe Killer Coi,
0"' ,"''rr -VitlW CIXX.
Z7Z7 $.
OUR $3 aal&nl
Blue, Pink and Brown.
A rery few 113-Kece English DecontM
mnner ets this wees, $9. Lamps, CbM
Kzjt ouyer x-iatea ware, etc-
623 and 528 SMITHFIELD ST.
Special Announcement! ;
Commencing Friday, Nov. 29, to
Saturday, Deo. 7, Inclusive, wa will
make a public demonstration of tha
raw meat for Hamburg steaks and beef tea,
oaoke meats, chickens, lobsters, oysters for
croquets, material for: mince pies and trait
cakes,' vegetables for soups, pulverises crack
ers, stale bread, etc DON1T FAILTOOALIi
Tb Empire Roaster. Imperial Hollow Tut
Steam Egg Poachers, Bread Raisers, the Bapl
ClpUMf Lifters and an endless variety ot
Kkches. Hoase Furnisblnc Brass Oosis sad.
Ob the ink lis, chin.
hi, , anu audi
breast hair between.
th4 ayaWtws,OB saea's
cheeks abtretbebeard
lwe. ala hair growing
w ibiss irom scars,
solas asd birth
marks, destroyed for
ever witnout paia,
sheefc, sear or Injury
by te Electric Needle
Operation by Dr.. J.
aa Dyck. Electro
-Bossjsbb. Philadel
phia, and fiSS Feoa
avenue, Pittsburg,
This suoerfluoas
erowta of facial hair
Is swBtis&wlr orevalent.
drawls loom, street and wherever 1 1 Mil
frreaftse. jsrery ladv with ftalr o fcarili
knows that the use at defllatorivVEiiaw .
hairs grow coarser, stUTer, 'darter aaals
nuBMrouv There la only one mataM fail
world by which this obaoxioas arawMi ofi j
oa be destroyed f orsrer and that Is by aj
' Etetfc NfMKt 0prtt
This is a puraly sdaatiSe oaaraMoa. sad H
isWrsread by all eaysiciaBS aaa simseas ot
miBssee. Dr. van Dyolc daroM savatal
boars aaUy to tha permaaeat Msaeval of hair
by this operation. He has oaarMad for 13
years, has treated hundreds of easts, aed has a
national rapstattai aa aa (apart iaJBectro
Ladies, If nature baa. aakladly previdadyoa
with this obnoxious growth of faatel hair, don's
nagiaasyoar oaaa aaothar day, bat stop tha
aepuauxim, uuuwuis. iweesors orrMon,
aadaavMultDr-VaaDvek at aaaa aad be for
ever freed from this liftlwa Mwlt
INtas, birthmarks, warty eaeraaeeacos on tha
, mh mm aaaas, raa aaae, emargs
afohaefcsaadaaae.sti'MUd md dlscol-
keiaM orowtka. - - gimils
oaaaata and tnasers daatrayad or Saetro Sari
aryby DfcVan Dye, tiaafc JraeT OAea
nn inn Bownvo- is ia
aaa ba saada by lattar.
MS Paaa ava., filBsaii, Fa.
Tfcisyawaaada witk a Tecy saaall aavaf.
ot aaaa
aaak,aa a sail oa easy atUyaa
to jiauhisiis of the "WHIXX" fm
nazt tkraa waaks In tha way of
-aiansirt. waadwark, daaigaad asi
taaBafiday Trade. Buy tha
aa4 yam will aavar xaaret it
gmaaaataa with aaeh Maahiaa-
BBBBBfc 'JBsil
bbVJbsbsbsbsbsbv tttttB
SBBB1JP '(&:
VbvbbW1 PUT
W MM fr la ska Jbh
4- " Jbh
W j.JrJSsK"
el.. ... J
" bbsbsbsbT
""" eflaslBsfl
'JMr -
B..v. r.i , flL 5fi'Mfc'IJii: .