!?5! iv ;--ta- & srv. jn n $? &p j ' .- "5r ip v THE PITTSBTTRGr DISPATCH, 'SATimDAY, NOVEMBER 80, 1889. - L- .t ar -. MTINGFOEAKAME. IThe Managers Can't Decide What They Will Call Their Home. If A REFUGE TOE WOMEN IS ASSURED iMiss Basendorfs Proposition Will be Car ried Into Effect. THE DETAILS UXDER COSSIDEBATlOX The second public meeting for the organi zation of a society to establish a permanent home for unfortunate women was held in the Third TJ. P. Church yesterday afternoon. The meeting was opened in the routine manner, with Mrs. C E. Locke in the chair, and Mrs. B. M. Sntch as secretary. Key. J. T. McCrory, Chairman of the Committee on Permanent Organization, appointed at the last meeting, stated that at their meet ing they concluded it would be wise for them to take for a guide some older society engaged in the same work, as they were all novices. -, The Midnight Mission of Philadelphia had been in snccessfnl operation for 21 years, and their regulations and by-laws he thought the Pittsburg society should take under consideration. One clause of the out line, which stated the membership fee should be placed at $5, called forth con siderable discussion, some contending that it would debar earnest, anxious workers from enlisting in the cause. Others thought it advisable to haye the initiation fee, and did. not think it would prevent anyone from working, but by becoming a member of the society the privilege of voting for the officers would be accorded them. A. STRONG KICK MADE. Mrs. Anna Armstrong entered a strong protest against the fee system, and thonght the society should depend entirely upon the Heavenly Father for finances with which to conduct the home. A compromise was finally effected and 52 was accepted as the initiation fee. The name by which the home shall be known was a fruitful source of disenssion. Among those suggested were "Bethesda Home," "Pittsburg Befuge Home," and "Majdaline Home," the latter meeting with considerable opposition, as it was the opin ion of manv that the name should not in any wav indicate the character ot the home. A "suggestion was made to call the home after some benevolent lady, tor instance, "The Huntington." The suggestion to call it the "Wiliard Home," in honor of Miss Frances Wiliard, was received in silence. A eentleman conversant with the same branch of work in London thought the name should by all means imply the nature of the home, for there were many forlorn women who would seek such a refuge in stead ot waiting to be sought, and in that vast city they aimed to have the name over the gate of every benevolent home indicate its mission. LEFT TO THE BOARD. It was finally deemed advisable to leave all details to the Board of Managers of the - Dfff society, including the appointment of the various officers. The following named persons were by unanimous consent made the Board of Managers to take all necessary steps for the incorporation of the society and secure a charter at the earliest opportunity: Bev. J. T. McCrory, J. M, Millen, H. Sam son. Dr. C. K. Shaw, Bev. J. W. Sproull, T. L. Cooper, X. H. Babe, Dr. O. "W. Miller, Burbin Home, V. B. Brickell, B. T. A. David, Samuel Hamilton, Bev. JI. J. H. Prngh, Mrs. Geo. B. Laraman and "Wm. Tost, Mrs. "Wm. Vankirk, Mrs. D. C. Hultz, Mrs. C. E. Locke, Mrs. E. J. Brown, Mrs. Mary Hummings, Mr. Nelson McKee, I Mrs. "W. J. Beid, Mrs. T. J. Leak, Mrs. Sarah Hammond, Mrs. Dr. Sterrett, Mrs. C. W. Smith, Mrs. "W. C. Moreland. Mrs. Helen Mvers, Mrs. Samuel Wood and Mrs. J. W. Biddle. A sub-committee, consisting of William YostBev. Mr. Beazell, Bev. Mr.Xocke, Bev. Mr. Grose and Bev. Mr. Babe, was appointed to look after immediate members, and a number of names were signed. The next meeting will be held by the Board of Managers in Hamilton's Music Hall at 2 o'clock next Tuesday. A general invitation to all interested in the work to be ,present was extended. The charter will be ready for signatures at that time. Newmarket Dav To-dny. Every lady in need of a newmarket or wrap shouldbuy it at Kaufmanns' te-day. 500 newmarkets will be offered at $4, 600 at $6. 500 at $8, 500 at $10. This mammoth offering includes all the latest and best styles, and any garment is a bargain such as no other house in this section of the country has ever offered. Bargains tn Genu' Hosiery. AFine merino half hose, in odd lots, that were 50c and 75c, marked down to 35c, or three pairs ior $1. Jos. Korne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores, Regular 810 Overcoats for $5. This is none of your noisy ''chestnut" claims, but a sound, solid fact. These over coats are made of first-class meltons, well made and trimmed, and (you'll say so your self) are regularly sold at $10. Get one at Kanfmanns' to-day for only $5. Cash Talk. 6 oct parlor organs, $44. 7H oct. upright pianos, S160. Store open all day Thursday and every night till 9 p.m. Echols, McMubeat & Co., 123 Sandusky st, Allegheny, Pa. Cape and Storm Overcoats. A special sale of them at Kanfmanns to day. Prices for storm overcoats from 53 to $25; prices for cape overcoats from $9 to 530. These prices include the very latest and best materials: English, chinchillas, elysians, Irish friezes, Scotch cheviots, Sedan montagnacs, with or without silk lining, and fitting perfectly. Merchant tailors will ask you double the prices we sell them for. Porcelains. Our own importations. All the new things from all the famous potteries. Lowest prices, at Beizenstein's, 152, 154, 156 Federal St., Allegheny. TTBSu At Last tbe Cold Weather Is Here, And so are Kanfmanns' with the grandest bargains in overcoats the world has ever seen. To-day they will sell 300 long storm ulsters, warmly lined all through, with big collars, affording complete protection in the coldest weather," at only 53 each. Natural Gas Bills Reduced 75 Per Cent. O'Keefe Gas Appliance Co.,34 Fifth av. Regular 810 Overcoats for 95. This is none of yonr noisy "chestnut" claims, but a sound, solid fact These over coats are made of first-class meltons, well made and trimmed, and (you'll say so your self) are regularly sold at"$10. Get one at Kaufmanns' to-day for only 55. . F. & T's. Pilsner beer is the pleasantest stimulant in the woild. At Last the Cold Weather Is Here, And so are. Kanfmanns' with the grandest bargains in overcoats the world has ever seen. To-day they will sell 300 long storm ulsters, warmly lined all through, with big collars, affording complete protection in the coldest weather, at only 53 each. Go to Hamilton's for strings, bridges, , keys, or anything to make yonr old instru ct ments serviceable. Open till 9 o'clock every 'night, 91 and 93 Fifth ave. 'S Attend Kanfmanns' overcoat Bale to- ? .I1IT AtfAmd 1?.. a. rn ... MW..ujhi ..I. , jm A.KU4 JttUmittlll V1UWH -HUB BKKiay. YOU ARE AIAVA7S CERTAIN Of Finding Bargains at Joyce's Store t Buying strictly for cash, we have the ad vantage of securing our goods at lowest rices. You will find the all-wool 36-inch ress goods at 30e yard we are now offering a decided bargain. Fine black cashmere reduced from 62c to 50o and 90o goods to 75c Double-width cashmere 9c, usually sold at 12Vc Cloth goods, 1J yards wide, 38c Satin and velvets, 25cf The small profit we make on ladies' hats and trimmings keeps us busy. Our success is due to low prices. Children's trimmed sailor hats at 48c. Quite an assortment of children's hats at 25c. All the latest styles of ladies' hats at all prices. Children's plush caps 45c "We carry a complete line of in fants' wear, the prices of which are right. Children's coats, from 4 to 6 years, $1 25, are cheap at 52 25. Children's Jerseys 25c Ladies' stockinette coats $2 50, usually sold at $3 50. Fine Jerseys, sold everywhere else .it 51 45, our price $1. Closing out a lot of Newmarkets at 2, worth 55. In curtains and rugs vou will find many bargains. "We now sell a curtain at 95c per pair, worth $1 45. The curtain at 52 50, 2x 4 yards, is cheap at 54. Large parlor rugs reduced from 53 50 to 2 25. Door mats, 48c Shoesl ShoesI We keep only ladies' and children's. "We can save you money. Our 51 25, 51 50 and 51 90 ladies' shoes will give satisfaction. Yon cannot get same quality elsewhere at the price. Infants' shoes 25c up. Children's at all prices. If you need blankets, ladies' and gents' underwear, you will find our prices, as usual, the lowest. Joyce's, wssu 307 and 309 Penn avenue. Overcoat day at Kaufmahns' to-day. Overcoat day at Kaufmanns' to-day.. C WALES, in to-morrow's DIS PATCH, has an entertaining article on the frequenters of the postoffloe and the trials'of the window clerks. RELIGIOUS. UNITARIAN SERVICE McCanca block, cor. Smlthfleld and Sev enth avc, Kcv. Dr. Townsend, pastor. Service at 10 45. Sunday-school, 10 o'clock. Subject: Business and Religion. noSO-3 MEETINGS. -VrOTICE THE ANNUAL MEETING OF JLN tbe stockholders of the Masonic Fund So ciety will be held in Freemasons HalL MON DAY EVENING, December 2, at 6 o'clock. no2S-69-D A M. POLLOCK, Sec'y. -VTO TICK MEETING MACHINISTS i Pittsburg Lodge No. 52, National Associa tion ol Machinists, meets every SATURDAY EVENING At No. 81 Fourth avenue, at 7:30 o'clock. nol7-146-s 31HE BEGULAB ANNUAL MEETING OF the stockholders of the Pittsburg and airport Terminal Company will be held at the office of tbe company, B. & O. R. R. station, corner Smlthfleld and Water streets, Pittsburg, Pa MONDAY. December 9, 18S9. at 2 P. M. no2J.21 C. a WIGHT, Secy. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the stockholders of tbe Pittsburg and Al legheny Droveyard Comoany will be held at tbe office of the company, B. fc O. R. R. station, corner Smitnfleld and Water streets, Pittsburg, Pa., MONDAY, December 9, 18S9. at 3 p. M. no24 21 C. & WIGHT, Secy. -MECHANICS LODGE NO. 9. L O. O. F. JJX. Members are requested to meet at hall at 1230 P. M. SATURDAY, November 30, to attend the funeral of P. G. Isaac t-peakruan. Members of sister lodges are cordially invited. By order of N. G. JAS. PERKINS. Bee no304 ELECTIONS. MOSONG AHELA IKSUKAUCE CO., ) 93 Fourth avenue, November 20, 1889. ) ELECTION-THE ANNUAL MEETING and election ot fifteen directors to serre lor the ensuing year will be held at tbe office of the company on TUESDAY, December 3, 18S9, between tbe hours of 11 A. M. and 1 P. II. no21-70-D JOHN H. CLANEY. Secretary. PROPOSALS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED proposals, addressed to tbe undersigned, indorsed 'Proposals for Grading." will be re ceived until MONDAY NOON, December 9, for cradles six miles of the P Y. fc A R. R., from Wampum Junction, Pa., to Lawrence Junction, Pa. Good bonds will be required. Bondsmen must be named and bids made on blanks, which may be obtained at my office, where ironies and specifications may be seen, V The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. WM. MULLINS, Of Executive Committee. P., Y. & A. R. B. Co. PirTSBTTEO, Pa,, November 29, 1889. no29-2-D LEGAL NOTICES. A E. WEGER, Attorney at Law, 93 Diamond street. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT LET TERS testamentary on tbe estate of Julius Ritzel, late of Allegheny City, deceased, have been granted to tbe undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against tbe same should present them, duly probated, without delay. MARY T. RTT ZEL. CASPER GAERTNER, .FRANK FER TIG, 65 and 67 Sandusky street, Allegheny City. Pa. 0C26-2-S COTTON & HOLMAN, 91 Diamond street. Estate of Lucy Barnes, deceased. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Lucy Barnes, late of the city of Allegheny, Penn'a, deceased, have been granted to tbe undersigned, to whom all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and to whom those having claims or demands against said estate will make them known without delay. WM. H, BARNES, Executor, noI6-28-S 94 Fifth ave, Pittsburg. RESORTS. THOMASVILLE, GA., Piney Woods Hotel. Season opens December 4. 1SS9. M. A BOWER, Proprietor. For circulars, rates, etc, address WM. E. DA VIES, Manager, Thomasville, Ga. or F. A BUDLONG. Windsor Hotel, N.Y.City. ocl2-97-TTS OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS report of Viewers on the damages caused by the grading of Urbana alley, Irom 128 feet south of south enrb line of Davison street to present pavement, has been approved by Coun cils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Dep't of Public Works. Pittsburg Pa., Nov. 30, 18S9. no30-ll-D "VTOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE i.1 report of Viewers on tbe grading and paving of Urbana alley, from a point 128 feet south of tbe south enrb line of Davison street to tbe present pavement, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Tublic Works. Pittsburg, Pa., November 30, 1S89. no30-ll-D NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of Viewers on the construction of a sewer on Fox street, from Sonth Twenty fourth streetto South Twenty-third street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Fleas vuthin ten (10) dars from date. . E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Dep't. of Public Works. ,Pittsbubg, Pa.. November 30, 1SS9. no30-ll-D NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the reports of Viewers on the opening of Bennett street, from Frankstown avenue to the city line, and Kelly street, from Fifth avenue to the city line, have been approved by Councils, which action will be flna't, unless an appear is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. KM. BIGELOW. Chief of Dep't of Public Works. Pittsburg, Pa November 30, 1SS9. no30-U NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of the Board of Viewers of street improvements on the opening of Moore street, from Bedford avenue to Ridge street, and Kirkpatrick street, from Wylleavenneto Web ster avenue have been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal is taken from the same in the Court of Common Pleas within ten days from date thereof. GEORGE SHEPPARD. City Clerk. Pittsburg, November 29, 1889. nc2938 Continued on Tenth Page.' r A, BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, i seventh avenue, - " Tt3xarr T Pa. )lay advertisement one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise menu on- this page tueh as Wanted, For Bale, To Let, etc, ten cent per line or each inser tion, and none taken' for lest thanfift cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received tip to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morningr: Advertisements are to he prepaid except where advertisers already hire accounts wltbTnxDlfr- PATCH, prrrsBUEu. THOMA8 MCCAFFKKY, S5o9 Butler street. E-UIL G. STUOKEY, Hth street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY A CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton at. K. STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. TV. WALLACE, em Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEK it SHElliLER, 5th av. A Atirood It. SOUTBSIDE. JACOB 8POHN. No. I Carton street. H. A.DONALDSON, 1707 Carton street ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAERCHER, 89 Federal street. H. J. McBRIDE. Market House, Allegheny. FKKD H. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS A SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. . J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets, THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania, and Beaver ares. PEKKYM. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. M1LLVALE BOROUGH. W. W. FLOCEEB, Stationer, No. 4 Grant ave. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A .BRANCH OFFICE FOR THE SOUTHSIDE AT NO. 1220 OABSON STBEET. WHERE ADVEBTISEMENTS, NEWS AND SUB SCRIPTIONS CAN BE LEFT. BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS, AND FOR THE SPECIALSOUTHBIDEISSUE PUBLISHED EACH SATURDAY. WANTED. ' Male Help. TTANTED-MACHINERY PATTERNMAKER W at once at VULCAN IKON WORKS. New Castle, Pa. no29-H WANTED-TWO ALLEGHENY AND ONE Pittsburg errand boy. HOKNE & WARD, 41 Fifth avenue. no30-9G -TTANTEU A SMALL BOY FOR OFFICE W work.- Apply at PRESTON & HUM PHREYS, No. 703 Lewis Block. " no30-57 WANTEDNEGATIVE RETOUCHERS ON niece work at AUFRECHTS EL1PE GAL LERY, 516 Market St., Pittsburg. noSO-13 WANTED A SUBSCRIPTION BOOK MAN to handle Pennsylvania. Address JAMES B. CULLEN & CO., 606 Washington St., Boston, Mass. no23-2 w ANTED A GOOD DRAUGHTSMAN EX- t-EHIKNUEU In deslgnlnr Iron and Bteel Address DRAUGHTSMAN, Dispatch no30-M plants, office. WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN TO take charge of sales of brooms and brushes in Pittsburg and vicinity. Address H. J. J. L. 1FFT, Evans City. Pa. no28-78 WANTED 4 BOYS FROM 14 TO 15 YEARS ot age, to distribute free samples of the Amer ican ball bine. Apply 9 A. M., DISPATCH BUILDING, Diamond st, no30-61 WANTED-AN ENERGETIC YOUVG MAN as solicitor and salesman; one acquainted with property In the Southslde preferred. J, E. GLASS. No. 133 Firth ave. n 030-93 WANTED-SCALE CLERK! 18 TO 18 YEARS or aee; must be good penman, quick and accurite at figures; give age and refer ence. Address A. B. Q.. Dispatch office. no30-S4 WANTJID-TRAVELING SALESMEN A good side line (sample free, weight 8 ounces), to send address and references to KEY STONE MFG. CO., Glrard, Erie Co., Pa. noU-lOl WANTED - ONE FIRST-CLASS BOILER MAKER and two helpers; none but good, Etrong, sober men neeed apply. IKON & STEEL BAND CO. LIMITED, Twenty-nfth and Kail road sts. no30-6 WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SHOE salesman to carry all lines of women's, misses and children's shoes in Pitt6fcnrg and vi cinity. HARUISBUBG BOOT AND SHOE MFG. CO., Harrisburg, Pa. no28-77-D WANTED A MALE STENOGRAPHER AND callgraptf operator; no beginners need ap ply: permanent position to capable party. Ad dress, stating salary expected and experience, J30XS25, Pitts bnrg P.O. no30-12 WAN1 ED-RELIABLE LOCAL AND TRAV ELING salesmen; positions permanent; special Inducements now; fast-selling specialties; don't delay; salary from start. BROWN BROS., Nurseryman, Rochester. ti.Y. sel7-70-TT8 -TTTANTED AOENTS SHOULD WRITE FOR ?i Ulnetraed circular, terms and two weeks' trial of Missouri washer; washes dirtiest clothes by hot steam without rubbing; easily sold; profit able. J. WORTH, 64Ueekmanst., N. Y. nolOl-wssu TJfTANTED AGENTS "DODGE'S HORSE TT blanket holders" keeps the blanket from blowing or sliding off the horse; nothing like it in the market: every horse owner buys: sample by mail 25c. STAYNEK & CO., Providence, K. I. nolO-65 WANTED-A YOUNG MAN OF GOOD business qualifications, who is not afraid to work, with 20o In the bank, to represent a firm doing business In the city, in Tennessee; a rare chance for the right man. Address AA Dis patch office. no30-79 WANTED BUSINESS MEN NEEDING assistants, booskeepers, stenographers, typewriters, store and office clerks, etc, to call or address TWIN CITY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 67 Fifth ave., second floor. N. B. Employes furnished with positions. no30-8o TTANTED SALESMEN AT t75 PER MONTH V salarrand expenses, to sell a line of silver plated ware, watches, etc ; by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once for full Sartlculars and sample case of goods free. STAN ARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. SC24-90.O WANTED-WE WANT TO HIRE AN ENER GETIC person in every locality to distribute advertising matter and attend to our local inter ests, a straight salary of 2 50 per day and ex Fienses will be paid. Address, Inclosing 2c stamp or particulars. UNIVERSALSUPPLYOO., Chi cago, III. No postals answered. no9-76-ssu -TTJANTED-YOUNO MAN, 17 TO 20 YEARS V V or age, to act as general clerk in a financial Institution In Pittsburg; a good opening: must write a good hand, have good health and be able to furnish first-class references as to honesty, habits, etc. Address a specimen letter, giving very full particulars, to G. B. B. MCD., DiBpatch office, Pittsburg., no'29-23 WANTED-A THOROUGH-GOING BUSI NESS man, teacher or one experienceddn book work, to take charge of six counties in the Eastern part of the State as district manager for our book, "Mary, the Queen of the House of David;" salary S65 to 90 per month to the right party; call or address, giving age and occupation. .ruoiisnea excinsiTeiy ot a, S. GRAY & CO., Eisner & Phillips' Building. n 030-79 WANTED -AGENTS TO BELL THE PINLEbS clothes line; the only line ever Invented that holds the clothes without pins; a perfect success; patent recently Issued; sold only by agents, to whom the exclu6lTe right Is given; on receipt of CO cents we will send a sample line by mall; also circulars, price list and terms to agents: secure your territory at once. Address WORCESTER PIN LESS CLOTHES LINE CO., 17 Hermon St., Worcester, Mass. OC23-44-W8 Female Help. WANTED WET NURSE TO NURSE A child ten months old; must have references. Address at once B. E.W., Dispatch office. no30-7 WANTED-HOUSEKEEPER, COOK AND chambermaid for same family; cooks, din ing room girls, chambermalds,nnrses, 100 house clrls, German and colored girls. MRS. E. 1HOMPSON, 608 Grant st, nol7-HTbS WANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING powder and pure spices; gtfts with goods; coke workers, miners or millmcn can makemoney in their spare time: special inducements to per sons having established trade. YAMASHIKO TEA CO., 88 Jackson st., Allegheny, Pa. au20-79-TTS Mole nnd Female Help. TTANTED-A TALENTED LADY OR GENT V V for the. stage: also, a collector for this cltv. Address C Dispatch office. no30-9s YTTANTED-S WHITE WAITERS, MALE V cook, 2 farm hands, cooks, chambermaids and house girls, dishwasher, laundress, linen room girt, housekeeper ior hotel, seamstress. MEEHAN'S, 545 Grant st. no30-D TU"ANTED-AUENTS-WE PAY ?C0 TO S2M V per month to energetic gentlemen and ladles to procure members tor our association; if you can only devote a few hours each week to our business It will pay you well. Tot further par ticulars, address NATIONAL LIBRARY ASSO CIATION, 103 State street, Chicago, HI. no30-48 Hinatlons. -rrTA?.TED-CARI'ENTElt NO. 1, WANTS Address, X. no?9-24 VV work, permanent or jobbing. Y., Box 113. W i llklnsbnrg. Pa. 9- WANTED-SlTUATION JANUARY 1 BY bookkeeper cf one of tbe largest flint glass factories in Ohio, who must change present local ity on account hay fever. Address T., Dispatch office. 1io29-12 Partners. -VTTANTED-TO INVEST 13.000, BY A YOUNG YY man of experience and thorough business training in a mercantile or mfg. business: is a bard worker and will devote entire time to-business. Address for one week with particulars, MERCANTIL.E(" Dispatch office. no2S-51 Flnancinl. XfTANTE1MolWGABES-v1.0tl0,C00TOLOAN' TV on city ana suouruan properties at v,oana (nor cent, and on larms in Allegheny and aqja cent counties at C per cent L M, PJiNN OCKT WANTED. Flnunclal. -fTTANTED MORTGAGES LARGE AND V small. ED. WITTISH, 410 Grant street. nolS-55-D WANTED-SMALL MORI GAGES-1. J.WIL SON, 149 Fourth ave. no28-23 WANTED MORTGAGES. SEE EWING S BYERS, No. 83 Federal street. D024-77-TTSSU "TTTANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY OR VV suburban improved real estate at lowest rates. ALEXANDER & LEE, .113 Wood St. no30-71-MWS TTANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN VV In sums to suit at i!4, 5. and 6 per cent. ALIES A BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave Tel. 167. aplM4-rrssu WAKEED MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over M.00O; 4j per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., S2FourtU avenue. mhS-an-D -T7"ANTED-S500 TO SJ00,00O-TO LOAN ON V V ronrf cratres. 4. fi and 6 ner cent. JAB. w. DRAPE A f O.. 129 Fourth ave.. Pittsburg. Tele- pbone No. 975. no30-77 WANTED-MOKTGAGES-,l,000,CC0TOLOAN in large and small amounts at 4H. 5 and 6 per cent, iree oi Diaie i&x; no aeiay, Aiiiu o. ui UOYLE& CO., 131 Fourth ave myH-60 WANTED TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS of (3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4M per cent, free of tax: also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent BLACK BA.WV, 95 Fourth avenue se21-d26-D TTTANTED TO iiOAN (200,000 ON MORT VV GAGES: (100 and upward at 0 per cent; (500, 000 at 4K per cent on residences or business property; also in adlolnlng counties. S. H. FRENCH. 125 Fourth avenue. OC21-4-D WANTED-MORTGAGES-100,000 TO LOAN on morteaces. in sums from toOO to (10.000, for 3 to 5 years on city property, at very low rates; wriie ior lenusana give ue ive deiciintlon of TironertT. J. E. GLASS, 133 Fifth ave. Telephone No. 1764. Sliscollaneons. WANTED-TWO REGISTERED JERSEY cows; must be young and fresh; give full particulars, staling price. Aaaress urc'i XJl Dispatch office. no30-53 WANTED - NOVEMBER IS THE LAST month for fine cabinets at II per dozen, at AUFREOHT'S ELITE GALLERY, 516 Market st, Pittsburg. Bring the children on elevator. no3-60-TWT6SU WANTED HORSES TO WINTER TERMS reasonable; good box stalls. S. W. MOR ROW. Bakerstovrn. Allegheny Co., Pa.. orT. M. MORROW'S LIVERY AND HALE STABLES, 15 Ohio St., Allegheny, Pa. no30-50-HWS WANTED-EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT PEARSON, the leading photographer, of 96 Fifth ave. and 43 Federal St., AU'y., is making a life size crayon portrait, beautifully framed, and one dozen cab. photos, ail for (8; all fine work. mhl3-63 WANTED-THE PUBLIC TO KNOW JTHAT the largest and most complete stock of trusses, elastic stocklngB, shonlder braces, etc., can be seen at the store of ARTIFICIAL LIMB M'F'GCO.. 909 Penn avenue, near Ninth street, Pittsburg. Pa. nol6-65-ssn FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. City Residences. FOR SALE-CONGRESS ST.-ONLY (3,000, brtcs: dwelling of 6 rooms; lot 22x70. J. H. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. no30-l fTiOH SALE COLWELL ST. (3,803. NEW JT press brick dwelling of 6 rooms, hall, good cellars, etc. Fourth ave, lot 20x90. J. R. COOPER 4 CO.. 107 no30-l Jll'n D&UH U1X OX. Al A X7&XVUA.XXT, 1 brick bouse of 7 rooms, hall, bath, etc : lot 60x147; terms to suit buyer. J. E. COOPER & Kiu., vit a ourin ave no30-l T7OK SALE-MARION ST., NEAR FORBES, A- Kooa Drica: iious mansara roor, rooms, ball, vestibule, gases, finished attic etc: lot mxiwi a aeciaea oargain. 107 Fourth ave. J. R. COOPER CO., n 030-1 FOR SALE-TO CLOSE AN ESTATE, AT A bargain, 3 brick houses; lot 60x114 ft.; rent ing for (64 per month: on Vine St., Eighth ward; call or send for particulars. W. A. HERRON 4 bO N S, SO Fourth wenae. no30-40-8 FOR SALE-(3,800-EASY PAYMENTS A good brick house 6 rooms, attic bath, range, natural gas; 2 squares from 'cable cars, on Bed ford avenne. Eleventh ward. See W A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. nol3-41-ws FOB SALE A COLWELL STREET PROPERTY now rented for (20 per month, and room to build a good honse In front: street and alley both Saved; price (2,500: terms reasonable. C. H. OVE. No. 93 Fourth avenue no30-76 FOR SALE-PRIDE ST., NEAR FIFTH AVE: (1,200: good brick bouse mansard roof, 6 rooms, finished attic hall, bath, both gases and every convenience; good cellar, etc J. R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. no30-l 1710R SALE-A BLOCK OF 8 GOOD 2-STORY brick houses of 6 rooms each, godd cellar, etc; lot, cor. 1 blrtleth and Smallman sts., 120X 72 ft.: desirable and an exceltent Investment. 1. M. PENNOCK4 SON, 105 Fourth ave. U03D-74-1IWS FOR SALE-NEAR FIFTH AVE. MARKET House, only (5,000, new two-story brick bouse 6 large rooms, good finished attic both gases, double parlors, cementedc cellar, eewerage, etc ; lot 20x90. J. K. COOPER 4 CO., 137 Fourth ave. no3o-l PORSALE-FORBESST..NEARVANBRAAM, a first-class Investment, only (8,000. brick house of 8 rooms, finished atticand hall: also good brick bouse 6 rooms In rear, fronting' Tustln St.: side entrance to both; lot 24x13). J. a. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. no30-l FOR SALE LAWRENCEVILLE-LOOK AT this and give ns a bid ; must sell or withdraw from market; two good houses, paved yards; lots extending from street to alley: good rentlngprop erty: never idle; paying 10 per cent net: ask 83,500. CHARLES SOMERS 4 CO., 313 Wood st, PO30-92 TTIOR SALE-CENTER AVE , NEAR MILLER a? St.. desirable residence brick, 8 rooms, large hall and vestibule, bath, etc., largo side and rear yard; lot 44x100; small house and stable in the rear; bargain; the owner cannot occupy. SAM UEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. no23-72-ThS FOR SALE-PRIDE feT.. WELL BUILT pressed brick front dwelling, 7 rooms, hall, finished attic both gases, water on second floor, good cellar, sewerage, side entrance etc: also 6 room brick house in rear: lot 24x104; at a low price and easy terms. J. R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. no30-l TTH)R SALE-AT A BARGAIN FOR A PEW X! daysonlv Prime Sixth ward property; sub stantial, attractive and complete: press brlok front: 2-story attic; 7 rooms, hall; range, water, gas both floors; large yard; side entrance; lm- roving neighborhood: low at 14,600. CHARLES OMERS 4 CO., 313 Wood St. noSO-92 East End Residence. FOE SALE S500 CASH AND REMAINDER on monthly pavments of fa, a neat new house of 6 rooms and attic: late Improvements; well located; near Shadyslde station. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. nol2-88-WS FOR BALE-NO. 4515 CALVIN ST., SEVEN TEENTH ward, new brlek dwelling, slate roof, 5 rooms, hall, vestibule and large finished attic: large stable on rear or lot; price (2,500 at terms to suit. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509Tlutler street. no22-31-ws FOR SALE AN 8-ROOM BRICK HOUSE with lot 24x120 to 20-ft. alley, on Fifth ave nue near to Oakland Power House; will sell for 16,000 to a quick buyer; the propertvls worth at least from 29 to 30 per cent more. C. H. LOVE. 93 Fourth avenue. no30-76 FOE SALE-TWO NEW DWELLING HOUSES of 6 rooms, finished attic, bath, w. c, range slats mantels, front and back porches. Inside shutters; lots 30x100 each; near Shadyslde station; terms easy; immediate possession. GEORGE SCHMIDT, 157 Fourth ave no27-79 TTIOR SALE-SHADYSIDE-(8, 500-NEW BRICK JL' house 10 rooms, ball, bath, w. c, range hard wood cabinet mantels; elegantly finished throughout, with all the late modern conven iences: lot 33x100: very easy terms. J. R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth aye. no30-l FOR SALE-ON MAUS. NEAR DAVISON ST., Seventeenth ward, at a sacrifice, as owner is leaving the city, a new S-room brick dwelling, with modern conveniences; lot 25x100: price K500; all or half cash, bal. to suit; cost over (5,000. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler street. nol6-66-W8Su FOBSALE-ONLYtiOOO-OAKLAND ANEW 2-story and mansard brick dwelling of 7 rooms, hall, vestibule with tile floor: bath, Inside w. c. and sta- w. s., range; h. and c. water; slate mantels and tile hearths; nat. gas; sliding doors between parlor and dining room; inside shutters; nice front porch: cemented cellar: this property Is sewered Into the main sewer; lot 24x 100 to an alley: this Is a model house J. E. GLASS, No. 133 Filth ave. no30-83 FOR SALE (21,500 SHADYSIDE RESI DENCE: corner property, convenient to ca ble line ot P. R. R.. on a 60-foot street; elegant new Queen Anne style brick dwelling, 10 rooms and reception hall, with hard wood .finish, bard wood mantels, tile hearths, sliding doors, both gases, incandescent light, ete; lot 100x1-12 feet: this dwelling was not built forsaleand Is well constructed: see and be convinced. SAM'L W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. noM-73 TTOR SALE-A HANDSOME QUEEN ANNE JC brick residence in the Last End, 3 minutes from railroad station, 11 commodious rooms, bath, lavatory, laundry, natural gas, electric belle tile hearths, marble mantels and all other of the more recent requirements and in prime order through out: the residence was built for a home and is only now being offered for sale on account of it being too large for present owner; fine lot 60x150 feet to an allev. Terms, ete, from JAB. Y. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. no30-77 FOR BALE-OAKLAND, FOURTEENTH ward; but few of tbe many people in this great city have any conception of the magnitude, immense improvement, rapid growth and en hancement of the now mot uesirable residence district within our city limits; within 30 days the new electric street railway will be in operation, connecting Oakland Square and the city (via tbe traction road) for the nominal fare of 5 cents; Oakland Square Is a beautiful park around which run wide streets paved with asphaltum and sew ered free of cost to the purchaser of one of the beautiful dwellings facing tbe square a brief de scription of which Is here given: Built of brick, by day work, two sizes, 8 and 9 rooms, halls, bath, inside shutters sndw. e's, handsome slate man tels, tile hearths, sliding doors, range and both gases; also, electric lighting apparatus, large I'orches, cemented cellars fine chandeliers, large ot. ete ; terms, small cash payment down, bal ance (JOOper annum: 14 of tbe6e dwellings hare been told to representative business men; the time consumed In running from the postoffice to the sauare la bnt 17 minutes, thna irfrlnffamTita time to go home for dinner! see the square before buylp isewBefCv SAM'sU W. BXU.CK A CO., W FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. East End Residences. T71 OR S A L E-OAKLAND RESIDENCES. Jj CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St. Telephone I77J. ' no30-92 FOR 8ALE-HIDAND AVENUE PEOPER TIES. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., H3 Wood st. Telephone 1773. no30-92 FOR SALE-82.650-NEW FRAME 6-ROOMED honse, one square from Fifth ave. cable, will f" on e asy payments. MELLON BROTHERS, SMBtatlon st,, E. no24-127-TTSBu FOR SALE-FOR 13,300, A NEAT, NEW house, 6 ooma, well improved; lot 27x170 ee'!onHailrfan. near Howe st.. Twentieth ward. Bee 5v.A' UERRON &SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. nols-72-ws. FOR SALE-A GOOD FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, with finished attic on Fifth avenue, near to line or cable cars; prlco (2.500; lot runs through ,XnStner " : can build on tbe other end. C. H. LOVE. 93 Fourth avenue. no30-78 TTOR SALE-FIVE-ROOM BRICK HOUSE ON -A fifth avenue, near Robinson street, on line or cable cars, at a bargain : price S2, 5C0: (L 000 cash, ??ia.HJe.on tel years' time 11 desired. C. H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue. no30-76 TTIOR SALE-ON EUCLID AVENUE, EAST JL END, near both cable lines, seven-room house with good lot; price (2,900: (500 cash and (20 A SJSSH."15 " ' a very cheap property. V. H. I mvg J o. 93 Fourth avenue. no30-7S Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE-ALLEGHENY PARK PHOPEE TIES. CHARLES SOMERS & CO,, 313 Wood St. Telephone 1773. no30-9J FOR 8ALE-FKANKLIN ST., ALLEGHENY, brick bouse, 7 rooms, hall, balh,range,w.c, hot and cold waterL Inside shatters, etc: lot 24x J30. J. R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. no30-l FOR 8ALE-1N ALLEGHENY.ONNUNNEBY Hill, a snug 2-story frame honse of 5 rooms, attic hall, cellar, water, natural gas, etc: lot23x 70 reet; price only (2,300. I. M. PENNOCK & SON, a o. 105 Fourth ave. no2S-i5-TTS FOR BALE-IN THE SECOND WARD, ALLE GHENY, near the parks, modern brick bouse of 7 rooms, finished attic bath, w. c, laun- ary, ooth gases, slate mantels and papered throagbout; a bargain. ALEXANDER & LEE, OM TT UUU SI, FOR SALE-FINE RESIDENCE ON THE parks, Allegheny; 12 spacious rooms; aU bright and cheerful; a full flood of light through out; one of the most pleasant residences on the paras: price only (16,000. Particulars from JAS. t!,xviir-Cj " iv.. , 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. FOR SALE-DESIRABLE PROPERTY AND A profitable Investment considered cheap: only (7,000; payments made to suit; on Lacock, near Sandnjikv st. HUnrhnn-w? Tm si-rim ft two houses, one in front and one In rear on Stoddard t- W . A. HERRON 4 BON 8, 80 Fourth avenue. no6-68-WS OR SALE-PEARL STREET, ALLEGHENY, near Federal street, a good brick dwelling of 7 rooms and finished attic nail, vestibule, front and rear porches, natural gas, slate roof: street Is paved and property Is well sewered: lot 20x89 to an alley; price only (4.6C0. J. E. GLASS, 138 Fifth avenne Telephone 1764. nolO-93 FOE SALE PRICE REDUCED TO (2,100: owner insists on sale to first positive buyer; 6 rooms, hall, cement cellar, water, gas both floors; suitable for occupancy, two tenants, or nice little home close to Pleasant VaUey cars: bny now and sell In the spring at av profit. CHARLES &OMERS4CO., 813 Wood St. no30-02 FOR BALE-(3,6U0-DESIBABLE AND CON VENIENT location on Chartlers St., Alle gheny, brick house haU. 7 rooms, in prime and attractive order; good lot, side and rear alley: a good property for the money: buyer should real ize a profit when he desires to sell. CHARLES bOMEKS 4 CO., 813 Wood St. no.O-92 FOR SALE-A GOOD BRICK RESIDENCE property in Second ward, Allegheny, near parks, and on line of street cars; 10 large and ele gant rooms, and beautified throughout with ar tistic taste; bath, lavatory, laundry, natural gas, etc., etc; large lot, side entrance etc.: a most valuable property In every particular; one of the best residences in tbe Second ward. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. no30-77 F IOR SALE IN THE SECOND WARD, AlleatienT A fine investment tirooertr. con sisting ofa well bnlltrow of 8 brick houses contain ing 6 rooms each, with marble mantels. Inside w.c. (property thoroughly sewered), nat. and art gas, etc; this property is near the Pleasant Valley Electric road, and will certainly increase In value; the owner, a non-resident, has urgent reasons for selling. Call soon at 708 PEN N BLDG., Penn ave., between 9 and 10 A. Jf. and 1 and 2 P. M. for fuller particulars. no29-13 FOR BALE-NEW QUEEN ANNE DWELL ING, choice location In Second ward, Alle gheny, containing 11 rooms, large reception hall, bath, 1 inside w. c.'s, slate mantels, tile hearths, closets, pantry, laundry, etc: front and rear porches, plate-glass windows, stable and carriage honse; lot 60x137 feet to a street; a most, compute borne: within 800 feet of electric cars; will bear the closest Inspection, as bouse wae not built to sell; price fll,6C0; terms, half cash, balance to suit purchaser. BAML. W. BLACK 4 CO.. 99 Fourth ave no23-74-MWFS Suburban Residences. FOR SALE WILKlNSBURG FRANKLIN St.. 2 minutes from station, double frame house 5 rooms each; lot 66x132. J. B. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. noOO-l FOB BALE-1300 CASH; BALANCE (2C0 AN NUALLY, for a 2-story dwelling of 7 rooms, bath, natural gas, water, etc.: lot 60x145, on Fred erick ave, Sewlckley. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave n 023-73 FOR SALE A NICE LITTLE SUBURBAN home: cottage house, natural gas, excellent water, fruit and shade trees, 1H acres of nice land at Emsworth, near the station; price (2,700. ALEXANDER 4 LEE, 313 Wood st. no30-68 FOR SALE AT BRADDOCK-S GOOD 2 8TORY frame houses of 6 rooms each; nat. gas: lot 120x130ft., on Bell ave. and Rebecca St.; will be sold at a very reasonable price and ou easy terms. I. M. PENNOCK 4 SON, 105 Fourth ave. no30-74-HWS FOR SALE AT WILKlNSBURG, CONVE NIENT to station, 2 neat 5-roomed frame houses, lot 33J4X10O feet: excellent water In both bouses: natural gas: good, dry cellars; will be sold very low and on easy payments: full particulars from McCUNE 4 COULTER, 98rourthsve,who will take you out and show you the property, u 025-37 FOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT, ETNA BOR OUGH, at Orphans' Court sale: the property of Lewis King, deceased, on the Butler turnpike near Etna postoffice will be sold at auction on Thursday, December 6, at 2 o'clock; lot 30x100: frame house and store: terms, fourth cash and tnree Tears, a. LEUUAX.U&BON, Auctioneers, -n 028-90 FOR SALE-SEWICKLEY RESIDENCE, AD JOINING the residence of Dr. Oeorge Woods, Thornest., near Little, 5 minutes' from Sewlckley station, 2-story brick, hall in the center, grooms, bath, hot and cold water, natural gas, porches, etc. ; also laundry, separate and stable; lot 65x275 to an alley; price 17,500; terms. (1.000 cash, bal ance 8500 annually. SAMUEL W.BLACK4CO., 99 Fourth ave. no2S-73 FOR SALE-ON TERMS OF RENT OF (500 casn and (500 per year, alO-room brick dwell ing with modern conveniences on the best street in bewlckley, but 3 mln. from the station; line lot 47x203 ft. : for a city business man who must de pend on tbe trains this Is the most convenlentlv as well as the most desirably located property lu the market. A. W. ADAIR, Room 708 Penn bldg, Penn ave. no29-13 FOR SALE-A DESIRABLE WILKlNSBURG residence and large lot; 8 spacious and cheer ful rooms, bath, w. c, lavatory, hot and cold water, natural gas, pantries and otbermodern ap- S Uances; everything in excellent order; One lot 1x132 feet; considerable number of fruit trees, grape vines on trellis work, ete, etc.: perfect sewerage; stone walk in front; 2 minutes to raU road station; exceptionally pleasant and con venient neighborhood. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. no30-77 FOlt SALE LOTS. Farms. FOB SALE-100 ACRES ON SQUIRREL HILL; price, (2,500 per acre. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth are - nozs-i FOR SALE-22 ACRES LANDCHOICE SPOT for investment; K mile from railroad: 1 mile from city limits; price (8,000. EU WITTISH, 4iu uram si. nosu-D FOR SALE-A NICE DAIRY FARM, OVER 100 acres, near railroad, in Washington county: good land, orchard, water, dwelling and outbuildings, etc.. etc. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. no30-77 FOR SALE-FARM OF 8J ACRES OF EXCEL LENT land near r. r. station, convenient to cltv; new house stable abundance of fruit, good water, well fenced, ete ; price only n, 600. ALEX ANDER 4 LEE, 313 Wood St. ' no30-3 TTIOR SALE-A GOOD FARM OF 71 ACRES, ON P Hue of railroad, about 15 miles from tbe city; dwelling house outbuildings, orchard, water, ete, etc.; would exchange In part for city property. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. no30-77 FOR SALE-A LARGE PARM-OVER 22S acres; close to railroad; near the city: ex cellent place for a dairy or stock farm: dwellings, outbuildings, orchard, etc., ete; will be sold cheap to close up an estate. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. no30-77 TTOR SALE-A GOOD FARM OF ES ACRES, J one-half mile from railroad station and near one of the best connty towns in Western Pennsyl vania; land all tillable and mostly in sod or grass. is well watered, excellent large orchard, abundance of smaU fruit, good vineyard, comfortable dwell ing house sheds and other outbuildings; natural gas mains within a few rods of the honse Terms, etc., from JAS. W DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. n 030-77 TTIOR SALE-VALUABLE FARM AND FLAG X. BTONtquarrv: .the farm contains 42 acres more or less, and is situated 1M miles from Canonsburg, wash. Co., Pa.; upon this farm are a good two-story frame house of five rooms, a large barn, a two-story brick wash and spring honse and other outbuildings; two good orchards of choice varieties of fruit: tbe farm is in tbe oil and gas belt, and Is unencumbered by a lease: it is well watered; tbe stoneouarry is known as the Cook quarry. Call on or address GEORGE Mo WILLIAMS, Canonsburg, Wash, co.. Pa. nol9-38-D Hiacellnjieous. FUtt BAL1S-AT INOItAM, N1HJS AUHtS V1U laud. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 63 PourtS no2t-14 TTt)E SALE-NATURAL GAS LANDS-160 JL?, av,res On Noblesville road, eight miles from Indianapolis: no wells ret drilled on this land. 'but lands on all side hve Sowing well, from Which entire nival. Sir 1mlAiunnlla m fifctmSjM. FOR SALE-LOTS. , East. End Lata. XfOR SALE-W ACRES ON FORBES ST.. WEAK Murray tv iva.! nriRA Sh-OGO Tier acre. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt.. 62 Fourth ave. no27-14 T7W)K BALE-2M ACRES ON MURRAY AVE., X? Twenty-second ward: price (8.030 per acre GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt., 62 Fourth ave no27-14 I7IOK SALE-50-ONESOUABE FROM FIFTH ; averr-ane building lot 24x100: small cash pay roeut. balance on time 6349 station at., E. E. no24-l27-TTS8a TCVOE SALE-LOTS 40x100 FEET FOB , 000 ON J2 easy payments, one square from Fifth av enue near College avenne. See W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. nol2-86-WS FOR BALE-PO. PER FOOT FRONT BEAUTI FUL corner lot 60x120 on Improved street; one square from Hlland and Negleyaves. MEL LON BROTHERS, 6349 Station sL. E. E. noZl-137-TTSSn TTIOH SALE-A LARGE CORNER LOT, 109X13O J feet. In the Shadyslde district. East End; 5 rice to a prompt buyer, (5,09t): a decided bargain. AS. W. DRAPE 4 CO.. 12 Fourth avenue Pltta- burg. DO30-77 FOR SALE-SIX ACRES ON SHADY AVE NUE, Squirrel H11L one minute from new electric road, at less than value; well planted in fruit, etc. Terms to suit. C. H LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue. no39-75 FOR SALE-92 FEET AT (38 PER FOOT IN THE Baum Grove plan; street is sewered, graded, curbed and flagstone walks laid; this is a bargain for someone lfsoid at once .SAM'L. W- BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave no24-55-TuWThs TTlOB 8ALE-(70 PER FT., E. E. BUILDING -F site Roup street, near Firth ave.. lot 150x150 feet: magnificent view; good location and unsur passed neighborhood: terms to suit. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. n 027-16 FOR 8ALE-IF YOU WANTA8AFE INVEST MENT in property, and one that will Increase rapidly in value buy one of those very desirable lots in Villa Park plan. Brushton; our prices are low and terms exceptionally easy. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 812 Smlthfleld St. no24-40-TTSStt FOR SALE-120 FEET FRONTAGE ON CABLE line, 10 minutes from Wood st. and Fifth ave.; choice street, bloek stone pavement; (50 front foot for a block or high class tenement houses; this location cannot be duplicated at the price. CHARLES SOMERS 4 CO., Ill Wood St. Tel. 1773. no30-92 FOR SALE-LOTS IN THE BAUM GROVE Plan; front on wide asphaltum streets, have flagstone sidewalks, with grass plots and a cen tral location, makes this plan tbe most desirable lu the market. Secure plan from MELLON BROS.. East End, or JOHN F. BAXTER, Agt., 612 Smlthfleld street. no24-40-TTSsa FOR SALE-ONLY (M PER FOOT FRONT for a lot on a pared street; best location In the East End: street sewering, city water, n. and a. gas, all laid; also electric lights on streets; handsome bnlldlnn are being erected on both sides; will be sold at the price If sold within 10 days. Bee or address KELLY 4 ROGERS. 6315 Station St., East End. no28-43-THS Hazeivrood Lots. FO E S A L E AT HA2ELWOOD 4 NICE building lots, near tbe R. B. station; price low; easy payments. L M. PENNOCK 4 BON, No. 105 Fourth ave. no26-5o-TTS Suburban Lota. T7I0B 8 ALE-AT IN. GRAM. LOGO LOTS, GEO. JU uiinBiufl, Aseni, u jrooria stc noK-14 TfOK SALE-AT INGRAM, SEVERAL VERY JL' nice one-acre tots: price f'weacniot. wau, JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. no26-14 T710B SALE-AT WILKlNSBURG, LOT 50x280. DAJiO-Al TT ujaifloomwj) MV1 W 1 I', ..I......, tm ..... .tattn. ATC. A BW.a HI. A' 11 W. N. HAMNETT. -404 Smlthfleld St.. Plttburr. .& lU.UUtC (1VUI SM...UU.- Til.. I r.U.d and Wllklnsburg. uo27-S9 T7U1R HALE AT W1LTCINHHURO. OK J40N- JP TOUR st, 2 nice lots, 20x3X ft., price (460, and"" ouxdujii., price ku. j a. jrx.ixuuA. a oun. No. 106 Fourth ave, no30-74-KWS TTIOR SALE-BE W1CKLEY LOT, 50X14B, FRED X? ERICK ave., adjoining the new brick resi dence of Mr. Frank Straw, one of the choice streets of Bewlckley, and very convenient to tbe station: terms. (300 cash, balance tort years. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave n0Z8-73 TTIOR SALE-FINE LARGE BUILDING LOTS t InHwlimle'Plicait Hwliivale station: this property combines most of the advantages of town ana country water ana gaa mams, atue walks, electric lights, stores, schools, frequent rapid transit, and merely nominal taxes: prices (100 to (1,000; (10 to (60 down and the balance on monthly payments; locate your home where you can have plenty of room, pleasant surroundings and be in the line of the great movement of popu lation toward East End. BAM'L W. BLAUK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. no28-72-Th3 FOR SALE-FOUR LOTS ABOUT THREE minutes' walk from Laurel station. Ft. Wayne R. R,, at a give-away price: to start them will sell the first two for (125 each, cash, arid give them the privilege of stone from- quarry near by, free of charge and the privilege or water from an elegant spring: then will sell tbe next two for (200 a piece; they are all nice level lota and are worth at least from (480 to (600 each; the first comes the first served; will not sell another lot at less than (400 to (600 each.. -UNLOVE, no. 93 Fourth avenue. "no30-76 FOR. SALE BUSINESS. Bastaesa Chances. F IOR SALE-A PHYSICIAN WILL BELL BIS nraetlce etc. in a rood town on line otrall- road:irsoldatonce an exeellentopenlng at low niiee: rood reasons xor selllnfif- Aaare&s jha.- TERIAMEDICA, Dispatch office n 030-81 FOBSALE-VALUABLEPATENTIMPROVJS-MENT on elevators; now In operation at Star Finishing Works, 2335 Hamilton St.. Phlladel- Shi. Pa. : preserves life and limb. For full par culars apply to ROUT. J. WALKER, Inventor. no27-9S-D. TTOR SALE-AN OLD-ESTABLISHED FAM X? ILY grocery business In Allegheny, one of the best stands In tbe city: everything in fuU run ning order, with a fine line of cash customers: carefully selected stock all merchantable; a rare opening. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. no30-77 TTIOE SALE-COAL BUSINESS1 ON LINE OF X? railroad, near tbe city, all in successful op eration, and Including pit wagons, mules, tools and all necessary equipment: about 150 acres of solid coal: side track space for 50 cars: rare open ing for anyone who understands tbe coal busi ness. JAS. W-DRAPE 4 CO.. 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. no30-77 TTOR SALE-GROCERY STORES UT BOTH A' cities, from (350 to (10, 000; cigar store (860, 350. 1500. SI.SO0 ! shooting gallery paying. (73 per week clear of expenses: fine cltv :uy ana country drugstores; general country stores: good paying slate roofing business in live town; boarding houses, milk routes, confectioneries, bakeries and many other good business chances, SHEPABD 4 CO., M Fifth ave. noJ8 FOR SALE A HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL general store in s prosperous manufacturing town on line of railroad, the leading and best stand in the place both in volume ot sales and desirable character of its patrons, has always made money: sales about (80,000 annually; no bad debts; it Is rare that such fine opening as this can be obtained: satisfactory reasons for selling. Terms from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, no30-77. FOB BALE-THAT FINE NEW DRUGSTORE and valuable fixtures, plate glass mirrors, ete. in tbe Uonongahela House drugs tore .Smlth fleld street. Pittsburg. aU to be sold In one lot wltn a 5 years' lease at public sale on Thursday morning, December 8, at 10 o'clock, on tbe prem ises; satisfactory reasons foe selling; immediate possession; terms H cash, balance in 3 or 4 months with int. and security. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg, n 0-30-77 Business Stands. FIR BALE-BUSINESS PROPERTIES IN ONE of the best squares, on Smlthfleld St. Apply to I. M. PEN NOCK 4 SON, 105 Fourth ave no27-8S-W8 T7HJR S ALE-WOOD BTREET PROPERTY LOT JC 20x90 with warehouse ou it, at less than value to settle up an estate. C.H. LOVE, No.98Fourth avenue. no30-7 FOR BALE-FEDERAL STREET PROPERTY, Nos. .43 and 45, having a front of 40 feet; this is a rare cnauee ior Dnying a Business property in one of the best locations in Allegheny, See SAMUEL DYER, or GEORGE ALEXANDER. 48 Park way. Allegheny. no27-30-MWTg FOR SALE aUSCELLANKOUS. Horses, Vehicle, Lite Stock, Etc FOR SALE 1 FINE PERCHERON MABE I years old in March, 17 bands high; weight 1,750 pounds; color roan: sold for the want Of use. Inquire any afternoon or WM. MORRIS, head of Brunot's bland; Chartlers packet tend on the place. bo29-W machinery and Metal. FOB SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted: repalxlngpromptlv attended to. PORTERFOUNDRYNDHACH1NECOLIM.. below Suspension bridge Allegheny. Pa. anl8-3 FOR BALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles in stock, from 4 to 100 b. p. ;all refltted;good as new, at lowest prices; portable engines. 8 to 25 b. p. ; boilers all sites and styles. J.S,YOUNG,23Prk.wy,AUegheny. Pa. oca-80-D TTIOR SALE NOW ONE SECOND-HAND JD tenoning machine 2 surface planer and t shaper, and new and second-band engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks, blimien valves, castings, ete VELTE 4 MCDONALD, Thirty-second at. and Penn ave iv2l-l-rrs Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-HARNESS, SADDLES, BLANK ETS, robes, whips, covers, etc.: good goods at lowest prices at CHAMBERLAIN'S OLD 8TAND, Fourth ave and Ferry t. no30-S7 LOST. T OST-BUNCH OF KEYS FRUJAY EVEN XJ ING. between Oakland and Grand Opera House Finder will eonler favor by leaving same at POSTAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE. noSO-lS LOST-BETWEKN SHEFFIELD ST., ALLE-' GHENY. and Penn ave. Pittsburg, a lady's blue cloth coat: a liberal reward will be paid if leftatl88BHEPFlELDST., Allegheny, UO30-86 TOST-OS MISLAID POLICY MO. 34.889, Application has been made for the Issuing of a duplicate. (Signed) MELCHEKTAKNEK. noI4-3-l-24.2it.2S30-de3.4 REWARDS. "DEWARD-A LIBERAL BJWA, JLV . pais rer me recovery ei mm Mwlw vu drowned M w Si m WIW BE sr mh TO LBT. City Residences. rrW LET-NO. 29 FEDERAL BT..NE AR WYX1E L ave.. house 8 rooms. See W. A. HEREON 4 SONS, No. a Fourth avenne. no30-CD , TO LET HOUSE OF H ROOMS ON PEXS ave.: all modern conveniences. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agt., 62 Fourth ave no27-14 mo LET THREE NEW BRICK, HOUSES. A 2-story. 7 rooms, both gases t situated on Fulton, near Bedford. Inquire J SON, 79 Reed st., near Robert. B. A.NDEK-no30-i mO LET-NEW BRICK HOUSE OF SEVEN, JL rooms, on Bedford avenue between Homers and Chauncey streets. Kent (IS per month. In- ' quire of JOHN O. HITE, across street from bouse. noJO-73 AHegkesy Residence, mo LET-ON B0YLH8TREET, ALLEGHENY,1 J brick bouse of 1 rooms, cellar, etc. at tBper month: no water rent. ALEXANDER 4 LEE. 313 Wood St. no30-70-D TO LKT-ON RIDGEWOOD AVENUE, ALLE GHENY, modern dwelling of 9 rooms, bath, hall, etc., at (22 per month: no water rent. ALEXANDER 4 LEE, 313 Wood St. no30-69-D Suburban Residence. 3 no LET-AT' INGRAM, HOUSE OF ' L rooms; natural gas: delightful location. EO. JOHNSTON. Agt.; 62 Fourth ave. D027-14" TO LET-AT SHERIDAN HOUSE OF 8 rooms and storeroom about 3 minutes from R. R. station: low rent. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agt., 62 Fourth ave no27-l r-H Farms. mO LET-AT INGRAM. AN OLD ESTAB-f JL LISUED vegetable garden. containing 40 acres, underhlzh state of cultivation: on premi ses 4 rooms and basement dwelling, 2 green houses 13x30ft, with other outbuildings. GEO. JOHNS TON, Agt., 62 Fourth are. n 027-14 Eualnea Stands, TO LET ATTARENTUM, PA.. 3TNE-BRICK store with cellar. 20x73. Apply M. OPPEN-; HEIMER, 71J Liberty st., or 712 Penn aye. U 030-99 ' , Offices. Dealt. Room. &c t TO LET A VERY DESIRABLE, WELLi LIGHTED office In the Lewis Block; lznme- dlate possession. inqulre at ROOM 66, 42 FIRS no30-SZ ave. TO LET-(600 PER YEAR-A LARGE, WELL LIGHTED office with all modern conven iences; newly painted and paperedrhas two large e'osets for storage room. Inquire at GERMAN LA SAVINGS BANK. 423 Wood It. noliMI-P PERSONAL. PERSONAL HAVE YOD SEEN LEVI'S bookstore? Do yon know we have new books., as well a old? Do you know we have the largest stock of old books west o the Allegheny Moon- tains? LEVI'S BOOKSTORE, SCO Liberty St. no3-33 PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY EE TURNED; recently they bad not been on the best of terms owing to s little family Jar occa sioned by the wife insisting on being allowed to renovate his wearing apparel, and which, ot course was done in a bungling manner: In order to prevent the trouble they agreed to- send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 65 Fifth ave, corner Wood st., second floor, and now everything la lovely and peace and happiness' again reigns in their household. Telephone 1558. au30-7 . AUCTION SALES. BRUCE 4 SHIELDS. Attorneys; Fifth, are and Grant st Admi!stratofs1ExtesiYeDIspIenishing, PUBLIC SALE Of the valuable dairy and farm stock; over IBS cows, 13 heifers, bulls, calves, 81 horses; also wagons, implements, dairy utensils, etc, eta, of the estate ot tbe late Alfred Harrison, de ceased, all to be sold without reserve, by order of the Safe Deposit Company of Pitubnrj, administrator; on the premises on TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, December 3 and i, A D. 1889. commencing eaek day at 10 o'clock, , Call or lead for handbill giving mora fall' particulars. .-i' N.B. The firsf day's sale will take place oaV the premises, at the old homestead, on Ells- worth ave-corner Barton st near bnadjsidOr-. . station, with about 18 horses, harness, stone wagons, implements, etc, and then proceed to the other premises, near Fifth aye, Oakland... where the sale will be continued from day to' day until everythiner has been disposed oCt mptory saie., .terms casn. JAS. W. DRAPE fc rn i liH SjH noSKS-D 12BF0 FltfE FOREIGN AND JAS. W. DEAPE fc CQ.AsafBu-ssl o-7-r l oopm sve, irnttsfftrg. BANKRUPfc-BALj , """"If 'tsW - OVER KSOCRWORTH !NSj DO MESTIO DRT JF ,HSh GOODS, CARPETS, Era, ' BY AUCTION l ; -AX- , 723 AND'72sTlBKRTY st --' CORNER. EIGHTH. Bales, Morning, Afternoon and Evening, . N. B. Special accommodations provided for .1 ladles. " noaMS-TTgaa AMUSeatESTS. RAND OPKBA HOUSE This Afternoon, OTHELL-O. P A RT N B S . - Next week BrtrEBEABU, Js. -t 4. e B TJOU THEATER BUG "'- ;&& Matinee to-day. J. K. EMMET IN TJNCLS'JOE. & Dec. 2, Hallea 4 Hart in "Later On-" no25-9-Ths HARRIS' THEATER - r Every Afternoon and Ereatejt. NELSOH'S " GREAT WORLD COMBINATION. Week Dee. 2 Beacon Ligbte no -j, 1 fLD C1TT HALL - ?!' " LEVY, - Thl Aftarsooa and Evaufsa'. Jf Tickets at Hays. 79 Plfth avenne. naeW-ia' -' HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY Xo-Bigltt, Matinees Tuesday, Tamisssf and Hatnrdav. " THE NIGHT OWLS BURLESQUE COM- -pwv. ThanksglTiBgDay matte, slant prices. bo3M -TTTORLiyS MUSEUM ALLEGHENY; W City WekofNoveber3l,UeaT7iOTT World' Circus. The Skeletea Dudelet,! thlBne woman on earti. Positively the eveas. nf ttmaaason. December Z Wax trrosBi9aat- of the great Croats murder Mystery. Hnaws UlBgersnap uoffipanj, aww . SIXTH AVENUE DY WORKS, I. may sols & co.; STEAM DYERS AND SCOURERS ' And general reaovators of textile, fa-brie. la dies' and gentlemen's soiled or faded garments neatly cleaned or restored la, color. Carta ot every deaeripttea caret ally attended to. M. MAY SONS & Ctx. '' JeU-TTS M SIXTH AYR. Pittafenrg. Pa. -iNE WJr EXCURSIONS PULLMAN IJ tourist sleeplne cars from Cbloago taSsw Francisco and tfce Pacific- coast. For th ea elusive accommodation of purchasers of soeead claa ticket", the Chicago, Kock Island aaC Faciflc Railway are now running; execrates Is Pullman tsarist sleeping cars (perseaftlly con ducted), every second Thursday, from Ckfcsfs to Oregca and California via Denver. Every eo-mfort and convenleaca assaaed at ft great reduction frora regular flm-cla . Addrees for fall particulars E. ST. JOHN. JOHN SEBASTIAN, Gen. Manager, Gen, Ticket and Chicago. PassosgerAgeat. soee-TTa , HOLIDAY GOODB-BOY8 WATCHES, K and np; ateses1 soilcl Hvr wsrtefce. I ud w; Sss scold watch, ssstnesd. jewelry, silverware, ciodw, Bpeef sts. ete, at WILSON'S, 61 Fourth aye. Pltwfcargi Watches aad Jewelry caref ally rsaairos. nols-Tzs Waltw J. ameoMX. men turn MAwmirt. BARROWS 4 OSBOURNB "JM"n job printers: flA IIsbsssbsssssssssI AsssssssssssL TTsHMM N. U2. asil I 111 H -piAKOtt, ORG AJtS. lTA-1 .Ir 3! . -it- z-i-e-i.-'! --"SH rft i ". , t aJTriDthiwie BC- -4&gv Wfpss: vJ iftt'.t iu7 " .a.vrc -y ?fc '-' . - !?' r r t ' -iV.f tSs T3vJ tWJf. WFoariftaTOBuev ;-fe.f