Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 29, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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f ers' Spendthrift sons.
BY J. M.
Old Beldon and old Bracken bad made
of the name of "Beldon & Co.,
bankers," a synonym of security.
They bad also built two magnifi
cent fortunes, which their profligate sons
occupied themselves most assiduously in
spending. The old men were both dead at
the time of which I write; but the
company" was alive, and had devolved the
rnnninj of the business; for the present
"senior" partners were almost strangers to
the office. These latter were rather inclined
to be of the "fast" sort, and although their
knowledge of the banking business was
limited, let it be said, to their credit, that
in the scientific game of billiards they were
most proficient. The fair sex spoke of them
in awe-stricken tones as being "very rapid,"
and yet, judging from the number of matri
monial traps set for them,this was not consid
ered as a particularly derogatory character
istic. They had been classmates at college
together, and their friendship had outlived
their graduation days.
Jesse Beldon was the elder, vet probably
had little more of that commodity called
"common sense;" compared to the other, lie
was ouiet. He was not, however, oneof
those" voting men who follow the old maxim
to "think twice before you act;" he gener
allv thought once.
Charlev Bracken never thought "tall.
He was one of the genus "good fellow, and
was well liUed by all. He was generous to
a fault; but there were deeper elements in
his character than showed themselves on the
surface. He was a true friend, but could
hate as well as love. In spite of his dandy
ism and wild wavs old. gray-haired fathers
had often said:" "There's some good in
Charley Bracken." . .
The reader will pardon my introducing
him (or her) info such a scene of confusion
as was presented by the rooms of our friends
one pleisant morning in early summer.
Beldon, who was reclining on a sola, with
a cigar in each hand, mauu'acturing rings
or smoke with a zeal which was commend
able, suspended his occupation for a mo
ment to ask: .......
"Charley, do you really intend to marry
that Leonard girl?"
"S'pne I'll have to," he answered, with a
conle!sional air.
"Well, it has always been a kind of
understood thing, you know, ever since
Xellie and I first made mud pies together,
that we'd be married some day; but I never
regularly engaged myself till last spring."
"What did you do that for?"
"Had to old woman inquired after my
intentions wanted to know whether I was
trifling with innocent affections, and all
that sort of thing. I got scared and pro
posed," explained Charley, punctuating his
remarks with puffs of smoke. "I don't
. nrettv cirl
matir th. whole familv."
"What will become "of me?" asked Bel
don, rather gloomily.
"Get married yonrself and settle down."
"Thank you; f do not care for any of that
"Well," said Charley, as he lighted a
cigar, "do what you think best; I'm not
your keeper."
"The idea of rnarrving at 22," said Bel
don; "break ltjoff, Charley, you're not old
enough." .
"Xhe deuce!" exclaimed Charley. This
was the unkindcst cut of all. He had been
called "young." Further than his first ex
clamation, however, he said nothing.
Neither of the pair felt in a sufficiently
good humor to carry on an animated quar
rel; consequently nothing was said for some
time, until Charley, who had been gazing
abstractedly out or the window, became sud
denly interested in something outside.
"Look here, Jesse, who is this girl?" he
"Don't you know her? I thought every
body knew her."
"She's discussed, and sometimes praised,
a good deal."
"You haven't told me who she was yet."
'Jessie Carson artist's daughter."
"Know her?"
"Only by sight."
"How has she distinguished herself?"
Beldon punctured his lips.
"Don't ask me," he said; "other women
say bhe's too sprightly, I believe. Xou ought
to hear the old women talk!"
"The critical old cronies! She is the
Erettiest girl Ieversaw," and he stroked
is blonde mustache approvingly.
"She has a pretty name," admitted Bel
don. "Your name yes. Ton ought to marry
"Some poor goose will be tied down to the
young flyaway, I suppose," said Beldon,
with a sarcastic tone.
Charlev Bracken was still smarting over
being called "young." A sudden idea
strnck him. Here was his revenge: "If I
have anv diplomacy." he thought, "Jesse
Beldon shall be that same poor goose." He
said alond: "He don't need pity."
For the next two days succeeding this
conversation Mr. Charles Bracken had all
the appearance of a man with an object in
lite. He was twice seen in an undeniable
hurry. These symptoms of excitement in
one "of surh a. lazy temperament naturally
excited curiosity and concern.
On the third day he entered Beldon's
apartments with a bored air and said: "I
can't stand this weather any longer, Jesse;
let's go somewhere to rusticate!"
Bracken laughed. "I thought yon had
enough rustication during yonr college
days. Where do you want to go?" Boston
bv water?"
""All right. How soon?"
"Boat leaves in an hour. Not much
time." .
We will draw the curtain on the scene
which ensued. Suffice it to say that our
friends reached the boat just three minutes
beiore it started. In due course of time
supper was announced, at which meal
Beldon felt his arm suddenly and violently
nudged. t
"By Jovel look down at the other end of
the table," said the nudger.
Beldon looked. Next to the captain sat
Hiss Carson.
"Same girl we were talking about the
other day," said Beldon.
"res," said Bracken; "quite a coinci
dence." The nudger smiled.
When, aTter supper, they went on deck
they found Miss Carson was before Them.
The sun was now setting. It passed below
the horizon like an immense molten ball,
slowlv sinking in the sea,
"Isn't it grand!" she said.
"Quite imposing," answered Charley,
with cool impudence.
She turned with an air of surprise. "I
beg your pardonl sir. I thought it was the
captain behind me," she said with a smile,
and so simply that Charley felt as he had
never lelt beiore. He retired in confusion.
"I will get an introduction," he said to
himself. "I thought no woman could em
barrass me; but she knocked me over with a
glance. Beldon has bad such little experi
ence with women she will tangle him be
Jore we get to Boston. I know I might get
caught myself if I was not already mart
in the saloon he found the captain.
"Captain, you are acquainted with the
voune lady on deck, forward, are you not?"
he asked. '
"Miss Carson? Xes."
"You'd oblige me greatly by inquiring
-whether she will make the acquaintance of
Beldon and myself.
The captain consulted the young lady.
the ceremony was performed with all due
decorum and formality, and as mnch grace
as possible under the circumstances.
Atterthe trio had conformed with the
ancient and time-honored custom of stating
their opinions of the weather, and the nec
essarv and proper remarks had been made
relative to the rolling of the ship "Are
you traveling alone?" asked Beldon.
"Yes. A lew days ago, papa went to a
quarry village in New England, called
Evonville, to stay one day. After he ar
rived there I heard he was sick, and, as I
left in two hours, I did not have time to find
an escort."
"You shall have two, Miss Carson, if you
will honor us," said Charley, gallantly.
"Oh, thanks! But I could not think of
taking you away from your business."
"Business," Charlev laughed. "That's
just what we are running away from. We
are on a rambling pilgrimage through New
England. Why shouldn't we go to Evon
ville?" "Your proffered escort, them, Is thank
fully accepted" she said smiling.
As the conversation drifted on, one sub
ject suggesting another, Charley, with
what he fondly imagined tact, gradually
withdrew himself, and, finally, making
some excuse, left them.
"I'll give ?hem an hour, alone, to fall in
love," he thought "My plan will work
well. Beldon will have a" fine wife, and I
sweet revenge! He said I was a fool to en
gage myself; perhaps he will prove the
same kind of fool!"
The saccharine nature of his revenge was
not, however, reflected in his countenance.
His expression was anything but sweet.
When he returned he found Beldon greatly
entertained by Miss Carson's bright re
marks. "We thought you must have fallen
overboard," she said to him.
"You appear to be in remarkably good
humor about it," he laughed gaily.
"It's such a pleasant disappointment to
see that my suspicions were untrue."
The effect of the bow with which he re
ceived this compliment was somewhat
marred bv the rolling of the ship. It was
pitch dark now, only a dim light from the
cabin door fell on Miss Carson's face as she
talked, and showed the varied expressions
of her face. For two hours Charley listened
like one enchanted. When it was all over,
when nature had asserted herself, be
thought, "She loves him, and has a true
heart. I like her. Beldon is a lucky
But when Beldon asked his opinion he
said: ' ""Deuced fine girl brilliant, you
know all that sort of thing give me a
He thought his plan was working well.
Perhaps it was, but Beldon did not commit
On their arrival at Evonville, a pleasant
little village with a well-kept hotel, they
found Mr. Carson seriously ill. However,
two days of his daughter's gentle treatment,
brought him around and out of danger. It
was arranged, on rather short notice, that
the party, with the addition of one of Miss
Carson's triends, who would join them in a
week, should make a flying visit through
New England and then to Europe, toremain
until winter.
"We'll have a jolly time," Miss Carson
said. She would not tell the name of the
friend who was to join them. "If you know
her. you like her already; if you don't, you
will like her when you do," was the only
answer the young men received to their re
peated inquiries. On the fourth day of
their stay the artist Mr. Carson went ont
to make some sketches of the beautiful
scenery in the neighborhood. .His daughter
accompanied him with her book, but soon
strayed away and was separated from her
father. Our masculine friends, firmly be
lieving that "the early worm gets caught,"
arose at 11 and strolled out 'for a smoke.
Rambling aimlessly through the woods, they
finally emerged through an open space and
found themselves at the bottom of the
quarry, and in the presence of ascene which
baffled their understanding.
At one end of the quarry, which was
about 200 feet long, was huddled together a
crowd of workmen, pale with terror, and al
most speechless; their eyes riveted in fixed
intensity on the farthest wall of the im
mense granite basin in which they stood.
Beldon had just concluded one of his funny
stories, but the laugh died on his lips.
"What's the matter?" he asked hastily.
The men looked fiercely at the "city
swell," whom they hated by instinct; but
one of them, forgetful of small animosities,
in the supreme terror of the moment
snatched him by the arm. "Look!" he
said, "there's the largest blast in five years
it will be off in a minute. God help the
Charley looked. In the extreme end of
the quarry, on a ledge some 30 feet above
the level of the quarry bed, a young lady in
white was lying asleep, with a book "half
fallen from her hand. She had evidently
come down from the road, bnt lew feet
above, and the workmen under the ledge
bad not seen her. Not more than two yards
beneath her the snake-like fuse, much
longer than usual, to guard against danger
from the large blast, trailed its length over
the rocks.
He saw it all in a moment: "That Carson
girl, by George!"
A bucket of drinking water stood near
him. Seizing this, Charley was over the
intervening space and just below the blast
at the foot of the incline. The workmen
strong, rough men, who knew the terrible
'agency he was about to defy" thought him
mad. xne silence in the quarry was
deathly; no one spoke; they scarcely
breathed; momentarily they sxpected to see
launched into eternity that couple the one
so unconscious of her peril, the other so
fearlessly striving to save her. Only
the footsteps of the climber were heard,
with their ghastly echoes reflected from the
granite walls. The slope near the bottom
was quickly mounted, until he stood eight
feet from the fuse, at the foot of a perpendicu
lar wall. Here he paused a moment There
was no crack or crevice in the wall; the
treacherous fire above could be seen slowly
crawling, crawling toward the blast A
half minute more and all would be over.
He was thinking how to act A ring of
smoke ascended through the air; he was
only smoking his cigar; but what shiver
that other wreath sent to the heart of the
strongest who watched! A moment only he
paused, then placed the bucket at his feet,
stood on it, and, streching his body to
its utmost, reached the top. hooked his
foot in the bucket handle, and, with a
strength he had never known before, drew
himself and the bucket up, until he stood
quietly over the burning fuse. Stooping he
poured a mere cupful of water on the pow
der, and it was all ont! .He had saved her
He looked for a moment at the pretty
picture above him, arrayed his necktie and
cuffs in a dandified way, knocked the ashes
from his jrfgar, picked up the bucket, which
was stilTalmost full, and descended.
The workmen God bless their honest
sonls! went mad. Cheer after cheer went
up, such as those old stones had never re
echoed before. The hated "city chap" of
yesterday was the hero of to-day. Poor fel
low! he was a martyr to their enthusi
astic admiration. Finally, Jesse Bel
don came to Charlie's rescue,
and, when the two friends were
alone together, they clasped hands as only
oIJ friends do clasp. "Charley, it was a
noble act!" was all that Beldon said.-
"Do-o-n-'t, Jess! You'd have done the
same If you'd been in front"
They walked along together, puffing their
cigars in silence.
"Don't say anything about this, Jess,"
said Charley, when they reached the hotel;
"not to her, at any rate. I mean Miss Car
son 1 Hate gratitude a whole summer's
fun would be spoiled."
"All right, If you don't want me to, I
won't," answered Beldon, rather surprised.
"Thank you, Jess," said Charley heartily.
When the young men had left, the quarry
men, looking for Miss Carson, saw she was
gone. That young lady had been awakened
by the shouting, and, not knowing but that
they were making fun of her and suddenly
remembering that she was in a position
which some of her back-biting friends, who
like to criticise her nr-tinnR would stvle un
ladylike, quickly made her way back as sheH
nan come.
Beldon kept his promise. The week
slipped by, and Miss Carson never knew
how hear death she had been, nor how
bravely she had been rescued.
On the evening before leaving for abroad;
Charley found himself sitting alone with
her on the hotel porch. The lady who was
to join the party was momentarily ex
pected. He lelt slightly nervous, almost
bashful. He had lost a good deal of his con
fidence in himself since he met this "flyaway
girl." He could not flirt with her.
She started the conversation: "Your curi
osity about our future companion will soon
be satisfied, Mr. Bracken."
"Can't you tell me, so that I may be pre
pared?" he asked, i Before she had time to
answer, however, a sudden thought struck
him. "Oh! of course, I know what it is,"
he said, "how stupid not to have guessed it
before! Your mother, of course; I will ex
pect in a minute to see " But he stopped;
something in her face made him do so.
"My mother is dead," she said, in a low
"Oh! excuse my carelessness," Charley
said, hastily. ,
An awkward silence ensued. He felt ex
tremely uncomfortable. Miss Carson's last
speech was in such., a changed tone as to
make him feel very uneasy.
"I was but 2 years old when she died; so I
remember very little of her only that once
I was taken into her room she was lying in
bed, and papa stood beside her, crying; she
kissed me a great many times, and said:
"Take care of my child, Ben, and then, I
thought, went to sleep; I did not know what
death was."
Charley gaid nothing. He did not know
what to say. There was something in his
throat that he could not cough up.
"I often wish I had a mother," she went
on. "I might be a more useful girl; but papa
is always very kind. He thinks I look like
mamma, and, till he came here, we have
never been separated more than one day.
He has been my only school teacher." She
paused again, and then returned to the old
gny style: "How I am boring youl" she
"No, indeed, please go on! I am very
much interested," said Charley.
"Hush!" said she. "Listen!"
In the next room the shrill noise of a
qurryman's child was relating what had
happened at the quarry. Not a detail was
admitted, not a syllable was lost to the
couple on the porch.
When the story was told she turned to
him half crying, half laughing, and held
out her hand. He took it
"Is it true, Charley?" she asked. She
had never called him Charley before.
"Yes, I "
"Yon need not make any excuses, I know
how bravely you did it I don't know how
to thank you."
She stopped. He was holding her hand
very tightly, and the hand, she knew, was
throbbing as if there was a steam engine in
it She tried to release it, bnt he held it
tighter still.
"Yon have my hand, Mr. Bracken, "ishe
said, looking him in the face. What she
saw there made her look more quickly to
the floor.
"You have mv heart. Jessie." he said.
with an earnestness that made her heart
throb till she was well nigh choked. The
"flyaway" girl was very bashful now. She
was trembling all over. But she did not
try to take her hand away. Ahl that little
hand; it was his 'hand now. and her heart
was with it They were happy indescrib
ably and supremely happy.
All human joys are fleeting. They were
reminded of this fact by hearing the latch
of the gate lifted. Messrs. Beldon and
Carson entered, accompanied by a very
pretty young lady. Charley's hair stood on
It was Nellie Leonard.
When Jessie Carson was about to intro
duce them, Nellie remarked that she
thought "Charley and I do not need an in
troduction," and Charley was sufficiently
recovered to stammer with something about
having "met the that lady before."
During the rest of the evening be sat in a
corner and confined .his conversation to
monosyllables. He was thinking. At night,
he told Beldon all.
"Go to sleep, Charley," said that indivi
dual, "put your trust in Beldon, and he
will fetch you through."
Comforted by this assurance, he resigned
himself to the denizens of dreamland with
out further remark.
When he arose at noon theJbllowing day,
he found that Bracken and Nellie Leonard
had taken a walk together, as had also Mr.
Carson and his daughter. Charley suc
ceeded in finding the latter couple. "Jessie
had informed her father of what had hap
pened, and her father had finally consented
to their marriage. Consequently, a lewi
minutes afterward, wnen tney met tne other
couple in the woods, she said:
"Allow me to introduce Mr. Charles
Bracken in a new character, as my future
lord and master."
"And allow me to introduce the futnre
Mrs. Beldqg," said the gentleman of that
name, presenting Miss Nellie Leonard.
As soon as he recoveredfrom his amaze
ment, Charley advanced and held his hand
out to Nellie. "We were both untrue as
lovers," he said, "but as friends we will be
the opposite."
"And the trip to Europe?" said the
"We'll put that off" a year."
"Are you not anxious to admire the works
of art there?"
"I prefer nature," Charley said, signifi
cant! v, taking Jessie's hand again.
PrrTSBtrBG, November 27, 1889.
Break the Deadlock Exlatlns la
Montana Leaialntnre -The Lien
tenant Governor Will
Take n Decided
Helena, Mont., November 28. Be
publican leaders yesterday were in consul
tation with several eminent lawyers, and be
lieve they have found a way to extricate
themselves from the muddle in which they
will find themselves. It is stated that Gov
ernor Toole was not legally empowered to
name a place in which the Legislature
should assemble; that the only State officer
who possesses such authority is State Au
ditor Kenney, and that that official person
ally notified the members of the House to
meet at another place than that selected by
Governor Toole. When only Bepablieans
responded he, as authorized by the consti
tution, called the roll and declared the
House assembled and ready for business.
In a lengthy legal opinion the Republi
cans of the Senate are advised to wait no
longer for the recalcitrant Democratic mem
bers, bnt go ahead with their business. The
Lieutenant Governor, the lawyers say, in
their opinion must, as the presiding officer,
assume the responsibility of casting the de
ciding vote that is necessary to constitute a
" Lieutenant Governor Bichards said last
night that he believed the suggestion out
lined in the opinion is the only solution of
the difficulty, and unless the Democrats
awaken to their duties he will break the
The Republicans are also considering the
impeachment of Governor Toole, on the
f round that without a shadow of authority
e hired a hall, caused locki to be placed on
all the doors, and placed guards for the pur
pose of keeping out the contesting Republi
cans from Silver Bow, knowing that with
out these members the Democrats could do
as they pleased.
Fob a disordered liver try Beecham's Pills.
Ps' Soap the purest and beat ever made
Business in Full Swing This Morn
fhg as if Nothing Had Happened.
Eeal Estate Should be Yery Carefallj
Handled to AToid Inflation.
It is presumed that about 60,000,000 peo
ple citizens of the great Republic gave
thanks in Borne way yesterday for the mani
fold blessings and mercies which the Good
Father had showered upon them during the
year of which Thanksgiving Day was the
fitting close. No nation enjoys the bounties
of Heaven in a degree equal to this. It has
neither war, pestilence nor famine. Busi
ness of all kinds Is prosperous. Peace and
plenty prevails throughout the land. It is meet
to be thankf nl for these things.
Business win be resumed this morning.
Brokers will assemble at the Exchange to watch
the tendencies of stocks and oil; financiers will
gather at the banks to discuss the money prob
lem, and real estate dealers will resume the
struggle with obdurate customers, to Induce
them to buy or sell, and by way of diversion.
listen to many a harrowing tale told by dissatis
fied tenants. All of these great interests, aor.
mant f or a day, will be In full operation this
Although The Dispatch has on many occa
sions pointed out the danger of an inflation of
real estate values, the warning cannot be too
often repeated. It would destroy the mantei,
by causing buyers to withdraw. They can
rind tho advance that mnst necessarily take
place as a consequence of the expansion of
business and population, for they reap their
proportion of the benefits ol it, Dut to reverse
the conditions and make enhancement precede
expansion would impose a bnrden upon tbein
which they could not well carry.
Th e strong and healthy demand Is a guarantee
against reaction. The only thing to guard
against is inflation.
A bond specialist says: The Investment
market paper Is doll. The high rates obtain
able tor money naturally cause some Belling of
high-grade bonds. The demand for such se
curities is scattering, and seems to proceed
from private Investors. The inquiry of this
character appears to be increasing, and the ap
pearance of freer offerings of desirable securi
ties Is not attended by any concession as to
Many of the cotton-mannfacturlng corpora
tions located at Fall River have held their an
nual meetings within the past few weeks and
the reports of operations submitted make a
very gratifying exhibit for the stockholders.
Fifteen establishments, representing 9,310,000,
have In the aggregate earned (1,867,792 net dar
ing the year. The earnings by the Granite
Mills the corporations recording the heaviest
ratio to capital invested have been 37 per
cent, and the Union Mills have earned 33 per
cent Six other mills exhibit profits ranging
from 20 to 25 per cent and the average amount
earned by the 15 corporations reaches 20 per
This is certainly a very satisfactory result
Yet even the above does not represent fully
how profitable the manufacture of cotton
goods has been in Fall Biver dnring the year
now drawing to a close, for In almost every
factory Improvements have been made and
depreciation In existing plant allowed for, all
of which has been deducted from earnings,
and the above net is the year's result after
such reduction.
General trade continues large and active,
though in a few special lines the tone appears
to be somewhat quieter. The Iron and steel
industry is not one cf , these, for the reports all
agree in Baying that the greatest activity pre
vails and that prices are firm and farther ad
vancing. The Western markets are specially
excited, and it Is there that the tone is strong
est. It seems strange that with nearly all
other industries in such a state of animation
the anthracite coal trade should still form an
exception to the rule. But such is the fact
Of coarse, the mild weather experienced all
through the year, as compared with very severe
weather in 1883, accounts for this condition of
things. Still, even with this drawback con
tinued, it hardly appears possible that the
great industrial activity prevailing should not
soon produce a chance for the better.
Nathaniel S. Jones, a prominent stock broker
of New York, says the speculation Is too lim
ited to Induce outsiders to take any interest in
it and adds: "I do not believe there is any
excessive short Interest in any particular speo
laity. Stocks may go up a point or down a
point; that Is about all there Is in the market
at present."
A London letter says: We are again threat
ened with a dock dispute. Many of the vessels
that come into the Thames are unable to come
ud to, London to unload. They, therefore,
trans-ship their cargoes to barges, which are
navigated by lightermen, and by them brought
np to the wharves and warehouses. The light
ermen are constituted by act of Parliament a
close corporation, and in fact enjoy a monop
oly. When the dock bands struck the lighter
men also struck out of sympathy, but while
the dispute continued they put forward claims
on their own behalf.
"Finally it was decided that the questions at
Issue between the men and taelr employers
should be referred to Lord Brassey as arbi
trator. He has awarded an increase of pay,
but be has remained silent on the question
whether one job is to constitute a night's work.
The men insist that it mnst; the employers
maintain that it is Impossible. The Lord
Mayor and Cardinal Manning have been re
quested to 'use their good offices, and they, in a
letter to the employers and workmen, have de
clared in favor of the men's demand, and urged
a conciliatory policy upon the employers."
An oil specialist says: "True it is that very
little outside trading is indulged in and even to
the professional trader the market, as at pres
ent constituted, is devoid of interest. But on
the other hand It mnst be borne in mind that in
the absence of speculative interest the market
has held steadily about tie point of 81 10 until
within a day or two held thereby the un
doubtedly strong statistical conditions whliih
have gradually forced up values' from the
nineties of the summer months to the present
elevated figures. And the market is fitted with
a ratchet attachment apparently which pre
vents any slipping back beyond a certain point.
"The question Is sail ope,n as to what will be
done in a few months when the visible supply
of petroleum will be nil, for in less than a year
at the present rate of consumption the pipe
line companies will be drained of their entire
stocks. It will take a phenomenal field to pre
vent a petroleum famine, and this field has been
feverishly sought after, but all efforts have
failed to develop anything like staying terri
How Public Feeling- la Unnnins Toward the
Independence of Canada.
Ottawa, November 28. An idea of how
strongly public feeling is running in the di
rection of Canadian independence in the
maritime Provinces of the Dominion may
be gathered from the following criticism of
the Eastern Chronicle. An influential
newspaper published an item on the pro
posal to hoist the Canadian flag on the pub
lic buildings in Canada. The Chronicle
Whatcood is the Canadian flagT It is not
recognized by any nation on the earth. It has
no place among the flags of the nations of the
world, and would be no more protection to a
man than one of printed cotton. Why, tben,
should our children bo taught to place confi
dence in a flag that can give them no protec
tion when they leave their homes? It Canada
Is ambitions of having a flag worth a banbee
let her strike ont for herself amonc the nations
of the world. Until she has the courage to do
so, for goodness' sake let up on the flag busi
ness. r
Recommended by Physicians
The Sng-nr Trait Finds It Imponlblo to
Corner Its Greatest RlvnlMr.
Sprockets Sleeping With One
Eye Always Open--Why
He's Satisfied.
'Philadelphia, November 28. A ru
mor waff current here yesterday that the
Sugar Trust bad purchased all the domestio
molasses sugar in the country, amounting
to about 8,000 tons, and that Glaus Spreck
els was in a bad way. At the office of Har
rison, Frasier & Co. and E. C. Knight &
Co., the proprietors of the Philadelphia re
fineries outside of the trust, it was stated
that the trust had been buying sugar re
cently and that an attempt had been made
to corner Claus Spreckels. A member of
tne nrm of C. Knight K Uo. said mat ne
did not know whether this attempt would
prove successful.
The rumor attracted considerable at
tention, and was excitedly discqssed in
sugaricircles. Several of the leading whole
ale grocers stated that the trust was in a
very strong position, and that it had re
cently been hoarding its resources, probably
with a view to resorting to a master stroke
to hurt Spreckels. It was thought that this
stroke was the purchase of all the domestio
molasses sugar.
Mr. Spreckels was found at his office at
"Water and Chestnut streets. He bad spent
the entire morning at the refinery at the
foot of Eeed street. He said: "Yes, I be
lieve it is quite true that all the domestic
molasses sugar has been purchased by the
trust. I heard so yesterday. The Strust
thought they had me cornered that I was
purchasing no other grades of sugar but
they are mistaken. I have purchased do
mestic molasses sugar and will commence
operations with that grade, and I had con
tracted for as much as I needed before the
trust began the purchase. Not only
did I have as much domestic molasses
sugar as I required, but I was able to ac
commodate the Sugar Trust and let
them have 2.000 tons that had boen secured
by me. My 'name does not figure in the
transaction, and this will doubtless be news
to the trust, and you may be sure that they
had to pay a good deal more for it than the
figures at which I had secured it. The price
paid by the trust for this sugar was far
above the market value, and I shall be sat
isfied if they continue purchasing in the
same proportion.
"I have made my engagements for sugar
purchases a long way ahead, and when I
have any surplus I shall always be glad to
accommodate the trust; but they need not
imagine that I shall do it for nothing, or
that I am asleep. The difference between
what I had paid for my portion. of this mo
lasses sugar and what the trust paid for it
was $20,000."
The Spreckels refinery will be started to
morrow. Mr. Spreckels announced to
day that there was no need for lurther de
Many Persona Said to be Implicated In the
Fraudulent Land Transaction
Tho Record ot Frederlkaen
While In Europe.
Chicago, November 28. Speaking of
the Frederiksen land swindle, M. Mc-
Murtrie, of the "Western Land Company,
said to a reporter:
Frederiksen went into the business a poor
man. All the money he has made went to
others. Those who got all the profits and never
lost a cent through him are now posing as vic
tims. They were behind Frederiksen. furnished
the capital, knew all about the business and
reaped the benefits. Frederiksen did an im
mense business. In one year he sold between
90,000 and 100,000 acres at S9 per acre that he
had bought Tor S5. At the end ot my first
month's connection with Frederiksen I told
him 1 aid not like his business methods, and
would stay no longer. Bnt 1 had got Johnson,
of Milwaukee, anephew of Alexander Mitchell,
involved to a large amount, and had to stay
two years to get him out, which I did. I in
sisted that where Frederikseu sold any of the
lands to which Johnson held the original title
it should only be as attorney for Johnson.
Hence those who bought the Johnson lands
from Frederiksen have a good title. Johnson
charged Frederiksen only 7 per cent interest,
while others charged 25 per cent bonus and an
interest in the profits besides.
A dispatch from Madison, "Wis., says:
Professor N. C. Frederiksen, of Chicago,
whose gigantic and peculiar operations in
land deals are attracting much attention,
made headquarters here for several years
after first coming to America. Professor
Basmus B. Anderson, United States Minis
ter to Denmark under Cleveland, was inti
mately acquainted with Fredericksen here
and prior to his flight from Europe.
"It is a long story," said Mr. Anderson,
when called upon by a correspondent. "I
was well acquainted with his history in
Denmark and when he came to this country
he immediately looked me up. He was in
the most prominent political and social cir
cles of the Danish capital, a brilliant
scholar, author of several important works
on political economy, and was, I think a
member of the Danish Parliament for
about 16 "years. His wife is the
daughter of Bishop Monrad, formerly Prime
Minister of Denmark, and the connections
of her familv placed them among the social
and political leaders ot the Kingdom. He
was largely interested in business enter
prises in Denmark, and ended in a gigantic
smashup similar, in some respects, , to that
he is at present mixed up in, although I do
not. think there was anything criminal
connected with the former. He fled the
country, bt could have returned at any
time had be seen fit." W
Prof. Anderson says that he entertained
suspicions as to the legitimacy of Freder
iksen's business as much as a year ago, and
was told in Denmark to look out for him as
the reports from America regarding him
were bad.
A Warning to Toonmiers Who Will Indnlge-.
Inn Bad Habit.
Philadelphia, November 28. Youth
ful cigarette smokers have a warning in the
experience of Christopher Kleinz, the 14-year-old
son of J. F. Kleinz, a well-known
sporting man of this city. Young Christo
pher is in the habit of consuming large
numbers of cigarettes, and he inhaled so
much nicotine that he was taken last
Saturday morning with dizziness and
spasms and soon commenced to swell
to vast proportions. His arms and
legs grew to twice their usual
size and his eyes were almost hidden under
his swollen cheeks. In places the flesh
turned black and blue, and great blisters
broke out on all parts of his body. For a
time his life was in danger, Dr.'Kobler,
after considerable hard work, succeeded in
getting him down to something like his
natural size, and td-day he was considered
ont of danger.
A telegram from Beading says: William
Lott, a cigar dealer, was arrested here yes
terday on the charge ofjselling cigarettes to
school boys 8 and 9 years old. About 15
other dealers will be arrested. This action
is being taken in accordance with the in
structions ot the School Board, which au
thorized the prosecution of all dealers who
sold cigarettes to school children.
Not Since the Wan was Lancaster's Tux
Rale so Reasonable.
Lakcasteb, Pa., November 28. The
County Commissioners have fixed the county
tax rate for 1890 at 2 mills, and in addition
called in $50,000 of the outstanding county
bonds. The tax rate at 2 mills fs the lowest
since the Trar. The usual rate has been 3
mills, and for a few years it was 2 mills.
By the payment of 550,000 the county debt
will be reduced to $150,000. The valuation
ot propef ty taxable for countv purposes for
1800 is 184,000,000, against '$86,500,000 in
1888, which makes a reduction in the tax
rate under such circumstances an unusual
TJie current expenses of the county have
been cut down $50,000 a year by the pretest
?9rdofC9il9M. ,
Turkeys Continued to Sell Sight up
to Soon on Thanksgiving.
'And Many More Might Hare FoseI a
Market at High Prices.
THURSDAY. November 23, 1688.
Produce commission merchants kept open
until noon to-day to close out perishable
stock, chiefly poultry. Choice turkeys went
off like hot cakes yesterday, and many more
than were on the market wonld have fonnd
ready sale. "Wholesalers report thefr sales
by tons and carloads, and can give no esti
mate of numbers. A number of Liberty
street commission men report sales of one
or two carloads of turkeys. Two firms fur
nished over 2,000 nrkeys to the "Westing
honse establishments for employes. Sup
plies were not so large as last Thanksgiving
and prices were fully 3c per pound higher
than a year ago.
Oloatly Grown at a Distance.
The crop of nearby turkeys has not been
so light for many years, and our main de
pendence for supplies this season is on the
"West. "While the supply of choice turkeys
this week has been short of demand, other
poultry and game have been in excess of de
mand. Chiekens have been a drug on the
market, and many dealers find themselves
with large quantities on hand after Thanks
giving supplies are filled. The price at
which dressed chickens were sold by jobbers
yesterday was 910o per pound.
Prospects are lair for cheap poultry other
than turkey for the balance of this week.
IilberlT Live Block.
The marked feature of the live stock trade
for the week past has been the sharp decline
in'hogs. The best selected hogs are selling
at $3 75, and the feeling among dealers is
that bottom has not yet been reached.
Packers claim that $3 60 is the proper figure,
and predict that prices will find this level
before the downward drift comes to a stand
still. There has been a scarcity of smooth,
well-fatted light bntcher cattle for some
weeks at the Liberty yards, and. this grade
only holds' its own. '
Prime Heavy cattle and low grade stock
are weak at a decline of 5c to 10c from last
week's prices.
The run of sheep, as will be seen by accom
panvine report, was light, and choice stock
is 20 to 25a higher than a week ago. Markets
in all staple meat lines are slow for the week,
as is alwavs the case in Thanksgiving times.
Turkeys have the fiMd this week above all
other weeks in the year, and beef, pork and
mutton are forced to take a back seat.
The Week at Liberty.
Following is a report of tbe week's trans
actions at the East Liberty yards:
Thro'. Local.
Tbnndsv M0 .... 4.Z75 1,101
radar. ..." 72D M &.KS 550
Saturday;- 7e0 is0 ;!,75 'H0
Snnday. 600 1,030 7.500 1,430
Monday SO 7T0 7,425 1.M0
Tuesday 110 3,373 1,540
Wednesday 340 10 975 1,430
Total 3.280 2.130 32.750 9.578
Laatweek 4,100 1,910 31575 11.60)
Previous wees:.... 2. GOO Z.2S0 84.B5 10,450
Thursday 4 4.013 608
Friday 11 3.814 46
Saturday 2,457 430
Monday. i .... 1,916 S.4S1 2.74S
Tueaday.t... Z7S X.S33 1,139
Wednesday 7 3,728 68
Total ,... .... 2,318 28,818 8,874
Last week. i,M 19,411 8,74t
freTlonaweet 2.2C 18,035 6,268
Home of the Many Points of Difference Be.
tween Them and Doo.
London Saturday Bavlew.l
Cats are being exhibited at the Crystal
Palace. It is not an emotional show.. Mr.
Max Muller tells a pretty anecdote of how
his dachshund recognized him afar off at
one of the canine exhibitions, and did his
best to make np for the want of articulate
language by affectionate demonstrations.
Cats are noble animals, but not demon
strative. In an effusive age the cat remains
calm, dignified, impassive, the Bed Indian
of the animal creation. The cat is not like
the dog; it is melancholy to think what man
has, made or him and what he has made of
man. Every vice of the age re
flects itself in the modern dog. He
is self-conscious, affected, communicative,
gushing, the victim of ennui; he thirsts for
excitement, for society, for public notice.
Prom room to room he speeds, looking for
that in which he finds most society and is
most brought forward. He is vain of his
accomplishments, and deliehts in begging,
in refusing or accepting, bits of cake "from
Mr. Gladstone," in "giving three cheers for
the Queen," in saying "William." Mr.
Eomanes mentions a dog in Dumfries who
could say "William." H"obody ever heard
ol a cat who attempted anything of that
In contrast with the demonstrative phi-
lanthrophy of the day consider the example
of the cat. The cat has retenne. He has
his hours of sportiveness, as Montague ob
served; "thus freely speaketh Montague
about cats," says Izaak "Walton. He will
not disturb himself at an other moments
for anybody. The blandishments of
.strangers he neither shuns nor seeks he
endures them. He is never bored with his
own company. Of all animals he alone at
tains to tbe contemplative life. There is no
firetense of sympathy about the cat. He
ives "alone, aloft, sublime," in, a wise
passiveness. Ifyou tread on a dog's tail by
accident, he utters "the lyric cry,"and then
dissolves in the elegies of apology. The
cat suffers and is silent, orfirmlyapplies his
claws without remark. He is excessively
proud; and, when he is made the subject of
conversation, will cast one glance of scorn
and leave the room in which personalities
are bandied. He disdains accomplish
ments, and it is a tact that cats are losing the
art of purring. All expressions of emotion
he scouts as frivolous and insincere, except,
indeed, in the ambrosial night; when, free
from the society of mankind, he pours forth
his soul in strains of unpremeditated art.
Fonnd by the State Flood Coatsilialoa to a
Scheme of Another ComralIon.
PHrx.ADEi.PHiA, November 28. The re
ported Intention of the members of the "Will
iamsport Flood Belief Commission to com
pensate themselves for their work of dis
tributing tbe funds intrusted to them does
not meet with the approval of the State
Flood Commission. "Wllliamsport received
100,000 from the commission, in addition to
quite a sum from Governor Beaver and big
contributions of money, provisions and sup
plies from other sources.
The local committee,has 115,000 on hand,
and it is out of this amount that the mem
bers are said to contemplate reimbursing
themselves,for their labors.
When baby was sick, we Rave her Castetia.
When she was a Child, she cried for Casterta,
When she beeaas Miss, she clang to Castoria,
"When Mm had CUldre.ke gTe tiMsa Castori
The Peculiar EotasaleneM at Aflatn la
WMen a Boa of Bret Horfe h W-
rectly Interested Two TJa-
happy BomefceMa n
Thankigtrlnc Bay.
New Yoek, November 28.TJp ia "West
.Eighty-fourth street, a block from the park,
lives a handsome blonde woman, and yes
terday she had with her to spend Thanks
giving her two sgnny-haired little boys. It
was not a very happy holiday, however,
with the occupants of the second flat in the
big new apartment house, No. 25 "West
Eighty-fourth street The filing of certain
legal papers in court yesterday has brought
gloom to that little household, and tbe
handsome mother of the two pretty boys
views with dismay the emblazonment of the
peculiar life she is leading.
Mrs. Aline B. Smith, wife of J. Jay
Smith, is the woman, and Francis K-Harte,
son ot Bret Hsrte, is the mau whose Thanks
giving eve was made miserable by the pro
ceedings in court yesterday, which revealed
a condition of domestie entanglement not
extraordinary bv aav means, but in some
respects unusual. The peculiar aspect or
the case is that while J. Jay Smith, the
husband, charges his wife with living
with another man and bearing that other
man's name, he does not want a divorce, and
is willing for her to continue as his wife in
the eyes of the law, if she will only allow
him to have the control of their children.
She does not want to have anything
to do with him, and is content to live
as she is with a morganatic relation
ship to young Harte, and she
proposes to keep her children, too.
"Joe" Smith married Aline Bonton In
this city February 25. 1876. He was a dap
per young man, with a slight, under-sized
figure, and she was a medium-sized, hand"-,
some girl, with a neat, well-rounded figure,
silky yellow hair and big light bine eyes,
fringed with delicately arched brows ana
dark lashes. As time wore on two children
were born to them Bonton, named after her
father, a saddlery merchant here, and
Spencer C. They'are now respectively 8
and 6 years old.
Mr. Smith is still as neat as a new pin,
but his trim little figure has lost its grace
of movement, as he is partially paralyzed
in his lower .limbs. She is as handsome
as ever, with an oval face of good com
plexion and a smile as bewitching as it
ever was, even before marital troubles,
quarrels and family fights cast any shad
ows upon the horizon of their domes
ticity. These quarrels became so frequent
and bitter that at last the conple agreed to
separate, and on November 12, 1888, they
signed an agreement in the law office of Mr.
"W. H. Boughton.- This agreement, how
ever, was to be only temporary, and the
separation which, it provided for was to ex
pire on May 1 last.
In the meantime other young men had
come upon the scene, and Mrs. Smith con
cluded that she would preferto remain awav
from the husband, who had been ill and
was left a comparative invalid. She was
not dependent on him, as her father had
died and lelt her an income ample enough
for comfort. Lawyers have been consulted
time and again by both parties, butno re
conciliation could be-effected.
There I No Probability of a Settlement
for Some Time.
Chaeleston, W. Va., November 28.
There is now no probability that" the extra
session of the Legislature to decide the
Gubernatorial contest will be called before
the middle of January, 1890, if .then. The
Gubernatorial Contest Committee has bees
nominally in session here for three weeks,
yet so far as can be learned nothing- has
been done. The majority have not trans
mitted their report to the Governor, and he
refuses to act until they do so.
Bepublicans here are pleased with the
delay, and claim that every day the Demo
crats lose is making Golf's position stronger
with the people.
Engineer asd Two Bralteajea KHfeeV
Ibostok, O., Nov. 28. There was a bad
wreck at Ceredo. "W. Va., on the Chesa
peake and Ohio Bailroad this morning,
caused by a wash-out. The engineer and
two brakemen of a freight train were killed.
TniaakaBd ft
t bat of thfci. tor (3m Mfatr.
fcaffmet&od: &
I a atrip of leather la a bottla of
Acnw marring, aad learo it then for a day or a
."j"" Take Boos aad nanr tt; ratoibrtBa cs
toraake a ataJlar test '
ammsKacoiuDBOBoaxenijy, na
auraaen wan an
Mlatfcaof Faate
Hakes any kfatd of leather
Bs bee-raw. rich, GLOSSY POLISH Is
A PoHali ZoMm a. Meett fer Woaaem easT
A Week farMra,aatoHaJBeaa .Leather
eras Voter Mestfcs waaee reaeraiiag.
Bold by Shoe Stores, Grocers, anddeales'-anenBt'.
Special attractions how ope ia wefal
goods specially suited for tbe
- Holiday Trade.
Dealers are invitee! to iwpect tke ateefc,
which is complete, aad at priees whici can
not fail to impress the buyer.
This Is now conceded to be the beet 1b Vka
market, u witnessed by the fact that we
at the Pure Food ExpottiOB,.hia la Philadel
phia. -
supkswTr IN QUALITY.
Asd with the bright apetliB Savor ot freea
ly roasted beef. "
Tbe GOLD MEDAL baa bees awa4ed to
ARMOUR & CO., Ckicaf o,
For their exhibit of
m nooo
AVS taaayaeawtowSeeBfcadlei
Zi" YiS ' 'oBroIalBiB4
V-MC) .". hot
nil VsuvASiHBaEis.
W rV PPRrfcaf TT1
i J (ppwssflrt.
HI -j
Eight years ago cancer came oa mylowsf "5s
lip. istooKoa myunaer,iipuxnBOHlw:-j .
the other, and down to-'my caln, 2. btilw
treated bj burnlnc and zotso weaktaatldl ...
not think that I could stand it. mnch longer'., w
Alter much suffering I discarded all othetT"
treatment, and began taxing Swift's Specific, -
and the cancer soon beinn to beaLandma
short time it was completely healed ana I we
entirely welL It Is now over three years stees)
I got well, and there has been no tignofaay
-... - tA JllI T trrtA It HI H i el BBBl
ICbUtUUi sua UUCeWOe AJaASW 4 VdBwe -a
and I Ichow it waa enrgd alone by 8. 8. S. "s
Treatise on Cancer mailed free.
The Bitot Sfbcitio Ca.Dnwer 3, AUMjaJ
Ul, ux-ucrjsvvu
Transact a General Basiw BBlMrf
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular LaH j
of Credit, for use of trarerers, and Cowmh .
i.i phu j?n
TW RTTSTOT.TNCt. j- 4 -1
Available In all gaits ol the world. Also lees .
For use In this country, Canada, Mexico, "Wes. i
inoies, oouia ana uentnu America- -
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. DresisCg
Morgan & Co, New York. .Passports procBxeavl
Complete Protection Seonrdd
To all holders of Bonds. Stocks and
kinds of Securities. Valuable Papers. Becore.-!
ace. Safes for rent at S3 a year and nnwaroVa
Ample provision for tbe storage of Silverware
jewelry, eta, at reasonaoie raws, acts act
ecntor. administrator, euardian. trustee: i
signee and all other fiduciary capacities. Vi
A. Oamson, Prest. Win.T.Howe,Scl
ja ureirg; isi v ico .r. .c&ode. u. jnoorOrAa
Wra.Rea,ZdViceP. Sec. and Treses
Henry A. Miller. Counsel.No. 153 FooxtB
Stocks, Bonds, Grain. Petroleum.
Private wire to New York asd
45 SIXTH ST Pittsburg.
As old residents know and back: filet
burg papers prove, la tne oldest eeo
and most prominent pbystdaa la the'
rotlrw special attention to all esroate a
Fromres:s.nrrj:ililTl ft II
slble perioral
UCDVnilCand mental dlseaees
linn l J Ui3dca.y net-rons debfij
energy, ambition and hope. Impaired a
disordered sight, self distrust, bash:
ril.alii.H 1.WT1WR1MM TtfranfaM- i
poverlsbed blood, falling powers. orgaatewessVv
ness, dyspepsia, constlpatloncouipesviissa
Stung tne person xor oonneea, secrety hh
ru TurmannBtlr-aafBlrand.DTivaaalyc
Dl nnn Akin ClIM diseases i
DLUUUnilU OlMllataRes.
blotches, falling- hair, bones, pains, (
rviilllavx. ulcerations of tonene. moss
ulcers, old tores, are cured for life, as 1
imillint kldnr and Bladder dl
U ill (inn T imeota, weak back; gravel, eaf
larxnai ojacuarxen, uiumiiui.w w
painful symptoms receive searchiai" tree
nmnnt relief and real eurcs.
Dr. "Whlttler's. life-long, ecteasive esBes!
rr insures scientific and reliable truatasisHE
on common-iense principles. Consulate n li Be.,,
Patients at a distance as carefully treated ae f!
here. Office nonrs A. jc to a r. n. ctw
10 A. K. to IKK. only. DR. WHITTIJtR, I
Penn avennc, Pittsburg; Pa.
HwLost! How Reoiir-i
A Bdentlne and Standard Popular sMk
the Errors of Yonth, Prematura Decline, KatreaBV
andPhyicalDebUity,ImpnritloftheB '
Resulting from Folly. Vice, Igoemmoa,
cesses or Overtaxation. EaerratlBg sad m
ting thaTictim for Work, Business, the 1
nags or oociai neiaaons, .
Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess- MM
ffritAtwnrk. It contains 300: rtasea. roral flTCL
Seaotifnl binding, embossed, full otltL Prf,j
only 1 by man. postpaid, concealed la jj
wrapper. Illustrative Proepeetos Free Knal
apply now. ids smuinuora aimoc, w
parKer. M. ia- received me whm.u mw
ELEO MEDAL frem the Netleeel 1
aaeiatlaa. tor this PRIZE ESSAY e t
sad PHYSICAL DEB4UTY.. Dr. Parker s"s.JJ
cane of Assistant Physicians may sjaj
suited. eonBdentlallr. by mail or lajrsaavM
the oflke of THE PEAKMY MEfftCMnl
STITUTE, No. 4 SaHfrach SL.-Bettea, Staee.?
whom all orders for books or letters Jer
should be direeted as shove. anie-si-Tar
roll partlenlars la pas
eat rree. Tne cenoioa
HnMiflD .old br drnarlate c
yeUow wrapper. Priee, SI
. paeaajre, or tr ror , or or a
oar rnMint of nrlee. Irr aaw
ag TBZ OKAY HZUldlSE CO-. Bagels, Xsi
Sold laPlttaeorr by 8. bVHULLANU, tanas!
BSiuisfiio. ana jaoeny iu.
SPECIALISTS la aH onasijq
qairinjtscle&tine aad cease
till treatment! Dr. H. K. LA.
kM. K a P. a, is the etdesaf
BBBBSftaBBmo81 expenencea epe
TPT-P the city. Consultation
BBM BBVT atjw flilrmrlaj
r.naaSta4aiid7to 8 P. K.r 8aBd, 2 te
juwv. "- sss.'.v--: o-
v njil rham aeBSaaAnsi ll Al WTi4e
Ijaaa oas reon ara, rttuuuii, a
" OotrbooEL
--- . m rWtrat v-
Pennyr - reoee
teT EffectuaJL JPjws
sealed. Ladles,
MOW. jmwv . j y .
Oott Boot Qjesposmd and
or Mess tstamBs for aaals
drees POD O.T GOMP
r .SSSSbbbbbbbbbM
Ibbbbbt SbbbbbbbW
t oai
f cT