HPiiHHHHilPSHffiHIIHHBMHHHM HiHIF.V n. v-w. . " - Tj ? . " ' ..-. - l J V' iMFF !?- vl . i i -. " "v V-x"-H-"it-'TSi-W' TS .'. T . "i npn - . wsw: - jrw t-' st . ' 1 v - - , --. v . r if-"- --Tijwisai&i,s3r " c ctt f5?ir"KftriaRPH. tt?"&" KJft1: :, " tot- v-' - - m DISPATCH, E$r ' (x THE ' PITTSBXJKG Manew era at hand K- ft,f . iFBIDAYv NOVEMBER Sf95' 'I8Mi 'ilti ':v. i ..--; Qtn the History of the Baptist Church West of the Alleghenies. JHPOBTANT MEETIKG AT SHARON, To be Held Kext Monday, When a Fund Will le Eaised For morning. Captain Doyenor occupied the entire morning and the greater part of the afternoon in an address lor the defense. He was ioliovred by M. S. Anderson, of Tonnjs town, lor the Commonwealth. The court room was literally jammed all day with at tentive listeners. EEEPIKG TWO" MISSIONARIES AT WOKE rsrzcxix. txlxosjlx to Tin dispatch.i Fbaxkioh, November 28. On Monday an important convention of Baptists of "Western Pennsylvania will be held at Sharon, in Mercer county. The most pro gressive men of the denomination will be present Unless all signs fail the gathering will mark an era of advancement in the religious history of Pennsylvania this side the mountains. There is a grievance at the bottom of it, but it is not a grievance that means an inter-denominational fight. The Baptist State institutions all have their headquarters in Philadelphia, and the de nominational demands nearest to them have naturally received the most attention until the people of the "West have come to feel that the interests of the denomination here have been neglected. In the face of this, Bev. Mr. Hall, the pastor of the Baptist Church at Sharon, after building up a strong congregation where a small one had barely existed, has crowned the achievement by successfully establishing a collegiate institute where nearly 130 students are now receiving in; Etruction. OPENED THEIK EYES. RpMntlv a wealthv member of the de nomination purchased for $10,000 an old mansion and 12 acres of ground near Sharon, and donated it to the Institute as the basis for an endowment. This has opened the eyes of the Baptists of North western Pennsylvania to things they may do for themselves, and the same lesson is brought home in the vicinity of Pitts burg bvthe success of the ML Pleasant in stitute "under Bev. Xeroy Stevens. These educational institutions are the result of in dividual work, and leading Baptists have arrived at the conclusion that organized de nominational effort can accomplish things hitherto hardly dreamed of. The first business of the convention at Sharon will be to raise funds to employ at least two missionaries to work among the. weak churches and plant new ones where none exist. There is a great field for such labors at Kittanning; ior instance, there is no Baptist Church, but it is known that tnere are at least 40 Baptist fam ilies, and one of the first results of the effort flowing from the Sharon meeting will be to organize them as a church. It is also on the programme to discuss the establishment of a Baptist family weekly and a publishing house at Pittsburg, and to strengthen the educational institutions by providing an endowment for them. Hon. Charles Miller, ex-Mayor of this city, is ready to fnrnish a large share of the necessary cash. He says he will guarantee the salaries of the missionaries. Bev. Mr. Chapman, a wealthy retired clergyman of the East End, Pittsbure, will also furnish a large part of the sinews of war for whatever may be decided on. A THE MOST 1IBEKAI. OF ALL. Mr. Miller is unexcelled in this section for liberalty. He is an oil refiner in the Standard combination and his income is estimated to be largely in excess of 550,000 a vear. He is the financial backbone ol the Eraaklin Baptist church and of the Third ward chapel. He bears the expense of a night school, at which nearly 100 young men are receiv ing a business "education. There is a debt of 4,000 on Hall Institute, and he has as ..mmed the payment of the interest until the debt is wiped out. He has guaranteed the payment of sums this year to various benevolences in excess or his annual income, and enters with ardor into the new plans to promote denominational Growth. His partner, Mr. Sibley, is not so much heard of, but is hardly behind him. When' they first formed a partnership, in the days when they were much poorer, they agreed that one tenth of their income should be devoted to charity and religion. They give much more than one-tenth now. Their one dissipation is their stock farm, where blooded cattle and horses represent a large investment. They have horseflesh closely related to Sunol, who lately broke the tnree-year-old record, and last week they had the, to them, the exquisite pleasure of refusing something in excess of $30,000 for one of their animals. A BEAE DEFIES HIS PURSUERS. Too Animal Terrorizes the Peoplo of a Terr Iarge Section. POTTSTO-vra-, .November 28. The wildest excitement and terror prevail among the citizens of Lower Potts Grove, Limerick and adjoining townships in Montgomery county because of the big black bear that Is still at large and defies all efforts at capture. People are afraid to send their children to school and only when well armed do the men venture out after night for fear of en countering the animal. Hunting parties have chased him over the hills and through den'se thickets and endeavored to kill him with rifle shots. Several of the balls took effect, but they were not in a vital part and only infuriated the beast, who turned on his pursuers and forced them to turn back. John F. Betz, the Philadelphia brewer, offers 550 reward fur hU capture and he has several men in constant search for him. It is the absorbing topic of discussion iu this section and many parties front Potts town have journeyed to the neighborhood ot Bruin's haunts to get a glimpse of him. His hiding place is in the vicinity of Pruss burg, a wild, rocky region with almost im penetrable clumps of brush and cedar trees and several subterranean recesses. AFEAID OF BEING WHIPPED. A 5-Year-Old Boy Conceals the Accidental Drowning of n Playmate. Sceakton, November 28. "Willie Hughes, aged S years, who disappeared from home in Capouse "Works last Friday, was found floating in the Lackawanna river. A search for his bodv had been instituted through the acknowledgment of another lit tle boy named Littlejohn, who stated they were playing on a blank in the river near the boy's home and he accidentally fellin the swift current cansed by the heavy rains and was borne away before he could call for help. The Littlejohn boy said nothing of the occurrence at the time, and, no trace of the missing child was found until yester day. Littlejohn's father was awakened during the night by the sobs of his child, who was rolling about in bed and talking in his sleep, calling, ""Willie, come out," "Don't fall iu," and other similar expressions. The father awakened the child, and, after quiet ing him, asked what was troubling him. The child then told of the Hughes boy's drowning, where he fell into the river and said the reason he had not told was because he feared a whipping. Boach's ship yard; lias gone out as chief en gineer ot the Kingston to take her around Cape Horn for the Paget Bound and Alaska Steam boat Company. rns city of Alientown was sued by Andreas i-iader for damages to his property by overflow Ine gutters, the water running Into his nonso and ruining it. He claims that the city is re sponsible, and a suit for several thousand dol lars is the result. Watne Qhttbek, a young son of Richard Grnber, of North Heidelberg township, was seriously Injured while at play at school. A number of pupils were running around the school bouse, when young Gruber collided with another boy with such force as to fracture his skull. While John Klingle, aged 16, of Mahanoy City, was oiling the machinery of the Bt. Nich olas coal breaker his foot slipped and he was drawn in by the rollers. By the time the ma chinery was stopped tho boy's leg and the lower part of his body were ground into a pulp. He died while being conveyed to bis home in an ambulance. The Lancaster County Commissioners aston ished the oldest inhabitants by reducing the tax rate for the coming year from2jto 2 mills. They also found that their finances were in shape to enable them to pay off S00.000 of county bonds next Bpring, and they resolved to do so. This will reduce the bonded indebted ness of the county from $200,000 to $150,000. Lehigh county is very prolific of old people. In Western Salisbury township within a radius of two miles there reside ten persons, all rela tives, whose combined ace is 782 years. They are: Paul Keck, 87: Sol Kelnhard. 83; Hoi Borer. 81: Henrv Hitter. 77: Gabriel Kline. 72: Mrs. Henry Bitter, 7ti; Mrs. Hlnkle, 80; Mrs. Solomon Kline, 71. NEW ADVgRTISBMBaiiy f WATTLES&SHEAFER. JEWELERS, Certainly have the largest assortment of id imo :rsr:D si In the city. "We have not advanced our prioes, and don't intend to as long as our present stock lasts (al though the prices of Diamonds have advanced from 20 to 33 per cent). You will save money by buying from us at our NEW STORE, 37 FIFTH AVE. nois-irwy MILD WEATHER SALE -OT- John Heinly. 70: Sirs. Peter Kline, 75, and Mrs. Do Not Experiment With your stomach. Take that only which has been proven to be purest and best The genuine imported Carlsbad Sprudel Salt is admitted by the best physicians in the world to be the grandest remedy for stom ach disorders. Be ,sure and secure the genuine. All Ready for the Holidays. Holiday .goods opened to-day dress goods cut into pattern lengths for quick business; general changes to open the season. Begin your buying to-day. No use putting on. Bead our -"ad," second page. Jos. Horhe & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. K0T THE EIGHT MAN. An Alibi Proven for a Person Arrested as a Murderer. rsrzciAx. telegejji to tux dispatch.! Bellefojtt e, November 28. The man who was arrested at Vanderbilt last night for the murder of Clara Pierce was released this morning, he having proved a satis factory alibi. The girl had three bullet holes through her body, and was lying in the middle of the road. She was good look ing, 18 years of age, and the daughter of David Pierce, of Karthaus. The result of the inquest shows that she had been as saulted, probably by a tramp who had been seen following her a short time before. His description is 5 feet 6 inches tall, heavy set, smooth red face, wearing light gray clothes and a dark derby hat. The murder was committed just this side of Kartbaus bridge, in Center county. There are a lanre number of men hunting him. and should he be captured just now there would likely be a lynching, as the excite ment Is intense. A Beautiful Kins Makes a nice Christmas present. See the nice assortment set with diamonds, rubies, pearls and emeralds, at Hauch's Jewelry Store, No. 295 Fifth ave. Established 1853. WTSU Cash Talks. S oct. parlor organs, $44. 7J oct upright pianos, $160. Store open all day Thursday and every sight till 9 P. M. Echols, McMubbat & Co., 123 Sandusky st, Allegheny, Pa. Salt Water Oysters 20 cents per quart Get them at the Fulton Market, 628 Smithfield st. John A. Maetdt. WINTER WRAPS IFox IiaJdLies 500 Cloth Jackets, $1 50. Formerly Sold for $4. Owing to the mild, wet weather we are obliged to put on prices NOW that we will have to after the holidays, so they 1,000 KEWMAEKETS, , $6, $8 and $10 1 Double these sums have rolled in for these goods we are overstocked. 500 PL0SH WRAPS, $10 AND UPWABD. These, with CHILDBEN'S COATB, are marked nominal prices. f COME FOB BARGAINS. M , SEW ADVERTISEMENT. 25 TO 50 PER CENT REDUCTIONS -025T- FIIENipE. J5W ADVERTISEMENTS. B. & B. -Fbtdat. Novesfber 36. SOME CHRISTMAS BARGAIN -xs- i tJ- m. m NBW AH t JSSTIi5Sffi?ffi8 Establiab ed Flfty-t&ree Tears. PAULSON BEOTHEES. T, M, LATIMER, 138 Federal and 46 South Diamond Streets, Allegheny, Pa. no27-irwT3u A CONDUCTORS WIDOWS SUIT. SETEKA1, HEAVI FAILURES Hnve Csnsed a Feeling of Financial Uneasi ness nt Wnyncsbnrs;. rSrECUU. TEiEGEAM TO THE DISPATCH. I "Waykesbueg, November SS. The re port of several heavy failures within the last 24 hours has caused quite a stir in busi ness circles. Ex-Sheriff D. A. Spragg made an assignment to his brother, Henry Spragg. This involved Dr. D. "W. Braden and "W. T. Ganiz, Cashier of the Farmers and Drovers National Bank. The entering V .of judgments began at midnight, and the Prothouotary has been kept busy and is likely to be lor some time, as it is rumored that several other prominent business men are involved. As yet the true status of affairs is not known, but the liabilities ol those men tioned above amount to many thousands of dollars. Some depositors who had money in the bank hastily withdrew their money, hut the directors assured the people that there was uo cause for alarm, as the bank could promptly pay every dollar of its de posits. The persons mentioned have been engaged largely in the cattle business in the "West, and reverses in that business are said to have been the cause of their failure. It is probably the greatest financial crash Greene county has ever experienced. She Wnnls Dnmnees for the Loss of Her Hnsbnnd While on Dnty. "West Chksteb, November 28. There is a case now on trial in the Common Pleas Court ot Chester county which is of interest to a large portion of the community. It is the suit brought by Mrs. Catharine Griffith against the Philadelphia, "Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad for damages for the death of her husband, Conductor Abel Grif fith. Conductor Griffith was killed on the West Chester and Philadelphia Bailroad by a collision at Clifton station during the terrible blizzard of March, 1888. He was on the engine that was forcing its way through the drifted snow when it struck a train that was fast in the drifts. He was so badly injured that he died in Philadelphia the next day. Mrs. Griffith names no amount of datiages in her plea. See the Fine Watch Display At Hauch's jewelry store. No. 295 Pifth avenue. If you want anything in this line it will pay yon to call and see goods. Small payment accepted and goods laid away until holidays. wtsu i Salt Water Oysters 20 cents per quart. Get them at the Fulton Market, 623 Smithfield st John A. Maetin. B. fc B. They are not low-priced, hut we sell them 10 per cent lower than New York prices the artistic in stools with chamois and real calfskin (with the hair on) cushions. Boggs & Buhl. Bait Water Oysters 20 cents per quart Get them at the Fulton timitnneid st. ' JOHK A. HABTXtr. Market, 628 1 SLIPPERS. -- Read Our advance holiday announcement second page. J 03. Hosns & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Cash paid for old gold and silver at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth avenue. -wrsu H00KSHINE WHISKI THE S11UATI0N AT LEECHBURG. A Relief CoramlUeo Appointed to Look After tbe Homeless Ones. mnCIAt. TXXKGBAX TO THE D1SP ATCn.! I.EECHBUKG, November 28. Kev. Paf fenherger, Dr. R. P. Hunter and Superin tendent A. Hicks have been appointed as a relief committee, the object being to assist sufferers by the fire, who are not able to build, or fit out themselves for the winter. Temporary buildings are being erected by many to tide over till spring." Aside from some severe colds no one is much worse bodily, except John Bredin, who received a severe wound on the head. Responsible far Any Amount of Bloodshed In the West Yirclnla DIuuntnlns. Chaklestoit, "W. "Va., November 28. A letter from B ram well, Mercer county, says the shooting affrays 'there among the coal miners have averaged one a day for the past week. The letter says: "Two were shot to-night, one having seven bullets in him. He is still alive. Some of the others are dead, and two or three can't live. On Elkhorn last night W. G. Eobinson was shot at by Eugene Koberts. The ball struck a large pocketbook full of papers in bis left side pocket, just over tbe heart The shock knocked him down, but he jumped tip and nrea tnree snots at uaiawin, who ran. Bobinson thinks one of the shots hit Bald win." Moonshine whisky is at the bottom of the trouble, so it is said. Accidentally Shot While Hnntlne. rsrxcut. texxgbam to tus dispatch-i Oil Cur, November 28. A . young man named "Will Snyder was accidentally shot and instantly killed to-day while hunting near here. Poisoned by Eating Cheese. rSrECIAL TXUEOSJLM TO THE CISrXTCH.1 Tiffin; O.," November 28. Edward and Minnie Council were fatally poisoned by eating cheese to-day. Pennsylvania Pointers. Jonas Fritz, of Emaus, caught a gsllinule In his garden, washed there by the recent heavy rains. It is a strange bird for that part ot the country, and attracts mnch attention. Mb. ass Mrs. Abraham Puhl, living near Schwartsville, Montgomery county, are said to be the oldest married couple in Eastern Penn sylvania, Uo is in his Dttb year, and his wife is just 9a "William Geekn, formerly a fireman at DIED. CASEY On Wednesday, November 27, 1889, at 3 P. M.. John, son of Thomas and Mary Casey, aged 10 years, 1 month and 11 days. Funeral from the residence of his parents'. Forward avenue, "Four-mile Run," on Fei sat, 29th Inst., at 2 o'clock P. M. Friends ot the family are respectfully invitod to attend. 2 ETJLER November 28, at 6:10 A. jr., JOHN Edward, yonngest son of George and Emma Euler, aged 10 months and 21 days. FuneraLSATDEDAY, November SO, at 2 p. jr., from tbe residence of the parents, Tustln street four doors above Gist street Friends of the family are respectfully invited to at tend. HENRY Suddenly, James Henry, aged 68 years. Fnneral SATUEDAY.November SO, from Flan nery's undertaking establishment, to St Mary's Cemetery. Missouri papers please copy. MARTIN On Thursday. November 28, 1S89. at 5:30 P. K.. J AMES Ho ward, son of Robert J. and Mary Martin, aged 8 months 10 days. Funeral from the residence of parents. No. 4 Seneca street, on Saturday, at 2:30 r. ac Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. SCpTT On Thursday, November 28, 1889, at 320 P. SL, AlARY u., wue oi j. nomas a. scott. Funeral services on Saturday, November SO, at 2 P. K., at her late residence. No. 93 Cbestnnt street, Allegheny. Interment private at a later hour. 2 BOTT At Homestead, Pa., Wednesday morning. November 27, 1889. Arabella j. McCandlsss, wife ot Louis Kott. Funeral services at Bt James' Church, corner Sixteenth street and Penn avenue, on Friday, Novembers?, upon the arrival of the 125 p. M. train on P., V. & C. R. R. Friends of the fam ily are respectfully invited to attend. 2 SNOW On Thursday, November 28, at 225 A. M., Huau B., aged 35 years, beloved hus band of Mary A. Hlnes. Fnneral from late residence, bead of Twenty seventh St., S. 8., Saturday, November 30, at 9 A. M. Services at Holy Cross Church. Friends of tho family are respectfully invited to attend. WARREN OnrWednesday morning, at 1030 o'clock, Robert Warren, aged 65 years. Funeral from the residence ot his son, T. A. Warren, 297 Forty-second 6treet on Friday at 2:30 p. if. Friends "of the family are respect fully invited to attend. 2 An. article indispensable to real comfort, has also Its .claim for attraction. HIMMELRICH'S have exceeded past efforts in the Men's department You'll find many new designs. Orig inalities in leather, plush and velvets, in all their various shades, are shown here. In the Ladies' department the brilliancy of the rich Party or Dress Slippers, and the many modest styles of the Toilet use, at most moderate prices, gives everyone an op portunity to enjoy all the com forts which they indicate." Market St,, Entrance 430-436. Braddock House, 916 Braddock Ave. no21-WPSu The preparations for our coming Holiday Bazaar de mand more space. To get it we are holding a sort of auc tion in our Furniture Annex. What would insure a ready sale at auction we have made the only limit for our price cutting. Pedigree and cost count for nothing in this clear ance sale. OUR UPSET PRICES will be rnarked in plain figures, and you can take or leave with a free choice and without the haste and embarrassment of a real auction. Our surplus must go. The offering includes Chamber Furniture, Parlor Furniture, Dining Room Furniture, Hall Furniture, Ladies' Writing Desks, Center Tables,Chiffon iers, Office Chairs, Odd Chairs, Decorative Furniture. Black Goods Departmt This morning that is so unusual that it will make a stir. One case PEEESTXY'S double-wiiJth Black Silk Warp Cashmeres At 6O0 a Yard. ' Fifty pieces, 3,000 yards, FAKOT WEAVES in IMPORTED BLACK GOODS! Values is this lot ore 1S0o to $140 per yard all go at 65q a yard. -4 3 BE VALUES; -Ef-' OVERCOAT 5 5M of Men's, Boys, and. BOGGS & BUHL, 115,117,119,121 Federal st.Allegheny. - P. S. To-day's exposition of rare and antique novelties In Fancy Goods for Christ mas presents, at moderate prices, is well worth your attention. no29-D IBB SHOULDER GAPES In Seal, Astrakhan, ' Persian Iamb, Black Lynx; Alaska Sable, Monkey, In tbe latest French patterns, puff shoulders, roll collars, at tbe lowest prices. Bee our Genuine .Monkey Capes, 15-in. long, at t2L Genuine Monkey Muffs at 13 SOL Genuine Monkey Collars at Jl 50. .SEAL SACQUES, WRAPS AND , JACKETS, . au styles. Genuine Seal London Dyed, dose-fitting Jacket at 197 for a short time only. Also Seal VYraps atSlOQ. The finest grade ot Alaska Seal'Sacqae, regular length, $200. Sole Agents for the celebrated Treadwell Sacques, mahogany dye, warranted 12 years. Genuine Seal Capes, 15-ln. long, pun! snoulders, rolling collars, fii Comnletesi lines Children's medium and heavy weight Over-" cuau, uiu me values wo aia jjiviug enuue us to a liberal trade, c . ., In MEN'S OVEECOATS pricer nags k $3 60, U 60, $5, $6, 58, 510 and upward. At -510,512, 513, 514 and 51B we are offering by , , far the- best values in the two titles, 4At these prices we show reliable all-wool Cassia . meres. Cheviots Worsteds, Beavers and Chinchillas in the newest and nobbiest p?.t ,' terns, and made in appropriate and correct styles. We also hare a cbmnlete assert.- ., xnent of Ulsters and Cane Overcoats.t.lTi- matter how sedate or fastidious your taete,-'?'! yon win nno your wants accurately aaue -j'4-t In BOYS' OTEBCOATS, sizes, from Ml to 18 years, we have a- handsome line-"' Ths'v? newest patterns in Meltons, Uaa: Cheviots and Chinchillas made In Cape,' ulster, or piain siyie. .races $j, $j:h 54 25, 53 5 and up. In CHILDBEN'S OVEBCOATS, S from 3 to 10 years, we have the most, cobs pleta and prettiest line. Hade withjS-B without capes . in Cheviots, Cassimerei Chinchillas and- Astrachans, Prices 5X 75, 9tg, ou, f ana np. - - We are also offering Hg bargains in the' newest styles of Glen's, Boys indChildrea's Suits and Hats. . . ,i! ? Dieeo mpnD 9 inrrM omftooDunucn oe Taflors, caotMers ana Hattefa 161, 163 Federal St, AllegHeHy, PAULSON BROS,, 441 WOOD STREET, rur inaiiuiauiurers. no8oror GLIDING 33 FIFTH AVENUE. no20-Mwr THE-PITTSBUBG LAMP Is the best in the market It is the most periectjn construction, gives tfaemost light, burns less oil and you can buy them from ns at lowest prices, as we are the agents in Pittsburg for their sale. We complete our opening of HOLIDAYGOODS ANTHONT MEYEK, (Successor to Meyer, Arnold & Co., Urn.,) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Office and residence, 1134 Penn aveiue. Tele phone connection. niylO-69-ifWTSu JAMES M. FULERTO, UNDERTAKER' AND EMBALMER, NO. 6SEVKJTTH STBEET. Iff THE HANDS OP THE JCET. The Iasanlty Plea of Mnrderer Hopkins Not a Strong One. isreciAt. ixLxo&uc to the dispatcii.i Beiaetonte, November 28. The last day of the trial of Hopkins opened with evidence in rebuttal of testimony offered bv defehsVtb prove insanity. Tbe evidence by the prosecution is very conclusive, and breaks down all the testimony of the de fense. All the witnesses called gave evi dence that Hopkins was perfectly sane up to a short time before the murder and immediately afterward. This afternoon was devoted to ' arguments and the Judge's charge. The jury retired this eveninc, but have not at this writing returned a verdict. TlieKrffTr'lal Nenrly Orer. fiSrCClAX. TILTORAJC TO TUB DISPATCn.1 Washes gtos, Pa., November 28. The . charge of Judge Mcllvaine in the case of James Neff, charged with complicity in the murder of William jJMcCausland, will be t, , given to the jury at 9 o'clock to-morrow Ringing Noises In the ears, sometimes a roaring, buzzing sound, or snipping like the report of a pistol, are caused by cjtarrb, that exceedingly dis agreeable and very common disease. Loss of smell or bearing also results from catarrh. Hood's Barsaparilla, the great blood purifier, Is a peculiarly snccesslul remedy for catarrh, which it cures by eradicating from the blood tbe impurity wbicb causes and promotes .this disease. Try Hood's Sarsaparilla. "1 used Hood's Sarsaparilla for' catarrh, and received great relief and benefit from it. Tbe catarrh was very disagreeable, especially in tbe winter, causing constant discharge from my nose, ringing noises in ray ears, and pains in tho back ol my bead. The effort to clear my bead in tbe morning by bawklng and spit- loas sarsaparilla care me in itimi tlnr was Dalnf uL Hoi relief immediately, while in time I was on. tirely cured. I am never without the medicine in my house as I think It Is worth its weight In gold." Mrs. O. B. Gran, lttS Eighth street, Jf. W., Washington, D. &. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1; six for" tC. Prepared only by O. L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mast. 100 Desec One, Dollar Telephone 1153. ap27-82.WTSa FLORAL EMBLEMS. ORCHIDS AND ROSES OF PARE BEAUTY. A. JH. & X B. MTTBDOCH, Z1 ft SMITHEXEIiD BT. Telepbono 429. noZO-jrwi- JOHN R. & A. MURDOCH, r Artistic Florists, 503 Smithfield Street. Telepbonem no20-irvrr pEPBESENTEU IN PITTSBUKa IN ISa assets . . i9jm,e99;a Insurance Co. of North America. Lowes adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L 3 ONES. S4 Fourth avenue. ialtMO-D ATE3STTS. leitnr nfPatflntll. ' 811 Klf th avenue, abova Smithfield. aetVeaJitiT nracA. (No delay.) Established 30 years, -".-r P, THIS WEEK. See the choice display of Sterling Derby and Merlden SILVER NOVELTIES. Also Novelties in Art Department, together with the largest line of HANDKERCHIEFS ' We have ever shown and best values ever offered. Special Bargains In LADIES' MDERWEAR We have a small lot of Ladies' Scarlet Ribbed vests H. N. L. S. and one-third cofton. which we have marked down from S5o TO 50c EACH. These will not shrink. Another lot H. N. R. A REDUCED FROM 81 to SOc These are ribbed and all wool. Several small lots Ladies' Ribbed Wool Vests, H. N. L. S., in colors, reduced from Jl 60 to It. There are sizes in tbe above lots suitable for Misses also. Ladies' Natural Wool Vests and Drawers, best ever shown at the prices. 75c and f 1 EACH. We have a few more of those Ladies' Merino Ribbed Vests H. 24. L. 8 at SI. This number cannot be duplicated this season. Ladies' Ribbed BaiDnggan vests H, N.L. S., at85cand60c. - . Ladies' Brown Mixed Merino Vests and Drawers. Closing out what's lett of them at $1 Ladles' Ribbed Wool Drawers, all sizes In 'white and natural. Ladies' Skirts in great variety of materials aid colors, including Merino, Stockinette in white and natural. Knit Wool in white, natural, scarlet, also striped, all prices from Jl to ,$3 60. Skirts to salt everyone. Children's Natural Wool Shirts. Pants and Drapers at prices that will make these- goods Interesting to anyone that wants children's underwear. Prices range from 40c to Too each, according to size, which is far below the real value. , Wearecloslngout the last of our Ladies' Ribbed Wool Chemises in white and colors, at the following reduction: L. N. N. a, S2, regular price $3 GO. and H. N.L. S.. $260, former price fl; L. N. N. &, In silk, cut down from $9 to JO, I I THE HOLIDAY HURRY MAS BEGUN, And we are now ready to display our full line of S SPEC! THE MERCANTILE AGENCY E, vft Dun & Co., Geraanla Bank Bufldmgi 423 Wood street, cor ner of Diamond, Pittsburg. Pa. This establishment supplies all necessary information as to the standing, responsibility, etc, of business men throughout North Amer ica. It is the oldest and by far tbe most com plete and extensive system ever organized for the accommodation of Banking and Mercantile interests and the General Promotion and Pro tection of Trader . Debts Collected and Legal Business Attended to throughout the North American Continent TBI Raisins. Prnnes. TVJ TT 'W)r ted Peaches, Ai CROP Nuts, Evapor nn .New Orleans Mo ricota,' noS-xwr lasses. GEO. K. STEVENSON 4 CO Sixth Avenue. fXT? A "NTTi rVDLiMTXTrtft ViJ.U.C3dUIJLS JL oaxvAiiVT' -or- HOLIDAY V GOODS! . -' n Our present display far excels all preview seasons in this line In size, style and quaPj iiy, .aji are new, ana prices lower 1 ever. Now is the best time to make selections. HAND-PAINTED -:- ARTICLES OP EVERT KIND. Bnc-a-Brac, Scarfs, Tidies, Cajfciat iicau jwsB, .oas sets ipiain ana inmnmij Toilet. Traveling and Manicure Set: Gw,j wmuu-, juu, xiana&ercuiei, -lie ana jn ing Cases: New Poeketbooks. Purssi"! Chatelaine Bags; Mirrors, Photo "riiiifij vuuu uu, y isiung, oaopping ang Xitwrj dry Lists, Calendars, Opera GlaMCaMt xi ew .aprons, iiev rssi, xtev uaHHSM; New Stamped Linens. New Neckweir Gloves for Ladies and Men and naateroW other nice things suitable for Holiday ( Special attention is called to Our Handkerchief ftqfcyj For Ladies. Children and Mea, all sgeiaHj piece; certainly an eacraou Um ttd attl splendid value. itClMPBELLfcSOBl 710 Penn avenue, 710. PENN BOrLDlNa. Between Seventh and Eighth sta. Open till 9 P. K. Saturdays, "First dhoice is always best choice." Make your selections NOW, and, by paying a - small amount onj your purchases, we will keep themi for you until you want them. A splendid variety of DOLLS, TOYS and GAMES. Fleishman & Co.; PTVOIXH GVritfn niKB niVlIirve for City and conn EtJJliailalx OfivVillJXaUlaT vABAlijLvUaj sortment consists AT Six Seat Rockaways, BarouchM for one horse. Phaetons and Side-bar BofKiet; nearses, uus siyies, peariT as gooa as new. imi is witBont auaot ins nnemise or veuiuies dtbi aauwa in .ir.fcuiuunc ua. wo mil scu tacm rec&lui3anfl. J.I lory, womo ana see us or write ior particulars. , L. GLESENKAMP k, SON, Repository, 313 and 330 Penn ave. city. try us. Owa f ConpeCav,a ! 1 noSO-wrsa KETTSBURG, PA. no29 We are now receiving onr Holiday Goods, beautiful Dinner and Chamber Bets: a com plete line of Fancy Goods, suitable for presents. If yon want to save money and who doesn'tT you can do it at R. P. WALLACE & CO., 211 WOOD STREET, Opposite St. Charles Hotel, or 102 and 104 THIRD AVE. nolS-wrsu J II I I K.T A INS OBAN CE CO., XLl X LN -C3- Hartford, Conn. Assets, January 1, 1687 $,HB,K 6C EDWARDS 4 KENNEY, Agents, on Fourth avenue Pittsburg, ial559.inr ANCHOR REMEDY CGMP'NY, ' 329 JJBERTX STREET. Ancbor specialties, Catarrh Remedy, Rheumatic Remedy. KIDNEY REMEDY, Syspepsia Remedy,. Beef, 'Wine id' Iron, Beef, Wine Iron and Cocoa. Cod Liver Oil. SarsanarUla. ver Pills. Liniment, and extra large strength ening plasters, we bave thousands of testi monials from, people wbo bave used tbe ANCHOR REMEDIES and all commend them as being the best prep arations in tbe market. We guarantee satis faction in. all cases where tbe directions are carefully followed. selS-MWT Established 1S& BROOM CORN. Broom Manufacturers Supplies PEANUTS. ROBERT DICKEY k CO. 77 WATER ST. AND 96 FIRST AVE. Telephone 163. u2&31-XW LARGEST DISPLAY -ov- HOLIDAY ;: SLIPPERl EVER SHOWN IN PITTSBURG. Dealers are cordially invited to call at our Wholesale House, r$ Wood street, and inspect this wonderfully large and elegant selectioi -r ,., r.,. -. , t ii ee.. . , ' T- tioiiaay auppers. - .every aesiraDie. enecc in pattern, snaps, coiora material. , Ournrices' are from 10 to is ofer. cent lower than, same c J I V1 .- t J - i J 1 - Tt -Jj" ., ""v onereu ior, wane our siucs. aau assortment is oy au ouus me izrgw the city. " We are" headquarters for Holiday Slippers. Can ship goods atc and fill orders in size's, and any quantity. i'4 A' W. M. LAJED, WHOLESALE SHOE HOUi S15 WOOD STREET. RETAIL STORES, 406 AND 408 MARKET STtttjH 3D J 1ST Z X C3- ;e :r,'s SIXTH STREET AkD PENN AVENUE, -ANNOUNCE THEIR- HORNE & WARD, 4:1 FIFTS A VENUE. nt2$-T -crrriL Wt Seventeenth Annnal Xmas Opening Toys, Dolls, Games, Books " -AND-. .XMAS CARDS. v Rich and elegant Holiday Goods, Doulfon &r Adderly -Vases, Hungarian Vases, Pine Art Pottery : Real Bronzes, Music Boxes, etc.? etc. Wednesday, November 27, AND' : BALANCE : OF : THE : WEEK. v seat-mm PHOTOGRAFHEB.1S SIXTH BTREKI. A; fine, lam oraron portrait ai M-iutlun I ' before,. ordMisg alaewher-e. .-. "nHntMIt mi. I fBDuperaozea; rjnuairx iiLU.v. JtWTSU.. IMPORTANT TO OUR PATRONS: Goods may be selected now -while stook is coaap-lets, thereby avoiding the great Holiday rush. We will hold and.deliTer'tfcea it any date desired. -t " ONLY A LITTLE LONGER. The year wiU seott eame de and then the grim perttmitif which we have been, and mre sUH, gains wiU he attm end. Don't let the time fty wiiheut (etnjm cmUf these who are net mnch in need ef g ............ ....... -- - - - .--.- - r ..... H1NTD tvumOf 99 J(bw mo te unrawmmR jliuiiijiu, Hera and Halt Lights ef every descripHen and variety. ware, f rem the finest eat ie the cemmen grades'. Forcelain and China, plain, white, and deeerated ner. Tea and Chamber Sets: Fish. Game and Ice Sets; Bronzes, deeks, Gas Fixtures, Caspaaeres and Z7i breUa Stands. Brlc-a-Brae, comprising aH the re. Fetteriee ef High Art;. Onyx Tastes, Wedding and A sary". Gifts, and an unlimited stock of Christmas Frest y? i v'ffWWWl The J. P.Smith Lamp, Glass and China, i- i' ..2t.J rsn SS5 Pmr Av pctwtew fUmtk and TmHi S. ?&. fe JR- KnUtt$ldi "f-' LtH.