rs-i? r- '.i. 'Jrr - "F ', V S1 & t Elf ff- f fUje Biat& ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, ISia. Vol., ifaSi Entered at Kttsburg Fostofflce. JvovemberH, 1SS7, as second-class matter. Business OESco 97 and 09 Fifth Avenue. Notts Booms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Eastern Advertising Office, Boom 40, Tribune Building; IiewYork. Axerage net circulation or the daily edition or Till: DisrAicn for six months ending October II, 1S89, as sworn to before City Controller, 30,128 Copies per lssne. Average net circulation of tbe Sunday edition or The Dispatch for' fire months ending October s. ista. 53,477 Copies per Issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. rOSTAOI TTtXE IS THE USTTZD STATES. JJAILT Dispatch, One Year .'..... 8 CO DAlLTlJisrATcn, Per Quarter. J 00 SAILT DISFATCB. One Month 70 Dailt Dispatch. Including Sunday, lyear. 10 00 Uatlt DIsrATcn. Including Sunday, Sm'ths. 3 80 'DAiLTD'srATcn.lncludlngSunday.liaoaUi SO fcCXPATlJISPATcn, One Year 250 TI'mLT Dispatch. One Year. IS twt j)An.T Dispatch U delivered by carriers at Hcentanerveek. or Including Sunday edition, at Wt JTcents oer week. PITTSBDKO, FRIDAY. NOV. 2S, ISSSt. THE GBEAT BOSTOH FIRE. The adage that misfortnnes never come singly has been singularly verified during the past lew days. On Tuesday last the prosperous city of Lynn was visited by a fire that destroyed millions worth of prop erty and gave a. blow to its industries from the efiects of which that thriving suburb of Boston will not soon recover. Then on yes terday an even greater calamity came upon the New England metropolis itself. The ' conflagration not only resulted in a loss of over twice the amount suffered byliynn, but also, according to reports, in the destruc tion of several lives. Boston has been firoswept before, and has perhaps suffered more from this cause than any city in the country with the exception of Chicago. This makes her misfortune doubly great That she will rally and re build the waste places, handsomer than ever, needs not to be predicted. Even a loss of 512,000,000 -will not be felt for long in Ench a great and wealthy city. Yet the I? sudden destruction ot such a vast amount of property must be looked upon in the light of a public misfortune. The history of these fires should serve as a warning to other cities to provide the strongest possible protection against similar outbursts of flame. There are, in every city, altogether too many fire-traps in the vicinity of costly buildings, for the safety of tenants and property holders. TEE NATIONAL HOLIDAY. There was a touch of winter in yesterday's keen air, and the flurries of snow were fre quent enough to remind us that Christmas is not a long way off. The cold, however, was not severe enough to interfere with the enjoyment of the day, but rather served to add a zest to the pleasures of the table. The streets were crowded from dawn till late last night with holidaymakers, with happy faces. There were reunions innumer able and it was a joyous day for tens of thousands. The religious observances, while participated in by many, were not the features that attracted the multitude. In- deed, it is noticeable that Thanksgiving" -. Day is losing year by year the character istics that distinguished it in the days of the Bnritans and becoming more and more what it is generally termed a national holiday. But while this may be regretted by the religiously-inclined, it furnishes no argument for the pessimist. There are ways of doing good and serving the Maker which one may adopt without entering the sanctuary. One pleasing fact is apparent that the old-fashioned New England Thanksgiving is coming back again. That is, on this par ticular day an effort is made to bring to gether all the members of individual fami lies at the homes of the "old folks." Grown up sons and daughters, with their wives and husbands and their little ones, come back to the homestead, and the hearts of guests and hosts are gladdened. The more frequent such reunions are the better for all concerned. SALVATION IK MARRIAGE. Mrs. C. J. A. Jnmp, prominent in the , councils of the "W. C. T. IT., says to the girls: "Don't marry a young man to save him." Very good advice it is. Marriage means too much to a girl for her to take such chances as linking her fate to a young man whose habits are bad. It is a very clearly proven truth that a woman risks consider ably more than a man in marriage anyhow. The enfranchisement of women in other di rections has left the inequalities of her posi tion as compared with the husband's very apparent. Even it she marry a decent man, who needs not saving, her risk is great enough. We can understand how many a woman would reply to Mrs. Jump's caution with the simple inquiry: "Whom shall a woman marry; for, lo, where is the man to whom a good woman to wife is not salvation?" And there is a lot of sober reason for such a re ply. If women insisted upon. mating with men who were tree from reproach altogether, and if they refused to marry men who had not the mark of salvation, there would be an enormous shrinkage in the number ot marriages. Such a hard and fast rule would not be in the interest of morality. But Mrs. Jump doubtless had no idea of ench a general and sweeping interpretation of her warning. She means to say that a woman cann&t afford to marry a rake with a view of reforming him. A tiny corollary to this dictum seems advisable. If a woman is approached by a suitor whom she knows to be in need of reformation, she may, if she is confident in her own strength, subject him to a trial, an extended probationary course, and if he proves sincere, we can see no objections to her marrying him. And this has often been done, and the resulting marriages, as far as our experience goes, hare been happier than the average. AGE 15 COLLEGE TBAIUTKG. There is good ground for protest against the idea that has recently been mooted by come of our college presidents that too mnch time is spent by young men in collegiate training, and the intimations that changes should be made which will permit them to leave college and begin life earlier than they now do. It maybe true that, in the commercial view of lire, many young men cannot afford to spend the time at college which they might put in at earning money, and for these an abreviated course is to be found In various scholastic institutes. But with regard to the main question whether those who can afford to take tbe time for collegiate training should get through -earlier, it ought to be plain that they can lafibrd to take it at the time that does them tbe most good. That time is more usually after twenty-five than before twenty. It has so frequently been demonstrated that the training and scholarly habits of thought which colleges ought to furnish are so much more thoroughly acquired and lastingly impressed when the mind is be ginning to mature than when it is youthful, that we would advise most young men ,to wait until they are twenty-one before enter ing college. If they have finished their academic course earlier, let them go to work earning their bread for a few years, and their college work will be none the worse for a little previous experience with the stern realities. But it should be remem bered that the impression made by college training on the mind of a young man of nineteen or twenty is much more readily effaced than the same impression on a mind of twenty-five or twenty-six. The proposal to make college life end sooner is not cal culated to increase the results In value. THE AEMSTH0HG DEDICATION. The dedication and unveiling yesterday of the monument to the late Thomas A. Armstrong was a fitting ceremony for Thanksgiving Day. In the vast concourse gathered in the Allegheny parks were rep resentatives of all classes. The employer and the employed, the capitalist and tbe laborer, touched elbows while uniting in doing honor to the memory of the man who sought to bring together in amity the two great forces of the nineteenth century capital and labor. The orator of the day, in his eloqnent panegyric of the deceased labor leader, bore witness to his conservatism and wisdom and to his single-heartedness of purpose. Surely it is a subject for thanks giving that this country prodnced such a man from the ranks of its toilers, and that capital and labor go hand in hand to offer a loving tribute to his memory. THE TTJBNVEBELTS MISSION. The good work being done by the German Turnvercins in this country was brought prominently into notice at the dedication of the new Turner Hall in Allegheny yester day. The physical education of the girls ana boys, the fathers and mothers of the next generation, is a matter upon which largely depends the future prosperity of the country. This work our German citizens have transplanted from their Eatherland, and the effects are already ap parent in the many straight-backed, strong-limbed boys and girls seen daily in the streets of our cities. The" children of our country cousins, who can climb trees for birds' nests, roam through fields and woods at will, and go a-swimming whenever the spirit moves and the water is warm enough, have little need of gymnasiums. But the city children, whose playground is perforce the street, and whose athletic sports are confined to an occasional game of baseball and lawn tennis, need some oppor tunity to develop their dormant muscles. To this class of children the Turner societies appeal, and not in vain. Their mission is recognized, and on such occasions as that of yesterday the public unites in a hearty "Gutheil!" BETTEE THA1T NO NAVY. We have a navy, and according to the re port of the chief officer of the navalbureau, it isn't altogether a bad one. "We have four steel cruisers, a steel dispatch boat, 27 wooden steamers and seven iron steamers. When the vessels now being constructed are completed we shall have ten armored vessels, thirteen single-turreted monitors, twenty one steel cruisers or gun boats, two dyna mite cruisers, a practice cruiser, an armored ram, a first class torpedo boat and seven iron steamers. This may not be formidable, but it is a good deal better than the few unseaworthy old hulks that were all we could boast in the way of a navy a few years ago. Now let us repair the rotten docks of our navy yards, get things in ship-shape, give our merchant marine a shove forward, and prove that we are a nation on the sea, as well as on the land. The unloaded revolver has added an other to Its long list of victims. It is tbe same ol story, with a change of date, A West Elizabeth man snapped his revolver several times to prove it was empty, and then handed it to a lady friend, bbe playfully pointed tbe weapon at its owner, and proved she was the better marksman, by killing him at the first fire. Thanksgiving Day was turned into a day of bitter sorrow, grief descended upon tbe relatives of both parties to the little joke, and all because of the foolish trick that is pro hibited by a penal law, and which should be incorporated in the text books of our punhc schools. Great fires, according to the statistics kept by firemen the world over, always run in an almost unbroken sequence. Lynn and Bos ton have started the ball rolling, other cities will doubtless not be much surprised if similar calamities soon overtake them. "The first thing Congress should do upon its assembling," says the New York World, "is to adopt a resolution sanctioning the project of holding a great World's Fair in tbe metropolis during the year 1892, in celebration of tbe four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbus." This may be tbe first thing in importance in the minds of the New Yorkers, but it looks very mnch like a shrewd scheme on tbe part of the World to get Con gress to help their World's Fair Committee out of a dilemma by giving the project a boom, thus enabling them to raise the required amount of subscriptions. Mb. Bess's supporters at last admit a defection in their ranks from Pennsylvania. Mr. Culbertson, of the Erie district, hates Quay so cordially that he won't vote for tbe Senator's candidate for Speaker of the House of Representatives. Basebat.I must hide its diminishing head. It has long maintained, and justly so, the reputation of being the national game, and of furnishing an unnecessary number of kickers. Tbe telegraphic reports of yesterday show that football has taken a sudden jump into popular favor, probably because the teams are composed entirely of kickers. It must be a pretty good stretch of the memory for one to recognlzo the features of a friend after that friend has been buried nearly half a century and his body has been petrified, but the Ohio man's memory, it seems, is equal to the task. If affairs of the heart had anything to do with State affairs orer in Europe what a nice things the betrothal of the Czarowitz and Princess Maud would be I The lion and the bear would then dwell, in their respective lairs, in the most perfect serenity. But unfortunate ly matrimony and monarchy are entirely differ ent in nature and character. A lawtees' trust is tallied of now. It's a pretty poor lawyer that won't charge as big a fee as he thinks he can collect, so there's small chance of tbe combination being able to put up prices to any great extent. If anybody wants to buy a ruin now is the opportunity. The site of Delphi is for sale at too moderate price of (75,000, After next Monday the ruins ot some of tbe Speaker ship booms could perhaps be purchased more cheaply, but It is doubtful whether they would be wortn as much. These is more business before the Su-1 I THE r - r preme Court, it is said, than 'could be trans acted In two years. And still there's a vacancy on the bench which the President seems in no baste to till. The son of Bonanza Mackay, having nearly completed his college education, an nounces his Intention of entering politics and ultimately becoming President. He should re member that booms started prematurely gen erally come to grief, and besides, that orofes sional politicians seldom reach the highest office. This is Thanksgiving Day for those who Nrere to fortunate as to escape a bad attack of indigestion from too much feasting yesterday. Is reply to the demand being made by Republican papers that no millionaire be sent to the United States Senate from Ohio, the Democratic press calls attention to tbe fact that if all the Republican Senators who are millionaires were retired there would be but four Republican Senators remaining In their seats. The rumor that Gladstone is to be made a British peer is doubtless without foundation. Nobody wants to insult the Grand Old Man. Pobtugal now wears a chip on its shoulders, in tbe shape of a little piece of African territory, and pertly dares John Bull to knock it off. As usual. In such cases, Eu rope is excite i, but American farmers need not yet figure on increased rates for wheat caused by a war between two effete monarchies. PEOPLE OF PROMINENCE. A. J. Deexei of Philadelphia, has bought the Covington, Ky., stockyards for $&0,000. Mbs. Lew Wallace is tall, thin, scraggy, aged 55. -Her dress and address are both pain fully plain. Her strong point is her mind. George Saxd made 1,000,000 francs byber literary labors and gave it all away, except 2U, 000, which she invested in order, as she said, that in case she fell sick her herb tea would not cost her children anything. Mask Twaes's income Is S80.000 a year. Who would not be a "funny man?" Yet the worthy Mark loafs half his time watching the blue smoke arising from his richly colored meer schaum and dawdling over the last novel. Juxiau Hawthokse Is the happy father of eight children, most of whom are girls. As Julian inherited very little from his father, he is driven to all sorts of literary make-shifts to make a living. He writes novels by the dozen, sketches by tbe hundreds. Interviews this, that and tbe otherperson, concocts detective stories, .writes syndicate letters, etc. Cabdin al Manning Is 80 years old, but Btill a hard working, active, zealous prelate. It is somewhat remarkable how many old men, especially in Europe, are doing the greatwork of tbe world. Among these may be mentioned Pope Leo XHL,Tennyson,Gladstone,Bismarck, Cardinal Newman, De Lesseps, all of whom are long past three score, and most of them are four score and more. Mrs. Feank: Bnowif, wife of the postmaster of Baltimore, is one of the most dashing social leaders of the Monumental City. She married first a delicate millionaire, who died early, leaving her free to wed her first love. Mrs. Brown is a golden blonde of tbe most pro nounced type. Mr. Brown is a nephew of the famous Baltimore wit and beauty. Madam Bonaparte. He is a lover of fast horses and a generous patron of the turf, and is the Presi dent of Pimlico Driving Park. Cabptnax. Gibbous is a happy illustration of the scriptural saying that the humble shall ba exalted. Born of humble parents, and in early life a poor grocer's boy, he is now a prince of the Church, in whose presence the proudest Roman nobles must stand in respectful rever ence. His habits are simple and methodical; he rises at 6.30, says mass at 7, breakfasts at 8, takes a walk at 10, and attends to any special business requiring his personal care, dines at 2, after which he receives visitors, takes a walk about dusk, sups at 7, and retires at 10. All the time not otherwise employed, the Cardinal spends In his library. THE RESIDENCE OPENED. Formally Dedicated by St. Michael's South aide Pariah. The handsome new parish residence, in con nection with St. Michael's Church, on the Southside, was informally dedicated yesterday. Tbe doors were thrown open to the school chil dren at 8.30 a. m., and to the general public at 11 o'clock. The entertainment was arranged principally for the purpose of giving the public a chance to inspect tbe new building before it is entirely completed. There were several hundred people present during tbe day, and the school children furnished a very pretty entertainment. Beginning at 8 o'clock a wedding took place in the church. Mr. Nicholas Bicard and Miss Katie Kline, botb members of the congrega tion, were married with a solemn high mass by Rev. Father Bernard. The newly wedded couple and their friends then went to tbe parish residence and witnessed the ceremonies. From 8.30 until 12 o'clock the various classes of school children marched into the building and went through with an exercise consisting of vocal music, readings and recitations, and as they passed out of the building they were given a treat. At noon tbe guests present re paired to the dining room where a dinner was served to over four hundred people. The officers of tbe Women's Conference, with Mrs. Mary Krill and Mrs. Elizabeth Hotzel as Directors, had charge of tbe kitchen, and the officers of the Young Ladies' Conference, headed by Miss Eva Fisher and Miss Sophia Snyder presiding over the dining room and waited on the guests. Tbe newly-married couple, with their friends, occupied chairs at tbe first table, and Rev. Father Bernard and Rev. Father Christopher offered toasts in their honor. A concert was given at 1 o'clock by the Ladies' Choir, and at 2 the Mamnerchor sang a number of selections. At 6.30 last evening the ladies sang again, and snpper was served until 8 o'clock. Mr. Frank Long directed the sing inc. The arrangements for the blessing of tbe new residence will be made shortly. It is ex pected to have the building ready for oc cupancy by January L HARD ON S0UTHSIDEE8. They Can't Even Have Theatrical Shows Without Being Molested. T. E. Hallock, a patent medicine man, has been entertaining the people of the Southside for several weeks past with a free variety show and a lecture each night on the ills of mankind. Until this week he held forth in Odd Fel lows' Hall, bnt his audiences grew so largo that he secured Salisbury Hall on Monday, and be has made that his headquarters since. Tbe hall has been crowded to Its utmost capacity at each performance. Yesterday afternoon, a matinee was given, and the crowd was unusually large. Every foot of standing room in the ball was taken up, and a sort of a minstrel performance was In progress wben Special Officers Kelly and Carrigan stepped in. They at once saw that the lives of tbe people were imperiled, as the least confusion or ex citement would surely have caused a panic. Not an aisle was left that was not crowded to suffocation, and should a fire have broken out a great loss of life might have resulted. Inspector McKelvy was notified about tbe matter, and be at once made an Information against Hallock, charging him with rnnninz a theatrical performance without hating first procured a State license. The defendant was arrested In the midst of the performance and E laced In tbo Twenty-eighth ward station onee. He was released on (1,000 bail fur nished by John Fairman, of Allegheny. He will have a bearing to-day. SPREADS IN THEIR NOSES. How Athletes Manage to Get an Extra Sop. ply of Oxygen. From the New York World.l A close observer may see in the nostrils of some of the football athletes to-day on the Berkeley Oval a curious wire frame, which ex pands those Important parts of the breathing apparatus, so that a inucn greater than tbe nor mal percentage of oxygen may be received Into the lungs. Just before tbe Yale-Harvard boat race It was rumored that several Yale men bad come to town to have additional "breathing boles" bored through tbe cartilages of their noses. The fact was that they did come probably to have these wire 'spreads" Inserted to secure a greater "wind" supply. More oxygen of course means more strength and more endurance. These wire frames or spreads are about a tblrd of an inch In diameter, shaped like a parallelo gram, with a rounded end, and about an inch iong A Loos Road to Travel. From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. One of the forcible objections to the organi sation of Alaska m a Territory, iKlhat the ueage oi me AFeiegasawjuonBress wonia. Ck UUH SMAV tfTOI'MU A14MUWVS V HVMJI PJTTSBUKG , DISPATCH, THE TOPICAL TALKER. A Sly Subterfuge For s Corkscrew A November Tlatn Queer Consolation The Hopper Opera Company. How awfully sly some women arel 1 was standing in a notion store on Wednes day afternoon when a young woman of fair countenance and modest front came up to the counter, and after tbe usual performances asked the salesman to show her some cork screws, adding: "1 want a good strong one to open Ink bottles." The salesman returned with a basket con taining corkscrews of all sizes, and picking out a little one held it up saying: "We have them like this but here's one," and he showed a corkscrew with a solid wooden handle, "you can get a good grip on." The yonng woman never smiled as she said that she'd take the big corkscrew. The ink bottle was never made with a neck large enough to admit such a screw. A NOVEMBER VISTA. Snow slants across the view, clouds hide the hills. Whose brows are bare, or brown with leafless trees. The brawling rlrer all IU channel fills. And tangled driftwood from Its margins frees. From fields of dun to bills ot asben gray The earth reflects the pallor of the sky; All nature "henl Eheul" seems to say: Tbe breeze of dawn breathes sadly la a sigh. But suddenly the veil of snow is gone. The Cray clouds break, a pane of glorious blue Lets out the sunlight on the landscape wan, The shadows fade, the river shines anew. Tbe train flies fast on rails of molten light. While fleecy drifts of steam enfold Its flight. H.J. V There Is a pretty lively rivalry between the hospitals in this city, and this feeling often manifests itself in the ambulance service. Not a great while ago a man fell off a scat fold in the lower part ot the city and sustained yery dangerous injuries. An ambulance alarm was turned in. and the wagons of the West Penn and tbe Homeopathic Hospitals raced to the scene. They botb arrived at the same mo ment, and for a little while It was extremely doubtful to which hospital tbe victim would be taken. Finally tbe man was put in the Home' opathic ambulance. As it drove off the j anitor of the building said to the conductor of the West Penn ambulance: "Never mind, we'll save you the next corpse." It would appear from the news sent to The Dispatch from Chicago yesterday that De Wolf Hopper's operatic scheme is just about what this paper said last Sunday. Mr. Hopper is to star under the management of B. D. Ste vens, now the manager of McCaull's Opera Company. Both gentlemen denied tbe story when they were in Pittsburg last week, but they denied it in such a way as to convince one that their hearts were not in the denial. THE EARLIEST AMERICANS. Evidence That Primitive Man Was Co eval With the Mastodon. Dr. C. C. Abbott In Popular Science ttonthly.l In associating man with ancient river valleys, we are apt to think only of the stream, and ig nore the surrounding country. Though largely so palaeolithic man was not strictly an amphib ous creature; for instance, on each aide of the ancient Delaware river extended wide reaches, of upland forest, and here, too, the rude hunter of the time found game well worthy of his in genuity to capture, and so powerful that all his wit stood bim well in need to escape their equal ly determined efforts to capture bim. While tbe seal and walrus dlsoorted in the river; while fish in countless thousands stemmed its floods; whil6 geese and ducks in myriads rested upon the stream, so, too, in the forest roamed tbe moose, tbe elk, the reindeer, tbe bison, the extinct great beaver, and the mastodon, all of which, save tbe elk, bad long since left for more northern climes when European man first sighted North America. Tbe association of man and the mastodon is somewhat startling to most people; but, as has been time and again conclusively shown, it is no unwarranted fancy. We are apt to consider the mastodon as a creature of so distant a time in tbe unrecorded past, thbtman must neces sarily have appeared much later upon tbe scene. Tbe truth is, comparatively speaking, tbe creature so recently became extinct that, in all probability, our historic Indians were ac quainted with It. Certain it is that, in tbe dis tant long ago ot the creat Ice ace, the mastodon existed, and equally certain that with him lived that primitive man who fabricated the rude implements we have described.- Tbe bones' of the animal and the bones and weapons of the man lie side by side, deep down in tbe gravels deposited by the floods from tbe melting ice sheet. A TRUST AMONG LAWYERS. Prominent Attorneys Forming Syndicates for Mutual Benefit. Globe-Democrat Correspondence. Ex-Congressman Glover has engaged in a scheme which he thinks will be worth $100,000 a year to him. The idea is not exactly a com bine or a trust ot lawyers, but it is a first cousin to the principle. It contemplates a great law firm, with chief partners resident in four large cities and branches in various-parts of the country. The advantage Is that a man in St. Louis having some litigation In Cincin nati, for instance, will be able to step into the St. Louis office and give his instructions or get his information. Living in Boston, he can have asmt instituted and conducted in Philadel phia, making all of the arrangements for It at the Boston office. The field is a new one. The collection business has been conducted for years on this plan, but general legal business has not been tried. Mr. Glover is confident that the idea will be successful. Congressman Butterworth has just zone into a somewhat similar organization, although not so extensive. Mr. Butterworth has formed a law partnership with three other Gentlemen and no two of them are to reside in tbe same city. Why should not tbe at present popular principle of combination and consolidation ex tend to tbe practice of law as well as to other vocations and industries? Mr. Glover thinks it will. His. role in tbe combination will be to travel about tbe country and keep the big machine moving smoothly. C0KEE8 AGAIN DISSATISFIED. They Draw Up a Bill of Grievance at the Scottdale Convention. The following telegram was received last night from Scottdale: The special delegate convention ot Division No. 4 Knights of Labor, met here to-day with 60 delegates present. Tbe forenoon was taken np with the examination of credentials. In the afternoon Master Workman Kerf oot read his report, git lne the features of the work during the past few months. He referred to tbe various grievances that had called tbe convention together. He claimed that the operators had broken tbeir agreement in regard to weighing the coke, working overtime, and the Indiscriminate dis charge of men. He also called attention to the failure of the operators to give the usual ten days notice of suspension of work at the mines and coke works. In concluding be recommended the consideration of the griev ances and such action as would bring about harmony. ... The report was favorably received by the delegates. Tbe Scale Committee submitted their report, which embraced the new scale as already published. Very few items of the scale were acted on to-day, and those taken up wero not changed from the original The con ventlon adjourned until to-morrow morning, when the balance of tbe scale will be taken up. Large Forlnnes Made Useful. From the New York Commercial Advertiser. The charitable bequests of the late Mr. John H. Shoenberger, amounting to more than a million dollars, are an example of tbe manner in which large fortunes may be made to sub servo the interests of society in ways unknown to socialism and communism and impossible under the rule of either. An Explanation Needed. From the Inter Ocean.3 Steel rails were just the same price in London and Pittsburg last week. Mr. Cleveland should explain to a waiting world that the duty, $17 a ton, is always "added to the price of the pro duct in this country." minister Lincoln's Son Dying. LONDON, NovemberiS. United States Minis ter Lincoln has gone to "Versailles, where bis son is dying- DEATHS OF A DAY. Walter Deforest Day. Srw Yoke, JloTeraber SS-Walter Deforest Uay, Sanitary Superintendent of the Health De partment, and a prominent physician for many yea rs, died yesterday, ageaH years. ' Mr. Howell Cb. ATLAKTABA., ,i?ovemBer.SS.-Mr. Howell coon,'' widow ioi ex-oecreiary.'or tne Treasury Cobb,-died at Athens yesterday, ucd 71 yeaaii? PPJDAT, NOVEMBER BOYCOTTING THE PENNSY. Traveling Men Withdrawing Their Patron ago From tbe Big Road. CHICAGO. November 28. The Pennsylvania road is being boycotted in every possible place by the Chicago travellngmeu. It will be remem bered that tbe Pennsylvania announced as its ultimatum, in the settlement of the rate war between it and the Mo non, that all mileage books at 2c a mile be redeemed and canceled. General Passenger Barker, of the Monon. objected strenuously to the ultimatum, but was com pelled to yield under threat of the Pennsylva nia that it would bankrupt tbe Monon by carrying passengers for a merely nominal sum from Chicago to Indianapolis, Louis ville and Cincinnati. The loss would hardly be felt by the Pennsylvania, while it wonld surely have bankrupted the Monon. This forced settlement ot the matter was made, and every day since the Moqon has sent in for redemption to tbe Pennsylvania mileage books, found in the hands of ticket scalpers. Tbe traveling men soon found that the loss of mileage books made large inroads on their expense accounts, and Chicago merchants es pecially made serious but unavailing objec tions to the Pennsylvania road. The Penn sylvania would not yield, and the merchants began a systematic boycotting with which tbey hope to bring tbe Pennsylvania to terms. Two firms to-day showed entries on their books which footed up a loss to the Penn sylvania of ovet 1,000 tons of freight since the boycotting began. Tbe boycotters declare that tbeyaie in earnest about the matter, and will influence every pound ot freight tbey canto the lines of the Pennsylvania's competitors. CAUSE FOR THANKFULNESS. Controller Morrow Telia Why FIttabnrjr Should be Grateful. A Thanksgiving service was held in the Eighth Presbyterian Church last night, con ducted by the pastor, Rev. J. M. Wallace. There were addresses made by various mem bers of the congregation. City Con troller Morrow talked on "What Should We be Thankful for as Citizens of Plttsburgr" Mr. Morrow Quoted Bureau of Health statistics Jto show that the city as a whole Is m a healthful condition. The death rate is lower than during any other re cent year. He recited police reports to show that there had been fewer arrests for serious crimes this year than in any previous year. The city's morals are improving rapidly and crime is on the deciease. Mr. Morrow men tioned as some of the principal things Pitts burg ought to be thankful for, tbe closing of poolrooms, policy shops, saloons, the war on tbe speak-easies and the disreputable houses, Mrs. Scbeniey's gift, Mr. Scboen bergers bequest and the charitable gifts of the late Mr. Thaw. In his own department, Mr. Morrow said he could see evidences of tbe city's prosperity. Taxes are being paid promptly and tbe wealth of the city is increasing. There never was a time for snch thankfulness as the citizens should feel now. John N. Lambie made a speech on "National Blessings" and he was followed by Julian Morrow. Thomas McKee. S. P. Charter. J. B. Brown and Rev. J. M. Wallace, who madev. snort auaresses. DIDN'T SEE THE POINT, an Accomplished Insurance Kan Even Couldn't Make It Clear. Boston Globe.l Solicitors for life insurance often meet with funny experiences. Here is something which happened to a young Boston man who lssollcit ing for one of the big companies. He went to see a man about Insuring his life, but the man, who appeared to be a shiftless sort of a fellow, referred the agent to his wife. To use his own words, the insurance man says: I went to the house to see the old lady the next day, and arrived there I found her talking over her troubles with a lady friend. Sbe had had a row with her husband, and she was mad clean through. From the manner in which she received me I did not think it would be much use to tackle her on the insurance racket, but I was there, and I bad to say something. So I broached tbe sub ject, end told ber what the terms would be, and how her husband felt about being in sured. Long before I had finished, however, she in terrupted me, saying: 'Insure the life of that lazy spalpeen is itT 1 11 do no such thing for he's of no earthly use now. What wonld I be wanting to get bis life lnrnred for, wben the quicker he dies the better I'll be sultedr "No matter how much I talkedlcoutdnot make her understand wbat the real meaning of life insurance was, and I was forced to give It up as a bad job." TWO BUCKEYE FREAKS. A Couple of Boys, Aged 5 and 13, Who Weigh Nearly 400 Pounds. Elmwood Place, O., November 23. Elm wood has occasionally been aroused by the ap pearance of dancing bears, a monkey and his Italian master, a new dude or a photograph agent, but two monstrosities in the form of the "fat brothers," formerly of Cincin nati, who bave been living on Cook avenue, this place, for tbe past five or six months, bave excited greater interest. Willie and Robbie Scbae&er are respectively 5 and 13 years of age. Although of ordinary height. Robbie, tbe elder, weighs 210 pounds, and Willie, being somewhat above tbe average height of a lad of five years, weigbs 170 pounds. They presented quite a comical appearance playing at horse in their summer cos tumes of blue, embellished by a bat less head of long yellow locks. Willie, being hitched to a toy wagon, would take tbe equine position in tbe shafts, while bis brother took his stand as driver. Tbe driver,how ever. would soon become imnatientf or his horse proved no fast trotter. On these cool days they may be seen trudging along hand-ln-hand, at everv step tbe point ofa wooden shoe show ing itself from beneath their trousers. In tbe Scbaeffer family there are eight children, all of whom, except these two boys, are of ordinary size. TORTDGAL AND ENGLAND May Get Into Trouble Concerning Their Possessions In Africa. Xjsboit, November 28. The newspapers here, ot all parties, concur in denouncing Lord Salis bury's dispatch regarding Portuguese claims in Africa. The papers insist that the Government support Portuguese rights to the whole of the Zambesi territory, including tbe land claimed by the British South Africa Company. Tbe accusations to tbe effect that Portugal has protected tbe slave traders are denied, and documents have been sent to tbe anti-slavery conference at Brussels showing that Portugal was tbe first European power to abolish slavery. DOM PEDRO WAS SICK When He Left Br aril For Ills Fntnre Refuge In Europe. Lisbon, J ovember 28. It is doubtful whether Dora Pedro will land here. The Provisional government instructed tbe Brazilian Minister here that if the deposed Emperor desired to proceed to another port, another steamer should be chartered to convey him, as tbe Alagoas returns to Rio Janeiro immediately. A private cable dispatch from Rio Janeiro says that Pom Pedro was ill wben ho left Brazil, and that he was accompanied by his physician, Dr. Mattamaria. A SKATING INTERLUDE. 'Six months ago it was, said he "It seems a century ol changes Since here, beneath this very tree, We watched the moonlit mountain ranges. I hate this chattering, skating crowd That so profanes our silent river, The sacred spot where once we vowed A faith that should endnre forercrl" 'And so we meet again," said he, 'In the same place where then we parted: Bow the .old time comes back to me 1 The words that lert us broken hearted." Swift fell the answer from ber mouth: "Speak for youreelf-if you remember. The wind blows north that'then blew south, And June dies long beiore December!" "And does a woman's heart, " said he, "Change like the wind or summer weather! Yon moon is yet the same, yon see. That shone upon us here together." 'Ah. not" she said, 'that summer moon Beamed with a radiance mild and tender. While this forgets tbe warmth of June In winter's Tar and frozen splendor." "And does'that mean rarewcllf" said he; "Is It a warning to remember That dream or June can never be Which dies In snch a Chill December? Jourverywordsl" "Yet. even io," Bbe said, controlling tears and laughter, "Do you forget December snow Melts In the June that follows after!" But shall t go or starf" said be. Searching her facs with doubt and wonder; 'Andiryoaeareatallforme, , Wbyplay at keeping ns asunder?" "Beesuse"-she smiled, while sofdf fell . i . Above hefrM tkeir'dt-frlnced carMa -"Idllaotaea.a-t fechat well'. ,.'..... i. You seeaea so odiously certain r' " i &k i ?? JtWiywm Otewdtn 9m 29, 1889.. JUST 40 YEARS AClO, : A Five Days Trip From New York to Pitts berg What a New Yorker Thought of the Iron City HI Sanguine Prophecy. Forty years ago Philip Hone, of the city of New York, made a Journey to "the West," and took in Pittsburg on his way. Hone was a re tired merchant; a man of culture, a man of affairs, and a broad-minded and public-spirited citizen. He had been Mayor of New York; be was trustee in nearly all the institutions of charity or learning In the city; he was the founder of the Mercantile Library. In his handsome house, which cost $25,000 and was pointed ont to strangers as ons of the sigh ta of the town, many of the most notable people of the day were entertained. Webster, Clay, and Harrison were always guests of Philip Hone while they were in New York. Fanny Kemble and Charles Dickens were entertained there. The big house, whose windows looked outupon the City Hall Park, fenced in with wooden palings, was one of the recognized centers of both social and political life. It is worth while to know wbat sort of journey this substantial citizen and courteous gentle man had, when be ventured 40 'years ago into tbe wilds of "the West." And tbe impression which Pittsburg made upon him we would like to discover. Fortunately, Philip Hone kept a diary. It was so extensive and voluminous a diary that when bis busy life ended there were 28-quarta volumes of it, closely written on both sides of tbe page. Bayard Tuckerman has edited this diary, and-Dodd, Mead & Co. have published it in two handsome volumes. We set down here that portion of it which relates-to Pittsburg. Philip Hone arrived at- Harrisburg on the ltith day of June, in tbe year 1847. "We left Philadelphia," says, "at 7 o'clock, and came to this place, 108 miles by railroad, at 8 o'clock. HeDId Not Like Harrisburg. The weather js warm, but a fine breeze made tbe ride delightful. The road passes through, one of the mosr fertile and best cultivated dis tricts in the United States; but there is not a pretty town on tbe route, and none of any note but Lancaster; nor is Harrisbui though dig nified by the name of the Capital of the great State of Pennsylvania, anything, more than a miserable collection of lawyers' offices and barber-shops. There is not a handsome edifice in the place, that we could find, with the ex ception of the State House and public offices, which are in good style but constructed of the everlasting red brick and white marble. The town is beautifully situated on an eminence overlooking tbe Susquehanna, which is here a fine stream and deserves something better than this loafer-looking city to grace its banks. "We bave determined, as a choice of evils, to go to-morrow to Pittsburg by canal, although we shall be three nights on the voyage, in prefer ence to 160 miles of stage-traveling by Cham bersburg. on dusty roads in this warm weather. Juae lb At S o'clock we embarked in the canal-boat Delaware, Captain Kellar, on a canal voyage of more than 200 miles. The weather is pleasant, and we have an agreeable set of passengers. Not too many. The day does very well, but tbe sleeping is tolerably un comfortable. (There is not much of that, how ever.) The delay on this, the first day of our voyage, is rather discouraging; there has been a breach in the canal, which has caused an ac cumulation of loaded boats; bnt tbe scenery is splendid. Just at the sunsetting (a more glo rious ond I never saw) we cams to the junction of the Susquehanna and Juniata rivers, fifteen miles Irom Harrisburg, where the boat crosses the dam and the towpath being conveyed across on a long bridge of light and delicate construc tion, on piers of massive and solid masonry. At we ratraia or toe juniata is a nanasome man. slonandflne estate of 400 acres, called Dun can's Island, belonging to a lady of that name, whose character seems to be worthy of such a position. Here we leave the Sosquebanna and follow the course of tbe Juniata a beautiful stream, abounding in romantic and picturesque scenery. An Obatlnnte ConI Boat. June 12. The breach In the canal caused ns to stop several hours during the night, and this morning; at sunrise, the "Commet,"a huge coal boat, had the bad manners to get stuck across the canal (what better could be expected from a fellow who spells comet with two m's?) Here I witnessed a gallant exploit of our captain tbe raising a ttoelt, which Is thus performed: He puts six horses on the tow-lines, backs the boat and then, dashing on with the fury of the horses in the hippodrome, raises a swell like tbe waves at itoeitaway. nrst onset removed the "Commet" a little from ber orbit, and the second carried us triumphantly through the obstacle. Tbe sight ot this spirited display of canal tactics compensated for tbe delay. We sat down to breakfast and went on our way re joidng. June 13. This canal traveling is pTeasant enough in tbe daytime, but the sleeping is awful. There are two cabins, in which the men folk and women folk are separated by a red curtain. In the former apartment the sleepers are packed away on narrow shelves fastened to tbe side of the boat like dead pigs in a Cincinnati pork warehouse. We goto bed at 9 o'clock, and rise when we are told in tbe morning; for tbe bedsteads are formed of tbe seats and the tables. "A conch by night, a chest of drawers by day!" If I should ever be so happy as to sleep In my own bed again, my comfort will be enbaneed by tbe remembrance of my present limited, hard, sbeetless dormitory. Over the Alleghenies. June 14. An extra car brought us from Hollfdaysbug at 6 o'clock this- morning, to take tbe Portage Railroad across the Allegheny Mountains to Johnstown- miles which is effected by ten inclined planes, five ascending and five descending, similar to those on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad, -It is some thing exciting, but nothing when we got used to it. The scenery of tbese mountains is astonishingly grand, wild beyond description, and would have been gratif jing.but for the hard rain and extreme cold which compelled us to keep the windows closed. The delay of tbe early part of this tedious voyage still fol lows us. Being an extra train, nothing was ready; locomotives were to be sent for and horses not to be had. We had lost already three days since we left Philadelphia, and while waiting tbe new boat. "Louisiana," lies at the dock at Johnstown, waiting for tbe passen gers who were a day behind us. Six o'clock. The cars are in; an influx of passengers, of not so ennd a description as the original set. have come on board, with a fair quantity of cryineT children ana vulgar motaera,,ana we are on once more. ' June 15. Our canal voyage has been pleasant on the whole, though tedious, and longer than it should have been by a day and a night at least, owing to delays on the first night, which we could not recover during the voyage. But we arrived at Tbe Birmingham of America. At eleven o'clock this evening I regretted the necessity of entering the city at night, but its appearance was quite a novelty; bright flames issuing from foundries, glass and gas works, and rolling mills, steam engines puffing like broken-winded horses, and heavy clonus of smoke making tbe night's darkness darker.gave us a grand entree to iittsbnrg, where we are sumptuously lodged at the- Monongahela Honse. June 16. This is one of tbe most active busi nesslike places I have ever seen, with every appearance of present prosperity and future greatness; manufactories of iron, glass and machinery are carried on extensively and under great advantages: iron abounds in every valley, and bituminous coal of tbe best quality comes cantering down from the surrounding mountains, and is delivered by contract of four and a half cents per bushel, or about i 20 tbe half ton. A place so situated, with such nat ural advantages, must rise to greatness- I have seen nothing like It in Pennsylvania- fAnd with this tbe genial traveler and discern ing prophet pushes on into yet wilder regions, pursuing his adventurous vogage even Into the savage district of Sheboygan. Merchants' Carnival. Tbe Merchants' Carnival at Lelghton, Pa., yesterday was a brilliant success. Sixty-four business places were represented. There were 2.000 people present at tbe carnival. It was given under tbe auspices of the Methodist Church. . TRI-STATE TRIFLES. A TBAjrp confined in the Lancaster jail en tertained the? attendants aad policemen with tales of adventure and travel. He had almost walked around the world. Mb. John Risk, of Jennertownshlp,Soraer. set county, has a sucking colt six months old which weigbs 814 pounds. Fnra deer. Shot ia the viciItr. have beea f,Mabfc fntn JohnS&AWB. Bomb cattle were nearly drowned In a lake which has formed fa Doylestowa's center. Geoboe Coulteb, of CasrieaMB. W.Va., while sosnd asleep, got out of bed test Tuesday night, and swam across the river and back, again. He was carried home by some aaUc meu, who had seen him perform this temtrit able feat. ' ( ArAKXKK la Holme eg tr, O- . IwYVVWMw S,W essB HHtMK Mw stsM m i ;m&mMi AT Til ART B1ZAAK. A Great Tsmst of Society Last WW AH Previon Mferu Were Baif asesl -the Hamtm of These la Charge. Tfie annual Art Bazaar at the rooatf of tao Pittsburg School of Design, which opened last evening; U always one of the leading events of the year and well it may be, for great taste and skill Is evidenced in tbe manufacture of each article exhibited and in tbe arrangement and appointments of tbe various rooms. Throngs of appreciative people, both ladies and gentle men, viewed the results of the labors of the young ladles and prepared for tbe holidays by purchasing of the pretty, dainty creatures. The flower department was especially pretty. The lovely, fragrant blossoms were hovered over by fairy maidens, representing by tbeir costumes different varieties of flowers one. a perfect blonde for the time being, was acalia lily, her gown of pure white extending into the petals of the lily at the neck Another was a tiny maiden with dark eyes. Who represented a pansy by having ber shoulders capped with the beautiful deep purple flowers, an Immense one that extended clear from the neck to the belt of ber rather short bodlced gown and in tbe most coquettish possible manner, an unusually fine one of exaggerated proportions rested jauntily on the dark ourls of the modest little miss. This fragrant room is In charge of Miss Sturgeon, as Chairman-, with Misses Brokaw, Gill, Lee. McKlbben, Kieman. Beymour, Rine bart, MacMulIan, Thompson, Damn and Grey The studio was a greet point of interest to tbe many visitors, and certainly Was most at tractive to tbe eye. The flower studies were rrtlcalar!y fascinating, and. betrayed unnsuat talent. In this artistic department Miss Maud Palmer was Chairman. Her aids were Misses Hnrford, Farral, MacMlllan, Carnahan, Mo Masters. Boyd. Maple, UcCreary, Abrams. The fancy work booth was superintended by Miss Harriet Eoac. Misses Craff, Morrison, Posslel, Ida Smith, McKnlght, Hamilton, Hayes and Robb assisted in displaying and dis posing of the multitude ot articles of artistic needlework, decorated with pen and brush in the latest and most charming designs. The china exhibit was one ot the prettiest, and tbe popularity of that special table proves that ladies of wealth and taste are becoming more and mors infatuated with novelties in tbat line. One set of bait a dozen plates painted in Colorado wild flowers were very pretty, and sold for $18. Taking ears of tbe perishable ware was Mrs. S. L. McCoy, with Misses Yonng; Patterson, Watson, and Mrs. Swaneyasaids. A quaint and decidedly unique feature was the molding of day into busts of various his torical characters by Misses Mama Watson and Mary Patterson. Tbey were dressed In costumes of red skirts, white blouses and stiff three cornered flat caps of white. They presented a very picturesque aspect, and the senseless piece of clay under their skillful manipulation quickly assumed familiar shapes and forms. Miss Bessie Yonng was a fortune teller tbat wonld tempt anyone to deposit S cent, in re turn for which a leaf from tbe Book of Fortune conldbe selected, and on it the future weal or woe could be traced. Tbe refreshmnut room Was in charge of Misses' Miller and Kler as chairmen, and Misses Boggs, Patterson. Elliott, Simpson, Campbell, Daugherty, East, Kimberllne. Laugbrey. Stevenson, Coleman, Llty, Scboop. Ford, Blr madu, Stevenson, Beeson and Easton. The fair doorkeepers were Miss Murray, with Misses Patterson and Coleman as aids. Tbe only literary feature of tbe evening was a recitation by Miss Nickum i entitled "Love In a Balloon," and a very amusing incident of love-making was represented by tbe young lady in a highly satisfactory manner, Gilbert's comedy, "Palace of Truth," will be enacted this evening, and Gernert's Orchestra will con tinue in attendance. - AN UIROHPTQ BANQUET. A Serenade Tendered to Coraser Befccr" McDowell ami Its Pleasant Remits. ' Last evening Coroner McDowell was agree ably surprised at his residence on Ninth street by a flood of music upon which, "Where Did You Get Tbat Hat?" and other gems floated ia through his windows. The Major E. A. Men tooth baad was the propelling power which scattered Its notes in more profusion than the Lawrence Bank, bat with much more agree- After tbe serenade the members of the band and a number ot tbe Coroner's nearest friends, who were accidental! v wese&t. were invited to an impromptu banquet at tbe Hamilton Hotel,, wnero greetings ana pleasantries were ex chacgeaantil nearly mldsteht. Short speeches were made by tbe host, George Treason, As sistant Superintendent O'Mara, Inspector Mc Aleese and others, ia -which the Coroner was congratulated on bis success Is the late elec tion, and he was wished as pleasant a tenure of office as the nature of It weald permit. The spread was choice and. ample and steae fall justice to by the oempaBy present Farmer Flmbsf cr Merited. Word was received in the city last fright that Walter B. -Dean, formerly manager of Hams' Museum, was married a few days age-to Miss Anna Fink, daughter ot Mr-Max Fink, of St. Paul, Minn., in the Assumption Church Minne apolis. Mr. Dean- made many friends while in Pittsburg who will remember him as a very clever business man. He had charge ot Har ris' Theater in Baltimore until August last,' wben be was made manager of the house 1st Be Paul. - Y. M. C A. Btawoet. The East Liberty branch of the Y. M. CjL, gave a Thanksgiving eatertalnmeat last even-' ing. In the Shady A venae Baptist Church. The affair was largely attended, the church being crowded. The programme was excellent and was highly appreciated. Those taking part were J. Warren Lytle. Mies Seaherd, the Misses Gettys, Miss M. T. Fraser. Miss Alice Flack, J. Foster: MeCuae and a male quartet composed of Fred C. Brittain. G. M. Cbalfaat, Will McConncll ana J. Foster McCmne. AcoNCEBTwill be given at the Centenary Methodist Church, come of Wjlie avenue and Klrkpatrlck street, next Tuesday evening by a company of trained singers. The proceeds will be nsedln payisg- oC the indebtedness on tbe Warren M. E. Chases, colored, corner ot Clark and Fulted sweets. The inmates of t" Aged Colored Women's Home may coagraMlate themselves this morn ing orer the successful resales of tbe dinner given for the basest of the Horns ia Lafayette Hall yesterday. The dlaaer was largely patron ized. An organ reettal will be gives this evening ia the Arch StreotM-E. Church. The fine new Winching organ will be played by Carl Better, and some able seletMs will csstributs. Thx Forest Stream Club held a very largely attended masquerade ball at Turner Hall. Jane street, Southside, last sight Over 260 couples participated ia tbe grand march. 'The second entertainment by tbe Sewickley Valley Club will be given this evening la the Sewickley Opera House. Tbe programme will consist of tableaux and masic. A receptIOK was tendered the attaches, ot the Casino Mcsee by tbe manager, and proprie tor at Duffy's parlors. A banquet was the prin cipal feature. Mb. and Mbs. S. S. Petjcektok entertained afewfrleads and Mr. and Mrs. George God dart at dinner yesterday. Mr. and Mr3. G. H. Pabk will receive friends this evening at their home on Fifth av enue. East End. The Homewood Musical Club gave their first concert la tha Homewood M.E. Church last evening. Various churches all over the city and ia tbe suburbs were aglow with light and music last evening. Mrs. LrvEiuioEK will leeture In the Emory M. E. Church, East End, this evening. A KELIIF F0NB SIAtK Who Is Peaiterna- 81 HUGsttsa 6ata Thrsnahovt Westers Canada. Wnranpxo, Max., November 38. The poMee have dteaevered that a man named iBfrHs, whe acted as tha custodian of the relief fund raised in Spokane Falls at the time of tss big fire taere was in the city this week. In Elis skipped oat with 130,086 or more of tbe funds last summer, and is now scattering hi 111-fotten gains ia Canada. . . He pit fa a few lively days ia this city, 6av-. las; visited questionable places, gambled away a Rood khi of money, and finally, as a wind up, treated a number ol "friends" to a grand sno psratoaeof the leadlifChotls lathe clty.'la gHs Is well connected la tbo East. A Hasssssse Trad,' Pssxn Tfcs Art mMur, Mms monthly by w M. Fatten. Philadelphia, will afcnn tssnaaM ta mta Jwawilrtaj. JkrH Jtmmrnl. esmisaotaHt w4smssj9sosmb namksr. It ia a haadsos asm ftnsty lUastraSSd prtltttsMss, dsressd to tswi inn i ii f ta reifswiac tradw: Art ry Md testey goods; an sastal uejeliNs sad wane ait pottsry, frexedlata ad glassware, artMrkMs,antiqnes aadrMifarufesr. Bar stssiMl smoissears wtU tad it full of tetat sstlng mamr. i.Ji CUJUOUS C05DE55llWg At present prices it is estimated! tbatHhe ivory collected by Emin Pasha wesldtln-worth a million sterling. r- By the resurvey of the. boandaryjlino bstween Nevada and California the latter gains a strip orer 200 miles long and tbreequartersof a mile wide. S't&S&i&i There is advertised for sale iniJWorces tershireapleee of property on a lease! which has 1,711 years yet to run. It was aadolfor" 2;000 years in 160a fi'4'" Two Beatrice. Neb., men have patented" . a portable com busker, which is drawn- through k tbe fields and husks the corn as clean as could' be desired. It is claimed it will husk 12 acres alt,, day. 'SMSr A. spring of petroleum has been discov- eredontoe iron range in Wisconsin byawell- known explorer, who found it a few days ago2 4 um inGu kaiu ui Aaoianu anu lounagsi Harry Bates, of East Saeinaw.1owiis amt ' active and able-bodied steer which has only -three legs, one of its front legs beingtheab-f sentee. The animal was bom th6t.way'aad7 moves about as readily as anybody's steer. J -7,' On the Boo line, near the Menomiaee river, a train struck a deer and broke itslc& the other day, and the entire train eTowahm5" doned business on the spot and set about catch-? Ing tbe game, which was finally accomplished); by the parlor car porter, who sprangTjponthefe deer's back and cut its throat after riding' it Jg. through the woods for half a mile. 'rffi C. L. Alexander has on exhibition at his store in Madison, N. D.. a very perfect little tt specimen of the finny tribe. presented hinxjbyjf his friend. Wfflard Laughlin. It came forthT from a 190-foot artesian well twenty mllesf i southwest of Howard. This well, it is said,- -flows with a wonderful force, and throws outo' small flsb freely during the spring and sum mer. They have an effective way of dealing' with habitual drunkards in Norway and1 Sweden. They put them In jail and feed them entirely on bread and wine. Tbe bread' is steeped in wine for an bour before it is served. The first day a man will take UV but before many more he wJU bate the sight of it. After an incarceration of this sort many become total abstainers. What is said to be the largest organ in tbs world is building at the Roosevelt Organ Works, Boston, for the Auditorium building, Chicago. It wfll he operated by electricity. Electric motors are now used f ofpumbing the organs In eight churches in New York City at a cost of 110 per month per horse power. The water motor consumed too much, water, and the gas engine was too noisy. , .Tjsfe A Western inventor is endeavoringto interest capital In h,is electrical magic lantern for casting oz reflecting advertlsementson the dark clouds that often hang low over a city. Tbe inventor claims to have secured rcoatraets from several well-known Arras for displaying their cards in this manner. It the idea Is lully, developed we may expect to see some very w startUng and grotesque effects. ,.-. , A novel eure was effected by the usefof jfe ' the dynamo recently at Westgate-on-Sea.'Ea gland, A Mr. Brown was fitting a false bottoms to a grate, and while chipping it to make it fit,' a very small splinter of iron flew osT and struck him in the eye. An electrical englneerwh'o met bim shortly after, seeing his pilghVtook him to a dynamo that was working nearby. Brown placed his eyo as close as possible to tha machine, and tha magnetic attraction was suf ficiently Intense to withdraw the splutter ot iron from the eye, which was instantly relieved and which gave no further trouble. ' "Ifyou wish lo see a medical curiosity," says a Cincinnati paper, "step into Appraiser ' Kltmper's office In the Government building and ask him to show you a Chinese piU. Ha J has a dozen or so ot them. They are as big J as large marbles, ia fact. tbey are just tho "J size of crab apples, and are coated with a semi- . transparent sugary substance " covered wlthl flowers and gilt letters. Some of them havec this sweet coverias; broken, and you can see be-. v neaththepill proper, black as a ball of India' ink, and the very thought of masticating; that mass In order to get It dowali an emetic But it must take an unusual amount ot moral com age in a Chinaman to tackle a pill. A great outcry has been raised la the Swiss Canton Testis against the prevsJenco there of bribery at elections. Tha political workers are constantly racking their bralatOe deyisa new means of hayiacveistv TbsMoysr; oz a small mqr asac Aoca TiMatiyjwsm ranging it rs sisessoa,mvis sasss would prasalsa Sat rar far asss asst as am ea?n vr tarea measssiass anecifled taverns. The Success" of his the fact that he was- re-eieeted' that his bills at the taverns in question J suooDwa uj ,uiq inacg. TOKiwuKUbiaHV' old-fashioned way cost irom 20 Cents to S3 each. Even tha clergy are said to bribe eiecters riac ana left. . . ...w ..A jsaise to-day, out prowiDiy none so large as one mentioned in tbe histories of old colonial days. It Is told on the authority of Cotton Mather that the first royal Governor at Boston was aaa ofa family of twentv-sir children, and: , andvl was born In the woods of Maine near the mouth. ' of the Kennebec, in 18oL His mother was left a whot vbh jjswaaa court anu is saiu to aaro ', oao an sue couia ot to provide ior urn vua of her family. It is hoped that when the Gov ernor got $100,000. a knighthood and a goblet -raised at M.0V a a reward for finding a tipa-:! isn treasure-snip tnat naa gone to me oottom; half a centsrv before, he remembered "bis mother and made her last days easier than hen earlier ones had been. . 'I' A family of rats in Hartford, Conn have amazingly disturbed the family in whose -v cellar they dwelt. For several days in succea-. Hon las morning paper wais, was leii-upen .-, the frost steps of tfe-s house, sAJ-ly every morn- lag was missing. CosapJatet wasVmado at ths office of the paper; aad it was f oesd that It had a been properly delivered right afongt Ssme'days later a neighbor; who bad arises, early J tbe moraine, happening to 1wk ut of, aj .win dow. sw two large rats opja the dosMteoC the house, opposite. He watched- straive meats for a wnile, and saw them tae tk saeca lag paper and disappear with jcsmdri.tbe piazza. He reported wbat ho hsA een,"Bd an iavestifrasien showed that i!m;B4aiMsr rowed down from beaeata the este. Mm cel lar: and. In a secluded spot. Sad baiKTaTaest aad were rearing a promising eatek-ofyoun?.L The nest was constructed eat ot Hartford moraiagswwspapses. r - tiscam tsrnmXYiHcx.' jr-. One-weald naturally expect- to findrfaV muggy atmosphere ia a beer saloon. Tirrrt -tosffj Hxprtit. It Is strange that the man who is dead in love with himself should be hated by everybody who knows him. Bottan ZYaiwcrtpc. "DioTvwLnaveasuicTcall?". she' asked1 sarcastically, after his return from the hauntljoft the Festive sieve between tbe tcU.JJetrvtr.rru Ptu: f There is one point ia favor of the rasn tBattanrnsatblsown jokes. You areinereriiii doubt a to whether be Intended to be funsy.- Aim aana jtxprt, j The Heaf Taagle (reading) Edisoj often consumes SB clears a day. $. Mrs. Faagle Isaonldtblnkbe wonld Invest I machine to do It for aim. .vno Tors fins. Mr. SUyathosse What are you going do with the shears, John! Jobs (jut from Batlsad-Htm goln' to ' the hides ottas eda, str.-jreto for Svn.;: Job Hello, Smith; back front the We again, eh? Wbat did yoa do oaf therer Smith-Started a paper. Jones Aasl what was tas seas of Itl !, Smith A sasssrlsHoB paper to get me last nam.-BurMigton tttt Prut. The parties wbe uatkrteok toshow.thel Pan-Asssrisaa delcates tb Industries ofthel United antes don't seem to have understood lUCir gutiani, ill, kawwua u juwimmj--s dustries was overlooked.. Tbe visitors were not ; taken M He t sasebsH match. 2torrUtov4 Wsm an XM So EivaI. "Talk the easaMBtyotwemaal Why, she toelresdjra das teres sivu ot man in many psrsona.:.- -"leefbat there isoae la which se will n eeBpseMai." Trjlw t say -truly rural at So'doekl mssam," ww, f Freddy Ms, whenever pa meets Vaadat ha always says ta ana, MHow as : baser" What slbfl,iait by that? ma Vt N't aesjiiag mors iau "- j- tksntwtammWarity. i .- ndikttHha hnt- tntaerthmltM ta dee '-old boss" teSrase he's sash fS- aaasgsr. jmwmaa jnrimt ;, Ai , aw Cases. Joasti baattsMr m day. when, ht Xouad fronted by a btar's eno , , "IcoaltMthat XdM nMwantr tors,h. M a Irtewd la retotlnK tho UBMen It had asm a fall-grown one, jaere w. aim UK mTltsstwa. ya task Jtf m " gJfimBl ST -19bM toTS trlmJH basfc3 tjjiHi x