Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 28, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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steading Features of Markets at the
East Liberty Yards.
Ik; Bojs Touch the Lowest Point for Tears
and Still Are Weak.
orncB or Pittsburg Dispatch. 1
Wedkesdat. November :.7. 1SS8L J
Receipts of cattle on Monday were 110
loads, against 85 the previous Monday.
About five loads have been received since
Monday, making a total for the week of 25
loads more than last week. In the receipts
there were no strictly prime cattle, bnt
about ten loads of good shippers from Ohio,
weighing from 1,400 to 1,450 pounds. There
were none on the market which reached
3,500 pounds. The range for these better
grades of cattle was S4 004 30, and only a
few reached the latter figure. The range for
the same grade last week was ft 104 40.
All grades of cattle are off 610c from last
week's prices. There were no export Buy
ers. The cood cattle were mostly sold for
shipment to Xew York.
What t Wanted Here.
Our local butcher trade calls lor smooth,
tidy stock, weighing from 1,100 to 1,300
pounds. All above the latter figure have
been slow sale all this season. The great
shrinkage in receipts for local trade ot late
is due mainly to the diminishinc demand
for stackers. Buyers who were good for 10
or 15 loads of this class of cattle a month
ago, now call foifcbnt 4 or 5 loads. Said
a leading stockman this morning: "It was
easier to place 150 loads of cattle a month ago
than it is to place 100 loads now. The same
number of buyers will take SO loads less now
than then. The reason is tbat the season is
nearly over. After harvest for a few weeks
Crass was ood. and farmers were looking out
lor stackers. Now they want something that
is ready to go right into tbe stable, and about
ail that are wanted are cheap poor cattle
which we call straw trampers."
Weak Mnrket for IIocs.
Monday's receipts were large and markets
were weak at a range of S3 70(23 80 for Yorkers
and Philadclphias. There has been no recovery
from the slowness with which markets opened
at tbe beginning of the week. Prices
were as low at East Liberty as at Chicago for
a day or two past. In fact markets were stead
ier at tbe latter place than either here or Cin
cinnati on Monday.
Advices from Chicago to one of our promi
nent packers this morning are that receipts
there to-dav were the largest this year, being
in all 43,000 head. The outside price for the
best at Chicago this morning was $4 651 7a
There is a general feeling tbat bottom is not
yet reached and that hogs will settle to a basis
of 13 50 for tbe best packers.
A leading stockman of East Liberty said this
morning that with the prices of lard and bacon
which bare ruled of late S3 50 per cwt. is suffi
cient to pay for hogs. Said he: "I have been
ef the opinion for some time that either hog
proancts must go up or bogs come down. It
seems that hogs are coming down, and they
have not touched bottom yet."
Provisions are fairly steady at the old rates.
A year ago at this time hogs were selling at
East Liberty for J5 60 per cwt.
Sbeep and Lambs
The run has been very light all this week.
Receipts were scarcely large enough to make a J
market. Choice stock is higher, chiefly be
cause of its great scarcity. Shippers were wise
in withholding stock this week when turkey
takes tbe precedence of staple meats. Prime
Western wethers readily brought 20c per 100
above prices of a week ago, owing to scarcity.
McCnll & Co.'s Revlevr.
The supply of cattle fair: market opened up
slow and a shade lower, but toward tbe
close there was more life and all
sold at strong last week's prices. We
Cive tbe following as ruling prices: Prime,
law to 1.600 pnnnds. $4 .251.53. good. 1,200 to
1;400 pounds, $3 654 00: good butcher grades.
1.000 to L200 pounds, .$3 253 60; rongh fat.
1.100 to 1,300 pounds, $3 153 40: good feeders,
LOOO to 1,200 pounds, S3 203 60; common
stockers and feeders, S00 to 1,000 pounds,
52 402 75; hulls and fat cows. SI 502 50;
fresh cows and springers, 25 0045 00 per
Tbe supply of hogs, fair and the market
slow at tbe following qnotatious: Heaw
p hiladelpbias selected, S3 653 70; good, light,
53 75; fair to best Yorkers, S3 603 70: roughs,
2 753 23.
The receipts of sbeep this week were light,
market active at an advance of 1525e per cwt
over last week's prices. We quote sales as
follows: Prime Ohio and Indiana -wethers,
weighing here 110 to 120 pounds, $4 65
5 25; good, SO to 100 pounds, S4 60
(i 85; fair to good mixed, 75 to 80 pounds,
J3 603 90 : good yearlings, 75 to S(pocnds,
$4 2S4 75; fair to good. 50 to 60 pounds, S3 50
4 25: good lambs. 5 006 00; veal calves. 110
to 120 pounds, So 006 25; heavy calves, 2 00
68 25.
Br Telegraph.
NEW York, November 27. Beeves Re
ceipts, 48 carloads for borne trade slaughterers
direct, 88 carloads for exportation alive and
dead and 64 carloads for tbe market; tbe quality
was not good or satisfactory; none were wanted
by exporters, who were fully supplied by di
rect importation from tbe west, and
the market was dull and 10c per 100
gounds lower; steers, all natives, sold at from
!504 6u tier 100 pounds and included ordin
ary to good onlv; bulls ranged from 11 W2 60,
poor cows. 1G2: exports from this port to-day.
SCO beeves and 4,300 quarters of beef; to-day's
Liverpool cable advices quote American refrig
erator beef dull and unchanged at 6c per
pound. Calves Receipts, 300 head; steady at
68c per pound for veals, and at 2J3Jc
ior grae&ero buu w estern caives.
CniCAGo Cattle Receipts. 15.000 head: re
ceipts. 3,500 head market steady; beeves,
S4 8oo 2o; steers, $2 SOffll SO; stock
ers and feeders, SI 80&2 90: Texas
cattle. SI 502 SO; Western rangers, S3 003 fid.
Sheep Receipts, 3.000 head; firm for sbeep;
steady for lambs sheep void at S3 755 85 per
100 pounds; lambs at S5 257 10: no extra
lambs shown. Hogs Receipts, 8,400 head:
market slow and nominal for live bogs at S3 SO
4 20 per 100 pounds.
ST. LOOIS Cattle Receipts. 2.700 head;
shipments. 2W head: market strong; good to
fancy native steers, SI 204 80: lair to good do,
S3 40S4 30: stockers and feeders, 2 002 80;
range steers S2 003 10. Hogs Receipts, 7,600
bead: shipments, 800 bead:m irket weak; closed
stead v: fair to cboice heavy, S3 503 80; pack
ing, ES 40355; light. S3 403 50 Sheep Re
ceipts, 400 head; shipments. 800: market firm;
fair to good and choice. S3 40S490.
BUFFALO Cattle quiet and unchanged; re
ceipts. 17 loads through, 6 loads sale. Sheep
and Iambs steady and firm: receipts, 5 loads
through. 8 loads sale. Hogs dull and un
changed; receipts, 19 loads through, 60 loads
- sale.
What an Animated Yonnc Woman Helloed
to Her Adcred.
It occurred yesterday afternoon in a down
town office. A tall handsome brunette
tripped in, and, in the most pleasant kind
ot a'manner, asked for the privilege of using
the telephone- Of course, it was granted.
iHalf ot the conversation which took place
is given, because circumstances over which
the reporter, who happened to be in, had no
control, prevent the other half from appear
ing: -Hello, Central! Give me No. ?"
"Hello! Is that Mr. C ?'
"Well, I want you to come down to the
Art Uaxaar on Thanksgiving evening. I
am coing to take part."
"Why. 25 cents, I think; hut then I don't
have topay.
iust astmnch if you are not in full dress."
AJl.UiEi"" " -m. it auujire you
,WeH,jnow, I don't think that's r'ght. I
think one girl is enough for a man to have,
and I think I can look sweet enough on
"Well, you'll be down, will you?"
"What? Oh, get it from your partner. Or
you might see my uncle. He always thought
a good deal of you. I know he'd lend you
that much."
"All right; goodby."
The receiver was hung up and the girl
dashed out, leaving everybody in tbe office
toenjoy a hearty laugh. -
The best investment for 25 cents. Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup. Ueware of ounter-
JCIU i t -
Wheat Opens Stronger on BallUh News
From I he Korthwrst, bnt Weakens
tinder Free Realizing;-Pork
Decline and Rallies.
Chicago There was a fair trade In wheat
to-day, and tbe feeling was a little unsettled.
There was considerable covering by,shorts both
for December and May, and also a good deal of
realizing for May. Some forelcn buylngorders
were also executed for May delivery. The market
opened up very strong, and pnoes were H&e
higher. Later they declined ljcfor December
and JSdKc for May, ruled easy and closed He
lower for December and Jc lower for May than
closing figures on yesterday.
The strong opening was due partly to the
firm tone of cable advices. Local operators,
too, were bullishly inclined, influenced by the
strong news from the Northwest, which quoted
a sharp demand for cash and reported some
large lots having changed hands at good prices.
It was also rumored 24,000 bushels uf winter
for export here, and only a scarcity of vessel
room prevented the working of some orders
for both Chicago spring and Duluth hard
wheat. One party here had Inquiries for 20
loads of fancy hard special bin wheat stored at
The later -freakness was due In part to rather
free realizing. The receipts at Minneapolis
and Duluth-continue liberal, but farmers' de
liveries are reported to be much smaller.
Com Very little interest was manifested in
this market, trading being.light and almosten
tirely local with limited to He range. The
feeling prevailing was comparatively firm,
though no material change in values was re
corded except for November, which was nearly
1c higher. 'I he unsettled weather was looked
upon as a strengthening feature and offerings
were not as liberal as on yesterday. Tbe spec
ulative market openea a shade above yester
day, was Arm most of the session, receded a
trifle, became dull and lifeless and closed
sligbtly higher than yesterday.
Oats were quiet and without Important fea
tures. The weather was wet and is expected to
check arrivals for the present. There was fair
covering by shorts, but offerings being moder
ate a qniet and steady feeling prevailed.
Mess pork A comparatively light trade was
reported and there were no particular changes
to note. Early prices ruled 5c loner. Toward
tbe doss the market was steadier and the de
cline was recovered.
Lard Trading was exceedingly limited.
Prices were without material change.
Short rib sides There was onlv a moderate
trade reported and there were no particular
changes to note. Prices for November were
advanced 1520c owing to scarcity, but other
deliveries were unchanged.
Tbe leading futures rancea as follows
Wheat No. 2. December. S0V680X79J6
79Je; January, 818180ie80iiC; May, SH
Cobn No. Z December, Sl&eSUigtlJO
31Kc: January. 80J3130Jie3c; May, 33J4S
OATS No. 2.December.20Vie20K20U2OXc;
Jauuaryi2(!20i24ic; May.toJi22Ji
Mess Poek, per bW Year, S9 159 20
9 159 20; January. S9 -2SSJ9 82K9 259 SOt;
May. S9 62$9 65& 62)j 65.
Lard, per 100 lis. December. J5 87K5 87J4
5 S75 87X: Year, S5 87K5 8765 87H
6 87: May. J6 056 07V6 05o07K.
Shout Ribs, per 100 as. January, S4 90
4 90S4 87i4 90: Pebruarv, 7o4 77K "5
4 77J.J; May, S4 954 97X6 54 97
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour was
dull and steady. No. 2 spring wheat, 7979Kc;
No. Sspnng wheat. 64eic: No. 2 red, 797c.
No. 2 corn. S333Jc. Ho. 2 oats. VOc No. 2
rye. 44Kc No. 2 barley. 58c No. 1 flax
seea. SI S7. Prime timothy seed, SI 2a Mess
por. per dm. sasosSTo. Lard, per 100 I b,
S5 82J Short nbs sides (loose), S5 005 S
Dry salted shoulders rboxea), S4 374 60.
Short clear sides (boxed). So 255 37U. bugars
Cutloaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour, 28.000
barrels; wheat. 165.000 bushels: com. 304,000
bushels: oats, 152,000 bushels; rye, 20.000 bushels:
barley, 110,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 87,000
barrels; wheat. 17,000 bushels: com. 90,000
buhels:oats, 164,000 bushelB; rye, 5,000 bushels;
barley, 65.000 bushels.
On tbe Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was steady and unchanged. Eggs,
New York Flour moderately active and
weak: free sellers. Cornmeal steady and in
fair demand; yellow western, S2 252 65. Wheat
Spot unsettled, weak and moderately active;
options fairly active, Hc lower and weak.
Barley steady. Barlevmalt quiet. Com Spot
active and higher, doting easy; options fairly
active and stronger. Oats Spot firmer and
fairly active: options firm and quiet. Hay
quiet and steady. Hops firm and in fair de
mand. Coffee Options opened steady and 5
points up to 15 points down; closed firm and un
changed to 15 points np: sales. 98.250 bags, in
cluding November. 15.85c: December, 15.700
15.90c; January. 15.85l&05c: February, 16.06
wiaiuc: Aiarcn, io.yowib.iar: April, ituuc: Mav.
16.0516.20c; June, 161016.15c; Julv. 16.10
16.15c; September, 16.00c; October, 15.80015.85c:
spot Rio firm and Quiet: fair cargoes,
195ic: No. 7. 17KirHc Bugar Raw
firm and fairly active; sales, &865 bags English
island molasses, 87 test, 4 9-16c: 1,700 bags De
merara centrifugal 96 test, 6c; 18,905 bags Bra
zil, 84 test. 4Kc: refined Arm and in fair de
mand. Molasses Foreign nominal; New Or
leans fairly active. Rice steady and fairly ac
tive. Cottoneed oil firm. Rosin steady and
quiet. Turpentine qniet and firm at 46347c.
Eggs quiet; Western,, 26c; receipts, 4,113
packages. Porkstrong. Cut meats unchanged;
middles, strong; exporters qiflet. Lard West
ern steam, $6 32; sales of 500 tierces, c. A t, at
fS 30, options, sales of 3,500 tierces, rinsing at
$6 23, January, $6 266 33. closing at f6 83; Fcb
inary, S6 35 bid: March, S6 37 closing at So 39
bid: April, $6 43 bid; May, 56 45, closing atS6 48.
Minneapolis There was a steady tone to
tbe cash market for the opening, and it was not
difficult for sellers to put up prices of milling
wheat to keep even with the advance in
futures. Later, when prices m the pit fell off,
losing the early advance, sellers of cash wheat
refused to follow, and prices held firm, though
trading was less active. Local millers were
taking a little, shippers are buying some, and
local elevator companies were in the market
early, although the last named class of buyers
retired early. Receipts of wheat were 479 cars
and shipments 135 cars. Closing quotations:
No. 1 hard November, 77?c; December, TTjic;
Mav, SlJic: on track, 78c; No. 1 Northern,
75Kc; December. 75c; May, 81Je: on track,
76Kc: No. 2 Northern, November. 72c; Decem
ber, 72c; May, TSJc; on track, 7274c
Mhwawkee Flour fairtv active. Wheat
regular: cash 723c: May. TSiici No. 1 North-
ern, oic iorn easier: n. s, zyi
n. rt - . ' "-.. .
'29Kc. Oats
ye easy; No.
2, 47JJ4Sc
Cheese un
steady; No. 2 white, 22K22?ic.
1, 44W44Kc Barley quiet; No.
Pork, $9 4 Lard, S5 92
Toledo Cloverseed active and steady: cash,
NovemDer and December, S3 65; February
S3 70; March, S3 SOL '
The death of David Torrence cast a shadow
over the Exchange yesterday. He was greatly
The city of Allegheny offers for sale S100.WX)
of renewal bonds to bear 3K per cent and run
20 years. Tbey are free of all tax.
The annual meeting of the stockholders of
tbe Pittsburg and Allegheny Droreyard Com
pany will be held on Monday, December 9.
The sale of tbe East End lot to James Dick,
referred to yesterday, was made through the
"agency of Kelly 4 Rogers, ftU5 Station street.
The Supreme Court of Illinois has decided
tbat the union of the four gas companies in
Chicago is illegal. The stock is very weak in
The Farmers and Mechanics' National Bank,
of Washington. Pa was organized yesterday,
George W. Roberts being elected Fresiden t and
naiwru v uiLing oasnier.
EcoT;ragi2o reports were made at tbe
meeting of the directors of tbe Luster Mining
Company yesterday, but the stock neglected to
respond. It is believed to be good property
however. - '
Notice has been served by all the railroad
lines entering Findlay, 0.,-tbat hereafter all oil
for shipment must bo delivered at freight
houses in barrels. This is construed as a blow
at independent refiners, and In the interest of
the Standard Oil Company.
A mortgage specialist on Fourth avenue
said yesterday: "There is plenty of money
seeking investment in mortgages, but not in
large amounts. Some of it is offered as low as
4H per cent on gilt-edged business property in
tbe city. Rates on dwellings are higher."
New Yokk November 27. Another rainv
day keeps up tbe weather depression upon
trade in drygooda, though this is more felt in
retail than in wholesale branches, where it is
still somewhat between seasons, and naturally
more or less quiet at this period. Moreover
business at first hands is more advanced than
usual, and the market is consequently in ex
cellent condition. Accumulations are excep
tional. The market was witnout change or
new features. Holiday feeling is uppermost
just now, but in a few days more animation
may be expected.
Oar own importations. All the new
things from all the famous potteries. Lowest
prices, at Beizenstein's, 1S2, 151, 1S6 Federal
su, Allegheny. ttssu
F. & Vs. Iron Citv beer is a .splendid
beverage and is absolutely bartaless. Only
tbe purest materials are used in its make. It
leads in public favor for ftaDr ste. Tele
phone 1186. .
For People of Very Moderate means
to Acquire Good Homes.
The Invention of the Circular Saw Claimed
for an Old Fittbbnrger.
:Tb.e construction of the Castle Shannon
Incline, the contemplated grading and pav
injr of Washington and Grandview ave
nnes and the talk of a street car line are
giving quite an impetus to real estate on
Mt Washington. A Fourth-avenue firm
has sold about 75 lots in a plan near the
terminus of the incline in tbe last 90 days.
Prices are moderate bnt hardening as the
district fills up, but there is still a good op
portunity for people of moderate means to ac
quire tomes.
To show the upward tendency, the firm re
ferred to stated yesterday that lots in Beltz
hoorer borough purchased five years ago for
S150 are now valued at S500.
All the brokers are thankful, but some ot
them are too modest to say so.
W. F. Maxon I am thankful to have gotten
Luster at 15. So is the purchaser.
J. M. McBride I am thankful for an order to
bny 500 La Noria. There Is a commission in it.
Andrew Caster I am tbanktnl that I am liv
ing and able to cover my shorts in Philadelphia
Gas at a round profit
Henry M. Long 1 am thankful that tnlngs
are no worse.
R. W. McKelvy I am thankful that I have
no Philadelphia.
Badger. Mnstin, Harry Barbour and Finths
wait We are thankful we are so fat.
Captain Barbour I am thankful for every
thing, but more particularly that I will cele
brate my thirteenth anniversary, December 6,
and am sober.
9 m
The Dispatch sometime ago contained an
article on big trees. It attracted the attention
of C. N. Meriwether, of Glen Ellen, Tenn., who
writes: "On the farm of Fletcher Beaumont,
in Montgomery county, Tenn., there is a pop
lar tree 6 feet 1 Inch In diameter five feet from
the ground, and is apparently the same size up
to the first limb, 75 feet above the ground. The
tree is sound, and is estimated to contain 15,600
feet of lumber. No estimate has been made of
its age, but it undoubtedly antedates any other
living thing in this section."
J. E, Emerson, the Beaver Falls saw manu
facturer, says concerning the invention of the
circular Saw: "In 1870. while I was making jny
patent inserted toothed saws with Messrs. Hub
bard Brothers & Co., on Water street, in Pitts
burg, a very sprightly, intelligent, and well
educated old man, who said be was then 92
years of age, and that his name was Jack Coop,
came in with an old rusty, circular saw. about
18 Inches in diameter, to get it polished up. I
at once became interested in it The old man
told me that in 1799 he made that saw while in
the British navy by filing tbe teeth into it, and
then got a hanu-saw maker to straighten and
polish it for him, and bad a mandrel made, and
used the saw in tbe navy. At that time 1 gave
an account of the incident to the Scientific
American, and it was published in that journal,
the editors then claiming that in all probability
this was the first circular saw ever made."
While it- is very true tbat homes can be
bought for spot cash for considerably less than
they will cost on monthly payments, there are
many who can never accumulate enough money
to get the advantage of cash payment, but who
can pay something every month. To overcome
this difficulty building and loan associations
were established, and the good they have done
in enabling people to become owners of the
bouses they live in is beyond expression. None,
but a capitalist with a long purse can afford to
sell houses and lots on monthly payments, but
any one with a steady job can afford to buy on
those terms. If misfortune overtakes him, apd
through failure to make final payments forfeits
what be has already paid, he has the satisfac
tion of knowing that, after all, be has only
paid a little higher rent thn be otherwise
would have done.
Every thinker knows that the man who
would succeed must do more work than he gets
paid for, in every profession and trade. It may
be taken for granted tbat tbe man who will do
onlvS20 worth of work a week because his
salary is but S20 will never get more than S20 a
week, for the- simple reason tbat be has never
shown bis employer that he Is worth more.
Good observers figure it that an employe who
means to succeed has to do from 10 to 20 per
cent more work than he gets actual pay for.
This be has to do until he reaches a certain
point, and, having reached that point, he will
find that by as much as his income has in
creased by so much has the demand foramount
and intensity of his labor diminished. Labor
brings its market value; and is seldom over
paid, oftener underpaid. It is the experience
the "Know How" that brings the money.
Said a prominent business man yesterday:
"The fact has often been commented upon that
the children of our former rich men are now
wealthy only where their money was left to
them invested in realty. Our values are at
present so reasonable that no one need make a
poor investment who will use ordinary pru
dence and judgment. One dollar Invested
now ought to produce 82 within three years, at
farthest. And in the meantime any investor
can sleep soundly, knowing as he must that his
investment has a solid foundation and that the
chances are ten to one that there will be ho de
cline whatever."
The installment plan of doing business is
getting to be wonderfully popular and com
mon. Nearly everything from a house and lot
to a bedstead or washboard can be bought on
weekly or monthly payments. At first sight
this plan would seem to be an injury to the
furniture trade and to tbe house building
trade, but no complaints to this effect are
heard. On tbe contrary, an opposite opinion is
generally held by legitimate dealers. The in
stallment men take a class of trade that regu
lar dealers cannot afford to handle.
Brokers Do n Good Business In Stocks Un
der Peculiar Circumstances.
There was an active stock market yesterday
considering tbe weather and the nearness of a
bbliday. The sales were 133 shares, of which
Philadelphia Gas furbished 320. It opened at 30JJ
and closed at 30. The other natural gas stocks
were also weak. Pleasant Valley and Electric
were stronger. Tbe rest of tbe list showed but
little change. Bids, offers and sales follow:
ma. jLSKea.
Bid. Asked. Bid. Allied.
. 81 ....
64 ....
27 ....
38 ....
64 ....
100 107 100 107
I4J 15
14 13U 14
S0)f 30Jf 30)5 30).
.... 60
.... 28 .... ....
3H S 2 ....
50 65
33)4 33) 33X 33)f
.... 69 .... 69
47)4 48 47 48
S3X 23g
.... 30
S .... 22 25
35 28 35 ....
Wi 14 13 14).
48 4) 48 49
19 .... 19
114 .... 114
Masonic Bank
M. &M.Jiat. Bank.,..
City Insurance.... ....
Cons'dt'd Uxs Co., 111.
Tltr Him II0..IU
Soutbalde Gas Co.. III..
Alleirneny ueaiinK v.".
reopie's n. v.ar.o
ienna. Gas Co. ....
Fhiladelnhla Co ...
Union Uas Co
Wheellnc basCo
uourmoia uuui
Ilazelwood Oil Co
Central Traction
Citizens' Traction
Pitts. Traction..)
fleasant valley.
Pitts. Jane. B. H
P. C A St. I,
Ft., Vs. AC. K.B.CO..
N.Y. A COas Coal Co.
i Noria Mining: Co...
Luster Mining Co
Westinarnonse lueciric
U. 8. ASIC. CO.
Westlngltouse A. 11. Co.
Keystone uon. uo
Sales were: First call, 3 shares Airbrake at
114. 40 Pleasant Valley Railway at 23, 12 at
23210 Philadelphia Gas at 80. After call 20
Pittsburg Traction at s7J
Last call 10 shares nf Central Traction at
33. 110 Philadelphia Gas at 30, 48 Pleasant
Valley Railway at 23.
Andrew Caster sold $4,000 Allegheny Valley
73Tb at 113. V. P. Maxon bought 40 Central
Tr-ction at 33 100 Luster at 15, and 100 at
The total sale of stocks at New 1 ork yester
dav were 337.730 shares, lncludicir: Atchison.
13.820; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
618; Denver. Texas and Ft. Worth, 7,310;
Missouri Pacific, 16,895: Northern Pacific pre-
lerreo, 0,000: xveaamc. io,auu; ou jraui. u,eov;
KUBefi jrwsm, i,Tfrt w nws usuos, Mv.
An Active Movement In the Money Market
and Kates Firm.
While there was nothing particularly new In
local banking circles yesterday, the favorable
conditions previously noticed continued.
The demand for accommodations was brisk
and rates were firm at 67 per cent the mail'
mum to outsiders, which is causing something
of a kick, but as there seems to he no remedy
for the discrimination just now, they must grin
and bear it. It is quite reasonable tbat regular
customers sbonld be given the preference.
Money was plenty for legitimate business.
Checking and depositing were large. The ex
changes were S2,087,590 Is and the balances
S326,55o 21. Both currency and exchange were
in fair supply.
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easy, ranging from 8 to 7 per cent, last loan,
closed offered at 8. Prime mercantile paper.
67J Sterling exchange quiet and steady at
S4 81 for 60-day bills and H 85 for demand.
Closing Bond Qootntloni.
D. B. 4S.KC va
U. H. 4s. eoun... 127
H. K. AT. Gen.Ss
Mutual Union 6a..
N. J. C. Int. Oert.
Northern fac. liu
TtfAthrn Pit. 2dS.
V. 8. 48, reir ...104H
u. a. ins. coup.... UK
PacincSsof'K. Wit
Loulslansstamnedts SIM
Missouri s 102
Tenn. newcet. So... I07JJ
Tenn. new set. &.... I0Z
Tenn. uewset.as.... 71S4
Canada So. 3ds 87
Oen. i'aclflcliu.....m
Den. Ail. (i., lts...lI8
Den. & It. G. 4s 78
U.K.Q.Weit,UM. 93
Krle,2rts 105
It. X. & T. Gen. Cs.. 68V
Northw't'n coniols.HJH
Mnrtliwln Vhen1..112
Oregon & Trans. -!
at. J. AI.M. Uen.M MS
St. L.ASS.IT. Gen. JI. 110
tiu Pan! consols '
Tx Fc K. G.Tr. Kcti MM
Union l'ac. liu '
West Shore 100
New tOBE Clearings, 113,982,210; balances,
Boston Clearings, J15.S98,517; balances,
Si.6o7.3b6. Money, 6 per cent.
Philadelphia Clearings, $13,461,377; bal
ances. SL.879,793.
London The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bank of England to-day is 610,000.
Bar silver, H 3-16d. per ounce.
Pabis Three per cent rentes, 87f S3o for
tbe account.
Chicago Bank clearings were JIO.933,000.
New York exchange was at par. Rates for
money were not quotably lower, though certain
classes of borrowers claimed to be getting call
money below 6 per cent. The bank rate on call
was 6 per cent; on time, 68 per cent.
Oil Operators Not Disposed to Encase In
New Denis.
Weakness was about the only feature of the
oil market yesterday. Refined advanced in
Europe, but it bad no effect here. The
Standard, even, seemed to be taking a rest.
Sheets were pretty well evened up, and there
was no disposition to enter into new deals with
a holiday in sight, and so near the end of the
week. The market openedat tl 05, highest
SI 0 lowest SI 0 closing $1 05.
Abroker remarked: "The market has been
playing some queer capers of late. It bobs up
and down without any particular reason, so far
as I can see. I think the Standard is pulling
the wires. It wants to wipe out tbe premium
for one thing, and cheaper oil for another. If
lert to itself tbe market would advance, not
withstanding field develonments."
Reports yesterday were to the effect tbat the
well on the Beagle farm, in the Shanopin field,
was doing 1,000 barrels a day. It is owned by
tbe Raccoon Oil Company.
Tbe Davis well in the Chartiers field, although
not drilled in, was reported as keeping up a
steady gait of 480 barrels a day. The Mis
sionary So. 2 on the Cope farm. In the Brush
Creek field, was doing 250 barrels.
Advices from St. Mary's. W. Va., stated:
Tiro of the test wells drilling in this territory
have come in in tbe last 21 hours. Tbe Wise
well, just across the line in Ritchie county,
struck the sand last night, and is reported as a
15-barreI wclL Tbe well on the Cochran farm,
near here, came in about tbe same time, a
strong 0-barrel gusher. Pittsburg operators
are now prospecting in Ritchie county, with a
view of putting some wells down there.
Feature of the Marker.
Corrected dally ty John M. Oauey A Co., 15
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened. 1657Lowest
.. 32,0
Average runs .... ....... .., ..,.
Average shipments
Averare cbarten.
Kenned, Mew Yorlc 7.50c
Beflned, Antwerp, I'Ht.
Kenned. Liverpool. 6 l-ISd.
Kenned, Bremen, 7.30m.
A. B. McOrew & Co. quote:
calls, tl 061 06.
Puts, SI 03;
Olt AJjarket.
TrrnsvrLi,E, HovemberZT. Opened at SI 05W,
highest. SI 06; lowest, II. 04; closed at Jl 05,'.
Beadi-ord. November 27. Opened at $1 05V;
closed at 21 04: highest, tl 00y: lowest, SI WB.
Clearances, 183,000 barrels.
Oil Citt. November 27. Opened at tl 05W;
highest, tl 06K; lowest, tl 04; closed, tl 0d
Bales, 316,000 barrels: clearances, l,98!j,000 bar
rels; charters, 60 317 barrels; shipments, 60,067
barrels; runs, 61,816 barrels.
New YORK.NoTember27. Petroleum opened
weak at tl 05, but rallied sharply atter the
first sales and advanced to tl 06. Renewed
selling by the Standard OU brokers then caused
a decline and the price fell steadily until tbe
close which was weak at tl 01. Stock Ex
cbanjre: Opening, Jl 05: highest, tl 06; low
est, tl 04; closing, SI 04 Consolidated Ex
change: Openinc. tl 07; highest, tl 07; lowest,
SI 04; closing-, tl 0 Total sales, 1,027,000
People Who Purchased Houses and Lois
n Well as Turkeys.
Samuel W. Black & Co.. 99 Fourth avenue,
sold a lot on Southern avenue. Thirty second
ward, size about 89x165 feet, for Sl,350.
James W. Drape & Co. sold a house of seven
rooms and lotabout 23x140 feet, on Shetland
avenue, East End. for 84,000. and placed three
mortgages on East End property of $3,500 at 6
per cent.
Jamison & Dickie sold for 8. H. Ralston
three fire-roomed frame houses, with lot 67x160
feet, on Lincoln avenue. East End, to Mar
garet J. Dewrose for H6C0: also three lots on
Dekay street, 50x120 feet, Twenty-second ward,
to Lena Hager for 82,275.
Alles A Bailev, 161 Fourth avenue, placed a
mortgage for $2,000. three years, at 6 per cent,
on property In the Thirteenth ward, 1'ittsburg.
W. A. Herron 4 Sons sold lot No. 396, in the
Aspinwall Land Company's plan, 25x100 feet,
Chicago Gas Completely Knocked Out by
tbo Illinois Supreme Court Decision
Sugar Also Takes n Tumble
A Heavy Close.
New York, November 27. A quiet stock
market was generally expected today and as
far as the general list was concerned this ex
pectation was realized, the trading being of tbe
retail order, while a large number of brokers,
having gone away over the holiday, there was
a slim attendance at the board. There were
the usual few exceptions, but the stocks of tbe
regular list offered little feature throughout
the day, and fluctuations were on the same
plane with the dealings, being confined to even
a smaller range than usual.
Tho reports from the great fire at Lynn,
Mass., had a depressing effect at the opening,
and first Drices were in most cases sliehtlv
lower than last evening, and though the list
was remarkably well beld, realization of profits
forced a decline of 3 per cent in Denver and
Fort Worth, bringing the stock down again to
tbe lowest point for a week. Missouri Pacific
vrii. inhl.KT.il tn nreSSUrA Afmtn frnm trtA hair
and it yielded over 1 per cent. Tennessee Coal 1
shot up with a rusn ana reached still higher
prices, touching 85. but it as quickly receded,
and dropped nearly 5 per cent from that point;
closing at its lowest figure.
This Has all there was to the general market,
interest sin which was completely obscured by
tbe effect of tbe decision rendered yesterday
by the Supreme Court of Illinois In the case of
.1... r-f.tA.. flm T.n. Th- ft..!.).. ji
mis uit4u j A....-. ..uu ucvjBiitu rcrersuu
the decision of tbeJower court, and held tbat
the trust, in acquiring' control of other com
panies, had done an unlawful act, and, al
though the decision does not affect the proper
ty of tbe trust In any way, and cannot affect tbe
sale of the property to it In any way It may
elect, tbe effect f the news upou the holders of
certifies es was Jo cause a panic in tbe stock.
Two brokers we're specially prominent In tbe
selling, and stopped at 46, when a slight rally
occurred, but tbe drop was soon resumed, and
43 was reached, when a rally of about 3 per
cent took placer Chicago houses had liberal
selling orders, and tbe only buyers seemed to be
the shorts, who were extremely cautious in
their bidding.
The other trusts were fairly well held, with
the exception of sugar, which yielded nearly 3
Eerceut. The market at the close was quiet
ut rather heavy at a sbado better than tbe
lowest prices. Only ono failure occurred, and
the firm stated that 'hes, had no outstanding
contract on the Exchange and no connection
with tho drop could e vtablh.hed. Tbe list is
all lowef, though the changes are generally 'or
slight fractions, tbe exceptions being Chicago
Gas. 9 per cent; Denver, Texas and Ft. Worth,
5; Sugar, 2: Missouri Pacific, 1, and Cat
ton Oil and Tennessee Coal. 1 eer Mat aaah.
1 The mJm te tJM wdKt4 dopftrtsMBt feats Kt L
63.508 shares, of which "Sugar contributed 22,
730. There was the usual quiet business in rail
road bonds and little or nb feature marked the
dealings throughout tbe day.
The foaowinc tauie snows me pnees of active
stocks on tbe Mew York Stock .Kxcnange yester
day. Corrected daily lor Tax Dispatch by
WHrnrai astxphkhsok, oldest rjttsbnrjr mem
bers or Mew x ore Stock kacnan.e. 67 fourth avenue:
CI os-HIgh-
Low- in;
rsL est. Hid.
31! 39H 3K
::r. :::: .3
as s JJ
mi m
106!. 10a 103K
71H 701 70H
113ft n my
99). USH S3
:::: ::::
Jl3f UZti 113)4
143V MH HI
73S !
99! S9 BSJ
34S SX "
Z1H 21 21
14l 141 141
147X UW "TO
MX m" $
10 10
70 70 89
ISii 18). 18
64 61 63X
tma 106V WS
83)4 M Hh
So). 9o)& toii
io" ia" 9X
69 67K 68
28 27K 27H
an 68 ejK
17V 17 17
48 454 4,J
22X 22M 22
33) 82V? 12
76) 75M 75K
221 22 21H
4K 4)3? 44
38 33) 35
34 34!
193 19 19)
41) 40 41
22X U tl
108 107 107
46) 44 4t.
20 20 20
69) 68X 69
32 31! 3US
S 67 5"
70 67) 6SM
M 18) 19
In r.
Am. Cotton Oil. .
AtcnM Top.Ab.r.....
Canadian IMclllo
Central ofMew Jersey
Central raelflt 35
Cheuoeakeft Ohio.-. J7K
C.. Bur.Quli.cT.....106
C., Jin. tt St. faul.... 71K
V., Mil St . F.. pr....ll3
c.. KoctLir. tan
. St. U A Htu
r VSv tM- " Vt. ....
5? ? tlorthwestern I13I(
n "C""!" western, pr.lH
. C.. CJ. A 1 73
j. c., c. a l, or n
-ol. Hoesios; Yu .. nx
ul. A Hudson H7V
DenvwAKlo ....."...
iJe"TBloG.. nt... 5.X
i II' & Western.. I8!f
rit?leWe.t.nr.. 64
Late Shore am. a 107K
S??i!Tl"eN"hv!lle. s5M
mLI".!"1 central 85)4
MoblleA Ohio .
Mo., nan. a Texas.... 10
(Jew rora Central
Y.. L.E. A W.pref.. 6H
a. J., c. a at. t, nm
E" ?. C. A St.i. Id nfV ...
5 .
... x.. V. A W
Northern pacific Mf
Ohio A Mississippi..... 22
urexon Improvement. lf
Oregon Transcon S8
raeille stall. uu
i-i;::::: 5
I ullman Palace Car
Rlchmona A W. r. T KH
Richmond A W.F.T.pf ....
St. P.. Minn. A Alan. .107
3M ." ran
at. L. A 3n irran pr.. 4
Wabash preferrVd.'.'.'.I K '
Whlmg A L. .?.... 67
airarTrnst 6S
National Mad Trait.. H
Chicago Gas frost.... M
Boston Stock.
A(ch.AToe..ist7s. ill)
Rutland, com 4
Wis. Ventral, com... SIX
AllonezMcOo 95
Calumet A fleela....240
mauin. iH
Huron 2
Osceola, 19
Pewablo 5
Qulney 68
Bell Telepnone..- ..200
Boloni.ana s
Vt aier Fower tX
Boston A Altjiny...I7
-Boston A Mams m
v..,.,. ou, a iore. a
KuternB. 120
Eastern K. K. 6s ....l
FUntAPereM 25
Little K. A Ft. B. 7,, 93
Mexican Oen. com.. 155
Mex.ciitmt(r.bds. 68
5 J" win:... 45)
Tamarack .145
San IHeco M
Old Colony.,
:.. 7S....12S
fSanta 1'e copper.... 75
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations or Philadelphia stocks, fur.
nlshed by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers." No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members Jfew xork Btoefc Ex
change. BM. Asked.
Pennsylvania Ballroad...... six
Heading.. 209-1
iJaffalo, Pittsburg A Western 8
LehUh Maylnuon SSJ,
AUeJsn.",T,Val,ev' bonds 113).
JJ. Cn.'s NewJersey. za)?
HortnsrnPaclso preferred J
The Cronln trial will be resumed on Friday,
when eight days will be consumed in making
Jefferson Davis continues to improve
and is now able to sit up occasionally, but is
not allowed to leave his room.
The taking of evidence in the case of the
xiavassa rioters was completed at Baltimore
yesterday and the arguments were begun.
The Conservative confeience at Notting
ham yesterday approved Lord Salisbury's pro
gramme, but attached a rider declaring that
tbe party must adopt an effective labor plat
form. The first real snowstorm of the season at
Buffalo, N. Y., began' at an early hour yes
terday morning, and by 8 o'clock six inches of
(now covered the ground. Jt then changed to
rain and sleet.
Richard M. Mansfield, the horse thief of
Buffalo, N. Y., and the escaped convict of
Cleveland, who was sent to the insane asylum a
few days ago. escaped from that Institution
late on Tuesday and up to the present has not
been recaptured.
v The New York grand Jury yesterday after
noon returned an indictment for murder in tbe
first degree against Mrs. Hannah B. South
worth, who shot and killed Stephen Pettus last
Friday morning. Later she was arraigned and
pleaded not guilty.
The Citizens' State Bank and T. F. Mc
Conaugby. mercant of TTork. Nebraska., have
made assignments for tbe benefit of creditors.
The bank will probably pay in full. McCon
aughy's liabilities are not known. He was one
of tbe stockholders in the Citizens' bank, and
was cashier of the same.
There was a small sized panic among New
York holders of Chicago Gas Trust certificates
in Wall street yesterday morning. In the first
two hours of business 60,000 shares were traded
In and tbe price dropped 11 per cent, Chicago
bouses were the largest sellers. The adverse
decision of the Illinois Supreme Court was the
The Commissioner of Indian Affairs has
directed the Indian Agent at tbe Kiowa and
Comanche agency in the Indian Territory to
promptly remove cittle found grazing on the
reservation without tbe consent of the Indians.
It is learned that several herds, aggregating
about 30,000 head, are trespassing on the reser
The Governor of South Carolina in his an
nual message to the Legislature recommends
separate accommodations on railroads for
whites and blacks, the amendment of the civil
rights law passed by tbe Republicans in 1876,
and the collection and preservation by tbe
State ot all Confederate flag. He also pro
poses a manner of refunding $8,000,000 of tbe
State debt.
The negotiations between President Adams,
of tbe Union Pacific, and the Denver, Texas
and Fort Worth people have resulted in agree
ments for tbe formation of a corporation, to be
known as tbe Union Pacific Denver and Gulf
Railway, which will absorb tbe Fort Worth
roa-t and the Colorado lines of the Union Pa
cific, except the old Sooth Park road, now
known as the Denver, Load ville and Gunnison.
The passengers and crew of the burned
steamer, Santiago, 59 In number, arrived in
quarantine. New York, on Tuesday night.
The fire in the Santiago broke net on the 18th,
off Staten Island, and spread so rapidly that
the vessel had to be abandoned. The four
boats containing tbe refugees drifted alt night,
but were picked up by the A. J. Fuller in the
morning. Tbe loss Is about tl.000,000, but the
crew and passengers are unhurt.
Dr. Calvin Case, of St Louis, an intelligent
colored physician, is at the Maryland Univer
sity Hospital, Baltimore, an incnrable victim
of the morphine habit. He was found on tbe
street on Tuesday by a policeman, bleeding
nrof uely from a wound in tbe tblghi He had
partly broken himself of tbo morphine habit
nut the struggle on Tuesday was too much for
hlra. and be swallowed seven grains of cocaine,
and then nnt himself with a nenknife. He was
at one time a surgeon in the United States
A Severe Sentence Given to tbe Owner of
thp Antwerp Cartiidc-e Factory. "
Antwerp. November 2 The trial of
M. Corvilain, the proprietorof the cartridge
iactory in this city, in which the disastrous
explosion occurred last September, which
resulted in the death of many persons and
the distraction of much property, and M.
Delauncy, the engineer of the factory, who
were charged with homicide by imprudence,
was concluded to-day.
The prisoners were convicted and the
judges cntenced M Corvilain to four years
and six' months and JI. Delauncy to one
year and six months imprisonment, and to
pay a fine of 2,500 irancs each.
WEAKstomacn,Beecham'sBills act like magic
Peaks' Soap secures a Deautlful complexion.
SICK HEADACHEClrt!r,I UUle Liver Pills.
SICK HEADACHE. nT Little Liver Pills.
SICK HEADAOHEcrte,., tittle LiverFlUs.
' 1
Turkeys Take a Bise Under Thanks
giving Influences.
Spot Oats and Old Corn Firm, Others
Cereals in Statu Quo.
Wednesday. November 27, 1889. J
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
The approach of Thanksgiving brought un
usual activity, especially in poultry lines. The
turkey supply is large, bnt demand is active
and prices were higher to-day than yesterday.
There was little trouble gettlpg 16c per pound
lor dressed, and 1212Kc for live turkeys.
There are no changes In general produce lines.
Demand is good for choice dairy products at
quotations, but low grade stock is neglected.
Cheese Is very firm, and an upward movement
is likely to come ere long. The advance In
Elgin creamery butter Is fully sustained by the
present situation of markets. Fresh laid eggs
are very scarce and firm. Potatoes and cab
bage are easy. Fancy apples are moving more
freely, and prices are firm.
Buttkb Creamery, Elgin, 294S29KF; Ohio
do, 2526c; fresh dairy packed, 2Sic; country
rolls, 21B22C
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, $2 252 30;
medium. S2 102 20.
Bees WAT i280c fl & for choice; low grade,
Cidee Sand refined, 6 5007 60;- common,
$3 o0(S!l 00; crab cider. $8 00l8 0 f? barrel;
elder vinegar, 1012c j gallon.
Chestnuts t6 00S HI V bushel; walnuts,
G070c V bushel.
Cheese Ohio, llllc: New York. UKc;
Ltmburger, 9llc; domestic Sweitzer, lie
13Kc; imported Sweitzer, 23Kc
Eoos 2426c fl dozen for strictly fresh.
Fbuits Apples, fancy, Tl G03 0 lf barrel;
liaiiiornia pears, ta outs uu a dox; cranoemes.
Jerseys, 52 SO y? bushel box; Cape Cods, box,
52 7503 00; Malaga grapes, large barrel. t8 00.
Game Squirrels, tl 25 V dozen; quail, fl 50
t dozen; prairie chickens. H fiu5 00 fl
dozen; pheasants, 54 505 00 $ dozen: rabbit,
tl S01 75 dozen; venison saddle, 1820c V
pound; venison carcass. 1215c fl pound.
Feathers Extra lire geese, 060c; No. L
do, 4045c; mixed lots, S035c V ft.
Poultbt ChickenSjOla bens, 6570c; chick
ens, large, young, 505oc; chickens, small, 36
40c; ducks, 6560c f pair; geese, tl 0031 10 V
pair: live turkeys, U12c 9 lb; dressed turkeys,
15Q16C fl a.
Seeds Clover, choice, C2Bs to bushel. 5 000
6 2 If! bushel; clover, large English, B2s, So 60:
clover, Alslke. 18 00; clover, white. S9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 As, tl 60; bine grass, extra
clean. 14 Its'. 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 As, tl 00;
orchard grass, 14 fis. tl 65; red top. 14 As. Jl 25;
millet, 60 As, tl 00; German millet, 60 As, 11 60;
Hungarian grass, GO As. tl 00: lawn grass,
mixture of fine grasses, t2 60 ft bushel of 14
TAXiow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4J
TBOFICAl.FRtnTS Lemons, common, I8 60
4 00: fancy, U 005 00: Florida oranges, 1360
3 75; bananas, $2 00 firsts, tl 60 good seconds,
fl bunch; cocnanuts, ti 004 60 fl hundred:
figs, 8K9c f) A; dates, guKe f &t new layer
figs, 14K16Kc: new dates. 7Kc ft A.
Vegetables Potatoes, from store. S0g55c:
on track, 4045c; cabbages, 4 005 00 a hun
dred; celery, 40c ft dozen; Southern sweet
potatoes, $2 602 76; Jerseys, 83 754 00; tur
nips, tl 001 60 a barrel: onions, 82 a barrel.
Buckwheat Floub 22c ft pound.
Geeen Coftee FancylRIo, 23S4c; choice
Rio, 2122c; prime Rio, 20c; low grade Rio,
18K6I9K0' ,d Government Java. 27828c; Mar
acaibo, 23K24KcMocha, 2SX29c; Santos,
20K21c. Caracas, 2224c; peaherry, Rio, 23K
21c: LaGuayra, 23K24c
Roasted (In papers) Standard brands. 24c;
high grades. 2529c; old Government Java,
bulk. 31X33c: Maracalbo. 2726c: Santos.
24Hw28Kc; peaberry, 2SKc; cboice Rio. 26c;
piltne Rio. 23Kc; good
. 2X; ordinary, 21c.
Spices (whole) Cloves. 19820c: allspice. 10c:
cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c; nutmeg, 7080c.
.FEtbolkum (Jobbers prices) 110 test 71c;
Ohio. 120, SKc; headlight, 160, 8Kc: water
white, lOHc: globe. 1414.c: elaine, 14&c; car
nadlne, UKc; royaline, 14c; globe red oil. 110
uters! On No. 1 winter strained, 4fl17c
IM .!-. 'T .. ..tl TTW.
Syrups Corn syrup, 28g30c; choice sugar
syrup, 33S38e; prime sugar syrup, 803Bc;
strictly pnme.3336cT new made syrup. Sec.
N. O, Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 4ec:
medium, 43c; mixed, 404Sc; cboice new crop,
Soda Bi-carb In kegs, S3Jc; bl-carb in K.
6c: bi-carb. atsorted packages, t$itc; sal
soda in kegs, l4c; do granulated, 2c.
Candles star, full weight, 9c; stearine, fl
set, 8Kc; pararSne, 11912c.
Rice Head, Carolina, 6J.7c; choice, 60
6Jic: prime, 6K06c: Louisiana, 66Jic
STABCH PearL23icj cornstarch, 68c; gloss
starch, 47c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, IS 65; Lon
don layers, $2 SO; California London layers,
12 75; Muscatels, 82 25; California Muscatels,
82 10; Valencia,7jc; Ondara Valencia, SWfc;
sultana,9Kc; currants,5K6Kc Turkey prunes,
4K6c; French prunes. 89Ke; Salonlca
prunes. In 2-A packages, 8c; cocoanuts, fl 100,
$6 00; almonds, Lan., fl A, 20c; do. Ivica, 19c;
do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap 12K16c; Sicily
flloerts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12il3c; new dates,
6&6ic; Bnzll nuts, 10c: pecans, llgl5c; cit
ron, fl A, 1920c; lemon peel, fl A, 16c: orange
peel, lac,
Diued Fbtxtts Apples, sliced, per A 6c, ap
ples, evaporated, 9c; apricots, California, evap
orated. 1416c: peaches, evaporated, pared.
ssaasc: peacnes. uainornia, evaporated, un
pared, 1921c; cherries, pitted,I3X14Kc; cher
ries unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evaporated,
25K26Kc: blackberries, 7K8c; huckleberries,
Stjoabs Cubes. 7Jic; powdered, 75fc; granu
lated, 7c; confectioners' A, 7c; standard A.
7c: soft white, 6K6Jc;yelIow,choIce,6K,86J'c;
yellow, good, 6?&c; yellow, fair, 6Jcj yellow,
Pickles Medlnm. bbls (L2001. 95 60: medi
um, half bbls (600), 83 25.
Salt N o J. fl bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, fl bbl, tl05;
dairy, fl bbl, tl 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl. tl 20:
Biggins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 12 80; Higgins'
Eureka, 16-14 A sockets, U 00.
Canned" Goods Standard peaches, 92 000
2 25; 2ds tl ool 80; extra peaches, 82 402 CO;
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn, f I001 50; Hid Co.
corn, 7590c; red cherries, 90ctl: Lima beans,
tl 20; soaked do, 85c: string do. G065cr mar
rowfat peas. 31 101 15; soaked pea. TOgSOc;
pineapples, tl 401 60; Bahama do, tZ 75;
damson plums, 95c: greengages, $1 25;
egg plums. t2 00; California pears. 82 60: do
greengages, tl 85: do egg plums, tl 85; extra
white cherries, 82 40; raspberries, 95c9tl 10;
strawberries, tl 10; gooseberries, tl 301 49:
tomatoes, 8590c; salmon, 1-A, tl 651 90;
blackberries, 65c: succotash, 2-A cans, soaked.
90c; do green. 2-A, 81 2S1 50: corn bear, 2-A
cans, 82 05; 14-A cans. 114; baked beans, tl 43
6160: lobster, 1-A, tl 751 80; mackerel IA
cans, broiled, tl 60; sardines, domestic, Jis,
U Sgl 60; sardines, domestic . 88 757 00;
sardines, imported, is. tlI5012 60, sardines,
imported, & 18: sardines, mustard, 88 39;
sardines, spiced. 83 60.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, (86 fl
bbL: extra No. 1 do, mess, 840; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore. (SS2: extra No. 1 do. mesa.
138: No. 2 shore mackerel. t24. Codfish Whole
SoIIock, 4Ke fl & do medium. George's cod.
:; do large, 7c; boneless bake, in strips, 8c: do
George's cod in blocks. 6K7Kc Herring
Round -shore. t4 60 fl bbl; split, 86 50; lake,
t2 75ftlO0-Ahalf bbL White flsb, 86 00 fl 100
A ball bbl. Lake trour, S3 50 fl hair bbl. Fin
nan haddock, 10c fl A. Iceland halibut, 13c ft
A. Pickerel, K bbl, S3 00: K bbUtl 10; Poto
mac herring, to 00 fl bbL 82 60 ft K bbL
OATMEAL 56 000 25 fl bbL
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Receipts as bulletined at the Grain Exchange,
15 cars. By Pittsburg; Ft. Wayne and Chicago,
2 cars of rye. 4 of hay, 2 of barley, 4 of flour.
By Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St. Louis. 1 car
of corn, 1 of bran. By Pittsburg and Lake
Erie. 1 car of middlings. Sales on call. 1 car
of mixed shell corn,40Kc, 5 days, P. R. R.; 1 1
car extra 3 white oat. 27c, 10 days, P. R. R.; 1
car No. 2 yellow shell corn, 41Jc first half ot
December; 1 car 2 high mixed shell corn, aec,
December delivery. Spot oats are firm at quo
tations. Old com is scarce and active. The
decline of receipts still continues. This week's
run will be tbe lightest this fall. The falling
off of receipts has a stimulating influence on
WHEAT New No. 2 red, &KJ63c; No. 3, 800
Cohn No. Zyellow, ear, 42 43c; new, 27S28c:
Wgh mixed, ear. 4041c; No. 2 yellow, shelled,
4lj12c;nenr, 27JSc;blcb mixed, shelled,
41c; mixed, shelled, 404QKc.
Oats No. 2 white. J7Jia27J.c; extra. No. S,
26K27c: mixed. 2421J4c.
Rte No. 1 Pennsylvania and Okie, 5661c;
No. 1 Western, 4S040C; new rye. No. 2 Ohio, 45
Fioub Jobblne wires Faney wteter and
spring patents, to U05 60; winter straight,
H 25SS4 50; clear winter. (4 001 26; straight
XXXX bakers', S3 J0S3 75. Rye mr, (8 Sug
MttiTEKD Middling. Una white. Q0
15 50 fl tonv brown inltlillingi, ll 6w13 U
winter wheat bran, $11 23011 SO; chey feed,
HAT-Bolsd tiasetky.'Ne. L HI tsjMl Ms
flJ s, SB SJ1U .E.,f"" a"
... w- , w. m ' .- - 'I .-ar.
waeat as4 rye
SBgar-curedhanas, Isrfe, 18c; sugar-cured
haras, medium, 103c; SHr-CBred bams, small,
HKes sugar-cured breakfast bacon. 9c; sugar
cured shoulders, SJc; sugar-cared- boneless
8boulders.7!4c:sugar-cured California hams, 7c;
sugarmred dried beef flats, 9c; sugar-cured,
dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef
rounds, 12c: bacon shoulders, 6c; bacon
clear sidesTKc; bacon clear bellies, 7Ke: dry
salt shoulders, 6c: dry salt clear sides, 7c.
Mess pork, heavy, til 60; mess pork, family,
812 00. Lard refined. In tierces, 6$c: half
barrels. 6c; 60-A tubs. 6c: 20-A pails, 6c; 60
A tin cans. 6c; 3-A tin pails, 6Kc: 6-A tin palls,
Oic; 10-A tin palls, Gfai tin pails.
6c. Smoked sausage, long, 6c; large, 5c
Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams.l0c
Pigs feet, half barrel, (4 00j quarter barrel.
Dressed Heats.
The following prices are furnished by Armour
4 Co. on dressed meat": Beef carcasses, 430 to 660
As. 6c; 550 to 850 As, 6c; 650 to 750 As. 6K6Kc
Sheep, 7c ft A. Lambsr9cft X. H0gs,63c
Fresh pork loins, 7J.C
Common grades of pine lumber are weak.
Good clear pine is steady at old rates. Supplies
of building materials of all kinds are fully up
to demands. Hemlock lumber, which until re
cently was scarce. Is now in full supply and
prices are reduced. Common pines aie also
pnrs trarLAxxn tabd quotatioxs.
Clear boards, per M ......SB COgtss 03
8eleet common boards, mt M 30 0O
Common boards per M
Bb earning.
Pine frame lumber per M
Ehlngles, Ho. L 13 In. peril.,..
bhingle Ho. z, IS In. per M...
,.. -18 00
... 5 00
pear bosnls, per M. .
Bnrraee boards .JOO&aBOO
Clear, H-lnch beaded celling 28 CO
Partition boards, perM ,..... -9800
Flooring; no. I , . 3000
rioortnt-, Met 2S0O
Yellow pine flooring.. .M 30 03040 00
Weather-boarding moulded. to. 1.... SO 03
'Weather-boarding moulded. Mo. I...- S 00
Weatber-boardlng. 4-lnch aooo
Ash, lto41n ....' S4O09S8.VSO3
Black walnat,jrreen. log run..,
HI ek walnni
m CKwainus, ary, iOf
ury, logmn..
. eo
.. 40
Ureen white oak plank; 2tot41s....... 20
JJry white oak plank, 2 to 4 In - 22
Dry white oak boards, lln .. 20
West Va. yellow pine, 1 lneh..... 20
WestVs, yellow pine, ljf tnch S
West Vs. yeUow poplar, tolln..... is
Hickory, lXtoSfn , 1
Hemlock bnlldlng lumber, perM.......
Bank rails....... M.. j.....M......
Boat studdlnc... ..-
Coal car plank.. .
Ash ,.fS0 0SSMS 00
Walnut log run, green 25 M&a 00
Walnut log ran. dry. as 00S50 00
White oak plank, green 17 08319 00
White oik plank, dry 18 00328 00
White oak boards,, dry , 18 ooass 00
WestVa. yellowplne. ltn. 21 00ri 00
WestVa. yeUowplne, 1 in .. 20 0S&SOO
Yellow poplar...... is 00328 09
Hickory, 1 to 1 in. SO 00(325 00
Hemlock soelooo
Bunk rails. m, . 14 00
Boat stnddlng.. 14 00
Coal ear plank is 00
7 cpeenrt 20-IEAI GOLD M.m
We Orer a Par and Inlsrest 8300,009
Bear Lake and River Water
Works and Irrigatim Cf.
Bonds, Due In 1909, Interest Parable April I
and October L
These bonds are a portion of a total of
$2,000,000, and are Issued to complete the
construction of 120 miles of canals diverting the
water of Sear Lake and Bear river into the
?S Bait ke Valley, Utah, for Irrigating
2o0.000 acres of land, and to-Supply the city of
Ogden and other towns with water for domestic
and manufacturing purposes.
They are secured ly a first ssortgage oa an
the property, canals, franchises and water rights
belonging to the Irrigation Company, including
many thojsand acres of fertile land in Salt Lake
Valley. The right is reserved to advance the
price without noliee. For full information,
address or inquire at the offices of the
No. 289 Broadway New York; No. 618 Walnut
street, Philadelphia; No. 68 State street, Boston.
Mass- and No. 27 Custom House street Pxovt
dence, R.L,or ,
140 Fifth aveeae: naSMe-TTS.
Why ton and. slave forever P Life
was meant for living, not eternal
slarlnfi:. CeVtao this weary drudg
ery. SOAPOWA does tout work
itself, and neither injures hand sot
fatirio. Tien why do It yonp Tia
nonsense, very noaaesse. Awake,
Ladies, Awake I "Your heeltk and
life are at stake. T7se SOAPONA
everywhere. Zt cleans like magic
JAS. D. CAXLERt.......
Capital and surplus. $126,060.
Transacts a. Gsaeral Banking BasjlaeSS.
yon want to know what you ought to
know, xen'd for special clrcula r relative
a prompt and permanent cure for Nervous
lieOIllSj. w cas.ucm cw.tin.gnpa uiu. n aa-
CHESTKR t COM Chemists, 168 William st,
U. Y. Bay31-24JrTSwlC
' recx-s rst. im
rnlsr Ear fast.
tnws WIdssMm haara distisAfc-
HafieessfHl when si Esmees fsu. Writs or call for
Inetrmlsd book FREE. Sold onlr b V. HISCOX.
853 Brosdwsr, oor. 1Mb St., Sew Tork. Kossants.
Royal and United States Hall Steamers.
Adriatic, Bee. 4, pm
Adrtstle, Jan.l.
Teutonic Decll,7:30sm
Celtic. Jan. s.
Germanic, Jan. IS
Britannic, Jan. 2Z.
foot of west Teeth st.
irmanie, uec ,jo m
Hrl tannic Dec.X.
jrrom waits star aocxv
Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates.
860 and upward. Second cabin, as and upward,
accordlnfr to steamer and locatloa or beru. x
cnrslon. tickets on favorable terms. Steerage. SB.
wnite star araru payaoie on orawo in au tne
nrlncipslbanks throoshost Ureat Britain. Ap-
Slyto JCHN J. McCOKMICK, C39and401 Smith
eld St.. Plttsbnrir. or J. BKlrCE UHAX. Gen
eral Agent, 4mroadwsy, SewYort. no3-
Sailiag every Wednesday from Phaa4tetpttls
andLIverpoot Passenger accomBaodaMoBS for
all classes BBsurpassed. Tickets sold to and
from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe
den, Denmark, etc.
General agents, 887 Walnut st, Philadelphia,
Full iajformation can be had of J. J. MCCOR
MICK, Fourth avease-aad Sialthaold. street.
T 6lagw. BeffUt, ItaUm
and Liverpool.
Cstla wwssn fas to su. sceettait to leeausa
01 ssateroem. lbKanis tt to SM.
tiHiiMi to asrf irom jMreee ai J, s west Bsfa.
AtWUX ItJfctHriM A CO.. Ijissrsl AsK
TBAW--Oas. SB 757 69;
straw, 6 OOee 26.
00275 00
14 00
14 08
14 00
18 00
mm .liKTJrriH
Special attractions . now opea ia mstialf
goods specialty suited ibr the
Holiday Trade.
Dealers are invited to Inspect the steesLH
which is complete, and at prices which o
sot fail toimnress! tbe buyer.
a. surely Veastabtal
.Compound that sspesst
I all bad humors from tb t
system. Removes bIo4e.
'es ana pimpies, aasji;
makes pete, uc&bloesVf-V
are! litnulMMM,
Bltthti wars ky '
I JSE.NT slays tKetsUawlB44ksisa,4
ssysddnsaonneelDtsf Brles.SOets.stox: S
AsdrsM kUOT. DS. BW1TXS SOS. Fsussetsbis. Ps.
Issue travelers' credits through M easts. Dssaelftj
Morgan k Co, New York. Passports proowesWj
' t9BsHC
stock options or margins in Wall at. Ie8sftii
weaitn. - -
noas-rrsu to n ew it, ; ew x op
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Ceaa.
43 mXTH SX, Pittsburg.
As old resldenu know sad back; ales C PMssv i
burg papers prove, is tbe oldest sessMssi
and most prominent pbysidw la theoity.
voting special attention to au carosai sas
airninilCand mental diseases ss.
M Cn V UUodeeay. nervous dekaisy, bststs
energy, amoiuon ana nope, impairs s
disordered slzht self distrust, baehfi
dizziness, sleeplessness, plmplesrem p H ossy 1
poverished blood, falllnsr powers, cirgaaiewsi
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, coasmytlssv'sag
il bung wjo yvtwu lur uwjii uus, svese-kj sssms
rlage. permanently, safely and pnvateJy est
di nnn iiun ciim & !
uuuuu niiu orvi ii stages,
blotches, falling hair, bones, pesas. j
swellinss. ulcerations ot tongue, smmhi
nicer, old sores, are cured for lira, a
poiionsthoroughly eradicated frets Km 1
UR NARYMtSffwaff4SKl
tarrbal discharges. inBassssasiosi sstst.s
pamrui symptoms receive earcaissx 1
prompr retiei and real cures.
Ur. Whittler's life-losoi
ence, insures sdentlflc aadrellaW-e :
oa common-sense pnn apies. iobm
Patients at a distance as earefsllr t
bereT Office hours 9 A. St to 6r-.1t
JOA-K.toip.ic only. UJS. Wi
Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pz-noMOK-DSa-wk.
Health is Weal'
DB. E. C. Wbst's Nbbvx asd
TBXATsrmrr. a guaranteed speclne fee h?ss;
oisztness, convulsions, nta. nervous, swssrasi
headache, nervous prostration caneesl sw 1
use ot aieonoi or looaeco. waxeiniasss, 1
depression, softeslns: of the braia rsrotl
Insanity and leading to misery, ifsssy as
death, premature old age. barreasssa, nss'i
power ia eitner sex; involuntary iaas
spermatorrbeea caused by over-exsrs( t ssssj
brain, self-abuse er over-ladalgoass. asstsn
box contains one moatn's treatmest. II a 1
or six boxes for 5, sent by mail seel
ceipt of price. '.
To cure any case. With each crd er receive Vm
ior six ooxes, accompaniea wits mi,M'
sena tne purcaaser our written gaarssM
refundthe money if the treatment sej
lectacure. uuarantees issued only 81
Stuckv.Drusrzist: Sole Aeear. 1701 aasl2sl
ave. and cor. Wilio are. and Fultea sal
burg. Pa. seT-lfsve?Srl
quiring sclentiSc aosi
rial treatmeatl Dr. S.
M.R.C.P. Sistbe
most exserlenced
tbe city. Coasaltatlea
sti-ictlv eoaSdeetiai.
1,-amT 9tn4 snd7tO 8F.JC:
jcConsultthemperssnaHy. or writs.
Ijlxx. 3-jh feaa aveu, nwmmrs, jra
B CrOffvOin.
of Cottos ,
Peanyroyal a reett 1
'old nfrralctan. Jl saw
uflatm- BffsfltnaL Pllea
sealed. Ladies, ask your drssEgsK,
untam KcotumooaBaasva sasesss
or inelose a stamps tec s led jisi tssjilss.j
drees FOND iotx COMPAJIT, Ho- . J)
Stock, 13. Woodward avstrc4t,Sfsss
4&f3old in Pittsburg, Pa, by Josef
wg oe oon. uiamona ana. JtarKec ass.
8ssV ssS srssn nCsWs. 1
jjnCH nr i
as rJesas. Tate sSSissi J
Us . ssskssuS besas visa
4. (ilisjil Sv ssniedsn, tsS
ssd -StdWrprXs4. to i
IlllaiMSisil. fiomtrwpw.
rraswi si , !
a ru4TrvcJ
jror i-iwi sr 1
s s s s I s mm m niSL r
BodyAJtlnd, Lack of BtrenTth. Vsser as
velopawfi t. eaased 67 Errors, Evessssa, As.,
MODLof Sau-TKitxruasT. aad Pim4 :
tseaiea) free. Addrsss XjUX
lottalo, H, X.
I sns?ti las e
t or.T
IV """""" rr1-'
M.nSTLv .. 1 vlnsTnTTA vslnsnle
coatslBlna; fall psnicuJsrt far home
or Tooisrsi
Mnrin ViiiiisIsmii risssT- Kerroas Z
ily . luw iUeoCT a isjnpis messf o
AAenss. J JS. KiKVas, f.O. Ba SSJS, Ssw 1
4n Bsi
. .-SKUt