t rTHE PITTSBTJKG- T3ISPATOH.THimSDXrNOVEMR28;tl889 n.1 ONLY ONE ARRESTED ?6r President Yonns Secures a Stay Till To-Day. lUGLT BUMOBS AFLOAT. t BHoerr and Young Both Interviewed on McCaffrey's Grievance. ?THE STATE LIKELY TO HOLD ALOOF There was another echo yesterday from the collapse of the Lawrence Bank in the shape of informations before Alderman 1 O'Donnell, made by Thomas M. McCaffrey, the Butler street real estate agent, charging President W. W. Young and Cashier John Hoerr with embezzlement The charge is brought under a special act of the State legislature, providing a penalty for the re ceiving of deposits by insolvent bankers, brokers or officers of banks. The informations were made at 11 o'clock "yesterday morning. The warrants were placed in the hands of Constable Connelly, and soon afterward Cashier Hoerr was ar rested at the bank building. President Young will be arrested this morning. It was at the request of his attorney, Mr. Mc Cook, that the warrant was not served last night. The following is a copy of the in formation to which Mr. McCaffrey swore: A DIBECT CLAIM MADE. Oath having been administered according to law, Thomas McCaffrey deposeth and sayetb. : This Is the city of Pittsburg, In the county of Allegheny, State of Pennsylvania, on the Zlst day ot November, 1SS7. The defendants, William W. Yonnjc and John Hoerr, did take and receive from the affiant $170 78 as a deposit In the Iiawrcnce HanL,ofPlttsbnrK, the said William Young being at that time President ot said bank, and John K Hoerr being the cashier of said bank: said bank being a State bank, and at other times before said the said bank, did receive other xnonevs of this aslant In deposit in said bank, with the knowledge at tbe time of the receipt of the several tins of money that aald Lawrence Bank was at said time Insolvent. Complainant therefore prarsnd de sires that a warrant may issue and the aforesaid defendants. William V. Young and John Hoerr, may be arrested and held to answer this charge of embezzlement. Sworn and subscribed to by Thomas mcCaftbet. The act under which the charge is made is an extremely severe one. It was drawn up by F. M. Mngee, Esq., of this city, who is" reported as having often said that there were too many citizens oi tne state being ruined by bank failures. The act is unlike almost all others of its kind, in that it de prives the courts of any discretionary power in the matter of prescribing penalties for its violation. It provides for a fine and im prisonment, and prescribes the penitentiary only as the place of confinement A DBASTIC ENACTMENT. The following is the act in full: Pamphlet laws of 1SS9. Ho. JG, page 145. An act relating to receiving of deposits by Insol vent bankers, brokers or any officer of a bank, na tional, btate or private, defining the offense and providing the punishment therefor. Section I "Be It enacted, etc. that any banker, broker or officer of anv trust orsavlnglnstltntion. national. State or Drivate bank, who shall take and receive money from a depositor with the knowledge that he, they or tbe bank Is at the time Insolvent, shall be guilty of embezzlement, and shall be punished by a fine and double the amount so received, ana Imprisoned from one to threeyears In the penitentiary. (Approved the vuiuaj u. juay. ioo'.j- ' The Constable found Cashier Hoerr busily engaged at tbe bank. He was completely dumbfounded when tbe officer informed him what was wanted, but recovering quickly, said: "All right;" and the two went together to the Alderman's office, where the cashier pleaded not guilty to the charge, and telephoned for Mr. Charles F. Ahl born, who gave bonds in the sum of 2,500 1 for his appearance at the hearing next "Wednesday afternoon. WHAT HE SATS ABOUT IT. Mr. Hoerr was seen at his home on Char lotte street last night He was not inclined to talk. He said he had been misrepresented so often that he felt like refusing an inter view, but, on being pressed to answer a few questions, ventured to say that he understood very well the law under which he had been charged with embezzlement, but he thought Mr. McCaffrey would find it a pretty hard task to prove that the deposit had been re ceived with the fnll knowledge of the bank's insolvency. "Of course I received that de .posit of $470." said he, "and put it in an envelope, the same manner in which all otber deposits received that day were dis posed of. As soon as Assignee McKelvey cets matters arranged, Mr. McCaffrey will get his money back again. I feel perfectly at ease as to the outcome of this matter. I am not guilty of anv crookedness. In 22 years of hard work, I have managed to save enough from my earnings to pay only $4,000 for a home, and it is all in the world that I can call my own." LOOKING POE THE PEESIDENT. The officer who had been given the war rant for President Young spent the larger part or the afternoon looking for his man out in Lawrenceville. He was then notified that Mr. Young was down town attending to some business. He came into the city and was met by Attorney McCook. The latter requested that Mr. Young be not ar rested until this morning, and promised to be responsible for the President's appear ance at the Alderman's office this morning .early The 'Squire, who is disposed to be as lenient as possible in the case, said: "I suppose it's all right," and further search for Mr. Young was postponed. A Dispatch reporter called on Presi dent Yonng at his home last evening. The 'latter said: "I think you fellows might let me alone. One of the city newspaper pro prietors advised me to-day to quit talking to reporters." "But what have you to say About this charge of embezzlement that has been brought against you?" DENIES KNOWLEDGE OF INSOLVENCY. "I don't know anything about it I don't know except through the evening papers that charges have been made against me. And if the accounts are trne, it does not amount to anything. I deny knowing that the bank was insolvent when Mr. McCaffrey made his deposit and the officers of the Union Rational Bank will swear that thev did not know "it until after 12 o'clock o'f the day upon which the bank closed. I don't think they want me very badly. I was on Fifth avenue nearly all day. I was in the bank In the morning, and then I went down town. I ate dinner at Mashey's, and was at the bank again this evening. It is simply ridiculous for Mr. McCafirey to bring such a charge. Just to think that he would get scared over $470. He will get that all back. We are hearing of money that we did not know we could get I may say, too, that we know of some debts that we did not know of before." A rumor was afloat in Iiawrenceville yes terday alternoon to the effect that in a con versation with aheavy depositoron Fifth ave nue yesterday afternoon Mr. Young had stated that if Mr. McKelvey is let alone he will be able to pay 30 per cent to the deposi tors inside of six weeks. ASSETS TUBNINO UP. In his talk last night. President Young denied having made such a statement, but said that what he did state was that they might pay 10 to 20 per cent in 60 days, as assets were turning up of which they had no knowledge at the time the bank closed. "Will you say anything about the al leged overdrawn account of Long & Co?" 'I don't know anything about it," re plied Mr. Young, "and if I did I would not tell." , "Will you make a statement, as Presi dent of the bank's condition?" "Mr. Hoerr and myself signed the deed of assignment to-day and I now have noth ing to do with the bank." The citizens of Lawrenceville are creatlv ..agitated over the turn affairs have taken. MJJamors of crookedness are being almost entirely discarded and straight out and out charges are being made. "When Mr. Mc Caffrey was seen he said: M'CAFPEEY TALKS PLAINLY, "I have claimed and I now think I can prove that the bank has been insolvent since November 4. Since then I have made de posits amounting to about $4,000, at five different times. When I went to make my deposit on Thursday morning last it was 9:06 o'clock by my watch, and the bank was not open. 1 kicked on tne doors, and they were opened. There was no hesitancy on the part of the bank officials in.reeeiving my money. I intend pushing the matter, and I don't think there will be any difficulty in seenring a conviction." Senator "CTppermau, who is interested in the depositors' committee, said his com mittee had done nothing yesterday, of any importance. Just as soon as Attorney General Kirkpatrick can meet them, a committee will go to Harrisbnrg, to have a conference with him. At the meeting in the Lawrence school, Friday evening, which will be confined exclusively to depositor, the committee will make a full report of what tney nave done. .Nothing has been done yet looking toward the appointment of a receiver to take the place of Assignee McKelvey, but Senator Uppermau said it was still the intention to make such amove. The members of the depositors' committee denied emphatically, yesterday, the inter view with President Young, pnblished yes terday moraine, to the effect that members of the committee had seen him and talked with him at Attorney McCook's office. SUMOB YERT KIFE. A great deal of talking was done among Xawrenceville citizens last night Stories of all kinds could be heard on all sides. Mr. George Flaccus, one of the Directors of the now defunct bank, said: "There is no need of so much fuss over this matter. There can nothing come of the cases against Presi dent Young and Cashier Hoerr. I cannot understand Mr. McCaffrey's motive in bringing the charges. I saw him in the bank yesterday morning talking to Presi dent Young. They were on the best of terms, calling each other "Billy" and "Tommy," and so on. I guess the size of it is Mr. McCaffrey wants a little free adver tising, or a little notoriety, and he'll get it Mr. Upperman is evidently making himself prominent for political reasons. He wants to let people know that he is acquainted with Attorney General Kirkpatrick, and is anxious to show off. I have known Mr. McKelvey, tbe assignee,since he was a very poor boy. He is perfectly reliable and cap able of filling the position to which he has been appointed. I have all confidence in him." THE STATE HOLDS ALOOF. The following special telegram from Har risbnrg indicates the probable attitude of the State in the matter. Deputy Attorney General Sanderson was asked by The Dis patch correspondent to-night what prob ablv wnnld be done bv the law denartment of the State if an application were made for the protection of the depositors of the Law rence Bank against the holding assignee. He said be conld not see how the matter could properly come before the Attorney General, as ample means existed without the intervention by that official, to invoke the aid of the State in establishing the rights of the depositors. Thus far he said the department had received no information that it would be asked to interfere in the interesfof the many who had suffered by the failure of the Lawrence Bank. Attorney General Kirkpatrick is confined to his room at Easton with rheumatism, and will prob ably not be nt lor worst until next wees. the deed was filed. The deed of assignment made by the Lawrence Bank to William M. McKelvey, was filed in the Becorder's office yesterday, by J. E. McKelvey, Esq., a brother of the assignee. Tne assignment was made out and signed by President Young and Cashier Hoerr, of the bank, on November 26. The assignment is of all the property of the bank, real, personal or otherwise, and is for the benefit of creditors. The assignment is bv authority of the holders of more than two-thirds of the stock. No statement of assets or liabilities was made. Yesterday's transaction are considered very important, as it is said by many of the depositors that if President Young and Cashier Hoerr are convicted more suits will follow. The Messrs. Wainwright secured their box cf securities from the bank yesterday morning. Assignee McKelvev was seen. He said he took what money there was in theLawrence Bank yesterday and deposited it in a safe place down town. He refused to say where he had taken it or how much there was of it He left the money that had been placed in I envelopes, as ne considered be bad no juris diction over it This is the money that was deposited on the day the bank closed, and it will be returned to the owners. Mr. McKelvey will probably engage an expert accountant to-morrow. He has one in view, but he declined to state who it was, further than to say that he lived in the city He could not say when he will petition for ap praisers. Everything is moving along smoothly and satisfactorily, he said. President Young, says "that some of the people who are loudest in their denuncia tion of himself and other officers of the bank are men who owe the bank. He reiterates that indiscretion is the greatest crime that can be imputed to the management A SENSATION ON THE MOUJST. Amatcnr Scientists Unearth a Stone Pave ment en Bocca Avenue. Some amateur archaeologists who have been digging in the Thirty-second ward lately, came across a stone pavement yesUr day afternoon at considerable depth below the surface on Boggs avenue. It is in a good state of preservation, and some people think it would be profitable to change the grade so as to utilize it Who were the makers and for what purpose it was made are points not yet established. It much resembles the modern block stone pavement People in that section of the city being more of a practical than scientific bent of mind, are not wasting time specu lating on the pros and cons of its having been made by the mound builders, but they think it would be a good plan to utilize it instead of the present highway. The matter was excitedly discussed last night, but noming aennite decided upon. OS A PLEASANT EEEAND. Her. Edward 8. Furrnnd Wends His Wny Westward for a Wife. Bev. Edward 8. Farrand, pastor of the Mt Washington. Presbyterian Church, has gone to Missouri, and is expected to bring a wife home with him next week. The congregation will devote a portion of its time to-day in fixing up a house for the couple. It is proposed to provision the kitchen and raise the pastor a purse of $160. HITHER AND THITHER. movements of Pltubnrsen and Other ef Wide Acquaintance. T. H. Dobson, Assistant Chief Engineer of the West Penn Railroad, has resigned his position with the company and will leave in a few days for the South for the benefit of his health. His resignation will take effect De cember!. His successor has not vet been an. pointed. Mayor Pearson, of Allegheny, left last night, with his wife, for Indianapolis, Ind, to visit his brother, a prominent business man of that city. The Mayor's son, Harry Pearson, is now located in that town, associated In busi ness with his uncle. D. Grant Alter, Weighing Inspector of the Central Traffic Association at tbe Alle gheny Valley depot in this city, has gone-to -California tor tbe benefit of his health. He will remain all winter. Frank Bacon, the bookseller, is home from a four months' business tour of the New England States. He reports the demand for literary goods exceedingly good in that section. The night clerk of the Bureau of Health, William B. Evans, If seriously iU at his home on Bates street from a combination of tjpaold-BMUHioalaftBd pleurisy. 'TIS A DEAFOLD DAT That Has Boiled Around Once -More For Celebration. HOW PITTSBUKGEESWILLENJOriT Those Who Won't Stay Home Must Peel Their Weather Eye. THOSE WHO GO 0DT OP TOWN T0-DAI In the window of an art store on Wood street there is an odd picture, called "The Thanksgiving Bequiem." A sheet of music rests upon a stand, and before it appear the heads of a dozen doleful turkeys singing the sad strain, "Ah, world, I now must leave thee: the parting deep doth grieve me." The big beaks are open, while from the half closed eyes tear drops trickle down the red cheeks. Many people paused to look at the picture yesterday, and felt compassion stirring them for a few minutes, at the con templation of the slaughter which was thereby implied. The maraet has been well stocked with fowls and game. All along Liberty street, where the produce dealers are, the gobble of the turkey could be heard yesterday. Big crates of the Thanksgiving bird were piled up on the sidewalk beside smaller crates containing chickens and ducks. There were many big piles of dead game, quails, grouse, rabbits and squirrels, and an abundant Bupply of dressed poultry. Dressed turkeys soli in the morning at 13 and IS cents a pound, but late in the afternoon had come down to 10 and 11 cents. The stock was large and the buying slow. Dealers lamented the wet weather, and said that if it were only cold, and snow were upon the ground, there would not be a bird left in the marset INCONGRUOUS STJBBOUNDINGS. Good people like, when they sit down to their Thanksgiving meal, tolook out upon a white landscape. Snow without makes it seem cozier within. If the air is full of big falling flakes, the turkey on the table tastes much better. Everybody has been lament ing the miserable, sloppy weather which has brooded over Pittsburg for the past fort night If the indications sent out by Gen eral Greeley's bureau be trustworthy, there will be scow enough and to spare before Thanksgiving Day passes away. A terrific storm is reported to be, at the hour of writ ing, swooping down upon Western Penn sylvania from the Allegheny Mountains. It is to knock things in general into a cocked hat; particularly telegraph lines and railways. The day being a national holiday, busi ness honses will nearly all be closed. Banks will not open at all, city and federal offices will be closed, and no evening papers will be published. The postoffice employes will be given an opportunity to eat their turkey at leisure. The Pittsburg letter carriers will make one delivery in tbe morning after the arrival of the Eastern mail and make regular Sunday collections. The carriers window will be open from 6:30 A. M. till noon. The general delivery -will be open from 7 to 10:30 A. 21. The stamp window will be open from 7 A. M. to 12:30 p. m. The money order and registry departments will be closed all day. Tbe Allegheny postoffice will be open for business this morning from 7 to 10 o'clock. Two deliv eries and one collection will be made -WILL QPEN DOORS. The central idea theoretically pertaining to Thanksgiving Day is the church service. In nearly every church in the city special praise meetings will be held. There will be fine music, new bonnets and chrysanthe mums. Bev. Dr. C. E. Felton will preach a fore noon sermon in Christ M. E: Chnrch, on Penn avenue. Bev. L. Magnire will preach in the Fifth Avenue M. E. Church at 10:30 A. M. At the same hour services will be held in the Smithfield Street M. E. Church, and Bev. C. E. Locke will breach. Bev. Mr. Butler, of the South Hiland Avenue, Christian unurcn, win preach in tne Emory M. E. Church, in East Liberty, and music will be rendered by a union choir. A feature of the occasion in the German M. E. Church, on Ohio street, Allegheny, will be the presentation of scenes from tbe history of tbe "United States by a stere opticon. In the Eighth TJ. P. Church, on Van Braam street, a lay service will be held at tbe forenoon hour. Members of the church will deliver short addresses on various blessings. The First, Second, Third and Fifth IT. P. Churches will unite in. service at the Third Chnrch, on Diamond street Bev. J. W. Harsha, of the Fifth Chnrch, will preach. The Walton M. E., Southside Presby terian, Ninth TJ. P., Union Baptist and Eighteenth Street M. P. Churches will hold a union service in the Sonthside Fresbvtenan Church. Bev. B. B. Wilburn, of the Wal ton Church, will preach. The Methodist Episcopal, Christian and Presbyterian Churches of Hazelwood, will unite in the Presbyterian Church, and will listen to a sermon by Bev. Mr. Pendleton, of the Christian Church. SERVICES IN THE SUBUEBS. In the Mt Washington Baptist Church services will be held by the Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist Episcopal and United Presbyterian congregations of that elevated section of the city. Bev. M. J. Smaller, tho TJ. P. minister, will preach. At Bellevue a union service will be held by the Protestant churches in the Methodist Episcopal edifice. The sermon will be de livered by Bev. Newton Donaldson, of the Presbyterian church. Bev. H. H. Stiles will preach at the reg ular morning hour in the Forty-third Street Presbyterian Church. A union service will be held in the North Avenne M. E. Church. In the Protestant Episcopal churches the services will be elaborate, and there espe cially fine music will be theieature of the occasion. At Trinity Church, the rector, Bev. Samuel Maxwell, will deliver the ser mon, and the vested choir will sing one of the showiest of musical services. Barn aby's "O Lord, How Manifold" will be the onertory. in tbe catholic churches there will be an early morning mass appropriate to tne aay. The evening will "be given np to bazaars, concerts, dances and social parties of all pos sible sorts. There will be many weddings during the day. Over 40 marriage licenses were issued yesterday. The license clerk was given scarce time to eat his midday lunch. The East Liberty branch of the Y. M. C. A. will this evening give an entertainment in the Shady Avenue Baptist Chnrch. There are to be piano, guitar and vocal se lections and recitations. There will be a festival in the Butler Street M. E. Church, an art bazaar by tbe School of Design, a supper in the Ames M. E. Church at Hazel wood, a banquet and ball in Salisbury Hall by the George W. Childs Commandery of the A. O. TJ. W., afternoon and evening dances in Imperial Hall on New Grant street, an afternoon and evening reception in Lawrence Turn Hail by the John J. Davis Commanderv. Kniehts of the Mvstic Chain; a masquerade ball in the Sonthside Turn Hall by the Forest Stream Club, and innumerable balls and receptions in all parts of the city. Every hall in the city has been engaged for the evening. A DAEK DBEAEI DAI. The Signal Service Forecast U Rather Gloomy. The weather man, from his comparatively safe retreat on the sky floer of theSchmidt building, conveys the interesting informa tion that there will be rain more rain. Everybody will be able to have water on the side the outside. While there cannot be said to be a dearth of rain In this part of the conntry.it will be gratifying tejkno'w tba there will fee more rakt'gn&fyiBg at least to the citizens who have rubber coats, boots and umbrellas to sell, to the visitor from Erin who has a cab for hire, and to tbe un naturalized alien who prowls about to mend broken umbrellas. The rain of last night and to-day belongs to a storm which shipped down across Ohio from Michigan. It has all the freshness and rawness of the average Michigan product, but it is not native in Michigan. It started down along the Mississippi some where. It is suspected that there has been another reduction of the colored population in that benighted section of the woods, and that the rain was brought on by the explo sion of the gunpowder. The weather man said last night that the rain was a general one over Western Penn sylvania, accompanied by high wind. He thinks tbe weather will grow steadily colder during to-day, and is of opinion that the rain will not last forever. He even ventures tbe prediction that it will stop before Christ mas, arguing that the weather will grow so cold, sooner or later, as to chance the rain to snow. This prediction, of conrse, is subject to amendment in case the weather should become capricious and decline to follow out tne conrse or conduct suggested to it. Yesterday morning there was half a foot of snow in Buffalo, but it did not stay long. The snow changed to rain and the "beauti ful" quickly disappeared. There may be, snow here this evening, and again there'inay not be, PUBLIC MEN'S ANTICIPATIONS. Postmaster Latkin I will spend the morning as devoutly as I can, the noon in attending to the postoffice business and the evening in culti vating the acquaintance of a big turkey. Roger O'Mara 1 will need a much smaller turkey this year than I did last, with four children lying sick at borne and the family broken up. I shall spend the day around head quarters, as a policeman has no holidays, for wniie other people enjoy tnemseives it is our time to work. Stephen Collins I will spend the day in dis easing a male turkey, even If my salary is re duced. Harry P. Ford I shall spend the day at home, and I wish yon could, but if in your pereKwnauons jOU ges -wuiun ruie wot 01 my house drop in and eat some turkey. W. R. Ford, Delinquent Tax Collector I am not sore where I shall spend the day, bat 1 am sure that before the day shall be spent 1 shall be at borne. This is simply a hint to people to be at home on Thanksgiving. E. S. Morrow, City Controller I certainly shall be at home on Thanksgiving unless I am taken by force and arms, as Virgil says, some where else. I am the victim of circumstance, and with some 60 Invitations to dinner, I don't know rightly where X shall dine. E. M. Bigelow "Ho, sir; I shall not have a picnic in the park. I am perfectly satisfied to stay at home in this weather and take all the rural delights from tbe pictures on the walls. J. O. Brows, Chief of the Department of Public Safety Where will I spend Thankgs giving? Why, in bed. of course. I am tired and weary, it yon will allow tautology, and I am perfectly satisfied to be allowed Jo rest Coroner McDowell I shall spend most of the day In preparing for the evening, unless some great casualty occurs, and at that time I hope not to be made the victim of any surprise, as I am preparing a little in the way of a surprise myself. Captain Dan Svlvus Where will I spend ThankscivingT Why, on the streets, of course, I am a legalized vagrant and I have done tbe Inspecting of sidewalks for more years than any tramp in the country. That Is where I shall spend my Thanksgiving. THE DAT AT THE H0TEL8. Liberal Cheer Will be Set Before the Way farer In the Hostelrles. . The hotels have not been behind hand in arranging for the good cheer peculiar to the day. Weary travelers, busy drummers and hotel residents will in part be compensated for their absence from the family circle by tempting menus and appropriate accom paniments. The Anderson has a full house, the day considered, and the management has ar ranged a very choice bill of fare for the guests. The menu card is in the form of a souvenir of the day, and is artistically gotten up in china cloth, relieved by pretty floral designs. The Seventh Avenne has a similar souvenir prepared for its visitors, compris ing a neatly printed parchment embodying tbe menu. At the Dnquesne, though noth ing of an unusual nature in the way of a bill is prepared, the catering will be snch as to be up to the house's "Usual high standardi The Monangahela also has an elaborate' menu toset before Its guests, and the Central Hotel will not depart from its annual cus tom of a thoroughly good spread. BEADD0CK?3 THANKSGIVING. Union Chnrch Service In tbe Forenoon and Carnival In the Evening. A union Thanksgiving service, at which all the denominations of Braddock will at tend, will be held at 10:30 o'clock this fore noon in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Bev. G. W. Shernck, of the Camp Cope land Mission of the TJ. B. Church, will preach the sermon. ' A merchants' carnival will be held in Leighton's Bink, in Braddock, this even ing, when" 100 young ladies will appear in parade, representing all the business houses of the town. Each of them will be taste fully attired, and it will evidently prove a rich Thanksgiving treat Some Scattering Notes. THANKSaryiNO dinners will be served In tbe hospitals and In all eleemosynary and penal in. stitutions. A. C. Doui'HlTT and family have' arranged to eat a Thanksgiving dinner at the residence of Richard Howe, New Brighton. SUPEKINTENDENT DBOUETT Will furnish a turkey dinner to the regular boarders in tbe Newsboys' Home, on Old avenue. Me. Robekt P. Rhodes, discount clerk at the Allecheny National Bank, left last night for New Castle to spend Thanksgiving under ine parental rooi. The new pastoral residence of St. Michael's' parish, located at the corner of South Fifth eenth and Pius streets, will be opened bv a house warming. The residence has cost J21,500, exclusive of the furniture. Cobaofoijtans will eat turkey dinners mis cellaneously, and the male portion will have its usual shooting match. This is always the prin cipal event In that town on Thanksgiving Day. As there are no saloons tbere, the shooting is generally of a high order. AT St Joseph Orphan Asylum, on Troy Hill, an all-day reunion will be held for those who have been inmates of tbe home at any time since its foundation 87 years ago. In the morn ing religious services will be conducted la the new cnapei oy iter, uosepn .uins. Mb. and Mbs. S. D. Wabmoasixe le"ft yes terday for Sandusky. Ohio, to spend Thanks giving Day with Mrs. Warmcastle's mother and cheer her loneliness. Within two years hus band and son were swept Into the silent major ity, and naturally tbe advent of her family to day will be more than pleasant: Captain Kino, of No. 8 engine house, has received an Invitation for his company to take a Thanksgiving supper In the Seventh Avenue Hotel, which will be attended in reliefs, to the great relief both of thecuests and the tables. Captain Sylvus, ot Truck A, was also Invited, and will reach tbe banquet by the extension ladder process. PBOSFzcTSof bad weather to-day will keep most people at home. JSx-Aldsrman Barker says he proposes to stay at home and dine sumptuously, and give Tom and Jerry the go-by, as he says it doesn't pay to get convivial when everyone else Is similarly engaged, as the invalid corps has generally more to do on snch occasions than it can handle. Amono tha pleasant affairs connected with the occasion was the distribution last evening of 4.000 turkeys to that many of tbe employes of the several Westlnghonse companies. That means 20 tons of tnrkey, costing abont&nm This forenoon 600 turkeys will be given away at Gnsky's to poor people who bring orders from tbe Society for the Improvement of the Poor or the Dorcas Society. New Chnrch In Stmrpsburg. The corner stone of the First German Lutheran Church, of Sharpshurg, will be laid next Sunday afternoon with imposing ceremonies. Six ministers will officiate, and choirs of four churches will furnish the music The church will be a handsome structure 66x110 feet, and will cost $20,000, Evening Entertainments. Music makes long evenings pass quickly and pleasantly. Violins, flutes, mandolins, guitars, zithers, concertinas and musical boxes are sold for lees than half price at N. Ggllinger's, 1196 ai 13W Peaaave. xfcu HONORING A LEADER. Workers Join in Testimony to the Worth of Thos. A Armstrong. ARRANGEMENTS FOR TBE 2 ARADE Delegations From tbe Surrounding Dis tricts Will Participate. LINE OF HAECfl AND OTHER DETAILS To-day the labor organizations of this city and the neighboring districts will record their appreciation of the Thanksgiving Day of 1889, by assembling to do honor fo the memory of a man who was noted as a leader among them, and who did more to place wage-earners on the substantial footing tbey now enjoy than any other man of his time. The arrangements for the parade incidental to the unveiling of the Thomas A. Arm strong monument in West Park. Allegheny, are now complete, and all that is wanting is a fair day to make the occasion a memorable -one in the annals of civic history. The city lathers have seen to the comfort of the processionists by having the streets along- which they will march thoroughly washed, a matter of de tail which will be fully appreciated. The managers of the demonstration have very properly decided to prevent any advertising wagons from following in the wake of tbe parade, and if any attempt is made in this direction it will be at once frustrated. A BIO CEOWD EXPECTED. A conservative estimate of the number likely to participate in the proceedings is put at 15,000, but should the weather prove unpropitious this estimate will be consid erably reduced. Special trains will trans port contingents irom Uniontown, Bcottdale, Connellsville, Greensburg, McKeesport, Braddock, Homestead, Kittanning, Leech burg, Butler, Tarentum, Sprinedale, Sharps burg, New Castle, Sharon, Mercer, Beaver Palls, Rochester, Freedom, Stenbenville, Mingo Junction, Allikanna, East Liver pool, Yonngstown, Wheeling and other points. FOBMATION OF IIHE. 'William Welhe, President of the Armstrong Monumental Association, -will be Chief Marshal of tho demonstration: William 11. Karnes, ot the printers, his Adjutant, and James Penney, of the A. A. of I. and S. TV., bis Chief of BUS. The lino will compne seven dlvlslons,,as follows: First DlvlsIon-Captaln William P.Herbert, or the One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers' Association, Marshal: Gust. Schwann, bis Adjutant, and Colonel Thomas J. Hudson, his Chlefof Staff. Second Division John P. Eberhart, of the Win dow Q'ass Workers' Association. Marshal: Con rad Autb. his Adjutant, and Henry Krelner, his Chlerorstan. Third DlvlsIon-Ed A. Ken, of the A. A. of I. anil B. W.. Marshal: William T. KobertsJ his Adjutant, and F. O. Sullivan, bis Chief of Staff. Konrth Division-John E. O'Shea, Worthv Fore man of D. A. 3. K. of L.. Marshal; Herman Frlckelsen, his Adjutant, andH. F. Dempsey.hu ChlefofStatt. Fifth Division A. M". Swartz, agent for the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, Marshal; Joseph Seville, hlsAdlutant, and John Megahan, hit Chief of Staff. Sixth Division Thomas Wisdom, of the Iron Holders. Marshal; Thoaas J. Baflerty, his Adju tant, and W. J. Moore, his Chlefof Staff. Seventh Dlrlslon-J. T. McCcrmlcr, of the Horse Shoers, Marshal; W. H. Loss, his Adjutant, and D. McClure, his ChlerorStaff; The procession will be headed by a platoon of police, the Chief Marshal and staff, the Executive Committee in carriages, fol lowed by DIVISION FOEMATIONS. The first division, under charge of Captain W. P. Herbert, which will form on Water street, will be composed of representatives of the Press Club, the printers' organizations. Post 162 G. A. B., and the Union Veteran Legion. Second division, comprising the window .and flint glass workers, chimney and bottle blowers, cutters, packers and mold makers. Third division, comnrlsluir nil the lodges of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and steel Workers, will form on Water street, right resting on Smltnfleld. Fourth division, comprising all Io;al assemblies under the Juris diction of 1). A. Sanu visiting assemblies of tbe K. of L. The Fifth division in tbe following order. Stone masons, bricklayers, slaters, tile and 'mar ble workers, steam fitters and plumbers, elec tricians, carpenters. alid Joiners, painters and aecorators, hod carriers, stone cutters, tinners and cornice workers, plasterers, and will form on First avenue, right resting on Smithfield street. Sixth division, comprising all the Iron molders, pattern makers, brassworkers, machinists and foundry employes. Seventh division, comprising the horseshoers, coal miners, coke workers and miscellaneous organizations and carriages will form on Second avenue, right resting on Smith field street. The route of the procession Is from Water street to Smithfield street, to Second avenue, to Grant avenue, to Washington street, to Wylle avenue. street, tu Aiuru avenue, 10 aoss street, 10 fliut to Fifth avenue, to Market street, to Sixth street, to bridge, to Federal street. Allegheny: to North avenue, to Irwin avenue, to Western avenue, to Ohio street, to monument and disband. The Chief Marshal and Executive Committee will re view the procession at Ohio and Marlon streets, after which the exercises will commence. PBOGBAMME AT THE PAEKS. Tbe programme at the monument Is: Opening Address, by tbe Chairman, Dr. D. U. Sturgeon; Music, "Nearer My God to Thee, " combined bands, Charles W. Gaston, Director; Prayer, Bev. David Jones; Music, selection, bands; His torical Address (covering work or the Committee), Dr. D. B. sturgeon: Oration of the Occasion, Miles S. Unmphreys; Music, selection, bands; Benediction, Bev. W. B. Cowl. At the opportune moment of the oration tbe monument will be unveiled by Thomas Arm strong HIghberger, a 5-year-old nephew of Mr. Armstrong's from Pueblo, Col. All the local bands will participate, and added to these will be the celebrated Altoona Band, bands from Wheeling, Bellaire, McKees- Sort, Yonngstown and otber towns. Tbe Grand .rmy Band will lead the First division, the Altoona Band the Second, the Select Knights' Band the Third. Local assemblies of tbe Knights of Labor and members of locals 45. 4S and 243 ot the International Iron Molders' Union, tbe Brotherhood of Machinery Molder&and mem bers of Molders' Assembly 1030, Knights of Labor, are requested bv Division Marshal John E. O'Shea to report at Knights of Labor Hall. 101 Fifth avenne. at 9:50 o'clock. The Chief Marshal issued the following special order last night: HDBS. ARMSTBOtfG MOSmntNTlL ASS'JT, I FrrrsBouo, November 27, I88. f Special order: H. B. Iyton, Chronicle Ttlegrapn: J, H. Hughes. Preti; T. 1,. Kerin, -Leader; Frank 1. Kelly, DlBFATcnjJ. B. Johnson, Commercial Qa xette; Btchard Collins. Timet, and Ernest Walter. ArbtUer Zeitung, are hereby appointed alas to the Chief Marshal. William Wima, Chlel Marshal. The gentlemen named above are the labor reporters of the city press. Unions sot rep resented on the staff are desired to have a representative report to the Chief Marshal at Wood street and First avenue. Aids should wear the Armstrong badge and that of their organization. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day In Two Cllles Condensed , for Ready Beading. Tux case of John Qmnn and Mary A Qulnn, who are accused by Inspector McAleese of keeping a disorderly house and speak-easy at No. 265 Spring alley, was called by Alderman McKenna yesterday. Because of tbe absence of two witnesses, considered by the prosecution to be important, tbe case was continued until 3 o'clock next Tuesday afternoon. Fbank Suhbet, aged 14, a former inmate of the Troy Hill Catholic Orphan Asylum, was sent to Morganza yesterday by Mayor Pearson. His mother Is a widow, her husband having been drowned in the Johnstown flood. At a meeting of the directors of the Ninth Ward School, Allegheny, last night, Miss Mary Garrotson was elected to the position of teacher of writing and drawing; (the position is a newly created one, John Schambebg was accused of striking John Guile, c using lockjaw. At a preliminary hearing oexore Aioerman Schaffer last bight, tbe defendant was held for court in 81,000 bail. The inquest upon tbe victims of the Dn quesne boiler explosion was adjourned yester day until next Monday morning for the pur pose of getting important witnesses. Patrick Huber was driving some half dozen men home along Forbes street East End. The rig collided with a telegraph pole, throwing the men out and smashing the vehicle. Be Something and Give Thanks. There will be a meeting this morning of a sub-water committee of Allegheny on the matter of a better and purer water supply, in accordance with the resolution of Mr, Hartman, passed some time ago. The ob ject of the committee is to examine ud report oa the feasibility of exttwUM a watowOateSiMltifelitMd, " . , HAD A G0B TIME. No. 7 Bstertaln 3M Frleade la Most Ex. ceHeBt Sale. Engine Company 7, Twelfth ward, enter tained their friends at the company's house, on Penn avenue, in a lavish style, last night About 300 people "accepted the in vitation of the firemen, and did ample justice to the good things provided: Among the company present were: Assist ant Controller J. J. Da vies, Morris Mead, P. W. Selbert, Emll G. Stnckey.J. a Nobbs, P. Coats, Crosby Grey, Grant Miller. 'Squire aicjvenna, yiuueu. oteycua, jmi .ueuasus, l. B. Brophy, County Commissioner Mercer, John Lit tell, John Grcn. Dr. Green. Tom Perry. A. McKee, B. B. Young, Alderman Bums. In the upper room of the engine house the firemen had arranged the tables in horseshoe style, and tbey presented a pretty picture, laden with various fruits and redolent with the perfume of many flowers. The ceilings and walls were decorated with Sags as of all nations, which proved their ideas were broad as their hospitality. Mr. Morris Mead opened the festivities by a speech, welcoming the guests in tbe name of Captain Ef an Davies, of Company 7. He bade the assembled people to eat, drink and be merry. Mr. J. J. Davies followed with a brief speech, in which he complimented the hero ism of the firemen, their unswerving devo tion to duty, pointing out the varied dan cers of a fireman's life, telling how he sac rificed every pleasure for tho safety of prop erty and life against the ravages of the flames. Mr. Davies paid a nigh tribute to the efficiency of Company?. After the. introductory speeches, the guests then paid undivided attention to turkey while a brass band discoursed sweet music lu the rooms below. The conclusion of the evening's enjoyment was a concert, when the followinz pro gramme was rendered: Trio, Lily Conley, Emma Maloney and Jennie McSteen; recitation, "Sherman's Bide," Miss Butler; comlo song, Prof. B. Newell; speech, A. C. Bobertson; recitation, excellently given, "The Joiner," Miss Belle Gallaher; song, V. F.Adams; piano solo. Miss Lewellyn. An oil painting by John Hoerr, of Com pany 7, depicting Sheridan's ride, was pre sented to the engine house. EEADT FOE TEE DEDICATION. The Germans Will be Oat Earlr This Morning to Open Their Hall. The Germans of the two cities will arise early this morning and prepare to take part in the exercises attendant upon the dedica tion of the new Turner Hall on Canal street, Allegheny. All day yesterday work men were kept busy carrying new furniture into the building and putting the last touches upon tbe interior. Considerable work will have to be done yet before the building is completed. The exercises at the hall will be preceded by a street parade. John N. Neeb will be chief marshal. The parade will be in four divisions, embracing all the German so cieties and organizations in the two jcities. The Southside and West End divisions will form on Jane street and march to Liberty street Allegheny, where they will join the second division and East End societies. They will then proceed to Chnrch avenuo and Federal street where the third division will be picked up. The route of the parade was published in The Dispatch some days ago. The procession will pass in Re view on Chestnut street and then march to the hall. At the latter place an entertainment will be given. Addresses will be made by City Solicitor George Elphenstone, Dr. H. W. Hackelman, H. C. Boedel and others. The building is a three-story brickrstruo ture with a frontage of 44 feet and 100 feet deep. It is finished throughout in highly polished yellow pine, the ceilings and walls showing everything of an artistic nature. On the first floor is the music hall, dinin? rooms, reception? rooms, kitchen, etc. The second floor is taken up by the theater, with toilet rooms, closets, etc. The galler ies and committee rooms are oa the third floor. CHA&GBD-WITff MDEDEE. Young Hackett Immured In Central Station on a Terrible Charge. In the McDermott case, where a boy was struck in the back with an apple by another lad named Hackett, on Friday last, at the Fort Pitt Glass Works, which resulted in McDermott's death, some new complications have arisen. Officer Bobert Bobinson last evening arrested William Hackett, the young man who threw tbe apple, at his home, 32 Hazel street. He had gone to Jeannette in search of work, but on reading in the Dispatch of the death of McDer mott, he at once returned to give himself np to the authorities. Before leaving his house, however, Detec tive Bobert Bobinson took charge of him, and he was taken to Central- station and lodged on a charge of murder. When the prisoner entered the Central station last evening. Assistant Superintendent Roger one except his attorney, who is not yet se lected. The opinion of the police officials. including Inspector McAleese and others, is that the murder, if such it can be called, is merely a technical charge, and the result will be a discharge on the first hearing. T01CE SIGNALS USED. The Engineer of the Westlnghonie Bnlldlng Explains nn AccIdenO - Prissly Miller, the engineer at the West inghouse building, called at the Coroner's office yesterday and wished to place himself in the right light regarding the death of the men killed by falling three stories last Sat urday on a pile of bricks. He said that on. account of the inquest being held over, he felt naturally anxious as to the outcome, and that the signals given at this building were not at all what he was accustomed to. At former places where he had been engi neer one man'had fall.control of the eleva tor, he said, and the signal was given by hand to raise'and lower, but at the West inghouse building there was no such ar rangement and anybody conld call out "Pull her up" or "Drop ner, ana ne was obliged to follow instructions. Mr. Miller was very much excited over the matter and wished distinctly to be un derstood that it was against Us pretest the general use of the elevator byword of month was permitted. EITEK 8TAMS M9Y1KQ. The Lizzie Bay Off tho Decks snd oa Her Way to Kauaawha. The steamer Lizzie Bay was taken off the docks last night, and will depart for1 the Kanawha early this morning. The Creseent arrived last evening, and will depart to-day for Cincinnati. The steamer Tide arrived up Tuesday night The Hudson departed for Cincinnati at 4 o'clock-yesterday after noon. A Saccenfsl Event Assured. The Levy concerts, Saturday afteraeen and evening, at Old City Hall, will un doubtedly prove successful affairs. The .sale of seats is still in progress at Hays' music store, 76 Filth avenne. t Pkepabe for t)m holidays. Cabinet photos $1 per doz. Extra panel picture at Lies' Popular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth at TTSB If vour complaint is want of appetite, try half wineglass Angostwa Bitters before meals. Shoethand and typewriting 1 evening sessions. Duff's College, tanghtat W Flftfe "Wxbs ave. Bretw Salts. For a good fitting dress awt or evsrssat go toPlteaixa's, 434 Weed street, txm Oto stem ..ills' te-day. T00 ItffJI JATUIAL 6AS; That is the BlasLMky Bald to he Csalrsatfs a Cess? With. HCaJss Sther I4ae. Park Bres, were obliged to shut down three of their Murrysville gas wells yester day, owing fe the pressure being greater than the pipes caa carry. This company has a 20-inch diaaieter main, running from the Murrysville gas fields; yet so strong aud so plentiful is the gas that they assert they eaa SHpply not only their own great great works, but also the 16 other large mills which take gas from them throughout tbe winter -with the decreased number of wells. The pressure at the Homestead reducing station is C00- pounds to the inch. 'Ibis gives them more gas than they can possibly use. The outlook for tbe winter for natural gas is as bright as the consumers Want, they say. The same inconveniences that were experienced last year by limited supplies, stoppage, work, and in many cases causing hardship, and giving limited supplies of bread, are not likely to transpire this win ter, according to present indications. The Philadelphia Company has com pleted its 36-inch main, which Is IS miles in extent, and it was opened for use last Saturday. The new liae is acting remarkably well. It is the largest pipe line that has yet been laid in the country, and its construction will run into millions. Unlike the other pipe lines, which are generally made out of wrought or cast iron, this giant line of the Philadelphia Company is made out of open hearth tank steek Each section is tightly riveted together and very solidly built If all the wells were turned into this 36 inch main, it is said, there would not be pressure enough to burst the line. The tank steel has great resisting force, and it is better adapted for a gas coaveyer than the old wrought or cast iron. There is one thing, however, which may condemn the use of tank steel for pipe lines. It is more liable to- leakage than the cast iron. The Philadelphia Company does not anticipate any trouble from this cause. Plttsbnrg Piano Heat to Ike Oike Ead of America. The following letter from Miller, Dak., also the one from Wingate, N. M.j. show the extraordinary popularity and widespread fame enjoyed by the old Pittsburg music house of H. Kleber & Bra, 606 Wood street Customers from all parts of the United States order and buy their pianos by letter from Kleber & Bro., 606 Wood street, leaving the choice altogether in Mr. Kleber's hands, and trusting fully in his superior judgment and his well-established character for strictly honorable-dealing. Mtt.tykb, Dak. Deab Sue At noon to-day the Opera Piano arrived, and J cannot tell you how greatly pleased I am with it The piano Itself Is very handsome, but its tone is what I like best; it is-wonderfully sweet I thank you very much for your choice, and shall remember yoa gratefully every time I sit down at my little gem. Ida Woodhulx FOHT WDf OATB, N. 3C I understand that you sell tbe Opera Piano the Cottage Opera, I mean. I should like to- buy one of you, and hence ask for further particulars and what the freight to New Mexico would come to. 1 have full faith in your judgment and fair ness in dealing, and will leave the choice of an instrument entirely with yourself. Lieutenant B. H. Cheeveb, Sixth United States Cavalry. From eight to ten pianos and organs are sold each day at Kleber & Bro.'s, 606 Wood street, mostly for holiday gifts, and consist ingot SteiBways, Coaovers, Opera, Gabler, Emerson and others- Most people prefer to deal at Kleben' rather thauraa say risks at other stores. Cash Talks. 6 oct parlor pianos, 944- - ,- 7oet upright pianos, H99. ' J Store open ail day Thamdsy hT erenr night till 9 !.. - Echols, McMukbay&'Co.,.-.- -123 Sandusky 'st., Allegheny, Pa. Salt Water Oysters 20 cents per quart. Get them at tie Fultoa Market, 623 Smithfield si. : John A. Kabtht. 330 Styles Of new patterns and shapes of toilet chamber sets in unique designs and colorings at Beizeastein's. 162, 164, 156.Federal at, Alle gheny. xrssa Ha vb Tea Tried Theat f Marvin's famous rifle nets are the most delicious merselsin tie market Grocers all sell them and e very bedy, likes them. MTTFS CaadteMleka And caadelabras; over 560 patterns in chins, cut glass, etc. the prettiest decorations 'for the house or table. Beizknsteik. 152, 164, 166 Federal st, Allegheny. TT33U 0vereaacv Hontenae, chinehilla and 'kersey over coats ready made and. to order, at1 Pit eairn's. 434 Wood street. xxsu Salt Wafer Oysters 20 cents per qnart- Get them at the Fultoa Market, (98 SmitMeld st Johx A. Habtht. T. & V's.PitiWrr beergTews in favor every year. Kept by all dealers. TAKE ELEVATOR -TO ODB CAPACIOUS CLOAK MD SUIT EMMS. Qarmeats ia alaest endless variety fee LADD36,SIS6BS aad CHILDREN. ' Seme fSeeetel Yatees: Plash Jaekets atm Pltmh Jacket, extra leegthcSS. Mas Ceats. Sf, 38 aad Jaek leaftte, at W.' raetHasapsbssa. jHsgaat &rsMM nwa uesw at see ts at. tfevetaee m flw Jaecets witt vests. Gotten aa Iiapei, ete. OUR FLUSH Q wtta great owe as so daraWWy, while tea ea o nfim qautea HBiogs, eoamett poeaeis, ete are Uartosjeaaiae seaJaanaeats. A largo aareisee ot Freaea lt-aMeC nsr offered ssder value as US oa JACKETS. JACKETS. Inserted BaeMea Cheviet fceevywetehts, Bteek Beaver aaa Di. i joecew. waay ot taase ac xe Xeakey. Persia iabsb, etsu as lew. laaaaaeiHUsa. BIBER & EASTON. 505 Md 37 market, street. FRENCH, XINDMCK k CO. nm ckbta shafts, OstsliWttNiCJsaiM 1W BOLZDAT OOOM I '"lijHli't. imfSJBs ftAHH(E The Grievances Anions: the Ceka Werkera Reported 10 be Selllett. . A telegram last night from Scottdalejmys: The only new feature in the. CaJIaghaa conspiracy case is that Officer Gay, at the request of Mr. Callaghan, telegraphed to Mr. Powderly stating that he hada warrant for his arrest and asking if he'wouloTcoKUV The following answer was received : - ScBArca,PANovembeT2rt ' To S. Gay, Constable: .Ji5S.Ii?-aecor,Uneto -aw when warrant fa aw 1 via vsa ajuo The Executive Board of D. A. No. f Knights or Labor, met this morning. Com--mittees were present from several works where grievances existed and made report t . . sj .jThMe K"evanees were taken into consideration and will be reported to the delegate convention to-morrow. -Notwithstanding that the Executive Board seat invitations to the operators in the region to meet them In conference at this place to-day,' thfeJ,"5,l bnt tree "fce companies' reprei sented Thomas Lynch, of the Frlck Comi pany; J. P. Bremen, ot the McClure Coai pany, and John Billinger, of the Peansvilla Company. Afl local grievances at the Prick art J works satisfactorily settled. The difficulty at the Pennsville works is"? difference of opinion as to whether it should; be classed as drift or a slope mine. JCTo coni elusion was arrived at; and it is probable it will come before the convention to-morrowV Kosatufactory arrangements were made ii? regard to weighing. - r 9 A QHABEEI. LEADS TO BLOWS- Ksaebercer Was Tarawa Freta a.PreB,V Frae taring-HI Head. (" Yesterday Joseph Moseberger and Martia Joyce, both yard brakemea in the yard-of the Panhandle Bailroad at tbe foot of Wash? ington street, engaged in a fight at the rear of the company's office, and Moseberger was thrown, it is said, from the office porch to tho ground below, a distance of 16 feet He was picked np and sent to the West Penn Hospital, where it was discovered that his skull had been fractured, but not severe ly enouzh to cause his death. Both men had been drinking, but were not intoxicated.. " no one forget thatrsvereseej,-. ... ... j seaiovingfaiBeraeeaa ae war tee laaaigenoa ia ... - preset seeJabflHSes whiel. make the a pleasant reeeHeetfea. T Have a ears to observe It rigMly. xBeaumBectae chBarea ace, Make It a day of leag- mmlmf wffl m-ow Bf to onaetssr KarSrjas taeoaaeeMeto Go to tae other esteem at it wfll $? r "fl aweaear If -"T-miiteilne tinmlw TssiisatlvlarPayagessseryataH. Met WieWagiediSvWb Tear r) - TfceeffMs, W 4 wVVIS IMC fOV. 9V sMttsFiBBtnM we Have already meattoaea that te-saswew (FrUej) we open oar Jleleiar Seeds, serf mi arraf ef geeen to yiease yea veX be. The t meat Mm stoek ef f 1 s Mm ettaasM are tee Alwaja sa he, yea know. a-peyeH wist-tost mm t n tea awry,. 5, . i A XaFrr BAT TO AH - V C ' !&-$ i ( 'il r- JDafHDRNE 2 , 'TEANKSaiTINQ., W PENN AVENUE STOREYS ' - .fiinnuw. Thurady,NoveabUil.,S?5 'i ' . ' i" KfLP - tic-:, parry N5rr "Sf nfcP&''sls" f ie3i&ftt3ssssss8BissssssssssssssWMssJ riSmfSZJfSOL 5l .P"yi IftSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSn .,,, Untold saatmsejake wsshfc. 4 fKfM r ' jr.ca . ... 'jjpiBLM '1 - - day, ' tyW fl - Formally set ayart,. r. . agy ' I EenderiBg '- JESjM - V'.'IHAKKfl, 9 And .yet, -, -- r f- Sew small are we, '$$ , ' When -WJllB v, V We cea template - JJgtjgH THATrVKE OF it. GOOB. ' 3sH ,- -. .r v fMRK ' Awe-meakmc ise theagit "j&&m e a great aattea, lilt ear owa.unian.-.8ftj lBcuegraeaaetac gratraacle.. .-r 7 ' - to their Creator aaa Preserver. Bathtt ?, no one forget that tvnt$imL Spf, ? 1 mf '..&&.. .. -, r j .J..tM -