Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 27, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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narrrnrn 7 1 1 mi t iVMxmam
'Great Activity in the Line of Boots,
Shoes and Drygoods.
Ieubbee boots in shout supply.
ProTisions Steady, in Spite of the Sharp
Decline in Hogs.
OrncK or Pittsburg Dispatch, )
Tuesday, November Hi. I8S9. 1
November weather has been a great boost
to the trade in rubber shoes and boots. Oar
jobbers report & difficulty of late in hating
orders filled, as factories are unusually
veil cleaned out for this time of the year.
An advance in prices at an early day is
generally expected. In the jobbing shoe
trade November has made the best showing
of any month this year. The latter part of
lat year made a good showing, bnt the year
18S9 opened with trade very slack. This
slowness continued through the spring and
summer. Our local trade did not ptcL up until
September. Since the beginning of that month
there has been unusual activity, and the trade
is now at its best for this year. All siens point
to a continuance of this ac ivity from now on
to the close of the j ear. If these signs do not
fail, the lost time of soring and summer will be
fully made up, and Jhe year's record equal that
of last year.
Ontlook for Footwear.
One of the leading jobbers thus puts the sit
uation And outlook of the boot and shoe trade:
"We have not been able ot late to secure
from the factories enouch rubber boots to fill
orders. One of the largest factories in the
country, located at New Haven, is away behind
on orders, and is advertising for workmen to
help them out all over the country. We have
been able to meet demands for other rubber
Roods, Dot with some difficulty, and there js no
accumulated stock, as we had a 5 ear ago at this
time. In the general line of foot w ear we have
been short of a full supply all fall, and have
frequently found It difficult to till orders. At
times we have been away behind in orders, and
when SO to 100 cases came in, after a few days
delay, the; were gobbled up like hot cake.
"A result of this scarcity is seen in a stiffen
ing of nrices, and prospects now are that peo
ple in the f mure will pay more for footwear
than they have been doing of late. A hard
winter will certainly brine an advance in our
goods, and, in any event, w e are sure to have
hrm markets."
Drysoods Get n Dumper.
The effects of continuous rains and wretched
costry roads Is as mnch felt In tbedrygoods
trade as any other. Drummers have found
very hard or rather soft roads to travel through
Pittsburg's bailiwick the past few weeks.
Orders have not been coming in so freely as
was expected at the beginning of the month;
but the weather has been entirely responsible
for this. Notwithstandmcthis adverse influ
ence, November's wholesale drycoids trade ex
ceeds in volume that of last November, and
the same is true of all the fall months.
Said one of our leading jobbers this after
noon: 'If we can but have a few weeks of
sharp, frosty weather, we will easily make up
for lost time, and in any event our volume of
trade will go far beyond last fall. Prices of all
staple drvgoods are stiffening, and the outlook
is for a higher level of prices."
Provision Down to Hard Pan.
Advices received by one of our leading pork
packers this rooming from Chicago, are that
receipts ot hogs there to-day were 35,000 head,
- and that the inside pnee there for the best was
13 7563 SO. At East Liberty the same range is
quoted as at Chicago. A year ago at this time
prices were fully 51 50 higher per 100 than now.
There has been no perceptible effect on provi
sion markets from this late drop in bogs.
The truth is that prices of provisions had for
some time been down to hard pan. and there
was no lower deep. In order to a reasonable
profit on hams, shonlders and lard at present
rates, the outside price of hogs shonld be 13 50,
and it is the opinion of many that this will be
the level at which markets will settle. A large
ueaier in nog products, predicted inrougn tnis
column months ago that hogs would go below
fi before the year closed. Many tbnbght the
prediction a wild one. The same dealer now
thinks that (3 50 will be reached, before the
present downward movement is checked, and
regards this as a sufficient price in view of the
prices at which hog products must be sold.
Elevators for tbe Far Wnl.
The one concern of this city which manu
factures elevators, namely the Marshall foun
dry on Diamond street, reports no boom, but a
full line of trade, and business fully up to anv
previous season. A member of this old-time
firm was seen to-day, and reported that orders
were coming in freely, chiefly from tbe West.
Two elevators are in process of construction by
the Marsballs for a new pottery in Seattle,
'Washington State. Elevators for private
dwellings are growing steadily in favor, and a
goodly number of tbe finer residences of the
city are furnished with these appointments.
The Condition of Business at the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Ttjesdat. November 26, 1SS9. J
CATTLE Receipts, 300 head: shipments,
SOU bead; market firm; prime, $1 104 30; good,
S3 503 80; fair, 2 703 29; bulls, $1 50&2 53; no
cattle shipped to New York to-day.
Hoos Receipts. 1,900 head: shipments. 1,100
head; market firm; Philadelphias, S3 70i SO;
Yorkers, J3 053 70: no hogs shipped to New
York to-day.
Sheep Receipts. 1,600 head; shipments. 200
-.head; market active at yesterday's prices.
Br Telegraph.
New York, November 26. Beeves Re
ceipts. 500 head, all for slaughterers and ex
porters direct; no market for beeves; steady
for dressed beef at oKQTJic per pound for
native sides; no Texas or Colorado beef in mar
ket; exports, 2,600 Quarters of beef; cable ad
vices from London and Liverpool quote
American refrigerator beef dull at scant Chic
Sier pound, and American steers verv slow at
l(c per pound for the dresse'd weight,
sinking the offal. Calves -Receipts, 340 head
firm, with sales at 5Sc per pound for veals
and at ZK63)c for grassers and Western
calves. Sheep Receipts, 2,900 head; firm for
both sheep and lambs, with sales at 3?55c
per pound for sheen and 5g!8c for lambs.
Hogs Receipts, 4,600 head, alt lor slaughterers
direct; no trading in live bogs; reported a shade
firmer at the nominal range of S3 S54 25.
Chicago Cattle Receipts. 3.000 head: mar
ket dull. 1015c lower; beeves, S4 C0Q5 15; steer"
$3 0004 40: stockcrs and feeders, $1 90S2 80:
Texas cattle. 11 402 SXh Western rangers. 12 75
3 40., Hogs Receipts, 64,000 head; ship
ments, 4,000 head: market lower; mixed. S3 50
63 80: heavy. 13 S03 SO; light,S3 5523 SO; skips.
S3 008 40. Sheep Receipts. 9,000 head; shipl
rooms. 2,000 head; market steady; natives.
S3 005 80; Western, 3 50i 25; lambs, 84 50
6 75.
Kaksas Crnr Cattle Receipts, 8.8S1 head:
shipments, 1,829 heatl:marketweak to 10c lower:
native beeves. $3 103 60, cows, SI 48fi2 35
stockers and feeders. 2 303 00; Texans, SI 60
2 75. Hogs Receipts. 12,263 head; shipments,
none; market 10c lower, clusidg weak; good to
choice light. S3 653 75; heavy and mixed. $3 57
3 67. Sheep Receipts, 3,377 head; ship
ments, 4,643 head; market steady; good to
choice muttons, S3 805 00; stockers and feed
ers, R 404 7a
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 4,500 head:
shipments, none: market weak; good to fancy
native steers, 54 204 SO: lair to good do,
$3 3084 25: stockers and feeders, SI 90$3 15;
range steers, 2 103 00. Hogs Receipts, fcOO
head: shipments, 500 head: market lower: fair
to cnoice neaYy, to bows o; packing, S3 50a
3 65: light, fair to best, S3 4523 60. Sheep
Receipts, 300 head; shipments, none: market
stronger; fair to choice. S3 S0490.
Buffalo Cattle Feeling steady: receipts,
31 loads through; no sale. Sheep ard lambs in
fair demand and unchanged; receipt', 8 loads
tbrongb. 15 loads sale. Hogs firm but prices
unchanged; receipts, 23 loads through, 9 loads
BosTOir The demand for wool is steady, and
sales are being made at previous prices. Ohio
and Pennsylvania fleeces have been selling at
3132c forX.33K34oforXX.and 37J8c for
lo. 1. MichiganX fleeces have been selling at
30c, and No. 1 at S536c. Fine delaine fleeces
have been Arm, with sales of Ohio at 34KQ35C,
and Michigan at 3331c No. 1 combing wools
are strong at SSV)c Territory wools have
been In fair demand, with sales ot fine at 580
60c; fine medium, 5557c, and medium at 60
63c Texas and California wools are quiet but
steady. In pulled wools there has been a
steady business, and sales of super have been
madeat3340c,and of extra at 2530c For
eign wools are linn but quiet.
Metal Mantel.
New York Pig Iron strong and qnlet;
Copper quiet and firm: lake. 21.35. Lead quiet
and steady: domestic, 3 80. Tin dull and
easier; straits, S21 S3.
s . . ,
Beech Alfa Pills cure bilious and nervous ills
Pxa-es' Soap secures a beantlf nljcoioplexlon j
A Better Feeling and More Basinets In tbe
Wheat Pit Corn Higher Mess Pork
Unsettled and Lower.
Chicago A fair business was transacted in
wheat to-day, and the feeling developed was
rather stronger, with operators rather inclined
to the bull side, the majority no doubt buying
on the reactionlheory believing that some ad
vance should follow after the recent decline,
though some investment buying also occurred.
There was fair buying lor December by shorts.
A prominent trader was credited with selling
fair quantities. The market opened c higher
and held firmly throughout most of the ses
sion, prices advancing e for December and
z for May, and closed lc higher for December
and Jc higher for May than yesterday.
Foreign advices quoted wheat quiet and
steady, closing firm with No. 2 spring wheat
spot quoted Id higher. The quantity on ocean
passage was reported to have; decreased 360,000
bushels, and this was one of tbe strengthening
features of the market, Tbe receipts in the
Northwest continue free, though farmers de
liveries are reported falling off.
In corn a moderate trade was transacted
within narrow limits, and the feeling developed
was on the whole a little firmer. A good pro
portion of to-day's business ccunstea of selling
December and buying January and May. One
house purchased about 500,000 bushels May and
sold a like amount of December at a difference
of 2Kc Tbe speculative maiket opened easy
at about yesterday's closing prices, but soon be
caino firmer on estimated light receipts, and
this, together with the bulletin board showing
rainy and cloudy weather In the southwest
created a better feeling and .prices advanced
ejj'c. ruled steady and closed HMo better
than vesterday.
Oats were traded in fairly. An easy feeling
prevailed early, but later the market became
firmer and .pricet, for May, which was the favor
ite, advanced Jc The near deliveries were
neglected with hardly enough trading to estab
lish trading.
In mess pork a weak and unsettled feeling
prevailed and prices rnled lower. November
was offered more freely and declined 3540c
Other deliveries were moderately active and
prices ruled 2K65c lower early, but exhibited
more steadmess near tbe close.
In lard a quiet and easy feeling prevailed and
tbe feeling was weak. Prices ruled 25c
lower and the market closed quiet at medium
In short rib sides a moderate trade was re
ported. Prices ruled 2K5c lower for tbe
longer deliveries, and tue market closed
She leading futures ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 2. December. 79k68079
79Kc; year. 79i679679J79c: January. 809
SO-KSOS05Sc; May, 6l6S48i84Vc.
Cobs No. 2. December, ai63lXiB3031c;
Jannary, 30630K3030?ic; Hay.3sS3i
Oats No. 2,DecemDer,20202R20-cs
Jinuary. 2020c; May. 22$S22Z
Mess Pork, per bbl. Year, $9 12K9 lU
9 12K9 12M; January. $9 25 309 S!49 30;
Mav, S3 60$ 62$9 609 62K.
Lard, per 100 lbs. Year, S5S7K59C5 85
5 85, January. $5 855 87K665 S55 87&;
Mav, 6 056 056 056 05.
Short Ribs, per 100 As. Jannary, S4 75
4 77KI4 754 77J:: FeUruarv, U S0i 82)564 80
4 bO; May, S3 005 004 Wi 97
Cash-quotations were as follows: Flour un
changed. No. 2 spring wheat. 79K79c: No.
3spring wheat. 6365c: No. 2 reeC 7979c.
No. 2 corn. Sic. Jio2oats.2020Kc. No. 2
rye. 41J'45c. N6. 2 barley, E8c No. 1 flsx
seea,13SK. Prime timothy seed. SI 21. Mess
pork, per bbl, S9 5C9 75. Lard, per 100 lbs,
S5 92. Short ribs sides (loose), S5 005 60.
Dry salted shoulders 'boxed), $4 S74 5a
Short clear sides (boxed). $5 255 37H. bugars
Cutloaf, unchanged. ReceiptsFlour, 17,000
barrel";; wheat, 165.000 bushels: corn. 251,000
bnshels: oats, 155,000 bushels; rye, 9.000 bushels;
barley, 8,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 22,000
barrels; wheat, 34,000 bnshels: corn. 187,000
bu'hels; oats, 116,000 bushels; rye, 7,000 bushels;
barley, 61.000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was steady: fancy creamery, 2526c;
fine, 2021c; finest dairies, 2022c; flne,1417c
Eggs. 22g23c.
New York Flour dull and heavy. Cirn
meal steady. Wheat Spot dull and liQJlc
higher; options less active, ?c up ana firm.
Rye steady: western, 5555a Barley quiet.
Barleymalt dull. Corn Spot steady and less
active; options dull. KKC "P and firm. Oats
Spot quiet and firmer: options firmer and
moderately active. Hay steady and quiet.
Hops fairly active and firm. Coffee Options
opened firm and unchanged to 10 points np;
closed steady and unchanged to 10 points up:
quiet; sales, 58.250 bags, inclndtng December,
lais515.95c; Janutry. 15.9016.00c: Kebrnary,
16.00c: March. 15.95i6.10c: April, 16.10c: May.
16.00016.15c: Jnne. 16.00ai6.I0c:Julv. 16.00c: Au
gust. 16.00c; September. Ii8015.90c; October,
15.7o15.85c: spot Rio Arm andfluiet; fair car
goes, 193c: No. 7. 17i17Jic SuMr-Raw ac
tive and firm: centrifugal 06 test, Br. sales, 5,852
bigs centrifugal 96 test,iBc;SO,000 bags cen
trifugal. 3Kc. and 6.500 tons domestic molasses
sugar 82 test at 4c; refined fairly active and
firm. Molasses New Orleans steady and
in fair demand. Rice fairly active
and steady. Cottonseed oil firm. Tal
low quiet and steady. Rosin steadv and quiet.
Turpentine firm and quiet at 4646VXc Eggs
tight receipts; firm; Western, 2626Kc: limed,
1718c; icehouse, 1721c; receipts, 5,304 pack
ages. Pork strong andactive; mess, inspected,
Sll 2511 50: do. uninspected. 111; extra prime.
$9 50t) 7a Cut meats strong. Lard steadier
and quiet; sales of western steam,
S3 35, closing at (8 30(26 35: options,
sales of 3,750 tierces November, S6 22
bid: December, SC 196 28, closing at S6 25;
January. S6 27; February, to 31: March, $6 35
6 36 closing at S6 36: May, S3 46. Butter
Fresh in fair demand and firm; Elgin, 27c;
Western dairy, 918c; do. creamerv, 1825Kc:
do. held, 1018c; do. factory, 7MQ19. Cheese
quiet and unsettled; Western, 710c
Philadelphia Flour steady with a mod
erate demand. Wheat strong and higher; fair
to good milling wheat, 8085: choice and fancy
Inngberry, 87S9c; ungraded, in grain depot.
S3c; No. 2 red, November, TSKSSQ&c: Decem
ber, TSJieSOJic; January. 81Vg81?c: February,
83gS3jc Corn strong with a rood demand;
old No. 3 high mixed, in Twentieth street ele
vator, 43Kc; old No. 2 mixed, in export ele
vator for local trade. 41K41c; old No. 2
mixed, in grain depot, ,43kc; old No. 2 hlch
mixed andjellow, in grain depot, 44c; new No.
2 yellow, in grain depot. 43c; No. 2 mixed, No
vember, 40KS41c; December, 3SM39Wc; Janu
ary, 3SJ3yc: February, 393!Osc. Oats
Trade demand for car lots steady with a mod
erate demand ; no. a wnice, ZSKc; do choice
29c: No. 2 white. 2SKc: do choice, 30; fntures
quiet but steady; No. 2 white, November. 2S5ia
29c; December, 2929Kc: January. 29K29JC;
February, 29Ji30c Butter scarce and firm;
Pennsylvania creamery, extra, 26c: do prints.
extra. 3135c.
Minneapolis There was a firmer tone to
the cash wheat market from the start, although
the buying was anything but active the first
half of the session. The blackboard showed
a liberal movement both in and out of the city,
and buyers appeared unconcerned as to the
supply. Earlv sales were scattering, bnt prices
paid were iKo above the last prices of yes
terday. Some shipping inquiry was apparent
toward noon, and local millers began taking
small quantities of the -best samples of No. 1
Northern. Elevator companies refused to make
bids within a close range of the market. Re
ceipts for the day here were 503 cars, and 155
were shipped out. Closing quotations: No. 1
hard November, 77Xc: December, 77Kc;
May, Sljic: on track, 7878Jc: No. 1 North
ern. 75c; December. 75c; May, 6le: on track,
76Kc: No. 2 Northern, November. 72c; Decem
ber. 72c; May, 77Jc; on track, 727ic.
St. Louis Flour dull and unchanged.
Wheat Although receipts were large and
cables quiet a bullish tone prevailed; the de
mand was better and prices closed c above
yesterday; No. 2 red, cash, 77c; December
iSimic- closed at 78Jc; January. 7979Jc:
May. 83K8Sc closed at 833i83c Corn
Notwithstanding big receipts and heavy offer
ings wet weather caused an advance; No. 2,
cash and November, 80c: December, 27J
2Sc, closed at 2Sc: May. 3030c. Oats
higher; No. 2cash. 20c; May, 22Jc. Rye quiet;
No. 2, 40c bid. Barley No sales. Flaxseed firm
at SI 26. Provisions dull.
(Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat
hrm: cash 72K May, 78c: No. 1 Northern,
81c. Corn dull: No. 3, 29k:30c Oats quiet;
No. 2 white. 22Kc Rye quiet; No. L 443i45c
Barley quiet: No. 2, 47Vc Provisions easy.
Pork, 9 42 Lard, t5 92. Cheese un
changed. Toledo Cloverseed active and steady; cash.
November and December, S3 65; January, 83 7a
Alining: stocks.
New York. Novembers Alice, 110; Cale
donia B., 130: Consolidated California and
Virginia, 582K; Deadwood Territory, 150; El
Cresto, 100; Gould & Curry. 150; Homestake,
900; Horn Silver. 230; Iron Silver, 200, Mexi
can, 300; Mount Diablo. 200; North Belle Isle
200; Ontario. 345: Ophir, 380; Occident, 105:
Sierra Nevada, 24a
Dry roods.
New York November 26. Business was
fair in cotton goods. There was no change in
any direction, but tbe market continues Bteady
in tone and strong in confidence.
Recommended byPayslclana
Of all schools, for the brain, nerves and
When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she wasa Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Children,sbe gave them Castorla
Over $128 a Front Foot raid for, a
Vacant Lot in the East End.
Capitalists Planning to Supply the Demand
for Small Houses.
An important real estate transaction,
which had been hanging fire for some time,
was closed np yesterday. George Sick, a
brother of Mr. Dick, or the People's Store,
bought a vacant lot 105x200 at the corner of
Negley and Penn avenues, for which he
paid J13.4E0, or a fraction over f 128 a front
foot. It 1) understood that Mr. Sick
will build on the property nest spring.
Information from reliable sources confirms
the statement made in The Dispatch a
few days since that business in mortgages is
decidedly better than a month ago. For
some time the applications were lor small
amounts, ranging from $1,000 to J5.000; now
they are for larger sums, with a view to
making improvements in the spring. Some
extensive operations in realty have been
heard of within a day or two, for which
money is being sought. The scarcity of
small houses has set some of the capitalists
and contractors to thinking and making in
quiry for sites and material with a view to
supplying this great want, and there is
reason for believing that their Inquiries will re
sult in large investments in that direction next
Money is plenty for loans of moderate
amounts, and the persons who desire to place
them are, as a general thfng, financiers and
merchants who can spare from 51.000 to J10.000
from their earnings. This shows very clearly
that business is active and profitable, and that
the men who conduct it are not pinched for
means. After the January settlements they
will be in a position to Invest still more largely
in realty and expand th'elr building operations.
The strongest possible indication of the sub
stantial condition of the real estate market is
the fact that cool-headed business men of all
classes are beginning to regard it as the best
and safest investment, and are putting their
money into it with a liberality which proves
their confidence.
Allegheny City Is large enough and import
ant enough to have a building inspector. New
bouses are going up so rapidly that there
should be some one whose especial duty it is to
look after th'em and see that they conform to
the law. Life and property are Involved, and
tbe small additional expense which such an
oflicer would cost the city should not be allowed
to stand in the way.
The dnties of the office are now discharged
and ably, too, so far as his time allows, by the
City Engineer, but to require him to do double
duty in affairs of the utmost importance to the
community is asking entirely too much. Bestde,
it involves a large element of risk, which the
city cannot afford to assnme for the sake of
saving afewbundreddolIarsannually.lt Is to be
hoped that the movement on the Nortbside for
the appointment of a building inspector will
have a favorable result.
The time for signing tbe agreement for
changing moving day from April 1 to Slay 1, In
order to make it available next spring, is rap
idly passing. So far the attitnde of the land
lords to this important matter has been one of
indifference. It Is of great importance to a
large part of the community, and should not be
ignored. Tenants shonld bestir themselves
atd bring owners to the scratch. Their tardi
ness may spring from thoughtlessness rather
than indifference, and a little moral pressure
may be all that is necessary to induce tbem to
give the proposition their approval. The ex
periment Is worth trying.
The increased and increasing expense of
living in the more central and densely copulated
parts of the city is causing the outer wards to
build np rapidly, among others tbe Thirty
fifth, better known as Duquesne Heights. The
Assessor of that ward reports that 73 new
houses have gone up there since his assessment
a year ago, and many others are being built.
Another advantage that this ward possesses is
tha property is cheap compared with other
locities. The location Is very desirable, with
good schools, city water and natural gas, and it
is very easily and cheaply reached.
Some Stocks Score Adrances, While Other
Hold Their Own.
Although tbe sales of stocks were lighter
yesterday than on the day before, a larger num
ber of shares were traded in, and tbe feeling
was better all around. Orders for most of tbe
f ayontes are said to have been received within
a day or two, some of them from the East.
Tbe knowledge of this accounts for the im
provement. Luster Mining Company was dealt in for the
first time in a regular way. According to state
ments recently made the property is in good
condition, with an encouraging outlook. This
has stimulated Interest in the stock, and started
a good demand for it. The sales were 218
shares ranging from 15 in the morning to 14
in tbe afternoon. At the close it was held at
pleasant Valley Hallway was another strong
feature, selling at 23, the highest point ever
reached. It closed at 23 bid and 24 asked.
Philadelphia Qas was- fractionally stronger,
but in light demand. Central Traction was
firm and neglected. Pittsburg Traction about
held its own. Citizens' was passed in silence.
Of thesenropertiesitcanbe said that while
they are dull on tbe surface there Is a good
"demand for them outside, indicating that in
vestors have confidence in their outcome.
The rest of the list showed no particular
change either way, the few fluctuations thai
occurred being for insignificant fractions.
Bids, offers and sales follow:
Kid. Asked, illd. As Red.
Pitts. P. S. & M. EXT... 435 4
Fourth VzU Bank 133
First National, Blr.... 240
German .National SO
Marine Nat. Bank.... 99 103
Masonic Bank SL .... .... ....
M.&M. Nat. Bank ... 64
Mon'ranelaNat.D'k.. 110
Odd bellows' bav. B'k 68
Safe Deposit Co.
Third N. Bsnk, AU'y. 13S ....
City Insurance 27 ....'
Citizens' insurance as
Humboldt Insurance 43
Allegheny Hestlnic Co. 100 110
reople's N. G. 4 P.Co 14X It .... is
Penns, Gas Co. 14 13U 14
Philadelphia Co 304f 30X 305J 80
Wheeling lias Co 28
Columbia Oil Go JJJ 3 IV 3
Central Traction Z3h 34 33,H tsu
Citizens' Traction .... 69
Pitts. Traction. 47K 47H 47
Pleasant Valley S3 73)2 231, 24
Pitts., A. tc, Man 230 330 250 ....
Chartlers Hallway 45 SO 4S 50
Pitts. A Western U. B. 13V
N.Y. & C.Gas Coal Co. 35 367 35 36
Ia Norla. Mlnlnr Co .. if ;i ji K
Sllrerton Mlnlns: Co.. 1
Luster Mining Co 14 UH .... 14W
Westmchouie Electric 48 4BH 48 49
Union Storage Co 74
D. 8. A Sljr. Co. ... 19 .... 19
WestlntchomeA.ll.Co. .... 114 .... 114
Keystone Con. Co 125
Attnenrsi can lua snares ot muster Mining
Company sold at 15, and 93 Pleasant Valley
Railway at 23. Before call 60 shares of Phila
delphia Oas brought SOX.
In the afternoon 110 shares of Luster Mining
Company went at 14. 10 at 14, 20 Pittsburg
Traction at 47. 10 Pennsylvania Gas Company
at 13, 6 at 14, and 20 Philadelphia Oas at 80
Before call 30 shares of Luster sold at 14.
The total sales of stocks at New 5 ork yester
day were 228.001 shares, including: Atchison,
31,055; Denver, Texas and Ft. Worth, 18,228;
Lake Shore, 454; Missouri Pacific, 11,910;
Northern Pacific preferred, 3,560; Beading,
8,800; Ht. Paul, 24,800: Union Pacific, 13,830.
Good Paper Offered Readllr Dis
counted bv Local Bankers.
Tbe features of the local money market
yesterday were a good inquiry for accommo
dations and active checking and depositing.
Good paper was readily taken at 67 per cent,
Small bills were scarce. The exchanges were
$2,115,807 63. and the balances S227.1S7 81
A New York financier said yesterdat: "The
general expression is that there will be no
future trouble in respect to money. From this
time on the New York banks are expected to
grow sitOBger every week. Tbe rpltw re
serve is now only 11,500,080. above the legal
limit, imt it Will increase rapidly next month.
and money will be easy after the middle of
January." v
Money 6S call at New York yesterday was
easy, ranging from 4 to 6 cer cent, last l"i
closed at 8. Prime mercantile paper, o7
Sterling exchange quiet and steady at it 80
Tor 60-day billsandM 85 for demand.
Closing Bond Qnotatlon.
D. 8. 4S,KK .1
U. B.4S. conn 137
M.K.4T.Gen.Ss K
Mutual Union 6s....lOO'i
N.J.CInt. Oert,..;
Northern racists.. JJW
Northern Pae. 2ds. .109
Northw't'n consols.lJJW
U. 8.4Hs,reg 104M
U. 8. 4s. coup.... 103),
Psciflcasof05. nix
Ixralslanastamped U BtSS
Missouri 6s Iff!
Tenn. new set. 6s... 1073J
Ureson 4 Trans. 6S.103J4
iii. Paul consols ...-.ICT-S
St PI I'M Si tv.lits.120
xenn. new set. ....iuz
Tenn. new set. 3s.... 73V
Canada Bo. Zdi H
Cen.Paciac.lsts.... .117
Den. 4K.O., UU...118
Den. ft II. G. 4s. 73
D.AB.G.West,lsu. to
Erie, Ms 104
11. K. 4T. Gen. 6.. G3
Tx., Pcli. G.Tr Ks Wi
Tac. Pe. a. G.Tr. Kcts
union pao. uu...-"
West Shore 10SM
Yesterdays bond offerings were as follows
Registered 4s, $42,100 at 127; registered 4s.
15,000 at 10
New TOBK-Clearings, 1148,397.718; balances,
Boston Clearings, 814.525.6S9: balances,
$1,740,225. Monev, 58 per cent.
Baltimore Clearings, $2,231,147; balances,
$298,598. ,,
Phtx-adklphia Clearings, Sll,6iO,S95; bal
ances. $1,800,784.
London Tbe amount of bullion gone into
the Bank of England on balance to-day Is 10,
000. Paris Three per cent rentes, 87f 62o for
the account.
Berlin The statement of the Imperial Bank
of Germany shows an increase in specie of
14,220,000 marks.
Chicago Bank clearings were 810.351,000.
New York exchange was at par. Rates re
mained unchanged at 6 per cent for call and 6
8 per cent for time loans.
The Market Weakens, bat Some of the
Loss Recovered.
The oil market, though moving on a lower
level than on Monday, was active and rather
excited for tbe most of the session yesterday.
Opening at $106, it sold up to $1 07, broke
to $1 dii on New York selling and stop orders,
sold back to 11 0751 and closed at $1 06, bid.
There was considerable trading on the breaks
and rallies. Pinkerton was tbe principal local
buyer, getting 100,000 barrels or more at $1 07
and $1 07. Stevenson was also a good buyer.
The buying was on Eastern orders. Pittsburg
had the highest close. This cattsed an uncer
tain feeling as to the course ot the market to
day, bnt the general impression was favorable
to an advance If not interfered with by the
Advices from Beaver. Pa., say: 8. E. Young,
of Columbus, O., and D. ('. Conklln. of Oleao,
N. Y., leased yesterday of John W. Thompson,;
late of Green township, 80 acres of land at one
eighth royalty, $3,000 bonus cash down.
Features of the DInrker.
Corrected daily by John M. Oasuey & Co., 45'
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro-i
leum Jbxcnange.
Opened 1 Lowest 1MM
Highest 107X1 Closed 106)4
Average runs 51,463
Average shipments 75,374'
ATerage charters. -. 34,530
Kenned, New York. 7.50c '
Keflneo, London. i. "
Kenned. Antwerp. XMt.
Kenned, Liverpool. 6 i-16d.
Befincd, Bremen, 7.30m.
A. B. McQrew & Co. quote: Puts, $1 04l
1 01; calls, $1 OSK-
A Big Well.
Sbannofin, November 28. The Racoon Oil
Company's well on tbe Bigle farm is doing 1.500
barrels per day.
Oil IHarkets.
Trrusvrxi.E, November 28. Opened at $107;
highest, $1 07; lowest, $1 03; closed at $1 06
Bbasfobd, November 28.-3)pened at $1 07;
closed at$l 06J: highest. $1 07K; lowest, $10
Clearances, 1,833.000 barrels.
On, City. November 28. Opened at $1 07;
highest, 51 07; lowest, $1 03; closed, $1 06
Hales, 1,084,000 barrels; clearances, 1,910,000 bar
rels; charters, 11.904 barrels; shipments, 71,521
barrels; runs, 0,740 barrels.
New York. November 26. Petroleum was
verv active to-day. The opening was steady at
$1 06 and the price advanced to $1 07 In the
first hour. Then renewed selling by Standard
Oil brokers cansed a sharp break to $1 04
Busing by local operators then rallied the mar
ket and it closed firm at $1 06& Stock Ex
chance: Opening, $1 06: highest, $1 07: low
est, $1 04; closing, $1 06 Consolidated Ex
change: . Opening, $1 06: highest, $1 07K;
lowest, $1 03; closing, $1 06. Bales, 2,680.000
A Bin Deal on the Northslde Other Impor
tant Trnasactlons.
Ewing A Byers, 93 Federal street, Allegheny,
sold for John Luckbauptetal to Peter Huck
enstein four acres of ground, with a frame
house of four rooms, large frame barn and or
chard on Rhine street. Spring Hill, Seventh
ward, Allegheny, for $5,100.
W. A. Herron & Sons soldat Bellevue, P., Ft.
W. 4 C. R. R.. a residence property, lot 40x176
feet, with a good frame house of 6 rooms, for
$2,100 spot cash.
Black & Balrd, 95 Fourtn avenue, sold for
the Gartside heirs to Evan Jones and John F.
Steel a tract of vacant ground at Ben Venue
station, P. R. R., containing 2 acres. The
property will be graded and laid out In build
ing lots for tbe owners by Messrs. Black t
Lashell & Rankin, 67 Fourth avenue, sold for
M. L. Kendall a lot 33 feet front on Main street,
Coraopolls, to Mrs. Arabella McCabe, for $275.
James W. Drape & Co. sold two houses and
lots in the East End, near Larimer avenne, six
rooms In each honse, and lot about 25x120 feet,
for $6,000; also placed a mortgage of $2,500 at 6
per cent on a 'louse and lot in Allegheny.
L M. Pen cook . Son sold and settled a mort
gage for $3,500 o 1 pAperty in Horaestead'three
years at 5 per .ent; one of $700 on property in
the Thirteenth, ward, city, three years, and one
in Patton townshin, $500, three years, both at 6
per cent. -
J. E. Glass, No. 138 Fifth avenue, placed a
mortgage of $5,500 for three years at 5 6-10 per
cent on property in McKecsport.
Alles & Bailey. 164 Fourth avenue, sold to J.
C. Alles and T. J. Daly, one-twenty-fourth in
terest in Hamilton Hotel, property, having a
frontage of 40 feet on Penn avenue, extending
back 120 feet on Barker's alley. The price paid
was on a basis of $90,000.
Samuel W. Black & Co. placed a mortgage for
$1,500 for three years at 6 per cent on property
at Glenwood station, Baltimore and Ohio Rail
road, Twenty-third ward, Pittsburg.
Stocka Absorb the Attention of Wall Street
An UnnccountnbleDrop In Saa Fran
cisco Preferred Tenesssee
Conl Brenka lis Record.
Nrw York. November 28. The stock market
was quiet in all its departments to-day, and
while the general list was moved back and
forth within the narrowest limits, there were a
few marked movements by less than a half
dozen stbeks, which gave the trading all tbe
character it possessed. The operators now in
terested In tbe matket bare assumed a waiting
attitude, and the bears are afraid to make such
drives as they have been in tbe habit of doing
for the past two months, and confined their
operations to special stocks which they have
reason to believe are particularly vulnerable.
There was less pressure upon Atchison to-day,
though the stock was still the most active one
on the list, and while it retired to still lower
figures than it reached yesterday the liquida
tion waa apparently ended. f
There was some selling for Boston account,
and also some short stock put out, but cover
ing of shorts was a large proportion of tbe buy
ing, with a liberal sprinkling of purchases for a
turn on the bull side, New England was a
marked contrast to Atchisou, and it was
specially strong, especially In the afternoon,
and it was one of tbe few stocks showing a ma
terial advance this evening, while it was second
only to Atchison in amount or business done.
Ontario and Western, after occupying a prom
inent position tor two hours, dropped out of
sight almost entirely, and tbe demand for tbe
stock suddenly disappeared. Among the other
low-priced specialties Denver, Texas and Ft.
Worth was tbe most prominent, and altera
further recession to 86 it rallied and rose 3 per
cent -on a large business. Missouri Pacific
came in for some attention from tbe bears, but !
its nucxoations were unimportant tnrougnout
the day and its final change insignificant.
The weak points in the list were ban Fran
cisco and Jersey Central, but the former was
most interesting, the preferred stock espec
ially. The .common soldat 20 against 24 the
same time last week, and as low as 25 was bid
for It. The preferred opened at 48K49i last
evening, and declined X, finally closing at 46.
Those who should know could give no reason
for the drop, but there were numerous rumors
afloat such as dissensions In tbe Board of Di
rectors, tbe resignation of the President and
the suspension of dividends, against which the
officers say the question of dividend has not
been discussed, and tbe earnings are greater
tban ever before in tbe hi'toryjot tbet-'ouipaar.
Tennessee Cal resumed its upward march
and reached still higher figures tban ever be
fore. The fueling was mixed at tbe opening,
and tbe subsequent operations, except m the
stock mentioned, were of little consequence.
Tennessee CoM is up 3& JTw Eala4 Jjjj art
Depyer, Texas and Ft. Worth , while Saa
Francisco preferred is off 3 and Jersey Cbb-
Railroad bonds were qnletandgenerallyfirm,
bnt there was little feature, except the activity
in Kansas and Texas issues. The fluctuations
and final changes among the general list were
entirely insignificant.
The Pwr j financial article says: Whatever
may be the temporary effects from day to day
of the overouving by sanguine bulls, who
spread their capital out too thinly, or the over
selling of bears whd are betting on the incau
tionsnessof the balls, there certainly has not
been a time for several years when all the legi
timate arguments in favor of higher prices for
the majority of railroad stocks were so indispu
table as now. Tbe money question lr almost
only a temporary one, and the Onnsual profit
ableness of general mercantile and industrial
business this year Insures a largely increased
demand for investment before next February.
So far as rallrdad stocks mar invite this in
vestment, there has certainly been a great im
provement In tbclr prospects In the last two
month, an lnlprovcment not only over the time
previous to September J, bnt over the same
period last year. The largo earnings of all the
Vanderbilt roads are a significant featnre of
general railroad business 'of the country, indi
cating a prosperity which can scarcely fail to
have its effect to advance the prices of stocks
within a month or so.
The following tame snows tne prices orsctlya
stockson the New York Stock Kxenange yester
day. Corrected daily for Tint Dispatch by
Wuitnit A STirnmsOK. oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of New Yort stock. Exchange. 57 fourth ave-
ing Hid.
Am. Cotton On 3IS4
Atcn., Top fts.F 3J?
Canadian Pacific ..... 73H
Canada Southern 54M
Central of New Jersey.m
Central Paelnt
Chesapeake ft Ohio ... 27X
C.. Mil. a at. Paul... 71K
u.. Mil ft at. p., pr....H3i
V.. KoccL ftp 99 S
., St. L. & Pitts
fi. St. L. ft Pitts. PC. ...
C St. P..M. fto
C., St.PM.ftO.. pf. ....
Uft Northwestern 113K
C.ft Northwestern, pr. ...
C., C C. ft I
C.. c, C ft L, nf ..;.. 99
Col. Coat ft iron Wi
Col. ft Hocking Vat .. 21H
Uei.. x.. 4 yv. t41
Del. ft Hudson
Denver ft Klo G
DenrerftBioG.. nr
K.T.. Vs.4Ua ....
K.T..Vs,G.m pf. ....
K. 1.. Vs. ft Oa. 2d pT. 22V
Lake Grin ft Western
Lake kne West. nr.. 64
LakeShoreftM. S 107M
LouimilefcMasbvilJe. WjJ
Michigan central
Mobile Ohio
Mo., Kan. ft Texas.... 10
est. 3i4
est. 31
2314 K
69 K.
Missouri Pacific 69X
New Y ork Central
JJ.J..1.. K.ft W S8U
N. Y..L.K. ft W.pref.. 054?
J. tc.. a ft st. l is;
Jj. Tt.. c, ft st. l. nr.
N.I.. C.4Bt.L.2dpf ...
... K 44!
. r.. O. ft MT. 22)2
Norfolk ft Western.... I854
Norfolk Western. nf. ljj
Northern Pacific
Nortnern Pacific uret 7X
Ohio Mississippi..... ZUi
Oregon Improvement. 44
Orecon Transeon !!
Pacific Mall
Peo. Dec. ft Evans..... 19V
Phlladel. ft Keadlnr.. Wa
Pullman Palace Car ,
Kichmona ft W. P. T.. 22M
Klcbmond ft W.P.T.pf 81
St, P., Minn, ft Man..lU7
SULi. ft San Fran
St. L. ft San JTran pf.. tSi
Texas Pacific........... 20)4
Union Pacific 70
Wabash nreferred 32X
Western Union MH
Whrelmg ft L.
Sugar Trust 70X
National i,ead Trust.. 19J
Chicago Gas Trot.... 55!4
, $H
84 4
Boston Stocks.
Ach.ftTop..lst7s. 117U1
Old Colony. 177
Wls.Ventrai.com... 32)4
a a. s 1. una ur' 1 11. 11214
Aien. ft-xop. a. jc .. zzh
Boston ft Albany...2l6)4
U.J1.1Q. 105)4
Clnn. San. ft Caere. 23
Eastern R. R. 118X
Eastern K. B. 65 ....125
Flint PereM 23
flint ft Pen M. ord. 92
Little K. ft Ft. S. 7s. 93
wis. central pi.
Calnmet ft Hecla.
Huron ...
Qolncr ..
Bell Telepnone...
Boston Land
Waver Power
,. 4X
. 15V
1. 2X
,. 17H
- 70
Mexican Oen. com.. 15V
Mex.C.lstmtg-.bds. C8)
N. V. ft New four... 46J4
Ogd.ftL.Cham.com. 5
San Diego 20
Santa Fe copper.... 72)4
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock fix
change. I1M. Asked.
Pennsylvania Hallroad.
Buffalo, Pittsburg ft Western...,
Lehlah Valley
Lehlah Nsvlirttlon,
laortbern Pacific
Nsrtoern Paciae preferred
Business Notes,
.. 52)4 !4
, M 11-10 2U31
. S3
. 76),
Plans are being "prepared for a number of
dwellings to be erected in Swissvale next
The crop of turkeys for Thanksgiving Is
said to be considerably below the average in
number as well as quality.
John D. Bailey sold by auction vesterday
several fine breechloadlng, bammerless guns
at an average price of $100.
Twentt-ninb mortgages were recorded yes
terday. The largest was for $11,000; the small
est, $130. One-third of the whole number were
for purchase money.
The stook of good illuminating petroleum is
now estimated at 9,000,000 barrels, or one-third
of what it was in 1884. and 8,000,000 barrels less
than on January 1, 18S9.
As thebe is nothing to show that any of tbe
outsiders are dabbling in oilvthe recent flur
ries seem to be the work of professionals, with
the object of getting out of the rut.
Ir is said there has recently sprung up in
New York a good demand for first-class bonds,
and some bankers are of tbe opinion that it will
grow, and during the first months of the new
year extend to speculative Issues.
Pennsylvania has a larger number of na
tional banks than any other State. Massachu
setts leads in point of capital stock, and New
York in respect to deposits and volume of busi
ness. During tbe past year 41 banks went
into voluntary liquidation, and nnlr 2 failed.
No Disease More Easily Cured, by
the Physicians of the Catarrh
and Dyspepsia Institute, .323
Penn avenue, than Catarrh.
Their Constitutional Blood Medi
cines, made to suit the require
ments of each individual case,
strike at the root of the disease.
A lady well known in Pittsburg and Alle
gheny, has been a great sufferer from a mul
titude of troubles. The catarrhal poison in
her blood affected her whole system. She
had a dropping of mucus from her head into
her throat, which, was very tenacious and
bard to raise. She had no appetite, felt
bloated and distressed after eating, and she
would often vomit tip her food, bhe had
much pain on the top of her head, was dizzy
and very nervous. She could get bnt little
sleep, and got np in the morning more tired
than when she went to bed. Thedisease
also extended to ber kidneys, giving ber
much pain across the small of her back. She
also suffered from diseases peculiar to women,
and had many other aches and pains too
numerous to mention. After becoming cared
ly the physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspep
sia Institute, she says:
I am glad to-state that I have been entirely
Cnred, as stated, of diseases from which I have
been a terrible sufferer.
MISS L. MILLER, 119 Forty-fifth St.
The Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute is per
manently located at 323 Penn ave. They cure
Catarrh, Dyspepsia and Diseases of Women.
Consultation free to all. Patients treated suc
cessfully at home by correspondence. Office
hours. 10 A. K. to IT. JL, and 6 to 8 P. if. Sun
days, 12 to 4 P. if. no25-MWTSu
Transact a General Banlai Bilness.
Acsynnts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits,
Available Is all vaits of the world. Alsolseae
for use In this country, Canada, Mfiico, Vfrnk
ladies, Howtk sd CeKi AeHoa.-
Dairy Broncta Very Firm, aad Elgii
, Creamery AdYaiced
Diminishing Scceipta of Cereals Isprove
Tone of Trade.
Omcis or PrrrsBTJEO Dispatch, I
TultSDAY. November 28, 18. -J
Country Produce JobMsk Prices.
Creamery butter was advanced lo at Elgin
yestei day, and our prices here are advanced -to
correspond. ' Cheese is very firm, especially for
choice grades, and a rise is looked for by job
bers. Fresb-iid eggs readily command 28c per
dozen. There are no changes in general prod
uce lines since our last reports. Tbe demand
for turkey promises to be greater tban supply.
Supply of other poultry is adequate to de
mands. Choice apples are in improved de
mand. Butter-Creamery,' Elgin, 2929f! Ohio
do,2526c; fresb dairy packed, 224c; country
rolls, Zl22u.
Beaks Navy band-picked beans, f2 252 30;
medium, S2 102 20.
Beeswax 2830c 31 tt for choice; low grade,
Cideb Sand refined, JO S07 SO; common,
$3 50Q4 00; crab cider, 58 008 0 'f barrel:
cider vinesar, 1 OS 12c 51 gallon.
Chestnuts 15 C0S 50 ? bushel; walnuts.
60070c ) bosbeL
Cheese Ohio, llUKc; New York, HKct
Limburger, 9Kllc; domestic Bweitzer, lie
13Xc; Imported Sweltzer, 23c
Eggs 244326c $1 dozen for strictly fresb.
Fbuits Apples, fancy, El 603 SO ? barrel;
California pears, S3 604 00 a box; cranberries.
Jerseys, S2 60 ff bushel box; Cape Cods, box,
2 7S3 CO; Malaga grapes, large barrel. IS 00.
Game ijqutrrels, II 25 y dozen; quail, II 50
f dozen; prairie cnicEens. autso w yi
dozen; pheasants, 14 635 00 $ dozen; rabbits,
tl 501 75 $ dozen; venison saddle, 1820cV
pound; venison carcass. 1215c fl pound.
FzatheeS Extra live Reese, EOgGOc; No. L,
do, 40015c; mixed lots, S035c V &.
Poultry Chickens, old bens, 6570c; chick
ens, large, young, 505oc; chickens, small, 35
40c; ducks, 6560c W pair; eeese, II 001 10 p
pair: live turkeys, ll12c ft; dressed turkeys,
Seeds Clover, choice, ffifts to bushel. 15 00
6 2 S$ bushel; clover, large English, 62s, $5 50;
clover. Alsike, IS 00; clover, white. 19 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 fts, Jl 50; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 Sis, 90c; blue erass, fancy, 14 s $1 00;
orchard crass, 14 Sis, SI 65; red top, 14 2s. II 25;
millet. 50 Bis. SI 00: German millet. 50 As. SI 50;
Hungarian grass, 0 2s. SI 00; lawn grass,
mixture of fine grasses, 12 60 fl bushel of 14
Tallow- Country, 4c; city rendered, 4J
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common, 16 60
4 00; fancy, 14 005 00: Florida oranges, $360
3 75; bananas, $2 00 firsts. SI 60 good seconds,
f) bunch; cocoanuts, 14 004 60 W hundred:
figs, SMg9c 53 Si; dates, fi46c new layer
firs. 14H10Kc; new dates. 7c $ ft.
Vegetables Potatoes, from rtore, 5055c:
on track, 4045c: tomatoes, Sll 25 ft bushel:
cabbages, 84 005 00 a hundred; celery, 40c fl
dozen; Southern sweet potatoes, S3 602 7o;
Jerseys, S3 754 00; turnips, SI 001 SO a bar
rel; onions, S2 a barrel.
Buckwheat Flour 22c fl pound.
TheTjullish movement in coffee dptions which
started with the "Brazilian revolution has at
last brought forth f rnlt in an advance of pack
ages of K- A still further advance would be
justified by the situation. Tbe feeling of Job
bers Is that tbe present rise should have come a
week ago, and would have come irrespective of
Bom Pedro's deposure. Sugars are firm enough
to go up higher, but old prices still rule. The
movement of groceries Is active, and Novem
ber's trade will make a big showing, so far as
Pittsburg's wholesale dealers are concerned.
Green Coffee Fancy Bio, 23824c; choice
Bio, 2122c; prime Bio, 20Xc; low grade Rio,
lSK19c; old Government Java, 2728c; Mar-'
acaibo, 3K24Kc; Mocha, 28K29Vc; Santos,
2024c: Caracas. 2224c; peaberry. Bio. 23
21c; La Guayra, 2321c.
Boasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c;
high grades. 2529c; old Government Java,
bulk. 31K33c: Maracalbo, Z72Sc; Santos,
24K28kc; peaberry, 2SKc; choice Rio,. 26c;
piiine Bio. 23c; good Bio, 22K ordinary, 21c.
Spices (wholes-Cloves, 1920c; allspice, 10c;
cassia, 801 pepper, 17c; nutmec, 7080c.
Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) U0 test, 7Je;
Ohio. 12ff, 8c; headlight, 150?, 8Xc; water
white, lOKc: globe 14144e: elalne, 14jfc; car
nadlne, llKc; royallne, 14c; globe red oil. 110
MCTERS' OilNo. 1 winter strained, 4S47c
fl gallon. Lard oil, 70c.
SIRUPS Com syrup, 2S30c; choice sugar
syrup. S3gS8c: prime sugar syrup, 3038c;
strictly prime, 3335c: new made syrup, 90c.
N. o. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c;
medium, 43c; mixed, 40g42c; choice new crop,
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 2Sc; bl-carb in Ks.
5c: bl-carb, acsorted packages. 5J6c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles sur, full weight, 9c; steari&e, R
set, 8Jc; narafflne, 11812c
Bice Head, Carolina, 67c; choice, 6Vg)
65ic: prime, &6c: Louisiana, 5Gc
Starch Vearl, 2Jc; cornstarch68c; gloss
starch, 47c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S3 65; Loo
don layers, 52 90r California London layers.
92 jo; AiuacaiBia, 9A o aiiiorai jnnacateis,
J2 10; Valencla,7Jic; Ondara Valencia, 48ic;
sultana,9Kc: currants,5K5c: Turkey prunes.
4H5c: French prunes. 6g9c; 8alonica
S runes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, ft 100,
1 00; almonds, Lan., ft B, 20c; do, Ivica, 19c;
do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, naD 12K15c; Sicily
fllnerts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12013c; new dates,
66c; Bnzll nuts. 10c: pecans, ll15c; cit
ron, fl ft, 1920c; lemon- peel, m, 16c: orange
peeL loc
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per B 6c, ap
ples, evaporated. 9c; apricots, California, evap
orated. 14K16c; peaches, evaporated, pared,
2628c: peaches, California, evaporated, un
pared, 1921c; cherries, pitted,I3K14Kc; cher
rie s unpitted, 66c; raspberries, evaporated,
25K26Kc; blackberries, 7,8c: huckleberries,
Sugars Cubes.7fc:nowdered.7c: arann-
lated, Tcr confectioners' A, 7c; standard A,
7c: soft white, 6kg65ic;yellow,choice.6yie94c;
yellow, cood, 6&c: yellow, fair, 63c; yellow.
aarK, oc
SaTK 07bCa
Pickles Medlnm, bbls (L300), S6 50; medi
um, nan udis (0W),s2a.
Salt-No L fl bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex, fl bbl, SI 06;
dairy, fl bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl. SI 20;
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, S3 80; Higglns'
Eureka. 16-14 ft Dockets. S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, S2 009
2 25; 2ds, SI 651 80; extra peaches, S3 402 60;
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn. SI 0641 50; Hid Co.
corn, 759Uc; red cherries, 90cSl: Lima beans,
31 20; soaked do. 85c: string do, 60S5c: mar
rowfat peas, SI 10?1 15; soaked peas. 70S!)0c:
pineapples. SI 401 60; Bahama do, S2 75;
damson plums, 95c: greengages, SI 25;
egg plums, S2 00; California pears, S3 50: do
greengages, SI 85: do egg plums, tl 85; extra
white cherries, S2 40;. raspberries, 96c$l 10;
strawberries. SI 10; gooseberries, II 3ol 40:
tomatoes, tsoewc; saimon, i-o, ii ooi u;
blackberries, 65c: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked,
(uv.. - -.. o & i Kjat Hi. ma. hM n tL
cans, S2 05; 14-B cans. $14: baked beans, 11 45
81 50: lobster, 1-ft, SI 751 80; mackerel, IB
cans, broiled. SI 60; sardines, domestic. 3is,
S4 54 50; sardines, domestic K, 6 7o&fu0;
sardines, imported, &s. ill 5012 60, sardines,
imported, & 18: sardines, mustard, J8 30;
sardines, spiced, S3 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S96 fl
bbL; extra No. 1 do, mess, S40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, 132; extra No. 1 do, mess,
136: No. 2 shore mackerel. S24, Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c ft &; do medium. George's cad,
6c; do large, 7c: .boneless hake, in strips, 6c: do
George's cod in blocks. 6K87c Herring
Bound shore, S4 60 fl bbl: split, I8 60; lake,
S2 75 fl 100-ft half bbL White fish, M 00 fl 180
B half bbL Lake troat, $5 60 ft halt 'bbL Fin
nan haddock, loo W a. iceiana naiiDnt, 13c fl
m. i-icuerei, oni.
M bbl, S2 00; K bbl. $1 10; Pete
ST00flbbl,2DflXbbL -J 005 25 V bbL
Grain, Floor and Feed, v
Total receipts as bultetined at the Grain Ex-
chance, 37 cars. By Pittsburg. Ft. Wayne and
Chicago, 2 cars of rye, lot straw, I of flour, 4 of
barley. By Baltimore and Ohio, 2 cars of corn,
lot wheat, 1 of oats, 1 of flour. 3 of bay. By
Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis. 8 oars of
wheat, 2 of bran, 10 of cord, 1 of flour. By
Pittsburg 'and Lake Eric 2 cars of oats, 2 of
flour, 1 of malt. Sales on call, 1 car winter
wheat bran, Sll. 6 days, P. K. R.; 1 car No. 2 yel
low shell corn, 42c, 10 days,P.B.B. Caefce
oats and old corn are scarce aad very firm.
Other cereals are practically unchanged. Re
ceipts are much lighter the past few days thaa
for week's past, and accumulated Muff U being
gradually worked off. The result la already
sees in as improved tone to trade. ,
Prices below are for carload lose oa track.
WHBAT-NewNc2 red,84486c; Nea,80e
Corn No. 2 yellow, ear, 4948c; high mixed,
ear. 4041c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 41K Se: high
mixed, shelled, 40041c; mixed, saelled, (
0)4c . ,.
Oats-No.2 wbtte. nUMI&i extra, Ho.,
nt NcLPeuBsyhraaia-asi Ohio,
jiwi nimni,wK;Hwir,Aai
fuvm WsMag frlaw Fsawj $ mi
fstwts, 16 K6 8; w4ff straight,
k clear winter. tmtTk strsM it
bakers', M 5S8 75. e, W
MnxTMSD-MlddllBge, iw w. ?"i?$
15 fie W tour hrnBStollB HI 0(013 OS:
wlster wheat bras. Sll 2501100; cfcop feed,
586160a -'-"
HAY-Baled ttaotky. No, J, r351150;
No. 2do. OSeiO 00; loose from wron. $U 09
fl2 m, according to quality; No. 2 prilrio bay.
eees 00; packing do. S7 2oOr 58.
Straw Oats, to 75S7 00: wheat aad rye
straw, 98 0e 35.
Sugar-cured hams, laree. lOct suaar-cured
I haHM, medium, 10c: sugar-cured bass, sraatl,
njc;MgaMareoreaitfa bacon, ve; sugar
cured sboulderv 6c; sugar-cared, bosetoes
shoulders.7c;sugar-cnred California hams, 7c:
sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sugar-cured
dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cure.d dried beef
rouads, 12c: bacon shoulders, 6c: bacon
clear sides, 7K; bacon clear bellies, 7Kc: dry
salt shoulders, 6c: dry salt clear sides, 7c.
Hess pork, heavy, til SO; mess pork, family,
112 00. Lard refined, in tlereee, 6c: half
barrels. Gc; 60-ft tubs. 6Kc; 2R-& palls, 6Jic; 63
& tin cans, bc; 3- tin pails, 6c: 5-I tin palls,
Wc; 10-lfc tin palls, 0c; 5-ft tin palls,
6C Smoked sausage, long, 6c; large, 6c
Fresh pork links, 9c. Boneless hams,10Kc
Plgs feet, half barrel, H 00; quarter barrel.
1315. '
Dressed Meats,
The followingprices are foraisfeed by Armour
A Co. on riresaed meltl Beef carcasses. 450to550
L&8. 5c; 550 to 650 Be, 6c; 650 to 750 Ba 6K&Kc.
oneep, iftc f" ijamos; wf s. xiogs, oc
Fresh pork loins, 7c.
Diphtheria is raging at Sioux' City, la.
ColonelJ.W.Ingraham. Treasurer of the
Jeffersonville, Ind., School Board, is (20,000
The fraudulent transactions of FredeVick
sen A Co., of Chicago, will reach $1,080,060. The
concern gave mortgages on land to which it bad
no title.
Chief Postoffice Inspector Rathbone is
informed of tbe arrest or A. E-BonsalLat
Cleveland, O., upon a charge of violating the
privacy ot letters.
A keg of powder in a deserted building
near Greshville waa set afire Mondav bv three
boys, and one of tbe lads, William Wolfgang,
was fitally injured in the explosion which
wrecked the building. t
By a will draws up ten days before her
death. Mrs. Crocker, of San Francisco, divided.
ber $11,000,000 estate between ber children. Ac
cording to her wishes, the heirs will set 11,000,
060 apart for charitable purposes.
The loss by fire at the Hecla Iron Witrks In
Williamsburg, Monday night, is about 1100,000.
An explosion Is supposed to have started the
fire The insurance is" unknown. About 660
men are thrown out of employment.
Nathaniel Ostrander, a burglar, escaped
from the Michigan Penitentiary. He waa a
trusted convict, and had keys to different
apartments. Warden Hatch gives as a reason
for Ostrander's departure that the convict was
In a wreck on tbeJEast Tennessee, Virginia
and Georgia Railroad, vesterday, near Green
ville, Tenn., Engineer Gregg Dunn was thrown,
under his engine and fatally injured. The ex
press messenger and four passengers were bad
ly hurt
The output of the furnace of the Warwick
Iron Company, at PottSrllle, for tbe week just
closed, was 814 tons ot Iron, the largest for a
single day being 124. This is considered by ex
perts here the largest output made by an an
thracite furnace of its size, 16x70 feet.
A natural gas explosion at Dayton yester
day morning wrecked the residence of Scott
Hawthorne Two children were killed; Haw
thorne, bis wife and father were terribly and.
probably fatally injured. They were takes to
the hospital. The explosion was heard all over
the city.
An east-bound freight on the Pennsylvania.
Railroad was wrecked at Falmouth Monday
night by a broken axle. Fifteen loaded cars
were wrecked and eight throws into the caaaL
Several cars were loaded with cattle, a number
of which were drowned.
The decision of the Newton County Circuit
Court, holding that Indiana's school book law
is unconstitutional, causes much surprise. Gov
ernor Hovey thinks that the decision is not
sound, and has asked the Attorney General of
the State to defend tbe law in the Supreme
It is official! v stated that the Rt Hon. Peter
r O'Brien, now Attorney General In Ireland, suc
ceeds sir Michael Morns as Lord cnier. J osuoe
of Ireland. Mr. Madden, now Solicitor Gen
eral, becomes Attorney General, and Mr. At
kinson becomes Solicitor General aad Crown
Tbe steamer Enesgie, from Bremea, which
arrived at New York yesterday, reports that M
noon os the 26th lactase, oS Nantwsket, ss
spoke tbe ship A. J. Fuller, from Liverpool far
New York, which signaled: "Have oa beard
crew and paaseaeen of sterna sr Santiago. All
saved. Ship destroyed by fire."
The Afro-American League's Conveaties.
called to meet at Nashville January 15 seat,
will meet Instead at Chicago, the date reanin
lag the same. The reason assigned for the
change is that Chicago offers better aeeeasBe
datloas and it is. believed, to be mere favoraMy
disposed to "Afro-Amerieaa ettizeae."
Mr. Farke, editor of the iVbrrt London
Preu, was arraigned oa tbe ebarge ot criminal
libel preferred agatoss him by the Earl of
Boston. His Lordship admitted that he hod
visited the bouse in Cleveland street, bat
claimed that be visited there for a lawfal pur
pose Mr. Parke was coasmltted for triait
Another big. find of natural gas kaskeea
made at Buffalo. Mr. George Rochevol, the
brewer, put downaweU. At the depth of 965
feet a flow was struck that will give at leaeC
660,000 cubic feet of gas every 24 hears. Mr.,
Bochevol has arranged 'to pipe tbe gas for
domestic aad manulftetnrioc parseses tkreach-
out tne city.
William Dyer, Ira Chamberlain and Saa
Dyer, while hunting near Washiegtos, Ind.,
were accidentally shot by George Chamberlain,
Sun Dyer died iamediately. The' others are
serionslv injured. Chamberlaia's doable-barreled
shotgun was accidentally dleeaargea1, aad
the contents of both barrels foaad lodgment in
the bodies of bis companions.
Harrison. Frasier A Co., of Philadelphia,
which operates the Franklin Sagar Refinery,
will form a corporation to coedoct the business.
By transferring the enterprise to a corporation
tbe concern will be la a better poaitiem to meet
the competition of the Sugar Trust, and of Mr.
Sprockets' new refinery, whlea will bcgla busi
ness the latter end of tbe week;
A shortage of many thoasaad dollars ha
been discovered m tbe Provincial Crown Laads
Office at Charlottetown, P. E.L Tbe Charlotte
town patriot says Hon. Donald. Ferguson, the
Land Commissioner, is charged with doing away
with the daily cash boot so that weeks wentby
without a balance being atruok. while the oslr
record ot toe oauy proceedings ta existence
is in receipt book stubs.
25cts. a Box.
Borai aad United Stales Mall
Germanic, Nor. 20.3 ptajGerraanlc, Sec. lS,lnU'
BrltannlcKov.SJteS Brltoanlc,lee.3Sieaa
Adriatic, Dec 4, J p m 'Adriatic, Jan. L
Teatonlc,Decll,7:30sm Ceitfe. Jtn. s.
from White Star dock, rooter West Teeth sC
Second cabin on these (teener. Saloon rates,
S0 and upward. Second oabia. S Hi upward,
according to (teaser and loeaMess-erberti. Xx
cnrslon tickets oa fliroraWe tern, gtssngt. fH.
White btar drafts payable oa deseed ta alt lae
principal banks throat-boat (treat Britain. Ap
ply to JOB ji J. MCCUKMICK. est aad 4ft S!ta
ield St., Flttabarr, or J. BKiiCKiaetAr, Gen
eral Agent, 4i Broadway, Mew Kent. aoSS-D
tinted Steles Mail ttmru
SaU every BATURUAY from
CalllBfc at MOV1LLE, (LoadOBderry.)
Cabin panaare to Glasgow, Ureraool or LoaSea
derry. raadai6.Ttouad trie, fnajHtstte.
Beeoad-olaes. fH. Steerage, fat.
Beatroatftto Alfriers and coast ot Iferroeeo.
Axores, MS te fs: Mseles, W to Met: Yeate. SISS.
Dram o Ureat Britain, lrelaad or Italy,
and letters of credit at faroraM rases.
Apaly to HESf DKBSON BMUTHnia. X. Y or
J. j7afoC04tMlC5.ea4 44 SaiWtBtd st. ;A.U.
WWWftSONi. 41SSmltha4dst., HllMMIrf; W.
asssz-LiA, ar Jm reoersa ., .juhbwbv
Tt Glatgow, Bolfatt, DnWin
and Lhwpt
Uaua vaseaae f to m. au t aimaa er ,
er stataVMSB. axcarsiea ffl
and iress aarope
J. J.
4 .
TJie Great Exterminate !fcJ,
. - Blood 3r?olsa. "
I Air of theoulnlon SL S. S. should I
the bead of tbe list of blood remedies.. I a.
rived at this conclusion from the testtaswy &.
scores of persons who bave told ladoftliJ
tmaA resnlts from Its saa. I hare been selttM '
RR.R.fflfrMM unit II li ,1111 aim Mil alile n .?m
n A n-piiyiMTT ViHnvilr Arle. J ?
---.--,-,- -riM-i
Treatise on Blood ana tnua diseases amjm ,
The Swn-r Specitio Cct, Drawer 8, AMaaiaH'.
Special attractions sow opea la
goods specially suited tar tbe
Holiday Irak
Sealers are invited to inspect tbe sieetri
which is complete, and at prices whica
not fail to impress the Dover. - :s
" '$,.
This Is now conceded to be the best fat
market, u witnessed bv the factual we as
Inst secured the DIPLOMA FOB EXCl
LENCEatthePure Food Cxpositiom, sew b
lnzneld in fhiiaueipnia.
Aad with the bright appetising Savor of tMm
lyrtasseaoeei. f4
Issue travelers' credits throne Mi
Mornn 4 Col, New York. Paseseets
Complete Protactkw 8ewe4L
To all holders of BoBde, Steek awl mt.
Kinds oi uecunties, vaiuaoie i-aeers, j
etc Safes for rest at So a year aad
Ample provision for the storage of B8i ui aaaagj
jewelry, ei, at reaeouaoie ratea. Anmss-i
ecutor, admiaistrator. guardiaa, traetee, aB?j
Slgnee and aii omer nanciarr cspagmes.
A. Garrison. Prest WasKeWKMaTa
EiUreefclstViceP. Beet, a Moata,A
Wm.Bea.2dViceP. SecaadTnaa.
Henry a. .sillier, uoaaeei, n o. im Fssra i
Stocks, Beads, Grain,
Private wire to New York a4
46 SIXTH ST P1s4hh.
l !
r -
814 FXXN AYIKUst. TITTSasOsMs. Pitt, j
Jis oKLresideats knew aad back Siea
bare aaners prove. Is the oldest easa
and taest prominent pfeysielan in Maai
votlBsr special, alien tioa so au caroaiB
energy, ambition and hope. Impaired i
disordered aigat, sen euswaas.
dJasmess, ueepiesaaeas, msnpie,-e
poverished blood, f allieg powers, c
neee. dvsoepsia. ooastinatloa. eeea
flttins- the Tjersea for basinese. seeiety s
riage, permaneatiy, safely and ptivaaataji
ni rilin Salll a.lIBU usaai
DLUULniU OlMiiStaaes,
bJotohes, failing hair, bones, paiasy
srwAlllnafa. nleeratioaa of teturue. mtmt
ulcers, oldVwee, are cured for ttstwaa
Doieose taorontraly eradicated freea a
IlDlaJADV Wdeey aadblssfslsr
Unilinil I ameats, weak bae.
tarrhal dlechajnes. rnJU
ualnfnl svmatams reeelve
prompt relief aad real cures.
Br. Whlttler's life-load
ece, ineares sdeotiac and isBahes
oa coassoa-seBeepnucipiesv. w
Patients at a distance as caresMiy
here. OBce hours 8 A. at t s r.
i8A.ls-toi.p. m. oaiy. na, w.
reun avenue, fitieoarg, ra.
act SK pan-wk.
NERVOUj ftilUftj
lom or mhShwv.
rtai nartlcnlan la
seat free. The aeaclae I
Bvaelae sold by draa(tsei
yellow wrapper, rrjea. I
yellow wrapper.
. nansairn or six ffl
jpo'lR lo reosipc of price, vr aaw
Sold- la Pitusarg y3. S. HULLAMU J
paeaage, or tax ryr pver
.oa receipt of prlee. vr i
saithaeld and Liberty sts.
auurln seientrtk) aad oi
tial treatsoeatl Dr. S. K.
M.K.C.P. S,ita
meet exserteeced as
the cltr. CoMoltatloa :
atrtetlv eoaftstaatiaL
etm It aad 7 to 8r.x.; aada,lei
x.Coaeelt taeaaperseaaHy. or wrMe. .
XAxa. 338 Fsaa are, Pittsburg. Pa,
?M OotrtoOKik
of Cotton Boo. 1
foaaytuyai a reeeas as
C tlaul T Prlee
naiaiiwi jb sworn
sealed. Ladies, aafc yoar dracgM
couea Jsmc uaaapassaa aaa saae i
goofc, Woodwatd ave Desroti, 1
JV&old la PlttakarK Pa, by Jo
me ia aaa, xnamead aad Jsaraet i
l.ess. IwtffgKjmhiaMel Tag
a- foil partttassrs for acta cess,
i .J r ,