Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 27, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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Sowders Breaks the Old Team
Banks, Braces Up and
It Ward -and Association .Magnates
Hatching a Big Deal.
The Ialest report of local interest in base
ball circles is to the effect that Pitcher Sow
den has signed with the old League club
here. Ward and the Association magnates
are reported hatching a sensational baseball
deal. Peter Priddy and Charles Boberts
h&Te been, matched to ran a mile.
"Word was received in the city yesterday
to the effect that Sowders had signed a
Zieagne contract to play in Pittsburg next
season. It was stated tbat Harry Smith had
signed the pitcher. HoweTer, neither Pres
ident iNimick nor Secretary Scandrett knew
anything about the matter. It is not im
probable that Sowders has signed, as it is
well known that the kindliest feelings did
not exist between Hanlon and Sowders.
Time and time again Hanlon stated that Sow
ders was no use"7 as a pitcner.
It was further stated tbat Harry Smith was
on his way to sign Beckley and Staley. It is
not likely, however, that Smith will get either
of them.
Beckley Is content to wait, and Staley told the
writer at the close of last season tbat be cer
tainly meant to play in a Brotherhood team.
Staley was one of the most enthusiastic sup
ports of the new departure, and it is safe to say
that bo will at least not sign a League contract
as long as there is a chance of the Brotherhood
It is likely, however, tbat Sunday will remain
with the old club. A Pittsburger. who claims
to know whereof he speaks, stated yesterday
that Sunday will assuredly be in the old team
next year. Yesterday President Nimick re
peated his opinion to the effect tbat the old
club will have tbe opportunity to sign all the
old players. -At any rate," said Mr. Nimick,
"we will have a first-class team, whether the
old players are with as or not. Depend upon
It, the League games will jnst be as attractive
as they have ever been, and we are in to stay.
"We have the money to spend in tbe fight, if
there is one. Baltimore is a good city, and tbe
League has done well to get tbat city Into its
ranks. Tbe club is a strong one, and will be
here. The change will induce all tbe old play
ers of the team to remain with it"
It is also rumored that Manager Hanlon has
sscured Hallman, Thompson and Lyons to clay
in the Pittsburg team. This report, however,
seems to lack reliability, as it is much too soon
to distribute players yet. Not a club in the
proposed new league has its full compliment ot
meu, and each is still signing all tbe good men
St can cet. It seems probable, therefore, tbat
no distribution ot players will be made until
alter the meeting in December next. IX tbo
new league is a go Lyons and Hallman would
be very worthy additions to this club, but'one
or two good pitchers will probably be needed
as much as anything else. Tbe only reliable
pitchers at present are Oalvin and Staley if he
sicns with the new club. Neither Conway nor
Morris are to be depended on. A gentleman
interested in tbe Brotherhood stated yesterday
that Hanlon is aware of tbe probable weakness
in tbe pitcher's box, and wul strengthen it as
Boon as he can.
Ward and the Association Officials Making
a Dicker.
Columbus, O., November 36. There was the
mbst- innocent appearing baseball meeting
held-in-tnis-crry-to-day that anyone could im
agine. Chris Von der Ahe, of St. Louis: King
WhitaVcr. of Philadelphia, and Zack Fbelps,
tbe newly elected President of tbe American
Association, quietl) slipped into town unan
nounced, for tbe alleged purpose of conferring
with Mr. Lazarus as to tbe best method of fill
ing the existing vacancies in the American
Association. Their movements were very mys
terious; their coming was unheralded. Acting
President Wikoff, upon being interrogated,
knew nothing of the meeting. Tbe gentlemen
failed to register at any of the hotels, but were
corraled at a prominent restaurant while tak
ing their supper, and acknowledged that
they were simply having a meet
ing of the Finance Committee of the Associa
tion, ot which Von der Ahe, Whitaker and
Lazarus are members, to approve President
Phelps' bond and also to consider a few appli
cations to fill tbe vacancies in tbe Association.
Tbey refnsed to give tbe names of the cities
which bad applied for membership or those
which the; favored. This looked very plausi
ble on its face, but the fact that a mysterious
stranger, whom no one seemed to know, bad
been reen in their, company gave color to tbe
suspicion that the whole story had not been
told. It was ascertained tbat tbe mysterious
strancer was none other than John Montgom
ery Ward, the President ot tbe Brotherhood,
tbe leading organizer of tbe Players' National
League, who had come here for consultation
with the Association magnates. Mr. Ward was
as secretive as the others, and failed to regis
iter at the hotel where be, took his mels. The
gentlemen all kept ont of sight, and it
was almost impossible to even set a sight of
them. Your correspondent followed up the
clew be got, but was onlv able to catch
Bight of Ward and Whitaker as tbey
boarded a train for the East. Fbelps and
Von der Abe cannot be found to-night,
although they are still in tbe city and cannot
leave for borne before 3 a. k. It is not known
what matters were considered, but it is known
that Ward was in consultation with Brother
hood leaders by telegraph all day. and that it
was finally arranged to bold tbe special Flayers'
League meeting here on the 9th day of Decem
ber, at tbe same time tbe Association meeting
is to be held. Ward bad no authority to make
any deal, but tbe fact tbat tbe two organiza
tions will meet here on tbe came date, and tbe
self-satisfied look on tbe faces of the Columbus
directors, lead to tbe conclusion tbat a favor
able result was reached. It can only be sur
mized what the coalition will mean, and tbat is
the admission of the Columbus, St. Louis
and Athletic clubs, and tbe dropping of
Louisville and, Baltimore, tbe Athletics
to take the place of tbe Philadelphia
Players' League team; tbe joint organization
to gobble tbe best players of the Baltimore and
Louisville clubs and apportion tbe present Phil
adelphia Players' League players among tbe
other clubs, thus filling ud tbe gaps caused by
the defection in tbe ranks of the Brotherhood
of the players wbo have or will sign League
contracts. Smooth Mr. Fbelps don't propose
to be left in this deal, for be is to be President
of tbe Players' League, and a right good one
he will make. Tnej have been at a great loss
for a man of ability and experience for this po
sition, and here is their opportunity.
Phelps savs he will not assume tbe office of
President of tie Association until the'Decem
bermeeling. In the meantime the Finance
Committee will have Wikoff s accounts aud
ited, when he will turn over the whole outfit to
Mr. Phelps.
Tucker Means to Join tbe Players' New
Baltimoee, November 26. Manager
Barnie. of tbe Baltimore Baseball Club, re
ceived a letter to-day from First Baseman
Tucker, in which tbe latter declared tbat he
intended signing a Brotherhood contract.'
Barnie then announced that en last Friday he
had visited Tucker in Holyoke. Mass., and ob
tained tbe tatter's signature to an agreement to
play with Baltimore for two years.
Tucker at tbe time stated be had signed with
the Brotherhood, but tbat it was done on Son
day, and was not therefore binding. Since
Barnie's return to this city Tncker received a
.Brotherhood contract, which he now proposes
to sign. Barnie exhibited bis agreement, and
romises to make Tncker keep it. Shortstop
idler, of thaBaltimores, was released to-day.
Be Has to Concede Roberts 20 Yards la a
Peter Priddy is matched again to ran a mile.
-His opponent this time is Charles Roberts, ot
Toungstown, O., to whom Priddy is to concede
20 yards of a start. Priddy was informed of tbe
. match yesterday by letter from a Yonngstown
t-s, Auennernaay-Mcweiiinaracctne toungs-
-i town sports began a discussion regarding tbe
tbey were matched to ran, as stated, for 200
on Christmas Day.
Roberts Is puddler, and is not known as a f oot
rnnner. Prlddv wired to his friend In loungS-
town last evening telling him to go on with ths
match. The Pittsourger is in excellent condi
tion, and is confident of defeating Roberts if he
is not a "ringer."
An Orsantzatlon'of the Hackney Horsemen
to be Effected.
Younostowjt, On November 26. An Im
portant meeting of the most prominent horse
men of the country will be held here December
12, at which time an organization will be effect
ed known as the American Hackney Horse-'
men's Society, for tbe purpose ot issuing a
stallion book, registering every animal
of tbat creed. Tbe regulation will
be similar to the Hackney Horsemen's Society,
of England. Tbe meeting will be held at tbe
office of John A Logan, Jr., ana among those
vho have signified their intention ot attend
ing are A J. Cassatt, of Philadelphia; Henry
Fairfax, of Virginia, and T. V. Harvey and L.
C Bruce of Chicago.
Papers signed by John A Logan, Jr., and
other prominent horsemen, were forwarded to
Columbus to-night for the incorporation of the
American Blooded Horse Association. The
association will give a week's running races
here next Jane.
New Orleans Sporting Men Want a Sullivan-
Jackson Mill,
rsrxcut. txxxgbax to the dispatch.
New Orleajts, November 28. A syndicate
of sporting men here, including Bad Renaud,
Leon Lamothe, Captain Galvin, Marsh Redon
and others, are making efforts to raise a purse
of J0,000 for a contest between John L. Sulli
van, the world's prize ring champion, and Peter
Jackson, the Australian colored champion.
According to tbe programme mapped ont, the
rival champion are to battle with gloves, ac
cording to Police Gazette rules, during the
Mardi Gras festival.
If a match was arranged for Sullivan and
Jackson to contend here, over 10,003 tickets at
S10 and 20 might be sold, while reserved seats
wonld bring from $25 to $50.
DIcAnltfte nnd Godfrey.
Bait FKAxpisco, November 26. Joe Alc-
Auliffe, tbe heavy-weight champion of tbe
Pacific coast, who recently detested Patsy
Cardiff and knocked out Pat Killen, the Dnlnth
slasher, of St. Paul, with scarcely an effort,
ismaking preparations to go to New York to
arrange a ten round contest with Jake Kilrain.
McAuliffe has received a communication from
tbe Farnell Athletic Club, of Boston, asking
the champion if he will figbt George Godfrey
(who recently defeated Jack Asht,on), for a
purse of 1.500 and his expenses. McAuliffe
has Instructed Billy Madden, of New York;
who will probably be the champion's manager,
to confer with the Parnell Athletic Club in re
gard to the match with Godfrev. ItisMc
Auliffe's ambition to meet Godfrey. Peter
Jackson. Jake Kilrain. and then, if successful,
to challenge John L. Sullivan to fight for 5.000
a side and tbe Police Gazette championship
belt. Sullivan now holds tbe championship of
tbe world. Since MoAuliff o's accidental defeat
by Peter Jackson, ho has been successful in all
contests, and sporting men here claim he is
bound to be champion.
Elizabeth, Entries.
New York. November 26. Entries at Eliza
beth for to-morrow:
First race, purse W0, for all ages, allowances to
non-winners, five furlonns U. W. Cook 112,
Iteparlec III, Tipstaff 107. Winona 104, Benefit W.
GlorvN, WarsawW, Issaquena filly 91.
Second race, purse SUM ror all ages, selling
allowances, five furlongs Frejoles 112. Freedom
IE, Barrister 108. Cambyses 108, narristmrj; 103.
AdolphliB, Alfred B 97. Uamle.ll 81. He-Echo 88,
.Edward 87.
Third race, purse
400. for all arc
res, allowance
Xor non-winners. sir fnrlonirs Bohemian 112.
Lela Mar. Harry Fanstus, Battersby, each 107; Al
Keed. Glendalc, Gay Gray, each 100; Manola 96.
Fourth race, purse 400, for 2-year-olds, six fur
longs Printer, Trestle, Llslmony. itobesplerre.
Civil Service, each US: Tnlla Blackburn 112.
Fifth race, parse S4Q0. for horses that have not
won this month, special allowances, six and a
half farlonm Geroulino 112, Connemira log, Tav
lstou. Tbeodosins, each 107; Prince Karl, Pelham,
Bill Barnes, Later On, Wheeler T, each 102; Mr.
Pelham Si.
Sixth race, handicap, for all apes, parse S40O,
one mile Lavlnla Belle, Golden Keel, each 114;
Wilfred 104, Santalcne 103, Puzzle, King Idle,
each 100; Glenmound S3, W. Daly, Jr., 96.
Clifton Entries.
New York. November 28. Entries for to
morrow at Clifton are as follows:
Firs race, six and one-half furlongs, selling
St. Paris 114. Hairspring 108, (supervisor 104, Sea
tick 102, Alveda93, Bonnie Leaf coliM, Hardship
94. UunganSO, Squandrosa.
Second race, five fnrloncs-Gray Dawn 119,
EbllB 1:2, Helen McGregor colt 112, Davis 110,
ConstgneeytiO, Lady Archer 107, Annette 107.
KnssellA 105, FranVIe K 103, Olivia VS, Lady
Winkle HO, Lily &1102, Ban AdonlalOZ.
Third race, seven furlonps. selling: Prodigal
104. Mattie Looram 102, Cant Tell 102, Little Bare
foot 98. riayfalr9S, Oracle S3, Bessie K87
Fourth race, seven ana a half furlonjrs Gray
Cloud 100. Firefly 100, Frank Ward 100, Elgin luO,
Kaloolah 97.
Firth race, handicap, mile and an eljthth Jug
gler 112, Macbeth Second 106, Sam D 104, J. Mc-
rarianu lie, wanooiia, tieveas.
j, uevew.
handicap, six and one-half
Capulln 87, Mary T 83, St.
'8, Prince Edward 70.
Mxtn race, owners1 na'
furlongs Autocrat 93, t
John 0, Little illnch 78,
Wants to Bear From Farrell.
New Yoke, November 28. Arthur Upbam
called at the Illustrated Jfeies office to-day and
said tbat he bad not received any reply from
Pat Farrell, of Pittsburg, in regard to bis chal
lenge to him. Upbam thinks it is very strange
tbat a man who claims to be so anxiens to fight
as Farrell pretends to be does not accent the
offer he made him several weeks ago. Upbam
will give a four-round sparring exhibition on
December 4 at Centerville, this State, and tbe
following week he will give another exhibition
at New Haven.
Schnefer Won't Play.
Chicago, November 26 It Is virtually set
tled that Jacob Schaefer will not play in the
great billiard tournament being arranged for
In New York, as he will not accept the handi
cap arrangement settled upon. He says be
doesn't want to. en into anj tournament with
bis hands tied. Billiard experts might under
stand the difficulties under which he would
labor, but the public wouldn't.
May Not bell the Track.
There Is still some doubt as to what will be
done with tbe Homewood race track. Yester
day a prominent official of the association said
that it would not be sold for a long time to
come. "We will hold on to it for a while long
er," he said. Another official said that it will
rertalnly be sold, and that a meeting will be
held on December 11 to wind up the affairs.
Jnek Bates Leaves for Philadelphia.
YoTjKGSTOWW.O.,November 26. Jack Bates,
the young featherweight, who has been visiting
his parents, left to-dav for Philadelphia, where
he is matched to fight an unknown with two
ounce gloves for 25a
Smith Defeats GloTer.
San Francisco. Cau, November al In a
fight to a finish last night at the rooms of the
Occidental Athletic Club, for a purse of 800,
Frank Glover, formerly of Chicago, was easily
knocked out in nine rounds by Billy Smith, of
Stnlry to Stern With the Boys To-Dny.
Dscatur. Ili. November 26. Harry Staley,
the Flttsbnrg pitcher, received to-day a Broth
erhood contract from Ed Hanlon, He savs be
will sign it immediately and return it to Pitts
burg. Sporting Kotes.
C.W.P. The deceased in question has not
been dead two years. A therefore wins the
There is a letter at tils office for John C.
Berger. the ball player, and another for "Pitts
burg Pbik"
President Nimick states that he has letters
from about 25 young players who want to sign
with the old club here.
A Colored Blan at BleKeesport Who At
tempted to Carre a Barber.
v Payne, colored, looked in on O. O.
Bow, in bis barber shop at McKecsport, last'
evening, and proceeded to vivisect thebarber
with one of ms razors. Bow entered a pro
test with a pistol and Payne agreed to defer
action. Subsequently Mr. Payue bound
himself to appear in court for examination
at the instance of Mr. Bow.
Inm grand annual prize turkey tourna
ment at Windsor Hotel, Brownsville road,
on Thanksgiving Day, JToTember 28, under
the management of Captain Williams.
aside at Yonngstown
Mrs. Sonthworth Found Guilty, by a
Coroner's Jury,N)f 8hooting
A Great Crush at tbe Inquest to See the
Frail, Frenzied Woman.
Her Lawyer Says She Will be Hoaoralty Acquitted,
Upon a TriiL
Tbe Coroner't inquest in. tbe case of
Stepben Pettus, tbe Elevated Eailway mag
nate of New York and Brooklyn, who was
shot by Mrs. Hanna Sonthworth, was held
yesterday. The evidence adduced was cor
roborative of the storrof the shooting as first
told, and the jury found in accordance
with it.
New Yoke, November 26. Coroner
levy and his jury went to-day through the.
forms necessary to discover and record
that on Friday, November 23, 1889, at
or about 10 o'clock A. M., and
in this county, Stephen Pettus
came to his death from pistol shot wounds
received at the hands of Mrs. Hanna B.
Sonthworth. Theproceedingswere scarcely
more than formal, since n6 evidence was
offered except that tending to make clear
the circumstances of the killing.
Those in front were fairly bent over the
rail by the crush, and seemed as if they
were thrusting their beads out in order to
get a few inches' closer view of
the woman who had killed a man.
Mrs. Sonthworth came up from the Tombs
in a carriage with Police Captain McLaugh
lin and Lawyer Howe. Her mother and
William B. Martin, ber brother, met her at
the court house, and the family, with
Lawyer Howe, sat at one end oi the law
yers' table.
Mrs. Sonthworth had improved in ap
pearance, but was still clearly a very frai
woman, and a heavy cough was evidence c
the disease of the lungs from
which she has suffered for many
years. Her emaciation is extreme. Her
reddish-brown hair was dressed more
tastefully, and had evidently been freshly
curled over the forehead and at the back of
tbe neck. Her wide, brown eyes were open
and bright. She seemed careless of all that,
passed about her, except at rare intervals.
The crowd eyed her huugnly, but'she seemed
not to know how she was being stared at.
The Coroner called Policeman Goodwin
as the first witness, and he said that on the
morning of the murder he was at his pott at
the corner of Fulton and South streets,
when he heard the shots, ran up and
seized the woman, and taking her into
tbe store where Mr. Pettus lay, asked
her why she had doni it She said that the
man had mistreated her and dishonored her.
Mr. Pettus was unable to speakT Goodwin
then took her to the police station. On the
way she said that the man had drugged her.
Philip Smith, clerk at 10 Fulton street,
saw Mr. Pettus run into the store and start
as if to search behind the door; then he took
two steps into the store, and fell on the floor.
Blood was gushing from his mouth, and he
died in a few' moments. The policeman
brought in the woman and asked her "if
the man was her hnsban'l. ' She replied:
"No, not my husband; bnt that man dis
graced me and ruined me."
Patrick Dongherty, an expressman, saw a
woman with a revolver chasing a man and
firing at him. She was about five ieet be
hind the man and aiming at his back.
William A. Dawson saw a man and
woman before him. He didn't notice them
particularly until he saw her take two or
three rapid steps and fire a revolver twice;
then there were two more shots and the
man turned partly around, and then
another shot She aimed straight at the
man's back. Examined by Mr. Howe as
to what property had been found on Mr.
Pettus' body when it was searched at the
station bouse, he mentioned a letter which
Mr. Howe wanted produced.
Mr. Howe had photographic copies of the
Bosa Lloyd letters in his hand, and he com.
pared them curiously with the one the Coro
ner handed him. Then he asked
that the letter be put in evi
dence. Lawyer Bedford objected, but
the Coroner allowed it, and Mr. Howe read
the letter found in the dead man's pocket,
with his best dramatic effect, marred some
what by mistakes in making out the words.
It was from a woman with whom he was ev
idently maintaining close relations.
As he read, Mrs. Sonthworth, for the first
time, manifested interest in the case. She
sat leaning forward, with her eyes shining,
drinking in every word. Afterward
she asked Mr. Howe to get the
letter for her, and when he had
done so she compared it herself
excitedly with the handwriting in the Bosa
Lloyd photos. Apparently it satisfied ber
that tbey were in different writing, and that
there must have been still another woman
with whom Pettus was involved. After a
time her excitement left her, and she re
lapsed into indifference again.
The Coroner asked Mr. Howe if his client
had any statement to make, and Mr. Howe
replied: "Some years since, when this
lady, who is ot good family, who had relig
ions teaching and is highly educated, first
became acquainted with this modern
Tarquin, and I disgrace the name of that
ancient betrayer in comparing him with
Pettus, she believed him to be a man of
honor. Confiding woman that she was, she
trusted him. He drugged her and worked
her dishonor."
Mrs. Sonthworth here was heard to ex
claim excitedly, as she tugged at her coun
sel's coat with one hand: "Don't! Don'tl
Don't!" He turned to her, and saying in a
low voice: "We must tell the truth
abont it, yon "know," placed his left hand
upon her shoulder, and so continued,
she leaning her head -against his side
and sobbing. Her mother, also, who had
been quietly weeping all the morning under
her black veil, pushed it up to wipe her
eyes and wet cheeks more easily.
Mr. Howe continued: "The work of ruin
in tbe course of time caused her to suffer
that which left her a physical wreck. It
would be inhuman -and cruel, as
well as useless, - for me to place
her on the stand now, when I am
informed that proceedings already under
way in,another place would probably result
in the service 01 a bench warrant upon ber
before she bad said a dozen sentences,
and all that has been done
here rendered nugatory, and a farce.
This little woman trusts herself to a world
of fathers and brothers and mothers. This
'jury must find that Stephen Pettus
died by bullets at her hand,
but when it comes Ho her trial, she
and her mother and I will represent ber
story, and she will leave the court room on
my arm, the verdict being that be
trayers and other rascals are punish
able for their acts, even in this world.
She says he deserved his late, and that will
be tbe verdict of the people of tbe State of
New York, after a petit jury shall have so
declared it"
The Coroner thereupon committed her to
ihe Tombs without bail, to await the action
of the grand jury.
A Cnnudiau Edacalor'a Horsewhip.
Tetebboeo, Ont., November 26. JT. B.
MeWiHiams, a school trustee, went to the
Institute this morning, and, before a class
of pupils,' horsewhipped the Professor of
Languages 7. C. Colbeck. Vc Williams'
complaint is that Colbeck-had. cruelly
whipped his son, leaving cat aad bruises
on his body.
heitteg msfmWMoWT
a Drunken Riot In the Mountains
West Virginia Many Harder
Trial All the Ifewa
'From Nearby Towns.
Chableston, W. Va., November 28.
Information reaches here this evening that
there was a big riot in the Flat Top mining
district, in Mercer county, last night, in
which seven nten were shot, two being
killed instantly. All the parties in the
affray were negroes, and it grew out of a
drunken spree, tne men having been, paid
off yesterday morning. No names are given,
and no other particulars are known.
William Hopkins on Trial far Kllllnc His
Wife and SIotber-lD-Iiaw.
. BEM.EF01TTE, Pa, Hovember 28. The trial
of William Seeley Hopkins, who murdered his
wife Maggie Hopkins, and his mother-in-law,
Esther Wigamon, opened here this morning.
Hopkins pleaded not guilty. It took three
hours' before a jury was secured. The court
room was crowded when court opened. The
Judge first addressed the Jnry on their solemn
duty, after which District Attorney Meyer
opened the case for the Commonwealth.
Twelve witnesses were called this afternoon,
amohg whom were tbe physicians wbo held the
post mortem examination.
The evidence was damaging against Hop
kins. The fact of his having been seen coming
out of tbe bouse in his stocking feet and with
out his hat; his going to a livery stable and
trying to sboot himself, and that he told tbe
crowd that he bad shot his wife and mother-in-law;
the finding of tbe bodies of the murdered
women in the house immediately after he had
left it, they having been seen alive a short time
before, gives very damaging evidenco against
him. The case will be continued to-morrow.
A Hnnararlan OInrderor to be Tried In Hli
Native Iinnd.
Gbeensbubo, November 26. On the night
ot December 25 last a Hungarian named
Geprire Kuno stabbed and killed a fellow-
countryman named George Fori, at Mammoth,
this county. The quarrel arose over the distri
bution of meat Kunc, after he committed the
crime, fled tbe country, and nothing was heard
of him until a few days ago, when it was
learned tbat be bad been arrested in his native
country, having gone there after leaivngthis
The authorities there sent to Coroner K.B.
Hammer, of this place, for a copy of the in
quest held over tbe body of tbe deceased. The
doctor complied with tbe request, and tbe
paper is now on its way to Hungary, where the
murderer will be tried for the crime committed
One More Witness In tbo Neff Trial.
"WAsnrNQTON, .November 26. Court ad
journed at 3.30 p. u. until to-morrow morning,
at the instance of tbe defense, In order that an
important witness may be brought here to
testify in the Neff murder trial. The only
witness on the stand this afternoon was Frank
Clark, Sr., who Is indicted for complicity in the
affair, bnt who is ont on ball, his case not
having been heard. The testimony was in
tended to prove an alibi. Judge Mclfvaine will
probably deliver his charge to the jury on
Thanksgiving Day. 4
A Father Kidnaps Hla Child.
Youkgstown, November 26. Mrs. Cathe
rine Bigney reported to the police this after
noon tbat her grandson, aged 7 years bad been
kidnaped. Six years ago Mrs. James O'Mara,
daughter of Mrs. Bigney, died, leaving the boy
in her cbarge, and she has Baa entire control of
him. The father recently marriea again, and
to-day, driving to tbe school tbe lad was attend
ing, placed him in a carriage and drove away.
No clew has been obtained to either father or
A Permanent Hospital for Johnstown.
Johnstown, November 26. The Seventh
Ward Hospital was to-day transferred to the
Valley Hospital Asseciatlon. The money
diverted lrom the relief fund, amounting to
110.000 bas been received by the association and
will be nsed in maintaining tbe temporary hos
pital and in purchasing a site for a permanent;
buildlnc of which no location has as vet heen J
A Smallpox Kcnre In Ohio.
Tiffin, November 26. At the village of
Petersburg, on thesouthern border of this
connty, the daughter of John Smith is very low
with smallpox. A large number of people
were exposed and great excitement preva
Woolen Mills Destroyed by Fire..
Wheeling, November 26, The Hanningjon
Woolen Mills, at Mannlngton. Marion connty,
were almost totally destroyed by fire to-night.
Loss, 520,000; insurance only $3,000.
With One ot Them He Wrts In Lore, the
Other Wn Her Niece.
Eocklakd, Me., November 26. George
Clough, 23 years old, shot Mrs. Jacob G.
Ludwig and Miss Eva Wooster to-night and
then escaped. He was infatuated with Mrs.
Ludwig, who is the wife of a prominent
business man, and persisted in his atten
tions, although she refused to notice
him, until his mind was turned.
Then he threatened to kill her.
To-night Mrs. Ludwig visited net
sister, Mrs. Wooster, and ber niece
Eva walked borne with her. Clough mtt
them, and, after passing them, turned and
fired two shots. One struck Mrs. Ludwig
in the neck and passed out of the month.
The second bullet hit Miss Wooster above
the right eye, and remained in the head.
She is dangerously wounded.
Mrs. Ludwig's wound was not considered
serions at first, but it is now feared that she
will die from the effect of heart disease. A
posse of officers are scouring the country in
search of the assassin.
Consolidation Crnzo Extends to the
Celestial Washermen.
New York, November 26. On next
Sunday fternoon the leading Chinese laun
dry men of New York, Brooklyn and Jer
sey City will convene at 16 Mott street, for
the purpose of making a combination for
their mutual benefit, "The new union, or
trust," says Grand Choou Jon, "is to be
called 'Zoon Kwan Ye Shon Hong,' the
'Great Consolidated Laundry Union.'
"The priceof membership will be 55 a year
for each laundry,and no laundryman will be
admitted except skillful iron era. Any one
having a card of membership can be erar
ployed by any laundry at 'Zoon Kwan Ye
Shon Hong' rates, $2 per day and board in
winter and $3-in summer.
"When this organization is completed it
will be tbe biggest Chinese laundry unipn
in the world, as it will embrace at least
1,200 laundries."
Diphtheria Utterly Prostrates Several
Towns la Illinois.
Indianapolis, November 26. At Illi
opolis, 111., and Vicinity there are over 60
cases of diphtheria, and many deaths have
occurred among old and young, with many
more who will -die. Public schools have
been closed and all churches and Sunday
-schools suspended.
In some cases there are hardly enough
well to wait on the sick and bury the dead,
for lear of catching tbe disease. It is also
very had at Monticello, Waverly, Peters
burg, Springfield, Pekin and other places.
Government Contracts for Keytone Firm-.
Washington, November 261 The following,
among other awards of contracts for furnishing
material to be used in the construction of the
machinery of the cruisers Nos. 7 apd 8, at New
York; have been made by tbe Navy Depart
ment: Bethlehem Iron Company, South Beth
lehem, Fa., finished steel shafts. 81 cents a
pound, to tbe amount of about 570,000: MIdvalo
Bteel Company, Philadelphia, piston rods, con
necting rods, etc., 166.577; Oliver Iroa aad Steel
Company, Pltttbarg, rlveta, KMa. .
A Pilot to Blame for a CoIIWob-Tbo 1st
presa of Anntrla Visits a Harem
Brown Si Co. Will Pay 38 Cents
on the Dollar.
The cream of the latest news as contained
in condensed telegrams is presented below.
The New York State Court of Appeals yes
terday confirmed jurjgmeifts ot lower courts
ousting Han. Thomas C. Flatt from tbe office
of Quarantine Commissioner because not a
resident of New York City. He voted in
Oswego, where he claimed residence, and lived
In New York City, where he claimed domicil.
At a meeting in Philadelphia yesterday reso
lutions looking to the betterment of Kusslan
exiles in Siberia were passed, and steps will be
taken to reach the Russian Government
through tbe approacbing Prison Convention in
St. Petersburg.
Lieutenant Schboessb, one of tbe in
ventors of the Driggf-Scbroeder gun, denies
bis invention bas been sold to England, and
Also that it is unappreciated in America. Our
navy is already nsmg it.
CKEDlTOHSof M.Brown & Co.. shirt maun-
facturers. New YorarCity, yesterday decided to
take 30 cents on a dollar. Liabilities 190.000.
A son and partner gambled the firm to ruin.
Mb. Blaine has informed Florida authori
ties that tbe action of the Spanish Consul
toward tbe Key West strikers bas been re
ferred to the Department ot Justice.
CANADA'S Admiralty Court has decided the
pilot of tbe steamer Folnyesian to be blam-
able for tbe collision with tbe Cynthia, on the
St, Lawrence river, last summer.
subject upon whlch-CoI. R. G. IngersoUwlllad
dress tbe annual meeting of the Mew York
State Bar Association. ,
Thb Court of Appeals In New York yester
day decided the United States Express Com
pany must pay taxes to that State under tbe
corporation tax law.
Abchbisbop Labasttse, of Mexico, is re
ported as saying his native pne3ts are useless,
and is said to have sent to Spain for COO priests.
A French milliner of New York City was
yesterday made to pay $1,000 fine for having
imported a French woman to work in her shop.
T. H. Wines, of Illinois, will be special agent
for tbe collection of statistics for the eleventh
census relative to pauperism and poverty.
Virginia's railroads in the last fiscal year
increased gross receipts over 1888 by $3,000,000.
The State has 45 railroads.
C Lrr hogbafh crayons hitherto imported un
der a 30 per cent duty are to be admitted at 20
per oent hereafter.
The Maritime Congress at Washington made
little progress with amendments to rules of tbe
toad for small vessels.
The Welland Canal will be closed at mid
night, November 30, for the remaindesjof the
The Empress of Austrla,ho is now In
Tunis, yesterday visited the Bey's Harem.
THEHaytien Minister at Washington dis
credits reports of revolt In HaytL
A Warrant Issued for the Arrest of His
Companion Wbo Struck. Him.
Michael McDermott, the 13-year-old boy
who was struck with a missile Friday, died
yesterday at his home, No. 74 Locust street,
from lockjaw. As stated in Tee Dispatch
yesterday, McDermott was a gatherer in the
Excelsior Glass Works, on Forbes street.
On last Friday, while he and some others
were playing, McDermott was struck on the
back. He received a severe blow, which
injured his spine. Dr. W. F. Fdmundson
was called and pronounced tbe injury a
severe one. On Sunday lockjaw set in and
at 220 o'clock yesterday afternoon he died.
The Coroner was notified and an inquest
will be held to-day.
Ilurine his confinement from the ininrv.
tbe boy told Dr. Kdmundson and his mother
ttat he had been struck in the back by a
assblower named Hackett, with either an
'Pie or a piece of class, be did not know
hich. McDermott gave no further in-
irmation, but on the strength of this a war-
was issued for Hackett s arrest.
Dr. Edmundson and C. P. Seip held a
post mortem examination on the body of the
boy last nieht. They found that death
was the result of the injuries caused by the
Bliss Edyth Ward Newcomb Married to Gen.
Artemut' Grent-Greal-Grandson.
New Yobk, November 26. Edylh Ward
Newcomb, daughter at H. Victor Newcomb,
was married this afternoon to Seginald
Henshaw Ward, a great-great-grandson of
General Artemus Ward, of Bevolutionary
fame. The wedding ceremony, conducted
by the Bev. Dr. John Wesley Brown, of St.
Thomas' church, was performed in tbe draw
ing room at the home of the bride's father,
683 Filth avenue, iu the presence oi
relatives only. The bride's dress was
a superb one, of ivory white satin,
garnitured with round point lace that was
worn by her mother at. her own marriage.
She also wore her mother's veil of point
lace, caught up and fastened with a dia
mond representing the sun. It is her hus
band's gift. A solitaire diamond .necklace,
with pearl and diamond, the gilt of her
father, encircled her neck, while at tbe cor
sage she wore her brother's present, an or
chid of diamonds and a brooch of moonstones
and diamonds, the gift of her husband's
Hungarians Quarrel at Uawson Station and
One Kills His Comrade.
Dnring a quarrel which succeeded a
drinking bout among a gang ot Hungarians
near Dawson, on the I'emickey road, last
night, one of them stabbed another to the
heart, and, though efforts were "made to
arrest him, he succeeded in escaping.
to any one who will eontradlat
oy prooi our cuss tost
Aetna Blacking
WolttA Kakdolph.
To mske an InteTJicent test of this, try the follow
ingmethod Hangaetripof leather in a bottle of
Acme Blackhur, and leave it therefor a dar or a
month, Take it out and hang it up to dry and ex
amine ns condition esrefullr. We recommend ladies
to make a similar test with French Dresstair and
gentlemen with any liquid solution ot Paste Black
tog, or with liquid blacaiiis tha cornea in stone juss.
Hakes any kind of leather
Bs beautiful, rich, GLOSSY rOLJSH b no
equaled. Etna labor and amojance.
A PeHah lama a IrfoHth far Women, sad
A Week forMenandonHarnesa Leather
eren Four Meatus without renovatinc
Bold by Sioe Stores. Grocers, and deslera gener&Uji
This Is to certify that the partnership
heretofore existing between Charles A Cotbin
and H. Ogden Hill is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. The said Charles A. Corbln
will continue the business at Nos. 412 and 414
Ferry street, city, and will pay ail bills and
collect all accounts dne the said firm.
f 5LU
1 irS I "f
ruienni a I ins ui as, ass. amiijj
ContinH4 rem Ftrst Fetg.
1150,000, and he thoaght it would 'da Mm
town good. He says the people will now
put up better houses, and that he doesa't
believe one of the losers by the fire will be
financially injured. "If there are any,"
continued the Mayor, "we will take care of
them and see tbat tbey are placed on their
feet" From what I can ascertain, tbe in
surance will-s.m6unt to $76,000. IsSAEL.
Before the Fire Department Sed Tape Wu
Completely Unwound.
The news of tbe Xeechburg fire first
reached the city officials about 7 r. M.,
when the chief operator of the fire alarm
headquarters received a telegram addressed
to the fire chiefs of Pittsbtrg and Alle
gheny, saving: "Leechburg is burning
down; send us some engines." The opera
tor at once called up Chief Evans by tele
phone, who replied that the head of the De
partment of Public Safety was out of to wn
and he bad no power to act in the matter.
Chief Jones, of the Allegheny PIre De
partment, answered that he would have
everything in readiness to send an engine
and comoanv, and all preparations were
made, including the backing up ot a locomo
tive and flat car in the W est Penn yards,
Allegheny, when, at 10 P. M., a telegram
was received saying the fire was under con
On Trial For Improper Use of the United
States Halls.
Grand Bafiss, Hich., November 26.
The trial of Dr. Beid, the spirit postmaster,
began here to-day. The charge
is that of using tbe United
States mails for purposes of fraud. The
claim is that Beid advertised that he would,
lor a consideration, obtain communications
for mortals from their dead friends, and
that he knew he could not do it.
The Spiritualists consider it as an attack
on their religion,and have gathered in large
numbers. Witnesses have been subpmnaed
from alJ over the.country, and great interest
is being manifested.
Wet tern
Fennsylvania, West
Virginia and Ohio,
rain,tHationary tem
perature, northeast
erly winds, higher
m-the lake.
FrxTSBtTRQ, November 26, 1399.
Thb United States Signal Bernca omcerla
this city furnishes the following
.. . "b.
Maximum temp. 43
Minimum Mop 27
Uanee i is
Sana. V.
12:09 if.
1:00 F. x
2.-COF. M 40
c-oor. m
s-oor. m 41
Mean film t, aK
Precipitation. ...... .00
Hirer at :20 r. ic 11.7 feet, a change of 0.0 In H
River TeleKrarae.
ilOBOANTOWW River 9 feet and falling.
Weather clear. Thermometer 48 at 4 r. M.
WARREN Hirer 3 feet 3-10 Inches and fall
ing. Weather cloudy and cold.
flEOWHSvnxB Hirer 13 feet i inches and
falling. Weather stationery. Thermometer
43 at 7 P. it
A Stbictlt Vegetable BESTOBA-
, lixezf is no substitute for this remedy.
IT CUBES, it GIVES JTEW LIip!, it is
Sold by druggists. Price, $1.
Prepared -only by BOQEBS" BOYAIi
REMEDIES CO.,' Boston, Mass.
Sufferers are not generally aware that
these diseases arc contagions, or tbat tbey
are dne to tbe presence of living para
Bites in tbe lining membrane of the nose
and eustachian tubes. Microscopio re
search, however, baa proved this to be a,
fact, and tho result, ot this discovery te
that a simple remedy has been discovered
whldi permanently cures themost aggra
vated cases of tbeso distressing dise&eea by
afewaimpleappllcationsmade( two taeem
anarflbvtberjatientatboma. Arjamnb-
let exTjlainine this new treatment Is sent
free by A. H. Duos & Eon, 337 ami SW
West King Biareot, Toronto, Panada.
rQRHr!t For
Dealers are cordially invited to call t ottr Whoteoale Sonoe, SIS
Wood street, and inspect thiswonderftiUy large, and elegant selection
of Holiday Slippers. Every deairahle effect in pattern, efape, color
and material.
Our prices are from 10 to IS per oent lower than same grottee
are offered for, while our stock and aeeortmoHt is by aU txitfe the
largest in the city.
We are headquarters for Holiday SUppers. Can ship goodo at
once and fill orders in sizes, and any quantity.
Wholesale Hqum. ' f
Bi4i, A ' - - - I
?JiV.re. . j'aEir'wSBKA'nil
There are' '
many white soaps,
represented to be r
'"just as, good as the Ivory."
Ihey are not,
but like. -'
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar ' ,
and remarkable .
qualities 'of
the genuine.
Ask for
Ivory Soap
insist upon having it.-N
Tis sold everywhere.
, noS-101-KWS
The Highest Praise.
"I am a Presbyterian clergyman and a Doctor
of DlTlnltr, bat I am not afraid to recommend
.Daffy's Fare Malt Whiskey as tbe purest and most
efllclent preparation as a medicine that I know or,
and my excellence Is a largre one. '
"I highly recommend imSr'i Fare Malt'
"Whlskevand prescribe It eitenifrelT In my prac
tice." it. W. Hgtchecsox, M. 1)., Heir York.
'Dnffr'a Fare Malt Wblskex la free from fusel
oil, adulteration!, or foreign Imparities, and
these qualities should recommend it to the high
est public favor. i"
TBOF. HENBY A. MOTT, Ph. !., F. iX S..
."Iconcurln ths indorsement of all that has
been said of Duffy's Pure Malt Whisker."
r. K. SPiNTtrn.
Late Treasurer, of the United States.
Can any higher Indorsements than the above be
produced for any known article!
Do they not prore tbe parity and power of this
Great Beraedr?
Be sure, however, and secure only the genuine,
and take none hut Duffy's.
It Is sold by all reputable druggists.
h amen
Choicest, Purest, Best.
Matere-witl KUllBg Water or Hit
IT. S. DaroT. 36 Mercer St. Naw Yobs.
At retail by alttadisc grocers and draggtas.
For safe by al
!! I
aamau- rnmmrn i
Is tbe beet ia the Market It is tbe sett.
perfect ia eenstraetion, gives the bsom light,
BHras less oil and yea eaa bay theaj lrom
as at lowest prices, as we are tM ageata ia
Pittsburg for their sale.
We are now receiving oar Holiday Goods,
heautlfnl Dinner aad Ciaaber Sets: a com
pleteltee of Faoer Goods, saitaMe for presents.
If you want to save asoaey aaa who doesa't?
yon can do it at
Opposite Be.' Charles Hotel, or
102 asd 104 THIRD A.VS.
nolS-wvsa ,
a; jfr.
- I
ElZssW sSBrJlBssssBlniaissssssssssssssssssssV
'hew ABrxKHsmsmS
'The Chinese Physician, ypp?
vmivuuic nemeaicir.a.rm
Winning Merited.
Recognition. . .
.Quietly and Unostentettoafiw
ttouuug uuo oick ana x4-j
lieving tho Afflicted. ,J
Gun Wa. the famous Chinese physician wkSf
anletlr located bis carlon itoi4Pn.nTit
some months since for the sale o his wonder
luioBuni: bbub,is winning many friends T
t jgEMHsMn W
aim cuuiuu ii.""' vumese metbod.oi treas-jsJ
ing disease. Though debarred by onerous
American laws from practicing or visiting that
sicfe.be sees afflicted persons at his oriental!., '
parlors, and wtthont cost elves advice and eon-i?-.
anltatlon; simply selling hfi medicines where hT
is convinced a enre will result from tbeir.use.'sBf?'
Of the hundreds of cured patients who havai,
klndly elven Gnn Wa their tesnmonlala. tbew
following are submitted. 2ewj-
i srsc
I have been a sufferer from "nmmt, a.miT,
ltyt"lndlg' '"ti. insomnia, eta. f or two years.1
narn 10 ssyjusST
Whatbrnnvl, ft .hMiff
tut my system leemedtV ,
to be aU rundown. lrZ
bad no ambition or In- ml
terest in life, andf W
thoazh I had a good T
position In Penasylvw
nia offices, I was "bine"
and restless. My sleep
was broken by bad'
dreams, and I was tired
In tbe mornings Berea,
weeks aco X viaited
BSBlSBlSBlsft " J
Gun wa and procured
ome oi ms uiinese
erb and vegetable
remedies and at sneal
began to improve, till
now. bv their eontin-
nH n i am well and. atronc and realty a dif
ferent man. They are not unpleasant to tako,
and have a mild, though powerful, effect -
Blotches and Skin Diseases.
Pittsbubo, P.-, September 3
TTW WA. eso.t
Deah STB Ever since his birth (eight years
t -ivtinvi,,, nfforpfl leant sore eves. and 1
from blotches on bis skin. I have tried a num
ner ot remeaiea. uubsuuo w uviu ., w -m.j -account,
and I had jdven up all hope ofjhimTy
4tu-lal vnn nrl nnmmpflMrl til niATflBTI
medicines for the boy. It was not long after
at m It tii aiuiilnxis artntsm TiV 4lA lmTlTfsXjl
nient that was to be seen in his eyes. Thea tfcej
-.! .- m. Jlnnnas fmm Til sllff T4 4,nt V
j i. "..... r Tom HII YiftYfTurtifml
UHldT llO U CUU1C1J Ba --- -
band to tafce It lor sore spots that came on ma
ooay, ana no is uujb kic"j wo
Sincerely yours,
Sarah Poweks, 2
No. 2818 Penn avenue.
Suffered Twelve Years.
whanTntittniM Gnn W. the Chinese
physician said Mrs, Margarjt Dawson, of 173,-
js East IJberty st, I had?
BBSBBSBaw anSF-,i fnr twlTA Tterl'
with chronic- catarrh, a
erarated. I presume, br
other troubles Incident to
rn y sex. Gun Wa's ChI4
ess nero ana -riant;
Remedies enred mafia'
five weeks, and so m-j
proved my general Dealt.'
that I look-and feel te
years younger.
Female Weakrvm3$
When the reaerter csvH-i
ed on Mrs. ElIsabelih.Mj
ers. of No. 757 Bin Bin sa
street A-.suure. he found that ladv Terr wI-
inic to say everything she could em aoeeantjOft
.Hn.uuuaiiuiwpHHtfln vww irrwQjijMii
tJmpt.n'ssWJr. 3Jjes..-Hli;oYeii
prevalent aitacK onno irouEue or wwaw
peculiar tomy sex. I had a constant pais
rnvbacktad-conlderetno relief fron it X
suffered all the time. I tried Tarioas thlMS.
bnt without avail. At last I saw the advertise
ment of Gun Wa and determined to try hist
Tbs result is that now I aav nearly well after
having taken bis medicine for la few week and'
feel that It bas done me remarkable food- I no; '
loaffer feel any pain, although I am eontinuia '
to take the medicine. I wjll gladly say alt In my
anwertAsnT nerson aa behalf of the food doa
by Gun Wa'a medicine."
Heart Trouble. :
PrrTSBDEO, October 8, 1861.
fee the last three years 1 bare oeen trouble
wlta palpitation of the heart, and the physl-4 .
afraM. wbea the bad spells cameonmeJsbaM
die. aad had given up all hopes of ever geftuifttj
reiiac jay appente ragieo. me ana a was i
able at time to work oa aaeonnt of weakse
Ihanaeaed to seeaa advertisement of Gunl
Wa. Chinese DbviiciM. o west as a last re- '
sort to see bits. Ha aave bm a aackaee of nia
Chinese Herbs about foarwasfcs ago, and to-
day I feel. like a d&eraat aura. My beartVf .
irouoie oaa an leiferae, sw y ppoc gwmg
and I am gaining aealtfe, aaa strength every
day. I can cheerfully recewmewl Dr. G an Wv
knowiaatfle has deaa for me what all. ather
pi Tsicisas failed to do, that ia giXmsse back
my health. ' "2jh
bv jnusiera snv, vatsessuue,!
Torpid Liver Curi.
Cttjcbekuuib, Xn, Sait bur m?)
MTDEAK8IB I write Ui tottscit
vsa of the neat imnrovemaat tfeac'kaals
made la my health elaca I eoMMsassdjf Iwa
your preparations. iBavahcaaaswIwirsrHwa
a torpm aver tor sosso vasiw, aaaasac;
seemea to ao me stay aeaa. waaaiai
a-few weeks ago I waa advised to trylyosC?
did so, andtse resaltls that the sassaataa to
save me baa reealted la aa aim oat eesrslel
care. I am mors thajrpl eased with what it has"
aone tor ma, ana aeaa yoaum wssst la oraer tea
teuyoBot ins result. xoB.rs.eMi.
GUft WA it a Chktttt Physician..
- Owiag to eaisttng laws ha cacnot pracueal
medietas ia Ataenea. so ne nai prapveu -
line of CMaaae. beeb and vegetable specific.?
waiea, raetoaa nc-msrMv rennne ujiug
strike at tfc VKRY HOOT OFDISEASi
perform ear that are sotting '"LSi
veioat. a r neseHy uik aad tuftsuLiAi
with OaaWa COSTS NOTHUMU. ms
bat a ssaaH saat for bis remedies, wbloa; I
musm aartBlea to take, are w
aaerrjaa; la ta4r effects. Tbey BJ
CURB alt SiiaAtL narvous and chronic
Ymu aiadla.ul nr nlit nan. Kl
ajSift rastoreeTtn VKRFECTPJi
AJffiUCrrBD. H yon cannot call, writs btsaj
taparftMeMlMsace. Bead for history or a
wV and hit clrealar en cancerABmof-i
Warm. - Catarrh. Female Wet
, sr Tm. Inclose 4 stamps for rtfta.1
OiealMatB,jUK.tol3jr.5l toSaa TitaTII
t c w 1
w-osw Ja w niiiriAA rifflBsa
1 ;
- t.