& 1 t- t i- NP Bifoaftfr. 'ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, 1846. Yot. KoSM. Entered at Pittsburg Postofllce, Xovember H, 1SS7, as scccnd-class matter. Business Ofilco 97 andS9 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street rtttern Advertising Ofllce, Boom S, Tribune Building, liewYork. Average net circulation of the dally edition of .THE Dispatch for six month ending October H, 1SS8, as sworn to before City Controller, 30,128 Copies per lane. Average net circulation of the Sunday edition of THE Uisfatcii for five months ending October rr, isaa, 53,477 Copies per issue. TERMS OF TIIE DISPATCH. rOSTAGK TT.EE IS TBI I'MTSS STATES. IJAm: DISPATCH, One Year ?8 00 DArtr Dispatch, Per Quarter 2 00 Daily Dispatch, One .Month -. 70 Datlt Dispatch. Including Sunday, 1 year. 10 00 Daily HiSPATcn.IncludlnRbnnday,Sm'th8. ISO DArLTDisrATcn,includingSnnday.lmonth. 90 DSDATDisrATtn, One Year SS0 -"Weekit Dispatch, One Year 1 S The DAILT Dispatch Is delivered by carriersmt Jtcentspcrwcek, or Includinc Sunday edition, at IT cents per week. PITTSBURG. WEDNESDAY. NOV. 27. 1SS9. SEAL ESTATE VALUES. The sale, noted elsewhere, of a lot in the East End at the rate of nearly f 130 per foot front and the asking prices of 4,000 to $4,500 per foot for property on Fifth avenue near Smithfield street, indicate the extent to which the demand for real estate has car ried values in Pittsburg. It is necessary to recognize that the ad vance in city real estate, so far, has con tained little of the boom, or element of in flation. Except with regard to the sadden rise of values in Squirrel Hill, by reason of its vicinity to Schenley Part, the advance has been cue to a steady demand for perma nent investment or for sites for homes for the bnsmess men of Pittsburg. Nevertheless it is well to remember that snch an increase in the cot of realty may easily be pushed to a point where it will be overdone. When homes become too costly for the acquisition, not only of the wealthy but of the average worker, or when rents get high enough to force economies, in the occu pancy of houses, the check and reaction will be severe in proportion, as the advance has been excessive. That we have not reached that point yet is plain from the legitimate and steady demand which measures the pros perity of Pittsburg; but that we may avoid it altogether it will be well to steer clear of any of the characteristics of inflation. The best way to keep up the present ac tivity in real estate is to keep prices on a basis which will continue to stimulate the demand. EXPLODING EITHER WAY. 'The boiler explosion which cost two lives yesterday, at the Duquesnc Steel Works, demonstrated one point which is of interest and importance in determining the causes of boiler explosions. The experiments which were made at the Munhall farm sev eral yrars ago demonstrated that boilers containing a large amount of superheated "water could be exploded by a sndden relief of pressure; and it was claimed that the old idea of exploding boilers by letting the water get too low and turning in freshwater on the hot surface was disproved. So strong '-was this belief in some minds that the ex pert agent of a boiler insurance company of fered to sit above a red hot empty boiler while water was turned into it. Yesterday's explosion, however, was clearly produced by letting the boiler heat while empty and then turning water on. It looks as if either too hot or too cold water can produce ex plosions at unexpected moments. A TEBBIBLE ASSERTION. Speaking of the tragedy that occurred last week in the streets of 2Tew York, in which a maddened woman shot and killed a man who she claims to have done her an awful injnry, the New York Herald editori ally says: "She tried to get justice in the courts, but it is a pitiable confession what are our courts good for when a rich man with powerful influence defends him self against a peniiless woman who has sur rendered her good name?" As if that were sot enough the Herald adds: "Wealth can whistle all fear of being caught down the wind, for the law's delays are a purchasable commodity." Is it indeed so? There have been reasons for the suspicion that law was at the dispos al of the longest purse rather than the' jus test cause, but the statement has never been made so flatly by an authority of such standing. If it is true, as the Herald as serts, that a wronged woman cannot obtain redress in the courts for a wrong inflicted by a rich man, it should be said that govern ment where that is the case is a failure and .1 the term justice is a mockery. A worse charge could not be brought against the most brutal tyranny that Old World history can furnish. Whatever foundation there is for such an assertion makes it imperative that the whole country shall unite in de manding a system of justice that defends the weak against the strong and the poor against the rich. If this assertion that "wealth can whistle all fear of being caught down the wind" is a fact, the worst things that the Anarchists "can sav of our laws are none too severe. DESTBTJCTION BY MBE. Yesterday was a bad day for two marrf facturing towns, Leechburg, in Western Pennsylvania, and Lynn, the shoe manu facturing town of Massachusetts. In each case a fire broke out and the lack of fire ap paratus soon let it get beyond control. Probably tinder-bbx construction in the way of frame buildings contributed equally with the lack of fire apparatus to the de struction of the business or manufacturing interests of both places. The loss at Lynn is stated at 55,000,000. That atLeechburg is hardly one-thirtieth as large; but the fig ures in each case represent a severe loss to both places. The losers will, of course, be better prepared than the Johnstown sufferers to repair their losses and rebuild their towns; and it is to be hoped that they may be able to do it so that their property will not burn up so easily the next time. TEE NEXTBAHEOAD EKCB0ACHHEKT. There has of late been an apparent tendency to give a new fillip to the idea which was mooted some years ago, of count ing the hours of the day from one np to twenty-four, and doing away with the present division ot dividing the day into parts of twelve hours, respectively a. m. and p. m. The chief reason advanced why we should dine at about 19 o'clock instead of 7 P. II. , and go to the theater at 20 o'clock instead of 8p.il is the difficulty which people ex perience in studying railroad time tables, and the time spent in making certain -whether the hour for a given train fs p. M. or A. i. There is an argument "that our method or cutting the day in two in the middle is purely arbitrary and conven tional, founded upon no better reason than established custom." But the new method will be arbitrary and conventional, as all methods oi dividing the days into hours and minutes must be; so that the reform must really fall back on the railroad time tables. The supremacy of the railroads in busi ness affairs; their very powerful -sway in politics; and their undisputed control over the livesof the patrons of suburban trains are in disputable facts; but it must be said that the railway sway is extended to extreme lengths when the habits of life and even of thought must be turned upside down in order that railroad time tables may become compre hensible. No other inconvenience arises from the present rotation of time. -The man who goes down to his business at 8 A. 21. is never in danger of starting do wn by mistake at 8 in the previous evening; the workman who knocks off work at 6 in the evening tuns no hazard of erroneously continuing his labors right through to 6 of the next morning. Yet the whole people are to be required to quit work and eat their suppers at 18 or 19 o'clock and go to bed at 22:30 or 23, in order that the mysteries of the time tables may be some what mitigated. The effort for this change is some what sporadic; but the steady advance in the idea that we must conform our lives to railroad conditions foreshadows the day when we will rush to oar meals at the cry of "twenty minutes for dinner," and furnish onr chambers on the model of a Pullman sleeper. A C0HBI5ATI0N CUT. The report that the coal combination which has generally controlled the sale of coal in the New Orleans market, has cat the price in that market about four cents a barrel, was an interesting item of intelli gence yesterday. It throws a good deal of light os the practical operation of combina tions to prevent competition; and the in fluences which reduce prices where such combinations are concerned. There does not seem to be much conceal ment about the fact that this action is taken for the purpose of shutting independent competitors out of the New Orleans market. In that case it is evident that the reduction is not to be charged to free competition, but it is clearly a method taken to prevent com petition and to sustain a combination. Apart from that it is plain either that the reduced price is a losing one or that the previous price represented a high margin of profit. In the former case we have the spectacle of a combination supposed to be for the purpose of making more money than under competition, adopt ing the method of throwing away money to shut out comDetition. In the latter we have a new demonstration that the high prices maintained by combination will inevitably attract new competition. These facts make clear the gronnds for judgment on the policy of cutting prices to drive out competitors. Unless there is some other way to bar ont the return of the com petition, the chief losers by that policy mnst be those who adopt it As long as coal sells at a loss at New Orleans the competitors can seek other markets; but when an attempt is made to recuperate that loss by high prices they will come back again. On the other hand, if the reduced price represents a mar gin on the first cost of the coal there, the change in prices will give the New Orleans people cheaper fuel, increase the sales of coal and so be an advantage all around. Another instructive point is contained in the declaration that no such a cut was ever before made in the coal market of New Or leans. This again shows the result of the combination policy. Under legitimate com petition the changes are gradual and conser vative. It is when attempts are made to control markets and maintain prices by combination that these violent and sudden changes appear. EXFEBT IN COSTBADICTIOK. Expert witnesses in criminal cases are seldom useful for any purpose beyond be fogging the issue. This has been exempli fied over and over again, but seldom more cogently than in the trial of the men ac cused of murdering Dr. Cronin. The prose cution introduced expert testimony first. The State's attorneys desired to establish the fact that the blood in the Carlson cot tage and the famous trunk was human, and that hair precisely like Dr. Cronin's had been found in the trunk and on a piece of soap in the Carlson cottage. Several mic roscopists of the highest reputation swore to these facts without the least hesitation. Their evidence was of course valuable to the prosecution until the defense trotted out an equally distinguished corps of microscop ists who swore that it was impossible to distinguish human from any other mammal's blood, and that it was not in any man's power to say that the hair in qnestion belonged to Dr. Cronin. This was a point for the defense, though less than it would have been for the prosecution had the first set of scientists been undisturbed. There was nothing to prevent Mr. Longe necker's introducing a third battery of mi croscopists to confirm the conclusions of the first battery; nothing, that Is, but the cer tainty that the prisoners' counsel would in evitably produce a new contingent of learned men to upset their predecessors' testimony. The fact is expert testimony in ten cases ont of a dozen is bound to be a boomerang. In many cases the expert regards it as more im portant to pick holes in some other expert's evidence than to throw light upon the sub ject in hand. So the testimony of these ex ceptionally wise men has come to be dreaded rather than desired by the con ductors of criminal cases. THE TEOUBLE WITH THE FABBEERSV The discussion of the project of improv ing coanty roads calls forth from a repre sentative of the agricultural classes in the East the protest that the farming business is so unremuueretive that while the farmers need good roads, they cannot pay the taxes necessary for their construction. They can better afford to house their crops and wait for marketing them till the season when hard roads are afforded by nature, than to expend the taxation necessary for a general system of well-built highways. This sounds a good deal like the views of the man in "the Arkansas Traveler" con cerning his leaky roof. Yet there is some thing in it which deserves attention as a measure of the decadence that has fallen on the Eastern farming interest. Its force is increased by the corroboration given in a recent statement that cheap western lands are doing more than any forestry association to encourage thero wth of forests in the East. Vermont,Ne w Hampshire and Massachusetts are said to contain many abandoned farms which are being covered by trees; and a Philadelphia cotemporary says: "With the fall of farm lands in this State from one third to one-fourth in Value, It will not be long before this begins to be true in Penn sylvania. In other words, the result of that system oi railway operation which brings the fertile Western lands as rieajto 'market as the more expensive Eastern farms is beginning to show its legitimate result It transfers pro dnction from the Hast to the West and calls for the wasted effort, involved in the trans portation of cereal products from Minnesota and Nebraska that might be produced in New York or Pennsylvania. Under such circumstances is it any wonder that Eastern farms which are being abandoned, will not bear the cost of making good roads? Ot course better roads made by the State would be a step toward giving vthe Eastern farmer an advantage again. Bat is it not plain that the tree way to correct the matter is to reform the main cause of the evil? A coannnriCATiOH elsewhere corrects a recent editorial remark of The Dispatch about the liability of women to cet upquarrels when meeting in conventions. The correction Is made in the rather convincing style ot fur nishing a notable instance to the contrary right here in Pittsburg. With such an honor able example brought to notice, it is necessary to concede that onr correspondent's exception is well taken, and to confess that The Dis patch's Generalization as to the liability of disputation in female conventions was more sweeping than it was intended to be. After the Cronin trial is over the law yers for the derense may be disposed to estab lish an alibi and prove that they never had anything to do with the case. The acquisition of our breweries by British syndicates is followed by the report that they are after our cheese factories. This giTes ns reason to apprehend that before long the aristpcracy of England will be presiding over our lunch counters and restaurants. But it Is hard to see how they can be any more lord ly than the present presiding geniuses ot those establishments. There is an intimation that the Ohio auction is already closed and the Senatorial seat knocked down to the Hon. Calvin S. Brice as the highest bidder. The intimation that the United States authorities will proceed to the condemnation of the property necessary to build the Hen's Island dam, indicates the best thing to be done. It is, of course, ont of the question that the im provement of a water highway can be stopped because Allegheny Councils are too hidebound to approve the project. The petroleum market seem a to have con cluded that the wildcats and bears in the eil fields may do a little clawing on prices above the dollar line. The exploding steam boiler got in its fatal work at Duquesne yesterday. Of course the boiler was made of the best material, andnoone knew that anything .was wrong with it. That is generally the case, but still the public will re main firm in the belief that boilers of sound material will not blow up with an ordinary pressure of steam. The Southern Coal Company is deter mined to keep up prices of coal at New Or leans, even if it has to cut them 25 or 59 per cent to do it. Whaxeteb opinions may be held as to the eight-hour movement, it must be conceded by all that the Knights of Labor are adopting a conservative and discreet coarse in declining to support the movement by a strike, and basing it rather on reason and moral influ ence. Samoa has two kings. That is big enough to take the pot it some greater power does not resort to the usual diplomatic practice of bluffing. The testimony of the owners of property with regard to their claims, for damages in the widening of Diamond street is calculated to produce the impression that the real estate boom is making that narrow but useful thor oughfare its principal objective point, The McKnight arbitration has come to the deliberate and rather long-delayed conclusion that the contractor is worthy of his laborers' hire. Congressman Cannon is reported to smoke Wisconsin cigars. This is certainly patronizing home industry; but if Mr. Cannon uses that sort ot cigars for distribution in' his Speakership canvass, he may set himself down as belonging to the tribe of Dennis. A FIVE million dollar fire at Lynn, Mass., and an $175,000 one at Leechburg make expensive fuel to start the winter season. Two fall days of pleasant weather were more than the present season conld give Pitts burg at one time. We will have to be thankful for what little sunshine we conld get. If a wet season is bad for turkeys, then we may well give thanks to-morrow for having any turkeys at ail. The price of Sugar Trust certificates has dropped again to 70. This takes a good deal of the water out of the Sugar Trust, bat there is still enough left to dissolve it. PEOPLE OF PE0MIHENCE. Lord Tesnyson has read all of Rider Hag gard's novels. The Prince of Wales, on his present trip, drinks nothing bat German mineral water. James WnrrconB Riley, the bachelor poet, is in receipt constantly of letters from women who want to marry him. William C. WmTNET, ex-Secretary of the Navy, is one of a syndicate of capitalists that proposes to invest 1,000,000 in the pulp mill business in Maine. Mb. J. V. Cbacraft, who has held a post tlon for several years in the Philadelphia mint, has resigned bis office, and enters into news paper work again in Washington. ME. Lowell said in the course of his speech the other night at Boston that he did not ex pect much help from either of tho great politi cal parties in the battle forclvil service reform. How. Samuel J. Randall was reported last evening as much improved in health. He was resting easily, and his physician stated that it be continued to improve he would be able to attend the opening of Congress on Monday. John B. ALLKT.who has been elected United States Senator from Washington, was raised in York, lie went to California in the fit ties.sub seqnently located in Tucson, Ariz., and went a few years ago to Washington Territory, where he greatly increased an already large fortune by transactions in land. The waistcoat worn by the ill-fated Louis It. of Bavaria on the day of his mysterious death is now exhibited at Furth. in the shop window of a liquor dealer, who purchased it at the auction sale of the personal effects of the'late King. Lest there shouldne any doubt as to the authenticity of the garment thus displayed, the auctioneer's warrant and bill of sale are pinned to It A GREAT CHANGE JSXPECTED. Washington Likely to Have tho Finest Cntliolto Cathedral In America. TBOJl A STAFF CORKKSPOKDENT.I Washington; November 21 Ithas cropped ont that thero is serious discussion among leading Catholics of the project of removing the Archbishop's chair of this archbisnoprio from Baltimore to Washington, and the con struction here ot a cathedral which shall rival the great cathedrals of the world, and be sec ond, possibly, to none but St Peter's, at Rome. It is said that many Catholie dignitaries look upon this as the proper and natural result of the establishment in this city of the great American University of the Catholic church. The cathedral In Baltimore is a pooraifair, and the churches in Washington are really shabby. The only fine church recently erected hero is the Presbyterian Church of the Cove nant, now patronized by the President and bis family; and It is said that the Catholic have deferred taking the lead, as they usually do in the matter oi church ediaces, expecting the change, at bo sasiant day's tbe. seat ef the archbishopric. ,THE PJPTSBTJBGmDISPATqHWJBDygSDAY, QaCKBRfg3QgJ5t. A BRIDAL TUESDAY. The TJrben. Garber Nuptial at St. Peter's Pro-Cathedral A Pleasant Affair to All Concerned. The ceremonies attending the wedding ot Mr. Edward C. Uarber and Miss Agnes Urben, which was performed in St. Peter's Pro-Cathedral, Allegheny, last evening, were very pretty and elaborate. Ten ushers in immaculate evening dress ap peared as Prof. Simeon BIssellsonnded the in troductory chords of Mendelssohn's wedding march. They were Messrs. Charles JU Urben, Thomas Henderson, William Landgraff, Henry LandgrafT, John Saner, Albert Bauer. Harry Lynn, H. Alston, A. Gothlngam and Mr. Mont- ornery- Following them were groomsman and rldemalds, two couple, Mr. S. A. Garber and Miss Maggie Ramsbottom, Mr. Ion Smit and Miss Mary Campell. The best man, Mr. C. W. Huston, and the maid of honor. Miss Lottie Garber, a sister of the groom from Newark, 0 were next in or der, and the most important factors, namely the groom escorting the bride, bronght up the rear or the bridal procession. Rev. Father O. Conndr. in a very impressive manner, prononnced the all-important words while the, various attendants were grouped aronnd the altar in the most picturesque man ner. The bride was robed in brocade tasse of white, a full-trained, decollete gown, the bodice ot wnicn was aainmy trimmea witn aucness lace. She carried white chrysanthemums and maiden hair ferns, tnd her long veil of cobweb texture was held in place with an exquisite tiara, of diamonds, a Dortion of a fall set nrp- sented'her by the groom, the ear drops and pin of which she wore also. The maid of honor was attired In a cream moire toilet trimmed with pretty cascades of lace and wore diamond ornaments, and pink 'roses formed her bouquet. Her gown was bigb corsage and long sleeves, as were those of the bridemaids also, one a delicate rose-colored albatross and the other a filmy blue of the same material. At the conclusion of the ceremonies a recep tion was held at the residence of the bride's parents, Sir. and Mrs. J. P. TTrben, on Franklin street, where a sumptuous repast was served by Luther. The wedding presents were on ex hibition and comprised everything that conld be Imagined in the line ot bric-a-brac, silver, china and toilet articles. The yonnc people bare the best wishes of a host of friends, among them the entire faculty of the Curry Institute, who attended the wed ding, and of which the groom Is a member. An Eastern trip of some length will be indnlged in berore Mr. and Mrs. Garber commence life in Allegheny. The huge new Jardlne organ responded hand somely to the expert manipulation of Prof. Simeon BisselL A WEDDING IN HIGH LIFE. MIis Carrie P. Lyale and Sir. William G. Stewart Join Hands In Life's March. Simple and lovely was the home wedding last evening otMIss Carrie P. Lysleand Mr. William G. Stewart, which took place at the residence of the bride's father. Captain Addison Lyale, on Chartiers street. With rare taste and skill Prof. Glttings played Mendelssohn's march, and attended by ushers, Messrs. Robert Monroe and Robert Colle. with Dace Stewart as best man and Miss Elizabeth Warner as the maid of honor, the groom and. bride entered the parlor, where Rev. Dr. IIcGill, of the Sixth United Presbyterian Church, Allegheny, performed the cercmonv. The bridal attire was of white silk, with a V-shaped corsage and a long train. The maid of honor was arrayed in a becoming toilet of white, and chrysanthemums formed the bouquet ot both. The groom is connected with the Armenia Insurance Company, and is a son of Dr. 8. S. Stewart, of Pennsylvania avenue. Immediate friends and relatives only were present at the ceremony. The supper nas served by Goetnian. CAEEIED TO 'CALIFORNIA. The Blrd-Darrance Nuptials Yesterday Im plied tho Lots of a Pittsburg Belle. Miss Fannie Bird, of this city, and Hon, Henry Durance, of Stockton, Cat, a promi nent business man of that city, were married yesterday morning at the residence of the bride's brother-in-law, Mr. M. J. Dickson, by Rev. Dr. George T, Purves. Only the most intimate friends of the bnde were present at the wedding, which was with out formality, bnt in quiet and simple elegance. The presents, which were exceedingly hand some and costlv, included a superb set of dia monds, the gift of the groom. After partaking of a wedding breakfast, the young couple de parted for the Golden State, their f utnre home, attended by the best wishes of their many friends. A WEST END WEDDIMG; Miss Laura French United to Mr. Frai rak Hist Conrtler. The West End M E. Church was filled evening to witness the nuptials of Mr. Frank Courtier and Miss Laura French, a daughter of Mr. & H. French. Rev. Mr. Beascom was the officiating c ergy man and little Misses Eva and Mable, sist :rs of the bride, scattered roses in the bridal path way. An older sister. Miss Emma, was maid of honor, and Mr. George Courtier, a brother of the groom, was best man. A reception at the home of the bride's parents followed the ceremonies at the church and at a late hour Mr. and Mrs. Courtier took the train for Buf falo, which is to be their future home. Married In St. Pbllomena'a. A quiet little wedding was solemnized at St. Phllomena's Church yesterday morning by Rev. Father Werner, rector of the church The contracting parties were Miss Rosa M. Ober, daughter of the late brewer, of Alle gheny, to Mr. John A. Craft, of this city. The ceremony was performed at 9 o'clock, in the Eresence ot a large gathering of friends. The rldemalds were Miss Laura Zem and Miss Minnie Ober, a niece of tho bride. The grooms men were Alexander and Albert Craft, the groom's two brothers. The young couple will go to housekeeping on Vinial street, Allegheny. Social Chatter. A "conversational party," which was a very "chatty affair," was held at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. Sproull, in Allegheny, last even ing. The Missionary Society ot the Central Allegheny R. P. Church was benefited in this case by talk. The lunch served by the ladies of ,St Peter's Episcopal Church yesterday was of such quality and quantity that a larger number of hungry people, if possible, will seek the good things at the same place between 12 and 3 to day. The Pittsburg Cotillon Club will open the season by a reception on December 23, and the other four will be given on alternate Mondays. A new feature in the form of elegant suppers will be Introduced at these receptions this win ter. Dr. Ad Mes. T. L. White, of McKeesport, celebrated their tins wedding last evening by receiving their uienas. from o to io a formal handshake was in progress; after that the mazy dance was enjoyed until 2. Mb. and ME3. Jaiies C. Watt, of Center avenue, enjoyed the silver anniversary of their wedding last evening wjlh a number of friends, and were the recipients of many handsome presents. THETeceptlon given by Mrs. James McCutch eon, of Ridge avenue, yesterday, was a delight ful one. "Mrs. Eleanor Collier and daughter, Miss Collier, assisted in receiving the many guests. Mb. F. J.HAEDWIOAuri and Miss Irene Mur phy will be married Thanksgiving afternoon at St. John's Church, Thirty-second and Liberty streets. The Frohsinn Society will give a concert at their club rooms, on Penn avenue, this evening Gernert's orchestra will be In attendance. Me. David M. Axstmt, the well-known Al legheny attorney, will lead to the altar to-day Miss Eleanor Percy, of Perrysville. The Allegheny American Protection Clnb held a reception in Cyclorama Hall last night In honor of their first anniversary. The McKee-Wood wedding this evening will call forth all the fashionable East End and some of Allegheny and Pittsburg. The second of the series of entertainments given by the Washington Infantry last evening was a thoroughly enjoyable one. AT the Concordia Club this evening Miss Agnes "Vogel will sing and Toerge Bros.' 'or chestra will be in attendance. Aeeceptioh will be tendered on December 4 by Mrs. William Walker, of Western avenue. Hours from to 7. Mrss Awnie K. Siedlk and Mr. J. Mealey will become one this morning at 9 o'clock In St. Paul's Cathedral. Mb. W- J- Jowks and Miss. Annie Harris win celebrate their nuptials this evening. Miss AhhieFeij. and Mr. David Higgle, of McKeesport, will be married to-day. The Monongahela Club will give a dance at the East End Hotel this evening. The McKees-eort MTotea Ktrwlg Weeeaag occurs to-uay omrMAirKHjci. A Question to be Bedded la Ceaneetlefl Wltb the Kew Park. To the Editor of The Dispatch: As a citizen of Pittsburg, I rejoice that we have at last secured a nark. and. above alL that so far there has been, as 1 believe, no jobbing in It. Xet us see that the enterprise be con ducted, as it has been begun, clean and in the special interest of no man or clique. That it will necessarily benefit some men more than others is freely granted, and is unavoidable. No right-minded man will object to this. What I wish to call attention to is the first question which must be determined on, and one of the most Important What shall be the main ac cess to the park for the throngs from the cen tral city, who would desire to enjoy its benefits? j. ao not reier to the quasi-public approaches, whether by steam or electric roads. They will take care of themselves in the private hands which now or may hereafter control them. But I mean the public highway which the city is expected to lay off for public use in reaching thn park from the city. The proper location of this highway is, of coarse, a matter of great pecuniary importance to the land owners through or by whose prop erty It shall be laid out, and here lies the dan ger of improper, selfish influence being brought to bear in tho Interest of particular individuals. But more than this, it is a matter of very great importance to the city, not only as regards public convenience of access, but also in a financial point of view. A viaduct across Four Mile run is necessary and must necessarily cost a very large sum. I have noticed thataboule- varu nas oeen spoken or, leaving Fifth avenue near the Bellefield Church. This may in all respects be best, ana I have not' a word to say against it, not baving-tbe information on which to form an opinion. But I do say that, before it bo determined on, an accurate survey should be made, establishing level lines on both sides of the west branch ot JFour-Mllo run, with the respective distances across, so that it can be ascertained to a mathe matical certainty at what point this viaduct can be least expensively constructed. That will not, of course, control the question, as other points will necessarily come up for considera tion, chiefly as to the line of approach to this viaduct from Fifth avenue and Forbes street. But still, the bestand least expensive natural location is the first point to be ascertained. I Bay, therefore. In the interests of the city, let there bo no haste in concluding this ques tion, let the above data be all obtained and made public and then let an intelligent and interested public opinion be brought to bear on it, and doubtless it will bo rightly deter mined, peo Bono Publico. Fittsbubo, November 28, Injustice to Women. To the Editor of The Dispatch: In yoar issue of November 17, you say, in "Politicians but women stilli" "Wherever any number of women are gathered together, whether for the purpose of oiscusslng missions to the heathen, help to the poor, or politics for the nation, some of .them will be sure to quar rel and dispute." As a general thing you take a justandfalrsidedvlew ot things, but in this assertion you are unjust, as the following will snow: In l63a band of leading ladles, in this city, formed "The Pittsburg Association for the Re lief of the Poor," with Mrs. Harmar Denny, President; Mrs. Johr. Shoenberger, Vice Presi dent: Mrs. Levi Wade. Secretary, and Mrs. John Harpert Treasurer. Por 13 years this noble band at women labored on together, with very few changes In their board of officers and managers, in perfect and uninterrupted harmony; they performing all the work of the association inemseives without remuneration. At that tine the Secretary, who had filled the office from the organization of the society, the onerous duties ot which had impaired her health, was compelled to resign, and? the asso ciation decided to disband. From the very beginning of the 13 years of its existence to the day it closed its work, not one word of dissension or "quarrel and dis pute" was ever heard or thought of among the officers and managers of the "Pittsburg Asso ciation for the Relief of the Poor." The same may bo said of the board'of tho "Home for the Friendless," where, daring ten years member ship, the writer ever found the meetings char acterized by kindness, unity and harmony of word and action. JnSTlxlA. Phtsbobo, November 2& Liability of Stockholder. To the Editor of The Dlsnateh: It may be some comfort to depositors ot the .Lawrence Bank to learn that the attorney for the bank, Willis McCook, Esq., has held that 'stockholders of a State bank are liable, not only for their subscriptions, but, in addition. In case of failure of the bank, to double that amount; that is. if the capital is JSO.000, then in I be paid up. This be held in the case of deposi tors versus uerman-ajnerican uank, in wnicn salt he was master, 'ibis would add (80,000 more to the bank's assets If the position taken by the master is correct. Depositok. Pittsbcbo, November 28. West Point Cndetshlpa. To the Editor of The 'Dispatch: 1. When will there be a vacancy at West Point from this district? 1 Will it be filled by a competitive examination or by appointment? 3. What is Congressman Dalzell's present ad dress ? O. W. H. Pittsbdeo, November 26. fWe know of no vacancy at present 2. The appointments are made after a competitive ex amination has been held. 3. Washington, D. C.) Pan-Amerlenn. To the Editor of The Dispatch: Please inform me why the International Con gress now in session Is called the Pan-American Congress T Readeb. Dawsos, Novembor 28. Pan-American means "All-American." The name Is appropriate because the different Gov ernments ot Worth, South and Central America are represented In the Congress. Bismarck and Pierre. To the Editor of The Dispatch: Please name the capitals of North Dakota and South Dakota. . M.-H. K. MEASVHJ.E, November 26. TO BE SETTLED BI CUPID. A Marriage Which Wonld Mnko England and Russia Friends. LONDON, November 26. Unless somebody is badly mistaken tho differences existing between two great countries are to be settled by means matrimonial. London is amazed and expectant at the statement that the much-betrothed Czarowitz'of Russia is a successful suitor for the hand of Princess Maud of Wales; that the engagement will soon be formally announced, and, most singular of all, in view ot the recent Princess Margaret of Prussia, that be Is actu ally up to the eyes m love with the young lady. To what extent this report is worthy of cre dence cannot, ot coarse, be determined at this time, bat it Is permissible to say that no more desirable alliance for either party could ba made, and, however it may be regarded In Rus sia, it would be certain of popular approval here. LIEES TO tfOLLOW BLAINE. A Pickpocket Who lUnkes a Bis Thins of. the Maine Lender's Tours. PotrOHKEEPSiE, N. Y November 25. Ono of Kew York's notorious characters has just been sent to State prison from this city for stealing a watch at tha races. The thief gave bis name as John Boyle, bat Chief Detective Humphrey, of the New York Central, has iden tified blm as "Red" Hurley, a pickpocket Hurley said to the detective: "I'll be outlast In time for tho next Prcsidenul election. Then I can follow Blaine around again. I followed him the last time he ran, and he is the best man In tho country to follow for a crowd. Next to him is Chauncey Depew. Why, one day In Blaine's campaign I shook Blaine's hand 14, times, and every time got Into a crowd and got off with all the watches and jewelry I could handle. Oh, I'll be on hand tor the next Blaine campaign." ECUADOR'S CHINESE LAW, The Mongolians Are Subjected to Decidedly Rigid Restrictions. Washington, November 28. William R. Eorsby, tT. 8. Consul General to Guayaquil, Ecuador, has furnished the Department of State a copy and translation of a letter, ex plaining the proclamation prohibiting the Im migration of Chinese into that country. It does' not affect the diplomats or commissioners of the Chinese Government, Chinese In transit or those who come Into the country lor a brief stay, to cover which permits may be Issued; nor Chinese who shall have left a foreign port prior to the receipt of news of the decree. Chinese owning property in the provinces will be allowed full liberty tc; return. Faithful to itteFnWoB Exile PAWS, November 28. In the Chamber of Deputies to-day the election of M. Arnault for Montauoan was" declared Invalid on the groaad that be was elected through "clerieal prewar. Three hBadred Benkuflsts, aader M. Leha. ne. wM soea Ttsftq weVti Bgahsager NT MnM Jersey. - m . . - -', ISLAND OF" MYSTERY., Saata CataMsar Named by a PIom Father Its Former lababHBBH a People WhM Hhlery Is Lost Carles Kelteo Moeov ered by Excavation. To those who are hot wholly distorted' by man's inhumanity and a protracted residence in polluted cities, an Island Is inexpressibly poetic. Inspired, presumably, by its natural in accessibility, its hazardous surroundings. Its undeveloped resources and. the weird glamosr that hangs above a detached bit of earth, alone, isolated In the midst of a wide, watery waste. In tha minds of most dwellers among brick and mortar and stone an island particularly those of the South Seas and in the region ot oar own semi-tropia snore is linked witB luxurious vegetation, luminous scenes, cool ing springs, dense shade, gauzy mists and vio let waves. There is not a discovered spot on the face of this fair land where these and their accompany ing concomitants are famished wltb greater prodigality than Santa Catalina, Cal., says a correspondent of the Philadelphia Timet. It was named by a pious padre in honor ot St, Catherine in those peaceful early days wben padres were the chief Inhabitants of this en chanting isle. If In the coarse of divine events this honored saint is permitted to view the spot consecrated to her by the Holy Catholic Church, who shall say that a sense of something akin to what we call appreciation does not reach her In those supreme heights of clearer certainty where she dwell,- for high above the greed of speculators, the tricks of tradesmen, the snares of syndi cates, the meanness of menials, there still linger the mists upon the mountain tops, the sun beams among the leaves, the dew upon the flowers, the winsome winds, the gentle rains, the smiling stars, appropriate and imperishable mausoleums to any saint or sister or scion in the celestial company. RcIIca of na Unknown Race. Santa Catalina Island was discovered by Cambrillo In the year 1542(and named by him after one of his fleet. An interesting account of Cambrillo'a voyage, written by one of his pilots, has recently been found among old papers in Spain, which desenbe Catalina as' being thickly populated. That they were Idolaters is a supposition based upon frequent allusions to a Temple of the Sun," said to contain images and idols. That they were In dustrious is proved from recent excavations, which disclosed pestles, mortars, bowls and mu.4ij in numerous ana autinct varieties. That they were fond of display is evident from the discoveries of Prof. Schumacher, a repre sentative of an Eastern scientific museum, who, in company with a native islander, began a systematic series of excavations which resulted In the collection of a fine lot of implements formerly used by the unknown In habitants. , Among these are beads in great numb! uniquely cat from abalone shells, ao abundant and beautiful product of the island; pendants formed in graceful curves, finger rings, brooches, combs, bracelets evidently the adorn ment of some dusky belle, whose mortal re mains have long since returned to dust. Fish hooks are found In quantities, symmetrically cut from shells and without the aid of tools. There are also curiously-shaped carvings, that seem to have no definite meaning or use. The flsb-hookd resemble the modern hook, with the exception that in these ancient specimens the barb is upon the outside. What Became or the Natives. That the ancient Catalinians were musical there is little doubt as remains of flutes and other instruments of melody are found. These were made of bone and connected by asphal tum. That they were peaceful is presumable from the fact that few weapons of war have been found. A sword made from the bone of a whale.an iron ax, a few rusty arrows,flint spear heads and knives that could never have been used in warfare, complete the catalogue. An inspection of their nlaeeaof int.rai.ni I shows that bodies were put away in layers eldest Many household goods were deposited in .these receptacles for the dead, which leads to the belief that their religious rites, what ever they might have been, admitted of ma terial considerations. , Where now are the strange creatures of those unwritten annals and their descendants is aproolem agitating the minds of antiquarians. An Indian, claim ing to be J00 years old, who ekes out a precari ous existence by the sale ot flsh. shells and curios, states that the natives were encouraged to leave the island by padres, who gave thear homes at the missions and taught them a better religion than the worship of wood and stone. Purchased by an English Syndicate. However that may be, the fascination oC mystery still hangs over those children of a previous period, whose only footprints oa the sands of time" consist of carved crockery, feb hooks, trinkets and decaying bones. The pro- jectcd developments ot Catalina are said to be in keeping with the reputed resources of the English syndicate which recently purchased the island, which includes piers, parks. prome nades, wharves, hotels, museums, bath nouses and other Inventions of advanced civilization, strikingly contrastable to the ambiguous era. Bat however extensive the projects or-complete the achievement to the soul imbned with American sentiments, there is something sadlv siddiflcant lnthe factor that beaming isle, so full of healthful growth, so entirely 1 contnoutaoie to tne eager sestnetic siao oi human nature, being divested ot Its peerless simplicity by the stolid hands of foreign capi talists. STARTING HERSELF FOB SPITE. t An Indiana Deaf Mnte Girl's Revenge on Her Poor Father. SPECIAL TXLXOBAU TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Lapaz, Ins.. November 26. Addle Desor mier. a 20-year-old girl and a deaf mute, for 15 days has refused to allow a particle .of food to pass ber lips. When attempts to force her ta eat are made, she struggles so violently that all efforts in that direction bare ceased. Two weeks ago she was good natured. plump and pretty. Now she is a mere skeleton, and her temper has become almost fiendish. The cause of Miss Desormier's strange con duct is the refusal of her father to allow her to return to her former home, he being unable to bear the expense. The physicians say that she can survive but a few days unless she consents to eat Partners at the Opera Hone Alexander Salvinl, son of the eminent tra gedian and himself no mean actor; last evening took tho leading role in RobertDuchanan's comedy-drama, "Partners," that of Henry Horgfeldt, a generous-hearted German who has risen from poverty to affluence, and who sacrifices fortune and home at the call of duty. The younger Salvini is an actor of considerable power, and filled well the trying role he sustained. Miss May Brooklyn, as Claire, the foolish but yet not wicked wife of Morgfeldt, proved herself to be possessed of the ability to portray an emo tional role. Miss Annie O'Neill, as Alice, the sister of Claire, scored the first success of the evening in the second act, and materially aided the effect of several later situations by tho naturalness other acting. George Fawcett. as Mr, Algernon Bellair, a retired actor, was an amusing specimen of the old-school trage dian. The other rolls were well filled, and the performance, as a wnoie, was very smooth. An Expert Female Angler. Edmund Yates In New York Tribune. Miss Cockburn, fishing wi th a 15-foot rod, has landed 17 salmon, the heaviest of which weighed 83 pounds, in six days from Lord Polwarth's Mertonn water la Tweed, of which Mr. Cockburn is the tenant He Cannot Possibly Be. From the Philadelphia Ledger. George W. Cable has a new work oa "The Silent South."' It is believed that General Mabone is not Included in It AT TWILIGHT. The speedwell folds her leaves of blue. In tears that each dark petal gea With many a dainty diadem And spray ot glistening1, starry dew; While slowly stealing np the vale, O'er banks snd dells and mossy ersffs, By many a pool of reedy flags The mists of twilight softly sail. B. The very air breathes peace. The light DTlngon rosy, far hilltops, tetit through the silent dark fir eoese. And fades into the gray of night; i Then, opening 'mid the solemn strife of day with dark, the spirit's eye Kecalls the loving memory Of some whom Death bath crowned with lift, in. Swift wakens all the shadowy past Torgotten wooli. snd Joys, and tears; The buried hope? of byjtsne years. The dreams that were too brlf ht to lt Come back by new, dlvlaer birth, llacli with a radiance or Its own, Jfromtast far land nnseerf. untnswa. Beyond the shadows or this earth; Where, having drawn a aobler breath Of lift Hi love tana earth east sire. Jt4hf)be?srr "J ,M 1st lilssajhesthssjsjs lsMee $ ufc WeiWij- ftr tfce Hd.n)n. rfW""CmjE' BFBKAir spzcxaxs.l XW Yeas. November 28. The Beard oC AldorsMB aeeMott this afternoon that the hand organ aad street pbao might stay, bnt that tho little German band should go. The discrimina tion against the little German band u tho re sult of the bitter opposition of the Musicians' Protective Union. The rest of the curbstone musicians, according ta the board .decision, wilt be allowed, to play all they want to. 00 feet or more 'from any church or school, between. 8 in the morning and 7 in the evening. The license iee was uxea at si per organ. Not mora than 360 organs, the board thought; should bo li censed. The champions of the little German band made a bard ftghtfor it, but were downed Dy too alaerrecn under the Influence ot the union. There was great Jubilation among the lame, halt and blind Italians around, the coun cil chamber when the result. was announced. The fat representatives of tho little German bauds, who had no pull, went away sorrowful. Later ia tho afternoon the Bun, WotlA and other newspapers that had advocated the re- 1 peal of the ordinance abolishing- street music. were treated, ta a band-organ serenade, each or gan beisg festooned with the flags at Italy and the United States. A KtcbToong Bnaatv Gone With an Actor. Another Brooklyn girl has disappeared with an actor. She isMissmma Anmann, 17 years old, a famous young beauty ia her circle ot society, and the possessor In her own right ot 50,090, She has long been more lntimato than her parents desired with Harvey Ernst, who has been playing minor parts at Brooklyn theaters for several months. Xast Saturday Ersat finished an engagement; Sunday he. vanished. Miss Aumann went out walking Sunday afternoon with her Dank books in her pocket, and has not returned home since. Mrs. Auauna told the police all about the matter to-day, and they will try to find the eloping couple, who are thought to be hiding In Mew York. N Klea by a Brato ofa Hatband. Neighbors of Mrs. John Kelly. In an uptown teaesient house, heard atremendius rnmpus in her room last night, shortly after Mr. Kelly bad staggered in drunk. The noise kept up for sometime, and then the man went out. All through the night Mrs. Kelly could be heard moaning as if ia intense pain. This morning a policeman, summoned by Mrs. Kelly's frightened fellow tenants, found her bruised, bloody and unconscious, half on a sofa and half oa the floor, as her husband had left her. Her face was black and blue andeutln nine places. Oa her breast and arms were the imprint. of boot heels. She was taken to a hospital, where she Is dying; The police are trying to find Kelly, who has not been home since the neighbors saw him leave last night; Oae Hoodred Uvea Saved by a FacBsar. A fire broke out this morning in a grocery store oa the ground floor of a double tenement house on Twelfth street, near the river. The flames made it hot for the proprietor's pug dog, which was chained to the floor of the shop, and it barked loudly enough to wake np its master In an adjoining room. The grocer ran through the building, rousing the inmates. Before tbey Ronla be gotten oat the lower hallway was full of flames. One aaa tried to plunge through them to the street, batwasQiiven back terribly burned. The otter 107 tenants then hurried up stairs, through the Seattle, ta an adjoining roof, whence they descenSed through another scuttle to the street. Thaakata the Jittlepu;, noons was killed. The fire was extinguished an hoar later. A secoad fire, in another down town tenement house was started by the upsetting ot a boiler full of grease over a stove la the cellar where John Bchaler. baker, was trying to eook crullera. In a secoad the cellar was all aUase. and the baker ran for his life. His aheats aroused the 108 iaaates ot the bouse, and all save two old women get out before the firemen came. One of the old women was carried by the janitor, through Are sad smoke, through the scuttle and over reefs. The other was brought down a fire eseape by a fireman. The lodgers shivered ia their aightclotbes os the sidewalk for two hours while the firs was beisg l put out Two other anartmeet-house fires oc curred this moraine, bat they were compara tively uaevestrsi. as tbey were la flats with fewteaaatsvaad were extlwgalssnd TTirhmir iflsTniiln M'OIGIT TO 18 FAIL A Beetsfsa of Arbitrator. Keedered Mahlse; X (TSVClnHra Hsj sVlaTVe The decision of the 'Board of Arbitrators ia the claims of Jaases McKalght, P. Carlm's Sobs and WIHlam Anehuts Aga-teet tho State for work performed at Johastowa, has been rendered. The deeJsionwM made a week ago atGreeas burg. McKnlght's claim was tor IM.IW 48, of which J5.088 had 'bees yM him, and be was awarded the asseaat tn be Mid by the State. Carlin's Son's claim was ia fall for H70O and they were allowed ,. The tlOO was stricken, off os account of a few days' time for which It conld not be provsa that work was performed. MrAashntz asked far S,0 and got 32,400, a reduction being made for the same reason as that In the Carlin claim. The arbitratorswere Evan Jones, of this city, for McKnight. Senator Haft, of Grecnsburg, and Secretary Kramer,, of the Relief Commis sion, on the part otthe State, Their decision Is final and no ape sal win be BMde. During the time they were examlniac these claims tbey heard the tesMssony of UB witnesses. The case was condneted by W. 8. Klrt Patrick for the State and Charles McKee and. 8. S. Kobertsea. for McKnight Mr. McKee said yesterday that McKnight would not make one penny by hia work, as the disallowances made on account of lost tools and other matters more than equaled whatever prost be could have derived frost, the transaction. He said that when be saw Governor Beaver on Hon-, day, and showed him the decision of the board, the Governor told him to come aronnd In the morning and get the check; which was given. Messrs. McKnigbtaed. PhilisFUnn, who went his security, are both saade happy. LUCKY SEAL ESTATE BUIEES. A Purchase tF!efMa Which Proves a Very Freftahle investment. Lobhtvtxxx, Kerember 24 A number ef local railroad mes fear years ago united in the purchase ot 2080 acres of land in Marlon county. Fla. They paid R 88 per sere for it Several days ago they were notified that a vela ot phosphate had bees dissevered on the traet, and a Florida real estate agent offered Hb aa acre by telegraph a day or so later. Yesterday tbe Chief of the Lead OBce at Jacksonville ooofiraed the truth ef the report In answer to their queries, saying the vein was a very rieh one. aad the discovery had created great ex oitesseBt ia Florida. Amose the fortunate cm-chasers are Vies President Cuebmaa Quarrier of the Louisville and Nashville; General Passenger Agent C. P. Aimers, W..B. Kaukenv C. B. Coaptea, C. B. Kelly, J. A. Boyd, J. B. Brownine, John B. Millikeo.- Tbe stockholders held a meeting yesterday; and. JCr. Quarrier was dispatched to Florida at oaoe to take steps to develop the discovery. TOI-STATE TEIFLES. "Uottx a complication of relaelesshsB resarhi frosa a resent wedding la Lenlgi ceusey. The steMMtber ot the bride Is the sister ot the .groesa, so bis sister has become Ms mother-in- law, and his erotner-ia-iaw nis ratser-M-iaw, aad his wife his nleee. The bride married her uncle, and her stepssether beeaae her sister-la-law. "What's ia a name?" "Maple" bMete" BeaadsasraeHewaad ianoceat as "sunbeam" or "seeatef roses." batpatsiag K oa the star ket wltboat a lfctaor Bosses seat Andrew Was. sea, of Crawford oeaaey, shree seafcsiajel aadHsscash. t Busiws a sesBBaabalfette flt afar-ahead near atoa hitched up a teasa aad slewed a eM-and then west, &aefc to bed again, far mers ef tbe vicinity are leesdac fer more farm sWBdsaaeetediBtbetaaisway. . Lxeeart at Meadville: JadM What date does tbe first Moaday la January eetaeea? Member of the sea. reserrisc to cal- adar -wsnesMSy , A wtAwr. bear was treed br Jasstsoa vtlle, MoatsjWBory eeaasy, oa Sanday., but leaped to the groaad aad "asaae has eseaae. He was see esse; ot Potsrtows afterward. Awttprabbtf strolled late Tamer Enter seat kitchen in Tasoarsass eooaty, O., tha other vents aad was coos raw hi y .. Writ rn-mm .& L -q&..3 CDKIODS COKDEJ&TMSS John W. Dwigbt, of Pennsylvania, owns to North Dakota a farm nearly as largs as the State of Rhode Island. James SutelifFe hooked a lS-poand trout In Pyramid Lake, Nev last Saturday. This beats the record, which stood at 14 pounds for many years,. When Mrs. Alice Good, of Coyert, Mich., wants a game dinner she shoulders her gun and goes into the woods, returning shortly with a mess of squirrels. She is a Good shot A sand pump near Boise Cityr Idaho, recently brought np a flint Idol from a depth of 5t?i!eSJtU clalnied to be the oldest mark of Ob?rtoCo1le1ehl5brPr0fcSMtWrtel1 Probably one of the largest bicycles ever known has just been finished 'in Pern, Tii sari Is a,. . . .-..- "yrupeny or John Warn, a man weighing oyer 2Cp pounds and over six Set talL The frame Is of iron and steel, with a wneel 6 inches In diameter. An Orogon editor apologized to his readers last week for being three days behind in getting-ont his paper. He said his patent wm"" V1. "pot lh a lot of groceries. ;!iri,?n.d.mto1k ""m tor a side of bacon and packed them off to his raneh. Policemen Ferdinand Heading ana John Hayes, of Detroit, make affidavit that tee E'fJ neT ?UB fa e river KassoS weighed 45 pounds. They also declare that be fore they got It into the boat they were willing to swear that it weighed a ton. """"""" In the Cascade Mountains, about T miles from Jacksonville. Ora, Is ta be found the Great Sunken Lake, the deepest lake ia the world. It is said to average 2,000 feet down totbewateron all sides. The depth of tha 4K wld nntnown- U fa abont v "" long by Walla Walla has a printer who would do well to emigrate. A few days ago the editor of the Statement was made to publish, this startling statement: "W,0. Bush, member ot the Legislature -from Thurston county has been 45 years in the penitentiary."' Mr. Bosh, has been in the territory for 45 years, and was never In prison at all. Oa the 4th of last July ITatbawel Green and his wife, on of the oldest Connies in Fulton county. Ga held a family reunion at their home, a few miles north of Atlanta. There were present 162 ot their children and grand children. The table at which they ate dinner was SO feet lone Since tha 4th of Jnlvthnrn have been nine births in the family, which makes the total 17L Something eunous happened in Kent's meat market at WaHa Walla the other day which seems unexplalnabls. Tha butcher. while cutting a hoc In two, had his knife strike some hard substance, and on examination found that the knife had struck a 10-cen t piece, which was firmly Imbedded in the backbone. How the coin got into such a place is sssae what of a ceBuadrum. A. "penny famine" is what now threat ens the large cities ot the West and Southwest The people have learned to use the long-despised one cent coin, and the needs or sreuls tion have Increased far beyond the power of the Government machinery to supufy thess. The Philadelphia Mint is two months behind, with ns orders for these pieces, in spite of keeping at work night and day tumlngjshesa oat There me ten Gentile churches is Salt Lake ot tfla leading dsnamisatians. The Methodists,the Presbyterians, the Baptist and. the Congregstlonalists through the Sew West '.Educational Association all have mina aehools,1he Methodist being a boarding school. Hammsnd Hall, the gift of Charles U. Ham BK)Bd,of Chicago, is the oldest school ot the ;Nw West, which has beside it two or three ward schools. These various mission schools seeaato be full. ' A, remarkably fine specimen ofmeteono Iroa has just been received at the North Caro liaa State Museara from Rockingham coanty. Its greatest length is 12 inches, with an aver age breadth of 8 inches, and it Is about 3 inches thick. Its general shape is fla though some what coacavs on one side and convex on tha other, as IX broken off from thevouter surfaea ot arouseedaBd larger mass. The speclssjs. Is coated -with a thick crust ot dark brows ras and weighs 2P pounds. In the tewasUpv of Pembroke, Genesee county. N.Y-. the fanners are wildly- eselted overapaetherthatia alleged to be at largs to the neighborhood. Abonta week at ltwaa inn for tn- Snt tlm hr Mma rhnAro . aii n I - " r- --. - i ag xraeai secoou Atspraac across UMtxaad. I iyi Jj '' I gtS "'"J'S sfhwsaad .mm wasrrasw WWVK JsV jsF JessF BOOft HtaTBVm. BVfnlxsK HVssm with scratches lnsHcted by tha i -(V- "JSSBSSSsV&ft I 1d-ja ' 1 uumera pursue it into a swamp, oat BeAaam louaa u i use reports. Mr. aadMn. Homer Grieve, aa eWerlj ceuplaof Hoaser, Ga, quarreled 12 ysasa sa over a rasaark made by a neighbor that cm ot tae children did not resemble the resnaiader tit tbe family. Argument only widened the breach, and ths caupla at last agreed to, Mrs under the same roof, but never to speak to each other. During all that time Mr. snd Mrs. Hosser sat at the same table and entertained. their friends, and no one ever detected the breath. Keeeatfcr .Mr. Homer brought tbe matter before tha ehurch brethren, who ad vised a resoneaiatioa and, remarriage. Mr. aad Mrs. Hosser have consented to accent this advice, aad win isusediatelr remarry. The following scheme for keeping Ufa lobsters hsa beast started by a Boston, man la Soathsert, Me.: A Initio cova has been pur chased aad dammed Bp so that it forms a salt water lake. When the lobsters are brought frosa the fishenaea thejrata pat into this fake and kept until later la the season, when fewer of the Sea are caught and the price Is higher. The dam is se bailt that a giMecaa be raised aad the water let oat and iaara with tbe tie, thus having pare sea water at all times ia the cove. Asssanyas&GWlebeterseaabekept in this place at a time. When the owner wants to get a lot be raises tbe gate .at lew side, lets tbe water rot oat aad then plefcs apaslthethe waata. A. BiDghamton, X. T., strange combat in his ssere the It was In the rnlsMJe of the fersaoosCassdhe was busy easting up aeeowass a tlMbaesfeC the room whea ba TTrrln irtngnlsr mesa Is), under oae of the shel'-es, aad a ste-aeat later oat rolled three gray raes eagadad ht a assafllst io encounter that weald have dessJnitertoa prof essiecaL They eta wed aad Me at each other Bavaneiy, aaa wew se meea sssorssa tasv. fight that they said so attention ta tha lookers on. A cat walked MMreiy aa and stood by watCBinsr tae row- wita aa ssosa jaterest as tboagh she had a bee wav After about two miantea the rats esasa.se a realising sense ot their aoeitlea, broke away aad scampered est lata their boles. It looked as If seme rat faml lybad beea raahlac tha growler, and ended arM aHT lflTxY WbQH ssra nSwleBBjaMf vreflssBl JBesv saey are pretty sera ta be etoshss observers. Jtosssa asBBesueaw4s4 Bas(Fe-tsBBa' wnsesinsaretjBBr-ffyaaSsVvavww It was pfcsahly a -visitor tc- s great, brewery who sea "Wfta aB Us vaults Hove the Mad eetar. Ifl were to Iosemy mind- do jea saaaeee 1 woatd be aware of It myself?, Sr.Betess-Yoawealdaot. And very likely noaef, ; ef yoar aeaaalataaeea weald aettee It, eHaerf-? Tsr-e. M-ass Jaarsss. . i Th Yswff PrsftMsr '(giving lessons JsiJ, f chess) la eaa ssare ateve. Jtlss Lain, I s aehlevea state. Doyennes It? . i Mis Laara (ttsaMIy) Ashlar papa? Is that !, , . professor? Cstsaae Irataas. " "Upeayseir exclaimed Mrs. JIy.T aroead, 1 never saw seek aa old sadder ta.U my life as Mwtwt-. Jiecerbeae 1st Actually, yes terday I, eaUed. scvea Maws at her bouse sad couldn't get la oeee!"-Jsoe. " . Dick Wkx have yea aerex married, JatM Jaek-Iwa felag to'oSee, bat Providence ia tsrveaed. T etoeed wish a stessoa sir' sad we werecsaghtatPrevtaaase. CMcafe Joarnot Mm I taw sees oae tedy wheat, I asm MyeasTeetiraeMr. -.JK are aa i ap is-roar eta tneas sfleiar What aa yea tsar 'War, lilhlai sa she .lass." H StsxICar JM-!. Dlainatlve Chae (rhe)-twbe say seat, mis. t-fl YoaaLad;-haak you, little boy. YeaaasK sMeaxsfkvsji. daaaser ever there woalto't Uka 1 mlst.rrgf learned tester the plane remwiiwy n -" hm kas been takiac Taa4sshat UsKudldt She as tceraed StA - i.-t .- 7nd jssifcertrtetsa ih n sssj Vend fSaasr-WeH. then, let's sell the asaa w'yfetBerererlt America. . AstarieticiaBwhoieesw net is ha-sssr aaaybMbesaaaarisirttoatthss the Mas-ssKtC Has frets Jtw 1 i Si - j ' K trUiSS. .. ? v; ii'T!