.r-l r , " WAS' 1 PirTSBTJRQlSPATCH, "WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 'J7,1- 1W? ,&' '' i S ;, Patholic comment. fffie Baptist Ministers' Attitude Cre ates Great Surprise. IEE7. MORGAN SHEEDI PROPHESIES What the Puolic School Sjstem Will he Abandoned. - WHAT LOCAL BAPTISTS HATE TO SAI Bev. Tather Sheedy, pastor of St Mary of Mercy Church, and Vice President of the Rational Diocesan Union of Catholic Tem perance Societies, returned home yesterday from Huhbard, O., where he had gone to attend a temperance demonstration. The latter was heldMonday atternoon and even ing under the auspices ot the Knights ol Father Matthew, who gave an exhibition drill. The meeting was presided over by Mayor "Weitz, of the city, and was attended by Catholics and Protestants. Father Sheedy made an address, and a number of persons joined the local organization. Father -Sheedy was asked for his opinion in regard to the statements made by Dr. Potter, pastor of the Baptist Tabernscle in Sew York at the Baptist ministers' meet ing. A full report of this was published exclusively in The Dispatch yesterday. Dr. Potter read an essav on the Catholic Congress, and said Catholics were just as good Christians, if not better, than other churchgoers. He also stated that the pub lic schools are already doomed, and that the Catholic Church was right in the stand it has taken. After reading the article, Father Sheedy said: The Baptist ministers at the convention seem to understand the situation rather clear ly. They have taken np the simple conclusions and resolutions formed attbe Catholic Con gress in Baltimore. Instead of getting excited at the proceedings of the latter, the Baptist ministers, unlike their brethern of other denominations look the matter square in the tace and approve of it. They .recognize that the position of the Catholic Church on the whool question is to the best interests of so ciety, t THE CATHOLIC CHTJBCH GBOWING. I am pleased to see the stand they have taken in the matter. The growth of the Church is a fact patent to everybody. The statistics read at the congress and repeated by Dr. Potter at the convention showed the progress we have made. The statement was not made for glorification, but because it was a good time to do so and count our numbers. Dr. Potter calls attention to Bishop Ire land's remarks about making America Catho lic. What I think the latter meant was that as Protestantism had lost its hold on the masses on account of ttao disappearance of nrejudices and the opportunities to bring forward the principles of Catholic laith the people are find ing their way to the church. Every observant person sees this. Protestantism is a thing of the past. The Catholic Church, as years go by, is simply growing. We do not go np on the house tops to proclaim it but it is .so neverthe less. The statement read at the Catholic Con gress was the first formal declaration in this respect. , Take the record of the Church. The people of the country will be blessed according as its principles baue been lived up to. Some alarmists think we are trying to get hold of everything. This is not so. We advocated the control of the schools by the churches, as edu cation mnst go hand in hand with religion. "We have put up churches all over the country, and the parochial schools are being rapidl v perfected. We are getting better bnildingv and facilities for the accommodation and edu cation of pupils. Some of the schools now are the equal of and 'some are far superior to many of the public schools. The control of the schools by the State is the only grievance we now have. I hope that our non-Catholic friends, as Dr. Potter says. will come over by and by, and somo kind of a remedy for the present evil will be formulated. It is agreeable to us to find such a statement coming from such a source. It is far different from what we are accustomed to in this city. COMMENTS OF LOCAL CHUECHMEN. The meeting of Baptist ministers above referred to, has occasioned considerable discussion among religious circles. The Presbyterian element particularly, with its , strong Scotch-Irish combativeness, regards the situation with alarm at the inactivity f own by the evangelical denominations in the home mission work. The United Pres byterian report for home missions, published in the current month, reviews the work ot the church for 30 years, and although show ing that 496 of its 907 congregations, much more than one-half, are due to the home mission work, the immense field now being cultivated and prepared by the Catholic Church shows decidedly that it has the ad vantage. Controller Morrow said, when asked about the subject, that we had some 24 evangeli cal denominations in this country, of which the combined efforts did not approach those made bv the Eornnn Catholic Church in the great Mississippi Valley. He quoted one authority iu stating tbat there were many places where no evangelical church existed within a radins of 100 miles, and that the attention paid to the territory was wholly out of proportion to the require ments. A BIG EVANGELIZATION. Into this territory, he said, the Roman Church was pouring missionaries and money, assigning their finest talent and brightest men to the task of molding its destinies. No superannuated clergymen or mediocre theological student was put in that field of action by the Roman Church, which had grasped the situation and the import ance of the field of labor. He referred to "Our Countrv," by Dr. Strong, of Cincinnati, which calls attention to this field of labor, describing its vast ex tent, from the crest of the Allegheniestothe foot of the Rocky Mountains, and from the great lakes to the gulf. Its influence, the work claims, upon the destinv of the nation cannot be overestimated when it is taken into consideration that within a centurv it will hold a pooulation of 200,000,000 English-speaking people. This will make an impress not alone upon the course of the TJuited States, but of the world. It is this population which will be called upon to solve the social problems ot the world which Bismarck with his mailed minions is unable to do. The Controller continued that into this immense territory the great tide of immigra tion would flow, bringing with it the crude notions of European countries socialism, anarchy, and other foreign ideas inimical to our institutions. These people have to be trained and Christianized, and which of all the 24 evangelical denominations in the United States is taking measures suitable to the end in view? The Catholics have taken time by the forelock, and are entitled to credit for doing so, both lor their zeal and judgment. This may probably account for the stand taken by the" Baptist ministers in New York as much as the instances quoted in The Dispatch. A Specific for Heart Disease. Dr. Flint's Remedy removes the danger of sudden death from heart disease, and enres long standing cases of disease of the heart, bringing back health and strength. Descriptive !, (treatise with each bottle; or address Mack Drag CoK.X., jiwp A Dravrine Card. Those handsome chinchilla overcoats which we are selling specially for this Thanksgiving bargain sale at $10 are a big attraction" and a drawing card. 2fot only do they possess beauty, but they are manu factured from very fine imported' chinchilla, lined with a good farmer satin lining, corded edge, and they come in blue, black, gray or brown. Some are also cloth lined. Ten dollars takes your choice during these two days. . P- C C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. h Blanket nud Comforts. 'Comforts from ?1 up. .All: wool blankets $3 73 up. 2To such stock in the country, and there are dollars for .you to save here. Jos. Hobke & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Closed all day to-morrow. Fob bad weather, ladies should see our ' California Shoe. S3: all widths. , Cadi &VEEKEE, Fifth aTe. and Market st. jaws Thanks 1 1 At this season, ere especiallyldue from those who have achieved success from good ihiugs and honest service. I am, therefore, thank ful to the general public for the confidence they have reposed in me, and feel I have achieved a victory by convincing them that all I have submitted in my advertisements was the truth and nothing but the truth. The people have proven it to be true by their liberal patronage. It is also true that I will and do sell the best and purest goods in the market It is true that I offer 6-yea.r-old Grfckenheimer, Gibson, Finch and Overholt's rye (in fall quarts) at 51 each or six bottles for $5. It is true that I sell pure California wines, direct from the vineyard?, at 50c; also port, sherry, or any other known brands. It is true that I have the finest im ported ports, sherries, Madeira and, in fact, any imported wine, unexcelled in the city. It is further true that I have the finest gin, Jamaica rum, "Gold Seal" brandv, or any other known liquor or cordial my patrons may call for, all of which I guarantee to sell at regular Hew Xork quoted prices. I will thank cpn noiseurs to call before purchasing else where, and would add that I have made special arrangements for Thanksgiving Dav to conduct quick deliveries both in and outside the city. Thanking you for past favors and trusting to a continuance. Max Klein, mwp 82 Federal st, Allegheny, TOU are always certain Of Finding Bargain at Joyce's Store ! Buying strictly for cash, we have the ad vantage of securing our goods at lowest prices. You will find the all-wool 36-inch dress goods at 30c yard we are now offering a decided bargain. Fine black cashmere reduced from 62c to 50c and 90c goods to 75c Double-width cashmere 9c, usually sold at 12UC Cloth goods, 1JS yards wide, 38c Satin and velvets, 25c The small profit we make on ladies' bats and trimmings keeps us busy. Our success is due to low prices. Children's trimmed sailor hats at 48c Quite an assortment of children's hats at 25c All the latest styles of ladies' hats at all prices. Children's plush caps 45c. "We carry a complete line of in fants' wear, the prices of which are right Children's coat, from "4 to 6 years, 51 25, are cheap at ?2 25. Children's Jerseys 25c ladies' stockinette coats $2 SO, usually sold at $3 50. Fine Jerseys, sold everywhere else at $1 45, our price ?ll Closing out a lot of Newmarkets at 52, worth 55. In curtains and rugs you will find many bargains. "We now sell a curtain at 95c per pair, worth $1 45. The curtain at $2 50, 2x 4 yards, is cheap at 54, Xarge parlor rugs reduced from 53 50 to 52 25. Door mats, 48c Shoes! Shoesl We keep only ladies' and children's. "We can save you money. Our 51 25, 51 50 and 51 90 ladies' shoes will give satisfaction. You cannot get same quality elsewhere at the price. Infants' shoes 25c up. Children's at all prices. If you need blankets, ladies' and gentt' underwear, you will find our prices, as usual, the lowest Joyce's, wssa 307 and 309 Penn avenue. A Drawing Card. Those handsome chinchilla overcoats which we arc selling specially for this Thanksgiving bargain sale at 510 are a big attraction and a drawing card. Not only do they possess beauty, but they are manu factured from very fine imported chinchilla, lined with a good farmer satin lining, corded edge, and they come in blue, black, gray or brown. Some are also cloth lined. Ten dollars takes your choice during these two days. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. B.&B. Cloak Boom Bargains More than a thousand garments and all reduced. Come sow for the choice 5150 and 510 marked down. Boggs& Buhl, Allegheny. Newly Married Couples! Making preparations for housekeeping do not forget that Dreydoppel soap is a very important article to have. The finest and best for all purposes that soar can be used for. "Renders clothes beautifully white, sweet and healthfnl to wear. Full pound liars, 8c per pound, at grocers everywhere. Odd Cops. "We have 500 styles of teas, coffees, choco lates and bouillions at popular prices; in single dozens or harlequin sets, popular prices. Reizenstein, 152, 154, 156 Federal st, Allegheny. TTSSU We Close All Day To-Blorrow. Come to-day for tablelinens. Cloak room bargains: 100 fine beaver cloth cloaks at $10, worth 515. Bargains aUoverthe store. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenne Stores. B. & B. Seduced the prices to-day on all the misses' garments. Newmarkets in beaver and stripes, plaids and stylish cheviots. Some 525 Newmarkets to 515. Boggs & Buhl, Allegheny. Comfort Shoe. Ladies' hand-sewed Comfort. Shoe, some thing new, 55. Cain& Verueb's, irws Fifth avenue and Market street Don't Get a Cheap Crayon For Xmas, thev will fade; but go to Au freeht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market st, Pitts burg, and get something handsome, at low price Comfort Shoe. Ladies' hand-sewed Comfort Shoe, some thing new, 55. Cain & Verneb's, MWS Fifth avenue and Market street 330 btylea Of new patterns and shapes of toilet chamber sets in unique designs and colorings at Beizenstein's, 152, 154, 156.Federal st. Alle gheny. TTSSU Fob bad weather, ladies should see our California Shoe. 53; all widths. Cain & Yebkes, Fifth ave. and Market st iiws B.&B. 25 or 30 Bed Beaver Cloth Newmarkets, bound and braid trimmed, 510, from 520 and 525. See these bargains. Boggs & Buhl. 83.00 S3.00 63.00. Cain & Verner's 53.00 shoe for ladies and gentlemen fit all shapes of feet and are comfortable. Fifth ave. and Market st aiws Fine watch repairing, lowest prices at Hauch's, Ko. 295 Fifth avenue. "wrsu " Foe undoubted excellence Wainwright's beer leads all competitors. Telephone 5525. wsu Fob bad weather, ladies should see our Calilornia Sboe, 53; all widths. Caxn& Veeneb, Fifth ave. and Market st , inrs ' " Leave Orders for Xnu Crayons AtA.ufrecht'sF:iiteXJallery, 516 Market st, Pittsburg. Mechanical and architectural drawing taught at evening sessions. Duff's College, 49 Fifth ave. ' -vvihs FOB bad weather, ladies should see our California1 Shoe, 53; all widths. Cain & Yebneb, Fifth ave. and Market st MWS F. & Vs. Pittsburg beer grows in favor every year. Kept by all dealers. Fine watches a specialty, low prices a certainty, at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave WFSD. Highest' prices paid for ladies' or gents' cast-off clothing at De Haaa'a Big 6, "Wylie are. Call or tend by Bail, trsu A Brewing Card. Those handsome chinchilla overcoats which we are selling specially for this Thanksgiving bargain sale at $10 are a big attraction and a drawing card. Not only do they possess beauty, but they are manu factured from very fine imported chincilla, lined with a good farmer satin lining, corded edge, and they come in blue, black, gray or brown. Some are also cloth lined. Ten dollars takes your choice during these two days. P. C. O. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Comfort Shoe. Ladies' hand-sewed Comfort Shoe, some thing new. 55. Cain & Vebnee's, aiws Fifth avenue and Market street XL&B. Only two left red broadcloth satin-lined Newmarkets 515 the price, to close, from 530. Boggs & Buhl, Allegheny. Comfort Sboe. Ladies' hand-sewed Comfort Shoe, some thing new, 55. Cain & Veeneb's, i mws Fifth avenue and Market street' Porcelains. Our own importations. All the new things from all the famous potteries. Lowest prices, at Beizenstein's, 152, 154, 156 Federal st, Allegheny. ttssu Patent Leather Shoes , For ladies and gentlemen are found in the proper shapes at Cain & Verner's, Fifth ave and Market aiws Feed. Beown's Ginger, the genuine, is warranted to possess in a concentrated form all the valuable properties of a pure Jamaica ginger, and is an excellent medicine, which no family should be without. Druggists. Don't Get a Chenp Crayon For Xmas, they will fadefcbut go to Au frecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market st, Pitts burg, and get something handsome, at low price. Fob had weather, ladies should see our California Shoe, 53; all widths. Cain & Veeneb, Fifth ave. and Market st MWS FOB undoubted excellence "Wainwright's beer leads all competitors. Telephone 5525. frsu S3.00 $3.00 $3.00. Cain & Verner's 53.00 shoe for ladies and gentlemen fit all shapes of feet and are comfortable. Fifth ave. and Market st MWS Fine watch repairing, lowest prices at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth avenue wrsu Patent Leather Shoes For ladies and gentlemen are found in the proper shapes at Cain & Verner's, Fifth ave. and Market mws MEETINGS. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the stockholders of the Pittsburg and Fairport Terminal Company will be held at the office of the company. B. 4 0.RR. station, corner Smitbfield and water streets, Pittsburg, Pa MONDAY. December 9, 1889. at 2 p. m. no24-24 C. S. WIGHT, Secy. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OP the stockholders of the FittBburg and Al legheny Droveyard Comnany will be held at the office of the company, B. & O. R. R. station, corner Smithfield and Water streets, Pittsburg, Pa MONDAY, December 9, 18S9. at 3 P. M. no24 21 C. ri WIGHT. Secy. ELECTIONS. Honongahela Insurance Co., l 93 .Fourth avenue, NOVEMBER 20. 1SS9.) ELECTION-THE ANNUAL MEETING and election of fifteen directors to serve lor the ensuing year will be held at the office of the company on TUESDAY, December 3, 1889, between the hours of 11 A. M. and 1 P. M. no21-70 J OHN H. CLANEY. Secretary. BUSINESS CHANGES. DISSOLUTION NOTICE THE PART NERSHIP heretofore known as A. J, Oivens Co., doing business at Chartiers,'Pa., has been dissolved by mutual consent, A. J. and S. D. Givens retiring. All moneys due above firm are payable to C. A. GIVENS & CO., and those having claims will present thorn withont delay. no27-75-w LEGAL NOTICES?. 0BJV8. W. DAHLINGER, Attorney-at-Law, 87 Diamond street. . ESTATE OF PETER HERDT. DECEASED Nonce is hereby eiven that letters testa mentary on the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are reqnested to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims against the same should make them known without de lay. PHILIP SPIEHL, Executor. oc23-14-'W 146 Ohio st, Allegheny. GEO. D. RIDDLE, Attorney-at-Law, 118 Diamond street. TESTATE OF WINFIELD a WILSON, DE JCi CEASED Notice. is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Winfleld S. Wilson, late of Allegheny county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same should make them known without delay to MARY H. WIL SON, Executrix, No. 23 Cabinet St., Allegheny. no20-18-w AMUSEMENTS. TULLVS WAR VIEWS Campaigns and Battles of the War. ' 300 views, 400 square feet each, and CONCERT, ' under the auspices of the WASHINGTON INFANTRY. OLD .CITY HALL (Market street) November 25, 26 and 27. Admission with reserved seatoO cents. Season ticket 1. Secure reserved seats at 8. Hamilton's, 91 Fifth ave., Nov. 21 to 27, from noon to 8 P. M. nol7-108-17-24 25-26-27 B UOU THEATER. TONIGHT. J. K. EMMET IN UNCLE JOE. Dec 2, Hallen 4 Hart In "Later On." no25-8-MTUWF HARRIS' THEATER IE very Afternoon and Evening. NELSON'S GREAT WORLD COMBINATION. Note Thanksgiving matinee, night prices, 10, 15 and 25 cents. Week Dec 2 Beacon Lights. no24-10 pRAND OPERA HOUSE- To-nieht and Satnrday matinees, SALVINI. In OTHELLO. Next week Bine Beard, Jr. noZ7 HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMi To-night, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Satnrday. THE NIGHT OWLS BURLESQUE COM PANY. Thanksgiving Day matinee, night prices. no21-3 TirORLD'S MUSEUM ALLEGHENY VV City Week of November25, Geary's Own World's Circus. The Skeleton Dudelet, thinnest wbman on earth. Positively the event of the season. December 2. Wax groupings of the great Cronin murder mystery. Humes Gingersnap Company. ne2o-4 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. No. 15L) AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE grade of Sheridan street, from Penn ave nue to Ellsworth avenue. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it Js hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the grade of the center line of Sbendan street, from Penn avenue to Ellsworth avenue be and the same shall be established as follows, to wit: Beginning On the south curb line of Penn avenne at an elevation of 218.60 feet; thence rising the Tate of 3 feet ner 100 feet for a distance of 20 feet to the south building line at an elevation of 219 26 feet: thence falling at the rate of 1.963 feet per 100 feet for a dis tance of 293.30 feet to the west curb line of Ellsworth avenne at an elevation of 213.50 feet Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordi nance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 28th day of October, A. D., 1SS9. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Council. W. A. MAGEE, President of Com mon Council pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office, October 31, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALIilN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTEBMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book, .vol. 7, page lW,lSthdayofNovemfer1A.D.,im no2i 3-Diip!av cutvertbemerUe one dollar ptr tquare lor one interttOTU ClatrtfUd advertise ment on this page tueh at Wanted, fkrBale, To Xet, ete ten centi per ling for tac inter tion, and ttttne taken for test than fifty tent. THE PITTSBUR6 DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following plaoes, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts wlthTHlDlS PATCH prrrsBUK. THOMAS MCCAFFKKY, S5o9 Butler street. EMIL 6. bTUCKEY, Zlth street and Penn ave. E. G. BTUCKEY i, Cp.,TVylle ave. and Euitonst N. bTOKELY. fifth Avenue Market House. XAST INS. 3. TV'. WALLACE. C1Z1 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEKASHEIi!LER,SthaT. AAVWOOdlU souTitsroE. JACOB SPOHN, So S Carson .street. H. A. DONALDSON. 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A.J. KAEECHEK, 59 Kederal'street. II. J. McBRIDE. Market Bouse, Allegheny. FRED H. EQGEKS. 17Z OHIO street. F. H. EQGEKS & SON. Ohio and Chestnut its. J". F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Wciternand Irwin avei. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Braver avei. PEBUYM. GLEIM. Eebeccaand Allegheny avea. M1LLYALE BOBOUGH. W. W. FLOCKEE, Stationer. No. 4 Grant are. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE FOR THE SOUTHSIDE AT" NO. 1220 CARSON STREET. WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS, NEWS AND SUB SCRIPTIONS CAN BE LEFT. BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS, AND, FOR .THE SPECIALSOUTHSIDEISSUE PUBLISHED EACH SATURDAY. WANTED. Male Help. WANTED A KEGISTEKEO ASSISTANT drug clerk. Address BUSE," Dispatch office. - no27-37 WANTED-A COOK FOB RESTAURANT; state price. Address KHOADS1 CAFE, Jeannette. Pa - ncZMl WANTED BOY WHO HAS SOME KNOWL EDGE of the baking business. Apply at 164 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny. WANTED - OFFICE BOY -ADDRESS IN own handwriting, statins age and where last emnloyed. O. P.. Dispatch office. no27-8 WANTED-15NO. 1 OABPENTEKS, FRAM ING and raiting lob, at MINEBSVILLE CAR BARN, end of Wylleve. car line. no27-5 w ANTED BOILER MAKERS - GOOD Irani and steady work. Aonlvto T1TDS- VILLE IKON CO., Limited, TitusYille, Fa. no27-93 WANTED-A FILE GRINDER AND A HAND cutter to go to Erie. Inquire or HASKELL, at Home Hotel, from 12 to 2 and after 6 V. ji. O037-94 WANTED A NO. 1 OIL SALESMAN: GOOD position to right man. Address, with stamp. THE PACIFIC KEFG. CO., Cleveland. O. UlKf-W -m-ANTED-BOY WHO HAS HAD SOM: W experience in the barber trade. Apply. HENRY bTOKMFELS, 718 Firth ave. or 101 Tns tln st. no27-24 WANTED-A SUBSCRIPTION BOOK MAN to handle Pennsylvania. Address JAMES B. CULLEN CO., G0S Washington St., Boston, Mass. no23-2 -TTTANTED-BOILER-MAKER, FIRST-CLASS VV repair worker, at once: none other need apply. MORRISON'S BOILER WORKS, Wash ington. Pa. no27-27 WANTED-TWO BOYS. 17 TO 20 YEAKS old. to work in pacfclnr room. Apply soon at JACOB M. MCGILVBAY'S, S3 Federal St., Allegheny. no27-32 WANTED - A GOOD, STEADY BOV TO learn the barber trade; one who has some experience preferred: at once. Address CHAS. G. WENDEL, P. O. Box 59. Leetonla. O. noI7-89 WANTHD-TRAVELING SALESMEN - A good side line (sample free, weight 8 ounces), to send address and reierences to KEYf bTONEMFG CO.. Girard, Erie Co., Pa. no2i-101 -VTT ANTED AGENTS IN ALLEGHENY IV Beaver. Lawrence. Westmoreland am j ashington counties to sell a household necessity, AQfiress a. jx. juakijIjIj, ui scmuneiasu OC23-MWT WANTED-PATTERN MAKERS TO REPORT atMOORHEAD BDILOING, cor. of Grant and Second ave.. Thursday morning, at 9 30 sharp, to take part In the Armstrong memorial parade, n 027-31 WANTFD-A FEW LIVE MEN TO REPRE SENT us in city and Western Pennsylvania; good inducements to rlgtit parties. App.ytoS. A. MCDEVITT, Boom 2, 1038 Penn are. noZ7-17 T7"ANTED TW0 COMPETENT MEN TO VV solicit business houses in rittsDunc and Allegheny : something entirely new: bit: money to the rljrht parties. Apply after 8 A. M., 63 EISNER BUILDING. no27-98 WANTED-AGFJJTS SHOULD WRITE FOR Illustrated circular, terms ana two weeks' trial of Missouri wisher: washes dirtiest clothes by hot steam withont rubbing; easily sold; profit able J. t ORTH, 54 Beekman St., N. Y. nolO-94-WBBu ANTED AGENTS "DODGE'S HORSE blanket holder:" keeps the blanket from blowing or sliding off the home; nothing like it in the market: every horse owner buys: sample by mail 25c STAYNER & CO., Providence, K. I. nolO-95 ANTED-EXPERIENCED WHOLESALE notion salesmen, acquainted with the trade of the two cities, the near-by towns and the country trade or Ohio. Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Address BOX 631, Pittsburg P. O. noZ7-07-WT WANTED SALESMAN tOR OUTSIDE towns, must deposit tlO for samples, be industrious and give reference, we will pay to bright, pushing, young man (390 for six. months work. (Payable monthly.) Call 5 SIXTH AVENUE. noZS-93-WSa "TTANTEO-SALESMEN AT STS PER MONTH VV salary and expenses, tosella llneofsllver- platedware, watches, etc.: by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once for full Particulars and sample case of goods free. STAN ARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. se24-90-D WAN TED-TWO MEN OK EXCELLENT business ability, 2? to 33 years of age, to work, one in Northern Pennsylvania and another in Southern Ohio; must be able to give bond or small cash deposit: salary SSO to sso per month to the right parties: give age and occupation. Call or address ROOM 45. Eisner building. no27-4 TTJANTED-BBICKLAYERS-THOSE WANT V ING work and employers and all others who may wish to employ bricklayers are entitled to register .such wants, free of charge, at the headquarters of the INDUSTRIAL MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, 93 Fourth ave., first floor front. Open until 9 r. u, Saturdays, ocll-so-vrrsu WANTED-SALESMEN AT ONCE-A FEW good memo sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; we are the largest mnnnfiphir.nl In onr line In tliAwnrlH. Iih.nl I salary paid: permanent position; money advanced i. .Mai, auvcriiBMiK. civ. nor lull terms su dress CENTENNIAL MG. CO., Chicago, 111., or Cincinnati, O. no9-77-wrsu WANTED-GENEKAL STATE AGENT TO open office headquarters in some principal clty.assnme exclusive control of our business, and appoint local or sob-agents in every city in this State. Goods well known, staple as floor, in uni versal demand, and pay a net oront of SO to 100 per cent. Address, with credentials, THE UNION COMPAN Y, 744 Broadway, New York. no22-60 TTT- ANTED -AGENTS TO SELL THE PIN LESS T V clothes line; tbe only line ever invented tbat holds the clothes without pins; a perfect success; patent recently issued; sold only by agents, to whom the exclusive right is given; on receipt of SO tents we will send a sample line by mail; also circulars, price list and terms to acents: secure your terrttory at once. Address WORCESTER PINLESS CLOTHES LINE CO., 17 Hermou St., Worcester, Mass. oe23-44-ws WA N T E D-TEACHERS. MINISTERS OH any one of good bnslness qualifications to handle oar new book, "Mary, the Queen of tbe House ofDavid;" read these Indorsements: "Peo ple can be won to read the whole if they but be gin." Miss Frances E. Willard; "It stands un equalled in literature "Dr. Alfred Hummer: "NoonecanDeglnlt without reading it through." Dr. Kenben Jeffrey: "It is ingenious in concep tion, brilliant in execution, wholesome and In structive." Dr. James Falrchlld: good salary to earnest solicitors: remember, we are exclusive Euullshers of this book. A. S. GRAY & CO., lsuer & PhltUos building. no27-4 Female Help. TTTANTED A GOOD YOUN G GIRL TO HELP VV iu housework who can sleep at home. Call at once at 43 AVERY ST., Allegheny. no27-31 TTJA-NTED-LADY AGENTS-ALSO MEN- V Two immense new specialties: one lady made 127 before dinner, another Sis flrst hour. Address LITTLE & "O., Box 443, Chicago, III. OC30-29-WSSU Klrantlona. VTTANTED-A POSITION IN A HARDWARE VV store; good reierence;moderate expectation. Address P., McKee's Hocks, Pa. no2-2S WANTED-A POSITION AS SALESMAN, salary or commission, for city trade: am 30 J ears old: best of reference. Address E. W. B., lispatch office. no27-s VTTANTED-S1TUA1ION BY A YOUNG 1.ADY V V who is a good accountant and worker.as book keeper, assistant bookkeeper, cashier, cleric or office work; can furnish good references. Ad dress E. B. T., VV . E. Postoffiee. no27-87 -TTTANTED-FOSITIONBY YOUNG MAN 21 VV years of age a stenographer aud type writer; has bad three years' experience as pri vate secretary to general manager of large manu facturing concern. Address BROOKS, Dispatch office ; ., is7-M WASTES. Male and pemaie flels. WANTED-MALK Off FEMALK; TO COOK and wait when not busy in restaurant: mnst notbe more than 40 years old. Apply 172 FORTY FIFTH ST. no27-78 WANTED AT ONCE MALE COOK, FARM bands, housekeeper. Catholic preferred; 50 cooks, 10 chambermaids, 100 house girls nurse, S?tfJrl! a kitchen girls, 2 dining room glrli. MEEHAN'S, 645 Grant st. noHS-D WANTED LADY AND GENTLEMEN agenta to take territory and sell the Taylor Adjustable Ladles' Shoe; every pair guaranteed. Can soon at the Tavlor Adjustable Shoe Parlor, Boom 2, 618 PENN AVE., Pittsburg, Pa. no27-25 Rooms, nouses, dfcc WANTED-BY YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE one large furnished room, or two connect ing ones, with board; everything first-class. Ad dress X. Y. Z.. Dlsnatch office. no27-95 WANTED-FOH THE WINTER, BYAFAM , Il.Yof four adults, a furnished house of eight or ten rooms in Allegheny: mnst be good lo latlon; references given. Answer MILTON, Dis patch office. no2S-21 Boarders) and Lodgers. WANTED-ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN OR married couDle for second-story front room, on Sherman ave., Allegheny. For terms, including board, address W. B. A., Dispatch office. no27-7 , Financial. WANTED-SMALL MOK1 GAGES-L J.WIL SON, 149 Fourth ave. no2S-23 w ANTED - MORTGAGES - LARGE AND small, ed. W1TT1SH, 410 urant street. no2-55-D WANTED-S30.OXFOBALONG TERM ATA low rate Interest; good city security. Ad dressF. K. J...Dlspatch office. no243-MWTBn JTANTED-MORTGAGE3 os aTY PB01? 7 V ERTY. over S4.000; 4), per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER 4 CO., 92 Fourth avenue. mh2-aS2-D s WANTED-MOBTGAGES ON PITTSBURG. Allegheny or suburban improved real estate at lowest rates. ALEXANDER & LEE 313 Wood st. no23-16-MW8 phone No. 975. no23-21-KW8 WANTED-MOETGAGKS-Sl. 000,000 TO LOAN in large and small amounts at 4fc. 5 and 6 per cent, free, of State tax; no delay. REED B. COYLE & CO., 131 Fourth ave. myn-60 WANTED TO LOAN S500,000. IN AMOUNTS of fi, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4J$ percent, free of tax: also smaller amounts at 6 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIBD, 95 Fpurth avenne. se2l-d26-D WAN TED-MOBTGAGES-S1, 000, 000TOLOAN on city and suburban properties at 4H, Sand 6 per cent, and on farms In Allcgnenyand aqja cent counties at 6 per cent. I. M. PENNOOKT & bON, 105 i ourth avenue. ap7-fU w ANTED-TO uOJlN $200,000 ON MORT- uA.Lij; fiw ana upvara a o per cent; WANTED-MOBTGAGES-$100,000 TO LOAN on mortgages, in sums from S500 to f 10,000, for I to 5 years on cltv property, at very low rates; write for terms and give description of property. J. E. GLASS, 133 Filth ave. Telephone No. 1764. nol5-47 Miscellaneous. WANTED-HIGHEST SPOT CASH PRICES paid for second-hand furniture, carpets and household goods of all kinds. 11U PENN AVE NUE. au28-25-MWF WANTED -NOVEMBER IS THE LAST month for fine cabinets at II per dozen, at ATJFRECHT'S ELITE GALLERY, 518 Market St., Pittsburg. Bring the children on elevator. no3-60-TWTSSu WANTED-PERSONS TO KNOW THAT BY agreeing to nay II per week yon can get fiossesslon of flne'goldor sliver watches, clocks, ewelry, diamonds, silver ware, etc J. MITSCH, 130 Federal st,, Allegheny, Pa. sel2-llWTSu WANTED-EVEKYONE TO KNOW THAT PEARSON, the leading photographer, of 98 Fifth ave. and 43 Federal St., All'y.. is making a life size crayon portrait, beautifully framed, and one dozen cab. photos, all for f3; all fine work. mh 13-63 FOB SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. East End Residence. FOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT. 22X100. ON Meyran st.; 4 rooms, halL side entrance; 3,700. 1. J. WILSON, 149 Fourth ave. no28-Z2 FOR SALE-2.700-NEV FRAME 6-EOOMED bouse and two lots: bandyto U. R. and cable; will sell on time, same as rent. MELLON BROTHERS. 6319 Station St., E. E. no24-12S-3rWT FOR 8AEE-FOR f3,300. A NEAT, NEW house, 5 rooms, well improved; lot 27x13) feet; onHsilman, near Howest.. Twentieth ward. See W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. nol8-72-'W8. ' FOR SALE $500 CASH AND REMAINDER on monthly payments of 825, a neat new house of Grooms and attic: late improvements; well located; near Shadyslde station. W. A. HEBRON A SONS, 83 Fourth ave. nol2-83-WS fTlOB SALE-HILAND AVENDERESIDENCEr PI a beautiful corner location: large and com pile house; ample ground, with stable, carriage noise, etc. ; to a prompt buyer we can name low pnle. CHARLES bOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St. n627-15 FOR SALE-NO. 4514 CALVIN BT., SEVEN TEENTH ward, new brick dwelling, slate roof, S rooms, hall, vestibule and large finished attic: large stable on rear of lot; price, 82,500 at terms to suit. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler street. no22-31-ws FOR SALE CONVENIENT S-ROOMED iraroe bouse, newly painted, with porches, baywlndows. etc.. and lot 43x115 on a 60 ft. street; handy to P. R. R. ; we offer this bargain at 4.500 on eisy payments. MELLON BROTHERS, 6319 Station St., E. K. no24-126-MWF OR SALE-TWO NEW DWELLING HOUbES orflrooma. finished attlr. bath. w. c. ranee. slate mantels, front and back porches, inside shutters; lots 30x100 each; near Shadyslde station: terms easy; immediate possession. GEORGE S CHMIDT, 157 Fourth ave. n 027-79 FOB SALE TWO GOOD BRICK HOUSES, two-story and mansard, 6 rooms each: both gases and wate r: convenient to business center of city; cable and electric roads; price for all, 85,000; will sell separately at 82,600 each. CHARLES SOS1ERS i, CO , 313 Wood st. no27-15 FUR SALE-ON MAIN. NEAR DAVISON ST., Seventeenth ward, at a sacrifice, as owner Is leaving the city, a new 8-room brick dwelling, with modern conveniences; lot 25x100: price 84,590; all or half cash, bal. to suit: cost over $5,000. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509Butlerstreet. H018-86-W8SU F lORSALE-A NEW QUEEN ANNE DWELL ING Rlnnev St.. short distance from Neglev ave., containing iz rooms, oaw w. c, ooia gases, slate mantel, tile hearths, hard wood stair case; all modern conveniences, and finished In tbe latest style; lot 40x120; paved street; good side walk; the price low; terms reasonable. BLACK & BAIBD, 85 Fourth ave. 4A-93 no34-87 FOR SALE EAST END-RESIDENCE ON Ellsworth ave.. near Roup station, a very handsome Queen Anne brick dwelling, containing reception ball. 10 rooms, bath, both kinds gas, electric bejis, and in fact replete with all modern conveniences: one of the choicest residences in the market: fine lot: price low; easy payments. I. M.PENNOCK & SON, 105 Fourth ave no23-19-MTT8 rz- ... (." .- .-. i-- FOR SALE-BEN VENUE PLACE, CONVEN IENT to P.R.B. and cable llne3ew, modern frame dwellings of 6 rooms, center hall, bath, nat ural gas, electric light and all Improved conveni ences: lots 50xl"5 each: price low. terms to suit; these houses are of the style and size that are in great demand; an early Investigation will con vince yon of their real worth. BLACK &BA1RD, 95 Fonrth ave. 4A-100. no24-S9 FOR SALE A HANDSOME QUEEN ANNE brick residence in the East End, 3 minutes from railroad station, 11 commodious rooms, bath, lavatory, laundry, natural gas, electric bells, tile hearths, marble mantels and all other of tbe more recent requirements and In prime order through out: tbe residence was built lor a home and is only now being offered for sale on account of 1 being too large for present owner; fine lot 60x150 feet to an allev. Terms, etc. from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. no27-9 F: R BALE OAKLAND. FOURTEENTH wardf hut few nf thn many npnnle ill tlila f;reat city nave any conception oi tne magnuune. mmense Improvement, rapid growth anden banceinentof the now most oesirable residence district within our city limits; within 30 daTS tbe new electric street railway will be in operation, connecting Oakland Square and the city (via the traction road) for tho nominal fare of 5 cents; Oakland Square Is a beautiful park around which rttn wide streets paved with aspbaltnm and sew ered free of cost to the purchaser of one of the beautirnl dwellings facing tbe square, a brief de scription of whlcb is here given: Built of brick, by day work, two sizes, 8 aud 9 rooms, halls. bath, inside shutters and w. c's, handsome slate man tels, tile hearths, sliding doors, range and both gases; also, electric lighting apparatus, large porches, cemented cellars, flnechaudellers. large lot. etc.; terms, small cash payment down, bal ance 8500 per annum: 14 or these dwellings have been sold to representative business men: tbe time consumed in running from tbe postoffiee to the square Is but 17 minutes, tbns giving ample time to go home for dinner: see the square before buying elsewhere. SAM'L W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth ave. noie-OI-D 8nburbnn Residences. TnORSALE LOT 50X150 AT CRAFTON;HOUSE, J 7 rooms, bay window. Inside shutters: 5 min utes from station; $3,600. L J. WILSON. 149 Fourth ave. no.26-22 FOR SALE WILKINSBURG CORN EH PROP ERTY, lot 60X100, near P. B. R. station: new modern flnihed and arranged frame. 8 rooms, attic; a desirable property at tbe price, $5.60). CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Woodst. no27-l FORALEAT-WILKINSBURG, CONY& NIENT to station, 2 neat 5-rooraed frame houses, lot 331100 feet; excellent water In both houses: natural gas: good, dry cellars: will be sold very low and on easv payments: full particulars from McCUNE&C'OULTbH. 9srohrthare.,wbo will take you out and show you tbe property. no28-37 F OR SALE A DESIRABLE WILKINSBURG rpRlriVnci. tnri l.Viri. tat. A jtnaelons and cheer ful rooms, bath, . c, lavatory, hot and cold water, natnral vxil. tiantrtesandotherinodern ao- pllances; everything in excellent order; floe lot 66X1S! feet: considerable number of fruit trees, grape vines on trellis work, etc, etc: perfect sewerage; stone walk in front; 2 minutes to rail road station: exceptionally pleasant and con venient neighborhood. Particulars from JAS. "W. DRAPE a CO., 1 Fourth avenue, PMefcttrg. B027-8 rOK SALsT-MPKOYXB -REAL HSTATE. , City Residence. SALE-HflfiO-yASV PIVMFVTSIA F OB gOOdbrlckhonseSmnms. attli hath. rsndp .fn.l .- 4 .....-.. . Z-.-i- ' ?I i.u, ,,., t, equate irum caoie cars, on acq. 2?.iTiniiei.ElcTenta w"d- See W. A. HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. - ' nol3-4l-ws Hazelwood Residences. -nOR bXle-at hazelwoou-on CATHA- - .. KUJE ' near R. B. station, an almost new modern 2-storv frame house, Qneen Anne style, of 10 rooms, reception and back; hall, bath, water, both kinds gas, electric bells and other modern conveniences: good lot; price reasonable; terms easy. L, M. PENN0CK4B0N, 105 Fonrth ave. noB-lS-irwg AMesKcnr Residences. FOR SALE-DESIRABLE PROPERTY AND A profitable Investment considered cheap: only 87,000; payments made to suit: on Lacoek. near Sandusky st., Allegheny; lot 21x100 ft. : two houses, one In ITont and one In rear on Stoddard St. Y. A. HEERON& SON 8,80 Fourth avenue. U06-68-WS FOR SALE--1N ALLBGHENY-ON LOCUST St., lot 21x130 ft. to Decatur st., with a nice 2 story brick house ot 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, both kinds gas, range and other modern conven iences: will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms to an early buyer. L .M, PEN NOCK & SON. 105 Fonrth ave noS4-46-MW FOR SALE LOTS. Cltr Lots. FOR BALE LOT 20X100. CORNER TWO streets, two squares from cable. Thirteenth ward; cheap, fSCO. CHARLES BOMERS CO., 313 Woodst. r no27-15 East End Lots. FOR SALE-10 ACRES ON FORBES ST., NEAR Murray ave.; price $6,000 per acre GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt.. 61 Fourth ave. no27-14 FOR SALE-2M ACRES ON MURRAY AVE., Twenty-second ward: price 83.000 per acre. GEO. JOHNaTON, Agt., 62 Fourth ave. no27-14 TTIOB SALE-S ACRES OF LAND FINEST X: situation on Shadv lane, near Forward ave.; price $14, 000. D WITTISH, 410 Grant St. no27-D F OB SALE-FINE LOT, 60x108. ON MEuLON street, one sauare from Neglev ave.. at 840 per foot front. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station st., E. E U024-12S-VWT FOR SALE-LOTS 40x100 FEET FOE 8L 000 ON easy payments, one square from Fifth av enue, near College avenne. Bee W. A. HEKRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. nol2-88-ws FOR BALE OAKLAND LOTS. PAVED street, sidewalk and well sewered 4 desirable building lots: fine street and convenient to cable line. BLACK & BAIBD. 95 Fourth ave. 2D-213. no24-83 F OR SALE-A LARGE CORNER LOT, 100x130 fept- In thn HhadyalrfA rilKtrlef- Kant TCnrl 5 rice to a prom pt buyer, $5.000;adeclded bargain, AS. W. DRAPE & CO., Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. no27-8 FOBSALE-92FEETATJ38PEBFOOT1N THE Baum Grove plan; street Is sewered, graded, curbed and flagstone walks laid; this is a bargain for someone lfsold at once. SAM'L. W. BLACK & CO., 09 Fourth ave. no24-55-TnwrhS FOB SALE-f70 P.EB FT., E.'E. BUILDING site, Boup street, near Firth ave., lot 150x150 feet: magnificent view; good location and unsur passed neighborhood: terms to suit. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. no27-18 FOR BALE-THE CHEAPEST LOTS IN THE market to-day are to be found In the Villa Park plan, Brushton station; no city taxes and conveniently located: secure plan (book form), from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smitbfield street. no21-41-irvrF FOR SALE-CHOICE RESIDENCE BITES IN the most attractive part of East End to be secured by Investing in a lot In Baum Grove plan; Investigate this plan before purchasing elsewhere. MELLON BROS, East End. or JOHN F. .BAX TER, Agent, 512 Smithfield st. ncSt-U-iro? Glenivjod Lots. TpOR SALE-LOTS AT GLENWOOD: CON V VENlENTtotbe station and Second Ave. Electric Railway; graded streets, sidewalks, city water; houses and lota for sale on monthly pay ments. GEORGE C. BUBU WIN, 150 Fourth ave. OC29-29-UW6U Allegheny Lota. FOR SALE ON PERRYSVILLE ELECTRIC road Choice lot 88x170 ft.deep;prlce and term s reasonable. I. M. PENNOCK & SON. No. 105 Fourth ave, noH-K-jrwF Snbnrban Lota. -I7WR SALE AT INGRAM. 1.000 LOTS. GEO. JD JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. no26-14 F OR SALE-AT INGRAM, SEVERAL VERY nice one-sere lots: nrlce. (TOO each lot. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agents 62 Fonrth ave. noK-14 FOB BALE AT WILKINSBURG, LOT 50x200. 11 minutes' from station.- $475: easy terms. W. N. HAMNETT, 404 Bmltuneld, St., Flttburg, and Wilklnsbnrg. uoZT-80 FOR 8 ALE-BUILDING LOTS CHEAP-THE best In the market for the money: special In ducements to purchasers desiring to build; terms easv: location very desirable; only 7 miles from Fedoral St.: at Asplnwall station, adjoining Sharpsburg, West Penn R. R. For plans see W. A. HEHBON & SONS. 80 Fourth ave, no2-90-W Farms. TjHIK SALE-100 ACRES ON BOOIEBEL HILL; A. price, fcuv per acre. uur. dunnsiuji, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. noiJ-14 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-30 ACRES AND Improvements, 1M miles from Ulenfield, P., Ft. W. C. R. W. : will sell or exchange for city or suburban property. ROSS MILLER, Room 8, Coal Exchange, city. no27-81 FOR BALE-VALUABLE FARM AND FLAG STONE quarry: the farm contains 42 acres more or less, and is situated IX miles from CanousbuTg, Wast), Co., Pa.; upon this farm are a good two-story frame house of five rooms, a large barn, a two-story brick wash and spring house and other outbuildings: two good orchards of choice varieties or fruit: the farm is in the oil and gas belt, and is unencumbered by a lease; it Is well watered: the stoncquarry Is known as the Cook quarry. Call on or address GEORGE MO WILLIAMS, Canonsbdrg, Wash, co.. Pa. D019-33-D Bflsecllaneoss. T7iOB SALE-AT 1NGRA51, NINE ACRES OH. U land. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. no26-14 FOR BALE - 4,000 ACRES HEAVY TIMBER, Cameron county. T. LIYEZEY, Allen's Lane, Pblla. nolS-C-w FOR SALE-COAL LAND 80 ACHES IN Baldwin tp., Allegheny co.. Pa., on line of li. & O. R. K-, 4 nillei from city; in good state of cultivation: underlaid with a good quality of coal: good farm buildings: plenty of fruit; cheap lfsoldqalck. See W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave, no6-69-w FOB B A DE NATURAL GAS LANDS-160 acres on Nobjesvllle road, eight miles from Indianapolis; no wells yet drilled on this land, but lands on all sides have flowing wells, from which entire supply for Indianapolis Is obtained. For prices apply to L. A. COQUARD, 124 North Third St.. St, Louis, Mo. nol-48-p FOR SALE BUSINESS. " Business Cbnnccs. FOR SALE-A DRUGSTORE ON CARSON ST., Pittsburg, Pa.: stock about 82,500: will sell at a sacrifice Address AR1CA, Dispatch office. no2A-5 T710R SALE-TWO FORMULAS OF HARTS JC HORNE'S celebrated Backache and Liver Pills. They ean be bought wholesale and retail by addressing H. L. ANDERSON, P. O. Bjx 78, West Brldgewater, Pa. no27-7B FOR BALE-BOARDING HOUSE-RIGHT IN center of business, having large trade for several years; well furnished: making money, but will sell at sacrifice on account of sickness. HA GAW & GOFF, L1M., 145 Fourth aye. no2S-47 FOR BALE VALUABLE PATENT IMPROVE MENT on elevators: now In operation at Star Finishing Works, 2335 Hamilton St., Philadel phia. Pa. : preserves life and limb. For lull par ticulars apply to ROBT. J. WALKER, Inventor. no27-92-D FOR SALE-GROCERY STORES IN BOTH cities, from 8330 to 810,000: cigar stores $250, $350. 8500. $1,800; shooting gallery paying 875 per week clear of expenses; fine city and country drugstores: general country stores: good paying slate roofing business in live town; boarding bouses, milk route!, confectioneries, bakeries and many other good business chances. SHEPAHD & CO., 51 Fifth ave. noS3 Business Mrands. F 'OR SALE COALYABD OWNER HAS other business, tuau, iiisnaicn omce. , " noZ7-20 FOR SALE-BUSINESS PROPERTIES IN ONE or the best squares, on Smithfield it. Apply to I. M. PEN NOCK & SON, 105 Fourth ave no27-98-ws FOR SALE-SOMETHING WORTH INVESTI GATION: J3 rooms, large storeroom: tenants secure for rental of St60 per year: prlct $4,000. CHARLES SOMERS & CO.. 313 Wood st. noJ7-15 FOR SALE-FEDFRAL STREET PROPERTY, Nos. 43 and 45, having a front of 40 feet; this Is a rare chance for buying a business property In one of the best locations in Allrzhrny. See SAMUEL DYEK, or GEORGE ALEXANDER. 48 Park-way. Allegheny. no57-30-irwrs FOR SALE-A FIRST-CLASS FULL ROLLER mill, lrom 75 to 80 barrels capacity, frame building 40x80 reet, s6 stones nign, 55 horse rtower steam ensrlne. 12sets 8XISl Dawson rollera. 10 fourteen feet reels, 4 Smiths' purifiers, dust collector, magnetic separator, flour packer, Rich mond bran dnster. four rleanerg, 30-inch corn and feed stone, .new buckwheat rolls, etc.: this property Is situated on the line of tbe Pennsyl vania Railroad at New Florence station, West moreland county. Penna., with a side track to the mill door? It ulna good grain country, and should command a good run of custom: the pt esent owners are not practical millers; they re side at a distance from New Florence, and are engaged in otber pursuits: they would therefore rather sell the mill, at a bargain to a good cus tomer, than rent It. For terms, etc, apply to ANTES SNYDER, BlalrsvUle, Penna. no9-38-kwT MnnafacturtnaT Mtes. ' 17OR SALE-FINE LOT-SUITABLE FOR manufacturing establishment: situate on Second avenue above Ross st. ; if sold soon can be had at a bargain and on easy payments. See W. A. HERKON SONS. SO Fourth ave. noS-00-wg TJWB SALE -MANUFACTURING SITE IN K Allegheny; one or the best located and cheap est in the market, containing 6 acres wltn fine front on the Ohio river and two K.K. connections, thus affording every facility for fcfpmeats; par ties wanting a manufacturing site by sn earty a- we are ajHUortsed to teH. LJa.P1 & aw,) 9VK SALE-mSCCLLAHsWIW. Horses, TeMcIesv Live St, Stc R 8AL-CHKaTNTTTgLDtS. 7YEAH8. 1 haqd L 150 pounds; absolnSstrsoaad, free a vice, blemish oranvosta; vlrtasdlv a green larm ana unving nortec nas snewm z:ss ciean, honest trotlng; never touches a hair to speeding: fearless of steam: game; can road 12 allies an hour; with W days' work next sprlngwlUtrsttbeats bet ter than 2:30: wiU take firs t-clss side-tor baggy, harness and a good driving team of assail ssares In part pay for the trotter. H. V. GXAFF, Xenstng-lon.-Ohlo. B027-2B . .... . - .--- .? -, FOB SALE 1 GRADE GUERNSEY COW. years old. heavy in calf, due Dec 4; a perfect gem; gave with her first calf when Just 2 years old 16 quarts of rich gold-color milk; good bog; good teats: perfectly kind and gentle: is an extra cream and butter cow: wlU keep heruntll she dnsas call and deliver on car for $65; also 1 trained rabbit dog: tbe best trained dog in America to boat with, a ferret: be finds every rabbit that is In hole; also trees squirrels day time, coon and 'possum at night; this Is the champion dog on game: letters of inquiry must contain stamp. H. C. GRAFF, Kensington, O. no27-28 Machinery and Metals. T7IOK SALE-ONE LARGE HEATING FUB JU N ACE in good order; can be used for coal or gas; cost $75; will sell cheap. Call at 33 FEDERAL bT., Pittsburg. no27-38 FOR SALE ENGINES AND BOILERS NEW and refitted: repairing promptly attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY ANDMACHlNECO.LIM., below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aul9-3 FOR8ALE-A BAITERY OF 3 2-FLUE BOIL ERS, 44 in. diameter by 24 ft. long: boilers and fixtures complete. Inquire Beaver Valley Boiler Works.' CHA3. MILLER, Bearer Falls. Pa. no2l-84 FOB SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles in stock, from 4 to 180 h. p.;allrefltted;goodasnew, at lowest prices; portable engines. 8 to 25 h. p.; boilers au sizes and styles. J.S.YOUNG,23Park way, Allegheny. Pa. OC25-80-D F IOR SALE - HOISTING ENGINES, NEW ,1,4 .... Ii.n4. . Im ...I ... ..lit .fin. ,. ... jl wi.nwuuiMuui nut: mum im.uim iwjmuu- rick and fittings, hoisting tubs and ears, clay and ore rjana. engines, boilers and macbinerr. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS,Lacock and Sandusky sts.. Allegheny. anS-17-Kwr HisceTlaaeeas. EUBSALE-COCHRAN BENTKEGISTEB AND Journal of Important use to every owner and agent of real estate r price, S3 25; large size, $5 50; counting house tablet requisite In every business house, office and bank, for computing maturity of notes at sight: price 30c; agents wanted. C. H. COCHRAN, 418 Walnut St., Phlla., Pa. no27-82 TO LET. City Residence. TO LET-HOUSE OF U E00M3 ON PENN ave.: all modern conveniences. GEO, JOHNSTON, Agt., 62 Fourth ave. no27-14 mO LET-NO. 188 BEDFORD AVE., NEAR. 1 Fulton St., a gooa brief hoose, 6 rooms and attic; rent low. Bee W. A. HEBRON A SONS, SO Fonrth ave. no2W-M'WT TO LET-A NEW BRICK HOUSE OF DEVEN rooms. Bedford ave, bet-Somers and Chaun S' sts.. In Thirteenth ward. Inquire of JOHN G. ITE, across street from bouse np3-100 jSasrVXtrinUl &rBTBrCsTwvd99sl TO LET-AT INGRAM, HOUSE OF 10 rooms; natural gas: delightful location. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agt., 62 Fourth ave. noZl-li TO LET-AT SHEKIDAN-HOU3E OF 8 rooms and storeroom abodt 3 minutes from R.R. station; low rent. GEO.JOHNSTON.Agt., 62 Fourth ave, no27-14 Farms. TO LET-AT INGRAM, AN OLD ESTAB LISHED vegetable garden, containing 40 acres, under high state of cultivation: on premi ses 4 rooms and b semen t dwelling, 2 green nouses 13x30 ft. with other outbuildings. GEO. JOHNS TON, Agt. ..2 Fourth ave no27-14 Offlces. Desk Boon. eke. T 10 LET-ttpO PER YEAK-A LARGE, WELL LIGHTED office with all modern convene iences: newly nalnted and narjered: has two large closets for storage room. Inquire at GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK, 423 Woodst. no13-3!-D FERSeXAL, PERSONAL HAVE YOU SEEN LEVI'S bookstore? Do yon know we have n ew books as well as old? Do yon know we have the largest stock of old books west ot the Allegheny Moun tains? LEVI'S BOOKSTORE. 969 Liberty st. no3-38 PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently thev bad not been on the best of terms owing to a little fsmily lar "cca tloned by the wife insisting on being allowed to renovate 'his wearing apparel, and which, ot course was donein a bnnillng manner; In order to prevent the trouble they agreed to send oil their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 68 Fifth ave, corner Wood St., second floor, and now everything is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns In their household. Telephone I5M. SU30-D REWARDS. EEWARD-A LIBERAL REWARD WILL BE paid for the recovery of the body of George Maul who was drowned at oods landing on Novem.her22, age 22 years, medium height, dark hair and eyes. NICHOLAS MAUL, 1194 Carson St., Pittsburg, 8. 8- noCT-g LOST. T OST-POCKETBOOK CONTAINING ABOUT XJ $18 In money, between Alkea ave, on Walnut street, and bbady Lane and Peaa ave. Return, to ROOM 68, Fidelity Building, and get reward. no27"-I OFFICIAL-FsTTSBCRCh. ArN0.M8.1 N ORDINANCB-LOCATING CHAU CER street, from Lang street to Lincoln avenne. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and. Coatees Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the- same. That Chancer street; from Lang street to Lincoln avenne be and the same is hereby located, as follows, to-wit: The south five-foot line of Chancer street shall begin at a point situated at the intersection of the south lire-foot line of Chancer with the west flve-foot line of Lang avenne, and at a distance of 1,102.086 feet northerly from an angle in said Lang street, thence deflecting to the left 73. 21', 30", for a distance of 91408 feet td a point on the center line of Lincoln avenne intersecting said Bns at an angle ot 35 26', and said Chancer street shall be of a width of 0 feet Section 2 That any ordinance or part of, ordinance conflicting with tho provisions, of this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as tbe same asTecta this ordi nance. , Ordained and enacted in to a law la, Ceancfl this26tbdayof October, A. D. im H. P. FORD. President of Select Cobb ciL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select CouneU. W. A. MAGEE, President of Common Conncil pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Conncil. Mayor's Office, October 31, 1880. Approved: WM. McCALLiN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMA1ER, Assistant Mayer's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. voL 7, page M8, 18th day of November. A. D. 1889.. no3S AINo. Hi. N ORDINANCE-LOCATING FIZLD INU alley, from Laeg street to Beecher street- Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted bv the city of PittahsTs"- In Select and Consul Co-an- cils assembled, and it Is hereby ordained aad. enactedbythe authority of the same. That Fielding alley, from Lang street to Beecher street, ue ana toe same auau oa locssea as 101- lows. towlt: Toe sontn nve-ioot unesuau De gin on tbe west five-foot Une of Lang street, at a distance of 190 feet northerly from the south flve-foot line of Idlewild street, thenoe deflect ing to the left 80 in a westerly direction ana parallel to Frankstown avenue and Idlewild street a distance ot L1S3.77 feet to the east lino of Beecher street and tbe said Fielding alley, shall ha of a width of twenty-four (341 feet. ejection 2 That any ordinance or part ot orainance couHicuug wiba uro ihuvisiuuv wi this ordinance be and tbe sarae is hereby re pealed, so far as the same asects tma orai nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in CoHncUs, this 28th day of October, A. D. 1888. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. W". A. MAGEE. President of Com mon Council pre tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH. Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's OJHee, October 3L M88. Approved: WM. McCALLLN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTEBMAIER, Assistant Major's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 189 16th day of November. A. D.,1839. ao25 AINO.I47.J N ORDINANCE RELOCATING BATES street, from a point 419.14 feet south of Ward street to a point 1,028,7 feet south of Ward street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted bv taw city of Pittsburg, in Select and Commoa Conn-' ells assent oiea,ana 11 is nereuy oraaiaea ana en acted by the authority of the same. That Bates street, from a point 419.14 feet south of Ward street to a point L02&74feet south of Ward street, be and tbe same shall be relocated as follows, to wit: The center line shall beglaat a pin at a distance of 419.14 feet south ot tbe center line of Ward street; thence deflecting to the left 18 23' 30" for a distance ot 807.60 feet to a point intersecting: center line ot former location of Bates street, at an angle of 28 W and at a distance ot 288.54 feet south of the cen ter Une at Wilmot street, aad tbe said Bates street shall ke-of a width at fifty (aC) feet. Section 1 That aay ordinance ir part of ordinance oeoflictlnr with the previsions ot this ordisranee be, and the same is hereby re pealed, so far as tbe easae affects this ordi nance. N Ordained and enacted into a law U Coaaotls tbie ath day ei October. A. D. Vm. H. P. FORD. President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk f Select CounotL W. A. MAGEE, Presiileht or Com mon Coaneu pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTS, Clark of Common Council. Mayor' lee, October as. Jam 1a, .. 4Koff& ;U.iinf".'.22i2rCr'u HSP. Jttttssttvrirz?' 1- UK V" rnciA n it ism u ju- . A iTOBDINAtfC&EsTABTaSHrNGTHJf A. gTide of Howley street from KaiB street toFortieth street Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, In Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and It Is hereby ordained and. enacted by the authority of the same. That the icrada of the north curb of Howley street, from Main, street to Fortieth street, be and the same shall be established as follows, to wit: Beginning on the west curb of Main street at an elevation of 22400 feet; thence fall ing at the rate of Q.75 feet per 100 feetfora. distance of 530170 feet to the east line ot Canoe alley at an elevation of 227.98 feet; thence crossing the said alley level for a distance of 24 feet to the west line; thence falling- at tbe rats of X285 feet per 100 feet for a distance ot 88a.ee feet to the east enrb line of Fortieth street; at an elevation of 22157 feet. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dirance conflicting with the provisions ot this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Jt- Ordained and. enacted into a law- in CoundssvC this 28th day of October. A. V. 188R. H. F. FORD, President of Select Council. -Attest! GEO. 8HEPPABJJ, Clerk, of Heleet " Council. GEO. L. BOLLIDAT, President oe. Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk or Common Council. Mayor's office. October 3L 1889. Approved r i WM. McCALLTN, Mayor. Attest: ROBEBT2 r OSTEBMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Boole.-vol. 7, page l&sii. ' ISth day of November, A. V. 1889. mo3& - CNo.lo7n A N OBDIK'ANCE-RE.ESTA HT.TRHINQ A the grade of Dendiston avenue, from Fifth avenue to Penn avenne. Section 1 Be It ordained and enacted by te city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and en acted by the authority of the same. That the gradelof the west curb Une of Denmstoa aveaae, from Fifth avenne to Penn avenue, be and the same shall be re-established, a follows, to wlt: Beginning at the north curb Une of Fifth avenue at an elevation of 28748 feet: thence falling at the rate of 6 feet per 109 feet for a distance of 152 feet at an elevation of 259.53; then ca falling at the rate of3,M4 feet for a distance of 206155 feet to an anjle at an elevation ot 24Z5S feet; thence falling at the rate ot 2.471 feet for a distance of 734.94 feet -at an elevation of 23.83 feet; thence falling at. the rate of 1 foot per 100 feet for a distance ot 479.92 at an elevation of 22413; thence rising at tbe rate of I toot per 100 feet for a distance ot 280 feet to south curb line of Penn avenue at an elevation of 228.13 feet. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the- provisions ofthht ordinance be and too same is hereby repealed. so zar as me same aaects inis orainance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Council this 28th day of October. A. D.ISSK. H P. FORD, President of select Council.. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Cleric of Select Council. VV. A. MAGEE. President ot Co mon Council pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Cleri. of Common Council. Mayor's Office. October 31. 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT . OSTEBMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book, voL 7, page 9K, ,., lainaay oj.novemDer.-a.4J. ik. uojb 0. K5.J AN ORDINANCE-MOATING MONTI. CELLO street, from Lane- street ts Beecher street. S-! Section 1 Belt ordained and enacted fertfcafc -..L. - n...-L - , ,, a r f J,.3 dls assembled, aad It is hereby ordained aei'-"5t enacted oy tne authority or id e same, tmi? , Monticello street, from Lane street to Boochotx -;' street, be and the same shall lie located as forak. j lows, towlt: Tbe south flve-foot line shall 15 gin on tne west nre-ioot une ox jjswerr street, at a distance of 688 feet norsawL CEJ 1TUIU hUB VCUbC 1UJO UJL f 1UIU town avenue; thence deflecting te lb ' left 90 In a westerly direction and parallel ; VmhMam, ..vam.. k iltaMn.a n9 1 11PTTT taM ., h A-tftt Una .if TlAAf-hT- BtrpAf- atui t?1A Afkfci, Monticello street shall be of a width ot fifty () ",,. leer. Section 2 That inv ordinance or part of e.' dinance conflicting with the nrovineas of rht r ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law la Couaofla this 28th dav of October. A. D. 1888. H. P. FORD. President ot Select Cewett. - AU--st: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select. Council. W. A. ilAUi-ti Presinent or u mdn Council pro tern. Attest: ujwj. jsuuxh; cierKoi common council. Mayor's Office. October 3L 1968. Ap tt in. rfawwji i ii ii !., jjqju.. a.vu.., jwu OSTEKMALEK, Assistant jaayors cienc. Recorded in Ordinance Book, voL 7, page 1W, 15th day of November. A. D. 1389. no2S 1 W ORDINANClLOdATTN& FOMWeV A. a'ley, from Lang street to Gerrit street J Section 1 Be It ordained and enacted.hy.sb "- ltv AfDIff ahniw In Qatanf enrl rnmmii sHAaasss .is.' 2,"f "" ""r bis. r.;v.trrs"3is enacted by tbe authority of the tawf, That V.... nil. -An. T.,n. a., tn ftc4 maMA be aad the same shall be located a foew. tsv wit: Thesevth 5-foot une sftail beat tm sfcrr a, nae lift flflo In a w4fArIv ri(rfKia ad aattsaBBBl i west Moot Une of Lang street at 179 feet northerly treat tbe eeetsx 1-C Frankstswn avenue, thesce deeetnMT sewsr : Frankstown avenue a distance of mlsMtimtia to tne east line ot Gerrit street, aad. asftijJ Forest alley shall be a width of tweaty-teH-.g zeet. Tgi section aToat any oroinasce or pwt t dinance conflictinirwitii toe Droviewwos; i ordinance, oe ana tne same is nereuy jtyt so far aa the same affects this ordtaaac. .. - . ?. . T, . ., Ordained and enacted into a law is t this th dav of October. A. D. 1888. H.P. FORD. President ot Seieof Cewssft,. Attest: uiso. atusppAKD, uiert ot mm rVmr,,.!! IV A MAOER. PrfiSidMSt,. Common Council pro tern. Attest: Gl BOOTH. Clerk of common Council. Mayor's Office. October 3L188H Ajmwe3 WM. McCaIXIN. Mayor. Attest:: BOWsfj; OSTBRMAIER, Assistant Mayor Clet. Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page M,' 18th day of November. A. D. 1888. Ms ' fNo. 152.1 A NOHDIKANCE-ESTABEraHEIffTJr: JO. grade of toe street treat strnst tn Plntnmer street. Section I Be it ordained aadeaasudswt city of Pittsburg, la Select and Cnssmsn Ce cBs assembled, and It la hereby ersMaed a enacted by tbe authority of the asm. That i grade of the west curb of Home street fee I the same snail oe estaeiisaea as iuauws, i Hes-lnninir on the north Use of Batter sen an elevation of 67.64 feet, thenoe taBiac at ttja ' rate of 4 feet per 100 feet for a diasaaos est 4 feet, to the south curb ot Plummet street, at Mt elevation of 44.44 feet, .' - I Section 2 That any erdlaasee of paet i ordinance convicting with the aieiswuag this ordinance be and the same is hcreevi pealed so far as the same aSset this obl Ordained and enacted lata a law Is CoaNsW this 28th day of October. A. D. Ism. IT. P. FORD. President ot Select Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of 1 Council. GEO-L.HOLLlDAY,Pn Common Council. Attest: QBO. 4Tlrlr at Con-men. Conncil. Mayor's Office. October 3LM88. -WM. M!AIJ.rN. Mayor. Attest: OSTERMAIEK, Assistant Mayor's Clef fc Recanted in Ordinance Book. tsL 7. Mat J 19th day ol .November. A. u. ism. VTOTICB TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received attbe edbata of City CoBtroUer until WlNiaSDAT.llarB 27th day of N ovember, A. D. 18, at 2 T. 3L, i tne loiiowmg, viz.: HEWlsBa. Reed street. freaOverfcUl street teDla iildsssjl street; la men ptoev Walllsgford street, from BMweB Neville street; 15-Inch pipe. Klrkwood street from Colliae stwx west line ofHOand avenue; 15-Inek.ptee. Cypress street, from usceoia erreet e t avenue: 15-inch Dine. Grazier street, from. Novelty attest te : tlnd streetf 15.inch Bln.. Cornet street, frem line of Josea jofFsvM Jiaunce street sewer; lo-inco pipe. Lowry street, tno Second areaae , I jnononganeia nver; io-incn p Maurice street, from north line of : of Wn. Ward to connection with sewer t 270 feet south of Forbes street;. 15 aad J- VJna. BOARDWALKS. Cohasset street, from Graficviaw vtsrt Pawnee street. MA Indnstry street, from Arlington arei Craig street, from Center avenue teSMdaM &rrn? -r- fSlal GRADING. Bayard street, f rem Neville street te A nn STnn4 1 GRADING, PAVING AND CTJRBCSHs, uranaview avenue, irom wtouhes mini Oneida street, with irregular block stow. Q Plans and specifications ean he nsavs, blanks for biddlBg can be obtwiied aft office. Each ansteaal mnst be accomsaBied oond probated before the Mayor or City CI The Department ot Awards reserves the l to relect arrv or all bids. E. SL BIGELOSk3 Chief of Department oi puduc w estastv nol8-84 v ntPIelAL9. PROPOSALS X FortheerectleeotanewclubhoBeeJsrl Oreaes i;iud ox -iarentum. r. rmm i speeifieatteB eaa be seen at the oace. Mil W. Utt. Arewteet, in eaerai ssf irhsnv. Pa., or ae the Oretroa elnb fartnm. Pa. All bids te be left at s oiSee on SATUDAYnext, not toter 1 v. FREDXAIU Bosn-m -v:. piAN OK OlbgANS. ,8 M i ! ik " ' V :Mi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers