Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 27, 1889, Image 1

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"Mi ifl , ,
If yon waot Board, Booms, name er
Help, advertise la THE DIsPATCU.
PorehHe" can be found for everything
offered For Sale In THE DISPATCH.
THE DISPATCH In the hrst advertising
medium In Western Pennsylvania. Try U
aa-v $
; .m .,:Sb
T - ,!.
... WAJT3,roBlwasisiiisiilljiia",tor
MaW - - - - JM.
J gfc A. 1 Mt1 k i .ggggggr t A KAJ " 1
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'IlafeA T
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The Beautiful Manufacturing
Town of Lynn, Mass,,
Devastated by
an:awful conflagration
Six Million Dollars in
leather and limber Gone
Up in Smoke.
Loses the Industry Upon Wicb. Sey-
f eral Thousands Depended
for a living.
The 'Flames That Destroyed Their Direll-
" ings Also Making Them
"Eighty acres of the most valuable prop
erty in the busy manufacturing town of
Lynn, Mass., were swept clean by fire yes
terday afternoon. Bight thousand employes
of shoe manufactories are thrown out of
wort. One hundred and sixty-four families
are homeless and penniless. The fire was
about the largest Massachusetts has suffered
during this century. Nothing could check
the flames until they reached the water's
edge. The loss is variously estimated, a
conservative figure being 56,000,000.
Lyjut, Mass., November 2G Six million
dollars' worth of shoes and lumber went up
in smoke this afternoon from the business
district of the biggest shoe town in the
world, throwing out of work 8,000 opera
tives, and rendering 1G4 families homeless.
To-night 80 acres that were crowded with
buildings 12 hours ago are a mass of flaming
ruins. The scene of ruin and desolation is
Some idea of the devastation can be
rained from this brief statement of the
re oi me names; -so ouuawgs were
completely wiped ont of existence, and
there were others more or less damaged.
Among the burned buildings were 42 brick
structures, 112 business houses built of
wood, and 112 dwelling houses. One church,
the Eastern Bailroad station, four banks
and four newspaper offices were among the
public concerns burned out.
Impossible to Fight the Flames.
The fire spread with such frightful
rapidity that the fire department was help
less, and the flames leaped from street to
street with little opposition in the shape of
water. The heat was so intense that the
men could not approach near enough to use
their streams to advantage, and although
assistance was sent from Boston, Salem,
Maiden, Marblehcad, Saugus, Everett and
other places, the fire worked Its way to the
water front before it was subdued.
The great bulk of the buildings were of
word, and in these the flames held high
carnival. But even the brick blocks offered
very little resistance. They, too, were
' swept away like so much chaff in the whirl-
wind of fire. After it had gone beyond the
control of the department a panic seemed to
seize upon the firemen and citizens. The
-'streets were filled with people shouting
madly in their excitement.
A Banning Race for Life.
Operatives poked their heads out of the
windows to see what caused the disturbance
and saw a wall of fire coming down the
street It was in many instances a race for
life. The men poured out of the buildings
ina human stream, leaving everything .be
hind, and they were none too soon, lor in a
twinkling great buildings were enwrapped
in flames and dissolved.
It was a terrible sight, even for the exper
ienced eyes of firemen. The railroad track
was jumped by the flames with ridiculous
ease,isnd the same mad rush was continued.
Thetwo military companies were called out
to clear the streets, and when this labor had
been accomplished, more could' be accom
plished. Early in the afternoon the outside
assistance began to arrive, but even then
there was a total of only 15 engines, and the
re was jumping in all directions, uncheck
ed by the streams thrown upon it
., , The Boston Chief Takes Command.
-'It'tseemed a shame to see fine blocks
.burned'wlren they could have been saved by
a single stream, but the stream was not
forthcoming, and the fire reigned supreme.
Chief Engineer Moody became prostrated
during the height of the conflagration, and
Chief "Webber, of Boston, took command,
.He massed the engines on Newhall street,
and stayed the progress of the fire toward
what remained of the business district that
alone saved Lynn from utter annihilation.
The fire was first seen in the rear of the
handsome brick block and mammoth fac
tory of A. A &3F. C Mower, on Almont
sstreetyin the most thickly settled portion of
r the4business district The wind was blow-
' 5ing smartly, but there seemed no danger of
a serious fire. The scene had changed,
though, by the time the firemen had arrived.
The flames had spread with marvelous
speed through every floor of the big factory.
.NThe operatives bad just left the building
wr ineir noon rest, so trier were in no
danger. Otherwise there most have been a
frightful loss ot life.
Frantic FroHc of tho Flumes.
The serious character of the blaze was seen
by the chief, and extra apparatus was sum
moned, but the fire was off for its frolio
before they could get to work. The shoe
shops had been built with a view of econo
mising every inch of room. They were
crowded together so closely that the fire
couldn't help spreading. It needed but
to leap out from the window of one factory
and land on the window sill of the
adjoining building, and it did not require a
very long leap, either. The result was that
in an incredibly short time a great column
of flame was ascending from a pile of wooden
structures, blown hither and thither by a
gale that whirled it in the faces of the fire
men to drive them back, and then whisked
great sheets of it across the street to other
The scene, in 15 minutes after the first
stroke of the alarm had son tided, exceeded
anything ever before witnessed in Lynn.
Central square and all its contiguous thor
oughfares were filled with flying wagons
and vans, arid hurrying people bearing
books, drygoods, shoes and valuables of
every description to friendly shelter.
A Chance of Base JfecessUated.
But as soon as they had been dumped in
one place of seeming safety, the rapid spread
of the fire necessitated another change of
base. Many were not so fortunate as to be on
hand when the second attack was made, and
their goods went up with the buildings.
There are rumors to the effect that some
lives were lost in this attempt to save prop
erty, but that cannot be verified to-night
Mr. Mower, in whose building the fire start
ed, was nearly overcome by the flames when
he ran back to close the safe door, and one
of his employes was caught in an upper
story, but was rescued by the firemen. When
the walls of Mower's big. six-story brick
building on Almont street fell there were
several firemen beneath, and it is reported
that one was crushed to death. The rest of
the building followed the rear walls, so it
will not be possible to ascertain the truth of
the rumor until the missing man is inquired
for. The Central National Bank was in this
Toe Finest Batldlocs Tackled.
The next building was the large frame
factory of Bennett & Barnard, manufac
turers of the finest shoes in New England,
and employing 150 hands. This building
was a five-story building, practically, and
about 200 feet long, extending back to
Almont street The great structure yielded
like pasteboard to the march of the flames,
and with its $100,000 worth of fine shoes in
all stages of manufacture, was entirely
swept away.
Next to this were the buildings of the
Keene estate, ot Massachusetts, of cheap
frame structures, some three or four stories
high, extending from Almont to Union and
Willow streets. There was about half an
acre of these wooden rookeries, and they
-were gobbled up like so much chaff.
The destruction of these blocks brought
the fire up to the fine brick block known as
the Stevens building, and B. W. Currier's
new $75,000 six-story block, just finished, at
the corner of Almont and Union streets.
Only n momentary Check.
These buildings, hating brick walls, pre
sented ttievflrst-bamerioJthV4iarBes7 bnt It
was only a momentary check. In a few
minutes the bricks fell into the street, and
the fire spread onward. (
The heat was terrific. The firemen tried
toapproach behind shutters, but the shut
ters themselves took fire, and the men were
forced to retreat The cinders and big fire
brands were sucked up into the air with a
mighty roar, for the wind was blowing like
a hurricane, and the flames' were carried
upward of a hundred feet
After the business houses had been eate"n
up the fire let itself loose among the dwell
ing houses on Sagamore HU1. Most of
these were cheap structures,occupied mainly
by poorer families. They burned like tin
der, and cut a big path to the water's edge.
The last big building to go was the Central
Congregational Church. It was a brick
structure, snd was one of the best in the
city. A spark lodged high up in the. cor
nice and flickered for some time before the
woodwork ignited.
Not a Drop ol Water to be Had.
A bucket of water would have saved the
church at that time; but there was no water
to be had. The engines had been moved to
another point, and -the church was doomed.
It stood out from the rest of the buildings,
and afforded a magnificent spectacle to
thousands of persons. The fire burned a
longtime before the windows were broken.
the reflection from within being very pict
uresque. Then the flames i burst simulta
neously from the windows and the belfry.
It was a grand sight when the steeple
swayed and fell with a crash into the street.
It was a total loss.
The burned district is nearly triangular
in shape, two of the sides being half a mile
in length, and the third, a quarter of a mile.
It covers fully 80 acres ot what was the most
flourishing business section. From Mul
berry street on the north, all the buildings
on Union street, Central avenue, Exchange,
Mt. Vernon, Spring, "Washington, Broad,
Beach and the intermediate streets, are a
mass of ruins, many of the factories being
the finest in the country.
The Firms That Were Burned Oat.
Many of the oldest and largest firms in
the city, and in fact in the country, are
burned out including: Prank W. Breed,
Bennett & Bernard, Amos F. Breed, Davis
Shoe Company. Luther S. Johnson. "W. T.
Asb, J. F. Bartlett & Co., Charles D.
Pecker. E. W. & C. F. Mower, Mower
Bros., Bubier & Souther, Jonathan Orne
C. H. Harwood, F. W. Jones, J. F. Swain,
Charles F. Buffum, G. Brown, Uetfjamin
H. Gorham, W. A. Estes, "W. J. Ewing &
Co., Henry M. Acker, Healy Bros., Ketley
& Murphy, Hill & Newell, C. N. P. Ingalls,
& Bros., George F. Keine, W. P. Newhall,
M. D. Porter, "W. Porter & Son, A. M.
Burdett, Sanders, Morse & Co., H. H.
Spinney, D. A. Sutherland & Co., C. H.
Yiltum & Co., "Welch & Landergan, Oeorge
F. Williams, J. F. Mower & Bro., P. J.
Hauley, J. C. Bennett & Barnard, Consoli
dated Adjustable Shoe Company, B. F.
Spinney & Co., Faunce & Spinney, J. L.
Libbey & Co. and C. H. Libber& Co.
The newspapers burned out are: The
Neatj Item, See and Press. The latter set
its,,-presses at work yesterday "for the first
time. It published but one edition, and
then lost everything.
Fearful Effects of the Fire on the 8,000
-Operators Now Ont of Work Extent
of the Conflacratlon The Big
Boston Fire Paralleled.
tSFXCUT. TXXXOBAX to thi dispatch.!
Ltsn, Mass., November 26. It is im
possible to-night to give individual losses.
There were three big brick blocks, all of
which were five or six stories high, which
were wholly destroyed. Mower's block, B.
E. Spinney's block, Stevens' block, Cur
rier's block, the Lynn Institution, for Sav
ing, John Balbey block, Hortland block,
Jones, Cook & Co.'s, E. H, Ashford's,
Amos F. Breed &Co.'s, D. C. & O. Buf
fum's, S. N. Breed's, F. E. Abbott's and
B. K. &A. H. Jones, shoe manufacturers.
These buildings cost anywhere from 550,000
to 575,000 each.
The losses are about half covered by in
surance, and as the policies are widely dis
tributed, the manufacturers think they will
be able to recover the insurance money. A
conservative estimate on the value of the
buildings dtstroyed, made by one of the
assessors, is $1,528,320. The assessors and
manufacturers say that the stock and ma
chinery that went up in smoke was valued
at lully $3,500,000.
Suflcrlne of the Poor People.
The factories were running on full time,
and there was a big stock on band waiting
for the opening of the spring trade. Every
thing was lost. The poor people will suffer
greatly unless some assistance comes
from outside. The city began im
mediately to prepare temporary houses
for those who had no lnendly shelter
to go to, and the houses were quickly filled.
Is will be a matter of great expense to feed
these people until things are straightened
out, and in addition will be the suffering of
the 8,000 employes who will have nothing to
do for several weeks. A meeting of the
city government was held to-night, and com
mittees were appointed to carry on the work.
In proportion to its area and population,
the city of Lynn suffered a larger loss by
fire than any other city in Massachusetts
during the present century. It began like
the great fire in Boston in November, 1872,
in buildings that apparently could be
easily reached, but as the flames spread they
became so intense that for several hours
human skill to stay them was of no avail.
A Most Terrible Spoctncle.
It was a terrible spectacle as the fire pro
gressed and destroyed building after build
ing in its path, and structures built with all
modern safeguards against fire could not
resist the tremendous volume of flame any
more than an ordinary wooden dwelling,
from which a thin line of smoke would be
visible at one moment and a minute later a
pile of ashes marked the spot where the
building stood.
Anyone who watched the progress of the
great fire in Boston in 1872, could not fail
to notice in mauv respects a repetition of it
here to-day, as the water line formed one
limit and the massing of engines at another
point, after the conflagration had raged for
nearly six hours, marked a line where de
struction ended and valuable residences
which were endangered were saved. The
extent of territory of the burnt district of
Lynn is about the same as that of Boston in
1872, and the loss was relatively about the
The Host Pitiful Bight of All.
The principal difference in the two fires
was the burning of a large number of resi
dences in this city, the homes of the poor
and others more unfortunate in Lynn,
while in Boston the loss was almost entirely
confined to warehouses and other places of
It was a pitiful sight to witness the break
ing up of homes and the frantic efforts of
occupants to save household treasures and
other effects, most of which were doomed to
destruction, because, in many instances, it
was impossible to procure teams to remove
The shoe industry is almost completely
wiped out by to-day's fire. Out of 170 man
ufacturers, large and small, less than two
dozen remain. Among the heavy losers are
Mower Bros., 33,000; Bennett & Barnard,
$100,000; C. D. Pecker A Co., shoe manufactur
ers. $45,000: William Porter fc Sons, shoes. US.-
-000: A.T.13oo(Jwtn, in Porter' building, $li,000;
BteTens, SMjOO: A. Fuller and A. P. Tapley,
$22,000: Titus fc Buckley, 25,000: ConsoHdMed
Adjustable Shoe Company, SOT,000: Samuel J.
Hollis, shoes, $22,000 J. S. Bartlett
4 Co., shoes, 172,000; Lynn Item, Ho
race N. Hastings & Sons. 650,000:
D. C. A C. E. Buffum, shoes, 20,000;
J. X, Smith, shoes, $48,100; Joseph Davis Shoe
Company, SToTlOOO: Luther 8. Johnson, 537,000;
Amos r nreeu, ko,uw; nougnton a uouirev,
J22.000; First National Bank Dullrae. $21600: P.
E. Abbott's bnildine, $22,600; Central! Concre
gational Society, $40,000; Frank W. Breed, S7,
000; P. P. Tapley & Co., morocco manufactur
ers, $52,510; Sawyer & Chase, carriage manufac
turers, $11,000; 8. K. fc A. H. Jones, shoes, $57,
000; on Beach street, S. N. Breea t Co., lumber,
Pretty Parks, Bleb, Inviting Residences and
a Thousand Other Attractions The
Leather City of the Continent
Nearly 200 Shoe Factories
10 Years Ago.
Lynn is a city of Essex county, Mass.,
bordering on Lynn Harbor, an arm of Massa
chusetts Bay, and southeast on Nahant Bay,
separated from the harbor by the peninsula
of Nahant, which juts out in a southerly
direction from the city at the junction of
the Eastern Bailroad, 'with its Sangus
branch, 10 miles northeast of Boston. Its
population in 1850 was 14,257; in 1860, 19,-
083; in 1870, 28,233 (of whom 4,935 were for
eigners); in 1880, 38,274. and at present
about 50,000. Its limits include a large
plain in the south and west, raised but a
few feet from the water level; a range of
hills in the rear; a number of ponds known
as the lakes of Lynn; beyond these,
and in the northeast, an elevated plain, the
most pleasant and healthy portion of the city.
There are a number of public squares, the
principal of which is the Common, in the south
ern part of the city; and, as a residence city, it
was, nntll yesterday, the most beautiful in all
New England, fairly swarming, as it did, with
delightful dwellings.
Pine Grove Cemetery, north of the populous
section, under the control of the city, is
very handsomely laid out. Farther out is St.
Mary's Cemetery (Koman Catholic).
Lynn is noted for its manufacture of shoes.
There were, as early as the year 187a nearly
200 shoe establishments ill the city, then em
ploying about 10,000 hands in alL The ship
ments in 1871 were 200,801 cases, containing
9, 036.045 pairs; in 1872. 226,300 cages, containing
liuso.ajupaira; inioia. 2i3,usu cases, containing
9,523,600 pairs: in 1885, 10,000,000 pairs. The
valne of the shipments was, long before tbo
latter year, from $13,000,000 to $14,000,000 anna
ally. The manufacture ot morocco, embracing kid
and sheepskins, as well as goatskins, is of con
siderable importance. From 15 to 20 manu
facturers employed, in 1S70, over 400 men, and
$1,000,000 capital. The larcest factory there
could tan and finish 5,000 skins a week.
There are also some minor manufactures,
embracing machine needles, boxes, car
riages, cement etc There are three nation u
banks, with a joint capital of over $1,000,000,
two fire insurance companies, four newspapers
and two sarines banks, with deposits in 1873
amounting to $3,018,102.
xne city is aiviaea into seven waras, ana is
governed by a Mayor, Aldermen and Common
uonnciL ine valuation ot property in, JS73
was $27,458,433. The taxation in 1873 was $531.-
925 40. The expenditures were 858.642 69. The
net debt January 1, 1S74, was $1,785,303. The
public schools are graded and In a flourishing
The public library in 1879 contained 18,625'
volumes and 3,027 pamphlets. The number of
churches 12 years ago was 30; viz: 4 Baptist, 4
Congregational, 2 Episcopal, 2 Catholic, 2 Uni
versallst, 1 Friends, 1 Freewill Baptist 1 Chris,
tian, 2 Spiritualist, 8 Methodist. 1 Second Ad
vent 1 unitarian.! miscellaneous.
Lynn was settled in 1629, and incorporated
as a citv in 1650. Swampscott was taken from
it in 1352 and Nahant In 1853.
More of the FnltMal flfnde Happy.
Washington, November 26. Attorney
General Miller to-day appointed Leo Brock
to be Assistant United States Attorney for
the Middle district of Tennessee, vice A. N.
Miller, resigned, and Charles Parian? to-be
a special Assfetant United .States Attorney
lor win .autern uiatnct oi Louisiana, I
A Yonng Woman WhoTor Two Years
Mourned Her Husband as Dead,
A Detective Finds Him incarcerated In a
' Western Insane Asylum.
Beported Dead, Barird, and His Giro Bobbed, U
8ecnrt His Insurance.
A very romantic story comes from Can
ondaigua, N. T. Mrs. George Keddington,
of that place, after mourning her husband
as dead for two years, finds he is alive. Ho
was confined in a "Western insane asylum for
a long time, having been reported dead,
buried, and his grave robbed. His two part
ners were working a scheme to get his 55,000
life insurance.
rsrxcuL tklecjeam to tUs dispatch.!
Canandaioua, N. T., November 26.
Last Sunday Mrs. GeorgeBeddington, of
this, village, wore widow's weeds, but -to-day
she discards them, because ofthe joyful in
telligence that her husband, mourned two
years as dead, is alive and on his way from
a Western city, to greet her and his little
boy, oft whose existence he is yet unaware.
Three years ago young Eeddington,wJio was
not yet of age, secretly married a well-connected
and fascinating young girl, and im
mediately started for the West to seek his
fortune and estabjisb. a home for the wife
who remained with her family hey. In
company with two other young men he set
tled uDon some Government land near
Lakin, Kan., and prospered welt. He wrote
cheering letters home to bis wife and
mother, and the young couplo expected to
be reunited berore many months.
On November 27, 1887, about eightmonths
after bis departure, jxeaaineton's mother re
ceived a telegram from lakin, announcing
bis sudden death. Orders were telegraphed
that the remains be forwarded to Canan
daigua at once, and an answer came to the,
effect that the body had already been buried J
A second dispatch was sent, instructing the
friends of the young man to exhume the re-i
mains and ship them at once without sparj
ing expense. To this came the answer that
the grave nad Deen roDDea.
The young wife, who had just given birth
to a son, was completely prostrated by the
shock, and her condition was aggravated by
the distressing circumstances related in the
telegrams. The mother, Mrs. Ida Slater,
was able, however, to proceed to Lakin, ac
companied by her uncle, to investigate the
case. There she found two young men who
had been young Eeddington's partners in
real estate operations, who assured her that
her son had been killed by a fall
from a house which he was building, thathii
remains had been properly cared for and
buried with appropriate ceremonies, and
that the grave had been robbed. I
Detectives were employed to investigate
the case, but Mrs. Slater was compelled ts
return with no -satisfactory evidence as to
the disposition of her son's remains. Short
lv after her 'return she was informed thai
the same young men had applied to the Mrii
tual Life Insurance Company Jor the par
mentofa $5.000sbolicy on Eeddington's
life. This, in a'ddition to the mysterious
disappearance of the body, convinced her
that there bad been loul play in connection
with her son's death, and, accompanied by
a Piukerton detective, she went to Lakin
Keddington and his partners, itappeared,
had insured their lives for $5,000 each, mak
ing me policies payauie, in case oi aeatn,
to the survivors, and on advice Mrs. Slater
notified the company that she questioned
the regularity of the proceedings. Evidence
was obtained to arrest the surviving part
ners for fraud, bnt both escaped. One for
feited his bail bond and the other got clear
by reason of a defect in the complaint.
Mrs. Slater despairsd of ever recovering
her sou's remains, but in order to satisfy her
mind she retained the services of the detec
tive, who has been working at the case con
stantly ever since. From clues picked up
at Lakin be concluded that Eedding ton had
either been murdered and his, body con
cealed, or he had been put out of the way
temporarily and was yet alive. He followed
the latter theory, and finally hit upon the
idea of searching the insane asylums. His
patient efforts were soon rewarded, for the
other day he found the young man in an in
sane asylum in the West
Physically, Eeddington is well, but he is
yet suffering from a mental derangement
which dated from the time he was reported
dead. He was heavily drugged by someone,
evidently his young partners, and for many
monthB afterward his mind was a blank. He
wandered through the West and was finally
placed in an asylum, where he gradually
improved, bnt not sufficiently to give a clear
account of the circumstances oi his disap
pearance from Lakin. He writes home that
after three' years' absence he will soon see
home and friends again. His mother, who
was driven nearly insane by the distressing
affair, is in Florida, and has not yet been in
formed of the discovery of her son.
He Murdered the Watchman Who Had Be
ported Ills Negligence.
New Yobk, November 26. James Tier
ney, the crippled old watchman on the
Morgan Line Pier, was shot down and it is
feared mortally injured this afternoon by
Joseph Kinney, a 'longshoreman, whose
discbarge for neglecting his work the watch
man had caused an hour before. The shoot
ing was done before at least 100 persons.
On every side men who had seen the shoot
ine were rooted to the spot With them
was a policeman of the steamboat squad
and a roundsman of the Charles street pre
cinct They seized the 'longshoreman with the
smoking pistol still in his hand, and then
sent for an ambulance. Tierney was taken
to a hospital, and Kinney was locked up.
Some time afterward, when Kinney was
told that his victim was still alive, he said
that he was sorry he did not kill him out
right. i
Is Becoming; a Regular Feature of Travel
in the West.
St. Louis, November 26. Fifteen
masked and heavily armed men boarded the
southbound Topeka and Santa Fe passenger
train at Berwyn, a small station in the
Chickasaw nation, Indian Territory. Tbey
cat the engine, mail and express car loose
from the coaches, ran the train south two
miles and threw the fireman off the locomo
tive. Two miles farther the engineer was
thrown off, -and after running four xniles
further the steam was tnrned off and the
locomotive "killed."
Then the robbers began an attack on the
express car. Theguard and messenger fired
about 20 shots, but finally gave in, after the
robbers bad literally riddled the car. The
money stolen is between 20,000 and 930,
000, and came principally from Chicago.
vmeers are in pa-rwiw Vj6, - v '
NOVEMBER 27, 1889.
The Kebattnl Testimony Introduced by the
Cronln Prosecution Onlr One JHere
Witness to be Exastlaei-Tlte J
Arguments of Counsel. v
Chicago, "November 26. The sows
tion to-day deyoted its attention to palliBg
down the alibis set up by the defense, A
number of witnesses contradicted those -put
on the stand for the prisoners, and testified
as to their general bad character and hard
swearing. Among them Andrew B. Aaderr
son testified that he was in Nieman's saloon
two or three times' on' Sunday nlghtv May -6,
between 7 and JO o'clock- There weri
10 or 12 persons there on each occasion.
his was in rebuttal of the testimony
? the Hylands, who testified that they
drank with O'Sullivan there at that time,
and that no one else was in the place.
Chester?. Smith-then took the stand. He
testified that be had made an examination
ofithe files of all the daily papers in Chi
cago for the purpose of discovering on what
drio the name ot Coughlin was first men
tfae'd with, the hiring of the white horse.
It I was not mentioned prior to may 25.
This was to contradict the evidence of a
witness for the defense, who testified that he
sajr it about ten days after the murder.
States Attorney Longnecker then announced
the case for the people closed.
James Feltam was then sworn in rebuttal
in behalf of Defendant Bezga. Feltam at
tended the meeting at the Grand Pacific
Hotel on thevening; of May 4. The minutes
did not show whether or not Bailey Dawson
was there. Mr. Forrest announced that he
wbnld introduce some rebuttal testimony at
the next session -of the court to show the
whereabouts of the witness Wm. Coughlin
OfiMayl The Oonrt then announced that
owing to the illness of the little daughter of
Juror North the court would adjourn until
Friday in order to allow him to go to her
After the adjournment of the court there
wag a consultation between Court and coun
sel as to the order of the arguments to be
made before the jury. It was finallv de
cided to leave the matter to the Court Judge
McConnell will announce his decison on
Friday morning.
Hast bs Maintained and Increased. Ac
cording to the Ohio Growers A
Demand That the Republi
can Party Fulfill
Its Pledges.
ColtMbus, O., November 26. The Ohio
Wool Growers' Association held a meeting
to-day with a large attendance. Among
those present were David Harpstor, Presi
dent; Hon. Columbus Delano, President of
ihe National Wool Growers' Association,
and Judge William Lawrence. They
adopted an address to the wool growers of
the United States and adopted a resolution
asking the National Association to take the
proper steps to carry out the suggestions
made in the address. The essential features
of the address are:
In view of the imminent danger which
threatens" all ther industries of onr nation, and
especially the production and manufacture of
JWool, tbe wool growers of Ohio urge the neces
sity of unity and activity in order to avert the
peril of free trade or free wool with which
they are now menaced. The wool growers of
Ohio advocate a protective system. A tariff
for revenue will not secure protection.
The result of the last Fresidental election
was an emphatic expression by a large ma
jority of the people in favor ot a comprehend
sire system embracing all onr Industries, in
cluding the protection of wool by name. If the
Republican partr, in its legislative or adminis
trative departments falls to comply with the
expression, it will secure the reproach of in-
iaiacerity or oi inability to perform its duty" "
as wool growers we ass ior sucn legislation
am such administration of existing laws as are
required by tbe deliberate promises made by
thi Republican party prior to the last Presi
deital election. We denounce the injustice of
allowing the carpet industry to damage tbe
wool industry by importing clothing wool under
the false name of carpet wool. Tbe wool grow
ers of the United States are called upon to be
fall- represented in the National Convention
of wool Growers to assemble in Washington,
Decimber 3,1889, Tbey are urged to ask that
Conn-ess shall give the wool and mutton In
dus nr protection to the fall extent of the
mos; favored ot the manufacturing industries.
'a sapid xousg spendthrift.
Harry Brown Thought to Havo Got Away
I With 8100,000 In a "Tear.
New Yobk, November 26. The examina
tion of the accounts' of Marcus Brown, the
shirt manufacturer, who made an assign
ment Saturday last shows that young Harry
Brown, in the year of his partnership with
his father and his cousin, Samuel Brown,
made away with at least $80,000 of the
firm's money, and perhaps $100,000, by bor
rowing on the firm's credit and pocketing
money received in payment of bills.
Thirty thousand dollars of the stolen
money is known to have gone into the
Michigan copper mine speculation. A great
deal more will probably be traced to the
same pit, and the rest is supposed t hare
been lost on the races.
Tho Balloting for Mayor of Providence
Besalt In No Election at All.
Peovidenoe, E. L, November 26. The
result pf the balloting to-day for Mayor and
City Council is a defeat for the Bepublican
candidate and present Mayor, Henry H.
Barker. Under Bhode Island laws, a ma
jority is required to elect Barker receives
an apparent plurality ui ui. mc jjuaiu ui
Aldermen and Common Council are both
The defeat of Howard, the Democratic
candidate for Mayor, was brought about by
the Retail Liquor Dealers' Association,
who worked openly for the straight Bepub
lican ticket A second vote for Mayor.must
be taken within ten days.
The Acts of tbe Chicago Gns Trnst Declared
Null and Void.
Chicago, November 26. Judge Ma
gruder, of the State Supreme Court, to-day
-rendered a decision reversing the finding of
the lower court in the quo warranto pro
ceedings to dissolve the Chicago Gas Trnst.
The lower court virtually held that the
trust was not a monopoly in the meaning pf
tbe law, arid was not in opposition to public
Judge Magruder takes the opposite view,
and strongly scores the trust He holds that
all its acts looking to a control of the capi
tal stock of the various gas companies in
Chicago were for the purpose of stifling
competition, and are null andvoid.
Ther Still Hold Ont Against the Terms
Offered by Their Employers.
Potjohkeepsie, N. Y., November 26.
The glassblowers here, with one or two ex
ceptions, are still holding out, but one fur
nace has heen started at the works. Mr.
Williams, the Superintendent, in a circular
to the blowers a short time ago, made the
terms under Which they can go to work, but
they decline.
The terms Include a redaction of 20 per
cent pay, to allow two new apprentices at a
furnace, and one-third of the earnings of the
blowers to resBain in the hands of the com
pany until after Mm MMt seUleartat, wfcleh
wiltaot fee fatter sshw Jly 19. t '
Aa Absolute Monetary Hecewity la
an Unlimited Quantify.
Earnest Advocates of li-Xetalliea Isre
Gathered Together.
While Senator Stewart and' Congressman BlMaiit
Prominent Figures. ,
The National Silver Convention assem
bled at St. Louis, yesterday. General A. J.
Warner was chosen us permanent chair
man, and made a strong speech in favor of
the remonetlzation of silver. "The adoption
of the single standard was denounced as a
crime. Other addresses ofa similar tenor
were made.
St. Lotjis, November 26. The National
Silver Convention met at tbe Exposition
building this morning with about 350 dele
gates in their seats and a large number of
spectators. James Campbell called the con
vention to order. After briefly reciting the
Inception of the project to bring the silver
men of the country together, Mr. Campbell
introduced L. M. Bumsey, of St Louis, as
temporary chairman, and Albert Singer as
temporary secretary. Temporary Caairaan
Bumsey said:
It Is fair to presume that tbere-iSsnot a single
delegate present who does not feel 14 weighty
responsibility resting upontnem -ImUKduany
as representatives to this convention, foir-apon
the results of this assembly will depend largely
the degree of prosperity our country will enjo
in the Immediate future. You are not a law
making body it is true, but as all laws are the
results of tbe popular will, and as you have
peen aimost as popuiany sent to represent me
people of this United State, as are the members
of Congress sent to voice tbe will of the people
In Washington, it follows that the Congress of
the United States may find, through your de
liberations and conclusions, that yon are the
latest representatives from thepeopleupoa the
question of the silver coinage Maws, that they
must obey tbe will ot tbe people of the United
States and enact the laws your body cannot
enact which will ei'vo to the twoDleof the
United States the privilege fit coining their
silver as freely as they coin their gold.
The gentlemen who will address you upon
the vital questions to be discussed during this
convention will make dear aa noonday" the
necessity for the free and unlimited coinage of
silver, so that no person In the United States
who can read, need be ignorant of the untold"
advantages such a law would aire to this conn
try and also incidentally to tbe entire, world.
In so large an assemblage it would be strange
if there were not those who have soae ;pt
hobby.no doubt very excellent and desirable
in some other convention, but the time f or-sbu
discussion of this monetary question is so briat
that it is boped no extraneous subjects will be
attempted to be pushed, upon the atteatieaef
this convention.
At the conclusion of his address, the
various committees Credentials Permanent
Organization and Besolutlons were,- ap
pointed, and tbe convention took a recess till
3 p.m.
After the adjournment of the convention
the committees on permanent organization,
resolutions and credentials met Hon. B,
P. Bland was made chairman of the resolu
tions committee, which discussed the work,
and will hold another meeting and report
to-morrow. The Committee on Permanent
Organization had several nominations for
permanent chairman,
M - -flEKWABjp(t. CHAIWtlir.' '
Among thexa were Geit. A. J. Warser, of
Ohio:.. Senator Stewart of Nevada: Hon.
B. P. Bland, of Missouri, and Mr. Me
Michaels, of Colorado. After a general
discussion and the statement that Senator
Stewart did not desire to be nominated all
of the other names were withdrawn; and
Gen. Warner was elected unanimously.
Mr. Albert Singer, temporary secretary,
was made permanent, with three assistants,
A resolution was also offered in this com
mittee to be recommended to tbe convention
to appointapermanentFxecutive Committee
of one member from each State and Terri
tory, with ten at large, to call a future
convention. The convention reassembled
promptly at 3 r. M. It was decided that the
doors of tbe convention hall be thrown open
to the public Mr. Fitzgerald, of Colorado;
Senator Stewart, of Nevada, and Congress
man Bland, of Missouri, were appointed a
committee to conduct Chairman Warner to
the stage. He was introduced to the con
vention by Senator Stewart and received
with cheers.
Mr. Warner thanked the convention for
the unexpected honor, and said that a sub
ject than which none other affected the peo
ple of the entire world with equal weight
was the silver question. Since Germany, la
1872, followed, later by other European
Sowers and partly by the United States,
emonetized or limited silver as money, the
question uu ueeu a tiuu usuc, siiu la me
discussion bi-metallista had won the vic
tory. The attempt to change the money
standard from gold and silver to gold alone
was worse than a mistake 'was almost a
The men who favored such a course knew
not what the consequences would be on the
they were aided by men who did not realise
the far-reaching results of the change. De
monetization of silver was, in fact, a great
crime, and its revocation was now the im
portant question of the world. "
The -people have suffered more fresa had
monetary legislation than, from any other
cause. What was asked was restoratioa of
the money standard which existed, for ages
that silver be plsced on an equality witk
gold at the ratio which has existed.
H.B.Chamberlin.President of the Denver
Chamber of Commerce, on behalf of that
body,, then presented, in a happy speech, a
solid silver gavel to Chairman Warner. A
number of resolutions to be referred to the
Committee on Resolutions were read and so
recorded. The committee is considered a
very strong one, and it is expected will em
body the wishes of the convention briefly
and so clearly that they will be easily un
derstood. After the reading of a number of Invita
tions for the delegates to attend varieas en
tertainments, and the announcement that
there-would be a reception at theMerchaats'
Exchange to-night, the convention adjourn
ed until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning.
The Successor to Stanley Matthews Net la
Have aa Easy Task
Washingtok, November 26. As seen
as the President has "his message to CoagreVs
ont of the way, he will endeavor to decide
upon a successor to the late Justice Mat
thews on the Supreme Court feeneb. The.
appointment has" already been delayed a
lqag while, and there are almost imperative:
reasons why it should be tnaj-within a
week or so after tbe assemblias' oi'CeBgreef.
It is now said that Judge KeCrary has a,
excellent chance of getting tbeappoiBtseeot
The Court has passed all the ar im
portant cases, and especially those involv
ing constitutional questions about whleh
there is any division of opialea, until after
the appointment ot the new Jitstiee, when
there will be a full benea. A long array of
these caseerhas been aesifsed fee argMseat
before a full bench, aad will oeM up te
after another almost before tkx aw Japt
km hmi tin te aeoaseeat kiinh te hie a'
1 la
eesMtets KsMswe of the Grwtt Iiust
SwhttHing Sefctse StgaatarM '
v,. Ijehsl (e Begee Mortgagee
Far AX Mi. T.malrsM4.
" w-
Chicago, November 26. The extes et
tfce Frederickson mortgage swindles is grow
Ukg every hour, and the total amount is
mw placed at close to $1,200,000. 7. A.
JUoe,'oa of the heaviest losers, wag seen to
night aad asked:
"How'did Fredericksoa get abekaeta and
how could a fraudulent deed or mortgage
be aok&ewledged before a notary public
witeoet areaslng suspicion?"
"The easiest thing in the world.- There
wire' tftree sotadw in Fredericksoa's ofEee
who ceei-ifWd t aajihlBg, and every man in
hiseapley who wm eld esongh signed
deeds and mortgagee ia blaak which Fred
ericksoa filled out at his leisure. Six weeks
ago Frederickson confessed that ha hired
men on the street at fo apiece to sign mort
gages, and we made him give ns the ad
dresses of those men. Besides the ten men
in his office, who were parties to the con
spiracy, we have the addresses of 75 men
who signed mortgages for land they never
owned. Everyone of these men will be
arrested, as will all of his office force."
Vr. Bice refused to give the names of the
men who are to Jbe arrested, bnt said that
they are under surveillance and will be ar
rested as soon as a conference can be had
with State's Attorney Longeaecker. This
will beta-morrow morning, when Mr. Knnn
saaehef, who is expected from Milwaukee,
will join Mr- Bice," aad the plan of the
proeeestion will be determined upon. Dr.
Kiee added: "Jtf we get Frederickson back
we will prosecute alia to the fullest extent
of the law. Six weeks ag orwhen he con
fessed to liar. NuSmsacher, Mr. JTendrick
and myself that he ba3s been issuiag fraud
ulent deeds and mortgages, I was in favor
of haying him arrested, bit my asso
ciates 'thought the affair could be
tided over. We did not know then
the enormous extent of tbe fraud and
WNWosed WW.0W or 1500.000 the limit
vl'Ief; Jredencksen go ahead and Zona a
seeeic'company'wlth $500,000 to carry on the
Dustness; ana we. toosr most oi ine stocsr.
Just at thatim ews of other efoekedness
of which, we knew nothing waspnblished,
and Fredericksoa left.. Since then we have
been in receipt of dozensol letters'daily from
all over the west, Tire exposure has been
complete." ' "
Dr. Bice says a Bassbef of the lafge elealen
in railroad lands in Chicago hold a great
deal of Fredericksea't paper, 'Eat are keep
ing quiet aboat.it for fear it will isj are their
Ballet Box lFrWitfea ta Tennessee Are
to be FeHy Investigated.
Memphis, Testk., November 26. The
case of two hundred and odd election judges
andlerks of the Ninth and-Teath Cengres
sie'sal district of this State who were in
dieted fer ballet box stuffing and irregalar
itiesjiatfae reeeat election came ap lathe
District Court, Judges Haamend and
Jackson, this afternoon on a motion by
counsel fcr'the defease to qaask the Indict
ments. .The first 'case presented, aad for
which qnasn'ptoceedfngs were prayed, con
tained two counts the first being the tail
xtro to count the vote at the polling plee,
and the second in. failing to file a copy of
polling papers with the Circuit Court Clerk
in each cosaty.
On thefirst count Judges Hammond and
Jackson agreed to quash -aad certify to the
United States Ceurt,bat oa the second count
the Ceart .ttisjtmd aad the caeea will ge to
Uiti. Ikiumaimt held over t0Tte-aer-
1MT 01 A 1A1LK4AB T&S.IN.
Celerea Teat Atuaei la Bm the Beeva
and Bloodshed; t the Beeafc.
Littie Bock, Ask., November 26,
On th Little Bock branch ef the Cotton
Belt road there has recently .been serious
.trouble between the trainmen aad the col
ored people. The negroes refuse to buy
tiekets whearidisg., Goverasr J. P. Eagle
has received this telegram:
A riot occurred ea oar train, between Little
Bock aad Pine Bluff, last evening. Soon after
leaviegArgenta a negro attempted to seta
brake. Brateman McCulloagh tried to stop
him, and the negro struck at him and backed
him Into the door of the ear. where some depu
ty aaeriSi were. Then the Sgbt became gener
al, all parties nsiag firearms aad kalYca. Oae
man, bam Houston, was shot dead. Another,
who was wounded, get o at Scott's Bayou.
The conductor understands that another man
was shot aad fell off the tram at Uaa Cave. No
arrests were made.
T. J. Klrby aad F. 8. SfcetMa HelaoeaUc
nrscuz. xeucixax to thx DrarxTcs.t
Desyeb, Col., November 26. For the j
past month T. J, Klrby, one of the meet im
portant characters who figured la the great
Parnell-Leadoa. Times sensation about oae
year ago, has been in Colorado. Mr. Klrby
arrived in Denver Saturday night, aad
after receiving 1,080 trom his hoaw office,
departed last night for Boston where he will
stop at the Hotel Vendome.
P. B. Baeriaaa, wno lives, near xiaraage,
, ia said to be implicated as ''No. 1" in
the Phce six Park murder, aad Kirby spent
nearly tea days ja Daraogo, and while
there waa with Meridan coswiderably.
Brhhli CefcmMa Sfclesoa Caaam WmM
Ufce ta'BasaJar CeaWea,
nraeuz, tslssxxx to tsc BisrATca.t
Ottawa, November 28. A deputation
representing the salmoa-eaaaiag interest of
British Columbia is here asking tbe Govern-
meat to remove the reetrietiea taxofftje
imposed on an uoiaeseeemiag use uanaoa.
They claim that cheap lahor ean only be
obtained on tie Pacific eeaet by th' re
moval of the tax oa Chinea..
The Government will probably give thesa
a reply, aad it may safely be aseamed Mutt
it will be ia the negative, aa Ae delegatieei
represents a very small preaedien of tk
people of the freviaee.
WW be Bsaiasded bv BwH far Baaae Th
fas the Paiare.
Paris, NoTeatber 26. CMe dispeiebe
received by the Foreign Office from Rie da
Janeiro say that no foreign Goventatedt has
yet reeefaiaea the bovuiobi ueverai
of iwaeu, aaa marine raaiwn
will await the decision of ta.
berere elaiesiag reeogaittaa.
TheFreaek officials ia Haiti! have a
iaetracted te maiataia. ta geed, rilatiwn
formerly held wUh the lasewrial GoveeK-
maent All tbe Iweittt eeaeeils iaBfaatf.
have received similar orders.
Dt mrwnx stsocwu.
la a
IxiiawaikU8, Neveashec m. .Thi
aseraia JHettie Butler, eotored, al78,
wMtfeafcaa? la a ehair by her kitefaea
stove with a pipe in her meath. The pipe.
fell to tar lass Ignited her drees, and wbea
feaadaha was etoiaV with all her etothing
hT. th-
XI i
tg Tfty m
Saves the TowadfLeeckkutt .
l . . At1??' '
iiom Total uestnctiM.
flf a "PinflnMol T.iao Bnafctmar YMaeV&ijI
Plrf nrminttfin -frAwt nafnnl ctm In a
ueuust s uiuce, uesiroyea a isrgo portion et '-.r
the business section of Leecbborg last eve. '
ing. Seventeen families were vdriya ffeaa p-.
their homes by the flames The Iosck aatf - ;;
mated at from 150,006 to 1300,060. The ,5q
.,..,. ....
-wort oi reouiiaing wui ne comseaeea aa
rrxowASTJunrcoxmHroirDajrr.'i "-J-v
LeECHBTJBO. November 26. A ma'atTj
disastrous fire broke ont In the fowao.
Leechburg, along the West Penn SactV O
about 6 o'clock this evenfn-r in-t7hii.li ba.3liJ
T ' ., --' -- I'SSK
175,000 to 200,000 worth of property
destroyed outright One-third of tfak .
amount is covered with insurance. To-aJf hi
17 families are homeless, but kind frkaJa'i
have already provided for theai.
The business portion of the town sJessfl
Market street, from Mulberry alley -a
Secdnd street has beea wiped est. Tfce
heaviest losers, fortunately, are abb to bear
their financial losses, and the prineiaal
DBsiBcss men nave aireaay made, i
preparations to begin the work of er
in tbe morning. The fire broke out ic"il
dental office of Dr. Sloan.
Tfee fire U supposed to have or!ei4
from the natural gas. The bnildlngweai
incase ana it nurnea use under, xne 1
spread, rapidly, and ia a twinkling s
the entire square was enveloped fa a Aery-f
bath. The- citizens, at tho first ata
turned put manfully, and with bucket i
feese fought tbe fire. Alaraw were to m 0
4aw. aIa.. tm 11waJ Y .V.. .... V. 4s
Blairsville, Saltsburg, Apollo, FrnVit, '
and other nearby places poured i4shis 7
town to reader what aosietaaec they seaJa., '
The fire was beeemiBg
at every moment aad at eae t&s it
as if the whole town woal ive to a.
Fortunately,. by dint of hard weric, after a
straggle of three hoHrs, aad fiaaily i
by the rain and sleel waieh befaa ta ftst.
the fire was put under eoairel. At saial
night the timbers are still baraiaf, bat.sJI?
atirraaIa Avaat Tt iu watdSsaes- ttaa7 asLMaiaBkdai ddTI
uaus J9VI6D -w sasucnj, nw mwrwjj-p.
butLeechbarg's people are still truawsgt
the streets. The town is fall ef i
aad while se&te stealing waa deae,titeJ
from tku tearee will sot aaseoat ta i
Though jt waa the basiaeea aereiea M
towa that was banted, vet there e W fe
llUo tn.t,o1,t ttt,rt luaa of ' ' "
soeeossT aas e pbsjt Maowu ssaeaajt jaa
aared. Tbe MldragTat. Wfcl
"Stfawlcstat sibaMafc aVMBi ftaLaaa WaJ i
brick. The Leeefebamt Beahiar I
waa baraed oat, hat they, wall tmmmm 1
express- ofieeih the memisf . The-
was well supplied with good safes, i
zeoaeyor papers were lest OaetMti
bnildint? and the furniture the efimaaaaT'l
lost nothing.
The losers oa the east aide of Market i
are the owners of the Anderses Week-,-
which were a photograph gallery, as
office; F.F. Kobiaeoa's Jewelry stere.i
Jot m about 12,009; B. O. Daaghery's 1
aad shoe store, less about ff,0W;
Cochran's house; J. D. Orr's rraaae
William Montceasery, less fl,009, wHnf i
insurancer Squire Brothers' store, lee p
000, on which waa $13,800 leeowrt;'.
.Bowers nome, Jars. -a. ja.opaag swim
jr. W. Spang, aews depot; .Parker I
shoo: . Hill, lawyer's oftee; A. MA
house. On the west side of Market
the losses are the John Sehwalml
Dallas Taylor, dwelling; Israel
smith, store ana dwelling; J. a.
row ot five brier bewet; two
Mrs. Beatty, two nonet.
Leeehburg is a pretty town,
the Kiekimiaetos nver. The 1
beck: from the river to the hills it
fifth villsse. The Mealatkei iT &
pushine? and thriving atoak. Am'j
two iroa mills aad oh ttraeae ia the
and meet of the people
uaa jusauii&iA jaaxujNs ,
.. Ml BAMMW . M.W V.. . MMVM "'.
Fortunately the loates feU ea taw
perttoa, aad taaaftai k is eeaad to 1
them somewhat to to abeat atO,IML JW
the leading eitiaee feel thai ttrey i saa'
reeover free the eJeet of use a
fire. LikeChiaap.ituexpeattdBMti'iJ
busiaees bosses will rise; up shortly feeas
blackenea raa. Uae of the aa
famlli-M wm Mr. Montgomery's, a
gkt aad elever telegraph oaerater.
in a rented heuee aad loet all hi i
but he cheerfully kept his lager a
keys aad seatthe nwtter t-nwjwaa.
At tais soar it is lawesaaoje s
lose ia detail. The asset reiiaUi
aoaaaiated with, the vaJaatieae ef
fix the amount lost between ftTattt"i
The wholevpemsle deserve
praise, for they worked like trejaa, hk
8 o'cloek it begaa to snow asa sjaf,sailTj
water aas Kept am its gyrano i
air ever siace. It assisted. i
suppressing the flames. Tew.V
Mspeadeat had a rather tostjl
aerieaee between liaairr
freight traia. aad hie lew
biter he sot hare, bat after
streaaM on feet mi4d by the dla
I lantern he finallv reached the tewm .
f aavsr jb uaa r ww en
The, town, wa iark, bat there wea
amber of ajajtid aeenfe ia tha A
l..ltnM a.1 J r !.! iia.lt 1
mzBW.njt mn: umwwi nn. ... i .
merousravuettoacwere given to aat'i
1mm M6l ami tbev will t
meutBAMJLUomm. us
Among the assB-Mafs datd
13.009-. SimM' haherr. 2T. M.
house and store aad Ceearaa's r,i
dwelling boasa were ahaf
William Fry. a ton sat feat
houlehold eAeto. Mr. J,
cm is a haaei toser.
miUiaery si wj ia th -faaaa
H. Tewaeaad, aatHaf, Baiigtag
Boal, dwBfv aa A. X
stoia it atat ar toes astra
oae solid tymt s-fLsrttntrg, i
xrmm ittftMiaaA. ! af thaaa
at tries btgkTpBe war ei seitd, i
brick, bat aertey
Major Jeak, Jhaafiyaf Jaanat
a. r. J viu - i 11 1
Baahiaaj Caapar( stated aha. 1
thla: f lea weahjha . .
:oue oeeaafed. ria pesiuaiaat
everythinfof viiMoeJeagiat; to tf
was saved: ThefaVanee ariau
'? ' '
- - n y
j3Tr .t . iu - . . I Ma? .... i ,x ..f&qetik ' A T
&S . Ht.-J
.- i j Tf (31, .w.r ''.
.. ....-...' 1 ...