Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 26, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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heading Features of Markets at the
Herr's Island lards.
Hogs In large Supply and at Their Lowest
Point for lears.
Moitdat. November B5. 1&S9. J
There was an average run of cattle at
these j ards, bnt markets rere slow. Butch
ers were moderate in their demands in view
of the anticipated large consumption of
poultry for Thanksgiving week. The
drover's loss will prove the poultry dealer's
gain. High grade cattle were firm at a
shade higher prices than last Monday, owing
to the small number of this grade on the
The supply of cattle was slightly larger
than it has been for a conple of weeks past,
and, as lower grades predominated, they
were weak at a shade lower prices than last
Monday, while primes were firm
At a Sim do IHsher Price.
Prime heavy Western beeves welching 1,500
to 1,600 pounds sold at SI 95 to So 10; medium
weights. 1,350 to 1,430 pounds, $4 60 to Si 73; do
1,100 to 1.R00 pounds, $1 30 t7 S4 SO, prime light
weights, 900 to 1,100 pounds, SI 10 to $4 25; com
mon to fair thin and rough steers, S3 35 to S3 75.
Fresh cows were slow at a range of S20 to S45,
and calves at 4c to 6c per pound, according to
aee and weight. Bulls, stags, dry cows and
heifers were in good supply, and sold fairly
well at last week's prices. The range was 3c to
leper pound.
Receipts: From Chicago I. Zeigler, S2 head;
Pennsylvania Binsham & Co., 14; various
Owners. 6. Total. 475; last week, 433; previous
week. 466.
Sheep nod Lambs.
There was a light supply and corresponding
demand. Prices were a shade lower than last
Monday. Best heavy Western wethers sold at
$4 765 00; good to choice medium weights,
Si 254 65; fair to medium do., $4 004 20; com
mon and mixed lots, S3 50S So; lambs, 56c
per pound.
Receipts: From Chicafro I. Ziegler, 172 head.
Krom Pennsylvania J. Behler. 10S;B. O. Pisor,
29; Bingham 4 Co., 235; McCrearv 4 Sergeant,
211: J. Cruikshank, 6. Total, 761; last week,
S48; previous week, 1,023.
Iiarce Keccipts of Hoys.
Receipts were very heavy, demand light and
prices lower. The range for Chicago hogs was
S4 1C4 20. Country hogs wholesaled at S3 70
3 95, with a few sales ranging 1015c above
these figures.
Receipts: From Chicago I. Zeigler. 210
head; S. Lowenstein, 123. From Ohio Needy
&Smith,262:J.Langdon.lG; J. Shepherd, 122.
iTom Pennsylvania J. Behler, 10; J. McCan
non, 81: D. O. Pisor. 89: Bingham 4 Co., 24; 11c
CrearyA Sergeant 15; J Cruikshank, 24. Total,
l,045iast week, 1,023; previous -ft eek, 674.
At East Liberty
to-day there was no material variation from
prices of last week on cattle, but hogs suifered
a sharp decline in a very large run. Hogs
touched the lowest point of the season, the out
Side price being $3 75g3 90. Advices from
Chicago to one of our leading packers this
morning report steady markets there with S3 S5
as the outside price. At Cincinnati and East
Liberty markets are weak, and the lowest price
for years was reachedthls morning. The effect
of Thanksgiving is marked in light demand tor
live stock.
This is the week of the year for poultry, and
staple meats are forced to the background un
til the people are done giving thanks, which
they prefer to do over turkey. A heavy dealer
in sheep and lambs from Butler county, who
pays weekly visits to our markets, said this
afternoon: 'I was forced to concede somewhat
on my stock, and expected nothing else, be
cause mutton is always at a .discount in
Thanksgiving times. I did not have as large
supply as usual, anticipating this situation, but
found demand even lighter than calculation."
Wheat nnd Floor.
In the current number of the Minneapolis
Zlillcr it is stated that the amount of wheat
already moved from farmers' hands in the
Northwest equals the total moved in the entire
12 months of the previous crop year. One im
portant line of elevators has already handled
50 per cent more wheat than it handled all last
year. In Dakota and a few sections of Minne
sota there is now very little left of wheat in
the granaries of farmers."
The great rush of wheat to markets of the
Northwest has weakened prices the past week,
bnt not sufficient to depress flour, which is
flrtnly held. Pittsburg flour dealers reportthat
they are not able to obtain concessions at
sources of supply which were freely offered a
few u eeks ago.
The Condition of Business at the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Crncx of Pittsburg Dispatch.!
MOSDAT. November 25, 18S8L
CATTM Receipts, 2,800 head; shipments,
1,400 head; market slow and a shade lower
than last week; 25 cars of cattle shipped to
New York to-day.
Hoos Receipts. 9.100 head: shipments. 3,800
head; market slow; Yorkers, S3 60S3 70: best
selected, S3 T53 So; 18 cars of hogs shipped to
New York to-day.
Bheep Receipts. 4,200 head; shipments, 3,800
head; market active; prime, S4 855 20; good,
S4 eO&l 85; fair to good, S4 004 25; common,
S3 754 25.
Bx Tclecrnpli.
Chicago The Drovers' Journal reports:
Cattle Receipts. 16.000 headf shipments, 4,000
head: market steady; beeves, S4 S0S5 10: steers,
S3 S0ffi4 50; sto.kers and feeders, SI 753 00:
Texas cattle. SI 752 90; Western rangers, J2 50
t 00. Hogs Receipts, 32,000 head: ship
ments, 5,000 bead; market opened 5c lower and
closed strong; mixed, S3 650390: heavy, S3 60
SO; light, S3 65S3 95; skips. S3 003 6a Sheep
Receipts, 9.000 head; shipments. 2,000 bead;
market strong; natives. $2 755 00; Western,
S3 504 50; Texans. S3 004 la The Drovers'
Journal special cablegram from London quotes
American cattle in excessive supply and very
weakatlOffillc per pound for fair to choice,
estimated dead weight.
Skw York Beeves Receipts, 5,000 head,
making 12,340 for tho week; fresh arrivals
included 142 carloads for city slaughterers di
rect, 81 carloads for exportation in dressed
quarters and 77 carloads for the market;
trading was rather slow and prices about 10c
ger 100 pounds lower; native steers ranged from
t 604 So per 100 pounds; bulls and drv cows
from SI 502 95; the week's exports Included
2.100 beeves, 140 sheen and 8,700 quarters of bef.
Calves Receipts, 650 head, making 2,300 for the
week; market steady at 5SSc per pound for
veals, and at $2 203 80 per 100 pounds for
grassers and Western calves. Sheep Receipts,
S.oOO head, making 26,b00 for the week.
Kaksak Crrr Cattle Receipts, 3,570 head:
shipments, 3,139 bead: market strong for choice
bnt 510c lower for medium and common;
native beeves. S3 204 75: cows. $1 604K 50;
stockeis and feeders. S2 2003 10; Texans, $1 60
2 95. Hogs Receipts. 4.017 head; shipments,
none; market active and strong; good to choice
lirhtL S3 75ffi3 80: heavy and mixed. S3 60BS 75.
Sheep Receipts, 900 head; shipments. 1,026
head: market steady; good to choice, S3 80
5 0O; stockcrs and feeders, S2 40g4 7a
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 2,600 head;
shipments, 400 head; market steady; good to
. fancy native steers. Si 254 80; fair to cood,
S3 4004 30: stockcrs and feeders, S2 00S3 10;
range steers, S2 002 9a Hogs Receipts, 3.200
bead: shipments, 300 head: market strong: fair
to choice heaw, M 7004 80; packing, S4 55
475; light, S4 604 0a Sheep Receipts, 1,100
bead; shipments, none: market strong; fair to
choice. S3 604 9a
BcrrAi-o Cattle receipts, 105 loads through;
300 sale; fair demand and prices strong; choice
to extra export, 84 404 60; choice heavy
butchers', S4 104 30; light. S3 15J3 50; poor to
common. S2 102 30. Hogs Fair demand: ex
cessive receipts; receipts. 45 loads through, 200
sale: medium, heavy Yorkers and pigs, S3 70
S 75, with lower tendency.
Grain In Sight.
CHlCAGO.'Noveinber 23. The Board of Trade
report on the visible supply of grain is as fol
lows: Wheat. Sai24.000 bushels; Increase, 1,
722.000. Corn, 6,050,000; decrease. 4LO0a Oats,
6,95,000; decrease, 333.00a Rye, 1,163,000: de
crease. 14,000. Barley, 3,081.000; increase, 342.-
w "
B. W. Hili,, Pittsburg Meat Supply Co.,
corner of Church avenur and Anderson,
Allegbeuy, Ph., sold for Nelson Morris &
Co., lor week ending November 23, 1889.
118 carcasses beef, average weight, C13
pounds; average price (5 23 per 100 pounds.
A Good Speculative Movement la Wheat,
but Prices Not Sustained Novem
ber Pork Lower Lard Weak
nnd Unsettled.
Chicaqo There was a fair speculative, trade
in wheat to-day, and rather more doing in
the way of buying December and selling May
on the supposition that the difference of iQ
5c may not bo sustained, and that these two
futures may again sell closer together. Prices
declined Kc 'or December, and c lor
May, and the closing was ic lower for Decem
ber and He lower for May than Saturday.
The market early was influenced by the visi
ble snpply. Operators calucated at the start
ou full 2,000,W bushels or over increase, and
this caused tree selling, but later postings
created the belief that .possibly not over half
this quantity would be shown, and this again
helped to rally the market slightly, but eased
off again when the figures were posted, show
ing 1.772,000 bushels increase. The points
showing the largest increase were Chicago,
Baltimore. Buffalo. Milwaukee, Minneapolis,
afloat at New York and the lakes. The de
creases were at Duluth, Kansas City. New
York, Philadelphia, Toledo and on the canal.
The principal feature of the market was the
reported falling off in farmers' deliveries in tho
Northwest Some operators calculated that,
with a crop of 90.000,000 bushels In the two
Dakotas and Minnesota, not more than 18.000,
000 to 20,000,000 bushels of wheat, deducting the
quantity required for seed, remain yet in
farmers' hands.
Corn'was quiet and steady early, but later
became fairly active and weak. The free
movement and the cooler weather, together
with the decline in wheat, had a weakening in
fluence, and lower prices were established on
the near futures, May ruling relatively steady.
The market opened a shade under the closing
prices of Saturday, was steady for a time, then
sold off nnder f reo offerings of December and
January XXc, there being some short cover
ing on the decline, ruled steady and closed K
c loner than Saturday.
Oats were quiet and easy. There was no
special desire on the part of operators to buy
heavily but fair orders to sell, but at the same
time holders showed an indisposition to force
prices lower.
In mess pork a fairly active trade was re-
Sorted. The feeling was easy, excepting for
Tovember delivery, and prices ruled 7K10c
lower, with the balk of the trading in Jan
uary. For short rib sides the market attracted very
little attention, and trading was unusually
light Prices exhibited very little change.
In lard a weak and unsettled feeling pre
vailed, and prices ruled 2JS5c lower. Trading
chiefly m November and January deliveries.
The leading futures racgea as follows:
Wheat-No. 2. December. 7S79J,78
78Je; lanuary. 79X7979K793ic; May, 83
Cokn No, Z December. Slli31?630
30c; January, 30J313OJ3Oc; May, 3
Oats No. 2. December, 22042020&c:
January. 2020-W20Kc; May. 22K2
Mess Pork, per bbL Year, S9 209 20:
January. S9 3309 37J9 259 2 May. S9 72
9 72J9 62M0S) 62&.
Lard, per I(X) Bs. December. $59005 92
S S75 87H: Jannary. S3 9265 92J5 87K
5 S7& Mav, S6 12K6 12K6 Of 6 0.
Short Ribs, per 100 lbs. Year. S4 a)4 90;
Januarv, $4 81K4 S2X4 804 SO. May, So 62f
5 02:5005 0a
Cash" quotations were as follows: Flour dull
and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 78V
7S5c:Na Sspring wheat6361c;No.2redj7SK
TSJIc No.2 corn. S2J4c N o. 2 oats. 2020Kt Ho.2
rye, U'ic No. 2 barley, 5Sc No. 1 flaxseed.
SI 37. Prime timothy seed. SI 21. Mess pork,
per bbl. S9 75. Lard, per 100 lbs. S6 (XX
Short ribs sides (loose), to 005 5a Dry
salted shoulders (boxed), S4 37K4 5a Short
clear sides (boxed). S5 255 37. Sugars
Cutloaf, S8Jc: granulated , 7Jc: standard A,
7c Receipts Flour. 23.000 barrels: wheat
105.000 bushels: com. 243.000 bushels;oats, 157,000
bushels; rye, 16.000 bushels; barley, 64,000 bush
els. Shipments Flour, 33,000 barrels; wheat
49.000 bushels: com. 262,000 buhels; oats, 106,
000 bushels; rye, 7,000 bushels; barley. 69,000
On the Produce Exchange to-day the bntter
market was steady and unchanged. Eggs,1822c.
New York Flour dull and easy. Wheat
Spot dull and lower, closing easy; options fairly
active, irregular. yb&c lower and weak, trad
ing chiefly local. Barley easy: western, 60
65c; Canada, 59&73c Barleymalt dull; Canada,
77c Cora Spot active and firmer; options
moderately active. c lower and weak. Oats
Spot quiet and weak; options quiet Hay
quiet and steady: shipping, 4550c; good to
choice, 70S5c Hops strong and more active.
Coffee Options opened steady and unchanged
to 5 points up; closed firm 1020 points up:
sales, 71,250 bags, inclndlng November, 15.80
15.90c; December, 15.754J15.s5e; Jannary, 15.80
lb.w; reDruarr, vxtiia; March, i&.totSl6.U0c:
April, 15.S5I5.90; May. 15.9016.00: June, 15.90;
July, 15.80: September. 15.70c; Octo
ber, 15.ab15.65c: spot Rio quiet and
steady: fair cargoes, 19c; No. 7, 17Jic
Sugar Raw firm, fair demand; refined active
and firm. Molasses N ew Orleans fairly active.
Rice steady and in fair demand. Cottonseed
oil arm. Tallow firm; city (S2 for pkgs), 4 9-lGc
Rosin steady; strained, common to good, SI 10
1 15. Turpentine quiet at 4C46Jic Eggs
firmer; Western, 25K26e; receipts, 3,899 pack
ages. Forkstronga'ndeasier. Cut meats weak;
sales pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 5c; 10 pounds,
6c: pickled shoulders, 55c: picitled hams, 9
9c. Middles steady. Lard declined 11 to 14
points on selling out of stock carried from the
October deal; exporters quiet; western steam,
S6 30; sales of 1,500 tierces spot S6 306 36: op
tions, sales of 6,500 tierces November, S6 170
S3 20, closing at S6 20: December. S6 22Q6 3i
closing at SO 21 hid; January. S6 276 28, clos
ing at SO 20 bid; February. $6 31B 82. closing
at JG SO bid: March, SO 356 39, closing at $6 34
bid: May, S6 44 bid. Butter quiet; fresh firm;
Western dairy, 917c; do. creamery, 1325c;
do. held, 1018c; do. factory, 7J 19. Cheese
unsettled and quiet; Western, 710c.
Minneapolis There was only a moderate
activity in the cash market at th3 start, and
the combined receipts for the two days, Includ
ing Sunday, had the usual depressing effect;
buyers held off, and the talk of a heavy in
crease in the visible supply statement encour
aged them to expect lower prices: outside mar
kets did not change much before noon, and the
apathy of millers down a little; sales of No. 1
Northern ranged from 76c delivered down to
Toe on tracK; some export taic stimulated buy
ing by shippers some later; receipts were 743
cars of wheat and 187 cars were shipped. Clos
ing quotations: No. 1 hard November, 77lic;
May. 83c: on track, 78c; No. 1 Northern, No
vember. 74?c; December. 74c; May, 81c; on
track, 75Jf'6c: No. 2 Northern, November,
71c; December, 71c; May, 78c; on track, 7173c
ST. Louis Flour quiet and dulL Wheat
dulLand teak cables and weak outside markets
caused a decline of c early in the day; this
was recovered later and the close was slightly
below Saturday: No. 2 red, cash, 77c; Jan
uary, 78c; May. 8383Kc, closed at 83JSS&c
Com lower and weak: No. 2 mixed, cash, 295
30c: Noveraber.292)c closed at 2yc asked: De
cember,27Ji28c, closed at 27c: January, 27Kc.
closed at 27c bid:- Mav, KQSOc, closed at
29Jic. Oats weak; No. 2 cash, 1919Kc, May,
22jc: January, 19c bid. Rye steady; 42c asked
and 40c bid. Barley neglected. Flaxseed firmer
at SI 26. Provisions dulL
Cincinnati Flour in light demand; family.
S3 003 25; fancy, S3 7003 90. Wheat in good
demand and firm: No. 2 red, 78c; receipts, 4,100
UUSiieis, suipuicuts, f,ww uuaucia. suiu Blcauy;
No. 2 mixed. SSc Oats barely steady; No. 2
mixed, 22Kc Rye firm and quiet at 46c Pork
quiot at Sia Lard firm at S3 906 00. Bulk
meats quiet; short ribs. So 25. Bacon Arm.
Milwaukee Flour fairly active. Wheat
easy: cash TZKc: May, 77e: No. 1 Northern,
81c Com quiet; No. 8, 3030Uc Oats quiet;
No. 2 white. 23c Rye quiet: No. 1, 45c , Barley
quiet: No. 2, in store. 4747c Provisions
eaier. Pork 9 75. Cheese steady; Cheddars,
Baltimore Provisions steady. Butter firm;
creamery, 2425c Eggs firm; western, 25c
Coffee steady: Rio fair, at 19c
Toledo Cloverseed dull and steady: cash,
November and December, S3 65; February.
S3 75.
British Brrudstnfls.
London, November 25. The Mark Zone Ex
press, in its weekly review of the British grain
trade says: English wheats are steady, though
the deliveries are large. The sales of English
wheat during the past week were 78,178 quar
ters at 30s, against 51.533 quarters at 31s 9d dur
ing the correspondine week last year. The
prices of foreign wheats are maintained. Call
fornian is a fraction better. Oats are 6d higher.
Corn is 3d higher. At to-day's markets wheats
were slow. Flour was firm. Grinding barley,
oats and corn advanced Cd.
Idinlnr Stocks.
New York. November 2l Alice, 11; Cale
donia B. H., 120: Consolidated California and
Virginia, 600: Deadwood Territory.,150: El
Cresto, 115; Oould & Curry. 165: Hotriestake.
900; Horn Silver. 230: Mexican. 310: Mount
Diablo. 200; Ontario. 345; Occident 105: Ply.
275; Savage, 150! Sierra Nevada, 250; Union
Consolidated. $03.
SICK HEAACHECartr,I uttle Uver Pills.
SICK HEADACHECarter, Tjlfle LlTer PU1..
The Owners of Really Show No De
position to Force Values.
Pennsylyania Bailroad Schemes for a
Passenger Depot Downtown.
There continues to be a strong, healthy
feeling in the real estate market. The de
mand for business property in good loca
tions is on the increase, while that fur small
houses and vacant lots show no diminution.
But the best feature, perhaps, ot the mar
ket is that owners are not, as a rule, losing
their heads and advancing prices to a point
to deter buyers. Adherence to this policy -will
insure a continuance ot activity for an in
definite period. Enhancement will naturally
follow improvement and increase of popula
tion. s
A great deal of wild talk is heard in regard
to alleged negotiations of the Pennsylvania
for a site for a depot downtown, and a number
of visionary real estate schemes have been
sprung upon the public as the direct result.
While the railroad authorities appreciate the
importance of landing passengers in the heart of
the city, instead of the outskirts, as now, and
would pay handsomely for the privilege, tney
realize that there are great difficulties in the
way, which they may not be able to overcome.
Their capital is not limitless, nor are they
endowed with autocratic power. Hence, while
they may propose, others may dispose. It
takes two to make a bargain, even with the
Pennsylvania Railroad.
The comer of Fifth avenue and Smithfleld
street is one of the best business locations in
the city, and its acquisition by the railroad
would be a master stroke of policy.but the cost
would be enormous, without counting the
heavy expense that would have to be incurred
in opening up a way to it through Cherry alley
or any other thoroughfare, or even by the ele
vated system. If through the alley, all the
abutting houses would have to be torn uown
to make room for at least two tracks. It is easy
to see from this presentation of facts that the
project is of such magnitude as to render it
impracticable at present, if not lor all time.
As to the Dostoffice, mentioned in the same con
nection, if the Government shall conclude to
sell it, John Smith will have as good a chance to
become its owner as the Pennsylvania Rail
road. In business matters Uncle Sam is no
respecter of persons. The color of one man's
money is as good as that .of another. Beside,
there is nothing to base the opinion upon that
the property will be sold.
Should the Pennsylvania Railroad build a
depot downtown at all it is far more probable
that it will be on Seventh avenue, between
Grant and Cherry alley, or at Fifth avenue and
Grant than at Fifth and Smithfleld. The ap
proaches to either of these locations would be
comparatively easy, a great deal of expensive
right of way would be avoided, and passengers
would bo brought far enough downtown to
overcome their objections to the present depot
by halving the distance.
This talk and these rumors about therallroad
building a depot downtown are not new. The
subject has been agitated for a generation or
more, and its revival at this time has no more
significance, perhaps, than on any of the
former occasions when it was ventilated and
settled. While someone of the many plans
which the railroad people are said to be dis
cussing may be carried into effect sometime, as
a matter of necessity, real estate owners who
are building hopes of hlgn prices on mere
rumor, are making what may turn out to be a
serious mistake It is certain that the railroad
people have no thought of buying the city.
A new refining company has been formed in
Ohio, the organization of which has been going
on very quietly for some time, and which has
been the subject of a number of conflicting dis
patches. The new company is to be known as
the Geyser Oil Company, and it will have a
capital stock of S800,000. The territory con
trolled consists of 80.000 acres, situated alto
gether in Allen and Van Wert counties. South
west of Lima. The company will proceed at
once to lay a line from Lima to their pos
sessions, and are figuring on building a refinery
and placing the oil on the maiket as an ilium
inant. It is the largest transaction that has yet
taken place in the Ohio field outside of the
Standard Oil Company's deal.
The .Economist, published in the City of Mex
ico, the highest authority on Mexican finances,
trade and statistics, gives some interesting
facte concerning trade between that country
and the United States, which varies somewhat
from those published from Washington City.
The paper referred to says that in the fiscal year
ot 1887-8 the value of exports from the United
States to Mexico was in American coin 519,284,--675,
and that the value of exports from Mexico
to the United States during tho same period
was 823,294,000. These figures are regarded as
the most accurate thatbave ever been obtained,
and show that exports from the United States
to Mexico are several millions larger than here
tofore stated by either Mexican or -United
States authority.
Anew type of elevator motor has been re
cently constructed, combining the advantages
of the smoothness of motion in the hydraulic
passenger elevator and the remarkable adapt
ability of electric motors to elevator works.
In the new system the cylinder and piston of
the hydraulic elevator has been substituted by
a long heavy screw and nut The screw is geared
to tho motor and the nut is attached to the
multiplying sheaves in the same manner as the
piston in the hydraulic elevator. In this way
any degree of speed up to 200 feet per minute
can be obtained with safety, and the smooth
ness of stopping and starting is fully equal to
the hydraulic elevator.
Bismarck's war on the American hog has
proved a financial boomerang. Many Berlin'
butchers have gone in bankruptcy in conse
quence ot the continued prohibition of the
importation of cattle and pigs. Another ques
tion is a scarcity of fat stock throughout Ger
many, and the consumption ot horseflesh is in
creasing. In Berlin alone 70 horses a day are
slaughtered, and the flesh being eagerly bought
at moderate prices.
A Big Lot of Local Stocks Unloaded Values
Bather Weak.
Business in stocks was "quite brisk yesterday,
-the sales being 1,620 shares, of which Pittsburg
Traction contributed 1,000, La Noria 400 and
Philadelphia Gas the rest. Philadelphia Gas
was fractionally stronger, closing at30) bid
and 30 asked. La Noria sold at . the lowest
point since it was listed. Pittsburg Traction
brought 47K- Keystone Construction Com
pany could have been bought for 125. Pleasant
Valley and Pittsburg, Allegneuy and Manches
ter Railways were about steady. The rest of
the list about held its own. with no particular
demand for anything. Bids, offers and sales
Bid. Asked. Hid. Asked.
jr. ft M. Nat. Bank 64
Allegheny Heating Co. 100. 100
People's N. U. ft P. Co Htf .... 14K ....
Penna. Oas Co..... 14 .... 14
Philadelphia Co 30 ajtf 80K 80)$
Wheeling Oas Co...... 25 28 .... 27X
Colombia Oil Co 3 .... 3
Central Traction 53X 33Jf S3JS J
Citizens' Traction .1 69
Pitts. Traction 4714 X
Pleasant Valley 22J 22J "SOi n.
Pitts., A. ft Man 250 .... 50 3X
P. C. A St. L 20 2S
N.Y. ft-C. Gas Coal Co. 3S 37 .... 37
La Noria Mining Co... H H H ....
Luster -Mlnlnir Co 15
Yankee Girl Mining 3)
Westinehouse Electno 48 49J
U. 8. 4Slg. Co - 19ii
WestlnghooseA.B.Co 114 .... 114
Wectlnghouse H. Co. .... &5" .:
Keystone Con. Co 125 .... 125
At the morning call 400 shares of La Noria
brought 90 Philadelphia GaS 30H and 120 SO.
At the afternoon call 1,000 shares of Pittsburg
Traction went at 47, and 10 Philadelphia Gas
i lie total sales of stocks at New 'S ork yester
day were 270.267 shares. Including: Atchison,
56.229; Delaware, LacEawanna and Western,
5.600: Denver and Ft. Worth, 6,594; Lako Shore,
6,070; Louisville and Nashville, 4,600: Missouri
Pacific, 4,950; Northern Pacific, preferred, 8,431;
Reading, 16,050; Richmond and West Point,
15,816; at. Paul, 9,630; Union Pacific, 15,310.
A Good Demand for money, but Plenty to
Go Round.
There was a good demand for money at the
local banking Institutions yesterday, but there
was enough to go round and considerable to
spare. "There is no pinch," remarked a
cashier, "and we don't expect any." Checking
and depositing were heavy.
The Clearing House report was good enough
to cause Manager Chaplin to smile as lie read
ovef the figures. The exchanges were 12.708,
794 17 and the balances 8253,159 41. Pittsburg
laid Baltimore in the shade last week, which
gave considerable satisfaction to local finan
ciers. Heavy trading in cotton and sugar gave
Now Orleans the advantage.
Money on call at New York yesterday ;was
easy, ranging from 5 to 7 per cent, last loan 6,
closed offered at 6. Prime mercantile paper,
67. Sterling exchange quiet and steady
at ti 80 for 60-day bills and 14 85 for demand.
Closlnc Bond Quotations.
D. S. 4t,res KJ
U. 8.4s. coup 127
U. S. , rex 14H
U. B. 4)43. conp.... 105$
Paclflo6sor'95. H7H
Loulslanas tamped J 914
Missouri s 102
Tenn. new set. Ss... IDS
Tenn. new set. is....VUi
Tenn. new set. 3s.... "3H
Canada So. 2d 83
Ccn.Pacltlc.Uts.... .112
Den. A KG., Ut...118
Den. 4K.O. 4s 78,
D.K.O.West,lsts. 83
Erie, Ms 104
M. K.cT. Gen. 6s.. 67
M. K.4T. Gen.Ss . 62
Mutual Union 6s... .100
.V. J. c. Int. Cert...HJ'
Northern Pac Uts.MiH
Northern Pac.2d..lIlK
Northw't'n consol.l
Northw'n deben'..109
Oregon Jfc Trans. 6S.103H
St.li. AI.lKUen.5s 84
St. li.tS.K. Gen.JI.117
St. rani consols ....
. Hi .n.1 ft. u.. 1,a Ijn
.311.1. 1, WllttH-MWI',,
Tx Fc.UG.Tr Es.MM
Tx..PcK.0.1V.Kcti J7)s
Union 1'ae. HtJ..... ",
West Shore 105)4
New YOBK-Clearings, $82,480,478; balances,
Boston Clearings, 116.440,861; balances,
52,056,746. Money, 6 per cent.
Philadelphia Clearings, 810.760,932; bal
ances. fl.59G.096.
Baltimore Clearings, 2,325,000;' balances,
London The amount of bullion gone into
the Bank of England on balance to-day is 2S0,
000. Bar silver, 44d per ounce.
Pabis Three per cent rentes, 87f 65c for
the account.
Chicago There were no changes of import
ance in the money market. Rates were at 6 per
cent for call and 63 per cent for time loans.
New York exchange was par to 25c premium.
Bank clearings were $12,375,000.
St. Loins Clearings, $3,518,310: balances,
A Sharp Advance Followed br a Bad Break
Refined Higher.
There was quite a flurry in oil yesterday, and
fluctuations were wide and rapid for awhile.
Tho opening was H highest 11114, lowest
108 closing 107.
The strength came from an advance in re
fined. The reaction was due to heavy selling,
in which Fisher, of New York, was conspicu
ous. Finally, as the downward movement pro
gressed, everybody got loaded np, and there
was nobody to take the stuff. This and numer
ous stop orders intensified the weakness. The
feeling at the close was of the kind that is
called uncertain. Trading here was good, but
not particularly heavy.
The O'Hara & Griffith well, on the Alison
farm, lii miles north ot Bakerstown, was doing
125 carrels on Sunday.
TbeJennings&Co. well, on the Cope farm,
south of Brush creek, was doing S3 barrels an
hour, with only three feet in the sand.
Fen In res of the Marker.
Corrected daily by John M. OaKiey & Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened UCMILowest JOCK
Ulxhest UlXlUlosed 107
Average runs , 62,143
Average shipments 75,748
Average charters 27,219
Keflned, New York. 7.60c
Refined, London. 3?l1.
KeUned, Antwerp, KHt-
Kefined. Liverpool. A 1-lGd.
Kefined, Bremen, 7.25m.
A. R McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, 1 04K;
calls, J108&
Oil markets.
TmTSvrx.LE, NovemherZo. Opened atSl 10ii;
highest, SI 10; lowest, Jl 06: closed at 31 06.
Bradford. November 25. Opened at SI Wj
closed at SI 06: highest. SI 10; lowest, SI 06.
Clearances, 374.000 barrels.
On. Crrr, November 25. Opened at $1 10Vf ;
highest. SI 10; lowest, Jl OSJ: closed. SI 0(
Bales 781,000 barrels; clearances, 2.000,000 barrels;
charters, 10.317 barrels: shipments, 103,191 bar
rels; runs, 103,222 barrels.
New YoRK.November25. Petroleum opened
strong at $1 1 but after moving up slightly
gave way under selling by Standard Oil brok
ers and declined 4c A slight reaction then
followed on which the market closed steady at
SI 06. It is thought the decline is due to a
desire of the Standard Oil Company to reduce,
the premium paid in the oil fields and take less
for the certificates in the speculative market.
There was no nows in regard to production to
affect prices. Stock Exchange: Opening,
SI 10X: highest, SI 10; lowest, 31 06; closing.
SI 06. Consolidated Exchange: Opening,
31 lOVi: highest. Si 10: lowest, Jl 06; closing,
31 06 Total sales. 2,183,000 barrels.
A Fair Business for Bad Weather and Blue
Black & Hard, 95 Fourth avenue, sold another
50-foot lot on Dithrideo street intheXloyd
plan, Bellefield, adjoining those recently re
ported, for 34,500.
W. A Herron & Sons sold a house and lot on
Lang avenue. Twenty-second ward, lot 20x95
feet, and a frame house of five rooms, for 51,
900 on easy monthly payments.
Samuel W. Black & Co. sold lots Nos. 71 and
72 Paul avenue, S. L. Boggs' plan, Allentown
station, Pittsburg and Castle Shannon Bail
road, for S450.
Reed H. Coyle & Co.. 131 Fourth avenue,
placed a 34,000 mortgage on Oakland property
for three years at 6 per cent.
L 31. Pennock &. Son sold and settled a mort
gage for 34.000, five years, on a farm in Lin
coln township. Allegheny county. Pa.; also one
for 3500, three years, on property in the Thirty
first ward, Southside, city, both at 6 per cent.
Baltensperger & Williams, 151 Fourth avenue,
sold a five-room cottage, with lot 25x100 feet,
situate on Joel's lane, lit. Washington, for B.
Reed to William Slater. Price private.
C. H.Love, 93 Fourth avenue, sold lot No.
30, 25x165 feet, in the Hardy plan, Juliet street,
Fourteenth ward, to Alexander Aloitius
for S700.
Rnllrond Shares Respond to Saturday's
Good Bank Statement Realizing in
the Trusts Sngnr Wenk At
chison Damped Few
Material Losses.
New YonK,November 25. The stock market
was only fairly active to-day and remained
weak and declining almost throughout the en
tire session, though the fluctuations in the reg
ular list were confined to small fractions as a
rule and the final changes are very irregular.
The influence of the good bank statement of
Saturday, together with the improved feeling
in London on American stocks, was seen at the
opening, which was generally at small fractions
better than Saturday's closing prices. There
was considerable realizing in the trusts to start
off with, and under the lead of sugar refineries
they were all materially lower before noon.
Among the specialties there were also marked
movements in the downward direction, and
San Francisco preferred and Denver, Texas
and Fort Worth each ran off over 1 per cent.
The general list was very little affected by
these movements owing to the continued
though moderate, purchases by London bouses,
though Richmond and West Point developed
most pronounced weakness and dropped off '
over 1 per cent also. The feature of the day
was then developed, which was the heavy sell
ing of Atchison. This was Uone in the face of
the announcement of the reorganization made
on Ratr,,v hnt tnorA RPAmnri tr, 1, ..i-t
who havn hnen waitinir for such an innnnnm.
ment in order to dispose of their load of the
stock at an advantage. These sales were of
course snnnlemented bv free offerinm on the
jiart of the bears and traders, and the decline
in me siock was nut uueuseu until tne last
hour, when a drop of 2K per cent from the
price of the foreuoon had been scored. Re
newed weakness in sugar helped to demoralize
the list, but the concessions In values were in
few cases for more than slight fractious, and
in a few of the specialties marked strength
was developed, Tennessee Coal rising over 2
per cent and Wisconsin Central and others
smaller amounts.
The.Chesapeake and Ohio stocks, after open
ing up Iractionally, became weak, and all ran
off materially, thought partial reaction after
wardocenrred. PaciflcMail was weak upnn the
Erobable loss of their new steamer, but news of
er final safety checked the decline. There
was some reaction from the lowest prices in the
last hour, and the market closed fairly active
and steady at something better than the lowest
figures. The final changes are very evenly
divided between small gains and losses, but
Sugar Is down M, Atchison 1J, and Oregon
Short Line l'i, wnileTennesseo Coal is up 2
Railroad bonds were also moderately active,
the sales of all issues reading 31,365, OOO.ot which
Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe firsts contribu
ted $308,000, and the seconds 399,000. The gen
eral tone of the market was firm, but very few
important gains were scored. East Tenaeseee
2V .at 109K. and Ohio, Indiana and
a ursu z, at
rue rouowmtc taoie shows tne prices oraetlve
stocks on the Mew York Stock Kxenange yester
day. Corrected daily for 7HI DISPATCH by
WHiTKZTABTiriiXNSOir. oldest Pittsburg mem
bers or .New York Stock Kxchange. H Jourth ave
nue: Open
ID. Am. Cotton Oil SIX
Atcn.. Top.JtB. ..... aJ
Canadian racide 734j
Canada Southern MM
Central or "Jew Jersey .121J
Central Paeiae
Chesancaxe Ohio.... 28
U. Bur.Quler.....loo?,
C., MH. St. faul.... ;0;
0.1 M11.48t.P., pr
C.. St. J.,M. 4 O.. pr. ....
C.4-Northweitern lux
c.a Northwestern, pr. ...
IX, C.. C. ft !........ 74
J-.C.. u&l. or sax
Cot. Coat a iron 23
Col. Hocking Vu. .. 21H
Dei. l. A w. ,
Del. ft Hntlson im
E.T..Va.ftUa.utpr. ....
Illinois central. 118J
Lake Ens ft Western.. 1SH
fake Erie ft West. pr.. . ..
Late Shore &M. S...-106X
tL?n''Tl"e&Ilaihvllle. &5H
Michigan central 96)4
Mobile ft Ohio u
Mp Kan. ft Texas
Missouri facinc 69
New york Central 100?
M.Y..L.E.W.prer.. easj
UI.. C. 43t. li 18
J.Y..u.ft8t.L.W.. 7
N. Y&N. & s
Y.. O. ft W 22
Norfolk Western
Morfolk western, pf. 601J
Northern Pacific 31
Nortnern .facinc orefc 77
Onloft Mississippi..... 23
Oregon Improvement, n
Orceon Transeon XK
Pacific Mall ,,35
74" 72X
35 35
21 S 21!
142 14lS
Phi adel. ft Heading.. 41M 40
Pullman Palace Car
Riohmona ft W. P. T.. 23)4 2JH 2W,
KlehmondftW.P.T.p81X 81K 81
St. p.. Minn. 4 Man .IlX 106 106X
at. L. ft sou Fran
St. L. ft San Pran pf.. M SI 49
St.L. ft San JT.Ut pt. .....
Texas Paclflo 2i 20J, 20J4
Union I'aeiao 70Ji 70)4 69)f
Wabash nreferred J2 Z2X 3l
Western Union.. St 84J 84
Wheeling ft L. 2. 6S 69), 60X
Sugar Trust 71 71J 69
National Lead Trust.. 19 ISM 19
Chicago Oas Trait,... 55
" "w. jivans
Dostan Stocks.
Atch. ft Top.. 1st 7s. 117
A.ftT. LandOr't7s.HJ
Wis. Central, com.
Wis.- Central pr..
Calumet ft Heels..
,. S
. 64X
,. 90
Atcli.AToD.U.R. HJ,
ouBbuu, a Aioauy...zi7
Boston ft Malne.....20S
C. B. ftQ. 106
Clan. San. & Cleve. 2314
KasternB. K 118
Eastern R. R. 0s ...,U6
Flint PereM 23
Flint ft PereM. ofd. 93
rrankuu. ,
Huron 2
Osceola. IS
Pewablc o
QnincT - M
sen Telepnone zw
Boston Land R
Water Power tM
Mexican Cen. com.. 15U
Juex.c.lstmtg.bds. 661,"
-V y. NewjOur... 43M
Rutland, com sj
Rutland preferred.. 46
Tamarack 136
San Dletto 28
Santa Fe copper.... 72
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing anotatlons of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nlshod by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock .Ex-
Pennsylvania Railroad. -.. 62X
Reaamg , Z03
Buffalo, Pittsburg ft Western
Lehlab. Vallev MX
LehlKb. Navigation S3
Northern I'aclflc XIV
Northern Pacific preferred 76
Business Notes.
The McKelvey farmatSwlssvaleisforsalein
bulk, not In detail.
The bank failure was scarcely mentioned on
Fourth avenue yesterday.
The Pension Office has notified the Treasury
that 319,250,000 will be required for the payment
of quarterly pensions dne December L
Deacon White says the backbone of tight
money is broken, and, what is more, there is not
going to be any stringent money this year.
How about the title to the Oak Alley Church
property if a purchaser for it should eome
along? It is said to have been involved about a
year ago.
The Exchange will be closed on' Thursday,
Thanksgiving Day, to enable the "boys" to en
joy their turkeys, for which they have been
saving up for some time.
When the Keystone Bank removes to Its
new quarters the room now occupied by it in
the Exchange building will be taken possession
01 py tne uniteo. .ripe Lines.
Henry Clews & Co. say: "There is a fair
prospect that, from this time forward, there
will be no difficulty in getting all the money
needed for Wall street purposes at reasonable
The Pennsylvania railroad reports that the
quantity of coal and coke originating on and
carried over its lines east ot Pittsburg and Erie
for the week ending November 16 was 353,869
tons, of which 252,377 tons were coal and 101,692
tons coke.
The new Board of Directors of the Bank of
Pittsburg was sworn in yesterday. John Harper,
President; Daniel Agnew, Andrew D. Smith,
John Pnrterfield, Thomas H. Lane. Joseph
Woodwell, Charles Hays, Reuben Miller, Rob
ert M. Tlndle, Henry H. King.
Statement of United States bonds.pur
chased from August 3, 1887, to date inclusive:
Amount purchased, 4s. 398,158,600; of 43, 3125.
504,050; total, 8223,662,650. Cost of 4s, 3125,589,381;
of 4Ks, 3135,569,600; total. 3261,179.181. Cost at
maturity, 4s, 3171,236,463; 4s, 3142,183,459; total,
3313.419,922. Saving, on 4s, 345.647.OS2; 4&, 36,
593,619; total, 352,20,741.
New Yoke November 25. Wet weather
again interfered with trade in drygoods. bnt
there was a fair amount of business transacted
on orders by mail and telegraph. The general
features of the market were unchanged. Coarse
yam cotton goods exhibited a strong upward
tone and prices seemed likely to be further ad
vanced, while print cloths advanced I-16c, being
now Zc Spring goods are remarkably well
sold up, and many articles have been with
drawn, orders being more numerous and larger
than ever before. ,
A Largo Land Grant Wanted by a Girl
Budding Into Womanhood.
Denveb, November 25. The case of
Stoneroad versus Beck, of Santa Fe, in the
Las Vegas District Conrt, has been set for
final hearing at an early day. Cerrllla
Beck is a handsome and educated
young woman, and claims to be the
daughter of Preston Beck, and sole heir
to a valuable property known as the Preston
Beck land grant. The case has been in the
courts for years.
If she is proven to be the child
of Preston Beck she will take the property
as heir. This grant is worth nearly $1,000,
000, and the suit is one of the most import
ant instituted in New Mexico for many
What is more common or distressing
than a bilious attack? Who is not familiar
with the well known symptoms, oppression
across the stomach and chest, low spirits,
restlessness, gloominess ot mind, weariness,
dnll headache, dirty, greasy appearance of
the skin, yellow tinge 01 tne wnite 01 tne
eyes, loss 0 1 appetite, and costiveness? Few,
indeed, of the more ordinary ills of life are
more widely prevalent than these bilious
disorders, and yet they may be readily
gotten rid of by using Dr. Jayne's Sanative
Pills, by whose operation the liver will be
rapidly " restored to healthy action, the
vitiated secretions of the stomach changed,
all costiveness removed, and the whole sys
tem assisted in recovering its normal con
dition. A Thanksgiving Surprise.
A great many men treat themselves to a
new overcoat or suit just before Thanksgiv
ing Day, and we have arranged a genuine
surprise to induce good dressers to call at
our store to-day and to-morrow. An entire
new lot of men's fine chinchilla and kersey
overcoats in four 'shades (blue, gray, black
and brown), about 1,200 in all, will be sold
for a $10 note apiece. Remember to-day and
to-morrow only theywill be sold at $10.
They are first-class garments, well gotten np
and we can salely mention them as the prize
bargains of the season. P. C. O. 0.,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new
Court House.
F. & Vs. Iron City beer is" a splendid
beverage and is absolutely harmless. Only
the purest materials are used in its make. It
leads in public favor for family use. Tele
phone 1186.
Sslost IK.at 109K.
Western firsts 2. at 83.
Thanksgiving Tnrkeys Coming
Freely From the West.
light Bun of Grain and flay and Tone of
Markets Improved,
v Office of Pixtsbubo Dispatci,
Monday. November 2b, 1SS& J
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Weather continues unfavorable to trade, and
we have to record a blue Monday in produce
lines. There ate no new developments since
Saturday's report. Commission men .cherish
large faith and hope that the week will oe a
lively one, if only the weather bnreau will be
propitious. The Thanksgiving turkey is com
ing in f reelv from the West, and his gobble is
the principal music along Liberty street this
morning. A carload from Southern Indiana
landed this morning, but its contents were not
more than enough to supply the demands ot
one firm, which proposes to join its Thanksgiv
ing with large almsgiving.
BUTTEB-Creamery, Elgin, 2828cs Ohio
do, 2526c; fresh dairy packed, 2224c; country
rolls, 2122c.
Beans Navy hand-picked beans. 12 250230;
medium, 82 102 20.
Beeswax 2830c 9 & for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, (6 507 60; common,
$3 504 00; crab cider. S3 0008 60 T barrel:
cider vinegar, 1012c ?? gallon.
Ciiesthuts 55 0035 60 V bushel; walnuts,
6070c $ bushel.
Cheese Ohio, llllc: New York, llVc;
Limbufger, 8llc; domestic Sweitzer, 11
13Kc; imported Sweitzer, 23c
Bgos 2324c dozen for strictly fresh. ,v
Fruits Apples, fancy, CI 60Q3 50 ? barrel;
California pears, ti 501 00 a box; cranberries,
Jerseys, S2 60 V bushel box: Cape Cods, box,
J2 7503 00; Malaga grapes, large barrel, 33 00.
Game Squirrels, Jl 25 dozen; quail, Jl 60
doten; prairie chickens, $4 505 00 ?t
dozen; pheasants, $4 505 00 If) dozen; rabbits,
tl 601 75 V dozen; venison saddle, 1820cf
pound; venison carcass. 1215o H pound.
Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1,
do. 4045cr mixed lots, 3035c 9 &
Poultbt Chickens, old hens, 6570c; chick
ens, large, ypung, 605oc; chickens, small, 35
40c; ducks, 65660c fl pair; geese, tl 0001 10 ?t
pair: live turkeys, ll12c fl B; dressed turkeys.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62s to bushel. $5 00
6 2 if) bushel; clover, large English. 621)3, 5 50;
clover, Alslke, tS 00; clover, white. (9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 As, 21 50; blue grass, extra
"Clean. 14 lbs. 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, $1 00;
orchard grass, 14 lbs, $1 65; red top, 14 As, SI 25;
millet, 60 fts. $1 00; German millet, 50 lis, 1 50;
Hungarian grass, 60 fis, SI 00; lawn grass,
mixture of fine grasses, 52 60 f? bushel of 14
Tallow Country; 4c; city rendered, 4
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common, S3 60
(i 00; fancy, H 00S 00: Floridaoranges, S3 60
3 75; bananas, S2 00 firsts, SI 60 good Seconds.
W bnncb; cocoanuts, S4 004 60 fl hundred;
ngs, 8M9c W ft; dates, 6KbKc V ft; new layer
flgs, 14K16c; new dates, 7jc fl ft.
Vegetables Potatoes, from store, 5055e:
on track, 4045c; tomatoes, 511 23 fl bushel;
cabbages, S4 005 00 a hundred; celery. 40c fl
dozen; Southern sweet potatoes, S2 502 7o;
Jerseys, $3 7o4 00; turnips, SI 001 50 a bar
rel: onions, $2 a barrel.
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 22Jc fl pound.
The week is not far enough along to furnish
any new pointers in grocery lines. Suffice it to
say that green coffee and sugar closed very
strong in Eastern markets Saturday, and by all
ordinary rdles of trade a rise in packages and
sugar cannot be far away.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 22023Kc;
choice Bio, 2021c; prime Bto, 20c; low grade
Kio, 1810Kc; old Government Java, 27c; Mar
acaibo, 2324c: Mocha, 28029c; Santos, a
23Kc: Caracas, 21Q23C; peaberry. BJo,2323c;
La Gnayra, 2223c
Boasted (in papers) Standard brands,23c;
high grades. 2529c; old Government Java,
bulk, 8132Kc;Maracaibo, 26V4J27Kc; Santos,
23fi)2Sc: peaberry, 28kc; choice Kio. 24Kc;
piiuie Bio. 22c; good Kio, 22: ordinary, 20HC
L11UO IJ. TaW fcUWi -1UW, i, utlilUAll, JH?
Spices (wholel Cloves. 19ffl20c: allsclce. II
cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c; nutmeg. 7080c,
Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7Wc;
Ohio, 12ff, 8Kc; headlight, 150", 8c; water
white, lOMc; globe 1414c: elatne, 14)c: car
nadlne, like; royaline, 14c; globe red oil. 11
"Meters' Oil No. I winter sfraiued, 46847c
fl gallon. Lard oil. 70c.
Struts Corn syrup, 2S30c; choice sugar
syrup, S3g3Sc: prime sugar syrup, 3038c;
strictly prime, 3335c; new manle syrup, 9Qc.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c:
medium, 43c; mixed, 40g42c; choice hew crop,
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3Q3Jic; bi-carb In s,
w., T.t m.h nwta.1 ...1... ra fblfflltA. est
Ulii UTM.U, KW.KU p.l.hDa. "WV-I -
soda in kegs, l4c; do granulated, 2c.
Candles star, full weight. 9c: stearine. 91
set. 8Kc; parafflne, 11012c.
Bice Head, Carolina, 67c; choice, 6fi)
6c; prime, 56c: Louisiana, 56Vc.
Starch Pearl, Hie; cornstarclv56c; gloss
starch, 47c
Foreion Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon
don layers, J2 00; California London layers,
52 75; Muscatels, S2 25; California Muscatels,
53 10; Valencia, 7c; .Ondara Valencia, BgSc;
sultana,9Kc: currants,6Ji5)c: Turkey prunes.
4K5c; French prunes. 69$c; Salonlca
prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, ft 100,
S6 00; almonds, Lan.. fl ft, 20c; do, Ivica, 19c;
do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 1215c; Sicily
fllnerta.l2c:Smvma figs. 12tsl3c: neir dates.
66Cc; Bnzll nuts, 10c: pecans. ll15c; cit
ron, ft ft, 1920c; lemon peel, fl ft, 16c: orange
peel. lac.
Dries 'Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft 6c, ap
ples, evaporated, 8c; apricots, California, evap
orated. 14H16c; peaches, evaporated, pared,
2628c: peaches. California, evaporated, un
paged, 1921c; cherries, Ditted.I3X14c; cher
' rie s unpitted, 66c; raspberries, evaporated,
25K26kc; blackberries, 7K8c; huckleberries,
Sugars Cubes, 7Jc; powdered, TJict granu
lated, Tc; confectioners' A, 7c; standard A.
7c; soft white, 6H6Jfc;yellow,choice,6Ji66c;
yellow, good, 66Vc: yellow, fair, 6c; yellow,
dark oWc
PlCKLES-Medinm, bbls (1,200), to 60; medi
um, half bbls (600), S3 25. ,
S alt N o L ft bbl. 95c: No. 1 ex, ft bbl, SI 06;
dairy, ft hil, SI 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl, SI 20;
Higgins' Enreka, -4-bu sacks, S3 80; Biggins'
Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, $3 00:
Canned Goods Standard peaches, S2 00
2 25; 2ds, SI bol 80; extra peaches, S2 402 60;
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn, SI 001 60; Hid Co.
corn, 75690c; red cherries, 90cSl: Lima beans,
51 20; soaked do. Hoc: string do. 60665c:, mar
rowfat peas, SI 101 15; soaked peas, 7080c:
pineapples. SI 401 50; Bahama do, J2 75;
damson -plums, 05c; greengages, SI 25;
egg plums, $2 00; California pears. S2 0: do
greengages, SI 85: do egg plums, SI 85; oxtra
white cherries, $2 40; raspberries, 95ctl 10;
strawberries. SI 10; gooseberries, SI 301 40:
tomatoes, 8590c; salmon, I-ft, SI 6581 90;
blackberries, 65c: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked,
90c; do green, 2-ft, SI 251 60; corn beof, 2-ft
cans, $2 05; 14-ft cans, $14: baked beans, SI 45
1 60: lobster, 1-ft, SI 751 80: mackerel, IS
cans, .broiled, SI 60; sardines, domestic. Js,
S4 aSgf'oO; sardines, domestic s, $6 7587 00;
sardines, imported, Sll 6012 60, sardines,
imported, Ks, S18; sardines, mustard, SB SO;
sardines, spiced. S3 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, SS8 ft
bbL; extra No. 1 do, mesa, S40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, mess,
S36: No. 2sbore mackerel. $24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c ft ft; do medium. George' cod,
6c; do large, 7c: boneless bake, in strips, 6c: do
George's cod in blocks. 6J7Xc- Herring
Round shore. S4 50 ft bbl; split, 86 60; lake,
52 75 ft 100-ft half bbl. White fish, 86 00 fl 100
ft half bbL Lake trout, S3 50 ft half bbL Fin
nan haddock, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c ft
ft. Pickerel K bbl. 82 00: K bbl.-l 10; Poto
mac herring, S5 00 ft bbL 82 60 ft & bbL
OATMEAL 88 006 25 ft bbL
Grain, Flour nnd Feed.
With diminishing receipts, cereal markets
improve In tone. Evidently bottom has been
reached and the movement from -now on will
be toward a higher leveL Corn is particularly
strong and prices are higher. Good oats and
hay are in tho same current Wheat is quiet,
and flour fairly steady. Total receipts aa bul
letined at the Grain Exchange, 32 cars. By
Pittsburg and Western, 4 cars of hay. By Pitts
burg and Lake Erie. 1 car of feed, 1 of flour, 2
of rye. By Pittsburg. Ft. Wayne and Chicago, 2
cars of rye, 6 ot Iiay.l of oats.1 of barleyjof flour,
lot feed, 1 of malt. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati
and St, Louts. 1 car of nilllf eed, 1 of bran, 1 of,
hay, 2 of corn, 1 of oats. Sales on call, 1 car
No. 2 yellow ear corn, new, 37c. 6 days, P. B. B.
1 car sample oats, 27c, 5 days, P. R..B.
Prices below are tor carload lots on track.
WHEAT-NewNo.2 red, 8465c; "No.3,80
CORN No. $ yellow, ear. 42843c: high mixed,
ear. 4041c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 41K42c: high
mixed, shelled, 4041c; mixed, shelled, 40
Oats No. 2 white. 27i027Kc; extra, No. 3,
26K27c: mixed. 242IKc.
Kye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 661c:
No. 1 Western, 4649ei new rye. No. 3 Ohio, 45
Flour Jobblue prices Fancy winter ad
spring patents, $5 0985 69; wiaer, tertifffat,
84 2584 50; clear winter, 84 0084 2; ttntelit
XXXX bakers', $6 6083 75. Rye tew, si
4 76.
Mn.trato-liaMaOT, toe wfcMt, Hi
I -,!! , -
1 80 W ten:
hrewa sriMMsp,' 8ll 0813 CO-.
wtoter wheat bran,
H1258U36T Chop
815 69818 0a
HAY-Baled timbtby. No. L I11008U25;
No. 2 do, 86 00810 OS; loose from wagon. Sll 00
812 00, according to quality; No. 2 prairie bay,
J7 0088 00; packing do. 87 2587 50.
Straw Oats, 86 7587 00; wheat and rye
straw, 86 0006 25.
Sugar-cured hams, large, 10c: sugar-cured
hams, medium, loc: sugar-cured bams, small,
llc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 9c; sugar
cured shoulders, 6Jc; sugar-cared boneless
sUoalders.714c; sugar-cured Calif ornlalams. 7c:
sugar-cured dned beef flats, 9c; sugar-cured
dried beef sets. 10c; sugar-cured dried beef
rounds. 12c: bacon shoulders, 6Jc; bacon
clear sides, 7Hc; bacon clear bellies, 7Kc; dry
salt shoulders, 5(c: dry salt clear sides, 7c
Mess pork, heavy, Sll 50; mess pork, family,
812 00. Lard refined. In tierces, 6Kc; half-
barrels, 6c;60-B tubs. 6Kc; 20-ft palls, 6c; 50-
id tin cans. oc; o- uo pans, oysc
6-ft tin pails.
c: 10-ft tin nails.
6c; 5-ft tin pails,
long, 6c; large-, 6a
Boneless hams. 10c
84 00; quarter barrel,
6jc. Smoked sausage,
Fresh pork links, 9c.
Pigs feet, half, barrel,
82 15.
Dressed Meats.
The followlngprices are furnished by Armour
4 Co. on dressed meat: Beef carcasses, 450 to 560
fts, 6c; 850 to 650 fts, 6c; 650 to 750 fts, 66a
Sheep, 7c ft ft. Lambs; 9o ft ft. Hogs, 6c.
Fresh pork loins. 7Hc
His Version of the Matter.
Of the hundreds of patients cured br the
physicians of the Polypathio Jledical Insti
tute during the past six months, perhaps
none have experienced more intense suffer
ing than has ilr. Henry Walter. The com
plication of aches and pains resulting from
rheuraatisrri, associated with i severe chronio
cough, caused him untold misery. Speak
ing of his trouble one day, he said: "A.
catarrhal secretion of mucus oiten dropped
down from my head into my throat. A hard,
dry cough so affected my lungs that my
breath became very short, I had a tired
feeling, and as I grew weaker my stomach
became involved. My food wonld sour on
my stomach, and I had sour, bitter eructa
tions of gas. I had pain over my eyes, and
oiten felt dizzy. My hands and feet were
continually cold, and I was also afflicted
with rheumatism. I would have sharp
pains in my side and back, and I would
sometimes have such a numb, dead feeling.
My disease gradually grew worse. One
day I happened to read in the papers'
an account of a person who had been cured
by the physicians oi the Polypathio Insti
tute of a disease similar to my own. I
therefore placed myself under their care,
and became entirely cared."
Mr. "Walter is a well-known gentleman,
and bis address will he furnished anyone by
calling at the Institute, 420 Penn avenue.
The physicians in charge treat success
fully all forms of kidney and urinary dis
eases. Also chronic diseases, including
those peculiar to women.
Positively no operations are performed, as
by their medicines and appliances, which
are not known to the general practice, the
ladies can themselves use the treatments.
Office hours, 10 A. M. to 4 F. M and 6 to
8 P. 31. Sundays, 1 to 4 ?. K. Consulta
tion free. Treatment also by correspon
dence. no9-TTS
A pure dry Soap In powdered form. The great
labor saver and quick cleanser, without Injury to
hands or fabric. Economical, pure and good.
Beats the world for cleaning glasses, windows,
houses, dishes, milk pails, milk cans, clothes, 4c.
Keeps moths oat of carpets, bureau, tc See
that you get BELL'S SOAPONA-Red Packages.
& BRO,
With an Increased capacity and hydraulto
machinery we aja prepared to furnish all work
in our line cheaper and better than by the old
methods. Repairing and general machine
work; Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Val.
lev Railroad. teo-56-TT3
The Great English CoBflexlea SOAP.
Of 811 Dngg'stt, M beware if iiltato,
A. purely Vegetable
Compound that expels
all bad humors from the
'system. Removes blotch
es and nlmnles. and
Quakes pure, rich blood.
JAS. D. CALLERY President
Capitol and surplus. 9125,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Blmply apply "Swatitb'S Ocnxurr." No In
ternsl medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema.
Itch, erysipelas, all unsightly eruptions on the
face, hands, nose, etc, leaving the skin clear,
white and healthy. lUxrestbeallngandcurattve
powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask
Tronr drnwrlst for 8WAT2nt' oraTMXMT. teT
Issue travelers' credits through Heasn.Drexel,
Morgan 4 Co New York. Passports procured.
apfe-l .
in stock options or margins in wall at. leads to
no28-TTSa 0 New St., New York.
't) I-
Steefcs, BeesW Orate, Petrela:
Private wire to Ne w York asd CMeaca,
. - "fij:&j
Special attractions-cow open ra wwaij;
tfrAm tnaAiflllw tti(an ftsw thfl '"2i$ta&
Dealers are invifed io insoect the stock?!
which is complete, and at prices whvichcaaj
not fail to impress the buyer.
VPSU.n TTPtTtTietl
-iiiiJ-.T-- - ----.-r - .-.5
VVKKU or reel's fst.vla-j
visible Tabular ear Ufa-
It. Successful when til remedies
IwsfsU. Wnt
iilastrsted book FREE. Sold onlr br :
853 Brosdwsj, cor. 14th St. New York. Bo
AnM rpMllntll1rnnvlnd hack flies Of PlttsC
burg papers prove, is the oldest established oj
anu mosbprnuiiuciib pujrsiuiAu ju uisbuj.iw- f4
voting special aitention 10 an curonio manual 1
cuuiiu-m luui. Illy I II I IIWr-ll
sibla nersonal
RJCbnilCaid mental diseases physical
lit-ll i wuoaecay. nervous aemiity.iacE os 1
energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory,
AlufrAmftr slf-ht u.1r Hlittrnite ri&shfnlnASA-'
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptiona, ha-1
povensnea Diooa. ianiug powers, organiuwesat-. j
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption. u
ntung ine person lor Business, society ana our-'
riaire. nermanentl v. safely and nrivately cure.
Dl nnn AMn OtIM diseases in. all.
DUUUUnilU orxinstaees, eroptlew,
blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations 01 tongue, mouiu, wm
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, andblea.
.nnUoTH tharoncrhlTeradlcatedfrom the Svstes.'.
f I D I M A DV kidney and bladder deranjfs- -UnllNnnTiments,
weak back, graveL oa-;
tarrhal disehanres. Inflammation aud Other
painful symptoms receive searching treataet,; j
prompt reiiei sou lcai ciuw.
Dr. Whittler's llfe-lonz. extensive
r-ncf Insures sdentifle and reliable- treatmest -
on common-sense principles. Consolation freej
f auenis at a distance as careiuiy uusa as u
here. Office hours a A. x. to a p. k. Bunaayj
10 A. si. to 1 P. M. only. DR. WHnTIEB, M
Fenn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
How Lost! HowRegawW,
ABcientiflcand Standard Popular BiValTrnlla xi
-m w twramm
tnerrorsoi loutn. TematureuecnBe,nerve4w
and Physical Debility, Impuritiee of the Blood,
Resulting from Folly, Vice. Ignorance,
cesses or uvenazaiion. jnervaungansi
ting me victim ior wort, business. iae
rliiirn nr Social Relatfnns.
Avoid unskillful pretenders. Posseee thft;
irrnatwork. It contains SCO naeea. rural SnJ
Beautiful binding, embossed; lull gilt. Pr4w
only SI by mail, postpaid, concesiea '
wrapper- Illustrative Prospectus FrM, Kym. i
apply now. The distinguisaM author, wi
XOA&cr. 1U.AJ., 1.VCIICU hun rwfe prn vv
ELED MEDAL from the fMIoml Hirf
loelsion, forms PHIZE ESSAY MHV
tnd physical, uts11.11 y. ur.rMswi
corns of Assistant Pnvsloiins mar ha
suited. conSdentially, by raailorlnpefsea
tbe office of THE PEASOOY MEWCM.
STITUTE, No. 4 BulSoch St, 9oto, m
whom all orders for books ot letter for
should be directed as above. aulg-dT-
Health is Wealth"
Dr. l a Wxsr'a Nebvb and
Tbsatxsst. a guaranteed speclBef-orhwtsthv
dizziness, coavuisions, nts. nervous uuui'u
headache, nervous prostratioa caad by
use of alcohol or lobacco. wakefalaeM. smh
denression. sot tesins: of the brala rsewMac la
insanity and leading to mleety. deeaf a4
death, premature old ace, , barrsaaoes, mm
nower in eltner sex. lsvoluntarv
spermatorrhoea caused by aver-exertieGi
brain, self-abuse or over-indnloa-- Bi
box contains one month's treatment. H. a ksa. -
or aix. boxes ior J6, seat by mail prepaM m .
ceipt 01 price.
To cure any case-WIth each order reeemifcyi
ior six oozes, accompanies wiia, m , wn
send the nnrchaser our written nniunminn
refund the money if thetratmetdaeaaee
feet a cure. Guarantees Iseaed only by
Stuckv. Drueist. Sole Aeent 1701 aadfl
ave. and cor. Wjlle ave. aad TnlUm st
ourg, i-a. aew-ui-i
Rpp.nrAT jsts in n
qulnnK seientine aad
.SBBBBBBBBBBBL. sl t.MhnMitl TT- R. f
lasHkM. r. a p. a, is the om
BBBBWKBBBWmfMt'ffmerieneed innnlsilll
'WfWlIisdl;. ConsBltatioa frt
.. .. a A. J .M TM. tt.-v Slnf& 9 4SSL
jcConsult them personally, or write. DoctsE
1el3-l5-DWE i
'm Oofctoeo.
of Cotton Boot.
Pmm1-a recent Jlnews
'old nhvslciaa. It sMeesMrasW a
montMy-Eafe, jBrectuai. met 9s. sr 1
sealed. Ladies, ask your druegfet wfl
-" - . . A- : ' - -. . m .
cocoa naot LXUBDouca asa taae bs mn
or laelose 2 stamps for sealed nrWlaw
dress FOND J.1X.X COMPANY, No-3 n
Hock, 131 woodward ave Detroit, JWoa.
49-dold In Pittsburg. Pa- by Josef
mg as aon. Aiiamora ana juarast sts.
MS ikwi nSM.
brni. MdKtim. nl.l.'A
UvtlHa.TihMia AM
POM la pMMouA boxw ttul
4. tilMmul for sutkslsn. t
sm BesM'lr !,-1 Umr.tr
a pojirnvK on
for LOST, or rs.
neu. WeafeBMi .
Body A Mlna, Lack of Strength, vigor awl J
veiopment, aim py errors, fcicMea, . j
Mods of BEXr-TaiATxmsT.
inn x-roon
i sealed) rree. Address KKU
luffslo, N. Y.-
XiKnf raw. a
ot :
esnttng Fresuttars- Dceal
Manhood. An. hATtett trted
dy, hM ditooTer lnri raesns ef sell-cw,'
he will rend rsMteSirRR to his fenoii uuMps.. '
Address, J. B. BsKTM, f.O. Box t,Stm tsslaav.
For awnl Checks, thn worst oases ka 1
days, aad cures la live days. Pries $1 MM,
j. niiKMinuro uituueLTussm
412 Market 9
eonulslny.faa 1
PlWr. r
i5J ITTT ; 1 !
stssssssssssssH Bs sbsssssHEssW. sssssssssssssHsssisssssssssssss!
sssssssssssssssssH 1 sflssssssssPsssssssssssssW1 sssssssssssssssssssHssssssssssH J
SSg Mil lnllM
sal f
W 79
Miln ior ass anra